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25 Virtual College Tours Worth Taking

Virtual college tours are considered one of the easiest, most accessible ways to learn about a school. While a more typical college tour may still be conducted in-person, the reality of that is changing. With the technological advances of the last 10-15 years, virtual tours have become a new, affordable possibility. Indeed, a virtual college tour can be an excellent way to learn about a school’s campus, programs, student life, clubs and activities, and much more.

You might be curious, how exactly do virtual college tours work? The answer depends on the school. Some virtual tours are live streams or recordings of in-person campus tours. Others are interactive maps where you can click on buildings and see what happens inside. Some will even include Q&A sessions with students. These are just some of the many ways schools show prospective students what life is like on campus. However, not all virtual college tours are created equal.

In this article, we’ll explore the world of virtual college visits, including:

  • Benefits of engaging in college tours
  • Similarities and differences between in-person and virtual college tours
  • Different formats of virtual tours
  • Top 25 virtual tours worth taking
  • How to plan and make the most of your college visits
  • What comes next after a college tour 

Without a doubt, college visits will play an integral role in your college journey. So, let’s dive into why college visits are so important to the application process. 

Why College Visits?

Before we explore virtual college tours in greater detail, let’s discuss why college visits are important to begin with. First and foremost, college tours are a way to learn about schools before you apply or even attend. Attending college is a big commitment. Therefore, taking the time to learn more about each school will allow you to feel more confident in deciding where to attend. 

Secondly, the college admissions process is a time of self-exploration. By engaging in college tours, you can learn more about yourself just as you do about colleges. Maybe you will notice you like smaller campuses that aren’t in bustling cities. Or perhaps you will realize that having a lot of cultural diversity on campus is important. By learning these facts about yourself, you will contribute to your overall personal development as well as create a holistic college list.

Lastly, college visits for juniors help to put together a strong application. Many colleges request that you write a supplemental essay about why you want to attend their school. Through a visit, you can gain knowledge about the school and be able to speak passionately and specifically about why you wish to attend in your essays. This is more critical than ever since the number of applications has skyrocketed at many schools. As such, you’ll need to make sure your application demonstrates why you are a clear fit.

College visits and the admissions process

As you may have already gathered, there are two times when you might find it most valuable to visit colleges:

Before applying

Virtual college tours and in-person campus tours can help you narrow down your college list. In doing so, you will only spend money and time applying to colleges that you would really love to attend. College visits for juniors can also help them write stronger essays.

After admission to make a final matriculation decision

If you are admitted to multiple schools, a campus visit can help you feel more confident in your final decision. As a senior, you also might have more specific questions about certain activities or campus life. Getting to know the campus more can also help ease the transition into your first year. Since you’ll already know where important buildings and resources are located, your first day may not be as overwhelming!

Now that you understand the importance of college visits, let’s explore what goes into planning a college visit.

Planning your college visit

As we shared, college visits are an important part of the admissions process. However, planning in-person campus tours can be time-consuming and expensive. To begin, you and your family will need to explore what times of year are best to travel. Some common times to visit schools are during school breaks or summer vacations. However, if you hope to see more activity on campus, then try to plan your visit when classes are in session. 

Next, we recommend setting up a visit with the admissions office. While you can, in most cases, visit a campus without an appointment, the appointment helps you gain access to a tour. It may even allow you to speak with an admissions officer. Ideally, you will book this appointment a few months before the visit. If you find yourself running short on time, you can also show up on campus and take a self-guided tour. Occidental College , Haverford College , and Claremont McKenna College all offer self-guided tours, whether using a printed map or a downloadable app. 

The cost of college visits

Regardless of whether you pre-schedule your visit, you will need to pay for your travel including transportation, hotels, and meals. Many students try to see multiple schools in one visit to save money and time.

For some students, setting up in-person visits is difficult. Beyond the expensive nature of travel, parents or guardians may not be able to take off work or find childcare. Some high schools organize college visits for juniors, or even sophomores, where adult chaperones take large groups of students to visit schools. However, this may not be an option at your school.

If the cost and logistics required to attend in-person college tours is prohibitive, don’t worry! In the next sections, we’ll discuss the many similarities, as well as the unique benefits, of virtual college tours.

COVID-19’s Impact on College Visits

While virtual tours existed pre-pandemic, the COVID-19 pandemic made them a necessity as college campus tours were canceled. Since then, virtual tours have become more advanced and more widely available. In some cases, college virtual tours can offer as much, or more, than an in-person campus visit.

While many students still prefer in-person visits, virtual tours can be used as a tool to explore colleges earlier in the application journey. Virtual tours can also be useful to prepare for an in-person visit. If a student can spend 15 minutes taking a virtual tour and noting what buildings or parts of campus interest them most, then they can focus their in-person tour on those aspects. 

Overall, virtual tours are an excellent way to visit schools that are completely inaccessible, such as ones that are too far away. Many international students use virtual college tours to explore campuses they wish to attend. Indeed, the fact that virtual tours exploded during the pandemic has raised several questions about accessibility, including the need to make more tours available in multiple languages or geared towards low-income families.

Coming up, we will explore more about the similarities and differences between in-person and virtual college tours. 

In-person vs Virtual College Tours

Luckily, visiting colleges today does not require you to go to a campus. Indeed, the number and quality of virtual campus tours for students have skyrocketed in recent years. Undoubtedly, there are similarities and differences between in-person college campus tours and virtual college tours.

Similarities between In-Person College Campus Tours and Virtual College Tours

  • They provide a layout of the campus.
  • They allow students to get a sense of the campus architecture, including the inside of academic buildings and dorms. For example, UT San Antonio offers special housing tours for students to see where they might be living.
  • Students can learn about specific academic programs. For instance, Harvard offers a specialized in-person tour for engineering and applied sciences students in addition to the Harvard virtual tour.
  • They offer insight into student life on campus. Emerson College , for example, offers videos of students talking about their transition to life in Boston and co-curricular activities.
  • Tours allow students to explore the available clubs and activities on campus.
  • They are opportunities to hear directly from actual students about their experiences. Colgate , Princeton , and Barnard all offer virtual conversations with students.
  • Students can get some of their doubts answered. Many tours offer a live Q&A with current students. Pomona ’s live virtual sessions include this offering.

Differences between In-Person College Campus Tours and Virtual College Tours

Note that depending on the school, you may or may not receive information about that school’s admissions process during a tour, whether in-person or virtual. Several schools, like Spelman , encourage students to schedule separate webinars to learn more about the admissions process, as this is not a topic covered in their campus tours. 

Now that we have explored the similarities and differences between in-person college campus tours and virtual college visits, let’s look more deeply into when and how to use virtual college tours.

Understanding Virtual College Tours

When first hearing about virtual college visits, many students and families are skeptical about how useful they can be. However, college virtual tours have advanced so much in recent years that many offer a similar, if not enhanced, experience to an in-person visit. 

As we discussed, there are several obvious reasons why college virtual tours are easier than in-person, including the fact that they are free and require little to no planning. In the following sections, we will discover more of the benefits and uses of virtual college tours. We will also discuss how they work and explore some of the best virtual college tours that exist today.

Are Virtual College Tours Worth It?

Yes—college virtual tours are absolutely worth your time! Indeed, virtual college tours can be a very good investment of time depending on where you are in your college admissions process. Let’s explore some ways that you can use virtual college visits to aid you in your college decision-making process:

Initial exploration of schools

As a freshman or sophomore in high school, you might not know how to prepare for the college process. Using virtual college tours, you can begin to explore schools and learn about what you like and don’t like in a college. This process can help you stay motivated to work hard as you will visualize your goals with greater clarity. You will also begin to learn what types of schools you are drawn to, which can help you build a college list faster in your junior year.

Exploring more and different schools

In the past, many students were limited to only visiting schools they could travel to. In some cases, leaving their state or country was impossible. Virtual college tours offer much more accessibility for students who cannot travel large distances. Also, since they can be completed in much less time than in-person college campus tours, virtual college visits may allow you to explore schools you had never considered. Perhaps you were only considering applying to big public schools. With virtual college visits, you can branch out and easily explore small, liberal arts colleges as well.

Narrowing down the list of schools you might want to visit in person

You might have a long college list. Ideally, you’ll want to cut it down when considering which schools to visit. This is where virtual college visits offer a unique opportunity to make the most of your time and resources. Before you get on the road, you can do a virtual tour to see if you like the campus enough to visit. Or perhaps the virtual tour helps you see which parts of campus you want to explore further, or which buildings you want to enter.

Alternatively, maybe your virtual college visits give you the confidence to know you like the school enough that you don’t need to spend lots of money on a flight in your junior year. Perhaps you will wait and see if you are admitted and visit the school afterward to decide if you want to attend.

Certainly, we can agree there are many benefits to virtual college visits. However, some virtual college tours are more interactive, engaging, and informative than others. Later, we will explore some of the virtual college tours that are worth taking.

While the quality of the tour may depend on the schools you’re interested in, how much you get out of them ultimately depends on you. We will explore how to make the most of your college virtual tours later. 

What Are Virtual College Tours Like?

Now that we have convinced you that college virtual tours are beneficial, let’s look at what you can expect from them. Most virtual college tours for students have some combination of the following offerings:

Guided tour of campus

This can include a combination of interactive maps and pictures, embedded videos, informational text, and voiceovers describing what you are seeing. Some college virtual tours offer 360-degree views that allow you to click around and move through campus as if you were there, such as the University of Tampa ’s tour. Even more advanced tours offer immersive virtual reality (VR) technology which allows you to put on a headset and bring the campus to life in front of your eyes. However, VR campus tours typically require you to have your own equipment at home.

Campus highlights

Most virtual college tours for students will highlight important buildings or landmarks. These can include academic buildings, monuments, libraries, dining halls, residence halls, and the student union. By showing you these buildings, schools hope to give you a sense of what your day-to-day life may look like as a student there.

Student testimonials

Another helpful part of college virtual tours is student testimonials. Sometimes, this looks like students leading a campus tour while sharing their own experiences. Other times, schools will offer webinars for prospective students to ask questions of others. More common these days is the use of social media to share student experiences. Some schools will allow students to “take over” their social media accounts and post about their day so that prospective students can see what a day on campus is like. Consider following schools of interest on social media so you can get an insider’s perspective.

Now that you know what you can generally expect from college virtual tours, let’s explore the differences between college campus tours across schools.

How Do Virtual College Tours Work?

As the name suggests, virtual tours happen via a computer, phone, or other piece of technology. However, that can look very different depending on the school you are investigating. As we shared above, many virtual college tours for students include some kind of guided tour of campus, a list of highlights, and student testimonials. However, these items can come in very different formats.

Here are some of the formats you can expect:

Pre-recorded videos.

These can look like videos of a student giving a tour or a video of activities happening around campus. Since these are the simplest version of virtual college tours for students, they are the most common. Schools like Dartmouth , CalPoly , and Vassar all offer pre-recorded tours. 

Interactive videos

Some videos let you click on buildings or landmarks as you watch to learn more. In some cases, you can even enter buildings. For example, the Harvard virtual tour lets you click through photos of the athletic center, dorms, libraries, labs, and quads. The Harvard virtual tour also includes a voiceover that provides additional information as you scroll through images. 

