GenoaCityTour Logo


Discover Genoa on an open-top bus complete with a temporary roof which is fitted in bad weather.

Audio guides are available in 6 languages to help you discover our city (Italian, English, French, Spanish, German and Russian).

Departure point : Piazza Caricamento, near the Aquarium, First Tour: 9.00, Last Tour: 17.00, Tour duration: 45 minutes.

Prices from € 15,00 Groups booking: it is possible to request a group booking quote Children up to the age of 4 go free


an old mariners ’neighbourhood of Genoa

This evocative area lies on the eastern side of the city. It was named after the shape of its bay which is reminiscent of the mouth of a donkey (from the genoese ‘bócca d’âze’ or donkey’s mouth).


The “ Acquario di Genova ” is the largest aquarium in Italy, first in Europe for animal species, second in Europe by surface, after that of Valencia, in Spain and the ninth in the world.

Visit some of the Genoa finest attractions

bus tour genova

Castello D’Albertis

bus tour genova

Villa del Principe

bus tour genova

Musei di Strada Nuova

bus tour genova

Bigo- panoramic lift

bus tour genova

Christopher Columbus House, Sant’Andrea Towers(Porta Soprana), Sant’Agostino Museum

Book your tickets now, in addition to offering a city tour, we are pleased to organise specialist tours to boccadasse and castello de albertis for groups of 20 or more. audio guides are available in 6 languages to help you discover these amazing places.

Genova Turismo

City Sightseeing Genova: Come Funziona, Mappa, Orari e Prezzi

Hai intenzione di visitare Genova ma hai in programma una vacanza di pochi giorni, o addirittura di un giorno solo ?

Vuoi ottimizzare il tuo tempo visitando tutte le attrazioni della città senza perdere tempo ?

Beh, il City Sightseeing Genova potrebbe essere il tour perfetto per te.

Se non l’hai mai provato, potrebbe sembrarti un’attrazione “molto” turistica, ma secondo la mia opinione è uno dei modi migliori per esplorare la bellezza mozzafiato della città di Genova e i suoi siti storici in pochissimo tempo.

Se ancora non mi conosci mi presento, mi chiamo Andrea Semonella e sono un Genovese DOC, e in questo articolo ti parlerò del City Sightseeing Tour , il famoso bus turistico Genova di colore rosso.

Ti parlerò degli orari , dei prezzi , della mappa e ti darò alcuni consigli per rendere il tuo viaggio a Genova ancora più piacevole.

Prima di iniziare, ti lascio qui il li per il biglietto dell’ hop-on hop off Genova al miglior prezzo. Ti consiglio di acquistarlo online per evitare le lunghe code in biglietteria.

city sightseeing genova

Genova: biglietto per tour Hop on Hop off

Bus hop on hop off Genova: come funziona?

Indice degli argomenti

  • 1 Bus hop on hop off Genova: come funziona?
  • 2 Dettagli attività
  • 3 City Sightseeing Genova mappa
  • 4 Orari del City Sightseeing Genova
  • 5 Prezzi del bus City Sightseeing Genova
  • 6 Vantaggi del bus turistico Genova
  • 7 Altri itinerari turistici a Genova
  • 8 Domande frequenti
  • 10 Conclusione

Genova è una bellissima città , nota per le sue splendide vedute sul lungomare, per la sua meravigliosa architettura e per la sua vivace cultura.

Se sei in vacanza nel capoluogo ligure per pochi giorni, devi sapere che il tour City Sightseeing di Genova offre una visita completa delle principali attrazioni, consentendo ai visitatori di esplorare la bellezza del capoluogo ligure in modo facile e conveniente.

Il servizio City Sightseeing Genova offre infatti autobus hop-on hop-off che facilitano l’esplorazione della città.

L’ autobus scoperto ha due percorsi diversi (il percorso rosso e quello blu), in modo da poter scegliere quello più adatto alle proprie esigenze.

Con il tour City Sightseeing Genova , potrai esplorare le famose attrazioni della città come l’ Acquario di Genova , il Porto Antico , il borgo di Boccadasse e il Centro Storico .

Gli autobus di City Sightseeing Genova forniscono anche audioguide in sette lingue (italiano, inglese, francese, tedesco, spagnolo, russo, cinese e portoghese), in modo che tu possa saperne di più sulle attrazioni della città mentre la esplori.

Le audioguide forniscono anche informazioni dettagliate sulla storia e la cultura della città , mentre sul bus è presente sempre un assistente a tua completa disposizione per tutta la durata del tragitto, a cui puoi fare tutte le domande di cui hai bisogno.

Andiamo a scoprire insieme quali sono i percorsi, gli orari e i prezzi dell’autobus di colore rosso più conosciuto dai turisti di tutto il mondo.

Dettagli attività

  • Durata : 60 minuti
  • Frequenza : 30 / 50 minuti
  • Linee : 2 (linea rossa e linea blu)
  • Lingue : italiano, inglese, spagnolo, francese, tedesco, russo, cinese, portoghese
  • Validità del biglietto : 1 giorno (24H) oppure 2 giorni (48H)
  • Prezzo : ridotto 10€, adulti da 19€ a 25€ ( Acquista i biglietti qui )

City Sightseeing Genova mappa

Quali sono i percorsi turistici che compie il bus turistico hop on hop off a Genova ?

