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Explore Lyon Old Town: history and sightseeing

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Last Updated:  15 March 2024

Lyon Old Town is a Renaissance district at the foot of the Fourvière Hill . With its paved old streets, colourful façades and secret passageways ( les Traboules ), the Vieux-Lyon was crucial in getting the city listed as a World Heritage Site by Unesco. The historical area has remained almost intact for centuries thanks to French government policy in the 1960s. In fact, Lyon Old Town is my favourite part of town… and I’m delighted to reveal it to you! Let’s start the visit!

Lyon Old Town: what is it?

Lyon Old Town is a historical district with houses from the Renaissance era.

It was the main part of the town in the 16th century.

Then people progressively started to lose interest in that area. The new trendy place was the Presqu’île , a peninsula between the Saône and Rhône rivers.

Some parts of “Vieux-Lyon” even became unhealthy during the first half of the 20th century.

André Malraux, the saviour of Lyon Old Town

In 1962, André Malraux, then French Minister of Culture, chose Lyon Old Town as France’s first “secteur sauvegardé” (protected area).

Malraux quite saved the “Vieux-Lyon” area from destruction.

In 1957, having been elected Lyon’s mayor, Louis Pradel wanted to demolish a vital part of the Old Town buildings. He planned to dismantle the unsanitary houses and blocks to build… an expressway!

However, thanks to Malraux, this project could not become a reality, and the unhealthy parts of the Old Town were refurbished.

In 1998, Unesco listed the Vieux-Lyon as a World Heritage Site.

The three districts of Lyon Old Town

Lyon Old Town is divided into three districts, all referring to Christian saints.

  • The Northern Old Town is the “Saint-Paul” district . It took its name from the Church it surrounds, known as église St Paul.
  • The Old Town Centre is named “Saint-Jean” (St John). As for St Paul, the name also refers to a religious building. Indeed, Lyon’s cathedral is dedicated to “Saint-Jean”, after one of the most powerful chapters in the Church in the Middle Ages, related to John the Baptist.
  • The Southern Old Town is the “Saint-Georges” district . It refers to a Christian martyr of the 4th century. Again, a church in this area is named église Saint-Georges.

Get the Lyon City Pass

Unlock the treasures of Lyon with the exclusive Lyon City Card , available for 24 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours, or 96 hours. This card grants you access to the city’s wonders. This card pays for itself with just a visit to two attractions, making it a smart choice for your Lyon exploration.

Highlights of the Lyon City Card:

  • Seamlessly traverse the city with unlimited access to Lyon’s public transport system.
  • Immerse yourself in culture with entry to 25 museums and their fascinating temporary exhibitions.
  • Delight in a leisurely cruise along the Saône River, offering a moment of relaxation amidst Lyon’s enchanting scenery.
  • Embark on captivating guided tours through the city’s historic districts as knowledgeable guides unveil the fascinating stories of Lyon’s past.
  • Enjoy valuable discounts on shopping and theatre experiences, enhancing your Lyon adventure with added savings.

The Lyon City Card is your golden ticket to an unforgettable experience. It provides convenience, cultural enrichment, and delightful discoveries throughout your stay in this vibrant French city.

Where to stay in Lyon Old Town?

You can choose from a great range of accommodations in the old town of Lyon, from hotels to B&B! 

When possible, don’t wait until the last minute to book, as finding hotel rooms can be a problem, especially on weekdays.

To book your accommodation in Lyon, click on this affiliate link , which will redirect you to our partner booking.com… or use the interactive map below:

Let’s start the visit to the picturesque old town of Lyon…

Northern Old Town: Quartier Saint-Paul

1) place et gare de saint-paul.

(St Paul Square and railway station)

Let’s start our journey within Lyon Old Town in the North of this unique area, Saint-Paul district.

Place Saint-Paul is the first gate to “Vieux-Lyon” from Northern Presqu’île , especially from Place des Terreaux (Terreaux square).

However, it is not representative of the rest of the Old Town. Even though people lived there at the end of the Roman era, Place Saint-Paul became important only at the end of the 19th century, especially when the authorities decided to build a railway station in the area.

Lyon’s first railway station, Perrache in the Presqu’île , has operated since the 1850s. However, it mainly linked cities to the South and East of Lyon.

1873 saw the opening of the “Gare de Saint-Paul”. The railway station offered links to regional cities in the West (such as Montbrison, Lozanne and L’Arbresle).

At the end of the 20th century, with the construction of Part-Dieu railway station, St.Paul station became almost unused.

Nevertheless, it was restored a few years ago as part of a new project: the “Tram-Train de l’Ouest Lyonnais” (Western Lyon tram-train). To reduce the number of cars coming into Lyon via the crowded Fourvière axis, a tram-train was created between the Western suburbs of L’Arbresle, Lozanne and Brignais and Lyon’s city centre. The tram-train gave St Paul station a second life!

Place Saint-Paul

The square is a connecting hub between Vieux-Lyon and the city’s North. The square’s oldest and most beautiful building dates from the 17th century—the other buildings date from the end of the 19th century, contemporary with the station.

As a gate to inner Lyon, the square leads to the main points of the city courtesy of Trolleybus C3. One of the most utilised bus lines in Lyon’s metropolitan area, Trolleybus C3, will take you to the main spots in the city: Place des Terreaux, Rue de la République, Part-Dieu shopping centre and the railway station.

2) Église Saint-Paul

St Paul church

To the North of Place Saint-Paul, you can see the église Saint-Paul (St Paul church). It is one of the oldest churches in Lyon. In the Middle Ages, the St Paul church was the centre of a self-sufficient area, enclosed by its walls. During the Renaissance era, merchants used the area of the Church as a commercial centre.

A former church stood on the site from 549 to the middle of the 9th century when it was knocked down and replaced by today’s structure. As you might guess, it has been evolving for the last 1,200 years. Indeed, the building only took its current shape in the 19th century!

The original building was built in the Romanesque style. Various alterations between the late 13th and 15th centuries brought a Gothic style to parts of the church.

Nowadays, the whole building is a mix of Romanesque and Gothic architecture , making it very special and unique in Lyon.

Outside the church

Look for an octagonal dome. With two rows of arcading, it is in Romanesque style. However, the steeple and the skylight at the top of the dome drew their inspiration from the Gothic style.

Inside the church

The eastern nave’s arches are Romanesque. The Western ones look Gothic. This mixture is also present in several chapels located around the church.

Finally, the church’s decoration features the city of Lyon. For example, in the transept, you will see 20th-century stained glass windows representing the martyrs of Lyon. The Romans executed these first Christians between the 1st and 4th centuries.

3) Rue Juiverie

Street of the Jews

Head south from place Saint-Paul via Rue Juiverie.

This is a little paved and car-free street, like most streets in Old Town. The street dates back to the Roman era. In the late Middle Ages, many Jews started moving there, giving the street its current name.

In the late 15th century, the street underwent a significant refurbishment. The cattle market that occupied the site moved elsewhere so richer merchants and bankers could move into the area. Most of them were Jewish then since the Catholic authorities forbade them to lend money for interest, according to religious rules.

A Renaissance jewel

The current streetscape dates from the Renaissance , especially all the building facades.

Some of them are quite beautiful and are worth seeing.

At number 8, you will see one of Lyon’s architectural wonders. In 1536, the General des Finances of King François I, Antoine Billoud, owned a two-part building in Rue Juiverie. He commissioned architect Philippe Delorme to create a gallery between them.

The famous apothecary Nostradamus from Saint-Rémy-de-Provence lived in this street for some time during the 16th century. He was well known for his prophecies. Rumour has it that Queen Catherine de’ Medici was keen on visiting him to learn more about her future…

4) Place du Change

Exchange Square

Like Rue Juiverie, the Place du Change (Exchange Square) symbolises the business activities in the Old Town of Lyon during the Renaissance era . In those days, the “Vieux-Lyon” was the city’s business centre. Many merchants and bankers lived there. Until the mid-17th century, merchants used to work in the open square.

One of the loveliest squares in Lyon Old Town

Old buildings surround the little paved square. For instance, one of them (at number 2) has a roof that dates from the 13th century!

The Loge du Change

The original edifice of the  Loge du Change (Exchange Loge) dates back to 1653. A hundred years later, due to the growing commercial activity, Jean-Baptiste Roche and Jacques-Germain Soufflot had it enlarged. These are the same architects who designed the first opera house in Lyon.

However, when the French Revolution started, merchants abandoned the lodge. It remained unused for almost fifteen years.

In 1803, the municipality of Lyon was looking for a building to house the Protestants of the town. After various offers, the Protestants decided to use the lodge , which was quite suitable for their needs. A few years ago, the clock that was missing from the beginning was installed on the façade.

By the River Saône

From Place du Change, you can go to the west and immediately reach the right bank of the Saône. The Old Town was built along the river.

From North to South of the “Vieux-Lyon”, next to the Saône, you can see impressive buildings painted with warm colours. These are a hallmark of Lyon Old Town—one of the reasons why Unesco listed the area as a World Heritage site in 1998.

Central Old Town: Quartier Saint-Jean

Going on to the south, you will reach the Saint-Jean area inside “Vieux-Lyon”. It is the major part of Old Town containing the main buildings of interest, such as Lyon’s cathedral.

5) Les Musées Gadagne

Gadagne Museums

Fifty metres south of the Exchange Lodge, at the beginning of Rue du Boeuf (Beef Street), you will reach a rather large building with unique architecture. The “Hôtel de Gadagne” now houses the “Musées Gadagne” (Gadagne Museums).

The Hôtel de Gadagne was built at the beginning of the 16th century.

Its architecture is quite surprising. The townhouse comprises two towers located at each side of the building, containing stairs to reach the upper parts of the townhouse.

Two brothers living in discord

Two bankers from a well-known family from Florence lived there: the Gadagnes brothers . Soon after moving into the townhouse, they got into a fight.

However, instead of one of them leaving the townhouse, they decided to cohabit in two separate wings of the building… Each of them enjoys his wealth to organise the biggest parties in town!

The Gadagnes were so rich that they inspired a well-known Lyonnaise expression: “ riche comme Gadagne ” (as rich as the Gadagnes). Nowadays, the municipality of Lyon owns the historic townhouse. Critical archaeological excavations took place there during the renovations in the 2000s.

Lyon historical museum

Since 1921, the Hôtel de Gadagne has housed the “ Musée Historique de la Ville de Lyon ” (Lyon historical museum).

Inside, you can discover some testimonies of the town’s history , beginning from the Roman era. The museum comprises 30 rooms, each one displaying important documents.

The Museum of World Puppets

In 1950, the building housed a second museum: the “ Musée des Arts de la Marionette ” (Museum of Artistic Puppets).

It seems pretty appropriate for this museum to be located in Lyon. Indeed, puppets have been an essential part of the city and the regional culture for centuries.

At the beginning of the 19th century, Laurent Mourguet created the emblematic Guignol puppet. Today, It remains one of the most famous examples of Lyon’s culture in France and all around the World. Guignol is also an essential symbol of the “Parler Lyonnais”, the local dialect. In the museum, you can see more than 2,000 different puppets which form part of the town’s history.

