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One Man's Journey

One Man's Journey (1933)

Directed by john s. robertson.

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One Man's Journey is a 1933 American pre-Code drama film starring Lionel Barrymore as Dr. Eli Watt. The picture was based on the short story Failure written by Katharine Haviland-Taylor. It was remade by RKO as A Man to Remember (1938). The story tells of a small-town doctor working under difficult circumstances in a rural area somewhere in the United States.

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  • Buster Phelps
  • June Filmer

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One Man's Journey

One Man’s Journey (1933) Review, with Lionel Barrymore, May Robson, and Joel McCrea

Published by danny on may 27, 2016 may 27, 2016.


Proof That It’s a Pre-Code Film

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One Man’s Journey: Never Ending Story

“I can’t prevent God, making life and death go on… All I can do is to make it a little easier for people to take the blows.”

One Man’s Journey is a quiet tale, one so simple and sweet that it could easily lull you to sleep. A brilliant doctor ends up back in his dusty hometown after the death of his wife, raising his son on his own. He acquires Sarah, a wry housekeeper, and a surrogate daughter, Letty, through his travails. Because of a patient’s death early in his tenure, he becomes to the go-to doctor for the poor farmers in the area. This means that Dr. Watt works for years off of potatoes and gruff hugs, but he does his job and he does it well.


There’s real emotion that you could find in the way a man lives his life, and the gentleness of One Man’s Journey alludes to that. It’s a hardnosed, determined existence not out of choice but coming from passion and determination. Watt asks for nothing more and follows his heart. That takes care of him.

The moral of the film is fairly tidy: there’s more honor in helping those that no one else will help and in sticking with it than in all of the praise, riches and glory you could earn otherwise. It’s a peon to humility and kindness. But real life ain’t like that. A week after everyone toasts Watt’s hard work, they’ll be back at their schmoozing. The famous research doctors will be remembered for decades to come, while the poor get their history erased. All those lives saved become forgotten in the endless tragedy of the mundane. I’m not trying to be a downer here, just practical– for all the film’s lauds that it flings Watt’s way, it makes him out to be the noblest of the noble and the purest of the pure. His happiness and comfort is what he made out of it.


And, look, I understand that the movie is a fable, but compare it to So Big!, which similarly covers a person’s life of living on other people’s terms and eventual success. The conflict here is completely flaccid– compare McCrea’s boastful realization about his dad’s commitment to work versus Hardie Albright’s sudden realization that he’d gotten everything wrong, and it’s easy to see how One Man’s Journey lacks that gut punch.  One Man’s Journey  is so quietly sure that there’s no reason to ever doubt its central message, meaning that the dramatic fireworks are always met with cold water.

End spoilers.

The biggest reason to recommend One Man’s Journey is Lionel Barrymore’s performance– he only gets one speech and he smartly underplays it. It’s a quietly non-showy showy role covering several decades and showing how life wears at a man. Joel McCrea seems wasted but fine and the same goes for Frances Dee. May Robson gets to play a cranky old woman with enough push and charm to get by. David Landau, one of the great gruff character actors of the time, does some wonderful work as the man whose life runs parallel to Watt’s, but it lacks the luck and grace of the man he’d hate and eventually become friends with.


Dorothy Jordan isn’t much good– her character should be the focal point for much of the drama (and is, indeed, the most foreplay focused of the bunch) but there’s something tinny to it. She just doesn’t have the chops to maneuver between being spurned and being a mother, and part of the reason the movie seems to lack much of a conflict comes from her and her character.

All that being said, One Man’s Journey isn’t bad, just disposable. For people who love the idea of a certain ethos to their being and a purity of vision, that belief that hard work and sacrifice are virtues into themselves and should be central to any life, I can imagine that the movie may move them. I’m a bit more pragmatic and undoubtedly more cynical that the movie ever gives me credit for.