Interactive map s

Here you’ll have a map of campus, whether flat or 360 degrees, that lets you click on landmarks to gather more information. Cornell , Bucknell , Wesleyan , and Pace all have online maps you can explore.

Live streams

This is a video that is being filmed at the same time you are watching it. Live streams sometimes offer a chance for Q&A with the student hosting. To take advantage of this, you will need to be present at the exact time the live stream is being shared. In some cases, you may need to register ahead of time to receive the link. An example of a live tour is at the University of Pennsylvania , where students register ahead of time for a one-hour, live, student-led virtual campus tour.

Live Virtual Tour vs. Pre-Recorded Tour

Take special note of the distinction between live virtual tours and pre-recorded virtual tours. Live virtual tours are being streamed as you watch them, which means you will get a better sense of what is happening right then and there on campus. Sometimes, live virtual tours include a Q&A section where you can ask questions. Meanwhile, pre-recorded virtual tours are less interactive but offer the flexibility of watching them whenever you can.

A common platform for many of these virtual college tours is YouVisit . YouVisit specializes in making virtual experiences as interactive as possible. For that reason, you may notice that many of the online virtual college tours you discover are similar in format. YouVisit’s tours tend to include interactive 360-degree maps, voiceovers, videos, and photos.

As you can tell, there are many formats and options for virtual tours. Indeed, the menu of options has exploded in recent years, in part due to the necessity created by the COVID-19 pandemic. Next, we will look more closely at when to take a virtual tour and explore some of the most helpful virtual tours worth taking.

When is the right time to take a Virtual Tour?

Virtual college tours can be useful at any stage, whether you’re already working on applications or just starting to build your college list.  No matter where you are in the college admissions process, remember: it’s never too early to take a virtual tour! However, before you start exploring virtually, it’s useful to know how virtual college tours can benefit you.

Tours for sophomores, juniors, and seniors

Virtual college tours will look different for sophomores, juniors, and seniors. As a sophomore, a virtual tour might be a way to dip your toes into the world of college admissions. Since you can take virtual college tours from the comfort of your own home, this is a low-stakes way to get a feel for which colleges you’re interested in applying to. 

College visits for juniors are a bit more meaningful. You may be starting to create a college list, so you’ll want to pay close attention to the different parts of the virtual tour. Consider taking notes as you go, so that when you start applying to schools you have observations from your virtual tour to look back on. 

If you’re a senior, there’s another important aspect of virtual college tours to keep in mind: demonstrated interest. When colleges read your application, they often look for “demonstrated interest,” which is a way that you demonstrate that you care about the school. Colleges want to admit students who will ultimately choose that college, and one way to show that you care about a school is to attend a tour. 

What Colleges Offer Virtual Tours?

In general, virtual college tours make tours accessible for people who can’t travel to the school for whatever reason. Most schools understand that not all students can visit in person and will offer some type of virtual tour—whether it’s a recorded tour, a video of the campus, or another interactive option. 

So, how do you decide which ones to take? Up next, you’ll find our list of the best virtual college tours that we think are worth your time.

25 Virtual College Tours Worth Taking!

As we’ve discussed, virtual tours are a great way to get a feel for a school’s campus without having to make the trip to visit. You can take a virtual tour at almost any time—you can even take one more than once!

With that in mind, we’ve compiled a list of 25 great virtual college tours that you can embark on in lieu of a traditional college visit. 

Top 25 Virtual College Tours

1. princeton university.

First on our list of virtual college tours worth taking is Princeton University. Located in Princeton, New Jersey, Princeton is ranked #1 in National Universities. Princeton’s virtual tour consists of a live-streamed Zoom webinar, where one of their tour guides will take you along with them on their campus tour. You can even ask your guide questions in the Zoom chat!

2. Harvard University

Next on our list of best virtual college tours is Harvard University, located in Cambridge, MA. The Harvard virtual tour is self-guided, meaning that you can click around the Harvard virtual tour to see panoramic views of Harvard’s classic New England campus at your own pace. Plus, if you’re interested in Harvard’s School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, there’s a separate Harvard virtual tour that goes into even more detail on that school’s offerings.

3. University of Pennsylvania

If you’re interested in UPenn but can’t make it out to Philadelphia, you can explore UPenn’s campus with virtual college visits. You have to sign up online to take one of Upenn’s virtual college tours since they’re led live by Penn’s student tour guides. With these live tours, every tour is different. Since different students give them each time, if you decide to take the tour more than once, you’ll likely learn something new! 

4. Cornell University

The virtual college tours at Cornell are self-guided. This means that you can take yourself around Cornell’s beautiful campus in Ithaca, NY, at your own pace. At each location, Cornell supplies fun facts and details about the campus that can help you get to know the school better. 

5. Dartmouth College

With Dartmouth’s virtual college tours, you can get the best of both worlds: a live-streamed campus tour and a self-guided tour. If you’re just beginning to think about Dartmouth as an option, watch their video of a pre-recorded tour to get a feel. If Dartmouth is your dream school, get to know their campus in bucolic Hanover, NH, by taking a live virtual tour led by a student—that way, you can ask all of your questions and feel more like you’re really there!

6. California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly) – San Luis Obispo

If you want to know more about Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, they provide a wealth of virtual college tours that you can take. Not only does Cal Poly offer the classic student-led virtual tours and prerecorded tours. They also have virtual tours of their housing and of each academic college. Even if you can’t make it out to this coastal California city, you’ll have a great feel for the Cal Poly campus. 

7. Barnard College

Curious about college in the Big Apple? Take one of Barnard’s virtual college tours. Once you register for Barnard’s virtual tour, you gain access to spaces in Barnard that aren’t even available on the in-person tour. Barnard also offers an audio tour, where you can listen along to a live tour guide.

8. Pomona College

At Pomona, a college located in Pomona, California, you can explore in a multitude of ways. Pomona offers a pre-recorded virtual tour, as well as info sessions and webinars that you can attend from home. 

9. University of Texas – San Antonio

Located in San Antonio, TX, the University of Texas campus at San Antonio offers a self-guided virtual tour. At each location on the virtual tour, UT offers a video accompanied by written information to help you get to know the campus better.

10. Wesleyan University

If you’re looking for an idyllic New England campus, you’ll find one with Wesleyan’s virtual college tours. Wesleyan is a small liberal arts school located in Middletown, Connecticut, and you can follow along with a current student as they “walk” you through different locations on campus. 

11. Colgate University

Located in Hamilton, ME, Colgate’s beautiful campus is just a few clicks away. Colgate’s college virtual tours let students make their way through the campus on their own time, and you can supplement your virtual college visit with webinars and online info sessions. 

12. Washington State University

Though Pullman, Washington would be beautiful to see in person, WSU’s college virtual tours will make you feel like you’re right there without ever leaving your house. WSU offers a personal tour, where you can direct yourself around the Washington State campus. 

13. Bucknell University

At Bucknell University, you can take college virtual tours by navigating through their virtual campus map. Though you might not get a feel of Bucknell’s location in Lewisburg, PA, you’ll come away with a great understanding of their campus—they even have a specialized map for prospective engineering students. 

14. Vassar College

Next on the list of college virtual tours worth doing is Vassar. Vassar is located in scenic upstate New York, but if you don’t want to make the trip, you can easily get a feeling for the campus with their many options for college virtual tours. Vassar offers an interactive campus tour, a 30-minute preview video of the campus, and even sample classes and recordings of past events. 

15. Claremont McKenna College

The second of the Claremont Colleges after Pomona, Claremont McKenna offers recorded video tours and self-guided college virtual tours. Claremont McKenna is also located in Pomona, CA. So, if you’re virtually touring Pomona, you might as well give Claremont McKenna a look as well!

16. Haverford College

If you’re interested in living in Pennsylvania, you can give this lovely campus located just outside of Philly a look. Haverford offers live virtual tours where two students will take you on a “stroll” across campus, giving you advice and answering questions along the way. 

17. Harvey Mudd College

If you love Pomona, CA, but Claremont McKenna and Pomona weren’t your vibe, give Harvey Mudd a try. Harvey Mudd’s college virtual tours consist of separate videos for each stop along the tour that take you through all of the most important buildings on Harvey Mudd’s campus. 

18. Middlebury College

For your Middlebury College virtual tours, you get all the benefits of variety. Middlebury College, located in Middlebury, VT, has a wealth of options for students who don’t choose to do college campus tours in person. This includes virtual tours in English and Spanish, self-guided interactive maps, recorded information sessions, and more. 

19. Pace University

If you want to get to know Pace University, the college offers interactive maps for both of its campuses—one in NYC and one in Westchester, NY. Using Pace’s maps, you can make the most of New York City college campus tours without ever having to navigate the subway. 

20. Occidental College

Next on our list of virtual college campus tours worth taking is Occidental College. Located in sunny Los Angeles, CA, Occidental offers a self-guided virtual tour, where you can click through 360 views of the campus and hear from Occidental’s student tour guides along the way. 

21. Furman University

Located in Greenville, South Carolina, Furman University also offers stellar options for their virtual college campus tours. Furman gives you the option to explore individual campus buildings with interactive and immersive technology, which includes videos from their tour guides to give you insider knowledge about each location. 

22. Spelman College

If you want to tour Spelman, you don’t have to go all the way to Atlanta, Georgia. You can take one of their virtual college campus tours, where you can take your time looking at each of their buildings. Spelman’s virtual map lets you see inside and outside of many different campus locations, and get a better feel for the vibe of the campus as a whole.

23. Emerson College

Located in Boston, MA, Emerson offers lots of options for students who want to take college virtual tours. Using an interactive map , prospective students can make their way around Emerson’s campus to explore different buildings and facilities. The Emerson campus map also includes some city landmarks, like Boston Common, that are close to campus and part of the Emerson experience.

24. University of Tampa

At the University of Tampa, students can take college virtual tours to get a feel for the beautiful Tampa, FL campus. The University of Tampa offers tour videos, 360 interactive campus tours, as well as virtual visits. If you register for a virtual visit, you’ll also be able to attend a 30-minute info session hosted by an admissions counselor. 

25. Texas State University

For the last school on our list of college virtual tours worth taking, we visit (or more accurately, don’t visit) Texas State. Texas State offers a virtual interactive map, a video tour led by student tour guides, and also provides a presentation where you can learn more about the academics and admissions policies at the school. You can tour both of Texas State’s locations, one in San Marcos and one just north of Austin.

As you can see, not all virtual college visits follow the exact same format. However, there are certainly many opportunities to “visit” a school without ever stepping foot on campus. Next, let’s talk about scheduling and making the most of your college visits.

How To Schedule Virtual College Visits

Now that we’ve gone over some of the best virtual college tours that you can take, let’s talk about some logistics. 

For most virtual college tours, you can take them whenever you want—that’s part of why they’re so great! Whatever your schedule is, you can slide in a college visit on your own time. You could even do a bit of a virtual college visit, take a break, and come back and finish later. It’s totally up to you. 