Il tour City Sightseeing Genova prevede due percorsi diversi che coprono le principali attrazioni della città.

I due itinerari sono la Linea Rossa e la Linea Blu : la Linea Rossa copre il centro città, mentre quella Blu si spinge leggermente oltre , arrivando fino a Boccadasse , il famoso quartiere dalle case colorate situate a una manciata di chilometri dal centro storico di Genova.

Scopriamo insieme i due itinerari.

Linea rossa

La Linea Rossa copre il centro storico della città, parte da Caricamento (di fronte all’Acquario), per poi raggiungere Via Garibaldi, Piazza De Ferrari, Stazione Brignole, Via XX Settembre, Carignano, Corvetto, Portello, Stazione Principe, Cruise Terminal , per poi tornare a Caricamento .

La Linea Blu ti permette di visitare praticamente tutto il centro storico, e di arrivare fino a Boccadasse, il villaggio di pescatori sul mare, a pochi km dal centro di Genova. Il percorso è il seguente: si parte da Caricamento (di fronte all’Acquario), per poi raggiungere Via Garibaldi, Piazza De Ferrari, il nuovo Waterfront di Levante, Boccadasse, Scalinata Borghese, Via XX Settembre, Corvetto, Portello, Stazione Principe, Cruise Terminal e ritorno a Caricamento , proprio di fronte all’Acquario.

Meglio la linea rossa o la linea blu? Personalmente ti consiglio la linea blu , perchè Boccadasse è una delle attrazioni più importanti e caratteristiche della città, che ti consiglio di non perderti per nulla al mondo.

Attrazioni della città

Ecco la descrizione delle varie attrazioni della città che potrai esplorare sul bus hop on hop off.

piazza caricamento genova

Piazza Caricamento

Una delle piazze più grandi della città, Piazza Caricamento si trova nell’area del Porto Antico, proprio di fronte all’Acquario di Genova. Da qui iniziano entrambi gli itinerari del bus turistico City Sightseeing.

palazzo rosso genova

Via Garibaldi

Chiamata anche Strada Nuova, via Garibaldi è una via pedonale di circa 250 metri; qui incontrerai su entrambi i lati della strada eleganti e sfarzosi palazzi che appartenevano all’antica signoria Genovese.

bus tour genova

Via XX Settembre

La via dello shopping, nonchè la strada più centrale della città; salendo per via XX Settembre costeggerai prestigiosi negozi e bar eleganti, e passerai sotto al famoso Ponte Monumentale.

bus tour genova

Piazza De Ferrari

La piazza centrale di Genova, e la più amata dai Genovesi; qui puoi ammirare quattro palazzi in stile eclettico, il Palazzo Ducale e il famoso teatro Carlo Felice, distrutto durante la seconda Guerra Mondiale e completamente ricostruito nel Dopoguerra.

Waterfront Levante

Il nuovo Waterfront di Levante

Una nuova “darsena” collegata ad un parco urbano tramite piste ciclabili; un progetto regalato alla città di Genova dal famoso architetto Renzo Piano nel 2017.

Boccadasse Genova

Un magico borgo di pescatori, caratterizzato da decine di case colorate e una piccola spiaggetta di una ghiaia grossolana di colore grigio che contrasta con il blu intenso del mare.

scalinata borghese genova

Scalinata Borghese

Con decorazioni in stile liberty, la Scalinata Giorgio Borghese è una grande piazza che conduce ad un belvedere panoramico.

dove parcheggiare a genova

Piazza Corvetto

una delle piazze più grandi ed eleganti di Genova, con al centro la statua equestre di Vittorio Emanuele II, il re dell’Italia unita.

piazza portello genova

Nominata per via della porta delle mura del XII secolo posta a quel tempo più o meno all’imbocco dell’odierna via Caffaro; da qui puoi ammirare la galleria Giuseppe Garibaldi e la torre del Mirador.

bus tour genova

Stazione Genova Principe

Una delle due stazioni centrali di Genova, collegata al centro dall’elegante via Balbi.

bus tour genova

Cruise Terminal

Stazione marittima di Genova, da dove partono e arrivano le navi da crociera che raggiungono il capoluogo ligure.

Orari del City Sightseeing Genova

Gli autobus del City Sightseeing di Genova circolano tutti i giorni dalle 10:00 alle 16:30 .

Gli autobus passano ogni 30 o 50 minuti , per cui è possibile pianificare facilmente il proprio viaggio in città.

La durata dell’intero percorso è di 60 minuti .

Prezzi del bus City Sightseeing Genova

bus turistico genova

Gli hop on hop off City Sighseeing Genova hanno diverse opzioni di biglietti, che consentono di scegliere quello più adatto alle proprie esigenze.

