Star Trek: 10 Ways The Romulan Supernova Impacted The Multiverse

1. 'two form'-erly known as vulcan.

Supernova Romulans Picard Spock Elnor Starfleet Star Trek Picard 2009

Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.

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How Star Trek: Discovery Fulfills Spock’s Franchise Legacy

All of your burning Star Trek: Discovery Spock questions, answered as logically as possible.

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Leonard Nimoy Gives the Vulcan Salute as Spock in the 2009 Star Trek Movie

This Star Trek: Discovery article contains MAJOR spoilers for “Unification III,” and spoilers for Picard .

Michael Burnham has returned to her home planet Vulcan in an attempt to recover some data from a Vulcan and Romulan alliance she never thought was even possible. If this sounds like the beginning of an epic title crawl in a Star Wars movie, you’re not far off. In Discovery Season 3, Episode 7, “Unification III,” the Trek franchise has delivered one of its most epic and generation-spanning episodes in a very long time. We always knew Star Trek: Discovery ’ s status as both a prequel and a sequel to TOS and TNG was tricky, but for fans everywhere, it was hard to believe these time-jumping tricks could ever result in an episode this heartfelt and straight-up cool.

And yet, if the USS Discovery’s visit to the planet Ni’Var had you scratching your head, or running to Google to figure out how everything fits in, there are a few very logical answers to what’s going on here. But, that doesn’t mean these answers are simple. When there’s this much time travel involved – plus multiple, specific Star Trek shows and movies — it’s bound to get a little complicated. Let’s untangle the Vulcan-Romulan web, shall we?

Is “Unification III” a sequel to The Next Generation episodes “Unification I” and “Unification II”? 

Short answer: Yes! In 1991, during  Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 5, the two-part episode “Unification” featured the return of Leonard Nimoy as live-action Spock to the small screen for the first time since The Original Series . And, not counting archive footage in DS9 ‘s “Trials and Tribble-ations,” prior to Discovery , this TNG two-parter was the only appearance of Spock on a Trek TV series after the end of The Animated Serie s in 1974.

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In 1991, Nimoy’s Spock was strictly relegated to appearing in the Trek feature films, and in fact, his final performance as Spock, was also in 1991, in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country . Because Nimoy co-developed the story for The Undiscovered Country , he felt strongly about promoting the film through a crossover on TNG. This is why Spock gives a speech to Picard about committing Captain Kirk to a peace mission in “Unification II.” At the time, Nimoy and the Trek franchise were giving a small preview of what was going to happen in The Undiscovered Country , which was, arguably, the origin of Spock’s journey to becoming an ambassador. (Something that is funny that people forget, is that at the time this episode aired, there was a rumor that Captain Kirk would die in The Undiscovered Country . And nothing Spock says in “Unification II” confirms or denies that!)

So, what does that have to do with the Romulans? Well, if it’s been a while since you’ve seen “Unification I and II” the story is all about Picard and Data trying to track down Spock after the Federation believes he’s gone rogue. This is why Discovery , the Vulcan president, says Spock “left” the Federation. He did! Of course, he didn’t leave it to defect. He left it to live on Romulus and help bring together the Vulcans and the Romulans. 

Wait. Didn’t Spock leave Romulus — before it blew-up — and travel back in time and meet Chris Pine?

Yes! Old Spock did leave Romulus and, eventually die in the past of an alternate dimension. In Discovery , Admiral Vance says that the reunification of Vulcans and Romulans “took centuries after [Spock’s] death.” This, however, is a presumed death. As far as Vance knows, Spock died sometime in 2387, trying to pilot his experimental ship, the Jellyfish , to use red matter to stop the Romulan supernova. In Star Trek 2009 , Spock tells Kirk (Pine) — via mind-meld — that he promised the Romulans that he would try to save their planet. Presumably, Spock had been living on Romulus this entire time. In other words, Spock started living on Romulus in 2368 ( TNG ) and flew his red matter spaceship to try and save them in 2387 (flash “backs” in Star Trek 2009 ). So, this means that in just 19-years, Spock’s teaching made a big enough difference to eventually get the Vulcans and the Romulans to hang-out together sometime before the events of 3188. 

When did the planet Vulcan become Ni’Var?

It’s not exactly clear. We know that Ni’Var left the Federation 100 years prior to 3188, but it seems likely that the integration of Vulcans and Romulans was underway a long time before that happened. Could it have been as early as the 25th century? Sometime after the events of Star Trek: Picard ? Maybe. After 2387, we know the Romulans literally don’t have a home, and by 2399 ( Picard Season 1 ) there’s a loose government called The Romulan Free State. That said, several parts of Romulan culture seem more open to peace simply because things aren’t going so great. Could the Romulan emigration to the planet have happened sometime fairly quickly after Picard Season 1? It’s possible! In fact, considering we see the Romulan Qowat Milat order in “Unification III,” it feels possible that Picard Season 2 could show us the beginnings of the planet Vulcan becoming “Ni’Var.” Then again, it’s also possible this whole Ni’Var business didn’t start until several centuries after Picard , too. There are 930 years between Discovery Season 2 and Discovery Season 3. But, that’s still 789 years between Picard and Discovery Season 3. A lot could have happened.

Okay, how the hell does this recording of Spock even exist?

IRL, we totally understand where Michael’s brief Spock clip comes from. It’s from “Unification II,” and it’s Spock talking to Picard. But, in-universe, why does this holographic recording exist? There’s really only one answer: Picard must have been recording Spock nearly the entire time they were on the mission. The speech Michael Burnham views is (mostly) from the very end of “Unification II,” in which Spock says: “The union of the Vulcan and Romulan people will not be achieved by politics diplomacy will not be achieved by politics or diplomacy — but it will be achieved.” Spock says this to Picard, while Data is watching. So, it feels possible that Data was recording the entire conversation for the purposes of the mission. After all, Picard and Data were on a covert mission for Starfleet, meaning it isn’t insane that they would have recorded it. When Burnham accesses the file, the computer says “coordinates redacted” but also that it’s from the personal files of “Admiral Jean-Luc Picard.” So, Picard is the source, the coordinates were the planet Romulus, and somehow Picard recorded this convo, maybe with Data’s help, or maybe some other way.

There is one small wrinkle in all of that. The first part of the speech that Michael listens to actually happens in a different part of “Unification II” than the second. When Spock says “closed minds have kept these two worlds apart,” this happens way earlier in the episode when, still dressed as a Romulan, Picard and Spock have some soup together. So, this recording is actually two recordings from Picard during his covert mission, which means Data as the primary holographic recording device is probably out since Data wasn’t there during the Picard-Spock soup debate. 

This leaves only two explanations: Picard had a secret recording device on his person, that allowed all of his convos with Spock to be stored and recorded. But there’s a more fun answer.

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Picard is an android now—remember? 

At the end of Star Trek: Picard Season 1 , all of Jean-Luc Picard’s memories are transferred into a new Synth body, meaning, effectively, Picard’s memories have now been stored using technology. This fact actually creates a pretty easy way for a holographic file of Picard’s eyewitness memory to exist. He wasn’t recording anything at the time with technology, but later, at some point, Picard pulled out a few memories from his new robot brain and turned those into holographic recordings. Considering all the stuff that Picard has seen and his interest in preserving history, this feels legit. Jean-Luc Picard would totally turn his actual memories into curated holographic recordings. And he might do it for the very reason Burnham accesses the files in Discovery . Picard, like Spock, wanted the truth to survive. Even if it meant pulling those memories out of his robot brain, and copying them onto a 25th-century memory stick.

Star Trek: Discovery Season 3 is streaming now on CBS All Access.