Schools may ask you for your name and email when you click on their virtual college visits. This is totally fine, and also can work to your advantage. Remember demonstrated interest? You want the college to know that you’ve taken their college campus tours, whether it’s a virtual college visit or in-person. This is especially meaningful in college visits for juniors or seniors.

Even though many virtual college visits can be done on your own schedule, some schools offer live virtual tours. If you want to take one of these college campus tours, you’ll need to sign up in advance. Even though these virtual college tours for students require a little bit more planning, it can be helpful to be in a Zoom with other prospective students and tour guides so that you can ask questions in real time. 

Making the Most of a Virtual College Visit

Even though you might be taking your virtual college tours from your bed, it’s important to still make the most of it. While a virtual tour might not feel the same as in-person college campus tours, there are some things you can do to make the most of the experience. 

Block out dedicated time

At first, virtual college tours for students might not seem very outwardly engaging. However, you should try and make the most of your experience. Don’t multitask, or do college campus tours while you’re watching TV. This is still a college visit, and you want to treat it as such. Immerse yourself in your virtual college visit—you want to get as close as you can to experiencing it in person! 

Consider your priorities

Virtual college visits can serve different purposes for different students. Some students have no idea what they’re looking for from their college campus, and others are already set on what they want their college experience to look like. On the virtual tour, make sure to look at the school’s housing, academic facilities, recreational facilities, and transportation. If there’s a must on your list—for example, if you want a school with a main quad, or a school that’s integrated into a city—see if the school has it! 

Ask questions

If you’re taking a tour on your own, think about the questions you’d have for a tour guide if there was one present. What can you learn from virtual college tours for students, and what do you still have questions about? These are the kinds of things you could ask in an information session or research after your tour.

Next Steps after your Virtual Tour

Once you’ve finished your virtual tour, there are some next steps you can take to make the most of it. 

If you’re just starting to build out your college list, think about what stood out most from your campus tours. Write down some big takeaways from the school, or a list of pros and cons, so you can start comparing schools that you want to put on your college list. These can be informal—something like “huge library,” or “weird vibe” is totally fine—just make sure you write down enough to remember how you felt about the school so you don’t have to take the virtual tour a second time.

If you’re ready to apply, reach out to admissions with any questions you have after the virtual college tours. Explore the application requirements at the schools you’re most excited about. See if the school has any supplemental essays that ask you why you’re interested in the school—these virtual tours can give you great talking points about the school that you might want to include in an essay.

Sometimes after a virtual tour, you might still not know how you feel about a school—that’s okay! Virtual tours are just one way to get to know a college. You can keep doing research, and take advantage of other virtual resources offered by the school. 

Even More Virtual Opportunities

So what are the other ways to learn more about a school from the comfort of your own home?

Along with the virtual campus tour, many schools also offer virtual information sessions. These are Zoom calls with admissions officers who are there to provide information on the school and answer applicants’ questions. Attending information sessions can also be a way to show demonstrated interest to a school that you want to attend. 

Some schools also have student testimonials, or other videos with students who can answer questions about the school. These are a great way to see what actual students think about attending the school. Many colleges also provide a way to reach students at the school with questions—email the admissions office and ask if there are students you can talk to about their experience. 

Virtual College Tours – Final Takeaway

College visits for juniors, seniors, and sophomores are an important part of the college admissions process. Since the pandemic, you can go on amazing virtual college visits from the comfort of your own home. On a virtual college tour, you can get to know the campus, and see what kinds of resources the school has to offer.

There are a few different types of virtual college tours for students. Some are interactive maps, where you can click on different buildings and explore. Others provide a 360 view of various parts of campus. Some are live Zoom meetings led by student tour guides, and some schools provide pre-recorded videos that you can watch. All of these virtual tours are great options to learn more about the school, and if a school provides more than one, they’re all worth doing!

When you’re taking a virtual college tour, make sure to make the most of it. Set aside some time to really focus on the tour, keep your priorities in mind, and take notes on things that stick out to you and questions you have during the tour. 

If at the end of your virtual tour, you’re sure that you’ve found your dream school, don’t hesitate to reach out to CollegeAdvisor for application guidance. Our team of experts is always here to support students in navigating the admissions process. Happy (virtual) exploring!

This article was written by senior advisor Courtney Ng and advisor Rachel Kahn . Looking for more admissions support? Click here to schedule a free meeting with one of our Admissions Specialists. During your meeting, our team will discuss your profile and help you find targeted ways to increase your admissions odds at top schools. We’ll also answer any questions and discuss how can support you in the college application process.

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Virtual Experiences

The Columbia community hails from every corner of the world—and while we’d love to see you all here for a campus visit , we know that a trip to New York City can be quite an undertaking. That’s why we’ve created this suite of virtual visit experiences: to provide an insider’s look at what it’s like to be here in person, no matter what corner of the world you’re in! Talk directly with current students for answers to all your questions, experience the energy of our campus and get a feel for the community that one day you may call home.

Virtual programming options

Join Admissions Officers, current Columbia students and Financial Aid & Educational Financing staff at our virtual programming and events. Events are offered on a regular basis weekly.

Register for a virtual event

Information sessions

Learn more about Columbia College and  Columbia Engineering from an Admissions Officer and current undergraduate student.  T ake advantage of this opportunity to dive deeper into the academic and student life experiences at Columbia. 

Live Q&A chats

Virtual Student Q&A Chats are offered on most Fridays. Join us for casual conversations with current Columbia students as they discuss a different topic each week.

Financial aid sessions

Join members of Columbia Financial Aid & Educational Financing for a walk-through of the financial aid application process. Students and families will learn more about Columbia's commitment to affordability and our need-based, need-blind and full need financial aid program. 

Five students walk past Lerner Hall

Explore at your own pace

With our self-guided virtual tour , you can enjoy 360° panoramic views of Columbia’s beautiful Morningside Heights campus from anywhere. This interactive online walking tour includes stops inside iconic locations such as Butler Library and Low Rotunda, as well as our residence halls, academic spaces and dining facilities. Optional narration is available in English, Spanish and Mandarin.

Have questions? Ask an expert.

Reach out to a student now

Want to get your burning Columbia questions answered? You can reach out to current Columbia College and Columbia Engineering undergrads and get their take on all the best parts of their college experience.

Want to learn more?

Dive deeper into our transformative curriculum and renowned faculty, beloved community traditions, day-in-the-life student stories, dynamic location in Morningside Heights and in New York City, and our admissions and financial aid processes through our curated videos or through an information session, conducted by members of the admissions team and student leaders.

Watch our videos now

Welcome to Columbia

Access and Affordability: Financial Aid

Columbia College

Columbia Engineering

Find out where Columbia Blue will take you with our Undergraduate Admissions viewbook. Explore our residential campus in the world's greatest city, learn more about the Core Curriculum's tradition of intellectual discovery and meet a few Columbians along the way.

Discover a place unlike any other.

Check out our viewbook

Statue of Alma Mater is in the foreground and Butler Library is in the background, across the grassy quad.

Explore the ideas, artifacts, people, and places that have shaped our history for nearly 400 years.

Harvard Visitor Center tours

All tours are 45 to 60 minutes long. Registration is required in advance for both in-person and virtual tours. Weekly tour registration will be available every Friday. You can download the Visit Harvard mobile app on iOS and Android devices. During business hours you may purchase a Self-Guided Tour Map for $3 available in multiple languages.

For information about Harvard College Admissions tours for prospective students, visit their website .

A student giving a tour in Harvard Square

Official Historical Tour of Harvard

The free, student-led public walking tour through Harvard Yard provides a history of the University, general information, and a unique view on the students’ individual experience. 

Register for the in-person tour

Visit Harvard mobile app

Explore Harvard with our free mobile app, featuring a collection of self-guided walking tours. Whichever tour you decide to embark on, you’ll be sure to learn something new.

Download the app on  iOS  and  Android devices.

Historical Tour of Harvard

Learn the history behind well-known spots across Harvard’s campus! Each stop highlights iconic buildings, traditions, alumni, and much more.

Harvard Public Art & Culture Tour: Allston

Explore vibrant public art in Allston! You’ll encounter can’t-miss installations along Western Avenue and learn the stories behind them and their artists.

Harvard Public Art & Culture Tour: Cambridge

Discover a new side to our campus through an art-filled adventure! Explore outdoor art, famous architecture, renowned cultural institutions, and more.

Discover more Harvard tours

From nature walks to art galleries, these tour offerings include virtual options, in-person experiences, student and staff-led excursions, and more.

An old drawing of Harvard Yard

Tour spotlight

Harvard and the Legacy of Slavery

The Harvard and the Legacy of Slavery Walking Tour Experience explores Harvard University’s entanglements with the institution of slavery through a 10-stop tour around Harvard’s campus.

Learn more about the tour

Prospective students

Harvard College In-Person Campus Visit Options: in-person, student-led

Harvard College Virtual Tour Options: virtual

SEAS Tours Options: in-person, student-led

Harvard Business School Options: in-person, virtual, student-led, mobile

Harvard Law School Virtual Tour Video Options: virtual

Arts and culture

Harvard and the Legacy of Slavery Options: mobile

Harvard Art Museums: Student Guided Tours Options: in-person, student-led

Harvard Art Museums: Gallery Tours Options: in-person, self-guided, staff-led

Harvard Forest Field Trips & Tours Options: virtual, in-person, staff-led, self-guided

Arnold Arboretum: All Tours Options: in-person, virtual, staff-led, self-guided

Museums and libraries

Peabody Museum: All Tours Options: in-person, virtual, self-guided, staff-led

Houghton & Widener In-Person Tours Options: in-person, staff-led

Widener 360-Degree Virtual Tour Options: virtual, self-guided

Houghton Library Virtual Tour Options: virtual

Harvard Museums of Science & Culture: Virtual Tours Options: virtual, self-guided

Frequently asked questions

General tour information.

The Harvard University Visitor Center offers several different types of tours. For our in person tour offerings on campus, we provide the Official Historical Tour of Harvard. All tours are provided to the public for free and to private groups for a fee. Our tours typically run 45-60 minutes.

To view the schedule and register for our free public tours (virtual and in person), please visit our Eventbrite page . To request a virtual or in person private tour, visit this link .

We also offer a free self-guided historical tour through the Visit Harvard mobile app, which you can download on iOS and Android devices. You can take this self-guided tour on campus or from the comfort of your own home.

Information about free in-person tours

The in person Historical Tour of Harvard explores Harvard Yard. Tours depart from the Visitor Center which is located at the front desk in the Smith Campus Center. Our address is 1350 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138.

Registration for our in person tours must be made in advance. Registration is made available starting the Friday before your tour week. Parties of up to 14 persons can register for a free in person tour. Parties of 15-60 are encouraged to submit a request for a private tour .

Registered tour goers should arrive at the Visitor Center at least 15 minutes before your tour to check-in. Tours depart from the Smith Campus Center and end in Harvard Yard.

Information about the Visit Harvard mobile app

Visit Harvard is a free mobile app by the Harvard Visitor Center that features a collection of self-guided tours centered around the Harvard University experience. The Visit Harvard mobile app can be downloaded by anyone with a smartphone, tablet, or desktop, to be enjoyed from wherever you might be visiting, whether it’s in-person at Harvard or from the comfort of your own home.

