The 5 Best Zipline & Canopy Tours in Costa Rica [2024 Reviews]

Ziplining is safe, and yet exhilarating at the same time. You always get a huge adrenaline rush when rushing along a steel wire 100 feet above the ground at 40 mph.

Exploring new and exotic locations is also really enjoyable, especially if the environment you are visiting is rich in beautiful geography, tropical plants, and unusual animals.

If you take a ziplining tour (also known as a canopy tour because of the view over the “canopy” of the forest) in Costa Rica, you can combine both of these fun activities.  And zipline tours are fun for all ages.

See all Zipline Adventure Tours

Best zipline & canopy tours in costa rica, quick answer: the 5 best zipline & canopy tours in costa rica.

  • Zipline Tour from Jaco: 25 Cables Over 11 Waterfalls
  • Zipline and Rappelling in Monteverde
  • Sarapiqui River Sightseeing Cruise and Zipline Canopy Tour from San Jose
  • San Jose Zipline Canopy Tour
  • Ziplining and Whitewater Rafting Combo Tour from La Fortuna

Best Zipline & Canopy Tours in Costa Rica Reviews

1. zipline tour from jaco: 25 cables over 11 waterfalls.

Very professional guides and equipment make this a safe and worry-free excursion. You can also swim in a mountain pool and have a cool beverage in the El Tucan restaturant.

More Information & Tour Booking

100% refund for cancellations within 24 hours of tour experience, 2. zipline and rappelling in monteverde.

Zipline is an excellent way to see the rain forest from vantage points that are otherwise unavailable. Even more panoramic and scenic is the view from a hammock bridge stretching across a long expanse of the jungle.

This set of ziplines and the 15 meter vertical rappel line that follows are considered medium difficulty, so anybody can participate without being uncomfortable. The guides and equipment are top notch, as Monteverde has long been an adventure traveler destination.

3. Sarapiqui River Sightseeing Cruise and Zipline Canopy Tour from San Jose

After your hotel pickup in the morning you will be taken to Puerto Viejo de Sarapiqui for a full day of adventure of a river boat ride and zip lining through the rainforest canopy. On the 2 hour boat ride you will see colorful toucans, howler monkeys, sloths and crocodiles.

After the boat ride you have your choice of a horseback ride or a zip line tour of the canopy. Here you will get a birds eye perspective of the rainforest as you soar from platform to platform.

 4. San Jose Zipline Canopy Tour

On this half day tour from San Jose, see the best of Costa Rica on the jungle canopy zipline adventure. You will take a short hike into the rainforest to the first platform where you will suit up.

Then you will soar through the jungle canopy from platform to platform enjoying views of waterfalls, exotic birds and lush vegetation. After your zip line adventure, enjoy lunch before heading back to your hotel.

5. Ziplining and Whitewater Rafting Combo Tour from La Fortuna

Here you will combine two things two things Costa Rica is famous for: zip lining and white water rafting. Start out with a zip line adventure where you will soar through the air for almost 2 miles at almost 40 MPH!

Then move on to white water rafting on the Balsa River. Experience some challenging rapids combined with a scenic tour of the jungle. This tour combines adventure along with seeing jungle wildlife like monkeys, sloths and many tropical birds including toucans.

Zipline and Canopy Tours in Costa Rica

In this guide you will learn: • Why people love to go on canopy tours in Costa Rica • Some places where you can find interesting and unique sights • What times of year are best for you to go • Some background information on ziplining • A selection of handy tips about enjoying canopy tours in Costa Rica

Why Should You Go on a Zipline or Canopy Tour in Costa Rica?

With increases in global tourism, zipline canopy tours are now available on five continents, but the revolutionary idea to see interesting locations through this particularly unusual and unique viewpoint all began in the 1970s in Costa Rica.

Because canopy tours were pioneered there, today Costa Rica offers a huge variety of sites in different kinds of location that can offer you a monkey’s eye view of the world.

This is a country where you can stand on thick branches 100 feet above the ground and gaze down at the surrounding lush tropical jungle. Alternatively, you can zipline around one of the world’s most active volcanoes, or take a tour where you zipline in front of 11 beautiful waterfalls.

The name Costa Rica can be translated as “rich coast”, and this small nation truly is rich in magnificent vistas. Where else could you gaze out over both the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea on the same holiday?

And why not do that from high up in the canopy? But it’s the lush flora and exotic fauna that draws many tourists.

Costa Rica contains 5% of the world’s biodiversity. A whole quarter of the country is designated as a protected forest or forms a nature reserve.

Fifty-two unique and beautiful species of hummingbird hover around the flowers, and 500 kinds of orchid and many endangered bird species may be found around the Monteverde cloud forest.

Canopy tours are the best method to experience this magnificent world, because in rain forests 50% of plant species grow in the highest branches of trees, and the habitats of 90% of the animals in Costa Rica are found within the forests’ canopies.

Zipline tours are so well established in this country that you will find experienced and knowledgeable bilingual guides at all the fascinating locations where canopy tours have been organized.

Of course, not everybody wants the exhilarating adrenaline rush of a speedy zipline. That’s why there are also aerial trams to take people on tours where they just have to stand still and also hiking tours that include hanging bridges high up in the canopy in many beautiful locations.

Almost anybody, whatever their physical condition or age, can enjoy a canopy tour.

And canopy tours are not the only reason you might want to visit Costa Rica. This tiny nation has developed a well-deserved reputation for being the happiest country in the world.

The lifestyle is so great there that the life expectancy of 79 years is the highest in Central America. And the population are so peace loving that not only is the United Nations University for Peace based there, but they don’t even have a standing army.

While you are there, you might like to try your hand at some of the other wonderful activities many tourists enjoy, such as mountain climbing, swimming, surfing, hiking, and horse riding.

A great way of trying zip lining is combining it with a yoga retreat !

With its tropical climate, Costa Rica offers great weather for surfing or swimming. The sea is around 78 degrees fahrenheit time of year! And there are locations with suitable waves for surfing all year long.

The many forests, mountains, and volcanoes make great places to hike, and many canopy tours combine hiking with ziplining. The two long coastlines provide excellent beaches for riding a horse along and enjoying beautiful sunsets.

Where to Go On Canopy Tours In Costa Rica

There are literally hundreds of places you can go ziplining in Costa Rica, and many of them feature magical landscapes with unique flora and fauna. To whet your appetite for adventure, here are a few details about four great places you can consider visiting while you are there.

The Arenal Reserve in the northern province of Alajuela is fascinating not only because of the pristine rain forest but also the fact that this is the location of the Arenal Volcano, one of the world’s most active in recent years.

If you ever had to draw a diagram of a volcano in school, a perfect cone with a hole on top, then that’s exactly what this marvel of the natural world looks like.

A zipline tour at the Arenal Reserve begins with an aerial tram ride through the forest canopy to a starting platform elevated high above the ground. Aerial trams transport you safely and in comfort inside a covered cab.

From that first platform, you use ziplines to glide you through the canopy from platform to platform, enjoying the scenery from a monkey’s viewpoint as you descend through the trees. This tour allows you a unique view of the Arenal Volcano from the very top of the surrounding forest’s canopy.

If you feel like a slower paced view of the Arenal Reserve, then there are 15 suspension bridges built within the canopy. Some reach as high as 200 feet above the ground. You may walk from treetop to treetop to obtain a bird’s eye view of the forest.

This allows you to take in the many wonderful views at the speed you choose, and you can linger at your favorite places if you so wish. This enthralling walk ends at the Arenal hot springs, where waters heated by the magma laying not far beneath your feet can be used to relax your sore muscles after your long hike.

In the northwestern province of Guanacaste, on the Pacific Coast, you’ll find the Diamante Superman Canopy Zipline. If you’ve ever watched the movie Divergent, you’ll understand what I mean.

The ziplines on this tour are similar to the one Tris uses to fly through that half-ruined building as she flies down from the Sears Tower (Willis Tower) in a post-apocalyptic Chicago. Yes, you fly everywhere head first, just like Super Girl, hence the name of the tour.

The ziplines here fly you across the tropical forest, and allow you views of both the Pacific Ocean and the mountains.

In the Central Highlands of Costa Rica you can find the famous cloud forests. These are lush forests in high elevations that seem to float in the clouds. Seeing these, you might be reminded of the Hallelujah Mountains in James Cameron’s movie Avatar.

Because they are cooler than the tropical rain forests found at lower elevations, these forests offer a rich palette of biodiversity that differs significantly from that seen in other areas of Costa Rica.

In San Luis there are a series of 12 ziplines that can whisk you across a beautiful river landscape within the cloud forest. Nearby, the Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve is deservedly famed for its lush flora. National Geographic Magazine once called this reserve “the jewel in the crown of cloud forests”.

A visit to any of the cloud forests is an opportunity to cool down from the tropical heat of lower laying rain forests. If you are accompanied by a bilingual guide who is knowledgeable about the unique flora and fauna of this location, you will take home many memories that will last a lifetime.

Further south, near the town of Tajo Alto you can find the Vista Golfo Adventure Park where what is claimed to be the longest zipline tour in Costa Rica can glide you along 25 ziplines through the rain forest canopy and across the front of no less than 11 gorgeous waterfalls.

On this tour, you also have the invigorating option to go swimming in a mountain spring fed pool.

There are many, many more wonderful places where you can zipline in Costa Rica. Click on this button for details on all of the zipline tours in Costa Rica.

When to Go On Canopy Tours In Costa Rica

The peak tourist season in Costa Rica is from December to April. That’s when the country experiences its “dry” season. From May to November, Costa Rica sees heavy rainfall. Often, hotel prices and airfares are cheaper during this “green” season.

The plants and animals are there whether it’s raining or not, so the rain might not be a problem for you. However, be aware that some tourist sites may be closed during the green season, and visibility may be poor in the rain.

In spite of this, you will find that many, if not all, ziplining adventures still operate right through the green season. The green season is when many plants exhibit interesting periods of their growth cycle, so you might find them more interesting at that time.

Also, those 11 waterfalls near Alto Rico will most certainly be much more dramatic and impressive when it’s been raining a lot.

Check with our tour operator to ensure that all the sites you want to visit are open at the time you wish to visit. If you have particular events you’d like to experience, like the turtle eggs hatching on the Pacific Coast beaches, ask the experts when the best time is for you to go there and exactly where you can find what you most want to see.

Ziplining 101

Ziplining has a long history. Historically, Ziplines have found practical use as a means of crossing natural barriers, such as gullies or rivers, in places where building a bridge was not economically viable.

Also, they have been used by people who must work in high locations, such as steeplejacks or roofers, for rapid descent to ground level. However, in recent decades ziplines have become increasingly more popular as both items of playground equipment and as part of adventure obstacle courses.

In the 1970s, someone in Costa Rica realized that using a zipline would be a great way of exploring the otherwise inaccessible rain forest canopy. This idea led to the creation of many fascinating canopy tours around the country.

In its simplest form, a zipline comprises of a stainless steel cable mounted between two solid and sturdy objects on a slope, and a pulley suspended from that cable. A person holding or attached to that pulley may then slide from the higher object to the lower powered only by gravity.

More complex ziplines use a “trolley”, which is a frame holding two or more pulleys. This allows the weight of the passenger to be spread over more than one point on the cable, reducing cable wear and increasing the security of the harness and overall safety.

Ziplines on canopy tours are often operated at higher speeds than the small ziplines close to the ground in playgrounds. They also tend to be much higher above the ground and run over a longer distance. For these reasons, users will probably be required to wear a safety helmet while on the tour. Passengers are firmly attached to the trolley by a harness, which sometimes will hold them like a baby carried by a stork, but sometimes will allow them to fly through the air like Super Girl, suspended horizontally with their chest pointed downward.

Around Costa Rica, you will find several very long and very high ziplines, maybe as long as 1,000 feet and as high as 30 feet. With longer cables, some sag will be obvious. This is not something to be concerned about. The tension of cables may be adjusted to obtain an optimum quality of ride.

Given that you’ll be hurtling along a cable at up to 50 mph and whizzing past thick tree trunks, you may harbor some concern about how you will stop. Don’t worry. All ziplines have some means of stopping built-in.

The breaking system you’ll most likely come across is powered by gravity. A gravity stop makes use of that sag mentioned earlier. Once the trolley passes the bottom of the sag, its belly, then you will be gliding up rather than down.

At that point, gravity will work to slow you down. The termination point, where you must get off, will be placed somewhere where the natural deceleration caused by gravity means you arrive at a comfortable speed to stop.

Helpful Tips When Ziplining in Costa Rica

Be careful to read through all the literature provided by your tour company, especially for any health requirements and things you are recommended to take along with you for the particular sites you are going to visit, as well as for any visit to Costa Rica.

Here are a few important facts that you might need to know:

• Some ziplines have a maximum weight limit, for example 280 lbs on the ziplines at Tajo Alto. • For more demanding tours, you are also expected to be in relatively good physical condition, with at least average mobility in your arms and legs. Some tours may even include such activities as abseiling or mountain climbing along the route, so please do make sure you know what you are signing up for and make sure that it is exactly what you want. • Sometimes there are also rules on what clothing you may wear on ziplines for safety reasons, so flip flops and other kinds of sandal, for example, will not be allowed. • When you turn up at some tours you’ll find that they require a minimum number of people to operate the tour because they will have to send a guide along. • Research each location a little before going, and you’ll get a lot more out of your visit!

One final but important note. Given that Costa Rica is a tropical country, there are a lot of insects, and up above the canopy, you will have little shade. Please do remember to take along a bug spray and some suitable sun protection, especially if you have fair skin or are allergic to insect stings. What now?

Costa Rica is one of the best places in the world to observe the magic of Mother Nature up close, and you can’t get closer than flying through the canopy on a zipline.

If you love the thrill of ziplining, and you enjoy seeing exotic plants and animals in their natural habitat, then you won’t find a better country than Costa Rica to indulge in your passions.

For that reason, I strongly advise you book a canopy tour holiday in Costa Rica right now.

Also, see these Costa Rica tour reviews:

  • The Top 15 Things to do in Costa Rica
  • Kayaking and Paddleboarding
  • Whitewater Rafting  
  • Horseback Riding

Tour Guides

The Zipline Tour from Jaco with 25 Cables Over 11 Waterfalls is our top pick for the best zip line tour

Richard Moore

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Costa Rica Experts

9 Best Costa Rica Zip Line & Canopy Tours

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Home » Things to do » 9 Best Costa Rica Zip Line & Canopy Tours

Ever wondered what it is a monkey finds so fascinating about the forest canopy? Costa Rica is a pioneer in canopy exploration, where thick branches serve as platforms for the adventurous traveler, more than 100 feet above the jungle floor. If you’re wondering why you’d want to head to the top of a tree just to look around, remember that 90% of Costa Rica animals and 50% of plant species in rainforests live in the upper levels of the trees. When you explore that far off the ground, the view is something you’ll never forget! A Costa Rica zip line tour, hanging bridges hike, or aerial tram tour are all fantastic ways to take advantage of Costa Rica’s stunning forest canopy views.

Almost anyone of any age and physical condition can enjoy a Costa Rica zip line adventure as it is not strenuous. Secured into a harness and attached to a sturdy cable, you will have the opportunity to fly through the rainforest canopy and experience a bird’s eye view of the lively forest below. A Costa Rica zip line is about a five hour adventure that operates rain or shine all year and is led by bilingual guides. For the non-adrenaline junkie, the aerial tram can take you through the rainforest in comfort and safety. Prefer to linger? Hanging bridges offer panoramic views for acres, and an experienced guide will be happy to point out a variety of birds and animals.

Our Experts highly recommend: the canopy zip line at Arenal Volcano for stunning volcano views.

Arenal Reserve: Aerial Tram & Canopy Zipline

A Costa Rica zip line adventure generally involves taking an aerial tram up into the forest canopy to an elevated platform overlooking the forest floor. Enjoy a bird’s eye view as a modern aerial tram takes you through the rainforest in the comfort and safety of an enclosed cab. Once up on the first platform, you click your harness into a pulley and glide across the cable to the next platform, enjoying the scenery from a bird’s point of view.


It’s one of the most popular destinations to visit in Costa Rica, but sharing the view of the Arenal Volcano with the birds from afar on a zipline or aerial tram is a truly incredible experience. The sheer physical magnitude of the volcano—one of the world’s most active until its eruptive cycle ceased in 2010—is uniquely visible in the context of its surrounding rainforest only from above the trees.

Add this tour to our  Family Eco Safari itinerary!

Diamante Superman Canopy Zip Line

9 Best Costa Rica Zip Line & Canopy Tours

Many who’ve visited Guanacaste would be quick to tell you that this region’s tropical dry forests, and the wildlife that inhabit them, are best experienced from above. The Diamante Superman zipline is no exception. Fly above the tree tops, mountains and gorgeous Guanacaste coast line on this thrilling aerial adventure.

Jaco Canopy Zipline Tour

For more advanced zipliners or adventurous first-timers, the Jaco  zipline tour is a true thrill—the speeds reached are higher than those during a regular beginner’s zipline tour. But the speed is not the only draw; views of a waterfall, birds, monkeys, and the enormous Jaco Beach make this zipline tour one of the best.

Jaco Rainforest Aerial Tram


Learn about Costa Rica’s nature and wildlife directly from the forest canopy. On the Jaco  Rainforest Aerial Tram tour, guests sit comfortably in an open-air aerial tram that glides over the top of the forest canopy, and listen to a professional naturalist guide’s explanation of the flora and fauna below.

Manuel Antonio Canopy Safari Zip Line

The oldest established canopy tour in the southern zone of Costa Rica, the Manuel Antonio Canopy Safari Zip Line Tour is run by a team that’s well-versed in giving visitors one of the best experiences of ziplining Costa Rica. Aside from the ziplining, they also have rappelling lines, a suspension bridge, and an incredibly fun “Tarzan swing.” It also serves as a wildlife sanctuary with its butterfly farm, serpentarium, and fishing pond!

Add this tour to our  Rainforest Adventure   itinerary!

Monteverde Sky Aerial Tram & Zipline


The major draw of the ziplining and/or aerial tram tour in Monteverde is the plants and animals of the region, and the ability that the tour grants to see them from above. The climate of this famous cloud forest has resulted in it being an extremely diverse biome, home to over 100 species of mammals, over 400 species of birds, thousands of insect species, and about 2500 species of plants. Monteverde also contains the largest number of orchids in the world.