I biglietti per 24 ore di tour variano da 10,00 € per un biglietto ridotto a 19,00 € per un biglietto adulti .

È inoltre possibile acquistare un biglietto plurigiornaliero che consente di esplorare la città per un massimo di 48 ore. In questo caso il ridotto ha un costo di 10€ , mentre un biglietto adulti costa 25€ .

Vantaggi del bus turistico Genova

hop on hop off genova

Perchè scegliere il bus turistico hop on hop off? Principalmente per quattro ragioni:

  • Veloce : ti permette di visitare la città anche se hai poco tempo a disposizione.
  • Economico : con meno di 20€, puoi visitare tutte le principali attrazioni di Genova.
  • Comodo : puoi utilizzare il bus…come un vero e proprio autobus, per salire e scendere alle diverse fermate, pagando il biglietto una sola volta.
  • Audioguide : il tour City Sightseeing Genova facilita l’esplorazione della città grazie alle audioguide in 7 lingue che forniscono informazioni dettagliate su tutte le attrazioni.

Altri itinerari turistici a Genova

Oltre al Genova City Tour , ci sono una serie di altri itinerari turistici che i visitatori possono esplorare.

Genova ospita una serie di musei, gallerie e chiese , quindi assicurati di trovare il tempo per visitarli. Se preferisci visitare Genova a piedi, clicca qui sotto per scoprire gli itinerari:

  • Genova in un giorno
  • Genova in due giorni
  • Genova in tre giorni
  • Genova in una settimana

Domande frequenti

Si, durante le stagioni estive e primaverili il bus è scoperto, mentre quando c’è parecchio freddo (e in caso di pioggia) l’autobus verrà coperto.

Si, tutti i bus turistici Hop on Hop off sono accessibili a persone diversamente abili. Clicca qui per scoprire la Policy.


Il tour City Sightseeing Genova è il modo perfetto per esplorare le principali attrazioni della città con facilità.

Grazie ai comodi autobus hop-on hop-off e alle audioguide , potrai esplorare le bellezze della città di Genova e assaporare la sua cultura unica con facilità.

Il tour City Sightseeing di Genova offre inoltre una varietà di opzioni di biglietti, in modo da poter scegliere quello più adatto alle proprie esigenze e al tempo di visita che hai a disposizione.

Non perderti quindi l’opportunità di esplorare le bellezze di Genova con il tour City Sightseeing Genoa !

Acquista subito i tuoi biglietti e preparati a esplorare le meravigliose attrazioni della città.

Photo credits:

  • City Sightseeing Bus: citysightseeing
  • Piazza Caricamento: cercamon
  • Piazza De Ferrari: Donato Mailano
  • Via XX Settembre: Angelo Alaimo
  • Piazza Portello: Hans Kremers
  • Genova Piazza Principe: Alessandro
  • Stazione Marittima Genova: David McKelvey

Andrea Semonella

Andrea Semonella

Ciao, sono Andrea! Sono nato a Genova e ci abito ancora; ho vissuto a Milano, Londra e Siviglia. Ho una dipendenza da Internet e una passione per il digital marketing. Mi piace Fabrizio De Andrè, la focaccia e le trofie al pesto.

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Drop on the red city sightseeing bus and let it lead you through the down town of genova..

Since the Roman Empire, Genova and its port have been one of few most important trading center of Europe. The commentary on board will show you the history and curiosity of the City.

The ticket allowed you to drop on and off the red buses with no limits for 24 hours and free entrance to the Cinema museum . The bus will stop next to the main sights like Piazza Caricamento, Piazza Fontana Marose and the famous Aquarium of Genova.

bus tour genova

  • Panoramic tour of Genova
  • The ticket allow you to drop on and off the red buses without limits 
  • Valid for 24 hours
  • Free bus admission for children from 0 to 4 years


  • City Sightseeing 24h + 24h free
  • Free app "Sightseeing Experience"
  • Audio-guide on board the bus in 6 languages
  • Assistance on board
  • Child friendly


The paper voucher is needed for this tour. please make sure that you print out your ticket. no refund can be given for customers without a printed copy of their voucher.

WHERE : Tour starts at bus stand in front of the Shorelines. Anyway, you may board the bus and exchange your voucher at any one of the stops


Operating hours are subject to change. Please check operating times when you board the bus.

Line City Sightseeing - from April to November

Frequency:  Monday -Thursday 30 minutes; Friday -  Sunday 20 minutes

First departure:  9:30am

Last departure: 16:30pm Monday - Friday; 5:20 pm Saturday - Sunday


Choose a date and book your tour.

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Shore Excursions Group

Genoa City Sightseeing Hop On Hop Off Bus

special offer banner

  • Discover Genoa's history and preserved city center on our Genoa City Sightseeing Hop-On Hop-Off Bus tour
  • Get the best views in the city from atop a double-decker bus
  • See the old harbor, Genova Principe station, Piazza Ferrari, and more
  • Enjoy a convenient and practical way to explore the city, with buses running every 20-30 minutes
  • Benefit from our inclusive narrated guide available in 8 languages


City of sailors, maritime Republic, and home of Christopher Columbus, during its long history Genoa was the "gate" of the Roman Empire on the Mediterranean Sea. It is still one of the major ports of Europe, and one of the best-preserved historical city centers of the old continent.

