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45 Best Songs About Traveling and Experiencing the World

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Looking for songs about traveling that make you excited to see the world?

Traveling makes people happy . It’s one way of understanding yourself , life, and the world.

Embark on a trip with us today where we share a collection of songs that capture the essence of travel .

The songs in this collection highlight the exciting prospect of experiencing something new , the thrill of adventure , and the anticipation that anything is possible .

You may also find that some of the songs featured today allow you to travel back in time. They envelope you in a sense of nostalgia, bringing up memories of travels you’ve enjoyed before.

If you’re ready, pack up your things and let’s check out the songs we’ve found for you.

Table of Contents

1. Roads Go Ever On , Clamavi De Profundis

“ The Road goes ever on and on, down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, and I must follow, if I can. ”

Let’s begin with a song inspired by poems written by J. R. R. Tolkien for his Middle Earth stories.

According to Clamavi De Profundis, “ This is a compilation of poems that J.R.R. Tolkein wrote throughout his books: the first stanza coming from The Fellowship of the Ring, the middle two stanzas from The Hobbit, and the last from the Return of the King. We took a creative approach to this, sort of weaving in the tale of Bilbo, since it is he around whom most of this text is centered. ”

2. Anywhere , Rita Ora

“ Over the hills and far away, a million miles from L.A. Just anywhere away with you. I know we've got to get away someplace where no one knows our name. We'll find the start of something new. ”

First released in 2018, this upbeat song is an awesome addition to your travel playlist.

The narrator is tired of seeing the same old city and wishes to get away with her beloved. The destination isn’t important, she just wants them to be together, wherever they end up going.

3. The City of New Orleans , Arlo Guthrie

“ Nighttime on the City of New Orleans. Changing cars in Memphis, Tennessee. Halfway home, we'll be there by morning. Through the Mississippi darkness, rolling down to the sea. ”

Here’s a song that evokes feelings nostalgia for the old times, when people weren’t always in a hurry and everything seemed simpler.

The song is an ode to train travel, which began to disappear from America toward the end of the 20 th century.

There was an actual train called City of New Orleans that made trips between Chicago and Louisiana. Steve Goodman, who composed the song, was a passenger on the train on its last journey before it was decommissioned.

4. Roam , The B-52’s

“ Roam if you want to. Roam around the world. Roam if you want to. Without anything but the love we feel. ”

Need a happy song to keep the vibe cheerful during your travels? Here’s a song that urges you to get out there and check out what the world has to offer.

5. Traveling On , Kongos

“ So long, my flame, my warmth, my fear, my fight. The road's calling again tonight. Maybe I'll catch a train to Rome. See the world until I can't go on. Or maybe I'll come traveling home. ”

Here’s a song about being unable to resist wanderlust. One must answer the call to travel and leave everything else behind.

6. Wanderlust , Frank Turner

“ Darling, I'm leaving. The distance keeps calling me on. Darling, come morning, I'll be gone. ”

Here’s another song that pays tribute to wanderlust. This song from Frank Turner is about a man who can’t resist the call of the road, saying goodbye in advance to his lover, telling her it’s most likely he’ll be gone by morning.

7. Good Life , OneRepublic

“ To my friends in New York, I say hello. My friends in L.A., they don't know where I've been for the past few years or so. Paris to China to Colorado. ”

This song is about meeting friends in different parts of the world. It’s a celebration of the freedom to constantly travel in order to grow and learn.

8. On the Road Again , Willie Nelson

“ On the road again. Goin' places that I've never been. Seein' things that I may never see again. And I can't wait to get on the road again. ”

Here’s a song about a touring musician who loves what he does. Performing and traveling to do it make him feel alive.

Play this song for good vibes on your own travels.

9. I’ve Been Everywhere , Johnny Cash

“ …I've been everywhere, man. Crossed the deserts bare, man. I've breathed the mountain air, man. Of travel I've had my share, man. I've been everywhere. ”

What places have you already visited? Which ones are your favorites?

Here’s a song about an intrepid traveler. A large portion of the song recounts all the places he’s been to.

10. Leaving on a Jet Plane , Chantal Kreviazuk

“ All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go. I'm standing here outside your door. I hate to wake you up to say goodbye. But the dawn is breaking, it's early morn. The taxi's waiting, he's blowin' his horn. Already I'm so lonesome I could die. ”

This song is a cover of John Denver’s iconic goodbye song, and it is part of the soundtrack for the movie Armageddon . In it, a lover bids farewell to their beloved, not sure when they’ll see each other again.

11. Anywhere , Passenger

“ If you get up in a jet plane or down in a submarine. If you get onto the next train to somewhere you never been. If you wanna ride in a fast car and feel the wind in your hair. Darling, just look beside you. Oh, I'll go with you anywhere. ”

Traveling is more fun when we’re with people we love. Here’s a song that serves as an invitation for you to travel with the person you love the most.

12. Road Trippin’ , Red Hot Chili Peppers

“ Road trippin' with my two favorite allies. Fully loaded, we got snacks and supplies. It's time to leave this town. It's time to steal away. Let's go get lost anywhere in the USA. Let's go get lost. Let's go get lost. ”

Looking for a mellow road trip song? This song from RHCP fits the bill. It is about the band’s own road trip.

13. Explore the World , Brainheart ft. Sis

“ Explore the world in your way. Create memories that you won't forget. You only live once, so don't waste your time. Please don't waste your time. ”

Life is short, and this song understands that.

It appeals to the principle that you only live once (YOLO) and encourages you to experience everything the world has to offer, and explore as much as you can.

14. The Open Road , Hollow Coves

“ It's been years since I've been gone. I miss the way it feels to roam. This urge that's grown inside my heart to pack my bags and hit the road. ”

Sometimes, the urge to travel hits just when you’ve decided it’s time to settle down.

You may have established a good reputation for yourself in your community. Perhaps, you’re raising a family or flying high in a fulfilling career.

But suddenly, it’s as if the road calls you to go on new adventures.

This is the case for the narrator in this song. If you were in his shoes, what would you do?

15. Traveler , Chris Stapleton

“ And I'm just a traveler on this earth. Sure as my heart's behind the pocket of my shirt, I'll just keep rollin' 'til I'm in the dirt. ‘Cause I'm a traveler. Oh, I'm a traveler. ”

This song won a Grammy for Best Country Solo Performance.

Chris Stapleton was inspired to write this song after his father passed away in 2013. According to him, this song is about the cycle of life we all go through.

16. Little Wanderer , Death Cab For Cutie

“ You sent a photo out your window of Tokyo. Told me you were doing fine. You said the cherry blossoms were blooming. And that I was on your mind. ”

This song depicts a situation where one of the partners has wanderlust. The other one insists on being the lighthouse to his wanderer.

17. Barcelona , Ed Sheeran

“ And you and I we're flying on an airplane tonight. We're going somewhere where the sun is shining bright. Just close your eyes and let's pretend we're dancing in the street in Barcelona… ”

Travel to foreign countries can elevate the feeling of romance. In this song, a couple dancing together imagines they’re in Barcelona.

The references to cultural landmarks in that city give the couple’s time together an exotic appeal. It also sets the mood for a very romantic evening for the two of them.

18. Sleep on the Floor , The Lumineers

“ Pack yourself a toothbrush, dear. Pack yourself a favorite blouse. Take a withdrawal slip. Take all of your savings out. ‘Cause if we don't leave this town, we might never make it out. ”

This song encourages listeners to embrace impulsivity. It tells you that adventure awaits those who are brave of heart .

19. Hard Travelin’ , Woody Guthrie

“ I've been havin' some hard travelin', I thought you knowed. I've been havin' some hard travelin', way down the road. ”

Traveling is often associated with going to exotic places and experiencing local cultures. But this is typically only possible for those who can afford it.

This song is not about vacations or holidays overseas. It’s about workers who travel for their livelihood.

Although most people focus on the romantic side of the traveling life, this song highlights the struggles of the workers traveling to make a living.

20. Malibu , Hole

“ Hey, hey, you know what to do. Oh, baby, drive away to Malibu. ”

Travel can be a form of healing . This song is about going to a healing place, away from negativity. It makes you think of sunrise and being reborn.

21. (Motor) Way of Life , Lower Than Atlantis

“ And we are miles away from the place where we're playing. We won't abide by the law. We are lads on tour. ”

A lot of musicians are inspired to write songs about their life while touring. In this song, Lower Than Atlantis describes the gritty reality of the life of a touring band.

22. California Bound , Carolina Liar

“ There's a southern bound train tomorrow. Takes us out of this dirty town. Chase the sun back to the west coast. In eight hours we're California bound. We're California bound. ”

Sometimes, being stuck in a place where you feel limited can inspire you to travel. This song is about escaping a dead-end place to go to sun-drenched California.

best song for travel | best songs for travel | song about travel

23. Carolina in My Mind , James Taylor

“ In my mind, I'm gone to Carolina. Can't you see the sunshine? Now can't you just feel the moonshine? And ain't it just like a friend of mine to hit me from behind? Yes, I'm gone to Carolina in my mind. ”

Homesickness can sometimes encourage a person to travel and go back home. In this song, the narrator dreams of going back to his home state and experiencing the things that he misses the most while he’s away.

24. I Have Been Around the World , Dar Williams

“ I have been around the world. There's so much there to see. And the story never ends. You're all the world to me. ”

There are people who travel from place to place because they’re searching for something. Perhaps it’s a place they can call home, or a person who they think will complete their life.

In this song, a person with wanderlust travels all over the world and experiences many wonders. However, she’s not satisfied. Only after meeting someone does she realize where home truly is.

25. Travel the World Song , Spookiz

“ Let's go to Rio, Paris, Tokyo. Paris, Tokyo, Berlin, New York and Mexico. We see Ibiza, Seoul, Beijing and Rome. Travel 'round the world, come on, let's go. ”

Here’s an upbeat song about travel that will give you good vibes during your trip. Its joyful melody encourages you to travel to the places you want to see.

If you need a cheerful song that leads you out of your comfort zone into exciting experiences, this song’s for you!

26. Happy Trails , Roy Rogers

“ Happy trails to you, until we meet again. Happy trails to you. Keep smiling until then. ”

This is a blessing for those on the road. With so many things that could go wrong during your travels, it’s nice to know that there are those who wish you well.

27. White Line Fever , Merle Haggard

“ I wonder just what makes a man keep pushing on. What makes me keep on hummin' this old highway song. I've been from coast to coast a hundred times or more. And I ain't found one single place where I ain't been before. ”

Do you ever wonder what it feels like to live your entire life on the road, answering the call of wanderlust and never settling anywhere?

“White line fever” is a term for the state of mind many car drivers have after traveling for an extended period of time. While in the grip of white line fever, a driver may manage to drive safely without remembering that they’ve done so.

28. Africa , Toto

“ I bless the rains down in Africa. Gonna take some time to do the things we never had. ”

Here’s a classic song to remind you that when you travel, it’s more than just seeing exotic places and learning about new cultures. It helps you develop a deep love and appreciation for the diversity around you.

29. Every Day Is a Winding Road , Sheryl Crow

“ Every day is a winding road. I get a little bit closer. Every day is a faded sign. I get a little bit closer to feeling fine. ”

This song teaches us to cherish every second of our lives— to live mindfully . In it, a hitchhiker’s trip aboard a guy’s truck is a metaphor for life—full of twists and turns. Sometimes, it has unexpected stops and detours.

30. Marrakesh Express , Crosby, Stills, and Nash

“ Looking at the world through the sunset in your eyes. Travelling the train through clear Moroccan skies. ”

If you’re stuck in a rut, traveling can help you gain a fresh perspective. A trip, especially to a foreign place, encourages you to get out of your comfort zone

This song is about what happens when you step out of your comfort zone. You start noticing interesting things that add richness to your travel experience.

31. Paris, Texas , Lana Del Rey

“ I went to Paris (Texas) with a suitcase in my hand. I had to leave. Knew they wouldn't understand. ”

Sometimes, we take a trip to get away from painful memories or experiences. Here’s a song that describes this type of healing journey.

The song also plays on the names of the American cities mentioned in the lyrics. When you hear the names, you might think of their European namesakes. At first, it seems like the narrator is traveling overseas. But as it turns out, the narrator didn’t have to travel that far.

32. Mountain Trip to Japan, 1959 , The Trachtenburg Family Sideshow Players

“ Mountain trip to Japan. Going to see the mountains on a mountain trip. He's a very fine man. He is so well rounded and he'd like to see the world before it ever started. ”

Here’s a cheery, quirky, catchy song you can play on a road trip. I can almost guarantee that you’ll find this song stuck in your head for days!

33. Paris Nights/New York Mornings , Corinne Bailey Rae

“ Ooh, we crash into love-filled nights (Paris nights and New York mornings). ”

This song describes the exhilaration of traveling to new places. It also highlights the romance and excitement of experiencing what these new places have to offer.

34. No Roots , Alice Merton

“ I build a home and wait for someone to tear it down. Then pack it up in boxes, head for the next town running. ‘Cause I've got memories and travel like gypsies in the night. And a thousand times I've seen this road… ”

This catchy, upbeat song actually belies the sad origin of the lyrics. This song is about someone who does not feel they have a place to call home, as she’s constantly moving from place to place.

Alice Merton drew inspiration for her hit single from her personal experience of having a nomadic lifestyle. By the time she was 24, she had moved 12 times .

35. The Longest Road , Morgan Page

“ Giddy up and gold mine. Different place, different time. All the stars are in their prime. Pastel trailer park, stars so bright to hide the dark. All is quiet in the yard. ”

The primary concept of this song is the desert. It evokes images of long trips and being surrounded by a desolate landscape.

36. Vienna , Billy Joel

“ When will you realize Vienna waits for you? ”

In this song, Vienna serves as a metaphor for the rest of your life. The song asks listeners, “When are you going to start living your life?”

37. Midnight Memories , One Direction

“ Straight off the plane to a new hotel. Just touched down, you could never tell. ”

This song describes a group of young jetsetters ready to party wherever they land. It highlights making memories and living life to the fullest.

38. On the Road to Find Out , Yusuf/Cat Stevens

“ Well, I hit the rowdy road and many kinds I met there. Many stories told me of the way to get there. So on and on I go, the seconds tick the time out. There’s so much left to know, and I’m on the road to find out. ”

This song is about traveling “in search of freedom and purity.” The narrator is spurred forward by his hunger for spiritual balance.

39. New Horizons (Ultima Thule Mix) , Brian May

“ New horizons to explore. New horizons no one's ever seen before. Limitless wonders in a never ending sky. We may never, never reach them. That's why we have to try. ”

So far, the songs in this collection have been about traveling in different places within the planet. But here’s a song about traveling beyond our world.

It is about traveling to and exploring new places in outer space. It might not be long before commercial space travel is available to humans!

40. Highway Song , Blackfoot

“ It's a highway song. You sing it on and on. On and on. Highway song is as lonely as the road I'm on. ”

This song is about a musician on tour. He feels lonely and homesick.

However, the exhilaration of performing and being on the road prevents him from going home.

41. Hotel California , Eagles

“ On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair. Warm smell of colitas rising up through the air. Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light. My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim. I had to stop for the night. ”

Many travelers report having at least one strange experience during their travels. Have you had one?

In this iconic song, a wayward traveler discovers dark secrets in a hotel set in the desert.

42. Trains, Boats, and Planes , Dionne Warwick

“ Trains and boats and planes are passing by. They mean a trip to Paris or Rome for someone else, but not for me. The trains and the boats and planes took you away, away from me. ”

What’s your favorite mode of transportation when going on long trips?

In this song, almost all modes of transportation are seen in a negative light by a woman who was left by a man eager to see the world.

43. The Love Boat Theme , Jack Jones

“ The Love Boat soon will be making another run. The Love Boat promises something for everyone. Set a course for adventure. Your mind on a new romance. ”

The Love Boat is a TV show that aired from 1977 to 1986. It is about the hilarious romantic experiences of the crew and passengers of the cruise ship MS Pacific Princess .

The show has a theme song that highlights the possibilities of romance and adventure while on board the love boat.

44. Lost in Japan , Shawn Mendes

“ Do you got plans tonight? I'm a couple hundred miles from Japan, and I, I was thinking I could fly to your hotel tonight 'cause I-I-I can't get you off my mind. ”

This song is about traveling for the sake of love. In it, Mendes shows his commitment to his beloved by offering to fly to Japan so that they can be together.

45. Hitch Hike , Marvin Gaye

“ I've got to find that girl if I have to hitchhike 'round the world. ”

In the same vein as the previous song, a guy hitchhikes all across the country, determined to find his girlfriend, even though the girl’s been unfaithful to him.

Final Thoughts on Songs About Traveling

Each time you pack your bags and head to new places, you become a new person.

Traveling is one of the best ways for you to grow in wisdom and experience. It helps you develop a deeper understanding of yourself , the world, and life in general.

Hopefully, you’ve found a favorite or two among the songs about traveling featured in this collection.

If you enjoyed this article, you might want to check out the following articles of song collections for specific topics:

  • 57 Best Songs About Home: Leaving, Missing, and Coming Home
  • 43 Best Songs About Happiness and Good Times
  • 33 Best Songs About Family & Being with Loved Ones

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  • St Kitts & Nevis
  • United Kingdom
  • Moving Abroad
  • Couples Travel
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  • Travel Resources

43 Epic Songs About Travel to Inspire Wanderlust

Music in its many forms can be a great way to transport you away to another place and help you travel from home or wherever you are. We have several travel themed playlists on our Spotify from road trip anthems to peaceful in-flight songs. Whatever your taste in music this epic playlist of songs about travel recommended by bloggers will have you wanted to hop in the car or book your next flight as soon as possible.

Vienna by Billy Joel

Submitted by Erin from Pina Travels

Vienna was written by Billy Joel and released in 1977. Billy Joel wrote the song after visiting his estranged, elderly father, who was living at the time in Vienna, Austria. There are many different interpretations of the song, but one of the most common is that the song positions Vienna as a metaphor for old age.

The lyrics caution about how important it is in life to slow down, to dream, and to get what you want (rather than getting old). The final lyric of the song goes, “Why don’t you realize, Vienna waits for you?” Meaning, we all will get old one day. In listening to the beautiful piano chorus of this song, I always feel motivated to chase after my travel dreams. And of course, to visit Vienna, Austria.

songs inspired by travel

California Girls by The Beach Boys

Submitted by Ali from Diary of a Detour

My favourite travel song has to be California Girls by The Beach Boys.  It was released in 1970 and to me sums up the Californian vibe perfectly.  When we were travelling on a road trip from Los Angeles to San Francisco it was on my playlist and it evokes a chilled, sunny, warm feeling.

As The Beach Boys sang, “I’ve been all around this great big world and I’ve seen all kind of girls…” but “I wish they all could be California Girls”!  This echoes my own feelings, having travelled to many different countries, but California is top of my list of places to revisit.

Born to be Wild by Steppenwolf

Submitted by Džangir from Dr Jam Travels

Born to Be Wild is a song performed by the band Steppenwolf. It was written by Mars Bonfire and recorded in 1968 for the Dunhill Records label. A year later it was on the soundtrack for the movie Easy rider that launched the song to the top of the charts.

The track essentially talks about riding on the open road and the freedom that comes with it, searching for adventure, and embracing nature. It is considered one of the first heavy metal songs. Also, it is inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. So, when you hit the open road this tune should be on your list for sure.

A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square by Vera Lynn

Submitted by Rosanna from Rosanna Etc

A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square is about a pair of lovers on a romantic moonlit walk through central London. Written in 1939 by Eric Maschwitz and Manning Sherwin it has become a jazz standard performed by artists all over the world including Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby and Nat King Cole.  It was incredibly popular in the UK during World War Two and became an anthem for couples reuniting, especially after it was recorded by ‘the Forces’ Sweetheart’ Dame Very Lynn whose songs helped raise morale across the country. Berkeley Square is one of the largest garden squares in London. It was created in the 18th century and whilst Nightingales are rarely heard in London anymore, it is a still a beautiful place to roam around with all of the best London hotels, shops and restaurants nearby. 

Guaranteed by Eddie Vedder

Recommended by Martina & Jürgen from PlacesofJuma

 Guaranteed by Eddie Vedder, the singer of Pearl Jam, is a true classic among the most popular and best travel songs. This song was written in 2007 for the fantastic film “Into The Wild” and even won a Golden Globe in the category “Best Film Song”. If you haven’t seen this travel film, you should definitely watch it NOW.

The song Guaranteed basically embodies the struggle to go back to the simplest way of life. A very moving and especially touching song about the gift of life, about the freedom we have and also to realise it.

On Top of the World by Imagine Dragons

Submitted by John from Your Destination is Everywhere

“On Top of The World” by Imagine Dragons is a masterpiece released in 2012. Although it can be interpreted in many different ways, I think the song is ultimate about not giving up on your dreams. We all have big dreams and we all work hard in pursuing them. If you are on this blog, then chances are, you want to travel. In the song’s chorus, it says that when you’ve finally made it, you’re standing “on top of the world”, whatever that may mean for you. You will smile, look down, and try to take it all in. Overall, this song is a beautiful reminder that success takes time, your hard work will pay off, the risks you take will pay off, and your dreams will come true. So keep pushing and don’t give up just yet.

A Horse With No Name by America

Submitted by Camille from  Everything Yoga Retreat

A Horse With No Name is a popular song from the folk rock band band America. It was released in 1971 in Europe, and in early 1972 in the United States. It is one the band’s most successful songs. 

This song is about a trip through the desert, which is why it was originally titled ‘Desert Song’. Dewey Bunnell, the writer of the song, says he was inspired by his childhood travels through Arizona and New Mexico when he wrote the song at age 19. It was composed to capture the dry, hot feeling of the desert that had been pictured in a Salvador Dali painting. 

A Horse with No name is a very inspiring travel song, and it’s definitely a must-have on a road trip playlist. 

Down Under by Men at Work

Submitted by Audrey Chalmers from See Geelong 

Released in 1982 the song “Down Under” by Men At Work has inspired many travellers to visit Australia. 

The catchy tune was a smash hit with lyrics that were easy to sing along with. Written by Colin Hay, Down Under is a lighthearted celebration of the Australian culture and lifestyle. 

The lyrics feature Australian slang and drug terms such as “chunder” (vomit), “zombie” (marijuana), and a “vegemite (spread) sandwich”. 

The song tells the story of an Australian man who travels the globe telling the people he meets along the way about his home country “the land down under”. 

He travels the hippie trail, gets taken in by a strange lady, meets a man full of muscle in Brussels, and ends up lying in a den in Bombay all the while extolling the virtues of Australia “the land of plenty”. 

Down Under has become an unofficial national anthem that’s played at sporting events and in pubs and backpacker joints around the world. It’s always a crowd favourite. 

songs inspired by travel

Life is a Highway by Rascal Flatts

Submitted by Kris from My Michigan Travel and Nilu from The Travelling CA

There’s no better song for inspiring you to get out on the road than “Life is a Highway,” originally released by Tom Cochrane from his album, Mad Mad World in 1991. This rock & pop version of the song was covered by Rascal Flatts as part of the soundtrack of Pixar’s  Cars  in 2005. The Rascal Flatts version became a hit, peaking at number 7 on the US Billboard Hot 100 chart.

The lyrics carry a deep meaning implying that life is a long road with no directions & no stops. You can’t really control anything in life, you just do the best you can. The singer is thankful for his life with its ups & downs. Life is after all just one really long roadtrip ; it’s up to you whether you’d want to have fun or sulk throughout the way! 

In addition to its lyrics about hitting the road, the song name checks a couple big cities – Memphis and Vancouver – and mentions Mozambique, which is fitting since Cochrane said that it was inspired by a visit to Africa for the World Vision famine relief organization. With its catchy chorus and upbeat lyrics like, “There’s a world outside every darkened door,” it’s the perfect soundtrack for a long drive, especially if you encounter any challenges along the way. If it doesn’t have you itching to pack your bags and go exploring, nothing will.

Galway Girl by Ed Sheeran

Submitted by Charlotte from Bursting My Bubbles

Galway girl is such an uplifting song from Ed Sheeran! Very aptly released on St Patrick’s day, 17th March 2017. This song hooks you from the beginning:

‘She played the fiddle in an Irish band, but she fell in love with an English man’.

These lyrics combined with the perfect mixture of Ed Sheeran’s well known guitar chords and traditional Irish music. As soon as it begins you just want to hop on a plane over to Ireland, in the song Sheeran depicts how one night he met an Irish girl and they fell in love. A heart-warming, relatable and yet dreamy love story, that gives you those excitable butterflies in your stomach. With just the prospect that this could happen, you’ll be wanting to visit Ireland for your very own Galway love story!

Passenger by Traveling alone

Submitted by Alexander and Cynthia from  Travel your Memories

Traveling alone by the Passenger is released in 2015 and is for sure one of the songs that motivate you to travel the world ! Traveling alone is one of those songs to relax and to wonder about places you would like to travel to. The song is self-explanatory, it has two separate stories of lovers who have experienced hardships that broke up their relationships. If you travel alone you can identify with the lyrics because traveling alone can sometimes hard.

The most beautiful part of the lyric in the song is the chorus. He sings “I’m loving a shadow”. That line has a deeper meaning in comparison to the rest of the song. This is a metaphor for loving someone you can’t be with. Easy explanation: a shadow is always with you but you can’t hold or keep it. “Loving a shadow” is loving the memory or the thought of someone. If you love to travel this thought is probably a trip you want to do. If you like songs like this we recommend listening to the whole album of Passenger called Whispers.

New York by Alicia Keys

Submitted by Ingrid from Christmas Time Made Easy

The song that most inspires travel for me is Alicia Key’s song New York Empire State Of Mind which was released in October 2009. Although this song is about New York, what I find most inspiring about it is how it represents that anything is possible, how we can all follow our dreams no matter who we are or where we are from. The lyrics:

‘In New York! Concrete jungle where dreams are made of, There’s nothing you can’t do now you’re in New York! These streets will make you feel brand new, Big lights will inspire you, now you’re in New York!’

This song inspires me to follow my dream to travel to New York and then from there the world awaits me. If I get to New York, I can go anywhere!

New York city

Knee Deep by The Zach Brown Band

Submitted by Jenny from Traveling Party of 4

Knee Deep by The Zach Brown Band with my favorite featured artist, Jimmy Buffett, was released in September 2010.  The song is about dreaming of experiencing a peaceful existence on the oceanfront and not worrying about anything — an ultimate vacation goal. My travel philosophy has evolved from ensuring that I experienced everything and didn’t miss out on any adventure while traveling to a much slower and more peaceful vacation experience.   Back in the day, I was exhausted when I returned from vacation.  This go-big-or-go-home way of life didn’t work after I had children.  AND I needed to chill out.   Nowadays, my ultimate vacation goal is rest, relaxation, peace, and wellness, and all of these things I find on the ocean.   When I hear the song “Knee Deep,” I think of losing myself in the warm crystal clear blue waters of the Caribbean , the sound of the crashing waves, and the salty scent of the sea.  And as the song states, “when you lose yourself, you find the key to paradise.”

Ramblin’ Rover by Andy Stewart of Silly Wizard

Submitted by Erica at Trip Scholars

Fellow rambling rovers with a strong sense of wanderlust will be inspired and find great humor in this Scottish classic which was released in 1985. Listeners are reminded that those who love to travel, “see the world and rove and wander, and are happier as a rule.” The lyrics talk of roaming from Orkney down to Dover, stretching fully across Great Britain , and eventually they extend to traveling around the world. The song concludes with a laugh as we are reminded that as we reach old age and the end of life, for those who have traveled over the years, “at least we tried!” Whether you are compiling a playlist of travel inspired songs with the help of this post or looking specifically for Scottish tunes to enjoy  before your trip to Scotland , add this rousing and beautiful acapella gem to your list.

Fast Car by Tracy Chapman

Submitted by Tanya from My Right Sock

Though originally not intended as a travel song, Fast Car by Tracy Chapman has a set of lyrics that will inspire you to leave everything behind and hit the road. Released in 1988, the song paints a wistful tale of escaping the everyday life in a ‘fast car’. The tenderness of Chapman’s vocals combined with the signature guitar riff makes the song absolutely arresting and a legendary piece of music.

 The rhythmic pace of Fast Car ties perfectly into the ending verse (“And I had a feeling that I belonged, that I could be someone”), fitting for a  romantic road trip . Upon its release, the song was an instant success and continues to be an enduring hit even three decades later.

Rocky Mountain High by John Denver

Submitted by Sarah from Our Little Lifestyle

Inspired by his move to Aspen, Colorado, John Denver wrote Rocky Mountain High with Mike Taylor in 1972 to describe the feeling he got while spending time in the Rocky Mountains. He likens his experience to coming home and finding a missing piece of himself that was missing. The song highlights the mountains and references the meteor shower above and the clouds below as well as the forest, and the streams. 

In the mid-1980s, with the song was at risk of being banned by stations nationwide, John Denver actually had to testify in front of Congress to explain the the “high” he is referencing is all-natural and one the mountains alone give you on a clear night or while you are camping with friends. 25 years later, the state of Colorado made Rocky Mountain High one of its official state songs. 

Waterloo Sunset by The Kinks

Submitted by David from Delve Into Europe

Waterloo Sunset by the Kinks is regarded by many as the anthem of London, but it was originally intended to be about the city of Liverpool instead. The song came to Kinks singer Ray Davies in a dream, partly inspired by his love of the Beatles, but he soon changed it to somewhere more familiar, Waterloo in central London. It was then recorded later in 1967.

Davies had seen many Waterloo sunsets in his childhood, having stayed long term at St Thomas’ Hospital there and watched at sunsets behind one of the most famous London landmarks , the Houses of Parliament.  The song is essentially an ode to London, mentioning the many taxi lights and people swarming around Waterloo Underground station, and it’s immensely evocative of the city to anyone familiar with it.

songs inspired by travel

High on Life by Martin Garrix

Submitted by Jori from The Tejana Abroad

Whenever I want to get pumped up about a trip and travel in general, I listen to High on Life which was released in 2018. Although the song doesn’t mention specifically a certain destination, it is upbeat and talks about following a girl to the ends of the earth and living life to the fullest. It’s always a great listen for me when I may feel a bit burn out/exhausted during my trip. It also makes a great background music for any fun travel videos you might create!

The Nights by Avicii

Submitted by Em from That Travelista

“The Nights” is one of several well-known songs from the late Swedish DJ Avicii. It was first released in 2014 for digital download and is sung from the perspective of a man reminiscing on the lessons his father gave him as a young child.

Its inspiring lyrics include lines like “Go venture far beyond the shores, don’t forsake this life of yours,” “Son, don’t let it slip away … When you get older, your wild heart will live for younger days,” and, perhaps most poignantly, “One day you’ll leave this world behind, so live a life you will remember.”

These thought-provoking words from Nicholas Furlong in combination with Avicii’s signature euphoric and upbeat sound leave the listener inspired to face their fears, explore the world, and make the most of this one life we’ve each been given.

I’ve Been Everywhere by Hank Snow

Submitted by Sharon Henry of What The Saints Did Next

Possibly one of the most fun travel songs you’ll ever hear is, “I’ve Been Everywhere,” which topped the US country charts back in 1962 with Canadian singer, Hank Snow. It tells the story of a hitchhiker who catches a lift on a semi and in conversation with the trucker, boasts about the places he’s been. Rattling the names of 90+ locations, up and down North and South America in fast-paced, auctioneer-fashion.

The original version was written in 1959 by Australian, Geoff Mack and mentions 94 dots on the Aussie map. It reached the Sydney number one spot with singer, Lucky Star in 1962.

The song has been covered multiple times, more famously by the great Johnny Cash in 1996 with Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, later by Kacey Musgraves and was even featured in an episode of The Simpsons.

The song’s lyrics have been adapted globally with versions featuring, New Zealand, UK , Germany, Finland and many others. Try counting the number of places you’ve been, along with the well-travelled hitchhiker.

Sometimes I feel like I’m in Barcelona by D. Kay and E-Sassin

Submitted by Mal from  Raw Mal Roams

Sometimes I feel like I’m in Barcelona was released in 2004 and is about nostalgia and good memories from Barcelona. The author is saying that every time they hear this song, they want to go back. This is exactly how I feel when I hear this song. In the video clip, you can see all the main Barcelona sights such as Barceloneta Beach, La Rambla street, the Gothic Quarters, La Boqueria Market, and Casa Milo designed the Barcelona’s greatest architect – Antonio Gaudi. If you haven’t been to Barcelona yet, I strongly recommend listening to the song and watching the clip to get inspired. If you’ve been, also listen to the song. It will make you want to go back.

Mountain Sound by Of Monsters and Men

Submitted by Mia from Walk a While with Me

Released in 2012, “Mountain Sound” is a fabulous song by the Icelandic band Of Monsters and Men. While the song doesn’t feature any specific location per se, it inspires the desire for travel, nature, and adventure, with lyrics like “hold your horses now (we sleep until the sun goes down), through the woods we ran (deep into the mountain sound).”

While there are many interpretations to the lyrics of the song, from running away from your problems to escaping into the wilderness to join the fey folk, the overall atmosphere of the song remains the same: one of adventure and travel.

In all honesty, the entire Of Monsters and Men album “My Head is an Animal” is perfect for road trips (especially around Iceland!). Additionally, their song “Dirty Paws” was featured in the film “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty,” which is one of my absolute favorite travel films!

