KAZUMURA CAVE TOURS Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii Photographs by: ROB RATKOWSKI We Are UNAFFECTED By The Current Eruptive Activity!

Cave formation.

Kazumura Cave is a lava tube on the island of Hawaii. The cave formed between four and six centuries ago, when a vent on the east side of Kilauea Caldera erupted, sending lava down the northeast flank of the volcano. As these lava flows advanced, they cooled from the outside in. This produced a hard crust around the flow, which protected the lava from cooling too quickly. (Hawaiian lavas erupt at approximately 2165°F (1185°C). The air and ground temperature is therefore cold to lava.) In time, this protective crust thickened and confined the flow to an oval or rounded conduit referred to as a lava tube.

Lava tubes which are active for long periods of time, can be enlarged by lava flowing through the tube. Lava is a very abrasive fluid which can erode the surround rock. Given enough time and favorable conditions, this erosion can form canyons and lava falls. Erosion can also expose gaps in the existing bedrock. Lava injected into these gaps sometimes remains molten, and later drains back into the tube to form lava straws or runs.

If during an eruption, a hole develops in the ceiling of a lava tube, that hole is called a skylight. Skylights allow heat to escape while admitting cold air. Any time the lava level in the tube drops, cold air entering a skylight can chill the surface of the flow causing a second crust to form. This produces what is known as a tube in tube. Cold air can also crack hot rock, allowing sections of the tube walls and ceiling to collapse, producing breakdown.

A dropping lava level also allows lava sticking to the ceiling to sag and form lavacicles, (a feature similar in appearance to a stalactite). As the lava level drops further, the tube begins to drain and cool. The last bit of lava flowing over a fall has cooled to a putty like consistency and begins to pile up on itself. This forms an irregular column called a dribble spire. At the base of a fall, a thick crust forms on the plunge pool surface, and then sags as lava drains from beneath. The last tubes in tube, also begin to collapse without lava to support their weight.

It can take years for a lava tube to cool sufficiently to support life. As many cave creatures are dependant upon plants for their food, it is likely the cave is not fully colonized until after these plants have become established on the surface above.

Kazumura Cave is just one of several lava tubes that formed in that eruption, but it is by far the most important. As the worlds longest known continuous lava tube, Kazumura is a national treasure that is virtually unknown to all. Geologically speaking, Kazumura has been called a master lava tube. Nearly every type of feature found in a lava tube can be found in this cave.

So, if you’re planning a trip to the big island or already here, and would like to visit Kazumura Cave, call during business hours to schedule a tour.

  • the LONGEST CAVE in the state of HAWAII at 42.5 miles (68 km) surveyed.
  • the 33 RD LONGEST CAVE in the WORLD.
  • the DEEPEST CAVE in the UNITED STATES at 3613 feet (1,101.5 m).
  • part of the AILA`AU eruption.  (A radio carbon dating estimate, places the eruption between 1410 -1470; however, oral Hawaiian accounts place the eruption two centuries later in the 1600’s.)
  • PASSAGE DIMENSIONS can be as much as 69 feet (21 m) wide, and 59 feet (18 m) high.
  • The TALLEST LAVA FALL is 45 feet (13.7 m).
  • In volcano at approximately 3700 feet above sea level, the temperature is 59°F (15°C).
  • In Hawaiian Paradise Park at approximately 90 feet above sea level, the temperature is 72°F (22.2°C).
  • On it’s way to the ocean, the LAVA TEMPERATURE DROPPED 7.2°F or 4°C (basalt analysis).
  • The ESTIMATED CAVE VOLUME is over 1.6 million cubic yards (over 1,220,000 m³).
  • There are at least 101 known ENTRANCES to the cave.


All tours begin with a short walk through the Puna Rain Forest before descending a ladder and entering the cave. Shortly after entering you will be shown delicate gypsum crystals, which can be damaged by a single drop of water. Moving on a little ways, the passage abruptly ends. Two more ladders must be descended to reach the main passage 20 feet below. At this point the Lava Falls and Pit Room tours head up slope. After a short introduction to some of the cave organisms, the group moves on to the Lava Falls, four of them, each with their own special features and ranging in height from 5 to 16 feet. Above the fourth Lava Fall is a room decorated with lavacicles, straws, dribble spires, and more. After seeing a few more features the Lava Falls tour turns around.

