Scottish Star Trek (Chewin the Fat)

Here’s a Scottish Star Trek skit called Taysiders in Space . (Tayside was a local government region of Scotland from 1975 to 1996). Basically, it takes the premise that Starfleet Academy opened near Carnoustie, Scotland (which was part of Tayside).

Comprende? We believe this is what they refer to as “ Glasgow Patter “. Here are a few translations to the King’s that we found on the web:

“ Right Ensign, gies warp factor ten and we’ll open this big bastard up and see if it is shit off a shovel right enough ” “Right ensign, set speed warp factor ten and let’s see if this ship is as fast as they say it is”

“ You won’t catch us wearing belts like a bunch of big poofters .” “Wearing seatbelts is unmanly”

“ Aye, as long as you bring us back a mug of royal game soup and a couple o’ ciders ” “You may, but please bring me back some refreshment also.”

“ Captain, there a right big whore ae a spaceship comin’ towards us, an ye want tae see the bastardin’ size o’ the thing, it’s a good yin or twa size bigger than oors ken !” “Captain, there is a large spaceship coming towards us, almost twice as big as us”

“ Ah telt ye before, any mair o’ yer pish an I’ll stick this right in yer crack !” “I have previously warned you to behave or I will insert this object somewhere very uncomfortable”

“ Well, Ah’m just havin a go on the holodeck Captain, Ah’m holodeck daft, ken ?” “I am ruinning a holodeck simulation, did you not know I suffer from holodiction?”

“ Set phasers tae malky !” “Set phasers on maximum”

“ It’s like hee-haw wuv ever seen afore captain, ken ?” “It’s life Captain, but not as we know it.”

“ You ken fine yer gaggin’ fur it eh ?” “You realize you are desperate for sex?”

“ Ye’ve hee-haw chance o getting’ yer hole, yer an android, ye’ve kak all nob !” “You have no chance of performing sexual acts since you are an android and therefore do not have a penis.”

“ Och awa’ and dinnae talk pish !” “We don’t believe you.”

Yeah, only slightly more difficult to understand than Klingon. Somebody upgrade the UT.

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Memory Alpha

  • Maquis personnel

Kasidy Yates-Sisko

Kasidy Danielle Yates-Sisko was a female Human and freighter captain in the 24th century United Federation of Planets . She founded Kasidy Yates Interstellar Freights and commanded the SS Xhosa on freight runs, initially as an independent transporter, but later for the Bajoran Ministry of Commerce . She married Starfleet Captain Benjamin Sisko and had a child with him.

  • 1 Biography
  • 2.1 Appearances
  • 2.2 Background information
  • 2.3 Apocrypha
  • 2.4 External links

Biography [ ]

Yates normally got out of bed at 0500 hours, and usually fell asleep before 0100 hours. ( DS9 : " Indiscretion ")

Yates was introduced to Benjamin Sisko by his son Jake , who felt that his father needed a girlfriend. Yates and Sisko shared a common interest in baseball , and Yates' youngest brother played for the Pike City Pioneers on Cestus III . Yates later played for Sisko's baseball team, the Niners , against the Logicians . ( DS9 : " Family Business ", " The Way of the Warrior ", " Take Me Out to the Holosuite ")

As their relationship went on, Yates decided to take an opportunity to work for the Bajorans where her primary missions were to export cargo from Bajor to its colonies . This allowed her to move to Deep Space 9 permanently. However, she also used this opportunity to smuggle cargo to the Demilitarized Zone for the Maquis .