What tours are being offered in the mobile app? Currently on the app, visitors can take a mobile version of our popular in-person and virtual tour, the Historical Tour of Harvard.

How long is the mobile tour? This self-guided tour takes place across 14 mapped stops through Harvard’s campus. At a standard walking pace, it will take between 45-60 minutes to complete the 1 mile long tour.

Can I take the mobile tour in-person or virtually? The mobile tour is designed to be accessed in-person on Harvard University’s campus, starting at the Harvard Visitor Center, located at the Smith Campus Center in Harvard Square (1350 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA). It can also be viewed from the comfort of your own home. Simply download Visit Harvard in the app store, select the Historical Tour of Harvard, and begin your journey!

Where can I download the Visit Harvard mobile app? You can download the Visit Harvard mobile app on the Apple App Store and Google Play . There is also a desktop version of the app you can access here .

Learn more about the Harvard College admissions process

For more information about Harvard College Admissions, please visit their official website . Their contact information can be found here .

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Undergraduate Admissions

Deadline Update: We want to ensure anyone applying for federal financial aid has enough time to make an informed decision regarding their college choice! For this reason, we're extending our enrollment decision deadline to May 15.

Visit Us Virtually

Info Sessions, Tours, Videos, Stories & More

In-person visits will be returning this fall! Planning a trip to campus in the meantime? Be sure to check out our self-guided tours and driving tour .

student watching a UIUC info session on an iPad

Join an Info Session

Want to learn more about UIUC or what your next steps should be? Our admissions counselors are hosting info sessions daily. They're here to help!

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student watching an info session on an iPad

Schedule a Virtual Visit

We offer a variety of virtual options for you to learn more about us, our admissions process, and our academic communities.

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All Virtual Visits

Explore all of our virtual visit options, including admissions and academic offerings, by date.

Admissions Virtual Visits

Our counselors are here to share more about UIUC and how you can prepare for it! We host a variety of virtual info sessions, plus transfer one-on-ones.

Student Zoom Chats

Ask current Illini your questions in a small group setting. They'll tell you what life's like at UIUC both in the classroom and outside of it.

Group Sessions

High school groups are also welcome to visit us virtually. These sessions include a presentation and a student panel.

Group sessions will be available again in June.

Academic Virtual Visits

Each of our academic communities offers unique ways to interact and discover what it's like to be a student.

Non-Academic Meetings

Explore additional opportunities and communities on campus related to the activities you're interested in.

Summer Programs

Immerse yourself in a subject you love this summer with one of our virtual programs!

Explore Options

Take a Tour

Illini cheerleaders at a basketball game

Get a better picture of all corners of campus through our photo tour.

Touring Time graphic

Touring Time

Get to know prominent locations on campus in this YouTube series.

still from a campus bike tour with LAS Executive Associate Dean, Dave Tewksbury

Looking for something more specific to you and your interests?

Google Maps location glyph

Explore Campus

View prominent locations featured in our Touring Time video series and learn where they are in relation to the rest of campus.

A Day in the Life


A Top 10 U.S. College Town (Livability)

Meet Our Students

Every Illini has a journey. These are their stories.

Surabhi and Siddhi at an Illini game

California Connection

Best friends Surabhi and Siddhi met their first week on campus.

Read More about Surabhi and Siddhi

photo of an Illini esports event

Illini Esports

Illini Esports is a popular and growing student group at Illinois.

Read More about Illini esports

Fabian on stage at Krannert Center for the Performing Arts

Lights, Camera, Fabian!

Acting was always part of Fabian's plan. Illinois wasn't.

Read More about Fabian

Read Our Blog

Life as an Illini, straight from the students.

a student biking on campus

How to Get Around Campus

Julissa breaks down the best ways to traverse campus and whether you really need a car.

Read More about getting around on campus

two girls laughing

Being Natural in College

Taylor has worn her hair natural since her first year on campus. She's sharing her best tips with you.

Read More about being natural

Illini rugby team playing a match

Club Sports at Illinois

Franklin joined the rugby team for a better sense of familiarity in a foreign country.

Read More about Franklin

Illini participating in an online class

Class Visits

Get a glimpse of what a real college class looks like through our video recordings! We'll continue to add classes throughout the semester.

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Want to learn more about Illinois?

a collection of Instagram and TikTok posts

You've got questions and we have admissions counselors ready to help.

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Text 217-600-2234

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26 Virtual College Tours

Explore your dream schools without leaving home

gregobagel / Getty Images

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  • College Rankings
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  • Distance Learning
  • Ph.D., English, University of Pennsylvania
  • M.A., English, University of Pennsylvania
  • B.S., Materials Science & Engineering and Literature, MIT

Virtual college tours are an excellent alternative to in-person visits. Virtual tours allow you to explore college campuses at your own pace, typically with useful features like 360° views and student-narrated audio/video. In fact, you will often see and learn much more during a virtual tour than is possible through an in-person tour, given the size of many campuses and the time constraints of a visit to the admissions office.

For each school on our list, you'll find one or more virtual tours that take you around campus and into academic buildings, residence halls, and athletic facilities.

Boston College

Despite its name, Boston College is not located in Boston. The 175-acre main campus in Chestnut Hill sits a little over 6 miles from downtown. The attractive campus features collegiate Gothic architecture and sits on a hill overlooking the Chestnut Hill Reservoir.

Online: For 360° views of buildings, athletic and performance venues, and dining areas, check out the BC virtual tour at . For a more personal experience, CampusReel offers a range of videos shot by BC students as they tell you about their campus.

Boston University

Located on an urban campus in the Fenway neighborhood, Boston University is home to one of the largest residence halls in the country, as well as beautiful green spaces along the Charles River. From contemporary towers to historic brownstones, the university's architecture is truly diverse.

Online: Boston University has an excellent collection of over 40 videos narrated by students that provide a window into academic life, residential life, and campus life.

Brown University

As one of the prestigious Ivy League schools , admission to Brown University is extremely selective. The campus in Providence, Rhode Island, features attractive red brick buildings and a hilltop location. The highly ranked Rhode Island School of Art and Design adjoins the campus.

Online: On the admissions website, you'll find an excellent 360° tour of Brown created in collaboration with YouVisit. Brown students guide you around campus and narrate different aspects of the university experience.

Columbia University

As a member of the Ivy League located in the Morningside Heights neighborhood of Manhattan, Columbia University can be an excellent choice for strong students looking for an urban college experience. Barnard College sits adjacent to the Columbia campus.

Online : The university partnered with YouVisit to create a virtual walking tour of the campus narrated by Columbia students. You'll learn about 19 locations on campus and see dozens of high quality photos. For a less professionally produced view of campus, check out the many student-created videos on CampusReel .

Cornell University

Another Ivy League school, Cornell University has an enviable location in the Finger Lakes region of Central New York. The large hillside campus sits in the middle of wine country overlooking Lake Cayuga. In addition, Ithaca frequently ranks among the best college towns in the nation.

Online: The university has a professionally made video, Cornell University: Glorious to View , that features scenes from around campus and soundbites from faculty and students. You can also check out Cornell's interactive map with photos and information on dozens of locations around campus. Finally, take a look on CampusReel for some amateur videos by Cornell students .

Dartmouth College

Another highly selective member of the Ivy League, Dartmouth College is located in the quintessential college town of Hanover, New Hampshire. The iconic bell tower of Baker Library soars above the school's attractive buildings and open green spaces.

Online : The Dartmouth admissions website has links to some excellent resources including a 360-degree virtual tour with YouVisit and virtual tours of athletic facilities and the School of Engineering. Dartmouth graduates wrote the script for this informative 36-minute video tour of Dartmouth. For a less scripted perspective of a current student, check out Paula Joline's video .

Duke University

Located in Durham, North Carolina, Duke University 's sprawling campus includes a forest and a medical center. The school is well known for its stone Collegiate Gothic architecture. The iconic Duke Chapel towers over 200 feet above West Campus.

Online: Narrated virtual tours at YouVisit offer excellent 360° image quality and information on Duke's main campus, Duke Marine Lab, and Duke's Kunshan campus. For another virtual tour, students in the ISIS Research Capstone course created a Duke Google Earth project with views and information on some of students' favorite campus locations.

Harvard University

rabbit75_ist / Getty Images 

As one of the world's most prestigious and selective universities, Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, has probably been filmed and photographed more than any other school in the United States. The university has roots going back well before the U.S. was a country, and it is also a major research hub with over 20,000 graduate students. The result is a campus with an interesting mix of historic and state-of-the-art facilities.

Online: Like several schools on this list, Harvard partnered with YouVisit to create a high quality 360° narrated virtual tour that includes both indoor and outdoor views of campus features including residence halls, Widener Library, sports complexes, and academic buildings.

 John Nordell / The Image bank / Getty Images

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology often tops the rankings of engineering schools in both the United States and the world. The school's 168-acre campus stretches along the Charles River in Cambridge, and you'll find a variety architecture from the neoclassical central buildings to the Frank Gehry designed Stata Center.

Online : Check out the campus sites in this narrated Campus Crawl video or MIT's own video, Hangin' Out at MIT with Cathy and Tara , a tour that will give you a 21 minute student-guided look around the institute. You'll also find a large library of information and videos related to different campus locations in the MIT Virtual Tour .

New York University

City lovers will be drawn to NYU 's location in Manhattan's Greenwich Village, adjacent to Washington Square Park. The campus is truly urban, so don't expect to find the green spaces and quadrangles that are typical of most campuses on this list. The school leverages its location to create impressive opportunities for students in fields ranging from business to the performing arts.

Online: NYU has created a 9-minute video that shows off the NYU campus and its New York City location. On the school's admissions website , you'll find additional virtual tours of the NYU Abu Dhabi and Shanghai campuses, as well as an online information session. For a less promotional glimpse of campus, check out this remarkable student-made video tour of NYU .

Northwestern University

With a single-digit acceptance rate, Northwestern University is among the most selective universities in the country. The 240-acre main campus in Evanston, Illinois, hugs the shore of Lake Michigan and is home to about 150 buildings. The university also has a 25-acre campus in downtown Chicago, roughly 12 miles away.

Online : Northwestern teamed up with YouVisit to create a narrated tour with dozens of high quality photo with detailed information on 22 campus locations. For something a little less formal, check out student James Jia's video tour of campus .

With over 46,000 students, Penn State 's main campus is a small city unto itself. Indeed, the campus has its own postal address—University Park, Pennsylvania—where the university is the major employer and economic driver in its rural location in the center of the state. With 18 colleges, 275 undergraduate degree programs, and over 1,000 clubs and organizations, there is clearly a lot to see and do on campus.

Online: For an excellent introduction to the university, check out Penn State's 360° virtual tour of dozens of campus locations, including the iconic Old Main building and Beaver Stadium, with its seating capacity of over 100,000.

Princeton University

Founded in 1746, Princeton University has a rich past that is reflected in its historic 500-acre campus in Princeton, New Jersey. The oldest existing building, Nassau Hall, was completed in 1756, and many more recent buildings feature Collegiate Gothic architecture. The campus frequently finds a place in rankings of the nation's most beautiful campuses .