Tour continues on from here. On the way to the Pit Room you will see more decorated ceilings, ascend 2 lava cascades, and pass through the snake canyon; but be prepared to clamber over rubble. The highlight of the trip is a feature which is so intricate that it is hard to believe that it is made of rock. After seeing the sights at the pit room, the group turns around and heads back.

After descending into the main passage, the Maze Tour heads down slope toward Eureka Falls and the Sexton Maze. On the way is Mongoose Falls. Here the group must climb down a 10 foot drop. Next comes Eureka Falls, which is 37 feet straight down. After checking out the drop it’s time to put on your gear and rappel down (single rope). Further down slope is Red Column Falls, here the tour turns around. The Sexton Maze is then entered by ascending a ladder. After crawling through the maze for about an hour, the group rappels back into the main passage, a 30 foot drop (double rope). It’s now time to ascend Eureka Falls and head back.

  • Caving or climbing helmet
  • Headlamp and extra light / batteries as needed
  • Climbing Harness
  • Rappelling device suitable for a single or double rope.
  • A working ascending system consisting of two ascenders or purssics, with foot loop(s), - per person .
  • Carabiners (Two minimum)
  • Knee pads and fore arm pads are recommended. 

~~~~Ropes are provided!   Gloves, heavily used knee pads, and modified construction hard hats are available for use if desired; but it is recommended that you bring your own.~~~~

* If you have no vertical skills or gear, but would like to visit the maze, check out our VERTICAL TRAINING course.


  • All tours are by appointment only, so YOU MUST MAKE RESERVATIONS BY PHONE! It is recommended that you make RESERVATIONS as early as is practical. Book the MAZE TOUR at least ONE WEEK IN ADVANCE ; and the VERTICAL TRAINING at least a MONTH IN ADVANCE .
  • Tours are given Monday – Saturday, 9 am – 6 pm. We are closed Sundays.
  • Tours start at $35 cash per person for school groups. (Two hour tour only.)
  • Tours are in English only. All visitors must have a working knowledge of English to enter the cave.  (Our top concern is cave preservation. We can’t protect the cave if visitors cannot understand and follow directions. No exceptions will be made!)
  • WE PROVIDE – hardhats, gloves, and flashlights.
  • YOU MUST WEAR - LONG PANTS and GOOD SHOES (hiking shoes recomended) . Lava is sharp! Your legs and feet must be completely covered. ( NO SLIPPERS , HIKING SANDALS , SHORTS or CAPRIS . )  If you are not appropriately dressed you will be turned away!
  • The cave temperature is 65°F (18.3°C) and drippy.  Water drips all the time in places, more when it rains. You may need JACKET.
  • Tours are limited to a maximum of six people for mixed groups, or seven people for a single group.
  • Children visiting the cave must be at least 11 years of age, Well Behaved , and accompanied by a Supervising Adult . (2 hr. tour only)  Parents should be aware that most children under 11 do not have the attention span necessary for this tour. The guide explains lava tube geology to visitors and the pace is leisurely. 
  • Must be a teenager for the 4 Hr. tour.
  • Absolutely no kids on backs!
  • No children on the Maze tour.
  • The floor of the cave is uneven.
  • Travel over breakdown is necessary on the Pit room and Maze tours.
  • Visitors should arrive 15 minutes early .  If you arrive late, you may find the group has left without you. OR, if your party fills the tour, you may not be able to see as much as you would like because your guide needs to get back for the next tour.
  • Water is OK
  • Photographs are allowed. Anything within the range of the flash should turn out to some extent.


  • A cave is an enclosed underground cavity existing within solid rock.
  • There are no natural light sources in the cave, only the lights we carry.
  • To get on and off a ladder you must move to the edge of the drop.
  • The cave entrance is gated and kept locked to protect the cave.
  • 1. Please Do Not Touch Anything ! All lava formations are irreplaceable.  Many are quite fragile.  When a lava formation is damaged or broken, it is damaged or broken forever.  It will NEVER grow back! Crystals found in Lava Tubes are also quite fragile so please do not touch anything.
  • 2. Please Do Not Remove Anything From The Cave , so the cave can be preserved for future generations.
  • 3. Please Do Not Eat In The Cave . Food left behind may begin to grow fungi or bacteria not normally found in the cave. Some such introduced organisms can be harmful to cave creatures.


kazumura cave tours


One sentiment often expressed by visitors on cave tours is: I never imagined that a lava tube could be so interesting. The lava can take on so many different forms. It’s absolutely amazing.

