Apa Itu Wisata Minat Khusus?
Date: June 3, 2022 By avontur Categories: Artikel Tags: Wisata Minat Khusus No comments
? Wisata Minat Khusus sering dibicarakan beberapa tahun terakhir ini. Kata-kata ini menjadi begitu populer di kalangan traveler. Sudah tahu apa arti, definisi, pengertian dari istilah ini? Berikut ini penjelasan dan contohnya.
Wisata minat khusus adalah sebuah bentuk kegiatan wisata yang disesuaikan dengan kepentingan khusus individu atau kelompok wisatawan. Dalam bahasa Inggris disebut Special Interest Tourism (SIT).
Wisatawan yang berwisata dengan bentuk perjalanan wisata ini biasanya memiliki minat khusus dengan destinasi yang dikunjunginya.
Baca juga: * Arti Kata ‘Avontur’
Saat ini sudah ada banyak tur operator di Indonesia yang menyediakan wisata minat khusus. Dan sepertinya akan terus bertambah jumlahnya.
Mereka akan membuat paket liburan yang bisa menyesuaikan liburan di berbagai destinasi dengan berbagai aktivitas yang bisa dipilih.
Tujuannya tentu saja untuk memuaskan pelanggan yang ingin minat atau motivasi mereka terpenuhi.
Manfaat Wisata Minat Khusus
Ada 4 (empat) hal yang bisa didapatkan dalam bentuk wisata ini; bermanfaat, memperkaya wawasan, pengalaman petualangan, dan pengalaman belajar.
Prinsip-prinsip Wisata Minat Khusus
Berikut ini beberapa pedoman dari special interest tourism (SIT).
- Wisatawan mencari hal-hal baru, otentik dan memberikan pengalaman wisata berkualitas.
- Keputusan untuk melakukan perjalanan ditentukan oleh minat tertentu dari wisatawan, bukan dari pihak lain.
- Wisatawan mencari pengalaman baru, antara lain dari obyek wisata sejarah, makanan lokal, olah raga, adat istiadat, kegiatan di lapangan, dan petualangan alam.
Contoh Wisata Minat Khusus
Ada banyak sekali contoh kegiatan wisata yang masuk dalam jenis SIT. Antara lain;
Wisata petualangan
Banyak yang menyukai wisata petualangan, karena menawarkan pengalaman fantastis dan energik. Anda bisa mencoba wisata mendaki gunung, snorkeling, bungee jumping, zip-lining, dan lainnya.
Baca juga: * Trekking Batu Lapis
Wisata Kuliner
Saat wisata kuliner, Anda bisa terlibat dalam pengujian makanan dan minuman. Termasuk makanan yang belum pernah Anda coba selama ini.
Anda bisa mengunjungi daerah yang belum pernah Anda kunjungi. Lalu mencoba memasak hidangan lokal dan mencicipinya.
Wisata Pedesaan
Wisata di pedesaan juga bisa memberikan pengalaman menarik dan menambah wawasan baru.
Bisa melihat dan merasakan kehidupan sehari-hari warga pedesaan. Atau mempelajari budaya lokal secara langsung.
Anda bisa ikut terlibat dalam kegiatan bertani, memetik sayuran, mengendarai traktor untuk mengolah tanah, dan lainnya.
Untuk lebih dekat dengan warga pedesaan, Anda bisa menghabiskan malam (menginap) di rumah kecil dan sederhana milik warga.
Baca juga: * Tur Desa Wisata Harapan Jaya, Pesawaran
Wisata Olahraga
Ada banyak kegiatan olah raga yang bsia digabungkan dalam kegiatan wisata.
Anda bisa surfing di pantai-pantai dengan ombak yang menggulung. Atau mengikuti acara lomba lari, sepeda santai, sepeda downhill, dan sebagainya.
Ada banyak daerah di Indonesia yang menawarkan kegiatan wisata olah raga.
Contoh Lainnya:
Wisata Religi Wisata Kesehatan Wisata Sejarah Wisata Meeting, Incentive, Convention, Exhibition (MICE) Wisata Spa Pengamatan Burung (bird watching) Wisata Gua Wisata Berburu Wisata Botani dll
Sekarang Anda sudah bisa menyimpulkan sendiri apa itu special interest tourism. Anda bisa menjelaskan kembali ke orang lain pengertian, jenis, dan contoh-contoh-nya.
Atau bila tertarik dengan industri pariwisata yang tidak umum, bisa juga membuat paket-paket wisata SIT.
Bisa dengarkan dan memberikan beberapa saran untuk klien. Yang kemudian klien Anda lah yang akan memilih dan menentukan destinasi mana yang akan dikunjungi dan kegiatan wisata apa yang dia inginkan.
Dan jika Anda adalah wisatawan atau traveler, bisa mencoba kegiatan wisata yang belum pernah Anda coba sebelumnya. Untuk menambah wawasan, pengalaman baru, serta ada manfaat yang diperoleh.
Semoga artikel mengenai apa itu wisata minat khusus ini bisa bermanfaat.
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- January 2023
Diah Sastri
Learning materials for students of bali tourism institute, yuk kenalan dengan pariwisata minat khusus (special interest tourism).
Special Interest Tourism atau dalam bahaasa Indonesia umum diukenal sebagai pariwisata minat khusus merupakan jenis pariwisata dimana wisatawan melaksanakan perjalanan untuk belajar dan berupaya mendapat pengalaman tentang sesuatu hal di daerah yang dikunjungi.
Tipologi dari wisata jenis ini tidak biasa, anti mainstream atau bahkan aneh. Wisata minat khusus sangat berhubungan dengan hobi seseorang, komunitas atau didasari rasa ingin tahu yang sangat tinggi. Sesuai dengan namanya, orang-orang yang melakukan wisata minat khusus biasanya berkeinginan untuk mewujudkan minat dan ketertarikannya terhadap suatu objek atau hal yang lain. Oleh karena itu, umumnya wisata ini hanya diikuti oleh satu, dua atau sekelompok kecil pelancong.
Wisata minat khusus biasanya membutuhkan biaya yang relatif lebih mahal dari wisata yang biasa saja. Membutuhkan biaya yang mahal karena harus mengunjungi suatu negara yang jauh atau daerah terpencil dan tidak membutuhkan banyak biaya karena hanya menyusuri hutan seperti berburu atau memancing.
Ada beberapa prinsip yang mendasari wisata minat khusus diantaranya;
- Motivasi untuk mencari sesuatu yang baru (anti mainstream).
- Kepuasan dalam melakukan sesuatu yang tidak pernah dilakukan oleh orang lain.
- Mencari pengalaman baru.
Selain prinsip bentuk-bentuk wisata minat khusus didasari bebrapa tujuan;
- Rewarding, penghargaan terhadap objek yang dikunjungi.
- Enriching, pengkayaan diri, dapat juga dalam rangka bisnis.
- Adventure, minat bertualang yang tinggi.
- Learning, keinginan untuk mempelajari hal yang baru.
Nah, perkembangan pariwisata minat khusus juga sejalan dengan perkembangan gaya hidup manusia sehingga muncul istilah-istilah baru seperti culinary tourism, halal tourism, dark tourism, tolkien tourism (mengunjungi lokasi film Lord of The Rings), drug tourism, getto tourism dan masih banyak lagi. Beberapa website seperti www.travelbyinterest.com secara khusus memberikan paket-paket menarik yang secara ekslusif ditujukan kepada g ay travellers, food lovers, luxury travelers dan wisatawan yang memang khusus ingin mencari relaksasi & rejuvenation melalui wellness tourism , seperti yang tampak pada gambar di bawah ini.
