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Malachite Healing Properties, Meanings, and Uses

Welcome to the Crystal Encyclopedia page for Malachite. Here you will learn everything you've ever wanted to know about this crystal including Malachite healing properties, Malachite metaphysical properties, using Malachite in meditation, Feng Shui, spiritual work, and much more!


Quick Overview of Malachite


Malachite (ˈmæləˌkaɪt)

Chakra Healing

Heart Chakra

Abundance  • Change  • Growth  • Love  • Protection  • Transformation

Malachite Meanings and Introduction

Malachite healing benefits overview, physical malachite healing properties, emotional malachite healing properties.

  • Chakra Malachite Healing Properties

Malachite Benefits for Spirituality

The color energy of malachite, meditation with malachite, malachite meanings in divination, malachite crystals and angels, malachite for the goddess, malachite traditional birthstone, malachite natural birthstone.

  • Malachite Zodiac Crystal for Pisces

Malachite Meaning in Talismans and Amulets

Using malachite in feng shui, malachite meanings in ancient lore and history.

malachite healing crystal

Malachite, with its beautiful, rich green color, leaves no doubt of its importance as a jewel. Its opaque strength and power demand respect, mesmerizing the viewer. Yet the movement, flow, and energy in its lines, circles, and designs soothe and welcome. It is spiritually inviting.

Malachite personifies the deep healing green of nature and represents the innate beauty of flowers, trees, roots, and plants. It manifests a deep Devic green which rules the material plane. It is a Stone of Transformation, assisting one in changing situations and providing for spiritual growth. It heals on physical and emotional levels, drawing out impurities and stimulating the Life Force throughout the aura and body.

The name Malachite may come from the Greek word malakee or malache , signifying the resemblance of Mallow leaves, or from the Greek word malakos , meaning soft. Being a carbonate of copper, Malachite is sometimes intergrown with Azurite, forming Malachite-Azurite, or with Chrysocolla, forming Malachite-Chrysocolla.

Well known to ancient Egyptians, Malachite mines were in use between the Suez and Sinai as early as 4000 BC. It was also popular with the ancient Greeks and Romans, for jewelry, ornaments, and in powdered form, for eye shadow. In the Middle Ages, Malachite was believed to protect against the "Evil Eye" and to cure various stomach ailments. Russian czars used Malachite for ornaments and paneling for their castles and intricate inlay work.

malachite healing crystal

Inherent in Malachite are lighter green eye-shaped forms or bands on its surface. These “eye stones,” believed to enhance great visionary powers, were used to ward off negative happenings. They were stones of security and protection for children, and their most remarkable association today is the ability to warn of impending danger by breaking into pieces


Malachite is a protection stone, absorbing negative energies and pollutants from the atmosphere and from the body. It guards against radiation of all kinds, clears electromagnetic pollution, and heals earth energies. Keep near microwaves in the kitchen and televisions in living areas.

In the workplace, Malachite protects against noise, over-bright fluorescent lighting, and harmful rays from technological equipment, negative phone calls, and emails.

As a stone of travel, Malachite protects and overcomes fears of flying if you empower the crystal before a trip by holding it and envisioning yourself in the wings of the Archangel, Raphael. It helps with jet lag, encourages smooth business travel, and protects in travel on congested highways.

Malachite is known for being a stone of support for airplane and airline workers as a protection against accidents, miners for protection from unexplained accidents, and for secretaries to stimulate clear thinking.

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Malachite Healing Properties

Malachite healing properties can help with physical, emotional, and spiritual balance and issues. It has healing powers to help with physical ailments and emotional issues. It is also used in Energy Healing and Chakra balancing. Malachite healing crystal therapies include regulating the menstrual cycle, helping with depression and anxiety, and drawing out the negative energy. The therapeutic uses of Malachite have a long and well-documented history. Meditation with Malachite is also highly recommended.

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Malachite is an effective remedy for female problems; especially regulating the menstrual cycle and cramps, and for easing labor. It has been called the Midwife Stone. It resonates with the female sexual organs and treats sexual discomfort, especially when caused by traumatic past experiences.

Malachite relieves cold sweats, malaria, trembling, and Parkinson’s disease, and helps with asthma, intestinal problems, and rheumatic pain. It is a diuretic stone and can help cure kidney and gallstones. It fights osteoarthritis, most notably in the spine, and strengthens memory. This is especially true for those with short-term memory loss who forget the names of people right after hearing them.

Known to lower blood pressure, Malachite also treats epilepsy, travel sickness, and vertigo. It helps in the healing of fractures, swollen joints, growths, tumors, torn muscles, and broken bones. It enhances the immune system and stimulates the liver to release toxins.

We must again warn you: use only polished Malachite. Do not use any Malachite elixir. Do not place any Malachite in your mouth. If you use this stone, use common sense. Place it on the body with a small cloth under it. Its healing powers will not be diminished.

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As a stone of transformation, Malachite encourages change and emotional risk-taking. It shows what is blocking your spiritual growth, draws out deep feelings and psychosomatic causes, then allows you to break unwanted ties and outworn patterns. It encourages the expression of feelings, alleviating shyness, and teaching the responsibility for one’s own thoughts and actions. It supports friendships and empathy for other people.

Malachite helps battle depression and anxiety, gives resistance to emotional blackmail, and heals emotional abuse, especially when suffered in childhood. It also encourages healthy relationships based on love and not need.

Malachite assists in overcoming fear of confrontation, or fear of being seen or noticed, and helps one find the strength within to assume their rightful place in the Universe.

Chakra Balancing Malachite Healing Properties

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With its pure energy rays of green, Malachite is dedicated to the Heart Chakra. Malachite is also helpful to clear and activate other chakras. Placed on the Third Eye, it activates visualization and psychic vision. Placed on the Solar Plexus, it facilitates deep emotional healing; releasing negative experiences and old traumas.

The Heart Chakra is located near the center of the breastbone. It regulates our interaction with the external world and controls what we embrace and what we resist. When the Heart Chakra is out of balance you may feel either controlling or controlled in a relationship, and become critical of the little foibles of others. Green crystal energy is used to resolve blockages and to re-balance the Heart Chakra, helping us understand our own needs and emotions clearly. We can deal with the ebbs and flows of emotional relationships, understand their cyclic nature, and accept the changes. Shop for Heart Chakra Items >>

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Malachite has the ability to serve different purposes for different people.

For those highly evolved and dedicated to humanitarian purposes, it assists in grounding higher energies onto the planet for those purposes. For those in a purification process, Malachite acts as a purger and a mirror to the subconscious, reflecting into the conscious mind that which needs to be cleansed.

This stone is dense and nontransparent, absorbing energy instead of emitting it. Place Malachite stones over areas that are diseased or painful, to draw out the negative energy and surface the causes for it. Because of the absorbing properties, it is important to  cleanse the stones after such use.

malachite healing crystal

Malachite can be a powerful ally for those waiting for their reality to change. It reminds us we have come here to co-create with the Universe and helps in identifying the steps necessary to bring dreams, visions, and wishes into physical reality.

Malachite stimulates dreams and brings memories vividly to life.   It is also an excellent stone for the re-birthing process, providing easy disposal of opposing encounters.

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Malachite, with its pure  green ray of Influence, is a "growth crystal" – a powerful conduit of the earth’s Life Force of birth, development, and creation, and of the power of nature’s constant renewal. It is a potent aid in nurturing, whether of fledgling family relationships or a new business venture.

Green talismans are perfect for keeping a venture on course, a project on schedule, and life on track. Lighter Malachite crystals promote spiritual growth and a renewed commitment to a higher purpose. Those of a darker hue are talismans of physical growth and strength as well as safety in travel.

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Malachite reveals the truth about oneself and brings to the surface that which is unknown or unseen to the conscious mind.

When used, worn, or meditated upon, it will draw out and reflect whatever is impeding spiritual growth. It is best used in conjunction with meditation to help balance and release the debris that is revealed.

To break negative patterns of behavior, speak your fears and sorrows aloud daily as you hold the crystal, then, leave it in a sheltered place outdoors overnight to carry away the fears.

Some practitioners have used Malachite in meditations to get in touch with the Earth Mother. Holding one and sitting quietly on the ground for a few minutes helps many people to be more aware of the earth as a living organism upon whom we are totally dependent.

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Malachite can be used for scrying. Journeying through its convoluted patterns releases the mind, assisting in receiving insights from the subconscious or messages from the future

Druzy Malachite Cluster-170867

If your birthday falls in any of the following periods, a Malachite of the color listed can be a valuable conduit to your Guardian Angel. The table also provides the name of the Guardian Angel of those born in the time period.

There are other Angels that are partial to Malachite, too. The table below gives you more information about them.

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Malachite honors  Hathor , the Egyptian Goddess of Joy and Fertility. She is often honored as a special Goddess of Musicians, and as the "Lady of Malachite," she is the patron of Egyptian miners.

Azurite/Malachite honors  Isis , the Egyptian Goddess of Life, the most important goddess of Egyptian mythology. She is widely honored as a Goddess that brings the power of the divine feminine. Malachite and Azurite bring together the green of the earth and the blue of the sky, as Isis is the daughter of Earth and Sky.

Crystals of green also honor  Persephone , the Greek Goddess of Spring. She represents celebration and the Earth alive with new growth.

crystal aromatherapy

Malachite Birthstone

There are several ways to find an appropriate birthstone. The traditional one is listed first. These are from the popular lists that most people are familiar with. The second way is to find your natural birthstone by the color wheel of life. Finally, many people use the traditional stones of the Zodiac.

In this section, you will find information on all three approaches.

Malachite is not a traditional birthstone.

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Malachite, with its beautiful green color, is one of the natural birthstones for those born in mid-spring (20 April – 20 May).

Green crystals bring you renewal, success in new ventures, and good health.

Malachite Zodiac Crystal for Taurus

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Malachite is one of the zodiac stones for those born in the heart of spring, under the sign of  Taurus , from 20 April – 20 May. Taureans are known for being "down to Earth," the doers and the realists. They are affectionate, known for their tempers, and very stubborn. Shop for all Taurus Items Now >>

Since Malachite is a stone of fertility, it develops the creative potential of all the signs to varying degrees. Wearing Malachite strengthens the love earthy Taurus feels for the natural world, Scorpio’s animal nature transforms into a productive creative force, and the creativity unleashed in Cancer is spectacular for artists, painters, and musicians.


Throughout history, Malachite has been considered to be a talisman for children. If a piece of the stone were attached to an infant’s cradle, all evil spirits were held aloof and the child slept soundly and peacefully.

In some parts of Germany, Malachite shared with Turquoise the repute of protecting the wearer from danger in falling, and also gave warning of approaching disaster by breaking into pieces.

At one time, the appropriate design to be engraved upon a Malachite was the image of the sun. Such a gem would become a powerful talisman and protected the wearer from enchantments, evil spirits, and the attacks of venomous creatures.

Because of Malachite's peculiar markings, some of which suggest the form of an eye, it was worn in parts of Italy as an amulet to protect the wearer from the spell of the Evil Eye. Such stones were called "peacock stones," from their resemblance in color and markings to the peacock’s tail. The form of these Malachite amulets is usually triangular and mounted in silver.

Malachite is a Guardian Builder Crystal. The Guardian talismans do not reveal their inner strength. These stones rarely, if ever, form transparent crystals. Rather, they hide their strength behind an opaque mask, obscuring the power they possess. In the physical world, they are fantastic amulets for protecting your loved ones, your possessions, and your physical security.

Combined with the Earth Power of a Builder , these crystals are perfect aids in building up wealth or improving our lot in life both materially and spiritually. They help in development efforts, in learning new skills and knowledge, and in building new relationships.

crystal candles

Malachite utilizes  Wood Energy , the energy of growth, expansion, new beginnings, nourishment, and health. It enhances vitality, brings abundance, and keeps us growing physically. Use green crystals to enhance any space used for eating, in the room of a small child, or in a place of your home where you are beginning a new project.

Wood Energy is traditionally associated with the East and Southeast areas of a home or room. It is associated with the Family and Health area, and the Prosperity and Abundance area.

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Malachite is one of the oldest known stones, used for thousands of years for its healing and transforming properties.

In ancient Egypt, Malachite was used by the upper classes as one of their main power stones, serving as a grounding force to help them channel higher energies onto the planet.

The pharaohs often lined the inside of their headdresses with Malachite, believing it helped them rule wisely. It was also pulverized into a fine powder and used as a brilliant eye shadow. This green adornment was not only cosmetic, it was reported to stimulate clear vision and insight.

In Switzerland and in several villages of Savoie in the French Alps, Malachite crosses are thought to bring good luck to pregnant women, and mothers of large families are proud to show their collections of Malachite crosses. Collectors have crosses that date back to the fifteenth century.

It was believed that a piece of the stone attached to an infant’s cradle, would keep away all evil spirits and the child would sleep soundly and peacefully. The gemstone was often worn by children as a talisman, protecting them from bad dreams while giving them a greater sense of emotional security.

Malachite is one of the stones dedicated to Saint Francis of Assisi. The association is so great, that legend claims Malachite, held in the hand or worn as a jewel, will enable one to understand the language of the animals, and if one regularly drinks from a cup made of Malachite, it is possible to communicate with them.

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Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian, The Book of Stones (Berkley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2007).

Cassandra Eason, The New Crystal Bible (London: Carlton Books Ltd., 2010)

William T. Fernie, The Occult and Curative Powers of Precious Stones (Blauvelt, NY: Rudolph Steiner Publications, 1973)

Michael Gienger, Healing Crystals (Scotland: Earthdancer Books, 2009)

Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible (Cincinnati, OH: Walking Stick Press, 2003)

Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible 2 (Cincinnati, OH: Walking Stick Press, 2009)

George Frederick Kunz, The Curious Lore of Precious Stones (New York: Dover Publications, 1971)

Florence Megemont, The Metaphysical Book of Gems and Crystals (Rochester, VT: Healing Arts Press, 2008)

Dorothee L. Mella, Stone Power II (Albuquerque, NM: Brotherhood of Life, Inc., 1986)

Melody, Love Is In The Earth (Wheat Ridge, CO: Earth-Love Publishing House, 1995)

Katrina Raphaell, Crystal Enlightenment (Santa Fe, NM: Aurora Press, 1985)

(Please note: Information on this web site is no substitute for consulting a health care professional. All information contained on this web site, including information relating to medical and health conditions, products and treatments, is for informational purposes only. Please see your doctor or health care professional before starting any alternative treatments, diets, supplements or exercise programs.)

9 Crystals for Safe Travel

By Mary Ancillette | June 27, 2024

A guide to the best crystals for safe travel

Do you get tense or nervous when travelling? Whether you’re worried others may cause an accident, or find the bustle of busy airports and stations overwhelming, these nine crystals can promote safe travel.

Travelling can be a mind expanding experience – but that doesn’t mean it’s stress-free.

Busy airports, delays and road congestion make any journey difficult. Many people also feel anxious about their safety, particularly when flying or visiting foreign countries.

The good news is that healing crystals can promote safe and enjoyable travel. If you have a fear of flying, feel outside your comfort zone, or are just home sick, these nine crystals and gemstones may help.


Which are the Best Crystals & Gem Stones for Travelling?


1. Amethyst (Stone of Spirituality, Contentment and Meditation)

Colour : Purple to Lavender Chakra : Crown and Third Eye Origin : USA, Mexico, Canada, Russia, India, Sri Lanka, Britain, Brazil, Uruguay, Siberia, Africa

Amethyst has traditionally been used for protecting travellers against thieves. But it has other attributes that make it a crystal to take on your next journey.

With its soothing energy and calming influence, amethyst helps you find a balance between common sense and an easy-going attitude when travelling. This can reduce anxiety when making a decision, so you have a more pleasant and safe journey.

Besides soothing anxieties, amethyst’s protective nature promotes a peaceful journey whilst shielding you against negative energies.

Tip : Do you often feel anxious even when you’re not travelling? If so, take a look at the best healing crystals for anxiety by  clicking here .

Black Tourmaline

2. Black Tourmaline

Colour : Black Chakra : Root Origin : Brazil, Zimbabwe, Australia, USA, Africa, Pakistan, Sri Lanka

Black tourmaline is the master for protection when travelling.

Its grounding properties can protect against the negative energies of frustrated drivers and fellow travellers in airports. In fact, it’s one of the best all-round crystals for protection. You may also find it useful in other crowded environments, such as tourist attractions or train stations.

Aside from its energetic shielding, black tourmaline can promote a more positive and laid back approach when travelling. If you need a bear hug of reassurance, it’s a great crystal to choose.

Tip for Using Black Tourmaline: Carry or wear black tourmaline on the left-hand side of your body, as it’s believed energy enters your aura on the left.


3. Malachite (Stone of Transformation)

Colour : Green Chakra : Heart and Throat Origin : Romania, Zambia, Russia, Germany, Middle East, Australia

Malachite is the Guardian Stone for Travellers. It protects against accidents and is a must have for your collection when travelling.

This crystal’s immense power of transformation encourages you to take responsibilities for your actions. This allows the “ego” to take a back seat, making for a safer journey.

If you’re fearful when flying, suffer from vertigo or have a deep-seated dread of congested highways, Malachite’s protective nature will calm you and surround you with loving energy. These range of benefits make it one of the best stones for travel.

But be mindful: should it start to crumble it’s said that danger is imminent!


4. Moonstone (Stone of New Beginnings)

Colour : White, Cream, Yellow Milky Sheen Chakra : Crown Origin : Sri Lanka, India, Australia, USA

Moonstone is a lovely healing stone if you’re travelling, as it’s thought to bring luck and joy to your adventures. It’s also useful for soothing motion sickness and can ease feelings of being home sick when abroad or away for long periods.

With its links to the moon and reputation for being a traveller’s stone, moonstone is said to lighten pathways and protect you when travelling at night. It’s also an excellent stone for protecting against road rage, accidents over water and easing symptoms of jet lag.