In 2372 , she unwittingly aided the Maquis in the theft of twelve industrial replicators that were intended for Cardassia . Yates was suspected of working for the Maquis by Odo and by Deep Space 9's head of Starfleet security Michael Eddington , who was himself secretly working for the Maquis at the time. Yates was tricked into taking her ship on another smuggling run, drawing a suspicious Captain Sisko and the USS Defiant into the Badlands long enough for Eddington to defect to the Maquis with the replicators. Yates accepted sole responsibility for her ship's smuggling activities, and after allowing her crew to rejoin the Maquis she returned to Deep Space 9 to face punishment. She was sent to prison for her actions. ( DS9 : " For the Cause ")

Kasidy Yates and Benjamin Sisko

Kasidy is warmly welcomed back to DS9 following her jail term

After her release in 2373 , Yates and Sisko picked up where they had left off, with Sisko accepting her back to the station and into his life without a second thought. ( DS9 : " Rapture ") Yates subsequently returned to work for the Bajorans.

In 2374 , Yates agreed to act as convoy liaison officer aboard the Defiant while it served as escort for the PQ-1 convoy , as she knew many of the freighter captains involved with the mission. However, she complained that she had no idea the job would involve writing twenty log entries a day and filling out formal reports for Starfleet every night. She joked that the reason she didn't join Starfleet was because she couldn't do the paperwork. Yates was still present aboard the Defiant when it received a distress call from Captain Lisa Cusak , and she took part in shifts with the Defiant crew in keeping an open communication line to the stranded Captain. However, Sisko felt uncomfortable having Kasidy, a civilian, aboard the Defiant , and she was worried by his unfriendly behavior. He later apologized and promised to make it up to her over dinner. ( DS9 : " The Sound of Her Voice ")

She later took command of a second freighter in 2375 .

That year she was greeted at by Benjamin Sisko after she had docked her freighter on the upper pylon of Deep Space 9. She then explained that she was home because her next three cargo runs had been reassigned, blaming it on " bureaucrats ", not knowing it was in fact Sisko who made the arrangements. ( DS9 : " Take Me Out to the Holosuite ")

Later that year, Sisko proposed to Yates, and she accepted, causing much celebration among the Bajoran people, who began to plan a grand wedding for their Emissary of the Prophets . ( DS9 : " Penumbra ") Sisko initially backed out of the marriage, having been warned by the Prophets that he and Kasidy could not walk the same path. Sisko decided to ignore the warning and the two were married by Admiral William Ross in a private ceremony on Deep Space 9. ( DS9 : " 'Til Death Do Us Part ")

Wedding of Ben Sisko, Kasidy Yates

Kasidy and Ben Sisko marry in 2375

The first few weeks of their marriage were not all clear sailing, however. Shortly after their wedding, Yates destroyed some of Sisko's home-grown bell peppers in a failed attempt to cheer him up by cooking for him. Sisko attempted to keep Yates and her freighter out of the escalating Dominion War by having the Bajoran Freight and Shipping Authority take her off the active list, much to her annoyance; he later relented. ( DS9 : " The Changing Face of Evil ")

Later in 2375, Yates discovered that she and her husband were going to have a baby. The pregnancy was unplanned, and Sisko surmised that his last contraception injection must have expired without him returning to the infirmary for another. Yates worried that something might happen to the baby following the Prophets ' earlier warning to Sisko that marrying Kasidy would bring him sorrow. Sisko reassured his wife that nothing would happen to their baby, giving her his word as the Emissary. ( DS9 : " The Dogs of War ")

During a battle with the Pah-wraith -possessed Dukat in the Bajoran Fire Caves , Sisko sacrificed his life to defeat the evil Kosst Amojan and joined the Prophets in the Celestial Temple , leaving Yates and their unborn child behind. Sisko later appeared to Kasidy in a vision, and promised her that he would be back, "maybe (in) a year, maybe yesterday. But I will be back." ( DS9 : " What You Leave Behind ")

A billboard bearing the name of her shipping company, Kasidy Yates Interstellar Freights , was present on Earth in Greater Boston in 2399 . ( PIC : " Remembrance ")

Appendices [ ]

Appearances [ ].