Lava tubes do indeed possess an incredible diversity of features. As the guide at Kazumura, I try to show visitors as many features as possible and explain their formation.

After tours I would often hear: “You have given us so much information, I don’t think I can remember everything. Is there anyplace where all this information is written down?” 

To this I would answer, “No, not that I’m aware of.”

After a while folks started saying: “You should write a book.

Because so many of you folks have considered me qualified for such an undertaking, I decided to take your advice. The book is titled “ UNDERSTANDING LAVA TUBES AND LAVA CAVES

The book covers the two methods of lava tube formation, and various erosional processes. It looks at how air can color the rock and help shape delicate cave features. There’s a chapter which looks at the various types of lava formations and explains how they form. The book also provides information about other types of lava caves, and their formation. In addition to this, practical information about lava tube caving, and preservation, is provided. And there is a question section, which I have used to provide information that did not easily fit in the text.  (Book reviews / sales)


ABOUT US - Kazumura Cave Tours and Preserve

Kazumura cave tours.

Kazumura Cave Tours is a family run operation that focuses on visitor education while stressing cave preservation. We believe that the best way to preserve the cave is by educating visitors about this fascinating environment.

When we were told about the cave in 1995, we followed the directions a cave surveyor had given us and found the entrance. Initially, very little of the cave was accessible. The passage abruptly ended at a black chasm. But determined to continue we returned with a rope. The decent was only twenty feet, but the passage just went on and on. That one trip was all it took to realize we wanted to share this beautiful place with others.

Access was our first problem. Aside from the twenty foot drop near the entrance, there were three lava falls which needed to be ascended. Our solution was to build pole ladders which we anchored to the walls. We also needed to clear a few trails to safely get visitors through the cave; and by the middle of 1996, the cave was ready for visitors.

When we first started showing the cave, we knew nothing about lava tubes or caves in general; but with the help of our visitors we were able to piece together the processes that form and shape a lava tube. This information, along with what we've learned about preserving the cave, is shared with visitors on every tour.

Kazumura Cave Preserve

After fourteen years of tours, we began to see some damage in the cave. The degree and frequency of which increased over the next few years. When signs stating Hawaii's cave laws and penalties were posted near the entrances, the damage subsided. But there were other problems.

One visitor brought news of a collapse caused by a bulldozer clearing a lot. Another source informed us that garbage was regularly burned in one of the cave's entrances. Clearly, a more active role in preservation was needed. Our solution was to set up the Kazumura Cave Preserve.

It was determined that the Preserve should have three main functions. - Set up and maintain a website to educate the public about the cave and the potential hazards related to developing the land over the cave. - Establish a fund to purchase lots over the cave. - And lastly, send letters to lot owners to informed them about the cave under their property. (A person cannot be expected to avoid a hazard if they have no idea that one exists.)

It is hoped that through the purchase of lots and by soliciting the help of land owners, this national treasure can be preserved for future generations.

Kazumura Cave Tours ~ Books

As our knowledge of lava tubes expanded, visitors began asking "Where can I find all this information in written form?". Upon receiving a negative response, visitors began saying "You should write a book.". After years of hearing this, Harry (the son and guide) decided to accept the challenge.

The first edition of Understanding Lava Tubes and Lava Caves was published in 2008 by Trafford Publishing, a Canadian company specializing in on demand printing. This arrangement initially worked well; but, Trafford was sold, and in 2012 it was decided the book should be published under the Kazumura Cave Tours name.

A second title, Field Particle Physics A Coherent Perspective , also by Harry (a former physics student), was published in 2024. This book consolidates all areas of physics using the same physical rules we observe in everyday life. It is what some would call the holy grail of physics; because, it easily explains the source of gravity.

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Kazumura Cave Tours