Click here for more info

6) Rue Saint-Jean

St. John street

When leaving the Musées Gadagne, you can easily reach Rue Saint-Jean by Rue de la Fronde (Revolt Street).

Rue Saint-Jean is the main street of Lyon Old Town . In fact, it is one of the most popular and visited streets in Lyon . It stretches 500 metres from north to south, from Place du Change to Place Saint-Jean. It leads to the eponymous Cathedral.

The origins of Rue Saint-Jean

The street was built at the end of the 3rd century. At that time, the people living on the  Fourvière Hill  (the city centre during the Roman era) faced difficulties with their water supply. They needed to go down the hill to obtain water.

It soon became the most crucial street in Lyon. It remained so until the creation of rue de la République and rue du Président Edouard-Herriot (in the Presqu’île ) in the late 19th century.

The Traboules, a particularity of Lyon

As a typical street from the “Vieux-Lyon”, Rue Saint-Jean gives way to “traboules”.

These are common in Lyon and a few other cities of France’s Central East, such as Mâcon, Saint-Etienne and Chambéry.

Traboules are pathways joining two streets, going through several buildings.

They date from the Renaissance era. During World War II, Resistance fighters hid there their clandestine activities.

What does the word ‘traboule’ mean?

The word is part of the “ Parler lyonnais ” regional patois, and you will never hear it far from Lyon! The term “ traboule ” comes from “ tra-bouler ”, which means “roll through”.

You can find 230 traboules in Lyon, although many are closed to public access. In Lyon Old Town, you can walk through 33 of them.

Lyon’s longest traboule

The longest traboule is located at number 54, Rue Saint-Jean. It goes through five courtyards to reach Rue du Boeuf, at number 27. Going through traboules is enjoyable, and you feel like a real local!

You’ll get to explore little-known treasures of Lyon, such as secretive courtyards, impressive staircase towers and long corridors that look like tunnels.

7) Palais de justice historique de Lyon

Lyon’s historical Law Courts

Almost at the south end of Rue Saint-Jean, you will reach the rear of Lyon’s historical Law Courts. The entrance is located on Quai Romain Rolland, facing the Saône River.

The construction of the building commenced in 1835 and lasted for seven years. Its neo-Classical style comes from architect Louis-Pierre Baltard.

The former courthouses which had stood there from the 15th century were demolished. The building is often nicknamed “ Palais des 24 Colonnes ” (Palace of the twenty-four columns). Indeed, 24 columns inspired by Ancient Greece and Rome decorate its frontage.

Famous trials in French history

Since the mid-19th century, these historical law courts have been the theatre of some important trials in French history, such as:

  • Sante Geronimo Caserio’s in 1894 (who had shot French President Sadi Carnot in Lyon),
  • Charles Maurras’ in 1945 (sentenced to life imprisonment for complicity with the enemy) and,
  • Klaus Barbie in 1987 (sentenced to life imprisonment for crimes against humanity).

The French State listed the inner building as a historical monument in 1996, just a year after building a new law court in the Part-Dieu district.

While a significant monument of Lyon, the historic law courts have also remained useful. Today it is home to the Court of Appeal of Lyon and the Criminal Trial Court of the Rhône département.

8) Cathédrale Saint-Jean

St John Cathedral

Lyon’s cathedral is located in the Saint-Jean district, at the southern end of Rue Saint-Jean. It is arguably the most important building in Lyon Old Town since it gave its name to its central area and main street.

A cathedral for an archbishop

The “ Cathédrale Saint-Jean ” is also known as “Primatiale Saint-Jean”. This is because the Archbishop of Lyon, also called the “Primat des Gaules” (Gauls Primate), seats.

This name emphasises the importance of Lyon at the beginning of Christendom. Back then, Lyon was the capital of Gaul. That predominance remained during the early Middle Ages, and the “Gauls primate” role was introduced during the 9th century. Although it has become more symbolic, this title meant that Lyon’s Archbishop had power over other French bishops.

The edification of Lyon Cathedral

The cathedral’s construction commenced in the 12th century, inspired by the Gothic style.

It took several centuries for the cathedral to take its current shape. At first, in the 12th century, it was simply a Romanesque-style church. Then work took place in

  • the nave (13th century),
  • the west side of the cathedral (14th century) and,
  • the side chapels (15th to 17th century).

The modest dimensions of Lyon Cathedral

The cathedral is 79 metres long and 13 metres wide, and its towers are 44 metres high.

It is by far not the tallest cathedral in France. Its towers are tiny compared to Rouen Cathedral , whose tallest tower reaches 151 metres. There is at least one reason to explain this: nobody could complete the cathedral’s towers!

The astronomical clock

Lyon Cathedral is also famous for its astronomical clock .

The clock found its place inside the cathedral in 1379. It strikes every day at 12 noon, 2 pm, 3 pm and 4 pm when the automated figures spring into action.

It features:

  • two angels on the clock’s sides: the one on the left turns his minute glass over while the other on the right behaves like a conductor,
  • a cockerel singing,
  • angel Gabriel appearing to the Virgin Mary, and
  • God blessing the whole scene!

Underneath the clock, you can see the astrolabe with the moon, the sun, and the 24-hour numbers.

Before leaving the Saint-Jean district, don’t miss the Maison des Avocats. This is a splendid mansion from the Renaissance with a Tuscan-style courtyard. Around it are the buildings with pinky-orangey façades.

Southern Old Town: Quartier Saint-Georges

Now that we have visited the Saint-Jean district, we will discover the Southern part of “Vieux-Lyon”. Even if not the most famous part of town, there are still some great monuments and squares to discover!

Behind Lyon Cathedral, you will find the “Vieux-Lyon” underground station. You can go west to the Presqu’île , Part-Dieu district or Lyon’s Eastern suburbs. But you can also catch the funicular and climb Fourvière Hill .

9) Place de la Trinité and Rue Saint-Georges

Trinity Square and St. George Street

The south of the underground entrances stands the Place de la Trinité. It is a paved square, which gives it a very typical “Vieux-Lyon” style!

Its name comes from the Trinitarian religious order that inhabited the square. During the French Revolution, its name was briefly changed to “Place du Triangle” (Triangle Square) based on its shape.

The Bouchons of Lyon

Here, you can find one of the most famous “bouchons” of Lyon, called “ La Maison du Soleil ” (the House of the Sun). 

“Bouchons” are typical restaurants from the town, where you can usually find dishes from Lyon such as ‘salade lyonnaise’, hot, dry sausages or quenelles.

The building of La Maison du Soleil dates from 1723, when six different houses were combined.

The Bouchon is also known as “ La Maison du Guignol ”. Indeed, this restaurant features the traditional scenery of Guignol’s puppets show.

Consequently, this typical restaurant has also become a “café-théâtre” where you can enjoy comic one-man shows and plays by comedians from Lyon.

Old Lyon 4-Hour Food Tasting Tour

Embark on a delectable 4-hour tasting tour through the charming Lyon Old Town district and savour its diverse flavours. Led by a knowledgeable local guide, this culinary journey takes you through hidden passageways. It introduces you to the food heroes of the area, allowing you to sample their finest produce.

Highlights of the tour:

  • Immerse yourself in the rich history of Lyon’s oldest district, guided by a knowledgeable local expert who knows the area inside out.
  • Indulge your taste buds with a delightful array of 17 dishes and ingredients showcasing the region’s gastronomic delights.
  • Meet and interact with the passionate local food heroes, gaining insights into their craft and the exceptional products they bring.

This tasting tour celebrates Lyon’s culinary heritage, offering a unique opportunity to explore the city’s gastronomic treasures and experience the authentic flavours of Vieux Lyon firsthand. Come hungry and leave with a newfound appreciation for the city’s vibrant food scene.

Rue Saint-Georges

Going South of Place de la Trinité, you will go through Rue Saint-Georges (St George Street).

It is a nice paved pedestrian street and constitutes the Saint-Georges area’s main street. As it remains relatively unknown to most tourists who visit Lyon, it is quite a peaceful street.

Rue Saint-Georges is undoubtedly the place to go if you want to see many old houses. You can see many buildings reaching as high as five storeys. Many “ bouchons ” can be enjoyed in the street.

The Automaton Museum of Lyon

At number 100 is the Automaton Museum of Lyon . This museum opened in 1991, 45 years after the creation of an automaton factory there. Many automatons were made for Christmas celebrations and the Festival of Lights . The latter is a significant day for Lyon, celebrated on the 8th of December.

The museum has a collection of 250 automatons, divided into various sections. The museum generally pleases children, mainly because a special hare and hounds game has been created for them inside the museum.

10) Eglise Saint-Georges

St George Church

Let’s end our journey through Lyon Old Town at St George Church. Despite its Gothic appearance, the church dates from 1844 from a design by Pierre Bossan, who designed the plans for Fourvière Basilica.

The former site of an old convent

The present-day church occupies the site of the old Convent of Sainte-Eulalia (6th century). The Saracens destroyed the religious institution during the 8th century. The church was rebuilt in 802 and became “St Georges”. In the 14th century, it was the base of the Knights of Malta.

Although quite a small church, it is worth seeing.

Things to do in Lyon

Looking for special and unique things to do in Lyon? Here are a few ideas:

  • An Electric Ride in Lyon
  • A Segway Tour of the Historic Centre of Lyon
  • A Segway Tour of the Parc de la Tête d’Or
  • A Dinner Cruise on the Hermès Barge in Lyon
  • A Workshop and Street Art Walk around the Croix-Rousse District
  • A Commented Cruise on a Barge in Lyon

For more activities and things to do in Lyon, check out the following offers:

Find out more about Lyon

  • Our article about Lyon
  • Our article about the Gastronomy of Lyon
  • The website of the tourist office of Lyon
  • The page about Lyon on Wikipedia

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French Moments

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Dear Pierre, I wrote a response yesterday but after a few tries it didn’t work.

I have been silent because meanwhile my wife has been diagnosed with lung cancer phase 4 so it is a big upset for both of us. She has started treatments but it remains to be seen how much impact they will have.

More another time. Your guidance through Lyon is fantastic. I only visited once but regretfully know now how much I missed. Que sera sera. Very best wishes, Ernest

Hello Ernest… thank you so much for your comment, I’m so sorry I’m replying so late… strangely your comment just came up now. Lyon is a fantastic city to explore, and somehow little known by the mass of tourists on their way to the South. Also just wanted to let you know I’m thinking of you both in this difficult time. A bientôt, Pierre

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Gimme Confetti

The ONLY First Timer’s Guide to Vieux Lyon You NEED (Lyon Old Town)

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You’re walking through cobble stone streets that have been around for hundreds of years. Each step you take is like turning the pages of Vieux Lyon’s ancient past, through centuries of medieval and Renaissance history PLUS dope secret passageways. If you’re visiting Lyon then you can’t MISS the Lyon Old Town.

Lyon Travel Checklist

Are you ready for your trip to Lyon? Check this off your list. Did you book your:

✅ My top pick Lux hotels ( #1 & #2  )

✅  My top pick family hotel (w/ kitchenette)

✅  My top pick mid-range hotel   (my review here )

✅  Lyon City Pass

✅  Saone River Cruise

✅ French Travel Phrasebook

I’ve visited Lyon at least four times (yes savage) and Vieux Lyon is something I always find myself gravitating back towards. Here’s my complete guide to Vieux Lyon. Allez go.