Click to enlarge. All of my images are taken by me at full screen size– please feel free to reuse with due credit!

one man's journey movie

Trivia & Links

  • Remade in 1938 as A Man to Remember with Edward Ellis and Anne Shirley.
  • Some reviews and background on this one from TCMDB :

Working in uncharacteristic understatement as Watt, Lionel Barrymore creates a warmly sympathetic portrait of a man who does good simply because it never occurs to him to do anything else. Mordaunt Hall wrote in The New York Times, “Mr. Barrymore lends amazing sincerity to his role…He is never too fatigued to attend to the ills of those who are unable to pay for medical attention. He is always even-tempered, in fact a lovable character.” Time magazine’s reviewer considered that Barrymore acted “so shrewdly that Katharine Havilland-Taylor’s lachrymose little story has moments of validity.”

Director John S. Robertson had enjoyed his greatest success with the 1920 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, starring another Barrymore – John. In One Man’s Journey he handles his entire cast sensitively. It’s difficult to imagine a more appealing young couple than McCrea and Dee as they appear here. The two were married on October 20, 1933, a month after the film’s release. They remained a couple until McCrea’s death in 1990.

Awards, Accolades & Availability

  • This film is one of six that was given to producer Merian C. Cooper after a dispute with RKO. That means that his estate, not RKO, held the rights to it until TCM picked them up. They released them on DVD a few years back including One Man’s Journey , but sadly it appears they are now out of print. This one still pops up on TCM now and again.

More Pre-Code to Explore

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Danny is a writer who lives with his lovely wife, adorable children, and geriatric yet yappy dog. He blogs at pre-code.com , a website dedicated to Hollywood films from 1930 to 1934, and can be found on Twitter @PreCodeDotCom .

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Camille · May 27, 2016 at 1:31 am

Sorry to be one of those tiresome grammar people, but I think you may have used “peon” where you meant “paean.”

Comments are closed.

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One Man's Journey

Father and son doctors disagree over the son’s materialistic goals.

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One Man's Journey

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One man's journey.

Directed by John S. Robertson


Dr. Eli Watt, a widower, comes to a small town, considering himself a failure in his attempt to have a meaningful career in New York. He raises his son Jimmy as well as Letty, a baby whose mother has died in childbirth and whose father blames Watt and abandons the child. Watt dreams of returning to do research studies, but always something gets in the way: an epidemic, his children's needs, or the needs of his generally ungrateful patients. Only with the passing years does he come to find that his future isn't over and his past isn't quite the failure he believed.

Lionel Barrymore May Robson Dorothy Jordan Joel McCrea Frances Dee David Landau Buster Phelps June Filmer James Bush Oscar Apfel Samuel S. Hinds Hale Hamilton Colin Kenny Dave O'Brien

Director Director

John S. Robertson

Writers Writers

Samuel Ornitz Lester Cohen Katharine Haviland-Taylor

RKO Radio Pictures

Releases by Date

31 aug 1933, releases by country.

  • Theatrical NR

72 mins   More at IMDb TMDb Report this page

Popular reviews

Jillian Michelle

Review by Jillian Michelle ★★½

Definitely not Joel’s greatest performance, but it wasn’t really his film anyway — it’s Barrymore’s! 

Joel’s early films are fun because he’s so handsome, but sometimes his delivery is just so awkward. The great thing about this early film of his is that in his very few and very short scenes with Frances Dee he didn’t need to act at all. The chemistry between the couple is so obvious, and I was so disappointed we were scammed out of a kiss?! How dare they cut right as they move in towards each other! 

Frances Dee is amazing as always, and although she has minimal screen-time, she stole the show. I really think it’s a shame her talent was underused in so many of her films.


Review by russman ★★

Never accept potatoes as payment


Review by Chris ★★½ 5

Pretty dull melodrama, with disappointingly dull performances by Joel McCrea and most of the rest of the cast.

One exception being May Robson, who now ranks as one of the earliest born performers I've taken a liking to. She was born in 1858. You know what else happened in 1858...

Denver became a city. Minnesota became a state. Canada wasn't a country yet. And Abraham Lincoln was not a president.

That's really long ago.

Anyway, she's pretty great.

But the best thing in this is Lionel Barrymore. As predictable and dull as this is, and how obvious it is where this is going, when it finally gets there Barrymore has a moment that got to me. And not for the first time he made cry. The movie doesn't really deserve praise, but Barrymore does.