  • Staff review

One of the Big Island’s most amazing features, the Kazumura Cave is Hawaii’s longest cave as well as the lengthiest-known lava tube in the world. You can explore a portion of this 42.5-mile-long natural tunnel thanks to the Kazumura Cave Tours led by the knowledgeable and passionate Harry Shick. Get a taste of subterranean Hawaii and learn some fascinating geology down in the darkness.

Its volcanic furnaces give the Big Island of Hawaii some of the most remarkable geologic spectacles in the world. Those spectacles aren’t limited to what we see at the surface in the form of massive shield-volcano domes, the Halemauu lava lakes, black-rock headlands. There’s some remarkable stuff underground as well, and Kazumura Cave is a spectacular example. Kazumura Cave Tours give you a rare guided look at this longest and deepest known lava tube on Planet Earth.

Lava tubes form within active lava flows, which, over time, have been in no short supply on the Big Island. As the roughly 2165-degree-Fahrenheit lava tongues its way along, it’s cooled by the air and the ground, forming an outer crust that hardens over. Insulated within, though, the flow has a molten heart that keeps flowing—sometimes for a long time. Once the inner active channel of lava drains away, you’re left with a long, linear void inside a hardened shell.

The Kazumura Lava Tube, surveyed to nearly 43 miles long, lies within a pahoehoe basalt flow of Kilauea Volcano’s Ailaau eruption from between 300 and 500 years ago. The cave’s flow runs northeast off the Kilauea flanks, and may have reached Kaloli Point on the coast. At more than 3,600 feet deep, the lava tube is also the deepest known cave in the U.S. In sections, its portal is nearly 70 feet wide and 60 feet high.

Hidden by dense windward vegetation as well as development on the surface, Kazumura Cave has at least 10 known entrances. In 1996, having explored the cave access on his property, Harry Shick began offering public tours. He’s a leading expert at this point, passionate about the Kazumura’s geology and its protection. He’s even penned a book on lava tubes and lava caves.

His Kazumura Cave Tours only explore a small portion of this vast subterranean system, but show off some spectacular features. These include dangling lavacicles, lava straws, and the extraordinary sculpted plunges known as lava falls. 

There are three tour options appealing to visitors with different physical capabilities, interests, and timetables. All begin with a walk through lush rainforest to a ladder dropping into the dark lava-tube underworld. You’ll want hiking boots (or at least sturdy hiking shoes) as well as long pants for your exploration. Flashlights, hard hats, and gloves are provided.

The two-hour Lava Falls Tour , considered easy to moderate, covers two-thirds of a mile and provides a broadly appealing introduction to the cave.

The four-hour, two-mile Pit Room exploration is a bit tougher, involving some clambering over jumbled cave breakdowns. It takes visitors to a great collapsed sink within the cave.

Then there’s the Maze Tour , which is suitable only for experienced cavers. It’s four- to six-hour rope-assisted foray explores such amazing realms as Eureka and Red Column falls and the epic Sexton Maze. 

Kids 11 and up can do the Lava Falls Tour, while the Pit Room and Maze tours are better for older teenagers. 

All of the tours feature Harry’s enthusiastic explanation of the Kazumura Cave’s geology and natural history. He shares some great and meaty information, and his care for this place comes through clearly. 

Kazumura Cave Tours puts great emphasis on low-impact cave stewardship, which is important: Parts of Kazumura Cave in the past have suffered from trash dumping and other insults. Introducing people to the wonders of this mighty lava tube is one way to help protect it. Don’t touch anything in the cave—its features can be surprisingly fragile—and don’t bring food, which can introduce bacteria and fungus that may threaten cave life.

You’ll learn a great deal on any of these three tours, and see a corner of Hawaii that few visitors even know about. 

Insider Tip: Bring along a rain jacket or windbreaker for your Kazumura Cave tour. The temperature within hovers around the mid-60s, and there’s quite a bit of dripping in the passageways.

Kazumura Cave Tours

Photo of Kazumura Cave Tours - Volcano, HI, US. Double lava tube! Harry was very knowledgeable about how the lava tubes were formed, and how a double lava tube like this one came to be.

Review Highlights

kazumura-cave-tours-volcano photo h6fz7suTH_HBm6g-o2Xq3g

“ Harry has picked up a wealth of information about the lava tube that just happens to run under his family home. ” in 20 reviews

Cassandra A.

“ Make sure you write down good driving directions. ” in 2 reviews

