aldi tours schweiz ch


EIGENE ANREISE Ferien FÜR JE DE S Sparschwein CO DE : 22SPAREN50 Gutschein IM WERT VON CHF 50.- Trage den Gutscheincode bei deiner Buchung unter im dafür vorgesehenen Feld im letzten Buchungsschritt ein (gültig für alle neugebuchten Reisen 22.09.22 – 13.10.22, Mindestbuchungs wert: CHF 400.–, nicht kombinierbar, nur einmal pro Buchung einlösbar, keine Barauszahlung oder Teileinlösungen möglich). Jetzt Reise buchen und deinen Gutschein einlösen Reisecode: 9693387 A DE LBO DE N Frühbucherpreis* 3 Nächte ab 476.- * pro Appartement Reisecode: 9695702 WIL DE RSWIL Frühbucherpreis* 2 Nächte ab 143.- * pro Person bei Interlaken Reisecode: 9690824 BRIENZ Frühbucherpreis* 2 Nächte ab 129.- * pro Person Reisecode: 9695223 FEN DE LS 3 Nächte ab 259.- * pro Person Reisecode: 9692992 IGLS 4 Nächte ab 319.- * pro Person Reisecode: 9693302 KITZBÜHEL 2 Nächte ab 219.- * pro Person Apart Hotel Adelboden**** Hotel Bären*** Hotel Brienz*** Erlebnishotel Fendels**** Hotel Bon Alpina*** LEBENBERG Schlosshotel****sup. 2, 3, 4, 5 oder 7 Nächte 2, 3, 4, 5 oder 7 Nächte 2, 3, 4, 5 oder 7 Nächte 3, 4, 5, 7 oder 10 Nächte 3, 4 oder 7 Nächte 2, 3, 4, 5 oder 7 Nächte Inklusiv-Leistungen • Energiepauschale, Endreinigung, Bettwäsche, Handtücher, Geschirrtücher, Reinigungsutensilien • ohne Verpflegung • 1 x Gutschein-Booklet • 1 x E-Gästekarte eine Familie, ein Preis * gültig bis 31.10.22, 3 Nächte, APP «Mountain Loft», z. B. 20.12. – 23.12.22 Inklusiv-Leistungen • Halbpension • Sauna • Fitnessraum 2 Kinder bis zu 5 Jahren gratis * gültig bis 21.10.22, 2 Nächte, VBZ, z. B. 26.12. – 28.12.22 Inklusiv-Leistungen • 26.11.22 – 26.12.22: Frühstück © Brienz Tourismus • 26.12.22 – 02.04.23: Halbpension bei 7 Nächten ist 1 Nacht gratis inkludiert *gültig bis 26.11.22, 2 Nächte, DBZ «Bergseite», z. B. 23.12. – 25.12.22 Inklusiv-Leistungen • 10.12.22 – 16.12.22: Halbpension plus • 17.12.22 – 15.04.23: Halbpension • Wellnessbereich (So – Fr) direkt bei • Kinderanimation für der Bergbahn Kinder von 4 bis 12 Jahren (So – Fr) * 3 Nächte, VBZ Standard «Bergblick», z. B. 10.04. – 13.04.23 Inklusiv-Leistungen • Halbpension • Wellnessbereich • 3- oder 5-Tages-Skipass (je nach Aufenthalt) für das Skigebiet Patscherkofel © Stiebleichinger GmbH bei 4 oder 7 Nächten ist 1 Nacht gratis inkludiert * 4 Nächte, DBZ Standard, z. B. 10.01. – 14.01.23 Inklusiv-Leistungen • Halbpension • Wellnessbereich inkl. Panoramahallenbad mit Blick auf den Hahnenkamm * 2 Nächte, DBZ Classic, z. B. 11.04. – 13.04.23 Reisecode: 9692953 3 Nächte ab 350.- * pro Person Reisecode: 9692794 1 Nacht ab 134.- * pro Person Reisecode: 9691605 2 Nächte ab 399.