Barcelona by Freddie Mercury ft. Montserrat Caballé

Submitted by Vicki from Vicki Viaja

The song Barcelona by Freddie Mercury, the lead singer of the epic rock band Queen and the Catalan opera singer Montserrat Caballé is one of the most outstanding songs in the history of the Catalan capital Barcelona.

Although the song was initially released in 1987, it was not until 1992 that it became a terrific international success. Because then, half a year after Mercury’s death, the song became the anthem of the Olympic Games in Barcelona.

 This song is still associated with the city’s unique flair for many today and therefore belongs to every  visit to Barcelona . But even today, also younger audiences connect the famous song with Barcelona.

songs inspired by travel

Last Mango in Paris by Jimmy Buffett

Submitted by Susan from Travel Guideline

The entire repertoire of songs by Jimmy Buffett is a travel inspiration for me, probably because I left part of my heart in the Florida Keys years ago. (And I return at least once a year to visit it!) But one that rings particularly true for me is “Last Mango in Paris” which was released in 1985. 

The song starts off with Jimmy saying he “went down to Captain Tony’s” to escape the Key West heat. Captain Tony’s is a famous bar in Key West; it’s the original home of the famous Sloppy Joe’s, which is just up the road at its current location. But it’s also where Jimmy got his start – they even paid him in tequila sometimes! 

As the song continues, you find it is about so much more than Key West. The gentleman that is the subject of the song has spent time in Paris, Vietnam, China, Brazil, and Africa . He has clearly spent his life exploring many parts of the planet! And the lyrics hint at adventure: He ate the last mango in Paris. He took the last boat out of China. He dodged bullets and slept under the stars. 

I hope when I’m old and people describe my life, it too has many destinations and stories to share.

On the Road Again by Willie Nelson

Submitted by Victoria from Guide Your Travel

On the Road again by Willie Nelson is the perfect road trip song. It’s fun and upbeat while describing wanderlust and the constant desire to get back out there and see the world. The song was first recorded in 1979 and even reached number one on the US billboard Country charts. Willie Nelson manages to combine a light-hearted country song with a desire to see the world not alone but with your friends. This is an absolute must-have for any travel playlist especially when it comes to road trips and getting back to travel.

Beer in Mexico by Kenny Chesney

Submitted by Bailey from Inspire with Quotes

Beer in Mexico is a fun-loving light-hearted song about, you guessed it, enjoying a beer in Mexico! It is a country song by Kenny Chesney that was released in 2007. In fact, this song was the first written by Kenny Chesney himself that reached number one on the U.S. Billboard Hot Country songs Chart.  

The easy-listening nature of this song can’t help but make you want to visit Mexico and enjoy a beer while sitting at the beach. Similar to  quotes about beaches , this song tells us about how being at the beach often makes you ponder life. It’s those moments of relaxation and stillness that make us think of our past and present life decisions. Listening to it will definitely make you want to book that plane ticket to Mexico! 

Wide Open Spaces by The Chicks

Submitted by Sophie from Just Heading Out

Wide Open Spaces by The Chicks (formerly the Dixie Chicks) is the title track of their fourth album, released in 1998. The song became a hit and spent four weeks at number 1 on the US country charts.

The song covers the theme of leaving home and exploring the world. The chorus goes “She needs wide open spaces, room to make her big mistakes”. In the song, a girl says goodbye to her parents as she sets out on her own for the first time. Although no specific places are named in the lyrics, the music video was filmed in the Rocky Mountains.

California Waiting by Kings of Leon

Submitted by Rai from A Rai Of Light

California Waiting is the fourth single taken from the Youth and Young Manhood album by the Kings of Leon. Released in 2004, it describes the negative aspects of fame, fortune, and flying around the world . These knock-on effects are amplified when in a relationship. The reference to California is the very real likelihood of the end of a relationship resulting from accomplishments in the industry. The track is a replacement version of the song that appears on their debut, the EP Holy Roller Novocaine. It was recorded in a rush to finish the record. However, the band members were not satisfied with the outcome and recorded this version instead. The song has the ability to take you on a journey, not only through its lyrics, but also through its underlying theme of escapism.

London Calling by The Clash

Submitted by Clotilde from A Princess Travelling with Twins

London Calling by The Clash, 1979 is an apocalyptic song about the impending doom of our planet with ecological and nuclear disaster just around the corner, but that’s only if you actually listen to all of the lyrics! To the casual listener the stirring opening line of “London calling to the faraway towns” is an invitation, almost a demand, to leave their faraway town to visit and explore this amazing city.

Thankfully, the picture of horror depicted has not come to pass, although we still have a journey ahead to live in harmony with our planet, but London has certainly got swing and it’s not drowning yet! If London is calling to you too then make sure you  plan a good itinerary  to efficiently take you around the great many sights and attractions of London but leave you with enough energy to enjoy it.

Voyage, Voyage by Desireless

Submitted by Elisa from France Bucket List

Voyage, Voyage, a song by the singer Desireless, is one of my favorite tunes for a  road trip in France . This French song was released in 1987, and it expresses the singer’s wish to travel far away, to exotic places far from her reality.

Sang entirely in French, there was a general surprise when it became a huge international success, even in non-francophone countries like the UK or Germany.

Even if the lyrics mention different places like the Amazon, Mount Fujiyama, India, Spain , or the Equator, this song is more about general travel (the idea of traveling to faraway places) than about a specific country.

I especially like this song in the summertime, when I drive south to the French coast or other places different from my reality in Paris.

songs inspired by travel

Andalucia by John Cale

Submitted by Alison from Alison in Andalucia

‘Andalucia’ featured on John Cale’s 1973 album ‘Paris 1919’, his third solo album. The melody is far removed from the passion and vibrancy of the traditional flamenco sounds that are synonymous with Andalucia. With this tune, though, Cale has written a beautiful, almost fragile, song evocative of the mournful tracks he created with Lou Reed during his time in The Velvet Underground. From the opening line ‘Andalucia when can I see you’ Cale’s vocals are delicate and you can feel the emotion in his delivery of the lyrics, with his voice quivering as he sings about his yearning for Andalucia. Although the lyrics are somewhat vague and open to interpretation (is Cale singing about Andalucia itself, or about someone (a lover perhaps) from Spain?) there’s no denying the heartfelt emotions he displays as he sings his love letter to Andalucia. ‘Andalucia Castles and Christians, Andalucia come to stay’.

Surfin’ USA by The Beach Boys

Submitted by Ale from Sea Salt and Fog

Perhaps no other song perfectly encapsulates the all-American summer vibe like Surfin’ USA by The Beach Boys. Released in 1968, Surfin USA gives you a list of beautiful surfing locations to inspire your summer travels. From sunny San Diego beaches in Southern California, all the way to  Santa Cruz  in the north, The Beach Boys take you on a “surfari” of famous surf locales. Plus, as with most surf rock songs, the catchy beat will have you singing along in no time. If you’re longing for beach time during the hot summer months, this is the perfect song to transport you to the beautiful California coast. 

Roam by the B-52’s

Submitted by Alanna Koritzke from  Periodic Adventures

If you’re looking for the perfect travel song, then look no further. Roam is a gem by The B-52’s that came out in 1989. It praises traveling and encourages listeners to roam the world. Although it doesn’t name any specific destination, lyrics like “kick through continents” and “roam around the world” are sure to inspire your next travels. Plus, Kate Pierson and Cindy Wilson sing about the wilderness, dusty trails, airstrips, sunsets, and more! It’s a great road trip song or perfect for sparking your wanderlust anytime!

Somewhere Over The Rainbow by Israel Kamakawiwo’ole

Submitted by Alexandra from Perfect Day To Play

“Somewhere Over the Rainbow ” by Israel Kamakawiwoʻole (1993) is one of those unique songs that instantly sets you into a “vacation mode” and teleports your thoughts to the Hawaii paradise! You can smell the sweet aroma of tropical flowers and hear the bluebirds fly past you on your way to the beach. Feel hot sand between your toes, while the ocean is gently brushing your feet. You marvel at countless rainbows crisscrossing the sky while the soft cool mist from a nearby waterfall is caressing your skin.

It is easy to imagine yourself at the top of Haleakala Volcano at sunset watching demi-God Maui rolling the Sun across the horizon and drowning it in the ocean. An hour later find yourself amidst the mind blowing night sky sparkling with distant stars. And so you can’t help but tune in with IZ’s ukulele and sing along “…someday I’ll wish upon a star to wake up where the clouds are far behind me…” 

Shotgun by George Ezra

Submitted by Dymphe from Dym Abroad

One of the most travel inspiring songs is “Shotgun” by George Ezra. This is a song that was released in the year 2018, and it became a very popular song worldwide. This song is all about travel. It is about discovering new places, which inspires you to do the same. It is about architecture that is different and about a difference in atmosphere of the place he visits.

Moreover, the artist wrote the song when he was in Barcelona, but it features the country of Australia. This is not very obvious, but in the song, you can hear about the colours yellow and green, and he sings about the country being south of the equator and about the activity of deep-sea diving .

Africa by Toto

Submitted by Sharon from Tasmania Explorer

Released in 1982, Africa is a song I have been listening to all of my life. It made it to number one in the US and Canadian charts and the top 10 in many others. The song is meant to be about a love of Africa and the lyrics mention such places as Mount Kilimanjaro and the Serengeti. It’s easy to imagine travelling round the plains of Africa while listening to it.

When I finally made it to Africa in 2017, we did play this song as we drove around and it captured the landscape well. It’s a super catchy song and one definitely worth adding to your travel inspiration playlist

songs inspired by travel

Montana by Owl City

Submitted by Jen Ambrose and Ryan Victor from Montana Discovered

If you’re someone who’s ever dreamed of life under the big sky, Owl City’s song “Montana” will speak to your heart. The band’s one-man wonder Adam Young wrote the song in 2018 as a tribute both to the state and to his uncle who left the city to live there. The song is mainly about the area around Glacier National Park, the most famous part of the state and the home of its iconic jagged mountains.

Some of the lyrics are incredibly literal, telling the story of working in a restaurant, selling souvenirs, buying land, and building a cabin. But anyone who loves the outdoors will relate to lines like “Get lost in Montana / Where the mountains call you home.”

Kokomo by The Beach Boys

Submitted by Ruby from Voyage Florida

Kokomo by the Beach Boys was released in 1988 and was originally made for a film called “Cocktail”. While Kokomo is a made-up destination, it has inferred a lot of Caribbean destinations in the song.

The destinations in the chorus are Aruba, Jamaica, Bermuda, Bahamas , Key Largo, Montego (which presumably refers to Montego Bay, also in Jamaica). One verse mentions the Florida Keys, where there’s plenty of islands to visit like Key Largo, Islamorada, Key West, and Marathon. This part of the verse talks about having a drink , which is a quintessential thing to do on vacation in the islands!

Listen carefully and you will also hear references to Martinique, Montserrat, and Port Au Prince (Haiti). While Haiti is not really considered a Caribbean tropical island destination, it still counts as something, right?

It is a fun and quirky song that one can use as a Caribbean bucket list. It is fun to just sing the song in your head and try to tick off destinations you’ve visited (or may visit in the future).

Runaway by Janet Jackson

Submitted by Sundeep and Bedabrata from Delhi Fun Dos

Talk about the early years of MTV in India and the audience here was swept away by fancy music video culture. Singers and video producers got even more creative and the videos became a visual treat. If there was a song that inspired travel those days, it had to be Runaway by Janet Jackson.

Runway was released in the year 1995 and had a certain edginess about it that was hard to miss. Janet Jackson jumping from one famous monument or city to another – the pyramids to Eiffel Tower, it was travel goals written all over the music video. The  nath  (nose ring with chain) and  tagdi  (the ornamental waist belt) made a beautiful India connection. Runaway was a complete package in fashion, entertainment, worldview and inspiration and is like a travel mantra even today.

Road Trippin’ by Red Hot Chili Peppers

Submitted by Nicole at Affordable Family Travel

Road Trippin’ by Red Hot Chilli Peppers was released in 1999.  The song is about driving the Pacific Coast Highway in sunny California. It references “west of the one” several times which is a reference to California State Route 1 also known as the Pacific Highway, which is the famous scenic route along the California coast. Road trippin’ also mentions, Big Sur which is a scenic town on Highway However, the song captures essence of a road trip with lyrics like “Fully loaded we got snacks and supplies”.  This song is great for when you are cruising down a highway with the sun shining “just a mirror for the sun”.

Down in The Valley by The Head and The Heart

Submitted by Rachita from Meander Wander

Down in the Valley by the folk band, The Head and the Heart, was released in 2010 and is one of my favorite travel songs. Although the song is more about the existential crisis, personally, what I love about this song is how it talks about all the places that are there to visit in this world. When you hear this song and listen to the lyrics lamenting about so many places to discover, it transports you straight into these beautiful valleys that the songwriter is talking about. This is one song that talks about how these amazing places are where you would find most travellers exploring or staying at. 

I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) by The Proclaimers

Submitted by Ania from The Travelling Twins The Proclaimers is a band of twin brothers from  Scotland  singing about everyday life experiences. The album, Hollywood Soundtracks, is an excellent soundtrack to any road trip. Released in 1987 and consisting of 12 tracks offers an interesting mix between alternative rock songs like “I Would Walk 500 Miles” with the Celtic sound on other tracks such as “My Love will not Let you Down.” I first heard “500 miles on the road trip to Scottish Highlands and couldn’t get the song out of my mind. Later I rediscovered it while watching “How I Met Your Mother”, where Ted and Marshal had the song on their mixtape for the road trip. If you’re feeling stuck and need a change of scenery, switch on “I Would Walk 500 Miles” and hit the road. 

Margaritaville by Jimmy Buffett

Submitted by Lynn from Be Your Own Travel Guide

Say the word vacation, and visions of sandy beaches, palm trees, and crystal-clear water often come to mind. There is no better song to transport you visually on vacation than Jimmy Buffett’s Margaritaville. Listening to this breezy tune instantly puts you at ease and dreaming of better, lazy days spent in paradise.

Often considered to be the father of ‘island escapism’, Jimmy Buffett has many hits songs that center around his beach-bum image. His band, the Coral Reefers, spend their days in the tropics, drawing inspiration for their next song. Margaritaville so embodied the relaxing ideal of vacation that it led to the creation of the Margaritaville brand – a collection of hotels, restaurants, and stores that promote relaxation at every turn. With locations all across North America and as far as Sydney, Australia, you do not need to travel far for a good time.

Typical Caribbean beach- white sand and palm trees

What an incredible list of songs about travel! I hope this post has inspired your wanderlust, it certainly made us want to hop on a plane and we have created a whole new travel songs playlist from these recommendations!

For more wanderlust inspiration check out these posts:

  • 25 Best Travel Memoirs and Non-Fiction Books about Travel
  • 20 Best Fiction Books for Wanderlust Inspiration

Let us know your favourite travel inspiring songs or if you added any of these to your own travel playlist!

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Steph is the main writer of Book It Let's Go! and is arguably the better half of the couple. She is an expat originally from England currently residing in St Kitts where she teaches veterinary students. In 2019 Steph packed up her old life, her husband Lewis, and their 2 cats in to leave the cold and wet behind in exchange for beaches and palm trees. Now she has made the leap to move abroad she has no plans to return anytime soon and wants to help others make the leap to move abroad too. Steph is currently enjoying being based in the Caribbean and doing some island hopping while planning her next big adventure with Lewis.

72 Best Songs about Travel and Adventure

Published by sarah vaughan on february 9, 2022 february 9, 2022.

In this article, we list our top 72 favorite songs about travel and adventure, with the option to listen to them on a Spotify playlist. As full-time nomads and constant road-trippers, we spend a lot of time in the car, which means hours upon hours of listening to music. In 2021 alone, we drove over 10,000 miles on our journey from Virginia to California and back. So needless to say, we spend an inordinate amount of time listening to music in the car.

Often, we find ourselves gravitating towards songs that align with our two favorite things – travel and adventure, but it can be hard to find songs that fit that mood. Songs that inspire wanderlust, that make you feel like a you just took a deep breath of mountain air, that remind you of a travel memory, or, in their own unique way, perfectly capture the essence of life on the road. It’s not one particular genre or type of music, just anything that makes you feel inspired to pack your bags and go on an adventure !

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songs inspired by travel

Our life as nomads

In March of 2021, we sold most our belongings, packed up what was left into our Jeep Cherokkee, left our apartment in Virginia and hit the road: California bound! We drove from Virginia to St. Louis before making our way to Denver.

After spending a week in Denver, we continued to Southern California, then to southern Utah, Arizona, northern California, Idaho, South Dakota, Minnesota… eventually we decided we loved life on the road too much to ever give it up and we made this nomadic lifestyle permanent.

We both secured jobs that would allow us to work remotely full-time during the week and are now full-time nomads. We typically settle into a new “home base” each month with space for us both to work, usually in small towns strategically located near beautiful places with abundant opportunities for outdoor adventuring.

P.S: You can read more about us here and keep up with our road trip adventures here .

Inspiration for our Songs about Travel & Adventure Playlist

We love listening to music that stokes our wanderlust and gets us excited for new adventures. We’ve found it tough to find songs that fit that bill, so we’ve been slowly compiling our own playlist as we come across songs we relate to.

Our lifestyle demands a lot of road tripping, and over the many miles and hours in the car, we’ve crafted the perfect playlist of songs about travel and adventure that we’re excited to share with you!

We hope our playlist will leave you feeling inspired to get out there and see the world!

Details | 64 Best Songs about Travel & Adventure

Our music taste tends to lean towards the Folk, Americana, and blues-y Country genres, and that’s mainly what you’ll find on this playlist.

A few of our favorite bands, like Caamp , Trampled by Turtles , Turnpike Troubadours (we are beyond thrilled they are back together!), Lord Huron , and The National Parks, make an appearance on the list a few times. We hope you love these songs as much as we do, and that our playlist inspires you to hit the road, start a new adventure, or discover a new place that you love!

In the article below, we list our favorite songs about adventure and travel, sorted roughly into the following categories:

  • Wanderlust & travel inspiration songs
  • Songs about the outdoors and nature

Songs about road tripping

Songs inspired by specific locations.

And if you don’t see one of your favorites, let us know! We are always looking for new music and would love to add new songs to the list.

Download our Songs about Travel & Adventure Spotify Playlist

For our complete list of songs about travel and adventure already in playlist form and ready for your enjoyment, enter your email below and we’ll send you a link to download our ultimate travel playlist on Spotify.

We add to the Spotify playlist periodically as we find music that inspires us, so it may contain additional songs not yet included in this blog post. Happy listening!

Download the Travel & Adventure Playlist on Spotify

Songs about travel inspiration & wanderlust.

The songs in this section are sure to stoke your wanderlust, leaving you with the urge to “ see the world ” and travel to “ the ends of the earth “! If you’re planning a trip, setting off on a new adventure, or just dreaming of future travels, you are sure to find some lyrics you relate to from the songs below.

As we packed up our lives in Virginia and planned to become full-time nomads, we found ourselves relating to Rob Baird’s “Fade Away”. We were certainly packing our “ bags a little heavy this time” , with no immediate plans to return to the place that we had always called home, but we were so “ ready for the big ol’ world ” and the pain of leaving home was overshadowed by our urge to explore!

  • See the World | Caamp
  • Vagabond | Caamp
  • Never Come Back Again | Austin Plaine
  • As We Ran | National Parks
  • Sprawl II | Will Daily
  • 7 Wonders | Jon Robert Hall
  • Mason-Dixon Line | Judah & the Lion
  • Only the Wild Ones | DISPATCH
  • Next to You | John Vincent III
  • See the World | Brett Dennen
  • Free | Zac Brown Band
  • Starting Over | Chris Stapleton
  • Traveller | Chris Stapleton
  • Nomads | John Craigie
  • Hopeless Wanderer | Mumford & Sons
  • Ends of the Earth | Lord Huron
  • Ba Ba Ra | The National Parks
  • Wildflowers | Trampled by Turtles
  • I’ve Been Everywhere | Johnny Cash
  • Castaway | Zac Brown Band
  • The Life You Chose | Jason Isbell
  • Mountain Song | Little Chief
  • Sleep on the Floor | The Lumineers
  • Fade Away | Rob Baird
  • Borderlines | Hollow Coves
  • Wherever I Go | The National Parks
  • Middle of Nowhere | Vancouver Sleep Clinic
  • Open Road | Roo Panes
  • Woodland | The Paper Kites
  • Yellow Eyes | Rayland Baxter
  • Wild + Free | Andrew Simple
  • Every Mile | Layup

CAAMP songs about travel and adventure

Songs about the outdoors & nature

The songs in this section are inspired by adventure in the great outdoors and the beauty of the world around us. These songs will make you want to hit the trails, climb that mountain, go on a camping trip or just inspire you to get outdoors.

Perhaps my favorite song on this list, “Blue Above the Green” by Mike Edel perfectly captures that feeling you get when you’ve reached the summit after hiking up a mountain. When you look up, all you can see is green leaves and blue sky. If you’re a hiker, this may become your new favorite song!

  • Blue Above the Green | Mike Edel
  • Specks | Matt Pond PA
  • Mountain Sound | Of Monsters and Men
  • Painted Sky | The National Parks
  • Coastline | Hollow Coves
  • Mountains | Jess Taylor
  • To the Mountains | Lizzy McAlpine
  • Meet Me in the Woods | Lord Huron
  • Mighty Mountains | National Park Radio
  • The Woods | Hollow Coves
  • Wildflower | The National Parks
  • Old Pine | Ben Howard
  • The River | Good Old War
  • These Mountains | Sunday Best

Young by The National Parks on Amazon Music - Amazon.com

This section includes songs about traveling on the road! From Willie Nelson’s classic “On the Road Again” to lesser-known gems like National Park’s Radio’s “The Road Ahead”, these songs will make you want to pack a bag, “fill the car with gasoline” and hit the road.

Hollow Coves’ song “The Open Road” perfectly describes the urge to travel, when you’ve been feeling stuck in your hometown for too long and you just “ miss the way it feels to roam “, that feeling of freedom that the open road ahead of you brings, as every twist and turn brings the possibility for new adventure.

If you’re planning a road trip, add this song to your travel playlist and you’ll be listening on repeat as your “ troubles fade away “!

  • America | Austin Plaine
  • All the Debts I Owe | Caamp
  • On the Road Again | Willie Nelson
  • Heads Carolina, Tails California | Jo Dee Messina
  • The Open Road | Hollow Coves
  • Life is Good on the Open Road | Trampled by Turtles
  • The Road Ahead | National Park Radio
  • Born to Be Wild | Steppenwolf
  • Ramblin’ Man | Allman Brothers Band
  • Road Runner | Vincent Neil Emerson
  • Lost, Scared & Tired | Jared & The Mill

America by Austin Plaine (song about traveling the US)

These songs about specific locations will make you want to travel to new places and seek out somewhere new to explore!

Maybe you’ll be inspired by the “ red sandstone ” landscapes in Sedona, set “ off to Colorado ” to find that “ rocky mountain high “, lay peacefully watching for “ shootin’ stars in Oklahoma “, be enchanted by the mystery of the Marfa Lights as they “ dance across the horizon ” or come “ alive down in New Orleans “. Wherever your travels take you, these songs are sure to add new places to your bucket list!

During our 2021 road trip , we absolutely fell in love with Idaho (so much so that we ended up buying a piece of land…), and we played Yonder Mountain String Band’s song Idaho on repeat as we road tripped from Idaho Falls to the Sawtooth Mountains. This Bluegrass tune truly captures the beauty of state! Add it your playlist and you may just find yourself planning a trip to Idaho…

  • Oklahoma Stars | Turnpike Troubadours
  • Wyoming | Family & Friends
  • Stockholm | Judah & the Lion
  • New Orleans | Parachute
  • Colorado | CHAPPY
  • Sedona | Houndsmouth
  • Shenandoah | Trampled by Turtles
  • Morocco | Moon Taxi
  • Ohio | Caamp
  • Colorado | Alex Gunthrie
  • Carolina | Corey Smith
  • Idaho | Yonder Mountain String Band
  • Rocky Mountain High | John Denver
  • Alabama Pines | Jason Isbell
  • Marfa Lights | Kaitlin Butts

Marfa Lights - song by Kaitlin Butts | Spotify

About the artists

We love all the artists and bands on this list, but we wanted to highlight a few of our favorites.

When I find a new artist that I love, I can listen to their songs on repeat for hours. This is Caamp for me! We started listening to their songs on our first cross country road trip and then went to a Caamp concert and we’ve been hooked ever since!

Evan Westfall, Taylor Meier and Matt Vinson make up the trio behind this American Folk band originally from Ohio. Caamp released their first album in 2016 and has been gaining popularity ever since. Many of their songs are about nature, being outdoors, and traveling, which is part of why we love them so much!

The National Parks

Songs from The National Parks take up several spots on our list of the best 72 songs about travel and adventure! This Indie folk/pop band formed in Provo, Utah consists of 4 members, Brady Parks, Sydney Macfarlane, Cam Brannelly and Megan Taylor Parks. They released their first single in 2013 and have since released four albums, “Wildflowers”, “Places”, “Until I Live”, and “Young”.

The National Parks songs have many songs about the beauty of the world around us, from the peaks of the Grand Tetons to the “painted sky” of the desert in the southwest. In fact, their single “As We Ran” was written for a short documentary by REI called “ Love in the Tetons” .

Hollow Coves

Another group that takes up a few spots on our list of songs about travel and adventure is Hollow Coves, an Australian Indie band led by sing-songwriters,  Ryan Henderson and Matt Carins.

The band’s earthy folk songs are inspired by the singers’ own travels, and their passion for seeing the world shines through in their music. In fact, their first album released in 2017 was titled ‘Wanderlust”, and includes several of the songs on our list, such as “Coastline” and “The Woods.”

songs inspired by travel

Other useful resources

Planning a road trip or a new adventure? We think you may find some inspiration and useful information here:

  • Travel tips | 11 Proven Tips for Road Tripping with a Cat
  • Road trip| Complete List of Road Trip Camping Essentials
  • Road trip | 27 Highlights of Our Life on the Road in 2021
  • Southwestern USA | The Ultimate 1 Week Arizona and Southern Utah Road Trip
  • Wyoming | 18 Best Hikes in Grand Teton National Park

What are your favorite songs about travel and adventure?! What songs would you add to the list? Let us know what you think of our playlist – we would love to hear from you!

songs inspired by travel

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Sarah Vaughan

Hello! I'm Sarah, one half of the couple behind Two Outliers! In 2023, I quit my job as a Data Scientist to travel around the world on an epic 15-month journey in search of the world's greatest hikes and outdoor adventures. Matt and I started Two Outliers in 2021 as a place for visitors to find concise, accurate, and honest information to plan their own adventures. We hope our experiences inspire you to hit the trail! Happy Hiking! Sarah

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Josh Sanders · February 9, 2022 at 10:00 pm

Wow an amazing list and photo!

' src=

twooutliers · February 10, 2022 at 8:12 am

thank you! we love this playlist, enjoy!

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65 Songs About Travel & Adventure For The Ultimate Wanderlust Playlist

Add these songs to your travel playlist to fuel your wanderlust..

Last updated on Jun 28, 2023

woman smiling for songs about wanderlust

There's nothing better than having music in your life that encompasses what you are doing or how you are feeling. And what better time to have music explain your feelings than on vacation?

Whether you're looking for the perfect songs to accompany your travel videos or are putting together a playlist for your vacation, these songs about traveling will fuel your wanderlust and set the tone for adventure.

65 Best Songs About Wanderlust, Travel & Adventure

1. "go your own way" by fleetwood mac.

If you haven't heard this song before, it will likely become your favorite travel song. It's one of those travel songs that's infused with the best travel tips: go your own way.

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2. "Leaving On A Jet Plane" by Peter, Paul, and Mary

You can listen to music while traveling by downloading songs to your phone. If you're traveling by plane, this song will definitely set the mood for you. John Denver also has a popular recording of it.

3. "On The Road Again" by Willie Nelson

This song is absolutely perfect for road trips . Pump up the music and sing along with your friends.

4. "Come Sail Away" by Styx

You don't have to be literally sailing away for this song to resonate. Sailing away, metaphorically speaking, can represent leaving home to jump into the unknown.

5. "Road To Nowhere" by Talking Heads

This is a great song to rock out to when you're traveling to a new destination for the foreseeable future. When moving, you might have to wrestle with a lot of bittersweet, complex emotions. This song is perfect for coping with those changes.

6. "Midnight Train To Georgia" by Gladys Knight & The Pips

This Grammy Award-winning song is about traveling from L.A. to Georgia on a train that departs at midnight.

7. "Travelin’ Man" by Ricky Nelson

Or a traveling woman, or traveling person, of course. This song is quite literally about traveling, so it will be perfect for any travel-themed playlist.

8. "Homeward Bound" by Simon & Garfunkel

Ever wanted to travel so you could avoid home? This song is about leaving home and constantly being reminded of it.

9. "Send Me On My Way" by Rusted Root

This is a song about moving forward in life — but being happy and hopeful about it.

10. "Life Is A Highway" by Rascal Flatts

"Life Is A Highway" is a metaphor for living life to the fullest and taking big risks.

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11. "Space Oddity" by David Bowie

"Space Oddity" came out the same year that astronauts landed on the moon: 1969.

12. "Fast Car" by Tracy Chapman

If you're driving down the road in a fast car — or even a slow one — this song will be perfect for your travel playlist.

13. "Orinoco Flow" by Enya

In this song, the narrator fantasizes about sailing away and traveling the world.

14. "See The World" by the Kooks

Want to see the world? Turn this song up to the full blast.

15. "Road Trippin'" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers

This song is perfect for your road trip playlist, as it is all about going on a road trip.

16. "Hot Fun in the Summertime" by Sly & The Family Stone

Nothing screams summer vacation like hot fun summertime.

17. "Malibu" by Kim Petras

"Malibu" is such a good vacation song. It's perfect for relaxing and chilling by the beach.

18. "Island in the Sun" by Weezer

"Island in the Sun" is all about sailing away to a fantasy beach. If only escaping your problems could be so easy.

19. "Surfin’ USA" by The Beach Boys

The music was based on “Sweet Little Sixteen” by Chuck Berry. This song covers all of the best surfing locations in the United States.

20. "California Gurls" by Katy Perry ft. Snoop Dogg

California Girls — they're undeniable! If you've ever been — or lived — in California, it might not ring true. But it definitely covers all of the California stereotypes that potential tourists might assume are accurate.

21. "School’s Out" by Alice Cooper

Nothing better than the end of the school year! What's more fun than celebrating the beginning of summer with a little Alice Cooper?

22. "Don’t Worry, Be Happy" by Bob Marley

This carefree song will perfectly put your work-life woes on pause. Close your eyes, take a breath, listen to this song, and enjoy yourself.

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23. "Soak Up The Sun" by Sheryl Crow

Traveling to a sunny place? This song is perfect for listening to by the pool or beach.

24. "Vacation" by The Go-Go's

What better way to celebrate your vacation than with a song that's literally called "Vacation"?

25. "It's Nice To Go Trav'ling" by Frank Sinatra

It's nice to go traveling, don't you think? Rocking out to this song is the best way to enjoy your travels.

26. "Meet the Parents" by Kim Petras

In this song, Kim Petras sings about taking someone to the beach, Paris, Miami, and New York.

27. "Galway Girl" by Ed Sheeran

The song is about a narrator that falls in love with a girl from Galway, Ireland.

28. "New York, I Love You" by LCD Soundsystem

What better way to embrace the Big Apple than with this song? Though it's about contradictions and a love/hate relationship with New York City, it's a reminder for anyone traveling that this city has a lot of heart.

29. "Night in Bangkok" by Murray Head

Bangkok is the capital of Thailand, and this song is great for traveling, as it describes what a literal night in Bangkok looks like.

30. "Free Man In Paris" by Joni Mitchell

Ever been to Paris? Ever been to Paris listening to this song? It's perfect for the first or next time your plane lands there.

31. "Paris, Tokyo" by Lupe Fiasco

Lupe Fiasco said he wrote this song because he loves Paris and Tokyo!

32. "American Boy" by Estelle ft. Kanye West

In this song, one of the narrators asks the other to take her to New York and L.A. And if either of those locations is your destination, you can rock out to this jam on the way there.

33. "Destination Calabria" by Alex Gaudino ft. Crystal Waters

This song is about leaving home without a plan set in stone.

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34. "Havana" by Camila Cabello

Camila Cabello is from Havana, so who better to sing a song about this beautiful city than a native?

35. "Sweet Home Alabama" by Lynyrd Skynyrd

Whether you're visiting Alabama or just love the tune, it's a great song about never forgetting your roots.

36. "A Thousand Miles" by Vanessa Carlton

"A Thousand Miles" is a fun travel song, especially if you're traveling a thousand miles (or more!) away from home.

37. "I’ve Been Everywhere" by Johnny Cash

This song is great if you've been traveling all over the place and is known to inspire wanderlust in anyone who listens.

38. "Everywhere" by Fleetwood Mac

Though "Everywhere" may not be about travel specifically, it conveys the lovely feeling of being anywhere in the world with your love by your side.

39. "Roam" by the B52s

This song invites you to explore the world, wherever you want, whenever.

40. "My Traveling Star" by James Taylor

"My Traveling Star" explores the tension between home and the road.

41. "Come Away With Me" by Norah Jones

This song is all about asking someone to leave with you.