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Volcano, HI 96785

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Photo of Lauri S.

This was by far the most interesting tour I have ever been on! Harry is most interesting and knowledgeable. We did the 4 hour tour to the "Pit Room" with a teenager. 6 years later, she still talks about it. I hope the recent volcanic activity does not damage this priceless geologic gem. Aloha, Harry!

Photo of Alexei K.

Unlike Thurston lave tube, this cave (also lave tube) looks pristine and has a lot of exciting features! The guide and cave entrance owner is a witty and very knowledgeable guy. My wife and I were the only participants and the guide kept us well informed and entertained for hours. The price is reasonable, despite only two of us being on the tour. There are two versions of the tour in the up-slope direction: short and long (about twice further up). I would highly recommend the longer version which we ended up taking. By the way, the cave is located in the Big Island, not Honolulu as in Yelp description. Visited August 2013.

Photo of Cassandra A.

Harry - We are thinking of you and the most amazing tour we had years ago. We hope that you and your mom are well in light of the volcanic activity on the Big Island now. Amazing tour. Best value, most fun that we had while we were on the Big Island. We did the 4 hour tour. Make sure you write down good driving directions. It's not really that hard to get to if you follow the directions that they give you on the phone and my iphone map was useful in identifying the cross streets. My boyfriend and I were both a little weary of being underground. Luckily, there were no spiders, bats, or rodents (my fear) and the tube is quite tall and about 15-20 feet wide (he was worried about small spaces) in most spots. It's hard to explain but I guess the best way to describe it as being in a ceramic-glazed tube with unusual rock formations. You can definitely tell that lava moved through the tube like a river going down a series of waterfalls. In some spots, the floor looks like petrified water - you can see ripples. It's a surreal experience. The tour guide was extremely nice. You can tell he is passionate about the tunnel and he has a genuine interest in sharing its beauty with people. We asked a ton of random questions and he was great teacher/lecturer. If you like chemistry or geology or have an appreciation for nature, you will love this tour. I did not find the 4 hour trip to be physically difficult though you do need to climb up and down some tall ladders, follow directions, and be able to walk on uneven surfaces. The pace was slow on the way out but quicker on the way back. We brought our own gloves and head lamps. We also wore heavy hoodies and covered shoes with good traction. If you are looking for something different and unusual, check out this tour.

Photo of Mike Z.

We found this by accident. We were told about this tour by a guide from a company the does lava hikes when we asked what else was close by for us to do. This is an amazing experience. I am being totally honest when I say this makes the Thurston lava tube look like a storm drain. The owner and his mom are a little eccentric but they are dedicated to preserving the lava tube in as close to pristine condition as possible. You must wear closed toed shoes and gloves and you cannot bring food in the cave to prevent contamination. We walked several miles of the tube. Have to climb several ladders as there are what were lava falls ( basically lava water falls in the tube) Ceiling high was anywhere from 5 ft to approx. 40 ft The colors in the stone are really something to see.

Photo of Colton B.

Here here! Harry was a great tour guide of one heck of a tour. Did his 6 hr maze tour. Got to rappel twice and ascend once. This is something I would see on a documentary being done, and Harry brought it to life with humor and fun. So worth the $! You need to be fairly well trained on rappelling and ascending to do his 6 hr tour. Call him and ask what tour works for you and he will hook you up.

Photo of Monster B.

Fantastic 2 hour experience underground. Extensive nerdy excursion if you like biology or geology. Truly unique, educational and satisfying.

Photo of Genevieve R.

What a find! Harry provides an educational and interesting tour. Memorable and we highly recommend this tour.

kazumura cave tours

Absolutely an amazing, adventurous-but yet VERY educational and safe tour. Harry is a walking encyclopedia on caves. We LOVED it!

Photo of E L.