Yellow Jasper

5. Yellow Jasper (Supreme Nurturer)

Colour : Yellow Chakra : Solar Plexus Origin : India, Russia, Australia, Venezuela, USA, Brazil, Uruguay, South Africa

Yellow jasper is a talisman for protection when travelling both physically or spiritually.

It stimulates and balances the solar plexus , which reduces the stress and anxieties that can sometimes occur when travelling. So, if you’re out of your comfort zone or have lost your sense of direction, yellow jasper can ground you and give a welcome boost to confidence levels.

Yellow jasper is also a sunny stone of happiness. Take it in your suitcase for protection and to enhance mental clarity and positive energy. It can also help ease motion sickness.

Tiger's Eye

6. Tiger’s Eye (Stone of the Mind)

Colour : Brown, Yellow, Red Chakra : Solar Plexus, Root Origin : Mexico, USA, South Africa, Australia, India, Brazil, Thailand

Tiger’s eye has a myriad of healing properties that make it a good crystal to choose when travelling.

Combining the earth and sun energy, this gemstone can keep you grounded whilst promoting enthusiasm for exploring new places.

It’s also a stone that promotes courage, releases fear, protects against negativity and provides an overall sense of mindfulness, which are all beneficial when travelling.

Smoky Quartz

7. Smoky Quartz (Stone of Cooperation)

Colour : Light to Dark Smokey Grey/Brown Chakra : Root Origin : Worldwide

Smoky quartz is a wonderful crystal for absorbing negative energy. It’ll help relieve tension and can protect you around erratic drivers or stressed travellers.

It’s also a peace token. So, if you’re feeling unsure of your surroundings or need more clarity, holding smoky quartz brings a calming sense of awareness.

As well as physical travel, smoky quartz can boost intuition during spiritual travel.

Tip for Using Smoky Quartz:  Smoky quartz with amethyst makes a powerful tool for travelling safely.


8. Aquamarine (Stone of Courage and Protection)

Colour : Pale Blue/Green Chakra : Throat Origin : Brazil, Madagascar, USA, Russia, Mexico, India, Afghanistan, Mozambique

Aquamarine’s lovely soothing energy makes it a talisman of good luck for sailors and those travelling on or over water.

Ancient folklore says Aquamarine was the treasure of mermaids. Coming from the Latin Aqua Marinus, meaning ‘water of the sea,’ and combined with it being a Stone of Courage and Protection, this is a wonderful gemstone to travel with.

Aquamarine can also bring a sense of joy to your travels, alleviate stress, calm over-wrought emotions and help avoid delays.

Tip : Want to learn more about using crystals to increase courage? Click here .

Rose Quartz

9. Rose Quartz (Stone of Unconditional Love)

Colour : Pink Chakra : Heart Origin : USA, Japan, India, Brazil, Madagascar, South Africa, Argentina, Mexico

Rose quartz is the crystal of love. So, can you imagine how self-love can enhance your experience when you travel?

By imbuing yourself with compassion and love, you’re tuning into the best version you can be. This amplifies positivity and enhances how you react to situations.

Travelling alone in unfamiliar places can be unnerving. But rose quartz’ loving properties can reduce home sickness, attract positive energies and maybe even protect against accidents.

BONUS CRYSTAL: Shungite (Stone of Life & Winner of Nobel Peace Prize 1996)


If you want a crystal for airports, this is the one!

Shungite, with its natural fullerene (carbon) content, can shield against electromagnetic fields emitted by mobile phones, laptops and security scanners in airports.

Tip for Using Shungite: Due to its powerful antioxidant properties and purifying ability, take a shungite elixir with you when travelling. You can also place shungite stickers on the backs of your phone, and shungite pyramids by computers and routers.

A man with a plane in the background

Other Tips for Using Crystals and Stones for Safe Travel

The energetic vibrations of the above crystals for travel can help protect you from erratic behaviours and negative energies. They can also bring calmness and clarity.

Here are a few ways to get the most from these crystals:

  • Wearing crystals in jewellery, such as rings, bracelets and necklaces, is an easy way to travel with them.
  • Place crystals in your luggage, handbag, purse or pocket to minimise negative influences on journeys.
  • Make a travel pouch with several different crystals. Place it in your bag or suitcase to benefit wherever you go.
  • If you’re staying in a hotel, lay a crystal grid around your bed or place your favourite crystals on the bedside table whilst you sleep.
  • Make a crystal cleansing spray before you travel so you can cleanse any stagnant energies in cars, hotel rooms, airplanes or train carriages.
  • Don’t worry about choosing smaller stones that take up less space. This won’t affect the crystal’s energetic properties.

Note: While crystals for travel can protect against negative energies, don’t rely on them for travel safety. Proper planning, researching your destination, and using common sense are vital.

Angel Grotto Angel Icon

Which Angels are Associated With Travel?

St Christopher is the Patron Saint of Travel. Some people like to protect themselves by carrying a St Christopher medal with them to invoke a blessing. However, you can also call upon the angels to protect you.

The ones I most associate with safe travel are:

  • Archangel Michael   (Archangel of Safe Travel)  – Archangel Michael releases fear and offers protection when travelling.
  • Archangel Raphael (Patron of Travelling)  – Archangel Raphael has a green aura and is linked to the healing crystal of malachite.

Modern transport has made travel more accessible, safe and enjoyable. But it’s also caused a culture of short-tempers, frustrating queues and negative energies.

These nine crystals, with their links to safe and enjoyable travel, ensure you stay grounded and protected from negative energy. They can also allow your common sense and intuition to guide you.

My favourite crystal for safe travel is malachite. It’s the Guardian Stone for Travellers and gives the sense of protection from accidents whilst empowering me to take responsibility for my actions. 

Mary Ancillette

About the Author: Mary Ancillette

Mary is a spiritual teacher, published author and crystal healing expert from the UK. With over 15 years of crystal healing experience, she’s passionate about helping others improve their lives by harnessing the power of crystals and spirituality.

4 thoughts on “9 Crystals for Safe Travel”

Good Morning,

Is it safe to pair malachite with these other crystals? Thank you, Maria

Yes, malachite is pretty versatile. It works well with copper-based crystals, other green crystals or earth element stones, but can be paired with any of these “Safe Travel” crystals. Don’t use it in elixirs though.

I found your site by accident (or maybe the crystals pointed me to you) I am travelling to Canada on my own so require protection. I asked the crystals that I already had but they did not seem happy – as I was in town I went to a crystal shop (used before) for a piece of Malachite, while there two more crystals made themselves known to me so I purchased them and brought them home. I now feel that I can travel more easily and be less nervous.

On my return I will be coming back to your page to read and digest more information

Hi Rachel, thank you for your comment and I’m glad this article was helpful to you. Have a great time!

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15 Best Crystals for Travel (for Safe Travelling, Protection and Adventure)

Pack your bags, because we’re covering the best crystals for travel in this article.

Here’s the list:

  • Malachite – For jet lag, motion sickness and accident prevention
  • Tiger’s Eye – For lone travelers
  • Green Aventurine – To attract opportunities on your trip
  • Aquamarine – For safe travel over water and long-distance trips
  • Yellow Jasper – To beat FOMO
  • Garnet – To explore by your senses
  • Blue Aventurine – To go on an adventure
  • Black Tourmaline – To shield your energy field
  • Amethyst – To curb travel anxiety and sleep well anywhere
  • Rhodonite – For couples going on vacation
  • Crazy Lace Agate – To go with the flow
  • Turquoise – To clarify communication and safeguard your possessions
  • Moonstone – For nighttime travel
  • Jade – For good health and new friendships
  • Shungite – To repel electromagnetic fields (EMF)

Table of Contents

Can I Travel With Crystals?

Yes, you most definitely can travel with crystals!

Crystals can provide you with safety, security and anxiety relief as you travel.

They can suck up bad energy, repel electromagnetic fields and give you more energy to make the most of your trip.

They can protect you on the highway, on boat rides and in the sky flying from coast to coast.

We’re going to dive into which crystals do what below.

But first, a quick note—it’s always a good idea to look up the guidelines and restrictions of any company you’re traveling with, like a cruise ship or airline.

However, in general, crystals are not restricted unless they’re adding too much bulk and weight to your luggage (which can be a serious problem for crystal addicts).

Read Next: Crystals for Adventure

Best Crystals for Travel

1. malachite.

  • Alleviates travel illness, jet lag and physical ailments
  • Guards against accidents
  • Calms travel fears

Malachite is one of the most well-respected travel stones.

It can cure your car or sea sickness, alleviate jet lag, stop vertigo attacks and guide you along safer, more comfortable travels.

It can even soothe your fears of travel, if you have any. For sure, malachite can get you through some long and stressful flights.

And speaking of flights, malachite is also said to provide some protection from radiation.

If you want a stone for accident protection , malachite can do that, too. In short, it’s a phenomenal crystal for taking on just about any big trip.

2. Tiger’s Eye

  • Keeps you savvy and alert
  • Gives solo travelers more confidence and independence

Tiger’s eye keeps you sharp when touring new places.

Traditionally, tiger’s eye is an amulet to protect against evil. Lending you its watchful eye, it focuses your attention to what’s going on around you, so you stay savvy and alert.

You’ll have more insight into what’s happening in a given situation so that you’re better able to stay the course and take the best path.

For all those taking a solo trip, tiger’s eye nurtures your solar plexus chakra, making you more confident, courageous and independent.

Read Next: Best Starter Crystals

3. Green Aventurine

  • Opens up opportunities on your journey
  • Assists you in venturing outside your comfort zone

Green aventurine can open doorways to make your journey that much more amazing.

This lucky crystal is known for inviting opportunities to satiate your deepest desires and create new beginnings.

Even if you’re the timid type, green aventurine bolsters your confidence to say “yes” to what life will offer you.

As it’s especially beneficial in situations where you’re not sure what the outcome will be, it’s perfect for the adventurous soul.

If you want to maximize its benefits, get yourself some green aventurine during the planning stage of your trip. It will shape it into something truly beneficial for you.

4. Aquamarine

  • Keeps you safe while traveling by water
  • Also protective for long-distance trips

Planning any canoe rides, cruises or other modes of travel by water?

Aquamarine is the crystal you want to pack.

A crystal of Poseidon, it’s said that ancient Greeks wore aquamarine amulets to protect them on dangerous voyages, as did the Romans.

Aquamarine is still a powerful talisman when crossing over water, especially expansive open waters. 

In addition to this, aquamarine will protect you on any long-distance trips, whether by car, plane or train.

5. Yellow Jasper

  • Protects in all kinds of travel
  • Creates excitement and enthusiasm
  • Fights FOMO

Yellow jasper has long been used as an amulet for protection with all sorts of travel. This includes travel of the physical, mental and astral types.

It stimulates happiness, courage and excitement , making it a great companion for trying new things.

With its association with the solar plexus chakra, yellow jasper strengthens the ego and will, making you more confident and a better decision-maker.

For anyone who’s wasted precious vacation time fearing FOMO , this is crucial.

  • Enhances your instincts
  • Gives you more energy
  • Triggers your instincts to avoid danger

Garnet is a traveler’s stone that can guide your journeys far and wide.

It enhances your gut instinct, helping you know exactly where to go and what to do.

Strengthening your passion and vitality, garnet is fantastic for discovering through your senses and experiencing in your body.

One great thing about garnet is that it will energize you like a cup of strong coffee. So now you can be sure to cross everything off your itinerary!

As it heightens your instincts, garnet can also make you quicker to react , which can help you avoid danger on the highway or elsewhere.

7. Blue Aventurine

  • Sparks adventure
  • Prevents your things from getting lost

Looking for a new experience on your vacation? 

Blue aventurine puts you in adventurous spirits to make some amazing memories.

You’ll explore with a sense of authentic wonder and amazement , just like you’re a kid again.

Even if you’re only going for the weekend, blue aventurine can make things more interesting for you.

Put it in your bags and it will keep them from getting lost as well.

8. Black Tourmaline

  • Grounds you and keeps psychic attacks out
  • Keeps other people’s emotions from affecting you

This is an important crystal to keep for your treks anywhere you go.

The reason is that it’s going to protect your energy and keep negative vibrations far away from you.

If you tend to feel exhausted from crowded airports, black tourmaline is for you.

It will prevent other people’s travel anxieties, stresses and emotions from entering your bubble and affecting you.

9. Amethyst

  • Reduces anxiety
  • Keeps positive energy around you
  • Makes it easier to fall asleep anywhere

Travelers use amethyst to alleviate anxieties of all types, including anxiousness about flying, sailing and so on.

Grab your amethyst when you’re feeling nervous and just hold onto it. Let its peacefulness flow through you.

Amethyst can also form a cloak of positivity around you, keeping negative influences at bay.

Have a hard time sleeping away from home?

Amethyst can also cure insomnia and give you better, more restful shuteye in your camping tent or hotel room.

10. Rhodonite

  • Good for couples to strengthen their bond
  • Prevents arguments through compassion and understanding

If you’re going on a trip with your significant other, rhodonite is the love stone you might want to take.

With its compassionate and loving energy, rhodonite will help you reconnect with each other on a romantic getaway.

Carried with you or kept on your hotel nightstand, rhodonite reduces the risk of lovers’ quarrels. Because nobody wants to spend their vacation arguing.

Its heart-healing energy can also help you let go of any blockages preventing you from accepting joyful experiences.

11. Crazy Lace Agate

  • Encourages you to relax and go with the flow
  • Brings fun, festive energy

If you feel you’re a little too rigid, crazy lace agate enables you to let loose and be more spontaneous.

A fun, joyful stone, crazy lace agate is also nicknamed “Happy Lace” and the “Laughter Stone.”

It encourages you to go with the flow, which is often exactly what we need when things don’t go as we planned.

In fact, you may even have more fun.

Use crazy lace agate to venture off the beaten path and find out where the action is. It will help you embrace all options and spot a fiesta from a mile away.

12. Turquoise

  • Safeguards your belongings as you travel
  • Can help prevent accidents
  • Aids clear communication

It’s said that turquoise will guard your stuff so it doesn’t get lost or stolen.

So it may be worthwhile to toss a piece of turquoise in your airplane luggage!

Turquoise is another stone that can help to prevent accidents, especially accidents that involve falling.

But it’s also great for communication, allowing you to convey information clearly and to be understood.

This can come in handy if you’re going somewhere a different language is spoken—though is there really ever a time you don’t need good communication skills?

13. Moonstone

  • Provides safety travelling at night and over water
  • Brings good fortune
  • Beneficial for anyone spending time outdoors

As a talisman of travelers, moonstone is most protective at night.

So if you’re on a road trip driving in the wee hours of the morning, consider moonstone as your passenger.

Moonstone can also defend your travels on water and bless your journey with good luck and calm, peaceful encounters.

Associated with the rhythms of nature , moonstone is a fabulous one to take with you on camping trips or any wilderness excursion.

Meditate with it outside to find your inner peace and connect to the natural world around you.

  • Helps to prevent illness
  • Can spark new friendships on your travels

Jade is highly prized for its beauty, spiritual properties and tendency to make good things happen in your life.

But as a traveler’s stone, jade can keep you in fit and healthy condition.

Traveling on trains and planes with little air flow and exposing yourself to various environments, you can easily pick up a nasty bug.

But jade can help prevent illness and speed up recovery if you do catch something.

As it attracts friendship, jade can also bring new friends and acquaintances into your path.

15. Shungite

  • Repels electromagnetic radiation
  • Purifies energy and the emotional body

Did you know there are crystals that can repel electromagnetic fields (EMF) from those airport security body scanners?

Shungite is one of the best.

In fact, shungite can reduce electromagnetic radiation from  cellphones, TVs and other technologies we use every day.

Cleansing your aura and acting as a vacuum for negativity, shungite will leave you feeling light and emotionally stable.

Crystal FAQ

What gemstone represents adventure.

If you want an adventure, these stones will send you off on a journey to remember:

  • Blue aventurine
  • Green aventurine
  • Crazy Lace Agate
  • Golden aura quartz
  • Labradorite

Is tiger’s eye good for travel?

As we mention above, tiger’s eye can assist in the creation of some really interesting opportunities for your travels.

It brings forward your qualities associated with your personal power, making you more confidence and secure.

The universe recognizes this and delivers experiences that help you grow as a person who is fully aware of their power to make their own dreams come true.

Crystals to bring with you

These crystals are recommended for carrying with you at all times:

  • Selenite – Raises your vibration
  • Citrine – An incredible positive energy crystal
  • Amethyst – Expands awareness and soothes anxiety
  • Rose quartz – For love 
  • Black tourmaline – Blocks bad vibes
  • Tiger’s eye – Creates opportunities
  • Red jasper – Increases your chi

Read our article Best Crystals to Carry With You for more crystals and what they do.

What is the best crystal to wear daily?

Crystals you’ll want to wear daily include:

  • Clear quartz – For clear thinking and energy amplification
  • Rose quartz – To love yourself and others
  • Amethyst – To stay stress-free and connect to the universe
  • Citrine – For happiness and abundance
  • Green aventurine – For abundance, wealth and emotional balance
  • Tiger’s eye – To achieve your goals
  • Smoky quartz – To ground and protect you
  • Black tourmaline – To transmute negativity into positive energy
  • Selenite – To cleanse your aura and keep chakras aligned

Read Also:   What Is the Best Crystal to Wear Daily?

What crystal is best for everything?

If there’s a crystal that’s best for everything, it’s clear quartz.

Clear quartz can be programmed to do whatever you want it to do. We’re talking about strong, unlimited manifestation powers.

Whether you want deep healing, spiritual guidance or to manifest a better job, clear quartz will be the antenna that broadcasts your wish to the universe and makes it come true.

What is the luckiest crystal?

Green aventurine is often said to be the luckiest, but it’s not the only one.