42. "Shut Up and Drive" by Rihanna

Definitely consider adding this to your road trip playlist, especially if the driver talks too much.

43. "The Long Way Around" by The Chicks

Any song by The Chicks will suffice for your road trip blues.

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44. "Route 66" by Nat King Cole

Route 66 is one of the most famous routes in the United States. So if you're planning to drive the entire 2,000-mile stretch, consider adding this one to your wanderlust playlist.

45. "I Left My Heart In San Francisco" by Tony Bennett

This is the perfect song when moving feels more bittersweet than sweet.

46. "Montego Bay" by Amazulu

Montego Bay is Jamaica's third most populous city, and this song is all about relaxing.

47. "Proud Mary" by Tina Turner

Originally performed by Creedence Clearwater Revival, this song is about a steamboat traveling up and down the river. But its deeper meaning has an encouraging message to appreciate the simple things in life outside of bills and work.

48. "On Top of The World" by Imagine Dragons

This song is all about moving forward and letting go of the past . It's an anthem that radiates positivity, and its upbeat energy and empowering message of triumph make it a perfect choice for a road trip or adventure.

49. "I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)" by The Proclaimers

This song is perfect for road trips. It's one of those songs that everyone loves to sing along to in a car.

50. "Runaway" by Kanye West

This song is perfect for any trip, especially if you're traveling to get away from your problems.

51. Bruno Mars TikTok Song

This Bruno Mars remix is a staple for travel TikTokers.

52. TikTok Snapping Song

Transition your travel videos with a snap with this song in the background for a cool effect.

53. "Sunny Day" by Ted Fresco

This upbeat song adds a fun, lighthearted mood to your travel videos or wanderlust playlist.

54. "Vacation" by The Dirty Heads

This has quickly become the ultimate vacation video song thanks to TikTok.

55. "Paradise" by Bazzi

Show everyone a piece of your own paradise with this wanderlust song.

56. "Knee Deep" by The Zac Brown Band ft. Jimmy Buffet

An ultimate vacation goal is what this song represents. The Zac Brown Band and Jimmy Buffet paint a picture of a peaceful oceanfront property and not worrying about anything.

RELATED: Why I Travel To Cure My Broken Heart

57. "Empire State of Mind" by Jay-Z ft. Alicia Keys

Anyone going to New York City will be inspired by the glamorous and freeing descriptions of the concrete jungle.

58. "Traveling Alone" by Passenger

The song discusses wanting to travel all over, even if you're alone. So, if you have wanderlust this song is right up your alley.

59. "Down Under" by Men at Work

This classic 80s hit is all about how amazing Australia is. Once you hear it, you'll definitely want to visit the land down under.

60. "Guaranteed" by Eddie Vedder

This song was written for the film "Into The Wild" and won a Golden Globe. Why not add an award-winning hit to your playlist?

61. "Vienna" by Billy Joel

"Vienna" by Billy Joel discusses the importance of slowing down in life and enjoying the moment. It reminds us to take a break and smell the flowers.

62. "Born To Be Wild" by Steppenwolf

If you love riding along the open road, this song is for you. Originally recorded in 1968, it was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

63. "Graceland" by Paul Simon

This recording is a timeless masterpiece that has a vibrant and uplifting musical journey. Its introspective lyrics capture the essence of growth and exploration.

64. "Come Fly With Me" by Frank Sinatra

"Come Fly With Me" was written specifically for Frank Sinatra, and is a romantic song where Sinatra invites listeners to visit exotic places with him, like Peru and Bombay.

65. "Travelin Band" by Creedence Clearwater Revival

This is a high-energy rock and roll classic that captivates listeners with its infectious rhythm and spirited guitar riffs. You have to tap your feet when you hear it!

RELATED: 35 Best Songs About Life To Keep You Motivated On Your Journey

Izzy Casey is a freelance writer, former YourTango writer and associate editor, and copy editor who received her MFA in Poetry from the Iowa Writers' Workshop. Her work has been published in Corriere della Sera, The Iowa Review, Bennington Review, Gulf Coast, Black Warrior Review, BOATT, NY Tyrant, and elsewhere.

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Girl With The Passport

Insider’s Guide to the 100+ Best Songs about Travel

By: Author Girl with the Passport

Posted on Last updated: July 7, 2022

Categories Travel Tips

Looking for an expertly curated, super comprehensive selection of the all-time best songs about travel ?

If so then this list of 100+ best songs about travel is DEFFO for you. I mean, not only have I been traveling the world for the past 15+ years but I also love music.

So, when I’m not traveling, you can find me rocking out to some of the best songs about travel on this list.

Yeah, you may or may not find me hardcore lip-synching to some of these best travel songs while I dance around my room like Elaine from Seinfeld .

Heck, I even listen to a lot of these sick beats when I’m on the road and jamming to my very own travel songs playlist .

Therefore, if you’re in need of a bit of musical inspiration then give this list of the best songs about travel a read.

Because whether you’re traveling to New York, San Francisco, or somewhere in between, you’re sure to find the top travel songs for you!

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1. Alaska by Maggie Rogers

Colorful, stilted homes on the water in Ketchikan, Alaska.

“I was walking through icy streams

That took my breath away

Moving slowly through westward water

Over glacial plains

And I walked off you

And I walked off an old me

Oh me, oh my, I thought it was a dream

So it seemed”

2. Taj Mahal by Sam Roberts Band

“Sitting with you on the banks of the Ganges

Stealing a kiss on the streets of Bombay

Caressing your hair like the wind through the palm trees

I never dreamed that anyone could take you away

Keep on keep on keep on singing

I’m building a beautiful statue

To make sure that no one forgets you”

3. Carolina in My Mind by James Taylor

“In my mind I’m gone to Carolina

Can’t you see the sunshine?

Can’t you just feel the moonshine?

And, ain’t it just like a friend of mine

To hit me from behind?

Yes, I’m gone to Carolina in my mind”

4. New York State of Mind by Billy Joel

Some folks like to get away

Take a holiday from the neighborhood

Hop a flight to Miami Beach or to Hollywood

But I’m takin’ a Greyhound on the Hudson River line

I’m in a New York state of mind”

Pro Tip: Be sure to check out some of the other best songs about NYC . This is also just one of my personal picks for best travel songs since I’m from New York.

5. Hello Seattle by Owl City

“Hello Seattle, I am a manta ray

Deep beneath the blue waves

I’ll crawl the sandy bottom of Puget Sound

And construct my summer home”

6. Miles from Minnesota by The Lower 48

“Yes next year we’ll go traveling

Our escapades so baffling

Our sovereign love returning to the sea

We’ll be miles from Minnesota then

Writing letters we won’t send

For no words shall contain what will be

Well your sweet voice and my rough hands

When darkness prowls we will dance

Through bluffs and fields and orchards with the moon

Yes next year we will leave this place summer’s kiss is just a taste

Fall’s warm embrace is coming to us soon

Oh! We’ve got everywhere to go

You should sleep, I’ll see you in the morning”

7. God Blessed Texas by Little Texas

“God blessed Texas

With His own hand

Brought down angels from the promised land

Gave ’em a place where they could dance

If you want to see heaven, brother, here’s you chance

I’ve been sent to spread the message

God blessed Texas”

8. Graceland by Paul Simon

“The Mississippi Delta was shining

Like a National guitar

I am following the river

Down the highway

Through the cradle of the civil war

I’m going to Graceland”

9. Miles Away by The Maine

“I took a trip up the west coast

Was searching for a temp so low

And a summer high

The Sun swayed and set slow

Made waves with some friends I know

Got lost in the ebb and flow

Of the drifting tide

I didn’t ever want to come down

From that west coast rush and summer high

And easy, peaceful sense of time”

10. I’m Shipping Up To Boston by Dropkick Murphys

“I’m a sailor peg

And I’ve lost my leg

Climbing up the top sails

I’ve lost my leg!

I’m shipping up to Boston, whoa

I’m shipping off to find my wooden leg”

11. Lovers in Japan by Coldplay

View of the streets of Japan and reminds me of one of the best travel songs

“Tonight, maybe we’re gonna run

Dreamin’ of the Osaka sun

Ohh, ohh, ohhh

Dreamin’ of when the morning comes”

12. Aux Champs-Élysées by Joe Dassin

“Aux Champs-Elysées, aux Champs-Elysées

Au soleil, sous la pluie, à midi ou à minuit

Il y a tout ce que vous voulez aux Champs-Elysées”

And in English:

“Champs-Elysees, Champs-Elysees

In the sun, in the rain, at noon or midnight

There is everything you want on the Champs-Elysées”

I’m Shipping Up To Boston – Dropkick Murphys

I’m a sailor peg

13. Rock the Casbah by The Clash

“Sharif don’t like it

Rockin’ the Casbah

Rock the Casbah

Sharif don’t like it

Rock the Casbah”

14. Brazil by Declan McKenna

“I wanna play the beautiful game while I’m in Brazil

‘Cause everybody plays the beautiful game while out in Brazil

‘Cause it’s all you’ve ever wanted, and it’s all that you want still

Don’t you wanna play the beautiful game out in Brazil?”

15. Surfin’ USA by The Beach Boys

“Haggerties and Swamies

Pacific Palisades

San Anofree and Sunset

Redondo Beach L. A.

All over La Jolla

At Waimea Bay

Everybody’s gone surfin’

Surfin’ U.S. A.”

16. California by Phantom Planet

“Hustlers grab your guns

Your shadow weighs a ton

Driving down the 101

California here we come

Right back where we started from

California, here we come.”

17. Mexico by James Taylor

“Way down here you need a reason to move

Feel a fool running your stateside games

Lose your load, leave your mind behind Baby Jane

It sounds so simple I just got to go

The sun’s so hot I forgot to go home

Guess I’ll have to go now”

18. Beverly Hills by Weezer

“Beverly Hills

That’s where I want to be (gimme, gimme)

Livin’ in Beverly Hills

Beverly Hills

Rollin’ like a celebrity (gimme, gimme)

Livin’ in Beverly Hills”

19. Barcelona by George Ezra

Parc Guell Barcelona Spain

“Every time you have to go

Shut my eyes and you know

I’ll be lying right by your side

In Barcelona”

20. Rocky Road to Dublin by The Irish Descendants

Well in Dublin next arrived, I thought it’d be a pity

To be so soon deprived a view of that fine city

So then I took a stroll down among the quality

Me bundle it was stolen in a neat locality

Something crossed me mind, then I looked behind

No bundle could I find upon me stick a-wobblin’

Inquiring for the rogue, said me connaught brogue wasn’t much in vogue

On the rocky road to Dublin”

21. America by Simon & Garfunkel

“Cathy, I said as we boarded a Greyhound in Pittsburgh

Michigan seems like a dream to me now

It took me four days to hitchhike from Saginaw

I’ve gone to look for America”

22. Walking in Memphis by Marc Cohn

“Saw the ghost of Elvis

On Union Avenue

Followed him up to the gates of Graceland

Then I watched him walk right through

Now security they did not see him

They just hovered ’round his tomb

But there’s a pretty little thing

Waiting for the King

Down in the Jungle Room

When I was walking in Memphis

I was walking with my feet ten feet off of Beale

Walking in Memphis

But do I really feel the way I feel?”

23. Africa by Toto

“The wild dogs cry out in the night

As they grow restless, longing for some solitary company

I know that I must do what’s right

As sure as Kilimanjaro rises like Olympus above the Serengeti

I seek to cure what’s deep inside, frightened of this thing that I’ve become

It’s gonna take a lot to drag me away from you

There’s nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do

I bless the rains down in Africa

Gonna take some time to do the things we never have”

Pro Tip: Weezer also did a fantastic cover of this song in 2018 that you should DEFFO add to your list of best travel songs today.

24. Waka Waka (This Time for Africa) by Shakira

“Today’s your day

You paved the way

If you get down get up oh oh

When you get down get up eh eh

Tsamina mina zangalewa

This time for Africa”

25. Marrakech Express by Crosby, Stills, & Nash

“Take the train from Casablanca going south

Blowing smoke rings from the corners of my my, my, my, my mouth

Colored cottons hang in air

Charming cobras in the square

Striped jellabas we can wear at home

Don’t you know we’re riding on the Marrakesh Express”

26. Blue Hawaii by Elvis Presley

“Come with me

While the moon is on the sea

The night is young

And so are we, so are we

Dreams come true

In blue Hawaii”

27. I’ve Been Everywhere by Johnny Cash

“I’ve been everywhere, man

I’ve been everywhere, man

Crossed the deserts bare, man

I’ve breathed the mountain air, man

Travel, I’ve had my share, man

I’ve been everywhere

I’ve been to


28. Rio by Netsky and featuring Macklemore

“It’s the “Rio” remix, you should see us

Swimming in the ocean like the pool is hella heated

Expedited Visa and I’m posted with my feet up

Parasailing over beaches, got my girl from Ipanema”

29. Back in the U.S.S.R. by The Beatles

“Well the Ukraine girls really knock me out

They leave the West behind

And Moscow girls make me sing and shout

That Georgia’s always on my mind

Aw come on!

Yeah I’m back in the U.S.S.R.

You don’t know how lucky you are boys

Back in the U.S.S.R.”

30. April in Paris by Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong

View of the Eiffel Tower from the Arc de Triumphe and reminds me of one of the best soungs about travel

“I never knew the charm of spring

I never met it face to face

I never knew my heart could sing

I never missed a warm embrace

Till April in Paris, chestnuts in blossom

Holiday tables under the trees

April in Paris, this is a feeling”

31. Budapest by George Ezra

“My house in Budapest

My hidden treasure chest

Golden grand piano

My beautiful Castillo

I’d leave it all

My acres of a land

I have achieved

It may be hard for you to

Stop and believe

But for you

I’d Leave it all

Give me one good reason

Why I should never make a change

And baby if you hold me

Then all of this will go away.”

32. Viva Las Vegas by Elvis Presley

Bright light city gonna set my soul

Gonna set my soul on fire

Got a whole lot of money that’s ready to burn

So get those stakes up higher

There’s a thousand pretty women waitin’ out there

And they’re all livin’ devil may care

And I’m just the devil with love to spare

Viva Las Vegas, viva Las Vegas”

33. Vienna by Ultravox

“The music is weaving

Haunting notes, pizzicato strings

The rhythm is calling

Alone in the night as the daylight brings

A cool empty silence

The warmth of your hand and a cold grey sky

It fades to the distance

The image has gone only you and I

It means nothing to me

This means nothing to me

Oh, Vienna”

34. Midnight Train to Georgia by Gladys Knight & the Pips

“He’s leaving (leaving)

On that midnight train to Georgia (leaving on a midnight train)

Said he’s going back (going back to find)

To a simpler place and time (and when he takes that ride)

Oh yes, he is (guess who’s gonna sit right by his side)”

35. Malibu by Miley Cyrus

“But here I am

Next to you

The sky is so blue

Next to you”

36. New York Groove by Ace Frehley

“Many years since I was here

On the street I was passin’ my time away

To the left and to the right,

Buildings towering to the sky

It’s outta sight in the dead of night

Here I am, and in this city, with a fistful of dollars

And baby, you’d better believe

I’m back, back in the New York groove”

37. Road to Nowhere by the Talking Heads

“We’re on a road to nowhere

Come on inside

Takin’ that ride to nowhere

We’ll take that ride”

38. California Love by Tupac and Dr. Dre

“Say what you say, but give me that bomb beat from Dre

Let me serenade the streets of L.A

From Oakland to Sacktown

The Bay Area and back down

Cali is where they put they mack down give me love!

California, knows how to party

In the city of L.A.

In the city of good ol’ Watts

In the city, the city of Compton

We keep it rocking”

39. Renegades by X Ambassadors

“Run away-ay with me

Lost souls in revelry

Running wild and running free

Two kids, you and me

Hey, hey-hey-hey

Livin’ like we’re renegades



Pro Tip: This is a fantastic song that is highly underrated IMHO. So, be sure to add it to your playlist filled with the best songs about travel.

40. Miami by Will Smith

Multi-colored lifeguard tower in Miami in best warm winter vacations USA.

“Party in the city where the heat is on

All night, on the beach till the break of dawn

‘Welcome to Miami’

‘Bienvenidos a Miami’

Bouncin’ in the club where the heat is on

I’m goin to Miami

‘Welcome to Miami'”

41. The Wanderer by Dion DiMucci

“I’m the type of guy that likes to roam around

I’m never in one place I roam from town to town

And when I find myself a-fallin’ for some girl, yeah

I hop right into that car of mine and ride around the world

Yeah I’m the wanderer, yeah the wanderer

I roam around around around, let’s go”

42. Hotel California by The Eagles

“Welcome to the Hotel California

Such a lovely place (Such a lovely place)

Such a lovely face

Plenty of room at the Hotel California

Any time of year (Any time of year)

You can find it here.”

43. Where the Streets Have No Name by U2

“Where the streets have no name

Where the streets have no name

We’re still building then burning down love

Burning down love

And when I go there, I go there with you

It’s all I can do.”

44. Empire State of Mind by Jay-Z and featuring Alicia Keys

“In New York (Ay, aha) (Uh, yeah)

Concrete jungle (Yeah) where dreams are made of

There’s nothing you can’t do (Yeah) (OK)

Now you’re in New York (Aha, aha, aha) (Uh, yeah)

These streets will make you feel brand-new (New)

Big lights will inspire you (Come on) (OK)

Let’s hear it for New York (You welcome, OG) (Uh)

New York (Yeah), New York (Uh)”

45. Around the World by Daft Punk

“Around the world, around the world

Around the world, around the world

Around the world, around the world”

46. Down Under by Men at Work

“Buying bread from a man in Brussels

He was six foot four and full of muscle

I said, “Do you speak-a my language?”

He just smiled and gave me a Vegemite sandwich

And he said:

I come from a land down under

Where beer does flow and men chunder

Can’t you hear, can’t you hear the thunder

You better run, you better take cover.”

47. Traveling On by The Decemberists

“Cause we’re traveling on

Sold for a song

We’re traveling on

And it won’t be long

‘Til we’re traveling on”

48. Hopeless Wanderer by Mumford & Sons

“But hold me fast, hold me fast

‘Cause I’m a hopeless wanderer

And hold me fast, hold me fast

‘Cause I’m a hopeless wanderer”

49. When I’m Gone (The Cups Song) by Anna Kendrick

“I’ve got my ticket for the long way ‘round

The one with the prettiest of views

It’s got mountains, it’s got rivers, it’s got sights to give you shivers

But it sure would be prettier with you

When I’m gone

You’re gonna miss me when I’m gone

You’re gonna miss me by my walk

You’re gonna miss me by my talk, oh

You’re gonna miss me when I’m gone”

50. Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen

“Someday girl I don’t know when

We’re gonna get to that place

Where we really wanna go

And we’ll walk in the sun

But till then tramps like us

Baby we were born to run”

51. Moon River by Audrey Hepburn

“Two drifters, off to see the world

There’s such a lot of world to see

We’re after the same rainbow’s end, waitin’ ’round the bend

My huckleberry friend, moon river, and me”

52. Life is a Highway by Rascal Flatts

“Life is a highway

I wanna ride it all night long

If you’re going my way

I wanna drive it all night long”

53. Kathmandu by Bob Seger

“I think I’m going to Katmandu

‍That’s really, really where I’m going to

If I ever get out of here

That’s what I’m gonna do

I know my plane is due

The one that’s going to Katmandu

Up to the mountain’s where I’m going to

K-k-k-k-k-k Kathmandu‍”

54. The Passenger by Iggy Pop

“I am a passenger

And I ride and I ride

I ride through the city’s backside

I see the stars come out of the sky

Yeah, they’re bright in a hollow sky

You know it looks so good tonight

I am a passenger

I stay under glass

I look through my window so bright

I see the stars come out tonight

I see the bright and hollow sky

Over the city’s ripped-back sky

And everything looks good tonight”

55. Havana by Camila Cabello

“Havana, ooh na-na

Half of my heart is in Havana, ooh na-na

He took me back to East Atlanta, na-na-na, ah

Oh, but my heart is in Havana” ‍

56. Fast Car by Tracy Chapman

“You got a fast car

Is it fast enough so we can fly away?

We gotta make a decision

Leave tonight or live and die this way”

57. Paris by The Chainsmokers

Jardin du Luxembourg in Paris and one of the best songs about travel.

“We were staying in Paris

To get away from your parents

You look so proud

Standing there with a frown and a cigarette

Posting pictures of yourself on the internet”

58. Hotel Walls by Smith & Thell

“So I stand back and I watch us fall

As we break everything inside these hotel walls

Life’s for rent and it called us out

So I hand back the key as the door man bows”

Pro Tip: This is a really great Swedish band and you should listen to some of their other best travel songs too, like Forgive Me, Friend .

59. Vacation by The Go-Go’s


All I ever wanted

Had to get away

Meant to be spent alone”

60. On Top of the World by Imagine Dragons

‘Cause I’m on top of the world, ‘ey

I’m on top of the world, ‘ey

Waiting on this for a while now

Paying my dues to the dirt

I’ve been waiting to smile, ‘ey

Been holding it in for a while, ‘ey

Take it with me if I can

Been dreaming of this since a child

I’m on top of the world”

61. No Sleep Till Brooklyn by The Beastie Boys

“No sleep ’till

No sleep ’till Brooklyn

No sleep till Brooklyn”

62. Barcelona by Ed Sheeran

“And you and I we’re flying on an airplane tonight

We’re going somewhere where the sun is shining bright

Just close your eyes

And let’s pretend we’re dancing in the street

In Barcelona


63. Homeward Bound by Simon & Garfunkel

“Every day’s an endless stream

Of cigarettes and magazines

And each town looks the same to me, the movies and the factories

And every stranger’s face I see reminds me that I long to be

Homeward bound

I wish I was

Home where my thought’s escaping

Home where my music’s playing

Home where my love lies waiting

Silently for me”

64. Tennessee by Arrested Development

“They tell me my ears are so young

Go back, from whence you came

My family tree, my family name

For some strange reason it had to be

He guided me to Tennessee

Take me to another place, take me to another land

Make me forget all that hurts me, let me understand your plan”

65. In America by Neil Diamond

“Everywhere around the world

They’re coming to America

Every time that flag’s unfurled

Got a dream to take them there

Got a dream they’ve come to share

They’re coming to America”

66. No Roots by Alice Merton

“I like standing still, but that’s just a wishful plan

Ask me where I come from, I’ll say a different land

But I’ve got memories and travel like gypsies in the night

I count gates and numbers, then play the guessing game

It’s just the place that changes, the rest is still the same

And a thousand times I’ve seen this road

A thousand times

I’ve got no roots, but my home was never on the ground”

67. California Dreamin’ by the Mamas and the Papas

“All the leaves are brown (all the leaves are brown)

And the sky is gray (and the sky is gray)

I’ve been for a walk (I’ve been for a walk)

On a winter’s day (on a winter’s day)

I’d be safe and warm (I’d be safe and warm)

If I was in L.A. (if I was in L.A.)

California dreamin’ (California dreamin’)

On such a winter’s day”

68. Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus

“I hopped off the plane at LAX

With a dream and my cardigan

Welcome to the land of fame excess (Whoa)

Am I gonna fit in?

Jumped in the cab, here I am for the first time

Look to my right, and I see the Hollywood sign

This is all so crazy

Everybody seems so famous

My tummy’s turnin’ and I’m feelin’ kinda homesick

Too much pressure and I’m nervous

That’s when the taxi man turned on the radio

And a JAY-Z song was on

So I put my hands up

They’re playin’ my song, the butterflies fly away

I’m noddin’ my head like, “Yeah”

Movin’ my hips like, “Yeah”

Got my hands up, they’re playing my song

You know I’m gonna be okay

Yeah, it’s a party in the U.S.A.

Yeah, it’s a party in the U.S.A.”

69. Galway Girl by Ed Sheeran

“You know, she played the fiddle in an Irish band

But she fell in love with an Englishman

Kissed her on the neck and then I took her by the hand

Said, “Baby, I just wanna dance”

With my pretty little Galway girl

You’re my pretty little Galway girl”

70. Fly Away by Lenny Kravitz

I want to get away

I want to fly away

Yeah, yeah, yeah‍”

71. Kokomo by The Beach Boys

“Aruba, Jamaica, ooh, I want to take you to

Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama

Key Largo, Montego, baby, why don’t we go?

Ooh, I want to take you down to Kokomo

We’ll get there fast and then we’ll take it slow

That’s where we want to go, way down in Kokomo”

72. Margaritaville by Jimmy Buffett

“Wastin’ away again in Margaritaville

Searchin’ for my lost shaker of salt

Salt, salt, salt

Some people claim that there’s a woman to blame

I agree with that

And I know it’s all you women’s fault”

73. Have Love Will Travel by The Sonics

Yeah, I travel from Maine to Mexico

Just to find a little girl that loves me so

No matter when, no matter where I’ll be

I’m looking for a woman that’ll satisfy me

Whoa, baby, will travel

I said, yeah, yeah, have love

Woah, baby, will travel

I said, if you need loving then

Mm, hmm, I’ll travel


74. Chicago by Sufjan Stevens

“I fell in love again

All things go, all things go

Drove to Chicago

All things know, all things know”

75. One Night in Bangkok by Murray Head

Floating Market in Bangkok as described by one of the best travel songs.

“One night in Bangkok and the world’s your oyster

The bars are temples but the pearls ain’t free

You’ll find a god in every golden cloister

A little flesh, a little history

I can feel an angel sliding up to me”

76. Leaving on a Jetplane by John Denver

“So kiss me and smile for me

Tell me that you’ll wait for me

Hold me like you’ll never let me go

‘Cause I’m leavin’ on a jet plane

Don’t know when I’ll be back again

Oh babe, I hate to go”

77. I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) by The Proclaimers

“But I would roll 500 miles

And I would roll 500 more

Just to be the man who roles a thousand miles

To fall down at your door”

78. Ramblin’ Man by The Allman Brothers Band

“I’m on my way to New Orleans this mornin’

I’m leavin’ out of Nashville, Tennessee

They’re always having a good time down on the bayou

Lord, them Delta women think the world of me

Lord, I was born a ramblin’ man

Tryin’ to make a livin’ and doin’ the best I can

And when it’s time for leavin’

I hope you’ll understand

That I was born a ramblin’ man”

79. Istanbul (Not Constantinople) by They Might Be Giants

“Every gal in Constantinople

Lives in Istanbul, not Constantinople

So if you’ve a date in Constantinople

She’ll be waiting in Istanbul

Even old New York was once New Amsterdam

Why they changed it I can’t say

People just liked it better that way”

80. Vertigo by FM Belfast

“We are going far away

We are going far away

Don’t you look down

You are high above ground

We are driving with our friends

We are driving to a faraway place”

81. Sweet Home Alabama by Lynyrd Skynyrd

“Sweet home Alabama

Where the skies are so blue

Sweet home Alabama

Lord, I’m comin’ home to you”

82. On the Road Again by Willie Nelson

“On the road again

Like a band of gypsies, we go down the highway

We’re the best of friends

Insisting that the world keep turning our way

And our way

Is on the road again”

83. Born to be Wild by Steppenwolf

“Born to be wild

Born to be wild

Get your motor runnin’

Head out on the highway

Looking for adventure

In whatever comes our way”

84. Roam by The B-52’s

“Roam if you want to

Roam around the world

Roam if you want to

Without wings, without wheels

Without anything but the love we feel”

85. Send Me on My Way by Rusted Root

Well, I would like to hold my little hand

And we will run, we will, we will crawl, we will

I would like to hold my little hand

And we will run, we will, we will crawl

Send me on my way (on my way)”

86. Take Me Home, Country Roads by John Denver

“Country roads, take me home

To the place I belong

West Virginia, mountain mama

Take me home, country roads”

87. San Francisco by Scott McKenzie

Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco

“If you’re going to San Francisco

Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair

If you’re going to San Francisco

You’re gonna meet some gentle people there.”

88. London Calling by The Clash

“The ice age is coming, the sun is zooming in

Engines stop running, the wheat is growin’ thin

A nuclear era, but I have no fear

‘Cause London is drowning, and I, I live by the river”

89. Wonderwall by Oasis (Popular amongst guitar players in hostels the world over)

“And all the roads we have to walk are winding

And all the lights that lead us there are blinding

There are many things that I would like to say to you, but I don’t know how

Because maybe

You’re gonna be the one that saves me

And after all

You’re my wonderwall”

Random Aside : Honestly, if you haven’t heard someone play this pick for one of the best travel songs on their guitar in a hostel, have you really traveled? And the correct answer is, probably not!

90. Come Fly With Me by Frank Sinatra

“Come fly with me, let’s fly, let’s fly away

If you can use some exotic booze

There’s a bar in far Bombay

Come fly with me, let’s fly, let’s fly away.”

91. Truckin’ by the Grateful Dead

“Truckin’, like the do-dah man

Once told me, ‘You’ve got to play your hand’

Sometimes the cards ain’t worth a dime

If you don’t lay ’em down.”

92. What We Live For by American Authors

“We’re taking off, woo

We’re taking off, woo

This is what I live for

Baby, you’re my open road.”

93. Holiday by Madonna

“If we took a holiday

Took some time to celebrate

Just one day out of life

It would be, it would be so nice.”

94. Gravity by Cold Play


It’s been a long time coming

Such a long, long time

And I can’t stop running

Can you hear my heart beating?

Can you hear that sound?

‘Cause I can’t help thinking

And I won’t stop now“

95. Leaving Las Vegas by Cheryl Crow

“I’m leaving Las Vegas

Lights so bright, palm sweat, blackjack on a Saturday night

Leaving Las Vegas

Leaving for good, for good

I’m leaving for good

I’m leaving for good”

96. Free by Donovan Frankenreiter

“Here comes corner winds and the changin’ tide

We better drop them sails and get inside

When will the weather ever let us go

I guess we’ll have to wait until the trade winds blow”

97. Come Away with Me by Norah Jones

“Come away with me and we’ll kiss

On a mountain top

Come away with me

And I’ll never stop lovin’ you”

98. American Boy by Estelle and featuring Kanye West

“Take me on a trip, I’d like to go some day

Take me to New York, I’d love to see LA

I really want to come kick it with you

You’ll be my American boy.”

99. Destination Calabria by Alex Gaudino featuring Crystal Waters

“I left my job, my boss, my car and my home

I’m leaving for a destination I still don’t know”

100. Toes by the Zac Brown Band

The turquoise blue waters and sandy beach of Antiparos in Greece.

“I got my toes in the water, ass in the sand

Not a worry in the world, a cold beer in my hand

Life is good today”

101. Last Train Home by John Mayer

“I’m on the last train runnin’

I’m on the last train runnin’

And I surrender

And I surrender”

102. Two Tickets To Paradise by Eddie Money

“I’m gonna take you on a trip so far from here,

I’ve got two tickets in my pocket, now baby, we’re gonna disappear.

We’ve waited so long, waited so long.

We’ve waited so long, waited so long.“

103. Do You Want to See the World by the Kooks

“Do you want to see the world?

In a different way, yeah”

104. A Million Miles Away by David Byrne

“Oh oh

A million miles away from here”

105. Space Oddity by David Bowie

“This is Major Tom to Ground Control

I’m stepping through the door

And I’m floating in a most peculiar way

And the stars look very different today

Am I sitting in a tin can

Far above the world

Planet Earth is blue

And there’s nothing I can do”

Additional Travel Resources You’ll Love

  • Best Travel Quotes
  • Best Travel Captions for Instagram
  • Best Songs About West Virginia

There you have it! That just about wraps up this list of the best travel songs of all time!

Tell me, did your favorite road trip songs make the list if not then let. me know in the comments below, and if you found this post about the best travel songs useful, don’t forget to pin this post now so that you can read it again later.

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Matador Original Series

28 songs that capture the spirit of travel (with videos).

T HERE’S A GOOD reason many of us take music with us when we travel; it can transport us — back home, away from an overcrowded bus, or through a restless night.

Music helps us connect to others — to fellow travelers who might share our taste in songs and to locals who might not speak our language but can carry the rhythm.

For those of us with gipsy blood, music can speak to who we are and why it is that we can never seem to settle down. Music engenders a desire to see a new place, or to travel simply for the joy of the journey.

In the few minutes that a song lasts, the ember of wanderlust inside us can be stoked into a bonfire that can’t be ignored. Suddenly, we’re inspired to earn that money, book that flight, pack that bag — do whatever it takes to get back on the road.

So here I present thirty songs that best capture the spirit of travel.

Go ahead and load up your phone, slip on your earphones, and crank up the tunes. Who knows where these songs will take you.

Songs About Place

Certain songs take you immediately to a specific place. They precisely capture somewhere you’ve been or inspire you to plan a trip to the locale forever locked in lyrics.

Other songs don’t name names, but in your mind, the place evoked by the tune is so exact you have no doubt what town, city, or country the singer is crooning about…until you meet another traveler who pictures an entirely different place every time that song is played.

1. Carolina in My Mind by James Taylor

Who doesn’t see that Carolina sunshine or feel that moonshine when this classic comes through the speakers? I certainly hear “the highway calling” each time this song appears on my play list.

The vivid imagery of this song–colored cottons, charming cobras–brings this famed Moroccan city right to life. Can you resist its call?

Come on, I couldn’t leave this one off, could I? It’s classic.

Strange and bewildering is certainly one way to describe this town. If you’ve been there, I’m sure you can think of many other fitting adjectives.