Selain itu adanya semakin tingginya jumlah Millenials yang bepergian membuat website seperti www.citizenM.com membuat komonitasnya sendiri dimana bagi mereka yang tertarik untuk bergabung log-in sebagai seorang “citizen”. Konsep dari citizen M tidak hanya menjual kamar namum memberikan kesempatan millenials untuk bergabung dalam komunitas tertentu melalui meeting room dengan konsep sharing . Work station, wifi yang super kencang, 24 hours food & beverage serta harga yang sangat terjangkau menjadikan citizen M menjadi begitu populer di kalangan millenials traveller yang ingin melakukan perjalanan sekaligus mendapatkan peluang-2 bisnis baru.
Saat ini di Asia baru Taipe yang bergabung di CitizenM, namun tentu tidak menutup kemungkinan saat ceruk pasar ini mulai accesible maka hotel-hotel di Indonesia Singapore dan Malaysia pasti akan mengambil pasar ini.
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Good article Buk
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Mengelola Destinasi Wisata Minat Khusus
Pembangunan berkelanjutan dalam wisata khusus diintegrasikan dengan lingkungan alam, budaya dan manusia, dengan tujuan agar sektor pariwisata mampu memberikan keberkahannya terhadap alam, lingkungan sosial, dan pelaku wisata itu sendiri. Salah satu program wisata besutan pemerintah yang mengarah pada pengembangan wisata minat khusus dan ramah yaitu dengan dipopulerkannya konsep desa wisata dan wisata di perdesaan. Konsep desa wisata mengedepankan autentisitas keseharian desa yang dikemas menjadi destinasi-destinasi unik dengan pemberian prioritas pada penyajian pengalaman yang berbeda dengan kehidupan nyata para wisatawan.
Pada dasarnya, desa wisata menawarkan pengalaman tentang bagaimana hidup di desa bersama masyarakat setempat, ikut terlibat dalam berbagai jenis aktivitas masyarakat perdesaan, yang secara fundamental maupun teknikal tentulah berbeda dengan kehidupan sehari-sehari para wisatawan. Turunan teknis dari konsep wisata perdesaan adalah hadirnya bisnis homestay , acara-acara perdesaan, dan peluang produk-produk perdesaan untuk berkembang, seperti kerajinan desa dan kuliner desa. Sampai di sini, bisa kita ambil kesimpulan bahwa wisata desa pada khususnya, dan wisata minat khusus pada umumnya, bisa menjadi salah satu konsep yang akan membawa pemerataan di sektor pariwisata di mana masyarakat desa beserta pelaku UMKM desa bisa ikut menikmati kue ekonomi pariwisata yang sedang mekar sebagaimana kita saksikan hari ini. Untuk itu, pemerintah sejatinya perlu segera melakukan pengidentifikasian perkembangan pariwisata minat khusus ini, lalu memetakan keunggulan dan dampak positif pengembangan destinasi wisata khusus yang ada. Selanjutnya, pemerintah bisa mendapatkan informasi komprehensif tentang praktik-praktik terbaik dalam pengelolaan destinasi wisata khusus untuk kemudian dijadikan guidelines dan parameter bagi calon-calon destinasi wisata khusus di tempat lain. Dan, yang lebih penting, dengan hasil identifikasi tersebut pemerintah pun bisa mengidentifikasi peluang-peluang intervensi kebijakan untuk pengembangan lebih lanjut dari wisata minat khusus secara masif (nasional).
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Pengertian Wisata Minat Khusus
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Munculnya Parwisiata Minat Khusus
Mengapa wisata minat khusus, desa wisata sebagai pariwisata minat khusus.
What is Special Interest Tourism?
Do you know what special interest tourism is? If not, don't worry – you're not alone! Many people are unfamiliar with this term. But special interest tourism is an important sector of the tourism industry, and it's something that tour operators should be familiar with.
In this blog post, we will explain what special interest tourism is and why it's important. We'll also discuss how tour businesses can offer this type of tourism. Let's get started!
What is special interest tourism?
Special interest tourism (or specialist interest tourism) is a type of tourism that focuses on specific activities, interests, or experiences. It can include anything from environmental tourism to responsible tourism to film tourism.
Special interest tourists are looking for unique experiences that they won't find elsewhere, so tour businesses need to understand their needs and preferences.
Think about quality over quantity. By tapping into a more specific market , you can provide an experience that matches a corresponding specific interest of the audience.
In the tourism industry where competition is rampant, having a well-defined special interest tour can help you stand out from the crowd. In fact, special interest tourism has seen a rapid growth now more than ever.
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Characteristics of special interest tourism
Special interest tourists differ from regular travelers in that they are looking for a more focused experience. They often have specific interests and knowledge, and they may require certain services or amenities to enhance their visit.
Because of this, special interest tourism requires more detailed planning than other types of tourism. Tour operators must research areas of interest and offer activities and attractions that appeal to their target audience with practical perspective.
They must also understand the local culture and customs, as many special interest activities revolve around cultural experiences.
Why is special interest tourism important?
Special interest tourism provides many benefits to the tourism sector. It allows people to explore unique experiences and activities in an organized and safe manner. This type of tourism also helps to preserve cultural heritage and promote sustainability .
By providing travelers with an authentic and educational experience, special interest tourism allows them to gain a better understanding of different cultures and customs. It also helps to create awareness about environmental issues and encourages responsible travel practices.
Now, people are shying away from the traditional mass tourism model and leaning towards more sustainable and niche travel decisions to satisfy their travel needs.
For instance, tourists would swap their beach trip for a specialist painting holiday or even an adventure across Jordan. This surge in popularity inspire people and has propelled the emergence of special interest tourism, as more and more individuals want to experience something unique.
The growth of specialist tourism
In the wake of COVID-19, people have developed a newfound appreciation for exploring beyond their own homes. This has become especially true as they are now more aware of all the possibilities that lie outside their comfort zones.
Therefore, tour businesses have the opportunity to tap into the growing special interest tourism market and provide specialized services that cater to specific interests. They should research their target audience thoroughly, understand their needs and preferences, and design itineraries accordingly.
Examples of special interest tourism
There are over 150 types of special interest tourism, from eco-tourism to wellness tours. Below are some examples of the main special interest tourism examples:
Health Tourism
This type of tourism combines medical treatments with leisure activities, allowing people to receive medical care and explore a new destination at the same time.
It also includes visiting spas, resorts, and other wellness centers for relaxation.
What's great about health tourism is that travelers can receive health benefits while exploring a new city or country, so this SIT is common for businesses to recommend to tourists.
Culinary/Food Tourism
This type of special interest tourism revolves around food.
The activities involve visiting local restaurants to try out special dishes, attending cooking classes, and taking guided tours of historical sites related to culinary arts. Tourists can also visit farms, markets, and wineries.
Culinary tourism allows people to immerse themselves in the local culture and learn about different cuisines, ingredients, and cooking techniques.
Read: Here's How to Start a Food Tour Business: A Step-by-Step Guide
Adventure Tourism
Adventure tourism involves adventure activities such as mountain biking or climbing, rafting, kayaking, mountaineering, parasailing, etc. It is a great way for tourists to explore and experience the great outdoors.
It also helps to promote sustainable development in local communities, as it encourages the preservation of natural resources and respect for the environment.