This post may contain affiliate links at no extra cost to you, I may earn a small commission. This allows me to keep this blog going and provides you with free content. All opinions are my own.

What is the old town of Lyon called?

The Lyon old town is called “Vieux Lyon” in French.

Table of Contents

Vieux Lyon (Lyon Old Town)

Quick history of lyon’s old district (vieux lyon).

Vieux Lyon dates back to the Middle Ages. During the Renaissance period, it became an important center for silk production, trade and banking in France.

The silk trade brought great wealth to the city and Vieux Lyon played an important role in this industry. To protect the valuable silk, secret passageways called traboules were used (which you can explore today).

Vieux Lyon was also home to wealthy merchants and influential political figures. These traders came from Spain, Italy, German and Flanders and not only conducted business there, but also built their homes.

That’s why, for example, you will see Italian Renaissance influences (check out the Maison des Avocats” or House of Lawyers). Yes avocado is lawyer in French. Hilarious. 

vieux lyon

What are the Subdistricts of Vieux Lyon?

Vieux Lyon is divided into several neighborhoods or districts, each with its own unique character and attractions. Here are the main subsections of Vieux Lyon:

1. Saint-Jean : This is the heart of Vieux Lyon and is known for its narrow cobblestone streets, Renaissance architecture, and the impressive Saint-Jean Cathedral. It’s a popular area for tourists and has many places to eat and go shopping.

2. Saint-Paul : Located to the north of Saint-Jean, Saint-Paul is another charming neighborhood in Vieux Lyon. It’s known for its traboules, historical buildings, and pretty squares.

3. Saint-Georges : Situated to the south of Saint-Jean, Saint-Georges is known for its lively atmosphere and is a hub for dining and entertainment. It features many restaurants, cafes, and shops.

4. Saint-Just : This district is located on the Fourvière Hill and is known for its historic sites. Think Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourvière and the Roman ruins. It offers panoramic views of the city and the rivers.

How to Reach Vieux Lyon?

• By Metro : The Lyon Metro is one of the easiest I’ve come across. Take Line D and get off at “Vieux Lyon. Cathédrale Saint Jean,” right in the heart of the Lyon old town.

Top tip : Save on transportation with the Lyon City Pass. You get free public transportation, so you don’t need to pay while travelling around the city.

• By tram : You can reach Vieux Lyon by taking Tram Line T1 or T2. Get off at Tram T1 stop “Saint André,” and Tram T2 stop “Saint Jean.”

• By train : If you’re arriving in Lyon by train, simply get off at the main train station, Gare de Lyon Part Dieu and then hop on Metro Line B to reach “Vieux Lyon. Cathédrale Saint Jean.” Alternatively, if you arrive at Gare de Lyon Perrache, you can also grab Metro Line A to get to Vieux Lyon.

Attention : Should you rent a car while in Lyon? The answer is no. It’s very pedestrian friendly. Plus, the city’s plan is to limit cars in the city center and make streets pedestrian only. I find public transportation works well to get around.

Best Things to Do in Vieux Lyon

Explore lyon’s secret passages:.

27, rue Saint-Jean traboule vieux lyon

Explore the hidden passages of Vieux Lyon, known as “traboules,” which connect courtyards and streets. During World War II, these traboules also served as hiding spots for members of the French Resistance (who knew the city by heart).

Get my complete guide to the most beautiful traboules in Lyon OPEN to the public HERE

Climb up to Fourvière:

lyon old town tour

The Basilica of Notre Dame offers beautiful panoramic views of Lyon. It’s one of the MUST things to do in Vieux Lyon. Just like visiting the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

Fun fact : You’ve probably noticed a mini-Eiffel tower next to the church called the Fourvière tower. It’s closed to the public since the 1950’s.

Take the funicular up Fourvière and enjoy the panoramic views of the city and the Alps.

Appreciate L’horloge des Guignols:

L’horloge des Guignols vieux lyon

Also known as the “Charvet Clock” this iconic clock situated in Lyon features characters from French puppet shows. Right outside the Musée Gadagne- kids love it.

Fun fact : After spending nearly 150 years at 8 rue Poulaillerie on the Presqu’île in Lyon 2nd, it was moved to Vieux Lyon (where it’s located now) .

Admire One of Lyon’s Oldest Houses:

Maison Thomassin lyon

You can find one of the oldest houses in Lyon within Vieux Lyon, known as the “Maison Thomassin.” It dates back to the 13 th century. That’s like 700 years old.

Stroll Around Rue Saint Jean:

This charming street lies in the heart of Vieux Lyon and has a lively atmosphere with its shops, restaurants and historical buildings. I love walking here to really get a feel and take in what Vieux Lyon is all about

Discover the Musée Gadagne:

Musée Gadagne

Housed in a Renaissance mansion, this museum is dedicated to the history of Lyon.

This museum complex includes the Museum of Lyon History (Musée d’Histoire de Lyon), and the Museum of Puppets (Musée des Arts de la Marionnette) from the World.

This was a good museum I liked. It was informative about the history of Lyon from it’s Gaul past to modern times. It also had nice puppets and toy additions. I think kids will love it.

lyon old town tour

Top tip : Don’t miss the lovely open green terrace at the top with rose bushes. Take the elevator to the fourth floor (you don’t need tickets). One of the most romantic places in Lyon. It’s small but cozy. Enjoy a drink.

Try traditional Lyonnais cuisine (or not):

The area is renowned for its authentic Lyonnais bouchons, family-owned restaurants where you can taste the local culinary delights.

If you don’t have a calling for meat like me, there are some good vegan and vegetarian options.

Explore Saint Jean Cathedral:

The cathedral in Vieux Lyon is a symbol of Gothic architecture with stunning Gothic design located in Vieux Lyon.

Don’t forget to check out the impressive astronomical clock and enjoy the breathtaking views from the top.

Shop for Souvenirs to Take Back Home:

vieux lyon souvenir soap

Vieux Lyon has many charming shops and boutiques selling unique souvenirs, from silk products to local crafts.

Top picks: There are some nice soap stores. Don’t miss the Little Prince store.

Admire the Temple du Change:

Take a moment to appreciate the Temple du Change at Place du Change—a charming square with lovely Renaissance buildings.

Fun fact : As an interesting tidbit I picked up from a tour guide (I was not prying I just passing by and happened to hear haha). Temple du Change was the Wall Street of Lyon during the 16th century.  It hosted Change Fair for 15 days where merchants would settle their transactions.

Walk along the Saône River:

lyon old town tour

Take a stroll down the Saône River and take in the beautiful views of the river and the city.

Visit the Miniature and Cinema Museum:

If you pass by Vieux Lyon you can’t miss this unique little museum which showcases of miniatures and special effects used in movies.

Top tip : There’s a teaser you can enter and view the displays and simply exit before reaching the ticket entrance.

Take a Guided Tour:

To get the most out of your visit, consider joining a guided walking tour. Local guides can provide you with insights and stories about the area about the neighborhood’s history, architecture, and hidden gems.

Enjoy a River Cruise:

Appreciate Lyon’s beauty even more with a scenic boat ride along the Saône River.

Grab a café at the many squares: Vieux Lyon has several charming squares, like Place Saint-Jean and Place du Change, where you can enjoy a cup of coffee and go people watching after a long day.

Visit the le Petit Musee de Guignol Museum:

le petit musee de guignol museum lyon

Stop by this museum and boutique and be enamored by all the puppets. They have an collection of puppets from all over the world.

Grab a Selfie at the Iconic Palais de Justice:

palais de justice lyon

With it’s impressive and view of the Soane, make sure to grab a selfie here and take in the views of the river right aross.

Keep in mind that exploring Vieux Lyon on foot is highly recommended. Take your time strolling through its narrow streets, appreciating the architecture and immerse yourself in the district’s rich history.

Where to Stay in Vieux Lyon?

Here’s my two cents. I actually don’t recommend to stay in Vieux Lyon. Don’t get me wrong it’s a great place to visit, but I would not want to stay there.

Here’s why:

  • Limited Number of Hotels in Vieux Lyon
  • Lyon is small and walkable PLUS has good public transport you can access better hotels elsewhere
  • Along with rue Merciere, Vieux Lyon is as touristy as IT GETS
  • Vieux Lyon can be loud and animated (if you’re into that stuff that’s cool I know I’m more of a quiet space person)

Best Lyon Hotels in the City Center

Note : Hotels outside of Lyon may be slightly lower in price. But I don’t believe in spending more than 30 minutes commuting for a hotel.

Plus, I hate wasting the day commuting- it takes away from the actual time to visit the sites. I believe you can find good hotels in the city center.

Most of the hotels are taken early so be sure to book your stay early. 

Search for Accommodation in Lyon, France

My Top pick Hotels in Lyon:

❤️️ Luxury: Hotel Boscolo : It is better value than the famous hotel in Hotel Dieu of similar standing- I have stayed in both. The rooms are also designed on the Petit Prince theme. Uhh who can resist.

hotel boscolo lyon city center

Top tip : As a vegan, skip their breakfast and head to Zoe Café in Vieux Lyon (a vegan bakery).  

❤️️ Best for families : Warwick Reine Astrid – Lyon (great if you’re 5 ppl with kitchenette- also good if you have dietary restrictions (vegan) and need to cook.

❤️️ Best Mid-range : Mercure Lyon Plaza Republique . (My honest opinion)

❤️️ Budget & Quirky Hotel : Hôtel Le Boulevardier

How old is Vieux Lyon?

Vieux Lyon, which is the Lyon old town, has a long history dating back to medieval times. It stands as one of Europe’s most well preserved Renaissance districts, with numerous buildings from the 15th to 17th centuries.

What architectural style can be found in Vieux Lyon?

Vieux Lyon showcases predominantly Renaissance and medieval architectural styles within its historic Lyon old town. You’ll encounter beautifully preserved structures from the 15th to 17th centuries adorned with intricate details, timber framed houses and hidden passageways called “traboules.” The district’s charm is enhanced by the presence of the Saint Jean Cathedral, which showcases the exquisite beauty of Gothic architecture.

Found these Things to Do in Vieux Lyon helpful? Pin it now read it later.

vieux lyon old town france thing to do

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Related resources:

  • Lyon Shopping: My Insider Guide to the 9 Best Spots
  • La Vegan Place is Back in Lyon on Place de la Republique
  • DOPE Facts about Lyon you’d be a FOOL Not to Know
  • Best Things to Do in Lyon PLUS the only LOCAL Tips you NEED
  • The 10 Best Day Trips from Lyon (under 3 Hours by Train)
  • 6 DOPE Lyon Festivals & Events You Simply Can’t Pass Up

lyon old town tour

Latifah is a vegan foodie who loves travelling and cooking plant-based recipes. She loves sharing her favorite travel spots and adding a sprinkle of confetti to your day.