Thanks to the panoramic double-decker buses, visitors can admire the historical and artistic heritage of this city. Start from Piazza Caricamento, overlook the old harbor and the famous Aquarium, see the renowned Genova Principe station, and pass by Piazza Fontane Marose, Genoa Brignole, and Piazza Ferrari.

This is an easy and practical way to orient yourself, move about, visit, and get to know this city. Sign up today to ensure you will enjoy your port stop in Genoa.

Please Note: There are two bus routes and it takes approximately 1 hour to complete each route without getting off. The bus runs every 30 minutes from April to October. The tour is narrated in Italian, English, Spanish, French, German, Russian, Chinese, Portuguese. First and last tour times will be detailed in your electronic ticket.

  • Garibaldi (Fontane Marose)
  • Brignole Railway Station
  • Via XX Settembre
  • Portello - Spianata Castelletto
  • Principe Railway Station
  • Cruise Terminal

Blue Line (Coastline) includes the following stops :

  • Piazza Della Vittoria
  • Levante Waterfront
  • Galleria Mazzini

To see a map of the stops that are included in this tour, please CLICK HERE


Hop On Hop Off Bus Tours | Official Website

  • Buenos Aires
  • Paris Christmas Light
  • Thessaloniki
  • Civitavecchia
  • Kuala Lumpur
  • Mexico City
  • Panama City
  • St. Petersburg
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  • Benalmadena
  • Gran Canaria
  • Palma de Mallorca
  • San Sebastian
  • Bournemouth
  • Derry-Londonderry
  • London Christmas Light
  • Stratford-upon-Avon
  • Los Angeles
  • New Orleans
  • Philadelphia
  • San Antonio
  • San Francisco
  • St. Augustine
  • Trolley Tour
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  • Ho Chi Minh
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For groups of 12 or more, you may send us an inquiry at [email protected]. Although we do not guarantee bulk deals for all our tours, there are some tours for which we can offer discounted pricing. Ordinary hop-on-hop-off bus tickets are entitled to group savings. Attractions, pass items and combo tickets aren't.

Due the nature of this type of tour and varying demand, group travellers should be aware that there is no guarantee that the group will be able to travel altogether as the available seats vary from stop to stop and depends on demand each day. The group may need to split up and/or wait for the next bus(s).

As, we cannot guarantee that the group shall be able to travel together as one group, therefore we will reduce the group size down to 4-5 smaller groups per ticket (depending upon group size).

City Sightseeing: Genoa Hop-On, Hop-Off Bus Tour

City Sightseeing: Genoa Hop-On, Hop-Off Bus Tour

This Tour Is Not Available Right Now

Click here to explore more activities in genoa.

Lowest Price Guarantee *

Select Date, Travellers and Ticket

  • You can hop on hop off as many times as you want
  • Facility of free wi-fi is available
  • An audio-guide is present on the bus with which you can see here the commentary in 8 different languages
  • You can download the free App Sightseeing Experience and know the current time position of the bus and the waiting time at every stop.
  • You are availed with a bottle of water.
  • Smartphone Voucher Accepted. (No need to print!)

Genoa is counted among the best travel destinations because of the famous landmarks, tourist attractions, and mild climate. Genoa Italy is called the gateway city to Italian Riviera located near South of France. Experience this beautiful city with overwhelming culture in the Genoa Hop On Hop Off bus tour.

  • 1 Day, 24/ 48 Hours Genoa Hop-on Hop-off Bus Ticket
  • Pre-recorded commentary in 8 different languages (Italian, English, Spanish, French, German, Russian, Chinese, Portuguese)
  • The 48h rate also includes a discount booklet on partner shops and a € 2 discount on the entrance ticket to the Lantern.
  • Free Wi-fi on board
  • Sightseeing Experience Free App
  • Assistance at the Visitor Center City Sightseeing Genova (Aquarium Gallery)
  • Water bottle
  • Entrance Fee (Unless specified)
  • Hotel Transfers

Redemption Info

You can board the bus at any stop and voucher can be exchanged directly with the driver. Mobile and printed vouchers are both accepted. You will receive a ticket in exchange for your voucher, which you must keep until the expiry date/ tour. Please check your ticket to know when it expires. After exchanging your voucher for a ticket, your voucher will no longer be valid. In loss of voucher/ticket, company is not liable for any refund. Flexible Ticket:  The voucher can be used within 5 days from the date indicated during the purchase. Mobile App:  For live bus tracking on the day of travel - please download the  "Sightseeing Experience"  App in advance of arrival.