Usual destinations for adventure tourism of SIT include Australia, Africa, Thailand, and many more. Take note that this is also known as the environmental tourism.
Dark Tourism
As its name suggests, dark tourism involves visiting places associated with death, tragedy, or suffering.
Some examples of destinations include the Auschwitz concentration camp and the 9/11 Memorial in New York City.
This special interest in tourism may be controversial for some people, but it gives visitors an insight into the history and culture of a destination. It also helps to create awareness about dark events that have occurred in the past.
Spiritual/Religious Tourism
For tourists who are looking for a more meaningful experience, spiritual or religious tourism is the answer.
This special interest in tourism involves visiting holy places and participating in rituals that are specific to the destination’s culture.
Examples include attending Hindu festivals in India, exploring temples in Cambodia, and touring churches in Europe. Tourists can also take part in meditation retreats and yoga classes for a deeper understanding of the local religion.
Cultural Tourism
This special interest in tourism revolves around exploring the culture, traditions, and customs of certain destinations.
It can include attending festivals and special events, taking part in cultural workshops, touring historical sites, and visiting museums to learn about different cultures.
Cultural tourism is a great way for tourists to gain an appreciation of local customs and traditions, giving them a deeper understanding of the destination.
Rural Tourism
Traveling in the countryside may be a great way to escape the hustle and bustle of city life. Rural tourism offers travelers a unique opportunity to connect with nature, explore picturesque landscapes, and get back in touch with traditional ways of life.
Popular spots and destinations for this include Poland, the Middle East, the Philippines, and more. This type of SIT is ideal for people who want to learn more about rural cultures and experience life outside of tourist destinations.
From visiting farms to taking part in nature activities, it provides an immersive experience that can’t be found elsewhere.
Wildlife Tourism
Animal interaction is also a popular special interest in tourism. Wildlife tourism involves visiting wildlife preserves, zoos, and animal sanctuaries to observe animals in their natural habitat or learn about conservation efforts.
This is beneficial for both travelers and the local community as it can help promote environmental awareness and generate income for the local economy. Popular destinations for wildlife tourism include Africa, Australia, and the Galapagos Islands.
Sports Tourism
For active travelers, sports tourism involves activities such as skiing, surfing, golfing, and more. Tourists can also experience special sports events such as the Olympics or watch professional sporting events in person.
Sports tourism is not just about taking part in athletic activities; it’s also an opportunity to explore a destination and learn about its culture and traditions. Germany, Italy, the Middle East, Spain, Belgium, and more are great destinations for this special interest in tourism.
Architourism (or Architectural Tourism)
While this special interest in tourism is not as popular, it still offers travelers an interesting experience. Architourism involves visiting destinations that are renowned for their architecture and design.
This special interest can involve exploring the Old Town of Prague, admiring Renaissance buildings in Florence, or touring modern skyscrapers in Singapore. It’s a great way to gain an appreciation of the history and culture behind a destination’s architecture.
Battlefields Tourism
For those who are fascinated by history and warfare, special interest in tourism also provides battlefield tours. These offer travelers a chance to explore the sites of famous wars and battles from around the world.
Battlefields tourism can include touring World War II memorials in France, visiting sites from the American Civil War, or learning about historical landmarks from the Korean War. It’s an interesting and unique way to explore history in a new light.
Wedding Tourism
Newlyweds may opt for a special interest in tourism to take part in a destination wedding. From beach weddings in Greece to mountain elopements in Switzerland, this special interest offers couples the chance to get married in a beautiful and romantic location.
Wedding tourism can also include attending special events such as traditional Indian or Chinese weddings. This is a great way to get a deeper understanding of foreign cultures and their wedding ceremonies.
Dive into Special Tourism Research
Unlock the secrets of special interest tourism with experts B. Weiler and C. Hall and the treasure trove of information in the Journal of Travel Research ! Weiler and Hall explore why people choose holidays based on hobbies, like food tours or bird-watching trips. Their findings help us understand what makes these special trips tick and how they’re different from regular holidays.
- Special Interest Tourism by Weiler and Hall
- Journal of Travel Research
Meanwhile, the Journal of Travel Research is your go-to place for all things travel and tourism, packed with studies and articles that explore people's many travel styles. For businesses and travel buffs, these resources are gold!
Use their insights to create engaging travel experiences that speak directly to travelers’ unique interests and passions. It’s all about crafting journeys that people love because they’re tailored just for them.
Wrapping Up
Special interest in tourism is an ideal way to explore a new destination and gain a deeper appreciation for its culture, traditions, and landscapes. From wildlife tours to wedding ceremonies, special interests in tourism can be tailored to any traveler’s unique interests.
Finding the right SIT as a tour operator may be challenging, but the rewards are worth it for providing travelers with special and authentic experiences.
Make Special Interest Tourism Work For Your Tour Business with Ticketinghub
Ticketinghub enables tour operators to easily create and sell special interest tours online. Our innovative tour booking platform allows you to manage special requests, discounts, availability, and more tourism management tools — all in one place!
With Ticketinghub, special interest tourism has never been easier. Get started today and make special interest tourism work for your business.
Book a demo here to learn more.
What is the meaning of special interest tourism.
Special interest tourism refers to travel motivated by the specific interests or passions of the tourist, rather than traditional tourism destinations. Special interest tourism definition encompasses various niche markets and forms of tourism, including cultural sites, wellness tourism, adventure activities, sports tourism, and eco-tourism. Activities are centered around unique, often specialized interests or customized leisure experiences.
What is an example of special interest tourism?
Special interest tourism could include culinary tourism, where travelers explore destinations to experience local cuisines and culinary traditions. Other examples include bird-watching tours, wine-tasting trips, and historical exploration, all of which fall under specialized tourism due to their specific focus.
Is special interest tourism in demand?
Absolutely! Over the past decade, special interest tourism has become a hot trend in the travel world, showing rising demand. Why? More and more travelers want unique experiences. They're not just visiting a particular destination; they're diving deep into what makes that place special.
This isn't just a passing trend. It's a growing industry. People are moving away from tourist spots and seeking out activities and experiences that match their personal interests. Think about it: instead of just visiting a city, travelers are now keen on joining recreational activities or learning from local people about their culture and traditions.
Recognizing this shift, many places are stepping up their destination marketing game. They're offering flexible packages that let tourists truly engage with the local area. It's not just about seeing sights anymore; it's about buying experiences that enrich the soul and promote well-being.
In short, the increasing number of travelers wanting more than just a standard vacation is the chief driver behind this boom. They're after genuine, memorable moments, and special interest tourism delivers just that.
What are the motivations for special interest tourism?
Motivation for special interest tourism often stems from a desire to delve deeper into particular hobbies or passions. Travelers may seek authentic experiences, knowledge enhancement, social interaction, or even physical wellness. These interests are all catered for by unique activities and destinations related to their interests, such as special interest holidays.
How do you identify special interests?
Identifying special interests involves exploring and understanding personal preferences, passions, and hobbies. It could be related to activities like hiking, historical exploration, or culinary experiences. These activities can be catered for through specialist tourism offerings, providing in-depth and tailored experiences.
What are special interest sites?
Special interest sites refer to destinations or platforms that cater to the specific hobbies or passions of a group of people. Special interest tourism sites might include historical landmarks, nature reserves, or culinary hotspots. These sites offer distinctive experiences and cater to particular interests or activities.
What is the difference between mass tourism and special interest tourism?