Online : Powered by YouVisit, the Princeton University virtual tour features high quality 360-degree views of 25 campus locations narrated by Princeton students. Also be sure to check out this series of YouTube videos to introduce you to various campus features. For a more personal touch, student Nicolas Chae created a 9-minute video to show you around campus.

Stanford University

The most prestigious and selective university on the West Coast, Stanford is easily recognizable, with the mission-style architecture of the Main Quad and Hoover Tower soaring 285 feet over the school. Its campus occupies over 8,000 acres in the Bay Area, about 30 miles south of San Francisco.

Online: You'll find a range of virtual tours on the Stanford visitor's webpage. You'll be able to explore the main campus, residential facilities, and campus gardens.

Temple University

Temple University' s main campus sits about one and a half miles north of Center City, Philadelphia. As the university has grown in both size and prestige, it has expanded its facilities to include the 27-floor Morgan Residence Hall and Dining Complex, which opened in 2013 .

Online: For a professionally produced 360° tour of Temple with stellar image quality, the university partnered with YouVisit to bring the campus to your computer. If you prefer amateur student-created videos , you'll find plenty of short clips at CampusReel.

UC Berkeley

The University of California at Berkeley often tops lists of the nation's best public universities. Along with the main undergraduate campus, the school features an 800-acre ecological preserve, a botanical garden, and numerous research facilities. Towering over the campus is the 307-foot Campanile, a building that offers stunning views of campus and the Bay Area.

Online : UC Berkeley is planning to release a new virtual tour in the fall of 2020. Until then, you can check out some of the sites with this 14-minute student-guided video tour as well as a library of short videos on CampusReel .

UCLA 's 419-acre campus sits northwest of downtown, just a few miles away from the Pacific Ocean and Hollywood. Students can enjoy the advantages of proximity to a major city while living on a spacious and attractive campus defined by its Romanesque Revival architecture.

Online: For a visual experience with no narration, you'll find a 40-minute virtual walking tour of UCLA on YouTube. Also be sure to check out dozens of student-created UCLA videos on CampusReel, as well as a professionally-produced 360° tour created in collaboration with YouVisit.

Students who love sand and sun (as well as a good education) will be drawn to the University of California Santa Barbara , one of the few universities in the country with its own beach. The main campus has a cliff-top location overlooking the Pacific Ocean. The East Campus is home to most of the school's academic facilities, while the West Campus is home to residential life and athletics.

Online: If you're interested in seeing where you'll be living at UCSB, the university has extensive 360° virtual tours of residence halls, apartments, and dining areas. For a virtual walk around the attractive campus and many of the academic and athletic facilities, check out the YouVisit virtual tour , where you'll find plenty of high resolution photographs.

RightCowLeftCoast / Wikimedia Commons /   CC BY-SA 4.0

UC San Diego frequently ranks among the best public universities in the country, and its location, with La Jolla, Black's Beach, and Torrey Pines State Reserve just minutes away, is an added bonus. While surrounded by beauty, the campus itself was named by Travel & Leisure as one of the ugliest in the country because of its mishmash of architectural styles. That said, many would disagree with that assessment, and the iconic Geisel Library pictured here is certainly a one-of-a-kind campus building.

Online: UCSD created virtual tour brochures for each of its six undergraduate colleges. You'll also want to check out the YouVisit virtual tour , with its excellent picture quality and informative narration of numerous campus features.

University of Michigan

 jweise / iStock / Getty Images

The University of Michigan , another of the nation's top public universities, occupies an attractive campus in Ann Arbor. With over 500 buildings sitting on 860 acres, the university has a daunting number of tour destinations. The South Campus is dominated by athletic facilities, and the Central and North campuses are home to most academic and residential buildings. The university's top-ranked medical school has its own campus.

Online: Learn more about the campus and see the sights with these photo galleries on the U-M admissions website; you'll find a gallery featuring the campus and another focused on student life. You can also check out a 14-minute video on YouTube with 4K outdoor shots of many of the campus' main buildings.

University of Pennsylvania

Located in West Philadelphia, the University of Pennsylvania has a rich history dating back to its founding by Benjamin Franklin. This prestigious Ivy League school is home to the top-ranked Wharton School of Business. While much of the campus is historic and constructed in the Collegiate Gothic style, contemporary expansion continues, especially after the university acquired acreage along the Schuylkill River front.

Online: You can choose your virtual Penn experience. For an amateur and down-to-earth look at Penn, check out the dozens of student videos on CampusReel. For high quality images and narration, explore the campus through YouVisit's 360° virtual tour .

University of Southern California

Situated in the University Park neighborhood of Los Angeles, the University of Southern California has grown increasingly selective in recent years. The attractive 229-acre main campus has a number of red brick buildings in the Romanesque Revival style. A few miles from the main campus, the university's Health Sciences campus is home to one of the top hospitals and medical schools in the state.

Online: To see the campus and learn more about USC, CampusReel has nearly 100 videos shot by students as they show off their school. Also be sure to check out the USC photo gallery on Flickr where you'll find 59 high resolution images.

University of Virginia

A top-ranked public institution, the University of Virginia has a rich history dating back to its establishment by Thomas Jefferson in the early 19th century. The university campus features stunning Jeffersonian architecture, including the arched walkways and pillared rotunda that surround the Lawn, the campus' central green space.

Online: Explore the campus through YouVisit's high quality, interactive, narrated 360° tour of UVA . Student tour guides will tell you about many of the campus features as you look around 19 campus locations.

Vanderbilt University

 SeanPavonePhoto / Getty Images

A prestigious private university in Nashville, Tennessee, Vanderbilt University frequently ranks among the most beautiful colleges in the country. The 330-acre campus is a designated national arboretum. Despite being just a couple of miles from the city, the campus is filled with trees and green spaces. Campus buildings are designed in a variety of architectural styles.

Online: You can virtually walk around campus and learn about 20 different locations through Vanderbilt's online tour . Sights include libraries, sporting facilities, academic buildings, and even Greek Row. If you want to take the experience a step farther, explore the campus in 360-degree virtual reality with your VR headset or YouTube app on your smartphone.

Virginia Tech

Virginia Tech 's expansive 2,600-acre campus features numerous buildings constructed with the school's defining "Hokie Stone"—a gray rock mined near the university's home in Blacksburg. As one of the nation's six senior military colleges, the institute is designed around the Drillfield, a large grass field where the Corps of Cadets conduct military drills.

Online: Virginia Tech offers an extensive campus photo tour with information about academic, residential, and student life facilities. You'll find even more photos and Virginia Tech information on the campus highlights page . For the student perspective on the university, you can find a wide range of short videos on CampusReel.

Yale University

Yale 's historic campus in New Haven, Connecticut, expands over 800 acres and features numerous ornate Gothic Revival buildings. You'll also find a few unique architectural gems, such as the windowless Beinecke Rare Book Library with its translucent marble and granite exterior panels. Yale's residential system is modeled after those at Oxford and Cambridge, and all students reside in one of 14 residential colleges.

Online: You can get a strong impression of Yale from the numerous virtual tours the university created in collaboration with YouVisit. Options include the Yale Campus Tour, Yale Science Tour, Yale Engineering Tour, Yale Athletics Tour, and Yale Residential College Tour. Each features high resolution photography. For more scenes of campus and the surrounding New Haven shops, check out the half-hour YouTube video created by Wind Walk Travel Videos.

  • A Photo Tour of SUNY Potsdam
  • Photo Tour of the University of Florida
  • Different Ways to Visit a College Campus
  • Photo Tour of Dartmouth College
  • How to Choose a College When You Can't Visit
  • Eckerd College Photo Tour
  • Photo Tour of the Wellesley College Campus
  • 9 Tips for Making the Most of a College Visit
  • Barnard College Photo Tour
  • New College of Florida Photo Tour
  • Harvard University Photo Tour
  • The Five College Consortium
  • University of North Carolina Chapel Hill Photo Tour
  • Case Western Reserve University Photo Tour
  • Photo Tour of Cornell University
  • St. Lawrence University Photo Tour

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Texas A&M University

Texas A&M University Virtual Tour

At Texas A&M, you’ll find a second home with students that share your personal and career interests while getting a world-class education. Choose from 1,300+ student organizations and 140+ degree options; get access to top-of-the-line resources, faculty and research opportunities; learn the skills necessary for your career and grow in leadership, communication and teamwork; the opportunities are endless! We believe Aggieland is Where You Belong.

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Over 70,000 students call Texas A&M University home, dive into what life looks like as an Aggie in our Student Life tour.

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Nothing beats an  actual  campus tour for taking in the sights and sounds of Mizzou’s colorful campus. But in the meantime, enjoy a  virtual  tour where our student tour guides give you a taste of what Mizzou has to offer.

Our online tour allows you to explore:

  • Francis Quadrangle
  • dining facilities
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  • and much more.

Enjoy a virtual tour of Mizzou filled with gorgeous photos, historical facts and 360-degree views of campus.

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Digital Resources

We have discontinued the UO360 app

Our innovative UO 360 app lets you explore campus for yourself. With dozens of 360-degree videos and photos , you can see the University of Oregon from wherever you are. Use the app with virtual reality goggles for a fully immersive VR experience or explore on your phone with the handheld option.

YouTube playlist

There’s a lot to learn about what it’s like being a Duck. Our students have curated a YouTube playlist that gives you an inside scoop on the campus experience—not only our produced content, but also videos made by some of our own students.

Discord server

Screenshot of "Future Ducks" channel on Discord

All future Ducks are invited to our student-run Discord server. Wherever you are in the process—from college search to accepting your offer of admission—you can talk with current students about what it's really like at the UO. Join the #future-ducks channel and get connected.

Social media

Collage of scenes from UO social media sources.

Add some school spirit to your Instagram , YouTube , Twitter , or Facebook feed. And don't miss our stickers and filters to use on your story.

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Guided Virtual Tour

Can't make it to campus? Join us for a guided virtual tour led by an Eagle Ambassador. This 60-minute online journey, available on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, is your chance to learn about our traditions, academics, athletics, and student life, all from the comfort of your home via a Zoom meeting .

Explore key spots around campus, including classrooms, dorms, the recreation center, dining halls, and more.


online tour university

Self-Guided Virtual Tour

We have you covered with our self-guided virtual tour! Use our virtual campus tour to discover everything UNT has to offer and visit the areas of campus that interest you most. Our self-guided virtual tour is available 24/7 to fit your schedule. 

If you have any questions or need more information, don't hesitate to contact us.

Check out our frequently asked questions, take a campus tour, and get help with your application process.

  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Schedule a Campus Walking Tour
  • Find Your Program
  • Apply to UNT
  • Request Information

Virtual Visit Experience

Join us for a virtual event.

There’s nothing like stepping foot on campus—but our interactive, engaging virtual experience is a close second. Our virtual programming guides you through a rich history of academic rigor, unique ways to find your passion, and a tight-knit community to call your own.