  • " Family Business " (Season Three)
  • " The Way of the Warrior " (Season Four)
  • " Indiscretion "
  • " For the Cause "
  • " Rapture " (Season Five)
  • " Far Beyond the Stars " (Season Six)
  • " The Sound of Her Voice "
  • " Take Me Out to the Holosuite " (Season Seven)
  • " Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang "
  • " Penumbra "
  • " 'Til Death Do Us Part "
  • " Strange Bedfellows "
  • " The Changing Face of Evil "
  • " The Dogs of War "
  • " What You Leave Behind "

Background information [ ]

Kasidy Yates was portrayed by Penny Johnson .

In the script of "Family Business", in which Kasidy Yates first appears, she is described as " an attractive Human woman in her mid-thirties. Kasidy is the captain of her own ship, an independent interstellar freighter, and she bears herself with the confidence befitting her position. She is, however, a civilian, which allows her to be a little more relaxed with her crew than if she were in Starfleet ."

According to Ronald D. Moore , Yates' character was not developed initially with a Maquis affiliation in mind. The connection was pitched by a freelance writer. ( AOL chat , 1997 )

Penny Johnson said of Yates, " She's a woman who's very strong in her beliefs, she's good at what she does, she is a wonderful, extraordinary woman for Benjamin Sisko , she's loving, romantic, I think she's sexy, I think she's powerful, I think she's a wonderful role model, and her full arc is from seeing her just as a person to a woman to a blossoming lover, and then to a real friend for life ." (Hidden File 05, DS9 Season 7 DVD , Special Features)

Kasidy's middle name is given as Shameeka in the Star Trek Encyclopedia and in Star Trek: Celebrations . The name was used in an early draft of DS9 : " 'Til Death Do Us Part ". Avery Brooks commented: " When Kasidy and Sisko were married they chose this middle name for Kasidy which looked like a character that the comedian Martin Lawrence would have invented. I said 'Wait a minute! Why did you pick that name? They went on to tell me that it had some deep African origin. And that a friend researched it etc. etc. until they remembered who they were talking to. That is to say that among other things I was born brown of African descent. But more importantly that I had studied. So I know what I am talking about ". [1]

In the script of DS9 : " Strange Bedfellows ", Kasidy planned to spend her and Benjamin's honeymoon in the Mountains of Andoria after the war, as she had always wanted to see them.

While the opening credits after the wedding continue to use just "Kasidy Yates", the scripts for those episodes use "Kasidy Yates-Sisko", and she is referred to in dialogue as "Mrs. Sisko".

Apocrypha [ ]

By the time of Avatar , Yates has built a home on Bajor based on Sisko's plans. In Unity , now part of the First Splinter timeline, Yates gives birth to a daughter (who is named Rebecca Jae Sisko ( β )) and is reunited with Benjamin Sisko. In Raise the Dawn , Kasidy and Rebecca go to live with Sisko on the USS Robinson .

In the new revised continuity, Sisko only returns from the Celestial Temple after three years, as seen in Star Trek , Issue 1 (2022) , and his and Kasidy's daughter is named Sarah instead.

The novel Articles of the Federation gives her youngest brother's name as Kornelius.

In the short story " The Dreamer and the Dream ", her baby is a boy named Jonathan.

In Saturn's Children , Yates' mirror universe counterpart ( β ) is depicted as being a senior member of the Terran Rebellion .

External links [ ]

  • Kasidy Yates at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • Kasidy Yates at Wikipedia
  • 1 USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-G)
  • 3 Daniels (Crewman)
  • Cast & crew
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The Paradise Syndrome

  • Episode aired Oct 4, 1968

Leonard Nimoy, William Shatner, Majel Barrett, DeForest Kelley, and Sabrina Scharf in Star Trek (1966)

Trapped on a planet whose inhabitants are descended from Northwestern Native Americans, Kirk loses his memory and is proclaimed a God while the crippled Enterprise races back to the planet b... Read all Trapped on a planet whose inhabitants are descended from Northwestern Native Americans, Kirk loses his memory and is proclaimed a God while the crippled Enterprise races back to the planet before it is destroyed by an asteroid. Trapped on a planet whose inhabitants are descended from Northwestern Native Americans, Kirk loses his memory and is proclaimed a God while the crippled Enterprise races back to the planet before it is destroyed by an asteroid.

