Taman Safari Indonesia 2 JATIM Tickets (Prigen)

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What You'll Experience

If you're an animal lover, Safari Indonesia 2 JATIM (Prigen) should definitely be included on the bucket list for your next holiday! Located in Prigen, East Java, the park is one of Asia's largest safaris and is home to various animal species from around the world. Discover a mesmerizing world of animals by venturing into the Baby Zoo and Australiana areas, or join a 45-minute safari journey on a vehicle to see wild animals in their natural habitats. 

Not just that, you'll also get to experience interacting with animals by swimming with dolphins, and exploring the slopes of Arjuno mountain on Sumatran elephants. Watch entertaining animal shows that will leave you in awe and give you valuable insights about the animals' way of life. Still up for some more fun adventures? Just take the whole family to the Recreational Area to enjoy exciting games and rides!

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Get a chance to interact with friendly animals at Safari Indonesia 2 JATIM (Prigen)

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Even the tigers are ready to greet you!

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Taman Safari Prigen follows strict disinfecting protocols, so you can enjoy your visit worry-free

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You will also undergo a body temperature check before entering the park and make sure you always wear your mask!

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Don't forget to wash your hands properly at the hand-washing spots provided inside the park area

Contacts, Facilities, Service Languages, and More

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Taman Safari Prigen: Harga Tiket, Jam Buka, dan Wahana Terbaru 

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Taman safari prigen: harga tiket, jam buka, dan wahana terbaru , ulfa arieza.

Taman Safari Indonesia 2 atau lebih dikenal dengan nama Taman Safari Prigen

KOMPAS.com - Taman Safari Indonesia 2 atau lebih dikenal dengan nama Taman Safari Prigen adalah salah satu destinasi wisata populer di Jawa Timur.

Kebun binatang ini berlokasi di Kecamatan Prigen, Kabupaten Pasuruan, Jawa Timur.

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Berada di lereng Gunung Arjuno, Taman Safari Prigen menawarkan udara yang sejuk serta panorama alam yang masih asri. Ada sekitar 2.500 satwa dari sekitar 300 spesies yang bisa pengunjung temukan di Taman Safari Prigen.

Di kebun binatang seluas 350 hektar ini, pengunjung juga bisa berinteraksi langung dengan satwa di alam terbuka. Ada wahana Safari Adventure yang akan mengantarkan wisatawan berkeliling Taman Safari Prigen naik kendaraan sehingga bisa berinteraksi langsung dengan satwa.

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Pengunjung juga bisa naik mobil pribadi untuk berkeliling area kebun binatang. Sebelum berkunjung, simak informasi harga tiket, jam buka, dan wahana terbaru di Taman Safari Prigen berikut.

Harga tiket Taman Safari Prigen  

Tiket masuk Taman Safari Prigen terbagi menjadi dua kategori, yakni tiket reguler dan tiket premium, berdasarkan informasi dari akun Instagram Taman Safari Prigen, @tamansafari2_jatim. 

Harga tiket reguler Taman Safari Prigen adalah Rp 135.000 per orang pada weekday dan Rp 150.000 per orang pada weekend dan hari libur nasional.

Harga tiket tersebut meliputi fasilitas Safari Adventure, Baby Zoo, Aquatic Land, Australiana, wahana permainan, dan free empat animal presentations (tidak termasuk Temple of Terror dan Dolphin Show).

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Sedangkan, harga tiket premium Taman Safari Prigen adalah Rp 185.000 per orang pada weekday dan Rp 200.000 per orang pada weekend dan hari libur nasional.

Harga tiket tersebut meliputi fasilitas Safari Adventure, Baby Zoo, Aquatic Land, Australiana, wahana permainan, satu kali foto satwa, Museum Circus, Safari Water World (kolam renang), dan semua animal presentations (termasuk Temple of Terror dan Dolphin Show).

Pembelian tiket online dapat dilakukan melalui laman website Taman Safari Indonesia II Jatim atau Taman Safari Prigen.

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Jam buka Taman Safari Prigen

Obyek wisata ini buka setiap hari, termasuk hari libur mulai pukul 08.30 WIB sampai dengan 16.00 WIB. 

          View this post on Instagram                       A post shared by Kompas Travel (@kompas.travel)

Wahana Taman Safari Prigen

Berikut wahana di Taman Safari Prigen seperti dikutip dari laman resminya. 