Ryan Britt

Ryan Britt is a longtime contributor to Den of Geek! He is also the author of three non-fiction books: the Star Trek pop history book PHASERS…

Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A friendly reminder regarding spoilers ! At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy , the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG , Star Trek: Infinite and Star Trek Online , as well as other post-57th Anniversary publications such as the ongoing IDW Star Trek comic and spin-off Star Trek: Defiant . Therefore, please be courteous to other users who may not be aware of current developments by using the {{ spoiler }}, {{ spoilers }} OR {{ majorspoiler }} tags when adding new information from sources less than six months old (even if it is minor info). Also, please do not include details in the summary bar when editing pages and do not anticipate making additions relating to sources not yet in release. THANK YOU

The year 2387 .

Destruction of Romulus

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Destruction of Romulus

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  • The Daystrom Institute announces the successful launch of the Jellyfish , an experimental spacecraft equipped with trans-metaphasic shielding designed to withstand conditions that would destroy most other ships. Designed by famed engineer Geordi La Forge , the ship is slated for extensive testing before it can be used for scientific and exploration missions. Starfleet announces that it is working with La Forge and the institute to determine if any of the ship's systems can be adapted for Federation use. ( Star Trek Online )
  • Starfleet Intelligence recommends that the Federation keep a close eye on activities of the Orion Syndicate . A multi-year crackdown on criminal activity in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants is successful in curbing the threat of the Syndicate for Federation citizens, but on Stardate 64163.8 Hassan the Undying assassinates top Syndicate boss Raimus on Farius Prime . Raimus's death opens the door for Hassan's employer, Melani D'ian , to take over Raimus's Syndicate operations. Starfleet Intelligence estimates that after the assassination, Melani D'ian controls as much as 30 percent of the Syndicate's operations. It is feared that other Syndicate bosses will attempt to topple her before she can extend her power base further, sparking a criminal war in the Alpha Quadrant. Historians note that Melani D'ian is the first Orion to rise to a top spot in Syndicate leadership in more than 20 years, and speculate that this could mark the return of the Orions as an interstellar power. ( Star Trek Online )
  • On Ferenginar , social and economic reforms pushed by Grand Nagus Rom are a topic almost as important as the stock market. The Nagus presents a bill to the Economic Congress of Ferengi Advisers that would formally ally the Ferengi with the Federation . Opponents of the bill launch a campaign of advertisements that argue that a formal alliance with the Federation is an attack on traditional Ferengi values, and that the Federation will force the Ferengi to turn back on profit and the Great Material Continuum . The bill fails to pass the Congress after several lawmakers are paid to vote against it. ( Star Trek Online )
  • On Stardate 64317.6, Klingon long range sensors pick up a small Romulan fleet led by Sela . The fleet passes the Beta Stromgren supernova remnant and continues into unexplored space. ( Star Trek Online )
  • Starfleet sends a battle group to Cardassia Prime to assist the Cardassians with the dismantling of their military, a process which is expected to take several years. The Cardassians plan to use a much smaller self defense force to patrol their space, and to coordinate with Starfleet for issues outside of their borders. The arrangement is soon tested when Alpha Jem'Hadar take control of Devos II , which had been mostly unpopulated since the Dominion War . The Jem'Hadar establish a base of operations near a former Dominion ketracel white storage facility, and then expand the facility so they can manufacture their own supplies of the substance. Starfleet sends the U.S.S. Stargazer NCC-2893-A to the Devos system as a precautionary measure, but chooses to take no additional action as long as the Alpha Jem'Hadar don't make any further aggressive moves. ( Star Trek Online )

Hobus supernova ( ST IDW CD 1 )

  • On Stardate 64333.4 , a Romulan Mining Guild ship, the Narada , observes the start of a chain of events that will forever change the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. The star in the Hobus system , in the far reaches of Romulan space, begins to exhibit massive fluctuations in radiation output. Days later, Ambassador Spock of the Federation appears before the Romulan Senate to warn them about the dangers of this star. Spock believes that if the Hobus star were to go supernova, it would create a reaction that could threaten much of the Romulan Empire. He asks the Senate to coordinate with Vulcan to find a solution. After a lengthy debate, the Senate rejects Spock's plan. ( Countdown, Part I , Star Trek Online )

Spock (ST 11)