Here are some of the luckiest crystals you can buy:

  • Tiger’s eye
  • Clear quartz

Read Also:   Best Crystals for Good Luck

What crystals can’t be in sun?

Many crystals will actually lose color in direct sun exposure.

Others will get brittle, chip and crack.

There’s a fairly extensive list of crystals you shouldn’t leave in sunlight, so we’re just going to list some of the most common you’ll come across: 

  • Common quartz varieties – amethyst, rose quartz, citrine, smoky quartz
  • Fluorite 
  • Sodalite (unless you keep sun exposure to an hour or two)

What crystal is good for anxiety?

These are some of the best crystals to banish anxiety:

  • Watermelon tourmaline
  • Rose quartz

Crystals to bring to the beach

Want to pay homage to the ocean and connect to the ebb and flow of its tides?

Bring these crystals to the beach:

  • Ocean jasper
  • Blue lace agate

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Malachite: Meaning, Properties and Powers

Malachite: Meaning, Properties and Powers

The Spiritual Meaning Of Malachite

The name is derived from the Greek word ‘malakos’, meaning soft. But there’s nothing soft or weak about this stone that is also known as the mirror of the soul!

Malachite is a stone for transformation. It brings healing to any part of your life that needs it – most notably your relationships. The mirror-like quality of the stone reflects back whatever is shown to it. Be it love or hate, happiness or anger.

This also means that everything you need to know about yourself can be found within Malachite. It holds the energy of the stars and has a unique ability to connect us with our other selves. The ones we may have been in past lives.

The Properties Of Malachite

Physical and geological properties of malachite.

Malachite is one of only four minerals that comes in two colors. It also occurs as crystals, compact masses, and botryoidal (grape-shaped) clusters.

The stone has a Mohs hardness of 3.5 – 4 and a specific gravity of 3.3 – 4.1, which makes it easily pitted by the elements.

Malachite is found in copper mines around the world, usually, as a replacement of another mineral (most notably Limonite) and is often associated with Azurite.

Metaphysical Properties Of Malachite

Malachite comes from two Greek words ‘malakos’ which means soft and ‘cheilos’ meaning lip. This refers to the stone’s ability to absorb everything around it and hold it within its folds. Like a shell or the softness of a mother’s embrace.

Whether you need help with your career, relationships, self-confidence, creativity; Malachite has the properties to address them all! It is also highly protective, both to its wearer and the environment around it.

It has a high level of absorptive properties which makes it one of the best stones for grounding. This is how it can help with physical symptoms such as lethargy, stiffness, aches, pains, etc. It also helps heal emotional symptoms such as feelings of emptiness or un-worthiness.

Malachite carries feminine energy that also has the potential to become masculine during its various stages of growth, along with a vibrating healing frequency of approximately 275-282 MHz.

Varieties Of Malachite

Malachite is the national gem of Zambia and Russia. It is also popular in Australia, especially around Lightning Ridge, where it can be found as large crystals.

It has several varieties known by other names including Azurmalachite (which occurs with Azurite); Cupro-Malachite (a green coating over copper); Blue Malachite (with a blue tint); Black-eyed or Peacock-eye (Metallic grey spots forming the shape of an eye on a lighter green background), and Tree Malachite (shiny blades radiating out from the center).

Eye malachites are particularly rare. They contain copper compounds that give it a pale blue color when polished.

Why Would You Use Malachite?

You may be thinking that you don’t need Malachite in your life. But you can greatly benefit from the energies that this stone can bring. In case you didn’t know it yet, malachite is also known as the Stone of Transformation.

It will help you deal with the many changes that can happen in your life because it stimulates clear thinking and controlled emotions.

There will always be challenges, surprises, and unexpected events. But knowing that you have the protective and supportive energies of the malachite can spell the difference between rising and falling.

It will help you heal on a physical and emotional level, removing anything that’s making you feel weak or toxic. By removing all the impure energies in your life, you are also stimulating the positive life force in your body and your aura.

It symbolizes the healing green of the nature around you.

It will open your eyes to the beauty of the world and make you more aware of how you can use everything that surrounds you to make yourself better, happier, and more at peace.

What’s more, it is known to have great visionary powers that can effectively ward off negative events from happening. It can keep you safe and protect you against accidents.

Malachite crystal helps you to keep your senses sharp, and your intuition sharper. However, it also has a grounding quality that means that when you do follow those hunches, you have the rational backing to feel confident in your choices.

If you bring it into your meditation regimen, you’ll find that the types of psychic vision and insights that reach you are clearer and more easily understood.

You’ll also know how to act on this often surprising information as it manifests within you, and people might well remark on your sudden upswing in personal confidence and direction!

Its metaphysical properties always translate well into the physical world.

Malachite is also a stone of travel, just like Phlogopite . It’s great to carry with you when you have a fear of flying.

This stone will also help you overcome your fear of heights. It will help give you smooth travels. It also works great with jet lag or for keeping you calm during bad traffic jams, delayed flights, or stormy seas.

How Will Malachite Help You?

This is a crystal that is famous for its healing energies. It can help boost your immune system so that you don’t fall sick easily, even when you’re in a room full of people with a bad cold.

When you’re experiencing irregular menstruation, having it close to you all the time can help regulate your period and fix your monthly cycle. This will also aid in your efforts to be pregnant or become more fertile.

If you’re suffering from painful menstrual periods, it can also help ease the painful symptoms, especially when paired with Picasso Marble .

It can make your PMS go away, menstrual cramps, bloating, irritability, high emotions, and all. It will help you not feel like a fragile little thing with an appetite of a horse every single month!

Did you know that it is also called The Midwife Stone? Midwives use it to ease labor pains and to protect both mom and baby during childbirth.

If you have any concerns with anything related to the female organ, this is your go-to crystal.

It also works well in lowering your blood pressure. It’s good to have it with you when you have heart problems, or if you’re suffering from asthma, rheumatic pains, or intestinal problems.

Healers also use it to ease the trembling associated with Parkinson’s disease.

If you have vertigo or are prone to suffer travel sickness, it will be a great idea to have it in your pocket or inside your purse whenever you go out.

It’s also effective in healing tumors, fractures, or swollen joints and muscles. When you’re feeling muscle aches or strains after a long day at work, running this stone through the part that aches can make you feel a whole lot better.

Malachite can also help your liver release toxins from your body. It’s a stone that uses wood energy, which symbolizes good health and nourishment.

When you have malachite in your possession, together with Mahogany Obsidian , it will boost your vitality and encourage your body to grow well physically.

So many of these malachite healing properties work because of how this stone likewise affects your mind.

The connection between our thoughts and our physical health, and the emotions that come back and forth because of all that, all are interconnected.

Even the most stuffy of doctors and scientists are admitting the same as what faith healers and New Age healers have known for years nowadays!

It helps you to remain positive, patient, confident, and believe in a better tomorrow. It also brings your attitude of gratitude, as the phrase goes, into focus. Remembering what you feel good about can help so much in healing.

Being ill or injured is always a fast track to feeling miserable, but keep this stone close at hand nonetheless.

You’ll soon bounce back, and thanks to the outlook Malachite will help you to find, you’ll hopefully fall ill less often too!

Malachite is a growth crystal that is a potent aid in growth, development, creation, or renewal.

When you hit that point in your life where you feel that nothing exciting is happening, or that nothing seems to be working, the energies that you can get from it will help you get out of this slump.

It’s a stone of good fortune. The wearer of this stone will attract all things good when it comes to money, wealth, and opportunities. It symbolizes abundance, expansion, and new beginnings.

When you find yourself in a tough spot and finding it difficult to make ends meet, it can help you see new ways to improve your situation and spot new opportunities to remedy your situation.

The properties of open-mindedness, fresh ideas, and good old-fashioned good luck will help you to find the way forward even when it seems as though you are coming up against dead ends and projects that go nowhere, time and time again.

Even the most patient and compassionate of us, or the most business savvy of us, find it very very difficult to remain confident and content when we are constantly coming up against obstacles of this nature.

Yet by letting it into your life, and meditating with it to identify the most effective way forward, the results could well surprise you!

The green in Malachite is a good talisman for new business ventures and for keeping your projects on course and on schedule.

It’s also a reassurance that no matter how busy or crazy your life becomes, your life will always be on track.

This energy will give you strength and wisdom in your professional pursuits. It will promote practicality as well as loyalty in your business partnerships.

Love and Relationships

When it comes to love and relationships, Malachite acts as a protection stone that absorbs negative energies and pollutants around you.

It helps you release all unwanted feelings that can harm you and your relationship.

It is dedicated to your heart chakra. If you want to know where the heart chakra is, it’s right in the center of your breastbone.

This stone will give you a clearer idea of what you should be embracing when it comes to love and life. It will give you a better understanding of the things or the people that you should be avoiding as well.

When the heart chakra is out of balance, there’s a feeling of being out of balance with your emotions, your way of thinking, your way of dealing with people, and your way of handling your relationships.

You will realize that your patience is extra short, that you are easily irritated and snappish, and that you are more open to quarrels and disagreements.

The green energy that it gives will help you regain the balance of your heart chakra. It will help you realize and understand your needs, your wants, and your own emotions.

You will have a better understanding of how to deal with your emotions when it comes to that person you love, your relationship with that person, and the direction that your relationship is heading.

You will be more accepting of the changes with an open heart and have a more positive outlook.

Malachite is a copper that promotes change. If you are ready to leave the past behind and move forward to something better, this stone will give you the courage and strength to do it.

It will give you the emotional healing that you need to finally free yourself from the trauma and negative experiences of the past.

It will open your eyes to what’s preventing you from achieving emotional or spiritual growth.

If you have always been scared or cautious about love, it will encourage you to be more of a risk-taker. It will give you the courage to sever unwanted or unhealthy ties with people who are no longer good for you.

It will also change your old patterns, habits, and behaviors. And it will draw out your deep-seated feelings and their psychosomatic causes.

You may think that it’s just a stone, but its healing energies will help you deal with depression and anxiety caused by problematic or bad relationships.

It will help you overcome your fears and make you confront the problem more bravely.

It will encourage you to voice out your feelings and resist any form of emotional blackmail. By doing so, you will also be freeing yourself from any kind of emotional abuse.

This power made it very sought out by spiritually-minded folks in ages past. But it also speaks on why this crystal is so popular today too.

Green, the color of the heart chakra, is attuned closely to malachite, and you can appreciate how this stone’s energies can help you to quieten a broken heart or an anxious mind.

And by standing your ground and calmly, compassionately speaking your piece, you can help others to understand how their actions affect you.

Oftentimes, those whom we love harm us without meaning to. Simply through carelessness or repetition of the old subconscious and karmic patterns they never know they are enacting.

Likewise, we have our own patterns too that we all have to get over and heal.

It is a good stone to have because it will remove any trace of shyness.

This will work especially well for you when you want to strike up a conversation with that guy you like and just set the wheels in motion.

It will promote healthy and happy relationships that are based on love, not just lust or need.

When you have it with you all the time, you will have a stronger sense of friendship and passion for that person you love.

Malachite will help you gain a better sense of responsibility for your own thoughts and actions.

There will be more faithfulness in your relationship, and you will finally stop feeling small and insignificant in your relationship.

How to Use Malachite for the Best Results?

This really is one of the most beautiful stones you will ever see. So it’s really no surprise that it’s often used for jewelry.

When it is placed very close to the body, it can harness your personal energy field!

It is best made into ornamental stone and as decorative pieces. In fine powder form, you can even use it as an eyeshadow!

When placing it on your body, use a small cloth underneath it. Don’t worry because it will not diminish its energies.

If something has been tormenting you and causing you sleepless nights, you can speak your fears and worries out loud to your Malachite stone while holding it in your hands.

Then place it in a sheltered and secured place outside your house overnight to allow it to take away whatever is troubling you.

A Beautiful Malachite Ring

You can also place it in your home where you usually eat, like the dining room, the kitchen, the breakfast nook, or the patio.

If your child is a picky eater, you can place it in their bedroom, too.

Its healing energies will boost their appetites and remove anything in their bodies that is blocking proper nutrition.

Put it in the east or southeast area of your house or your room so that you can also benefit from the prosperity and abundance that this stone is known to bring.

If placed in the stagnant area of your workplace or your home, you can activate and open the flow of the positive energies in that space.

It’s best to put this stone beside appliances and gadgets to help protect you from their harmful rays.

Put it next to your computer to keep your energy levels up all throughout the day, and to ward off emails or messages that bring bad news!

Feng Shui And Malachite

Malachite is generally not recommended for feng shui use. It emits powerful energy that matches the inner being of its wearer but may result in infidelity or rebellious nature.

Only go for this stone if you are able to handle your emotions responsibly and do not let them overpower you!

However, it makes an excellent display stone and is good for balancing the left and right lobes of the brain.

Chakras And Malachite

Malachite is both a grounding and a high-vibration stone. It opens up your heart chakra to allow you to feel life’s abundance but also grounds excess energy in the process.

It can be used for aura cleansing and helps facilitate gentle change when worn around the neck or near the heart. Malachite is one of the few stones that can be used on all chakras.

The Best Crystals To Combine And Use With Malachite

Chakra crystal combinations.

Heart Chakra: Rose Quartz and Rhodochrosite or Lepidolite helps balance your mood swings.

Malachite has a special affinity with the planet Venus which makes it excellent for sexual energy work. Combine it with Citrine for a powerful release of energy.

Binding your excess energy with Malachite and then cleansing it with Lepidolite is an excellent way to bring peace to the self.

If you are stuck in bad patterns or habits, use Rhodochrosite with Malachite to break them down and replace them with better ones.

Other Crystal Combinations

  • Daily wear: Malachite and Hematite, and/or Green Aventurine.
  • Long Distance Healing: This is especially effective when combined with Smoky Quartz and Black Tourmaline.
  • Grounding: Malachite combines best with Hematite and/or Red Jasper to ground excess energy and cleanse your aura.
  • Protection: Use Lepidolite, Smoky Quartz, or Black Obsidian for grounding.

Malachite is not recommended for pregnant women.

Cleansing And Charging Malachite

Malachite absorbs negative energy and needs to be cleansed for this reason. It is quite a tough stone, but you must never scrub at it or use anything abrasive.

Simply hold the stone under running water while visualizing all negativity flowing away down the drain. You can also cleanse your Malachite in

To charge your Malachite, hold it in both hands for a few minutes while you focus on what you need to achieve with this stone. Then place it overnight near the Taurus birthstone (May 21–25) in the moonlight.

How To Clean And Care For Your Malachite

Malachite is most often polished into cabochons, but it can also be faceted. It is very tough and does not need to be cleaned regularly. If you are really concerned about your stone getting dirty or looking dull, you can use a soft brush to do this.

The best way to clean Malachite stones is with a soft toothbrush and mild dishwater liquid. It is best not to let this stone get wet or you can easily damage it.

Never ever use an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner on Malachite! And never ever expose Malachite to any acids like vinegar, lemon juice, bleach, or chlorine. These powerful chemicals will strip the beautiful green color from the stone and leave it looking dull.

Programming Malachite

Malachite is very easy to program because of its powerful energy. You can use it for fertility, grounding, or sexual energy work among other things.

Simply hold the stone in your power hand and visualize what you want to achieve while wearing Malachite around your neck or near your heart chakra.

You can also program your Malachite by placing it on a written card with the words “for mastering my emotions” written on it. Make sure you carry this stone constantly to help you control your emotional reactions.

Malachite Crystal Grids

Malachite works well in any crystal grid. You can make a simple one with stones that are physically similar to Malachite, like Azurite or Turquoise.

You can also combine Malachite with other grounding stones like Hematite which is easy to find and inexpensive.

If you would like to work with your sexual energy, use Rose Quartz or Rhodochrosite to help you release your sexual inhibitions.

You can also combine this stone with Citrine to get rid of excess energy and dissipate any negative emotions.

Clear Quartz is an excellent addition to any Malachite grid because it will amplify the strength of your stones many times over. Simply place your Quartz stone on top of or next to your Malachite stones.

Astrology And Malachite

Malachite is a stone of Cancer and Capricorn. It works well with any crystal that is related to the Zodiac signs, such as Aquamarine for Aquarius or Amethyst for Pisces.

Malachite As A Birthstone

Malachite is not an official or semi-official birthstone. It is rarely used in jewelry, but if you are using it to heal someone, this might be an important consideration for you.

Malachite In Legends And History

Malachite was believed to be able to protect against almost anything. It was thought that this stone could provide invisibility and it is even said that Malachites could catch disease-carrying miasmas and prevent them from affecting the wearer of the stone.

A green and blue variety of this gemstone is sometimes called “Mountain Emerald” and may be used as a substitute for any type of Emerald. It is also called “Demantoid” or “Steely Emerald” because it can display a very clear, steely gray color that looks just like the finest stones made from this gemstone.

In some legends, Malachite is said to be formed from hardened tears of the green man. It is also related to mermaids and selkies, creatures that live in the ocean but have legs like a human being when they are on land. These beings are often said to carry Malachite stones with them so that they do not forget their origins under the sea.

There are some legends that say Malachite is a storehouse of past life energy and can help you tap into your former selves.

How Much Malachite Costs

Malachite is not a very expensive stone. A small tumbled Malachite gemstone will cost around $1 per piece, but you may have to pay more for polished stones or larger pieces of rough material.

How To Know If A Malachite Is Real Or Fake

If you think that a Malachite is real, try drawing a line on the stone with your fingernail. A real Malachite will produce an oily dark green mark on the surface of the gemstone and the material may even discolor slightly.

A fake Malachite will not react to this test because it has been dyed or treated with oil to make it look like the real stone.

There are no other tests that you can do at home on your own, but if you suspect that a Malachite might be fake, take it to an expert for examination.

Can You Get Malachite as A Bracelet?

