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Full of Life and Passion

Magnificent landscapes combined with the country’s charming traditions and customs offer new experiences unlike anywhere else in the world. Famous for bullfighting, Spain allows you to grab life by the horns and dive into adventure. Whether it’s the eye-catching architecture of Madrid, the bold Spanish wines, or the shimmering Costa del Sol, this country remains a delight to the senses. Once you experience Spain, you’ll never want to leave and when you do, you’ll always be craving more.

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Tour manager angela’s heart is in spain and portugal.

What makes Tour Manager Angela so proud to be from the Iberian Peninsula? She has a deep love for the landscapes, the cuisine, the people, and the culture. Hear how Angela gets to show travelers the cultural roots of her home, and how that makes her life as a Tour Manager special.

Destination Must-See's

Spain ms1

This enchanting seaside city with boundless culture is home to fabled architecture and a world-class drinking and dining scene. Barcelona's architectural treasures span 2,000-plus years. Towering temple columns, ancient city walls and subterranean stone corridors provide a window into Roman-era Barcino. Fast forward a thousand years to the Middle Ages by taking a stroll through the shadowy lanes of the Gothic quarter, past tranquil plazas and soaring 14th-century cathedrals. In other parts of town bloom the sculptural masterpieces of Modernism, a mix of ingenious and whimsical creations by Gaudí and his Catalan architectural contemporaries for which this city is so well known. Barcelona has also long-inspired artists, including the likes of Salvador Dalí, Pablo Picasso and Joan Miró, whose works are in bold display in the city's myriad museums.

Spain ms2

The capital and largest city of the autonomous community of Andalusia, Spain is Seville. Approximately 2,200 years old, the early origins of the city date back to the year 712. It is situated along the Guadalquivir River, which splits the city into two halves. Seville is famous for being the birthplace of the Flamenco dance. It is also known for its culture, monuments, traditions and artistic heritage.

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Spain’s capital city sits on the Manzanares River, just northeast of the center of the Iberian Peninsula. It is estimated that the origins of Madrid can be traced back to the 2nd century B.C. Madrid is home to the head of the Spanish government, the Spanish royal family and the headquarters of the World Tourism Organization. Madrid’s influence on politics, education, entertainment, fashion and culture make it one of the world’s major global cities.

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The Costa del Sol:

This “Sunny Coast” is the southernmost part of Spain stretching primarily along the calm and warm Mediterranean Sea. Its major province is Málaga, the home of Picasso. To the far west part of the Costa del Sol comes another body of water, the Strait of Gibraltar, which separates the Mediterranean from the Atlantic. In the last province of the Costa del Sol lies the province of Cadiz. These provinces are most known for their golden sandy beaches, fresh Mediterranean seafood and relaxing environments and are especially home to vacationers during the warmer months.

Destination Must-Do's

Spain md1

Guggenheim Museum:

This museum of modern and contemporary art is located in northern Spain. The museum is built alongside the Nervion River, which runs through the city of Bilbao. The museum is one of several belonging to the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation and features permanent and visiting exhibitions of works by Spanish and international artists. The museum was designed by Canadian-American architect Frank Gehry. The museum was inaugurated on October 18, 1997 by King Juan Carlos I of Spain.

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La Sagrada Familia:

Meaning the Holy Family, this modern structure is known as the church of the people, built by the people, with the money of the people. While it is not the cathedral of Barcelona, it is widely known due to its unique architecture and phenomenal design initiated by architect Antoni Gaudí. Work on the exploratory church began in 1882 and continue to this day, but with modern technology and the rising number of visitors and donations, the church’s completion date has rapidly become closer. The facades of the church are breathtaking in their intricate and artistic details, all of which were inspired by Gaudí.

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The Alhambra:

This stunning palace and fortress complex is located in Granada, Andalusia, Spain. The first palace on the site was built in the 11th century. Over the years it developed into a sprawling complex comprised of many structures. It is very well preserved and gives visitors a peek into Moorish culture. The Alhambra is part fortress, part palace, part garden and part government city. Many visitors come to Granada specifically to visit and see the Alhambra.

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This was the first capital of Spain located about 43 miles south of Madrid. The history of Toledo dates back to the Roman occupation circa 192 B.C. The old city of Toledo sits atop of a small mountain surrounded on three sides by the Tagus River, and medieval walls on the fourth. From the top of the mountain you can get a 180 degree view of the surrounding landscape.

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Spain Tours & Vacations

Calella de Palafrugell, fisherman village with nice sand beach and clear blue water, Costa Brava

From towering cathedral spires to a shared jug of sangria, it’s passion that ties Spain together.

Passion is the constant across Spain’s diverse regions and cultures, from the twirling skirts of flamenco dancers in Seville to the tears of pilgrims arriving in   Santiago de Compostela . Despite (or perhaps because of) its complicated history, Spain has produced some of the most moving art in the world – and we’re not just talking about Gaudi’s architecture and Dali’s melting clocks. Here, art isn’t just in the grand architecture and museums around the country. It’s in the jamón expertly cured by a family who has been making it for centuries, and  vibrant festivals  that bring whole cities together. Like its art, Spain offers something for everyone.

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Spain at a glance, capital city.

Madrid (6.9 million)

47.5 million

(GMT+01:00) Madrid winter, (GMT+02:00) Madrid summer



Type C (European 2-pin) Type F (German 2-pin, side clip earth)

Learn more about Spain

Culture and customs.

Spain today is made up of 17 distinct autonomous communities, a product of the region’s history as a land of diverse tribes, kingdoms, and cultures. Each has its own traditions, cuisines, and customs shaped by the extensive war, invasion, immigration, and trade that the region has seen over the past few thousand years. From the Moors to the Romans, the British to the Portuguese, modern Spain is a product of both its   geographic neighbors   and the far-flung lands it conquered as a colonial superpower.

Spaniards are known, perhaps above all else, for their passion – for food, politics, partying, and life in general. This is the home of vibrant fiestas, fierce independence movements, flashy flamenco, worker uprisings, and the grand architectural remnants of a lavish and bloated empire.

Roman Catholicism is deeply entrenched in society, and as such Christian holidays like Easter and Christmas are widely observed. Additionally, different patron saints are honored in regional areas throughout the year, with small cities and villages celebrating their saints with bonfires, feasts, and parades.

From visionary architects to painters, controversial film directors to literary greats, Spain has a strong creative tradition evident in Gothic cathedrals, abstract art, and surreal film.

History and government

There is evidence of human habitation in the area now known as Spain dating as far back as 32,000 years ago. Pre-historic cultures likely existed as disparate tribes across the region until the Iron Age, when emerging groups like Iberians, Celtiberians, and Greeks began to exercise more formal control over certain areas.

The Romans arrived in 206 BC and spent hundreds of years systematically conquering the region before ruling uninterrupted for almost 500 years.

After the fall of the Roman Empire, various Muslim and Christian conquerors spent the next 700 years struggling for full control of the region. The last Muslim city, Granada, fell under the control of the Christian Kingdoms of Castile and Aragon in 1492, ending the last period of Muslim rule in Spain to this day.     

Spain as a global empire

The Kingdom of Spain was unified under Christian rule in 1512 and began expanding at a ferocious pace. The far-reaching colonization that saw Spain conquer land on almost every continent earned it the title of the first ‘global empire’.

With access to the natural resources and human labor extracted from its colonies, Spain continued to balloon in power and influence until the 17th century. At this point, lavish construction and out-of-control spending, as well as the growing influence of other global powers, caused the empire to stall.  

By the 18th century, the Kingdom of Spain was struggling. An invasion from Napoleon’s France, royal infighting, and various successful independence movements among colonies were the final death blows delivered to the ailing empire.

20th century

The early 20th century was a tumultuous time for Spain. Between 1918 and 1920, influenza killed an estimated 250,000 people in Spain alone. The nation oscillated between monarchy and short-lived stints as a republic. Attempted coups were frequent as left-wing and right-wing struggled for power, with powerful anarchist and fascist movements emerging, often in reaction to each other.

In 1936 the right-wing Nationalists (led by military general Francisco Franco Bahamonde AKA Franco) overthrew the government in a coup. A three-year civil war began for control of the country. At least 350,000 Spaniards died during the war, which ended with Franco’s victory and ascension to the dual roles of Head of State and Commander-in-Chief. Franco controlled Spain through a rigid totalitarian regime until his death in 1975. His legacy today is mixed, notable for the brutal repression of dissenters but also for an improved economy.

After Franco’s death, Spain transitioned to a democracy, holding its first free elections in almost 40 years in 1979. Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, the government was controlled alternately by socialist, conservative, and populist parties.    

Though power has continued to swing between conservative and socialist governance, Spain today is relatively politically stable and home to a thriving democracy.   

Remarkably, centuries of Catholic supremacy and enforced cultural hegemony under Franco’s dictatorship haven’t been able to stamp out a spirit of counterculture and rebellion. In general, public engagement in social and political issues is high, and public protest is common.

Eating and drinking

Intrepid believes that one of the best ways to experience a country is by eating! Whether you’re sampling street food, savoring a cheap eat, or indulging in a banquet, there are endless options to choose from in every part of the world.

An abundance of fresh seafood and produce, a long wine-making tradition and diverse culinary influences from the former colonies make for a vibrant food culture. You can find delicious delicacies everywhere from bars to restaurants, cafes, street fiestas, and markets across the country.

Plant-based dining in Spain

Vegetarians certainly won’t go hungry in Spain. And while vegans might need to do a little detective work, there’s still a lot on offer if you know where to look.

Vegetarian options can be found in the vast majority of bars, restaurants, cafes, and markets. Vegan travelers will find major cities like Madrid and Barcelona are packed with vegan-friendly (and just straight-up vegan) restaurants. Outside of the big cities, it starts to get a little trickier. The safest option is to make the local market your first port of call in each destination to stock up on fresh fruit, vegetables, and bread. In eateries, vegans should keep an eye out for gazpacho (tomato soup), crema de verduras (vegetable soup), and basic ensaladas (salads) which are likely to be vegan. To be sure they won’t come served with meat on top (which can happen even when it isn’t listed as an ingredient) order them ‘sin jamon y sin huevo’ – without ham or eggs. 

Your local leader will be able to help you navigate the menu and find plant-based dining options.

Must-try dishes and drinks in Spain

  • Paella This delectable rice dish is served throughout Spain and comes in many different ways. The mixed version (with chorizo, mussels, and prawns) is the most popular internationally, but if we have to recommend just one it’s got to be the original Valencian version – with rabbit, chicken, and butter beans.
  • Albondigas This tapas staple of meatballs swimming in a spicy tomato sauce is a classic. Typically made from a combination of veal and pork mince, the dish is simple to make and even easier to eat, particularly when washed down with a glass of tempranillo.
  • Croquettes Another tapas favorite, this time one that vegetarians can easily get behind. These delightful little balls of fried bechamel come with a number of fillings, from beef and ham to broccoli and goat’s cheese.
  • Sangria Jugs filled with chunks of apple, lemon, and orange in chilled red wine are the perfect accompaniment to a golden Spanish sunset. Sangria is a well-known ticket to extended late-night revelry, so don’t say we didn’t warn you.
  • Calamares a la Romana This dish of crispy, deep-fried calamari is popular in coastal regions like Barcelona. Eat a plate of it at a beachside restaurant or head to a bar and include it in your tapas mix.
  • Churros For a sugar hit, try Spain’s version of the doughnut. Churros are sticks of deep-fried dough, dipped in chocolate for good measure! Find them at open-air food stalls and cafes.
  • Jamon Spain is famous for its cured ham, the legendary jamon. You’ll find salty jamon hanging in shop windows, on display at markets, and featured on menus throughout Spain.
  • Gazpacho For a fresh and healthy Spanish dish, you can’t go past gazpacho. The raw, chilled tomato soup is a cool answer to Spain’s summer heat.
  • Tortilla de Patatas Potato tortilla (or Spanish omelette) is a slice of authentic Spanish culinary tradition. A simple dish that’s often served as part of a tapas spread, it’s a great option for vegetarians wanting something hearty.
  • Vino tinto We know what you’re thinking. Isn’t it a bit of a cop-out to call ‘red wine’ a must-try? Not when the diversity and quality of the drop are this good. There are so many must-sip varieties in Spain it’s hard to go wrong, but here’s a little list to get you started – tempranillo, rioja, priorat, and toro. Go!

Read more about what to eat in Spain

Read more about what to drink in Spain

Geography and environment

Located in southwestern   Europe , Spain occupies most of the Iberian Peninsula and shares borders with   France ,   Andorra ,   Portugal ,   Morocco   , and Gibraltar, as well as the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. The region’s topography is a blend of mountains, low-lying plains, and a long coastline.