Know Before You Go

Free Wi-Fi Onboard:  Yes Facilitated access for disabled people:  Yes Domestic Animals:  The access to the bus is permitted for little and medium domestic animals only if they are inoffensive. Using muzzle and leash is mandatory, as alternative to the muzzle it is possible to use a pet carrier. The holder must also assure that the animal doesn’t disturb or damage other passengers or the staff on the bus and that doesnt’ get the bus dirty, the penalty will be the full reimbursement of the damage. The owner or the holder of the animal is liable for the damage caused. Policy Baggages on board:  For safety reasons it is strictly forbidden to bring luggages, awkward bags, big backpacks or builky baggages on board the City Sightseeing buses.  Mobile App:  Customers are advised to download the  "Sightseeing Experience"  app to see the most up to date bus stop locations and timings. It is available in five languages. Useful Contacts: Need any help at destination, please contact our local partner on +39 335 5417825 . You can also email them at [email protected] ( Open: 9:00am to 6:00pm) After Tour Complaint:  If you have after tour complaint, please write us at  [email protected] .  Important:  Please note the stop name/number that you were waiting at and the time when you were waiting  for the bus. If possible please take picture of bus number and staff name also. These information will help us to investigate further in your complaint. It may take 5-7 working days to investigate and our support team will get back to you during this period. Tours operate in all weather, rain or shine. Refunds due to weather will not be granted unless the service is suspended as a result of weather. Disclaimer:  Due to traffic issues, public holidays, weather conditions, cruise ship arrivals and unforeseen circumstances, there might be sudden changes in the route or on the schedule. In "normal times" Genoa is a busy city, especially during special events, summer holidays and at weekends. Traffic congestion and road closures - may cause delays, reduced frequency and changes to the route. We’ll do all we can to provide a smooth and frequent service! No refund possible in such conditions.

Useful Downloads

Cancellation policy, customer reviews.

Everything went well, and by doing the tour, I had a good overview of some of the famous places of the city. It was also... Read More

Everything went well, and by doing the tour, I had a good overview of some of the famous places of the city. It was also a good way to go to Boccadasse and spend some time there.

Anne Marti

Thank you for your valuable feedback. Happy to hear your thoughts. It is always interesting to see what our travelers think of our service.

Hop-on Hop-off tours is our preferred method of discovering new cities we visit. We locate attractions and get a quick ... Read More

Hop-on Hop-off tours is our preferred method of discovering new cities we visit. We locate attractions and get a quick history lesson of these new locales.

Christopher McDonald

Two really informative tours. Read More

Two really informative tours.

Clare Baines

Was so fun, our guides were so kind and considerate of all the kayakers. It was well worth the money as we spent lots of... Read More

Was so fun, our guides were so kind and considerate of all the kayakers. It was well worth the money as we spent lots of time kayaking and snorkelling. Def do it again.

Hester Mulder

Very nice experience. Good information. Nice snd helpfull tourguide Read More

Very nice experience. Good information. Nice snd helpfull tourguide

Rudi Debets

Good Read More

Lindolfo Rodrigues de Oliveira

Easy to use and good price Read More

Easy to use and good price

Caroline Brooks

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Tailorable sightseeing circuits in Liguria

Our splendid transportation means can take you and your guests around anywhere in Liguria . We and our partner bus companies invite you to let us make plans when it's about the realization of a private sightseeeing excursion around and inside of Genoa. Our staff will be happy to efficiently map out your street travel in Genoa with a reliable coach with a skilled driver. Be it solely a short city circuit in Genoa, or a long sightseeing itinerary to the many unique sightseeing attractions of Liguria, our efficient staff and our congenial and punctual drivers are keen to come to your aid.

Comfortable coaches bookable for your city and countryside tours in Genoa

Let our staff take care of the arrangements for your street movements ! Regardless whether you need city round-trips, half-day and full-day excursions, excursions from one city to the next, or a much longer bus itinerary, we can effect many classes of services. Shoulder to shoulder with dedicated and kind bus operators, our trained team is available to provide you with an astonishingly satisfactory quotation for our following available services. Whether you order close and far transfers or a long-distance bus tour, our office team will effect the services. Our team can also put together customized sightseeing circuits - upon request even with guide service.

Bus order in Genoa


Coaches reservation in Liguria


Classes of services for sightseeing circuits within and close to Genoa

Our clients are more than welcome to rely upon our sales team regarding tourism related, individual services in Genoa. According to the size of your travellers party and your preferences, we and our partner bus companies invite you to decide from our many available street coaches.

Fascinating sightseeing routes by egregious buses, minibuses and cars all over Liguria : Contingent upon your group size, we have either first-class limousines , or exquisite coaches with a driver which you can charter for a broad variety of local, regional and international sightseeing itineraries. We will be happy to pick you up from wherever you are and transfer you to all venues in Genoa and around it. If you consider to bonify your sightseeing experience, our experienced team can equally send you experienced tourist guides from Genoa.

Renting spotless motorized vehicles for local, regional and international rubbernecking tours in Genoa : We would be delighted to efficiently manage your delightful sightseeing trip all over Genoa, with or without delightful tourguides from Italy . The more details you supply us about your specifications for your travellers group, the better we are able to come to your rescue. If you can, please let us know these parameters: number of passengers, luggage amount, planned travel itinerary, pickup point, and ending address.