You can definitely wear it as a bracelet. Malachite stones have been used since 3,000 B.C. to make jewelry.

In the Middle Ages, Malachite jewelry was worn to protect people from the evil eye and to cure various stomach ailments.

It is the gemstone of transformation, working to clear and cleanse all the chakras.

Wearing a Malachite bracelet helps you keep an emotional balance and remain positive and optimistic.

It carries a very inspiring, healing, and purifying energy that can open your heart to attract all types of love. These types of bracelets are a powerful protector against negative energies.

They fill your auric field with positive vibrations and strengthen your natural energetic field, protecting you from all negative energies.

Wearing a Malachite bracelet helps to facilitate the release of negative experiences so that you can begin to heal from them and regain hope.

It opens your heart to change and progress. It also helps your spiritual evolution by clearing past negative experiences.

These bracelets embody the energies of their beautiful, rich green color, radiating healing, life-force energy.

This aspect of the Malachite bracelet makes it a wonderful healing stone that helps you heal on both a physical and emotional level.

You can use it to draw out unhealthy attachments, habits, and impurities in your energy field. It can also help you break through any barriers and limitations that reside in your path.

Wearing such a bracelet is extremely healing because it really is a powerful stone.

Wearing a Malachite bracelet is known to clear electromagnetic pollution and heal earth energies. These bracelets have a strong affinity with nature.

Wear a Malachite bracelet to promote transformation. You can live life more deeply with the help of this exciting stone, which encourages change and more risk-taking.

It shows you very clearly what is blocking your spiritual growth.

Wearing a Malachite bracelet will help draw out deep feelings, break unwanted ties, and teach you how to take responsibility for your actions, thoughts, and feelings.

It will help you release your inhibitions and encourage you to express your feelings.

Aside from being a beautiful addition to your jewelry collection, the energies radiating from your bracelet will help develop your empathy with other people.

It will help show you what it would be like to be in their place. It will also alleviate your shyness and support your relationships.

The energies from the bracelet strengthen your ability to absorb and process information. It makes you more observant and gives you support in understanding difficult concepts.

However, it may need to be supported in the healing and transformation process by other crystals.

You may need to layer your Malachite bracelet with other healing crystal bracelets. But for the most part, your Malachite bracelet will be just all you need.

My Final Thoughts

Malachite is a divine stone. It brings a sense of playful contradiction, as evidenced by its green banded light and dark green colorings, that reaches into its energy of transformation.

It is always moving… dark to light, shriveled to evolved, contracted heart to expansive love. Its energy is always protectively gentle, though, until that last tiny push that may be needed to move one onto the next state of being.

The energies that it has can protect you from negative energies and create a powerful barrier around you. It can guide you to take the right action when you need to make important changes in your life.

It is a good stone to have because it will remove anything that causes blockage in your mind and body. It’s a strong healing stone that will help you with issues of the heart, body, and mind.

You can use it for emotional healing and for psychic protection as well. You will benefit from its strong stabilizing energies and live a more balanced life.

There will be harmonious energies in your relationship, and you will be shown the right path to positive change. Malachite is a great stone to have if you want to improve your health and well-being. And it will remind you to always look at life with optimism and fresh eyes!

About the author

Caroline Lucas Profile

Caroline Lucas

Caroline Lucas is an internationally-recognized crystal healer with years of expertise who shares her knowledge on

Her insights into natural healing power make her a valuable resource for those seeking to improve their health, happiness, and spiritual growth.

Caroline's dedication to helping others shines through in every article, making her a trusted voice in the world of crystal healing.

Wednesday 13th of May 2020

Not a single word about malachite being extremely toxic? Even recommending EYE SHADOW? In raw form and also in powder form, malachite can be extremely dangerous. Just saying.


Everything you need to know about malachite, according to crystal experts.

Sarah Regan

There's a reason malachite has a place in countless crystal collections. It has so many benefits, from protection to fostering love and compassion. And for what it's worth, it's a striking, vibrant green as well. Curious to learn more? Read on for everything you should know about this crystal.

What is malachite?

Malachite is a mineral of copper carbonate hydroxide, known for its trademark green color. As Ashley Leavy , founder and educational director of the  Love and Light School of Crystal Therapy , tells mbg, malachite is primarily found today in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, as well as Russia and Namibia.

Much of the malachite you'll see today often has bands or stripes of dark and light green. It can be tumbled into smaller stones, and there's also something called "velvet malachite," which features tiny needlelike formations, Leavy says.

Malachite can also be found naturally alongside azurite, sometimes forming into one bigger crystal. Other formations include "botryoidal formations," which look like bubbles, as well as fan-like formations of longer crystals.

Leavy says malachite has been used historically throughout ancient Egypt, Greece, and medieval Europe for everything from makeup to protection amulets. And because copper can be extracted from malachite, "you can imagine that when people saw this liquid, orange-red metal coming out of the green stones, they felt this was very magical," she explains, adding, "This links malachite with the process of alchemy and transformation and magic, so those themes are strongly connected with it even still."

And speaking of makeup, Leavy does note that you have to be particularly careful with more fibrous forms of malachite, as the dust or powder that comes off it can be very toxic if inhaled. "For the most part, tumbled pieces are totally safe to handle, but it's not a good idea to get them wet. It's also a really good idea to be super cautious if you're handling rough or fibrous malachite, and to wash your hands thoroughly," she says.

Benefits of malachite:

It may offer protection..

Malachite has long been used in amulets for protection, namely against the evil eye . As Leavy explains, the bands seen wrapping around a piece of malachite can sometimes look like eyes, adding that this may add even more significance to the use of malachite powder as eye makeup in ancient civilizations.

It can enhance creativity.

According to Leavy, malachite is also a good stone for accessing creativity. "Those swirling bands help you feel a little bit free, get a little bit lost in the patterns, and they're great for boosting and stimulating creativity," she tells mbg.

It is nurturing and grounding.

Sure, all crystals that come from the Earth are, in some way, connecting us to the Earth itself. But there's something extra special about malachite. "It's an excellent stone for helping you connect with nature ; that vibrant green just reminds us of lush jungles and plants and Mother Nature," Leavy says.

It can magnify intentions.

Leavy explains that the copper content of malachite makes it the perfect crystal for amplifying your energy and your intention. "Copper is a great conductor of energy and a great amplifier," she says.

It can boost intuition.

If your intuition is lacking, malachite might just be able to help. As Leavy explains, it can help you tap into your own inner guidance , to help assist you with things like visualization practices or meditation, with some folks believing it can even activate psychic awareness .

It's great for love and compassion.

As spiritual author Emma Mildon previously wrote for mbg , malachite is often used to get the  heart chakra  in check. "A balancing stone, it can help you feel stable, safe, and secure in opening your heart up to all types of love," she explains.

And that means love for yourself, too, Leavy adds. "It's great for encouraging self-love and unconditional love, plus for enhancing confidence as well as compassion," she says.

It's been tied to astral travel.

And lastly, if you're curious about astral travel , malachite might be able to help. According to Leavy, "It's been used by modern crystal healers to facilitate astral travel and to help you access intuitive messages from your subconscious mind from your dream state."

How to use malachite.

For divination:.

Want to tap into your intuition? Leavy says you can use malachite for divination by looking at the clouds and bands in malachite for pictures, symbols, messages, or meaning. Simply gaze at the malachite while letting your subconscious come through.

For astral travel:

If you're looking to get into astral travel or even more basic dreamwork/interpretation , Leavy says you can keep malachite in your pillowcase or on your nightstand.

For self-love:

Heather Askinosie ,  energy healer  and founder of Energy Muse jewelry, previously recommended using malachite for self-love by placing it over your heart. "Ask yourself, what does my heart desire? What brings me passion? How can I align my passion with my financial goals?" she suggests.

Leavy adds you can also set up a crystal grid with other crystals associated with love, such as rose quartz, to amplify your intention for more unconditional love and compassion.

For support at work:

Askinosie also recommends keeping a piece of malachite on your desk at work. "It's a wonderful crystal ally for times when frustration arises at work," she previously wrote for mbg, adding, "Close your eyes, hold a piece of malachite in each of your hands, and take three deep breaths when you feel frustrated and angry to deal with the issue head-on."

For guidance:

If you have any sort of altar or sacred space in your home, Leavy recommends placing your malachite there, "particularly if you're looking for spiritual guidance or intuitive guidance from your inner world or from the universe." She adds that you can then sit by the altar and connect with the energy of the stone, becoming clear and open and seeing what comes through from your subconscious.

For creativity:

The same idea for guidance can be applied for creativity, Leavy says, whether you place your malachite on your altar or simply hold it in your hand. As you connect with the energy of the crystal and tap into your own inner guidance, you can allow your intuition and creativity to take center stage.

For protection:

You can bring malachite with you any time you want some extra protection, adds Leavy, so stash it in your bag or a pocket before you head out.

Cleansing & charging your crystal.

There are a lot of different ways to cleanse and charge certain crystals , but in the case of malachite, your best bet is to go for options that don't involve water, according to Leavy, because the mineral is so soft and porous. Malachite also has the potential to fade in the sunlight after extended periods of time, so perhaps opt to charge it in the moonlight instead (and keep it away from the windowsill during the day).

Some other safe options for cleansing include surrounding your malachite with sound or placing it near a clear quartz crystal, which carries a naturally cleansing energy. And as modern mystic  Imani Quinn  previously told mbg, because malachite is associated with Earth, charging it by burying it in the ground is also a fitting option.

What chakra is associated with malachite?

Thanks to its gorgeous green color and ability to foster unconditional love and compassion, this stone is (you guessed it) associated with the heart chakra (or Anahata ).

Is it a good crystal to sleep with?

Yes, malachite is a great option to sleep near if you're looking to do dreamwork, access your subconscious, or astral travel, according to Leavy. It shouldn't have the same energizing effects you may see in a stone such as citrine , for example.

How should it be worn as jewelry?

Have no fear—you can wear your favorite malachite as jewelry, but take heed: There are a lot of fake malachite pieces on the market in terms of what's available for jewelry, Leavy tells mbg. So, make sure you're buying from a reputable and sustainable source.

On top of that, she adds, if you are wearing it as a ring or bracelet, be mindful not to get it wet when you're washing your hands. Similarly, if you're wearing it as a pendant, make sure it has a closed back so it's not constantly touching your skin. Again, malachite is very porous, so you don't want it to absorb your sweat or natural oils.

The bottom line.

Whether you're looking for protection, stronger intuition, or more love and compassion on your spiritual path , of all the crystals to choose from, malachite is definitely one you don't want to miss.

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A Broken Backpack

Best Crystals For Safe Travel And Protection

by Melissa Giroux | Last updated Sep 19, 2024 | Travel Tips

Most of us have experienced travel nerves at one time or another.

Fortunately, there are crystals for safe travel and protection, and in this post, we’ll introduce the best crystals for traveling.

For travelers, it’s common to get the jitters before embarking on a big backpacking trip, no matter how experienced you are.

For digital nomads, you may feel slightly nervous each time you move to a new place.

Many things can help calm our nerves before jetting off on our next adventure.

It could be herbal supplements, breathwork, positive affirmations, or even chamomile tea.

However, did you know that many stones and crystals have calming and protective qualities that help keep us calm and safe while traveling?

In this guide, we’ll explore the best crystals for travel, take a look at their benefits, and more. Keep reading to find protection crystals for travel.

Psst. Want to order one of the best crystals for travel? Order your Malachite now . This stone will protect you from danger and accidents.

woman traveling safely

💎 Malachite

  Malachite is one of the best crystals for safe travel, as it holds the energy to protect you from danger and accidents.

It absorbs negative energies and pollutants from your aura and the surrounding environment, acting as a guardian to keep you safe. 

The beautiful green stone also assists with change. It will help you remain calm and centered when you’re moving states or countries or embarking on an adventure.

As well as supporting change, malachite enhances your immune system. Therefore, it can help your body adjust to a new time zone and alleviate jet lag.

Malachite is also one of the more affordable options out there for these benefits.

You will find several options on our list here that are more expensive than Malachite without providing substantially different benefits. If you’re budget is a little tight this can be a great place to start.

Being able to bring less expensive crystals on a trip, where they might get lost, is always a good idea.

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💎 Moonstone

Moonstone is the stone of “new beginnings” and one of the best stones for travel protection and new adventures.

This gemstone can enhance your inner strength, balance your emotions, and soothe stress and anxiety.

These properties help you to feel calm and confident about your upcoming trip or move.

This pearly cream-colored crystal has a feminine energy that contains the whole spectrum of light to lighten your path ahead.

It gives extra protection when traveling at night or across waters. 


💎 Yellow Jasper  

Yellow Jasper is another incredible crystal that is particularly useful for traveling alone.

It carries the sun’s energy, giving you a boost of positive energy.

It can also help reduce anxiety around traveling by grounding and supporting you when you are out of your comfort zone. 

Yellow Jasper stimulates and balances the solar plexus chakra, which is all about confidence.

This yellow-colored stone increases your confidence in handling social situations and protects you from negative experiences.

Therefore, if you’re traveling solo and are worried about making friends, this stone will guide you to the right people.

Yellow Jasper

💎 Amethyst  

This calming purple stone repels and protects you from any negative energy.

It dispels anger and rage, so it is one of the best crystals for car .

That said, if you’re going on a road trip, the Amethyst could be a great choice of crystal for traveling.

It will keep irritable and dangerous drivers away from you. However, the properties of this potent crystal don’t stop there.

Amethyst can transmute negative energy into love and positivity to create a tranquil travel environment. 

Amethyst is a calming and cleansing stone that relieves stress, balances your emotions, and clears your mind for better decision-making.

It also promotes deeper sleep and protects you from nightmares, insomnia, and jet lag.


💎 Aquamarine  

Aquamarine is a pale turquoise crystal that’s known as the stone of courage and protection.

It has a soothing, cleansing energy that promotes serenity and relaxation for your travels and reduces fear and anxiety. 

Legend has it that aquamarine is the sea treasure of mermaids.

Because of this, it has become a good luck charm for sailors and anyone traveling over water.

Therefore, if you’re anxious about an upcoming cruise or boat trip, take an aquamarine stone with you.

This travel stone will transmute your fear into bravery and shower you with peacefulness.


💎 Smoky Quartz  

Smoky quartz is another excellent crystal for absorbing negative energy and keeping you safe while you travel.

Many people use this smokey grey-brown stone as a peace token.

It is a brilliant crystal to take with you if you travel to a potentially unsafe location.

Holding smoky quartz close to you will also protect you from exposure to any radiation that could threaten you.

Smoky quartz is a grounding stone that can bring you a calming and centered sense of awareness when you are in new surroundings.

Its ability to increase awareness also helps you feel more present and notice the world around you.

Smoky quartz

💎 Shungite  

Shungite is an ancient stone and one of the best crystals for safe travel.

It shields you from negative energy by absorbing and neutralizing it, including the electromagnetic energy from the airport’s security scanner.

Therefore, it’s a great stone to travel with to protect from threats or attacks.

The carbon-filled black stone energizes your body, mind, and soul.

It’s also a grounding stone that will help you stay centered in times of stress and dissolve anxiety.


💎 Labradorite  

Labradorite is one of the best gemstones for safe travel and times of change.

This unique-looking crystal dazzles an array of colors from blue to green to grey.

It has the power to heal from within and protect against negativity and evil presence. 

Labradorite is known as the “stone of transformation” as it gives you a boost of strength and courage during times of change and transition, such as moving to a new place.

It energizes you, stimulates your confidence, and transmutes your anxiety into positivity and excitement.


💎 Black Tourmaline  

Black Tourmaline is an excellent all-rounder protection crystal that will stop you from absorbing other people’s negative energy.

Therefore, it’s a brilliant travel crystal to have in your pocket or around your neck when you are in a crowded environment like the airport. 

This shiny black stone not only protects against harmful energy.

It also steers you away from any hostile intentions people may have, keeping you free from harm and attack.

It will clear and purify your aura, keep you grounded, and stabilize your emotions.

That said, black tourmaline is also one of the best crystals for motorcycle .

Black tourmaline

💎 Hematite  

Hematite is an underrated stone that is hugely beneficial to carry while traveling.

It boasts many remarkable qualities, such as protection, stabilization, and clarity.

This travel crystal will help you think clearer, dissolve brain fog, and enhance concentration and problem-solving.

All these benefits make it an ideal stone when you are driving or navigating a new city or a new country.

Hematite also has many calming effects and can relieve jet lag, stress, and tiredness.

Moreover, this powerful crystal will shift negative energy out of your aura.


❔ Why You Should Use Crystals When You Travel

While using crystals for traveling is not as mainstream as taking a pill, purchasing some stones for travel is undoubtedly a more holistic approach to dealing with travel anxiety.

Taking one or several crystals for travel with you during a trip has various benefits.

They energetically charge you with a positive aura and create an energetic protection field around you.

Below, you’ll find more benefits of using crystals for travel.

They Help You Feel More Connected To The Earth

Stones are naturally connected to the earth. When you use crystals for travel , you are bringing a piece of the earth with you on your journey.

This can help you feel more grounded and connected even when you’re far from home.

They Bring A calming Energy

Stones also carry very calming and soothing energy with them.

If you’re anxious about an upcoming trip, holding or wearing a crystal can help you feel more at ease.

Woman traveling with the best crystals for travel

They Help Keep Your Energy Levels Up

When we travel, our energy levels can sometimes dip. This is especially true if we’re flying.

Crystals can help keep our energy levels up and prevent us from feeling sluggish or drained.

They Help You Connect With Your Intuition

Stones and crystals can also help you connect with your intuition.

When we’re traveling, it’s important to be able to listen to our gut instinct. Carrying a crystal for travel can help us do that.

So, if you’re looking for a more holistic way to deal with travel anxiety, consider using crystals.

They can help you feel more connected to the earth, calmer, and more intuitive.