1. Baby Zoo

Wahana ini memungkinkan pengunjung untuk berinteraksi langsung dengan sebagian satwa. Meliputi, berfoto dengan satwa, menunggang satwa berkeliling kebun binatang, dan melihat dari dekat satwa akuatik.

2. Special Experience 

Wahana ini meliputi paintball dan Elephant Journey atau berkeliling menikmati keindahan pemandangan lereng Gunung Arjuno dengan naik Gajah Sumatera.

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3. Australiana 

Australiana adalah zona baru Taman Safari Prigen, dimana satwanya mewakili Benua Australia. Misalnya,  red neck wallaby, wombat, grey kanguru, red kanguru, emu bird, dan koala.

4. Safari Adventure 

Wisatawan bisa berkeliling sekitar 45 menit  untuk berinteraksi langsung dengan aneka satwa yang bebas berkeliaran seperti di habitat aslinya.

Satwa tersebut berasal dari berbagai belahan dunia yang terbagi menjadi zona Afrika, Amerika-Eropa, Asia, Australiana, dan zona karnivora.

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5. Animal Show 

Pada wahan ini, pengunjung bisa menyaksikan pertunjukkan aneka jenis satwa dari atas panggung.  Mereka akan menampilkan aksi-aksi yang lucu dan menggemaskan yang menghibur pengunjung. 

6. Recreation Area 

Pada area ini, terdapat Amusement Park yang menyajikan berbagai wahana permainan seru, termasuk permainan yang menguji adrenali. Misalnya, roller coaster, Safari Swinger, rumah hantu, dan lainnya.

Adapula Safari Waterworld yang merupakan waterpark seluas 3,5 hektar dengan berbagai wahana antara lain Pirate Ship Park, Gigantic Water Slide, Super Bowl Slide, dan lainnya. 

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Taman Safari II Prigen

Desa jatiarjo, kecamatan prigen, jawa timur 60261, indonesia , indonesia.

Taman Safari II Prigen

  • Telephone: +62 343 674 3000
  • Website: https://safariprigen.com/
  • Category: Attractions / Malang
  • GPS: -7.7528417, 112.6673376
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The second of the Taman Safari Indonesia parks, Taman Safari Prigen, is located in the village Jatirejo, Prigen district, at the foot of Mount Arjuno. At an altitude of around 800 meter Taman Safari Prigen is a wildlife sanctuary conservation area of 340 ha. To get around at the Safari Park, visitors are obliged to use the available car or bus.

The atmosphere is cool and fresh since the Park is on the slopes of Mount Arjuno. The spectacular views and fresh air make you feel comfortable and not want to go back to the hassle of the big city.

The park area is divided into three zones, namely:

1. Animal natural habitat zone, a place for wildlife to live in their natural habitat. This area is divided into four based on where he would normally live, namely: the Americas, Africa, Europe, and Asia region.

Taman Safari II Prigen

Entering the Americas you will first be greeted by a polar bear, a quite interesting view in this tropical climate. Most of the animals here roam freely according to their habitat. The second area is Asian and here many dangerous animals roam around: visitors are prohibited from opening the window as here are a bunch of tigers, lions and crocodiles. Further into the Asia region the animals are mainly native Indonesian. In the African area you can see the typical African elephants, Hippos, Zebra and many more.

2. Recreation zone. Attractions around wildlife and children's games such as a children park, rollercoaster, mini train, mini cars, and the castle of mystery which has an entry fee of Rp 40,000 and Rp 10, 000 per game.

3. Baby zoo zone. Here tourists can interact with the animals and learn more about the wildlife. Children can play and have pictures taken with the animals.

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Transport options Taman Safari II Prigen

With public transportation from Surabaya or Malang head for the Palang Sukorejo then switch to taxi or another bus. Distance between Safari Park and Surabaya city is about 55 km, from Malang about 30 km.

Ratings for Taman Safari II Prigen

Out a score of ten. Based on 19 ratings

Facilities 8.6

Interesting 8.1

Good value 8.8


Opening hours

Open everyday (Monday-Sunday) start from 08.30-17.00 WIB.