Synopsis of our limousine, bus, and minibus rental catalogue next to Genoa

In addition to regional rubbernecking tours reservation inside of Genoa and in proximity to it, our committed personnel can handle different more sorts of classy buses , prime minibuses and first-class limousines booking in Sicily, Umbria, Sardinia, Apulia, Lazio , Campania, Veneto, Piedmont , Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol, Abruzzo, Emilia-Romagna, Lombardy, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Aosta Valley, Molise, Basilicata , Tuscany, Marche, Liguria, and Calabria, for example transfers within the town, nationwide transfers, transfers to other countries as well as international journeys incorporating a driver. In addition, our competent team is anticipating to come to the rescue if your company is in need of first aid for bus mishap scenarios in Italy, Slovenia, Switzerland , Albania, Monaco , Vatikan City, Greece, France, Malta, San Marino, Austria, Croatia, and Montenegro.

Well regulated transfers to and from Genoa

Our staff will be happy to dispatch transfer buses of any kind for your city transfers in the streets of Liguria but as well for airport rides, overland rides, interregional bus transfers in Italy , and long-range trips anyhwere in Europe.

Long-running bus or microbus trips to any country of Europe

Beyond the boundaries of Genoa and Liguria, our operators can arrange gran turismo buses for any sort of distant bus and microbus routes leading through Italy. Beyond this, our clients may also decide to rely upon our tourist buses for street journeys through the neighboring countries Vatikan City, San Marino , Greece , Switzerland, Austria, Montenegro, Monaco, Croatia , Malta, Albania, Slovenia, and France.

Breakdown assistance by surrogate buses

If your congregation is in need of jack-in-the-box buses in Genoa. our office can help you charter rentable support. If you suffer a trouble with a third-party bus, we hope for you to get in touch with us. Our trained agency can help you book available substitute vehicle in the entire zone of Liguria and Italy.

Closeby cities

  • Alessandria
  • Rho (Lombardy)
  • Sesto San Giovanni
  • Cinisello Balsamo
  • Busto Arsizio
  • Le Larvotto
  • Monte-Carlo
  • Les Moneghetti
  • Monaco-Ville
  • Les Révoires
  • Reggio Emilia
  • Saint-Laurent-du-Var
  • Cagnes-sur-Mer

Closeby areas

  • Emilia-Romagna

Find an immaculate coach, minibus, or sedan in Genoa and anywhere in Liguria

In co-operation with the leading chauffeur-driven motorbus providers from Liguria and in Europe , The tour operator Genova Bus can be committed to carry out any passenger transportation by first class coaches, thrilling buses, and up-to-date double-deckers. We are impatiently waiting to obtain your letter of inquiry and answer all questions about about classy buses rental on the territory of Italy and in all contiguous regions.


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Hop On Hop Off Geneva - Bus Tours

Geneva sightseeing bus tours.

Geneva 3-in-1 Hop-On, Hop-Off Sightseeing Tour

Experience Geneva in Hop On Hop Off Bus Tours

Frequently asked questions, q: what is a geneva sightseeing bus tour and how does it work.

Geneva bus tour provides you with the ease and adaptability to disembark at the closest designated stop. There's no tour guide; you have the freedom to create your own schedule. These stops are strategically positioned at key attractions, simplifying your sightseeing experience. When you're prepared to resume your journey, simply return to a designated bus stop, display your pass, and rejoin the bus to head towards your next destination. Feel free to complete the entire route after obtaining your tour ticket to acquaint yourself with the city and select your preferred places to visit for the duration of your stay.

Q: What is the best time to book a hop-on hop-off Geneva bus tour?

Spring in Geneva brings parks and gardens to life with vibrant blooms and pleasant weather for exploration. Booking your tour early secures your preferred date and time. Summer (June to August) is the peak tourist season with warm weather and longer daylight hours. Book well ahead, as it's busy. Autumn (September to November) offers comfortable weather with fewer crowds. Booking your tour during early autumn provides a relaxed experience.

Q: Are these bus tours guided?

In some Geneva hop-on hop-off bus tours, you'll find guided options, where a knowledgeable tour guide delivers live commentary during the excursion. The guide imparts insights about the city's history, landmarks, and points of interest as they come into view. This style of tour encourages interaction with the guide, enabling you to ask questions and create a more personalized experience. Alternatively, many other bus tours in Geneva also offer audio-guided tours. In this scenario, passengers are provided with headphones or earphones along with an audio device. You have the freedom to select your preferred language, and a pre-recorded commentary offers information about the city and its attractions as they appear along the route. This choice provides flexibility, allowing you to listen at your own pace.

Q: Do Geneva bus tours offer free Wi-Fi onboard?

Most of the bus tours include free Wi-Fi on board, but make sure to check with the individual operator.