Add this tour to our  Active Costa Rica Adventure   itinerary!

San Luis Canopy Tour

For those in Costa Rica’s Central Valley region, the cloud forest canopy seems as if it were designed for ziplining. Thrill-seekers can ride 12 different lines between 18 separate platforms and will zip across a gorgeous river landscape a total of four exhilarating times.

Add this tour to our  Tropical Honeymoon vacation package !

Arenal Hanging Bridges Hike & Hot Springs Tour

9 Best Costa Rica Zip Line & Canopy Tours

If you’re looking for a mixed bag of activities for your day in Arenal , this one’s for you. Walk across a series of suspended bridges that link the treetops for a panoramic view of acres of reserve. Your guide will help you spot lush vegetation and a variety of birds and animals. The day begins with a guided tour of the Arenal Hanging Bridges, full of otherwise unreachable views of the Arenal Volcano. You will traverse over 1.5 miles across 15 suspension bridges, reaching heights of over 200 ft.  Your day concludes at the Arenal hot springs where you can relax sore muscles from the morning hike.

Hacienda Pozo Azul Canopy Zipline and Horseback Ride

From the cloud forest , ride on horseback along the Sarapiqui River until you reach the first platform. With 12 cables running between 17 platforms reaching heights of up to 90 feet in the air, zipliners who run the whole course will traverse a large canyon several times, experiencing remarkable open views.

Add this tour to your Family Classic Vacation   itinerary!

Costa Rica Ziplining & Canopy Tour FAQs:

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Barrio La California, Calles 27 & 29, Ave 2, Ed #2798 Oficina #8 San Jose, Costa Rica 10104


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Aventura Monteverde

  • Most Popular!

Monteverde Zip Line Canopy Tour

Fly through the Cloudforest by Zipline and Tarzan Swing

Quick Details

  • User Ages: 6 years & Up
  • Hour Glass Duration: 2 hours
  • Bus Transportation: Not included

Clock Tour times: 8 a.m., 11 a.m and 2 p.m. (every day)

Checkmark 9 regular ziplines, 2 superman ziplines, 1 hammock bridge, 1 rappel, 1 mega Tarzan swing

Info Longest zipline in the Costa Rica – over 5220 feet (1590 meters – almost 1 mile)!

** Minors between the ages of 6 and 17 can only participate in the activity in the company of an adult.

Non-Residents | Ages 13+

Non-residents | ages 6-12, costa rican residents, warning | must present a costarican id upon arrival to receive discount, a must-do monteverde zip line tour.

Book our most popular Costa Rican adventure tour and enjoy a fantastic day of zip lining, hanging bridges, and riding a giant swing in our beautiful cloudforest setting. This three-hour canopy tour in Monteverde is a must-do!

Enjoy a unique perspective of the forest as you glide over the beautiful Costa Rican landscape. You just can’t beat these views! While the nine standard zip lines are sure to amaze you, the real thrill comes from two superman zip lines, including the longest zip line in Costa Rica ! Swing like Tarzan on a mega swing, float down a rappel and keep your balance on a hammock bridge.

The adventure is what you make it! Book your Costa Rica zip line tour online today!

Restrictions & Details:

  • The use of closed-toe shoes is mandatory, such as walking shoes or tennis sneakers. Sandals or any footwear with openings are not allowed..
  • Minors between the ages of 6 and 17 can only participate in the activity in the company of an adult.
  • Children under six years old cannot participate in the canopy tour, no exceptions.
  • The maximum weight for a person to participate in the canopy tour is 240 pounds and it is necessary that the harness fits properly, according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  • The maximum weight for a person to participate in the Superman, Rappel and Tarzan Swing activities is 220 pounds and it is necessary that the harness fits properly, according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Tour Includes:

  • 9 regular zip lines
  • 2 superman zip lines (includes the longest zip line in Costa Rica – 5220 ft. or 1590 m)
  • 1 hammock bridge
  • 1 mega Tarzan swing

Cancellation Policy:

Reasons why the tour can be cancelled:

  • Very heavy rain.
  • Electrical storm present less than 10 miles away.
  • Winds greater than 56 miles per hour.

Related Tours

  • User 4 Years & Up
  • Hour Glass 2 hours
  • Bus Not included

Monteverde Hanging Bridge Tour

Join our naturalist guide for a two-hour guided tour in the treetops and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the cloud forest from above!

zipline tour costa rica

  • All-Day Pack
  • Black Diamond
  • Diamond Pack
  • Emerald Pack
  • Platinum Pack
  • Silver Pack
  • Bronze Pack
  • Wooden Pack
  • Canopy Tour
  • Treetop Suspension Bridges
  • Natural History Walks
  • Butterfly Garden
  • Reptile and Amphibian Exhibition
  • Selvatura Sloth Habitat

Selvatura’s ultimate cloud forest adventure

Ourfor unique zipline is built entirely within the cloud forest allowing intrepid visitors to soar through the forest canopy at exciting speeds. This state-of-the-art course of suspended high-weight-capacity cables zig-zag among the treetops with sweeping views of the forest and beyond providing thrill-seekers the ride of their lives.

With specialized climbing gear, your flight through the forest is truly a breathtaking experience. It also provides a unique vantage point of the cloud forest that was once reserved for birds and scientists.  It is now available for all ages with few restrictions including pregnancy and excessive weight.

With 13 cables, including a 1 km cable, 15 platforms, and one Tarzan Swing, this means you will be soaring through the cloud forest canopy for a total of 2.2 miles of pure fun. This tour includes some special add-ons including the optional Tarzan Swing for some additional adrenaline.

Upgrade your zipline experience with the famous Superman-style on the last cable. A small price to pay for the unforgettable opportunity to literally fly like a superhero. It´s not a bird or a plane, it could be you in a special harness flying horizontally through the cloud forest.  This is exclusive to Selvatura Adventure Park and a super favorite!

Join the Selvatura club of adventure seekers on Costa Rica´s most popular experiences and soar high!

zipline tour costa rica

  • Schedule: Daily 365 days of the year, 8:30 am, 11:00 am, 1:00 pm.
  • Duration: This tour takes approximately 1 hour to 1 hour and 30 minutes.
  • Rates: • Adults: $69.00 + tax and fees • Students under 18: $62.00 + tax and fees • Children (4-12): $48.00 + tax and fees • Locals(all ages): $62.00 + tax and fees • Reservation charges may apply* • SUPERMAN (Complement to the Canopy Tour): $12 flat rate* + tax and fees
  • What to bring? Long pants, hiking boots, rain gear (if weather requires).

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations must be made in writing and sent to [email protected] Cancellations made 72 hours or more prior to the tour start time will be refunded 100%. Cancellations made within 72 hours prior to the tour start time and no-shows are non-refundable. Children between 4 to 12 years old, can participate in all tours. Infants under 4 are free (but can not do the canopy tour).

zipline tour costa rica

The official booking site

Costa Ricas only zipline with a volcano and lake view

Sky adventures ziplines.

Get your heart pounding by taking a zipline ride through the Costa Rican forest canopy; whizz along cables slung between canyons, admire unique and breathtaking views of the Arenal volcano and lake, fly over and in between trees to feel an adrenaline rush like no other.

Unmatched Adrenaline Zipline Experience

Gear up for the ultimate zipline experience at Sky Adventures Arenal! Your journey begins with a scenic tram ride, offering aerial views as you ascend the mountain. At the top, you’ll reach an exclusive viewpoint featuring the iconic “Hand of Arenal” sculpture, set against the stunning backdrop of Arenal Lake—a must-capture photo moment for anyone visiting La Fortuna.

Next, it’s time to let loose on our ziplines, where you’ll zip from peak to peak. Glide along seven high-flying cables, with the longest reaching over 750 meters (over 2,460 feet!) and the highest at 200 meters, all at thrilling speeds of up to 70 km/h.

Experience pure adrenaline paired with breathtaking views, giving you a VIP pass to the majestic mountains, the awe-inspiring Arenal Volcano, and the picturesque Arenal Lake. This is the adventure of a lifetime, and it’s only here, waiting for you to dive in!

Get discounted rates when booking packages with ziplines

Sky adventures zipline tour highlights.

zipline tour costa rica

Safety Oriented Experience

We take extra measures with safety: exclusive designed cables, top of the line equipment, certified activity, use of platforms not trees, and more. You’ll be safe.

zipline tour costa rica

No Hands On Cable

A safer, and much more enjoyable practice is to have hands on the pulley. We want you to enjoy the adrenaline and the views, simply enjoy the ride.

zipline tour costa rica

A Magnificent Ride

More than 800m (2600ft) of our magnificent aerial tramway up the glorious mountains of Arenal. Enjoy the best views, appreciate true nature.

zipline tour costa rica

The Best Breaking Systems

Professional certified braking systems, with a main system and a backup one; we’ll take care of the hard work, live this extraordinary moment at fullest.

zipline tour costa rica

The Best Views

Zipline from mountain to mountain and don’t forget to look around, the views are simply breathtaking. Enjoy panoramic views from the highest points.

zipline tour costa rica

NO walking distances, get off and jump on to the next cable. This tour is all about the adrenaline rush while flying over the mountains.

Zipline Tour Information

  • Restrictions

8:00am | 9:00am | 10:30am | 11:30am | 1:00pm | 2:00pm | 3:00pm

  • Maximum weight allowed: 136 kg (300 lb).
  • Maximum waist size to fit the harness: 117 cm (46 in).
  • Maximum leg loop size to fit the harness: 67 cm (26 in).
  • This is a high-intensity activity and is not suitable for individuals with health issues such as back, neck, bone, or muscle problems, surgeries within the past year, or heart conditions.
  • The minimum age required to participate in this tour is 5 years old, provided that the harness and other equipment can be properly adjusted.
  • Children under 10 years old may travel “alone on the ziplines” if the guide deems it appropriate. This decision will depend on the child’s weight and specific weather conditions at the time. Otherwise, it will be at the guide’s discretion to determine who will accompany the child on the cable.
  • Adolescents aged 14 to 17 can take the tour without the need for adult supervision, as long as a responsible adult signs the waiver before the activity.
  • Safety areas are provided on the platforms, and it is the responsibility of both the responsible adult and the guides to ensure that children remain within these designated areas.
  • The guide reserves the right to suspend the activity for children who appear visibly nervous and fearful.
  • Children’s rates apply for ages 5 to 12.
  • Check-in should be done 15 minutes before the scheduled tour start time.
  • Wear comfortable and light clothes, better if they are breathable.
  • Bring a jacket or raincoat, just in case a friendly rain comes by.
  • Wear hiking or tennis shoes, preferably something comfortable and enclosed.
  • Sunscreen is always recommended in this beautiful tropical country.
  • Insect repellent will be a good idea to have, specially (as locals will describe it) if you have ‘sweet’ skin.
  • Transportation is not included but available for an extra fee from most centrally located La Fortuna Hotels (no locations outside the La Fortuna area).

zipline tour costa rica

Book Packages With Ziplines

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Ziplines, Tram & Hanging Bridges

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Ziplines, Tram & Challenges

Zipline tour gallery.

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Not quite the adventure you were looking for?

Check all of our other amazing experiences! Book directly online and save! Book packaged adventures and save even more. Also remember to book ahead of time to secure your space on the desired schedules.

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Treetopia park monteverde, an unforgettable adventure in monteverde's cloud forest.

9R1A1176 (1)-Min

Ziplines + Challenge Course

r is e bey on d limits !

Discover an unmatched adventure with our Adventure-Mania package, a thrilling compilation of must-do activities that ensures a day filled with joy and excitement. Experience riding the TreeTram cableway to the summit, soaring through the cloud forest on SkyTrek ziplines, and putting your abilities and strength to the test in the Arboreal challenge course

Elevate yourself (literally) to new heights in this thrilling challenge course adventure, immersed in nature’s enchanting beauty.


Private Tour

Customer reviews.

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¡Aventúrese por encima de las montañas de Monteverde y supere sus límites! 🌳🍃✨

zipline tour costa rica

Mom-teverde: An Adventure for Mom!

From August 8 to September 1, Mom is our special guest and gets free entry to all activities purchased by her children or companions. Experience the thrill of reaching new heights together!

zipline tour costa rica

Diamante Eco Adventure Park

Eco-adventures, animal sanctuary, zipline & tours in guanacaste, costa rica.

  • Most Popular Pass!

Diamante Adventure Pass

Experience a day full of Costa Rica adventures! This pass allows you to experience the zip lining, the animal sanctuary, cultural experience, beach activities and buffet lunch. Book online!

  • Hour Glass Full Day
  • Users Ages 5+
  • Ticket Pass

Other Favorite Passes

  • Hour Glass 1.5 Hours

Superman Costa Rica Zipline Pass

Let’s go ziplining! Join us on Costa Rica’s only ocean view dual zipline! With this pass, enjoy ocean views and the most riding time in Guanacaste.

  • Hour Glass 2 hours
  • Users All ages

Costa Rica Wildlife Sanctuary

Come hang out with the largest variety of species in one location! This pass allows access to our wildlife sanctuary where you can hang out with rescued sloths, jaguars, and toucans, all at a safe distance!

Costa Rica Cultural Experience Tour

Learn about traditional Costa Rican culture including the production of cacao, coffee, and sugarcane. This pass gives you access to our Cultural Experience Tour AND the wildlife sanctuary.

The #1 Eco Park in Costa Rica

Located in Guanacaste, Costa Rica, Diamante’s oceanfront location offers the most exciting ziplining in Costa Rica featuring the longest dual-line in the country. Diamante’s Animal Sanctuary is one of the finest wildlife education centers in Costa Rica.

Diamante’s bilingual team is known for excellent customer service and raising awareness among visitors and locals about the importance of the protection of Costa Rica wildlife. Book your eco-adventure online today!

Located in Guanacaste, Costa Rica, Diamante’s oceanfront location offers the most exciting ziplining in Costa Rica featuring the longest dual-line in the country. Diamante’s Animal Sanctuary is one of the finest Wildlife Education Centers in Costa Rica.

Link Gallery

a close up of a bird

A Top-Rated Eco Adventure Park in Costa Rica!

Full day of fun.

I had an awesome time at Diamante. I bought the All Adventure Pass which was so worth it. Zip-lining was awesome and the staff is extremely efficient. I spent part of the day at the beach which is extremely chill and relaxing, with great views!

Adrian T • TripAdvisor


This place is incredible! Really organized, efficient, great staff, beautiful scenery. The ziplining was the best. The horseback riding was really pleasant, we went all the way down to the beach, which had a beautiful view. Highly recommend going!

Nicholas H • TripAdvisor


We loved our time at the animal sanctuary. The guides were very knowledgeable and it was cool to see so many amazing animals and reptiles up close! Definitely worth the opportunity to see animals you won’t see anywhere else.

Stephanie T • TripAdvisor


We had a phenomenal day! The cultural experience was awesome – making coffee and chocolate! Don’t skip this part of the park. The ticket included lunch, which was delicious. It was truly worth every penny, I highly recommend it!

Julia O • TripAdvisor


Great experience and enjoyed learning from the very knowledgable staff. Huge variety of animals to see in wonderful habitats. easy to walk about and guide yourself around the park. definitely a place we will like to revisit.

ke6drn • TripAdvisor


We had a great time at the Zipline Excursions. The zipline operators were extremely friendly & hard working & made sure that a good time was had by all! The Superman Zipline part is probably a once in a lifetime experience that can’t be beat!

A2daJ • TripAdvisor


The park was beautiful and well-maintained. The animal habitats were clean and beautiful as well. The staff was always around and happy to answer questions. We had such a great time and highly suggest going!

Robin M • TripAdvisor

Follow Us on TikTok!

@diamanteadventure, our partners.


Costa Rica Zip LINE Canopy tour

Canopy tour over 11 waterfalls.

The natural beauty of Costa Rica doesn’t need any introduction. From exotic rain forests and mesmerizing waterfalls to breathtaking mountains, the country offers an endless potential for nature enthusiasts wanting to roam wild. Now, imagine discovering all these wonders in a single tour. What if you could combine the thrill of different nature-filled activities and make your trip to Costa Rica truly unforgettable?

Introducing a Waterfall Zipline Tour in Costa Rica – A One-of-a-kind Journey Where Every Moment Feeds Your Wanderlust

If you want to get the most out of your stay in Costa Rica, our all-inclusive zipline tour is here to provide you with thrilling excitement like none other. Passing over 11 heavenly waterfalls, each giving you a renewed sense of energy, this canopy tour is all you need to strengthen your connection with nature. It’s time to embrace the Costa Rican outdoors and recharge like never before. Book Now with a 25% Prepayment

What’s Included in the Journey?

It’s not your average zipline tour in Costa Rica where you just soar through the sky. During 3 hours of journey, you’ll feel a whirlwind of emotions at every turn. As you glide past the air, you’ll see lush valleys, splendid canyons, and majestic waterfalls passing beneath you. And it’s not just about observing the stunning views from above –you’ll also be able to capture photos, enjoy and experience 1 easy rappelling (you will be connected to the zip line cable and please avoid touching the cliffs) –all in the same tour.

Costa rica zip line 11 Waterfalls zipline tour

Start of the Tour

Your journey will begin from Adventure Park and Hotel Vista Golfo. You feel a mix of excitement as you step onto the platform surrounded by a lush green canopy of tropical forest. You double-check your harnesses and say a final goodbye to your friends before flying in the air.

Feel the Magic of Waterfalls

You’re fully immersed in flying when you suddenly hear the sound of cascading water. It grows louder with each passing moment, and you wonder what’s coming ahead. And in just a few moments, you reach over a spectacular waterfall that is flowing in all its glory. This scene etches in your memory, and you wish you never leave this place.

Our Amazing Zip Line Tour over Waterfalls in Costa Rica – an exciting experience you will never forget

Take flight through canyons.

You never want to stop watching the waterfall, but the scenes ahead make you forget what you’ve just witnessed. In a few moments, you’re gliding through a canyon where sheer rock walls on both sides dazzle your eyes. The vastness and grandeur of the landscape make you question your existence.