5. Graceland by Paul Simon

On the surface, sure, it’s a song about Memphis, but I think we all have our own Graceland, that place where we go for reasons we can’t explain, with the hope of being well received.

In each of our histories, there’s that “happy little foreign town,” where we danced, laughed, and were in love with every minute of every day. It’s the place we find a way to go back to time and again, even if just in our memories.

It’s the town not in any guidebook, the one you found when you got off the train at the wrong stop or surreptitiously shared a hostel room with someone who had just come from there. It’s the restaurant without a sign, the guestroom tucked away in a back alley, the beach you’ll never be able to find again…but will always remember.

Songs About How To Travel

A common maxim reminds us that it’s not the destination, but the journey that matters. If it’s about the journey, then the method of transportation is important.

By boat, by train, by foot, by car…the manner in which we travel plays a large role in the way in which we experience the world.

8. Proud Mary by CCR

Is it possible to listen to this song and not want to give up that “good job in the city” to “hitch a ride on a river boat queen”? Whether it’s on the Mississippi, the Amazon, the Nile, the Ganges, or some smaller, quieter river, boats are a great throwback way to travel.

I’m not sure you can call yourself a traveler if you’ve never made at least one trip by train, passing time playing cards with friends and watching the world pass outside your window.

Songs About the Reasons We Travel

We each have our private reasons for taking a trip, but there are common themes that link travelers.

Often we journey in search of something–ourselves, love, adventure, understanding, the place we belong. Sometimes we go simply because we can’t stand to stay where we are or because of an almost desperate urge for movement.

And in some cases, there is no reason. We travel simply because we are travelers.

Stay in one place too long and sometimes it really seems that you can feel the grass growing underfoot. That’s when you know for certain that it’s time to move on.

10. The World at Large by Modest Mouse

With the changing of seasons comes a desire for a change of scenery. The migrating instinct awakes in our souls.

While every trip might be a search for somewhere new or different, it’s also true that every journey away from home is an opportunity to better understand the place from which we come.

You have them – the friends who stayed at home and settled down. You look at their lives and can’t imagine finding happiness that way. They, on the other hand, look at your life and wonder why you always have to take “the long way around.” Different strokes, right?

Some people are content to sit on the shorelines, but those of us who travel know that we’ve got to get out there and chance the rapids, dance in the tides, and follow the dream wherever it leads.

As Steven Tyler sings, “our hopes and dreams are out there somewhere.” We can stay where we are and hope our dreams come to us or we can go out and find that better place. I’m not seeing much of a choice here.

If you live for that feeling of freedom that comes with arriving in a destination where no one knows you, there’s nothing in the world that can hold you down.

16. Ramble On by Led Zeppelin

Is it love that we’re all looking for as we ramble on? Maybe… though not necessarily romantic love. Love of a place, love of a time, love of life itself.

Sometimes the road is lonely and the destination isn’t always clear, but the dream is always big enough to compel us to walk down that road time and time again.

Trying to explain why you travel to those who’d rather stay in one place is often futile. You’re coming from places too far apart, so sometimes the best answer (and maybe the true answer) is simply that you were “born a ramblin’ man.”

Songs that Capture the Joy of Travel

At the end of the day, what most often inspires us to go is the ecstasy of travel, pure and simple. The frustrations of airports, the struggles with packing, and the tedium of days spent working all fade away when you set off on your journey.

Who hasn’t scanned the departures at the airport and recalled all the places that they’ve already been and made plans for the places still to be explored?

Going places that you’ve never been, seeing things that you’ve never seen, making music with your friends…isn’t that what travel is all about?

The only question this song leaves to ponder is: what day isn’t a good day to run?

Fly the skies, see the seas, run around all the continents. Go ahead, roam without a care.

I’m not sure it’s possible to resist this siren’s call to walk with her in yellow-grassed fields, to stand with her atop a mountain, to lie with her under a tin roof in the rain. It’s travel the romantic way.

23. Fly Away by Lenny Kravitz

Just think of all the places you would visit if you could fly, taking off with every whim. And travel without the hassle of the airport…I’m not sure it gets better than that.

Windows down, gas tank full, an open road in front of you. This song demands that you sing along as you see the world from behind the wheel.

When you’re able to find home on the road, you know that you’ve reached a new level of travel and you no longer care how the world defines you.

Though I’ve yet to actually meet anyone who can claim they’ve been everywhere, there certainly are a lot of people trying. Regardless of whether you like to hit as many spots as you can or take it slow and easy through one place, rambling through the many places listed in this song is always fun.

Everybody wants to be king of something, and if you’re a traveler, there’s no better kingdom than the road.

28. Around the World by the Red Hot Chili Peppers

No arguing here. Life is indeed beautiful all around the world.

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The Ultimate Travel Songs Playlist To Inspire Wanderlust

The Ultimate Travel Songs Playlist To Inspire Wanderlust


There’s nothing quite like hitting the open road or embarking on a new adventure with the perfect soundtrack playing in the background. Music has a way of capturing the essence of travel, evoking feelings of wanderlust, and transporting us to different places and times. Whether you’re exploring new cities, trekking through remote landscapes, or simply daydreaming about your next journey, having a curated playlist of travel songs is essential.

In this article, we have compiled the ultimate travel songs playlist that will inspire wanderlust and enhance your travel experience. From uplifting and energetic tunes to reflective and soulful melodies, we’ve got you covered. We’ve categorized the songs into different sections to suit various moods and preferences, ensuring that there’s something for everyone.

So, whether you’re embarking on an epic road trip, planning a backpacking adventure, or simply looking for some musical inspiration to fuel your wanderlust, get ready to dive into the world of travel songs that will transport you to new destinations and ignite your sense of adventure.

Section 1: Upbeat and Energetic Travel Songs

When you’re in the mood for an adventure and need a burst of energy, upbeat travel songs are the perfect choice. These songs are guaranteed to get your adrenaline pumping and have you singing along in no time.

1. “On the Road Again” by Willie Nelson: A classic road trip anthem, this upbeat country song will have you dreaming of hitting the highway and exploring new horizons.

2. “I Wanna Dance with Somebody” by Whitney Houston: This energetic song will make you want to dance your way through new cities and let loose as you experience the joy of travel.

3. “Adventure of a Lifetime” by Coldplay: With its catchy beat and uplifting lyrics, this song is perfect for those moments when you want to embrace the thrill and adventure of exploring new places.

4. “Walking on Sunshine” by Katrina and The Waves: This feel-good song is a reminder to embrace the sunshine, soak up the positive vibes, and make the most of every travel experience.

5. “Roam” by The B-52’s: This fun and upbeat track will have you singing along and dreaming of roaming the world with a carefree spirit.

6. “Good Vibrations” by The Beach Boys: No travel playlist is complete without a song from The Beach Boys. “Good Vibrations” is all about spreading positivity and capturing the essence of a sunny, fun-filled adventure.

7. “Don’t Stop Me Now” by Queen: This iconic Queen song is an anthem for living life to the fullest and enjoying every moment. It’s the perfect soundtrack for your next travel adventure.

8. “Shut Up and Dance” by Walk the Moon: This infectious pop-rock tune will have you dancing and singing along, reminding you to let go of your worries and embrace the joy of exploring new destinations.

9. “Holiday” by Madonna: With its catchy chorus and upbeat tempo, “Holiday” will transport you to a carefree vacation state of mind, making it a must-have on your travel playlist.

10. “Born to Run” by Bruce Springsteen: This iconic rock anthem embodies the spirit of adventure and the freedom of the open road. It’s the perfect song to kick-start your travel journey.

These upbeat and energetic travel songs are sure to get your spirits high and set the tone for an unforgettable adventure. So, turn up the volume and let the music guide you on your next travel escapade.

Section 2: Reflective and Soulful Travel Songs

Traveling often evokes a sense of introspection and self-discovery. Reflective and soulful travel songs provide the perfect soundtrack for those quiet moments of contemplation as you journey to new destinations. These songs capture the emotional depth and transformative power of travel.

1. “Wild World” by Cat Stevens: This timeless classic is a heartfelt reminder of the bittersweet nature of leaving familiar places behind and embracing the unknown.

2. “The Long and Winding Road” by The Beatles: With its haunting melody and evocative lyrics, this song beautifully reflects the introspective nature of travel and the emotional journey it can take us on.

3. “Fast Car” by Tracy Chapman: This soul-stirring song tells a story of longing for escape and the desire for a better life, resonating with anyone yearning for adventure and change.

4. “Free Fallin'” by Tom Petty: As you embark on your travel journey, this introspective song reminds you to let go of inhibitions and embrace the freedom and unknown that lay ahead.

5. “Hallelujah” by Leonard Cohen: With its poetic lyrics and soulful melody, this song captures the emotional depth and spiritual aspect of travel, offering a sense of solace and hope.

6. “Learning to Fly” by Tom Petty: This introspective anthem is a reflection on personal growth and the challenges that come with leaving your comfort zone and spreading your wings.

7. “Fast Car” by Jonas Blue ft. Dakota: A modern rendition of Tracy Chapman’s iconic song, this version adds an electronic touch while still capturing the longing for escape and the desire for new experiences.

8. “Wish You Were Here” by Pink Floyd: This soulful and melancholic song reflects on the fleeting nature of time and the longing for human connection even while exploring new places.

9. “Home” by Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros: With its warm and soulful sound, this song encapsulates the feeling of finding a sense of belonging and home within the journey of travel.

10. “Take It Easy” by Eagles: This laid-back and reflective song reminds us to take a step back, appreciate the beauty of our surroundings, and embrace the simplicity of life on the road.

These reflective and soulful travel songs will accompany you on your journey, inviting moments of self-reflection and providing emotional depth to your travel experiences. So, sit back, relax, and let the music guide you on your inner exploration while you explore the world.

Section 3: Wanderlust-themed Pop Songs

Pop music has a way of capturing the spirit of adventure, and wanderlust-themed pop songs are perfect for getting you in the mood to explore the world. These catchy tunes will have you singing along and daydreaming about your next travel destination.

1. “Unwritten” by Natasha Bedingfield: This empowering anthem encourages you to seize the moment and embrace the unknown as you embark on new adventures.

2. “Counting Stars” by OneRepublic: With its catchy melody and reflective lyrics, this song reminds us to cherish every moment and appreciate the wonders of the world.

3. “Wake Me Up” by Avicii: The upbeat tunes of this song are perfect for embracing new experiences and navigating the world with a sense of excitement and curiosity.

4. “The Climb” by Miley Cyrus: This inspiring ballad serves as a reminder to persevere through challenges and embrace the journey, no matter how difficult.

5. “Don’t Stop Believin'” by Journey: This timeless classic is the ultimate anthem for following your dreams and finding your way in the world.

6. “Firework” by Katy Perry: With its uplifting message, this pop hit serves as a reminder to let your light shine and embrace your uniqueness as you explore new horizons.

7. “Can’t Stop the Feeling!” by Justin Timberlake: This infectious pop song will have you dancing along and feeling the joy of travel as you embrace the rhythm of new places.

8. “I Gotta Feeling” by The Black Eyed Peas: This upbeat and energetic track captures the excitement and anticipation of a great night out or an adventure-filled day.

9. “Adventure” by Cheat Codes ft. Evan Gartner: With its vibrant beats and lyrics, this pop song is a perfect reminder to live life to the fullest and embark on new adventures.

10. “Roar” by Katy Perry: This empowering anthem encourages you to find your voice, step out of your comfort zone, and explore the world fearlessly.

These wanderlust-themed pop songs will add a sense of fun and excitement to your travel experiences. So, turn up the volume, sing along, and let the music inspire you as you embark on your next adventure.

Section 4: Classic Travel Songs

Classic travel songs have a timeless appeal and evoke a sense of nostalgia. These iconic tunes have been the soundtrack to countless journeys and continue to inspire wanderlust in travelers around the world. Let’s take a look at some of the must-have classic travel songs that should be on your playlist.

1. “Hotel California” by Eagles: This legendary song tells a captivating story of a traveler’s journey to the mysterious Hotel California, making it a true classic in the realm of travel music.

2. “Route 66” by Chuck Berry: As one of the most famous highways in the United States, Route 66 has inspired countless road trips. This song captures the essence of the iconic route and the freedom of the open road.

3. “I’ve Been Everywhere” by Johnny Cash: This catchy tune lists off numerous locations, igniting a sense of wanderlust and curiosity about the vast world just waiting to be explored.

4. “Sweet Home Alabama” by Lynyrd Skynyrd: While specifically referring to Alabama, this song is an anthem for all travelers, reminding us of the longing for a place to call home no matter where our journey takes us.

5. “Take Me Home, Country Roads” by John Denver: This heartfelt ballad celebrates the beauty of West Virginia and resonates with anyone yearning for the familiarity of home and the peacefulness of the countryside.

6. “Born to Be Wild” by Steppenwolf: Rev up your engines and hit the road with this iconic biker anthem that embodies the spirit of adventure, freedom, and a wild rebellious nature.

7. “California Dreamin'” by The Mamas & The Papas: This soulful song captures the yearning for warm California sunshine and paints a vivid picture of the longing for a change of scenery.

8. “Proud Mary” by Creedence Clearwater Revival: The energetic rhythm and powerful vocals of this song will have you picturing yourself cruising down a river, ready to explore new horizons.

9. “Rocky Mountain High” by John Denver: This melodic classic transports listeners to the majestic Rocky Mountains, evoking a sense of awe and reverence for the beauty of nature.

10. “Leaving on a Jet Plane” by John Denver: A song about saying goodbye and embarking on an adventure, it captures the mix of excitement and sadness that comes with leaving behind loved ones.

These classic travel songs have stood the test of time and continue to resonate with travelers of all generations. So, add them to your playlist and let the nostalgia and wanderlust wash over you as you explore new destinations.

Section 5: Indie and Alternative Travel Songs

Indie and alternative travel songs offer a unique and often introspective take on the joys and challenges of travel. These songs have a distinctive sound and lyrical depth that resonate with those seeking a more offbeat and authentic travel experience. Let’s explore some of the must-have indie and alternative travel songs for your playlist.

1. “Ho Hey” by The Lumineers: This uplifting folk-pop tune is perfect for road trips and sing-alongs, capturing the spirit of adventure and the simple joys of exploring new places.

2. “Flume” by Bon Iver: With its ethereal sound and poetic lyrics, this indie folk song evokes a sense of tranquility and reflection, making it perfect for peaceful moments on your journey.

3. “Riptide” by Vance Joy: This catchy indie pop song embodies the carefree and whimsical nature of travel, conjuring images of sunny beaches and carefree adventures.

4. “No Cars Go” by Arcade Fire: With its anthemic sound and soaring chorus, this indie rock track captures the rebellious spirit and desire for escape that often accompanies travel.

5. “Young Folks” by Peter Bjorn and John: This indie pop gem is a catchy and nostalgic ode to the youthful spirit and sense of adventure that travel brings.

6. “Walcott” by Vampire Weekend: With its energetic pace and infectious melodies, this indie rock song will have you dreaming of exploring vibrant cities and immersing yourself in new cultures.

7. “Island in the Sun” by Weezer: This alternative rock classic brings to mind visions of idyllic island getaways and carefree days spent soaking up the sun.

8. “It’s Time” by Imagine Dragons: With its anthemic sound and positive message, this alternative rock song encourages you to seize the moment and pursue your dreams, wherever they may lead.

9. “Simple Song” by The Shins: This indie rock anthem is a delightful tribute to the joy of traveling with loved ones, capturing the essence of creating unforgettable memories on the road.

10. “Don’t Let It Get You Down” by Johnnyswim: This indie folk track is a reminder to stay resilient and positive in the face of challenges, perfect for those moments when travel throws unexpected curveballs your way.

These indie and alternative travel songs provide a unique and introspective perspective on the wonders and challenges of travel. So, dive into their atmospheric sounds and thought-provoking lyrics as you embark on your next adventure.

Section 6: Folk and Acoustic Travel Songs

Folk and acoustic travel songs have a way of capturing the essence of the journey with their raw and organic sound. These songs often tell stories of wanderlust, longing, and the beauty of nature. Let’s explore some of the must-have folk and acoustic travel songs for your playlist.

1. “The Boxer” by Simon & Garfunkel: This timeless folk ballad tells a tale of resilience and perseverance, resonating with travelers who navigate through life’s challenges on their journey.

2. “Big Yellow Taxi” by Joni Mitchell: With its melodic guitar and iconic lyrics, this song reflects on the importance of preserving nature’s beauty and serves as a reminder to appreciate the world around us.

3. “I Will Wait” by Mumford & Sons: This anthemic folk-rock song embodies the sense of anticipation and patience that comes with waiting for new adventures and exploring unknown paths.

4. “Country Roads” by John Denver: A classic folk song that celebrates the beauty of West Virginia, it evokes a sense of nostalgia and a longing for the countryside.

5. “The Cave” by Mumford & Sons: This folk-inspired track is a reminder to embrace vulnerability and to keep exploring and discovering the depths of the world, both externally and internally.

6. “Rhythm of Love” by Plain White T’s: This acoustic pop song captures the joy and excitement of falling in love with a place or a person during your travel adventures.

7. “Sweet Baby James” by James Taylor: This soothing acoustic ballad paints a picture of open roads and starry nights, perfectly capturing the tranquility and freedom that travel brings.

8. “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road” by Elton John: This folk-infused song speaks to the longing for something more, urging us to let go of materialistic desires and venture onto a path of self-discovery.

9. “Fast Car” by Tracy Chapman: With its poignant storytelling and stripped-down acoustic sound, this song captures the dreams of escape and the yearning for a better life that travel often represents.

10. “Fire and Rain” by James Taylor: This introspective folk song reflects on the ups and downs of life’s journey, reminding us to find strength and resilience through the storms we encounter.

These folk and acoustic travel songs convey the beauty and emotions that travel can evoke. So, sit back, relax, and let their soothing melodies and thoughtful lyrics accompany you on your next adventure.

Section 7: International and World Music Travel Songs

When it comes to capturing the spirit of travel, international and world music travel songs take us on a global journey through their vibrant and diverse sounds. These songs showcase the rich cultural tapestry of different countries and invite us to explore the world through music. Let’s immerse ourselves in some of the must-have international and world music travel songs for your playlist.

1. “Waka Waka (This Time for Africa)” by Shakira: This catchy global anthem, released for the 2010 FIFA World Cup, celebrates the unity and diversity of Africa, serving as an infectious invitation to embrace the rhythm and energy of the continent.

2. “Bailando” by Enrique Iglesias ft. Descemer Bueno, Gente De Zona: This Latin pop hit invites listeners to embrace the joy and passion of Latin dance and culture, providing a vibrant backdrop for your travels.

3. “Mambo No. 5” by Lou Bega: This lively and upbeat song combines elements of mambo, samba, and other Latin rhythms, transporting listeners to a tropical paradise with its infectious melodies.

4. “Clandestino” by Manu Chao: This multilingual track combines reggae, rumba, and folk influences, reflecting on the experiences of migrants and serving as a reminder of the power of music to transcend borders.

5. “Ai Se Eu Te Pego” by Michel Teló: This Brazilian hit became a worldwide sensation with its infectious rhythm and catchy chorus, capturing the spirit of celebration and joy that accompanies the vibrant Brazilian culture.

6. “Dil Se Re” by A.R. Rahman: This mesmerizing Indian song blends Hindi and Tamil lyrics with a fusion of traditional and contemporary music, reminding us of the beauty and diversity of India.

7. “Despacito” by Luis Fonsi ft. Daddy Yankee: One of the most successful Spanish-language songs in history, this reggaeton hit invites listeners to embrace the laid-back and vibrant spirit of Puerto Rico.

8. “Kiss the Rain” by Yiruma: This haunting instrumental piece by the South Korean pianist is a beautiful and evocative soundtrack for moments of tranquility and reflection during your travels.

9. “Bella Ciao” by Traditional Italian Folk Song: This iconic Italian resistance song has been embraced as an anthem of freedom and has been covered by artists from around the world, serving as a reminder of the power of music to unite and inspire.

10. “Africa” by Toto: This timeless classic captures the mystique and allure of the African continent, taking listeners on an imaginary journey through its iconic landscapes.

These international and world music travel songs offer a glimpse into different cultures and traditions, allowing us to connect with the world on a deeper level. So, let the rhythms and melodies transport you to distant lands and ignite your spirit of adventure.

Section 8: Road Trip Anthems

No travel experience is complete without an epic road trip, and having the perfect road trip anthems is essential to set the mood for adventure. These songs are perfect for singing along at the top of your lungs, feeling the wind in your hair, and immersing yourself in the freedom of the open road. Let’s explore some of the must-have road trip anthems for your playlist.

1. “Life is a Highway” by Tom Cochrane: This timeless classic is the ultimate road trip anthem, reminding us to savor every moment as we cruise along the highways and chase our dreams.

2. “Highway to Hell” by AC/DC: This hard rock anthem captures the rebellious spirit of the open road, propelling us forward on an adrenaline-fueled journey.

3. “Born to Run” by Bruce Springsteen: With its energizing sound and lyrics about escaping the confines of ordinary life, this song is a powerful reminder to embrace the freedom of the road.

4. “Route 66” by Nat King Cole: This jazzy tune pays homage to the iconic historic highway, evoking a sense of nostalgia and adventure as you traverse the American landscape.

5. “Take It Easy” by Eagles: This laid-back and melodic song invites you to slow down, enjoy the scenery, and take life as it comes during your road trip adventures.

6. “Sweet Emotion” by Aerosmith: This classic rock song embodies the excitement, energy, and sense of adventure that comes with hitting the road and leaving your cares behind.

7. “Don’t Stop Believin'” by Journey: This uplifting anthem serves as a reminder to keep pushing forward, pursuing your dreams, and embracing the journey as you make memories on the road.

8. “I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)” by The Proclaimers: With its infectious chorus, this folk-pop hit is a lighthearted celebration of the true essence of a road trip – the willingness to go the extra mile for love or adventure.

9. “Ramblin’ Man” by The Allman Brothers Band: This bluesy rock tune channels the spirit of a wanderer, embodying the desire to keep moving and exploring new places with a sense of freedom.

10. “Road Trippin'” by Red Hot Chili Peppers: This mellow and introspective song captures the essence of a road trip, emphasizing the bond between friends and the transformative nature of travel.

These road trip anthems will be the perfect companions as you embark on long stretches of highway, creating memories and embracing the freedom of the open road. So, turn up the volume, roll down the windows, and let the music guide you on your epic road trip adventure.

Section 9: Adventure and Exploration Songs

Embarking on an adventure and venturing into the unknown is exhilarating, and having the right soundtrack can enhance the experience. Adventure and exploration songs capture the daring spirit and the thrill of discovering new horizons. Let’s dive into some of the essential adventure and exploration songs for your playlist.

1. “Adventure of a Lifetime” by Coldplay: This infectious pop-rock hit sets the tone for an adventure-filled journey, inviting you to embrace the excitement and joy of exploring new places.

2. “Dare You to Move” by Switchfoot: With its powerful lyrics and uplifting melody, this song inspires you to step outside your comfort zone and dare to chase your wildest dreams.

3. “Go Your Own Way” by Fleetwood Mac: This timeless rock anthem encourages independence and emboldens you to forge your own path as you embark on new adventures.

4. “Brave” by Sara Bareilles: This empowering pop ballad reminds you to be brave and face your fears head-on as you embrace the unknown and seek new experiences.

5. “I Lived” by OneRepublic: With its inspiring lyrics and anthemic sound, this song encourages you to live fully in the present and seize every opportunity that comes your way.

6. “Don’t Stop Believin'” by Journey: This classic rock anthem is a rallying cry that encourages you to keep pushing forward, never giving up on your dreams, and embracing the adventure of life.

7. “The Climb” by Miley Cyrus: With its uplifting message and powerful vocals, this pop ballad reminds you that the journey itself is just as important as reaching the destination.

8. “On Top of the World” by Imagine Dragons: This feel-good and upbeat song celebrates the exhilaration of achieving your goals and reminds you to savor every moment of your adventurous journey.

9. “Into the Wild” by LP: This indie pop anthem invites you to break free from the constraints of everyday life and venture into the wild, embracing the unknown with open arms.

10. “Learn to Fly” by Foo Fighters: With its energetic sound and powerful lyrics, this rock hit inspires you to spread your wings, take flight, and explore new heights of possibility.

These adventure and exploration songs will ignite your sense of wanderlust and motivate you to embark on bold, life-changing journeys. So, let the music fuel your spirit of adventure as you set out to conquer new horizons.

Music has a magical way of complementing our travel experiences, evoking emotions, and capturing the essence of our journeys. In this article, we’ve explored an array of travel songs from various genres, each offering a unique perspective on wanderlust, adventure, and exploration.

From the upbeat and energetic tunes that get our adrenaline pumping to the reflective and soulful melodies that inspire introspection, we’ve covered a broad range of travel songs for every mood and occasion. The wanderlust-themed pop songs bring a catchy and infectious spirit, while the classic travel songs evoke a sense of nostalgia and timelessness.

The indie and alternative travel songs offer a more offbeat and introspective approach, while the folk and acoustic travel songs provide a raw and organic sound that connects us with the beauty of nature. The international and world music travel songs take us on a global journey, celebrating the diverse cultures and rhythms of different countries.

We can’t forget the road trip anthems that accompany us on the open road, filling us with a sense of freedom and adventure. And if we’re seeking the thrill of exploration, the adventure and exploration songs inspire us to push boundaries and embrace the unknown.

As you curate your own travel playlist, consider the mood, destination, and emotions you want to evoke. Infuse it with a mix of these travel songs to create a soundtrack that truly represents your wanderlust spirit. Whether you’re embarking on a road trip, backpacking adventure, or simply daydreaming about your next journey, let the power of music transport you to new places and ignite your sense of wanderlust.

So, pack your bags, hit play on your favorite travel songs, and let the melodies guide you on a journey filled with exploration, discovery, and unforgettable experiences. Safe travels!

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Joland :: Travel Blog

Playlist – Top 20 Travel Songs for Wanderlusters

If there’s one thing that I cannot live without on my travels, and life for that matter, is music. Throughout the years I went through the pop phase, then rock, metal, alternative, indie… Nowadays, with a bit more “wisdom” on these bones, I like a lit bit of everything. I like good music, basically. No labels, no prejudices. If it’s good, it goes into my playlist. And you know how a good soundtrack can make all the difference in a movie? The same thing happens to me with travels.

A long bus, train or plane trip wouldn’t be the same without the songs that usually make my mind travel when I’m back at home. I usually spend hours on end working on the music selection for my iPhone before leaving for the trip. That’s why I decided to share a playlist of 20 of the best travel songs here on Joland. Below you’ll find a description and video for each one and at the end of the post the complete playlist on Spotify.

Músicas de Viagem | Travel Songs

1| “The Passenger” – Iggy Pop

A true classic and as such, number 1 in this playlist of travel songs . “ I am a passenger and I ride and I ride … “. There is no way to listen to this song and not feel overwhelmed by a desire to immediately leave with a one-way ticket.

2| “Riders on the Storm” – The Doors

Another timeless classic. What a song. Try listening to it on a train or bus trip while the rain hits your window, and get ready to enter another dimension right away.

3| “Hopeless Wanderer” – Mumford & Sons

This is one of those travel songs that immediately starts me thinking about my next destination. “ Don’t let your heart grow cold ,” they say. I couldn’t agree more.

4| “Ramble on” – Led Zepellin

With lyrics inspired by the book “The Lord of the Rings” by JRR Tolkien, this one is, without a doubt, one of the greatest classics of all time. The ring is replaced on the song by the search for a bigger-than-life love all around the world. It speaks of freedom and the eternal search for happiness. And what can you want more? 😉

5| “Mausam” – Nitin Sawhney

India is a country that has has been forever fascinating me. And Nitin Sawhney’s songs, especially those on the “Beyond Skin” album, take me straight there, whenever I hear them. “Mausam” talks about the changes that take place in our life over time. Of sadness, happiness, and the balance that must exist between one emotion and the other. 

6| “Ticket to Ride” – The Beatles

This song has always been part of my playlists of travel songs.  The obvious interpretation of the lyrics would be related to travel, with the departure of the girl he likes. But in reality, there are several theories behind the lyrics, including one that refers to the days spent by the band members in the Red Light District in Hamburg, Germany. Regardless of what the song really means, we can all agree that it is an excellent one, right?

7| “Roam” – B52’s

The lyrics of this song say it all: “ Fly the skies, see the seas, run around all the continents. Go ahead, roam without a care. ”

8| “Wonderlust King” – Gogol Bordello

Few songs have lyrics as related to travelling the world, new experiences and living life to the fullest as “Wonderlust King” by Gogol Bordello. “ But I’m a wonderlust king. I stay on the run, let me out, let me be gone .“

9| “Fast Car” – Tracy Chapman

The feeling of freedom that you get when you get into your car and hit the road with no destination. Although the song is not directly related to travel, is it or is it not a perfect road trip song?

10| “The Golden Age” – Beck

“ Put your hands on the wheel. Let the golden age begin, let the window down, feel the moonlight on your skin. Let the desert wind cool your aching head. Let the weight of the world drift away instead. ” And what about that guitar riff right at the beginning …? This is it, isn’t it? 

11| “The Sea” – Morcheeba

Travel to a beach destination far away and while looking at the horizon, listen to this song. Then tell me if it doesn’t make sense to include it in a playlist of travel songs . “ I left my soul there, down by the sea. I lost control here, living free. “

12| “I drove all night” – Cindy Lauper

A classic from the 80s, by the great Cindy Lauper. One of the most romantic songs ever, but also one of the most perfect ones for road trips.

13| “Here I go again” – White Snake

This song by White Snake has everyone singing its chorus passionately, don’t even bother denying it! The ultimate lone traveller song.

14| “Hard Sun” – Eddie Vedder

Who hasn’t dreamed of being Cristopher McCandless at least once when while watching the movie “ Into the Wild “? The idea of ​​leaving everything behind and exploring the world with utter freedom is something that inevitably touches us. And whenever I hear this song, from the movie’s soundtrack, there is something inside of me that starts to boil and a smile that is automatically drawn on my face.

15| “I’ve been everywhere” – Johnny Cash

“Crossed the desert’s bare, man. I’ve breathed the mountain air, man. Of travel I’ve had my share, man. I’ve been everywhere. ” The great Mr Johnny Cash, ladies and gentlemen.

16| “Have love, will travel” – The Black Keys

Original music by the 50s/60s punk-rockers, The Sonics, performed by The Black Keys. A classic in the world of travel songs .

17| “Postcards from Italy” – Beirut

A song about longing, about memories of happy times. Listening to it on the road makes me want to appreciate the moment even more to keep the best and most vivid memories.

18| “Road Trippin” – Red Hot Chilli Peppers

Is there a more perfect song than this one to start a road trip? The answer is no. It’s impossible. “ Road trippin ‘with my two favourite allies. Fully loaded we got snacks and supplies. It’s time to leave this town, It’s time to steal away. Let’s go get lost anywhere in the USA.“

19| “Time to move on” – Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers

Are you allergic to routine and stagnation? Join the club and put this song on. Makes sense, doesn’t it? “ What lies ahead, I have no way of knowing. But under my feet, baby, grass is growing. It’s time to move on, it’s time to get going. “

20| “Sweet Disposition” – Temper Trap

Is there a better feeling than the one of total freedom while looking at your life like a blank book waiting for your stories and memories? That’s how I feel on the road. And this song is the perfect soundtrack for those moments.

Playlist Spotify

And here is the full playlist , on Spotify. I will continue to update it with more songs, so if you like, add it to your favourite playlists!

What about you? What songs are part of your travel playlist? Leave your suggestions in the comments box below!

For more useful tips, photos and videos, you can follow me on Instagram and  Facebook.

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PLAN YOUR TRIP WITH THE HELP OF THESE LINKS ✪ Accommodation: For accommodation bookings, I always use  Booking   or  Airbnb . ✪ Flights: For the best flight options, I recommend  Jet Radar ✪ Travel Insurance: For safe travels, hire travel insurance with  World Nomads   ✪ Tours and Activities: For tours and activities' bookings in several destinations around the world, I recommend Get Your Guide or Viator ✪ Car Rental: For car rentals, I always use  Discover Cars ✪ Transport : For transport tickets in Asia, I recommend  12go.asia  or  Baolau

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songs inspired by travel

Born and raised in Lisbon, Portugal, but in love with the world. I love sharing my travel stories, photos and videos and inspire those who are just as fascinated with exploring the world as I am.

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35 Inspiring Songs About Traveling for Your Next Trip

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Christy Articola

Written by Christy Articola

Music speaks to us in so many ways. It can affect our mood, bring back memories, and help us connect with and relate to others nearby. It can make us happy and energized, or it can help us relax and feel calm after a long and tough day.

It can remind us of the happiest times in our lives. It can even help us tell others how we feel. There’s no doubt that music is an amazing force; it can evoke deep feelings and capture the human experience in a way that no other medium can.

Songs have been written about every topic under the sun for as long as people have created music. Some things are the subject of countless songs: patriotism, holidays and celebrations, and of course, the biggest one of all, love, both found and lost, are common themes in music.

One other common topic for lyrical composition in songs of all genres is travel. Humans have been traveling as long as music has existed, so it’s no wonder our drive for adventure has inspired so many great tunes.

There are hundreds of songs about traveling, and many are very well-known.