  • Ambassador Spock returns to Vulcan , where he meets with Ambassador Jean-Luc Picard . The two appeal to the Vulcan Science Academy to assist the Romulans with the crisis in the Hobus system , but the academy declines their request without comment. The two former Starfleet officers decide that they will make their own plans to deal with the situation. ( Countdown, Part II , Star Trek Online )
  • After the close of the Romulan Senate 's session, Donatra accepts an invitation from Colonel Xiomek to visit Crateris and inspect the construction of the new Reman colony. Their flight path allows them to perform a sensor sweep of the Hobus system . After arriving on Crateris, Donatra and Xiomek spend several hours in a private meeting, where it is believed that Xiomek gives Donatra information about possible rogue elements within the Romulan military and government. Donatra decides to return to Romulus earlier than planned, and invites Xiomek to take passage on her ship, the I.R.W. Valdore , so he can be in Ki Baratan for the next meeting of the Romulan Senate, which will once again take up the Hobus situation. On the way back to Romulus, Donatra contacts Admiral Taris , who is in the Levaeri system , and orders her to return to Romulus. The message is recorded by Romulan military communications relay stations, but Taris does not change course. A later review finds that there is no evidence of the message in the computer banks of Taris's ship, and that the communications officer who would have been on duty during that time cannot be found. ( Star Trek Online )
  • On Stardate 64444.5, the I.R.W. Valdore reports unusual stellar activity, including a disturbance equivalent to a force seven ion storm. Romulus loses contact with Donatra 's ship after the transmission, and dispatches four D'deridac class vessels to search for the Valdore. The Romulan Senate finally authorizes an evacuation order after the loss of the Valdore, and ships are recalled to help ferry residents of Romulus off-world. At that time, the Romulan military estimates that it will take a minimum of six weeks to evacuate the homeworld. Twenty-seven hours later, the Hobus star goes supernova. The resulting chain reaction destroys Romulus and Remus . Billions of Romulans are killed. ( Star Trek Online , Countdown, Part III , Star Trek )
  • After the destruction of the Romulan homeworld , Starfleet immediately orders all available ships to cross the Neutral Zone and assist the Romulans with relief and recovery efforts. Several of these ships are attacked by a man named Nero , who captains a heavily modified Romulan vessel, the Narada . Starfleet diverts additional cruisers to escort relief vessels to Romulan space. ( Countdown, Part III , Star Trek Online )
  • Intercepted Romulan transmissions indicate that Praetor Chulan and the leaders of the Senate escaped Romulus before the planet's destruction, but the U.S.S. Nobel , en route to Romulus , found the bodies of Chulan and the Senate's ruling council floating in space near their derelict shuttle. ( Countdown, Part III , Star Trek Online )
  • After Nero expands his attacks to Klingon ships, Chancellor Martok orders a fleet to enter Romulan space. He appoints his friend Worf as one of the mission's commanders, giving him the rank of General for the mission. ( Countdown, Part IV , Star Trek Online )
  • At the request of Spock and Jean-Luc Picard , Geordi La Forge brings the Jellyfish to Vulcan and agrees to allow Spock to pilot it to the Hobus system . Spock outfits the ship with a Red Matter converter and departs. According to sensor reports recorded on Stardate 64471.6 by the Enterprise -E , the Hobus supernova is contained by a limited singularity, ending the threat to the quadrant. Starfleet believes that Spock detonated the Red Matter in the rupture caused by the singularity, closing it with an artificially created black hole . It reports that both the Jellyfish and the Narada were lost in the event. "He sacrificed himself to save us all," Ambassador Picard said of his friend Spock. "May his soul live long and prosper." ( Star Trek , Countdown, Part IV , Star Trek Online )
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  • The Daystrom Institute has announced the successful launch of the "Jellyfish," an experimental spacecraft equipped with trans-metaphasic shielding designed to withstand conditions that would destroy most other ships. Designed by famed engineer Geordi La Forge, the ship is slated for extensive testing before it can be used for scientific and exploration missions. Starfleet is working with La Forge and the institute to determine which of the ship's systems can be adapted for Federation use.
  • Starfleet Intelligence recommends that the Federation keep a close eye on activities of the Orion Syndicate. A multi-year crackdown on criminal activity in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants has been successful in curbing the threat of the Syndicate for Federation citizens, but on Stardate 64163.8 Hassan the Undying assassinates top Syndicate boss Raimus on Farius Prime. Raimus's death opens the door for Hassan's employer, Melani D'ian, to take over Raimus's Syndicate operations. Starfleet Intelligence estimates that Melani D'ian now controls as much as 30 percent of the Syndicate's operations, and that other Syndicate bosses may seek to topple her before she seeks to expand her powerbase even more. Analysts note that Melani D'ian is the first Orion to rise to a top spot in Syndicate leadership in more than 20 years, and speculate that this could mark the return of the Orions as an interstellar power. On Ferenginar, social and economic reforms pushed by Grand Nagus Rom are a topic almost as important as the stock market. The Nagus presents a bill to the Economic Congress of Ferengi Advisers that would formally ally the Ferengi with the Federation. Opponents of the bill launch a campaign of advertisements that argue that a formal alliance with the Federation is an attack on traditional Ferengi values, and that the Federation would force the Ferengi to turn their backs on profit and the Great Material Continuum. The bill fails to pass the Congress after several lawmakers are paid to vote against it.
  • On Stardate 64317.6, Klingon long range sensors pick up a small Romulan fleet led by Sela. The fleet passes the Beta Stromgrem supernova remnant and continues into unexplored space. Starfleet sends a fleet to Cardassia Prime to assist the Cardassians with the dismantling of their military, a process which is expected to take several years. The Cardassians plan to use a much smaller self defense force to patrol their space, and coordinate with Starfleet for issues outside of their borders.
  • This arrangement is soon tested when Alpha Jem'Hadar take control of Devos II, which has been mostly unpopulated since the Dominion War. The Jem'Hadar establish a base of operations near a former Dominion ketracel-white storage facility, and then expand the facility so they can manufacture their own supplies of the substance. Starfleet sends the USS Stargazer-A to the Devos system as a precautionary measure, but chooses to take no additional action as long as the Alpha Jem'Hadar make no further aggressive moves.
  • On Stardate 64333.4, a Romulan Mining Guild ship observes the start of a chain of events that will forever change the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. The star in the Hobus system, in the far reaches of Romulan space, begins to exhibit massive fluctuations of radiation. Days later, Ambassador Spock of the Federation appears before the Romulan Senate to warn them about the dangers of this star.
  • Spock believes that if the Hobus star goes supernova, it could create a reaction that would threaten much of the Romulan Empire, and he asks the Senate to coordinate with Vulcan to find a solution. After a lengthy debate, the Senate rejects Spock's plan.
  • After the close of the Senate's session, Donatra accepts an invitation from Colonel Xiomek to visit Crateris and inspect the construction of the new Reman colony. Their path allows them to perform a sensor sweep of the Hobus system.
  • After arriving on Crateris, Donatra and Xiomek spend several hours in a private meeting, where it is believed that Xiomek gives Donatra information about possible rogue elements within the Romulan military and government. Donatra decides to return to Romulus earlier than planned, and invites Xiomek to take passage on her ship, the IRW Valdore, so he can be in Ki Baratan for the next meeting of the Romulan Senate.
  • On the way back to Romulus, Donatra contacts Admiral Taris, who is in the Levaeri system, and orders her to return to Romulus. The message is recorded by Romulan military communications relay stations, but Taris does not change course. A later review finds that there is no evidence of the message in the computer banks of Taris's ship, and that the communications officer who would have been on duty during that time cannot be found. Ambassador Spock returns to Vulcan, where he meets with Ambassador Jean-Luc Picard. The two appeal to the Vulcan Science Academy to assist the Romulans with the crisis in the Hobus system, but the academy declines their request without comment. The two former Starfleet officers decide that they will make their own plans to deal with the situation.
  • On Stardate 64444.5, the IRW Valdore reports unusual stellar activity, including a disturbance equivalent to a force seven ion storm. Romulus loses contact with Donatra's ship, and dispatches four D'deridex class warbirds to search for the Valdore.
  • The Romulan Senate finally authorizes an evacuation order, and ships are recalled to help ferry Romulus residents off-world. Military estimates are that it will take a minimum of six weeks to evacuate the homeworld.
  • Twenty-seven hours later, the Hobus star goes supernova. The resulting chain reaction destroys Romulus and Remus. Billions of Romulans are killed.
  • Starfleet immediately orders all available ships to cross the Neutral Zone and assist the Romulans with any possible relief and recovery efforts. Several of these ships are attacked by Nero, who is captaining the Narada, a heavily modified Romulan vessel. Additional cruisers are diverted to escort relief vessels to Romulan space.
  • Intercepted Romulan transmissions indicate that Praetor Chulan and the leaders of the Senate escaped Romulus before the planet's destruction. But the USS Nobel, en route to Romulus, finds the bodies of Chulan and the Senate's ruling council floating in space near their derelict shuttle.
  • After Nero expands his attacks to Klingon ships, Chancellor Martok orders a fleet to enter Romulan space. He appoints his friend Worf as one of the mission's commanders, giving him the rank of General for the mission.
  • Meanwhile, Geordi La Forge brings the Jellyfish to Vulcan and agrees to allow Spock to pilot it to the Hobus system.
  • According to sensor reports recorded on Stardate 64471.6 by the USS Enterprise-E, the Hobus supernova was contained by a limited singularity, ending the threat to the quadrant. Starfleet believes that both the Jellyfish and the Narada were lost.
  • "He sacrificed himself to save us all," Ambassador Picard says of his friend Spock. "May his soul live long and prosper."

See also [ ]