Other Hop On Hop Off Destinations

  • New York City
  • San Francisco
  • Washington DC
  • Los Angeles
  • Johannesburg
  • San Antonio
  • Reykjavik Iceland
  • St-Petersburg
  • Benalmadena
  • Thessaloniki
  • Kristiansand
  • Hop On Hop Off Bus Offers and Deals

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bus tour genova


  1. Enjoy Hop-on Hop-Off Genova Tour

    bus tour genova

  2. Bus Tour Genova per visitatori

    bus tour genova

  3. Tour de Génova: ticket de autobús turístico

    bus tour genova

  4. Tour de Génova: ticket de autobús turístico

    bus tour genova

  5. Bus Tour Genova per il 2022

    bus tour genova

  6. Excursión en autobús con paradas libres por la ciudad de Génova, Genova

    bus tour genova


  1. City Sightseeing Genoa: Hop-On, Hop-Off Tour

    Daily. Duration. 24 hours and 48 hours (take your pick) Start time. Coastline Route (Blue line): 10am to 5:15pm, every 20-30 minutes. Historical Route (Red line): 10:15am to 4:15pm, every 20-30 minutes. The timetable is available in the Useful Downloads section. Meeting Point. You may board the bus at any stop.

  2. The Hop On Hop Off Panoramic Bus to experience the City of Genoa

    Admire all the charm of the City from another point of view and Hop On and Off the Bus whenever you want. ... Inside the APP you will also find a free walking tour! ... Piazza Caricamento, 16121 Genova GE - City Sightseeing Genoa Visitor Center De Ferrari 1, 16121 Genova GE, Italia - City Sightseeing Genoa, Sto "Piazza de Ferrari, Genoa, ...

  3. Hop On Hop Off Genoa Tours

    Smartphone Voucher Accepted. (No need to print!) Read more. 1 Day, 24/ 48 Hours Genoa Hop-on Hop-off Bus Ticket. Pre-recorded commentary in 8 different languages (Italian, English, Spanish, French, German, Russian, Chinese, Portuguese) The 48h rate also includes a discount booklet on partner shops and a € 2 discount on the entrance ticket to ...

  4. City Sightseeing Genoa Hop-On Hop-Off Bus Tour 2024

    Enjoy the ideal introduction to Genoa with a 24- or 48-hour hop-on hop-off bus tour. See the top sights in Genoa along the bus route, including the Ducal Palace, the Bigo and Via San Lorenzo. Listen to informative audio commentary along the way. Get on and off the bus as many times as you like with your ticket.

  5. THE 10 BEST Genoa Bus Tours (with Prices)

    from. $2,757. per adult. 6. Portofino and Santa Margherita Tour from Genoa with Local Driver. 6. Full-day Tours. 6+ hours. Enjoy a day trip on the Ligurian Coastline, visiting the unique village of Portofino and the charming centre of Santa Margherita….

  6. Genoa City Tour

    Discover Genoa on an open-top bus complete with a temporary roof which is fitted in bad weather. Skip to content. ... First Tour: 9.00, Last Tour: 17.00, Tour duration: 45 minutes. AdultS € 15,00 Children (from 4 to 12 years) € 10,00 ... The "Acquario di Genova" is the largest aquarium in Italy, first in Europe for animal species,

  7. Hop on Hop off Genoa: Map, Timetables, Prices and Where to Get it

    Hop on hop off City Sighseeing Genova has several ticket options, allowing you to choose the one that best suits your needs.. Tickets for 24-hour tours range from €10.00 for a reduced ticket to €19.00 for an adult ticket.. You can also purchase a multi-day ticket that allows you to explore the city for up to 48 hours.In this case the reduced ticket costs 10 €, while an adult ticket costs ...

  8. Genoa: Hop-on Hop-off Tour Ticket

    4.1 / 5 924 reviews. Explore Genoa with a 24 or 48-hour hop-on hop-off sightseeing bus ticket. Ride on 2 lines, the Historical Route and Coastline Route, and see Musei di Strada, Piazza De Ferrari, and Boccadasse.

  9. City Sightseeing Genoa Hop On Hop Off Tour

    City Sightseeing Genova offers Hop On Hop Off bus tours in Genoa, allowing you complete freedom of movement and providing an audio commentary in 6 languages. With the double-decker red buses, you'll have the possibility of visiting comfortably all the main attractions of the city. Genoa, the city of sailors, the Maritime Republic and the home ...

  10. City Sightseeing Genoa Tours to discover the most popular attractions

    Discover the City with the Multilanguage Bus Tour and get your ticket for the Genoa Aquarium. Just a click to buy! Reserve now your ticket to visit Genoa in the most comfortable way! Discover the City with the Multilanguage Bus Tour and get your ticket for the Genoa Aquarium. ... City Sightseeing Genova Portofino: 20% discount on the 13.00 ride ...

  11. City Sightseeing Genoa Hop-On Hop-Off Bus Tour

    About. Explore Genoa at your own pace with this 24- or 48-hour ticket that allows you to ride the city's double-decker tour buses. Hop on and off at 15 conveniently located stops around the city and easily see the top attractions. Download the corresponding app to orient yourself and access the walking tour. Plus the interactive map shows you ...