The Ultimate Travel Playlist

Girl Wearing Headphones in the Park

If you’re planning a trip, it’s great to have some music to go along with it and with you. Music can be incredible travel inspiration and it can also provide a fantastic soundtrack for your adventures. Creating a playlist of travel songs should be high on your list of to-dos before any trip.

Once you’ve made your ultimate travel playlist, you can return to it repeatedly on every trip you take in the future.

There are countless songs about travel out there. Some you likely already know and can rattle off without a second thought. Others may have slipped under your radar.

That’s where we come in. We put together this list of travel songs to get you started. Many of these are the favorite songs of people who love to travel. However, if you don’t see your favorite song about travel here, you should add it to your playlist when you make it in addition to all of these.

The perfect playlist can make any trip or adventure even better. You’ll have so much fun on your vacation when you put these tunes on a playlist and press play.

1. Promised Land – Chuck Berry

Promised Land by Chuck Berry

Chuck Berry wrote this 1964 tune while he was in prison and was excited to get back on the road. The “ promised land ” he speaks of is the great state of California . Still, the song mentions about a dozen other U.S. cities starting in Norfolk, Virginia before he reaches his final destination.

It might sound familiar to you even if you’re sure you haven’t heard it before – it’s set to the melody of Wabash Cannonball . This song has been covered by many others over the past six decades, most notably by The Grateful Dead and Elvis Presley.

Best Time to Listen : This song is excellent for getting you excited as you head out on the road on a new adventure.

See Related: 21 Tips for Beating Post-Travel Blues

2. Truckin’ – The Grateful Dead

Truckin' by The Grateful Dead

The Grateful Dead was known for its traveling fanbase and heavy touring schedule throughout the band’s career. Therefore, it’s no surprise that many of their songs included lyrics about traveling.

Truckin’ is one of the band’s most well-known songs; it first appeared on their 1970 album American Beauty . In 1997, two years after frontman Jerry Garcia’s death, the United States Library of Congress recognized it as an official national treasure.

The song tells of the band’s travels and culminates in the arrest of most of the band for drug possession in New Orleans . One line of the lyrics, “ what a long, strange trip it’s been ,” has been common in popular culture since the song’s initial release.

Best Time to Listen: Give Truckin ‘ a listen when you are driving on an interstate where you’re surrounded by more trucks than cars.

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3. On the Road Again – Willie Nelson

On the Road Again by Willie Nelson

On the Road Again is one of country music legend Willie Nelson’s most popular songs; it won him a Grammy Award for Best Country Song in 1980, the year it was released.

This is one of the most well-known songs about traveling out there and people will sing along with it anywhere it is played.

It tells about life on tour and the excitement and fun that surrounds every bit of it. This song will remind you why you love to travel and that there’s nothing on earth as marvelous as being on the road with your best friends.

Best Time to Listen: This is a great song to get you excited for any kind of trip you’re taking with your favorite travel companions.

See Related: Inspiring Travel Quotes

4. Born to Be Wild – Steppenwolf

Born to Be Wild by Steppenwolf

Born to Be Wild is an epic tune that speaks to every one of us in some way or another. After all, aren’t we all born to be wild? This song first appeared in the ultimate travel movie: Easy Rider . It also contains the world’s first musical reference to Heavy Metal!

When that film came out in 1969, it inspired the Great American Road Trip for so many people. As Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda ride their motorcycles across the nation, every single one of us wants to be there with them.

This song, which is about “ head [ing] out on the highway ” and “ looking for adventure ” while being the most primal, brave, and bold version of ourselves is as uplifting and encouraging as it gets. This is also considered to be the first-ever heavy metal song, which is pretty neat.

Best Time to Listen: Put Born to Be Wild on when you’ve finished that last shift at work before your big trip.

5. I’ve Been Everywhere – Johnny Cash

I've Been Everywhere by Johnny Cash

Johnny Cash didn’t write I’ve Been Everywhere but his version is one of the most popular.

This song was written by Australian country singer Geoff Mack in 1959 and it has been sung and recorded by dozens of artists since then.

The original version mentions almost one hundred Australian towns the songwriter visited; it has subsequently been altered by many musicians to reflect their own travels.

Johnny Cash recorded this song with Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers for his 1996 Unchained album, which consisted mostly of covers; the album won a Grammy for Best Country Album that year.

Best Time to Listen: Give I’ve Been Everywhere a spin when you’re looking back upon all of your past adventures.

6. Ramblin’ Man – Hank Williams

Ramblin' Man by Hank Williams

Hank Williams was one of our country’s most significant and influential songwriters so far.

He wrote his version of Ramblin’ Man in 1951 and released it as a B side to his more popular Take These Chains from My Heart , although Ramblin’ Man became the more well-known song later on.

This song is written from the point of view of a man who can’t settle down with a woman he loves. He cannot control his desire to roam, so roam he will; he’s sorry, but she’s just going to have to deal with it.

Best Time to Listen: Listen to this song when you’re headed out on a solo trip because your partner is stuck at work.

7. Ramblin’ Man – The Allman Brothers Band

Ramblin' Man by The Allman Brothers Band

This Allman Brothers Band tune was inspired by the Hank Williams song of the same name, but it’s a completely different song!

Like Williams’ version, the lyrics are spoken by a man who loves the open road and everything that comes along with it.

His audience is anyone who will listen, but the chorus does imply that writer Dickey Betts will likely also be leaving someone behind in favor of his travels.

This is one of those travel songs that every traveler of any gender loves and can identify with. We were born to ramble, so ramble we shall – no one, and nothing is going to stop us.

Best Time to Listen : If you’re driving or traveling around the American South, this song is one of the most fitting rock and roll tunes you’ll find.

8. Road Trippin’ – Red Hot Chili Peppers

Road Trippin' by Red Hot Chili Peppers

This song by the Red Hot Chili Peppers was the fifth and final single from the band’s hit 1999 Californication album. This is one of those travel songs that should be on every road trip mix and it tells the story of a road trip that the band took together.

Well, most of the band, anyway; drummer Chad Smith had another commitment that day. The other three band members, Flea, Anthony Kiedis, and John Frusciante drove up the California coast from Los Angeles to Big Sur to go surfing after Frusciante decided to rejoin the band following a brief split.

The song’s lyrics speak of the fun of getting lost in the USA and of the importance of remembering to bring snacks and supplies – all crucial components of the perfect road trip , indeed!

Best Time to Listen: Play this song on your car stereo when you call in sick to work to take a spontaneous road trip with your buddies.

See Related : How to Go on a Road Trip with Kids

9. Train Song – Phish

Train Song by Phish

Phish has been touring for almost forty years. The vast majority of their tours have been in the United States, but they did travel to Europe and Japan a few times in the 1990s and early 2000s.

It was during one of their European tours that bassist Mike Gordon was inspired to write Train Song . This serene melody flows in a way that somehow is reminiscent of the slow, rolling movement of a train; it immediately puts the listener at ease.

Give it a listen – you’ll likely find that it can magically calm you during the most stressful moments of your travels.

Best Time to Listen: This song is perfect for rail travel – in the United States, in Europe, or anywhere.

10. Take Me Home, Country Roads – John Denver

Take Me Home, Country Roads by John Denver

Although singer/songwriter John Denver is best known as a Coloradan, this song about West Virginia is one of his most famous and well-loved.

It was first released as a single in 1971 but it still sells well today; so far, it has sold over 1.6 million digital copies, and it is covered by artists from all over the world. It’s the official state song of West Virginia.

However, even though some of the verses and the chorus refer to West Virginia .

It speaks of traveling back home along country lanes singing all the way, and it can therefore be adapted to anyone’s return to their hometown (the Toots & the Maytals cover about Jamaica , for one example, is excellent), any place that place may be.

This song is less about traveling itself and more about returning home, but to come back home, you have to go away first – so this works on our list of songs about traveling for sure.

Best Time to Listen: Listen to (and sing along with) this song and get misty when you’re on your way back home in the US after a long time away.

11. End of the Line – Traveling Wilburys

End of the Line by Traveling Wilburys

The Traveling Wilburys were a supergroup formed in the late 1980s that consisted of Roy Orbison, Bob Dylan, George Harrison, Tom Petty, and Jeff Lynne – each a long-established rock n’ roll legend.

They only had the chance to release one album before the passing of Roy Orbison, and End of the Line was the second single off that album.

This song is short but very catchy – it’s danceable and upbeat. All band members except Bob Dylan sing on it and it talks about how the fact that “ it’s alright, everything’ll work out fine ” as we all head on down the road together.

Is the “road” they sing about metaphorical? Probably…but it still works as a fun and uplifting road trip song as you head on down that real road, too.

Best Time to Listen: Play this one after you’ve had some rough and challenging travel days. They happen to all of us – but don’t worry, it’s all part of the adventure.

12. A Thousand Miles – Vanessa Carlton

A Thousand Miles by Vanessa Carlton

A Thousand Miles is pop singer Vanessa Carlton’s most well-known song and with good reason – it’s super catchy, her voice is lovely, and it has interesting time signatures and lyrics.

Not only that, but it combines two popular lyrical themes: travel and love. In this song, the speaker tells the object of her love that she would “ walk a thousand miles ” to see him or her.

That’s a LOT of walking – are you up for it?

Best Time to Listen: If you’re in or are thinking about starting a long-distance relationship, this song will really hit home.

13. I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) – The Proclaimers

I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) by The Proclaimers

How about five hundred if you don’t want to walk a thousand miles? This song by Scottish duo The Proclaimers was everywhere in 1999. Once heard, this love and travel song by twin brothers Craig and Charlie Ried will stick with you for days or weeks or even years.

One thing is for sure – if you want to be with the one you love, no distance is too far to travel.

Best Time to Listen: If you’re giddy with new love and willing to go to the end of the earth for someone, give this one a spin…or if you’re on your way for a boozy night out in Scotland!

14. Travelin’ Man – Ricky Nelson

Travelin' Man by Ricky Nelson

This song is a classic. It was written in 1961 by singer/songwriter Jerry Fuller for Sam Cooke; Cooke turned it down, so Ricky Nelson recorded it instead.

For Nelson, it hit #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 Chart. The lyrics tell of the excitement and glory of the concept of having “ a woman in every port ” including Mexico , Hong Kong , Germany , Hawaii , Alaska , and others.

Although that practice may be somewhat outdated in this day and age (unless it’s all consensual!), this song stands the test of time and holds up. Ricky Nelson’s silky smooth and innocent voice almost makes you want to forgive him for his youthful transgressions.

Best Time to Listen: This song is a good one if you fall in love with someone new everywhere you go. Don’t worry – you’re not alone – it happens to the best of us.

15. Around the World – Daft Punk

Around the World by Daft Punk

The only lyrics to this song are “ around the world ” over and over. If you’re familiar with Daft Punk, that shouldn’t be much of a surprise.

This French electronic music duo focuses its efforts on beats, not lyrics.

However, that doesn’t mean this song is no good – just the opposite! If you’re looking for a travel anthem that will get you fired up upon departure and leave you dancing in your car, train, or airplane seat , start your travel mixtape with this one.

It’ll get you going and will make you super amped for whatever your destination may be.

Best Time to Listen: If you’re stuck in a car or on a plane or a train but all you want to do is dance, put this on, and groove in your seat.

16. Have Love, Will Travel – The Sonics

Have Love, Will Travel by The Sonics

Have Love, Will Travel is a hit song written by Richard Berry in 1959. Berry’s most famous composition was Louie, Louie which, believe it or not, is also about travel (check out the lyrics).

It’s been recorded and performed by dozens of bands over the years but the most popular recording is the one by pre-punk rockers The Sonics in 1965.

The title is a play on the name of a popular television show of the time, Have Gun, Will Travel , but like so many other songs on this list, the lyrics speak of love, not war.

The speaker asserts that he will “ travel from Maine to Mexico ” and “ take a boat or [I’ll] take a plane ” to find and be with the woman he loves. You go get her, friend – and good luck to you.

Best Time to Listen: Listen to this song if you are far from your love and are willing to travel anywhere or anyhow to reunite with him or her.

17. King of the Road – Roger Miller

King of the Road by Roger Miller

Roger Miller first recorded this tune in 1964. Once you’ve heard it once, you’ll always remember it.

This song ‘s lyrics take a different angle than the others on this list; it is from the point of view of a homeless traveling man who relishes every bit of his unfettered and carefree life.

The upbeat joy expressed in this song is enough to make you want to sell everything you own and give van life a try as soon as possible so that you, too, can be king or queen of the open road.

Best Time to Listen: This song will speak to you most when that intense feeling of joyful freedom hits and grabs hold – usually a few days or weeks into a long journey.

18. Roam – B52’s

Roam by B52's

Roam by the B52’s is another upbeat, anthemic tune that makes you want to get up and go.

This song was the fourth single from the band’s fifth album Cosmic Thing in 1989. It is sung by the two female vocalists, Kate Pierson and Cindy Wilson, and showcases their abilities.

This song talks about traveling with someone you love and encourages the listener to “ roam if you want to/roam around the world/roam if you want to/without anything but the love we feel. ”

Man, anyone who has ever had a romantic getaway with their love sure can identify with that!

Best Time to Listen: Give this song a spin when you’re trying to convince one of your friends or your love to go on a trip with you.

19. Road to Nowhere – Talking Heads

Road to Nowhere by Talking Heads

Although his song is actually about the impending apocalypse according to David Byrne, you can interpret it however else you’d like for your road trip, certainly.

It sounds high-spirited – that was the point; it’s intended to be a “ joyful look at doom .”

However, the band included this tune on their 1985 album Little Creatures and we’re still, thus far, apocalypse-free, so that’s a good sign. Throw this one on the car stereo and have a blast while there’s still time.

Best Time to Listen: Put on Road to Nowhere when it’s late at night and you’re tired and lost and you need a little boost for that final push to the hotel.

20. Send Me On My Way – Rusted Root

Send Me On My Way

Send Me On My Way is Rusted Root’s most famous song. It’s one that sticks with you, and, even though it was written almost thirty years ago in 1992, it’s kind of timeless.

The lyrics to this song are not very deep at all, but the melody and playful musical backing make you want to smile and then get up and dance.

The video for it was filmed in Badlands National Park which further makes it inspirational fodder for your next national parks road trip, too.

Best Time to Listen: When you’re headed out on the road early in the morning as the sun comes up, listen and sing along to this one.

21. Califonia Dreamin’ – The Mamas & The Papas

Califonia Dreamin' by The Mamas & The Papas

If you’ve ever been to California and then had to leave, chances are that you’ve done some California dreaming yourself.

In fact, people who haven’t even ever been to California may sometimes find themselves dreaming of it – it’s a state with a magical quality to it for most (especially on such a winter’s day ).

This 1965 song by The Mamas & The Papas accurately captures the yearning that so many of us have in the dead of winter when we are far from places we love and especially warmer, more comfortable climes.

Best Time to Listen: Listen to California Dreamin’ when you are stuck somewhere cold dreaming about literally anywhere warm.

See Related : Epic Minnesota to California Road Trip Itinerary

22. Holiday Road – Lindsey Buckingham

Holiday Road by Lindsey Buckingham

This song by Fleetwood Mac guitarist and singer Lindsey Buckingham was written in 1983 to be the theme song for one of the best travel movies of all time, National Lampoon’s Vacation.

It was also used in the sequels National Lampoon’s European Vacation (1985), Vegas Vacation (1997), and Vacation (2015) as well.

Just a few bars of this song will have anyone who has seen any of the above films giggling and reciting their favorite lines and recounting their favorite parts. Clark Griswold is all of us. We are all Clark Griswold.

Best Time to Listen: If you’re taking a cross-country road trip with the whole family, this is the song for you.

23. Jet Airliner – Steve Miller Band

Jet Airliner by Steve Miller Band

Jet Airliner is one of many Steve Miller Band classics and it’s likely that at some point in your life you’ve sung this song at the top of your lungs at a bar somewhere – and if you haven’t already, then you should.

This song was written by Paul Pena in 1973 and was recorded and popularized by Steve Miller in 1977.

It tells of a young man heading out his own in the great big world while at the same time missing home immensely. Lots of us know that feeling when traveling a bit better than we might like to admit.

Best Time to Listen : Press play on Jet Airliner when you’re enjoying your travels but a part of you is missing your home.

24. Midnight Train to Georgia – Gladys Knight & the Pips

Midnight Train to Georgia by Gladys Knight & the Pips

This emotive song about a man headed back home to Georgia after failing to find success and happiness in Los Angeles was a number one hit for Gladys Knight and the Pips in 1973.

It was originally written and performed by songwriter Jim Weatherly; in his version, it was a midnight train to Houston , not Georgia, but it was changed along the way to become the song we know today.

Although going home after defeat is not the type of travel that most of us crave or desire, it’s still traveling, after all, and this tune would be a fine addition to your mix of travel songs.

Best Time to Listen: When something didn’t work out and it’s time to go home and regroup, plus this song on.

25. Leaving on a Jet Plane – Peter, Paul, and Mary

Leaving on a Jet Plane by Peter, Paul, and Mary

There are other ways to leave besides on a midnight train – a jet plane is another option. This song was Peter, Paul, and Mary’s final hit and was their only song to hit number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in the United States.

You might be surprised to learn that it was written and recorded by John Denver, but his version, which was released at almost the same time, did not get the attention that the Peter, Paul, and Mary version did.

This is one of those travel songs that has a sadness to it, as it is sung from the point of view of someone leaving the one that he or she loves to head out on the road for an indeterminate amount of time.

As much as we all love traveling, it’s sometimes hard to say goodbye to those we’ll miss while we’re gone.

Best Time to Listen: If you’re going on a trip and don’t know when you’ll be back again, give this song a spin.

26. Havana – Camila Cabello

Havana by Camila Cabello

Some travel songs are about specific destinations and in this 2017, worldwide hit by Camila Cabello , the listener is aurally transported to mysterious and intriguing Havana, Cuba .

Cabello has a deep, personal connection to this colorful foreign city – she’s Cuban, after all – and we further know this because she proclaims “ Ooh na na half my heart is in Havana ” again and again throughout the just over three-minute composition.

As travelers, we can identify with this intense love for a place; certainly, we all have a city or country we’ve left half our hearts in for one reason or another at some point along the way. O oh na na na , indeed.

Best Time to Listen: Are you intensely missing someplace you’d love to be? Listen to Havana. Camila Cabello knows how you feel.

27. Kokomo – The Beach Boys

Kokomo by The Beach Boys

This song by The Beach Boys was released in 1988 and appears on the soundtrack for the movie Cocktail . This is one of the best travel songs for an island vacation – particularly one in the Caribbean .

Although Kokomo is a fictional place, many real Caribbean islands are mentioned in its lyrics, and the tune is light, airy, and ethereal, much like many of the band’s older compositions.

This song made it to number one on the United States Billboard Hot 100 chart. It was the band’s last of four songs to achieve this status – the one prior to 1988’s Kokomo was Good Vibrations in 1966.

Best Time to Listen: If you’re itching to get away to a tropical island, Kokomo will hit the spot.

28. Travelin’ Band – Creedence Clearwater Revival

Travelin' Band by Creedence Clearwater Revival

Like so many other songs on this list, Travelin’ Band is a celebration of the traveling that so many bands do when they engage in a concert tour.

Lead singer, lead guitarist, and primary songwriter for the band John Fogerty wrote this tune, and the band recorded and released it in 1970; it soon became a staple of the band’s live performances.

Fogerty aimed to capture the sound of the 1950s in this one and clearly succeeded since this song was the target of a plagiarism lawsuit – settled out of court – by Little Richard, who claimed it sounded an awful lot like his Good Golly, Miss Molly .

Whether it’s a true rip-off or not, we’ll never know – but it sure does get the listener fired up about heading out on the road to see the country, even if you’ve never been in a band yourself.

Best Time to Listen: Do you travel for work? Even if you’re not a 1970s rock star, this song might speak to you.

29. Life is a Highway – Tom Cochrane

Life is a Highway by Tom Cochrane

1991’s Life is a Highway by Canadian rocker Tom Cochrane might just be the ultimate travel song.

Even if you don’t agree with that statement, you have to at least agree that it’s one of the best road trip songs out there. This super upbeat tune features a danceable beat, a singable chorus, and even some harmonica – the chosen instrument of light travelers everywhere.

The music video that goes along with it encapsulates the feeling of fun and adventure on our nation’s highways and it’s difficult to watch it without smiling.

You simply can’t create a travel songs playlist without including this song – and when you’re out there doing your thing, there’s no way you won’t be humming and singing along.

It’s a wonderful life that we travelers lead, and this song will remind you of that fact every time you hear it.

Best Time to Listen: This song is perfect for any sort of driving trip, anywhere in the world, in the beginning, middle, or end of your adventure.

30. Fly Away – Lenny Kravitz

Fly Away by Lenny Kravitz

Fly Away is a rocking song by rockin’ dude Lenny Kravitz, a man who exhibits rock stardom better than most other musicians of our time.

Although this 1999 song is less about travel than it is about picking up and leaving behind all the things that hold you back from who you are, it metaphorically inspires the listener to traditional travel and adventure as well.

After all, wouldn’t we all love to just fly away from everything now and then?

Lenny knows. Lenny gets it.

Best Time to Listen: Fly Away is a great song for any time you are feeling held back by anything, especially if you know a good travel adventure will set you back right.

31. Island in the Sun – Weezer

Island in the Sun by Weezer

This 2001 hit by Weezer makes us all want to run away to a tropical paradise with the one we love most. This love song is cute, catchy, memorable, and cheerful.

The lyrics are spoken by one person to the object of his or her affections, encouraging him or her to travel to an island to play, to have fun, and to live happily ever after together, forever.

I think this is a travel itinerary that almost anyone can get behind.

Best Time to Listen: Any time you’re planning a vacation with your beloved this song will get you excited about what lies ahead.

32. America – Simon & Garfunkel

America by Simon & Garfunkel

Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel wrote and sang a lot of songs that are indelible parts of the American experience, and their 1968 song America is certainly one of them.

Literally, this song tells of a road trip by Greyhound bus as the speaker has some laughs with his companion and the pair watch the world go by outside. Figuratively, the pair are looking for much more than what’s stated.

If you’ve ever taken a bus or hitchhiked long distances across the USA , then you’ll identify with this song with all of your being.

Best Time to Listen : If you ever find yourself on a long-distance bus, in America, or anywhere else in the world, this song will speak to you.

33. Go Your Own Way – Fleetwood Mac

Go Your Own Way by Fleetwood Mac

Go Your Own Way is about the end of the romance between Fleetwood Mac members Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham, but the lyrics can apply to a lot of different things and this is one of those songs that can be interpreted however the listener wishes.

Buckingham wrote this song for the band’s album Rumours in 1977.

Although this song is full of emotion about the rift between two people who continued to work together, it’s a great reminder to everyone, especially travelers, to do whatever is best for you and to go your own way in your travels as well as in your life.

Best Time to Listen: This song will be a great soundtrack for you on the first big trip you take after a painful breakup.

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34. Going Up the Country – Canned Heat

Going Up the Country by Canned Heat

This song by Canned Heat is very unique and memorable. This is true of all the songs by this band thanks to the distinctive vocals of lead singer Alan Wilson.

Canned Heat is considered a blues-rock band, and this song was musically based on bluesman Henry Thomas’ 1928 song Bull Doze Blues .

The lyrics, however, were altered – this song talks about getting away from it all, going where the water tastes like wine , jumping in the water, and staying drunk all the time.

Many believe this tune implies going to Canada to flee the draft for the Vietnam Conflict – something many Americans were doing when this song was released in 1968 – so it’s a perfect song to accompany your most rebellious travels.

Best Time to Listen: If you’re taking a trip to get away from everything that bothers you, put this tune on.

35. Ramble On – Led Zeppelin

Ramble On by Led Zeppelin

Ramble On is one of Led Zeppelin’s best and most popular songs.

It has a little bit of everything that makes Zeppelin the epic band that they were, including an epic drumbeat by John Bonham, falsetto singing by Robert Plant, guitar build-up and release by Jimmy Page, and a driving bassline from John Paul Jones.

Furthermore, it contains lyrics about one of the most interesting fictional journeys of all time – the quest of Frodo and friends in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings series. Like those Hobbits, you know you just “ gotta keep on ramblin’ .” Don’t we all, Zep. Don’t we all.

Best Time to Listen: Ramble On is a great song to listen to if you are traveling on foot around Middle-earth, or anytime you are on a long trip that just keeps going and going…

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The Ultimate Travel Songs Playlist to Inspire Wanderlust

  • The Power of Travel Songs: Let Music Take You on an Extraordinary Journey

Do you daydream about going to faraway places and having incredible adventures? There’s something magical about the way travel songs make you feel. The melodies and words of these beautiful songs can take you to faraway places, bring back memories of trips you’ve already taken, and make you want to travel more. So, whether you’re getting ready for a trip or just want to get away from everyday life, we’ve put together a playlist of songs that will take you to other places, remind you of great trips you’ve taken in the past, and make you want to travel more. Put on your headphones, take a deep breath, and let the music take you away.

“On the Road Again” – Willie Nelson: A Timeless Classic for Wanderers

“africa” – toto: embark on an imaginary safari, “wanderlust” – björk: embracing the beauty of the unknown, “i’m gonna be (500 miles)” – the proclaimers: a celebration of enduring spirit and exploration, “graceland” – paul simon: a melodic road trip, “paradise” – coldplay: chasing dreams and finding your own paradise, “ramble on” – led zeppelin: the spirit of a restless wanderer, “the world” – brad paisley: embracing the vastness and beauty of our planet, “hotel california” – eagles: unveiling the intrigue of the sunny california, “america” by simon and garfunkel, “the passenger” by iggy pop, “roam” by the b-52s and “send me on my way” by rusted root, “going to california” by led zeppelin, “i’ve been everywhere” by johnny cash, “rocky mountain high” and “take me home, country roads” by john denver, “california dreamin'” by the mamas & the papas, “wildflowers” by tom petty, “life is a highway” by tom cochrane, looking for some travel inspiration, faq – travel songs.

What better way to kick-start our travel playlist than with this iconic song? Willie Nelson’s classic tune, “On the Road Again,” captures the essence of the open road and the thrill of embarking on a new adventure. As you listen to the twang of the guitar and Nelson’s unmistakable voice, you’ll feel a surge of excitement and an irresistible urge to hit the road and explore new horizons. This song is a testament to the enduring spirit of travel songs and the freedom they evoke.

Favorite Line in the Travel-Song: “On the road again, just can’t wait to get on the road again. The life I love is making music with my friends.” – Willie Nelson

Few songs capture the mystique and allure of a distant continent quite like Toto’s “Africa.” With its infectious beat and evocative lyrics, this timeless anthem transports you to the heart of Africa, where vast landscapes, diverse wildlife, and ancient cultures await. Close your eyes and let the music guide you on an imaginary safari, where every beat of the drum resonates with the rhythm of your wanderlust.

Favorite Line in the Travel Song: “I bless the rains down in Africa, gonna take some time to do the things we never had.” – Toto

Björk’s ethereal voice combined with the whimsical soundscape of “Wanderlust” will take you on an otherworldly journey. This song is a perfect match for those seeking a more introspective and contemplative travel experience. As you listen, you’ll find yourself yearning for new horizons, embracing the beauty of the unknown, and being inspired to embark on transformative adventures.

“ Wanderlust, relentlessly craving wanderlust.” – Björk

No travel playlist would be complete without this infectiously catchy tune by The Proclaimers. As the chorus kicks in, you’ll find yourself tapping your feet and singing along. “I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)” is a celebration of the enduring spirit of travel songs and the willingness to go the extra mile (or 500 miles!) to explore the world and create unforgettable memories.

“But I would walk 500 miles, and I would walk 500 more, just to be the man who walks a thousand miles to fall down at your door.” – The Proclaimers

Paul Simon’s “Graceland” effortlessly captures the essence of a road trip, blending folk and world music influences to create a melodic masterpiece. With its poignant lyrics and uplifting rhythm, the song paints a vivid picture of a journey to the fabled home of Elvis Presley. It reminds us of the transformative power of travel-songs and the remarkable connections we can make along the way.

“And she said, ‘Losing love is like a window in your heart. Everybody sees you’re blown apart. Everybody sees the wind blow.’ – Paul Simon

Coldplay’s “Paradise” takes us on an emotional ride, inspiring us to seek our own version of paradise. The song’s soaring melodies and thought-provoking lyrics evoke images of white sandy beaches, crystal-clear waters, and a world waiting to be explored. Let this track be your anthem as you chase your dreams of finding your own paradise and embark on exhilarating adventures.

“When she was just a girl, she expected the world, but it flew away from her reach, so she ran away in her sleep.” – Coldplay

For those who seek adventure and a touch of rock ‘n’ roll, Led Zeppelin’s “Ramble On” is the perfect addition to your travel playlist. With its energetic guitar riffs and Robert Plant’s mesmerizing vocals, this song embodies the spirit of a restless wanderer, embarking on a quest for new experiences and the thrill of the unknown. Let the music ignite your inner explorer.

“Leaves are falling all around, time I was on my way. Thanks to you, I’m much obliged for such a pleasant stay.” – Led Zeppelin

Country music often tells stories of life on the road and the beauty of the world around us, and Brad Paisley’s “The World” is no exception. This uplifting and heartfelt track reminds us of the vastness and diversity of our planet, urging us to explore its wonders and appreciate the remarkable places that await us. Let the music inspire you to embark on unforgettable journeys.

“To the teller down at the bank, you’re just another checking account. To the plumber that came today, you’re just another house. At the airport ticket counter, you’re just another fare.” – Brad Paisley

With its iconic guitar intro and mysterious lyrics, “Hotel California” by the Eagles transports us to a world of intrigue and curiosity. This timeless classic evokes images of road trips along the Californian coastline, capturing the essence of a never-ending journey and the allure of the unknown. Let the music guide you through the twists and turns of this metaphorical hotel, where checking out may not be as easy as it seems.

“Welcome to the Hotel California, such a lovely place, such a lovely face. Plenty of room at the Hotel California, any time of year, you can find it here.” – Eagles

“Viva la Vida” – Coldplay: Seize the Moment and Live Life to the Fullest –

We conclude our travel playlist with Coldplay’s “Viva la Vida,” a song that speaks to the dreamers and explorers. Its grand orchestration and reflective lyrics inspire us to seize the moment, conquer new frontiers, and embrace the beauty and complexity of the world. It’s the perfect anthem for those who dare to dream big and live life to the fullest.

“I used to rule the world, seas would rise when I gave the word. Now in the morning, I sleep alone, sweep the streets I used to own.” – Coldplay
“Laughing on the bus, playing games with the faces. She said the man in the gabardine suit was a spy. I said, ‘Be careful, his bowtie is really a camera.’ – Simon and Garfunkel

Why: This classic song from the duo’s Bookends album tells the story of young lovers hitchhiking across the United States in search of the essence of America. With its poetic lyrics and melodic harmonies, “America” captures the carefree spirit and sense of adventure associated with road trips and travel.

“I am the passenger and I ride and I ride. I ride through the city’s backside. I see the stars come out of the sky.” – Iggy Pop

Why: Iggy Pop’s “The Passenger” is a timeless anthem that resonates with travelers worldwide. Its catchy melody and infectious energy make it a go-to song for those seeking a sense of liberation and thrill while exploring new destinations.

“Roam if you want to, roam around the world. Roam if you want to, without wings, without wheels.” – The B-52s
“Send me on my way, send me on my way, send me on my way, send me on my way.” – Rusted Root

Why: Both “Roam” and “Send Me On My Way” are upbeat and infectious tunes that embody the joy and excitement of travel. These songs have become staples on road trip playlists, with their lively rhythms and uplifting lyrics serving as the perfect companions for memorable journeys.

“Standing on a hill in my mountain of dreams, telling myself it’s not as hard, hard, hard as it seems.” – Led Zeppelin

Why: Led Zeppelin’s “Going to California” is an iconic track that exudes a sense of wanderlust. Its soothing acoustic guitar and poetic lyrics inspire listeners to set off on their own adventures, particularly in the enchanting landscapes of California.

“I’ve been everywhere, man. I’ve been everywhere, man. Crossed the deserts bare, man. I’ve breathed the mountain air, man.” – Johnny Cash

Why: Johnny Cash’s “I’ve Been Everywhere” is a playful and fast-paced song that lists numerous locations around the world. As Cash rattles off city names, you’ll find yourself itching to explore new places and experience the thrill of discovering unfamiliar destinations.

“Rocky Mountain high, Colorado. Rocky Mountain high, I’ve seen it rainin’ fire in the sky.” – John Denver
“Take me home, country roads, to the place I belong. West Virginia, mountain mama, take me home, country roads.” – John Denver

Why: John Denver’s songs are renowned for their evocative lyrics that capture the beauty of nature and the allure of the open road. “Rocky Mountain High” and “Take Me Home, Country Roads” transport listeners to picturesque landscapes and evoke a sense of longing for the freedom that travel brings.

“All the leaves are brown and the sky is gray. I’ve been for a walk on a winter’s day. I’d be safe and warm if I was in L.A. California dreamin’ on such a winter’s day.” – The Mamas & The Papas

Why: With its iconic harmonies and wistful lyrics, “California Dreamin'” is a timeless song that epitomizes the desire to escape to warmer climates and embark on a journey of self-discovery. This song is sure to make you yearn for the open road.