Card image

Virtual College and Program Sessions

Interested in a closer look at the student experience at Northeastern? Join one of our upcoming virtual sessions hosted by our Admissions team and representatives from across the university! These sessions are a great way to learn more about Northeastern's rigorous academics, expansive global network, experiential learning opportunities, and vibrant student life.

Interested in visiting our Boston or Oakland campus in person? Check out our Visit Campus page to register for an information session and campus tour.

Virtual Information Sessions

We invite you to watch a recorded prospective student information session, as well as info sessions for any of our colleges that interest you! Learn more about life as a Husky, including academics, student life, and more:

Prospective Student Information Session

Interactive Virtual Tour

Take a stroll through our Boston campus with our interactive virtual tour. Explore our academic facilities, student housing, and award-winning green spaces, guided by a Husky Ambassador.

Card image

Additional Virtual Visits

We will be hosting virtual and in-person programming for high schools, cities, and regions across the country. Join your fellow classmates to connect directly with the admissions counselor for your school and get your questions answered. Sign up for our mailing list to ensure you know when we're connecting with students from your area.

Campus Tour Video Collection

Experience a tour of the Boston campus hosted by two of Northeastern’s Husky Ambassadors. Learn about academic, research, and co-op opportunities available to our students. Hear about student experiences such as joining one of our 500+ student clubs and organizations in Boston, capturing photos of everyday life in Cuba, or living in Australia. During our residence hall tour, you will see an example of a student’s room, hear about our Living Learning Communities, and learn more about the various dining options on and off campus.

online tour university

What's NU?

Subscribe to weekly updates about the lives of current Northeastern students.


Listen to the latest updates about Northeastern anywhere and anytime.

Check out Our Videos

Check out Our Videos

Learn more about why our students chose NU when you visit our YouTube Channel. Hear about global opportunities, student & community involvement, co-op, and life on campus. The stories highlighted here are just the beginning of what your experience at Northeastern could look like.

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Visit northeastern.

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online tour university

Transfer Tuesdays:  Thinking about transferring to the U? Join an Admission Counselor at a monthly Transfer Tuesday session.  It's a great way to learn about transferring credits, the application process, and the ins-and-outs of transitioning into the ’Cane Family! Financial Aid 101:  During this virtual session, an expert financial aid advisor will explain common terms, review the financial aid application process, share tips to making smart financial decisions, and discuss how the University of Miami is bringing a top-tier education within reach. International Information Sessions:  Discover how academics, student experiences, and a culturally rich environment make a UM education unique.  An Admission Counselor from the international team will walk you through the application process and answer your questions.  Virtual sessions are listed in Eastern Time and run approximately 45 minutes.  Please use the calendars to see our current availability. Registration is required.


Tour the concert halls, rehearsal spaces, recording studio, and more to see where Frost students grow as musicians.


Take a virtual tour of the award-winning Murphy Studio, and a look inside the labs, studios, and small classroom spaces.


Tour the Virginia Key campus to see inside labs, the dock of FG Walton Smith Research vessel, and more.

University of Miami

Office of Undergraduate Admission

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Recorded Campus Tour

Stroll through campus without stepping outside.

Join us on a recorded guided tour for a view of the Northwestern campus at your own convenience. In addition to academic buildings, you can see residential buildings, dining halls, athletic facilities, and more. Our students will give you a personal perspective on residential life and academics, including research opportunities, innovation, design and the arts.

Looking for something else? Check out our Experience Northwestern page for more ways to learn about Northwestern.

By continuing to use this site, you agree to the use of cookies in accordance with our privacy policy .

  • Academic Calendars
  • Human Resources

Virtual Tours

See highlights of our campus including student centers, facilities and more.

Explore Syracuse University From Anywhere.

With its mix of traditional and contemporary architecture, sprawling green spaces and historic sculptures, our campus is more than just a place to live. It’s the backdrop for the stories you’ll tell over and over.

Guided Virtual Tour

The best way to discover everything we have to offer is an in-person visit—but we know that not everyone can make it to campus. The Syracuse University 360° virtual tour was designed with this in mind. You’ll be led through the tour by alumni and you can craft your own experience, choosing which areas of the campus you’d like to learn more about.

Barnes Center at The Arch

Barnes Center at The Arch is our state-of-the-art hub for student wellness on campus. It features fitness centers, a climbing wall, esports facility, multi-activity court, weight room, basketball courts, dance studios, table-tennis courts, two pools, showers and changing facilities and locker rooms.

Schine Student Center

Schine Student Center serves as the University’s hub for student life. Schine is the place to meet, eat, relax, study and attend events. It brings together cultural centers, student organizations and other services to encourage collaboration and make students feel at home.

Carnegie Library

Carnegie Library is located on the Shaw Quadrangle and features its historic reading room. The library serves natural sciences, mathematics and statistics, engineering and computer science, library and information science, nutrition and health, photography, technical arts, and military and naval sciences.

Student-Led Campus Tours

Campus tour with soley liboy '24.

Join Soley Liboy '24 for a personalized tour of Syracuse University! As a student from Puerto Rico, see what brought her to Central New York for college. Check out her favorite places on campus to eat, hang out and study!

Campus tour with Margaret Gilbert '24

Margaret Gilbert '24 takes you on a tour of her favorite spots on campus. Stops include the School of Education at Huntington Hall, the sixth floor of Bird Library, Booth residence hall and the Mount.

Campus tour with Malique Lewis '25

Malique Lewis '25 takes you on a tour of his favorite spots on campus. Stops include the Barner-McDuffie House (formerly 119 Euclid), Sims Hall, Hendricks Chapel, Bird Library and the Schine Student Center.

Campus tour with Madison de Vera '25

Madison de Vera '25 takes you on a tour of her favorite spots on our campus. Stops include her dorm room in Haven Hall, dining at Ernie Davis Hall, the gallery at LightWork, the library in Tolley Hall, the Dick Clark Studios in Newhouse and more.

Interactive Campus Map

Use our interactive map to search the campus, find classrooms or dining options, take a self-guided walking tour, find accessible routes on campus and so much more.

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Auburn University Homepage

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Small Town, Big Experience.

There’s something very special about this place..

You’ll sense it when you stand under the oaks at Toomer’s Corner. You’ll feel it when you’re greeted by your future classmates on the red brick sidewalks that snake through campus. You’ll know it when you hear “War Eagle” shouted across Samford Lawn.

Your campus visit to Auburn will feel both familiar and exciting: like coming home again for the first time.

People working at Toomer's Drugs store

Scheduling a Campus Visit

What to expect from your campus tour..

We start with a 30-minute information session, where you’ll learn about:

  • Academic offerings at Auburn
  • The admissions process
  • Scholarships
  • The Auburn community

Next, a 75-minute walking tour, led by a Student Recruiter, will focus on Auburn’s history, tradition, and student life. Don’t be surprised if current students say “hey” or “War Eagle!” as you pass. It’s in our DNA to be welcoming to all who visit campus.   

Campus Tours Important Information

  • Registration is required for all campus tours
  • Do not make flight reservations until after your campus tour registration is confirmed
  • Self-Guided Tour Brochures will be available for walkups with no reservation

Housing tours are not a part of the general campus tour. You can register for a housing tour via this link:

Guest Parking

Parking for Campus Tours:  

Guests must park on the Top Level Only of the  Stadium Parking Deck , in the designated Visitor Spaces, facing the stadium (Brown Signs).  Parking in any other space, or level, or any other area on campus may result in a parking ticket. No permit is required. Please allow ten minutes extra to your travel time to park and walk over to the Quad Center where your campus tour will begin.

Register for a Housing Tour

Registration is not required for housing tours, but the extra effort is worth it. To learn more about housing and register for a housing tour, click on the Residence Hall Tours to fill out your information. 

Schedule an Academic Visit

Before you get to campus for your visit, schedule time to meet with someone from your academic area. During the meeting you can ask any questions you have about your scholarly interests and learn more about the opportunities available in your major. 

Recreation and Wellness Center Tours

Walk-in Tours are available at the Recreation and Wellness Center between the hours of 7:45 a.m. and 4:45 p.m., Monday through Friday.

If you should have any questions about the Recreation and Wellness Center, please contact our office at  [email protected]  or at (334) 844-0025.

If you are unable to participate in a student-led campus tour, you may enjoy a virtual tour at any time. It provides a 360-degree view and an audio description of select areas on campus. 

Find the college or school which holds your major .

If you can’t make it during weekly and Saturday visit tour times, self-guided tours enable you to explore Auburn on your own schedule and at your own pace.

Be sure to bring a self-guided tour brochure (which includes a campus map, the best spots for photo ops and student traditions), and don’t hesitate to ask anyone on campus for help getting around.

We have limited availability for Group Tours. If you are interested, please follow this link to access guidelines for Group Tours and available dates for this semester.

Registration is required for all housing tours, but the extra effort is worth it. To learn more about housing and register for a housing tour, click on the Residence Hall Tours to fill out your information. If you have additional questions about on-campus housing, please contact our office at  (334) 844-4580  or email  [email protected] .

Inside the Recreation and Wellness Center

Weekday Tour Parking

Guest parking is on top level of the  Stadium Parking Deck  only. Parking in any other location on campus may result in a parking ticket.

Stadium Parking Deck Address: 350 Duncan Drive, Auburn, AL 36849

When planning your visit please allow at least 20 minutes to park your vehicle, walk to the Quad Center and check-in at the front desk.

Below is a map of the walking path from the Stadium Parking Deck to the Quad Center for your information. Follow the Campus Tour signs from the Stadium Deck to the Quad Center.

map givng directions from the 4th floor Stadium Parking Deck to the Quad Center. Follow the campus tour signs.

Find Your Building – Interactive Campus Map Campus buildings can easily be located by using Auburn University’s Interactive Campus Map .

Guests With Disabilities Guests with disabilities will need a “University Parking Pass” in addition to your handicap parking tag in order to utilize on-campus handicap parking. To obtain your parking pass, please go to the South Quad Parking Deck to pick up your parking tag. There is a drive-through window you can use to pick up your pass. Please contact Parking Services if you should need more information at (334) 844-4143.

ADA Entrance for the Quad Center The ADA entrance is located on the first floor of the Quad Center . Please take the elevator to the second floor then turn left and follow the hallway around until you reach the front desk of the lobby. Parking Services If you have further questions about parking on campus, please contact Parking Services at (334) 844-4143, Monday-Friday from 7:15 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.

Travel Information

Nearby airports.

If you have plans to fly to Auburn, we would recommend either the  Birmingham International Airport  (Birmingham, AL) or the  Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport  (Atlanta, GA). Driving time from either airport is approximately 2 hours.

Note: There is a one hour time change (Eastern Time to Central Time) when driving across the Georgia-Alabama state line.

Staying at the Auburn Family Hotels

As the first and only AAA Five Diamond hotel in Alabama, this teaching hotel provides unique opportunities for not only those who visit us but also those in our community. When you stay at The Laurel Hotel & Spa, you’re helping the next generation of hoteliers, restaurateurs, and chefs studying at the Horst Schulze School of Hospitality Management at Auburn University to become better and brighter.

online tour university

Join us in a community rich in history and steeped in natural charm at The Hotel at Auburn University & Dixon Conference Center located in downtown Auburn, Alabama. Front door to Auburn University, our AAA Four Diamond hotel is proud to be part of the Auburn Family!

online tour university

Additional hotel information is also available at .