Ticket fees

The entrance fee of the Taman Safari Prigen is around Rp. 70,000 per person and Rp 65.000 (for kids 1-5 years old)

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Getting to Malang

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Malang is served by Abdul Rachman Saleh Airport. Abdul Rachman Saleh Airport is located about 12 km northeast from Malang. A taxi into the city from Abdul Rachman Saleh Airport would cost IDR 70.000. Read more about Abdul Rachman Saleh Airport or look for flights to Malang .

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The Grand Taman Safari Prigen Jawa Timur

Where are you from, indonesian (ktp/kitas), for indonesian nationals with ktp/student card or foreigners with valid kitas berlaku untuk warga negara indonesia dengan ktp/kartu pelajar atau orang asing dengan kitas yang berlaku 1. one (1) ktp/student card/kitas is valid for one (1) ticket. satu (1) ktp/kartu pelajar/kitas berlaku untuk satu (1) tiket. 2. please present either mobile or printed voucher along with your kitas at the counter for redemption 3. for more information about our promotion and programs please follow our instagram @tamansafari.prigen, please prepare your id card, student card or passport information as references for your booking.

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Nestled in the lush greenery of Indonesia, there existed a haven where the wild roamed freely, and humans could venture into their world. This sanctuary, known as Taman Safari Indonesia, was not merely a zoo but a visionary concept blending conservation, education, and entertainment.

The story of Taman Safari Indonesia begins in the early 1980s when a group of passionate conservationists, led by Toto Suharto, envisioned a place where people could experience wildlife up close while promoting awareness about the importance of preserving natural habitats. With this dream in mind, they embarked on a journey to create a unique wildlife park that would become a beacon of conservation in Indonesia.

In 1986, their vision came to life with the opening of Taman Safari Indonesia in Cisarua, West Java. This sprawling park stretched across acres of pristine land, carefully designed to mimic the natural habitats of various species. Visitors embarked on safari-style journeys through the park, encountering a diverse array of wildlife, including majestic lions, graceful giraffes, playful elephants, and exotic birds.

Taman Safari Indonesia was more than just a tourist attraction. It played a vital role in wildlife conservation efforts, breeding endangered species and conducting research to better understand and protect Indonesia’s rich biodiversity. Through educational programs and outreach initiatives, the park inspired thousands of visitors to become stewards of the environment, instilling a sense of responsibility for the planet’s fragile ecosystems.

Over the years, Taman Safari Indonesia expanded its reach, establishing additional parks in Prigen, East Java, and Bali. Each park retained the same commitment to conservation and education while showcasing the unique flora and fauna of its region. From the lush rainforests of Java to the pristine beaches of Bali, these parks provided immersive experiences that left a lasting impact on visitors all ages.

Historical TImeline

5th solo safari in surakarta central java, new marine park facilities in bali safari marine park (coming soon), establish batang dolphins center, a dolphin breeding conservation center in batang, center java, 3rd taman safari indonesia in gianyar bali (bali safari and marine parks), safari wonders our authentic souvenirs shop in taman safari indonesia, 2nd taman safari indonesia in prigen, pasuruan east java (biggest taman safari indonesia), 1st taman safari indonesia in cisarua bogor west java, set up elephants training center in indonesia to domesticate elephants and to minimize human – elephant conflict, establish royal safari garden.

As Taman Safari Indonesia grew in popularity, it also faced numerous challenges, from habitat destruction to poaching. Yet, through perseverance and dedication, the park continued to thrive, adapting to the ever-changing landscape of conservation. It forged partnerships with local communities, government agencies, and international organizations, working together to safeguard Indonesia’s natural heritage for future generations.

Today, Taman Safari Indonesia stands as a testament to the power of human ingenuity and compassion. It is more than just a wildlife park; it is a symbol of hope and resilience in the face of adversity. Through its efforts, countless species have been saved from the brink of extinction, and countless hearts have been touched by the beauty of nature.

As visitors journey through the gates of Taman Safari Indonesia, they are not merely spectators but participants in a greater mission to protect and preserve our planet’s precious wildlife. And as long as there are those who dare to dream and strive for a better world, the legacy of Taman Safari Indonesia will endure for generations to come.

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Taman Safari II Prigen

Taman Safari II

Taman Safari tourism object is located at Jatiarjo village Prigen distric. This natural preserve is the branch of Cisarua – Bogor natural preserve. As the natural wild life, preserve Taman Safari Indonesia collects various wild animals. This wildlife preserve is 295 hectares, the wild animal such as : lion tiger, wild buffalo, komodo, rhinaceros, bison that live in open area. Lies at the slope of Mt. Arjuno 800 – 1.500-meter sea level cover 340 ha and divided three zones. Wild life zone, place for visitor observing a natural wild life.