The northern Pyrenees and the Picos de Europa are two northern mountain ranges that draw travelers from the continent and around the world in search of active adventure. The Picos de Europa is smaller and popular with hikers, while the powdery slopes of the Pyrenees attract hordes of skiers during an impressively long snow season. 

Spain’s coastline and islands are world-renowned. The Mediterranean Coast, in particular, is incredibly long and beautiful, featuring a mix of sandy beaches, rocky cliffs, and protected bays. Islands like Tenerife, Ibiza, Mallorca, and Menorca are among the most popular with tourists chasing sunshine and good times.

While many know its beaches, fewer travelers are aware that southern Spain is home to the only real desert in Europe – the Tabernas. The barren badlands were the setting for a number of Western films in the 1960s and 1970s.

However, most of the countryside in Spain’s central and northern regions offers green valleys, olive groves, rolling farmland, and rivers.

Home of cult fast fashion brand ZARA, Camper shoes, Lladro porcelain, Mango clothing, and some of the best wine and olive oil in the world, Spain’s consumer goods may not be cheap but the quality is high if you stick to authentic brands and hand-made goods. If you are chasing a bargain, flea markets are abundant in Spain and make for a great way to mingle with locals while you look for a souvenir. If you’re spending a few days in a city, ask a local (or if you’re traveling with Intrepid, ask your leader) where and when you can find the local second-hand market. Popular items to look for are leather goods like bags, belts and boots, Moorish mementos and printed fans.

It's a good idea to check with your local customs officials to ensure that you are able to bring certain items back into your home country. Australia and New Zealand, in particular, have strict quarantine laws. 

Festivals and events

Valencia’s Las Fallas is a sizzling cacophony of colorful firecrackers, smoky bonfires, roaring rockets, and massive effigies. Celebrated each year in honor of Valencia’s patron saint, this is a week of fiery fun and extensive late-night partying.

Every summer the Spanish town of Haro explodes into a ‘Wine War’, known to locals as Batalla del Vino. Unforgiving residents pump red wine out of water pistols, hoses, and other vessels in this grand example of wine warfare. Be warned: no one is spared – this is not a spectator sport!

La Tomatina

A relative newcomer to the Spanish festival scene,   La Tomatina   draws in travelers, tourists, and the world’s media who come to see ripened tomatoes splattered across the city of Bunol. Thousands of people cram into the narrow town plaza to smash tomatoes into each other – a chaotic, strange, and super fun experience.

The Holy Week

As a predominantly Catholic country, Easter is a huge deal in Spain. But even if you’re not a believer, the Holy Week (Semana Santa) is a fascinating event to experience. Each region has its own unique traditions, but all involve lavish processions, incredible outfits, and torrijas (fried sweet bread). 

Fiesta de San Isidro

Fiesta de San Isidro  is Madrid’s largest festival to honor San Isidro Labrador, the patron saint of Madrid who was believed to be a miracle worker in the 12th century. Over the years, the festival has evolved into an all-encompassing celebration of Madrid’s traditions and modern culture, from folk music and dancing to delicious street food. 

Read more about popular festivals in Spain.

Public holidays that may impact travel include:

St Joseph's Day

Maundy Thursday/Good Friday

Assumption of Mary

Fiesta Nacional de Espana

All Saints’ Day

Constitution Day

Immaculate Conception

Please note that the dates of  Spain's public holidays  may vary

Top places to visit in Spain

1. santiago de compostela.

Even if you don’t follow the Camino, or Way of Saint James, to get there, it’s hard not to be moved by the flocks of faithful who arrive in the courtyard of the city’s eponymous cathedral at the end of their pilgrimage. Soak up the cathedral's holy atmosphere, marvel at the impressive stone facades and soaring towers, or explore the labyrinth of cobbled streets, lively squares and perfectly manicured gardens.

Welcome to the capital of Spain’s famous La Rioja wine region. Logrono is home to the must-visit Calle de Laurel – an ancient medieval street where you'll discover some of Spain's best pintxos​, small bites of food served on a skewer or piece of bread. The city is also the gateway to countless wineries, ancient castles and stunning Spanish countryside.

The capital of Andalucia, Seville is famous for its flamenco dancing, oranges, tapas and the world's largest Gothic cathedral. Explore the city's elaborate Moorish architecture – a product of over 400 years of caliphate rule in the Middle Ages, watch a lively flamenco performance at local tapas bars, or enjoy a refreshing  rebujitos cocktail  in the bustling main street of the Triana quarter.

4. Valencia

Sun-drenched Valencia has clean beaches, picturesque parks and a mixture of medieval architecture and creative modern design . Be sure to take a walk through the Jardin del Turia – a riverbed that was turned into a park that snakes through the city, pick up some local goodies at the market in Old Town, or try Valencian paella made with rabbit, chicken and butter beans.

5. Barcelona

Surreal Gothic architecture, superb dining and non-stop nightlife make Barcelona an unmissable spot. Wander the labyrinthine streets of the Old Quarter, grab fresh juice at the colorful La Boqueria market, sample Catalan dishes on a tapas crawl through the funky El Born neighborhood, or discover Gaudi's architectural masterpieces.

Come for the sprawling beauty of the 11th-century Alhambra Palace, stay for the small flamenco taverns and some of the best tapas in Spain. Whether you want to do a local produce tasting at a family-run delicatessen, explore the Moorish Albaicin quarter and traditional tea houses or marvel at the beautiful tombs at the Royal Chapel, it's impossible not to fall in love with Granada's charm.

Further reading

For inspiring stories to prepare you for your Spain adventure, check out these books:

  • The Shadow of the Wind   – Carlos Ruiz Zafon
  • Don Quixote   – Miguel de Cervantes
  • Imperial Spain: 1469–1716   – John Elliott
  • The Ornament of the World: How Muslims, Jews, and Christians Created a Culture of Tolerance in Medieval Spain   – Maria Rosa Menocal
  • Homage to Catalonia   – George Orwell
  • The Back Room   – Carmen Martin Gaite
  • Iberia   – James A Michener

Spain travel FAQs

When is the best time to visit spain.

Due to its size, Spain has a varied climate, but for the most part, you can expect Mediterranean temperatures along the coast, with hot, sunny summers (and peak tourism!) and colder, rainy winters .

On the east coast of Spain, major cities like Barcelona can be very busy during summer, so if you’d prefer to share the streets with more locals and fewer tourists you might find the ‘low season’ of November to February is the best time to visit this region.

What's the weather like in Spain?

Spain is known to be one of the warmest and sunniest countries in Europe regardless of the season, but weather patterns differ depending on where you are: you can expect mild summers and cold winters in the northern regions and hot summers and mild winters in the south.

Do I need a visa to travel to Spain?

Citizens of the European Union and Iceland, Norway and Switzerland are not required to obtain a visa but must abide by local residency requirements if they plan to stay for more than 90 days.

Travelers from Australia, the USA, New Zealand, Brazil, Japan and more can visit Spain for 90 days in a six-month period with no visa, as long as they have no plans to work. 

Travelers visiting from Cambodia, Ecuador, India, Nepal and other countries must obtain a visa from the Spanish consulate or embassy in their region – allow at least two weeks for it to be issued. 

The information is for general information only and may be subject to change. It is your responsibility to obtain relevant visa and travel information required for entry, departure and travel to each country or region you visit on your trip. You should confirm these with the relevant embassies and/or consulates.

Last updated: 14 June 2023

Is tipping customary in Spain?

Tipping in Spain is entirely optional. If you would like to tip, rounding up the bill or leaving spare change in restaurants should be sufficient. Feel free to tip more for good service, but it isn’t expected of you.

What is the internet access like in Spain?

Internet access is good in Spain. Internet cafes and wi-fi hotspots are easily found in most cities and major towns. In some very remote and rural areas, access can be patchy, but this is improving.

Can I use my cell phone while in Spain?

Cell phone coverage is generally very good in Spain. If you want to use your cell phone, purchase a local sim or ensure global roaming is activated before you arrive (but be aware of the fees this may incur). Travelers from countries not part of a Global Mobile Systems network, like Japan, will not be able to use their cell phones in Spain.

What are the toilets like in Spain?

Flushable, Western-style toilets are the standard in Spain. Be aware that public toilets aren’t as common in Spain as they are in some other countries and you often have to pay to use them. Be sure to carry change to avoid being caught short.

Can I drink the water in Spain?

Drinking water from taps is safe in Spain unless otherwise marked. For environmental reasons, try to use a refillable water bottle rather than buying bottled water.

Are credit cards widely accepted in Spain?

Major credit cards are widely accepted by stores and hotels in Spain. Smaller cafes and shops may not accept credit cards, so ensure you carry enough cash to cover small purchases.

What is ATM access like in Spain?

ATMs are very common in Spain, so finding one won't be a problem in most towns and cities.

Is Spain safe for LGBTQIA+ travellers?

Overall, Spain is a welcoming and safe destination for LGBTQIA+ travelers. Same-sex marriage is legal, and laws exist to protect the rights of LGBTQIA+ individuals to live free from of discrimination (though employment discrimination laws do not yet protect transgender individuals). 

Public opinion on LGBTQIA+ individuals is relatively positive. Though LGBTQIA+ travelers may encounter more conservative views in rural areas and small towns, the risk of experiencing overt discrimination in Spain is very low for travelers.

Transgender individuals and gender non-conforming folks are widely accepted in Spain, though gender identity-based discrimination still occurs.

For more detailed and up-to-date advice, we recommend visiting   Equaldex   or   ILGA   before you travel.

If you are traveling solo on an Intrepid group tour, you will share accommodation with a passenger of the same gender as per your passport information. If you don’t identify with the gender assigned on your passport, please let us know at the time of booking and we’ll arrange the rooming configuration accordingly. A single supplement is available on some tours for travelers who do not wish to share a room.

Is Spain accessible for travelers with disabilities?

Intrepid is committed to making travel widely accessible, regardless of ability or disability. That’s why we do our best to help as many people see the world as possible, regardless of any physical or mental limitations they might have. We’re always happy to talk to travelers with disabilities and see if we can help guide them toward the most suitable itinerary for their needs and, where possible, make reasonable adjustments to our itineraries.

Spain is a mixed bag when it comes to access for travelers with disabilities. While some regions like Catalonia are proactively working to meet the needs of travelers with disabilities, others may prove challenging for travelers with mobility and/or visual impairments.  

Barcelona is notable as one of the most wheelchair-friendly cities in Europe. All of Barcelona’s major sights are accessible for wheelchair users, and some beaches have all-terrain wheelchairs for free hire as well as boardwalks that extend to the water. The vast majority of metro stations and all buses are accessible to folks with reduced mobility. Many train stations in Barcelona have tactile strips to direct folks with vision impairments to platforms, ticket machines, and elevators. Ticket machines and elevators have speech options in a variety of languages. 

Madrid is also a city committed to accessible travel, with metro and bus systems that can be used by people with mobility and visual impairments and many accessible monuments.

Spain’s national parks are somewhat accessible, as they are commonly outfitted with accessible interpretation centers and viewpoints. The trails of the Picos de Europa are well-maintained and non-reflective, so may be accessible to people with visual impairments (depending on the severity of the impairment).

Travelers who use battery-operated hearing aids should familiarise themselves with the Spanish equivalent of the batteries their devices need.

If you do live with a visual, hearing, or other impairment, let your booking agent or group leader know early on so they’re aware and suitable arrangements can be made. As a general rule, knowing some common words in the local language, carrying a written itinerary with you, and taking to the streets in a group, rather than solo, can help make your travel experience the best it can be.

What are some useful Spanish phrases to learn?

You don’t need to spend hours trying to learn Spanish before your trip... unless you want to, that is! The following phrases should help you get by:

  • Good morning –  Buenos días
  • Good afternoon –  Buenas tardes 
  • Good evening –  Buenas noches
  • How are you? –  ¿Cómo está usted?  (formal) 
  • How are you? –   ¿Cómo estás?  (informal)
  • What are you doing? –  ¿Qué haces?  
  • Thank you –  ¡Gracias!  
  • Nice to meet you –  Mucho gusto
  • Please –  Por favor

Does my trip to Spain support The Intrepid Foundation?

Yes, all Intrepid trips support the Intrepid Foundation. In fact, we make a donation on behalf of every traveler. Trips to Spain directly support our foundation partner, Open Arms.

Open Arms protects people fleeing from their home country to reach Europe by sea. Donations from our trips help them protect immigrants abandoned in international waters fleeing war, persecution and poverty. They collaborate with healthcare and frontline research teams to support immigrants through health emergencies and work in their countries of origin to strengthen communities and build alternatives to irregular or unsafe immigration.  