- * pro Person Reisecode: 9646157 2 Nächte ab 147.- * pro Person Reisecode: 9695800 2 Nächte ab 99.- * pro Person Reisecode: 9695259 4 Nächte ab 249.- * pro Person SILS Arenas Resort Schweizerhof*** ST. MORITZ-CHAMPFER Hotel Europa**** DAVOS Hotel Europe Davos**** BREITNAU Hotel Hofgut Sternen**** OBERHARMERSBACH Bären Hotels SCHLU DE RNS Hotel Engel**** 3, 4, 5, 6 oder 7 Nächte 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 oder 7 Nächte 2, 3, 4, 5 oder 7 Nächte 2, 3 oder 5 Nächte 2, 3, 4, 5 oder 7 Nächte 3, 4, 5 oder 7 Nächte Inklusiv-Leistungen • Halbpension • Wellnessbereich • Aktivprogramm * 3 Nächte, DZ Standard «Arven Design», z. B. 09.12. – 12.12.22 Inklusiv-Leistungen • Halbpension • Wellnessbereich • Schlittenverleih (nach Verfügbarkeit) • Gästekarte (ab Aufenthalt 2 Nächte) * 1 Nacht, DZ Eco «Sport», z. B. 03.12. – 04.12.22 Inklusiv-Leistungen • Halbpension • Hallenbad • 2-, 3-, 4- oder 5-Tages-Skipass (je nach Aufenthalt) für das Skigebiet Davos Klosters Mountains (Keycardgebühr CHF 5.– pro Skipass) • Davos Klosters Premium Card * 2 Nächte, EZ Classic, z. B. 04.12. – 06.12.22 Inklusiv-Leistungen • Halbpension • 1 x nachmittags Kaffee und Kuchen • KONUS-Gästekarte 1 Kind bis zu 6 Jahren gratis * 2 Nächte, DZ, z. B. 06.11. – 08.11.22 Inklusiv-Leistungen • Halbpension • 1 x nachmittags Kaffee und Kuchen • 1 x Begrüssungsschnaps pro Erwachsenen • KONUS-Gästekarte 1 Kind bis zu 5 Jahren gratis * 2 Nächte, DZ/DBZ, z. B. 06.11. – 08.11.22 Inklusiv-Leistungen • Halbpension • Wellnessbereich • Aktiv- und Unterhaltungsprogramm bei 4 oder 7 Nächten ist 1 Nacht gratis inkludiert * 4 Nächte, DZ Standard/APP Terrasse NH, z. B. 08.12. – 12.12.22 Alle Preise in Schweizer Franken (CHF). Bitte beachte, dass unsere Aktionsangebote nur im angegebenen Zeitraum und vorbehaltlich der durch Kontingente beschränkten Verfügbarkeit buchbar sind. Reiseveranstalter für alle Reisen ist Eurotours Ges.m.b.H in A-6370 Kitzbühel/Tirol, Vermittler ist ALDI SUISSE TOURS GmbH & Co. KG, Hofer Strasse 1, A-4642 Sattledt. Die Allgemeinen Vertrags- und Reisebedingungen (AVRB) des Reiseveranstalters können auf online eingesehen und ausgedruckt werden. Änderungen, Druckfehler und Verfügbarkeiten vorbehalten. © 2022 ALDI SUISSE TOURS GmbH & Co. KG. Die vollständigen Bestimmungen findest du hier: Jetzt buchen: 071 508 70 41 oder PAKET GELD-ZURÜCK- GARANTIE Optional zubuchbar: Kostenlose Stornierung bis 7 Tage vor Reiseantritt. CHF 5.– pro Person für Eigene Anreisen (Kinder bis 17 Jahren kostenlos). Mehr Informationen auf DE IN REISEVERANSTALTER FÜR ALLE ALDI SUISSE TOURS REISEN