  • 2387 Supplemental Log
  • 3 Nausicaan
  • Edit source
  • 4 Assignments and promotions
  • The Hobus supernova reaches Romulus and Remus in the Romulan Star Empire , consuming and destroying the entire Star system . ( Star Trek )
  • The USS Possibility is launched. ( Star Trek: Possibility )
  • The Empty Crown , a rogue Romulan political faction, and the Imperial Klingon State secretly join together in an alliance to overthrow their respective governments. ( Star Trek: Unity )
  • The Siege of the Beta Thoridor System occurs. ( Star Trek: Unity )
  • The Second Battle of Beta Thoridor occurs. ( Star Trek: Unity )
  • A shockwave rips through Starbase 140 , destroying the Cestus Shipyards at Cestus IV . Numerous crews from starships and the starbase are abducted by the Zentradi forces that arrive. Ensign Ariel Wrenn , and Captain Damien Lucifel are kept for an extended period to extract DNA samples. ( Star Trek: Generation Fleet )
  • The Imperial Klingon State stage a coup on the Klingon homeworld and take control of the Klingon High Council . Chancellor Martok and a small contingent of loyal vessels, escorted by the USS Carver , flee to Ty'Gokor and establish a safe haven. ( Star Trek: Unity )
  • An alien vessel emerges from a transwarp conduit and explodes for unknown reasons in the Sol system . ( Star Trek: Unity )
  • The USS Crusader rescues over 1,100 survivors from a Zentradi orbital research facility at Denias VIII . ( Star Trek Crusader )
  • The senior crew of the USS Odyssey -A get trapped in the Sirius Sector between Romulan and Gorn territories. ( Star Trek: Unity )
  • Riov Annika Hansen leaves her mission behind to search for Empress Donatra 's ship, the IRW Valdore . ( RIS Bouteina : " Gogmagog ")
  • A Combined flotilla of Starfleet , Klingon , Ferengi , and Cardassian starships , along with 104 Independent civillian Vessels arrive at Romulus to assist with the evacuation, a result of a distress call from the Romulan Star Empire . Within the Task force are the Luna -class USS Titan under the command of Rear admiral William T. Riker , and the Sovereign -class USS Excelsior with acting Captain Commander Alecz Lohrok ( Star Trek: Excelsior - Bound to the Starless Midnight)
  • Rear Admiral Riker and a portion of the flotilla depart Romulus with a full load of refugees for the Planet Vashti , one of the designated evacuation worlds, Leaving the USS Excelsior in command of the on scene operation, with 11 Starfleet and allied ships, in addition to some 22 Romulan Starships. ( Star Trek: Excelsior - Bound to the Starless Midnight)
  • Following the destruction of the Romulan Homeworld, the Romulan evacuation fleet, along with every single Romulan warbird and starship in the Milky Way Galaxy changes course for Vulcan on the order of the new Praetor Radek, his intention is to enact revenge against the Vulcans for the destruction of their homeworld. The plot is foiled when Radek is killed by Proconsul Celevire ( Star Trek: Excelsior - Bound to the Starless Midnight)
  • In a closed session, the Vulcan High Council passes Bill Four One One. Vulcan Minister Sulan exercised his authority under that law, and in accordance with Article Three of the Federation Charter, withdraws planet Vulcan from the United Federation of Planets.
  • Vulcan surrenders to the Romulan Star Empire following its secession from the United Federation of Planets . The Romulan Evacuation Fleet begins its landing in Vulcan's Forge , where the dissidents left over 2000 years ago. The Vulcan Home Fleet seals its borders and begins patrolling the perimeter. ( Star Trek: Excelsior - Bound to the Starless Midnight)
  • The USS Crusader is lured to the Talos star group where Candela Greene and D'Real are abducted by the Talosians . ( Star Trek Crusader )
  • M'Kar is born. ( RIS Bouteina )
  • Hundreds of Millions perish as Romulus and Remus are destroyed by the Hobus Supernova . Among the dead is the Romulan Praetor KHA'IL SALINE ( Star Trek : Excelsior - Bound to the Starless Midnight)
  • Among the ships lost in the Hobus Supernova are IRW Terix and Goraxus with all hands. ( Star Trek: Excelsior - Bound to the Starless Midnight)
  • Vulcan High Priestess T'Vrill is murdered in the Vulcan Hall of Ancient Thought by Romulan Praetor Radek Saline . ( Star Trek: Excelsior - Bound to the Starless Midnight)
  • Romulan Praetor Radek Saline is murdered in the Vulcan Hall of Ancient thought by Proconsul Celevire after he demands the destruction of the Vulcan city of ShiKahr by the Vulcan Home Fleet . ( Star Trek: Excelsior - Bound to the Starless Midnight)

Assignments and promotions [ ]

  • Darlene Hudson is promoted to Lieutenant . ( Star Trek: Generation Fleet )
  • A Bolian male by the name of Lraac Ovdan joins the Civilian Union onboard the USS Excelsior as a Bartender's Assistant at the behest of Starbase 911 Commander Admiral Athos Roarke Parker . ( Star Trek: Excelsior - Bound to the Starless Midnight)
  • Ilyana is promoted to Cornet ; Aerv tr'Mendak , Lovestospooch and M'Rex are promoted to Erei'Arrain . ( RIS Bouteina )
  • Admiral Kathryn Janeway is assigned to the Beta Frontier sector . ( Star Trek: Unity )
  • Jezra transfers to the USS Striker and is promoted to Lieutenant junior grade . ( Star Trek: Generation Fleet )
  • The USS Possibility is assigned its crew. ( Star Trek: Possibility )
  • Captains Puto and Lewis are re-assigned from Unity One Starbase to other assignments, but the Fen Domar threat and the General War keep them on the USS Odyssey -A along with Jono . ( Star Trek: Unity )
  • USS Excelsior Commanding officer Captain Joshua Underwood is promoted to Commodore by Admiral Jean-Luc Picard and placed in charge of the combined civillian flotilla of 104 commercial starships assisting in the evacuation of Romulus. ( Star Trek: Excelsior - Bound to the Starless Midnight)
  • Tal Shiar Deputy Chairman Radek Saline lays claim to the Office of Praetor at the first meeting of the Continuing Committee of the Romulan Senate onboard the IRW Kilurov following the destruction of the Romulan Hearthworld, and the death of Praetor Kah'Il Saline by right of the line of Tal'Shira and presenting the sword of S'Task . ( Star Trek: Excelsior - Bound to the Starless Midnight)
  • Romulan Proconsul Celevire is elevated to Praetor following her Murder of Praetor Radek ( Star Trek: Excelsior - Bound to the Starless Midnight)
  • Following the Romulan conquest of Vulcan, Commodore Joshua Underwood is reassigned to Station Salem-One . There to oversee refugees in the aftermath of the Destruction of the Romulan Homeworld. ( Star Trek: Excelsior - Bound to the Starless Midnight)
  • Commander Alecz Lohrok is promoted to Captain , and assigned Command of the USS Excelsior ( Star Trek: Excelsior - Bound to the Starless Midnight)
  • Lieutenant commander Yubari Asuka is appointed First officer of the USS Excelsior ( Star Trek: Excelsior - The Fire in which We Burn)
  • USS Excelsior Chief Medical Officer Doctor Maiek Saline resigns his commission to join the Romulan occupation of Vulcan . ( Star Trek: Excelsior - Bound to the Starless Midnight)
  • Admiral William T. Riker is demoted to Captain by order of the President of the United Federation of Planets following his participation in the evacuation of Romulus , in direct violation of the Federation Council 's decision. He, along with his ship and crew are reassigned to patrol the Glintara Sector ( Star Trek: Excelsior - Bound to the Starless Midnight)
  • 2 Daniels (Agent)
  • 3 Levex Ixen

Screen Rant

Star trek: discovery showed the opposite of j.j. abrams’ movies destroying vulcan & romulus.


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Star Trek's Kelvin Timeline Accomplished a Major Starfleet First

Patrick stewart & star trek legends bring discovery’s sonequa martin-green to tears with touching tributes, star trek: discovery’s captain burnham opening starfleet academy is ironic.

Star Trek: Discovery showed the opposite of J.J. Abrams' destruction of both Vulcan and Romulus in Star Trek (2009). In Star Trek 's 2009 reboot, Vulcan is destroyed by Romulan time traveler Nero (Eric Bana), whose home planet of Romulus was annihilated when its star went supernova in 2387. Nero mistakenly blames Ambassador Spock (Leonard Nimoy) for the loss of Romulus, so Nero goes back in time to make a younger Spock (Zachary Quinto) witness the destruction of Spock's own home planet Vulcan. Star Trek (2009) shows Romulus' destruction in Star Trek 's Prime Timeline and makes a major plot point of Nero's red matter attack blowing up Vulcan in J.J. Abrams' alternate Kelvin Timeline.

Star Trek on Paramount+ series incorporate J.J. Abrams' invention of the Romulan supernova in the Prime Timeline. When Star Trek was released in 2009, Nero's point of origin in 2387 was past the "present" point of the Star Trek timeline : Star Trek: Nemesis, taking place in 2379. Star Trek: Picard picks up post- Nemesis , and incorporates the Romulan supernova into flashbacks, with Starfleet trying to help the Romulans before it's too late. Star Trek: Discovery' s 32nd century shows Romulus' destruction as a pivotal historical event that, centuries after the fact, fundamentally changes the Vulcans' relationship to their Romulan cousins.

Star Trek's Kelvin timeline changed the face of the franchise forever, and it also accomplished a major first, a century before the Prime timeline.

Star Trek: Discovery’s Ni’Var Is The Opposite Of What J.J. Abrams’ Movies Did To Vulcan & Romulus

Both romulans and vulcans thrive in star trek's prime timeline.