Intrepid will double the impact by dollar-matching all post-trip donations made to The Intrepid Foundation.

Do I need to purchase travel insurance before traveling?

Absolutely. All passengers traveling with Intrepid are required to purchase travel insurance before the start of their trip. Your travel insurance details will be recorded by your leader on the first day of the trip. Due to the varying nature, availability and cost of health care around the world, travel insurance is very much an essential and necessary part of every journey.

For more information on insurance, please go to: Travel Insurance

How do I stay safe and healthy while traveling?

From Australia?

Go to: Smart Traveller

From Canada?

Go to:  Canada Travel Information

From the UK?

Go to:  UK Foreign Travel Advice

From New Zealand?

Go to:  Safe Travel

From the US?

Go to:  US Department of State

The World Health Organisation also provides useful health information.

What is it like traveling on a small group tour?

Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or you’re about to embark on your first trip, traveling can be as intimidating as it is exciting. That's the beauty of a small group tour. From handling the logistics and organizing amazing cultural activities to local leaders who know each destination like the back of their hand (like which street has the best markets and where to get the most authentic food), traveling on a small group tour with Intrepid will give you unforgettable travel experiences without the hassle that comes with exploring a new place. Plus, you'll have ready-made friends to share the journey with. All you have to do is turn up with a healthy sense of adventure and we’ll take care of the rest.

Does my Intrepid trip include airfare?

While our Intrepid trips include many modes of transport, from tuk-tuks to overland vehicles, bullet trains and feluccas, airfare to and from your home country is not included in your tour package.

Spain tours

Discover the culture, history, and beauty of Spain! You'll see it all, from mesmerizing museums in Madrid and flamenco in Seville to amazing architecture in Barcelona. Our Spain tours have it all.

August 2024

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Barcelona, Southern France & the Italian Riviera

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4.4 out of 5 stars

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Grand Tour of Portugal & Spain: Porto to Barcelona

15 days | 18 days with Basque Country extension

4.5 out of 5 stars

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A Week in Spain: Barcelona, Madrid & Seville

9 days | 12 days with Granada & Costa del Sol extension

4.7 out of 5 stars

Overview of Madrid Spain at sunset

Grand Tour of Spain

14 days | 16 days with Barcelona extension

tour in spain

Portugal, Spain & Morocco

16 days | 19 days with Madrid & Barcelona extension

4.2 out of 5 stars

tour in spain

London, Paris & Madrid

11 days | 14 days with Lisbon extension

4.6 out of 5 stars

tour in spain

Spain’s Balearic Islands: Menorca & Mallorca

10 days | 12 days with Valencia extension

3.8 out of 5 stars

tour in spain

Spain for Solo Travelers: Barcelona, Madrid & Seville

9 days | 12 days with Granada & Málaga extension

tour in spain

France & Spain: Paris, Bordeaux & Madrid

10 days | 13 days with Madrid & Valencia extension

tour in spain

Lisbon, Seville & Madrid

11 days | 13 days with Barcelona extension

tour in spain

Food & Wine: A Taste of Spain

12 days | 15 days with Seville extension

tour in spain

Journey through Andalusia: Seville, Granada & Málaga

11 days | 13 days with Costa del Sol extension

interior of the mezquita cathedral in andalucia spain

Northern Spain: Basque Country to Madrid

12 days | 14 days with Madrid extension

4.3 out of 5 stars

View of Guggenheim museum in Bilbao Spain

Marian Shrines & the Way of St. James

14 days | 16 days with Lisbon extension

tour in spain

London, Amsterdam & Rome

tour in spain

Food & Wine: Barcelona & Northern Spain with America’s Test Kitchen

12 days | 15 days with Madrid extension

tour in spain

What travelers are saying about our Spain tours

5 out of 5 stars

1st-time traveler Gabriella Alejandra

I loved the learning of it all, the places we got to see and visit and best of all our tour guide, Gràcia. She was so patient, full of energy, funny, kind, loving and more. She... Read more of Spain Trip

Traveled in Aug 2024 on A Week in Spain: Barcelona, Madrid & Seville

1st-time traveler Shari

Despite the hot and steamy weather, the tour was amazing. Jaimie was engaged and helpful. My next adventure will probably be a solo trip through EF.

1st-time traveler Matthew

I had the best seven days of my summer, without a doubt. From start to finish, Jaime ensured that our excursions were incredibly fun, informative, safe and wonderfully memorable.... Read more of Simply the Best

2nd-time traveler Ana

Go Ahead Tours has done it again! My expectations were exceeded on so many levels. Our tour guide, Raul, was instrumental in making my Spanish experience into an unforgettable... Read more of A Taste of Spain

Traveled in Jul 2024 on Grand Tour of Spain

1st-time traveler Shonda

My daughter and I took our very first international trip together, and we had a wonderful and memorable experience!!! I highly recommend this trip to anyone who is looking to... Read more of Amazing trip!

Traveled in Jun 2024 on Grand Tour of Spain

1st-time traveler Anonymous

Hands down the most unforgettable experience but one that could not have been so perfect if it wasn’t for our tour director Raul. He was an excellent guide, and very patient with... Read more of Great tour and guide

1st-time traveler Nathan

We had a fantastic trip! Our Tour Director, Leonor, was fantastic! Everything from travel logistics, hotels, tours and dinners were wonderful. We will be booking another trip... Read more of Trip to Spain

Traveled in Jul 2024 on A Week in Spain: Barcelona, Madrid & Seville

1st-time traveler Gema

I enjoyed Leonor as our tour director. She was very knowledgeable, helpful, sweet and entertaining. I would 100% book a tour with her again.

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Know where you want to travel in Spain?

Travel tips for spain trips.

From the museums of Madrid to the sands of the Costa del Sol, Spain sparkles with incredible places to visit. Whether you’re in search of incredible art and architecture, flamenco shows, delicious plates of tapas, Spanish culture, or history, you’ll find plenty of it in the cosmopolitan cities and picturesque countryside. The top places to visit on our tours of Spain are:

  • Barcelona. Appealing to artists, foodies, sports fans, history buffs, beach lovers, and even mountain-goers, it is no surprise that this capital city of Catalonia is one of Europe’s most dynamic destinations. Among its many attractions are La Sagrada Família, Park Güell, and the Gothic Quarter. Check out our best travel tips for a trip to Barcelona .
  • Madrid. Spain’s most populous city is full of energy. The elegant boulevards and parks, and rich collection of European art, make this Spanish city a must-see. From the treasures at the Prado Museum to sunsets at the Temple of Debod, Madrid is always a highlight of trips to Spain. Here’s how to spend 48 hours in Madrid .
  • Seville. There’s no better place to experience flamenco than its birthplace: Seville. The charming city with a Moorish influence is also known for its tapas and festivals, including its world-famous April Fair.
  • Granada.  Granada is full of historical and cultural attractions, including the Alhambra, the Nasrid Palaces, and the Albayzín district. Granada is also home to the Sacromonte district, which is famous for its flamenco shows.
  • Valencia. With its rich history, delicious food, and vibrant nightlife, Valencia is a traveler’s delight. If you love beaches, Valencia’s location on the Mediterranean coast offers some of Spain’s best.
  • Málaga. Located on the Costa del Sol, Málaga is one of the most popular destinations in Spain. The combination of great food, beautiful beaches, and cultural attractions (Alcazaba, Cathedral of Malaga, and the Picasso Museum) will make you want to return again and again.
  • Costa del Sol. Dreaming of sunny days on the coast? Costa del Sol (Coast of the Sun) is lined with golden beaches, clear blue waters, and stunning views of the Mediterranean Sea. You’ll get your fill of Spanish food and wine, historical sites, and lively nightlife, too.

Ready to explore northern Spain? Here are eight of the best places to see  →

If a lot of sunshine is what you seek, set out to see Spain in the summer. Spring and fall are becoming more popular times to visit thanks to the comfortable temperatures and fewer crowds at landmarks and major sites. Our guided tours of Spain run every season since the country offers an amazing experience for travelers any time of the year.

There’s something for everyone to enjoy in Spain’s top attractions: beautiful churches, mosaic-tiled palaces, and celebrated beaches. One of the main benefits of joining our guided tours of Spain is having the opportunity to visit must-see sites with an expert leading the way. Another advantage of traveling to Spain with us? We’ll help you skip the long lines at popular landmarks. Here are some attractions to see in Spain:

  • La Sagrada Família in Barcelona
  • The Alhambra in Granada
  • Park Güell in Barcelona
  • Mezquita in Córdoba
  • The Prado Museum in Madrid
  • Plaza de España in Seville
  • Llotja de la Seda in Valencia
  • The Picasso Museum in Barcelona
  • Royal Alcázar of Seville
  • Royal Palace in Madrid
  • Beaches of Costa del Sol

Check out bucket list-worthy things to do in Spain →

Spain is many things: cosmopolitan, historic, and laidback. You’ll find incredible art and architecture, delicious food, and captivating countryside and coastlines, all infused with Spanish flavor. In a country so diverse, there are many popular activities to experience on our guided trips to Spain. Some of the most popular include:

  • Exploring the countryside. From the snow-capped Pyrenees Mountains to the sunny beaches of the Costa del Sol, Spain is a beautiful country with stunning scenery. There are many opportunities to explore the countryside, including hiking, biking, and fishing.
  • Visiting historical sites. With its rich history, Spain has many intriguing sites to visit, including the Roman ruins of Mérida, the medieval city of Toledo, and the Alhambra in Granada.
  • Enjoying the food and wine. You’ll find many opportunities to sample Spain’s delicious food and wine. Some of the most popular dishes to try on our Spain trips include paella, tapas, and sangria.
  • Attending a festival. Spaniards love to celebrate, and there are many festivals throughout the year, including the La Tomatina Festival in Buñol and the Semana Santa processions in Seville.
  • Relaxing on the beach. Blessed with long coastlines and many beautiful beaches, Spain is perfect for swimming, sunbathing, and water sports. Some of the most popular beaches are Playa de la Barceloneta in Barcelona, Playa de las Américas in Tenerife, and Playa de la Concha in San Sebastián.
  • Visiting the cities. Spain is home to many beautiful and vibrant cities, each with its own unique character. Some of the most popular cities to visit include Madrid, Barcelona, Seville, and Granada.

Check out our bucket list of things to do in Spain →

Located on the Iberian Peninsula in southwestern Europe, Spain has a climate that varies across its different regions. Along the eastern coast, you can expect to find a Mediterranean climate, which means hot summers and mild winters. Central Spain experiences very hot summers and cold winters, while Northern Spain tends to have more mild and humid weather.

Everywhere you turn, Spain seems to offer unique attractions you won’t find anywhere else, from mesmerizing museums in Madrid to flamenco shows in Seville to amazing architecture in Barcelona. Here are a few experiences that make our guided tours to Spain extra special:

  • Seeing a Flamenco show in Seville
  • Exploring the fairy-tale Alcázar castle in Segovia 
  • Stepping inside the Mezquita in Córdoba
  • Sampling tapas or pintxos
  • Hiking the Caminito del Rey
  • Throwing tomatoes at the Tomatina Festival in Buñol
  • Enjoying a café bombón in Tenerife
  • Going cave diving in Nerja
  • Visiting a finca farmhouse in Salamanca         
  • Visiting the Valley of the Fallen in the Guadarrama Mountains
  • Taking a cooking class in Andalusia
  • Touring an olive oil farm in Córdoba
  • Watching the sun set on Bakio’s Beach

Explore more unique things to do in Spain →

A visit to the country of “fiestas and siestas” isn’t complete without exploring its incredible food culture. Good food, drinks, and company are always on the menu. The combination of sampling flavorful dishes, trying delicious wines, and lingering around the table makes the dining experience in Spain quite different from what you’ll have anywhere else in the world. Spanish cuisine is known for its fresh ingredients, bold flavors, and use of olive oil.

Here are some of the best dishes to sample on our trips to Spain:

  • Paella.  A quintessential rice dish that everyone visiting Spain needs to try. There are many ways to enjoy it. Traditionally it’s made with saffron, chicken, seafood, and vegetables, but locals also enjoy it with rabbit.
  • Tapas and pintxos.  Many people are familiar with tapas, the small-plate meals that Spain made famous the world over. But did you know that tapas are only tapas if they’re on a plate? In the Basque region of Spain, pintxos are tiny bites served atop toasty slices of bread.
  • Jamón Ibérico.  A prized delicacy in Spain, this cured ham is made from free-range pigs that are fed a diet of acorns, which gives the ham its distinctive flavor.
  • Tortilla Española.  A hearty and filling breakfast option, this Spanish omelet is made with thinly sliced potatoes, onions, and eggs. If you’re on the go, the portable dish makes a great snack.
  • Gazpacho.  On a hot summer day, this cold soup of tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, peppers, and garlic is a delicious way to cool off.
  • Wine.  Spain is home to a few of the world’s top wine regions. Three of the best sips you can try on tour are rioja (a fruity red wine), cava (a sparkling wine similar to Champagne), and vermouth (a strong, fortified wine).