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aldi tours schweiz ch

Vermittler ist die ALDI SUISSE TOURS GmbH & Co KG, Reiseveranstalter für alle Reisen ist die Eurotours Ges.m.b.H.

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Reisezeitraum / Reisedauer

Urlaub in der Schweiz: Natur pur im Herzen Europas

Schneebedeckte Alpen, palmengesäumte Seeufer, raue Gletscher, saftig grüne Almen und rauschende Bergflüsse, garniert mit pulsierenden Städten und umhüllt von einer urigen Kulturlandschaft: Die herrschaftlich anmutende Schweiz vereint viele zauberhafte Welten in sich! Erlebe deine Reise in die Schweiz mit dem eigenen Auto , auf einer Flusskreuzfahrt oder sogar zu Fuß.  Zu Füßen – so viel ist sicher – liegt dir das Land mit diesen Angeboten auf jeden Fall!

  • 3- bzw. 4-Sterne-Hotel/Halbpension
  • graubündenPASS inklusive
  • Vorteil: Inkl. 12 Erlebnisse i. W. v. ca. 400 € p. P.
  • 3- bzw. 4-Sterne-Hotel mit Halbpension
  • 6 Tage graubündenPASS
  • Vorteil: Inkl. 12 Erlebnisse i. W. v. bis zu 400 € p. P.
  • 6 bzw. 7 Nächte
  • Mittelklassehotels/Gasthöfe/Frühstück
  • 3 Länder in einer Radreise
  • Vorteil: Inkl. Gepäcktransfer von Unterkunft zu Unterkunft
  • 3-Sterne-Hotel mit Halbpension
  • MANU oberwallisPASS für 6 Tage
  • Vorteil: Inkl. 12 Erlebnissen im Wert von bis zu 400 € p. P.
  • 3- bzw. 4-Sterne-Hotels mit Frühstück
  • Fahrt im Treno Gottardo (Arth-Goldau - Locarno)
  • Vorteil: Swiss Coupon Pass 2 für 1 Angebote "Essen und Erleben"
  • 3-Sterne-Hotels mit Frühstück
  • Schifffahrt über den Vierwaldstättersee (2. Klasse)
  • Vorteil: Swiss Coupon Pass mit 2 für 1 Angebote "Essen & Erleben"
  • 3-/4-Sterne-Hotels mit Frühstück
  • Fahrten mit den Panoramazügen Glacier und Bernina Express
  • Vorteil: Inkl. Swiss Coupon Pass 2 zu 1 "Essen und Erleben"
  • Regionskarte Tell-Pass
  • Vorteil: Inkl. Nutzung von 12 Bergbahnen i. W. v. bis zu 400 € p. P.
  • Mittelklassehotels/Frühstück
  • 3-Tages-Bahnpass Rhätische Bahn 2. Klasse
  • Weitere Reisedauern wählbar
  • 1 (current)

Reisen in die Alpen

Schweiz reiseführer, rundreisen schweiz, deine schweiz-reise: ein trip ins fabelhafte alpenparadies.

Du träumst von einem Mix aus traumhaften Berglandschaften , malerischen Seen , historischer Kultur und exquisiter Kulinarik ? Aus einer Kombination aus Bewegung und Genuss? Action und Entspannung ? Dann ist die Schweiz dein ultimatives Reiseziel! Du kannst in diesem ganz besonderen Binnenstaat im Herzen Europas so viel mehr entdecken, als man auf den ersten Blick erahnt.

Deine erste Entdeckung: die majestätischen Alpen ! Sie erstrecken sich fast komplett über die 41.300 Quadratkilometer des Landes und bieten dir unzählige Möglichkeiten für Outdoor-Aktivitäten auf deiner Reise. Egal, ob du passioniert wanderst, Ski fährst oder einfach nur ganz entspannt die Natur genießen möchtest: Dein Schweiz-Urlaub bietet dir alles, was das Herz begehrt. Ein absolutes Muss ist dabei ein Ausflug in die Jungfrau-Region, wo du von Gipfeln wie dem Eiger und der Jungfrau umgeben sein wirst. Hier kannst du Wanderungen mit herrlichen Aussichtspunkten unternehmen und den Blick auf die schneebedeckten Gipfel genießen.

Wasser ist dein Element? Dann ist der Genfersee dein Paradies! 

Das glitzernde Nass erstreckt sich über die Schweiz und Frankreich und bietet Gelegenheit zum Schwimmen , Segeln und Windsurfen . Am Ufer laden verträumte Städte wie Montreux und Lausanne zum Besuch ein und begeistern mit ihrem charmanten Flair und historischen Sehenswürdigkeiten . 