In Star Trek: Discovery , the planet Ni'Var is the shared homeworld of 32nd century Vulcans and Romulans alike, making it the opposite of what J.J. Abrams' Star Trek movies did to Vulcan and Romulus. Instead of showing the destruction of two planets in as many timelines, Star Trek: Discovery shows Romulans and Vulcans co-existing, albeit with some struggles, on the planet formerly known as Vulcan. After the Vulcans welcomed their Romulan cousins, who were left without a home after the 24th-century supernova, Vulcan was renamed Ni'Var. The name Ni'Var is referenced in Star Trek: Enterprise , and appropriately describes a whole thing made of two different parts.

Ni'Var rejoins the United Federation of Planets.

Vulcans and Romulans retain a sense of individual cultural identity as citizens of Ni'Var, since Romulans and Vulcans are both represented in Ni'Var's culture and unified government. Ni'Var's President T'Rina (Tara Rosling) is opposed by a faction of Vulcan Purists, who take issue with T'Rina's marriage to Kelpien Ambassador Saru (Doug Jones). The Romulan Qowat Milat warrior nuns have a strong presence on Ni'Var, especially after their philosophy of "absolute candor" was instrumental in reconciling the differences between Vulcans and Romulans. Becoming an independent world after the Burn, Ni'Var rejoins the United Federation of Planets, thanks to Commander Michael Burnham's (Sonequa Martin-Green) unique perspective as Spock's (Ethan Peck) adopted sister.

Star Trek: Discovery’s Vulcan & Romulan Unification Is Spock’s Dream

Michael burnham learns about spock's success in star trek: discovery.

Star Trek: Discovery 's unification of Vulcans and Romulans on the planet Ni'Var is the realization of a dream that Ambassador Spock worked for later in his life. Star Trek: The Next Generation season 5, episodes 7 & 8, "Unification I" and "Unification II", show that Leonard Nimoy's Spock has been covertly working towards bringing Vulcans and Romulans together as one people. In honor of Spock's 24th-century mission in TNG , Star Trek: Discovery season 3, episode 7 , is titled "Unification III" since it reveals that Ni'Var owes its existence to Spock's lifelong work of encouraging Romulans and Vulcans to embrace their common origin.

Nero's successful mission to destroy Vulcan in Star Trek (2009) may have inadvertently condemned the Romulans of the Kelvin Timeline in the long term. There's no reason to think the Romulan Supernova of 2387 won't also happen in the Kelvin Timeline, and destroy its Romulus just like the supernova did in the Prime Timeline. When that happens, Kelvin Romulans will become as rare as their Vulcan cousins, and the Vulcan homeworld won't be around to become Ni'Var. It's a sobering thought to realize that the Kelvin Timeline will lose both iconic Star Trek species, while Star Trek: Discovery allows both Romulans and Vulcans to thrive on Ni'Var.

Star Trek: Discovery

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Star Trek: Discovery

You’re tuned to AM 2387: All Star Trek, all the time

2387 star trek

Q. I believe the film did try to address the issue of why the characters “have to physically parachute to land on a platform.” If I’m not mistaken, it is mentioned that the drill is interfering precisely with the function of the beam; the drill must therefore be disabled manually before the beam can be used. In this case, then, the logic may not be entirely puzzling. Andrew Wang, Los Angeles, CA

A. I missed that detail, perhaps because I was astonished that three men would attempt to parachute from Earth’s orbit and zero in on a platform so small one of them misses it. And then I got caught up in their battle with the Romulans, which involves a duel with swords and a fistfight, although I was relieved to find such weapons are still used in the 25th century.

Q. I was lucky enough to see “ Star Trek ” this past Saturday with my husband, mother and father, who is a diehard fan of the original series and idolizes William Shatner to a degree that is not at all weird. My real criticism was that Shatner wasn’t included. We all agreed that they could have at least had him voice the “Space, the final frontier” monologue, topping off what was, to me, a surprisingly good movie . Rachel Dixon, St. Louis

A. Shatner himself thought he should have been in it, since Leonard Nimoy was. Fred Topel at says Shatner and Nimoy shook and made up after Nimoy pointed out that Shatner was in “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” so now they were even. Director J.J. Abrams told Topel that he wanted to use Shatner, but “his character died onscreen in one of the films. When we tried to figure out a way to put him in, it was a gimmick.”

However, your idea of using him for the voiceover is brilliant. Voiceovers by the dead have been used before. Look at “ Sunset Boulevard .”

Q. So, to paraphrase: “Star Trek” is an action-adventure movie (rather than true science fiction, like “ Knowing “?). Apart from grousing about script details, your only gripes seemed to be that this is mainly a set-up movie for the next one (which is a fair comment) and that it wasn’t as filled with hot air as previous installments. But it didn’t read as a thumbs down, “don’t see this” review. So are you telling folks not to bother? Or did you just want to stay far away from the “Trek” love-in? Jason Tchir, Toronto

A. “Star Trek” was very wrong about black holes. (1) You can’t see them. (2) One in the center of Vulcan would swallow the planet and everything else in the vicinity, including spaceships. (3) If you’re being sucked into one, it’s way, way too late to get out. There’s a good discussion about the science of “Star Trek” by Discover magazine’s “Bad Astronomy” blogger, Phil Plait, who loves the film, here: http: //

What did 2 1/2 stars mean? They meant I couldn’t recommend it but it was funny, anyway. “Knowing” was a much better, more stimulating, more intriguing movie. The science in both films is preposterous.

Q. I would like to inform you what parts of your “Star Trek” review makes it lesser than anyone else’s and just seems to be dribble that stings the eyes when read. You write, “Anyone with the slightest notion of what a black hole is, or how it behaves, will find the black holes in ‘Star Trek’ hilarious.” Damn it, man, you’re a film critic, not an astrophysicist!

“The logic is also a little puzzling when they can beam people into another ship in outer space, but they have to physically parachute to land on a platform in the air from which the Romulans are drilling a hole to the Earth’s core.” Your logic is puzzling. When the drill is active, all communications and transporter capabilities are disabled. Thirdly, they didn’t parachute to land on the platform when it was drilling the Earth’s core, that was on Vulcan. Joel Gainey, New Orleans

A. Thanks for your corrections. I got carried away with the Grand Canyon, which, after checking with Google Earth, I find is not located in Iowa. Regarding the astrophysics: I have never seen a black hole and am not sure if one can be seen, since even light cannot escape from it. But if I could see one, I doubt it would be on such a scale that it and the Enterprise could fit into the same frame.

Q. I hope you were not holding too much of the science against “Star Trek,” especially since some of the science “problems” seem to be based on your own misunderstandings. It should be pretty obvious that if you want to stop a warp-speed star ship with any precision, a computer is going to have to do it, and “3…2…1…” is just counting down how long until the computer stops the ship. And I don’t see how a space elevator fits into the film at all. A space elevator sits in geosynchronous orbit above a planet’s equator so it stays above the same point on the planet’s surface, allowing a ultralight cable to be dropped to the surface to haul stuff up.

Such a device would be useless if you want to suspend something above plot-convenient points like San Francisco that don’t happen to be on the equator. For that, you’d need an attachment to a ship moving with the planet’s rotation. I don’t know what kind of alloys they have in the 24th century, but a chain might fit the bill. Using warp speed to escape the clutches of a black hole makes science-fiction sense. What doesn’t make sense is no one being even slightly perturbed when they almost get sucked into a black hole while their captain is trash-talking. Chris Raehl, Chippewa Falls, Wis.

A. In other words, the computer is controlling warp-speed autopilot, and the human countdown is simply to keep the crew informed? (1) Why couldn’t the computer speak that? (2) Why does the crew need to know? It’s not like they experience annihilating G-forces or anything. But I grant your point. About the geosynchronous orbit, no matter where above a planet the platform is suspended, don’t you think the cable would have to be made from an ultralight buckyball thread as Clarke suggested, and not from a metal chain, which would weigh millions of tons and require more matter than the Romulus ship contains?