Know before you go: tips for eating in Spain →

We recommend you spend at least six days in Spain. While our most popular Spain tours run nine days or more, you can enjoy a shorter trip if you limit your tour to one or two cities.

To stock up on local currency, order some euros from your bank before you go, or use your debit card at an ATM once you arrive. For tips on using the euro while on a trip to Spain, check out our blog on currency exchange →

Spanish is the most widely spoken language in Spain. However, English is widely spoken in popular areas. That said, knowing some key phrases is always useful and will help you find your way around and show locals that you’re interested in learning about their culture.

Some key Spanish phrases to know before you go →

Greetings. When greeting someone in Spain, it is customary to shake hands. It’s also common to kiss someone on the cheek as a greeting, but this is more common among friends and family.

  • Dining. Lunch is the largest and most important meal of the day, served at 1pm or later. It often consists of several courses and is followed by the famous siesta, or resting time. Many businesses and restaurants are closed from about 2–4p.m. Dinner is a much lighter meal and often isn’t started until 9 or 10p.m. During the long days of summer, locals might not eat dinner until around midnight!
  • Tipping. Tipping is not expected in Spain, but it is appreciated. A tip of five to 10% is considered appropriate for good service.
  • Dress. Spain is a relatively casual country, but it’s still important to dress appropriately for the occasion. For example, you wouldn’t want to wear shorts and a T-shirt to a nice restaurant. Or beachwear when you’re not at the beach.

We recommend packing light for a trip to Spain. One suitcase and one carry-on per person is a good guideline to follow; you should feel comfortable managing your baggage at the airport. After you’ve booked one of our Spain tours, we’ll give you information about how to prepare for your particular trip and even share a packing list in our mobile app. 

  • Sun protection.  For all our trips, especially during the summer months in Spain, we recommend bringing sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat to protect your face and the back of your neck from the sun.
  • Layers.  We recommend packing lightweight, loose-fitting clothing that can be easily layered to accommodate varying temperatures, as well as a light jacket or rainwear.
  • Comfortable walking shoes.  Since you’ll be exploring new destinations with local guides while on guided tours to Spain, a comfortable pair of walking shoes is essential to have with you. Those walking shoes will come in handy while exploring the cobblestone streets that are common in Spain or hiking in the Basque Country.
  • Dressier attire.  You may want to pack dressier attire if you plan to visit a high-end restaurant or attend a special performance.
  • Full-coverage layers for religious sites.  On our Spain tours, it is preferable not to visit churches, temples, or other religious sites with bare legs or shoulders, and staff at these sites may deny entrance on this basis.
  • A small day bag.  Many churches and museums will not allow you to bring in large backpacks for security purposes—you’ll need to check them at the door. However, you can wear a small day bag on your front, like a cross-body travel bag or stylish mini backpack.
  • An RFID money belt or wallet.  Spain’s city streets can get busy, and like in any country with many tourists, you’ll want to be wary of pickpockets. Radio-frequency identification (RFID) can protect your credit card info from electronic theft, and a money belt will conceal your cash without ruining your outfit.

Once you’ve reserved one of our Spain tour packages, we’ll send you detailed information about what to bring with you. Don’t forget to download the  Go Ahead app  before you take off, so you’ll have all the info you need about your trip right in your pocket.

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Best Of Spain Guided Tour

15-Day Spain Tour of Madrid, Barcelona, Granada, Seville and Cordoba

15 days, 2 countries and 16 cities


14 Breakfasts, 6 Dinners

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Don’t miss a thing as you explore the Best of Spain, featuring all the travel highlights and some surprises, from olive oil tasting on an Andalusian farm and learning all about Toledo’s three religions, to the treasured cities of Madrid, Barcelona and Seville.

Looking to book in a group of 9 or more?

Deals, savings and exclusive private touring options available plus if you need a different date or itinerary change we can create a custom trip. Contact us for more details

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Day by day itinerary

15 days itinerary trip from Madrid to Madrid visiting 2 countries and 16 cities

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About this trip

Sightseeing highlights.

Explore Barcelona, Seville, Córdoba, Toledo and Madrid

Discover Burgos, Santander, Bilbao, San Sebastián, Pamplona, Valencia, Peñíscola and the Rock of Gibraltar

Visit La Sagrada Família in Barcelona, the Alhambra Palace in Granada, the Cathedral in Seville, the Mosque of the Caliphs in Córdoba, the Synagogue and Santo Tomé in Toledo and Madrid's Prado Museum

View the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, La Concha Bay in San Sebastián, the Cathedral of Zaragoza, the Castle of Peñíscola, the Serrano and Quart Towers and City of Arts and Sciences complex in Valencia

Travel highlights

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Breakfast daily and up to half of your evening meals

Must-see sightseeing and surprise extras

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What are the different kinds of experiences available?

Each Trafalgar tour has a carefully-selected range of included experiences to help immerse yourself in a destination. But did you know that every tour also has a Be My Guest and MAKE TRAVEL MATTER® Experience? Be My Guest Experiences are the original local travel experience, letting you step into the lives of hosts who will share stories about their families and communities. MAKE TRAVEL MATTER® Experiences are conscious travel experiences that give back to the local communities, which support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Our tours also include a selection of Optional Experiences which are available for an additional cost, allowing you to make your trip your own.

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A guided tour is the perfect way to solo travel. You'll meet like-minded people traveling with Trafalgar, and you'll relax knowing you can travel with ease, forming genuine connections as you go. To find out more solo room types and pricing select your preferred departure date and continue to the next page.

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Three local female weavers in colourful traditional local dress including festooned hats, weaving colourful alpaca wool on the ground


Every one of our tours includes at least one conscious travel experience that supports one or more of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS). Look out for yours within the day-by-day trip itinerary.

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Large People Preparing To Grow A Small Tree With Soil In The Garden 1198078044

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Large BMG Australia Tasmania Mount Gnomon Farm With Guy Robertson

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Large Aerial View Over Solar Panels And Windmills 1367402534

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Spain Tours

Explore spain's diverse culture and history from madrid and segovia to granada and barcelona.

Explore the best of Spain with our curated selection of tours. From city tours in Barcelona & Madrid to food & wine, adventure, and art & architecture tours, there's something for every traveler. Immerse yourself in the rich culture and stunning scenery of Spain.

55 Tours Found

Price - Lowest First

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Most reviewed

Most Popular

Unbeatable Barcelona in a Day Tour

Discover the real culture of the city at Sagrada Familia, Park Guell, and the Gothic Quarter

Skip the Line Sagrada Familia Tour

Discover the stories and secrets behind Gaudi’s grand basilica with an expert tour guide

Full Day Trip to Montserrat from Barcelona with Winery & 3-Course Lunch

Spend an epic day at the mountain monastery and indulge in the best Catalonian food and wine

From Barcelona: Day Trip to Montserrat with Tapas & Wine

Get to know Montserrat better with your guide before trying local delicacies at an organic vineyard

Barcelona Food & Wine Tour with a Local Sommelier

Savor the city’s finest wines and cuisine in the iconic tapas bars of Poble Sec and Sant Antoni

Sagrada Familia Small Group Tour With Skip the Line Access

Delve into the hidden details of Gaudi's basilica alongside an expert guide

Barcelona in a Half Day by Electric Bike

Explore more in less time on a fun e-bike ride taking in sights like Sagrada Familia and Barceloneta

Exclusive Tour of Park Güell with Skip-the-Line Access

Admire Gaudi’s whimsical architecture in Barcelona’s most famous park

Montserrat, Girona, and Costa Brava Day Trip from Barcelona

Enjoy access to the Black Madonna statue, the Arab baths of Girona, and more!

Small Group Boat Cruise in Barcelona

Admire the stunning coastline, take a dip in the sea, and enjoy delightful snacks and an open bar

Private Barcelona in a Day Tour with Sagrada Familia and Park Guell

Get to know the Catalan capital with skip-the-line tickets and your own expert private guide

3-in-1 Tour of Barcelona by Land, Air, and Sea

Explore the city’s famous Gothic architecture on foot, sea views by helicopter, and sail the coast!

Prado Museum Art Tour with Skip the Line Entry

Dive into Spain’s largest art collection with an expert guide to explore El Greco, Goya, and more!

Toledo, Avila, and Segovia Day Trip from Madrid

Explore Toledo’s cathedral, Avila’s Roman walls, and Segovia’s Alcazar in a day, with Iberian lunch

Paella Workshop and Wine Tasting from Barcelona

Enjoy an immersive cooking experience while exploring traditional vineyards


Most Popular Tours

Privileged entrance vatican tour with sistine chapel.

Skip the line and gain direct access to the Raphael Rooms, Creation of Man, and St. Peter's Basilica

Rome in a Day Tour with Colosseum and Vatican Museums

Explore the Sistine Chapel, St. Peter's Basilica, Roman Forum, Pantheon, Trevi Fountain, and more!

Ultimate Palace of Versailles Tour from Paris

Breeze past the lines for the palace and gardens with a friendly English speaking guide

Semi-Private Vatican Tour with Sistine Chapel

Enjoy a premium and exclusive tour of the Raphael Rooms, St.Peter's Basilica, and more!

Special Access Colosseum Arena Floor Tour through the Gladiator's Gate

Walk in the footsteps of gladiators on the Colosseum floor and see the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill

St. Mark’s Basilica & Doge’s Palace Half-Day Tour with Gondola Ride

Explore St. Mark's Square's most iconic attractions with skip-the-line tickets and an expert guide

Privileged Entrance Colosseum Tour with Roman Forum & Palatine Hill

Skip the line at the Colosseum, plus Arch of Titus, Temple of Julius Caesar, and more!

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Vacation Packages

Discover spain, spain is a vibrant land of world-class cities, renowned masterpieces, divine food and wine, swirling flamenco dancers and exhilarating outdoor activities..

A single visit to Spain can result in many different experiences. Culture lovers and history buffs can be awed at more than 40 UNESCO World Heritage sites and more than 1,000 museums. Outdoor enthusiasts can walk, hike and golf their way across stunning landscapes. And foodies can get their fill of delectable regional cuisine paired with incomparable wines.

  • Netherlands

Featured Deals

Barcelona and madrid: your way.

Daily Breakfast Executive Member Benefit at Select Hotels

Madrid, Seville and Barcelona: Your Way

Daily Breakfast Airport Transfers and Rail Tickets on RENFE Additional Executive Member Benefit at Select Hotels

Rome, Paris and Barcelona: Your Way

Daily Breakfast

Barcelona and Paris: Your Way

Barcelona: your way package, madrid and paris: your way, more about spain.

In southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula, Spain boasts a culinary scene that is celebrated worldwide. From tapas to paella, Spain tantalizes the taste buds with a spectrum of flavors. Its social atmosphere, vibrant nightlife, and wealth of monuments make Spain an incredible place. Located on the northeast coast, Barcelona offers some of the best beaches in Spain. This cosmopolitan capital is dotted with architectural treasures, from Gothic cathedrals to Modernisme creations – the world's largest, nearly finished Catholic church, La Sagrada Familia dominates the skyline. The Gothic Quarter encompasses the oldest part of Barcelona, with numerous medieval landmarks and the city's Roman wall. Madrid, which is centrally located, boasts a dynamic blend of excitement, relaxation, and unparalleled nightlife. As the sun goes down, the city comes to life. Dine late into the evening, or dance at nightclubs until the sun comes up – this city truly never sleeps. Take a stroll through the Patio de los Naranjos in Seville, a mosque-cathedral courtyard where cypresses and orange trees are gracefully planted, and listen while the rhythmic beats of flamenco resonate through the cobblestone streets of southwest Spain. Savor the warmth of Spanish hospitality with a fiesta of colors, traditions, and passion throughout Spain.

Content provided by Costco Travel experts. Copyright © Costco Travel. All rights reserved.