Von Palmen gesäumte Uferpromenaden findest du in deinem Schweiz-Urlaub dagegen am Luganer See im Kanton Tessin, wo das mediterrane Klima und die umliegenden verwunschenen Bergdörfer bereits einen süßen Hauch von Italien versprühen. 

Alle Skiurlaube

Skigebiet engadin st. moritz, alle aktivreisen in die schweiz, natur trifft kultur: ab in die stadt.

Die Schweiz ist nicht nur für ihre Natur bekannt, sondern auch für ihre reiche Kultur und Geschichte. In Zürich , der größten Stadt des Landes, findest du eine riesige Vielfalt von Museen und Galerien . Das Schweizer Nationalmuseum macht dich mit der Historie und Kultur des Landes bekannt, während das Kunstmuseum in Basel eine beeindruckende Sammlung von Kunstwerken beherbergt – darunter Meisterwerke von Künstlern wie Picasso und Van Gogh. Wow, oder?

Traditioneller wird es bei deiner Reise in die Schweiz in den etwas kleineren, aber nicht weniger spannenden Städten wie Zermatt und Interlaken . Hier kannst du noch tiefer in die authentische Lebensart des Landes eintauchen. Denn: Die Schweizer sind stolz auf ihre Traditionen, die sich beispielsweise in der überlieferten Volksmusik, dem Jodeln und den farbenfrohen Festivals widerspiegeln. Ein Besuch auf einem der lokalen Märkte, wo du handgemachte Handwerkskunst und regionale Köstlichkeiten findest, ist ein unvergessliches Erlebnis.

Dein Schweiz-Urlaub wird dir auf der Zunge zergehen

Du wirst es auf der Zunge spüren: Die Schweizer Küche ist so vielfältig wie das Land selbst. Besonders wenn du Käse liebst, wird DAS europäische Käseland zu deinem ganz persönlichen kulinarischen Paradies werden, denn die Schweiz ist berühmt für ihre würzigen Käsesorten , von Gruyère über Emmentaler bis hin zu Appenzeller. Probiere in deinem Schweiz-Urlaub deshalb unbedingt ein klassisches Käsefondue oder ein leckeres Raclette aus. Dabei wird der Käse direkt am Tisch geschmolzen und über Kartoffeln und eingelegtes Gemüse gegossen.

Neben Käse ist auch die Schokolade des Landes weltweit bekannt, denn die Schweizer Edelhersteller produzieren ihre feinste Schokolade nach jahrhundertelanger Tradition. Ein Besuch in einer Manufaktur, wo du die Geheimnisse der süßen Kreation kennenlernen kannst, ist ein Hochgenuss für deine Sinne. Probiere also gern verschiedene Sorten und kaufe einige exquisite Pralinen als Souvenir für deine Lieben zu Hause.

Kurzum: Im Herzen Europas ist das Essen nicht nur Nahrung, sondern ein echtes Erlebnis, denn die Schweizer legen großen Wert auf Qualität und Frische . Genieße ein gemütliches Abendessen in einem traditionellen Restaurant, begleitet von einem Glas hervorragendem Wein, und tauche in deinem Schweiz-Urlaub tief ein in die Welt von Naturerlebnis, Kultur und Genuss. Bon appétit!

Unser Qualitätsversprechen

8 gründe, warum du mit aldi reisen urlaub machen solltest, alles über pauschalreisen, hier finden sie noch mehr reise-inspirationen:, reisearten und -themen.

  • Aktivurlaub Schweiz entdecken
  • Aktivurlaub Deutschland entdecken
  • Urlaub in den Alpen: Reisen in die Berge
  • Schweiz Rundreisen
  • All Inclusive Urlaub: sorglos reisen
  • Familien-Aktivurlaub buchen
  • Urlaub mit Rad und Schiff: Das Hotel immer dabei
  • Skiurlaub buchen: Auf die Piste, fertig, los
  • Trekkingreisen entdecken & buchen
  • Wanderurlaub: Zu Fuß durch die Welt

Switzerland Tours & Trips

Switzerland Tours & Trips

  • Choose from 100+ Switzerland tours
  • 1,600+ verified reviews from TourRadar travelers
  • 24/7 customer support