Find Freedom in Nature and Peaks

You see magnanimous Costa Rican mountains meeting the sky as you go from one zipline spot to another. While navigating the twists and turns, you capture the beauty of indigenous plants, birds, animals, and ecosystems that are not to be found anywhere on the continent.


Immerse in the Spectacle of 11 Waterfalls

During the canopy tour in Costa Rica, you won’t just go over a single waterfall. Instead, there will be 11 waterfalls, each offering mesmerizing views. The roar of water, rustling of leaves, and chirping of birds all combine together to create a truly immersive experience.

Once you’ve experienced all the fantastic activities , we’ll welcome you back to our pristine, high-standard hotel. In the Restaurant El Tucan from the Adventure Park you’ll be able to have a delicious lunch while soaking in the awe-inspiring views over the Gulf of Nicoya. It’ll sure to make you leave all your fatigue behind.

Explore depths of the jungle while canopying in Costa Rica

Safety before anything else.

Your safety and peace of mind are everything to us. That’s why we have cultivated highly-trained guides who stay with you every step of the way. We provide a comprehensive briefing on body position, braking methods, gear usage, and launching/lading areas so you can enjoy your ride without any risks. We also take pride in our innovative brake system that is being used in several entertainment facilities. Our regular inspection of pulleys, cables, and harnesses ensures that everything works with perfection. For us, giving you a safe, enjoyable tour experience isn’t a job –it’s a commitment we go above and beyond to fulfill.

Weight Load and Health Restrictions

  • You definitely don’t want to face a situation where the weight load spoils your entire day. The zipline equipment can accommodate 260 pounds, and anything more than that would create problems.
  • Similarly, this tour isn’t for you if you’re:
  •  Prone to motion sickness
  •  A pregnant woman
  •  Having mobility issues
  •  Suffering from back or neck problems
  •  Having heart or respiratory issues
  •  Afraid of heights
  • Remember, you’ve come a long way to make memories, and you can only enjoy it to the fullest if you’re healthy and physically fit.

rappel over waterfalls

Are you still worried about safety during this adventure? Leave it to us. Thousands of tourists from all over the world come to our park on exhilarating holiday under the tutelage of our guides who have been conducting these tours in Costa Rica for more than a decade. They are fully capable of ensuring safety at every turn of your adventure.


Shore Excursion from Caldera and Puntarenas Port

Are you staying in the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica and want to take your joy up a notch?

We offer the same zipline tour in Costa Rica from Caldera Port and Puntarenas for people looking to make lasting memories. You’ll get everything described above and more!

During this shore excursion, you’ll:

  • Have the opportunity to swim in crystal-clear natural pools  
  • Enjoy ziplining tour over 11 waterfalls
  • Enjoy easy rappelling and suspended bridge activities
  • Have lunch at our restaurant while getting breathtaking views over the Gulf of Nicoya

How Much Does the Canopy Tour in Costa Rica Cost?

This full-of-excitement Zipline tour only costs for an Adult $89 per person for kids $79 6-17 Years old.

Here, it is important to note that certain activities require you to pay some extra amount.

For example:

  • Transportation charges will be separate if you want us to bring you to our park
  • For an additional Superman flight, you have to pay $15 per person
  • For an additional Monkey Visit, you have to pay $15 per person.

We’ve also created all-inclusive packages that help you enjoy the stay, hotel, food, and several other activities, along with zipline tour.

Golden package.

  • Our golden package promises an incredible experience like no other. Feel the rush as you soar through the air on a zip line and glide effortlessly over breathtaking waterfalls. You can also challenge yourself on our suspended bridges to test your balance and agility. In case you want to get your heart pumping, rappel down cliffs and conquer new heights with each descent. For added fun, explore our mind-bending labyrinth, where twists and turns await around every corner. And make sure you stick around for the mesmerizing sundown after hiking along scenic trails with awe-inspiring mountain views, a magical moment that will leave you speechless.
  • Check-in is open from 3:00 PM till sunset
  • 1 Overnight stay
  • Tour over 11 waterfalls at 9:00 AM
  • Check-out at 12:00 PM or after the tour.

zipline tour costa rica

Platinum Package

zipline tour costa rica

Take excitement to new heights with our platinum package for zip line tour Costa Rica . It provides an adventure-packed experience that includes a thrilling zip line tour, soaring over 11 magnificent waterfalls, heart pounding high ropes tour that includes over 17 thrilling elements, an exciting ride on four cable zip line offering panoramic views, and a Tarzan swing to test your balance, strength, and courage.

  • Check-in at 3:00 PM
  • Dinner
  • 2 Overnight stay
  • Typical Costa Rican Lunch
  • Tour at 9:00 AM 1. day 11 Waterfall Canoy tour, High rope course.

Looking forward to coming to Costa Rica on holiday? We can make all the arrangements for your stay with us . We are close to the airports, most popular beaches and, of course, our Adventure Park where you can enjoy the unique zip-line tour over 11 waterfalls, the high ropes course, and more. We can also make the airport pickup, hotel-hotel, or hotel-airport arrangements for you. So, we are here to take care of everything you may face with. Feel free to ask us for a quote for our amazing Mountain hotel and find out the cost of zip line tours in Costa Rica .


  • Our Contacts
  • Real Estate
  • Return Policy
  • Transportation
  • Terms of service

Tajo Alto 150, Miramar, Puntarenas, 60401 Costa Rica

Costa rica:  +(506) 2639-8303, usa:  +(506) 8471-9117 ,  +(506) 8382-3312.

El Santuario Canopy Adventure


Quick details.

  • Users Ages: 4+ years
  • Clock Duration: 4.5 hours

Price shown after selecting date and time

Seasonal prices shown after pressing book now, the longest zip line experience in costa rica.

Your canopy adventure on the longest twin zip line in Costa Rica includes an awesome tour, a delicious Costa Rican lunch, photography for additional cost, bilingual guides (Spanish and English), and round-trip transportation from your hotel or villa in the Manuel Antonio or Quepos area to the El Santuario property.

The adventure tour features Central America’s most impressive zip line at over 4,300 feet (yes over 8/10 of a mile!), 14 tree platforms, five hanging bridges, three nature walks, one double belay rappel, and 10 double-anchored zip lines, totaling over 3.6 kilometers in length.

Our touchless system allows you to relax and enjoy the zip line ride and the magnificent views without the worry of hitting the breaks yourself at the end of the lines. Same adrenaline, more safety!

Book online in advance, save time, and your tour photos are included!  Don’t miss out on the longest zip line in Costa Rica!

  • Chevron down What makes El Santuario Canopy Adventure the best zip line and canopy experience in Costa Rica?


Creating an experience of a lifetime runs a close second! Our zip line adventure is one of the closest to Manuel Antonio National Park, and our price includes the longest twin zip lines in all of Costa Rica and Central America. Race your friends and family over the 4,300-foot lines high above the treetops while enjoying a beautiful view of the Pacific Ocean on the horizon!

Our suspension bridges, our unique airstairs, huge towers, and our over-sized tree platforms add to the experience. You come up close and personal with many of Costa Rica’s most famous trees. Prior to trying out our short practice line, you receive a short safety orientation from our bilingual guides. During the orientation, you learn about your safety equipment and the proper position for riding the lines.

Your high-quality safety equipment includes a helmet, gloves, eye protection if you don’t have your own, harness, and three lanyards with high-quality carabiners (one lanyard is attached to the pulley, one is a backup on the line, and third is your safety line, which securely attaches you to the platforms and bridges between lines). You also carry a small, lightweight aluminum triangle. This triangle is your handle when you are zipping on the lines. This handle allows you to comfortably ride the lines without spinning around or having to touch the lines while moving. This keeps your hands and fingers safe and protected.


Our proprietary brake system allows you to glide on our lines without worrying about how you will control your speed. This allows you to relax and enjoy the beautiful views while zipping above, below, and through the canopy. Our platforms, bridges, lines, anchors, and infrastructure have been built to exacting standards using the highest quality materials available.

Our lines, trees, towers, anchors, and equipment are inspected for safety and proper operation daily. Our metal platforms have been built to provide stability and safety for our guests as well as for the health and vitality of the trees. Great care has been taken during construction to care for the jungle and the precious trees.

Click here to see more results

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FOR YOU, FOR FREE: 17 years' worth of firsthand Costa Rica trip planning and travel advice compiled into hundreds of articles, plus exclusive discounts. Created by a Costa Rican and a four-time published Costa Rica guidebook author. Welcome, amigos, and as we say in Costa Rica, pura vida!

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Best Ziplines in Costa Rica: Comparing 6 in Arenal and Monteverde

Home » What To Do In Costa Rica » Ziplining (Canopy Tours) » Best Ziplines in Costa Rica: Comparing 6 in Arenal and Monteverde

Best Ziplines in Costa Rica: Comparing 6 in Arenal and Monteverde

Last updated on December 26th, 2023 at 07:05 pm

zipline tour costa rica

Written by Nikki Solano

Do you want to know our pick for the BEST ZIPLINE TOUR and the BEST ZIPLINE CABLE ? They are featured on DIY Costa Rica !

Want to save money in costa rica, our sister site, pura vida eh inc., has canopy zipline tour discounts. con mucho gusto (you’re welcome) and pura vida.

zipline tour costa rica

click on a photo in the gallery above for discount and tour information

Sky Adventures Monteverde

Have a question about ziplining in Costa Rica? We answer 20+ of the most popular Costa Rica ziplining questions and provide important information to know before you visit. Don’t miss our related blog post: Your Costa Rica Ziplining Questions Answered!

Get the Costa Rica info you need by browsing our article's TABLE OF CONTENTS:

The best ziplines in Costa Rica: Narrowing down the choices

Arenal and monteverde ziplines map, arenal sky adventures park, arenal mundo aventura ecological park, monteverde sky adventures park, selvatura park, monteverde extremo park, 100% aventura adventure park, zipline quantity, zipline length, zipline braking system, tours and self-guided access, restaurants, transportation, add-on experiences.

One of Costa Rica’s best qualities is its variety of adventures. You can experience active volcanoes, explore the rainforest, lounge on beautiful beaches, hike through national parks and cloud forests, soak in hot springs, and even experience the best ziplines in Costa Rica with only a short amount of time to spend in this tiny country. However, with variety comes choice, and choice can be a difficult thing, especially when each adventure is worth having.

Travelers like you often turn to us for assistance with their Costa Rica trip planning and there’s no activity we’re asked about more than ziplining. Ziplining (or “canopy tours”; see our related blog post Ziplining And Canopy Tours In Costa Rica: The Difference Between The Two for definitions of each) is one of Costa Rica’s most popular adventures. It can be experienced in just about every area of the country, but the best ziplines in Costa Rica are located in Arenal and Monteverde. The lush, green, natural settings that these two destinations provide make for magnificent canopy tour backdrops. Both Arenal and Monteverde are home to several zipline tour providers; in the true spirit of competition, each company argues its zipline tour is the best in Costa Rica.

Sorting through the various options, especially if you’re in search of the best Arenal canopy tour or the best Monteverde canopy tour, can be time consuming. But, we can help. Here’s what you should know about the top six zipline tour options located in the Arenal and Monteverde areas of Costa Rica:

  • The Sky Trek Canopy Tour run at the Arenal Sky Adventures Park
  • The Big AMA Canopy Tour run at the Arenal Mundo Aventura Ecological Park
  • The Sky Trek Canopy Tour run at the Monteverde Sky Adventures Park
  • The Canopy Tour run at the  Selvatura Park
  • The Canopy Tour run at the Monteverde Extremo Park
  • The Canopy Tour run at the 100% Aventura Adventure Park

We created the above map to showcase where each Arenal (La Fortuna) and Monteverde zipline attraction is located. Included on the map are the following sites (each of which we detail in this blog post):

  • Arenal Sky Adventures Park (marked by a tree icon)
  • Arenal Mundo Aventura Ecological Park (marked by a tree icon)
  • Monteverde Sky Adventures Park (marked by a tree icon)
  • Selvatura Park (marked by a tree icon)
  • Monteverde Extremo Park (marked by a tree icon)
  • 100% Aventura Adventure Park (marked by a tree icon)
Don’t miss our discounts for activities run at the Arenal Sky Adventures Park, including the Sky Trek Canopy Tour: Click here to access the FREE Arenal Sky Adventures Park discounts!

Are the best ziplines in Costa Rica part of the Sky Trek Canopy Tour (Ziplining) at the Arenal Sky Adventures Park?

The Arenal Sky Adventures Park is located just west of La Fortuna (an approximate twenty-five-minute drive from the town center), around the community known as El Castillo. The park’s on-site canopy ziplining tour, called the Sky Trek Canopy Tour , offers an approximate two-hour tour across a series of zipline cables. It is the only canopy ziplining tour in the La Fortuna/Arenal area to automatically include a complimentary aerial tram ride with purchase of the ziplining tour. The Sky Trek Canopy Tour may also be combined with Sky Adventures’ Sky Tram Aerial Tram Ride and/or the Sky Walk Hanging Bridges , two activities that also take place on-site at the Arenal Sky Adventures Park. To learn more about our experiences participating in the Sky Trek Canopy Tour at the Arenal Sky Adventures Park, don’t miss our related blog post Sky Adventures Arenal: Ziplining, Hanging Bridges, And Tram Rides In La Fortuna .

  • Number of cables: 10 zipline cables in total
  • Cable length span: 200 to 750 meters
  • Braking system utilized: automatic braking system
  • Guided tour option available? yes; see the  Sky Tram Aerial Tram Ride and Sky Trek Canopy Tour (La Fortuna/Arenal) option
  • Self-guided tour option available? no; it is not possible to participate in the tour without a guide
  • Night tour option available? no
  • Private tour option available? yes
  • Restaurant on-site? yes; breakfast and lunch served
  • Special features: the Sky Trek Canopy Tour includes a complimentary Sky Tram Aerial Tram Ride ; visitors may purchase a “Sky Picture” and/or a “Sky Movie” at the park as tour souvenirs
  • Minimum age for participation: 1.2 meters tall (Sky Adventures does not enforce a minimum age limit; instead they enforce a minimum height limit)
  • Transportation to/from La Fortuna/Arenal hotels available? yes; however Sky Adventures does not automatically include round-trip transportation in their tour rates (round-trip transportation may be added to any reservation for an extra fee)

Sky Adventures Arenal Park Map

View more free trail maps on our  Costa Rica maps Pinterest board .

Don’t miss our discounts for activities run at the Arenal Mundo Aventura Ecological Park, including the Big AMA Canopy Ziplining Tour: Click here to access the FREE Arenal Mundo Aventura Ecological Park discounts!

Are the best ziplines in Costa Rica part of the Big AMA Canopy Tour at the Arenal Mundo Aventura Ecological Park?

The Arenal Mundo Aventura Ecological Park is located an approximate five-minute drive south of downtown La Fortuna. The park’s on-site canopy ziplining tour, called the “ Big AMA Canopy Ziplining Tour, offers an approximate three-hour tour across a series of zipline cables and is the only canopy ziplining tour in La Fortuna/Arenal to include both a zipline over the La Fortuna Waterfall. It also provides a view of another waterfall, the Pino Blanco Waterfall, as well as a brief visit to the on-site Maleku Cultural Rescue Center. The Big AMA Canopy Ziplining Tour may also be combined with a Rappel Tour , which takes place on-site at the Arenal Mundo Aventura Ecological Park, or the park’s La Fortuna Waterfall Tour , which leads either a horseback riding or tractor tour from the park to the La Fortuna Waterfall. To learn more about our experiences participating in the Big AMA Canopy Ziplining Tour at the Arenal Mundo Aventura Ecological Park, don’t miss our related blog post Arenal Mundo Aventura: La Fortuna Canopy Ziplining Tour .

  • Number of cables: 12 zipline cables in total (Big AMA canopy ziplining tour option)
  • Cable length span: 200 to 800 meters
  • Braking system utilized: manual (hand) braking system
  • Guided tour option available? yes; see the Big AMA Canopy Ziplining Tour option
  • Restaurant on-site? yes; lunch served
  • Special features: the Big AMA Canopy Ziplining Tour includes a zipline over the La Fortuna Waterfall and a brief presentation performed at the park’s Maleku Cultural Rescue Center; tour participants may opt to participate in part of the tour via tractor ride or horseback ride; visitors may purchase a photo CD at the park as a tour souvenir
  • Minimum age for participation: at least seven years old, at least three feet ten inches tall, and at least fifty-one pounds to participate (the Arenal Mundo Aventura Ecological Park enforces minimum ages, height, and weight limits)
  • Transportation to/from La Fortuna/Arenal hotels available? yes; the Arenal Mundo Aventura Ecological Park automatically includes round-trip transportation in their tour rates

Arenal Mundo Aventura Ecological Park Map

Don’t miss our discounts for activities run at the Monteverde Sky Adventures Park, including the Sky Trek Canopy Tour: Click here to access the FREE Monteverde Sky Adventures Park discounts!

Are the best ziplines in Costa Rica part of the Sky Trek Canopy Tour at the Monteverde Sky Adventures Park?

The Monteverde Sky Adventures Park is located in of Costa Rica’s Monteverde region, an approximate ten-minute drive north of downtown Santa Elena. The park’s on-site canopy ziplining tour, called the Sky Trek Canopy Tour , offers an approximate two-hour tour across a series of zipline cables and includes a complimentary free-fall activity known as the Vertigo Drop . It is the only canopy ziplining tour in the Monteverde area to automatically include a complimentary aerial tram ride with purchase of the ziplining tour. The Sky Trek Canopy Tour may also be combined with Sky Adventures’ Sky Tram Aerial Tram Ride and/or the Sky Walk Hanging Bridges , two activities that also take place on-site at the Monteverde Sky Adventures Park. The park’s off-site herpetarium (which is located closer to downtown Santa Elena) provides a Herpetarium Tour which can also be combined with the park’s other adventure activities. To learn more about our experiences participating in the Sky Trek Canopy Tour at the Monteverde Sky Adventures Park, don’t miss our related blog post Sky Adventures Monteverde: Ziplining, Hanging Bridges, And Tram Rides In The Cloud Forest .