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Lyon visite: Guide tours of Lyon

Old Lyon town: a tour of the famous “traboules” and the elegant Renaissance courtyards

Self-guided tour of Old Lyon town and its mysterious traboules

We have prepared for you below an itinerary for visiting the famous traboules and Renaissance courtyards that you can do alone in 1h30 to 2h, alone, as a couple, with your family or in a group.

“Traboules” definition: the old French word “traboules” refers to secret passages between streets, through Renaissance houses and courtyards.

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The Old Lyon town, from the 4th century to today

At the end of the Gallo-Roman period, in the 4th century, Lugdunum at the top of the hill of Fourvière was abandoned, its inhabitants settled on the banks of the Saône and the bishopric of Saint-Jean was the new center of Lyon. An episcopal complex develops around, its chamarriers hold the keys of its doors which they close every night. Comes the 16th century, the golden age of Lyon. Drawing what is now called “Old Lyon” town. These are the Italian wars, the arrival of the Renaissance in France, Lyon is the gateway. Large European fairs four times a year, Lombard, Flemish and Champagne merchants. Seventy banks. The population doubled, reaching 20,000 souls, hence this tight habitat like a surprise bread. The wars of religion tumble, Catholics and Protestants kill each other, everything is swept away in twenty years.

In 1998, the whole of the Vieux Lyon district was listed by UNESCO as an International Heritage Site. Old Lyon town is now well restored, in Florentine ocher tones. Its cobbled streets, traboules and courtyards restored to their former glory, with architectural gems from the early Renaissance. We feel here in Italy.

lyon old town tour

Your tour on the map

Saint-Jean Cathedral

Departing from Saint-Jean Square, you can spend time in the cathedral at the heart of Old Lyon. Its astronomical clock is one of the oldest in Europe (1383, at least) and will give you the exact time until 2019… Why? We would be happy to explain it to you during one of our guided tours. It chimes several times a day with a procession of characters. The ENS Lyon has devoted a very detailed scientific page to it.

lyon old town tour

This cathedral was actually a primatial church, as the head of the French church was long the Archbishop of Lyon, the Primate of the Gauls. Religious power counted here. Archaeological excavations have uncovered the traces of three attached religious buildings dating back in part to the 4th century. Adjacent to the cathedral and housing its treasure is what is probably the oldest building in the neighborhood (partly from the 11th century), the Manécanterie.

If you stay at the Youth Hostel above Saint-Jean, you will have the chance to admire the light on this cathedral. It is sublime at sunrise. As at sunset. This sunset that gives a warm light inside through the 12 meters in diameter stained glass of its West Rose.

The Saint-Jean Square, which has (finally) been cleared of cars, has a beautiful fountain in its center where you can find interesting photo subjects. It is also an alternative to the Louis XIV statue in Bellecour Square for some appointments.

The neighborhood has a history of over a thousand years. It almost disappeared after the Second World War when a Lyon mayor wanted to establish marinas on the banks of the Saône. Fortunately, resident associations relayed by Malraux were able to stop it. The site is now classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and as you will see during your visit, attracts many tourists and visitors… including you, we hope, because it is a magnificent neighborhood where you can feel what Lyon was like during the medieval fairs.

Take the Saint-Jean Street.

Maison du Chamarier

Access: 37 rue Saint-Jean

Next stop on the right is a sublime courtyard that has just been restored. It is the “Maison du Chamarier” where a famous pastry shop is located on the corner of the street. Spend some time in this courtyard, soak up its beauty. Imagine yourself in the 17th century when Madame de Sévigné used to come here.

lyon old town tour

The well is said to have been designed by Philibert Delorme, who had just returned from Italy at the age of twenty-six. We’ll see Philibert again later. This well is ideal for a selfie or group photo.

Maison des Avocats (Lawyers house)

Access: 6 Rue de la Bombarde

In front of you, at the end of a square named Place de la Basoche, a Tuscan-style gallery connects several buildings. The restoration of the Order of Lawyers has given it beautiful colors. The part of the building facing Saint-Jean Street was built in the first half of the 14th century. It was then the “Ostel de la Croys” inn, frequented in particular by jurists. They still occupy the building today with their training center. From 1406 to 2002, the Confrérie de la Basoche was located here.

Maison des avocats (layers house)

In the Middle Ages, this confraternity brought together jurists, defended their interests, and organized their training, in which theater played an important role. In the farces and sotties that they publicly performed behind masks, the satire of the powerful and customs, anticlericalism, and a certain materialism played an important role, so much so that they were banned in 1540. The confraternity frequented this island until the end of the twentieth century.

The Miniature and Cinema Museum

The building houses the Miniature and Cinema Museum (entrance on Saint-Jean Street), which notably contains the Alien Queen created by James Cameron. 6.50 meters tall, 500 kg of metal and latex.

Around the Maison des Avocats

A little above, at 14 Rue de la Bombarde, a plaque with a fire lighter that ignites a… bombard.

At 58 Rue Saint-Jean, with a bit of luck, the courtyard behind the creperie “Au Petit Glouton” will be open. It has a very pretty well adjacent to the room and kitchen of the creperie, open to this very lively courtyard.

Don’t miss out on the medieval shop Mandragore at 52, located at the end of a dead-end traboule. This shop offers everything from gauntlets to chainmail to all kinds of period clothing, velvet and long dresses.

The Long Traboule

Now, to give credit where credit is due, at 54, one of the highlights of organized visits to Old Lyon, “THE traboule”, the longest of them all, Guinness-worthy without delay: the Long Traboule. It crosses four buildings and four courtyards. Be careful, during rush hour, due to the crowds, it can get congested (in the feminine form). Some beautiful passages that deserve a little photo.

We come out onto Rue du Boeuf.

lyon old town tour

That’s the miracle of the traboules. We turn right and walk along art and craft shops, the four-star La Tour Rose, where Molière played. We arrive at Place Neuve Saint-Jean, saturated with restaurant terraces. At the corner of the square and Rue du Boeuf, notice the wooden statue of an ox on the corner of the wall. You will see the same thing later at Place de la Baleine. We take this opportunity to recommend Thierry’s tour of Old Lyon in his travel journal, where he speaks and photographs his hometown and all these streets very well.

Maison du Crible, Tour Rose, rue du Bœuf

Access: 16 rue du Bœuf

There is a very pretty courtyard with a sumptuous rose tower, with an emotional cylinder shape. It has four floors and is pierced with beautiful openings. It was built in the 16th century. Doesn’t it look a little like the pink and round tower of Part-Dieu (Tour de la Part-Dieu) that the Lyonnais nickname “the pencil”? Admire the beautiful doors.

Renaissance pink tower in Old Lyon town at Maison du Crible

Place Neuve Saint-Jean, Palais de Justice

Come back to Place Neuve Saint-Jean. In the middle, there is a remarkable open courtyard with visible stairs. It looks like Rear Window by Hitchcock.

At the corner, there is the Palais de Justice bakery. There is often a line. It offers one of Lyon’s specialties, praline brioches. Be careful not to break your teeth!

The huge building opposite the bakery is the former courthouse. The Lyonnais call it “Les 24 colonnes” because of the Corinthian columns that decorate its facade facing the Saône. They correspond to the hours of the day. It was designed by Bathard, whose son designed the halles de Paris. In the building that preceded this one, hundreds of people were tried during the Terror, then guillotined in Place des Terreaux. The Court of Appeal and the Assize Court of the Rhône still sit here. The palace has its own prison for long trials. Maurras was tried there in 1945 and Klaus Barbie in 1987.

Traboule rue Saint-Jean to rue des Trois-Maries

Continue north on rue Saint-Jean, in descending order of street numbers. At 27 rue Saint-Jean, there is a new traboule entrance.

We come out at 6 rue des Trois Maries after two ochre courtyards and Italian galleries. A boomerang-shaped street with a visible curve. One of the most characteristic of the Vieux Lyon. You feel like you’re in the 16th century. Turn left towards Place de la Baleine. Beautiful cobblestones.

Place de la Baleine

At the corner of the very pretty Place de la Baleine and the street of the same name, we find the carved panel mentioned earlier representing a whale. It can be nice to have a drink on the terrace here in the summer, in the coolness. In the winter, there are often fire breathers. Imagine yourself here, in the Middle Ages, during one of the four major annual fairs that allowed Lyon to enter a new economic expansion, confirmed at the Renaissance by the installation of Florentine bankers who arrived in the wake of Catherine de’ Medici. They built many of the beautiful hotels that still exist today.

Traboule from Place du Gouvernement to Quai Romain Rolland

Access: 2, Place du Gouvernement

Continue down Rue Saint-Jean until you reach Place du Gouvernement. At number 2, a traboule begins with stairs leading to a beautiful courtyard. It is located above what was once the stables of the Hôtel de Saint-Christophe.

Beautiful building. It may seem almost too much due to the recent rehabilitation, but it should probably be imagined as such at its construction in the 15th century.

If you continue through the traboule, you will end up at 10 Quai Romain Rolland.

Let’s return to Rue Saint-Jean.

Gadagne Hotel and Museums

Access: 1, Place du Petit Collège

The Gadagne merchant-bankers were immensely wealthy. Simon fled Florence for Turin and then Lyon upon the return of Cosimo de’ Medici. His son, Thomas I, also succeeded in business and integrated into Lyon’s political life. His nephew, Thomas II, inherited from him, became even richer, and was elected échevin in 1537. The following year, he rented this private mansion built by the Pierrevive brothers, merchants from Piedmont. His sons Guillaume and Thomas III became its owners between 1545 and 1581. Rivals, the brothers lived at opposite ends of the hotel, where they nonetheless jointly organized sumptuous parties. In the 18th century, the building became a housing complex and was purchased by the city in 1902 and classified as a historic monument in 1920. It then housed the city’s historical museum. It was completely renovated from 1998 to 2008. The result is stunningly beautiful. The vast courtyard alone is a jewel. It contains two museums and elevated gardens.

Museum of the History of Lyon

Thirty rooms retrace the history of Lyon from Antiquity.

Its remarkable documentation center is accessible by appointment. It notably preserves manuscripts of Guignol plays (Guignol is a major puppet in the French repertoire of puppet shows).

Museum of Puppetry Arts

Organized around Guignol, it exhibits puppets in nine rooms. Paul Fournel photo Sophie Bassouls Paul Fournel © Sophie Bassouls/P.O.L

Regarding this, read our joint portrait of Laurent Mouguet, the father of Guignol theater, and Paul Fournel, the author of “Faire Guignol”.

High garden of Gadagne museum, a romantic place

Accessible without museum tickets, take the elevator to the 4th floor. You find yourself in the sky. Small terrace tables. Silence. A lawn and roses. One of the most romantic places in Lyon. You can have a drink, eat a light meal.

Place du Change, Soufflot’s spirit

Arriving at Place du Change. This is where you changed your currency before leaving the Kingdom of France. This square is often very lively with live performances. It is one of the entry points to Saint-Jean.