The best crystals for travel can also help you relax, adjust to your new surroundings, and sleep well. 

Let’s learn more about these spiritual stones and why they deserve a space in your carry-on luggage.

woman with amethyst jewel

👛 How To Use And Store Crystals For Travel

If you’re new to using crystals, you should take some time first to understand how they work.

Crystals need to be used and stored in a particular way to receive their benefits and protection. 

Although carrying crystals around in your bag can have some effect, you should keep the crystal as close to you as possible and focus on what you want it to do for you.

Here are some ways to use your protection crystals for travel:

  • You can hold the crystal in your hand and set your intention for a safe journey or successful trip. 
  • Many people also like to wear their crystal around their neck or wrist, incorporating it into their jewelry. 
  • Alternatively, keep it in your pocket where it’s in constant contact with you.
  • To further enhance the crystal’s power, you can hold it while meditating, visualizing, or breathing deeply. 

When you acquire a new crystal, cleaning it before use is crucial. That said, you should do this before your travels.

By cleansing crystals, you wash away any negative energy they may harbor.

To do this, soak the crystal in a bowl of sea salt and water for a minimum of a few hours, preferably overnight.

Alternatively, you can purify your crystal by burning some sage and distributing the smoke around it while stating your intention (in your head or aloud).

When you’re not using your crystal, store it in a soft pouch or wrap it in a silk scarf to prevent negative energy from tainting it.

crystals and sage ritual

❔ What To Do If You Lose A Crystal While Traveling

If you happen to lose a crystal while traveling, don’t worry. It’s not the end of the world. There are a few things you can do to find it.

First, try retracing your steps. If you’re unsure where you lost it, think about the last place you remember having it. Then, start from there and work your way back.

If that doesn’t work, you can always purchase a new one.

It’s not necessary to have the exact same crystal, but it might make you feel better.

You can also try meditating and asking for guidance from your spirit guides. They might be able to help you find it.

Finally, don’t forget that crystals are replaceable. If you can’t find the one you lost, don’t sweat it. Just get a new one and move on.

crystals for travel

❔ How To Choose The Best Travel Crystal

With so many different types of crystals available, it can be challenging to choose the best one for traveling.

Here are a few things to consider when making your selection.

The Purpose Of The Crystal

First, think about the purpose of the crystal. Are you looking for something to help you relax?

Or are you looking for something to help keep your energy levels up?

Choosing a crystal that aligns with your intention will help it be more effective.

The Type Of Trip You’re Taking

The type of trip you’re taking is also necessary to consider.

For example, if you’re going on a long flight, you might want to choose a crystal that helps with jet lag.

If you’re traveling to a new country, you might want to choose a crystal that helps with culture shock.

There are many different types of crystals that can be helpful in different situations.

Woman traveling with a travel crystal

The Energy Of The Crystal

It’s also important to consider the energy of the crystal. Some crystals have a very high vibration, while others have a lower vibration.

You’ll want to choose a crystal with the right energy for you and your trip.

For example, if you’re going somewhere very chaotic, you might want to choose a crystal with calming energy.

On the other hand, if you’re going somewhere that is very low-key, you might want to choose a crystal with more energizing energy.

The Size Of The Crystal

The size of the crystal is also essential to consider. You’ll want to choose a size that is comfortable for you to carry.

If you’re going on a long trip, you might want to choose a larger crystal.

If you’re only going on a short trip, however, you might want to choose a smaller crystal. It’s all about what is most comfortable for you.

Woman traveling with a stones for travel

💡 Final Thoughts On The Best Crystals For Travel

With so many gemstones and crystals for adventure available, choosing the best gems for your travels can initially feel overwhelming.

We hope this guide has helped you understand which are the best crystals for safe travel , and you now feel better equipped to choose a stone that will protect you and keep you safe wherever you go.

Read our guide to learn how to travel with crystals .

malachite travel







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Malachite: Magical Properties, Benefits & Uses

One look at malachite, and you’ll never forget it. There’s a reason why this gem served as the inspiration for one of 2016’s most iconic colors.

Even so, designers were just catching up with what crystal enthusiasts and magic practitioners have known for ages — malachite is a lush, vibrant, powerful gem that lends an incredible energy wherever it’s used.

About Malachite

Like most green minerals, malachite is high in copper. Specifically, it’s a copper carbonate hydroxide that forms chiefly in underground spaces, where liquids can allow its minerals to precipitate.

A green malachite stone isolated on a white background.

It sometimes forms stunning stalagmites, or even needle-like acicular crystals. Occasionally, it’s possible to find a botryoidal specimen that resembles opaque bubbles of brilliant green.

Ornamental malachite specimens frequently exhibit bands of bright green to nearly black. Others serve as one of the primary ores of copper.

See also:  Check out Malachite stones here.

Malachite Healing Properties & Benefits

According to tradition, this stone has a very wide range of healing abilities. Emotionally, it’s associated with transitions.

For this reason, it’s said to be a helpful gem for uncovering what might be hampering one’s emotional or spiritual growth, or even uncovering illnesses with a psychosomatic origin.

This stone is also said to help anxiety and depression. It’s particularly helpful to those suffering from the aftermath of childhood abuse. For those who have trouble standing up for themselves, malachite can be a stone of courage.

Physically, this gem is used to help with electromagnetic smog and environmental pollution. It’s also employed to help with hormonal fluctuations, relieve menstrual symptoms, make labor easier, and heal problems with the uterus and ovaries.

It’s purported to help with the shaking associated with Parkinson’s disease and malaria. It’s sometimes used for disorders of the kidneys and bladder, hypertension, vertigo, epilepsy, pain, and problems with the bones and joints.

See also: Check out Malachite jewelry here.

Malachite Magical Properties

Malachite has a long history of use as a magical stone. It’s said to stimulate dreams, making it helpful for those attempting to have lucid or prophetic experiences. It’s also a protective stone that works by drawing away negative energies.

In the 17th century, Spanish parents would give their children malachite pendants to help them sleep and keep evil spirits at bay.

In Italy, the stone was a popular choice for amulets against the evil eye. If a piece of malachite jewelry breaks, it’s believed to have absorbed a spell intended for its wearer.

In addition to evil spirits, malachite is also used to protect against illness, difficulties while traveling, and lightning strikes.

A macro shot of a green Malachite crystal with magical and metaphysical properties.

Wearing a malachite pendant engraved with an image of the sun is said to provide protection from ill health and depression. It’s also purported to increase the magical power of the wearer.

Following the principles of color magic, this stone is also used for anything related to the color green — specifically, wealth, prosperity, and growth. It’s sometimes called “the salesman’s stone.”

Thanks to their striations, no two malachites look alike. Some have symbols resembling shields or coins, while others may even appear to have eyes. The stone’s appearance can hint as its particular magical aptitude.

Malachite is also associated with Anahata, the heart chakra . Those who work with chakras often wear this stone as a pendant, near the heart area, to unblock and balance this energy center.

Malachite History & Folklore

The name “malachite” comes from the Greek “molochites lithos,” meaning “mallow-green stone.”

Malachite has been the primary ore of copper for a very long time — approximately 3,800 years. The Great Orne Mines, in Britain, show evidence of malachite harvesting using tools made of bone and stone. Fortunately, it’s a very soft mineral!

Historically, it was also used as the basis for green pigments in paints and cosmetics.

To the ancient Egyptians, malachite was associated with death and the afterlife. Part of their belief system described a beautiful afterworld that was similar to their earthly life, but without pain, suffering, or sadness. This was called the Field of Malachite.

How to Cleanse Malachite

As a stone used to fight everything from smog to the evil eye, it’s understandable that malachite needs frequent cleansing — especially since it tends to break when it’s been exposed to too much negative energy!

Unfortunately, it’s as finicky as it is beautiful. Not only is it a soft stone, it tends to leach copper when soaked. If you want to cleanse your malachite, stick to one of the following methods instead.

Some methods for cleansing Malachite include:

  • Setting it in sunlight for a few minutes. Avoid leaving it for too long, since extreme temperatures can make it more prone to cracking.
  • Setting it in the light of the full moon.
  • Placing it at the base of a plant.
  • Using your personal energy.
  • Playing singing bowls, chimes, bells, or music to it.
  • Fumigating it with cleansing herbs or incense.

It’s best to avoid cleansing malachite using salt, burying it in soil, or putting it in a container with other stones. This can easily scratch it.

Malachite’s tendency to leach means that it’s also not suitable for making gem elixirs using a direct method. If you choose to use a malachite elixir, please ensure that it was created using a purely indirect method.

Getting Started With Malachite

Malachite might need a little extra TLC when it comes to cleansing and caring for it, but its properties make that completely worthwhile.

If you want to try bringing this stone into your practice, please be sure to purchase it from a reputable, ethical supplier. Malachite mines are usually underground or open-pit, which can contribute to biodiversity loss and acidic mine drainage.

Avoid purchasing specimens from sellers who can’t vouch for the sustainability of their suppliers. Even better, check estate sales and secondhand shops for used gem specimens and jewelry.

A beautiful green malachite crystal with magical and metaphysical properties on a dark background.

Once you have your stone, you’ll want to cleanse it. Even if it was handled ethically and sustainably by people with only the best of intentions, it’s likely to have picked up some negative energy on its journey to you.

Choose any of the methods listed above to help get your gem ready to work with.

When your malachite is ready for use, you can choose how you’d like to tap into its powers. If you aren’t sure, try meditating with the stone held in your left hand. You may find that you get a general sense of how it’d like to work with you.

If you choose to use your malachite as a protective stone, you can keep it in a pocket or wear it as jewelry. Placing it by your bedside at night will allow you to take advantage of its dream-promoting powers, and its ability to protect you while you sleep.

If you have children, placing it on a window sill or hanging it over the door can ward their room — just make sure that it can’t end up where curious kids can try to swallow it.

If you wish to tap into malachite’s money-drawing powers, carry it in your purse or wallet. Small business owners may wish to keep a piece in or near their cash register.

For travel protection, you may want to add the gem to a protective charm pouch. Keep it in your car’s glove compartment or center console during road trips, or carry it in your pocket or bag while you travel.

To heal with malachite, it’s best to wear it as close to the affected body part as possible. That might be a bracelet or ring for joint pain, a pendant for emotional healing, or a brooch pinned anywhere else that would benefit from its energy.

Malachite has been a precious, economically significant stone ever since humanity learned the secret of smelting copper.

Even without that, its captivating color, interesting shapes, and versatile healing and magical properties make it a very valuable stone to add to your collection.

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Malachite 101: Meaning, Healing Properties & Benefits

Malachite is a gorgeous stone that has captivated the crystal healing community for ages . The combination of its bright green color, beautiful patterns, inspiring meaning, and strong properties make it one of the most popular stones to facilitate transformation and positive change .

This guide will teach you everything you need to know about Malachite and the benefits it offers .

A Malachite crystal

Table of Contents

History & overview.

Malachite is a breathtaking stone that demands attention. Not subtle in its beauty, this rock features mesmerizing swirls of vibrant green. Even in an unpolished, raw form, Malachite is a real stunner with a color you don’t see very often in the crystal kingdom.

Thousands of years ago, Malachite was the personification of natural beauty and grace. It played a part in many cultures. The common name we use today comes from the Greek word “malakos,” which means soft. 

Malachite Tumbled Stones

Egyptians were smitten by its beauty as well. It was mined as far back as 4000 B.C. and was used for everything from jewelry to makeup!

Later on, the primary Malachite meaning evolved into something deeper. The stone’s gleam was a sign of hope and healing, helping shamans grant protection from curses while providing relief from a fractured soul. It even became a symbol of physical healing.

Today, Malachite is a sought-after stone with properties that continue to captivate healers. Thankfully, it’s readily available in all corners of the globe. 

The stone is a form of green copper carbonate . Oftentimes, Malachite doesn’t even get to see the light of day as a decorative healing stone. It’s predominantly used as copper ore!

Malachite Meaning

The core Malachite meaning is rather versatile. However, the sole purpose of this stone is to facilitate transformation and positive change.

Believers say that the rock’s outward appearance reflects its penchant for renewal. Its green swirls represent the vitality of lush vegetation on the cusp of producing pure beauty. Malachite creates much of the same energy in you.

Malachite Rough Natural Stone

It helps you “turn over a new leaf,” so to speak.

The properties of this stone encourage you to let go of complacency and make room for something new . We all get comfortable in our routines. While some cycles are healthy, others only hold you back.

You cannot turn into the luxuriant flower you’re destined to be without a little bit of growth and maturity. Malachite helps you get there by pushing you to let go of the things that no longer serve you . It alters your perception of the world and helps you identify the areas in your life that could use a new change of pace.

Healing Properties & Benefits

A hard-working stone, Malachite is said to provide a bevy of unique benefits. According to crystal practitioners, the healing properties it contains generate swathes of transformative energy that can profoundly affect every facet of your life.

Here are just some ways that its healing properties can benefit your psyche and spirit.

Malachite Round Beads Stretch Bracelet

On the emotional front, the healing properties of Malachite serve a couple of different purposes. One of its most crucial roles is that of an auric protector.

A polished Malachite stone

This stone has a reputation for flushing out energy that doesn’t serve you. It rids your body of darkness , acting as the light of change to make you whole again. No matter what kinds of negativity you’re dealing with, Malachite whisks it away so that you can move forward with confidence and passion .

It also acts as a shield . With regular use, it can grant inner strength. It has your back while teaching you how to deal with negativity as it comes.

Another important job of malachite is to enhance your capacity to accept change . Dealing with change is never easy. Some people handle it better than others. Those who don’t like change are prone to get stuck in their old ways or grief .

Sad looking lady getting help from stones and crystals for grief and comforting energy.

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They hold onto old memories, bad energy, and unhealthy habits. Even if those things are doing more harm than good, the familiarity prevents people from seeking the change they need.

Malachite helps you see beyond your own complacency, allowing you to identify the good that can come from change . It makes you more accepting, reminding you that you should always be moving forward in life (this makes it a good crystal for focus as well).

Handsome Afro-American archer supports his concentration with the crystals for focus.

It opens your heart and mind , exposing the truth behind your fears.

While the concept seems simple, you’d be surprised by how much of a difference to your mental well-being embracing change can make. It helps you move past stress while confronting symptoms of depression head-on. The world is always revolving, and the properties of Malachite can help you go with the flow and ride the ever-changing waves of life.

Malachite Necklace Tree of Life | Wire Wrapped Crystal

Malachite is a powerful ally to dreamers and anyone who wants to do more in life .

Healers say that it acts as a mirror to your subconscious . Even those who fall into the throws of complacency know that their actions are not what’s best for them. While they hide behind the comforts of routine, they know deep down that they can be doing so much more.

Malachite - Large Palm Stones

Malachite illuminates that truth, reflecting those subconscious minds into your conscious one. It shows you what needs to be done to bring your dreams to fruition . No matter how painful change may seem, the meaning of this stone shows you the path to spiritual and emotional freedom.

More directly, Malachite also has a strong connection to the Earth and nature . Its green color reflects that of Mother Gaia. As a result, many say that this stone can help you connect more closely with the planet and the universe at large.

It can make dreams more vivid and life-like, inspiring you to go on a path of spiritual enlightenment .

Malachite is so much more than just a spiritual and emotional stone. Practitioners will tell you that the earthy stone has proven its worth as a physical healer over the centuries.

Many say this stone has a positive effect on those with blood or circulatory issues . The theory is that it helps lower blood pressure, improves your immune response to foreign invaders, and even prompts the liver to get rid of harmful toxins that accumulate in the body.

malachite travel

The emotional perks are thought to manifest themselves in your physical being as well. With transformative healing comes less stress. Thus, healers say that the stone alleviates anxiety and stress-related problems .

Some even say it fosters harmony throughout your bones, muscles, and organs . Malachite is said to encourage quick healing of broken bones, torn muscles , and many other physical ailments that require downtime.

Malachite Healing Crystals Hexagonal Pointed Wands Polished Tumbled Stones

Women might have more to gain from Malachite. It exudes naturally feminine energy that resonates with the human body. Women say that the energy within Malachite regulates the menstrual cycle, alleviates issues with the sexual organs , assists with fertility , and even makes labor easier . For this reason, many female crystal believers refer to Malachite as the “Midwife Stone.”

Young dreamy looking pregnant lady in the red dress supported her conception with the crystals for fertility

Metaphysical Properties

As a whole, Malachite is a fantastic stone for metaphysical healing. Its metaphysical properties resonate with your life force energy , unlocking several chakras to promote open flow throughout your body .

The side of a Malachite slab

Your heart chakra has the most to gain. This energy point becomes blocked by fear. Malachite is a natural fear purger, eliminating trepidations about moving forward in life.

It frees your heart of its emotional binds and helps you accept love from all corners of the universe!

Malachite is also a great solar plexus chakra stone . This is a lesser-known and often neglected energy point. The center of your personal freedom and ego, its response to Malachite is natural.

Meditating woman with solar plexus chakra symbol and crystals for confidence and personal power

This green-colored stone is all about change. It works with the solar plexus chakra to put the powers of transformation in your hands !

Next, Malachite interacts with the throat and third eye chakras.

The throat chakra governs your ability to communicate. We all have the power to speak, but not everyone is free to say what’s in their heart. Malachite activates this chakra to ensure that you can always speak your mind and ask for the change you need .

The third eye chakra is where your deepest wisdom and powers of intuition sit. With Malachite by your side, your Third Eye is free to roam. It hurdles you into the farthest throws of cosmic enlightenment , allowing you to unlock messages and obtain wisdom .

VitaJuwel crystal infused water bottles

Tips For Cleansing Malachite

Malachite works hard to manage negative energy and facilitate change. While this stone is millions of years in the making, it can experience low-energy slumps too!

To avoid this, it’s important to cleanse and recharge Malachite from time to time. Doing so ensures that its properties and energy are flowing optimally, so you can continue to receive its many benefits.