  • Cable length span: 100 to 750 meters
  • Guided tour option available? yes; see the  Sky Tram Aerial Tram Ride and Sky Trek Canopy Tour (Monteverde) option
  • Special features: the Sky Trek Canopy Tour includes a complimentary Sky Tram Aerial Tram Ride , a complimentary free-fall activity known as the Vertigo Drop , and a free tarzan swing (optional)
  • visitors may purchase a “Sky Picture” and/or a “Sky Movie” at the park as tour souvenirs
  • Transportation to/from Monteverde hotels available? yes; however Sky Adventures does not automatically include round-trip transportation in their tour rates (round-trip transportation may be added to any reservation for an extra fee)

Sky Adventures Monteverde Park Map

Are the best ziplines in Costa Rica part of the Canopy Ziplining Tour at the Selvatura Park?

The Selvatura Park is located in the Monteverde region, an approximate ten-minute drive north of downtown Santa Elena. The park’s on-site canopy ziplining tour, called the Canopy Ziplining Tour , offers an approximate two-hour tour across a series of zipline cables. The Canopy Ziplining Tour may also be combined with Selvatura’s Treetop Walkways Hanging Bridges Tour (Monteverde), a Herpetarium Tour (Monteverde), a Butterfly Garden Tour (Monteverde), and/or a Hummingbird Garden Visit (Monteverde), four activities that also take place on-site at the Selvatura Park. To learn more about our experiences participating in the Canopy Ziplining Tour at the Selvatura Park, don’t miss our related blog post Selvatura Monteverde: Ziplining, Hanging Bridges, Butterfly / Hummingbird Gardens, And A Reptile / Amphibian Exhibit In The Cloud Forest .

  • Number of cables: 15 zipline cables in total
  • Cable length span: 70 to 1000 meters
  • Braking system utilized: manual (hand) braking system
  • Guided tour option available? yes; see the Canopy Ziplining Tour  (Monteverde) option
  • Special features: the Canopy Ziplining Tour features a free tarzan swing (optional) and a superman cable (optional; charged at an extra cost); visitors may purchase a photo CD as a tour souvenir at the park
  • Minimum age for participation: at least four years old
  • Transportation to/from Monteverde hotels available? yes; Selvatura automatically includes round-trip transportation in their tour rates

Are the best ziplines in Costa Rica part of the Canopy Ziplining Tour at the Monteverde Extremo Park?

The Monteverde Extremo Park is located in the Monteverde region, an approximate fifteen-minute drive north of downtown Santa Elena. The on-site canopy ziplining tour, called the “ Canopy Ziplining Tour “, offers an approximate two-hour tour across a series of zipline cables. The Canopy Ziplining Tour may also be combined with Monteverde Extremo’s Super Swing  (Monteverde) and/or Bungee Jump (Monteverde), two activities that also take place on-site at the Monteverde Extremo Park.

  • Number of cables: 14 zipline cables in total
  • Cable length span: up to 685 meters
  • Guided tour option available? yes; see the Canopy Ziplining Tour option
  • Restaurant on-site? no
  • Special features: complimentary tarzan swing; complimentary rappel; complimentary superman cable; visitors may purchase a photo CD at the park as a tour souvenir
  • Minimum age for participation: at least five years old
  • Transportation to/from Monteverde hotels available? yes; Monteverde Extremo automatically includes round-trip transportation in their tour rates

Are the best ziplines in Costa Rica part of the Canopy Ziplining Tour at the 100% Aventura Adventure Park?

The 100% Aventura Adventure Park is located in the Monteverde region, an approximate ten-minute drive north of downtown Santa Elena. The on-site canopy ziplining tour, called the Canopy Ziplining Tour,  offers an approximate two-hour tour across a series of zipline cables. The Canopy Ziplining Tour may also be combined with 100% Aventura’s ATV Tour (Monteverde), an activity that also takes place on-site at the 100% Aventura Adventure Park.

  • Number of cables: 12 zipline cables in total
  • Cable length span: 20 to 1590 meters
  • Guided tour option available? yes; see the Canopy Ziplining Tour  option
  • Special features: complimentary superman cable; complimentary rappel; complimentary tarzan swing; visitors may purchase a photo CD at the park as a tour souvenir
  • Transportation to/from Monteverde hotels available? yes; 100% Aventura automatically includes round-trip transportation in their tour rates

Arenal and Monteverde canopy tour comparison: Which ziplines in Costa Rica are the best?

As we’ve touched on in previous posts ( The Best River For Rafting In Costa Rica ,  Which Costa Rica Hanging Bridges Are The Best? Comparing 4 Popular Hanging Bridge Sites In Arenal And Monteverde , and Best Hot Springs In Arenal: We Compare All 12 La Fortuna Hot Springs ), it’s impossible for us to pick “the best” of anything without imposing our own biases on you. We realize that you may not like, prefer, and prioritize the same zipline tour features that we do, so instead of picking favorites that may or may not tickle your fancy, we’ll help you choose the best Arenal or Monteverde canopy tour option for you based on your own interests, needs, and budget. Below are answers to some of the most common questions we receive from travelers about La Fortuna and Monteverde canopy tours. Use the information to narrow down the various ziplining adventures and determine which is most deserving of your time and money.

Which zipline tours are in La Fortuna or Arenal?

The Sky Trek Canopy Tour run at the Arenal Sky Adventures Park and the Big AMA Canopy Ziplining Tour run at the Arenal Mundo Aventura Ecological Park.

Which zipline tours are in Monteverde or Santa Elena?

The Sky Trek Canopy Tour run at the Monteverde Sky Adventures Park, the Canopy Ziplining Tour run at the Selvatura Park, the Canopy Ziplining Tour run at the Monteverde Extremo Park, and the Canopy Ziplining Tour run at the 100% Aventura Park.

Which zipline tour offers the most zipline cables?

The Canopy Ziplining Tour run at the Selvatura Park (in the Monteverde area) and the Big AMA Canopy Ziplining Tour run at the Arenal Mundo Aventura Ecological Park (in the La Fortuna / Arenal area).

Which zipline tour offers the longest zipline cable?

The Canopy Ziplining Tour run at the 100% Aventura Adventure Park (in the Monteverde area) and the Big AMA Canopy Ziplining Tour run at the Arenal Mundo Aventura Ecological Park (in the La Fortuna / Arenal area).

Which zipline tours utilize the traditional hand-braking system?

The Big AMA Canopy Ziplining Tour run at the Arenal Mundo Aventura Ecological Park, the Canopy Ziplining Tour run at the Selvatura Park, the Canopy Ziplining Tour run at the Monteverde Extremo Park, and the Canopy Ziplining Tour run at the 100% Aventura Adventure Park.

Which zipline tours utilize the modern automatic z-braking system?

The Sky Trek Canopy Tour run at the Arenal Sky Adventures Park and the Sky Trek Canopy Tour run at the Monteverde Sky Adventures Park.

Which zipline tours require a guided tour?

All zipline Costa Rica tours are required to be run with a guide.

Which zipline tours offer self-guided tours?

None; zipline Costa Rica tours are not permitted to be run without a guide.

Which zipline tours offer the option to reserve a private ziplining experience?

All zipline Costa Rica tours offer the option to reserve a private ziplining experience (if desired, and at significantly higher tour rates) for group travel.

Which zipline tour parks feature a restaurant for dining on-site?

The Sky Trek Canopy Tour run at the Arenal Sky Adventures Park, the Big AMA Canopy Ziplining Tour run at the Arenal Mundo Aventura Ecological Park, the Sky Trek Canopy Tour run at the Monteverde Sky Adventures Park, the Canopy Ziplining Tour run at the Selvatura Park, and the Canopy Ziplining Tour run at the 100% Aventura Adventure Park.

Which zipline tours automatically include round-trip transportation to/from nearby hotels in their tour rates?

Which zipline tour operators offer round-trip transportation to/from nearby hotels at an extra cost, which zipline tours include (or offer the option to add) an aerial tram ride, which zipline tours include (or offer the option to add) a tarzan swing.

The Canopy Ziplining Tour run at the Selvatura Park, the Canopy Ziplining Tour run at the Monteverde Extremo Park, and the Canopy Ziplining Tour run at the 100% Aventura Adventure Park.

Which zipline tours include (or offer the option to add) a horseback ride?

The Big AMA Canopy Ziplining Tour run at the Arenal Mundo Aventura Ecological Park.

Which zipline tours include (or offer the option to add) a butterfly garden visit?

The Sky Trek Canopy Tour run at the Arenal Sky Adventures Park and the Canopy Ziplining Tour run at the Selvatura Park.

Which zipline tours include (or offer the option to add) a hummingbird garden visit?

The Canopy Ziplining Tour run at the Selvatura Park.

Which zipline tours include (or offer the option to add) a sloth sanctuary visit?

Which zipline tours include (or offer the option to add) a superman cable, which zipline tours include (or offer the option to add) a visit to the la fortuna waterfall, which zipline tours include (or offer the option to add) a super swing.

The Canopy Ziplining Tour run at the Monteverde Extremo Park.

Which zipline tours include (or offer the option to add) a snake/reptile exhibit visit?

The Sky Trek Canopy Ziplining Tour run at the Monteverde Sky Adventures Park and the Canopy Ziplining Tour run at the Selvatura Park.

Which zipline tours include (or offer the option to add) a free-fall/vertigo drop?

The Sky Trek Canopy Ziplining Tour run at the Monteverde Sky Adventures Park.

Which zipline tours include (or offer the option to add) a rappel?

The Big AMA Canopy Ziplining Tour run at the Arenal Mundo Aventura Ecological Park, the Canopy Ziplining Tour run at the Monteverde Extremo Park, and the Canopy Ziplining Tour run at the 100% Aventura Adventure Park.

Which zipline tours include (or offer the option to add) a visit to an Indigenous reserve and brief Indigenous presentation?

Which zipline tours include (or offer the option to add) a bungee jump, which zipline tours offer the option to rent a gopro camera for use during the tour.

The Sky Trek Canopy Ziplining Tour run at the Arenal Sky Adventures Park and the Sky Trek Canopy Ziplining Tour run at the Monteverde Sky Adventures Park.

Prefer to participate in a zipline Costa Rica tour elsewhere in the country (i.e., not in the La Fortuna / Arenal or Monteverde region)? Don’t miss our discounts for Costa Rica canopy tours countrywide: Click here to access the FREE canopy tour / ziplining discounts!

QUESTION TO COMMENT ON: Have you experienced one of the canopy tours we list above? What did you think about the experience?

zipline tour costa rica

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Best Ziplines in Costa Rica: Comparing 6 in Arenal and Monteverde

Tagged:  adventure , arenal , canopy tour , costa rica , costa rica travel , costa rica travel tips , la fortuna , monteverde , tourism , tours , travel , travel tips , ziplining

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I’ve done several of the zipline tours and found them all to be a lot of fun. My favorite is Selvatura because you get the option to go on the hanging bridges before or after your tour. Plus, they have that really cool bug museum on the grounds, which is is definitely worth a visit.

The only drawback in my mind is the hand braking system many of the ziplines use, which is simply a thick leather glove that you hold down on the line to slow you down. On wet days they weren’t very effective and the guides had to throw little “brakes” on the line to slow you down. Small drawback – very fun experience overall.

Hey Facts about Costa Rica – International Living!

Thanks so much for the helpful feedback! Selvatura ‘s “Canopy Tour” is a great option, especially coupled with exploration of their on-site “Treetop Walkways Hanging Bridges,” as you note. As a sad update, the insect museum is no longer available at the Selvatura Park . 🙁 Sky Adventures ‘s “Sky Trek Canopy Tour” is another great option; their zip-lining experience doesn’t use the leather glove braking system, it uses a more innovative handlebar braking system. Also, the tour can be coupled with exploration of their on-site “Sky Walk Hanging Bridges.”

Pura vida! 🙂

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How does the automatic breaking system work?

Hey westlondondesignervid!

Great question! The braking system used by Sky Adventures requires zipliners to reduce their speed by jostling a set of handlebars from side to side. In contrast, the hand-braking system, which is used by the majority of canopy tour operators in Costa Rica, requires zipliners to wear a thick (usually leather) glove during the tour and reduce their speed by applying pressure to the zip-line cable. For more information about these two tours, don’t miss our related blog posts: Arenal Sky Trek Canopy Ziplining Tour: Everything You Need To Know Monteverde Sky Trek Canopy Ziplining Tour: Everything You Need To Know

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Actually when you see the pictures make you want to travel to Costa Rica, and is quite right when you say: There for all, and for all the tastes of tourists.


Thanks for commenting, Alexander from costa rica holidays!

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Overall, wonderful, informative blog you have on Costa Rica. I visited Costa Rica for a week in the summer of 2008. I did the canopy tour however I cannot recall the name of the company. I had such a fun time, and I remember the leather glove handbrake too. Thank you Costa Rica Travel Blog for liking an article, Self-care for the Busy Mind, and following my blog, Costa Rica is a very peaceful country, and visiting Costa Rica and all it offers would also be great holistic self-care. Blessings, Lori

Hi Lori Smith, M.Ed.

Thank you so much for your comments! We’re glad to hear that you had such a great trip a few years ago. You are 100% correct, the peaceful nature and pura vida that is this country is both addictive and a self-soother. We are happy to have found your site, Graceful Learning , for the richness it provides. We just read your post called “Play” and found it both informative and in line with what we experience from time to time. Great writing!

Thank you so much, Pura vida! Blessings for your continued writing, energy and presence you radiate about Costa Rica. Lori

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I was in Costa Rica two years ago and of course I took the opportunity to go on a canopy tour (Selvatura specifically). It was one of the best experiences in my life: Me, that I get so much vertigo, I did it! Nervous on the platforms I couldn’t look downward but from the beginning of each cable, however, I couldn’t avoid admiring the canopies and the spectacular rain forest you could see from the longest cables… One of the cables was so long, around 2km, that you had to do two by two! One can’t explain it, one has to live it.

P.N.: the breaking system was managed by the staff so although you tried to use your hand if fact always was under control.

Hello Woodpecker!

We’re happy to hear that you tried one of the canopy tours! The act of zip-lining is thrilling, terrifying, exhilarating, and rewarding all at the same time. It’s often the highlight of a Costa Rica trip and we agree with you entirely: “one can’t explain it, one has to live it!”

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Beautiful Pics

Hello ajaytao2010!

Just sending you a quick note to say congrats on the “Very Inspiring Blog Award.”

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This is something I’ve always wanted to do. I think I need to work on getting over my fear of heights first, though. 😉

Hello kimsimard!

Very true! 🙂 If you do decide to try zip-lining in Costa Rica, though, let us know. There are some canopy tours that aren’t as thrilling or as high up as the canopy tours described in our article above, so perhaps they would be a better option for you, at least to start.

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It’s remarkable to go to see this web site and reading the views of all friends regarding this article, while I am also zealous of getting knowledge.

Hello Hotel Earth – FriendFeed!

Thank you for the comment! We are glad you enjoy the blog, and are also pleased to see that Costa Rica is included on Booking World Vacation ‘s country list.

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34 Best Ziplines in Costa Rica: A Thrill Seekers Guide

Best Ziplines in Costa Rica

With its lush jungle surroundings and rainforests, Costa Rica is world-renowned for its outdoor activities in the heart of nature. And Costa Ricans certainly love to get outside and play!

So it should come as no surprise that ziplining is a popular activity in the country and there are tours offered in several provinces. If you’re looking for a place to zipline in the beautiful Central American country, you’ve landed in the right spot!

Are There Any Ziplines in Costa Rica?

Yes, there absolutely are. There are several ziplines peppered all over the country, and we’ve broken them down according to the province they are in. Let’s take a look at the best ziplines in Costa Rica:

1-10: Ziplines in Guanacaste 11-24: Ziplines in Puntarenas 25-27: Ziplines in Limón 28: Ziplines in Cartogo 29-33: Ziplines in Alajuela 34: Ziplines in Heredia

Ziplines in Guanacaste

1. monteverde extremo park ziplines.

Book this tour here!

Location: Monteverde Extremo Park, Guanacaste Province, Abangares, Costa Rica

The Monteverde Extremo Park is an adventure park that has a Canopy tour consisting of two ziplines, a Tarzan swing, and one rappel.

Their 11-cable Canopy tour stretches 4km, making it one of the longest in Costa Rica. Their two ziplines are the 3,380-ft / 1030-meter Aerial Superman and the Subterranean Superman, a tunnel of 623 feet / 190 meters.

There are several tour options you can take, which are the Extreme Canopy tour at $56.50, the Superman Extremo tour for $33.90, the Tarzan Extreme tour for $49.72, and the Zipline and Jungle Night walk for $31.64. There’s also a $5 transportation cost from any hotel in Monteverde.

If these tours are too much, they also offer a two-hour horseback riding tour on a private farm with stunning views at $45.20.

2. Guachipelin Adventure Combo Tour (Native’s Way)

Location: Guachipelin Adventure, Guanacaste Province, Curubande, Costa Rica

Located in the Rincon de la Vieja Volcano, Guachipelin Adventure Combo Tour has everything you’d want for a fun day out. In addition to ziplining, they also include horseback riding, river tubing for 5 km, a buffet lunch, hot springs, and a volcanic mud bath in the whole package.

They have eight ziplines that are part of a larger ropes course which includes 18 platforms, a climbing wall, bridge, cable rappel, and Tarzan swing. Prices are $138 for adults and $118 for kids aged 8 to 11.

3. Diamante Eco Adventure Park Superman Zip Line

Location: 350 East RIU Hotel, Playa Matapalo, Guanacaste Province, Playa Matapalo, 50503, Costa Rica

Diamante Eco Adventure Park’s Superman Zip Line has some of the longest ride times, featuring a 4,461 ft / 1,360 m ocean view line that you’ll ride Superman style.

There’s also a thrilling freefall jump at the height of 30 ft tall. To ride the zipline you must weigh between 60 to 280 lbs for the short lines and quick jump, and 85 to 280 lbs for the Superman line.

The minimum age to participate is five, and prices start at $122.72 for adults and $99.80 for children for the two-hour tour.

4. Witch’s Rock Zipline Tour

Location: Route 253 Camino de la Bruja, Playa Cabuyal, Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica

Witch’s Rock Canopy Tour is an aerial course 40 minutes from Playas del Coco near Planet Hollywood and the Four Seasons. It has 11 lines ranging from 328 ft to 1,476 ft (100 to 450 meters). In addition to ziplines, it also has three suspension bridges, and climbing trees up to 32 feet / 10 meters with pulley safety systems.