Before You Go

  • To make it easier to replace your passport if it’s lost or stolen, in addition to your passport, take a photocopy of your passport information page (keeping it separate from your actual passport).
  • Carry only a limited amount of cash, just enough for gratuities and incidental purchases. Major credit cards are widely accepted and can be replaced if lost or stolen.
  • Always lock your hotel room door (including patio and balcony door on any level of the building) and use the peephole before opening the door.
  • Store your valuables (such as cash, credit cards and airline tickets) in the hotel’s in-room safe or front desk safety deposit box.
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With a total of six Spain tours to choose from in a country more diverse than you could ever imagine, you'll need to bring your appetite and be prepared to experience the good life in a land that stirs the soul with diverse landscapes, unforgettable gastronomic experiences, and architectural creations like no other on land journeys or by small ship cruise.

Spain Tours


Welcome to Spain

When you travel to Spain with Tauck, you'll feel the passion of this sun-blessed country come to life in every destination visited – a fiesta where everyone seems to be invited.

Madrid, spain, art, history and so much more in spain's extraordinary capital city, madrid.

Founded more that a millennium ago as a Muslim fortress town, Spain's capital city, Madrid, is a cosmopolitan metropolis known for its incredible art collections, inventive cuisine, and lively nightlife. Visiting the city with Tauck, you'll discover grand avenues such as Gran Via and Castellana, and El Parque del Buen Retiro; walk with a local guide through Plaza Mayor and the Mercado de San Miguel; enjoy a guided visit to the Royal Palace (Palacio de Oriente); and tour one of the greatest museums of them all – the Museo del Prado, which opened its doors in 1819, created by King Ferdinand VII to promote Spanish art and display the Royal Collection. Today, the Prado is home to one of the finest collections of European art anywhere, including works by Goya, Velázquez, El Greco, Bosch, Rubens, Titian and others… and with Tauck, you'll explore it all with an art expert.

Cordoba, Spain

Explore the moorish influences and multicultural heritage of córdoba.

It may have begun life as a Roman settlement, but the Spanish city of Córdoba – in the southern province of Andalucia – first reached greatness as a Muslim stronghold and the capital of a Caliphate, and many of its Moorish influences remain to the day. Reclaimed by the Christian world during the 13th-century Spanish Reconquista, Cordoba has long been known as a multicultural melting pot and a center of Spanish intellectual life. Discover it with Tauck on a walking tour through its Jewish Quarter and a guided visit to the 8th-century Mezquita de Córdoba (La Mezquita) – once one of the world's largest mosques, and now a Roman Catholic cathedral. More than 1,200 years old, it's an iconic symbol of the city and its multicultural heritage.

Pintxos tasting tours

Sampling pintxos in an sebastián.

Pintxos – the traditional tasty treats typically enjoyed as appetizers or snacks in bars throughout northern Spain and the Basque country – are so named for the "spike" (a skewer or a toothpick) that holds their ingredients to a slice of bread, and distinguishes them from their tapas cousins. You'll have opportunities to sample some of the best pintxos in town on a tasting tour with local experts San Sebastián.

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Guest Favorites in Spain

"Traveling with Tauck was an incredible experience that truly exceeded our expectations. The hotels, food, wine, tour director and local guides were all terrific and we loved all the places we visited. You were right – San Sebastían was definitely a highlight of the trip! We were very fortunate to have sunny, comfortable weather and we really enjoyed meeting the people in our group and spending time with them. I felt so pampered and indulged and hope to go on another Tauck trip sometime in the near future. It was so nice to have everything taken care of for us and to really relax and enjoy our vacation" Celia G., Dunwoody, GA

Spain and portugal, northern spain, the rioja valley and madrid, a week in... spain, traveling with tauck, never settle for ordinary.

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Our Spain Trips

Save up to $315

Amazing Spain and Portugal Guided Tour

Amazing Spain and Portugal

9 Locations

2 Countries

From walking the cobblestone streets of a former Roman colony to tasting a decadent 'Pastel de Nata' tart made from a 200-year-old secret recipe, this 9-day guided tour allows you to embrace the best of old-world Spain and Portugal. Listen as metal sizzles in a master artisan’s hands as he teaches you the craft of Damascene. In Granada, wander the fragrant and arabesque gardens of the Alhambra Palace. Learn the art of flamenco dancing, stomping your feet to the sounds of an acoustic guitar, in a private lesson with professionals in Seville. Then, cross the Portuguese border to scale a 16th-century fortress in Lisbon and visit Fátima, Portugal's most holy site. Finally, raise a glass and say ¡salud! to these ancient wonders during a celebration feast in Madrid.

Save up to $632

Best of Spain and Portugal Guided Tour

Best of Spain and Portugal

17 Locations

3 Countries

See the masterpieces of Spain and Portugal on this 15-day guided tour. In Madrid, an art historian will walk you through the Prado Museum, where Spain's most impressive paintings hang. Navigate Segovia’s medieval streets alongside a Local Expert. Journeying to Granada, visit the region’s oldest olive grove, before dining in the home of a local family, sampling local produce and wine. At the Alhambra, explore the palace's lace-like stone walls and wander its manicured gardens. In Seville, stomp to the sounds of an acoustic guitar during a private flamenco dance lesson. In Porto, sip port during a wine tasting, and in Lisbon, see an architectural masterpiece — the Gothic-style Jerónimos Monastery.

Save up to $435

Easy Pace Spain Guided Tour

Easy Pace Spain

8 Locations

See the best of Spain during a leisurely 10-day guided tour. Barcelona boasts an impressive Old Town, which you will see with a Local Expert. They will wind you though the medieval maze of the Gothic Quarter, down the city’s main shopping avenue, and to the Sagrada Família — a Roman basilica with towering mosaic spires that pierce the sky. Dip your toes into the Bay of Biscay when you visit the seaside resort town of San Sebastián, and enjoy a progressive dinner featuring bite-sized treats paired with local Txakoli wine. In Madrid, see the Royal Palace alongside a Local Expert, then meet an art historian for a one-of-a-kind tour of the Prado Museum, one of the world’s greatest art galleries.

Save up to $1,159

Treasures of Spain, Portugal and Morocco Guided Tour

Treasures of Spain, Portugal & Morocco

15 Locations

4 Countries

Traverse Spain, Portugal and Morocco on this 17-day guided tour. In Madrid, visit the Prado Museum and learn about the origins of the city with a Local Expert. In Lisbon explore the long avenues of Lower Town with a Local Expert and see the finest square in the city: the Terreiro do Paço. Journey to Gibraltar, a territory under British control, visit St. Michael’s Cave; be sure to look out for the legendary guardians of the colony, the Barbary Apes. In Fes, tour the Medina and learn about renowned local crafts. Travel to the white-washed village of Alfarnatejo, then discover the oldest olive grove in the region, where you’ll taste freshly pressed oils and dine on a traditional meal in the home of a Spanish family.


Insight Vacations Is Rated 4.6 / 5 Based on 40,000+ Verified Reviews

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"The itinerary was a great showcase of the beautiful places and countryside of Spain. It was a convenient and very interesting way to visit Spain for the first time! "

- Jo-Anne, Best of Spain and Portugal

"Every location offered amazing views and things to do and see."

- Beverly, Northern Spain

Dawn Simonelli Insight Vacations Travel Director

Dawn Simonelli, Travel Director


"There is nothing quite like sampling the many varieties of tapas. Every region has its own delicacies so you can be assured that you will taste different ones everywhere you go."

Experience on: Best of Spain and Portugal



Nick, Local Expert


Savour Spain's signature flavours with these iconic dishes.

Experience on: Treasures of Spain, Portugal & Morocco


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What to Eat in Spain

À La Plancha (Spanish Style Grilled Shrimps)

Things to Do in Spain

Admire the dazzling architecture of the Guggenheim Museum, La Sagrada Familia, and Alhambra Palace, then discover more Spanish beauty in the Prado Museum and Picos de Europa National Park. Tour multiple Spain attractions with local guides ready to wow you.

Stroll Arabesque Gardens at The Alhambra Palace

The lace-like carvings of this Moorish landmark are yours to explore with a local expert.


View through arches of Alhambra, Granada, Spain

Witness the Sagrada Família’s Immense Beauty

Explore the extraordinary interior of Gaudi’s masterpiece with a local guide.

Inside Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, Spain

Learn to Cook an Authentic Paella Recipe

Wash down a chef-led paella cooking demonstration with a glass of local Sangria.

Authentic chicken paella, Valencia, Spain

Uncover Córdoba’s Muslim Past at Mezquita

This intricately decorated 8th century mosque is rich with architectural detail and historical significance.

Mezquita, The Mosque-Cathedral in Cordoba, Spain

Feel the Rhythm of Flamenco

Fall into step with Spain’s Flamenco dance with Seville’s Cristina Heeren Foundation.

Flamenco Dancers in Seville, Spain


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Starting from $200


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Learn More About Spain

What to Know Before You Travel to Spain

Currency: Euro (EUR, €)

Time Zone: London GMT +1

Capital City: Madrid

Language: Spanish

Power Outlets: European 230V



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Spain Guides

Guided Tours Spain

Guided Tours, Trips & Excursions

Popular Spain Tours

Ready to explore the magic of Spain? Forget the hassle of planning – let a local guide show you the ropes! From the mind-blowing Sagrada Familia to the jaw-dropping Alhambra Palace in Granada , there's a tour for every kind of traveller.

Imagine skipping those dreaded queues and getting the inside scoop from a local expert. They'll whisk you away to the best spots, sharing stories and secrets that'll make your trip unforgettable.

So, whether you're a history buff, a beach bum, or a foodie, there's a tour waiting to ignite your wanderlust. Let's dive in and discover the real Spain!

Spain Tours - Visit The Best Attractions

Flamenco Dance Seville

The Sagrada Familia is a must-see for any visitor to Barcelona, and a guided tour is the best way to fully appreciate this iconic building. Your guide will explain the history and symbolism of Gaudi's masterpiece as you explore the awe-inspiring interior and exterior of the basilica.

In Cordoba, a guided tour of the Mezquita will take you through the history of this unique mosque-cathedral. You will learn all about the different architectural styles and how they reflect the city's diverse cultural heritage.

Seville's Cathedral is another amazing place to visit even better with an experienced guide. The world's largest Gothic cathedral is home to numerous artworks and treasures, including the tomb of Christopher Columbus.

But guided tours in Spain are not limited to these top attractions. There are many other hidden gems and off-the-beaten-path destinations that you can discover with a knowledgeable guide. From the winding streets of Granada's Albaicin neighbourhood and the amazing Alhambra Palace to the charming fishing village of Cadaques in Catalonia, there are endless possibilities for exploration.

And Guided tours don’t stop at visiting the top attractions , there are kinds of tours to suit everyone including boat trips, dolphin and whale excursions, catamaran cruises, scuba diving, snorkelling, river cruises, Flamenco shows , cooking classes, wine tours, tapas crawls and much more.

Overall, guided tours in Spain are a fantastic way to discover the country's rich history and culture and get the most out of your visit. With expert guides leading the way, you can rest assured that you'll have an unforgettable experience. So, whether you're a first-time visitor or a seasoned traveller, consider booking a guided tour to fully appreciate all that Spain has to offer.

The Sagrada Familia

Alhambra palace granada,  cordoba mezquita.

Cordoba Mezquita

Barcelona Flamenco Show

Flamenco Show Barcelona

Seville Cathedral

 barcelona stadium tour.

Barcelona FC Stadium

Gaudi´s Casa Batllo

Spain Tours - Casa Batllo

Santiago de Compostela

Santiago De Compostela

City Of Arts & Science

City Of Arts & Science Valencia

Scuba Diving

Costa Brava Scuba Diving

Caminito del Rey

Spain Tours - Caminito del Rey

Prado Museum

Prado Museum

Tapas Tours

Walking Tapas Tour

Wine Tasting

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Barcelona tours & tickets

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Málaga tours & tickets

Tours & tickets in Alicante, Spain

Alicante tours & tickets

Tours & tickets in Valencia, Spain

Valencia tours & tickets

Tours & tickets in Tenerife, Spain

Santa Cruz tours & tickets

Tours & tickets in Ibiza, Spain

Ibiza tours & tickets

Tours & tickets in Seville, Spain

Seville tours & tickets

Tours & tickets in Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Santiago De Compostela tours & tickets

Tours & tickets in Bilbao, Spain

Bilbao tours & tickets

Tours & tickets in La Coruna, Spain

La Coruña tours & tickets

Tours & tickets in Lanzarote, Spain

Lanzarote tours & tickets

Tours & tickets in Fuerteventura, Spain

Ajuy tours & tickets

Tours & tickets in Vigo, Spain

Vigo tours & tickets

Tours & tickets in Zaragoza, Spain

Zaragoza tours & tickets

Tours & tickets in Granada, Spain

Granada tours & tickets

Tours & tickets in San Sebastian, Spain

San Sebastian tours & tickets

Tours & tickets in Santander, Spain

Santander tours & tickets

Tours & tickets in Pamplona, Spain

Pamplona tours & tickets

Tours & tickets in Girona, Spain

Girona tours & tickets

Tours & tickets in Almeria, Spain

Almeria tours & tickets

Tours & tickets in Murcia, Spain

Murcia tours & tickets

Tours & tickets in La Palma, Spain

La Palma tours & tickets

Tours & tickets in Salamanca, Spain

Salamanca tours & tickets

Top-rated tours and tickets in spain.