Review by PUNQ ★★

This is supposed to be a heartwarming story about a kind small village doctor who sacrifices his greater career to stay and help the poor folks in his home town. However everything about this movie is staged so damn contrived that it becomes incredibly hokey. Just the way the city specialists come to admire this man for healing his patience with human kindness instead of modern medicine is cringe worthy.

But it is a well meaning story and while the scenes are profoundly uneven, Lionel Barrymore shines through with his eccentric mannerisms. Also May Robson helps bring some color to this. But I had trouble taking in Dorothy Jordan performance in this. Thankfully she only pops up once in a while and lets Barrymore do his job of keeping this picture together....


Review by Lowbacca ★★★

A fairly solid Lionel Barrymore performance here serves as the anchor here, as his performance as main character Dr. Eli Watt really is this focus of a whole life as a country doctor. I don't think there's anything about the story that is particularly standout, and a big part of that for me is that I think doesn't do a too great of a job connecting some of the pieces of the story. I do somewhat appreciate the way that it captures a passage of time by showing Barrymore's mode of transportation evolving, but most of the transitions are a lot rougher and took me a while to recontextualize. There's also that May Robson may be the only particularly strong supporting role in here (maybe also Frances Dee), and she and Barrymore work well on screen together.

It's not particularly bad, but it's very much a standard doctor story without any particularly interesting hooks or takeaways.


Review by e🌸 ★★

when joel pulls frances into his lap on the stairs 🥵  like please you two we get it you are married


Review by Timmy ★★★★

After I started watching this, I thought I'd seen it before despite having never logged it. It turns out I sort of had seen it! It was remade as A Man to Remember (1938) , making this another movie to add to my list of pre/post-code (re)makes , a phenomenon I've been pretty interested in lately (check out the link to my list, and if have any suggestions for movies to add, please throw 'em my way).

It's a sweet story. It's not exactly a great film, but it's solidly "nice" - and sometimes that's just what I'm looking for in a movie when I wake up in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep.


Review by Kari ★★½

I had hoped it would be more charming and not so stilted. May Robson was wonderful.

Jim Beaver

Review by Jim Beaver ★★★★

In IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE, Lionel Barrymore played the face of greed, Mr. Potter, in a story about a good man finding out just how great an impact he has had on a town. In ONE MAN'S JOURNEY, made 13 years earlier, Barrymore is the good man who comes to understand just how important his contribution to a small town has been.

Barrymore plays Eli Watt, a country doctor who provides his services for potatoes or for free, who gets all of the blame when something goes wrong, but little reward. He constantly dreams of returning to his medical studies to do research so that he might "really" contribute to society, but always the needs of his patients and his…


Review by tcmforever59 ★★★

A little tedious at times, but you can see how a talented actor like Lionel Barrymore can elevate an average story about a small-town doctor.

Lou Flees

Review by Lou Flees ★★★

Lionel Barrymore is a country doctor who is really a great physician but never gets a chance to practice in the big city due to life’s vicissitudes. Reminded me a little bit of “It’s a Wonderful Life” in how the main character is kept tied down to the small town due to feeling that he must sacrifice his own dreams for the good of others. May Robson plays a good part as his sister who helps out in his practice.

Jess McGrath

Review by Jess McGrath ★★½

Lionel Barrymore resists chewing the scenery, despite being given material that’s crying out for him to do just that. That may be the most remarkable aspect of this otherwise flat Pre-Code piece. Lionel’s a country doctor who eschews bigger opportunity for family and his small town, and he’s ultimately lauded for it. Always get a kick out of seeing real-life couple McCrea and Dee as an on-screen romance.

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One Man's Journey Reviews

one man's journey movie

Another excellent performance by Lionel Barrymore. [Full review in Spanish]

Full Review | May 14, 2021

Lionel Barrymore gives an expert, straightforward, and curiously gentle performance.

Full Review | Oct 14, 2019

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One Man's Journey (1933)

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Dr. Eli Watt, a widower, comes to a small town, considering himself a failure in his attempt to have a meaningful career in New York. He raises his son Jimmy as well as Letty, a baby whose mother has died in childbirth and whose father blames Watt and abandons the child. Watt dreams of returning to do research studies, but always something gets in the way: an epidemic, his children's needs, or the needs of his generally ungrateful patients. Only with the passing years does he come to find that his future isn't over and his past isn't quite the failure he believed.