If you go during the green season, also known as the rainy season, you’ll enjoy views of a waterfall and the Pacific Ocean. Prices start at $95 for the 1.5-hour tour. In addition to their aerial ropes course, they also offer guided ATV rides and horseback riding.

5. The Congo Trail Zipline

Location: 50503, Guanacaste Province, Nuevo Colon, Costa Rica

The Congo Trail by Congo Canopy is where you’ll find ziplines, horseback riding, ATV tours, and a monkey sanctuary.

They have two different zipline tours: Extreme Zipline and Original Canopy Zipline tours. The Extreme tour features extra long zip lines that reach 1,476 ft / 450 meters, while the Original tour’s zip lines range from 164 ft to 1,312 ft / 50 to 400 meters.

Both tours start at $39 and have no height or weight limit. You can also go for both tours for $59.

6. Monkey Jungle Zip Line Canopy Tour

Location: Santa Rosa, Tamarindo, Guanacaste, Canopy, Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica

Located on the outskirts of Tamarindo, the Monkey Jungle Canopy Tour has seven cables running from the mountainside into the treetops. You’ll also stand a chance to spot rare wildlife like Congo Monkeys, White Face Monkeys, and Armadillos.

Prices for the zipline tour starts at $65 and you’ve got the option to add-on an ATV tour that will get you to beautiful beaches like Bahia de los Piratas.

7. Pinilla Canopy Tour

Location: Villareal de Aptdo 64, Guanacaste Province, Santa Cruz, Costa Rica

The Pinilla Canopy Tour is just 15 minutes from Tamarindo and features eight exciting obstacles including a zipline, Tarzan swing, hanging bridge, and controlled free fall during the tour.

Ths family-friendly facility accepts kids as young as 3 years old. Prices for the one to two-hour tour starts at $55.

8. Miss Sky Canopy Zipline Tour

Location: Miss Sky Canopy Tour, Guanacaste Province, Nosara, Costa Rica

If you’re into breathtaking views, Miss Sky Canopy Zipline Tour features a viewing area where you can enjoy a waterfall and a beach.

This ropes course goes high above the Nosara River and at 21,325 ft / 11 km, it is Costa Rica’s longest. It is made up of 13 cables ranging 300 to 750 meters which will take about four hours to complete.

The facility is nestled 10 minutes from Costa Rica’s finest Pacific Coast beaches, including the Ostional turtle nesting refuge. Prices start at $75 for those above 13 and $50 for children aged 5 to 12.

9. WingNuts Canopy Ziplining Tour

Location: 50 meters west of the Sto. Domingo Intersection, Guanacaste Province, Samara, 50205, Costa Rica

The WingNuts Canopy Tour is perched high above the gorgeous Samara Beach. Featuring nine thrilling lines ranging from 252 to 1968 feet and two rappels, they offer two flight positions – the Superman horizontal mode and the Canopy Surfing mode where you mimic riding a surfboard as you whiz through the jungle.

The basic Canopy Tour starts at $75 for adults and $60 for children, but you can also opt for the cheaper Sunset Canopy tour where you’ll access four lines for $50.

10. Vida Aventura Nature Park

Location: PP92+C9X, Guanacaste Province, Bagaces, Costa Rica

Located 10 miles from Rincon de la Vieja National Park, Vida Aventura Nature Park has seven cables through a tropical forest with views of Miravalles and Rincon de la Vieja volcanoes. The tour lasts for an hour, and you must be at least five years old. Prices start at $35.

Ziplines in Puntarenas

11. the original canopy tour monteverde.

Location: KM Norte del Banco de Costa Rica, 1, Puntarenas Province, Monteverde, 60109, Costa Rica

The Original Canopy Tour is located in Cloud Forest Lodge, a private reserve. The tour consists of ten cables ranging from 196 ft to 2,624 ft with obstacles like a Tarzan swing, rappel, and the thrilling hollow tree climbing. The price is $68 for the Original Canopy Tour.

In addition, they also offer other activities like a hanging bridge tour, night walk, and Don Juan coffee tour that you can add on for a small fee.

12. Monteverde Zip Line Canopy Tour (100% Aventura)

Location: Monteverde Reserve, Puntarenas Province, Santa Elena, Costa Rica

Another Monteverde zipline is the Monteverde Zipline Canopy Tour , home to Costa Rica’s longest zipline at 5,220 ft / 1590 meters.

They have nine standard ziplines and two Superman lines, as well as a hammock bridge, a rappel, and the mega Tarzan swing.

To ride the ziplines you must be at least 6 years old and weigh less than 220 lbs. Participants under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. Prices start at $56.50 for adults and $45.20 for children for the three-hour tour.

13. Sky Adventures Monteverde Park SkyTrek Zipline

Location: Sky Adventures, Puntarenas Province, Tolaran, 60109, Costa Rica

SkyTrek Ziplines by Sky Adventures has seven cables that go up to 656 ft / 200 m in height and 2,460 ft / 750m in length. You’ll ride a tram to the highest point of the mountain to an observation area where you can marvel at the surrounding forests, Arenal Volcano, and Gulf of Nicoya.

You’ll then glide between canyons through a rich forest canopy at speeds of up to an astounding 43.5 mph, making them one of the faster ones around.

To ride their ziplines you must be at least five years old and weigh less than 300 lbs. Prices for the tour start at $84 for adults and $58 for children.

In addition to their zipline course, they also offer a high ropes course, hanging bridges, or you want to take a down a notch, a more relaxing ride up the Sky Tram to enjoy panoramic views.

14. Selvatura Adventure Park Canopy Tour

Location: Selvatura Adventure Park Canopy Tour, Puntarenas Province, Tilaran, Costa Rica

At Selvatura Adventure Park Canopy tour , you’ll be able to enjoy a unique zipline course built within the cloud forest. The tour features 2.2 miles of 13 cables, 15 platforms, and a Tarzan swing.

The grand finale is the Superman zipline where you fly horizontally in a prone position.

There’s also the option to upgrade with a Superman line, where you’ll be flying headfirst through the forest. Prices start at $63 for adults, $57 for students under 18 and $44 for children aged 4 to 12.

15. Chiclet Tree Zipline

Location: Playa Hermosa, Puntarenas Province, Jaco, 61101, Costa Rica

Chiclet Tree Zipline earns its name from the massive chicle trees that it is built on top of. They have 16 platforms and 14 lines in total, with the longest line being 984 ft / 300 meters with views of Hermosa Beach.

Your tour will begin at Cafe Bohio in Playa Hermosa where you’ll meet your guide and ride the shuttle bus to the mountain. There’s no age restriction for riding, but kids under five must ride in tandem.

The maximum weight is 230 lbs and the maximum height is 6 ft. The price of the tour starts at $60 with a minimum of $10 deposit.

16. Titi Canopy Tour

Location: CVR7+3JG, 34, Titi Canopy Tour, Puntarenas Province, Quepos, Costa Rica

Located five minutes from Quepos, the town center of Manuel Antonio, the Titi Canopy Tour has ten lines, one dual line, two suspension bridges, and 22 platforms including one for rappelling. You’ll have to be above five and weigh less than 200 lbs for the rappel and Tarzan swing and under 300 lbs for the rest.

The tour costs $75 for adults and lasts 2.5 hours. Titi also offers accommodation in a hotel in Quepos called La Foresta Nature Resort. This tropical retreat is tucked away in the forest and you’ll have a chance to see some interesting wildlife like monkeys, toed sloths, dart frogs, and toucans.

17. Manuel Antonio Zipline

Location: Manuel Antonio Zipline, Puntarenas Province, Quepos, Costa Rica

The Manuel Antonio Zipline is located 25 minutes from town, and they provide free transportation to and from Manuel Antonio and Quepos. Their zipline course is about 95 meters high and takes roughly 4.5 hours to complete.

Their package costs $80 and includes a Costa Rican lunch, bilingual guide, drinks, fruits and snacks. Participants under 75 lbs have to ride tandem with a guide, and the maximum weight is 275 lbs. The minimum age is four, those under 14 need to be accompanied and those under 18 need to have a parental waiver signed.

18. El Santuario Canopy Adventure Tour

Location: APDO 94-6350, Puntarenas Province, Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica

The Canopy Tour by El Santuario features the longest dual-track ziplines in Central America at 4,300 ft / 1310 meters, so you can race your buddy down.

The whole course consists of 14 tree platforms, five hanging bridges, nature walks, a double belay rappel, and ten lines totalling over 3.6 kilometers in length. The highest platform is about 40 meters high and some ziplines go about 100 meters off the forest floor.

To ride the ziplines you must be at least four years old, and riders weighing less than 75 lbs might have to ride tandem. Prices start at $90 for the four-hour tour.

19. Zip Coaster Costa Rica

Location: El Avion, Main Street Manuel Antonio 618, 100 meters south of the restaurant, Puntarenas Province, Quepos, 60601, Costa Rica

Located on the main road just below El Avion and El Wagon Restaurant, this is the only Zip Coaster in Costa Rica. You have the zip coaster option or the canopy bike option.

The Zip Coaster is where hold on like a zipline, the canopy bike you sit in a bicycle-like contraption and you peddle, but you are hanging from a cable in the trees!

On this ingenious tour, you’ll go through dives, twists, and turns, just like you would on a roller coaster. A single ride costs $12.

20. Osa Canopy Tour

Location: 3 km South of Hospital de Cortes, kilometer 196.5., Cd. Cortes, 60501, Costa Rica

At the Osa Canopy Tour , you’ll ride seven ziplines ranging from 656 ft to 3608 ft. There are also 13 platforms, three rappels, and two suspension bridges.

You might be able to spot sloths, stingless bees, and monkeys while you zip through the forest. You’ll have to be at least four, the weight limit for this tour is 230 lbs, and prices start at $80.

21. Vista Los Sueños Adventure Park Zipline Tour

Location: East of the Herradura Main Intersection, 1.7 km, Puntarenas Province, Herradura, Costa Rica

The tour at Vista Los Suenos Adventure Park starts with a 15-minute tractor ride. The course consists of ten lines and 12 platforms totalling 2.2 miles which takes you about two hours to complete.

The longest ride is 2400 ft / 730 meters, and you’ll be enjoying views of Herradura Bay and the Nicoya Gulf. Tour prices start at $70, and you’ll have to be at least four years old. The weight limit is 260 lbs, but if you’re more than 6 feet and weigh slightly more, that would be fine.

The park also offers other fun stuff like mountain biking, horseback riding, extreme canyoning, and a Tarzan swing.

22. Jaco Ropes Canopy Zipline Tour

Location: Jaco Ropes, Jaco, 61101, Costa Rica

The Jaco Ropes Canopy Zipline Tour features 12 cables and 14 platforms that will take you about two hours to complete.

These are intermediate to advanced lines designed for faster speed. You’ll be zipping through the forest with views of the beautiful beach town, Jaco, and the Nicoya Peninsula. Try spotting the incredible wildlife like macaws and monkeys!

To ride the zipline tour you must be at least six years old and have a maximum circumference of 39” at the waist. Prices start at $59.

23. Adventure Park & Hotel Vista Golfo

Location: Tajo Alto 150, Puntarenas Province, Miramar, 60401, Costa Rica

Located in Miramar, Adventure Park & Hotel Vista Golfo is a peaceful resort with views of the Gulf of Nicoya and Miramar area. The course goes over 11 waterfalls and features 25 lines, two rappels, and a hanging bridge. It’ll take you about two hours to complete the course, and the minimum age is six. Prices start at $79.

In addition, they also have ATV tours, hiking, bird watching, and horseback riding, so it might be well worth an overnight stay in the hotel to enjoy all they have to offer.

24. Uvita Paradise Adventures Zipline

Location: Uvita Paradise, Puntarenas Province, Perez Zeledon, Costa Rica

The Uvita Paradise Adventures Zipline has ten platforms and six zip lines that range between 300 to 550 ft in length. After you’re done with the ziplines, you’ll be taken to a 50-ft rappel down a tree then a 5-minute walk to a natural pool where you’ll jump from a 12-ft platform into the turquoise water.

The tour ends with a meal at a Costa Rican restaurant where you’ll be served local food like chicken fajita, rice, beans, and a salad.

Ziplines in Limón

25. pick up nativo adventures zipline.

Location: Patino, Limon, Talamanca, Costa Rica

The Pick Up Nativo Adventures tour has a total of 18 platforms and 7,874 ft of cables. Their longest line is 1,476 feet long at a dizzying height of 295 feet. You’ll also learn about their native plants from the guides throughout the tour.

To ride the ziplines you must be at least four years old and weigh under 264 lbs. The four-hour tour starts at $57 plus taxes. You can also pay extra and try Superman-style zip lining, but you must be at least 3.9 ft tall.

26. The Jungle Breeze Zipline (Brisas De La Jungla)

Location: Brisas De La Jungla, Limon

Explore Jungle Breeze ’s 25-hectare facility with panoramic views of Rio Blanco, Puerto Moin, and the Caribbean coastline.

The tour also gives you insights into ecotourism while gliding through the treetops with a chance to see sloths and monkeys. The facility is located between San Jose and Limon and lasts for 1.5 to 2 hours.

27. Rainforest Adventures Braulio Carrillo

Book the Tram tour here!

Location: Route 32, next to Braulio Carrillo National Park

The Braulio Carrillo Park has many ziplines, one of which is 700 meters (2100 feet). The whole tour takes 2.5 hours and you must be at least five years old and a minimum of 3”11”.

The weight limit is 300 lbs, and prices are $54 for adults and $38 for children for the canopy zipline tour. If you aren’t up for a zipline and want something milder, they also have an aerial tram tour for a scenic ride and bird’s eye view of the rainforest that is the same cost.

In addition, they offer several other activities like a frog night tour, bird watching, and butterfly and orchid gardens. An all-access pass which includes the tram ride will cost $89 for adults and $55 for children.

Ziplines in Cartogo

28. la carpintera canopy tour.

Location: La Carpintera, La Unión de Cartago, Tres Rios

Outdoor lovers will enjoy La Carpintera Canopy Tour , a jungle zipline course that’s located in the Carpintera Hills, a 20-minute drive away from San Jose.

The views are of the Central Valley, Paos Volcano, Irazu Volcano, and the Tres Maria Hills.

You’ll also enjoy a 20-minute hike and rappel down a 30-foot rope. The tour has 19 platforms and 13 cables and will take 2.5 to 3 hours to complete. The longest cable is 1500 ft / 500 meters

Prices start at $51.29 you must be between 6 to 75 years old to ride the ziplines.

Ziplines in Alajuela

29. san luis adventure park canopy tour.

Location: 702, Alajuela Province, San Ramon

Located in the San Luis area amidst a cloud forest, the Adventure Park San Luis Canopy Tour has cables between 164 ft to 1804 ft in length.

Their platforms are on bases with heights from 10 ft to 348 ft tall planted on trees. To ride the ziplines you must be at least four years old. You also have the option to add on the “Flight of Superman” zipline which positions you horizontally but you’ll have to be at least 12.

Other fun stuff they offer include rafting, a butterfly farm, hiking trails, a Tarzan swing, and rappelling.

30. Sky Adventures Arenal Park SkyTrek Zipline

Location: Sky Adventures, Alajuela Province, La Fortuna, 21007

Like the Sky Adventures park in Monteverde, the Arenal Park course also starts with a tram ride up the mountain. There, you’ll face seven cables that go up to 656 ft in height and 2,460 ft in length.

To ride the ziplines you must be at least five years old, under 300 lbs, and have a maximum waist size of 46 inches. Prices start at $89 for adults and $61 for children.

31. Go Adventure Arenal Park

Location: Go Adventure Arenal Park, Alajuela Province, La Fortuna

Go Adventure Arenal Park’s zipline tour has eight cables with 13 platforms for you to enjoy the Canyon of the Arenal River. You’ll be surrounded by exotic rainforest flora and fauna in the two-hour course.

The price is $55 and there’s also an optional 164-foot / 50-meter rappel. The park also offers other activities like whitewater tubing, ATV rides, horseback riding, and sloth watching.

32. Ecoglide Arenal Park

Location: 142, Alajuela Province, San Carlos

3.5 km west of the Catholic temple in La Fortuna de San Carlos, the Ecoglide Arenal Park consists of 11 cables, 13 platforms, and a suspension bridge.

You can also enjoy the Tarzan Swing for an extra charge, where you’ll jump from a platform that’s 131 ft in height. The tour is divided into two sections which will take about two hours. The first section has six cables and seven platforms with lengths up to 210 m and heights up to 25 m.

The second has six platforms and five cables with lengths from 100 m to 430 m.

Prices start at $84.75 for the tour including the swing and $56.50 without, and the minimum age is three.

33. Arenal Mundo Aventura Park Ziplines

Location: Catarata Rio Fortuna, Alajuela Province, San Ramon

The Arenal Mundo Aventura Park features ziplines over treetops and a rappel down a waterfall. They have three different zipline tours – Ama Extreme, Ama Ride, and Big Ama.

The Ama Extreme has seven lines starting with an 18-meter tower and a 120-meter zip over a canyon.

The Ama Ride and Big Ama have 12 lines each. To ride the ziplines you must be at least 3’10” tall and weigh more than 55 pounds. Prices start at $56 for Ama Extreme, $81 for Ama Ride, and $71 for Big Ama.

Ziplines in Heredia

34. canopy adventure volcan barva.

Location: Heredia Province, Barva, Costa Rica

Located in the foothills of the Barva Volcano only 40 minutes from San Jose, the beautiful Canopy Adventure Volcan Barva has 11 lines and 13 platforms.

You’ll start easy with shorter lines like a 60-foot zip and end with a 600 ft run over an amazing waterfall. Prices start at $45.

What’s the Longest Zipline in Costa Rica?

The longest zipline in Costa Rica is at the 100% Aventura Canopy Tour in Monteverde at 5,220 ft / 1590 meters (number 12 on the list above). They also have a mega swing, rappel, and hammock bridge. The second longest is the Diamante Superman Zipline at 4,461 ft (number 3 on the list above).

Is Ziplining Safe in Costa Rica?

Ziplining is an incredibly safe activity but like all outdoor activities, comes with its share of risks, and accidents do happen. For example, in 2022, a child crashed into a sloth at GoAdventure’s Arenal Park! Both sloth and child are happily okay and the staff continue to see the same slow-moving furball around the park. (yay!)