No one tells the Auburn story better than our students, and the student recruiters do just that. Selected through a rigorous interview process, these student representatives are both knowledgeable and enthusiastic. The recruiters lead walking tours of the Auburn campus four times daily and are ready to provide a student's point of view of what makes Auburn a truly special place.

10 Things To Do When You Visit Auburn

The clock tower at Samford Hall plays the fight song at noon each day!


Check out the latest issue of the campus newspaper, The Auburn Plainsman.


Enjoy the Davis Arboretum on campus or go biking at Chewacla State Park or hiking at Kreher Preserve and Nature Center.


Enjoy a lemonade at Toomer’s Drugstore downtown.


Buy some school spirit at the Auburn University Bookstore.


Visit the building where your major is located.


Ask current students about life at Auburn.


Discover our Auburn athletics history by visiting the Jonathan B. Lovelace Museum & Hall of Honor in the Auburn Arena.


Visit the library to check out the resources and study lounges.


See the collections at the Jule Collins Smith Museum of Fine Art.


  • Auburn University The Quad Center Auburn, Alabama 36849
  • (334) 844-6425
  • Auburn University at Montgomery
  • Alabama Cooperative Extension System
  • Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station
  • Visitors Guide to Campus
  • Campus Safety/Emergency Preparedness
  • Distance and Continuing Education
  • Office of Information Technology
  • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Learn about Vanderbilt from anywhere in the world!

Online Information Session

Admissions officers present a 30-minute overview of Vanderbilt and the admissions process, with additional time for questions. Open to prospective Vanderbilt students and their families.

Blair School of Music Online Sessions

The Blair admissions team presents an overview of the school’s programs, performance opportunities, and audition process and the music faculty offer a glimpse into their departments. Open to prospective Vanderbilt students interested in Blair Majors, minors, or simply continuing music studies and their families.

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On-Demand Videos

Watch these pre-recorded videos to learn all about the admission process and student life at CU Boulder.

Admissions Virtual Visit On-Demand Videos

Looking for more information about how to apply to CU Boulder? Watch these previously recorded virtual visit sessions, where we cover everything from common application terminology to writing a great college essay. We’re always posting new videos, so check back in to see the new virtual sessions you may have missed.

  • Why CU Boulder
  • Admission Process
  • Virtual Visit On-Demand Videos
  • Transfer Students
  • Graduate Students
  • Plan Your Visit
  • Connect With Us

Planning Your Application

Decoding the college admissions process.

Learn the basics of the common terms and steps you may encounter as you apply, how they differ by institution, and feel more confident through all the steps needed to apply.

Rising Senior Night

Future First-Year Buffs, learn more about how to apply and specific CU Boulder application updates for the first-year application. We also share some tips and tricks to make applying easier!

Creating the College Essay

Learn more about the importance of the college essay, writing tips, the types of essays and common writing prompts.

Colorado Admissions & Financial Aid Workshop

Future First-Year Buffs, learn how to complete your CU Boulder admission application and understand how financial aid works.

What Should I Major in?

Undecided? This video explores students’ personal interests and experiences, and connects them to the majors available at CU Boulder. This session includes a brief overview of majors, along with information on how to use Career Services and Academic Advising to help you explore our academic offerings.

Student Life & Community

Cu boulder student stories.

Listen to CU Boulder students share their personal experiences about life on campus.

Living Your Best Buff Life

Learn more about CU Boulder events and traditions, and how you fit in the CU Boulder community.

Living & Creating Community on Campus

Learn more about living on campus. This video includes information about residence hall options, Living Learning Communities and Residential Academic Programs.

Mountains Are Calling - Study in Colorado!

Hear from CU Boulder, Colorado School of Mines, Colorado State University and the University of Denver to learn about the benefits of pursuing a higher education in Colorado. Students ask questions about the admission process and what it’s like to study in Colorado.

Education Abroad

Learn how Education Abroad can fit into your experience as a student at CU Boulder. Our numerous options can fit every budget while keeping you on track to graduate. Studying abroad can be a great opportunity for any student.

Opportunities for Top Scholars

Learn about CU Boulder’s top scholar community and insights into honors and enrichment opportunities on campus.

The University of Colorado does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, pregnancy, disability, creed, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, veteran status, political affiliation, or political philosophy. All qualified individuals are encouraged to apply. You may  view the list of ADA and Title IX coordinators  and  review the Regent policy .

As a student or prospective student at CU Boulder, you have a right to certain information pertaining to financial aid programs, the Clery Act, crime and safety, graduation rates, athletics and other general information such as the costs associated with attending CU Boulder. To view this information visit .

Apply for Admission

Visit Campus

Support CU Boulder

  • Safety & Health Services
  • COVID-19 Information
  • Campus Communications
  • Emergency Alert System
  • New Student & Family Programs

Getting Around

  • Campus Events
  • Parking & Transportation
  • Visit Information

Information for

  • Faculty & Staff
  • Journalists


  • Business & Industry Collaborations
  • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
  • Free Speech
  • Innovation & Entrepreneurship
  • Public & Outreach Programs
  • Sustainability
  • Understanding Your Cost of Attendance

CampusTours Logo

College Search

More than 30 million students have used campustours to find virtual campus tours and maps., the #1 destination for interactive maps and virtual tours.

CampusTours builds video tours, photorealistic interactive campus maps, mobile walking tours and custom data-driven multimedia applications for education, non-profit and government clients worldwide.

online tour university

Turn any type of map artwork into a rich interactive map and virtual tour experience with AnyMap.

online tour university

From community colleges to the United States Capitol, organizations trust AnyTour to tell their stories.

100% Responsive and Mobile Ready

Visitors today are converging on your Web site on a plethora of devices, and they expect your tour and interactive map to “just work” on their computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

Monitor and mobile devices - best virtual tour

Panoramic Virtual Reality

CampusTours virtual reality scenes transport your visitors onto campus and into buildings with support for a wide variety of virtual reality viewers.

Panoramic Virtual Reality Scenes - best virtual tours

Geo-Location (GPS) Ready

Visitors to your campus today likely come equipped with smartphones or tablets, and CampusTours products can pinpoint your visitors' locations and serve up nearby tour content.

GPS and mobile devices - best virtual tours

Want to see more? Contact us for a demo.

Want to know more about our products and services? We would be happy to set up a demo to show you all of the features and benefits CampusTours can offer.

Virtual Tour

  • Admissions Overview
  • Visit Campus & Tours

Students love our campus because it blends a traditional campus feel with contemporary architecture, and sits in the center of a metro area of one million people. Here, you'll discover helpful faculty, innovative learning spaces, ground-breaking research centers, top-of-the-line recreational facilities, and so much more. You'll be inspired to pursue your passions and take part in a campus culture that celebrates everything you do.

To see more of our stunning campus, take a virtual self-guided tour or let a few Wildcats show you around some of their favorite spots. Ready to experience campus in person? Learn how to plan a visit.

Experience Regis University

Virtually explore Regis University in a fully immersive 360-degree experience.

Aria doesn't work without JavaScript.

Need to know how to enable it? Go here.

The College Tour

The College Tour tells the stories of colleges and universities through the lens of their students.

video crew interviewing student outside

Welcome to Midwestern University, preparing Tomorrow’s Healthcare Team.  In this episode of The College Tour, watch the incredible stories of 18 MWU students as they describe what it’s like to navigate through their healthcare education journeys at our two beautiful campuses in Downers Grove, Illinois and Glendale, Arizona. Learn more about our students and the unlimited possibilities at Midwestern University.

Hosted by Alex Boylan and Desi Williams, each episode of The College Tour tells the story of what life is truly like on college campuses across the country and around the world. From academics, housing, sports, career preparation, campus life/location and much more, each story in this innovative and informative series is told by real students attending the featured college or university right now!  

The College Tour on Amazon Prime

Each episode of the award-winning TV series, The College Tour, shares the story of a single college or university through the authentic lens of its current students.

Hear from Midwestern University students

students posing outside on grass

Student Journeys

Learn from Midwestern University students about their real experiences on campus.

Featured Student Stories

Meet tiffany thompson.

Discover how mentorship and research have shaped Tiffany Thompson's journey as a second-year osteopathic medicine student, fueling her professional growth and career development.

Tiffany Thompson

Meet Ashley Parker

Watch Ashley's story to hear how classroom learning combined with early clinical exposure has given her the opportunity to practice medicine in a hands-on environment.

Ashley Parker

Student, Staff and Faculty Segments

Belonging (az).

Kevin Phan | Dental Medicine | 1st year

Kevin Phan

Belonging (IL)

Jordyn Flemons | Optometry | 3rd year

Jordyn Flemons

Biomed Pathway

Megan Beard | Podiatric Medicine | 1st year

Megan Beard

Campus Location (AZ)

Marc Rademaker | Podiatric Medicine | 3rd year

Marc Rademaker

Campus Location (IL)

Daniel Misioura | Osteopathic Medicine | 2nd year

Daniel Misioura

Campus Technology

Dr. Kelly Lempicki | Simulation Center

Arizona November 2022 Dental Sim

Career Change

Alexis Flamburis | Pharmacy | 1st year

Alexis Flamburis

Clinical Experience

Natalie Ferrufino | Pharmacy | 1st year

Natalie Ferrufino

Clinic Technology

Dr. Celeste Delap | CAREN (Computer Assisted Rehabilitation ENvironment)

Dr. Celeste Delap

Community Involvement (AZ)

Kiarra Tarver | Veterinary Medicine | 2nd year

Kiarra Tarver

Community Involvement (IL)

Vani Ganesh | Osteopathic Medicine | 1st year

Vani Ganesh

Day One Ready

Ashley Parker | Osteopathic Medicine | 1st year

Ashley Parker

Dual Degree Options

Caitlin Nicolai | Osteopathic Medicine and Precision Medicine | 1st year

Caitlyn Nicolai

Innovation & Technology

Katie Trimble | Dental Medicine | 3rd year

Katie Trimble

Interdisciplinary Education

Josh Reese | Optometry | 3rd year

Josh Reese

Life Balance

Roman Somogy | Optometry | 3rd year

Roman Somogy

Mentorship & Research

Tiffany Thompson | Osteopathic Medicine | 2nd year

Tiffany Thompson

Non-Traditional Student

Miriam Villa | Dental Medicine | 1st year

Miriam Villa

Olivia Wallace | Veterinary Medicine | 3rd year

Olivia Wallace

Student Experiences

Alexander Hobby | Speech-Language Pathology | 1st year

Alexander Hobby

Digital Series

Tracey Ramirez chats with College Tour host, Alex, at Midwestern University.

Ask Admissions

Meet Tracey Ramirez, Associate Director of Admissions - Glendale. Learn more about the admissions process including how and when to apply, what to expect during the application review process, how to prepare, if selected, for an interview and helpful tips on what some successful prospective students have done during their interviews.

  • Tips for Applicants
  • Degrees & Programs

Nathan Ernst talks with College Tour host, Alex at Midwestern University.