Loro Parque

Loro Parque

Siam Park

Fast-Track Sagrada Familia Guided Tour in Barcelona

Day Trip from Madrid to Segovia and Avila in Spain

Day Trip from Madrid to Segovia and Avila in Spain

Day Trip to Sagrada Familia, Park Guell, & Old Town in Barcelona with Hotel Pick-up

Day Trip to Sagrada Familia, Park Guell, & Old Town in Barcelona with Hotel Pick-up

Montserrat Half-Day Tour with Tapas and Gourmet Wines from Barcelona

Montserrat Half-Day Tour with Tapas and Gourmet Wines from Barcelona

Girona and Costa Brava Small-Group Tour from Barcelona

Girona and Costa Brava Small-Group Tour from Barcelona

Ibiza Beach Hopping Cruise with Paddleboards, Drinks, and Food

Ibiza Beach Hopping Cruise with Paddleboards, Drinks, and Food

Popular types of tours in spain.

Theme parks in Spain

theme parks

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learning experiences

Romantic experiences in Spain

romantic experiences

Holiday tours in Spain

holiday tours

Rentals in Spain

sailing tours

Spa tours in Spain

city sightseeing tours

Multi-day tours in Spain

multi-day tours

Shows, concerts & sports in Spain

shows, concerts & sporting events

Water activities in Spain

water activities

Cultural tours in Spain

cultural tours

Family tours in Spain

family tours

Food & drink experiences in Spain

food & drink experiences

Shore excursions in Spain

shore excursions

Trips & excursions in Spain

trips & excursions

Entry tickets & passes in Spain

entry tickets & passes

Seasonal tours in Spain

seasonal tours

Sightseeing flights in Spain

sightseeing flights

Design experiences in Spain

design experiences

Transfers and transportation in Spain

transfers and transportation

Tours by vehicle in Spain

tours by vehicle


Europe tour & trip packages

Frequently asked questions, what is the difference between a tour and a travel package in spain, what are the must-experience activities when visiting spain, what are the best-guided museum tours in spain, what’s the best-rated tour in spain, what’s the most popular tour in spain, what city in spain offers the most experiences, what city in spain offers the cheapest tours, can i book a multi-day tour in spain, what tour is the most recommended for travelers who want to explore some of spain’s hidden gems, what are the most popular day trips in spain, what’s the best 2-day tour in spain, what’s the best 3-day tour in spain, what’s the best 4-day tour in spain, how far in advance do i need to book tours and activities in spain, how do i change or cancel my spain tour booking, popular types of travel packages in spain, city breaks, beach vacations, cheap vacations, luxury holidays, weekend getaways, travel packages starting in all the top destinations in spain.

Best travel packages in Barcelona, Spain

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Vitoria-Gasteiz travel packages

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Castelló de la Plana travel packages

Top-rated travel packages in spain.

Scenic aerial view of the Agbar Tower in Barcelona in Spain.

5-Day Spain City Break in Barcelona

Photo of Eivissa ibiza town from red lighthouse red beacon in Balearic Islands, Spain.

10-Day Ibiza Beach Holiday

Arles - city in France

One-Week Road Trip in Spain, and France from Barcelona to Carcassonne, Nimes, and Figueres

Alcalá de Henares - city in Spain

14-Day Spain Road Trip from Barcelona to Lleida, Calatayud, Madrid, Cuenca, Valencia, and Tarragona

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Home > Itineraries > One Week in Spain

7 Day Spain Highlights Itinerary

Expert guides, luxury vehicles, your 7 day tour of spain.

We have designed this best-of-Spain itinerary to deliver the best of Espana in just 7 days. You’ll enjoy guided sightseeing tours throughout Barcelona, Madrid, and the best day trips from the two major Capitals with your private English-speaking guide.

For a version of this itinerary tailored exactly to your tastes and requirement by our specialist Spain itinerary builders, simply contact our team and we will provide one for you on a complimentary basis.

Highlights Include:

  • Montserrat Mountain & Wine Tasting
  • Madrid Highlights
  • Toledo Day Trip
  • Segovia Tour

What’s Included?

  • Exclusive skip-the-line access to all major sites
  • English-Speaking Expert Local Guides
  • Private tours and luxury vehicles for transfers
  • Select Central Luxury Accommodations
  • 24-7 Emergency Help

Day 1: Iconic Sites in Barcelona

We begin our 7-day itinerary in Barcelona, the capital of Catalonia. Given our experience providing custom tours of Spain and Barcelona, we automatically provide skip-the-line tickets and exclusive access tickets for the major attractions as otherwise our clients are likely to waste valuable vacation time standing in long queues.

Sagrada Familia & Best of Gaudi

sagrada familia private tour

Your private guide will pick you up at your hotel in the morning and take you on a guided tour through the works of Barcelona’s most famous architect, Antoni Gaudí.

Gaudí’s structures, designed in pioneering Catalan modernist architecture, are at once completely singular and unique, yet perfectly at home within the wider cityscape, because they so effectively embody the spirit of Barcelona and reflect the city’s unique personality onto both the interior and exterior of the buildings.

Your architectural tour begins on Paseo de Gracia avenue, where Gaudi’s buildings sit alongside some of the city’s most luxurious stores and apartments.

Casa Batlló

Or Casa de las Osses (House of Bones), as it is called by the locals, has an architectural skeleton where it is almost impossible to find a straight edge in the building! Step beyond the crowds outside with your guide as they take you through the interior and visit the Gaudi museum located inside Casa Batllo.

Also known as La Pedrera or stone quarry. After viewing the sealife-themed exterior your guide will take you to explore the art exhibitions inside.

Gaudi's Park Güell in Barcelona tour.

Perhaps the best site to see how Gaudi played with color and forms, this park located on Mount Carmelo was conceived as a resort for Barcelona’s elite, and Gaudi was given free rein by Eusebi Guell, under whose commission the artist was enabled to let his imagination run wild.

Your architectural tour of Barcelona concludes with Gaudi’s most essential work, the Sacred Family Cathedral, known as La Sagrada Família in Spanish. Beginning with your private guide providing an overview of the grand scale of the exterior, you’ll be awed by the sheer size and attention to detail of this enormous building. Inside, your guide will explain how the intricate columns, altars, and stained glass create a kaleidoscope of light that reveal Biblical tales and make it clear why Gaudi has become known as “God’s Architect”.

For your first evening on our 7-day itinerary, we recommend strolling down Barcelona’s busy boulevards sampling Catalan-style tapas in the many bars and restaurants before returning to your accommodation refreshed and prepared for your day trip the next morning…

Day 2: Montserrat Mountain & Wine Tasting Day Trip

monastery and the mountains of Montserrat in Spain.

From the bustling urban hub of Barcelona, your second day in Spain takes you in a completely different direction as you travel a remote Mountain pilgrimage route in Montserrat and then bliss out on a well-deserved wine-tasting experience in the region.

You will be delivered door to door from your Barcelona accommodation to the start of the monastery trail in style and comfort with your private driver and our executive class vehicle.

Montserrat Mountains, Monastery & Black Madonna Shrine

We offer tours to the Montserrat mountain range which includes hiking up to the top of the mountain where you can enjoy a spectacular 360-degree panoramic view across the range and all the way to Barcelona. You can choose from various activities including walking, biking, horse riding, kayaking, etc. depending on your preferences. 

The Santa María Benedictine Monastery located at the summit of the mountain is a highlight for many guests on their 7-day Spain itinerary. If you would prefer to avoid the trekking path to the monastery then there is the option to take the gondola lift up the mountain.

Inside the monastery, your guide will take you to peer over the main altarpiece to reveal the Black Madonna shrine: La Moreneta, which Christians consider to be carved by Saint Luke in Jerusalem at the time the faith was first established.

Penedès Cava Wine Experience

Now on your Montserrat day trip, your private driver will take you to the winery where Cava sparkling wines are made.

While the winegrowing district here is well-renowned for its production of fine white wines, this tour focuses on the specialty of the Penedes: Cava. The word Cava is Spanish for “sparkling wine” made according to the French Champagne method.

During your stay, we invite you on a guided tour of the wine cellars, vineyards, and gardens where you can taste five varieties of the internationally renowned wine. In addition, the winemaker who will curate this section of your tour will discuss the area’s agricultural traditions and the grape growing process so you leave with a greater appreciation of the process and the produce.

After a full day of sightseeing, your private driver-guide returns you to your hotel in Barcelona for the night.

5 star review

Day 3: Walking Tour of Barcelona Old Town

Interior image of Barcelona Cathedral, Spain

On your final day in the city, your guide will take you to the city’s historic Gothic quarter as they bring to life the stories and legends that contributed to Barcelona evolving into the globally significant, vibrant, and thriving cultural hub it is today, while you visit the very sites and locations that played an integral role in its rise.

Highlights include:

  • Private tour of Barcelona Cathedral with crypts, tombs, and Cathedral Museum
  • Placa del Rei medieval buildings and imposing spire
  • The Picasso Museum which is housed in several Catalan Gothic-style palaces
  • Museu Frederic Marès with its collection of religious art

In the evening discover the flavor of Barcelona as your guide takes you down La Rambla boulevard to sample delicious tapas treats.

Day 4: Flight from Barcelona to Madrid

We can arrange for your trip to Madrid either by air (1 hour 20 minutes) or by high-speed rail (2 hours 45 minutes).

Explore The City Center of Madrid With Your Guide

Private tour at Royal Palace of Madrid.

Upon the arrival of your flight to Madrid airport, our driver will be waiting to welcome you! 

Let your private guide reveal the city’s history and hidden secrets of Madrid to you as you enjoy visiting some of the most iconic sites in the city.

Highlights on your guided tour of Madrid include:

  • Skip the line guided tour of Prado Museum
  • Private Tour of the Royal Palace of Madrid
  • San Miguel Market
  • Almudena Cathedral
  • Visit Restaurante Botin officially the oldest restaurant in the world

In the evening it’s time to enjoy Madrid the way the Madrileños do! The streets of the center are lined with tapas bodegas and stylish bars to enjoy vermouth and a caña (small beer) or two.

Day 5: Driver-Guided Tour of Toledo

Toledo day trip in Spain.

A visit to Toledo is certainly one of the best ways to experience traditional Spanish culture.

A short one-hour drive away from Madrid lies its historic center which has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Walking through the city’s narrow cobblestone lanes with your personal guide is the best means of discovering the history behind the Spanish culture and finding out why Toledo was once selected as the Capital of Spain.

Known as the “Ciudad de Tres Culturas” (the “City of Three Cultures”), Toledo wears cultural and architectural influences from Jewish, Moorish, and Christian civilizations on its sleeve. 

Toledo has retained much of its original beauty due to its historic center, including the magnificent Cathedral Metropolitana, Palacio del Marqués del San Juan y Navas (the palace of the Marquis of San Juan), and the Casa de Los Tiros, one of the most beautiful examples of Gothic art in Europe. You’ll also be able to examine the paintings of Greek painter Domenico Theotocopulos, better known by his Latinized name “El Greco.”

Your driver-guide will return you to your central Madrid accommodation in the late afternoon.

Day 6: Day Trip To Segovia With Driver & Guide

Aqueduct in Segovia.

Just over an hour’s drive from Madrid, your driver guide will deliver you to the UNESCO World Heritage city of Segovia. A must for history lovers, visiting Segovia and its wonderful landscapes, castles, and historic quarters is truly like stepping into a fairy tale.

We do mean that quite literally, the iconic castle so familiar to us all as the Disney Castle is said to be inspired by the Alcázar de Segovia. On your private tour of the Alcazar you will explore:

  • The Tower of John II of Castile
  • The Throne Room
  • Royal Chamber
  • Hall of Kings
  • Museum of the Royal College of Artillery

After your private tour of the Alcazar in the morning, your guide will take you to The Roman Aqueduct which dates back to the first century and was continually in use right up to 1973!

Before departing for Madrid in the evening you will enjoy an expert-guided city walking tour to remember and a reservation in an authentic Castilian restaurant.

Day 7: Exclusive Madrid Tour & Flight Home

Bernabeu stadium tour real madrid.