Took the 2 hour tour with the family. This was quite an adventure. We stopped by the place on our way to hawaii national volcano park. It is on the way if you are coming from the hilo side. Fantastic lava tube that looks like it was made by lava. Went to the Thurston lava tubes later at the park and that looks like someone bored a hole in the earth to make a tunnel. The Kazmura lava tube has lots of features from the lava. The guide was very knowledgeable and you left feeling that you learned something. Also he only does small groups of up to 6 people. It is also very affordable for such a customized trip. $20 per person. Probably because the tour is on the guides house so low overhead on his part I guess. Skip the volcano national park and schedule a trip here.

Photo of Kevin N.

this review is long over due for me. me and my wife went there and very much enjoyed the tour. this tour is like nothing I have ever seen before. the guide who also owns and researches the cave is very knowledgeable about the lava tubes and how they work. you cant beat the price and the experience. thank you for doing an awesome job and taking your time to bring us through the cave.

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VERTICAL TRAINING - Kazumura Cave Tours

The purpose of this training.

Many cave visitors express an interest in doing the Maze tour , but lack the required equipment and vertical skills. To circumvent these obstacles, an "Introduction to vertical caving" training course was conceived. The full-course (training & Maze tour) takes place over two half days. On day one, participants are given some basic vertical gear and instructed in its proper usage. Day two begins with a review, and more practice if necessary. The rest of the course is spent underground gaining practical experience on the Maze tour.

What do I Learn?


Required Gear

This is your own personal gear. At the end of the training session, you take this gear home with you.

* The provided (pictured) vertical gear was selected for maximum versitility while minimizing the cost of the training.

Training Requirements

* If you have a medical condition that could be aggravated by strenuous activity, this training is not for you.


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  1. Kazumura Cave Tours

    KAZUMURA CAVE TOURS Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii Photographs by: ROB RATKOWSKI FOR RESERVATIONS CALL (808) 967-7208 Monday - Saturday 8 AM - 6 PM (Hawaii Time) Closed Sundays. ... Kazumura Cave is just one of several lava tubes that formed in that eruption, but it is by far the most important. As the worlds longest known continuous lava tube ...

  2. Kazumura Cave Tours

    We did the "Pit Room" 4 hour tour in April 2023. For us, Kazumura Cave was the top experience in the Big Island! It felt like a trip at the center of earth for a few hours. You enter the cave via a little opening hidden by lush vegetation - it felt a bit like being Alice entering Wonderland. Once inside, we spent 4 hours in the darkness ...


    About Us. Kazumura Cave Tours. Kazumura Cave Tours is a family run operation that focuses on visitor education while stressing cave preservation. We believe that the best way to preserve the cave is by educating visitors about this fascinating environment. When we were told about the cave in 1995, we followed the directions a cave surveyor had ...

  4. Kazumura Cave Tours

    Kazumura Cave Tours puts great emphasis on low-impact cave stewardship, which is important: Parts of Kazumura Cave in the past have suffered from trash dumping and other insults. Introducing people to the wonders of this mighty lava tube is one way to help protect it. Don't touch anything in the cave—its features can be surprisingly fragile ...


    Start your review of Kazumura Cave Tours. Overall rating. 31 reviews. 5 stars. 4 stars. 3 stars. 2 stars. 1 star. Filter by rating. Search reviews. Search reviews. Hadley H. New York, NY. 138. 108. 145. Jan 20, 2022. 1 photo. This amazing tour was the best way to start our Hawaii trip! Harry is incredibly knowledgeable about the lava tubes and ...

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    Pit Room tour! We did the "Pit Room" 4 hour tour in April 2023. For us, Kazumura Cave was the top experience in the Big Island! It felt like a trip at the center of earth for a few hours. You enter the cave via a little opening hidden by lush vegetation - it felt a bit like being Alice entering Wonderland.

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    3. World's Longest Lava Tube - East Hawaii's Greatest Adventure. Oct. 2021. Kazumura Cave is a lava tube that runs for miles from the Volcano area downwards through the Puna district - the longest lava tube system in the world. The four hour Lava Falls tour takes you through a one-mile stretch of this cave.


    Oct 2021. Kazumura Cave is a lava tube that runs for miles from the Volcano area downwards through the Puna district - the longest lava tube system in the world. The four hour Lava Falls tour takes you through a one-mile stretch of this cave. I have known about this lava tube for years but am so glad I finally got to go.