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Lionel Barrymore in One Man's Journey (1933)

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  1. One Man's Journey (1933)

    One Man's Journey: Directed by John S. Robertson. With Lionel Barrymore, May Robson, Dorothy Jordan, Joel McCrea. Dr. Eli Watt, a widower, comes to a small town, considering himself a failure in his attempt to have a meaningful career in New York. He raises his son Jimmy as well as Letty, a baby whose mother has died in childbirth and whose father blames Watt and abandons the child.

  2. One Man's Journey

    One Man's Journey. One Man's Journey is a 1933 American pre-Code drama film starring Lionel Barrymore as Dr. Eli Watt. The picture was based on the short story Failure written by Katharine Haviland-Taylor. It was remade by RKO as A Man to Remember (1938). The story tells of a small-town doctor working under difficult circumstances in a rural ...

  3. One Man's Journey (1933)

    1.37 : 1. Film Length. 8 reels. Dr. Eli Watt, once an ambitious physician with a promising New York practice, returns with his young son Jimmy to his hometown of Willow Springs, widowed and broke. After mortgaging the family house to unsympathetic banker John Radford, Eli sets up practice in Willow Springs and is soon called on to deliver a baby.

  4. One Man's Journey (1933)

    Summaries. Dr. Eli Watt, a widower, comes to a small town, considering himself a failure in his attempt to have a meaningful career in New York. He raises his son Jimmy as well as Letty, a baby whose mother has died in childbirth and whose father blames Watt and abandons the child. Watt dreams of returning to do research studies, but something ...

  5. One Man's Journey (1933)

    One Man's Journey. Dr. Eli Watt (Lionel Barrymore) practices in a small New England town. Many of the townspeople are poor and cannot afford to pay for medical care, but Eli still selflessly ...

  6. One Man's Journey (1933)

    One Man's Journey (1933) -- (Movie Clip) It Must Be The Water Passage of time as humble New England single-father Dr. Watt (Lionel Barrymore) carries on his selfless work and his son grows up to be Joel McCrea, and smallpox breaks out, in One Man's Journey , 1933, the RKO melodrama restored by TCM, from a story by Katharine Haviland-Taylor.

  7. One Man's Journey (1933)

    Overview. Dr. Eli Watt, a widower, comes to a small town, considering himself a failure in his attempt to have a meaningful career in New York. He raises his son Jimmy as well as Letty, a baby whose mother has died in childbirth and whose father blames Watt and abandons the child. Watt dreams of returning to do research studies, but always ...

  8. One Man's Journey (1933)

    One Man's Journey (1933) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Menu. Movies. Release Calendar Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Movie News India Movie Spotlight. TV Shows.

  9. One Man's Journey (1933)

    One Man's Journey is a 1933 American pre-Code drama film starring Lionel Barrymore as Dr. Eli Watt. The picture was based on the short story Failure written by Katharine Haviland-Taylor. It was remade by RKO as A Man to Remember (1938).

  10. One Man's Journey (1933)

    One Man's Journey is a film directed by John S. Robertson with Lionel Barrymore, May Robson, Dorothy Jordan, Joel McCrea .... Year: 1933. Original title: One Man's Journey. Synopsis: Dr. Eli Watt, a widower, comes to a small town, considering himself a failure in his attempt to have a meaningful career in New York.

  11. One Man's Journey (1933) Review, with Lionel Barrymore, May Robson, and

    Director John S. Robertson had enjoyed his greatest success with the 1920 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, starring another Barrymore - John. In One Man's Journey he handles his entire cast sensitively. It's difficult to imagine a more appealing young couple than McCrea and Dee as they appear here. The two were married on October 20, 1933, a ...

  12. One Man's Journey

    "One Man's Journey" is a 1933 drama starring the great Lionel Barrymore. It was based on a novel "The Failure" and produced by Merian Cooper for RKO. It co-stars Mae Robson and Joel McCrea. The great Lionel Barrymore (1878-1954) plays a small town doctor during the first 30 years of the 20th Century. Barrymore appeared in more than 200 films ...