While mass tourism typically involves large numbers of people visiting popular destinations for general leisure activities, special interest tourism is characterized by travelers seeking specialized experiences aligned with their specific interests or passions, such as bird-watching or historical exploration, often in small groups.
What are the five tourist motivations?
The five tourist motivations include:
- Knowledge : Seeking information and education.
- Adventure : Pursuing thrills and excitement.
- Relaxation : Desiring rest and rejuvenation.
- Social Interaction : Wants to engage with others.
- Personal Fulfillment : Seeking self-actualization and accomplishment through travel.
What motivates tourists?
The main factors that motivate tourists include cultural curiosity, adventure seeking, relaxation, business purposes, and social interaction. In special interest tourism, motivations might also be deeply tied to specific hobbies or passions. For example, exploring specialised tourism examples like culinary or adventure tourism.
What are the two main roles of a special interest group?
Special interest groups have two main roles: advocacy and representation. These groups actively influence public policy and opinion in favor of their particular interests or causes. They represent the needs and desires of their members, often playing a crucial role in shaping related policies and practices.
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What is special interest tourism and why is it so popular?
Special interest tourism is growing, and it’s growing fast! Have you heard the term special interest tourism a lot? And do you wonder why people are choosing special interest tourism more than mass-market? Well here, I will explain the meaning of special interest tourism and why it’s becoming more popular.
What is specialist interest tourism?
Characteristics of special interest tourism, the growth of special interest tourism, health tourism , adventure tourism, dark tourism, food tourism, spiritual/ religious tourism, rural tourism, wildlife tourism, sports tourism, special interest tourism- further reading.
Special interest tourism (also known as specialist tourism or SIT), is a branch of niche tourism and alternative tourism . Essentially, special interest tourism is tourism which is tailored to a specific interest.
There are many tour operators who focus their business on special interest tourism (and this number is growing). There are typically smaller companies that specialise in specific types of package holidays; they are seen as package holidaymakers that are perfectly customising holidays with preferred activities or destinations that the customer chooses as they want their needs and preferences to be met.
There are many different types of special interest holidays. An example would be an active family with teenage boys who are looking to travel somewhere like Australia to take part in adventurous activities like bungee jumping, mountain biking, or zip-lining. Another example would be a couple who are looking to travel for their honeymoon to an exotic romantic destination, like the Maldives .
Many people would describe special interest tourism as the law of changing nature, meaning people are changing normal everyday items for better-improved items. In other words, people are moving away from the traditional mass tourism model and towards more niche, specialist products that better satisfy their individual desires, interests and needs. This happens in many different ways, from the tourists visiting different destinations, for example by swapping a trip to the beaches in Spain for an adventure across Jordan or by switching their day by the pool for a specialist painting holiday.
Special interest tourism is seen as both tangible (something you can touch, like a hat) and intangible (something you can’t touch, like air); even though when customers are booking their holidays they can’t physically touch their holidays and see what it feels like, however, when they hop on the plane and go to their resort, or when they go to the pools or when they go to the beach, etc – all of those things they can touch, and they can even take stuff with them for memories.
There are many reasons for the rapid growth of special interest tourism, the first one being, socioeconomic. The customer’s level of income will dictate the choice of their holiday and the level of service that is wanted. Nowadays there are more people who have more money to spend on their holidays, which increases all tourism, not just special interest tourism!
However, it is the change in consumer attitudes that has really influenced the growth of the special interest tourism market. Many more people nowadays want to experience bungee jumping, line walking, mountain biking, and more fun activities; they want to do something crazy and different from their normal life and mainly to get their mind off their workplace. People want to pursue their hobbies in alternative contexts and to experience culture in a way that they have not previously done.
All of this creates this demand and thus the rise of special interest tourism as more people are now interested in doing something different. This is especially the case since COVID-19, when people developed a true appreciation for the opportunities that are presented to them outside of the confines of their homes.
Another reason for the growth of special interest tourism is due to trends – trends are always changing, which means that special interest tourism has to be updated and developed to follow these trends for their customers. An example of a trend would be the development of technology; which has a high impact as everyone has access to the internet, which leads to everyone having and being on social media and the growth of tourism forms such as Insta tourism , smart tourism and virtual tourism !
Furthermore, social media platforms are used globally with billions of people using them; people can post pictures of themselves, families, places, and their hobbies, and they can comment on our people’s posts (where they are following each other), this has led to people changing and wanting more things; which is caused by some social media influencers (who have a lot of followers who will look up to them); they are paid employees who are working on social media to post pictures and inspire people to try what they are doing; which is good for the companies like travel – because there is a demand and an increase in destinations as these influencers will go to certain places and they will post these amazing catching pictures that will lead to people wanting to travel in that destination).
Examples of special interest tourism
There are over 150 types of tourism that tour operators specialise in. Some of the main types of special interest tourism include:
Health tourism allows customers to go to a destination with a purpose for things like medical treatments, visiting spas, wellnesses, and physical activities (yoga, swimming, fitness) – to ‘clear’ and focus on their mindset and body; most of the destinations seem like relaxing and calm place to go, however, some destinations may be seen as expensive, exotic place to travel (meaning most of the destinations are long haul flights), popular destinations include Asia, Middle East, Indian Ocean and many more.
Adventure Tourism is seen as a fantastic and energetic place with adventure activities, like mountain hikes, snorkeling, skiing, bungee jumping, zip-lining, etc. The holidaymakers will go to places with the most fun things that the customers can do and experience (and can tick off on their bucket list), which includes destinations like Australia , Africa, Thailand, and many more.
Dark touris ts will travel to destinations where certain (bad) things have happened. Dark tourism generally means that tourists will visit places where a high amount of death has occurred; some people go to these places to remember their loved ones who were involved and to honour them (to pay their respect) and others go there to learn more about what has happened and see the experience. They can visit places like battlefields, prisons, castles, Chernobyl, Auschwitz, and the 9/11 memorial site.
Food tourism allows tourists to go aboard and do things that involve doing food & beverage testings; to get the authentic experience of trying new things. Some people go to another destination to learn how to cook the country’s famous dishes from the locals and others go aboard just to try the dishes around the world, which includes going to the destinations like: France, Italy , Korea, Middle East, USA, and more (some people will have a sit-down meal, some will try street food, some will share meals with the local people, some will go to the food festivals, some will visit the local food market, etc)
Spiritual/ religious tourists can go abroad and connect with the world (meaning with god and with religions) and even with themselves; meaning spiritual tourism is not always connecting with specific religions, it means that people can also be connecting their bodies, mind, and soul; while religious tourism is to seek blessings from God based on the religious faiths and beliefs; some destinations include: the Middle East, Spain, India, United Kingdom and more – most of the tourists will visit pilgrims, churches, sacred sites, and other will visit places where there are quiet and calm areas; somewhere like at the top of the cliff, Greenland (somewhere with a lot of grass area).
Rural tourists can travel somewhere in the country-side; meaning the tourists can experience the country life, the culture, the beliefs, and religion, and take part in the activities that take place in the country life like farming, hand-picking vegetables, riding tractors to crop the soils, etc; it means that the tourist will not stay in expensive hotels, tourists will likely be spending their nights in a small house that is located in the village with local tourists around, or they will likely be sleeping in tents and camps, the destinations include Poland, Middle East, Philippines and more.
Wildlife tourists can travel abroad to see and interact with animals that they don’t see on the daily basis, it includes visiting places like the zoo, safari, animal shows (although this is very controversial and I do not recommend it). Wildlife tourism destinations include Africa, India , Sri Lanka, Spain, and more.