On your final day of our 7-day Spain itinerary, we will provide a luxury vehicle for your transfer to the airport, however, depending on what time your flight is, we could still be able to provide you with one final exclusive experience in Madrid!

Our tour planner will consult with you to determine which activity would be most suited to your tastes. We can arrange VIP tickets for La Liga soccer matches, private tours of the Bernabeu arena, private cooking experiences with a professional chef, Flamenco or theater performances, and much more besides.

Simply get in touch using our contact form below to find out what our Spanish tour planners can prepare for you.

Emily owner of guided spain tours

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Say Ola to Emily, your personal tour planner at Guided Spain Tours. Get in touch by filling in the form below and requesting your complimentary itinerary!

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US: +1 (240) 332-1519

Contact Our Spanish Tour Planners

We would love to discuss creating a complimentary just for your Spanish vacation. Our specialty is to include exclusive experiences not commonly available to the general public such as meeting Spanish artists, winemakers, nobility, chefs, fashion designers, or famous bullfighters at their estates.

Find out more by sending us an online inquiry today for a chat and a no-obligation bespoke itinerary!

Eric S (US)

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Cordoba palace in spain

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view from mountainside of Alhambra palace in Granada

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Ronda in Andalucía

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skyline of alfama at lisbon, portugal at dawn

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Bull facing down a runner on a bullrun.

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beautiful waters and white boats in harbor at san sebastian, donostia.

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Barcelona skyline Spain

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Passeig de la Muralla, Girona Old City Walls, Spain

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Cordoba, Spain

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Ben Maimonides, Jewish philosopher 1135-1204 in Cordoba in Spain

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Toledo at dusk, Spain

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waving a flag from the top of Clergios Tower.

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Image of a man holding a glass of wine on a rooftop in madrid on a food and wine tour.

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Sa Dragonera Island, Mallorca, Spain

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San Juan de Gaztelugatxe, Basque Country, Spain

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Montefrio in Granada on mountain lit up in the evening,

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woman walking among vineyards on wine tour in spain.

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Old medieval Romanesque bridge Besalu over the river Fluvia in Girona.

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Mc Nulty Vuelta 2024 1130x600

Team USA Recap: Brandon McNulty Wins Stage 1 of Tour of Spain; Sepp Kuss Returns With Vuelta a Burgos Victory

We recap the latest in American bike racing from the past two weeks (August 6-20)

Vuelta a Burgos: Spain

(August 5-9) – Sepp Kuss (Team Visma/Lease-a-Bike) staged a triumphant return to racing at Vuelta a Burgos, finishing 1 st overall after a two-month break to recover from injury and illness.

The five-day race through northern Spain had a rough start for Kuss, who crashed on stages 1 and 2. But he came back to win the mountainous (Queen) stage 3 and take the victory overall.

“This win means a lot to me,” Kuss said afterward. “I've had quite some setbacks this past year. Last Wednesday was already a very nice day for me with the stage win. Winning the overall classification of a multi-day stage race makes me very happy.”

Complete results here

Vuelta a España: Spain

(August 17-September 8) – Brandon McNulty (UAE Team Emirates) won the Tour of Spain’s Stage 1 time trial by two seconds to earn the red leader’s jersey on opening day. McNulty, the US Time Trial national champion, averaged 57.2kph over the 12 kilometer course, finishing in 12:35.

Through Tuesday’s Stage 4, McNulty is in 7th place overall. Three other Americans are competing at this year’s Tour: Defending champion Sepp Kuss (Team Visma/Lease a Bike), Matthew Riccitello (Israel-Premier Tech), and Riley Sheehan (Israel-Premier Tech). The race ends on September 8 th in Madrid.

Tour de France Femmes: France

(August 12-18) – Fresh off earning Olympic golds medals in road race and Team Pursuit, Kristen Faulkner (EF-Oatly-Cannondale) placed top-five on two stages of this year’s women’s Tour de France, eventually finishing 38 th overall at the 8-stage race. Time Trial world champion Chloe Dygert (Canyon/SRAM Racing), who earned Olympic Bronze in time trial and Team Pursuit gold, placed 2 nd on the Stage 2 time trial, but dropped out of the Tour before the final stage.

Arctic Race of Norway: Norway

(August 4-7) – Kevin Vermaerke (Team dsm-firmenich PostNL) placed 3 rd overall and earned the white jersey for best young rider at Arctic Race of Norway, a four-stage race traversing northern Norway. He had the same results last year, placing 3 rd overall and 1 st in the youth category.

This was 23-year-old’s second top-5 stage race finish in the past week. He placed 4 th overall at the Czech Tour, which ended July 28.

Clásica de San Sebastián: Spain

(August 10) – American men swept three of the top-10 spots at Clásica de San Sebastián, the hilly, 236 kilometer one-day race through the Basque region of Spain. Kevin Vermaerke (Team dsm-firmenich PostNL) placed 4 th to continue his streak of top-5 World Tour placings. Neilson Powless (EF Education-EasyPost) was 6 th and Brandon McNulty (UAE Team Emirates) was 10 th .

Tour de Pologne: Poland

(August 12-18) – Magnus Sheffield (INEOS Grenadiers) placed 5 th overall at the week-long Tour of Poland, his second top-5 stage race placing this season. Sheffield, 22, placed 3 rd at the Tour of Austria in July.

Will Barta (Movistar) rode a consistent race to place 12 th overall.


Usa cycling downhill national series, snow summit: big bear lake, ca.

(August 16-18) –Stop number three of the USA Downhill National Series brought pros and amateurs to Snow Summit Bike Park in Big Bear Lake, CA, for a weekend of downhill MTB action.

Austin Doole y (Commencal Schwalbe, Monster Army, Ryno Power, Better Bolts) took 1 st in the elite men’s final, followed by Kenneth Pinkerton (Mondraker Factory Racing) and Nathan Kitchen (The Gravity Academy).

On the elite women’s side, Erice Van Leuven (Commencal Les Orres, Monster Army) placed 1 st in the final, followed by Aletha Ostgaard (SRAM/Fasttrack Racing/GoPro/V&R/Schwalbe) and Isabella Naughton (KHS Pro MTB Team).

Drake Parker (Outlaw Tribe/Commencal) won the junior men’s final, followed by Jack Zenoni (ZFR Team) and Braedyn Davis . Pella Ward took the junior women’s victory, followed by Teagan Heap (Pivot Factory Racing/Monster Army) and Addison Buckenberger (T3 Race Team/Monster Army).

The final race of this season’s series is September 26-29, at Killington Resort, Vermont.

Leadville Trail 100 MTB: Leadville, CO

(August 10) – Keegan Swenson (Santa Cruz Bicycles/SRAM) won the elite men’s race at Leadville Trail 100 MTB for the fourth time in a row, while Melisa Rollins (Virginia’s Blue Ridge TWENTY24) earned the elite women’s title.

Swenson crossed the line at 5:49:08, more than 15 minutes ahead of second-place finisher John Gaston (STRAFE-Specialized). Cole Paton (Giant Bicycles) was 3 rd .

Last year’s women’s winner Sofia Gomez Villafañe (Specialized) was just over 7 minutes behind Rollins in 2 nd , and Michaela Thompson (Orange Seal/Specialized/Shimano) was 3 rd .

The race starts at 10,000 feet above sea level and climbs to 12,424 feet. It’s the third race in the six-race Life Time Grand Prix. Swenson leads the series overall for the men, while Gomez Villafañe sits atop the women’s leaderboard. Next up is the Chequamegon MTB Festival, September 14, in Cable, Wisconsin.

Leaderboard here

SBT GRVL: Steamboat Springs, CO

(August 18) – Keegan Swenson (Santa Cruz Bicycles/SRAM) and Lauren Stephens (Cynicsa Cycling) earned the elite men’s and women’s titles at SBT GRVL, giving Swenson his second major win in a week and third SBT GRVL win in a row.

Swenson and Stephens are the reigning US gravel national champions and both sported their Stars and Stripes jerseys at the 125-mile race, which boasts nearly 10,900 feet of elevation gain. Swenson finished the race in 5:41:10, while first-time winner and two-time runner-up Stephens finished in 6:17:17.

Torbjorn Roed (Trek Driftless) placed 2 nd behind Swenson, coming in at 5:49:46, while Alexey Vermeulen (ENVE/Factor) came in a second later to place 3 rd . Last year’s women’s winner Sofia Gomez Villafañe (Specialized) placed 2 nd , nearly 13 minutes behind Stephens, while Cecily Decker was 20 minutes back and placed 3 rd .

Masters Track National Championships: Rock Hill, SC

(August 6-11) –More than 200 Masters cyclists vied for national championship titles over four days of racing at Rock Hill Velodrome in South Carolina. Despite a rain delay/cancellations due to Tropical Storm Debby, events were rescheduled and the meet concluded with 98 athletes earning Stars and Stripes jerseys.

2024 MTB Worlds Team 1130x600

USA Cycling Announces 2024 Mountain Bike World Championships Team

September Sale   Book now for   up to 60% off!

Charming Spain - 9 Days

  • Fully Guided
  • Christmas & New Year

Traveled in June 2023

Places You’ll See


  • Explore Madrid's bustling streets at night
  • Tour the historic sites and streets of Toledo
  • Visit the Roman amphitheatre in ancient Merida
  • Discover Seville's charming Santa Cruz Quarter
  • Admire Gaudi's Sagrada Familia in Barcelona
  • Introduction
  • Day 1 Sunday - Welcome to Madrid and Transfer & “Illuminated Madrid” Tour
  • Day 2 Monday - Madrid City Tour and optional PREMIUM PACKAGE
  • Day 3 Tuesday - Madrid - Merida - Extremadura - Seville
  • Day 4 Wednesday - Charming Seville City Tour and optional PREMIUM PACKAGE
  • Day 5 Thursday - Seville - Great Mosque the world’s marvels - Cordoba - Granada
  • Day 6 Friday - Granada - Alhambra & verdant Gardens of the Generalife - Valencia
  • Day 7 Saturday - Valencia Charming City Tour and Museums - Barcelona
  • Day 8 Sunday - Barcelona Tour one of Europe’s most beautiful cities & Sagrada Familia
  • Day 9 Monday - Departure Day and Transfer to Barcelona Airport

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  • YC Yu · 19th June 2024 This tour overall is good Trip date: June 2024
  • LT Lorraine · 30th April 2024 Overall we were impressed by the guides, accommodation & busses. The most impressive guide was Y’ael at Alhombra. The least informative presentation was in Barcelona, where we were also not informed that we were being left to find our own way back to... Show more Trip date: April 2024
  • HT hariyanto · 8th March 2024 Good service, nice tourist attraction Trip date: February 2024
  • DW David · 15th November 2023 I found this tour gave a sweeping glimpse of Spain. Trip date: November 2023
  • BB Bea · 25th October 2023 We truly enjoyed our tour in Spain. The bus guide, Luisa was knowledgeable, accommodating, and friendly. Our drivers Paco and Pedro were very good drivers and got us where we needed to be on time. The local guides were all very knowledgeable and... Show more Trip date: October 2023
  • DC Daniel · 25th October 2023 The Charming Spain 9 day tour covered a lot of territory and certainly gave us a taste of some of the highlights of the cities we visited. Some of the tour guides were great but a few need more training especially when switching between Spanish and... Show more Trip date: September 2023
  • AH ATHER · 14th October 2023 The group was very big and most confusing was mixing of Spanish and English language together so we did not get attention to grab the conversation and see the place in normal way Trip date: September 2023
  • ML Michael · 17th September 2023 Spain was wonderful, but we will never go on a big bus tour again. Being herded from place to place like an unruly sheep with insufficient time to really see things and little to no free time, is not for us - though we realize that it is the product of... Show more Trip date: September 2023
  • CM Caroline · 9th August 2023 The trip, the itinerary and the guides were very good. The hotels were 4 star except one in Seville. Everyone in that tour had a hard time. The hotel had accepted every person on the tour regardless of whether they had the package for 3 star or 4 star.... Show more Trip date: July 2023
  • SP Susanne · 29th July 2023 I did this tour with my husband and two sons aged 20 and 17. We had a wonderful time. The one thing we felt could be better was the guides’ English descriptions. The ones on the bus did fairly well, but some of the local guides would speak in Spanish... Show more Trip date: July 2023

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  • Sunday 1 Sep, 2024 Monday 9 Sep, 2024 English, Spanish Sold Out €1,909 See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Sunday 15 Sep, 2024 Monday 23 Sep, 2024 English, Spanish Sold Out €1,909 See Similar Tours For These Dates
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  • -21% Sunday 29 Sep, 2024 Monday 7 Oct, 2024 English, Spanish Filling Fast Multiple Room Types €1,909 €1,508 Confirm Dates
  • -21% Get Instant Confirmation Sunday 13 Oct, 2024 Monday 21 Oct, 2024 English, Spanish Filling Fast Multiple Room Types €1,909 €1,508 Confirm Dates Hold space for 48h
  • -21% Get Instant Confirmation Sunday 27 Oct, 2024 Monday 4 Nov, 2024 English, Spanish Multiple Room Types €1,909 €1,508 Confirm Dates Hold space for 48h
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  • -21% Get Instant Confirmation Sunday 26 Jan, 2025 Monday 3 Feb, 2025 English, Spanish Filling Fast Multiple Room Types €1,763 €1,393 0% Interest Instalments Confirm Dates Hold space for 48h

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Yes, the quote for Pre Accommodation is US $242 per night including breakfast and airport transfer; the Post Accommodation is US $260 per night including breakfast and airport transfer.