10 best Switzerland tour packages

Compiled by

Switzerland travel expert at TourRadar

Melissa Switzerland travel expert at TourRadar

​First Discovery

Contrasts of switzerland (8 days), tailor-made private swiss tour to golden pass line with daily departure, independent switzerland tour of moutain tops, 5 day zurich including lake ferry, cable car, mount rigi, grindelwald and interlaken, 6 days trip to switzerland - 15% off on nov departures, 15% off on nov departures - 5 days trip to switzerland (stay in lucerne and zurich), enchanting switzerland - small group, magical switzerland (classic, 7 days), switzerland in a nutshell - small group.

​First Discovery

  • Christmas & New Year
  • Visit Lauterbrunnen and see Trummelbach Falls
  • Discover Chillon Castle and Lausanne's Olympic Park
  • Tour Gruyère's cheese and Cailler's chocolate factories
“The tour was a pleasure and a wonderful experience.”

Contrasts of Switzerland (8 Days)

  • In-depth Cultural
  • Train & Rail
  • Admire alpine views from the Chapel Bridge in Lucerne
  • Visit the highest point in Europe at Jungfraujoch
  • Stop by stunning Interlaken in the heart of the Swiss Alps
“We saw a great deal and enjoyed experiencing the different regions of Switzerland.”

Tailor-Made Private Swiss Tour to Golden Pass Line with Daily Departure

  • Tour the historic Chillon Castle by Lake Geneva
  • Visit Europe's highest station at Jungfraujoch
  • Cruise the serene waters of Lake Zurich
“What a wonderful experience! The drivers were well-versed in driving and the cars were more comfortable than we expected.”

Independent Switzerland Tour of Moutain Tops

  • Ascend Mt. Titlis by cable car
  • Ride the Gornergrat Railway to see Matterhorn
  • Explore Zurich's iconic sights on foot
“The planning was great and easy to follow. We had great time.”

5 Day Zurich including Lake ferry, Cable Car, Mount Rigi, Grindelwald and Interlaken

  • Sightseeing
  • Journey through the Alps and visit Grindelwald
  • Cruise across Lake Zurich on a scenic ferry ride
  • Ride a cable car to Felsenegg for stunning views
“All of the 'details' of finding a suitable hotel, arranging for train and cable car tickets, and structuring my day were taken care of.”

6 Days Trip to Switzerland - 15% Off on Nov Departures

  • Ride the train to the 'Top of Europe' at Jungfraujoch
  • Ascend Mt. Rigi for stunning Swiss landscapes
  • Explore Zurich with a self-guided walking tour
“Loved all the places we visited and the quick response we got whenever we had questions.”

15% Off on Nov Departures - 5 Days Trip to Switzerland (Stay in Lucerne and Zurich)

  • Discover car-free villages near Interlaken
  • Ride gondolas and cable cars to Mt. Titlis
  • Visit the majestic Rhine Falls from Zurich
“The itinerary was so well organised. We saw beautiful places and we be taking the home some great memories.”

Enchanting Switzerland - Small Group

  • Journey to Jungfraujoch or Waterfalls Valley
  • Explore Zurich's historic streets and culture
  • Tour Bern, taste Gruyère cheese and chocolate
“If you want a more personalized somewhat private tour, this is it! I would recommend this to my family and friends.”

Magical Switzerland (Classic, 7 Days)

  • Lose yourself in the festive atmosphere of Christmas
  • Stroll along the beautiful lakeside promenade in Montreux
  • Travel aboard the Glacier Express through the Swiss Alps
“She had such a lovely voice and is very knowledgeable. She goes out of her way to make our trip as enjoyable as possible.”