Malachite Pendant Necklace

There are a few ways to go about cleansing this green stone. The easiest choice is to wipe it down with some warm soapy water . Not only does this reinvigorate Malachite’s energy, but it also keeps that eye-catching luster in pristine condition!

Another option is to return it to the soil it came from (no, we’re not talking about the mine it was pulled from). You can place the stone in your garden so that it can pull energy from Mother Earth .

Many like to bury it a few inches beneath the soil under their favorite tree . There, it can absorb the Earth’s powers and become strong once again.

Finally, you can use the power of light to cleanse Malachite. The stone responds well to both sunlight and moonlight . But for the sake of preserving its physical appearance, we recommend going with moonlight.

Set it on a windowsill to bask in the moon’s deep glow overnight. You can also place some amplifying Quartz geodes around it ( Clear Quartz is a great choice for this) to maximize the energy boost.

A piece of Clear Quartz on a table

How To Use Malachite

Vibrant and eye-catching, Malachite lends itself well to many different forms. It’s a welcome addition to any home. Depending on how you use it, you can effortlessly weave it into your Feng Shui endeavors to create harmony and balance .

Malachite looks wonderful as cut statues , raw rocks , and even functional interior design pieces. Whatever the case may be, the stone will continue to radiate transformative energy . Place some samples throughout your home, office, and relaxation space.

Malachite Smooth Tumbled Stones

As the stone sits, it’ll fill the space with healing energy . Like a dam that’s ready to burst, that energy will imbue your body every time you enter.

Like many other healing stones, Malachite is also a wonderful addition to jewelry . It’s tough yet easy to shape into pretty much anything. As a result, it’s a favorite among artisans looking to create their next masterpiece.

Tibetan 108 Mala Malachite Beads Bracelet | Necklace

Whether you find beads or a beautiful raw pendant, Malachite jewelry stays in your auric field to provide lasting protection throughout the day.

A young girl looking for best crystals for protection to help to uplift and guard against negativity.

Zodiac Connection

Malachite resonates well with both Scorpios and Capricorns. Anyone can reap the rewards of this stone, but these two signs have the most to gain.

Scorpios have a natural connection with the meaning of Malachite. Those born under this sign are passionate and free-spirited. They embrace change without much persuasion, as they are always ready to transform and rise from the ashes of their former self.

Malachite makes those transitions possible while offering up support.

Capricorns are the complete opposite! This sign is known for being a little closed-off and hesitant about change. Malachite pushes earnest Capricorns in the right direction, providing the strength they need to fulfill their destiny.

Closing Thoughts

The most popular Malachite meaning can be applied to anyone. Change and transformation are at the root of humanity, and we’re all looking to take the next step as individuals in one form or another.

Natural Malachite Elephant Anti-Anxiety Charm Bracelet

Having a crystal with properties that support this intention can bring many positive benefits to your life . Because of this, Malachite is probably one of the stones we recommend the most!

If you have any other questions you’d like to ask about this lovely green stone don’t hesitate to send them over. We’ll answer them as soon as we can!

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Chakra Stones

Seven tumbled chakra stones with chakra symbols on a wooden table

Malachite Pairings: 20 Crystal Combinations with Malachite

Ceida Uilyc - Author Image

Ceida Uilyc

Aquamarine and Malachite Pairing

  • Malachite and Carnelian Together 

Lapis Lazuli and Malachite Combination

Malachite and amethyst together, malachite and red jasper pairing, moonstone and malachite combinations, malachite and rose quartz together, prehnite and malachite pairing, black obsidian and malachite combination, malachite and azurite pairing, malachite and green jade together, malachite and tiger’s eye together, malachite and chalcopyrite pairing, malachite and black tourmaline together, emerald and malachite pairing, malachite and chrysocolla together, amazonite and malachite pairing, malachite and moldavite together, rhodonite and malachite pairing, malachite and citrine together, unlock the power of malachite pairings.

Also called the Malakkos Stone, Malachite is a healing stone made of  copper carbonate hydroxide.  The stone is prized for its dark green hues and iconic swirling patterns and is called the Stone of Transformation, Support, and Health.

Which are the best crystals to pair with Malachite? How to use Malachite with other crystals? 

The most suitable crystals to combine with Malachite are those friendly with its ruling planets, Jupiter and Venus. This crystal opens the Root, Heart, and Crown Chakras, bringing love, courage, luck, and change. It works well with Aquamarine, Citrine, and Rose Quartz, to name a few. 

I’ll show you more crystals to combine with Malachite and how to use them.

Note: It is important to pair Malachite with compatible crystals to avoid negative astrological consequences.

polished aquamarine on white background

Aquamarine  and Malachite pairing is good because their ruling planets are friendly. This crystal combination brings stress relief, peace, confidence, and joy. 

The combination of Aquamarine with Malachite targets the Heart and Throat Chakras, leading to tranquility, support, comfort, growth, and self-discovery. Together, they soothe mental pains and clear emotional blocks.

Best Crystal Pairing Techniques for Malachite and Aquamarine

  • Meditation:  Hold your Aquamarine in your right hand and Malachite in your left while meditating on your intention and allowing their energies to merge.
  • Seed Mantras:  Chant the seed mantra  VAM  into the stone for a few minutes after waking up. Touch the stones with one another for a second 

Malachite and Carnelian Together 

Carnelian Polished Gemstone on a white background

The crystal combination of  Carnelian  and Malachite is good because friendly planets rule both stones. Carnelian opens the Kundalini center in the Sacral Chakra, while Malachite balances the higher chakras. 

As a result, this Malachite pairing is great for willpower, fertility , vitality, strength, and success. Wearing these stones together boosts motivation, passion, and drive.

Best Crystal Pairing Techniques for Malachite and Carnelian

  • Crystal Elixir :  Make an indirect infusion by keeping Malachite and Carnelian on a coaster atop a glass of water for 3 to 6 hours. Drink the energized water over a few days for fertility, power, and health. 
  • Charged Jewelry:  To set the intention, expose them to the energy of the setting sun then wear them near around the neck, arms, fingers, or waist as jewelry.

lapis lazuli on a white background

The ruling planets of Malachite are friendly with that of  Lapis Lazuli . They open the Crown, Third Eye, Throat, Heart, and Root Chakras when used together.

Using them together fuses their metaphysical benefits, leading to divination, growth, success, and inner healing. Lapis Lazuli is good to pair with Malachite because the duo brings intuition, psychic gifts, spiritual contact, and imagination. 

Best Crystal Pairing Techniques for Malachite and Lapis Lazuli

  • Journaling:  To enhance the benefits of this Malachite crystal combination, place the stones on yourself while journaling. It’ll help you release emotional blockages to heal your inner self.  
  • Yoga:  Keeping the stones on you and doing yoga in the morning is a good way to amplify intentions for success, transformation, or spirit contact with physical, mental, and spiritual energies. 

Polished Amethyst Gemstone on a white background

Combining the energies of Malachite with Amethyst may be good or bad depending on their astrological traits. In general, Malachite’s ruling planets are incompatible with the ruling planets of  Amethyst , so they may be affected neutrally or adversely. 

Some Malachite-Amethyst pairings may activate psychic gifts, like intuition, clairvoyance, telepathy, and enlightenment. Then again, they may take a toll on your mind, body, or spirit. 

Best Crystal Pairing Techniques for Malachite and Amethyst 

  • Breathwork Meditation:  Hold your crystals before your lips and breathe into the stone. Repeat the process after waking up daily. 
  • Dreamwork:   Charge your Malachite crystal pair by sprinkling tap water on both crystals under a moonlit night and meditating for a few minutes. Finally, place the charged stone under your pillow to find answers via dreams. 

Note: Avoid combining Malachite and Amethyst if your intuition recommends otherwise.

Red jasper on a white background

As the ruling planets of Red Jasper and Malachite are friendly with each other, they’re a good crystal combination to wear for protection, grounding, courage, and stability. 

While many are familiar with Red Jasper activating the Root Chakra, fewer know it is also linked to the Earth Star Chakra below the feet. 

When combined with the chakra energies of Malachite, this crystal pairing promotes emotional release and personal growth. 

Best Crystal Pairing Techniques for Malachite and Red Jasper

  • Soil:  Bury your Red Jasper and Malachite under three inches of soil for 6 to 24 hours. Once they’re charged, place them in your palms and visualize Mother Gaia’s energies grounding your spirit. 
  • Crystal Grid:   Set up a crystal grid with your crystals in the center and grounding crystals around them. Set it in the center of your house to repel negativity and boost stability and harmony. 

blue moonstone on white background

Malachite is compatible with Moonstone because friendly planets rule them. 

Have you heard about the nurturing powers of  Moonstone ?  They’re great for tapping into the divine feminine and finding joy, wisdom, and deep healing. 

Combining their energies leads you to a higher realm, healthy lifestyle, and mental peace. 

Best Crystal Pairing Techniques for Malachite and Moonstone

  • Full Moon Ritual:  It’s good to pair your stones for healing and knowledge under the energy of the Full Moon . Keep them in a room with an open window to soak the healing vibrations for 4 to 12 hours. 
  • Sage:  Light a sage stick and fan the sacred smoke onto the Malachite crystal combination. Hold your palms over them and meditate on your intention for a few minutes before carrying them on your left side. 

Rose Quartz Crystal on a white background

The combination of Malachite and Rose Quartz is positive and nourishing because Venus rules both stones. It’s a lucky crystal combination for true love, acceptance, empathy, and balance because both stones open the Heart Chakra.

Healers say this is a crystal pairing that fuses earthly and cosmic love.  Rose Quartz brings unconditional love, and Malachite beckons unconditional support. They’re ideal for letting go, forgiveness, hatred, guilt, revenge, and pity.

Best Crystal Pairing Techniques for Malachite and Rose Quartz

  • Reiki:  Lie down on a yoga mat with your eyes facing up. Place the stones on your chest, at the same level as your heart, and allow their energies to flow into your body.
  • Sunlight:  Hold your crystals above your head while facing the rising sun and Look upward while chanting  OM  for Heart Chakra healing. 

Prehnite crystal on white background

Malachite works well when paired with Prehnite because friendly planets rule them. On its own,  Prehnite  brings about prosperity and good health. 

Both target the Heart Chakra when combined, leading to deep healing, calmness, vitality, peace, transformation, comfort, and good fortune. It’s a nurturing crystal pairing that connects your spirit with the guardian and ancestral spirits.

Best Crystal Pairing Techniques for Malachite and Prehnite

  • Zen Gardening:  Tending to plants and infusing crystal energies into your garden is a self-care routine that draws positivity from Mother Nature. Spend a few minutes charging your plants with the Prehnite-Malachite pair.
  • Crystal Altar:  Set up a crystal altar using several Malachite and Prehnite crystals. Light a candle to activate the grid daily to manifest good fortune.

Polished black obsidian crystal on white background

Fusing the powerful vibrations of Malachite with Black Obsidian isn’t a good idea because conflicting planets rule these crystals. While their union may be positive sometimes, they usually have chaos, anguish, and negative thoughts.

Suppose your astrologist recommends this Malachite crystal combination. In that case, you may use it to shield your aura, home, or ideas from evil vibrations. 

Psychics often use this combination under favorable conditions to relieve hexes, curses, karmic debts, and traumas.

Best Crystal Pairing Techniques for Malachite and Black Obsidian 

  • Burial:  It’s good to channel the energy of this Malachite gemstone pairing by burying the stones together overnight. It will reset the energies and ground the wearer.  
  • Energy Shielding Ritual:  In this technique, you place four charged pairs of Black Obsidian and Malachite stones at the four corners of your house for protection via meditation, affirmation , or visualization. 

Note: Exercise caution when pairing Malachite and Black Obsidian, especially if your intuition, mind, or body advises against it.

azurite crystal on white background

A powerful and beneficial crystal pairing due to friendly ruling planets, combining the energies of Malachite and Azurite paves the way to spiritual awakening and transformation. 

Azurite  is a higher chakra stone in tune with Throat and Third Eye Chakras, complementing the grounding energies of Malachite, especially on astral travel. 

Use this healing stone combination for lucid dreaming, reality shifting, astral projection, telepathy, and out-of-body experiences.

Best Crystal Pairing Techniques for Malachite and Azurite 

  • Dowsing:  Use an Azurite-Malachite pendulum to find answers to your spiritual destiny via tarot cards, vibrations, or psychic professionals. 
  • Visualization:  Lie on a yoga mat, close your eyes, and put your crystals on each eyelid. Stay mindful of the crystal energies and follow their directions.

jade crystal on a white background

As Venus rules Green Jade and Malachite, they’re compatible to use together. Their combination attracts prosperity, tranquility, love, beauty, wellness, and mindfulness.

Did you know Green  Jade  also opens the Heart Chakra?  It’s perfect for boosting the chances of conception, promotions, and spiritual gifts. Paired with the transformative and healing vibrations of Malachite, this combo manifests positivity. 

Best Crystal Pairing Techniques for Malachite and Green Jade

  • Harmony Elixir:  Create a direct elixir using both crystals and sprinkle it daily in the Southwest corner of your room or home. 
  • Healing Sounds:  Place the Malachite/Green Jade pair next to your singing bowl before playing them. You can also chant mantras or positive affirmations to amplify intentions at this time.

A polished tiger's eye crystal on a white background.

Fusing the healing vibrations of Tiger’s Eye with Malachite is astrologically beneficial for the user because friendly planets rule them.

Tiger’s Eye  is a focus stone that sharpens your wit, intelligence, and mind power. Combined with the love and belonging from Malachite, this dynamic pairing manifests freedom, success, willpower, self-control, and abundance. 

Best Crystal Pairing Techniques for Malachite and Tiger’s Eye

  • Essential Oils:  Pour a few drops of essential oils into a bowl and cover it with a lid. Place your stones on the lid and hold your hands over the setup to set your intention.
  • Visualization:  Hold a Tiger’s Eye stone in your dominant hand and a Malachite stone in the other. Close your eyes and affirm your intention to embrace courage and positive transformation. 

Chalcopyrite crystal on a white background

Using Malachite with Chalcopyrite is a favorite combination because their ruling planets are friendly. 

Chalcopyrite  opens all the chakras but is most linked to the energies of the Crown, Third Eye, and Throat Chakras, boosting metaphysical benefits like intuition, clairvoyance, and communication skills. 

When combined, these stones lead to cosmic consciousness, spiritual communication, emotional transformation, and self-discovery. 

Best Crystal Pairing Techniques for Malachite and Chalcopyrite

  • Activated Smudging:   Light a candle after dusk in a lightless room. Keep your crystals on the left and right of the candle and light a sage stick with the candle. Once it starts smoking, circle the smudge stick over the crystals clockwise.
  • Floral Energies:  Place your crystals in a small bag next to a budding flower. Ensure the flower is healthy enough to infuse the floral energies into your stone.

black tourmaline on a white background

Pairing the energies of Malachite with Black Tourmaline isn’t a good idea because their ruling planets are incompatible. It’s a controversial combination that may lead to adverse effects. 

If your astrologist recommended this pairing, use the stones together for grounding, strength, recovery, and stability. This duo enhances self-reliance with Malachite.

Best Crystal Pairing Techniques for Malachite and Black Tourmaline

  • Activated Mudras:  Pick a mudra or gesture based on your intention, such as Abhayamudra, for protection. Create the mudra with your palms and place them on the Malachite pairing. Do it at sunrise to set your intention.
  • Midnight Meditation:  Sit in the lotus pose and hold your crystals in your lap a few minutes before midnight. Close your eyes and meditate with the stones before placing them at the Entrance of your house. This will prevent negativity from entering it.

Hexagonal emerald on a white background

Using Emerald and Malachite together is a good combination because Venus rules both crystals. It’s a combination best for luck in love, career, and business.

Did you know Emerald was once used to reveal the future?  It’s a Heart Chakra stone, like Malachite, but with strong connections to the angelic realm. 

They enhance strength, peace, fertility, intuition, and psychic protection when paired with Malachite.

Best Crystal Pairing Techniques for Malachite and Emerald 

  • Prosperity Grid:  Smudge both your stones by setting an intention for psychic gifts and set them in the center of a crystal grid. Arrange 11 crystals around them and smudge them with a sage stick daily to manifest your wishes. 
  • Soil:  Place your crystal on the ground and close the top with your dominant hand. Now chant the word  OM  onto it for a few minutes.

polished Chrysocolla on white background

As Venus rules both these crystals, they’re a compatible combination that brings happiness, wellness, immunity, self-expression, truth, willpower, and peace.

Chrysocolla  usually opens the Heart, Throat, Third Eye, Crown, and Solar Plexus Chakras. Hence, it’s popular for recovery, stability, communication skills, and calmness. With Malachite, it becomes the invincible duo of health and joy.

Best Crystal Pairing Techniques for Malachite and Chrysocolla

  • Classical Music:  Keep your crystals next to speakers playing the classical music of Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, or Bach.  
  • Open Air Meditation:  Sitting on the ground in the open air instead of a room with both stones in your hands is good for discovering your destiny. 

amazonite crystal on white background

The planet Venus rules both stones; hence, they’re beneficial when paired.

Have you heard about the physical healing effects of  Amazonite ?  It clears chakra blockages that lead to fatigue, pain, weakness, and illnesses and activates inner power. 

When united with Malachite, Amazonite enhances passion, enthusiasm, emotional balance, self-esteem, charisma, and power. 

Best Crystal Pairing Techniques for Malachite and Amazonite

  • Salt:  Place your crystals in a bowl and sprinkle some salt over it. Cover the mouth of the bowl with your palms and meditate on your intention for a few minutes. Carry the stones everywhere you go. 
  • Affirmations:  Chant this affirmation while holding onto both crystals:  I am filled with vitality, immunity, and strength.

A Moldavite crystal on a white background

The combination of Moldavite and Malachite is intense but favorable because friendly planets rule them. 