“You belong among the wildflowers. You belong in a boat out at sea. Sail away, kill off the hours. You belong somewhere you feel free.” – Tom Petty

Why: Tom Petty’s “Wildflowers” is a soulful and introspective song that encourages listeners to embrace their wanderlust and explore the world around them. Its heartfelt lyrics and soothing melody make it a perfect companion for long drives and reflective moments.

“Life is a highway, I wanna ride it all night long. If you’re going my way, I wanna drive it all night long.” – Tom Cochrane

Why: Made famous by the movie “Cars,” “Life is a Highway” by Tom Cochrane is an anthem of adventure and embracing the unknown. Its energetic rhythm and uplifting lyrics make it a must-have song on any travel playlist.

The power of music to take us away, make us feel things, and ignite our wanderlust is unrivaled. We hope that listening to the songs featured on this ultimate travel songs playlist will ignite a feeling of adventure within you and motivate you to see the world. So, the next time you find yourself packing for a trip or even simply daydream

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Q: What is a good travel video song? A: There are several great songs that can enhance your travel videos and evoke a sense of adventure. Some popular choices include:

  • Willie Nelson – On the Road Again
  • Toto – Africa Björk – Wanderlust
  • The Proclaimers – I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)
  • Paul Simon – Graceland
  • Coldplay – Paradise
  • Led Zeppelin – Ramble On
  • Brad Paisley – The World
  • Eagles – Hotel California Coldplay – Viva la Vida

Q: What is a song about moving away? A: Moving away can be a bittersweet experience, and there are songs that capture the emotions associated with this life change. Here are a few songs about moving away:

  • “Homeward Bound” by Simon & Garfunkel
  • “Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)” by Green Day
  • “Leaving on a Jet Plane” by John Denver
  • “Fast Car” by Tracy Chapman
  • “No Surprises” by Radiohead
  • “The Boxer” by Simon & Garfunkel

Remember that musical preferences are subjective, so choose a song that resonates with your personal feelings and experiences.

Traveler and blogger Living in Guadalajara, Mexico

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35 Songs About Traveling and Adventure

travel and adventure songs playlist feature

Over the years, people have rediscovered a simpler way of traveling: the road trip . Maybe you’re planning a day trip within your own state. Or perhaps you want to take a long road trip around the country. Whatever your travel goals, there’s a song that can accompany you.

The list below contains old favorite songs about travel as well as some new songs about adventure. Let’s dive in and hit the road!

1. “Vacation” — Thomas Rhett

Thomas Rhett - Vacation (Instant Grat Video)

This unique country music song by Thomas Rhett Akins is a hidden gem in the world of beach songs . The lyrics reference tons of beach themes, including toes in the sand, coconut water cocktails, Coppertone, and bikinis.

The video is equally fun, and it features the singer with his wife and family on vacation in Hawaii. In the video, you can watch them chilling on the beach, surfing, and even skydiving.

Next: Top songs about being happy and feeling good in life

2. “Pontoon” — Little Big Town

Little Big Town - Pontoon (Official Music Video)

How does spending a lazy day on a pontoon boat sound? Talk about relaxing! The song “Pontoon” by Little Big Town is all about spending the day on the lake with friends and family.

“Pontoon” was released on the band’s “Tornado” album in 2012. “Tornado” was Little Big Town’s fifth studio album and was the first number 1 single the group had on the Billboard’s chart of Hot Country Songs.

Next: The best songs about boating and boats

3. “Soak up the Sun” — Sheryl Crow

Sheryl Crow - Soak Up The Sun

When you’re feeling down and bad about your life, just know you’re in good company because Sheryl Crow sometimes feels the same way. Her “Soak up the Sun” song references a “crummy job” and not enough money, which isn’t likely for her at this point in her life, but perhaps she has had her own money woes in the past.

The song was inspired when Crow had a conversation with a co-worker and they wrote the song to take Crow’s mind off of some health issues.

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4. “All Summer Long” — Kid Rock

Kid Rock - All Summer Long [Official Music Video]

Nothing says vacation like summertime, especially when you’re a kid in school. Kid Rock’s song “All Summer Long” brings those long-ago summers back to life. The song was released in 2008 on Rock’s “Rock n Roll Jesus” album in 2007.

Kid Rock says that the song was inspired by a Bob Seger song titled “Night Moves.” The song has snippets from Warren Zevon’s “Werewolves of London” and Lynyrd Skynyrd’s “Sweet Home Alabama.”

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5. “Party in the U.S.A.” — Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus - Party In The U.S.A. (Official Video)

On the surface, “Party in the U.S.A.” is about a young woman who has been thrust into a big and complicated world. In the song, Cyrus sings about wondering if she’ll fit in, but she also talks about a sense of adventure and possibility.

The song was written by Dr. Luke and it was originally intended to be recorded by Jessie J. However, Dr. Luke determined that it wasn’t edgy enough for Jessie, so he passed it on to Miley.

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6. “A Thousand Miles” — Vanessa Carlton

Vanessa Carlton - A Thousand Miles

While travel and adventure songs can be bold anthems, they can also be piano ballads with the same adventure vibe. Vanessa Carlton’s “A Thousand Miles” combines two popular themes: love and travel. In the song, Carlton sings about walking a thousand miles to see her beloved.

The song came out on Carlton’s “Be Not Nobody” album in 2002 and it has become her signature song. Carlton herself wrote the song, and she said it was inspired by her crush on a fellow student, who is now a well-known actor.

7. “Promised Land” — Chuck Berry

Promised Land

When you’ve got California on your mind, you shouldn’t think of getting there without listening to “Promised Land” by Chuck Berry. Berry wrote the song to the melody of the classic American folk song “Wabash Cannonball” for his “St. Louis to Liverpool” album.

The song was released in 1964 just after Berry was released from prison, and Berry wrote the song when he was locked up. In the song, the singer hopped on board a Greyhound bus in the city of Norfolk, Virginia, and headed west.

8. “Life Is a Highway” — Rascal Flatts

Rascal Flatts - Life Is a Highway (From "Cars"/Official Video)

Life is sort of like its own kind of road trip, and that’s the theme that this Rascal Flatts song brings us. The lyrics point out that there’s a world that’s waiting outside of every darkened doorway. All you have to do is open the door and explore it and the blues won’t haunt you anymore.

Just like the highway, life can have smooth and rough patches. It’s all about how you navigate the journey.

Next: Best road trip songs to sing along to while driving

9. “I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)” — The Proclaimers

The Proclaimers - I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) (Official Music Video)

It’s possible that “I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)” by The Proclaimers is one of the catchiest and most energizing songs ever. This song was written by identical twin brothers from Scotland named Charlie and Craig Ried, and once you get the song in your head, it’s hard to forget it.

The song speaks about being willing to travel to the ends of the earth to be with someone.

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10. “Truckin” — The Grateful Dead

Truckin' (2020 Remaster)

As one of the most well-known songs by The Grateful Dead, “Truckin” spoke to the band’s grueling tour schedule. The song appeared first on the band’s “American Beauty” album in 1970, and it has been listed as an official national treasure by the U.S. Library of Congress.

One of the most famous lyrics of the song is “what a long, strange trip it’s been,” so this is the perfect song for your travel Spotify list.

11. “America” — Simon & Garfunkel

Simon & Garfunkel - America (Audio)

Paul Simon composed and wrote “America” to be performed by himself and his musical partner, Art Garfunkel. The song is about two young lovers who decide to hitchhike their way across America. Supposedly , the song was inspired when Paul Simon took a road trip in 1964 with his girlfriend at the time, Kathy Chitty.

The road trip Simon took with Chitty took five days and they drove across the country together.

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12. “Some Beach” — Blake Shelton

Blake Shelton - Some Beach (Official Music Video)

The Blake Shelton song “Some Beach” is all about the beach, but the lyrics also reference driving down the interstate and singing Jimmy Buffet’s “Margaritaville.” This epic song was released on Shelton’s “Barn & Grill” album in July 2004.

“Some Beach” addresses the issues we can face when we travel to get to our vacation destination. They include being flipped the bird in traffic and being at a dentist’s office all day.

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13. “Girls Just Want to Have Fun” — Cyndi Lauper

Cyndi Lauper - Girls Just Want To Have Fun (Official Video)

Is it even possible for a group of young women to take off for an adventure or vacation and not sing “Girls Just Want to Have Fun” by Cyndi Lauper? The song was actually written by a man, who released it in 1979. However, it’s Lauper’s version that is so famous.

In the 1980s, “Girls Just Want to Have Fun” was a worldwide hit, and it’s considered to be Cyndi Lauper’s signature song.

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14. “Fly Away” — Lenny Kravitz

Lenny Kravitz - Fly Away (Official Music Video)

Lenny Kravitz wrote “Fly Away” for his “5” album, which was released in 1998. The song hit the number 12 spot on the U.S. charts, and it was a hit around the world. 

“Fly Away” won Kravitz a Grammy Award in 1999 for Best Male Rock Performance. He said that he wrote the song accidentally when he was playing different chords on a guitar when he was testing a new amp. 

15. “I’ve Been Everywhere” — Johnny Cash

I've Been Everywhere

Johnny Cash’s hit song “I’ve Been Everywhere” was actually written in 1959 by a country singer from Australia named Geoff Mack. The song has been recorded by tons of artists, but it’s Johnny Cash’s version that is the most well-known.

Cash recorded the song for his “Unchained” album in 1996 with Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. The “Unchained” album won that year’s Grammy Award for Best Country Album.

16. “Cruise” — Florida Georgia Line

Florida Georgia Line - Cruise

If you’re taking an aimless journey, either around the block or around the country, you definitely need “Cruise” on your playlist. Just like the song says, you’ll want to roll down your windows and cruise.

The country duo Florida Georgia Line released the bro-country song “Cruise” to iTunes in 2012, and the song became even more famous when it was remixed by the rapper Nelly in 2013.

17. “Chillin’ It” — Cole Swindell

“Chillin’ It” is a song that was released independently by Cole Swindell as a digital download in March 2013. Just a few months later, Swindell signed his first record deal, and the song was included on Swindell’s debut album.

This song will get anyone ready to go on an adventure as it blasts about having the “top back” and the sunglasses on. Oh, and rolling with the music jacked.

18. “Travelin’ Man” — Ricky Nelson

Travelin' Man (Remastered)

You’ve got to have a few oldies on your travel playlist, so why not add the Ricky Nelson classic “Travelin’ Man”? This song was a number 1 hit in 1961, and the song tells the story of having a beloved in every port around the world.

It’s hard to know if this song could still be a big hit in the “Me Too” era, but it sure is catchy and fun.

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19. “Ramblin’ Man” — Hank Williams

Ramblin' Man

Hank Williams was one of the most influential and significant songwriters in the United States. Williams wrote “Ramblin’ Man” and released it in 1951 on the B side to another song. However, “Ramblin’ Man” ended up being the most well-known song.

This song speaks about a man who can’t settle down with the love of his life because he can’t control his wanderlust. He’s apologetic but says she just has to learn to deal with a Ramblin’ Man.

20. “End of the Line” — The Traveling Wilburys

The Traveling Wilburys - End Of The Line (Official Video)

In the latter part of the 1980s, five music legends created a supergroup called The Traveling Wilburys. The men in the group were Bob Dylan, Roy Orbison, Tom Petty, George Harrison, and Jeff Lynn. Unfortunately, the group was only able to release a single album before the death of Roy Orbison .

“End of the Line” was on that album, and the song talks about how everything will “work out fine” as they head down the highway together.

21. “Cake by the Ocean” — DNCE

DNCE - Cake By The Ocean

The DNCE song “Cake by the Ocean” talks about two of our favorite things: cake and the ocean. Because why not? The theme of the song is not to walk around sad, but to treat like like you’re having cake by the ocean and licking cake frosting from your fingertips.

The song was released by DNCE’s debut album titled “EP” in September 2015. The band also included the song on their self-titled debut studio album, “DNCE.”

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22. “On the Road Again” — Willie Nelson

Willie Nelson - On The Road Again (Official Audio)

One of the most popular songs ever written by Willie Nelson is his classic “On the Road Again.” This song was so popular that it won Willie the Grammy Award for Best Country Song the year after he released it.

Willie wrote the song on an airplane’s barf bag after movie producer Jerry Schatzberg asked him to write something about what it’s like to be on the road as a musician. The song was in Willie’s movie “Honeysuckle Rose.” 

23. “Around the World” — Daft Punk

Daft Punk - Around The World (Official Music Video Remastered)

This Daft Punk song is proof that a song doesn’t have to have complex lyrics to make it big and be super catchy. The song’s only lyrics are “around the world,” and they’re sung over and over.

Daft Punk is a French duo that makes electronic music. As far as travel anthems go, this one will certainly energize you and you don’t have to think a lot about the lyrics. Just go with the flow.

24. “Blame it on Mexico” — George Strait

George Strait - Blame It On Mexico

The country music superstar George Strait knows a bit about the love that can happen south of the border in Mexico. After all, he and his wife Norma eloped to Mexico to get married and they recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.

“Blame it on Mexico” is a classic country song, but it also speaks to the adventurous spirit that many of us have when we hit the open road.

25. “Train Song” — Phish

Train Song

The band known as Phish has been touring in the U.S. for nearly 40 years, and during one of their tours, Mike Gordon (the bassist) wrote “Train Song.” This simple song has a serene melody that will remind you of the rolling movement of a train.

It’s hard not to feel chill and relaxed when listening to “Train Song,” so it’s perfect for a vacation.

26. “Born to Be Wild” — Steppenwolf

Born To Be Wild

In 1968, Steppenwolf released a rock anthem that was destined to capture the very essence of getting out onto the open road. “Born to Be Wild” was written originally as a ballad, but the band sped the rhythm up to make it into an epic rock anthem.

This adventure song proclaims that we were all “born to be wild,” and the song has been covered by dozens of artists over the years.

27. “Take Me Home, Country Roads” — John Denver

John Denver - Take Me Home, Country Roads (from The Wildlife Concert)

John Denver’s song “Take Me Home, Country Roads,” is about the state of West Virginia. Denver released the song in 1971 as a single, and it still sells well now. In fact, so far, this song has sold more than 1.6 million digital copies, and it’s probably because it’s such a timeless adventure and travel song.

“Take Me Home, Country Roads” is about traveling back home by country roads and singing on the way.

Next: The absolute greatest songs of all time (our ultimate list of picks)

28. “Ramblin’ Man” — The Allman Brothers

The Allman Brothers Band - Ramblin' Man (Lyric Video)

The Allman Brothers were inspired by the Hank Williams song of the same name, but their version of “Ramblin’ Man” is a totally different song with its own style. Like the Williams song, this version is about a man who loves to travel too much to settle down.

In the song, the singer gives the suggestion that he’ll have to leave behind someone he loves because he was “born a ramblin’ man.”

29. “Sunshine and Summertime” — Faith Hill

Sunshine and Summertime

Faith Hill released “Sunshine and Summertime” in 2006. The song was the fourth single from her “Fireflies” album and it reached the number 7 spot on the Hot Country Songs chart.

LIke many of the songs on our list, this song is all about the freedom of summer and all that it means to get outside and explore new things and simple pleasures.

30. “Toes” — Zac Brown Band

Zac Brown Band - Toes (Official Video)

When you want to have your toes in the ocean water, your behind in the sand, and a beer in your hand, listen to “Toes” by the Zac Brown Band. This song was recorded by the country music band and released in 2009.

“Toes” is the third single from “The Foundation,” the band’s 2008 debut studio album. “Toes” was their second song that hit the top of the U.S. charts.

31. “Road Trippin'” — Red Hot Chili Peppers

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Road Trippin' [Official Music Video]

The Red Hot Chili Peppers released “Road Trippin'” on their hit album “Californication.” The song was the fifth and last single on the album, and it’s a travel song that has earned a place on countless road trip music lists.

The song tells the story of a band road trip that was taken by Anthony Kiedis, Flea, and John Frusciante when they drove up the coast road from Lost Angeles to Big Sur.

32. “Leaving on a Jet Plane” — Peter, Paul, and Mary

Did you know that the late John Denver wrote “Leaving on a Jet Plane”? He actually included it on his debut demo recording and handed out copies as Christmas gifts in 1966. However, he changed the title of the song from the original “Babe I Hate to Go.”

The most famous version of the song was recorded by Peter, Paul, and Mary for their “Rhymes & Reasons” album in 1969. For Denver, he said that the song was very personal to him. He says that the song is about having to leave someone behind.

33. “Travelin’ Band” — Creedence Clearwater Revival

Creedence Clearwater Revival - Travelin' Band (Official Music Video)

John Fogerty wrote “Travelin’ Band” for Creedence Clearwater Revival, and the band included the song on their “Cosmo’s Factory” album that was released in 1970. Fogerty says that he was inspired by rock ‘n roll songs from the 1950s, particularly those by Little Richard. 

The song’s lyrics describe what life on the road is like for a musician or band. 

34. “No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problems” — Kenny Chesney

Kenny Chesney - No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problems (Official Video)

For many of us, the first thing we do when we get home is take off any clothing or shoes that we don’t absolutely need to walk around the house. This includes our shoes, and for many folks, their shirts.

Kenny Chesney’s song brings that vacation vibe to wherever you go with “No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problem.” This song is on Chesney’s album with the same name.

35. “Highway to Hell” — AC/DC

AC/DC - Highway to Hell (Official Video)

AC/DC is an Australian rock band that reigned supreme in the 1970s and 1980s. Their hit song “Highway to Hell” was released in 1979, and this song referred to the horrific tour schedule that the band had to keep.

The lyrics to this song are all about being on the road, and while the band did grow weary of travel, this song lives on as the perfect travel and adventure anthem.

Final Thoughts on Songs About Traveling and Adventure

Did these songs about traveling and adventure make you want to hit the road and discover parts unknown? Load up your music streaming apps/devices and go explore the world.

songs inspired by travel

As the Head Editor and Writer at Music Grotto, Liam helps write and edit content produced from professional music/media journalists and other contributing writers. He works closely with journalists and other staff to format and publish music content for the Music Grotto website. Liam is also the founding member of Music Grotto and is passionate in disseminating editorial content to its readers.

Liam’s lifelong love for music makes his role at Music Grotto such a rewarding one. He loves researching, writing and editing music content for Music Grotto.


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That Texas Couple

125 Songs About Travel To Fuel Your Wanderlust

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If you are like me, then you are always dreaming of travel. 

If I’m not researching  travel captions for Insta , I listen to  songs about travel.  

Honestly, I sometimes wonder if I have a problem…I really seem to be obsessed with travel!

If someone were to see my  travel songs   playlist , they would probably be really confused as to what genre of music I am into. 

I think that is the great thing about music; all genres have great songs.

Playing these songs makes me dream of the days we were honeymooning in Italy , or the many times we sat on the beach in  Mexico .

These travel songs make me happy and are a blessing on a road trip!  

I wanted to share this list of 125 travel songs with you. 

Hopefully, you will find inspiration and happiness in them as well!

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Table of Contents (Click to Unroll)

125 Songs About Travel

Kokomo by Beach Boys

“Aruba, Jamaica ooo I wanna take you To Bermuda, Bahama come on pretty mama Key Largo, Montego baby why don’t we go “

B lue Hawaii by Elvis Presley

“Dreams come true In blue Hawaii And mine could all come true This magic night of nights with you”

Holiday by Madonna

“If we took a holiday Took some time to celebrate Just one day out of life It would be, it would be so nice .”

Gravity by Coldplay  

“Baby It’s been a long time coming Such a long, long time And I can’t stop running Such a long, long time Can you hear my heart beating? Can you hear that sound? ‘Cause I can’t help thinking And I won’t stop now “

Margaritaville by Jimmy Buffet

songs about travel-beach

This is a classic song about travel, so much so that there are bars worldwide celebrating it! 

Listening to Margaritaville by Jimmy Buffet makes me wish I was drinking a margarita in the  Riviera Maya !  Let’s check out the lyrics!

Midnight Train to Georgia by Gladys Knight and the Pips  

“Oh, he’s leavin’ (Leavin’) On that midnight train to Georgia, yeah (Leavin’ on that midnight train)

Said, he’s goin’ back (Goin’ back to find) To a simpler place in time”

Read Next: The Ultimate List of Friends Traveling Quotes

What We Live For by American Authors

If this song doesn’t make you want to load up your  road trip essentials  and hit the road, then I don’t know what will!  What do you think?

“I drive a beat-up car, a caravan, the color blue Reminds me of your eyes and all the places we’ve been to We’re tethered to the leather, searching for a better view It’s interstellar when it’s me and you”

Travelin’ Man 1961 by Ricky Nelson

“I’m a travelin’ man Made a lot of stops all over the world And in every port I own the heart Of at least one lovely girl. “

Waka Waka (This Time for Africa) by Shakira

“When you fall, get up, oh oh And if you fall, get up, eh eh Tsamina mina zangalewa ‘Cause this is Africa”

Hello Seattle by Owl City

It’s a pretty simple song, but it will definitely get you thinking about Seattle. LOL!

Havana by Camila Cabello

“Havana, ooh na-na Half of my heart is in Havana, ooh-na-na He took me back to East Atlanta, na-na-na Oh, but my heart is in Havana”

Rio by Michael Nesmith

“And I think I will travel to Rio Using the music for flight, There’s nothing I know of in Rio, But it’s something to do with the night. It’s only a whimsical notion To fly down to Rio tonight, And I probably won’t fly down to Rio, But then again, I just might.”

Leaving Las Vegas by Cheryl Crow

Las Vegas sign-travel songs

“I’m leaving Las Vegas Lights so bright, palm sweat, blackjack on a Saturday night Leaving Las Vegas Leaving for good, for good I’m leaving for good I’m leaving for good”

Fr ee by Donovan Frankenreiter

“Here comes corner winds and the changin’ tide We better drop them sails and get inside When will the weather ever let us go I guess we’ll have to wait until the trade winds blow”

Come Fly With Me by Frank Sinatra

“Come fly with me, let’s fly, let’s fly away If you could use some exotic booze There’s a bar in far Bombay Come fly with me, let’s fly, let’s fly away”

One Night in Bangkok by Murray Head

“One night in Bangkok and the world’s your oyster The bars are temples but the pearls ain’t free You’ll find a God in every golden cloister A little flesh, a little history I can feel an angel slidin’ up to me”

Graceland by Paul Simon

“In Graceland, in Graceland I’m going to Graceland For reasons I cannot explain There’s some part of me wants to see Graceland:

The Passenger by Iggy Pop

“I am the passenger And I ride and I ride I ride through the city’s backsides “

Life is a Highway by Rascal Flats

Life is a Highway is definitely a song that will get you in the mood to hit the open road.  Of course, I always relate it to Route 66 thanks to the Cars movie.

Come Away With Me by Norah JonesThis one is all about sneaking away with your loved one.  It makes me want to check all of the items off of my  couple’s bucket list  with Marty!

“Come away with me and we’ll kiss On a mountain top Come away with me And I’ll never stop lovin’ you”

Leaving on a Jet Plane by Peter Paul and Mary

“I’m leavin’ on a jet plane I don’t know when I’ll be back again”

Have Love, Will Travel by The Sonics 

“Well I might take a boat or I’ll take a plane I might hitch hike or jump a railroad train Your kind of love drives a man insane So look for me walking just a any old way”

These Days by The Foo Fighters

Ok, this one is a bit of a stretch and I realize that.  I think I consider this a travel song because I think about how one day we will all be gone and so you better live life to the fullest while you can.

American Boy by Estelle featuring Kanye West

“Take me on a trip, I’d like to go some day Take me to New York, I’d love to see LA I really want to come kick it with you You’ll be my American boy.”

First Day of My Life by Bright Eyes

“I went out in the rain, suddenly everything changed They’re spreading blankets on the beach”

Miles Away by The Maine

“I didn’t ever want to come down From that west coast rush and summer high And easy, peaceful sense of time (I felt so alive)”

Take Me Home by Phil Collins

“Take that look of worry Mine’s an ordinary life (Ohh ohh) Working when it’s daylight And sleeping when it’s night”

Hopeless Wanderer by Mumford and Sons

“So when your hope’s on fire But you know your desire Don’t hold a glass over the flame Don’t let your heart grow cold I will call you by name I will share your road “

Carolina In My Mind by James Taylor

“Gone to Carolina in my mind In my mind I’m goin’ to Carolina”

Destination Calabria by Alex Gaudino featuring Crystal Waters

“I left my job, my boss, my car and my home I’m leaving for a destination I still don’t know”

Toes by The Zac Brown Band

where to stay in Cancun

“I got my toes in the water, ass in the sand Not a worry in the world, a cold beer in my hand Life is good today”

Travelling Alone by Passenger

“Australian man Scandinavian tan kicking stones round a square he sat for a while and carved out a smile as if someone would care”

You Only Live Once by The Strokes

“Twenty-nine different attributes Only seven that you like, oh Twenty ways to see the world, oh”

Two Tickets To Paradise by Eddie Money

“I’m gonna take you on a trip so far from here, I’ve got two tickets in my pocket, now baby, we’re gonna disappear. We’ve waited so long, waited so long. We’ve waited so long, waited so long. “

Walking in Memphis by Mark Cohn

“Then I’m walking in Memphis Walking with my feet ten feet off of Beale Walking in Memphis But do I really feel the way I feel”

Africa by Toto

” I hear the drums echoing tonight But she hears only whispers of some quiet conversation She’s coming in, 12: 30 flight The moonlit wings reflect the stars that guide me towards salvation”

Road to Nowhere by Talking Heads

Have you ever just jumped in the car and head out to an unknown destination?  I know we have, especially on one of our  road trips in Texas . 

“We’re on a road to nowhere Come on inside Takin’ that ride to nowhere We’ll take that ride”

California Dreaming by The Mamas and Papas

“…I’d be save and warm if I was in L.A. California dreaming on such a winters day”

Beverly Hills by Weezer

“Beverly Hills That’s where I want to be Livin’ in Beverly Hills”

wildflowers on road trip in Texas

Born to Be Wild by Steppenswolf

“Get your motor runnin’ Head out on the highway Looking for adventure In whatever comes our way”

Not Today by Imagine Dragons

I love the creativity of Imagine Dragon songs, and this one is no exception.

Do You Want to See the World by the Kooks

“Do you want to see the world? In a different way, yeah”

April in Paris by Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong

Eiffel Tower Paris- travel songs

Paris  is definitely a place of dream, and who wouldn’t love to see Paris in April? 

“April in Paris, this is a feeling No one can ever reprise”

A Million Miles Away by David Byrne

“Oh oh A million miles away from here”

Get Here by Oleta Adams

This song is all about all of the ways you can travel to get to the one you love.

“You can reach me by railway, you can reach me by trailway You can reach me on an airplane, you can reach me with your mind You can reach me by caravan, cross the desert like an Arab man I don’t care how you get here, just get here if you can”

Vacation by The GoGo’s

The chorus of this song sums up my travel addiction:

“Vacation, all I ever wanted Vacation, had to get away”

Catch & Release by Matt Simons

“There’s a place I’m going No one knows me”

Road Trippin’ by the Red Hot Chili Peppers

“Road trippin’ with my two favorite allies Fully loaded we got snacks and supplies It’s time to leave this town, it’s time to steal away…”

Take Me Home (Country Roads) by John Denver

A classic song about someone dreaming of being in a different place.

“Country roads, take me home To the place I belong”

Lovers in Japan by Coldplay

“Lovers, keep on the road you’re on Runners, until the race is run”

London Calling by The Clash

take the bus during your London itinerary 4 days

Anyone mentioning London takes me back to the  4 days in London  that Marty and I spent there.  We had such a great time and really loved the city!

“Now get this London calling, yes I was there too “

Around the World by Daft Punk

Simple lyrics, but still a fun song.  It really just says “around the world.”

Are You Gonna Go My Way by Lenny Kravitz

This song has many meanings, but I associate it with grabbing the person you love and setting off on a great journey.

We Gotta Get Out of This Place by The Animals

“We gotta get out of this place Girl, there’s a better life For me and you”

Sail Away by David Gray

This is one of the best travel songs. It just makes you feel like you want to get on a boat and never return.

“Sail away with me honey I put my heart in your hand Sail away with me honey…”

songs inspired by travel

Best Travel Songs To Get You Singing Along

Wake up in paris by hot sardines.

Paris is a great city and one that Marty and I really enjoyed visiting.  Let the lyrics of this song get you to dreaming about it.

“I want to wake up in Paris As the city greets the day”

Malibu by Miley Cyrus

“We watched the Sun go down as we were walking I’d spend the rest of my life just standing here talking”

I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) by The Proclaimers

“But I would walk five hundred miles And I would walk five hundred more…”

Ramblin Man by The Allman Brothers Band

This song speaks to me because I have the hardest time staying in one place. LOL!

“Lord, I was born a ramblin’ man”

San Francisco by Scott McKenzie

Planning a trip to San Francisco? Check out our list of the top attractions and tours in San Francisco so that you can make the most of your time here. #sanfrancisco #visitsanfrancisco #sanfranciscoattractions #whattodoinsanfrancisco

“For those who come to San Francisco Summertime will be a love-in there”

Change by Some Poetries

I love the following verse of this song so much.  It reminds me that each day we can determine what our life will be.

“Today I woke up, knowing that thing will change, and that thing will change So I open up my eyes ready to write the story of my life.”

Take It Easy by The Eagles

“Lighten up while you still can Don’t even try to understand Just find a place to make your stand, and take it easy”

Come Away by Sons of the East

“Come away with me, baby Join me in my car We can go real far away Away from here”

Back in the U.S.S.R. by The Beatles

“I’m back in the U.S.S.R. You don’t know how lucky you are, boy Back in the U.S.”

Wanderlust by The Weeknd

This is me.  I’m in love with wanderlust!

“You’re in love with something bigger than love You believe in something stronger than trust Wanderlust Wanderlust”

Sweet Home Alabama by Leonard Skynard

“Sweet home Alabama Where the skies are so blue”

New York by Cat Power

“Start spreading the news I’m leaving today I want to be a part of it New York, New York”

Sitting on the Dock of the Bay by Otis Redding

“So I’m just go sit on the dock of the bay Watching the tide roll away”

Surfin’ USA by The Beach Boys

“If everybody had an ocean Across the U.S.A. Then everybody’d be surfin’ Like California”

Mexico by James Taylor

where to stay in Cancun

“Oh, Mexico It sounds so simple I just got to go The sun’s so hot I forgot to go home Guess I’ll have to go now”

Island in the Sun by Weezer

“When you’re on a holiday You can’t find the words to say…”

Send Me On My Way by Rusted Root

“I would like to hold my little hand How we will run, we will, how we will crawl

Send me on my way…”

Wonderful Life by Black

“Here I go out to sea again Sunshine fills my hair… You know it feels unfair There’s magic everywhere.”

When I’m Gone by Anna Kendrick

“I’ve got my ticket for the long way ‘round The one with the prettiest of views…”

See the World by Gomez

“See the world, find an old fashioned girl”

Travelin’ Prayer by Billy Joel

Travelin’ Prayer by Billy Joel is a man’s prayer to protect his loved one while she is traveling.

“Hey Lord, take a look all around And I’d a find where my baby’s gonna be Hey Lord, would ya look out for her tonight ‘Cause she is far across the sea”

America by Siman & Garfunkel

“They’ve all come to look for America All come to look for America”

Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen

“We’ll run until we drop, baby we’ll never go back Will you walk with me out on the wire…”

Kathmandu by Bob Seger

“I think I’m going to Katmandu That’s really, really Where I’m going to”

Wish You Were Here by Incubus

“I dig my toes into the sand The ocean looks like A thousand diamonds Strewn across a blue blanket …”

Come With Me Now by KONGOS

I know this song isn’t officially about travel, but I tell Marty often to “come with me now!” LOL!

“Far away I heard him say (Come with me now)”

End of the Line by Traveling Wilburys

“Well, it’s all right, riding around in the breeze Well, it’s all right, if you live the life you please”

Moon River by Audrey Hepburn

“Two drifters, off to see the world There’s such a lot of world to see…”

California Love by Tupac and dr. Dre

“California love! California knows how to party…”

God Bless Texas by Little Texas

canyons and a river in Big Bend

“‘Cause God blessed Texas with His own hand Brought down angels from the Promised Land…”

Englishman in New York by Sting

“See me walking down fifth avenue A walking cane here at my side I take it everywhere I walk Im an Englishman In New York”

Galway Girl by Ed Sheeran

“You know, she played the fiddle in an Irish band But she fell in love with an English man…’”

On The Road Again by Willie Nelson

“On the road again Just can’t wait to get on the road again…”

Big Jet Plane by Angus and Julia Stone

“Gonna take her for a ride on a big jet plane Gonna take her for a ride on a big jet plane Hey hey, hey hey”

Go Your Own Way by Fleetwood Mac

I know this song is more about breaking up, but I like to think of it more like a getaway song just encouraging people to go their own way and see the world!