  • Gene Roddenberry
  • Margaret Armen
  • Arthur H. Singer
  • William Shatner
  • Leonard Nimoy
  • DeForest Kelley
  • 45 User reviews
  • 11 Critic reviews

Sabrina Scharf in Star Trek (1966)

Top cast 21

William Shatner

  • Captain James T. Kirk

Leonard Nimoy

  • Nurse Chapel
  • Indian Woman
  • (as Naomi Pollack)
  • (uncredited)
  • Lieutenant Hadley
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Did you know

  • Trivia The obelisk in this episode, constructed at Franklin Lake in the Franklin Canyon Reservoir above Beverly Hills, was erected in the same spot where Opie Taylor throws a rock into the lake during the opening credits of The Andy Griffith Show (1960) .
  • Goofs Spock orders the Enterprise to rush towards the asteroid at Warp Nine, at which it has been speeding for several hours. This seems to imply the asteroid would be far outside the planetary system, possibly light years away. This would mean the asteroid would require thousands of years to reach the planet.

[last lines]

[Miramanee has been fatally injured]

Miramanee : Kirok. It is true, you're safe.

Captain James T. Kirk : And so are your people, Miramanee.

Miramanee : I knew you would save them, my chief. When I... am better, it will be as it was... was, will it... not?

Captain James T. Kirk : If that's what you want.

Miramanee : We will live long and happy lives. I will bear you many strong sons.

[she moans]

Miramanee : I'll love you always.

Captain James T. Kirk : And I'll love you, Miramanee. Always.

[he kisses her]

Miramanee : Each kiss is as the first.

  • Alternate versions Special Enhanced version Digitally Remastered with new exterior shots and remade opening theme song
  • Connections Featured in Reel Injun (2009)
  • Soundtracks Theme Music credited to Alexander Courage Sung by Loulie Jean Norman

User reviews 45

  • Metal_Robots
  • Mar 29, 2021
  • October 4, 1968 (United States)
  • United States
  • Official Facebook
  • Franklin Canyon Reservoir, Santa Monica Mountains, Los Angeles, California, USA (Exterior)
  • Paramount Television
  • Norway Corporation
  • See more company credits at IMDbPro

Technical specs

  • Runtime 51 minutes

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Leonard Nimoy, William Shatner, Majel Barrett, DeForest Kelley, and Sabrina Scharf in Star Trek (1966)

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Started by sprite75, January 06, 2009, 02:21:08 PM

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Quote the movie was cringe, corny, cheesy and "what the biscuits" is with this atrocious acting and childish corny thing of a movie???
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Quote from: schmendrik on January 07, 2009, 09:56:22 PM If you're English, can you understand that without subtitles? I have no clue about 90% of that dialog.
Quote from: JJ80 on January 07, 2009, 09:12:28 PM It comes from a very good sketch show from BBC Scotland called "Chewin' The Fat". It was from one of their Hogmanay Specials. They satirized all manner of Scottish types in a broad and sometimes forceful manner. They also do the sitcom "Still Game".
Quote from: AndyC on January 08, 2009, 09:00:55 AM Quote from: JJ80 on January 07, 2009, 09:12:28 PM It comes from a very good sketch show from BBC Scotland called "Chewin' The Fat". It was from one of their Hogmanay Specials. They satirized all manner of Scottish types in a broad and sometimes forceful manner. They also do the sitcom "Still Game".

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Quote from: RCMerchant on January 11, 2009, 05:54:18 PM Star Trek...via the Jefferson Airplane...!
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