Moldavite  is a high-vibration stone known for its transformative, restorative, intuitive, enlightening, and balancing effects. It’s a Heart Chakra stone, powerful enough to clear emotional blockages. 

When fused with the energies of Malachite, Moldavite accelerates your spiritual journey and takes you closer to your destiny. En route, you’ll find cosmic consciousness, manifestation, wisdom, clairvoyance, and many other psychic gifts.

Best Crystal Pairing Techniques for Malachite and Moldavite 

  • Palo Santo:  Take a Palo Santo stick and walk around your bed for a few minutes at a slow pace with it. Try to visualize your intentions, realizing them via dreams. 
  • Essential Oils Soak:  Place your stones with a little gap between them on a flat table. Draw circles around the stones with a dab of sacred essential oil like myrrh, rose, or sandalwood. 

rhodonite crystal on a white background

This crystal pairing is beneficial because friendly planets rule these stones. It also brings wellness, love, passion, and inner healing into the wearer’s life. 

Rhodonite  is popular as the  Stone of Love  and is used for self-care, empathy, and emotional balance. When you pair it with another Heart Chakra stone, like Malachite, they work in tandem to help you move on and grow with kindness in life. 

Best Crystal Pairing Techniques for Malachite and Rhodonite

  • Heart Chakra Reiki:  Lie down and place your stones on your chest. Close your eyes, meditate, and place your hands on the stones. This will channel the universal energy via the stones into your body to manifest intentions. 
  • Gem Bath:  Infuse your crystals indirectly and pour the crystal elixir into your bathtub. Soak in the gem bath for 10 to 15 minutes after sunset. 

Tumbled citrine gemstone on a white background

Another excellent crystal combination with Malachite, this duo is good because compatible planets rule them. 

Malachite and  Citrine  attract prosperity and abundance by opening the Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral, and Root Chakras. Citrine is a natural luck magnet that clears physical blockages and fills you with courage and willpower. 

Best Crystal Pairing Techniques for Malachite and Citrine 

  • Sun Salutations:  Tap into divine luck and abundance by charging your crystal combination under the rising sun with yoga. Check out sun salutations to draw the solar power of victory into your stones. 
  • Luck Magnet with Light:  Program your stones by meditating with them from sunset to midnight for prosperity. Finally, you can set them in the Southeast corner of your house or inside the wallet. 

Malachite is a powerful support stone on its own, but when paired with stones friendly or compatible with its ruling planet, Malachite becomes an energy generator. 

Whether you strive for emotional balance, spiritual awakening, grounding, protection, or abundance, compatible crystals like Citrine, Aquamarine, Red Jasper, Green Jade, or Rhodonite can help. 

Here’s a quick look at 20 Malachite combinations we learned today:

A custom graphic table for Malachite Pairings

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Crystals for Safe Travel: Keep Calm and Travel On with these Crystals

Planes, trains and automobiles! The holidays can be a crazy time for travel. Whether for business or pleasure, by air, land or sea, travel can put us at a heightened state of excitement and, yes, stress.  Safety is always the primary concern, but it’s important to keep our energy field protected as well as our physical self so when we reach our destination, we arrive in a calm and healthy state of mind, ready to make the most of our experience. During travel, we are bombarded with increased and varying types of energy. We could all use a little extra protection to avoid any undue turbulence. Delays, crowds, security, traffic, anxiety – these are all par for the course in this day and age of travel. Sometimes we just need to release ourselves from all the external forces that are beyond our control and do what we can to manage our inner state of mind. Certain  tumbled stones  can offer protection while traveling. Some can be worn on our bodies or carried with us as a much-needed travel companion. Others can be packed in with our luggage to safeguard our belongings. These crystals for travel safety will help calm, detoxify and shield us, paving the way for smoother sailing. Here are some tips for how we can go with the flow during our travels this holiday season.

Don’t Leave Home without these Crystals for Safe Travel:

Crystals to carry with you or pack in your luggage for safe travel:.

  • Black Tourmaline - Like your own personal bodyguard, this crystal serves as a protective shield.  Particularly as you navigate through crowds and congested areas, carry it with you to add a protective boundary between you and any unwanted energy that might surround you.
  • Moonstone - has long held the reputation as a traveler’s stone because it brightens your spirit and encourages good luck. Moonstone can help to lift your mood whenever you are feeling homesick or fatigued from travel. Keep this crystal packed with your luggage to avoid loss or misplacement.
  • Angelite – This crystal is used to comfort, support and reassure.  It will keep you calm and protected during periods of panic, stress, turbulence or fear of flying.  It will also help provide patience with delays. Hold this in your hand as a calming stone and take comfort in this portable guardian angel.

Unakite  - This stone reminds you to stay present throughout your travels. Instead of letting the past or the future distract you, this crystal helps you live in the now. This stone also helps us let go of negative energy and evens us out during delays or unforeseen obstacles. Carry it to stay grounded, present and released from things that are out of our control.

Amethyst - Let’s face it – travel can be stressful! Amethyst has a peaceful and relaxing energy that helps you unwind and find your calm no matter where you or what is going on around you. is one of the best crystals for travel. Known for soothing anxieties and encouraging relaxation, Amethyst urges you to enjoy your adventure. By shielding your spirit from negative energy, Amethyst helps to secure a safe and peaceful journey.  

Aquamarine  - Helps with fear of flying or traveling over water. This stone has a uniquely powerful effect with paired with water. If you are wanting to attract more travel into your life, especially overseas, wear Aquamarine.

Rhodonite  - is the ideal stone for those entering foreign surroundings because it helps to shift your perspective. This way, you can see how your actions are perceived by locals. Make deeper connections with people as you travel and keep yourself energetically protected with the energy of Rhodonite. 

Malachite -  known as a guardian stone for travelers, works to emphasize the wisdom you need to keep yourself out of danger. If you’re in a negative thought cycle about travel, get a fresh perspective about your trip with Malachite.

Crystals to wear on your body for travel protection:

Shungite Necklace - Known as the miracle stone for a technology-driven era, this stone helps purify and detoxify our environment. Wear it as you’re passing through security and navigating crowds of people who, undoubtedly are all on their cell phones, to combat and neutralize elevated levels of EMFs throughout the airport.  

Selenite Necklace   – As a powerful source of light, wear this crystal to keep yourself positive and uplifted. It will also help keep your personal energy cleansed and clear from any other unwanted or negative energy that may be picked up during your travels.

Wellness Travel Tips

While some airports are further advanced in the shift toward wellness-inspired travel, most airports are equipped with lounges or quiet business areas. A couple of airports, like Chicago’s O’Hare International and San Francisco International, even provide quiet rooms for yoga and meditation. Getting to the airport early can relieve the anxiety of rushing to make your flight, and with amenities like quiet rooms for yoga, you can remove the sense that you are waiting by amplifying your experience with exercise. In addition to a yoga space, Burlington International in Vermont features a picnic area on its manicured roof where you can soak in some sun while you snack pre-flight. Phoenix Sky Harbor International in Arizona has expanded on the fitness room idea by combining it with an essential Arizona activity—hiking. Their nearly mile long indoor fitness trail exhibits the beautiful Arizona skyline with views of their mountains, parks and preserves. If you’re flying out of an airport without these conveniences, set up a space in a quiet, lesser used gate.

Set Up a Modified “Sacred Space”  

It can be overwhelming to have to share a space with so many other travelers, especially when all of the seats at your gate are spoken for and you have to stand until your flight. Instead of feeling herded into a progressively cranky crowd, create a   sacred space   of your own. Lay down a blanket in a less populated area without a lot of foot traffic. Define this area by setting down things you have brought that represent home to you. A coloring book can be a fun, meditative activity to help you pass the time. Popping off your shoes, and burying your nose in your favorite book is another way to get comfy in an otherwise uncomfortable situation. You can also try placing a few healing crystals in the corner of the blanket to bring you an energy of renewal and ease. Once set up with snacks, items from home, and a couple of activities, this space will be ideal for shutting your eyes in silent meditation, simple yoga, snacking and relaxing before your flight.

Empty heading

Travel comfortable.

You don’t have to wear sweatpants, but you do have to make sure that what you are wearing is comfortable. Wear shoes you can walk around in and non-wrinkling clothes that you can stretch out and convert easily if you get hot or cold. Bring a blanket that you can sit on if all the seats are taken, or snuggle up in if the airport gets a little chilly.

Bring Essential Oils

Our essential oil rollers pass the airport regulation of no liquids over 3 oz. and will be a life saver in overcrowded gates. Anywhere that has a lot of people in a limited space is going to get a little musky, especially if those people and air around them are staying stagnant. Combat the stagnant air with essential oil. Take a whiff of your citrus oil when you have your spot among the crowd. This will rejuvenate your energy and release a wave joy. Ask for cup of hot water from a coffee and tea vendor in the airport, and pour ten drops of eucalyptus oil in it. Bring the steam up to your face to bask in the revitalizing vapors of eucalyptus. This scent is particularly helpful as a stress reliever, in clearing nasal passages, for cleansing the air, and in combating sinus allergies and colds. Peppermint essential oil is also great for traveling because it can help with beginning headaches. Apply a touch of peppermint oil to the neck or the wrist to re-energize yourself and unclog the sinuses. 

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Malachite — Part II: Banded Beauty Comes from Russia and the Congo

Malachite gem box

Editor’s Note: This is the second in a two-part series about Malachite. Enjoy Part I>>>

Story by Bob Jones

One of the earliest-known sources of malachite was mined by the Egyptians in the Sinai Desert thousands of years ago. Since that time, this lovely, green hydrous copper carbonate has been mined in quantity all over the world. To describe more than a fraction of all the sources of this mineral would be impossible in a magazine article, but a handful of sources are astounding, due to the sheer quantity or unusual types of malachite they produced.

Russia’s Ural Mountains was once the source of tons of the world’s most beautiful banded malachite, and the copper mines of the Katanga (Shaba) Copperbelt of Central Africa are currently yielding huge masses of green copper carbonate. Russia is unquestionably famous for its amazing banded malachite gem material. Artisans, decorators, and museum experts agree that Russian malachite is the most beautiful in the world. It was mined in such quantities that artisans were able to produce breathtaking malachite objects that are now found worldwide. Visit stately palaces in Mexico, England and Europe, and many state buildings and countless museums throughout the world, and you can view wonderful creations made of Russia’s malachite. These objects are highly prized and eagerly displayed, and their value borders on priceless.

Legacy of Marvelous Malachite

Russian malachite exhibits light- to dark-green bands, some so dark as to be almost black. The bands can be any width, from under an inch to several inches wide. The curving, undulating bands are spectacular, taking many forms, from bull’s-eyes to graceful, sweeping curves.

Two Russian copper mines, the Mednorodyskoye and Gumshevskit, established in the Middle Ural Mountains in the 1800s, were particularly productive of large pieces of malachite. Among the multiton masses of malachite recovered was one chunk that weighed around 250 tons, with many others in the 50-ton range! These large masses were not completely solid, but were shot through with vugs and cavities. This made obtaining large slabs impossible, but explains why the Russians developed the technique called “Russian malachite mosaic”.

The czars recognized the value of this material immediately, and had huge quantities shipped to the royal lapidary works in Ekaterinburg. Established in 1723 by Peter the Great, it is named for his wife, Yekaterina, who became Catherine the Great . In them, the malachite masses were turned into objects of art in an orgy of creation: breathtaking vases, fireplace mantles and frames, clock bodies, candelabra, table and desktops, and many other items. The Russians even used malachite to decorate an entire room.

What most of us do not realize is that the huge malachite objects of art are not solid—they are veneered! The veneering technique was developed by Russian artisans because the malachite was too vuggy to be cut into large, solid slices. The technique known as Russian mosaic involves making an object out of metal, such as copper, or stone, like basalt or marble, then veneering it with thin slices of malachite. The patterns of these slices had to be carefully matched—band to band, natural design to natural design—so that the finished work looked like solid malachite.

Malachite in Many Forms

How large are some of these Russian malachite mosaics? The malachite-veneered doors leading into the heart of Chapultepec Palace, in Mexico City, are about 10 feet high. Even more amazing are the malachite columns in Saint Isaac’s Cathedral , in Saint Petersburg. There are five columns on either side of the entrance to the altar—10 columns in all. Each measures 40 feet high and 2 feet across. The core of each fluted column is a copper cylinder, and the cylinders have been veneered with malachite.

If you have ever done much lapidary work, you know how difficult it is to cut thin slices of malachite, which is a relatively soft mineral (Mohs 4). The Russian lapidary artists had to cut the Uralian malachite into thin sheets that measured only 1 mm thick! Cutting thin slabs is difficult enough; try matching them to each other so that the finished object looks as if it is a solid malachite piece. Each and every color, each and every band and swirl, had to match up! Today, the old glue is drying out, and repairs have to be made on these malachite mosaic objects. Still, you can’t see the joints where these pieces of malachite have been matched.

I was fortunate to visit Saint Isaac’s Cathedral while shooting the video “Russian Gem Treasures” . I wanted to photograph those 10 malachite columns, but ran into a problem: Photographs were not allowed unless you paid for the privilege. Officials told my producer, Michael Leybov, that it would cost me $100; however, if Michael, a Russian, took the photos, the fee was only $10! So I set up my tripod and camera and got everything framed properly, and then Michael pushed the camera plunger again and again.

As impressive as the Saint Isaac’s columns are, I found the Malachite Room, in the Winter Palace—now the State Hermitage Museum —to be the most remarkable. The room is larger than a basketball court. At one end is a malachite fireplace with gold trim. There are columns, tables, and a huge assortment of objects done in malachite and gold. Even the chandeliers were made of malachite. It was really a green sight to behold!

Evolution of Malachite Sources

I doubt there is an official count of the number of objects that were made from Russian

malachite. Czars used them as important and very showy gifts when they traveled to visit dignitaries and royals in other countries, so they are all around the world.

Unfortunately, the supply of malachite from Russia’s mines dried up long ago. The lapidary orgy ended relatively quickly in the years following the discoveries, and Russian malachite is no longer seen on the mineral market.

Fortunately, another malachite source, this one in Central Africa, came to light in the early years of the 20th century. The copper deposits, however, were well known to natives hundreds of years before the Europeans invaded. Known early on as the Roan-Antelope Belt, this vast copper-bearing region is now called the Katanga (or Shaba) Copperbelt. It extends over a vast part of the southern Katanga Province in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire).

The area trends northwest to southeast and covers an area of over 150 miles by over 40 miles. It holds at least six operating open-pit mines, which produce tons of malachite and other copper minerals, along with cobalt minerals.

Velvet Malachite

Some “primary” malachite has been found in the Katanga Copperbelt, but far more important are the vast tonnages of malachite that have been mined. The bulk of the malachite is solid, velvet malachite, but there are also huge quantities of superb malachite stalactites and stalagmites. These long, tapering, green structures can reach well over a foot in length and are found in multiple units of subparallel growths in all sizes. When cut across the vertical, the stalactites reveal a beautiful interior with circular bands. Many of these formations take a wonderful polish.

The velvet malachite pieces from the Katanga source can be huge. Some pieces I’ve seen exceed 3 feet in length, and I suspect their size is governed only by the miner’s ability to extract them from the deposit.

As for cutting-grade malachite, very large quantities have been mined in this African country and used in many ways. It is not unusual to see a malachite dealer at a show offering large quantities of carved and polished malachite objects like animals, ashtrays, eggs, candleholders, and just about anything else imaginable. Larger polished pieces are used for decorative displays, and lapidary artists love to work with good, solid Zaire malachite. They keep in mind that inhaling the dust of any copper species is apt to cause breathing problems over time.

Superb examples of the use of cutting-grade malachite include slices cut from stalactites, with their bull’s-eye patterns. Zaire malachite is seen in the magnificent work of Jim Kaufman and Nicolai Medvedev, intarsia artists whom we featured in the article “Russian Renaissance”, in the November 1984 issue of Rock & Gem . It seems most appropriate to me that Medvedev, a very talented Russian lapidary, has applied his talents to malachite from Zaire. His work is now seen at major gem shows and displayed in museums like the noted Lizzadro Museum of Lapidary Arts , in Elmhurst, Illinois, and the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian).

Assorted Malachite

The supply of African malachite seems endless, but it should be noted that most mineral collectors are far more excited about the wonderful assortment of minerals, including rose-colored cobaltian calcite and superb, lustrous, octahedral crystals of carrollite, that come from these mines. In fact, dozens of fine mineral species have been found in the copper deposits of the Katanga Copperbelt, ensuring a good supply of minerals for the future.

While malachite is a common secondary mineral in countless copper deposits, one form of this green mineral that is particularly appealing to collectors is malachite pseudomorphs after a mineral, most often azurite. Bisbee, Arizona, was noted for its specimens, and the Russian mines certainly yielded fine ones in its day. The recent malachite pseudomorphs from the Milpillas mine, in Sonora, Mexico are considered world-class.

Two sources of unusual malachite specimens should be mentioned: the historically important copper mine at Chessy-les-Mines, France, and the more recently worked Emke mine, in Namibia. Both deposits produced fine, malachite-coated cuprite crystals. The Chessy crystals are almost always simple octahedrons, under an inch long, though some crystals do exceed that. Small clusters of two or three octahedrons were also found. This mine was worked in the 1700s and 1800s, and any specimens seen today are from old collections.

Cuprites Specimens

The malachite-coated cuprite specimens from the Emke mine came out in the latter part of the 1900s. One report I received while there was that, upon entering the mine after a blast, the miners saw an exposed wall of calcite on which were many large malachite-coated cuprite crystals on calcite. The cuprite crystals were all dodecahedrons, some of them elongate.

The cuprites, when the malachite was removed, proved to be gemmy red and could be faceted into large gems—300 carats or more. When I visited the site in the 1990s, the mine was closed and nothing was available. The internet and mineral shows are the only sources for these important malachite-coated cuprites now.