Switzerland in a Nutshell - Small Group

  • Explore Aareschlucht gorge and Waterfalls Valley
  • Tour Bern and taste Gruyere cheese and chocolate
  • Visit Chillon Castle and tour Lausanne and Montreux

Switzerland Destinations

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Instantly Build A Switzerland Tour Package

  • AI Swiss Itinerary in 30 seconds

Popular Packages by SWISS tours

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Tops of Switzerland

4 Nights / 5 Days

From USD 632

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Swiss Highlights

7 Nights / 8 Days

From USD 1047

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Magic of Glacier Express

6 Nights / 7 Days

From USD 1076

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Glimpses of Switzerland & Paris

From USD 1065

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Chalet Style Holiday - Interlaken

From USD 605

How It Works

Select the cities with the duration of travel and proceed by entering your personal details.

We put together the best itinerary for you within seconds.

Customize the itinerary by adding nights or excursions to your package. Click on 'Get Trip Cost'.

Enter your dates of travel and the number of people travelling.

Review the itinerary, cost & inclusions and continue ahead to book your dream holiday.

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Are these individual packages or group packages?

These are individual packages and not group.

A customized itinerary takes days to prepare and how do we do it in a few seconds?

  • Our algorithm based itinerary gives you the best possible routing making sure you don’t back track along with giving you the best possible suggestions and recommendations. With automation, it only made it easier. The integrations with partners around the world make the user experience seamless along with giving you the best itinerary & pricing in just a few seconds. Moreover our itineraries have been made by specialists who have not only been to the destination but also many years of experience selling the destination.

Do I get instant confirmation?

Yes, our inventory is live, dynamic and gives you instant confirmations.

Can I customize the itinerary??

Yes, You can customize the itinerary by choosing from the cities listed along with the number of days you wish to travel for. You have the option of changing your accommodation depending on your budget. You also have the option of adding/ removing nights in the ‘route overview’. We also have mentioned the suggested / recommended excursions in the itinerary and you may pick & choose as per your wish making your itinerary fully customizable.

How do I know the inclusions in the itinerary?

You may click on ‘Includes’ option after you get the cost of your trip as per your dates of travel and you will see the inclusions in your itinerary.

How does one travel between the cities in the itinerary?

The travel between cities is with the all in one Swiss Travel Pass which is included in the package.

How do I save the quote?

After you get a quote for your desired itinerary, click on the ‘mail this option’. The quote will be sent to your email id and you can refer to it at a later date.

Does the package give me the best rates & availability?

The package rates are based on real time inventory which ensure our passengers can book what they see. In this fast changing world, the availability of hotels and excursions change by the minute, however with our top end technology & algorithm used, we give you dynamic & real time pricing enabling you to book what you see.

Can I make changes after paying full payment?

Yes, we are flexible in date change options, subject to availability at the time of booking. Also the rates may increase/decrease as per your new dates of travel.

Is the accommodation in hotels or apartments?

  • The accommodation is based on centrally located hotels & apartments(wherever applicable). We have specially handpicked the accommodation so that you stay in city centre hotels.

Is visa cost included in the itinerary?

No, the visa cost is not included. However we give you visa assistance which includes giving you visa letter for the package confirmed which is part of the documents required for visa.

Do I need to give any personal documents in order to make any bookings?

We only need your names as per passport and pan card details to be filled in while making the booking.

Are meals included in the package?

The package includes breakfast (wherever specified). Lunch & dinners are not included in the package.

Are flights included in the package?

Flights are not included in the package. Our experts can help you book the flights or you may book it on your own.

How do I get in touch with your travel planner for expert advice?

You can call, email, chat with us or Whatsapp us to help you handcraft your dream holiday. We can even arrange a video call with our experts. Our friendly and professional personnel are well travelled to almost all regions of the country having first hand experience and with their expertise can ensure that the clients have the most memorable vacation.

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  • Switzerland

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Glacier Express on bridge in front of green rolling hills in Switzerland

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Matterhorn And Flowers

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Good morning

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"Switzerland is a country that has to be seen to be believed and it's always a special moment to watch our guests lay eyes on the Swiss Alps for the first time."

Travel Director

The best of Switzerland unlocked for you

Experience Switzerland differently. Enjoy one-of-a-kind experiences and uncover local secrets when our friends across the country open their doors to you. Here’s just a sample of the rich experiences you can expect.

0:00 / 0:00

Want to explore a Swiss mountain by cable car?

Want to explore Lake Geneva by boat?