Sports tourism occurs when tourists travel aboard to watch or take part in sports or sports events. Sporting events include things like the Olympics, Formula One, etc. Sporting activities may include playing football, golf, volleyball, taking part in car races, etc. Popular sport tourism destinations include Germany, Italy, Middle East, Spain, Belgium and more.
If you have enjoyed this article on special interest tourism, I am sure that you will love these too!
- What is adventure tourism and why is it so big?
- What is alternative tourism and why is it growing so fast?
- The fascinating history of tourism
- What is industrial tourism and why is it so popular?
Destinasi Wisata Minat Khusus di Indonesia Bersiap Menyambut Peminatnya!
Pariwisata saat ini menjadi kegiatan yang merupakan kebutuhan, pun disusul kemajuan teknologi yang mengubah aspek bersosial dengan melalui media digital, yang salah satu imbasnya adalah menjadi ajang berbagi pengalaman wisata baik melalui cerita, gambar mau pun video. Pariwisata memiliki beragam jenis sesuai kebutuhan dan kemasan yang ditawarkan.
Nah, ada, loh, yang disebut pariwisata minat khusus atau special interest tourism. Pariwisata jenis ini biasanya diperuntukan bagi wisatawan yang mempunyai minat atau tujuan maupun motivasi khusus dalam berwisata. Jenis pariwisata ini identik dengan petualangan di alam bebas dan alam liar sekali pun.
Menurut Richardson dan Fluker (2004) dalam bukunya Understanding and Managing Tourism , pariwisata minat khusus seperti demikian diklasifikasi sebagai minat khusus petualangan aktif (active adventure). Misalnya menyusuri gua (caving), terjun dengan parasut (parachute jumping) atau mendaki gunung (mountain climbing).
Ya, wisata minat khusus tidak terbatas pertualangan aktif, tapi ada juga jenis romantic seperti hot spring atau spa, serta soft adventure atau pertualangan ringan seperti bermain kano dan scuba diving, yaitu kegiatan menyelam tetapi hanya di sekitar permukaan saja.
Indonesia dengan segudang kekayaan alam yang masih asli dan potensial, tentunya memiliki banyak destinasi yang dapat dijadikan daya tarik bagi wisatawan minat khusus baik wisatawan lokal mau pun wisatawan mancanegara atau wisman.
Sejak 2012 pula Indonesia menggencarkan program wisata minat khusus melalui Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif (Kemenparekraf) termasuk ekowisata, cruise ship, rekreasi dan spa. Misalnya Tour de Singkarak untuk minat khusus balap sepeda dan destinasi Pantai Suluban dan Pelngkung untuk minat khusus selancar.
Tentunya tidak sebatas itu. Bahkan, beberapa waktu lalu, tim pecinta alam dari Universitas Indonesia (UI) yang tergabung dalam kelompok Mapala (Mahasiswa Pecinta Alam) UI berhasil membuka dan memetakan potensi destinasi wisata minat khusus baru di Papua Barat! Tepatnya di Manokwari dan wilayah Pegunungan Kabupaten Arfak.
Ternyata, Danau Anggi di kabupaten Arfak tersebut dapat dijadikan spot kegiatan paralayang, loh! Begitu pula di Distrik Testega, kabupaten Arfak, ternyata memiliki banyak mulut-mulut gua yang belum pernah dimasuki oleh siapa pun. Tidak sampai di situ, sungai Prafi di Manokwari juga dipastikan layak menjadi destinasi wisata minat khusus arung jeram karena arusnya yang deras.
Setelah di presentasikan oleh Pemerintah Daerah setempat, tinggal promosi dan pengembangan lebih lanjut untuk dibukanya spot-spot tersebut menjadi destinasi wisata minat khusus baru dan bermanfaat bagi masyarakat setempat juga. Wah, makin menambah aset pariwisata negara yang tak ternilai, ya!
Sudah memasuki paruh kedua tahun 2018, ada yang sudah merencanakan untuk berlibur akhir tahun nanti? Sedang memikirkan destinasi wisata apa yang lain dari yang lain tapi tetap sesuai budget? Wisata dengan ongkos lokal tapi rasa interlokal? Di Indonesia, ada!
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Menyebar di Bandung Sejak 1935, Restoran Padang Pernah Kasih Harga Murah karena Sulitnya Ekonomi Rakyat
Milliano jonathans, calon striker timnas indonesia dan marganya yang pernah jadi presiden depok, menengok monumen ketenangan jiwa, mengenang warga sipil jepang yang tewas di semarang, momen hari listrik nasional: ketika pemuda merebut penguasaan listrik dari tangan jepang, mengenal sambal tinuktuk, obat tradisional masyarakat simalungun untuk redakan sakit ibu pasca melahirkan, paksi raras alit ajarkan aksara jawa gratis lewat jawacana.
Wisata Minat Khusus, Seberapa Spesial Anda?
MENDENGAR kalimat Special Interest Tourism atau bahasa Indonesia-nya wisata minat khusus bagi sebagian besar orang mungkin bukan sebuah kalimat yang aneh, bahkan sudah sering didengar. Tapi tahukah anda bahwa masih ternyata masih banyak yang salah memahami makna kalimat tersebut?
Masih banyak yang memahami wisata minat khusus sebagai sebuah kegiatan wisata yang berkaitan dengan petualangan. Perlu dipahami bahwa pemahaman tersebut sangat salah dan ngawur. Karena pada pada kenyataannya apapun bentuk kegiatannya wisatanya, semuanya mengandung unsur petualangan hanya tingkatannya saja yang berbeda-beda.
Untuk dapat lebih memahaminya mari kita lihat pemahaman ketertarikan orang akan aktivitas wisata. Pembagian ketertarikan wisata dapat dibagi menjadi tiga (UNWTO, 1985) yaitu:
1. General Interest Tourism. Interest ini yang membentuk mass tourism di mana aktivitasnya tidak fokus pada satu aktivitas saja. Mereka akan mengunjungi semua jenis wisata.
2. Mix or Major Interest Tourism. Yaitu aktivitas wisata ini sudah merujuk pada jenis-jenis wisata alternatif tetapi kegiatannya masih melakukan berbagai ragam aktivitas.Â
Tetapi kegiatannya tersebut sudah lebih terarah dimana kegiatan yang mereka lakukan harus dapat memberikan manfaat bagi diri mereka sendiri, masyarakat maupun lingkungan.
Jenis-jenis interest inilah yang memunculkan jenis-jenis wisata seperti ekowisata, geowisata, community base tourism dan lain-lain.
3. Special Interest Tourism. Menurut UNWTO (1985) wisata minat khusus adalah pariwisata yang melibatkan seseorang atau sekelompok orang yang memiliki ketertarikan khusus dan mengunjungi situs-situs atau tempat-tempat yang berkaitan dengan subjek-subjek tertentu.Â
Pada umumnya adalah orang-orang yang memiliki profesi yang sama atau hobi yang sejenis. Mempertemukan kebutuhan, motivasi dan ketertarikan khusus.
Wisata minat khusus tidak memandang apakah jenis wisata itu alam, budaya atau buatan. Setiap orang memiliki ketertarikan khusus terhadap jenis-jenis wisata tersebut.
Wisata minat khusus hanya fokus pada aktivitas tunggal atau single activities seperti caving, diving, mountaineering dan lain-lain.