Attraction zone for performing education through entertainment attractions. Each Sunday we can see that circus of Taman Safari Indonesia Jl. Prigen. Baby zoo zone place for visitor to getting photos and closing to the baby animals. Taman Safari surrounded by the beautiful panorama and fresh atmosphere with temperature 24-25o C, it also has supporting facilities such as; recreational park for children. There are dozens of rides and games designed to be fun for people of all ages. Elephants, Camels, Ponies and Ilama are always exciting for children. Don’t forget to visit the restaurant and souvenir shops to relive the adventure.This location is also easy to be reached. It take only 1 hours from Surabaya or Malang.

Visit Taman Safari Indonesia II with your family, friends or the other. Here you can meet with the youngest animals. You also can take a picture with young Orang Utans, white and the endangered Sumatran tigers, African Lion. Watch and learn the Orang Utans, Chimpanzee, Proboscis Monkeys and more as they swing from branch to branch in their unique cultural settings as well as Cheetah, the fastest land animal in the world. See also our variety of attractive birds in our walk in aviary. Then it’s time to go to through the reptile house and see all kind of snakes, lizards, and nocturnal creatures from all over the Indonesian.

The adventurous will enjoy the Safari walk that wonders through the Mount Arjuno and at the camping ground area. Trained guides will accompany your trip. Fresh air and character building activities abound in the bound area adjoining the park. Rope climbing and flying fox are fust a few of the exciting activities in this area.

For More Details Please Visit: www.pasuruan.eastjava.com

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Taman Safari Indonesia II

Best Time To Visit Taman Safari Indonesia Ii

  • Taman Safari Indonesia II
  • Things to do
  • Best time to visit
  • How to Reach
  • Tourist Map
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  • within 250kms
  • within 300kms
  • within 500kms

Best Time to Visit Tami Safari Indonesia II, Malang

Visiting Taman Safari Indonesia II in Malang, Indonesia, offers a unique experience throughout the year due to the tropical climate of the region. However, the best time to visit is typically during the dry season , which runs from April to October. During these months, the weather is predominantly sunny and dry, making it ideal for outdoor activities and wildlife viewing. The dry season also corresponds to the peak tourist season, so expect more crowds, especially on weekends and national holidays. If you want to experience some of the special events or animal shows that the park offers, it's advised to check the schedule in advance and plan your visit accordingly.

For those looking to avoid the crowds and perhaps enjoy cooler weather, the off-peak season , during the months of November to March, might be preferable. This period coincides with Indonesia's rainy season, which can bring short bursts of heavy rain, typically in the afternoon or evening, which could slightly disrupt your plans. However, the park remains open, and the rain often leads to lush, green scenery and less crowded attractions. It's important to bring appropriate rain gear like umbrellas or ponchos. Also, keep an eye on the weather forecast to make the most of your time at Taman Safari Indonesia II.

Monthwise temperature in Taman Safari Indonesia II

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Explore Places to Visit Near Taman Safari Indonesia II by Type

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Other Suggested Reads for Taman Safari Indonesia II

  • About Taman Safari Indonesia II Tourism
  • Things to do in Taman Safari Indonesia II
  • How to Reach Taman Safari Indonesia II
  • Taman Safari Indonesia II Tourism History
  • Food in Taman Safari Indonesia II
  • FAQS about Taman Safari Indonesia II
  • Taman Safari Indonesia II Tourist Map


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  2. Pasuruan, April 11, 2022: the Entrance To Taman Safari II Prigen

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  3. Pasuruan, April 11, 2022: the Entrance To Taman Safari II Prigen

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  4. Taman safari II Prigen Pasuruan/Pertunjukan gajah yang keren!!!