Cruise Lake Geneva

On a sunny day, there’s no better way to tour Switzerland than by water. Gaze at the country from its largest lake and learn something new about its shores, choosing a historic paddle boat, passenger ferry or cocktail-sipping sunset cruise.

Discover the 15th-century vineyards of Cave Champ de Clos

The Conne family have been producing wine for centuries in the heart of the UNESCO heritage region of Lavaux. Be hypnotized by rows of terraced vineyards then retire to the stone cellar to taste the vintages they have produced.

Take a horse carriage ride through the Alps and Rosegg Valley

The alps are home to an endlessly romantic trail that can be taken on horse carriage ride. Rug up in blankets for this fairytale experience through alpine forests, arriving at a destination of snow capped mountains and an impressive glacier. The kind of views imagined when dreaming up a Switzerland trip.

Ride up to Stans by Switzerland's oldest mountain railway

Start in Lucerne and travel along tracks from the 1890s, watching villages and views pass by in the window. With wildflower meadows in the summer and snow dusted trees in winter, you will unwind as you wind around the mountains for 30 minutes before reaching the top.

Travel to the heart of Switzerland, Interlaken

The unassuming town of Interlaken is the perfect base to connect with the soul of Switzerland. Explore over 700 hikes which roam into the mountains from your doorstep, with charming isolated villages found sitting between them.

Our top 5 things to do in Switzerland

We'll take you through the pristine natural beauty of this country, with a trip that's filled with moments of awe. Lakes, grapevines and alpine forests prove it's not just the hills that are alive in Switzerland.

Swiss National Museum

There is a reason this is Switzerland's most frequently visited museum of cultural history. Inside, you will immerse in the past and present through some 840,000 objects. From bronze Age bowls to silver knight’s armor, nowhere else will deliver such a rich and comprehensive insight into the Swiss.

Lake Geneva

Charlie Chaplin museum

The property where Charlie Chaplin spent his last years provides an intimate glimpse into the iconic entertainer's life and work. Be moved by a walk through the vast estate, where you will marvel at his original bowler hat and boots, hear tales from friends and touch painstakingly replicated movie sets.

Zentrum Paul Klee

The namesake of this museum is one of the 20th century's most important artists. Step into the space to quietly take in his artworks, you might find yourself lost in the famous cubism inspired 'Insula dulcamara' or colorful jigsaw that the German-Swiss genius was most famous for.

Best museums in Switzerland

There's more to this landlocked country than army knives and chocolate. With Trafalgar, you will gain a deeper understanding of Switzerland through these must-visit museums.

Once a farmers’ breakfast, Rösti is now a plate popular amongst the Swiss. One bite into this crisp baked potato and you will be hooked. Luckily, the country's many regions boast their own versions, offering an excuse to sample many during your tour of Switzerland.

There is more to this classic fare than dipping bread into a pot of melted cheese. It’s a sacred pastime. To the Swiss, fresh bread and bubbling creamy Gruyere is incomplete without one vital ingredient: good company. Indulge in authentic fondue in Switzerland in the company of new friends.

Swiss chocolate

Chocolate aficionados will find no shortage of pleasure in the smooth chocolate of Switzerland. The birthplace of Lindt, Toblerone, Mövenpick and more, a banquet of cocoa will be enjoyed here in the name of culture.

Best food in Switzerland

Baked potato, melted cheese and genuine chocolate. The culinary delights of Switzerland were designed with only the pleasure of taste in mind, and it's an indulgence Trafalgar is only too happy to share with you.

What to pack for Switzerland

People packing for a tour

Even in summer, layers are vital in Switzerland. Temperatures differ throughout through the country and can get particularly crisp in the higher mountains.

A good quality camera

In a place known for pinch me moments, it would be remiss to forget something more than just a smartphone to capture them all.

Swiss Francs

Switzerland may be at the core of Europe, but this country abandoned the Euro many years ago. Though you can still use them in some larger establishments, but it's better to arm yourself with plenty of Francs so you're never caught short.

A phrasebook

A phrasebook with the national languages of German, French and Italian is essential on a tour of Switzerland. If you really can’t spare the space, download them to your Google Translate app offline.