Temple of Change, by Soufflot

The Temple of Change, revamped by Soufflot in 1748, a famous architect, has been a Protestant place of worship since 1803. Soufflot, inspired by Andrea Palladio, who himself was inspired by the facades of Roman temples, gave it a remarkable facade, which is classified. Two clocks crown it, according to Soufflot’s wish, who had imagined an “ideal” clock marking days, months, and years. In 1999, for the turn of the millennium, his wish was fulfilled on the left of the building, in place of a clock that disappeared during the Revolution.

lyon old town tour

Maison Thomassin, place du Change

lyon old town tour

Another beautiful facade is the Gothic one of Maison Thomassin, built in 1493, which preserves a painted ceiling from the first house built in 1298 on its first floor.

Go up Rue de la Loge to the right of the Palais du Change, and at the top, take Rue de la Juiverie.

Rue Juiverie

Before entering the street, you can climb the first steps of Montée du Change to discover the Renaissance staircase of Maison Henri IV.

Almost all the facades on the street are interesting: mullioned windows, true or fake gargoyles added by the inhabitants. Several theater troop workshops.

A clock restorer at No. 20, L’Horloger de Saint-Paul, as in Bertrand Tavernier’s film, shot in this neighborhood. A beautiful sculpture workshop at No. 15.

La Galerie Philibert Delorme

Finally, at n°8 Rue Juiverie, one of the MUST-SEE places on our visit: the Galerie Philibert Delorme. A plaque in the courtyard explains its construction by the young architect returning from Italy in the early 16th century. A marvel of lightness and symbolism that unites two houses.

lyon old town tour

Place Saint-Paul

We arrive at Place Saint-Paul, the center of this neighborhood which, along with Saint-Georges and Saint-Jean, makes up Old Lyon. We continue to the beautifully restored Saint-Paul church, inside and out. It is adjacent to a quiet square, away from the tourist bustle of Saint-Jean, Place Gerson, with a cafe-theater characteristic of Old Lyon town and the spirit of cafe-theaters at their start in the 1970s on the slopes of Croix-Rousse.

Following your tour

You can leisurely retrace your steps to the cathedral, enjoying the pleasure of discovering what you may have missed.

You can also continue with a visit to the painted walls (this tour will soon on line), taking the Saint Vincent footbridge towards the Lyonnais fresco. This itinerary will bring you back to Place du Change, towards the wall of the Cour des Loges.

Do you want a guide in Old Lyon town?

Have a good tour in Old Lyon town!

Guided tour of Lyon

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  • France Guides
  • September 6, 2022

Lyon Old Town: Guide to Vieux Lyon

Vieux Lyon, also known as the “Old Town” of Lyon, is a well-preserved historic district located in the city center. Dating back to the 4th century AD, Vieux Lyon is home to many beautiful Renaissance and medieval buildings, as well as a lively cultural scene. Here are some things you need to know before visiting Vieux Lyon!

What Is Vieux Lyon and Its History

Vieux Lyon is a historic district of Lyon, France. It is located on the west bank of the Rhône river. The district lies between the Presqu’île and the Croix-Rousse hill. Vieux Lyon is home to many important historical monuments, as well as a large number of restaurants and bars.

The history of Vieux Lyon dates back to the Roman era. The Roman settlement of Lugdunum was founded in 43 BC by Lucius Munatius Plancus. Lugdunum was the capital of the Roman province of Gallia Lugdunensis. The city continued to prosper under Roman rule, and by the 4th century AD, it was one of the largest cities in the western world. Following the decline of the Roman empire, Lyon fell under the control of the Franks. In 942, it was made the capital of the Kingdom of Burgundy.

Lyon flourished during the Middle Ages and became an important center for trade and manufacturing. However, the city was devastated by floods and fires in 1334 and 1466 respectively. During World War II, Lyon was an important center of resistance to Nazi occupation. In recent years, Vieux Lyon has been named a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

What Is Vieux Lyon and Its History

Things To Do in Vieux Lyon

There are plenty of things to do in Vieux Lyon, a historic district of Lyon, France. The district is home to many important historical monuments, as well as a large number of restaurants and bars. Vieux Lyon is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Some of the things you can do in Vieux Lyon include visiting the Roman ruins, going for a walk along the river Rhône, and exploring the narrow streets and alleyways. There are also several museums and art galleries located in the district.

Here are some things you can do in Vieux, Lyon:

Visit the Cathedral of Saint-Jean-Baptiste

The Cathedral of Saint-Jean-Baptiste in Vieux, Lyon is one of the most beautiful and historic cathedrals in France. Situated in the heart of the city, the cathedral was built in the 12th century and is a masterpiece of Romanesque architecture. The exterior of the cathedral is decorated with intricately carved details and stained glass windows, while the interior features a soaring nave and beautiful frescoes.

Visitors can also explore the crypt, which houses the tomb of Saint Jean-Baptiste. The Cathedral of Saint-Jean-Baptiste is one of the essential sights in Lyon and should not be missed by anyone visiting the city.

Address: Pl. Saint-Jean, 69005 Lyon, France

For pictures, booking, and more information, click here .

Explore the Traboules

These covered passageways are a distinctive feature of Vieux Lyon. They were used by silk workers in the Middle Ages to transport goods between the city’s different quarters.

The Traboules of Vieux Lyon are a unique feature of the city. These hidden passages are located throughout the district, and many dates back to the Middle Ages. While their original purpose was to provide a quick and easy way for residents to move between buildings, today they offer a fascinating glimpse into the past. Many of the Traboules are only accessible by key, and visitors can get a taste of old-world charm by exploring these hidden alleyways.

In addition to their historical value, the Traboules are also home to several shops and restaurants, making them a great place to spend an afternoon. Whether you’re looking for a bit of history or just want to enjoy some of the best views in Lyon, be sure to check out the Traboules of Vieux Lyon.

Address: Rue Saint-Jean, 69005 Lyon, France

Visit the Museum of Gallo-Roman Civilization

This museum is located in the heart of Vieux Lyon and is home to a rich collection of artifacts from the Roman era. The Museum of Gallo-Roman Civilization in Vieux, Lyon is a must-see for anyone interested in the history of the Roman Empire. The museum houses an impressive collection of artifacts from the era, including statues, pottery, and jewelry. The exhibits provide a fascinating glimpse into the everyday life of the people who lived under Roman rule.

In addition to the artifacts on display, the museum also features films and interactive displays that bring the history of the period to life. Whether you are a history enthusiast or simply looking for a unique cultural experience, a visit to the Museum of Gallo-Roman Civilization is sure to enlighten and entertain.

Address: 17 Rue Cleberg, 69005 Lyon, France

Sample the local cuisine

Lyon is known for its food, so be sure to sample the local cuisine when you’re in Vieux. Start with a Lyonnais salad, which is a dish of green beans, bacon, and egg. For something heartier, try a quenelle, a dumpling made of pork and served with sauce. And of course, you can’t visit Lyon without trying the city’s famous sausages.

L’entrecôte lyonnaise is a steak served with a creamy sauce, while cervelle de canut is a spread made from sheep’s brains. If you’re feeling adventurous, go for tête de veau, which is a calf’s head. Whatever you order, washed down with a glass of Beaujolais wine. Bon appétit!Lyon is renowned for its cuisine, and many restaurants in Vieux Lyon offer traditional dishes such as quenelles and coq au vin.

Enjoy the views from Fourvière Hill

This hill offers panoramic views of the city and is home to the Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourvière, a major tourist attraction. Lyon is a beautiful city, and there is no better way to enjoy its sights than from the top of Fourvière Hill. From this vantage point, you can see the whole city stretched out below you. The winding streets and traditional architecture create a lovely picture, and on a clear day, you can even see the Alps in the distance.

While it can be crowded at times, the views from Fourvière Hill are definitely worth the effort. So whether you’re a tourist or a local, make sure to take some time to enjoy the views from this iconic spot.

Address: Pl. de Fourvière69005 Lyon, France

Read 22 Best Things To Do in Lyon, France to explore and know more about Lyon!

Things To Do in Vieux Lyon

Popular Attractions

Lyon is a beautiful city in France that is home to several popular tourist attractions. Here are some of the popular tourist attractions you can visit in Lyon, France:

The Museum of Gallo-Roman Civilization

The Museum of Gallo-Roman Civilization in Lyon, France is a must-see for anyone interested in Roman history. The museum houses an impressive collection of artifacts from the Gallo-Roman period, including sculptures, mosaics, and coins.

Visitors can also learn about the daily life of the Gallo-Romans and see how they lived and worked. The museum is located in Lyon’s ancient city center, making it easy to explore other historical sites nearby. With its fascinating exhibits and convenient location, the Museum of Gallo-Roman Civilization is sure to enhance any visit to Lyon.

The Basilica of Notre Dame de Fourviere

The Basilica of Notre Dame de Fourviere is a Roman Catholic church located in Lyon, France. The basilica was built between 1872 and 1884, and it is the city’s most notable religious edifice. The basilica is situated on a hill in Fourviere, and it offers spectacular views of the city below.

The basilica is dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, and it contains several important works of art. Visitors to the basilica can also enjoy its beautiful architecture and stunning views. The Basilica of Notre Dame de Fourviere is an important part of Lyon’s history and heritage, and it is worth a visit.

Address: 8 Pl. de Fourvière, 69005 Lyon, France

The Cathedral of St. Jean

The Cathedral of St. Jean in Lyon, France is a Roman Catholic cathedral that was built between the 12th and 15th centuries. It is located on Fourvière hill and overlooks the city of Lyon. The cathedral is dedicated to John the Baptist, and its construction was ordered by Bishop Hugh of Grenoble.

The cathedral is home to many works of art, including a 9th-century crypt, 13th-century stained glass windows, and a 15th-century astronomical clock. The exterior of the cathedral is adorned with gargoyles and statues, and the interior is decorated with intricate mosaics. The Cathedral of St. Jean is one of the most visited tourist attractions in Lyon, and it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The Musee des Beaux Arts

Founded in 1792, the Musee des Beaux-Arts in Lyon is one of the oldest museums in France. The museum’s collections span a wide range of periods and styles, from ancient Greece and Rome to the 20th century. Highlights include works by renowned French artists such as Claude Monet and Paul Cezanne. The Musee des Beaux-Arts is also home to an important collection of Egyptian antiquities.

Visitors can explore the museum’s galleries at their own pace or take part in one of the many guided tours that are offered. Whether you’re an art lover or simply looking to learn more about history, a visit to the Musee des Beaux-Arts is sure to be an enriching experience.

Address: 20 Pl. des Terreaux, 69001 Lyon, France

Parc de la Tete d’Or

The Parc de la Tete d’Or is the largest urban park in France and is located in Lyon. The park was created in 1857 and is home to a zoo, a rose garden, a lake, and several museums. The park is also a popular spot for picnics, walks, and biking.

The park is named for the nearby hillock which resembles a human head and is home to numerous statues and fountains. The Parc de la Tete d’Or is a beautiful spot to enjoy some time outdoors and is an excellent way to learn about Lyon’s history and culture.

Address: 69006 Lyon, France

Each of these destinations offers something unique and interesting for visitors to explore. Be sure to add them to your list of places to visit when you’re in Lyon!

To know more about the popular attractions in Lyon, read: 15 Top Tourist Attractions in Lyon, France .

Popular Attractions

Where To Stay

Lyon is a beautiful city in France that is known for its food, culture, and architecture. While there are many great places to stay in Lyon, the following are some of the most popular accommodations among visitors.