“If I could Baby I’d give you my world Open up Everything’s waiting for you”

I’ve Been Everywhere by Johnny Cash

“I’ve been everywhere, man I’ve been everywhere, man Across the deserts bare, man I’ve breathed the mountain air, man Of travel I’ve had my share, man I’ve been everywhere”

Castle on the Hill by Ed Sheeran

“I’m on my way Driving at 90 down those country lanes Singing to “Tiny Dancer”…”

Anywhere by Passenger

“If you get up in a jet plane Or down in a submarine If you get onto the next train To somewhere you never been If you wanna ride in a fast car And feel the wind in your hair Darling just look beside you Oh, I’ll go with you anywhere”

Miami by Will Smith

“I’m goin to Miami Welcome to Miami…”

Traveling On by KONGOS

“So long my friend, my foe, my love, my pain The road’s calling out my name…”

Fast Car by Tracy Chapman

must haves for road trip

“You got a fast car I want a ticket to anywhere Maybe we make a deal Maybe together we can get somewhere”

Budapest by George Ezra

“My house in Budapest My hidden treasure chest…”

King of the World by First Aid Kit

“I keep running around Trying to find the ground But my head is in the stars My feet are in the sky”

Hotel California by The Eagles

“Welcome to the Hotel California Such a lovely place (such a lovely place) Such a lovely face…”

Adventure of a Lifetime by Coldplay

“Then this adventure, more than I And if we’ve only got this life You’ll get me through alive And if we’ve only got this life”

Leave by R.E.M.

“It’s under, under, under my feet. The sea spread out there before me. Where do I go when the land touches sea?”

On Top of The World by Imagine Dragons

“‘Cause I’m on top of the world, ‘ay I’m on top of the world, ‘ay Waiting on this for a while now Paying my dues to the dirt I’ve been waiting to smile, ‘ay Been holding it in for a while, ‘ay Take you with me if I can Been dreaming of this since a child I’m on top of the world.”

A Thousand Miles by Vanessa Carlton

“If I could fall into the sky Do you think time would pass me by? ‘Cause you know I’d walk a thousand miles If I could just see you Tonight”

Californication by Red Hot Chili Peppers

Another song about California.  This one is pretty catchy.  Check it out if you’ve never heard it!

Permanent Vacation by Aerosmith

“I got to take myself a permanent vacation The sky’s the limit but my plane won’t fly…”

In America by Neil Diamond

“Free, Only want to be free…”

Roam by the B-52s

“Roam if you want to Roam around the world…”

Viva Las Vegas by Elvis Presley

An aerial view of Las Vegas is a great thing to do in Las Vegas for couples.

“Viva Las Vegas with you neon flashin’ And your one arm bandits crashin’ All those hopes down the drain …”

I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For by U2  

“I have climbed highest mountains I have run through the fields…”

Barcelona by Ed Sheeran

“And you and I we’re flying on an aeroplane tonight We’re going somewhere where the sun is shining bright Just close your eyes And let’s pretend we’re dancing in the street In Barcelona”

Marrakesh Express by Crosby, Still, and Nash

“Looking at the world Trough the sunset in your eyes Trying to make the train To clear Moroccan skies…”

Pompeii by Bastille

“And if you close your eyes Does it almost feel like You’ve been here before?”

Ho Hey by The Lumineers 

“Took the bus to china town (hey!) I’ve been standing on Canal (ho!) And Bowery (hey!) (ho!) And she’d be standing next to me (hey!) 1, 2, 3 I belong with you you belong with me you’re my sweet heart…”

On My Way by Phil Collins 

“Tell everybody I’m on my way New friends and new places to see With blue skies ahead, yes I’m on my way…”

Ventura Highway by America

“Ventura Highway in the sunshine Where the days are longer The nights are stronger than moonshine You’re gonna go I know …”

New York State of Mind by Billy Joel

“It comes down to reality And it’s fine with me ’cause I’ve let it slide Don’t care if it’s Chinatown or on Riverside I don’t have any reasons I’ve left them all behind I’m in a New York state of mind”  

Fly Away With Me by Tom Walker

“So come on fly away with me To a place where we could be anyone we wanna be…”

Time of Your Life by Green Day

“Another turning point a fork stuck in the road Time grabs you by the wrist directs you where to go So make the best of this test and don’t ask why It’s not a question but a lesson learned in time

It’s something unpredictable but in the end It’s right I hope you’ve had the time of your life”

Paris by The Chainsmokers  

“We were staying in Paris To get away from your parents…””

Travelling by Paper Lions

“Travelling the road, less known is where I want to be My compass directing, electing, an open road with golden trees…”

Escape (The Pina Colada Song) by Rupert Holmes

“If you like Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain If you’re not into yoga, if you have half-a-brain If you like making love at midnight in the dunes of the cape I’m the lady you’ve looked for, write to me and escape”

Rocky Road To Dublin by The Irish Descendents

songs inspired by travel

“In the merry month of june, from me home I started left the girls of Tuam, so sad and broken hearted saluted father dear, kissed me darlin’ mother…, frightened all the dogs, on the rocky road to Dublin,”

Running Away by Ed Sheeran ft. Kygo 

“You got your bags packed Hoppin’ on the train tonight Nothing to say cause you’re drifting like a satellite”

Final Thoughts  

Well, there you have it, our list of the 125 best travel songs that will inspire your wanderlust.  I hope that his list of travel songs has something that you fall in love with also.  

Of course, our list isn’t all-inclusive, so be sure and comment below what other songs we should add to our list!

Happy Travels, Friends!!

While You’re Here, Check Out These Posts:

100 Perfect Quotes About Paris

The Road to Hana: 22 Must-See Stops

85 Quotes About Italy to Inspire Your Wanderlust

25 Roman Ruins In Rome That You Have To See

3 Days in Venice: A Great Venice Itinerary

150 Dreamy Beach Quotes

101 Travel Quotes for Insta

Perfect Sunshine Captions for Instagram

The Best Wheeled Backpack for Travel

The Best Travel Backpack for Europe…and Beyond

How We Travel With Only a Backpack

The Perfect Gifts for Travel Lovers

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songs inspired by travel

Monday 15th of February 2021

This is a super fun post! Thanks for the inspiration and an awesome diverse list of music!

Sunday 14th of February 2021

Ah so many great songs! You definitely had me humming along as I was reading through the list!

Saturday 13th of February 2021

Thank you got this amazing list. Such a good new fun way to travel through music .


Thank you for checking it out!

Friday 22nd of January 2021

This list is already fuelling my wanderlust! I am on the same boat as you, that I love specific songs, not necessarily belonging to the same genre. By the way, while reading this, I just started playing some of these songs, my favorites from the list :-)

This is so fun to know! Thank you, Pubali. I hope you enjoyed it!

Renata - bye:myself

Tuesday 19th of January 2021

What a comprehensive and varied list - includes some of my favorite artists like Coldplay...totally unexpected. Nevertheless, you're actually starting with the cheesiest song ever - it really made me love - and then I had this tune for hours in my head.

Wednesday 20th of January 2021

Haha. I didn't think of that, Renata but I see it and agree with you :)

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Larissa Gonzales

26 min read

13 Oct 2023

The 50 best travel songs of all time 

  • Travel tricks

songs inspired by travel

Music can make or break a trip. The right travel tunes will energize and inspire you, setting the perfect mood for adventure on the open road or high in the skies. 

Here are our top 50 all-time road trip and travel songs guaranteed to be the soundtrack for unforgettable journeys near and far.

This travel playlist is made possible by the adventurous team at Volario. We love to travel. 

#1 Travel Song – Take Me Home, Country Roads by John Denver

With its sweeping choruses about “almost heaven” in West Virginia, John Denver’s iconic folk song evokes feelings of longing for home and connection to special places. The acoustic guitar pairs perfectly with lyrics reminiscing about “older times there,” making it a nostalgic road trip classic. This song was inspired by driving through the rural landscapes of West Virginia, Denver’s home state, and the songwriting process exemplifies how travel can spark creativity. With its warm, inviting lyrics and melody, “Take Me Home, Country Roads” will make any driver feel right at home on the open road.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vrEljMfXYo

#2 Drive by Incubus 

Incubus’ mellow rock song celebrates the thrill of spontaneous road trips with no destination in sight. Lyrics like “Whatever tomorrow brings, I’ll be there” capture the free spirit of driving off into the horizon for adventure and discovery. Its laidback vibe is ideal for cruising down the highway. The steady drumbeat mimics the pace of the pavement passing beneath the car, while lyrical references to finding inner peace on the open road make this track the perfect companion for a contemplative desert drive. 

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgT9zGkiLig

#3 Going Mobile by The Who

With its references to “trucking on through the night” and escaping city life, this Who classic encapsulates the appeal of RVing and van life. Its energetic rock melodies will keep you energized no matter how many miles you log. The counterculture spirit of the song’s lyrics taps into the freedom of living a mobile lifestyle, while the catchy chorus is easy to sing along to on any long haul. Though written in 1971, “Going Mobile” still rings true in the age of #vanlife and modern nomads.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5niDfvANik

#4 Road Trippin’ by Red Hot Chili Peppers

This mellow, psychedelic rock track by the Red Hot Chili Peppers is the perfect accompaniment for driving through the desert. With lyrics musing about beautiful skies and the open road, it captures the essence of what road trip daydreams are made of. The soft vocals paired with the melodic guitar make for a soothing yet energetic soundtrack to life on the move.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11GYvfYjyV0

#5 Truckin’ by Grateful Dead

A classic rock anthem celebrating life on the road, Truckin’ by the Grateful Dead will get your wheels spinning and give you the momentum to log as many miles as possible. Upbeat piano and guitar mimic the steady rhythm of driving, while the lyrics paint a vivid picture of roaming with no particular place to go. This 1970 hit makes any road trip feel like a carefree adventure.  

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pafY6sZt0FE

#6 I’ve Been Everywhere by Johnny Cash

With its rapid-fire lyrics listing cities all across North America, this country music gem will make you want to hit the road and check your own travel map. Johnny Cash’s distinctive voice gives this song an infectious energy, while the lyrics inspire dreams of an epic cross-country road trip. Pair it with driving through sprawling rural landscapes. 

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ov4epAJRPMw

#7 Drive My Car by The Beatles

Leave it to The Beatles to capture the pure joy and freedom of driving with this upbeat, infectious rock song. The playful lyrics and catchy melody will have you singing along as you cruise down the highway with the windows down. Paul McCartney’s lively bass line mimics the foot tapping accelerator while the lyrics parallel driving with journeying through life.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3NxaUHonJ8

#8 Ramblin’ Man by The Allman Brothers

With its southern rock rhythms and lyrics celebrating being born a “ramblin’ man,” this Allman Brothers hit encapsulates the restless spirit of road warriors. The infectious guitar solos and bluesy vocals will keep you cruising for miles down two-lane highways in search of new destinations and adventure. It’s the perfect pumping soundtrack for chasing freedom on the road.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=–Xqh3zJD3o

#9 Leaving on a Jet Plane by Peter, Paul and Mary 

With its gentle acoustic guitar and lyrics about having to board a flight already, this folk classic by Peter, Paul and Mary evokes the bittersweet emotions that come with saying goodbye and is one of the most played travel songs of all time. Its melancholy yet comforting melody makes it the perfect soundtrack for staring out plane windows and contemplating life’s journeys.  

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4hsC0nRvZM

#10 Highway to Hell by AC/DC

Turn up this hard rock anthem by AC/DC to get your pulse racing from wheels up to touchdown. The explosive guitar riffs and high energy vocals are the ideal airport playlist addition to set the mood for adventure before takeoff. With its lyrics alluding to breaking loose, this highway in the skies will take you somewhere thrilling.  

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l482T0yNkeo

#11 Life Is A Highway by Tom Cochrane

With lyrics celebrating life as a speeding highway, Tom Cochrane’s early 90s road trip rock anthem will get your wheels spinning. Its feel-good chorus and mixture of piano and guitar make for an infectious soundtrack to synchronize with the stripes on the road. For driving with the windows down and volume up, this song is a go-to.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3sMjm9Eloo

#12 Don’t Stop Believin’ by Journey

A driving playlist staple, Journey’s 1981 arena rock anthem is the perfect companion for long stretches of road. Its crescendoing melody mimics the momentum of travel, while lyrics about persisting through troubled times strike an uplifting chord. The familiar piano intro will kickstart dreams of seeking fortune and adventure outside suburbia.  Is there a better 80s travel song for the rock genre?

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1k8craCGpgs

#13 Born to Be Wild by Steppenwolf

With its pulsing guitar riffs and “heavy metal thunder” lyrics, this 1968 rock classic encapsulates the thrilling call of the open road. The hard edge guitar paired with lyrics about escaping to the wilderness creates an energetic ode to freedom and adventure. Crank it up for an adrenaline rush behind the wheel.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egMWlD3fLJ8

#14 Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen

With its driving melody and lyrics celebrating escaping suburban life, Bruce Springsteen’s 1975 rock anthem is the perfect pump-up soundtrack for open highway. The energetic drums and guitar solo capture the adrenaline rush of running to something new and never looking back. It’s the ideal road trip song for feeling young and free on the move. 

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3t9SfrfDZM

#15 Homeward Bound by Simon & Garfunkel

Simon & Garfunkel’s mellow 1965 folk tune is filled with longing and revelation after time spent far from home. The gentle guitar and poetic lyrics like “I wish I was homeward bound” evoke sentimental feelings about returning to familiar comforts. Its melancholy yet soothing melody makes it the perfect flying home soundtrack. One of the most relaxing travel songs for those long and bumpy flights.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7z9wd9bS1FM

#16 Take It Easy by Eagles

With its laidback vibe and lyrics about taking life slow, this Eagles’ 1972 classic encapsulates the carefree spirit of California road trips. Easy acoustic guitar combined with Glenn Frey’s mellow vocals make for a sunshine-soaked soundtrack perfect for cruising the Pacific Coast Highway.  

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0ylSUsel3w

#17 Walkin’ After Midnight by Patsy Cline

Patsy Cline’s haunting 1957 country ballad taps into late night driving emotions, with lyrics about walking solo with the moon. Her smooth, lush vocals paired with steady percussion will keep you company cruising the loneliest highways long after dark.  

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsRNCvHXHHU

#18 Wherever I May Roam by Metallica

Metallica’s heavy metal 1992 ode to wandering will fuel your inner outlier soul. This travel song evokes thundering drums and imagery of journeying across lands. “Wherever I may roam” capture the essence of footloose, uninhibited exploration by land, sea or air.  

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMqNFAU0tOw

#19 – 500 Miles by The Hooters 

The Hooters’ upbeat, optimistic folk rock tune is about cherishing time spent traveling with loved ones. The twangy guitar and lyrics celebrating “500 miles” logged epitomize the shared joy and bonding that comes from road tripping together. It’s a feel-good classic for singing along with companions.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tC67RQiJwzY

#20 Blue Highways by William Least Heat-Moon

In this atmospheric folk melody by William Least Heat-Moon, acoustic guitar blends seamlessly with natural sounds of frogs croaking and birds calling. Lyrics like “Can’t you feel it growing, everything so alive” capture the magic of exploring off-the-beaten path places. It’s the perfect tune for getting lost on backroads.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wh3t49NsWBA

#21 California Dreamin’ by The Mamas & The Papas

As an ode to the Golden State’s sunny skies and laidback vibes, this 1960s hit by The Mamas & The Papas encapsulates the feeling of California dreamin’ from afar. Its folky harmonies and imagery of warm weather will transport you to the ultimate west coast road trip.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhZULM69DIw

#22 Adventures of Rain Dance Maggie by Red Hot Chili Peppers

The Red Hot Chili Peppers deliver good times vibes with this funk rock song celebrating a free spirited, fun loving character. With its super energetic rhythm and lyrics about enjoying the ride, it’s the perfect get-psyched song for the start of any adventure.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtBbinpK5XI

#23 Keep On Truckin’ – Hot Tuna

Hot Tuna’s foot-stomping, fast-picked 1973 folk rock tune will keep you truckin’ down the highway. Songs celebrating the truck driver lifestyle pair perfectly with long hauls and road warrior mentality. The lively guitar and harmonica capture the restless motion of life on the move.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzbaHIel47M

#24 Leaving Louisiana in the Broad Daylight – The Oak Ridge Boys 

This melancholy country song tells the story of a heartbroken man fleeing his Louisiana home in search of mending. The Oak Ridge Boys’ soaring harmonies give it an emotional weight that taps into complex feelings about leaving behind the familiar.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yHvwtqbGIU

#25 Window Seat – Erykah Badu

In this smooth R&B tune, Erykah Badu daydreams about destination-less travel while longing to get away. Her soulful voice paired with mellow beats is the perfect soundtrack for staring out airplane windows and contemplating life’s journey.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRXaXE1nQ8Q

#26 Cruise – Florida Georgia Line

Florida Georgia Line’s 2012 country pop anthem turned a small town summer love song into a cross-genre hit. Lyrics about cruising down backroads with that special someone pair perfectly with windows-down drives into the sunset. 

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PvebsWcpto

#27 Who’s Gonna Fill Their Shoes – George Jones

Country legend George Jones asks who will become the next generation of legends across Nashville, Detroit and Motown. The piano and Jones’ iconic voice give it an earnest, nostalgic tone perfect for contemplating the passage of eras.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1HeYNcWMwo

#28 California Stars – Billy Bragg & Wilco 

Take an epic musical journey with Wilco’s “California Stars” from their 1998 album Mermaid Avenue. This folksy foot-tapper sets Woody Guthrie’s timeless lyrics about the Golden State’s beauty to upbeat strumming and heavenly harmonies. Whimsical verses about orchards, canyons, and constellations evoke California’s scenic glories and starry nights in vivid detail. The official video features scenic tour visuals worthy of this ode’s lyrics, from rippling redwoods and sun-drenched valleys to surfer-dotted shores. Cue it up on your next Pacific Highway One road trip or as the soundtrack to West Coast wanderlust dreams. 

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxzMbAMO73k

#29 Paradise City by Guns N’ Roses

With its hard rock guitar riffs and axel Rose’s powerful vocals, this 1980s metal anthem is perfect for rolling down the highway at full speed chasing dreams. Lyrics about the “grass being green” and girls being pretty capture the hope for a bright future paradise ahead. Crank up this adrenaline-pumping song when you need motivation.  

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rbm6GXllBiw

#30 On The Road Again by Willie Nelson

Country legend Willie Nelson captures the appeal of life on the road in this relaxed 1980 hit. His smooth voice and steady rhythm guitar pair perfectly with images of can’t-wait-to-get-moving-again wanderlust. Upbeat yet mellow, it’s the quintessential soundtrack for anticipating the next journey around the bend.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBN86y30Ufc

#31 Drive All Night by Bruce Springsteen

In this epic rock ballad, Bruce Springsteen sings about persevering through the night for love. The full band sound turns this into an energizing late-night driving companion. For staying alert on long empty roads, this dramatic, heartfelt Springsteen song really hits the spot. 

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3eu1gW-bQ8

#32 Take The Long Way Home by Supertramp

With lyrics about avoiding the typical interstate route, Supertramp’s 1970s hit captures the appeal of meandering backroad drives. The mix of piano and guitars gives it a steady, uplifting rhythm perfect for prolonged scenic detours. It’s the ideal off-the-beaten-path road trip soundtrack.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVmVxvmAMBA

#33 Runnin’ Down a Dream by Tom Petty

The urgent guitar opening of this Tom Petty classic kicks off an adrenaline-filled rock ode to chasing ambitions without abandon. Anthemic melodies capture the momentum of running towards destiny before time runs out. Crank it up and “let the music take you there.”

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1D3a5eDJIs

#34 Breakfast in America by Supertramp 

This upbeat folk rock tune celebrates the optimism and prosperity of post-war America with tongue-in-cheek lyrics about dining on “bubble gum and ice cream.” The mix of piano, guitars and horns has an infectious energy perfect for cruising down sunny main streets.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzaW0E7uRwc

#35 Highwayman by The Highwaymen

Country supergroup The Highwaymen sing an epic tale of reincarnation through four different lives working on the open road and untamed frontier. Their stellar vocals blend seamlessly to give the song an old soul, making it the ideal soundtrack for traversing the vast beauty of the American landscape. 

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFkcAH-m9E0

#36 America by Simon & Garfunkel

Simon & Garfunkel pay homage to journeying across the country via Greyhound bus in this beloved folk song with colorful lyrics about the country’s natural splendor. The gentle harmonies and acoustic melody capture the writers’ optimism and youth.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eo2ZsAOlvEM

#37 Should’ve Been a Cowboy by Toby Keith

Toby Keith laments everyday struggles in this 1990s country song, believing life would be simpler living as a cowboy riding the range out west. The driving percussion and Keith’s signature vocals make it an energetic ode to escaping into wide open spaces.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldQrapQ4d0Y

#38 Map of the World – Telepopmusik

This mellow, jazzy electronic tune has a global feel with French vocals over relaxing trip-hop beats. It’s the perfect soundtrack for staring out plane windows and contemplating how we’re all connected citizens of the world. The atmospheric vibe matches high-flying perspective.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRzsEO6UWr0

#39 Truckin’ – Dead & Company

In this live version, Dead & Company revisit the Grateful Dead’s classic ode to life on the road with an extended 17-minute jam. Twangy blues guitars capture the restless motion of westward wanderin’ trucking culture. It’s a road warrior’s delight.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6G53BPX6Ow

#40 Take the A Train – Duke Ellington

Jazz standard “Take the A Train” musically mimics the rhythmic clatter of a subway ride uptown to Harlem in NYC. Uptempo swing horns transport listeners to the bustling sounds of the big city. Pair it with any transit-centric travel for big metro energy. 

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRGFqSkNjHk

#41 Against the Wind by Bob Seger

In this roots rock classic, Bob Seger soulfully sings about persisting through life’s challenges. The melancholy tone captures complicated feelings about moving forward. With imagery of standing against the wind, it’s perfect for introspective drives into the unknown.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mm4wtvr1tEw

#42 Time to Move On by Tom Petty

Tom Petty celebrates leaving small town life behind in this upbeat rock tune with a driving beat. Energetic guitars and Petty’s signature vocals capture the triumphant excitement of moving on to bigger dreams and freedom. It’ll get your wheels spinning faster down the highway. 

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QT96v3-4I9Q

#43 Free Fallin’ by Tom Petty

Tom Petty paints a poetic picture of a restless romantic living life without strings attached in this beloved 1989 hit. The steady, driving rhythm and Petty’s clipped vocals capture the essence of an endless summer road trip with the highway to freedom stretched out ahead.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lWJXDG2i0A

#44 Fly Away by Lenny Kravitz

In this mellow rock song with psychedelic grooves, Lenny Kravitz sings sweetly about escaping with a loved one and flying away together. The laidback vibe captures the carefree bliss of road trips with that special someone. Kravitz’s smooth vocals paired with the steady drum beats and mellow guitar create a soothing sonic landscape perfect for cruising into the sunset, feeling completely content and at peace.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8t-iFr9q1I8

#45 Southbound by Allman Brothers Band

With improvisational guitar jams and lyrics about heading south, this 1976 blues rock song by the Allman Brothers Band turns any drive into an epic adventure. The uptempo, foot-tapping rhythm mimics the excitement of the open road ahead. Duane Allman’s legendary guitar work shines in this tune.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7j02m-EK-vI

#46 Naive Melody (This Must Be The Place) by Talking Heads 

This art pop song features David Byrne’s signature eccentric vocals over gorgeous melodies singing quirkily about finding the perfect place to call home. The atmospheric vibe evokes the comforting feeling of returning home after travels to unfamiliar lands. 

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HldHtBxNK6k

#47 Kokomo by The Beach Boys

The Beach Boys bring laidback tropical vibes with this 1960s surf pop ode to a fictional island getaway named Kokomo. Upbeat steel drums will transport you to white sand beaches and blue seas. It captures fantasies of island escapes we all long for.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNZVzIfJlY4

#48 I’ve Been Everywhere by Johnny Cash 

With its rapid-fire lyrics listing cities all across North America, this country music gem will make you want to hit the road and check your own travel map. Johnny Cash’s distinctive voice gives this song an infectious energy, while the lyrics inspire dreams of an epic cross-country road trip. Pair it with driving through sprawling rural landscapes.

#49 Let’s Go Crazy by Prince

The opening rock guitar riff to this 1984 Purple Rain single launches into a funky ode to reckless abandon on the dance floor by Prince. Anthemic energy paired with lyrics to “give in to the call of the wild” make it the perfect pump-up soundtrack before embarking on any big adventure.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXJhDltzYVQ

#50 Open Road Song by Eve6

Energetic power pop guitars kick off this ode to leaving worries behind and reveling in the freedom of the wide open road ahead. Eve6’s driving rock rhythms capture the carefree spirit of road trips with no particular destination in sight. An upbeat, youthful celebration of exploration.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgrj_IXuEGY

The top 50 travel songs of all time – the complete list

1. Take Me Home, Country Roads – John Denver

2. Drive – Incubus  

3. Going Mobile – The Who

4. Road Trippin’ – Red Hot Chili Peppers

5. Truckin’ – Grateful Dead  

6. I’ve Been Everywhere – Johnny Cash

7. Drive My Car – The Beatles

8. Ramblin’ Man – The Allman Brothers

9. Leaving on a Jet Plane – Peter, Paul and Mary

10. Highway to Hell – AC/DC

11. Life Is A Highway – Tom Cochrane 

12. Don’t Stop Believin’ – Journey

13. Born to Be Wild – Steppenwolf

14. Born to Run – Bruce Springsteen

15. Homeward Bound – Simon & Garfunkel   

16. Take It Easy – Eagles

17. Walkin’ After Midnight – Patsy Cline

18. Wherever I May Roam – Metallica

19. 500 Miles – The Hooters

20. Blue Highways – William Least Heat-Moon

21. California Dreamin’ – The Mamas & The Papas

22. Adventures of Rain Dance Maggie – Red Hot Chili Peppers

23. Keep On Truckin’ – Hot Tuna

24. Leaving Louisiana in the Broad Daylight – The Oak Ridge Boys

25. Window Seat – Erykah Badu

26. Cruise – Florida Georgia Line

27. Who’s Gonna Fill Their Shoes – George Jones

28. Road Trippin’ – Gwen Stefani

29. Paradise City – Guns N’ Roses

30. On The Road Again – Willie Nelson

31. Drive All Night – Bruce Springsteen   

32. Take The Long Way Home – Supertramp

33. Runnin’ Down a Dream – Tom Petty

34. Breakfast in America – Supertramp

35. Highwayman – The Highwaymen

36. America – Simon & Garfunkel

37. Should’ve Been a Cowboy – Toby Keith

38. Map of the World – Telepopmusik

39. Truckin’ – Dead & Company 

40. Take the A Train – Duke Ellington

41. Against the Wind – Bob Seger

42. Time to Move On – Tom Petty

43. Free Fallin’ – Tom Petty

44. Fly Away – Lenny Kravitz

45. Southbound – Allman Brothers Band 

46. Naive Melody (This Must Be The Place) – Talking Heads

47. Kokomo – The Beach Boys

48. I’ve Been Everywhere – Johnny Cash

49. Let’s Go Crazy – Prince

50. Open Road Song – Eve6

Travel with

the future of music


55 best songs about traveling & adventure.

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I’ve selected the best songs about traveling and adventure, creating a playlist that embodies the spirit of exploration and the joy of discovery.

This article is a musical journey, inviting you to experience the thrill of the open road and the wonders of new horizons through song.

Table of Contents

Top songs about traveling & adventure

  • “Vienna” by Billy Joel
  • “Africa” by Toto
  • “Around the World” by Daft Punk
  • “Road Trippin’” by Red Hot Chilli Peppers
  • “Send Me On My Way” by Rusted Root
  • “Take Me Home, Country Roads” by John Denver
  • “Come Fly With Me” by Frank Sinatra
  • “Big Jet Plane” by Angus & Julia Stone
  • “Havana” Camila Cabello
  • “California Dreamin’” by The Mamas & the Papas

1.“Vienna” by Billy Joel

“Vienna” is one of Joel’s most streamed songs, gaining popularity in the decades long after its release. 

The piano melody feels nostalgic and comforting, which is in line with the lyrical message.

The lyrics tell the listener to ‘slow down’ and stop worrying about the future, because ‘Vienna’ waits for them. 

2. “Africa” by Toto

“Africa” is an appreciation of African culture and the writer’s love for the continent, with the music video depicting the band in a library, showcasing various African artifacts. 

The song has been certified gold by the RIAA and is Toto’s signature song. 

“Africa” has remained prevalent in pop culture since, appearing on hit shows like Stranger Things, Family Guy and South Park

3. “Around the World” by Daft Punk

“Around the World” comes from French electronic duo Daft Punk.

The song became a hit dance track across the globe. 

The song’s only lyrics are ‘around the world’, which is repeated 144 times. 

NME placed the track at number 21 on its list of the 150 Best Tracks of the Last 15 Years in 2011. 

4. “Road Trippin’” by Red Hot Chilli Peppers

Red Hot Chilli Peppers are an American rock band that formed in the 1980s.

The song was released as a single for their well-known album Californication, however was only released as a single in Australia and Europe. 

The song’s lyrics are about going on a road trip across the USA, loaded with snacks, with their eyes acting as ‘mirrors for the sun’. 

5. “Send Me On My Way” by Rusted Root

“Send Me On My Way” was originally released for the band’s debut album, Cruel Sun , but was re-recorded for their second album, When I Woke . 

The song was not an immediate success, but was popularized for its use in the soundtracks of Matilda and Ice Age . 

It has more recently been used in the soundtrack for 2021 miniseries, Maid. 

6. “Take Me Home, Country Roads” by John Denver

John Denver’s signature song is about his appreciation for his home state of West Virginia, with its Blue Ridge Mountains and Shenadoah River. 

The song was successful from its release, having now sold over 1.6 million digital copies.

The lyrics can be interpreted as being about Denver’s time away and his desire to ultimately travel back to his home.  

7. “Come Fly With Me” by Frank Sinatra

“ Come Fly With Me ” was written for Sinatra for his fifteenth album. 

Known for his remarkable dancing ability and considered the most popular performer of the 40s, 50s and 60s, Sinatra was greatly influenced by Bing Crosby. 

The song became part of Sinatra’s concert repertoire, and remains one of his most well-known tunes. 

The lyrics are about the joy of flying in a plane and discovering new destinations. 

8. “Big Jet Plane” by Angus & Julia Stone

Angus and Julia Stone are an Australian folk and pop brother-and-sister musical duo.

Like “Come Fly With Me”, the lyrics are about taking a lover on a plane journey. 

The song peaked at No 21 in the Australian charts and has since been certified platinum. 

9. “Havana” Camila Cabello 

“Havana” is a pop song from Cuban-American singer Camila Cabello, featuring Young Thug. 

Cabello found fame as a member of girl group Fifth Harmony, before starting her career as a solo artist. 

The song’s lyrics are about leaving a lover behind in Havana, the capital of Cuba, which is also Cabello’s birthplace.

The song can also be read as a yearning for a homeland, as Cabello now lives in the US. 

10. “California Dreamin’” by The Mamas & the Papas

“ California Dreamin’ ” was originally recorded by Barry McGuire.

Michelle and John Phillips, who went on to form The Mamas & The Papas, acted as the backing vocals on the original recording.

They released their own version of the song, which is now one of their signature songs. 

The lyrics are about dreaming of California, while being stuck in a colder place and seeing the leaves brown and the season change to winter. 

11. “Road to Nowhere” by Talking Heads

“Road to Nowhere” was released as a single by American rock band Talking Heads in 1985, for their album Little Creatures. 

The lyrics talk about traveling a ‘road to nowhere’, as an allegory for the inevitable journey to doom, death and apocalypse.

It is considered a more hopeful look at death, about enjoying the journey rather than worrying about the final destination.

12. “Born to Run” by Bruce Springsteen

“Born to Run” was Springsteen’s first worldwide single release, although only achieved initial chart success in the US.

The song acts as a love letter to a girl called Wendy, but also has a simpler meaning of ‘getting out of Freehold US Route 9’. 

The lyrics speak about getting out of the ‘trap’ of your small town and seeing the world.

13. “Budapest” by George Ezra

Ezra’s breakout song “Budapest” comes from his debut album, Wanted on Voyage.

The whole album was inspired by a trip that Ezra took around Europe.

Ezra traveled across the continent and wrote about everything he saw and did, claiming that the trip was necessary for him to produce his first album

The song reached No 3 on the UK charts, and has a folky and upbeat feel. 

14. “Leaving on a Jet Plane” by John Denver

Denver wrote and recorded “Leaving on a Jet Plane” in 1966.

He made several copies and gave them out as Christmas presents, as the lyrics are about the pain of leaving a loved one. 

Aged just 23, Denver apparently wrote the song while waiting at Washington Airport during a layover. 

15. “Traveling Alone” by Passenger

Michael David Rosenburg, known by his stage name Passenger, is an English singer-songwriter and musician. 

The lyrics are about seeing an Australian man that has been traveling alone in Scandinavian, lamenting on the fact that he is a long way from home. 

The song is heartfelt and emotional, conjuring up the feelings of loneliness that can often be felt when traveling away from family and loved ones. 

16. “Catch & Release” by Matt Simons

‘Catch and Release” is a song from American singer-songwriter Matt Simons that became a hit across many countries in Europe.

The lyrics are about wanting to disappear to somewhere else, away from daily life. 

The song was remixed by Dutch house DJ duo Deepend and had better chart success across Europe. 

17. “This Town” by Kygo

Kygo is a Norwegian DJ and producer. 

He has worked on huge singles like “I See Fire”, “Higher Love” and “It Ain’t Me”. 

“This Town” is about wanting to escape your hometown, where all your friends are settling down, and going off to explore the world instead. 

18. “What We Live For” by American Authors

“What We Live For” is a track from American Authors’ 2016 album of the same name.

The song is upbeat and feel-good, about escaping on a road trip with someone and enjoying the journey.

The album debuted at No 60 on the Billboard 200.