Q. I disagree with much of your “Star Trek” review, but for a reason more related to the origin of this entire film “species.” While this latest effort pays homage to the earliest of the “Star Trek” series, let’s not lose sight of the origin of so much of that series: “Forbidden Planet” (1956). The captain, doctor and engineer are all ripped from that seminal movie, as are facets of the ship, especially the transporters (which began as stasis fields to cushion the crew during deceleration from warp speed). Even the banter between characters, Kirk’s womanizing, McCoy’s fondness for drink and Scotty’s ability to accept impossible tasks are all borrowed from “Forbidden Planet,” as are the grand vistas, meaningful plots, lost civilizations and invincible enemies. So, let’s enjoy this latest (and, yes, perhaps the best) sequel to the 1950s best space saga. George L. Curran III, Harrisonburg, Va.

A. Also, Robby the Robot introduced the concept of robots with personalities, grandfathering R2D2, C3PO and WALL-E.

2387 star trek

Roger Ebert

Roger Ebert was the film critic of the Chicago Sun-Times from 1967 until his death in 2013. In 1975, he won the Pulitzer Prize for distinguished criticism.

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Star Trek: Pendragon Wiki

The following events occurred in the year 2387 according to the Earth calendar and corresponds to the stardate period 64000 to 64999.

  • 2.1 Assignments and promotions
  • 2.4 Relationships
  • 3.1 The Path to 2409
  • 5 External link
  • 22 June (stardate 64471.6) : The Romulan star goes supernova , annihilating Romulus and Remus , and causing devastation across a radius of at least ten light-years. The propagation of the subspace effects is ended when Ambassador Spock uses a red matter device to cause an implosion, containing the blast with a limited singularity effect. Both Spock and the Romulan Mining Guild vessel Narada are lost in the effort. ( Star Trek ; PIC novel : The Last Best Hope ; STO : The Path to 2409 )

Personal [ ]

Assignments and promotions [ ], relationships [ ], other realities [ ], the path to 2409 [ ].

  • 01 March / stardate 64163.8 : Raimus is killed on Farius Prime , assassinated by Hassan the Undying on the orders of Melani D'ian .
  • 26 April (stardate 64317.6) : Klingon long-range sensors pick up Sela 's exile fleet as they pass the Beta Stromgren supernova remnant and continue into uncharted space. ( STO : The Path to 2409 )
  • The Alpha Jem'Hadar take control of the Cardassian planet Devos II , which had been unpopulated since the Dominion War . The Alphas restore the Dominion ketracel white production facilities there, and begin to manufacture their own supplies of the drug. ( STO : The Path to 2409 )
  • Starfleet dispatches the USS Stargazer to monitor the situation in the Devos system , but decides against taking any additional action unless the Alpha Jem'Hadar show signs of further expansionism. ( STO : The Path to 2409 )
  • 12 June (stardate 64444.5) : While en route carrying General Xionamek from Crateris to Romulus , Donatra 's warbird , the IRW Valdore , detects unusual stellar activity near the Great Bloom , including a disturbance equivalent to a force seven ion storm . After that report, all contact is lost with the Valdore . ( STO : The Path to 2409 )
  • 21 June : The Romulan Senate finally issues a full evacuation order of Romulus . Though many have already left the planet, a complete evacuation would take at least six weeks. Even with all of the Empire's vessels recalled to assist, there just isn't enough time, and 27 hours later, the Romulan star explodes. ( STO : The Path to 2409 )

Stories [ ]

External link [ ].

  • 2387 article at Memory Alpha , the canon Star Trek wiki.
  • 2387 article at Memory Beta , the non-canon Star Trek wiki.
  • 2387 article at Star Trek Expanded Universe , the fanon and fanworks Star Trek wiki.
  • 1 USS Zheng He (NCC-86505)
  • 2 Coridan (species)
  • 3 USS Emmett Till

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Novel continuity in 2387

  • Thread starter Enterprise1701
  • Start date Mar 26, 2014



  • Mar 26, 2014

Not sure if this has already been answered somewhere or not, but what are Pocket Books' plans for Star Trek novels when they reach 2387 in-universe? Now we're at 2385 with The Fall . I don't see how they could they could directly connect the Countdown /Abramsverse continuity with the modern novel continuity. Will Pocket Books make a different version of the Hobus supernova?  


Rear Admiral

Yes, there's nothing saying that the novels have to match the comics. Aside from that, we don't know anything yet.  


Enterprise1701 said: Will Pocket Books make a different version of the Hobus supernova? Click to expand...

Do you suppose Pocket Books will come up with something better than "Oh a faraway star is going to go supernova! We already know ahead of time that it's going to rupture subspace and travel impossibly far even though we don't know about the Iconians!" Plus, Countdown is clearly incompatible with Cold Equations and Typhon Pact regarding Data's return and Spock's new career path.  

F. King Daniel

F. King Daniel

Fleet admiral.

The STO version of the Iconians definitely won't appear. In the novelverse, they're completely different (see: Gateways ) The novels will remain consistent with what was established in Star Trek (2009) but not Countdown or anything in Star Trek Online . But as to whether the supernova will be featured or skipped over, that's uncertain. Four novels set in the new movie continuity were written but then suddenly cancelled in 2010. Bad Robot seem very protective of their Trek, and a novel based entirely on an important part of their movie (irrespective of which timeline it took place in, it's their creation) may lead to further trouble. We'll see.  

The Wormhole

The Wormhole

Most likely the destruction of Romulus will be an after the fact mention. "The Typhon Pact is still coping after the destruction of Romulus." That sort of thing.  

Deranged Nasat

Deranged Nasat

Vice admiral.

^ Everything's coming up Breen!  

So there's been nothing officially from Pocket about plans for 2387. Gotcha.  

The Wormhole said: Most likely the destruction of Romulus will be an after the fact mention. "The Typhon Pact is still coping after the destruction of Romulus." That sort of thing. Click to expand...
  • Mar 27, 2014

I hope Federation-Klingon hostilities don't begin anew as they did in the "All Good Things..." future and in Star Trek Online .  


Enterprise1701 said: I hope Federation-Klingon hostilities don't begin anew as they did in the "All Good Things..." future and in Star Trek Online . Click to expand...
Skywalker said: Enterprise1701 said: I hope Federation-Klingon hostilities don't begin anew as they did in the "All Good Things..." future and in Star Trek Online . Click to expand...

On the other hand though, one of the few things I like about Star Trek Online is how it explained the Hobus Supernova and its unusual characteristics as the result of renegade Romulans working for the Iconians.  



I think the novels with stick only with what is onscreen. Data is already on a course that is much different than the comics, not to mention Worf and Picard. Personally this is fine with me, I was not a fan of Countdown at all.  

Enterpriserules said: I think the novels with stick only with what is onscreen. Data is already on a course that is much different than the comics, not to mention Worf and Picard. Personally this is fine with me, I was not a fan of Countdown at all. Click to expand...

^ No it wasn't. I feel the books are doing a much better job with the characters (even though I am still not sure what I think about Data's place so far or Sisko's)  

In fairness to the Countdown comic, it was written prior to the mind meld scenes in the movie being finalized. According to the commentary, JJ was fiddling with it two weeks prior to the premiere. It's not like the novelverse is 100% consistent with canon, either.  

  • Mar 29, 2014

Do you guys suppose that in order for Spock Prime to provide Abramsverse Scotty the transwarp beaming equation, Scotty Prime has to use it to return to the Federation from wherever he miraculously disappeared to at the end of Indistinguishable From Magic ?  

The implication in IFM was that Scotty figured out the transwarp beaming equation right at the end, and escaped with it. He presumably has to get back at some point to tell Spock. Unfortunately though, it seems IFM has been swept under the rug and probably won't be followed up on - which is kinda silly, since he could rematerialize anywhere.  