Hotel de Paris

The Hotel de Paris in Vieux, Lyon is a beautiful, luxurious hotel that offers its guests top-notch service and amenities. The rates are very reasonable, starting at just $100 per night for a standard room. The rooms are spacious and elegantly appointed, with all the modern conveniences one would expect from a high-end hotel.

The hotel also has an on-site restaurant that serves French cuisine, as well as a bar and lounge area where guests can relax and socialize. In addition, the hotel offers a fitness center and business center for those who need to stay connected and productive while on the road. Whether you’re traveling for business or pleasure, the Hotel de Paris is sure to exceed your expectations.

Address: 16 Rue de la Platière, 69001 Lyon, France

Mercure Lyon Centre Saxe Lafayette

The Mercure Lyon Centre Saxe Lafayette is a four-star hotel located in the heart of Lyon. The hotel offers a variety of amenities, including an on-site restaurant, fitness center, and business center. The rooms are spacious and well-appointed, with complimentary Wi-Fi and 24-hour room service. The rates for the Mercure Lyon Centre Saxe Lafayette start at €135 per night.

Address: 29 Rue de Bonnel, 69003 Lyon, France

Novotel Lyon Centre

The Novotel Lyon Centre is a 4-star hotel located in the heart of Lyon, just a few steps from Place Bellecour and the Rhone River. The hotel features modern rooms with free WiFi, a restaurant, a bar, and a fitness center.

The rates start at EUR 119 per night. The Novotel Lyon Centre is the perfect base for exploring this beautiful city. With its central location and modern amenities, the hotel offers everything you need for a comfortable and enjoyable stay.

Address: 3 Rue Paul Montrochet, 69002 Lyon, France

Hilton Lyon

The Hilton Lyon is a 4-star hotel located in the heart of Lyon, France. The hotel features elegant rooms with views of the city, a restaurant and bar, and a fitness center. The rates for a standard room start at €189 per night. Amenities include Wi-Fi, valet parking, and 24-hour room service.

A ddress: 160 Cr du 3° Millénaire, 69800 Saint-Priest, France

Holiday Inn Express Lyon – Part Dieu

The Holiday Inn Express Lyon – Part Dieu is a newly renovated hotel in the heart of Lyon, France. The hotel offers a variety of room types to accommodate guests, and all rooms include free Wi-Fi and a complimentary breakfast. rates start at EUR 119 per night.

The hotel is also conveniently located near many of Lyon’s attractions, such as the Museum of Fine Arts and the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Fourviere. Guests can also enjoy the hotel’s fitness center and on-site restaurant.

Address: 13D Av. Victor Hugo, 69160 Tassin-la-Demi-Lune, France

No matter what your budget or preferences, there is sure to be an accommodation option that suits you in Lyon. So be sure to check out these and other great hotels when planning your visit to this charming French city.

Where To Stay

How To Get There

Lyon is a historic city in southeastern France that is well worth a visit. Getting there is relatively easy, whether you are coming from within Europe or further afield. If you are flying, the Lyon-Saint Exupéry Airport is served by many major airlines and is just a short distance from the city center.

Getting there is easy, whether you take a direct flight or have a layover in another city. If you’re coming from the U.S., there are direct flights from several major airports, including New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles. Alternatively, you can fly to Paris and take the high-speed TGV train to Lyon, which takes about two hours.

Once you arrive in Lyon, there are plenty of public transportation options to get around, including buses, trams, and taxis. If you’re looking to explore the city on your own two feet, Lyon is very walkable, and you’ll be able to find plenty of maps and walking tours to help you navigate.

You can also take the train to Lyon, as the city is located on key rail routes between Paris and Marseille. Be sure to visit the Old Town, which is full of medieval architecture, and take a stroll along the banks of the River Rhone. With its rich history, delicious food, and stunning scenery, Lyon is sure to delight visitors of all ages.

How To Get There

Tips for Visiting

Lyon is a beautiful city in France that is well worth a visit. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your trip:

  • Plan your trip for the spring or fall months. The weather is usually mild during these times of the year, making it more pleasant to explore the city.
  • Try to stay in one of the historic districts such as Vieux Lyon or Croix-Rousse. This will give you a better sense of the city’s rich history and culture.
  • Make sure to sample some of the local cuisines. Lyon is known for its delicious food, so be sure to try dishes such as quenelles and poutine lyonnaise.
  • Take advantage of the city’s many parks and green spaces. Parc de la Tête d’Or is a great place to relax or take a stroll, and it’s also home to the Lyon Zoo.

With these tips in mind, you’re sure to have a wonderful time exploring all that Lyon has to offer.

Tips for Visiting

FAQS About Vieux Lyon

Q: what is vieux lyon.

A: Vieux Lyon is the oldest and best-preserved district in Lyon, France. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is known for its beautiful architecture, cobbled streets, and quaint cafes.

Q: What are the opening hours for Vieux Lyon?

A: Most businesses in Vieux Lyon are open from Monday to Saturday from 9 am to 7 pm. However, some shops may have shorter hours on Mondays or close early on Saturdays. Many of the attractions in Vieux Lyon are open daily from 9 am to 6 pm (with extended hours in the summer). Check individual websites for more information.

Q: Is there an admission fee for Vieux Lyon?

A: No, there is no admission fee to enter Vieux Lyon. However, some of the individual attractions within the district may have an entrance fee (for example, the Basilique de Notre Dame de Fourvière or the Mur des Lyonnais).

Is there anything else I should know about Vieux Lyon?

There are a few things to keep in mind when visiting Vieux Lyon. First, many of the streets are cobblestone and can be difficult to walk on if you’re not used to it. Second, because it is such a popular tourist destination, there are often large crowds in the area – so be prepared for that.

Finally, if you’re looking for souvenirs, there are plenty of shops selling local products like wine, cheese, and chocolate. Enjoy your time in Vieux Lyon!

FAQS About Vieux Lyon

In conclusion

Lyon is a beautiful city in southeastern France that is well worth a visit. The old town district is especially charming, with its medieval architecture and quaint cafes. Be sure to sample the delicious local cuisine, explore the many parks and green spaces, and take advantage of the convenient public transportation options. With so much to see and do, Lyon is sure to delight visitors of all ages.

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Vieux (Old) Lyon

Lyon, Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France

Vieux Lyon old district pedestrian street view in Lyon France during summer with tourists

Credit Shutterstock.com/Keitma

Rooftops of the old town Vieux Lyon from Fourviere Hill

Rooftops of the old town

Typical narrow street of the Vieux Lyon (old Lyon) on the Presqu'ile district with tourists passing by during a sunny summer afternoon

Credit Shutterstock.com/BalkansCat

Traboule in Lyon. Original and symetrical shot of buildings and blue sky

A classic courtyard in a traboule (passageway)

A tall pink circular tower with windows rises up the the sky

The famous ‘Pink Tower’, hidden in a traboule

Credit Shutterstock.com/andreyspb21

View of Vieux Lyon with the Saint Jean Cathedral and the banks of the Saone river from the Fourviere Hill.

View of Vieux Lyon from the Fourviere Hill, with the Saint Jean Cathedral in the foreground

Tourists on Place Saint-Jean, with exterior front facade of the cathedral behind

Saint-Jean Cathedral on Place Saint-Jean

Credit Shutterstock.com/Pierre Jean Durieu

Close up of the cathedral front facade

Credit Shutterstock.com/photravel_ru

Exterior of a cafe on a square in a traboule, people sitting outside

Make sure you try a ‘bouchon’, a traditional local restaurant where you eat specialties from Lyon and the region

Credit Shutterstock.com/Solarisys

Photo of a bouchon cafe at night, with atmospheric lighting

There are about 30 of them in Lyon

Credit Shutterstock.com/prochasson frederic

Vieux Lyon old district pedestrian street view in Lyon France during summer with tourists

Vieux (old) Lyon is the most beautiful (and touristy) quarter of the city. It’s tucked in between River Saone’s west bank and the steep Fourviere hillside – a narrow slice of land crammed with beautifully preserved mansions, many dating from the 16th-century French Renaissance. It’s especially famed for its traboules , which are secretive, narrow alleyways leading between the different mansions.

The quarter reveals how Lyon thrived in the Renaissance; many of its finest houses were built for Italian silk merchants. The area has been stunningly restored, but many of the mansions have very touristy establishments on the ground floor.

While you’re there

The area’s most significant building is Saint-Jean Cathedral , a sturdy Gothic structure on the Saone covered in intriguing carved panels. In the peaceful interior, the rose windows and astrological clock are highlights.

The quarter’s grandest mansion houses the Gadagne Museum . It includes two museums: the Museum of Lyon History tracing the city’s history since Medieval times, and the World Puppet Museum, with over 2,000 puppets.


Food traboule.

Close up of a man holding a plate with 2 delicious looking filled tacos

Set in the Tour Rose, a stand-out Renaissance building, this trendy food court contains multiple spaces managed by twelve creative chefs. Look out for international dishes with innovative local twists.

Good for age: 18+

Gadagne Museum

Close up of a ceramic puppet exhibit in the museum

Housed in Vieux Lyon ’s grandest mansion, this small museum is actually two museums: the Museum of Lyon History, which traces the history of the city since medieval times, and the World Puppet Museum, with over 2,000 puppets collected over centuries.

Adult price: £5

Good for age: 4+

Miniatures & Cinema Museum

Museum of miniatures in french city Lyon. Glass showcase of the museum with action figures in

A must for film buffs: Artist Dan Ohlmann showcases 120 miniature scenes and hundreds of film props to reveal the way special effects are made in the world’s leading film studios.

Adult price: £8

Saint-Jean Cathedral

Close up of the cathedral front facade

Henri IV married Marie de Medicis in this stunning medieval cathedral, famed for its 16th-century astronomical clock and one the world’s largest 17th-century bells, rung up to 15 times a year.

Getting there & doing it

The streets of Vieux Lyon are best explored on foot. A whole series of delightful bridges, some pedestrian, cross the Saone from the Presqu’Ile into Vieux Lyon. You can pick up a map of the traboules (narrow alleyways) from the tourist office.

Walk down Rue St-Jean – it cuts right through Vieux Lyon, from north to south, but with many delightful squares punctuating the route. The way is packed with shops, eateries and architectural curiosities.

For eating and drinking after a wander, there are masses of restaurants in Vieux Lyon, but many are over-touristy. Les Loges in the Cour des Loges hotel hits the mark with stylish options, while Jeremy Galvan serves excellent creative tasting menus.

There are also one or two enchanting, authentic old-style patisseries in the quarter. A La Marquise on Rue St-Jean is a particular delight, with its own beautiful, secretive courtyard.

When to do it

The traboules are at their most atmospheric first thing in the morning. Otherwise, early evening is a good time to visit, when the streets bustle with locals winding down.