Watch the sloth video!

@trtworld Child runs into sloth while zip lining through rainforest. 🦥 #sloth #zipline #rainforest #costarica ♬ orijinal ses – TRT World

As there are no federal regulations for safety standards in Costa Rica, always ask about their safety protocols and whether they conform to ACCT standards, which is the industry standard for challenge courses.

Final Thoughts

Ready to take the leap? Good for you! Just remember to wear covered shoes and comfy clothing, and always listen to your guides. Have a blast out there!

Read our related post “Are There Any Bungee Jumps in Costa Rica?” here.

zipline tour costa rica

Jamie is the founder of Action Sporter. He is the chief zipline writer and the lead editor. He has 5 years of zipline experience being a tour guide in Newfoundland. Most of the time you can find Jamie adventure traveling, hiking, skiing, skateboarding, or anything action related!

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zipline tour costa rica

Costa Rica Guide

Travel information and maps, canopy ziplines in costa rica, canopy zip-lines.

Zip-line equipment

A zip-line is more or less just pulley and harness rig used to slide a tourist along a cable strung between a couple of trees or hillsides but there are big differences between tours.

There are three distinct types and the descriptions below will help you pick which is right for you, or maybe convince you to try all three.

Longest, Fastest, Highest Amusement Park Rides

There are at least seven competing “-est” zip-lines each claiming to be the longest, highest, and/or fastest in Costa Rica.  We have dynamic GPS data on each and know which is telling the truth but aren’t going to make enemies by calling a bluff.  Other than marketing purposes it doesn’t really matter because they are all very high, fast and long.

zip-line superman launch

Most or all of the “canopy” aspect has been removed from these tours and replaced with thrills.  Some include short walks on trails but others (Sky Trek in Arenal and Monteverde) include a ski-lift style gondola to the top of the mountain.  All have steel platform towers replacing the trees of the original canopy zip-lines ( see below ) and the cables cross entire valleys so high up that the forest looks like a green Berber carpet in the distance.

The big amusement park style super zip-lines are almost non-stop.  You no sooner land on a platform than your pulley is latched to another cable and you’re launched off the other side.  There are a couple of reasons for this.  First, the faster people fly down the production line the more money the tour makes.  Second if you don’t have time to think about it you don’t have time to freak out and bail.

If a tourist decides they don’t want to fly down a kilometer (0.6 miles) long cable 200 meters (650 feet) up at 60 kilometers per hour (40 mph) the courses do have bailout trails but it’s very expensive for the operation.  The tour has to provide a guide to walk the tourist out on what can be a challenging and difficult hike – 1 km in 64 seconds “as the crow flies” may translate to 2 or 3 km and a couple of hours walking on very steep trails.

If the sight of more than half a mile of cable disappearing into the clear blue sky in the distance pumps you up instead of freaking you out the big commercial operations can up the ante one more time with a “superman” flight.  Face down and head first adds another dimension and a bit more speed since the position is more aerodynamic.


All of the big operations offer individual go-pro helmet cams and employ professional videographers and photographers to document your adventure from top to bottom.  DVDs and wi-fi transfers to your device on sale at the photo booth at the end.

Canopy Zip-Rails

A inventor named Buddy Quattlebaum has added a couple of new adjectives to the -est list – hilliest and curviest.  His new ride called “ El Avatar ” located  at Manuel Antonio uses a rail to guide the pulleys and harness on a course that curves both up and down as well as side to side on a path reminiscent of an aerial roller coaster.

Tree-to-Tree Zip-Line Canopy Tours

Zip-lines started out as a way to explore the rain forest canopy but the “longer, higher, faster” tours ( see above ) string cables so high that riders may barely be able to see the treetops whizzing by below.  Many smaller canopy tours offer a slower relaxed pace, more personalized attention, naturalist guides and a more intimate look at the forest and canopy.

Zip through the gap

With nearly a hundred small operations in Costa Rica there’s a lot of variability but most of the tree-to-tree canopy zip-lines have features in common.  Obviously from the name we’ve chose to give them they often have platforms and cables that attached giant rainforest trees rather than steel towers.  Some also include launch pads on the ground at the top of hills.

Many of the best are set in private forest or wildlife refuges (Trogon Lodge in San Gerardo de Dota, Flight of the Toucan at Hacienda Baru, the Original Canopy at Monteverde Cloud Forest Lodge) and include hiking along improved trails or paths to reach the high point and moving between zips.

As a rule they have fewer visitors every day which often leads to smaller groups.  We’ve been on several where the two to five people in our group were the only tourists zipping along the course with three or four guides.  Smaller groups tend to eliminate the production line and give riders time to look around and the guides time to point out birds, animals and interesting features of the rainforest.

Parrots in the tree tops on a zip-line tour

Occasionally we’ve found that the smaller zip-line tours have a bit of an inferiority complex about not being -est anything (longest, highest, fastest…priciest) and work so hard at emphasizing the “thrills” they forget to mention the wildlife.  Tell your guides at the start that you really love birds and wildlife and they’ll be much more likely to hunt some up.

If you want extra thrills sometimes the smaller tours can accommodate that too.  You may have to sign an extra waiver but variations like the spinning top or upside down and backwards descent might be on the menu.

While zipping is probably never the ideal way to see wildlife we’ve seen owls, margay cats, other extremely rare and difficult to find species along with monkeys, sloth and loads of birds on smaller zip-line courses.

Even without an -est factor smaller canopy zip-lines do offer thrills.  You may only be going 35 kilometers per hour (22 mph) but it seems a lot faster when you’re in a narrow tunnel inside the canopy with leaves and branches flying by inches from your face.  Twenty five meters (80 ft) up the trunk of a tree may seem like nothing compared to hundreds of meters above the valley floor on a “big” tour, but when the tree starts swaying in the wind the faint of heart may wish they were on a good solid man-made steel tower instead.

Multi-Sport Tours

The last type of zip-line tour is our personal favorite.

Rock climbing costa rica

These tours often include only a couple of zip-lines (still enough to get the experience) combined with other adventures usually set in a canyon above a river.  Depending on the location they may include rappelling (inverted if you want – see video below), rope swinging, horseback riding, rock climbing, cliff jumping, swimming, waterfalls and tree climbing.

The zipping part can range from one or two cables like at La Roca near Arenal or at Hacienda Guachipelín to a location like Vista al Golfo above Miramar which has a couple of rappels and a waterfall to swim under but a dozen cables to zip over other waterfalls and the canyon.

Waterfall zip-line course

One of the newest zip-line course at Río Perdido doesn’t quite qualify as multi-sport (they only have a small rope swing but plan to add more canyon features) but it does offer a unique finale.  Soaking in a series of hot spring pools and under little waterfalls in a volcanically heated river.

Pick One or Try Them All

Whether you collect them like famous roller coasters  or have never tried a zip-line Costa Rica has some of the best cables in the world and no two are the same.

If on the other hand even the tamer versions of zip-lines sound too terrifying for your tastes there are other ways of getting into the canopy in Costa Rica.  Canopy bridges (hanging bridges or puentes colgantes in Spanish) allow you to explore the tree tops on foot and offer much better birding and wildlife watching.

  • Tours & Activities

Sky Trek Monteverde Costa Rica - Canopy Tour

You might have heard that Costa Rica is famous for its zip lines — discover why when you zoom through an emerald forest canopy on this Monteverde zip line tour. Sky Trek is a unique system of trails, suspension bridges, and zip lines that allows visitors to observe the rainforest from a variety of different vantage points – above, below, and within the canopy itself. Read more about Costa Rica Canopy tour.

Sky Trek Monteverde Costa Rica - Canopy Tour

What sets this Monteverde zip line tour apart?

Sky Trek is similar in some ways to other canopy tours in Costa Rica, but does have some significant differences. In general, this zip line tour is much larger than other canopy tours; it has more zip lines and platforms, longer trails, and a series of suspension bridges you can walk across. All of this variety makes this Monteverde, Costa Rica zip line tour more of a playground in the sky. Adding to the fun? The reassurance that the construction here is of the highest quality, utilizing secure materials to ensure that you do not slip, trip, or fall.

A woman in an orange top and green earrings ponders zip lines

Who is this activity for?

The Sky Trek zip line does not require any kind of particular athletic ability. You only need to be able to sit down, remain calm, and focus your attention on the zip line you’re about to travel down — guides and gravity do the rest.

If this is your first adventure vacation, don’t worry; we have " Answers To All Of Your Questions About Adventure Tours In Costa Rica ."

An extra benefit of this tour is the ride you will be able to take in the Sky Tram . Beginning in the main facilities at a lower elevation, you will mount the tram and enjoy a safe and scenic ride up the mountain. In total, the ride takes about 20 minutes and offers astounding views of the surrounding rainforest. Once at the top, you’ll mount a series of steps and meet with your guides.

The hand of a guide holds the zip line while a little boy smiles at the camera

Is this activity safe?

Before you go flying down the zip lines, your guides will teach you the proper techniques, including how to hold onto the cable and how to position your body. They will make sure that your gear is properly adjusted and help you launch off from each platform. Unlike other zip lines in Costa Rica, you don’t need to worry about braking at the end of this one. Your guides will utilize a pulley system to slowly decrease your speed as you approach the next platform.

Since your guides take care of starting and stopping you along each cable, you can relax and enjoy the ride. You are free to change your group order at any time during the tour, making it easy to go ahead or drop behind the rest of your party. This allows you the time and space to take photos and videos, or just catch your breath, and appreciate the beauty of Costa Rica’s flora and fauna from amazing heights.

Instructors train a group of zip liners

About The Sky Trek Canopy Tour

  • There is a canopy observation tower that is 72 feet (22 m) tall.
  • There are 9 cable systems, the longest of which is 2,525 feet long (770 m) and 456 feet (130 m) high.
  • Sky Trek’s cables in total stretch 1.9 miles (3 km) long.
  • The system is integrated with a 2,625 foot (800 m) aerial tram through primary forest.
  • These tours last between 2.5 and 3 hours, not including transportation to and from Sky Trek. Please see this map for Sky Trek’s location.
  • Sky Trek uses quality equipment, like the world class Petzl harnesses.
  • Also available on this tour is the Sky Walk, a set of trails through the nearby cloud forest .
  • There is a waist limit of 55 inches (142 cm) and thigh limit of 30 inches (76.2 cm).

Cancellation Policy: Sky Trek has a strict cancellation policy. If a reservation is canceled less than 48 hours prior to the tour date, NO REFUND is given.

A traveller seen having an amazing time soaring above the canopy on a zip line

Take part in one of the nation’s most popular and exciting activities when you go on a Monteverde, Costa Rica zip line tour. If you have more questions about this exciting tour, call us toll-free at +1-888-830-6074 or send a message to one of our expert travel consultants.

A green suspension bridge leads into a forest canopy

Discover additional Monteverde memories waiting to be made on coffee and chocolate tours, horseback riding, walks through orchid gardens, and more …

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Two Weeks in Costa Rica Logo

Two Weeks in Costa Rica

Travel and Moving Blog

A Canopy Zip-line Tour in Costa Rica

  • Jenn and Matt


Looking for adventure on your trip to Costa Rica? Try a canopy zip-line tour.

Canopy or zip-line tours can be found throughout Costa Rica—in the cloud forest, near volcanoes, or a short drive from the beach. Each one is different, but they all feature a long metal cable stretching high above the rainforest floor.

Zip lining Costa Rica Picture

Fitted with a helmet, gloves, and body harness, you will be connected to the thick wire braid suspended in the treetops. On the count of three, lift your legs and fly. From platform to platform, tree to tree, you will get a bird’s eye view of the jungle while your heart races.

Once you open your eyes again, you will see how fun it is. The views are spectacular, and speeding through the air is truly exhilarating.

Getting comfortable? Try the upside-down Spiderman pose or the classic “no hands.” Some tours also offer other exciting stunts between runs, like rappelling or Tarzan swings.

Zip lining in Costa Rica Picture

Nervous? Don’t worry, experienced guides will make you feel safe and secure. For more peace of mind, know that the Costa Rican government highly regulates and inspects these operations to ensure safety.

So if you’re ready for some excitement and want the same view the toucans have, strap in and fly. We did, and had a blast!

Please share your experience zip-lining, where you were and how it was.

Post by:  Jennifer Turnbull-Houde & Matthew Houde

I went zip-lining over tropical gulches on the Big Island of Hawaii. It was pouring the entire time, but my sister in lawn and I still had a great time! Trick for zip-lining in the rain: go backwards! Then you won’t feel those raindrops pelting you in the face and actually be able to see the stunning views. It’s just a little freaky when it comes to the end of the line.

Miriam, Going backwards in the rain is great advice, especially for Costa Rica where it rains a lot! Thanks for your comment, we hope your next zip-line adventure is in CR! -Matt & Jenn

I guess it is very exciting to move over that zip line tour. nice very nice

It is exciting! You can get up to 160km/hour (100 mph) on some of the longest zip lines. Fortunately, we didn’t go that fast!

We went zipping near Osa Mountain Village south of Uvita. Fourteen platforms and two “Tarzan” ropes at the end. Awesome trip.

Casey, sounds like a great setup. Jenn and I will have to check that one out. Thanks for your comment. Pura Vida!

First off, loving your “one week in costa rica” — so helpful in trying to plan my vaca!! and i totally plan to buy your book. Ive always wanted to do ziplining — can you recommend a place? Should we do this in the Manuel Antonio area? Any specific guide recommends? Thx!

Hi Abby, glad you are finding our One Week Itinerary helpful. And thanks for buying our book! Manuel Antonio is a great place to go zip-lining. There are lots of good tour companies but we absolutely loved our experience with Canopy Safari. The guides were really fun and extremely knowledgeable about the rainforest. They take you into the mountains about a half-hour from MA–the views are spectacular. As part of the tour, you do some rappelling too. Highly recommended. Hope you enjoy your trip!

This AlteCocker went ziplining twice in Costa Rica in San Luis and then outside La Fortunata at Sky Trek. She loved it.

AlteCocker, you are crazy, we love your sense of adventure! We’ll have to check out Sky Trek when we’re in Tilaran early next year. Thanks for the tip!

did zip lining in Jamaica, zips and repels. It was awesome cant wait to do it here next week.

Can you recommend a good zip line place in Guanacaste? We are staying at the Rio Perdido and going in mid-July. We are also spending a few days at Andiz at Peninsula Papagallo Thanks.

Hi Wayne, The Rio Perdido has a cool zip line that goes over the canyon/river. Or from the Andaz, you could do the zip line at Hacienda Guacipelin. Theirs is really fun.

Hi! We are deciding between zip lining in Arenal/Monteverde or Manual Antonio. We have a car. What would be your top recommendation??

Hi Alice, They are all good choices but slightly different so it depends on the experience you are looking for. Arenal has more extreme lines that go faster and are higher up. Monteverde has a facility with lines that go between the trees so get you a nice view of the cloud forest. The pace for those is a little slower but still really fun. The company that we recommend in Manuel Antonio takes you out into the countryside and has a really fun tour through the rainforest, with a mix of lines. Let us know if you’d like us to email you with tour recommendations. We’d be happy to help you book something.

Hi yes please send your recommendations for the zip lining (and any other tour recommendations in Monteverde and Manuel Antonio) I’m traveling with my 2 teens. your website is the best one we’be seen. Very grateful thank you!!

I would love some suggestions for zip lining in MA. We will be in CR from May 21-May 28 and are staying in JACO, with a car. Very Excited

Hi Patty, We will send you some information by email soon. Thanks!

Hello- Your site & blogs have been super helpful to me with planning our first trip to Costa Rica. I would greatly appreciate any recommendations you have for a zip-line tour (never been!) and guided tour for National Park. We will be in Manuel Antonio for 6 days.

Thank you!!!!!

Hi Melissa, Sure! We’ll send you an email with some recommendations soon.

Your website is a great find! Thank You for your insights, pictures and helpful information. My family of 10 are headed to Costa Rica over Thanksgiving. We will be staying in Jaco. We are interested in zip lining, hiking to waterfalls and snorkeling. Could you suggest your favorites? We have rental cars, so we can drive to our destinations. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Hi Kristy, Yes, definitely! We will send you information by email soon.

Hi Jenn and Matt, do you have any recommendations for zip lining near Montezuma? Thanks

Hi Monique, The company Sun Trails Tours is right in Montezuma. They have a nice zip line that goes near the waterfall.

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Small Town, Big Adventures: La Fortuna, Costa Rica

La Fortuna is a popular town in Costa Rica, receiving over a million visitors from around the world each year. Travelers are lured by the hot springs, but it is best known for its jungle adventures and the nearby Arenal Volcano National Park.

If you are an adventurous, thrill-seeking traveler, you can find a variety of unique and fun things to do in La Fortuna. Raft down the white waters of the Balsa River or hike among the volcanic rock of Arenal. You can also find more gentle approaches to submerging yourself into the exotic rainforest of Central America and having encounters with the animals that make it their home.

Here are the ten great things to do in La Fortuna: activities that give an adrenaline rush and calm but exciting outings. Find which one you’d like to add to your next La Fortuna, Costa Rica trip.

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Canyoning in the Jungles of La Fortuna


Perfect for those seeking a unique adventure, canyoning screams “Costa Rica.”  Many canyoning tours will pick you up, drive you to a waterfall, and teach you how to descend the rock amidst the rushing water.

This activity is a straight-up jungle adventure, giving you an experience of a lifetime. You’ll begin on a mini waterfall and work to a larger one, allowing you to feel confident.

Feel the rush of water coming down while you descend into a jungle. This is an incredible Costa Rica experience in La Fortuna.

Rafting on the Balsa River


Another great adventure in La Fortuna is heading to the waters of the Balsa River. Try beginner rapids (classes 2 and 3) or intermediate/advanced rapids (classes 3 and 4) on the Upper Balsa River.  

As a bonus, many tour companies combine rafting with lunch after your adventure. Thrill seekers will love hitting the rapids, relaxing for a swim, and getting a taste of Costa Rica.

Hiking Arenal Volcano National Park


Just a short drive away from the town of La Fortuna is Arenal Volcano National Park. This is one of the main highlights of visiting Costa Rica, and the volcano is featured in many marketing materials for tourists.  So it may look familiar when you get there.