  12. Hop On Hop Off Genova: il tuo bus panoramico per vivere la Città

    City Sightseeing Genova. Hop On Hop Off 1 Day,24h,48h. 60'. Accesso facilitato per diversamente abili. WiFi on board. Sightseeing Experience Free App. Conferma immediata. Mobile voucher accettato. Many Stops.

  13. City Sightseeing Genova: Mappa, Orari e Prezzi del Bus Hop-On Hop-Off

    Prezzi del bus City Sightseeing Genova. Gli hop on hop off City Sighseeing Genova hanno diverse opzioni di biglietti, che consentono di scegliere quello più adatto alle proprie esigenze. I biglietti per 24 ore di tour variano da 10,00 € per un biglietto ridotto a 19,00 € per un biglietto adulti. È inoltre possibile acquistare un biglietto ...

  14. Enjoy Hop-on Hop-Off Genova Tour

    CITY SIGHTSEEING BUS TOUR GENOVA; CITY SIGHTSEEING BUS TOUR GENOVA. HOP ON HOP OFF TICKETS. STARTING FROM € 8.00 PER PERSON BOOK NOW. Drop on the red City Sightseeing bus and let it lead you through the down town of Genova. Since the Roman Empire, Genova and its port have been one of few most important trading center of Europe. The commentary ...

  15. Genoa City Sightseeing Hop On Hop Off Bus

    Get the best views in the city from atop a double-decker bus. See the old harbor, Genova Principe station, Piazza Ferrari, and more. Enjoy a convenient and practical way to explore the city, with buses running every 20-30 minutes. Benefit from our inclusive narrated guide available in 8 languages. Price: $51.00 Sale Price: $42.00 Save: $9.00.

  16. Geneva: Hop-on Hop-off Sightseeing Bus and Mini-Train Tour

    The departure points are: Place Dorciere, Bus Station Geneva for line 3. Place des Bergues for line 1. Rotonde du Mont Blanc for line 2. Please note that the bus is open. If it rains , it remains open and the tour will no be canceled, please dress appropriatly for all weather conditions. From $38.14 per person.

  17. THE 10 BEST Genoa Tours & Excursions for 2024 (with Prices)

    20. Private daily and nightly tour charter boat Genoa Portofino. 17. Full-day Tours 6+ hours. rental speedboat with skipper to discover the natural wonders, the historic villages and to relax swimming between the charming beaches, reachable only by sea, in the marvellous Natural Park of Portofino and Paradiso Gulf.

  18. City Sightseeing Genoa

    1 Day, 24/ 48 Hours Genoa Hop-on Hop-off Bus Ticket. Pre-recorded commentary in 8 different languages (Italian, English, Spanish, French, German, Russian, Chinese, Portuguese) The 48h rate also includes a discount booklet on partner shops and a € 2 discount on the entrance ticket to the Lantern. Free Wi-fi on board.

  19. THE TOP 10 Genoa Tours & Excursions

    City Sightseeing Genoa Hop-On Hop-Off Bus Tour. 200. ... E-bike tour in Genova. 28. Genoa is a sprawling city and its top sights are a hassle to visit on foot or by public transportation. With this e-bike tour, pedal through the city with your guide and take in the highlights in just a few hours. Explore the historic port area, maze of ...

  20. Sightseeing excursions in Genoa and in Italy

    Find an immaculate coach, minibus, or sedan in Genoa and anywhere in Liguria. In co-operation with the leading chauffeur-driven motorbus providers from Liguria and in Europe, The tour operator Genova Bus can be committed to carry out any passenger transportation by first class coaches, thrilling buses, and up-to-date double-deckers. We are impatiently waiting to obtain your letter of inquiry ...

  21. From Genova: Portofino Return Transfer by Open-Top Bus

    The tour may not be on an open-top bus due to weather conditions or other unforeseen events. From $64.97 per person. Check availability. Reserve now & pay later to book your spot and pay nothing today. Give this as a gift. Transportation. Sort by: Laurence - France August 2, 2024 - Verified booking.

  22. Half-day tour from Genova to Portofino

    Soak up the splendors of the Ligurian coast on this half-day, small-group driving tour from Genoa. Pick between morning and afternoon start times, hop aboard your open-top bus, and set off. You'll visit the postcard-ready resort town of Portofino, will see the fishing village of Camogli, will discover the port of Santa Margherita Ligure, and more, all while learning about the Italian Riviera ...

  23. Hop On Hop Off Geneva

    Experience Geneva in Hop On Hop Off Bus Tours Geneva's hop-on hop-off sightseeing tours provide a range of ticket choices, such as 24-hour or 48-hour passes. Opt for a ticket that suits your schedule and allows ample time to explore the attractions. Prior to boarding, examine the bus tour's route map and timetable.

  24. Directions

    arriving at 9:30 pm- taxi or bus from the airport yesterday; Beaches around Genoa Aug 23, 2024; AMT Genoa App for Tickets Aug 21, ... Mercure Genova San Biagio. 1,176 Reviews . View Hotel. Genoa, Italian Riviera . Best Western Hotel Metropoli. 1,377 Reviews . ... Tours Apps Cruises GreenLeaders $ USD. United States