I always figured "transwarp beaming" was just another name for the subspace transporter technology used by DaiMon Bok in TNG: "Bloodlines." It doesn't make sense for Scotty to have to "discover" a means of interstellar beaming when one already canonically existed no later than 2370.  

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  • 1.1 By starship or station
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  • 3.2 Background information
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By starship or station [ ]

  • Haley is brought online at the Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center by Lewis Zimmerman . ( VOY : " Life Line ")
  • The USS Enterprise -D is severely damaged following an attempt to destroy a Borg cube and is unable to join the fleet massed at Wolf 359 . William T. Riker is field promoted to captain of the Enterprise , and he chooses Borg specialist Commander Elizabeth Shelby as his first officer . At the Battle of Wolf 359 , a total of thirty-nine Federation starships are destroyed by the Borg and eleven thousand lives are lost, including Benjamin Sisko 's wife, Jennifer . Riker eventually devises a plan to recover Jean-Luc Picard , assimilated as Locutus of Borg , and the Enterprise crew use him to exploit the weakness of the Borg Collective hive mind. The cube is eventually destroyed in orbit of Earth . ( TNG : " The Best of Both Worlds, Part II ", " The Drumhead "; DS9 : " Emissary ")
  • The Borg implants are removed from Picard, and he returns to command of the Enterprise , although he requires several weeks of therapy. Riker returns to his post as first officer. ( TNG : " The Best of Both Worlds, Part II ", " Family ")
  • The Enterprise docks at Earth Station McKinley for six weeks of repair work. While there, a defective dilithium chamber hatch is installed. ( TNG : " Family ", " The Drumhead ")
  • Wesley Crusher leaves the Enterprise once he is accepted into Starfleet Academy . ( TNG : " Final Mission ")
  • The USS Enterprise -D is temporarily transferred near the center of the galaxy by Lieutenant Barclay , where an intelligent species known as the Cytherians is discovered. ( TNG : " The Nth Degree ")
  • In another quantum reality , Picard is lost in an encounter with the Borg and Riker succeeds him as captain of the Enterprise -D with Worf as his first officer . In the same alternate reality, Worf and Deanna Troi begin a romantic relationship and have their first child, a son named Eric-Christopher . ( TNG : " Parallels ")

Other events [ ]

  • August 19 : ( Stardate 44286.5 ) William T. Riker turns 32 years old and has his birthday party held in Ten Forward . ( TNG : " Future Imperfect ")
  • This year marks the passage of the hundred years after Spock suggested to Kirk that it would be interesting to return to Ceti Alpha V " and learn what crop had sprung from the seed you had planted" . ( TOS : " Space Seed ")
  • According to Montgomery Scott , while trapped in the mirror universe , Scott stated that the field density between the prime and mirror universes was closing rapidly and, should an escape not be made within the next thirty minutes, it would not be until this year in which another attempt could be made. ( TOS : " Mirror, Mirror ")
  • A number of individuals from both the ships at Wolf 359 and other vessels in the area are captured and assimilated by the Borg while en route to Sector 001 . Some are returned to the Delta Quadrant by unknown means. ( VOY : " Unity ", " Infinite Regress ")
  • Zio is imprisoned in the Akritirian maximum security detention facility . ( VOY : " The Chute ")
  • Commander Elizabeth Shelby heads the task force to build starships in order to bolster the numbers lost to the Borg cube. ( TNG : " The Best of Both Worlds, Part II ")
  • Chancellor K'mpec of the Klingon High Council dies, causing a power struggle between Duras and Gowron . Picard is appointed as Arbiter of Succession . Duras murders Ambassador K'Ehleyr after she discovers evidence of treachery and collusion with the Romulans by the House of Duras . Worf then claims right of vengeance against Duras, killing him. ( TNG : " Reunion ")
  • Vulcan Ambassador T'Pel is discovered to be a Romulan spy . She is unwittingly returned to a Romulan vessel , with many Federation secrets, before the deception is uncovered. ( TNG : " Data's Day ")
  • The Juarez baby is born. ( TNG : " Data's Day ")
  • Peaceful relations are solidified between the Federation and the Cardassian Union , ending years of war and bloodshed between the two powers. The USS Phoenix , under the command of Captain Benjamin Maxwell , launches a series of illegal raids against the Cardassians, in hopes of instigating renewed hostilities. The Phoenix is tracked down by the Enterprise -D, with the assistance of Gul Macet , and eventually surrenders. ( TNG : " The Wounded ", " Chain Of Command, Part I ")
  • Internal tensions in the Klingon Empire affect the Federation when it is suspected a Klingon exchange officer provided information about the Galaxy -class warp core to the Romulans, causing an explosion on board the Enterprise -D. Admiral Norah Satie is sent to investigate. The explosion is later traced back to the refit earlier in the year, but Satie initiates a "witch hunt," eventually implicating Captain Picard in a massive conspiracy. ( TNG : " The Drumhead ")
  • The Federation Archaeology Council holds its annual symposium aboard the Enterprise -D in orbit of Tagus III . Renowned names such as Switzer are in attendance. ( TNG : " Qpid ")
  • Q takes Vash on a two-year journey through the Gamma Quadrant . ( DS9 : " Q-Less ")
  • Romulan Commander Sela orders the abduction of Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge and uses a brainwashing technique to instruct him to murder the Klingon governor of Krios , Vagh , and thus draw the Federation into conflict with the Klingons. The plan is thwarted, and further Romulan/Klingon cooperation uncovered. ( TNG : " The Mind's Eye ")
  • The Klingon Civil War begins as Gowron is installed as leader of the High Council. Gowron is opposed by Duras' sisters, Lursa and B'Etor , who are supported and supplied by the Romulans. Worf resigns his Starfleet commission to fight with Gowron, and his honor within the Klingon Empire is restored. ( TNG : " Redemption ")
  • The Trill Jadzia is joined with the Dax symbiont ; Curzon , the previous host, dies. ( DS9 : " Dax ")
  • Melissa Willoughby is born. ( DS9 : " Treachery, Faith and the Great River ")
  • Benjamin Sisko attends a Starfleet briefing on Q . ( DS9 : " Q-Less ")
  • Telek R'Mor of the Romulan Astrophysical Academy dies before he can send messages he received from the stranded starship USS Voyager in the year 2371 in the Delta Quadrant . ( VOY : " Eye of the Needle ")
  • An eclipse occurs on Banea , in the Delta Quadrant. Lidell Ren tells Tom Paris four years later that this was a turn on for her husband Tolen , and that this was the last time "she was his wife". ( VOY : " Ex Post Facto ")
  • Julian Bashir , Erit , and Elizabeth Lense attend a New Year's Eve party at Bruce Lucier 's. ( DS9 : " Explorers ")
  • Tova Veer becomes Forra Gegen 's assistant. ( VOY : " Distant Origin ")
  • The Brunali homeworld is attacked by the Borg Collective . ( VOY : " Child's Play ")
  • Thomas Riker made a phaser beam carving of the Janaran Falls in metal on Nervala IV . Two years later, he presents this carving as a gift to Deanna Troi . ( TNG : " Second Chances ")
  • In a holoprogram created by Barash , William T. Riker , during the Alpha Onias expedition , is infected with the Altarian encephalitis . ( TNG : " Future Imperfect ")

Appendices [ ]

Episodes [ ].