Arenal Volcano is a beautiful site, and sometimes the smoke coming out of the top can be seen. But the volcano hasn’t erupted in more than a decade, and experts think it’ll be a while until it does again.

In the meantime, you can enjoy hiking through this gorgeous, green, dense park to enjoy views of the volcano and lake beyond. Many hikes at Arenal Volcano National Park are around a mile or less. Though short, they take you through the beautiful jungle and lava fields to witness the volcanic marvel. There is a per-person fee to enter the national park, which you can pay at the entrance.

Zip Lining Through the Jungle

La Fortuna waterfall Costa-Rica

When people think about going to Costa Rica, the first thing they often picture is zip-lining through the canopy of the jungle, surrounded by monkeys, sloths, and other rainforest animals.

There are many zip line adventures to choose from in La Fortuna, each allowing you to soar through the trees in the safety of a steel cable and harness. You’ll soar past waterfalls, through jungles, across canyons, and enjoy unique views of Arenal Volcano up high.

Coffee and Chocolate Tour


Costa Rica is well known for its coffee, sugarcane, and cacao production, so most places around the country will present tour options. Taking a coffee and chocolate tour in La Fortuna is a classic activity and perfect for all ages. Learn about these resources’ growing process, harvest, and end product.  

Most tours include seeing the plantation, helping create a product, and tasting a bit of sugar, coffee, and chocolate.  

ATV Adventure


Take a wild ride on an ATV through the hills and jungles of La Fortuna. Many tours take you near Arenal Volcano (but not quite inside the park) to give you stunning backdrops to this adrenaline-filled activity.

You’ll have plenty of time to ride and get some thrills, but also time to stop and learn about the area, the history of the Volcano, and the beneficial mud that exists because of it.

Find Sloths on Bogarin Trail

Manuel Antonio Costa Rica

Back in 2000, a woman named Joanne Bogarin decided to try and restore a large amount of farmland in La Fortuna. With the city’s continuing development, she wanted to make sure plenty of animals had a home nearby. The barren farmland is now a forest within the city limits of La Fortuna, filled with wildlife that naturally made their way to this new home.

The Bogarin Trail isn’t a hidden gem but a trendy thing to do in La Fortuna. Why do people like the Bogarin Trail? First, it’s accessible, meaning kids, strollers, and wheelchairs will all have an easy time.  The guides are even trained to provide an incredible experience for those who are blind.

Second, this trail provides ample opportunities to see sloths.  While arguably the best place in Costa Rica to see sloths is Manuel Antonio , the Bogarin Trail walks you through a land where you’re almost guaranteed to see one. 

The land has 30 sloths but is also home to dart frogs, coatis, Toucans, and plenty of other exotic birds and wildlife. It’s a great place to experience the unique animals of Costa Rica without having to go far.

You can take a guided or a self-guided hike on the Bogarin Trail, both of which have a fee.  The fee is used to preserve and protect the land for the animals.

As a bonus, you can also head to Bogarin Trail for a night walk. These night walks present a different group of exotic animals that come out once the sun is down and it’s cooler.

Explore Nearby Caves

Nicoya Peninsula Costa Rica

Many don’t know about the caves within Costa Rica. Some have heard of Barra Honda National Park in the Nicoya Peninsula as the place to see caverns, but you may not be traveling in that direction.

If you are looking for caves near La Fortuna, consider a stop at the Venado Caves. These caves are one of the lesser-known, hidden gems of La Fortuna. The caves were first discovered in 1945 but didn’t really get explored until over 20 years later. Today, you can walk through the ten discovered caverns in these tall, beautiful underground rooms.

The Venado Caves are about 35 kilometers from La Fortuna. What’s cool about them is not just the fact that they are caverns but that you’ll get a lot of the Costa Rica beauty inside. Inside the caves, you’ll admire the beautiful stalactites and stalagmites and enjoy waterfalls falling into underground rivers, bats, insects, and fish. The Venado Caves also have an outdoor swimming pool to take a refreshing dip after exploring. 

Kayak the Peñas Blancas


A short drive from La Fortuna provides access to the Peñas Blancas River. This is an ideal way to spot wildlife along the river.  And in this case, you’ll be on the river.

There are different ways of floating down the river. Families may enjoy a river safari on a raft, but other visitors will love sitting atop the water as you leisurely paddle in a kayak.

The kayak adventure down the river will present plenty of wildlife spotting. Enjoy the monkeys that swing on the branches right about you, birds unique to Costa Rica, exotic lizards, and even crocodiles. Having a guide will make finding the best spots for seeing animals in the river’s habitat easy.

SUP Lake Arenal

Lake Arenal Costa Rica

La Fortuna may not present both beach and jungle , but it is home to an incredible lake, giving you some calm water activity options.

Lake Arenal is a beautiful doormat to the popular Arenal Volcano. If you want a relaxing adventure, rent a stand-up paddleboard, or take a tour , and get out on the water for a day.  

The mountains surrounding the lake are covered in rainforests, and you’ll have stunning views of the Arenal Volcano. This will easily become the most beautiful place you’ve ever gone paddle boarding.  

Just because you’re not in the middle of a jungle doesn’t mean you won’t encounter wildlife. Watch for Blue Herons and Toucans above and Machacha and Rainbow Bass below as you enjoy the water.

Winding Down from Your Adventures

Tabacon Hot Springs Costa Rica

After a day of adventures in La Fortuna, get a truly local experience by stopping at one of the sodas in La Fortuna . These restaurants are delicious, affordable, and true local cuisine.

Relax sore muscles, and a tired body at the beautiful Tabacon Hot Springs.  You can stay as a guest or visit on a day pass. The hot springs here are magazine-worthy, designed with beauty and relaxation in mind.

Things to Do in La Fortuna, Costa Rica

La Fortuna, Costa Rica

La Fortuna is a central hub of adventure in Costa Rica. You can stay here for a week and do something new each day. Whether you want some high-adrenaline activities like canyoning down a waterfall or something a little more gentle like strolling down the Bogarin Trail to spot wildlife, you can pack your days with endless, unique opportunities in Costa Rica.  

There are many other things to do in La Fortuna, but these give you a good feel of everything it offers and some unique experiences to make your trip memorable.


Small Town, Big Adventures: La Fortuna, Costa Rica

Megan runs and is a mom of four kids.  They all love to travel and find memorable adventures.  They recently spent three weeks in Costa Rica, soaking in everything they could during their time there.  She provides tips and guides to traveling as a family at Let’s Jet, Kids!

Costa Rica Travel Life

Home » Destinations » Inland Costa Rica » La Fortuna » Comparing 6 TOP Zipline Tours in La Fortuna: Our Personal Review

Comparing 6 TOP Zipline Tours in La Fortuna: Our Personal Review

By Author Costa Rica Travel Life

Posted on Last updated: August 8, 2024

Comparing 6 TOP Zipline Tours in La Fortuna: Our Personal Review

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Ziplining is a must-do activity in Costa Rica, and La Fortuna is one of the best places to do it. Here, you can soar above rainforests, canyons, and waterfalls and enjoy aerial views of the landscape alongside an adrenaline rush! 

We lived in La Fortuna (and come back whenever we can), so naturally, we’ve taken advantage of all of the fantastic ziplining opportunities here! There are some excellent options available and you can even combine ziplining with other adventurous activities, like horseback riding, hiking, and rappelling down canyons. 

So if you’re thinking about going ziplining in La Fortuna, keep on reading because this blog contains everything you need to know before booking your experience.

Don’t have time to read the full article? Our personal FAVORITE zipline experience in La Fortuna is this 12-zipline tour over La Fortuna waterfall . Not only was the tour super exciting (and safe!), but visiting the Maleku Cultural Rescue Center at the end was a huge plus! We can easily recommend this tour to anyone. You can book the exact same tour that we did and LOVED online here with free cancellation up to 24 hours before the tour !

What are the best ziplining tours in La Fortuna?

Ziplining in La Fortuna, Costa Rica

1. Arenal Best 12 Zipline cables (our personal favorite!)

With 12 ziplines,   this tour  allows you to see the best of La Fortuna’s incredible landscape. As you zoom along, you’ll get beautiful views of the Arenal Volcano, Cerro Chato, and La Fortuna Waterfall. Plus, it’s a great chance to spot wildlife and learn about the area’s unique landscape. 

I love that this tour is exciting, but still great if it’s your first time ziplining. It’s super safe and the staff are great at explaining the ropes (no pun intended!) so even if it’s your first time, you’ll feel comfortable. In fact, we think that this is one of the best tours in La Fortuna overall!

You can book this tour for 8 am, 10:30 am, or 1 pm, and it includes hotel pickup and dropoff. After you’ve finished enjoying your zipline adventure, you’ll get to visit the Maleku Cultural Resource Center to learn about Costa Rica’s Indigenous culture. You’ll learn about the beliefs, cultures, traditions, and even the medicinal plants of the local Indigenous population. 

The tour costs $96 USD per person and lasts for around 2.5 hours. You need to book for at least two people at a time, and you’ll have the opportunity to purchase food and drink or souvenir photos along the way if you like. 

For a fun morning or afternoon of ziplining and enjoying the beautiful scenery, book this Arenal Best 12 Zipline tour here with 24 hour FREE cancellation before the tour starts.

Book our FAVORITE Zipline Tour in La Fortuna here!

2. AMA Extreme 7 Zipline Cables in Arenal above La Fortuna Waterfall

The extreme zipline course  in the Arenal Canopy Adventure Park is perfect for those seeking a big adrenaline rush! Plus, you get awesome views of the La Fortuna Waterfall, which is one of Costa Rica’s best natural attractions . 

You’ll start off on an 18-meter (54-foot) tall tower above a canyon and then begin zooming along the series of 7 different ziplines, one of which is 980 meters (0.6 miles) long. You can reach speeds of up to 70 km/h (43 mph) so this is the perfect choice for thrill seekers.

We also love this tour because you get such beautiful views. You’ll be able to see the Pino Blanco waterfall, La Fortuna Waterfall, Arenal Volcano, Cerro Chato, and the town of La Fortuna itself. 

The 2.5-hour tour costs $78 USD and includes hotel pickup and drop-off in central La Fortuna. For an extreme adrenaline rush, book your tour in advance here .

3. Unmatched Zipline Course and Aerial Tram

With  this tour , you get to go on a 2.5-hour aerial adventure in the Sky Adventures Park. You not only get to enjoy the park’s seven zipline course, but also an open-air gondola ride over the Costa Rican rainforest. It’s a fantastic opportunity to spot wildlife and enjoy beautiful views of the Arenal Volcano. Your guide will also teach you about the flora and fauna you see along the way. 

This is an especially great option for families as kids love the gondola ride as well as the ziplines. The tour costs $106 USD per person, and there are multiple departure times to choose from. You can contact the tour operator after booking to arrange hotel pickup and drop-off for an additional fee. You can also rent souvenir photos or a GoPro if you want to capture your own footage!

To enjoy a family-friendly zipline experience, you can reserve a spot for the Sky Adventures Park Zipline Course and Aerial Tram here .

Bailey on a Ziplining tour in La Fortuna, Costa Rica

4. Tour 4-in-1 (Rappel, zipline, pool jumping, and hike)

This 3-hour tour is an awesome way to explore the Arenal River Canyon. You not only get to zipline over the canyon (twice!), but you also get to rappel down the canyon walls and jump over natural pools. It’s a really beautiful place to explore and this tour allows you to immerse yourself into the wild beauty of La Fortuna. 

What we love about this tour is that it’s beginner-friendly. Going canyoning for the first time can be intimidating but this tour doesn’t require any experience. The guides will help you to learn how to use the safety equipment and they’ll be with you the entire way. 

You also get lunch included with your adventure. After you’ve worked up an appetite exploring the Arenal River Canyon, you’ll enjoy a guided walk through the rainforest to a local restaurant where you’ll get a traditional meal of a casado  buffet for lunch.

The tour costs $83 USD per person, and you can request hotel pickup and drop-off for an extra fee or drive yourself to the meeting point which is about 40 minutes outside of town. It lasts for around 3 hours and we think that this is a great choice if you’re looking for an all-round adventure! 

If combining ziplining with even more rainforest adventures sounds like your kind of fun, book this 4-in-1 tour online here .

5. Congo Combo (Hanging Bridges and Zipline Adventure) 

We love ziplining in La Fortuna, but exploring the hanging bridges in the rainforest is also a really cool experience!  This combo tour  allows you to explore the Arenal Canopy Adventure Park via a series of ziplines and suspension bridges. 

Ziplining is awesome but being able to walk more slowly along the suspension bridges also gives you time to take in the rainforest views and spot wildlife. You’ll have a guide to lead you around and help you point out all the creatures. This is a small group tour with a maximum of 15 people so you’ll have plenty of opportunities to ask questions, too. 

You’ll walk across 16 suspension bridges and fly across 8 different ziplines, so this is a super in-depth exploration of the rainforest. You’ll reach speeds of up to 56 km/h (35 mph), and the longest zipline is 600 meters (1,970 ft). 

We love the variety of this tour. You not only get to go deep into the rainforest, but you also get gorgeous views of the surrounding canyons, mountains, farmlands, and the Arenal Volcano.

This tour costs $126 USD and includes hotel pickup and dropoff, as well as fruit snacks and bottled water along the way. Or, if you prefer, there’s also a private tour for $189 USD per person. 

To combine zipline adventure with spotting wildlife in the rainforest, book this La Fortuna Small-Group Zipline and Hanging Bridges tour here .

6. Mid-day Ziplines, Rappel, Horseback Riding, Maleku Villa, Shuttle

If you’re looking for an all-round adventure,  this tour  offers you the chance to zipline, rappel down a waterfall, take a horseback ride through the rainforest, and visit the Maleku Cultural Village. 

You start with rappelling down the side of an 80-meter/262-foot waterfall, but if you don’t feel comfortable with this, you can take a guided hike down instead. Then, you’ll tackle the 7-cable zipline course and fly through the rainforest before taking a guided horseback ride through the trees. Finally, you’ll head to the Maleku Cultural Village to discover Indigenous Costa Rican culture. 

The tour lasts for around 3.5 hours and you can leave at 8 am or 10:30 am. It costs $149 USD per person, which we think is pretty good value for money since the tour includes so many different activities, and pickup and dropoff in central La Fortuna. 

For a morning filled with ziplining, horseback riding, and learning about Indigenous culture, you can book this tour online here .

Why We Book Tours with Viator

Viator is a trusted online booking system for tours around the world! We almost always book our tours using Viator for a couple of reasons:

  • Free cancellation on most tours – Most of the tours on Viator allow you to cancel and get a full refund up to 24 hours in advance. This is handy in case plans change, or if booking an outdoor activity, the weather forecast is looking grim.
  • Reserve now and pay later – You can secure your spot on some of the most popular tours well in advance and not pay until closer to the day of the tour.
  • Lowest price guarantee – If you happen to find the same tour at a lower price elsewhere, Viator will refund you the price difference.
  • Pay in your chosen currency – Avoid costly international transaction fees by choosing to pay in your home currency.
  • Peace of mind – When booking with tour operators you find in person on the street or in small booking offices, you are often promised one thing and given another. This online platform holds tour operators accountable with a written description of inclusions as well as the opportunity for customers to leave reviews.

Check out the Viator website here ! Or, for more info, read our detailed review about Viator here .

Do you need to book your La Fortuna ziplining tour in advance? 

A man gives a thumbs up while ziplining in la fortuna

Yes, it’s definitely best to book in advance. La Fortuna is a really popular place to go ziplining in Costa Rica, and the tours are usually in small groups. This means that families and larger groups who want to go together should book well ahead of time. 

The tours that we’ve mentioned offer free cancellation up to 24 hours in advance, so you can reserve your spot without risking losing your money. That’s part of why they’re such great options!

Book our FAVORITE Zipline Tour in La Fortuna here (with 24-hour FREE cancellation!)

Is ziplining in La Fortuna suitable for children?

Bailey ziplining in Costa Rica

Yes, kids as young as 5 can go ziplining in La Fortuna, although some tours do have a slightly older age limit of 7. There’s also usually a minimum weight limit of 40 kilograms (88 lbs). 

As long as your kids meet the minimum age and weight limits, it’s totally safe for them to go ziplining with you. Safety in Costa Rica is taken seriously and there are strict rules in place for these kinds of adventurous activities. All of the tours we’ve mentioned are run by reputable operators with great reviews. Plus, kids love zooming through the trees on a zipline! 

If you’re looking for a calmer activity, consider a bird-watching tour in La Fortuna . It’s a great way to experience the outdoors without the adrenaline!

Is ziplining in La Fortuna safe?

No adventure activity is 100% risk-free, but you can feel reasonably confident going ziplining in La Fortuna. The staff are well trained and have lots of experience, and they give you a safety briefing before you gear up. Plus, safety gear is provided for you, and the tour companies have high safety standards. 

So overall, yes, it is safe!

Related Read: Another great adrenaline-filled experience is going whitewater rafting in La Fortuna .

When is the best time to go ziplining in La Fortuna?

A man prepairs to stop while ziplining in La Fortuna, Costa Rica

When you’re figuring out the best time to visit Costa Rica , it’s good to know that ziplining in La Fortuna is a year-round activity. The weather is drier between December and April, which might mean a more comfortable experience. Plus, you’ll be able to see much further on clearer days.

However, going ziplining during the rainy season means that the rainforest will be at its greenest. This also means you’ll see even more wildlife and the rivers and waterfalls will look even more dramatic.

What should you wear ziplining in La Fortuna? 

Ziplining in La Fortuna, Costa Rica (3)

You need to wear comfy clothes you can move around in while ziplining, so activewear is a good plan. if it’s raining, you may want a light waterproof layer. I personally wear my hiking gear when it’s raining and even wear my hiking boots because they are waterproof.

Don’t wear anything too loose that can get caught in the ziplines. Mosquito repellent and sun protection are also a must! 

In terms of footwear, you’ll need comfy, closed-toe shoes for ziplining. Obviously, you want to be comfortable, as there’s some walking involved for most of the tours. Plus, you have to wear closed-toe shoes for safety reasons to prevent injuries

Is ziplining in La Fortuna worth it?