Who to go with: organised tours

Our selection of the best Viator tours of this attraction or activity

Vieux Lyon Cultural & Historical Walking Guided Tour (English)

Vieux Lyon Cultural & Historical Walking Guided Tour (English)

Rating 4.93 / 5 [723 ratings]

Tour supplied by:

Lyon Old Town Half-Day Walking Food Tour with Local Specialties Tasting & Lunch

Lyon Old Town Half-Day Walking Food Tour with Local Specialties Tasting & Lunch

Rating 4.92 / 5 [265 ratings]

Food Tour in Lyon - Do Eat Better Experience

Food Tour in Lyon - Do Eat Better Experience

Rating 4.76 / 5 [238 ratings]

Afternoon Old Town Food tour

Afternoon Old Town Food tour

Rating 4.82 / 5 [226 ratings]

Lyon Big Traboules in Little City Stories from the Past Private Guided Tour

Lyon Big Traboules in Little City Stories from the Past Private Guided Tour

Rating 4.95 / 5 [113 ratings]

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Old Town Lyon: Guide For The Most Incredible Things to Do

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Old Town Lyon Things to Do

For those that wonder does Lyon have an Old Town? The answer is yes, and a spectacular one indeed! Old Town Lyon, or Vieux Lyon as it is affectionately called by its residents, is designated an UNESCO World Heritage Site and is one of the best-preserved examples of Roman, Medieval and Renaissance architecture in Europe .

Quaint street in Old Town Lyon

It is one of Lyon’s most fascinating neighbourhoods and also happens to be one of our favourite places to visit.  Why? Because Old Town Lyon encompasses all of the things we like to do in an area that can be comfortably discovered in a day. In this blog we will share all the highlights with you.

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Highlights of Old Town Lyon

✅ Vieux Lyon has nearly 25 hectares (62 acres) of plazas, dozens of tucked-away courtyards and countless hidden passageways all leading to historical and architectural treasures that are centuries old. 

✅ The Old Town is flanked by the banks of the Saône river to the west and the slopes of Fourviere Hill to the east. 

✅ There are 3 main districts in Vieux Lyon – Saint Paul, Saint Jean and Saint George and all were distinctly different during the Medieval and Renaissance periods.

✅ Lyon is the gastronomic capital of France , and Vieux Lyon is blessed with some of the best restaurants in the country.  There are plenty of Bouchons (traditional Lyonnaise restaurants) in the old town that offer local cuisine in a warm and inviting atmosphere.

Beautiful street in Old Town Lyon

Interesting Fact

Lyon has 20 Michelin-starred restaurants and 3 of them are on the same tiny street in Vieux Lyon.

Here are our suggestions for things to do in Lyon Old Town.

Stroll through Place du Change

Place du Change is located in the Saint Paul district of Vieux Lyon.  Saint Paul was the section of the Old Town Lyon where the commercial traders from Italy conducted their banking. 

Place du Change

The Temple du Change that sits in the square in Saint Paul, was originally the stock exchange of Lyon.  This is a location steeped with Old Lyon history. When it was initially constructed in the early 17 th century it was called the Loge du Change.

As commerce increased in Lyon and a larger building was required, it was rebuilt in the neo-classical style in the mid 18 th century. 

After the French Revolution the building was given to the Protestants who were becoming a growing population in Lyon. 

The term “bank” is derived from the Italian “banco” or French “banc” which refers to the benches that the merchants used when exchanging their money.

Discover the Traboules

The Traboules are the covered passageways that cut through the Renaissance buildings in Lyon that were built to provide sheltered shortcuts for residents and craftsmen as they passed from street to street.

There are five hundred Traboules in Lyon with about eighty that are accessible to the public.  While they exist in a few other French cities, they are primarily associated with the ancient city of Lyon.

Traboule passageway

The Traboules are accessed via doorways which are protected with an electronic lock.  Residents use a code to unlock the doors so they can pass through to their apartments or houses which are accessible from the passageway. 

For those Traboules which are open to non-residents there is a “secret” button on the electronic lock which allows the door to be opened .  These buttons are only active between 6:00am and noon for non-residents which gives anyone the opportunity to go through these passageways between the streets.

Entrance to a Traboule

For other ideas on what to do in the other areas of Lyon check out our article on places to visit in Lyon .

Appreciate the Lyon Cathedral – Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist

The Saint Jean district in the Old Town Lyon was known as the religious centre of Lyon in the Middle Ages.  This area housed the religious and political leaders of the region and is home to the Lyon Cathedral.

Lyon Cathedral

While some may not consider the Lyon Cathedral as interesting as the Basilica Notre Dame that stands high above it on Fourviere Hill, this cathedral is the main church of the Diocese of Lyon.  It has been the seat of the Bishop of Lyon since the 11 th century.

The Lyon Cathedral is considered one of the oldest churches in France .   While it’s construction began in 1180 AD and wasn’t completed until nearly three hundred years later, the history of the church is older than that. 

Lyon Cathedral inside

An earlier cathedral, dedicated to Saint Stephen was built here in the 5th century.  Later, in the 7th century, a baptistery was added to the cathedral and dedicated to Saint John.  It is on the ruins of this site that the Lyon Cathedral was constructed and became the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist.

This magnificent building is one of the most well preserved in Lyon and is well worth spending time at.  It is beautiful on the outside and awe inspiring on the inside with it’s high vaulted ceilings, gothic arches and stunning stained glass windows.

The high ceilings of the Lyon Cathedral

During the Medieval and Renaissance periods, Vieux Lyon had as many as 11 churches.  Today there are 3 – Cathedral of John the Baptist, Saint Paul’s Church and Saint George’s Church.

Explore the Musée Gadagne

Musée Gadagne is situated in one of the most fascinating buildings in Old Town Lyon.  While the current structure is a magnificent Renaissance-style building dating to the beginning of the 16th century, its history goes way beyond that.

Archeological evidence shows the existence of dwellings on this site dating back to the early 1st Century B.C.  Subsequent buildings were constructed, demolished  and reconstructed on the site in the 3rd, 5th and later centuries right up until the current structure was built as a private mansion in the early 1500s. 

Musee Gadagne

It is currently the largest Renaissance complex in Lyon and is included in the Lyon UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Aside from its fascinating history and architectural significance, it is a museum.  Well, it’s actually 2 museums:  the Lyon Museum of History and the Museum of Marionettes.

Admire the Cour d’Appel de Lyon (Court of Appeal)

The Cour d’Appel in Vieux Lyon is a wonderful example of Neo-Classical architecture.  The stately structure sits on the banks of the Saône river with the Notre Dame Basilica perched on Fourviere Hill visible behind it.

Its impressive façade is highlighted by 24 Corinthian Columns.  For this reason the courthouse is sometimes referred to as the “Palace of 24 Columns”.  It is said that the 24 columns represent the 24 hours in a day and refers to that fact that Justice never sleeps.

Cour d'Appel de Lyon

This isn’t the first Lyon courthouse to occupy this location.  Several other courthouses were built here over the centuries, beginning in the 1400s.  The current courthouse was started in 1835 and took 10 years to complete.  It was totally renovated in 2008.

While the historic building was once the main courthouse in Lyon, a new building was constructed in 1995 across the Rhone in la Part Dieu to handle the day to day court activities.  So while this building was once the actual Palais de Justice, it is currently used for appeals and thus is now the Cour d’Appel.

Contemplate the “Weight of Oneself” Sculpture

What an interesting name for a sculpture!  The Weight of Oneself Sculpture depicts one man standing holding what appears to be another man in his arms.  The man he is holding appears limp and inanimate.  

Weight of Oneself sculpture

It turns out that the man he is holding is actually himself.  The sculpture represents the heavy weight of justice and appropriately, this statue is located on the banks of the Saône in front of the historical Cour d’Appel of Lyon. 

The 2.7 metre (9 feet) tall sculpture is made from solidified marble powder.  It is a compelling piece of art to look at and to contemplate.

Browse and Shop at the Petit Prince Store

Le Petit Prince (the Little Prince) store in Vieux Lyon is a treasure trove of souvenirs all devoted to the fictional little boy from another planet who finds himself stranded on earth. 

The story of le Petit Prince is a heart wrenching philosophical tale filled with symbolism and messages of the human condition seen through the lens of a child. 

Le Petit Prince became one of the world’s best selling books and has been translated more than any other work outside of the bible . 

The Petit Prince store

Why is there a store about le Petit Prince in Old Town Lyon?  Well, the famous French author, who wrote the book, Antoine de Saint-Exupêry, was born in Lyon in 1900.  He was an aviation pioneer who served during World War II and is believed to have died on a reconnaissance mission in 1943.

Le Petit Prince store is a wonderful little boutique and a great spot to purchase a cherished souvenir to commemorate your visit to Vieux Lyon.

Learn About The Petit Musée de Guignol

Le Petit Musée de Guignol has only been around since 1995, but it showcases a form of entertainment that began in Vieux Lyon in the 18 th century.  The museum features the puppet Guignol and his sidekicks who provided entertainment to the workers of the declining silk trade after the French Revolution.

Petit Musee de Guignol

The creator, Laurent Mourget, was a silk trader who turned to dentistry to make ends meet.  In order to attract patients, and distract them while their teeth were being pulled, he would put on a slapstick and satirical puppet show with his creations. 

Guignol puppets

Mourget’s shows became so successful that he eventually gave up dentistry to become a professional puppeteer.  Over the years, the Guignol, evolved and took on many different personalities emulating people from Lyon. 

Le Petit Musêe de Guignol is open year-round and features self-guided audio tours of the artifacts over two floors in the heart of Vieux Lyon.

Dine At An Authentic Bouchon

Les Bouchons are the famous Lyonaisse eateries that are known for their convivial atmosphere and hearty food.  They are found throughout Lyon, but you will find some of the best examples in the streets and squares of Old Town.

Menu board at a Bouchon in Old Town Lyon

These restaurants serve traditional Lyonnaise fare such as quenelle, roast pork, duck paté, saucisson and salad lyonnaise.  While there are purported to be over two hundred Bouchons in Lyon, there are only about 20 that are authentic Bouchons . 

These can be identified by the official Bouchon logo displayed in their restaurants and on the official list of designated restaurants . And perhaps you will notice the character in the logo is Guignol!

Bouchon official logo

For a taste of real Lyon, be sure to find one of the authentic Bouchon in Vieux Lyon and treat yourself to a hearty meal.  You definitely won’t leave hungry!

What Is Vieux Lyon Known For?

This beautiful part of Lyon is known for its cobblestone streets, passageways and quaint narrow streets, great shopping and fantastic dining. It is a spot meant for meandering and taking your time to explore.

Lyon City Card

Be sure to look into the Lyon City Card that is offered by the Tourist Office for a great deal. This card will give you free access to many museums including the Musee Gadagne and Petit Musee de Guignol. It will also provide you with a free walking tour of Vieux Lyon. Plus many more savings and discounts.

Old Town Lyon Restaurants

As the gastronomic capital of France there are no shortage of amazing places to eat. In fact there are three different Michelin starred restaurants on the same street rue de Boeuf – Jeremy Galvan , Au 14 Fevrier , and Les Loges . And of course there are many more options of where to eat including the famous Bouchon restaurants.

We enjoyed a wonderful meal in the Old Town at Le Francois Villon . It is a Bouchon in a super cute space, serving excellent traditional dishes. Check it out and enjoy the specials of the day!