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  5. Map of Taman Safari II

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  6. Panduan Wisata Taman Safari Indonesia II Jawa Timur: Lokasi, Review

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  1. Naik Komidi Puter di Taman Safari Prigen


  3. Feeding Tiger di Taman Safari Prigen

  4. Bermain ke taman Safari II prigen Indonesia

  5. Taman Safari Part 1

  6. The Grand Taman Safari Indonesia II Mempersembahkan Interctive Living Museum


  1. Taman Safari Indonesia

    Taman Safari Bogor. MORE INFO >> ANIMAL INTERACTION "Still can't believe I was this close to this magnificent animal" Ajo Visitor of Taman Safari Prigen. Ajo Visitor of Taman Safari Prigen. MORE INFO >> Previous. Next. Our Parks. DISCOVER MORE >> Expand Your Journey. Previous. Next. Tiket Taman. Hotel.

  2. Taman Safari Prigen Tiket Masuk Promo Cashback 10%

    Lokasi Taman Safari Indonesia II Jatim. Jika sobat tiket memutuskan untuk pergi berlibur ke Taman Safari Prigen, kamu bisa mengunjunginya di RT 12/RW 06, Gunung Princi, Desa Jatiarjo, Kecamatan Prigen, Kabupaten Pasuruan, Jawa Timur. Karena lokasinya di Pasuruan, tempat ini juga dikenal sebagai Taman Safari Pasuruan. ...

  3. Taman Safari Indonesia II Tourism

    Taman Safari Indonesia II is an expansive wildlife park located in the Pasuruan Regency, near Malang in East Java, Indonesia. Spanning over 350 hectares, it serves as a sanctuary for a diverse range of species in settings that mimic natural habitats. The park is divided into various zones where visitors can encounter different animal species ...

  4. Taman Safari Prigen

    Taman Safari Prigen. 382 reviews. #1 of 9 things to do in Prigen. Zoos. Closed now. 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM. Write a review. About. Taman Safari Prigen, part of the Taman Safari Indonesia Group which is located in the village of Jatiarjo, Prigen, Pasuruan, East Java, and has a land area of 250 hectares and is located at the foot of Mt.Arjuno.

  5. Taman Safari

    Taman Safari Indonesia Zebra at Taman Safari I. Taman Safari Indonesia, or simply Taman Safari, refers to animal theme parks located in Cisarua, Prigen, and Bali.These parks are part of the same organization and are known as Taman Safari I, II, and III. Taman Safari I is the most popular of the three.

  6. Tiket Taman Safari Indonesia 2 JATIM (Prigen)

    Anda bisa menginap di Baobab Safari Resort yang ada di Taman Safari Indonesia II Prigen, Resort Afrika ini berada lereng Gunung Arjuno, sehingga, suasananya sangat tenang dan dingin . Resort ini dikelilingi sabana Afrika lengkap dengan satwa khas seperti Jerapah, Badak, Zebra, Rusa Kutub, dan lain sebagainya. ...

  7. Taman Safari Prigen Cashback Up To 10% Promo Ticket Price

    Taman Safari Prigen Malang is one of the animal-themed tourist attractions in East Java. This tourist spot, also known as Taman Safari Indonesia II Jatim, offers a fun animal interaction experience. When you enter Taman Safari Malang, you can drive among a variety of animals ranging from deer, camels, to the most extreme, tigers!

  8. Taman Safari Indonesia 2 JATIM Tickets (Prigen)

    Taman Safari Indonesia II Prigen has a very beautiful atmosphere like a forest. There are games too. 1 people find it helpful. Alfa. 8.0 /10. Reviewed 88 week(s) ago. actually it's fun, the place is cool, spacious, the fauna is quite complete (although there are some empty cages), it's quite clean even though it's not well taken care of, but ...

  9. Things To Do In Taman Safari Indonesia Ii

    1. Safari Journey. Embark on an exciting adventure through the natural habitats of various animals at Taman Safari Indonesia II. The Safari Journey takes you on a guided tour in a comfortable vehicle, allowing you to get up close and personal with a wide range of wildlife, from majestic elephants and towering giraffes to the king of the jungle himself - the lion.

  10. Taman Safari Prigen: Harga Tiket, Jam Buka, dan Wahana Terbaru

    Pembelian tiket online dapat dilakukan melalui laman website Taman Safari Indonesia II Jatim atau Taman Safari Prigen. Baca juga: Selain Bromo, Ini 5 Destinasi Wisata Wajib Dikunjungi di Pasuruan. Jam buka Taman Safari Prigen. Obyek wisata ini buka setiap hari, termasuk hari libur mulai pukul 08.30 WIB sampai dengan 16.00 WIB.