Bailey climbs some stairs on a ziplining tour in La Fortuna, Costa Rica

Yes! La Fortuna is one of the best places to go ziplining in Costa Rica . The zipline courses around here offer beautiful views as well as a really fun experience

In terms of footwear, you’ll need comfy, closed-toe shoes for ziplining. Obviously, you want to be comfortable, as there’s some walking involved for most of the tours. Plus, you have to wear closed-toe shoes for safety reasons to prevent injuries and ensure that your shoes won’t fall off while you’re zooming along the cables. 

Other Things to do While You’re in La Fortuna

A huge lizard on a night tour in La Fortuna

Of course, going ziplining is one of the best experiences, but there are so many other  things to do in La Fortuna  you won’t want to miss! These are just a few of our top picks:

  • Hot springs  – One of the  best free activities in La Fortuna  is the natural hot springs! The Free Natural Hot Spring River is a public river running through the  Tabacon Hot Springs Resort . It’s only 15 minutes outside La Fortuna and feels amazing after a day of hiking! If you don’t mind paying for a soak, there are tons of other  amazing hot springs in La Fortuna  to choose from too.
  • Go on a night walk –  Since ziplining is a daytime thing, go on  this night walk and dinner tour  for a fun evening experience. Guides lead you on an easy hike through the rainforest, spotting all the critters that come out after dark. To finish it off, you’ll enjoy a traditional Costa Rican dinner prepared on a wood-burning stove.
  • Drink great coffee  – It’s no secret some of the best coffee in the world comes from Costa Rica! You can grab a cup of coffee at one of the  restaurants in La Fortuna  or take it a step further with a  coffee tour . We had the freshest cup of coffee and tasted amazing homemade chocolate on  this Costa Rican coffee and chocolate experience  that takes place on a small family-owned plantation.
  • Visit a rope swing –  El Salto, or “the rope swing,” is a hidden paradise with a swimming hole, waterfalls, and a local vibe. You can easily  walk to El Salto  and swing into the refreshing waters – or ask the locals where it’s safe to jump!
  • Arenal Volcano  – Arenal Volcano is the centerpiece of La Fortuna! You can wander the trails at Arenal Volcano National Park on your own or as part of a  hiking tour . For more unique volcano views, take to the sky aboard the  Sky Tram , fly by on an  ATV ride , or take a leisurely  sunset cruise on Lake Arenal .

Where to Stay in La Fortuna, Costa Rica

Bailey in a spa at Casa Luna Hotel, La Fortuna

Because La Fortuna is such a big tourist town, there are a ton of amazing places to stay. We even wrote an entire blog about  the best hotels in La Fortuna . However, to make it super easy, we’ve narrowed it down to our top places for each price point. So keep reading to find one that suits your needs (and budget!).

The Springs Resort & Spa at Arenal – $$$

For arguably the most luxurious hotel in La Fortuna, check out  The Springs Resort & Spa at Arenal . While the rooms don’t come cheap ($600 USD+), it’s a bucket list place to stay that’s perfect for  visiting Costa Rica on a honeymoon !

You’ll find 28 hot spring pools here, making the resort the perfect place if you really want to relax. There’s also a resort-style pool, a fitness center, a swim-up bar, hot tubs, and a spa and wellness center. You can reserve a room at The Springs Resort & Spa at Arenal  on .

Casa Luna Hotel & Spa – $$

Those with a medium budget should check out  Casa Luna Hotel & Spa . I stayed here on my first visit to La Fortuna and loved it. The property is beautiful, with a large pool and four hot tubs surrounded by nature. You can also enjoy the tropical botanic garden at the hotel.

Casa Luna Hotel & Spa is near Arenal Volcano National Park, and all the rooms have views of the volcano and the rainforest. The hotel also includes a delicious breakfast, and rooms run about $200 USD a night. Casa Luna is located a short drive from town, and you can reserve a room online on here .

Selina La Fortuna – $

One of the go-to budget options is  Selina La Fortuna . I’ve stayed in Selina hostels around the world and this is a great one. It has a fun party atmosphere and a great co-working space where we spend a lot of time.

Selina Fortuna is located right in the middle of town, so you have easy access to great bars and restaurants nearby. Rates begin at $26 USD for a one-night stay in a dorm and $124 USD for a one-night stay in a private room. You can check availability and book on or through .

Getting Around Costa Rica

Bailey with our rental car near Rio Celeste Costa Rica

How you choose to get around Costa Rica is one of the biggest decisions you’ll make when planning your holiday here! How you do it depends on your budget, travel style, and comfort level. 

Renting a Car

Without a doubt, the number one way to explore Costa Rica is in a rental car. We book rental cars on the Discover Cars website as we have had good experiences with them in the past.

One of the things you need to watch for when renting a car in Costa Rica is the mandatory insurance that the government requires you to have. There are a lot of very cheap rentals that don’t include this mandatory insurance (TPL) in the original booking price, but there are also ones that do. To avoid additional surprise charges when you pick up your rental car, be sure to rent a car that includes the mandatory insurance when you book.

Thankfully, on Discover Cars it’s easy to tell apart the companies that include the mandatory insurance and those that don’t. The trick is you can’t pick any car on their website. In the picture below, you can see this rental car, with pick up in Jaco, includes the TPL. That means the mandatory insurance is included in the price. Any cover you get above that is extra.

Of course, I still suggest getting the full coverage offered by Discover Cars, which covers you even more.

You can  browse cars on Discover Cars here .

TPL Cover Costa Rica

Book Shuttles

If renting a car isn’t in your budget, you don’t feel comfortable driving in Costa Rica , or you just don’t like driving, shuttles are the next best option. There are hundreds of shuttle routes available all over the country, and they are very affordable.

Shuttles in Costa Rica are specifically for tourists and often include pick up and drop off at your selected hotels and airports. The drivers also speak some English, and the vehicles have air conditioning. You’ll also be guaranteed a seat when you book a shuttle (which isn’t the case with the public bus system.)

To get the best price, use the website  Bookaway . They compare all the offers and prices of shuttle companies in Costa Rica so you get the best price! Honestly, we have saved so much money using Bookaway! 

You can search for shuttles online on Bookaway here.

Lastly, you can use the public bus system. On short journeys, such as from San Jose to La Fortuna or Uvita to Manuel Antonio, this system is great. However, the longer the journey the more hassle and time spent on a bus. It’s undoubtedly best to save the public bus in Costa Rica for short and straightforward trips!  

The public buses are definitely the cheapest way to get around Costa Rica, but they are not always very reliable and schedules often change without notice and delays are to be expected. The buses can also be very crowded and hot – so just be prepared!

It’s also good to speak some Spanish if you plan on riding the public bus since most drivers and ticket booth operators don’t speak English.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance!

If you’re looking to save money on travel insurance, we currently use and recommend  SafetyWing . We’ve been using their coverage since 2018 and they’ve had our backs when we needed emergency flights and got sick overseas.

SafetyWing is one of the cheapest providers out there and covers everything from medical costs to lost luggage, travel delays, and emergency flights. A huge difference we’ve found between them and other companies is that they let you take out a policy AFTER leaving your home country. We’ve also found it handy that it’s a monthly payment rather than a lump sum, and you can get a refund for unused time.

SafetyWing has helped us out in some scary situations before and their affordable coverage has given us peace of mind.

Book your travel insurance with SafetyWing here!

Bailey and Daniel take a selfie while ziplining in La Fortuna, Costa Rica

Going ziplining in La Fortuna is such a fun adventure and a great way to see lots of beautiful scenery. Because ziplining is so popular in La Fortuna, it’s best to make plans in advance, especially if your schedule doesn’t have much flexibility.

Hopefully, you found a tour that sounds just right for you! We always have an amazing time ziplining in Costa Rica, and we want you to as well. Before your visit, make sure to check out our  full blog on Costa Rica . We have lots of tips and advice to make your vacation the best one yet.

15 Absolute BEST Places to Visit in Costa Rica

16 BEST National Parks in Costa Rica + Nature Reserves

15 Things to Know About Visiting Poas Volcano


Samara Weather Forecast

Samara weather, experiences in samara.

  • Blue River Tubing
  • Blue River Zip Line
  • Camaronal Turtle Tour
  • Dolphin watching and snorkeling
  • Ocean Kayaking and Snorkeling
  • Palo Verde National Park Riverboat Tour
  • Ride, Glide & Rejuvenate Combo
  • Ride, Zip, Tube & Soak Combo
  • Samara Trails Hike
  • Scuba Diving Bat Islands Archipelago with Bull Sharks


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    Best Zipline & Canopy Tours in Costa Rica Reviews. 1. Zipline Tour from Jaco: 25 Cables Over 11 Waterfalls. This is an especially large zipline park, the longest linear feet in Costa Rica, with 25 cables that traverse over 11 different waterfalls. The spectacular views of ocean, rainforest and mountains are second to none.

  3. Compare Costa Rica Zip Line Tours

    San Luis Canopy Tour. For those in Costa Rica's Central Valley region, the cloud forest canopy seems as if it were designed for ziplining. Thrill-seekers can ride 12 different lines between 18 separate platforms and will zip across a gorgeous river landscape a total of four exhilarating times. Add this tour to our Tropical Honeymoon vacation ...

  4. THE TOP 10 Costa Rica Ziplining (w/Prices)

    AMA Extreme 7 Zipline Cables in Arenal above La Fortuna Waterfall. 241. Soar through the lush jungles of Costa Rica as you embark on a thrilling zipline adventure near the Arenal Volcano. Head to the adventure park and gear up to fly over canyons, above waterfalls, and through the forest over a series of ziplines.

  5. Monteverde Canopy Tour

    Tour times: 8 a.m., 11 a.m and 2 p.m. (every day) 9 regular ziplines, 2 superman ziplines, 1 hammock bridge, 1 rappel, 1 mega Tarzan swing. Longest zipline in the Costa Rica - over 5220 feet (1590 meters - almost 1 mile)! ** Minors between the ages of 6 and 17 can only participate in the activity in the company of an adult.

  6. The most extensive zip line tour in Monteverde

    Join the Selvatura club of adventure seekers on Costa Rica´s most popular experiences and soar high! Book now. Schedule: Daily 365 days of the year, 8:30 am, 11:00 am, 1:00 pm. Duration: This tour takes approximately 1 hour to 1 hour and 30 minutes. Rates: • Adults: $69.00 + tax and fees. • Students under 18: $62.00 + tax and fees.

  7. Ziplines

    The best and safest ziplines in Costa Rica with amazing views on zip lines going from mountain to mountain. Constructed under the highest standards of quality plus safety so you can enjoy a unique adrenaline rush at extreme heights, lengths and speeds. ... Zipline Tour Information. Schedules; Restrictions; Tips; Schedules. 8:00am | 9:00am | 10 ...

  8. Costa Rica Zipline & Hanging Bridges Tours

    Experience the ultimate adventure with our private tours, exclusively tailored for you and your loved ones. Immerse yourselves in the wonders of our park as you're guided by our dedicated experts. Explore Treetopia Park for the best Costa Rica Zip Line & Canopy Tours. Venture to the Monteverde Cloud Forest for unforgettable ziplining, tree ...

  9. El Santuario Canopy Adventure

    OUR ZIP LINE ADVENTURE. Located just off the Central Pacific Coast near Manuel Antonio National Park and Quepos, Costa Rica, El Santuario Canopy Adventure Tour brings thrill seekers one of the best attractions in the country, the longest zip line in Costa Rica! Let our professional, bilingual, certified guides lead you safely and securely over ...

  10. Diamante Eco Adventure Park

    Eco-Adventures, Animal Sanctuary, Zipline & Tours in Guanacaste, Costa Rica. VIEW ALL ADVENTURES Most Popular Pass! Diamante Adventure Pass. From $ 118. Experience a day full of Costa Rica adventures! This pass allows you to experience the zip lining, the animal sanctuary, cultural experience, beach activities and buffet lunch.

  11. Zip Line Over 11 Waterfalls

    It provides an adventure-packed experience that includes a thrilling zip line tour, soaring over 11 magnificent waterfalls, heart pounding high ropes tour that includes over 17 thrilling elements, an exciting ride on four cable zip line offering panoramic views, and a Tarzan swing to test your balance, strength, and courage. Check-in at 3:00 PM.

  12. The Longest Zip Line in Costa Rica

    THE LONGEST ZIP LINE EXPERIENCE IN COSTA RICA! El Santuario property. The adventure tour features Central America's most impressive zip line at over 4,300 feet (yes over 8/10 of a mile!), 14 tree platforms, five hanging bridges, three nature walks, one double belay rappel, and 10 double-anchored zip lines, totaling over 3.6 kilometers in length.

  13. THE 10 BEST Costa Rica Zipline & Aerial Adventure Parks (2024)

    5. Sky Adventures Park Zipline Course and Aerial Tram in Arenal Park. 338. Extreme Sports. 2 hours. Sky Trek & Sky Tram tours takes you to highest points in the Arenal rainforest with an adventure full of adrenaline. The…. Free cancellation. Recommended by 94% of travelers.

  14. Best Ziplines in Costa Rica: Comparing 6 in Arenal and Monteverde

    Written by Nikki Solano. Nikki is the CEO of Pura Vida! eh?Inc. (Costa Rica Discounts), and the author of the guidebooks Moon Costa Rica (2019, 2021, 2023, and 2025 editions) and Moon Best of Costa Rica (2022 edition) from Moon Travel Guides.Together with her Costa Rican husband, Ricky, she operates the Costa Rica Travel Blog, created the online community DIY Costa Rica, built the Costa Rica ...

  15. 34 Best Ziplines in Costa Rica: A Thrill Seekers Guide

    Book this tour here! Location: Route 253 Camino de la Bruja, Playa Cabuyal, Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica Witch's Rock Canopy Tour is an aerial course 40 minutes from Playas del Coco near Planet Hollywood and the Four Seasons.It has 11 lines ranging from 328 ft to 1,476 ft (100 to 450 meters). In addition to ziplines, it also has three suspension bridges, and climbing trees up to 32 feet ...

  16. 8 Things to Know BEFORE Ziplining in Monteverde

    Longest and Highest Extreme Zipline Experience in Monteverde. This 3-hour tour takes you to Monteverde Extremo Park, where you'll zoom along some of the highest ziplines in the country. There's a 14-cable course, and the lines range between 75 m (246 ft) to 150 m (492 ft) above the forest floor.

  17. Miss Sky Canopy Tour :: Best Zipline in Nosara, Costa Rica

    Miss Sky Canopy Tour is based at Nosara Beach Hotel in Nosara, Costa Rica. Join us at our Canopy Tour for one of the best things to do in Nosara. Have an adrenaline-filled day out on Costa Rica's longest zipline ! Suitable for nature lovers, adu0002venturers, families and all who wish to experience the ultimate canopy tour adventure; Miss Sky ...

  18. Zip-Line Canopy Tours in Costa Rica

    Multi-Sport Tours. The last type of zip-line tour is our personal favorite. Honestly even the longest, highest, fastest zip cables get a bit mundane after five or six rides (most courses are around a dozen cables) and even though Costa Rica claims to have invented tourist zip-lines it's been far outdone in every -est category elsewhere in the ...

  19. 6 BEST Zipline Tours in Jaco (an unbiased comparison)

    Amazing Mega Ziplining tour - This epic ziplining tour is the longest zipline tour offered in Jaco with a whopping 25 ziplines to glide across!This park sits about 84 km (52 miles) north of Jaco and takes about an hour and a half to drive to. This adventure is offered to zipliners at least 7 years of age and older and weighing less than 280 pounds (127 kg).

  20. Sky Trek Monteverde Costa Rica

    About The Sky Trek Canopy Tour. There is a canopy observation tower that is 72 feet (22 m) tall. There are 9 cable systems, the longest of which is 2,525 feet long (770 m) and 456 feet (130 m) high. Sky Trek's cables in total stretch 1.9 miles (3 km) long. The system is integrated with a 2,625 foot (800 m) aerial tram through primary forest.

  21. A Canopy Zip-line Tour in Costa Rica

    Try a canopy zip-line tour. Canopy or zip-line tours can be found throughout Costa Rica—in the cloud forest, near volcanoes, or a short drive from the beach. Each one is different, but they all feature a long metal cable stretching high above the rainforest floor. Fitted with a helmet, gloves, and body harness, you will be connected to the ...

  22. Zip lining on the Osa Palmas Canopy Tour

    Location : La Palma de Puerto Jimenez, Osa Peninsula. About 30-45 minutes from Puerto Jimenez. Start time : 9:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m., 7 days a week. Time length : 1 hour 30 minutes. What to bring : sunblock and bug spray. The longest and fastest zip line on the Osa Peninsula gives you the experience of flight as the Osa Palmas Canopy Tour shoots ...

  23. 10 Adventurous Things to Do in La Fortuna, Costa Rica

    Costa Rica is well known for its coffee, sugarcane, and cacao production, so most places around the country will present tour options. Taking a coffee and chocolate tour in La Fortuna is a classic activity and perfect for all ages. Learn about these resources' growing process, harvest, and end product.

  24. Comparing 6 TOP Zipline Tours in La Fortuna: Our Personal Review

    2. AMA Extreme 7 Zipline Cables in Arenal above La Fortuna Waterfall. The extreme zipline course in the Arenal Canopy Adventure Park is perfect for those seeking a big adrenaline rush! Plus, you get awesome views of the La Fortuna Waterfall, which is one of Costa Rica's best natural attractions.

  25. Samara, Costa Rica Daily Weather

    Know what's coming with Costa Rica's daily weather forecasts for Samara up to 15 days of daily highs, lows, changes in precipitation and wind from

  26. A Costa Rica Vacation Has Something for Everyone

    Your Costa Rica vacation is just a click away. Book now. Where to Stay in Costa Rica. Both coasts of Costa Rica have beautiful beaches but offer distinctive experiences. While all-inclusive resorts are strongly associated with the Caribbean, in Costa Rica, the big resorts are located on the Pacific Coast in Guanacaste and Puntarenas provinces.

  27. Middle School: Experience Costa Rica

    Middle-schoolers will marvel at Central America's beauty and bounty, experiencing a blend of cultural immersion and tropical wonders on this eight-day Costa Rica adventure. Spend time in the lush rainforests of the Alajuela region, explore the Arenal Volcano and its natural surroundings, and zipline across treetops in Sarapiquí.