Navigating Financial Aid

Meet Nathan Ernst, Director of Student Financial Services and Registrar. Understanding the financial component of your healthcare education is an important factor when choosing the right university for your education. Nathan explains why it's so important to compare the entire cost of attendance at the schools you are considering including tuition, fees, housing, and so much more. 

  • Paying for College
  • Financial Aid
  • Sensible Strategies

Dr. Goeppinger chats with College Tour host, Alex, at Midwestern University.

Coffee with the President

Meet Dr. Kathleen Goeppinger, President and CEO of Midwestern University as she discusses how Midwestern University got its start in IL and later, in AZ. How and why MWU expanded, and continues to expand, to meet the healthcare provider needs of the country.  Learn from Dr. G. why One Health is so important to MWU and how this impacts every MWU graduate.   

  • Why Choose Midwestern
  • One Health Initiative
  • MWU Clinics

USC Pre-College - USC Summer & Online Pre-College Courses

  • Program Overview
  • Course Options
  • Admission, Tuition & Fees
  • International Students
  • Residential & Commuter Experience
  • Cybersecurity
  • Digital Marketing
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Environmental Studies
  • Lifespan Development
  • Media & Social Change
  • Political Science
  • Screenwriting

How to Contact Colleges During the Admissions Process

High school girl in pink shirt speaks into her laptop. Here are some tips on how to contact a college after applying.

More than one million students apply to universities in the U.S. each year. So, naturally, these institutions can’t be in close contact with every applicant.

But choosing and applying to a university can be nerve-wracking. It’s normal to have questions arise as you decide where to apply, fill out forms and await the final answer. If you’re currently going through that process, you might wonder: Is it okay to contact a university when there’s something you’d like to know?

To learn more about how to contact a university, we spoke with Dan Phan, the academic program manager for USC Bovard Scholars , which helps high-achieving students with financial needs gain admission to top universities. Here are her best tips for contacting colleges.

Should You Contact Universities?

Yes, you should contact universities if you have questions!

It may feel unnerving, but if you want information — whether it’s about dorm life, financial aid, sports teams or the applications themselves — you should reach out to the school. There are plenty of university employees who can help you out.

“Students are encouraged to contact colleges at any time throughout high school if they have questions,” Phan said. “This is part of the college research process.”

What Shouldn’t You Ask Universities?

Just make sure to do your research beforehand. Phan cautions to refrain from asking questions that can be easily answered by reviewing the university website. Not knowing basic information could make it look like you aren’t truly interested in the school.

Contacting a university during the admissions process is also a time to remind them of who you are and what you have to offer. Use this face time with them to leave an impression.

“If students want to stand out, they should ask insightful questions that shed light on the things they value and give a little context to what they care about,” Phan advised.

What Kinds of Questions Demonstrate Your Interest in a School?

Some colleges list “demonstrated interest” as an admissions factor, so contacting the school and asking those insightful questions can be a way to do just that.

Consider asking questions like:

  • What resources does the career center offer to help students find internships and job placements?
  • Can you provide examples of companies that frequently recruit students from this university?
  • Are there any notable faculty members in my field of interest, and how accessible are they to undergraduates?
  • How does the university support interdisciplinary studies or double majors?
  • How does the university support students’ mental health and well-being?
  • Can you describe the community atmosphere on campus?
  • What opportunities are there for students to engage in community service or social impact projects?
  • What does the university do to ensure a diverse and inclusive campus environment?
  • What is the employment rate for graduates within six months of graduation?
  • How does the university integrate technology and innovative learning methods into the curriculum?
  • What are the average class sizes for introductory and upper-level courses in my major?
  • What academic support services are available to help students succeed in their courses?
  • How accessible are campus resources, such as tutoring centers, writing labs and study spaces?

Of course, there are other ways to demonstrate interest, too. Phan noted that submitting an early application, visiting the campus, interviewing with an admissions representative or with alumni, participating in a weekend or residential program, attending an information session or college fair and responding effectively to the “why us” supplemental essay question on the application are all significant ways to signal to a college that you’d love to be a student there.

USC, for example, offers both on-campus, residential summer programs and online, year-round exploration courses , and enrolling in them can indicate both your interest in the university and passion for a specific academic area.

Which Method Should You Use to Contact a School?

There are multiple ways to contact a school, so pick the one you’re most comfortable with. You can send an email, make a phone call, visit in person or even engage in the website’s live chat when you have questions about the university.

And make sure to keep your communication professional! If you’re speaking with someone on the phone or in person, prepare your questions, prioritize the most important things you want to ask and maintain a respectful tone. When communicating over email, use a professional email address, write a clear subject line and include a formal greeting and sign-off.

Who Should You Reach Out to With Questions About the University?

In general, contact the admissions office when you have any questions as a prospective student. They’ll know how to connect you to the right person to get answers. Plus, admissions officers are the same people reviewing your application, so it can benefit you to talk to them.

“If you are missing documents, have errors that need to be corrected or have other updates related to your application, it’s best to contact the admissions office by phone or via email,” Phan said.

However, while the admissions office is usually the right first stop, sometimes there are other people at the university you should direct your questions toward. Phan suggests finding the right contact through online research or checking in with a regional representative.

“Universities and colleges will often have regional representatives in charge of specific high schools or territories across the U.S. and abroad,” Phan explained. “You can search for them by emailing the university admissions office or locate them by first visiting the university admissions office website and searching your high school name or state/location.”

Should You Take a Tour?

Many questions about college can be answered by going on a tour. There, you can see the campus facilities, check out the dorm rooms and talk to actual students to learn more about the culture and the academics.

Universities and colleges host guided tours throughout the school year. The schedules for these are usually available online. There will also often be open houses where you can check out panels and information sessions to learn more about the university.

Of course, you may not be able to make the specific tour dates. That’s okay! Most colleges will allow you to wander around the campus on your own, and, as Phan pointed out, you can always ask a student for insider information or directions. And, if the campus is too far to visit at all, many colleges now offer virtual tours.

When Shouldn’t You Contact a School?

While you’re encouraged to contact the admissions office, visit the school and keep in touch with employees both during the admissions process and after your acceptance, there is a situation where you shouldn’t be asking questions.

Phan advises to hold off contacting a school if it denies your application and has explicitly instructed students not to submit anything else because it doesn’t accept appeals.

Should You Keep Contacting Admissions After You Get In?

You can — and should — continue to contact admissions after you have been accepted.

While you’ll have plenty of concerns during the admissions process, you’ll likely have even more once you’re actually accepted and preparing to begin your freshman year, Phan said.

Luckily, the university’s admissions office will help guide you through this process.

“After a student is admitted, they’ll have even more questions about how to prepare for the first year, including housing, financial aid, scholarships available, academic programs and other opportunities,” Phan said. “The admissions office might redirect students to the appropriate department or office.”

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Medical Humanities (Online)

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  • September 2025
  • September 2024

9 months full-time, 18 months part-time

Course details

This exciting and challenging online course applies the knowledge and insight of the humanities and social sciences to gain a deeper understanding of what is meant by health and illness outside of a medical context and, in particular, to analyse how our thoughts and physical experiences become recognised as symptoms. 

The course provides Masters-level education across four modules and leads to a postgraduate qualification in nine months full-time or 18 months part-time. It is suitable if you studied subjects such as Anthropology, English, Geography, Law, Modern Languages and Cultures, Philosophy, Sociology, and related disciplines at undergraduate level. You may also benefit if you have a background in health and social care and are looking to bring humanities and social sciences perspectives to bear in your professional practice.

You will study two core modules from the Medical Humanities MA: Concepts and Frameworks in the Critical Medical Humanities, and Reimagining Health Research, with the remaining modules chosen from a number of options.   

As you progress through the course you will learn about key health challenges, focusing on debates about the wider social, political and economic environments in which health, illness and medicine are situated. You will also develop advanced skills in interpreting and using different kinds of data, from textual and material sources to data gathered through qualitative methods.

The course is led by the University’s Institute for Medical Humanities and the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, and you will be taught by specialists from across the University. The interdisciplinary nature of the course  provides a fascinating and comprehensive introduction to the wide range of approaches to health taken by different academic disciplines.

Upon completion, you may have the option of applying to the MA, where you will research and write a dissertation.

When you enrol on this course, you will become a member of the Postgraduate and Early Career Researchers (PGECR) network in Medical Humanities, which organises regular seminars, conferences and social events.

Course structure

Core modules:

Concepts and Frameworks in the Critical Medical Humanities provides advanced training in the interdisciplinary field of critical medical humanities and strengthens your understanding of both its development from the less complex context of initial medical humanities study and its distinct contribution to health research and current challenges. This module will also build your knowledge of concepts, theories and approaches essential to research in the critical medical humanities.

Reimagining Health Research: Methodologies in the Critical Medical Humanities equips you with the advanced knowledge and skills needed to critically appraise key health research methodologies used in the critical medical humanities. This module will enhance your ability to assess ideas and evidence from a variety of sources and then choose, justify, or critique work done across key disciplines. It will also encourage you to be reflective and review your own existing competences as well as nurture your ability to work across disciplines.

In recent years, optional modules have included:

  • Illness as Narrative Practice
  • Contemporary Issues in Medical Law
  • Neurodiversity and the Humanities

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Teaching is delivered entirely online through lectures, workshops and scaffolded learning assignments – the latter format being where large-scale topics are broken down into smaller units which are delivered online with subject experts and discussed collaboratively with peers.

For some modules you will also form online study groups with other students to work on group projects. You will also be supported through a number of in-person meetings with your tutor.

Assessment of the Postgraduate Diploma comes in a variety of formats and is designed to challenge you. You will be expected to produce essays, annotated bibliography entries, critical commentaries, a project proposal and Student Devised Assessments (SDA) when you will deliver your study findings using creative and context-appropriate methods.

It also includes assessed group work. The module in research methods includes a presentation followed by written peer reviews evaluating your own and other project proposals.

Entry requirements

At least one of the following:

  • A 2:1 undergraduate degree
  • Active enrolment on an intercalated UG/PG medical degree programme
  • At least three years work in a professional environment with relevance to health and/or medicine (e.g. clinical, NGO, policy, care work, etc)

A 500-word personal statement which should include the following:

  • An outline of your interest in a Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Humanities
  • What skills and knowledge you would bring to the course
  • What skills and knowledge you would hope to acquire

Two professional and/or academic references from people who are familiar with your work, commenting on your suitability for the programme.

English language requirements

Fees and funding

The tuition fees for 2025/26 academic year have not yet been finalised, they will be displayed here once approved.

The tuition fees shown are for one complete academic year of study, are set according to the academic year of entry, and remain the same throughout the duration of the programme for that cohort (unless otherwise stated) .

Please also check costs for colleges and accommodation .

Scholarships and Bursaries

We are committed to supporting the best students irrespective of financial circumstances and are delighted to offer a range of funding opportunities. 

Career opportunities

Faculty of arts, department information.

Find out more:

Apply for a postgraduate course (including PGCE International) via our online portal.  

  • Applicant Portal (not PGCE unless International)
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  • Date: 01/09/2023 - 31/08/2024
  • Time: 09:00 - 17:00

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