  • " The Best of Both Worlds, Part II "
  • " Emissary " (in part)
  • " Suddenly Human "
  • " Brothers "
  • " Remember Me "
  • " Reunion "
  • " Future Imperfect "
  • " Final Mission "
  • " The Loss "
  • " Data's Day "
  • " The Wounded "
  • " Devil's Due "
  • " First Contact "
  • " Galaxy's Child "
  • " Night Terrors "
  • " Identity Crisis "
  • " The Nth Degree "
  • " The Drumhead "
  • " Half a Life "
  • " The Host "
  • " The Mind's Eye "
  • " In Theory "
  • " Redemption "

Background information [ ]

  • According to his official bio, Jankom Pog was born this year. [1]

External link [ ]

  • 2367 at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • 1 Bell Riots
  • 2 Obi Ndefo
  • 3 Gabriel Bell


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  1. 2387

    The Romulan supernova begins, destroying Romulus. (Star Trek; PIC: " Remembrance ") Spock launches red matter into the supernova, creating the artificial black hole and neutralizing the star. The resulting black hole consumes his ship along with the nearby Romulan mining vessel Narada commanded by Nero. Nero is sent 154 years into a new past ...

  2. 2387

    Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki. This article or subsection has an associated category. 2387 was, on Earth 's calendar, the 88th year of the 24th century, and the eighth year of the 2380s decade. Besides this time period's Human dates, in stardates this era begin with stardate 2387.0 [1] in some systems of dating, and runs from stardate ...

  3. Romulus

    Romulus was the inhabited second planet of the Romulus system in Sector Z-6 of the Beta Quadrant. It was the adopted homeworld of the Romulans following their exodus from Vulcan, and the capital planet of the Romulan Star Empire. The planetary system consisted of the primary Romulus and at least one unnamed moon. (TNG: "The Defector") Romulus was destroyed in 2387 when its sun exploded in a ...

  4. Stardate

    As seen in the table, when asked by the alternate Spock, the computer aboard the Jellyfish reports a manufacturing stardate of 2387, consistent with the timespan of 129 years stated earlier in the film. The comic miniseries Star Trek: Countdown, which details events in the prime reality that led to the 2009 film, nevertheless gives its latest stardate as 64467.14, resulting in mid-2387 ...

  5. 2387 Supernova

    The 2387 Supernova was a cataclysmic event in the year 2387, an unusually powerful supernova that destroyed the planet Romulus and led to a dissolution of much of the Romulan Star Empire. (TOS movie, novelization & comic adaptation: Star Trek) This supernova killed millions of Romulans, dispersed the survivors, and forced the Empire to reorganize itself into the Romulan Free State. (Star Trek ...

  6. List of Star Trek Characters in 2387

    Star Trek: 2387 Research Sources: Memory Considered Sources: Star Trek Canon Films and Television Star Trek 12 Spoilers Star Trek: Online Star Trek Novels Star Trek Comics Key Enterprise Characters: Jonathan Archer - Likely Deceased. (If alive, would be 276 years old.)

  7. Star Trek: 10 Ways The Romulan Supernova Impacted The Multiverse

    There has never been an official number given for the population of Romulus, and after 2387, there wasn't one to give. Star Trek: Star Charts offers a hypothetical "18 billion" (around 2379), but ...

  8. Star Trek: Spock's Entire Prime Universe Timeline, Explained

    Alternate Timeline And Final Death (2387 & 2258 - 2263) In the year 2387, Romulus' star threatened to go supernova which lead to Spock devising a plan that involved creating a black hole to destroy the star before it exploded. Spock was unsuccessful in his attempt and the star wiped out Romulus and several other planets in the process.

  9. How Star Trek: Discovery Fulfills Spock's Franchise Legacy

    This, however, is a presumed death. As far as Vance knows, Spock died sometime in 2387, trying to pilot his experimental ship, the Jellyfish, to use red matter to stop the Romulan supernova. In ...

  10. Category:2387

    The year 2387. A friendly reminder regarding spoilers!At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the finale of Picard and the continuations of Discovery, Lower Decks, Prodigy and Strange New Worlds, the advent of new eras in Star Trek Online gaming, as well as other post-56th Anniversary publications such as the new ongoing IDW comic.

  11. 2387 (STO)

    The bill fails to pass the Congress after several lawmakers are paid to vote against it. (Star Trek Online) On Stardate 64317.6, Klingon long range sensors pick up a small Romulan fleet led by Sela. The fleet passes the Beta Stromgren supernova remnant and continues into unexplored space. (Star Trek Online)

  12. Star Trek: Countdown

    The comic is set in 2387, eight years after the film Star Trek: Nemesis. Federation and Romulan tensions have generally subsided, with Spock the Federation ambassador to the Romulans. Data is still alive and has become the captain of the Enterprise-E after successfully imprinting his memories onto the prototype android B-4. Jean-Luc Picard is the Federation ambassador to Vulcan, Geordi La ...

  13. 2387

    The Daystrom Institute has announced the successful launch of the "Jellyfish," an experimental spacecraft equipped with trans-metaphasic shielding designed to withstand conditions that would destroy most other ships. Designed by famed engineer Geordi La Forge, the ship is slated for extensive testing before it can be used for scientific and exploration missions. Starfleet is working with La ...

  14. 2387

    The Hobus supernova reaches Romulus and Remus in the Romulan Star Empire, consuming and destroying the entire Star system. (Star Trek) The USS Possibility is launched. (Star Trek: Possibility) January The Empty Crown, a rogue Romulan political faction, and the Imperial Klingon State secretly join together in an alliance to overthrow their respective governments. (Star Trek: Unity) The Siege of ...

  15. Star Trek: Discovery Showed The Opposite Of J.J. Abrams' Movies

    When Star Trek was released in 2009, Nero's point of origin in 2387 was past the "present" point of the Star Trek timeline: Star Trek: Nemesis, taking place in 2379. Star Trek: Picard picks up post-Nemesis, and incorporates the Romulan supernova into flashbacks, with Starfleet trying to help the Romulans before it's too late.

  16. You're tuned to AM 2387: All Star Trek, all the time

    While this latest effort pays homage to the earliest of the "Star Trek" series, let's not lose sight of the origin of so much of that series: "Forbidden Planet" (1956). The captain, doctor and engineer are all ripped from that seminal movie, as are facets of the ship, especially the transporters (which began as stasis fields to cushion the crew ...

  17. Countdown, Number One

    Nero, the captain of a Romulan mining vessel, must assist Ambassador Spock in preventing an unnatural supernova which threatens the Romulan Empire. "Stardate 64333.4. Deep in Romulan territory... Where only a few have gone before..." In the Hobus system, the Narada, a Romulan mining ship under the command of Captain Nero, is in orbit of a barren planet. Aboard the ship, Nero and his crew are ...

  18. 2387

    The following events occurred in the year 2387 according to the Earth calendar and corresponds to the stardate period 64000 to 64999. April 26 April (stardate 64317.6): Klingon long-range sensors pick up Sela's exile fleet as they pass the Beta Stromgren supernova remnant and continue into uncharted space. (STO: The Path to 2409) May The Alpha Jem'Hadar take control of the Cardassian planet ...

  19. Novel continuity in 2387

    Not sure if this has already been answered somewhere or not, but what are Pocket Books' plans for Star Trek novels when they reach 2387 in-universe? Now we're at 2385 with The Fall.I don't see how they could they could directly connect the Countdown/Abramsverse continuity with the modern novel continuity.Will Pocket Books make a different version of the Hobus supernova?

  20. 2385

    Apocrypha. In the Star Trek: Prometheus novel Fire with Fire, Chell is promoted to lieutenant and assigned to the USS Prometheus as a technician. There, he operates the bridge engineering station during the ship 's mission to the Lembatta Cluster in this year. Most of Star Trek: Picard - Countdown take place in this year.

  21. 2367

    Jupiter Station Haley is brought online at the Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center by Lewis Zimmerman. (VOY: "Life Line") USS Enterprise-D The USS Enterprise-D is severely damaged following an attempt to destroy a Borg cube and is unable to join the fleet massed at Wolf 359. William T. Riker is field promoted to captain of the Enterprise, and he chooses Borg specialist Commander Elizabeth ...