Sedangkan wisata petualangan adalah aktivitas wisata yang memiliki resiko terluka atau kematian dan resiko tersebut dapat terjadi pada tiap jenis wisata, hanya saja tingkatannya yang berbeda-beda.Â
Oleh karena itu pada pengembangan pariwisata modern setiap aktivitas wisata terutama yang terkait dengan wisata minat khusus, selalu ada grading untuk menilai tingkat kesulitan dan resiko dari setiap jenis wisata tersebut.
Beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat kesulitan dan resiko tersebut adalah usia, pengalaman, kondisi geografis, musim, skill dan peralatan yang diperlukan. Sebagai contoh adalah wisata arung jeram
Wisata arung jeram terbagi dalam 6 tingkatan kesulitan dari 1 sampai dengan 6+. Tingkatan tersebutlah yang membagi sebuah karakter kegiatan tersebut menjadi soft, hard dan extreme.Â
Bagi sebagian orang walaupun sifatnya soft tapi bagi mereka yang baru pertama kali atau tidak terbiasa melakukannya mereka dapat mengatakannya sebagai sebuah petualangan.Â
Karena buat first timer resiko akan selalu ada walaupun soft. Sedangkan untuk tingkatan extreme adalah buat mereka yang sudah sangat memahami resiko kegiatan yang mereka lakukan dan sudah memiliki skill tinggi untuk melakukannya.
Kesimpulannya adalah, bahwa kita perlu mengkaji kembali produk-produk wisata yang kita tawarkan kepada wisatawan. Jangan sampai kita melabeli produk wisata kita sebagai wisata minat khusus tetapi pada kenyataannya tidak minat khusus.
Perlu diingat bahwa wisata minat khusus adalah single activities. Masih banyak yang memahami ekowisata sebagai wisata minat khusus tetapi pada kenyataan bukan.
Setiap jenis wisata memiliki unsur petualangan di dalamnya hanya saja tingkatannya yang berbeda. Wisata petualangan bukan hanya miliki orang-orang yang memiliki keterampilan khusus saja.
Kalau kita lihat dewasa ini banyak aktivitas wisata yang di depannya ditambahkan kata fun sepeti fun rafting, fun diving, fun caving dan lain-lain. Hal tersebut merujuk pada kegiatan wisata petualangan yang memiliki resiko rendah, tidak memerlukan keterampilan khusus yang merujuk pada kegiatan soft adventure.
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- Tentang Kami
- Kawasan Wisata Minat Khusus Paseban
- Highland Indonesia Group
- Hadena Indonesia Group
- Wisata Minat Khusus
- Wisata Ramah
- Puncak Kencana
- Family Trekking
- River Trekking
- Jelajah Curug Naga
- Family camp
- Kopi Megamendung
- Trekking dan Hiking
- Birdwacthing
- Healing Forest
- Agrowisata Kopi
- Camping Ground
- Trekking Base Camp
- Zona Konservasi dan Edukasi
- Lebah Madu Paseban
- Klinik Megamendung Jaya
- Gallery UMKM
- Madu Paseban
Atau Special Interest Tourism merupakan jenis pariwisata di mana wisatawan melakukan perjalanan untuk belajar dan berupaya mendapat pengalaman baru tentang sesuatu hal di daerah yang dikunjungi.
Meliputi aktivitas trekking, healing forest atau Shinrin-Yoku, berkemah, jelajah air terjun, educamp, dls
Berada di lerengan barat gunung Paseban dalam kawasan hutan pegunungan bawah.
Obyek daya tarik Wisata Minat Khusus Paseban meliputi puncak Gn. Gedogan, Datar Mayit dan puncak Kencana, sungai dan air terjun, montane forest dan segala biodiversity yang terkandung di dalamnya, budaya dan kerajinan masyarakat
Perkembangan kebutuhan manusia terhadap pariwisata telah melahirkan berbagai jenis kegiatan wisata, dari wisata massal (mass tourism) yang fokus hanya sebatas pada bersenang-senang (piknik/tamasya) , sampai pada bentuk wisata minat khusus (special interest tourism) yang memiliki fokus kegiatan yang lebih spesifik dan menekankan kepada aspek penghayatan dan penghargaan lebih terhadap kelestarian alam, keindahan lingkungan dan pesona budaya (enviromentally and cultural sensitives) . Pada aspek enriching, dimana kegiatan pariwisata memasukkan peluang terjadinya pengkayaan atas pengetahuan, pada aspek learning, yaitu kegiatan wisata yang mengarah pada unsur pembelajaran, dan pada aspek adventuring, merupakan aktivitas pariwisata yang dirancang sebagai wisata petualangan.
Wisata minat khusus merupakan jenis wisata yang dilakukan atas dasar minat atau mempunyai motivasi khusus dalam berpariwisata, dilakukan pada obyek daya tarik wisata atau lokasi yang memiliki atribut fisik tertentu dengan menekankan pada unsur tantangan, rekreatif dan pencapaian atas keinginan seorang wisatawan melalui keterlibatan / interaksi dengan unsur-unsur alam, diperuntukan bagi wisatawan yang memiliki kecenderungan minat, tujuan dan motivasi khusus dalam berwisata dan atau guna pemenuhan atas kebutuhan sensasi dan minat terdalam wisatawan dalam aktivitas berpariwisata.
Wisata minat khusus kerap disebut juga sebagai perjalanan aktif yang dapat memberikan pengkayaan pengalaman, pengetahuan dan sensasi petualangan yang fokus pada aspek alam, sosial dan budaya, merupakan “bentuk kegiatan dengan wisatawan individu, kelompok atau rombongan kecil yang bertujuan untuk belajar dan berupaya mendapatkan pengalaman tentang suatu hal di daerah yang dikunjungi”. ( fandeli, 2002:107) . Dan menurut wall and weiler “the special interest traveller wants to experience something new, whether it is history, food, sport, customs or the outdoors. Many wish to appreciate the new sights, sound, smell, tastes and to undertsand the place and it’s people”. – smith, (4:1992) .
Aspek alam dalam wisata minat khusus berupa kekayaan flora fauna (bodiversitas) , gejala geologi, ke-eksotikan taman nasional atau taman hutan raya, pesona hutan, sungai, air terjun, pantai, laut dan segala kekayaan yang terkandung didalamnya, serta perilaku ekosistem tertentu dalam sebuah kawasan. Dan aspek budaya meliputi kearifan lokal dalam sebuah komunitas masyarakat, tarian/musik/seni tradisional, kerajinan/griya etnik, arsitektur, pola tradisi masyarakat, aktivitas ekonomi yang unik dan spesifik, sejarah dan arkeologi, dls.
Pada umumnya wisatawan minat khusus memiliki motivasi dan keingintahuan yang tinggi terhadap sesuatu hal untuk dipelajari (learning) dan diikuti/dijalani sehingga menghadirkan pengalaman baru dalam aktivitasnya berpariwisata. Terdapat dua kelompok wisatawan dalam aktifitas wisata minat khusus, yaitu kelompok yang berkeinginan sebatas mencoba aktifitas baru. Pada kelompok ini, tantangan keterlibatan akan cenderung di tingkat ringan sampai pada menengah, dan yang kedua, adalah kelompok yang memandang keikutsertaannya dalam wisata minat khusus sebagai tujuan atau motivasi terdalam guna pemenuhan atas kebutuhan sensasi seorang wisatawan dalam aktivitas berpariwisata, sehingga keterlibatan wisatawan dalam kelompok ini akan cenderung lebih aktif serta menjurus pada level tantangan yang lebih tinggi.