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    Kazumura Cave Tours, Hilo: See 162 reviews, articles, and 100 photos of Kazumura Cave Tours, ranked No.17 on Tripadvisor among 96 attractions in Hilo.

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  11. Kazumura Cave Tours

    Hotels near Kazumura Cave Tours: (6.79 km) Volcano Rainforest Retreat (7.70 km) Hale 'Ohu Bed & Breakfast (7.99 km) Volcano Acres Ranch Bed & Breakfast (8.86 km) Volcano Teapot Cottage (2.20 km) Treehouse Skye; View all hotels near Kazumura Cave Tours on Tripadvisor

  12. Kazumura Cave Tours

    Pit Room tour! We did the "Pit Room" 4 hour tour in April 2023. For us, Kazumura Cave was the top experience in the Big Island! It felt like a trip at the center of earth for a few hours. You enter the cave via a little opening hidden by lush vegetation - it felt a bit like being Alice entering Wonderland.


    30 reviews and 8 photos of KAZUMURA CAVE TOURS "This guy (majored in Physics) who guided us through reminded me of your HS Science teacher, he just loves the whole topic. And the topic is...LAVA TUBES! His house is over one of them! It's so fascinating to learn all about it and seeing it first hand. They have set it up so it's very safe, with ladders and ropes (not for the elderly, but we had ...

  14. Kazumura Cave

    Kazumura Cave is a lava tube and has been surveyed at 40.7 miles (65.5 km) long and 3,614 feet (1,102 m) deep making it the longest and deepest lava tube in the world. [note 1][2][3] The cave is located on the island of Hawaiʻi on the eastern slope of Kīlauea. Kīlauea is the most recently active volcano on the Big Island.

  15. 5 Popular Lava Tubes on the Big Island: DIY Guide + Tours

    Entrance fee / Tours: Access to the Kazumura caves is possible as part of a tour. Two companies organizing such tours are Kazumura Cave Tours (Keaau) and Kilauea Caverns of Fire (Kurtistown). Getting there: The cave runs through a large part of the Puna district and there are over 100 entrance points to Kazumura that have been documented. All ...

  16. Wonderful, interesting, and very informative lava tube tour

    Kazumura Cave Tours: Wonderful, interesting, and very informative lava tube tour - See 154 traveler reviews, 81 candid photos, and great deals for Hilo, HI, at Tripadvisor.

  17. Kazumura Cave Tours

    KAZUMURA CAVE PRESERVE The Purpose Of This Training. Many cave visitors express an interest in doing the Maze tour, but lack the required equipment and vertical skills. To circumvent these obstacles, an "Introduction to vertical caving" training course was conceived. The full-course (training & Maze tour) takes place over two half days.

  18. Kazumura Cave Tours

    Pit Room tour! We did the "Pit Room" 4 hour tour in April 2023. For us, Kazumura Cave was the top experience in the Big Island! It felt like a trip at the center of earth for a few hours. You enter the cave via a little opening hidden by lush vegetation - it felt a bit like being Alice entering Wonderland.

  19. Kazumura Cave

    Kazumura Cave is a lava tube and has been surveyed at 40.7 miles (65.5 km) long and 3,614 feet (1,102 m) deep making it the longest and deepest lava tube in the world. [1] [2] The cave is located on the island of Hawaiʻi on the eastern slope of Kīlauea. Kīlauea is the most recently active volcano on the Big Island.

  20. Miniaturk

    Semi Private Tour - Golden Horn and Miniaturk Park Tour in Istanbul. 1. Bus Tours. from . $45.15. per adult. Istanbul Private Tour for Kids. 1. Historical Tours ... Parc de la Colline du Chateau Kazumura Cave Tours 5 Wits West Nyack Sky River Casino Crescent Bay Point Park Cortrans Shuttle Service Mystika Immersive U-Drift White Pines Lake ...

  21. Gyeonghoeru

    Best DMZ Tour Korea from Seoul (Red Suspension Bridge Optional) 20,215. Recommended. 99% of reviewers gave this product a bubble rating of 4 or higher. ... Nandan Park Love Valley Wild West Town Marietta Square Tibumana Waterfall Kazumura Cave Tours Ochs Farm Market MarshWalk Congost de Mont-rebei Milka Laedele Grimaldi Lines Sunrise Desert ...

  22. THE BEST Idaho Caverns & Caves (Updated 2024)

    You hike a few hundred yards across the volcanic rock to the point where you descend into the lava tubes. 2. Minnetonka Cave. 92. Caverns & Caves. Open now. By Bret158. Interesting to visit. The hike into the cave can be strenuous, especially wearing a mask.

  23. Kandalaksha State Nature Reserve

    Jersey Zoo Kazumura Cave Tours Ballast Point Park Old Harbour China Walls Cooper's Beach Petaling Street Market Long Island Smith Family Garden Luau The Magic Mushroom Gallery NYC Central Park Night Time Photography Tour Museum of the Bible Admission Ticket The Famous Boom Chicago Comedy Show in Amsterdam Fullday trip to Pungume and Uzi Island ...