  13. One Man's Journey (1933)

    ONE MAN'S JOURNEY. Directed by. John S. Robertson. United States, 1933. Drama. 72. Synopsis. Father and son doctors disagree over the son's materialistic goals. Share. Synopsis. Father and son doctors disagree over the son's materialistic goals. One Man's Journey Directed by. John S. Robertson. Cast & Crew.

  14. ‎One Man's Journey (1933) directed by John S. Robertson

    In ONE MAN'S JOURNEY, made 13 years earlier, Barrymore is the good man who comes to understand just how important his contribution to a small town has been. Barrymore plays Eli Watt, a country doctor who provides his services for potatoes or for free, who gets all of the blame when something goes wrong, but little reward.

  15. One Man's Journey (1933)

    Dr. Eli Watt, a widower, comes to a small town, considering himself a failure in his attempt to have a meaningful career in New York. He raises his son Jimmy as well as Letty, a baby whose mother has died in childbirth and whose father blames Watt and abandons the child. Watt dreams of returning to do research studies, but always something gets in the way: an epidemic, his children's needs, or ...

  16. One Man's Journey (1933)

    One Man's Journey is not available for streaming at this moment. One Man's Journey Photos. Cast; Crew; Lionel Barrymore. as Eli Watt. May Robson. as Sarah. Dorothy Jordan. ... Related Movies. Edward Scissorhands 1990. star 7.7. The Party 1980. star 6.6. The Party 2 1982. star 6.4. The Big Blue 1988. star 7.4. The State I Am In 2001. star 6.9 ...

  17. One Man's Journey

    One Man's Journey Reviews. Another excellent performance by Lionel Barrymore. [Full review in Spanish] Lionel Barrymore gives an expert, straightforward, and curiously gentle performance.

  18. One Man's Journey (1933)

    One Man's Journey is for June. This just-rediscovered RKO release from 1933 stars Lionel Barrymore as Dr. Eli Watt, a widowed man with 6-year old son Jimmy (Buster Phelps) coming back to his old country roots. Since many of the townspeople are nearly poor, Dr. Watt accepts payment in potatoes or other foods.

  19. Amazon.com: One Man's Journey : Movies & TV

    "One Man's Journey" is a 1933 drama starring the great Lionel Barrymore. It was based on a novel "The Failure" and produced by Merian Cooper for RKO. It co-stars Mae Robson and Joel McCrea. The great Lionel Barrymore (1878-1954) plays a small town doctor during the first 30 years of the 20th Century.

  20. One Man's Journey streaming: where to watch online?

    Synopsis. Dr. Eli Watt, a widower, comes to a small town, considering himself a failure in his attempt to have a meaningful career in New York. He raises his son Jimmy as well as Letty, a baby whose mother has died in childbirth and whose father blames Watt and abandons the child. Watt dreams of returning to do research studies, but always ...

  21. One Man's Journey

    Dr. Eli Watt, a widower, comes to a small town, considering himself a failure in his attempt to have a meaningful career in New York. He raises his son Jimmy as well as Letty, a baby whose mother has died in childbirth and whose father blames Watt and abandons the child. Watt dreams of returning to do research studies, but always something gets in the way: an epidemic, his children's needs, or ...

  22. One Man's Journey Tickets & Showtimes

    Go to previous offer. Experience AMC Screen Unseen: August 12th Be the First to Watch! Film Revealed @ Showtime; Get Deadpool's Premium Package Including the Official Best Friends Necklaces!; Buy a ticket to Usher: Rendezvous in Paris Win an Usher concert experience for 2!; Ryan's World the Movie: Hero Bundle Get two tickets, a mystery toy, and more!; Save $5 on The X Trilogy Bundle When you ...

  23. One Man's Journey (1933)

    Merian C. Cooper had accused RKO of not paying him all the money contractually due for six RKO films he produced in the 1930s. In 1946, a settlement was reached, giving Cooper complete ownership of the RKO titles: Rafter Romance (1933) with Ginger Rogers, Double Harness (1933) with Ann Harding and William Powell, The Right to Romance (1933) with Ann Harding and Robert Young, One Man's Journey ...