Dalam wisata minat khusus, pembangunan kawasan pariwisata dan produk-produknya harus berdasarkan kriteria keberlanjutan, dapat didukung secara ekologis dalam waktu yang lama, layak secara ekonomi, adil secara etika dan sosial, dapat memberikan kebermanfaatannya secara berkelanjutan terhadap alam dan lingkungan sosial.
Dalam kawasan Paseban, Wisata Minat Khusus memiliki kaitan erat dengan wisata petualangan dan wisata edukasi, bentuknya berupa aktivitas berkemah (educamp, family camp) , birwatching, trekking hutan pegunungan, river trekking atau susur sungai, hiking, jelajah air terjun, body rafting, cliff jumping, dan rappelling di tebingan air terjun, dls.
Mutaqin, A Zaenal . (2020). “ Jelajah Kawasan Pariwisata Puncak Dalam Wisata Minat Khusus. ” ; hal 6; OSF. May 11. doi: 10.17605/OSF.IO/ZU9RW .
atau wisata alternatif diperuntukan bagi wisatawan yang memiliki kecenderungan minat, tujuan dan motivasi khusus dalam berwisata dan atau guna pemenuhan atas kebutuhan sensasi dan minat terdalam wisatawan dalam aktivitas berpariwisata…
- Special Interest Tourism atau dalam bahasa Indonesia umum dikenal dengan sebutan pariwisata minat khusus merupakan jenis pariwisata di mana wisatawan melaksanakan perjalanan untuk belajar dan berupaya mendapat pengalaman baru tentang sesuatu hal di daerah yang dikunjungi.
- Wisata minat khusus adalah bentuk perjalanan wisata, dimana wisatawan mengunjungi suatu tempat karena memiliki minat khusus dari objek atau kegiatan di daerah tujuan wisata (Weiler Hall, 1992.)
Ada beberapa kriteria menurut Fandeli dalam Sudana (2013), yang dapat dipergunakan sebagai pedoman dalam menetapkan suatu bentuk wisata minat khusus yakni : 1) Learning, pariwisata yang mendasar pada unsur belajar; 2) Rewarding, pariwisata yang memasukkan unsur pemberian penghargaan; 3) Enriching, pariwisata yang memasukkan peluang terjadinya pengkayaan pengetahuan antara wisatawan dengan masyarakat; 4) Adventuring, pariwisata yang dirancangdan dikemas sehingga terbentuk wisata petualangan.
Daya Tarik Wisata Minat Khusus merupakan jenis wisata yang baru dikembangkan di Indonesia. Wisata ini lebih diutamakan pada wisatawan yang mempunyai motivasi khusus. Dengan demikian, biasanya para wisatawan harus memiliki keahlian. Contohnya: berburu mendaki gunung, arung jeram, tujuan pengobatan, agrowisata, dll.
Wisata minat khusus dikembangkan dalam upaya untuk mengoptimalkan sumber daya alam guna memajukan sektor pariwisata seperti yang tertuang dalam Pasal 20 UU Nomor 9 Tahun 1990 tentang kepariwisataan dimana ”pengusahaan obyek dan daya tarik wisata minat khusus merupakan usaha pemanfaatan sumber daya alam dan potensi seni budaya bangsa untuk menimbulkan daya tarik dan minat khusus sebagai sasaran wisata“ .
Pada penjelasan Undang Undang No. 9 Tahun 1990 Tentang tentang Kepariwisataa, termasuk ke dalam kelompok pengusahaan objek dan daya tarik wisata minat khusus adalah :
- pengelolaan lokasi-lokasi wisata buru, antara lain berburu babi hutan dan berburu rusa;
- pengelolaan wisata agro, antara lain perkebunan teh, perkebunan coklat, perkebunan kopi,dan perkebunan bunga;
- pembangunan dan pengelolaan wisata tirta, antara lain hotel apung, dermaga marina, dan olahraga air;
- pengelolaan lokasi-lokasi wisata petualangan alam, antara lain mendaki gunung, dan menelusuri sungai air deras;
- pembangunan dan pengelolaan wisata gua, antara lain Gua Lawa dan Jatijajar;
- pembangunan dan pengelolaan wisata kesehatan, antara lain sumber air panas mineral dan tempat pembuatan jamu;
- pemanfaatan pusat-pusat dan tempat-tempat budaya, industri. dan kerajinan, antara lain desa industri dan padepokan seni tari.
Wisata minat khusus Paseban adalah kegiatan wisata yang dilakukan di hutan pegunungan bawah (sub montana forest) dengan aktivitas trekking dan hiking, camping, birdwacthing, healing forest, jelajah air terjun, susur sungai pegunungan, educamp, eduwisata kopi, eduwisata lebah, dan lainnya.
Wisata minat khusus atau wisata alternatif diperuntukan bagi wisatawan yang memiliki kecenderungan minat, tujuan dan motivasi khusus dalam berwisata dan atau guna pemenuhan atas kebutuhan sensasi dan minat terdalam wisatawan dalam aktivitas berpariwisata…
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Exploring the Niche: The Rise of Special Interest Tourism
by Prince Kumar | Nov 19, 2023
Have you ever wanted to travel not just to see a new place but to immerse yourself in a passion, a hobby, or a deep interest? This is the essence of Special Interest Tourism (SIT) , a growing travel trend that goes beyond the traditional attractions and into the heart of personal interests and experiences. Imagine yourself not just visiting a destination but actively engaging in activities that resonate with your inner enthusiast. This is what SIT is all about – catering to your specific interests and offering enriching experiences that stay with you long after the journey ends.
Table of Contents
What is Special Interest Tourism?
Special Interest Tourism is a sector of the travel industry that offers specialized and themed experiences to cater to the specific interests and hobbies of travelers. Unlike mass tourism, which is often about checking famous landmarks off a list, SIT focuses on creating meaningful connections and deeper understanding through activities and experiences that are tailored to personal passions. Whether it’s culinary arts, history, sports, or any other niche, SIT allows travelers to dive into their interests in a unique and engaging way.
The Different Types of Special Interest Tourism
Special Interest Tourism is as diverse as the interests it caters to. Here’s a glimpse into the various types of SIT that cater to the various passions of travelers:
Ethnic and Rural Tourism
For those who seek to connect with their roots or explore the traditions of other cultures, ethnic and rural tourism offers an authentic experience. This type of tourism often involves visiting indigenous communities, participating in traditional events, and learning about local customs and ways of life.
Adventure Tourism
Do you have a thirst for adrenaline? Adventure tourism is designed for those who want to push their limits and experience the thrill of activities like rock climbing, white-water rafting, and skydiving, all while exploring the great outdoors.
Health and Wellness Tourism
Health and wellness tourism caters to those looking to rejuvenate and revitalize their bodies and minds. From yoga retreats to thermal spas, these experiences focus on personal well-being and relaxation.
Nature-Based Tourism
For the nature lovers and environmental enthusiasts, nature-based tourism offers a chance to explore the world’s natural wonders, from rainforests and coral reefs to mountain ranges and wildlife sanctuaries.
Religious Tourism
Religious tourism is for those who wish to embark on spiritual journeys to holy sites, participate in religious festivals, or explore the histories of world religions.
Why Special Interest Tourism is Gaining Popularity
The rise of SIT can be attributed to the increasing desire for personalized and meaningful travel experiences. Let’s explore why it’s becoming a go-to option for many travelers:
Search for Authenticity
Travelers are no longer content with surface-level tourism. They’re seeking authentic experiences that allow them to connect with local cultures, traditions, and environments on a deeper level.