  11. Safari Adventure

    SAFARI ADVENTURE. Ikuti perjalanan safari selama kurang lebih 45 menit untuk menyapa aneka satwa dari berbagai belahan dunia yang bebas berkeliaran seperti di habitat aslinya. Taman Safari Indonesia (TSI) bukan sekadar sebuah tempat rekreasi. Melainkan, tempat konservasi satwa sekaligus edukasi bagi seluruh anggota keluarga.

  12. Taman Safari II Prigen, Malang

    The second of the Taman Safari Indonesia parks, Taman Safari Prigen, is located in the village Jatirejo, Prigen district, at the foot of Mount Arjuno. At an altitude of around 800 meter Taman Safari Prigen is a wildlife sanctuary conservation area of 340 ha. To get around at the Safari Park, visitors are obliged to use the available car or bus.

  13. Taman Safari 2, Pasuruan, Indonesia: Get Close To Wildlife In ...

    There are three safari parks in Indonesia and one of them is Taman Safari 2 (Safari Park 2) in Pasuruan, East Java. Occupying 860-acre land area, the park is the largest not only in the country, but also in Asia. There are more than 2000 animal species being housed here and the amazing thing is you can view some of these animals from a vehicle. In addition, there are also animal live shows and ...

  14. Taman Safari Indonesia

    2. Please present either mobile or printed voucher along with your KITAS at the counter for redemption. 3. For more information about our promotion and programs please follow our instagram @tamansafari.prigen. Taman Safari Indonesia (TSI) Prigen, Prigen is a world-class zoo and titled the best conservation site by Indonesian Ministry of Forestry.

  15. Taman Safari Indonesia II (Malang) FAQs In 2024

    Taman Safari Indonesia II is a branch of the Taman Safari located in Prigen, Pasuruan, East Java, Indonesia. It's a combination of a wildlife preserve and an amusement park, offering visitors the opportunity to see a wide variety of animals in spacious environments and experience various family-friendly attractions.

  16. Our Story

    The story of Taman Safari Indonesia begins in the early 1980s when a group of passionate conservationists, led by Toto Suharto, envisioned a place where people could experience wildlife up close while promoting awareness about the importance of preserving natural habitats. With this dream in mind, they embarked on a journey to create a unique ...

  17. Taman Safari Indonesia II

    Visit Taman Safari Indonesia II with your family, friends or the other. Here you can meet with the youngest animals. You also can take a picture with young Orang Utans, white and the endangered Sumatran tigers, African Lion. Watch and learn the Orang Utans, Chimpanzee, Proboscis Monkeys and more as they swing from branch to branch in their unique cultural settings as well as Cheetah, the ...


    How to Visit Taman Safari Indonesia II ? The location Taman Safari Indonesia II Prigen, Pasuruan- East Java is in the highway between Surabaya and Malang, East Java. It is just 50 Km drive from Juanda International Airport Surabaya or only 1,5 hours by vehicle. While from Malang, it is 45 Km or 1 hour by car.

  19. Taman Safari Indonesia

    Taman Safari Indonesia adalah taman hiburan satwa yang terletak di Cisarua, Prigen, dan Bali.Sebagai bagian dari organisasi yang sama, mereka dikenal sebagai Taman Safari I, II dan III.Yang paling populer adalah Taman Safari I. [1] Memberi makan hewan dengan wortel.

  20. Taman Safari II Prigen TERBARU

    Video suasana asli Savari Adventure di Taman Safari II Prigen Kabupaten Pasuruan. Video ini direkam saat mudim pandemi nih...Direkam 15 November 2020Informas...

  21. Taman Safari II Prigen

    Taman Safari II. Taman Safari tourism object is located at Jatiarjo village Prigen distric. This natural preserve is the branch of Cisarua - Bogor natural preserve. As the natural wild life, preserve Taman Safari Indonesia collects various wild animals. This wildlife preserve is 295 hectares, the wild animal such as : lion tiger, wild buffalo ...

  22. Best Time To Visit Taman Safari Indonesia II (Malang) In 2024

    Visiting Taman Safari Indonesia II in Malang, Indonesia, offers a unique experience throughout the year due to the tropical climate of the region. However, the best time to visit is typically during the dry season, which runs from April to October. During these months, the weather is predominantly sunny and dry, making it ideal for outdoor ...