Walking shoes

If your trip is likely to see you traversing the dynamic landscapes of Switzerland, a pair of sturdy walking shoes or hiking boots should be on the packing list.

Pack for sustainable travel

Consider your environmental impact when you next take a trip and go single-use-plastic-free by packing a reusable water bottle, a steel straw, your own shopping bags and refillable toiletry bottles.

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The Matterhorn with grass in the foreground in the Swiss Alps at Summer Time


Our Switzerland Trips

Save up to $1,110

Country Roads of Switzerland Guided Tour

Country Roads

Country Roads of Switzerland

19 Locations

2 Countries

Explore the Rural Wonders of Switzerland on a 2-Week Guided Tour

Glorious Switzerland Guided Tour

Glorious Switzerland

11 Locations

3 Countries

Experience the Glamour and Glitz of Glorious Switzerland on an 8-Day Guided Tour

Save up to $465

Magical Switzerland Guided Tour

Magical Switzerland

9 Locations

All Aboard the Glacier Express for a 1-Week Guided Tour of Switzerland’s Winter Festivities

Save up to $292

Winter Wonderland Guided Tour

Winter Wonderland

12 Locations

4 Countries

Splendor Among the Snow: A 9-Day Guided Tour Spanning Germany, Austria and Switzerland


Insight Vacations Is Rated 4.6 / 5 Based on 40,000+ Verified Reviews

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" The itinerary was a perfect way to experience Switzerland for the first time. It highlighted the beauty of the country very well.

– Kristine, Glorious Switzerland "

"We picked this tour because we wanted to cover almost if not all of Switzerland in one trip. This trip had a perfect balance of seeing multiple locations and still spending 2 to 3 nights in many locations."

- Donald, Magical Switzerland

Richard Lintott Insight Vacations Travel Director

Richard Lintott, Travel Director


"There is simply nowhere else in the world with this cornucopia of exciting and varied experiences to enjoy from one day to the next as there are in European cities and cultures."

Experience on: Glorious Switzerland


A cruise boat with mountains in the background, Switzerland.

Jess, Local Expert


This is why you should factor the Alpine nation into your summer travel plans.

Experience on: Country Roads of Switzerland


Why Visit Switzerland?

Hear from our passionate Travel Directors and Insightful Blog Authors on what makes Switzerland the perfect place for your next guided tour. 

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Glass making process


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A table with various dishes


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Three senior women in a garden laughing


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Two guests on tour drinking wine and smiling outdoors in field

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Footpath leading to hills, sea and sky


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What to Eat in Switzerland

Friends Eating Cheese Fondue In A Cozy Traditional Swiss Restaurant

Things to Do in Switzerland

A ride on the Glacier Express and summitting Mount Stanserhorn are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to an Insight Vacations Switzerland trip itinerary. Visit Switzerland’s Christmas markets during the holiday season or take a summer boat trip across Lake Maggiore.

Explore St Moritz

Find your definition of relaxation in this luxurious alpine resort town at your leisure.


Winter View from the Chapel Bridge, Lucerne Switzerland

Ride the World-Famous Glacier Express

Soar through the Swiss Alps over viaducts and through tunnels on a hydroelectric train.

Travel on the Glacier Express over Landwasser Viaduct, Switzerland

Marvel at Staubbach Falls

Watch Staubbach Falls’ waters cascade down a 300-meter plunge in the Valley of the Waterfalls.

Visit Staubbach Falls Lauterbrunnen valley, Switzerland

Enjoy free time in Gruyères

Wander the fortified town’s 13th century castle and streets at your own pace.

Walk the cobble streets in Gruyeres, Switzerland

Chillon Castle Tour

Explore this medieval chateau, once the Dukes of Savoy’s home, with the Head of Collections.

Visit Chillon Castle on Lake Geneva, Switzerland


Experts in the travel industry


Based on independent reviews


Starting from $200


Book with peace of mind

Learn More About Switzerland

Switzerland Jungfrau

What to Know Before You Travel to Switzerland

Currency: Swiss franc (CHF)

Time Zone: London GMT +1

Capital City: Bern

Language: German, Italian, French, and Romansh

Power Outlets: European 230V



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