Combining Leisure with Purposeful Objectives
Today’s travelers want to combine relaxation with activities that fulfill personal goals, whether that’s learning a new skill, improving health, or contributing to conservation efforts.
Capitalizing on Unique Attractions
Destinations with unique attractions can leverage these to create niche tourism opportunities that stand out from the crowd, offering something truly different.
Creating Meaningful and Enriching Experiences
Special Interest Tourism takes travel to another dimension by creating experiences that resonate on a personal level. Here’s how SIT provides a more enriching form of travel:
Learning and Personal Development
Many SIT experiences are educational, offering travelers the chance to develop new skills or deepen existing ones, from cooking classes in Italy to language immersion programs.
Interactive and Engaging Activities
Hands-on activities are a hallmark of SIT, encouraging travelers to actively participate rather than just observe.
Making Destinations Spaces to Engage Deeply
SIT transforms destinations from mere places to visit into spaces where travelers can engage deeply with their interests and the local community.
Challenges and Considerations in Special Interest Tourism
While SIT holds great potential, there are challenges and considerations that need to be addressed:
Balancing Authenticity and Commercialization
As SIT grows in popularity, there’s a risk of experiences becoming commercialized and losing the authenticity that drew travelers in the first place.
Ensuring Sustainability
It’s crucial for SIT experiences to be sustainable, preserving the natural and cultural environments that make them special.
Respecting Local Communities
Engaging with local communities must be done with respect and sensitivity, ensuring that tourism benefits rather than exploits them.
Special Interest Tourism is a vibrant and growing sector of the travel industry that offers travelers the chance to turn their trips into transformative experiences. By focusing on personal interests and offering immersive activities, SIT provides a new way to view the world. It’s not just about where you go, but what you do and how you engage with the destination that makes SIT so uniquely fulfilling.
Have you experienced a form of Special Interest Tourism? What was the most rewarding aspect of that journey? Could this be the future of travel? Share your thoughts and let’s explore the possibilities together.
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Tourism Products – Design and Development
1 Service Industry- Concepts, Characteristics and Issues
- Services: Concepts and Characteristics
- Factors Fostering the Growth of Services
- Characteristics of Services
- Services and Their Classification
- Conceptualisation of the Service Product
- Services Mix
- Services in Tourism
2 Product Designing
- Tourism Product Development: Conceptual Background
- Tourism Product Designing Development Issues and Considerations
- Marketing Considerations for Sustainability of Tourism Products
- Interpretation: A Vital Component of Tourism Product
3 Destination Designing- Issues, Priorities and Concerns
- Development of a Destination
- Principles of Destination Development
- Managing Tourist Destinations
- Concerns for Destination Planning
- Stages in Destination Designing and Management
- Operation of Destination or Site as a Product
4 Special Interest Tourism
- Special Interest Tourism (SIT)
- Developing SIT
- Designing SIT
- Culture as a Tourism Product: Possibilities
- Developing Culture as a Tourism Product
- Designing Culture as a Tourism Product
- Culture and Mass Media
6 Religious Tourism (Pilgrimage)
- Historical Perspective of Religious Tourism in India
- Designing of Religious Tourism Product
- Issues and Considerations for Designing Religious Tourism Products
- Characteristics of Religious Tourism
7 Ecology and Wildlife
- Potential Resources of Ecology and Wildlife for Designing and Developing Tourism Products
- Research and Analysis of Eco-tourism Market
- Potential Buyers for the Product
- Legislations Related to Ecology and Wildlife
- Designing the Product
- Developing and Positioning of the Product
- Tourist Behaviour
- Future Trends and Scope of Eco and Wildlife Tourism
8 Adventure Tourism
- Adventure Activities and Sports
- Market Research and Analysis
- Designing A Product
- Developing the Adventure Product
- Devising and Positioning the Adventure Product
- Future Trends and Scope of Adventure Tourism
9 Health Tourism
- What is Health Tourism?
- Designing the Health Product
- Development and Positioning the Health Tourism Product
- Future Trends and Scope of Health Tourism
10 Island and Beach Tourism Product
- Emergence of Beach and Island Tourism
- Features of Beach and Island Tourism
- Beach and Island As Tourist product
- Kovalam: A Case of Beach Product
- Lakshadweep: An Ideal Island Product
11 Ethnic and Rural Tourism
- Defining Ethnic and Rural Tourism
- Ethnic Tourism: As Tourist Product
- Issues and Considerations
- Potential of Ethnic or Rural Tourism in India
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- Present Cruise Industry
- Typology of Cruises Products
- Pricing of Cruise Products
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- Challenges and Issues Related to Developing the Products for Events
- Positioning the Product: A Case Study of Mareech Event Management Company
14 Resorts- Designing and Management
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- Resort Designing and Planning Process
Wisata minat khusus adalah sebuah bentuk kegiatan wisata yang disesuaikan dengan kepentingan khusus individu atau kelompok wisatawan. Dalam bahasa Inggris disebut Special Interest Tourism (SIT).
Special Interest Tourism atau dalam bahaasa Indonesia umum diukenal sebagai pariwisata minat khusus merupakan jenis pariwisata dimana wisatawan melaksanakan perjalanan untuk belajar dan berupaya mendapat pengalaman tentang sesuatu hal di daerah yang dikunjungi.
Special Interest Tourism atau dalam bahasa Indonesia umum dikenal dengan sebutan pariwisata minat khusus merupakan jenis pariwisata di mana wisatawan melaksanakan perjalanan untuk belajar dan berupaya mendapat pengalaman baru tentang sesuatu hal di daerah yang dikunjungi.
Special Interest Tourism atau ke bahasa Indonesia umum diketahui dengan istilah pariwisata minat khusus adalah macam pariwisata di mana turis mengerjakan perjalanan buat belajar serta mengusahakan memperoleh pengalaman anyar terkait sebuah hal di wilayah yang disinggahi.
Special interest tourism (or specialist interest tourism) is a type of tourism that focuses on specific activities, interests, or experiences. It can include anything from environmental tourism to responsible tourism to film tourism.
What is specialist interest tourism? Special interest tourism (also known as specialist tourism or SIT), is a branch of niche tourism and alternative tourism. Essentially, special interest tourism is tourism which is tailored to a specific interest.
Nah, ada, loh, yang disebut pariwisata minat khusus atau special interest tourism. Pariwisata jenis ini biasanya diperuntukan bagi wisatawan yang mempunyai minat atau tujuan maupun motivasi khusus dalam berwisata.
Special Interest Tourism. Menurut UNWTO (1985) wisata minat khusus adalah pariwisata yang melibatkan seseorang atau sekelompok orang yang memiliki ketertarikan khusus dan mengunjungi situs-situs atau tempat-tempat yang berkaitan dengan subjek-subjek tertentu.Â.
Special Interest Tourism atau dalam bahasa Indonesia umum dikenal dengan sebutan pariwisata minat khusus merupakan jenis pariwisata di mana wisatawan melaksanakan perjalanan untuk belajar dan berupaya mendapat pengalaman baru tentang sesuatu hal di daerah yang dikunjungi.
Special Interest Tourism (SIT) caters to travelers with specific interests, offering experiences beyond conventional tourism by focusing on activities like ethnic and rural tourism, adventure, health, nature-based tourism, and religious tourism.