The music video shows clips of people having fun at the pool, attending concerts and skateboarding down an open road, capturing the beauty and fun of traveling and seeing the world. 

19. “On Top Of The World” by Imagine Dragons

“On Top Of The World” from Imagine Dragons is an upbeat song that captures the thrill and excitement of traveling. 

The song is about traveling the world, either metaphorically or in reality – climbing ‘the highest mountains’ and seeing the ‘deepest rivers’ – but ultimately finding their way back to the one they love. 

The music video shows members of a band pretending to be astronauts and faking the moon landing, playing on the conspiracy theory that the moon landing never really happened.

20. “Sydney from a 747” by Paul Kelly

Paul Kelly is an Australian singer-songwriter that has delved into lots of different genres over his career, including folk, bluegrass and dub reggae.

His music tends to be about his home country, capturing the beauty, essence and culture of Australia. 

“Sydney from a 727” is no exception, with lyrics about the magical experience of seeing the city of Sydney from a plane, flying over Bondi beach, seeing the beautiful light and the ‘red roofs’ of the houses. 

21. “I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)” by The Proclaimers

This song comes from Scottish duo The Proclaimers, from their album Sunshine On Leith. 

It is now their signature song, garnering worldwide recognition and reaching No 3 in the US Billboard chart. 

The lyrics are about being willing to travel 500 miles just to see the person you love. 

22. “Homeward Bound” by Simon & Garfunkel

“Homeward Bound” comes from American music duo Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel. 

The song was supposedly written by Simon during his time in England, while waiting for a train at Widnes Railway station near Liverpool. 

The lyrics are about homesickness, the pain of being on the road and everything looking the same, wishing instead that you were ‘homeward bound’. 

23. “I’ve Been Everywhere” by Johnny Cash

“I’ve Been Everywhere” was written by Australian country singer Geoff Mack in 1959, popularized by Lucky Starr and Hank Snow in 1962. 

The original song listed Australian towns, a later version by Rolf Harris listed British towns and Cash’s version lists places in the US. 

The lyrics are about having traveled ‘everywhere’, having ‘crossed the deserts bare’ and ‘breathed the mountain air’. 

24. “Shut Up and Drive” by Rihanna

“Shut Up and Drive” was released as the second single for Barbadian singer Rihanna’s third album, Good Girl Gone Bad. 

The song is considered ‘new wave’ and incorporates elements of 70s and 80s music . 

The lyrics are about a driver and passenger taking a car ride, with the singer telling the driver to ‘shut up and drive’. 

It can perhaps be read as a metaphor for starting a relationship, embarking on a journey together and wanting to start it at full speed. 

25. “Shotgun” by George Ezra

Another song about being in the passenger seat, this song is about taking a road trip ‘across the equator’ and enjoying everything there is to see on the way.

This song captures the joy and fun of traveling and seeing the world. 

The song reached No 1 on the UK singles chart, making it Ezra’s first number one hit. 

26. “Riders on the Storm” by The Doors

“Riders on the Storm” was released as a single in 1971. 

The Doors were one of the most influential and controversial bands of the 70s, widely regarded as a symbol of the era’s counterculture. 

“Riders on the Storm” has elements of jazz, psychedelic rock and art rock. 

It is frequently listed among the band’s greatest songs. 

27. “Big Yellow Taxi” by Joni Mitchell

Another song from the 1970s, “Big Yellow Taxi” was written, composed and performed by Joni Mitchell. 

Mitchell wrote the song while on a trip to Hawaii, having taken a taxi, slept in the hotel and opened up her windows to see beautiful green mountains in the distance. 

She looked down to see a parking lot, and lamented on the fact that such a blight had been left on the beautiful scenery.

28. “New York State of Mind” by Billy Joel

Although “New York State of Mind” wasn’t released as a single, it soon became a fan favorite. 

The lyrics are about how some people want to get away to exotic and sunny places, like Miama and Hollywood, but the singer is in a ‘New York state of mind’ and wants to absorb the beauty of the city. 

Joel famously played the song at The Concert for New York City, the benefit concert for the New York City Police and Fire Departments for those that lost their lives on 9/11.

29. “Highway to Hell” by AC/DC

“Highway to Hell” is the opening track to AC/DC’s album of the same name.

The song is known as a rock classic , with an iconic guitar riff that makes it instantly recognisable.

The lyrics are about seeing life as one long car journey to ‘hell’. 

30. “Beyond the Sea” by Bobby Darin

“Beyond the Sea’ was popularized by Bobby Darin in 1959, an English-language version of ‘La Mer’ by Charles Trenet. 

It was originally written as an ode to the sea, but was re-imagined as a love song . 

It has been covered by many artists, including Robbie Williams, but Darin’s version remains the most well-known. 

31. “Is This The Way to Amarillo” by Tony Christie

This song is about a man traveling to Amarillo, Texas, to meet his girlfriend, Marie. 

The lyrics are about traveling across many cities, but none being quite as special as Amarillo, for the fact that his lover is there. 

Tony Christie’s version had great success across Europe but only modest success in his home country of the UK, becoming more popular after its re-release in the 2000s.

A video featuring Peter Kay and some other celebrities was created for Comic Relief in 2005 to raise money for charity. 

32. “From Paris to Berlin” by Infernal

“From Paris to Berlin” is a song from Danish dance-pop group Infernal. 

It is their signature song and was their first to chart across countries in Europe.

It was the UK’s sixth biggest selling single of 2006. 

Ahead of the 2006 FIFA World Cup, the song was re-recorded for England fans, changing the title to ‘From London to Berlin’, to support the English Football team. 

33. “Brazil” by Declan McKenna

“Brazil” comes from English singer-songwriter Declan McKenna for his debut album and remains his most streamed song to date. 

The song was written about the 2014 FIFA World Cup, the poverty in Brazil and the corruption surrounding Sepp Blatter and FIFA.  

Despite being released in 2015, the song has experienced a recent revival after becoming a trending sound on TikTok in 2022. 

34. “These Streets” by Paolo Nutini

“These Streets” is from Paolo Nutini’s debut album of the same name, which peaked at No 3 on the UK album charts. 

Most of the songs on the album are inspired by Nutini’s girlfriend, Teri Brogan.

The album was praised for its honesty, lyrics and catchy melodies. 

The album and its follow-up, Sunny Side Up, have both been certified quintuple platinum.

35. “On My Way” by Phil Collins

No songs quite capture the essence of going on a journey like those on Disney soundtracks, and this one from Genesis frontman Phil Collins is no exception. 

The lyrics are about traveling to somewhere new, ‘with blue skies ahead’ and ‘loving every step’ they are taking, feeling ready to meet new friends.

The song features on the soundtrack to Brother Bear , and Collins was also involved in the production of the soundtrack of Tarzan . 

36. “I Walk The Line” by Johnny Cash

This song was written and recorded by American country singer-songwriter Johnny Cash.

Much of Cash’s music is melancholy, focusing on themes of misery, struggle and pain.

“I Walk the Line” remained on the record charts for over 43 weeks, and sold over two million copies. 

37. “These Boots Are Made For Walkin’” by Nancy Sinatra 

“These Boots Are Made For Walkin’” was written by Lee Hazlewood and recorded by American singer Nancy Sinatra, daughter of world-famous performer Frank Sinatra. 

The song reached the No 1 spot in the UK and US, and has been covered since by numerous artists.

It has been described as ‘folk-rock’ in genre. 

38. “Sail Away” by David Gray

“Sail Away” was the fourth single from Gray’s fourth album, White Ladder. 

The lyrics ask their lover to sail away with them, to escape from reality. 

As is common in songs about travel, the ‘journey’ alluded to in the lyrics can be read metaphorically, an analogy for the journey of a relationship, as well as literally. 

39. “Keep Driving” by Harry Styles

Harry Styles is one of the biggest pop stars in the world right now, having found success as part of One Direction, one of the biggest boy bands in history.

“Keep Driving” comes from Styles’ most recent album, Harry’s House, which was released in 2022. 

The album received the best first week of sales in Styles’ career, reflecting his consistent upward trajectory as a solo artist. 

The lyrics seem random and non-sensical at points, but the general theme is about wanting to ‘keep driving’ with someone and get away from reality. 

40. “All Around the World” by Justin Bieber, Ludacris

“All Around The World” comes from another of the biggest male pop artists of this generation, Justin Bieber. 

The song can be classed as a Eurodance track, and features similar instrumentation to tracks by Usher, Britney Spears and Chris Brown.

The lyrics are about the universality of love, how ‘people all around the world’ are wanting to be loved. 

41. “Maps” by Maroon 5

In “Maps”, Maroon 5 describe a relationship using travel as a metaphor, describing a ‘map’ that always leads back to their lover.

It was the lead single for their fifth album, V, released in 2014.

Some criticized the song for being too similar to their previous lead single, Payphone. 

The song reached No 6 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. 

42. “American Boy” by Estelle, Kanye West

“American Boy” was written by Estelle, West, will.i.am, Estelle’s mentor John Legend and some other collaborators. 

John Legend provides additional vocals. 

Legend had suggested the idea of creating a song about an American man to Estelle, and the song describes wanting to go on a trip, wanting to see New York and LA. 

43. “Fast Car” by Tracy Chapman

“Fast Car” comes from Chapman’s self-titled debut album.

Chapman is instantly recognisable from her deep-toned voice. 

“Fast Car” is about saving up money and driving away in a ‘fast car’ to ‘finally see what it means to be living’ outside of their town. 

The song plays on classic themes of being in a relationship and wanting to escape a small town to explore the world, believing they are destined for better things.

44. “Empire State of Mind” by Alicia Keys, Jay-Z

“Empire State of Mind” can be read as a love letter to New York, describing various neighborhoods in the city.

The song features a music sample of “Love on a Two-Way Street” by the Moments. 

The title, “Empire State of Mind”, can be read as a reference to Billy Joel’s “New York State of Mind”, as well as a wordplay on the iconic Empire State building, a landmark in the city. 

45. “International Love” by Pitbull, Chris Brown

Pitbull calls himself “Mr Worldwide”, so it’s fitting that he would write a song about traveling internationally and meeting women.

The song was released as a single for Pitbull’s sixth album, Planet Pit, in 2011.

The lyrics list various locations across the world and describe the excitement of meeting beautiful women, but determining that there is ultimately ‘nothing like Miami’s heat’. 

46. “Somewhere Only We Know” by Keane

“Somewhere Only We Know” comes from British alternative rock band Keane, as a single from their debut album Hopes and Fears. 

The song remains their most well-known song, and was covered by Lily Allen for the 2013 John Lewis Christmas advert. 

It was inspired by David Bowie’s “Heroes”. 

The song’s lyrics are about the narrator wanting to take his lover and go ‘somewhere only [they] know’.

47. “Chasing Cars” by Snow Patrol

“Chasing Cars” was written and recorded by Northern Irish-Scottish alt-rock band Snow Patrol in 2006. 

The song gained popularity after being used in the second season finale of Grey’s Anatomy.

It remains their biggest-selling single to date. 

The lyrics are about ‘chasing cars’ but only ‘around [their] heads’. 

48. “Party in the U.S.A.” by Miley Cyrus

Despite being an iconic Miley song, “Party in the USA” was actually written by another well-known pop musician, Jessie J, alongside Claud Kelly and Dr. Luke.

The song was originally set for Jessie, but they decided it wasn’t edgy enough for her. 

The lyrics were reinterpreted to be about Cyrus’s move from Nashville to Hollywood. 

Despite only being included to make up tracks on the album, the song was a hit for Cyrus and it reached the No 2 spot in the Billboard Hot 100. 

The lyrics are about the nerves and excitement of getting off the plane in Hollywood, seeing the famous sights and going out to party.

50. “Lost in Japan” by Shawn Mendes, Zedd

“Lost in Japan” was written for Mendes’ self-titled third album, and was later remixed by Zedd.

The song has funk, pop and R&B elements, resembling the works of Justin Timberlake.

The lyrics are about the singer asking a romantic interest if they have plans that night, because he is only a couple of hundred miles from Japan and can travel there by plane. 

51. “Holiday” by Confidence Man

“Confidence Man” are an indie electronic pop band from Australia, and released this song “Holiday” for their album Tilt in 2021. 

The song is upbeat and energetic, with the lyrics being about going on ‘holiday’ and ‘getting paid’. 

This single summarizes the excitement ahead of going away on holiday, and now has over 2 million streams on Spotify.

52. “Barcelona” by Ed Sheeran

Ed Sheeran is known for the story-telling, visual element of his songwriting, and this track is no exception.

“Barcelona” is about imagining he is away in Barcelona with a lover, ‘dancing in the streets’ and ‘drinking Sangria’. 

The song includes a lot of Spanish words, which apparently ‘don’t make a lot of sense’ but are more just random Spanish words that Sheeran knew and wanted to throw into the song. 

53. “Hotel Room Service” by Pitbull

Another Pitbull song, “Hotel Room Service” is about encouraging someone to ‘forget about’ their boyfriend and meet them in the hotel room. 

The song samples “Push the Feeling On” by Nightcrawlers and lyrics from Jay-Z’s “I Just Wanna Love U”. 

An official remix was released, including vocals from ex-Pussycat Dolls singer Nicole Scherzinger. 

54. “Club Tropicana” by Wham!

“Club Tropicana” was written by Wham! Duo George Michael and Andrew Ridgeley.

The song was inspired by the duo’s excitement for the burgeoning New Romantics club scene. 

“Club Tropicana” imagines a magical paradise of a club scene, where ‘drinks are free’ and the whole night is a ‘holiday’.

The song is heavily associated with going on holiday, emulating the mood and heat of the tropics. 

55. “Summer Holiday” by Cliff Richard

“Summer Holiday” was written for the soundtrack of a film of the same name, which was released in 1963.

The album topped the UK charts for 14 weeks. 

The lyrics summarize the excitement of going on a holiday in summertime, a chance to get away and ‘do the things they always wanted to’. 

Songs About Traveling – Final Thoughts

Some of the songs on this list describe and reference specific places, where some simply capture the excitement and freedom of going out and seeing the world. 

Even if you have done little traveling , you will surely find something to relate to, or perhaps inspire you, amongst this list. 

Many artists use the concept of travel as a metaphor for love, about finding a loved one as their ‘ultimate destination’. 

Other artists are less concerned with the joys and excitement of traveling, and are more focused on the idea of coming home to see loved ones.

Regardless of whether their depiction is positive or negative, it is safe to say that there is something for everyone in this list of songs about traveling, which includes some of the best songs of all time . 

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93 Best Songs About Travel and Adventure for Your Playlist

Looking for great songs for your next trip? Well, you’re in the right place! I’ve put together 93 of the BEST adventure songs for the ultimate wanderlust playlist! Be sure to add them to your travel playlist before you leave so you don’t run into trouble with Internet connections.

When you get out on the open road, there’s nothing quite like turning up the music and listening to the perfect song to get you excited about your travel plans! Exploring new places, getting out of your comfort zone, meeting new people, basking in the sun — whatever travel adventures you are taking on your next vacation will help keep you young, healthy, and happy!

woman looking out an airplane window with earplugs in listening to the best adventure songs

We are traveling out west to Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, and South Dakota soon! I am beyond excited to be off on our next adventure for 15-days! My road trip playlist has already been keeping me company as I plan and prepare for the trip, but I’ve discovered even more great songs to add before we leave!

Related Article: 30 Reasons Why Traveling Is Important To Your Overall Wellness

Disclaimer : This list of the best adventure songs has been curated by me, thus they represent my taste and preferred style and genres. You will note that the selected songs are primarily clean, traditional songs from mainstream genres. I recognize that there are many other enjoyable songs about travel today that may not have been included in this list.

Best Adventure Songs to Inspire Your Wanderlust

I think travel and music go together just like peanut butter and jelly. A perfect playlist in the background almost always enriches your adventures.

Favorite songs bring back wonderful memories of past travels, as well as inspire a clear and present mindset for your current adventures.

Whether you are riding along country roads or flying across the mid-west on a jet plane — or maybe both — the best travel songs inspire positive vibes and great memories!

These are my all-time favorite travel and adventure songs that bring me great joy on every trip!

  • “Welcome to New York” by Taylor Swift
  • “Highway Don’t Care” by Tim McGraw and Taylor Swift
  • “Surfin’ USA” by The Beach Boys
  • “California Girls” by Katy Perry ft. Snoop Dogg
  • “Havana” by Camila Cabello
  • “It’s Five O’Clock Somewhere” by Alan Jackson
  • “Proud Mary” by Tina Turner
  • “Kokomo” by The Beach Boys
  • “Escape (The Pina Colada Song)” by Rupert Holmes
  • “Cruise” by Florida Georgia Line
  • “Dirt Road Anthem” by Jason Aldean
  • “Blowin’ Smoke” by Kacey Musgrave
  • “On The Road Again” by Willie Nelson
  • “My Church” by Maren Morris
  • “I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)” by The Proclaimers
  • “I Know Where I’m Going” by The Judds

Travel and Adventure Songs from Country Artists

Country music is generally my preferred genre of music. But when I travel, I enjoy a variety of music genres because of the upbeat tempo of many of the songs.

These are some of my favorite adventure songs from country music that I have on my playlist. They take me back to many times in my life when I traveled with loved ones and they are a breath of fresh air that bring back wonderful memories.

  • “Soak Up The Sun” by Sheryl Crow
  • “Leaving On A Jet Plane” by John Denver
  • “Life Is A Highway” by Rascal Flats
  • “I’ve Been Everywhere Man” by Johnny Cash
  • “On The Road Again” by Willy Nelson
  • “Ramblin’ Man” by The Allman Brothers
  • “Drunk on a Plane” by Dierks Bentley
  • “Somewhere on a Beach” by Dierks Bentley
  • “Highway Vagabond” by Miranda Lambert
  • “I’m a Ramblin’ Man” by Waylon Jennings
  • “Take Me Home, Country Roads” by John Denver
  • “Jackson” by Johnny Cash and June Carter

Best Songs for Beach Vacations

I’ve spent my entire life going on vacations to the beach. We live about 3 hours from Ocean City, Maryland so that has always been our vacation spot every summer. And since we are a family of teachers, it worked out especially well during our summer break.

The Beach Boys songs went on every vacation with us for years, so today their songs bring me great joy! I have such wonderful memories! Plus, who doesn’t have a little summer love story that comes to mind when you listen to some of these songs?

I’ve also discovered some new favorites, too. When I listen to these songs, they magically take me back to the beach where I am carefree and happy. Where I am making great memories with family and friends over the years.

I hope these summertime beach adventure (and love:) songs bring great joy to your heart and mind.

  • “Toes” by Zack Brown Band
  • “Surfin’ Safari” by The Beach Boys
  • “When The Sun Goes Down” by Kenny Chesney and Uncle Kracker
  • “Pontoon” by Little Big Town
  • “Summertime” by Will Smith & DJ Jazzy Jeff
  • “Yellow Submarine” by The Beatles
  • “California Dreamin’ ” by The Beach Boys
  • “No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problems” by Kenny Chesney
  • “All Summer Long” by Kid Rock
  • “Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini” by Brian Hyland
  • “Under the Boardwalk” by The Drifters
  • “Summer Nights” by Olivia Newton-John and John Travolta
  • “Surf City” by Jan & Dean
  • “Beachin’ ” by Jake Owen
  • “Summertime” by Kenny Chesney

Relaxing Adventure & Travel Songs

Sometimes when we are traveling, we just want to sit with our music, our favorite people, and relax. These are some of the best songs for that. Enjoy those moments!

  • “Margaritaville” by Jimmy Buffett
  • “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” by Ava Cassidy
  • “Come Away With” Me by Norah Jones
  • “Leaving On A Jet Plane” by Chantal Kreviazuk
  • “New York State Of Mind” by Billie Joel
  • “Homeward Bound” by Simon & Garfunkel
  • “Orinoco Flow” by Enya
  • “Road Trippin'” by the Red Hot Chili Peppers
  • “New York State of Mind” by Billy Joel
  • “Fast Car” by Tracy Chapman
  • “Free” by Donavon Frankenreiter
  • “Hotel California” by Eagles
  • “Africa” by Toto

Favorite Rock Songs About Travel

These rock songs are all pretty amazing. My husband is going to especially love these songs on our vacation playlist.

I know and love almost all of these songs from my youth, and I find it very interesting that they have common themes that reflect the times several decades ago. The world was free and wild back then — people hitchhiked across the United States with no worries — and these songs reflect that freedom.

Let these songs take you back to a more simple, yet wild and free time!

  • “Born To Be Wild” by Steppenwolf
  • “Born to Run” by Bruce Springsteen
  • “Travelin’ Man” by Lynyrd Skynyrd
  • “Sweet Home Alabama” by Lynard Skynard
  • “A Horse with No Name” by America
  • “Go Your Own Way” by Fleetwood Mac
  • “Like a Rolling Stone” by Bob Dylan
  • “Life is a Highway” by Tom Cochrane

Best Classic Songs About Adventure and Travel

No list of songs is ever going to satisfy everyone simple because we each have our own opinions and preferences. But there are classic songs about adventure and travel that seem to make every list — just because everyone knows and loves them.

Each of these songs is on this list for a different reason. Sometimes the lyrics are meaningful and remind us of a great adventure on the open road. Sometimes the music is upbeat or inspiring and makes us excited about our adventure. Sometimes it’s just a happy beat that gets our toes tapping and puts a smile our faces.

Some of these songs go back decades but they are ingrained in our minds and inspire our wanderlust dreams. Who could put together a playlist of the best adventure songs without these classics?

  • “I Left My Heart In San Francisco” by Tony Bennet
  • “Midnight Train To Georgia” by Gladys Knight And The Pips
  • “Island in the Sun” by Weezer
  • “Coming To America” by Neil Diamond
  • “California Dreamin’ ” by The Mamas And The Papas
  • “Travelin’ Man” by Ricky Nelson
  • “Come Fly With Me” by Frank Sinatra
  • “What a Wonderful World” by Louis Armstrong
  • “New York, New York” by Frank Sinatra
  • “Send Me On My Way” by Rusted Root
  • “Carry on Wayward Son” by Kansas
  • “Sittin’ On the Dock of the Bay” by Otis Redding
  • “Leaving On a Jet Plane” by Peter, Paul, and Mary
  • “Wayfaring Strangers” by Johnny Cash
  • “American” by Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel

Contemporary Songs About Travel

I honestly don’t know too many of these songs, but I noticed they were frequently found on other lists of best adventure songs. I listened to them and didn’t find anything offensive, so I included them on my list since they are obviously popular songs and inspire new adventures and fun!

  •   “Galway Girl” by Ed Sheeran
  •  “A Thousand Miles” by Vanessa Carlton
  • “Shut Up and Drive” by Rihanna
  • “On Top of The World” by Imagine Dragons
  • “Around the World” by Daft Punk
  • “All I Want” by Joni Mitchell
  • “Take Me Home” by Phil Collins
  • “My Traveling Star” by James Taylor

Best Travel Songs for Reels and TikTok

These are some super fun songs to use for your vacation and travel videos! They are staples on Reels and TikTok, so when you are putting together a little music video of your vacation to share on social media, consider one of these great songs.

Or, you can even consider one of the songs in the above — any of them would be a great song to go with your short-form, vertical video! A classic song that everyone knows is always a good choice, too.

  • “Magic in the Hamptons” by Social House
  •  “Vacation” by The Dirty Heads
  • “Sunny Day” by Ted Fresco
  • “Explore the World” by Brainheart
  • “Dancing in the Streets of Barcelona” by Ed Sheeran

Final Thoughts: Best Adventure Songs for your Playlist

I have thoroughly enjoyed curating this list of best adventure songs for all of us! I can hardly wait to add new songs to my travel and adventure playlist in preparation for my national parks vacation out west.

While researching songs for this article, if I didn’t already know a song, I asked Alexa to play it for me to determine if it would make the cut or not. There are more travel songs out there than I ever imagined! And I didn’t realize how many travel and adventure songs were also about LOVE:)

Did you know that traveling and adventure are beneficial to your overall wellness? That’s why I include articles about adventure on my website about personal growth and wellness:) Traveling actually helps you live a happier, healthier, and longer life! So while you’re singing your way through your adventures, you might want to check out these other articles about travel and adventure:

  • 5 Secrets to Help You Plan an Adventure Vacation
  • Adventure Quotes to Inspire Your Youthful Spirit
  • 19 Awesome Adventurous Bucket List Ideas to do in America
  • 5 Cool Things To Do on a Weekend in Charleston, SC
  • Family Fun in Nashville – Over 50 Things to Do in 2021!

Have fun in all of your travels and adventures ! Meet new people… see new places… learn new things…all while relaxing with your favorite travel and adventure songs!

Love to ALL! ~ Susan

Did I Forget Any of the Very Best Adventure Songs?

Do you have favorites that aren’t on this list? Please share them with us in the comment section below:)

If you found value in my words, please consider sharing it on your socials by clicking the buttons below. Thank you for your continued support! It means so much to me!

songs inspired by travel

Susan Ballinger is an award-winning educator, author, speaker, PTSD survivor, and advocate for ALL who has always been passionate about supporting and inspiring others in their personal growth. In her retirement years, she became the primary caregiver of her aging parents and developed an extensive knowledge-base about the elderly. You can learn more about Susan's professional work and compassionate nature by exploring her ABOUT page and connecting through her social media platforms.

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The Essential Songs Every Road Trip Playlist Needs

Download these classic tunes before you hit the open road—because all long drives are best enjoyed with good music at top volume..

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The Essential Songs Every Road Trip Playlist Needs

Keep these songs blasting on your next U.S. road trip.

Photo by Paul Trienekens/Unsplash

Windows down, music blasting, scenic landscapes all around—these elements are all crucial for a road trip . Long drives are just one of the many ways that travelers can move from one destination to another, but they’re particularly special because they allow for uninterrupted soundtracks. And the real magic of these road adventures takes place on the journey, in moments that are enhanced by a spectacular playlist.

We polled AFAR staffers about the timeless tunes they love to play during their road trip travels. Even if you don’t have a long drive planned, these 20 classic road trip songs might inspire you to go on a cross-country adventure.

During the early stretch . . .

“road to nowhere” by talking heads.

Every road trip involves a little bit of getting lost, and it’s during those moments that this Talking Heads hit is most uplifting. Written by David Byrne for the 1985 album Little Creatures, “Road to Nowhere” is intended to present a “resigned, even joyful look at doom,” according to album liner notes from Byrne. With lyrics like, “Taking that ride to nowhere / We’ll take that ride . . .” this song is all about enjoying the ebb and flow of adventure.

“Fast Car” by Tracy Chapman

Opening with the lyrics, “You got a fast car / I want a ticket to anywhere,” this tune tells the story of a person imagining life in a different place. Escape and the desire to get out on the road are central themes of the song, which is why Chapman’s 1988 record is a great addition to any cross-country playlist.

“Send Me on My Way” by Rusted Root

Simply put, “Send Me on My Way” is a joyous-sounding tune worth blasting (loudly) on any type of escapade. The song doesn’t detail a particular narrative, but sonically, it exudes an extremely carefree sentiment. Plus, lyrics like: “I would like to reach out my hand / I may see you, I may tell you to run / You know what they say about the young” add to the encouragement of adventure.

“Ain’t No Stoppin’ Us Now” by McFadden & Whitehead

On long road trips, it’s necessary to up the in-car energy level for both the driver and passengers every now and then. McFadden & Whitehead’s soulful 1970s hit always does the trick, with lyrics like “Ain’t no stoppin’ us now / We’re on the move (yeah) / Ain’t no stoppin’ us now” set against the backdrop of an undeniable disco groove.

“Wild Horses” by The Flying Burrito Brothers

“Wild Horses” was originally written by Mick Jagger and Keith Richards for the Rolling Stones’s 1971 album Sticky Fingers . But Gram Parsons, a member of The Flying Burrito Brothers (and a longtime friend of Richards’s) asked the musicians for permission to release a version of the song by his band. The Flying Burrito Brothers’s recording of “Wild Horses” was released before the Stones’s version. Both tracks serve as an ode to life on the road: In the liner notes of a 1993 Rolling Stones compilation album, Richards explained that the song is about “being a million miles from where you want to be.”

For some musical inspiration . . .

“america” by simon & garfunkel.

This classic song about two lovers’ cross-country journey on a Greyhound bus is an epic anthem for starry-eyed wanderers. It describes the in-between moments of travel—looking out the window, stopping for a cigarette, “counting the cars on the New Jersey turnpike,” and searching for the meaning of life on the open road.

“Ramblin’ Man” by The Allman Brothers Band

The Allman Brothers Band’s guitarist, Dickey Betts, wrote this loosely autobiographical song about a man who lives in a constant state of travel. The lyrics, “Lord, I was born a ramblin’ man / Tryin’ to make a livin’ and doin’ the best I can” are a meditation on what it’s like to move continuously from one place to another—a feeling road-trippers are familiar with, whether the lifestyle is temporary or ongoing.

“Truckin’” by The Grateful Dead

This Grateful Dead tune, penned by Jerry Garcia, Phil Lesh, Bob Weir, and Robert Hunter, turns the band’s experiences on the road into a metaphor for navigating life’s changes. The bluesy song, which was recognized by the U.S. Library of Congress as a national treasure in 1997, ponders existential thoughts, among them: “What a long, strange trip it’s been . . . ”

“Born to Run” by Bruce Springsteen

The 1975 jam that propelled Bruce Springsteen (“The Boss”) to rock-and-roll stardom has essentially been solidified as an enduring all-American escape anthem. Throw on the rebellious ballad—which is included in The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame’s “500 Songs That Shaped Rock and Roll” —before cruising down the highway on a sweet joyride.

“Sweet Home Alabama” by Lynyrd Skynyrd

This classic sing-along is dedicated to Alabama, but the lyrics were actually dreamed up by Lynyrd Skynyrd’s band members Ed King, Gary Rossington, and Ronnie Van Zant—none of whom were from the southern state. Despite the song’s complicated back story , it’s hard to resist belting out the catchy chorus at least once on a U.S. road trip.

When it’s time for a loud sing-along . . .

“tiny dancer” by elton john.

The lyrics to this 1970s hit were inspired by Elton John’s first trip to the United States with cowriter Bernie Taupin. The song was popularized as a road-trip classic after being featured in the 2000 movie Almost Famous. During the scene, disgruntled members of a rock-and-roll band remember why they love each other after singing “Tiny Dancer” in unison on their tour bus.

“I Want to Break Free” by Queen

Queen’s “I Want to Break Free” encapsulates the basic need for independence and exploration. The lyrics tell the story of a restrictive romantic relationship, but when you’re driving on the open road blasting, “When I walk out that door / Oh, how I want to be free, baby . . . ,” those words can stand for so much more.

“I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)” by The Proclaimers

This catchy tune by Scottish duo The Proclaimers has the ability to unite an entire car full of people in the act of foot-thumping and over-the-top singing. It’s technically a love song about wanting to be closer to a special someone, but the lyrics focus on the journey itself—and the song’s marching beat is hard to refuse.

“Little Red Corvette” by Prince

“Little Red Corvette” isn’t literally about a speedy vehicle (its lyrics are a metaphor for something slightly more racy). Still, Prince got the idea for the extremely catchy song when he fell asleep in his band member’s 1964 Mercury Montclair Marauder. That car connection has to count for something.

“Total Eclipse of the Heart” by Bonnie Tyler

This 1983 hit by Welsh singer Bonnie Tyler is more of a love song than a road trip–themed track. But the booming pop ballad is almost irresistible to sing along to—perfect for those extra-long stretches of highway when group morale could use a boost.

“Free Fallin’” by Tom Petty

Tom Petty and cowriter Jeff Lynne recorded this hit song in just two days, though you’d never guess it from the song’s success (it was the highest-charting Hot 100 solo single of Petty’s career). In a 2016 interview with Billboard magazine, Petty explained that the song was inspired by the scenes he observed on his frequent drives throughout Los Angeles. The tune sounds like what it feels like to wander aimlessly—and it’s a pleasure to belt, too.

As the trip comes to a close . . .

“good times roll” by the cars.

When a band named The Cars records a track with the lyrics, “Let the good times roll / Won’t you let the good times roll,” it’s hard not to consider that a perfect road trip song. Slightly cheesy to play on the last leg of a long trip? Maybe. But worth it? Absolutely.

“Moonlight Mile” by The Rolling Stones

According to the songwriter himself, Mick Jagger wrote “Moonlight Mile” about missing home while on the road. In an interview with the Wall Street Journal , the Rolling Stones front man explained that the song was inspired by “looking forward to returning from a foreign place” while staring out the window of a train and “[watching] the images of the railway line going by in the moonlight.”

“Wish You Were Here” by Pink Floyd

The title track on Pink Floyd’s 1975 album is thought to be dedicated to former frontman Syd Barrett , who left the band due to an ongoing struggle with addiction. With its airy instrumentals and pensive lyrics, the song conjures feelings of nostalgia and retrospection—the same feelings that often arise at the close of a meaningful adventure.

“Take Me Home, Country Roads” by John Denver

Although this classic hit mentions the state of West Virginia directly, its homecoming-oriented lyrics can apply to any significant journey nearing its end. Fun fact: John Denver had never been to West Virginia before creating the song —and neither had his cowriters (and close friends) Bill and Taffy Danoff.

>>Next: Download and Buckle Up—These Are the Best Podcasts for Your Next Road Trip

An aerial view of the Palm Beach Par 3 golf course and hotel along the beach in Florida


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