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Ben O’Connor powers into lead of La Vuelta a Espana with a win in stage 6 of Spain’s Grand Tour

Australia’s top-ranked road cyclist could do something only two other Aussies have done after a stunning effort in Spain’s Grand Tour.

Aussie Ben O'Connor takes winners jersey

Ex-Aussie comes clean on shock defection

Urgent safety recall for popular bike

Urgent safety recall for popular bike

Olympian found dead in her apartment

Olympian found dead in her apartment

Australian Ben O’Connor says he felt like he was “in my own world” after a sensational solo display powered him into the lead of the La Vuelta a Espana as he took out the sixth stage in Spain to put himself on the verge of something special.

O’Connor, Australia’s top-ranked road racer, jumped from 23rd before the bumpy 185.5km sixth stage from Jerez de la Frontera to Yunquera.

He made up nearly two minutes on leader Primoz Roglic to snare the red jersey as overall leader, now an astonishing four minutes 51 seconds clear of Slovenia’s triple Vuelta champion.

“I felt a little bit in my own world today,” beamed O’Connor, looking remarkably fresh and more than a little amazed the peloton had let a rider of his obvious quality and danger off the leash.

“I kind of just went for it. It was just a day to seize an opportunity and I left it all out there. It’s pretty special. To go out there and just crush it like that, I absolutely loved every moment.”

🇪🇸 @lavuelta - Étape 6 Premier maillot rouge de leader dans l'histoire de l'équipe ❤️ 🫶 Les émotions 🥹 First red leader's jersey in team history ❤️ 🫶 So emotional 🥹 #DECATHLONAG2RLAMONDIALETEAM @AG2RLAMONDIALE @DecathlonEspana - © Getty — DECATHLON AG2R LA MONDIALE TEAM (@decathlonAG2RLM) August 22, 2024

The stage victory puts O’Connor in with a chance of joining Cadel Evans (2011 Tour de France) and Jai Hindley (2022 Giro d’Italia) as an Australian Grand Tour champion.

But he wasn’t getting lost in what could happen.

“Maybe, maybe not,” he said.

“Depends on how I go. It’s an excellent opportunity and I’m just going to savour it as much as I can.

“I was looking at the list of triple Grand Tour stage winners before this race started, so I’m proud to have my name on that list and to wear the red jersey as well.

“It’s going to be a once-in-a-lifetime achievement maybe, so I’m going to enjoy every moment.”

In commentary for Eurosport, Australian cycling great Robbie McEwen called the win “one for the ages”.

“There’ll be headshaking and disbelief at how much time they’ve all given up to Ben O’Connor,” he said.

Three-time Olympic medallist Matthew Richardson has spoken out after he turned his back on Australia weeks after the Olympics finished.

An urgent recall has been issued for a popular bike after a flaw was detected that could lead to ‘serious injury’.

The body of a five-time Olympic cyclist has been found, four days after she was reported missing in Las Vegas.


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    Book your Spain tour package with Trafalgar and uncover its heritage from the ripe vineyards, endless coastlines to the mountain ranges and historic villages. ... No trip to Spain is complete without witnessing an Andalusian flamenco. Emotion, seduction and mystery form into this traditional Spanish dance, making this so much more than just a ...

  4. 10 Best Fully Guided Tours in Spain 2024/2025

    10 best fully guided Spain tour packages. Compiled by. Steff Spain travel expert at TourRadar. Discovery of Spain - 10 days. Charming Spain - 9 Days. Andalucia & Toledo, 5 days on Tuesdays. Spanish Delights, 7 days. Absolutely Spain. Andalusia with Cordoba, Costa del Sol and Toledo from Madrid.

  5. THE TOP 10 Spain Tours & Excursions

    Sagrada Familia and Gaudi Private Tour with Skip the Line Tickets. 666. Discover the iconic works of Antoni Gaudi, including the Sagrada Familia, during this half-day private tour of Barcelona. Embark on a walking tour of the architect's most important buildings including La Pedrera and Casa Batllo.

  6. Spain Tours, Escorted Travel Packages, and Vacations

    Call us toll free at 800.340.5158. Request A Call Back. Talk To An Expert. Book Collette's Spain tour and discover magnificent landscapes while experiencing charming traditions and customs unlike anywhere else in the world.

  7. Best Spain Tours & Vacations 2024/2025

    Explore Spain's diverse regions and cultures with Intrepid Travel, a local tour operator that offers small group trips and tailor-made adventures. Find out about the best time to visit, the weather, the currency, the visa, the tips and more.

  8. The Best of Spain Tour

    Single Supplement $775. From Gaudí and El Greco to tapas and flamenco, this tour captures the energetic diversity of Spain. Beginning in beautiful Barcelona and ending in sensual Sevilla, your Rick Steves guide will treat you to a sumptuous, two-week cultural buffet — with rich helpings of Catalunya's Gaudí, Toledo's El Greco, masterpieces ...

  9. THE 10 BEST Spain Tours & Excursions for 2024 (with Prices)

    3. Avila & Segovia Tour with Tickets to Monuments from Madrid. 4,524. Historical Tours. 6+ hours. Possibly the best excursion to Avila and Segovia from Madrid. Only Tour to Avila and Segovia Rated 5 Star and Certificate…. Free cancellation. Recommended by 96% of travelers.

  10. 10 Best 14 Days Spain Tours & Trips

    10 best Spain 14 Days tour packages. Compiled by. Steff Spain travel expert at TourRadar. Spanish Ole. Discovery of Spain & North Portugal - 14 Days. All Spain & North of Portugal, 14 days. Treasures of Spain and Portugal (End Madrid, 14 Days) Galicia, Portugal & Andalucia. Treasures of Spain and Portugal (End Barcelona, 14 Days)

  11. Spain Tours

    Traveled in Jul 2024 on Grand Tour of Spain. 5 out of 5 stars. Trip to Spain. 1st-time traveler Nathan. We had a fantastic trip! Our Tour Director, Leonor, was fantastic! Everything from travel logistics, hotels, tours and dinners were wonderful. We will be booking another trip...

  12. Spain Tours

    Enjoy authentic paella in Valencia and revel in the view from the Rock of Gibraltar. Celebrate your escapades in España with a glass or two of sangria and tempting tapas around every corner. Fiestas & Siestas: Southern Spain By Design. Globus Spain tours combine history, art, culture & relaxation. Travel to Madrid, Barcelona & more.

  13. Best of Spain Tour 2024

    Sightseeing highlights. Explore Barcelona, Seville, Córdoba, Toledo and Madrid. Discover Burgos, Santander, Bilbao, San Sebastián, Pamplona, Valencia, Peñíscola and the Rock of Gibraltar. Visit La Sagrada Família in Barcelona, the Alhambra Palace in Granada, the Cathedral in Seville, the Mosque of the Caliphs in Córdoba, the Synagogue and ...

  14. The BEST Tours in Spain

    Explore Spain's diverse culture and history from Madrid and Segovia to Granada and Barcelona. Explore the best of Spain with our curated selection of tours. From city tours in Barcelona & Madrid to food & wine, adventure, and art & architecture tours, there's something for every traveler.

  15. Spain Vacation Packages

    Spain is a vibrant land of world-class cities, renowned masterpieces, divine food and wine, swirling Flamenco dancers and exhilarating outdoor activities. A single visit to Spain can result in many different experiences. Culture lovers and history buffs can be awed at more than 40 UNESCO World Heritage sites and more than 1,000 museums.

  16. The BEST Spain Tours and Things to Do in 2024

    Barcelona: 24 or 48-Hour Hop-On Hop-Off Bus Tour. See the best of Barcelona on a double-decker hop-on hop-off bus tour. Get access to two routes with one ticket for a complete sightseeing experience. Each route has an approximate duration of 2 hours. Take a complimentary map to help you decide where you want to go and enjoy audio commentary.

  17. Spain Tours

    Guest Favorites in Spain "Traveling with Tauck was an incredible experience that truly exceeded our expectations. The hotels, food, wine, tour director and local guides were all terrific and we loved all the places we visited. You were right - San Sebastían was definitely a highlight of the trip!

  18. Spain Guided Tours & Vacations

    See the best of Spain during a leisurely 10-day guided tour. Barcelona boasts an impressive Old Town, which you will see with a Local Expert. They will wind you though the medieval maze of the Gothic Quarter, down the city's main shopping avenue, and to the Sagrada Família — a Roman basilica with towering mosaic spires that pierce the sky.

  19. Guided Tours in Spain

    Popular Spain Tours. Ready to explore the magic of Spain? Forget the hassle of planning - let a local guide show you the ropes! From the mind-blowing Sagrada Familia to the jaw-dropping Alhambra Palace in Granada, there's a tour for every kind of traveller.. Imagine skipping those dreaded queues and getting the inside scoop from a local expert.

  20. Tours & tickets in Spain

    The best 4-day tour in Spain is this 4 Day Basque Country Tour: San Sebastian, Biarritz, Bilbao and Rioja. With an average rating of 5 out of 5 stars by 7 travelers, this tour promises an exceptional experience. Explore Spain's incredible destinations. This 4-day tour starts in San Sebastian and is priced at around 1,320 EUR.

  21. 10 Best Spain Small Group Tours & Trips 2024/2025

    10 best Spain small group tours. Compiled by. Melissa Spain travel expert at TourRadar. Absolutely Spain. Andalusia with Costa del Sol & Toledo. Andalusia & Mediterranean Coast with Barcelona. Walk the Camino de Santiago. Journeys: Discover Spain National Geographic Journeys. Sailing the Canary Islands.

  22. One Week in Spain

    We begin our 7-day itinerary in Barcelona, the capital of Catalonia. Given our experience providing custom tours of Spain and Barcelona, we automatically provide skip-the-line tickets and exclusive access tickets for the major attractions as otherwise our clients are likely to waste valuable vacation time standing in long queues.

  23. Night Food Tasting Tour in Trinidad

    Discover the delicious local cuisine of Trinidad while you mingle with the locals during this evening tasting tour. Visit several local food stalls and taste local cuisines such as pholourie, doubles, roti, corn soup, and much more. Our first stop is at the Queen's Park Savannah, followed by the Lady Young Lookout, the bustling town of St. James, completed by vibrant Ariapita Avenue and a ...

  24. Planning a trip to Spain: A guide to budget ...

    While the tours are free, it's customary to tip your guide at the end. Search on Sandemans New Europe, GuruWalk,, Buendía Tours and Strawberry Tours to see all the available tours. In addition to walking tours, many of Spain's top museums offer free entry on certain days or during specific hours. For example, Madrid's Prado ...

  25. Team USA Recap: Brandon McNulty Wins Stage 1 of Tour of…

    ROAD Vuelta a Burgos: Spain (August 5-9) - Sepp Kuss (Team Visma/Lease-a-Bike) staged a triumphant return to racing at Vuelta a Burgos, finishing 1 st overall after a two-month break to recover from injury and illness. The five-day race through northern Spain had a rough start for Kuss, who crashed on stages 1 and 2. But he came back to win the mountainous (Queen) stage 3 and take the ...

  26. Charming Spain

    Itinerary. Start in Madrid and end in Barcelona! With the Explorer tour Charming Spain - 9 Days, you have a 9 days tour package taking you through Madrid, Spain and 6 other destinations in Spain. Charming Spain - 9 Days includes accommodation in a hotel as well as an expert guide, meals, transport and more. Expand All.

  27. Cycling: Australian Ben O'Connor takes lead in La Vuelta a Espana

    Ben O'Connor powers into lead of La Vuelta a Espana with a win in stage 6 of Spain's Grand Tour. Australia's top-ranked road cyclist could do something only two other Aussies have done after ...