Le Francois Villon

Lyon Old Town Hotels

✅ A family-run property that has been recently renovated is The Phenix . Guests rave about the spacious rooms, excellent air conditioning and the perfect location. They offer 35 rooms with room types of solos, rooms for two or triple occupancy with three twin beds.

✅ For a property with an incredible view check out the Villa Florentine . This location is perfect for exploring the city but also offers some additional amenities such as a work out room, pool, sauna, and steam room. The 29 rooms onsite are tastefully decorated and the service of the staff is fantastic. This hotel also offers an award winning restaurant onsite.

The Final Word: Old Town Lyon

As you can see we love Old Town Lyon. There is such a charm about this section of the city and it really deserves some time during your visit. Wander the streets and explore the Traboules, do some shopping and enjoy a fantastic meal. Whatever you do – enjoy your time in this delightful area of Lyon.

Enjoying lunch at a Bouchon

Denis is always up for a new adventure and has aspirations to explore a minimum of 100 countries. He originally travelled for his work going to all but one of the United States. Now he enjoys travelling for fun and his first love is African countries including Rwanda, Tanzania and South Africa. Wherever he is, he loves to check out unique destinations, try all the local foods and of course, taste the beer and wine from the region.

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Power Traveller

Lyon: Old Town Walking Tour in Lyon

Exploring the enchanting Old Town of Lyon is a captivating experience that transports visitors back in time. With a private walking tour led by a licensed guide, travelers can explore the city’s rich history, from the Romanesque-Gothic Cathedral Saint-Jean-Baptiste to the UNESCO World Heritage site of Vieux Lyon . As they wander through the labyrinth of cobblestone alleys, they’ll uncover the secrets of the Traboules , the city’s hidden passageways, and marvel at the Renaissance-era architecture. But the tour’s highlights don’t end there, as visitors can also discover the fascinating exhibits at the MHL – Musée d’Histoire de Lyon and the Musée du Cinéma et de la Miniature.

Lyon: Old Town Walking Tour in Lyon - Key Points

  • A 2-hour private walking tour through the historic Old Town of Lyon, led by a licensed guide and available in English.
  • Explore the labyrinth of cobblestone alleys, UNESCO-listed Vieux Lyon neighborhood, and admire the stunning Renaissance architecture.
  • Visit notable landmarks like the Cathedral Saint-Jean-Baptiste, MHL – Musée d’Histoire de Lyon, and the Musée du Cinéma et de la Miniature.
  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of Lyon’s rich history, from Roman times to the present, through interactive exhibits and historical artifacts.
  • Immerse in the vibrant atmosphere of the Old Town, including the lively Place des Jacobins square with its 18th-century Jesuit church.

More tours and experiences nearby.

  • Lyon: Private Exclusive History Tour With a Local Expert
  • Vieux Lyon Cultural & Historical Walking Guided Tour (English)
  • Lyon Highlights & Secrets Walking Guided Tour (Small Group) Including Funicular
  • Lyon: Private Historic Guided Walking Tour

Tour Details

Lyon: Old Town Walking Tour in Lyon - Tour Details

This private walking tour in Lyon’s Old Town lasts for 2 hours and is led by a licensed tour guide , available in English.

As a first-time visitor, you’ll enjoy an intimate experience with just your group, getting a thorough overview of the city’s highlights.

The tour will take you through the labyrinth of cobblestone alleys, where your guide will share intriguing facts about the area.

While the tour itself is free, entry fees to the MHL – Musée d’Histoire de Lyon, Musée du Cinéma et de la Miniature, and Place des Jacobins are extra.

Comfortable shoes and clothing are recommended, and the tour isn’t suitable for wheelchair users .

Free cancellation is available up to 24 hours in advance.

Lyon: Old Town Walking Tour in Lyon - Highlights

On this private walking tour , visitors can stroll through the labyrinth of cobblestone alleys in Lyon’s Old Town and discover intriguing facts about the city with a licensed guide.

As a first-time visitor, you’ll get a thorough overview of the city, including stops at highlights like the Cathedral Saint-Jean-Baptiste and the Musée du Cinéma et de la Miniature.

The intimate private tour allows you to explore at your own pace and ask questions, giving you a personalized experience you won’t find on a larger group tour.

Whether you’re interested in history, architecture, or simply soaking in the charming atmosphere, this walking tour offers an in-depth look at the highlights of Lyon’s old town.

Itinerary Overview

Lyon: Old Town Walking Tour in Lyon - Itinerary Overview

The guided tour takes visitors on an immersive journey through Lyon’s historic Old Town , with stops at several notable landmarks and attractions .

Beginning at the Cathedral Saint-Jean-Baptiste, the tour then leads participants to the MHL – Musée d’Histoire de Lyon , followed by a visit to the charming Vieux Lyon neighborhood .

Along the way, the licensed guide shares intriguing insights and historical anecdotes, providing a comprehensive understanding of the city’s rich cultural heritage.

The itinerary also includes a stop at the Musée du Cinéma et de la Miniature, as well as a visit to the lively Place des Jacobins, allowing guests to fully enjoy the captivating atmosphere of Lyon’s Old Town.

Cathedral Saint-Jean-Baptiste

The tour begins at the Cathedral Saint-Jean-Baptiste , a stunning Romanesque-Gothic structure that stands as a testament to Lyon’s rich architectural heritage.

Constructed over several centuries, the cathedral’s intricate facade and ornate interiors captivate visitors. Your guide will point out the church’s impressive stained-glass windows , which bathe the space in an array of vibrant colors.

You’ll learn about the cathedral’s long and storied history, dating back to the 12th century , and its role as a prominent religious and cultural landmark in Old Lyon.

The tour provides an insightful introduction to the city’s architectural wonders , setting the stage for the exploration of other fascinating sites in the historic district.

MHL – Musée D’histoire De Lyon

After exploring the magnificent Cathedral Saint-Jean-Baptiste , the tour next takes visitors to the MHL – Musée d’Histoire de Lyon, a museum that provides a rundown of Lyon’s rich history .

This museum delves into the city’s past, tracing its origins from Roman times to the present day. Visitors can expect to learn about Lyon’s role in significant events, its cultural heritage , and the lifestyles of its inhabitants throughout the centuries.

The museum’s collection features a wide range of artifacts, including archaeological finds, historical documents , and interactive exhibits. A stop at the MHL offers an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of Lyon’s evolution and its importance as a center of French history and culture.

Lyon: Old Town Walking Tour in Lyon - Vieux Lyon

Next, the tour takes visitors through the enchanting Vieux Lyon , the city’s historic Old Town district.

Winding through a labyrinth of cobblestone alleys and charming Renaissance-era architecture , this district offers a captivating glimpse into Lyon’s storied past.

Designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site , Vieux Lyon is renowned for its well-preserved Traboules – secret passageways that once allowed residents to move discreetly through the neighborhood.

Visitors can admire the stunning facades of the district’s historic buildings, many of which feature intricate carvings and ornate details.

As they explore Vieux Lyon, tour-goers will also encounter quaint courtyards, cozy cafes, and a vibrant community that has preserved the area’s rich cultural heritage.

Musée Du Cinéma Et De La Miniature

Why does the tour next visit the Musée du Cinéma et de la Miniature?

This museum provides visitors with a unique opportunity to explore the art of filmmaking and miniature model creation .

Situated just a short walk from the Cathedral Saint-Jean-Baptiste , the Musée du Cinéma et de la Miniature offers a captivating glimpse into the meticulous world of movie props, special effects , and intricately detailed scale models.

Guests can marvel at the intricate craftsmanship of renowned miniaturists, learn about the history of cinema, and even get a behind-the-scenes look at the special effects that bring movies to life.

It’s an immersive experience that adds depth and richness to the Old Town walking tour.

Place Des Jacobins

The tour then takes visitors to the Place des Jacobins , a historic square renowned for its architectural grandeur and vibrant atmosphere. This picturesque plaza, surrounded by stately buildings and charming cafes, serves as a central gathering point in the heart of Old Lyon, offering a glimpse into the city’s rich cultural heritage.

Visitors can admire the stunning 18th-century Jesuit church with its intricate facade and soaring spires, which dominates the square.

Visitors can explore the lively outdoor market that sets up shop in the square on certain days, offering a vibrant array of local produce, artisanal goods, and street food.

Visitors can relax in one of the cozy cafes lining the square, sipping on a cup of French coffee while people-watching and taking in the historic ambiance.

Here's a few more nearby tours and experiences we think you'll like.

  • Lyon: Photoshoot Experience
  • Lyon: Christmas Market Walking Tour
  • Lyon: Private Guided Walking Tour
  • Exploration of Lyon Walking Tour for Couples
  • Lyon: France/ Europe Esim Roaming Mobile Data Plan
  • Lyon: Old District Private Guided Walking Tour

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it possible to customize the tour itinerary.

Yes, the tour itinerary can be customized. Customers can discuss their interests with the tour provider, who’ll aim to tailor the tour to their preferences within the 2-hour time frame.

What Are the Rules Regarding Photography During the Tour?

The tour guide typically allows photography throughout the tour, but visitors should be mindful not to disrupt the group or delay the itinerary. Photography policies may vary, so it’s best to check with the guide before the tour begins.

Are There Any Discounts Available for Senior or Student Visitors?

The tour operator does not offer any discounts for senior or student visitors. The standard private walking tour price applies to all participants regardless of age or student status. Admission fees for attractions are also not discounted.

Can the Tour Guide Provide Recommendations for Nearby Restaurants?

Yes, the tour guide can likely provide recommendations for nearby restaurants. As a local expert, they may have knowledge of quality, authentic eateries in the vicinity that offer good value to tour participants.

Is the Tour Available in Any Other Languages Besides English?

The tour is available in English only. The tour company does not currently offer the walking tour in any other languages besides English for this particular experience in Lyon’s Old Town.

Not for you? Here's more of our most recent tour reviews happening neaby

  • Lyon: Brochier Silk Museum Guided Tour in French
  • Lyon: Aquarium Entrance Ticket
  • Virtual Reality Escape Game in Lyon: Chernobyl
  • Virtual Reality Escape Game in Lyon: Alice in Wonderland
  • Lyon : Neon Painting in an Artists Studio – Gallery
  • Lyon: Guided Tour of Lyon
  • France: Excursion From Lyon to Vienne by Train
  • Theatrical Visit of Old Lyon
  • Discover Lyon: From Its Birth to Renaissance Glory
  • Lyon: Guided Sightseeing Cruise
  • 1h30 of Tandem Paddle on the Saône River Near Lyon
  • Lyon: Guided Tour of the Croix-Rousse
  • Lyon 2.5-Hour Lunch Cruise
  • Virtual Reality Escape Game in Lyon: Prison
  • Lyon Gourmet Food Walking Tour

Exploring the enchanting Old Town of Lyon on a private walking tour provides a captivating glimpse into the city’s rich history. From the impressive Cathedral Saint-Jean-Baptiste to the UNESCO-listed Vieux Lyon neighborhood , visitors can enjoy the city’s architectural wonders and uncover its hidden secrets.

The tour’s highlights, including the MHL museum and the Musée du Cinéma et de la Miniature, offer a comprehensive understanding of Lyon’s evolution and cultural significance.

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