These two articles have only touched on malachite, the copper carbonate that is a wonderful display mineral and a superb and most colorful lapidary material.

Malachite Room at the Hermitage Museum


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Domes of Church of the Saviour on Spilled Blood in St. Petersburg, Russia

The opulent Spas N a Krovi, or the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, features enameled, onion-shaped domes.

Cathedrals, canals, and cafés: the ultimate St. Petersburg itinerary

Discover art, cuisine, and culture in this Baltic seaside city.

St. Petersburg was founded in 1703 by Tsar Peter the Great, but the city is actually named after the Saint, who was mythologized in Christianity as the guardian of the keys to the gates of heaven. By picking this name, the Tsar made his plans clear: Petersburg was to be as beautiful as heaven itself. The city was built in extravagant Italian and French architectural styles, showcasing Russia’s European identity while maintaining its traditional character.

For summertime travelers, the weeks surrounding the solstice in June are perfect for long days of exploring and nights illuminated by the midnight sun . St. Petersburg celebrates the season with fireworks (heralding the Scarlet Sails , a red-draped ship that cruises down the banks of the Neva River), festivities, and arts events, including the White Nights Festival . While summer is a quick season in northern latitudes, the city shines year-round. Here’s how to spend three days in this exquisite city by sea.

Day 1: Museums, monuments, and the Mariinsky

9 a.m. Start your day at Ploschad Vosstaniya , or Uprising Square, where you can see a 118-foot-high obelisk topped by a gold star. This monument to Leningrad (St. Petersburg’s name in Soviet times) was inaugurated in May 1985 in memory of the calamitous 900-day siege at the hands of Nazi forces during World War II. The city’s valiant defense earned it the title of “Hero City.”

Tea, pastries, and window-filling views at Cafe Singer

Visitors take in views of St. Petersburg while indulging in tea and pastries at Singer café.

9:15 a.m. Nevsky Prospekt is St. Petersburg’s main artery, and gives visitors access to some of the city’s most beautiful buildings, museums, cathedrals, and canals. The key sights in the eastern section are the Anichkov Bridge , known for its horse sculptures and decorated railings; Ostrovsky Square , which has an imposing statue of Tsarina Catherine the Great, one of Russia’s most influential monarchs; the custard-colored Alexandrinsky Theatre , one of the oldest in the country; and Gostiny Dvor , the city’s biggest department store that spans an entire block between Sadovaya and Dumskaya streets.

10:30 a.m. Next up is the crown jewel of Saint Petersburg: the mint-green and white Winter Palace, the former royal residence and State Hermitage Museum . The museum displays artworks that span the ages, from ancient Egyptian artifacts to Renaissance paintings. Don’t miss the Malachite Room, with its stunning green pillars and gold decorations, or Pavilion Hall, which houses the gilded Peacock Clock, an 18th-century mechanical timepiece that still works. You’ll also find entire rooms dedicated to icons, such as Monet, Renoir, and van Gogh.

3:30 p.m. Stop for a late lunch at Café Literaturnoe on the corner of Nevsky Avenue and Moika River Embankment.The two-story, historic café was a favorite of 18th-century writers, poets, and journalists, including Russian poet Alexander Pushkin, who is said to have eaten his last meal here. Order comfort food like mushroom soup and chicken schnitzel, or go a little wild with caviar and elk steak.

5:30 p.m. Located in the Shuvalov Palace , the Fabergé Museum is the repository of nine jeweled eggs crafted by Carl Fabergé for the last two Tsars of Russia. The museum also hosts a collection of fine art and jewelry from Russia’s Imperial Era.

7 p.m. The Mariinsky is St. Petersburg’s undisputed venue for opera and ballet. Catch Tchaikovsky’s the “Nutcracker,” which premiered here in 1892, or opt for the theater’s modern rendition of Don Quixote . Tickets often sell out, so book online in advance. Arrive early so you have plenty of time to admire the theater’s architectural elegance and grand interiors.

Day 2: From fountains to frescoes

Peterhof in Saint Petersburg, Russia

The Peterhof estate showcases intricate artwork and neoclassical architecture.

10 a.m. The Peterhof estate , built by Tsar Peter the Great, is the confluence of hydraulic engineering and neoclassical architecture. The 18th-century Grand Cascade, the most majestic of Peterhof’s fountain systems, ushers you to the Grand Palace . Add to that a few more museums and the upper and lower level gardens, and you have splendor par excellence. Most buildings are open all week except Mondays, but the fountains only operate between late May and early October. You can get to Peterhof by land, but the best way to go is by water—just like the Tsars of old. Hydrofoils depart from Dvortsovaya Embankment (just behind the Winter Palace) and a one-way trip takes about 30 minutes.

4 p.m. The point where Nevsky crosses Griboyedov Canal is home to some of St. Petersburg’s most exemplary landmarks. The southwest corner features the magnificent Kazan Cathedral , an early 19th-century structure built in the image of St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican. The church is a must-see for its imposing colonnade and detailed interiors decorated with frescoes depicting the life of Christ. On the northwest corner stands Dom Knigi (House of Books) with its iconic glass tower and globe. For the best views of Kazan Cathedral, head to the coffee shop on the first floor of Dom Knigi.

St. Petersburg’s other iconic house of worship, Spas Na Krovi , or the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, was built on the site of Tsar Alexander II’s assassination. During the Communist-era persecution of religion, Spas na Krovi served as a potato warehouse, and Kazan Cathedral was converted into the Museum of Atheism.

6:30 p.m. Continue admiring the Kazan Cathedral and St. Petersburg’s architecture from a different perspective. Terrassa offers an expansive outdoor terrace, romantic views, and a sumptuous menu that features European and Asian cuisines .

8:30 p.m. Make your way to one of the city’s most beloved sites: Bronze Horseman , which depicts Peter the Great on horseback crushing a snake, a metaphor for his adversaries. The statue has inspired many artistic expressions, including Alexander Puskin’s poem and Vasily Surikov’s painting, both of which are namesakes. During the Siege of Leningrad (1941-44), the statue was shielded under sandbags to shelter it from Nazi artillery because locals believed it had mystical powers that protected the city.

Related: 25 of Russia’s natural and cultural treasures

Kizhi Pogost

Behind it, you will see the enormous St. Isaac’s Cathedral with its glittering gold cupola and giant granite columns. It is a fine example of neoclassical architecture with Orthodox Russian and Byzantine influences. The 19th-century basilica took 40 years to build, and one look at the stunning gilded interiors will convince you that it was worth the wait.

Day 3: Gardens and gilded spires

9 a.m. Indulge in the ultimate Russian breakfast: blini , or crepes, that can be savory or sweet. Head to Teremok (a chain restaurant) for buttery crepes filled with mushrooms and cream or condensed milk. If you are feeling particularly indulgent, order the blini with ikra (caviar).

10 a.m. Located on Zayachy Island is St. Petersburg’s foundational section and the original fortress: the Peter and Paul Fortress . Established in 1703 by Tsar Peter the Great, the Fortress has been through many incarnations, including a stint as a political prison. The gilded spire of the cathedral is not only a staple of postcards, it’s also the imperial burial ground. There are tombs of Peter the Great, Catherine the Great, and the last Tsar, who was executed in Yekaterinburg following the October Revolution that brought the Communist regime to power. The Fortress is also home to the Museum of Space Exploration .

2 p.m. From its fitting name to its zesty menu and snug interiors, Teplo (meaning warmth) serves comfort in many forms. If you are into snail mail, this is a great place to write your postcards. Teplo provides envelopes and stamps, and the staff will mail your letters.

3:30 p.m. With its many exquisite buildings and the largest repository of Russian art in the world, the State Russian Museum could absorb several hours of your day and not feel like enough. The museum hosts a collection of close to 6,000 invaluable icons from a period spanning five centuries.

6 p.m. Wrap up your trip to St. Petersburg with a trip at Gostiny Dvor shopping center. Look for scarves with traditional Russian patterns, and Baltic amber jewelry and ornaments .

10 p.m. In the months that River Neva is not frozen, the drawbridges open to let naval traffic through. It’s a spectacular sight, especially during the summertime White Nights Festival . Start with the Sky Bar at Azimut Hotel, and then make your way to Vasilievsky Island before the bridges open. Watch the magic from the Spit of the Vasilievsky Island . Now that you are “stuck” on Vasilievsky, move between 8th Line, VinoVeka, and Street Food No. 1, all located near Akademichesky Garden . Whichever side of the bridges you end up at, it will be a night you won’t forget.

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The Hermitage museum is a must-see for all first-time travellers to St. Petersburg as is the city's most popular visitor attraction.

Founded in 1764 by Russian Empress Catherine the Great, the State Hermitage Museum is  the richest, finest, and biggest museums in the world. It is a place of great beauty both inside, as it is the home of the city’s Museum of Art and Culture, and outside, because of the architectural grandeur of the buildings that make up the complex.

The Winter Palace

With over three million works of art and treasures housed in five connected building along the Neva River, the museum can't fail to impress. A tour inside the Hermitage Museum is a unique cultural experience introducing you to the history of art from the 25th century B.C. to the current days.

Viewed from across the Neva River , the buildings could have and can still inspire a variety of emotions: fear and possibly anger in the old days, awe and amazement today. Regardless of the emotions felt, anyone who has seen the complex would have to admit that the buildings are works of art as beautiful as those works found inside the museum.

For your information, the Hermitage Museum complex includes five main buildings: the Winter Palace ; the Small Hermitage ; the Great (Old) Hermitage ; the New Hermitage ; and the Hermitage Theatre . Several other buildings are also part of the complex and worth visiting , such as the General Staff Building, the Menshikov Palace, and the Imperial Porcelain Factory .

Walking through the stunning rooms of each exhibition of the Museum is an experience of a lifetime, which should not really be missed. If you are keen to know what you can find inside the Museum before going, then keep reading below. ☺


Interested to visit the Hermitage Museum? If so, click on the links below or scroll down the page to learn more.

Quick Links:

The Five Buildings

Other Branches of the Museum

The Hermitage Displays

Must-See Collections

Where to Buy Tickets

How to Get There

Practical Information

Tips & Recommendations

Accommodation Nearby

Must-Have Travel Resources


The main displays of one of the world's largest museums are located in five buildings facing the Neva and Palace Square. They form a single palatial main complex that was roughly a century in the making (from 1754 to 1852), and are referred by locals too as " Winter Palace ". This main complex is what you see on typical photos of the Hermitage and postcards.

The Jordan Staircase

The Winter Palace is a huge three-story Baroque-style building. It contains 1500 rooms, 117 staircases, and a total floor area of about 46,000 square meters. The palace was constructed in 1754-1762 by Bartolomeo Rastrelli for the Empress Elizabeth. In the past, it was a residence of the Russian emperors and the seat of the Russian Provisional Government for a short time following the Revolution of 1917. Some of the magnificent interior features include the Jordan or Ambassador Staircase, the large Throne Room, and the War Gallery of 1812, including the superb Malachite and Gold Drawing Rooms.

The Small Hermitage comprises two pavilions on the north and south that are linked by galleries and Hanging Garden. The architectural design combines features of the Late Baroque and Early Classicism periods of art. This was the original building built during the reign of Catherine the Great. The word “hermitage” means a hermit’s home, but popular parties of Catherine’s time featuring games and performances were known as “small hermitages”. Catherine’s parties were held in the northern pavilion and works of art were displayed in the side galleries. These artworks were the first pieces of the collections of the Imperial Museum.

The Great (Old) Hermitage was put up between 1771 and 1782 to the design of Yury Velten and was built to naturally complete the existing palace ensemble and accommodate Catherine II's collections and libraries. Of the many amazing rooms inside, the Room of the Italian Renaissance, where the works by Leonardo da Vinci are displayed, is the most attractive.

The New Hermitage building was designed by Leo Von Klenze, the creator of the Bavarian museum, and constructed to the south of the Great (Old) Hermitage for the Tsar Nicholas I. Inspired by the famous Pinakothek, the pride of Munich, this part of the museum opened in 1852 with 18 impressive halls housing interesting pieces of Ancient Art. For example, one of the halls contains a gigantic vase (4.5 meters in diameter) that was cut from a single piece of Revno Jasper by the craftsmen of the Kolyvan Lapidary Works in the Altai.

The Hermitage Theatre is one of the oldest theatres in St Petersburg and in Russia. Built for Catherine II by Giacomo Quarenghi, the old foundations of the palace are still visible on the ground floor. The theatre is viewed as a rare monument to Catherine’s personal tastes and affections. It features a semi-circular auditorium surrounded by ten niches holding statues of Apollo and the muses and is richly decorated in the Roman style.


Other Branches Of The Hermitage

The Hermitage Museum has also other well known branches worth visiting, such as the General Staff Building, the Menshikov Palace, and the Museum of the Imperial Porcelain Factory.

The General Staff Building is one of the world's largest architectural compositions and, arguably, the finest creation of one of St Petersburg's foremost 19th century architects Carlos Rossi. Located opposite the Winter Palace, across the huge and beautiful Palace square, the building hosts temporary exhibitions about post-impressionist art. A large arched opening separates the east and west wings. The arch is topped by a triumphal chariot.

The Menshikov Palace constructed on the bank of the Neva River is the best and sole-surviving residence of General Alexander Menshikov. Founded in 1710 by Giovanni Mario Fontana, the palace was the first stone building in the city and has been a part of the Hermitage museum since 1981. It has been restored several times over the years, and today it hosts a constant exhibition about the life of early years of the history of St Petersburg .

The Imperial porcelain factory is one of the oldest factories in Russia producing ceramic porcelains. Today it also houses exhibitions about the history of porcelain, which consists of more than 30,000 items including porcelain, glass, drawings, photographs and rare publications.

the hermitage displays

The Hermitage Museum is home to one of the most significant art collections in the world (numbering around 3 million items), presenting the history of art from the Egyptian and Roman times, way through Medieval and Renaissance times up until the classical modern period and the present. Most famous are the displays of Western European art and the Treasure Gallery. But there is more, so keep reading below!

The State Room

If you are wondering what type of collections you may find inside the museum, below is a short summary of the most interesting exhibitions currently on display.

  • Ancient Cultures of Eastern Europe, Siberia, Central Asia, the Caucasus and Transcaucasia - An introduction to the ancient history of territories in which the foundations of a number of present-day civilizations were laid.
  • Western European Arms and Armour of the 15th to 17th Centuries - Hall 243, better known as the Knights' Hall, contains Western European arms and armor from the imperial collection (one of the largest in the world with some 15,000 items.
  • Western European Art of the 13th to 19th Centuries - This is the largest display in the museum, the most famous, and probably, most valuable to see. It includes masterpieces by Giorgione, Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Rembrandt, Van Dyck, Rubens, Hals, Cranach, Velazquez, Gainsborough and other great masters of world art.
  • Art of Ancient Egypt and the Middle East - The display occupies two halls on the ground floor, accessible by way of the Eastern Vestibule. Here are unique cultural artifacts from the states that formed in the Nile valley and between the Tigris and Euphrates in the 4th to 2nd millennia B.C.
  • Art of Iran and the Middle East - Presents pre-Islamic and medieval art of a region from which in the era of the Crusades the cultural achievements of eastern civilizations flooded into Europe.
  • Art of the Ancient World - The collection numbers over 113,000 items, representing the art of Ancient Greece, Etruria, Roma and the Hellenic colonies of the northern Black Sea Coast.
  • The Treasure Gallery - the basis of the display is the priceless Siberian Collection of Peter the Great and unique artifacts from Scythian burial mounds. Here too are precious gifts made for the Russian rulers, including items from the legendary treasury of the Great Moguls.

must-see collections

With over 30.000 exhibits on display you can easily get a sense of overload and feel lost, if you visit the Hermitage museum unprepared. If you would like to know what to skip and what to keep during your visit at the Hermitage Museum take note of our hand-picked list of must-see collections below. Come prepared and you will have fun! ☺

The Large Throne Room

  • The St George Hall also known as the Large Throne Room - This is one the largest state rooms in the Winter Palace approached by the main Jordan staircase, originally created to host palace ceremonial, and other royal events.
  • The Hall of Italian Renaissance - The hall is dedicated to Italian art of the 16th-18th centuries on the first floor in the New Hermitage, which occupies the Small and Large Italian Skylight Halls.
  • The Peter the Great Hall - This is one of the best room of the Hermitage museum dedicated to the memory of Peter the Great.
  • The Gold Drawing Room - Along with the White Hall, the Green Dining-Room, the Crimson Study, the Boudoir and the Blue Bedroom, the Gold Drawing-Room offers an interesting exhibition of the private rooms of Empress Maria Alexandrovna.
  • The Hall of Egyptian Art - The room display a wide range of masterpieces of Ancient Egyptian art.
  • The Malachite Room - This is a beautiful room decorated with semi-precious stones from the Urals. Columns, pilasters, fireplaces and tables are faced with malachite in the technique of Russian mosaics.
  • The Gallery of 1812 - The room display 332 portraits of Russia's victory over Napoleonic France.
  • The Armorial Hall - Created for grand receptions, the room display Western European silver and several sculptural groups of early Russian warriors.
  • The Pavillion Hall - Created in the middle of the 19th century, the Pavilion Hall in the Small Hermitage museum is the most popular with visitors because of its striking architecture.
  • Raphael Loggias - The hall offers a nice narrow gallery whose east side overlooks the Winter Canal and the Hermitage Theatre.

where to BUY tickets

The ticket office for the Hermitage Museum can be found inside the main building. Just walk through one of the three big arches facing Palace Square, then move all the way through the courtyard and enter the building through one of the two sides of the main entrance. You will see a big reception where you can ask questions and buy your tickets.

You can also buy tickets at the Hermitage Museum Official Hotel . The biggest advantage of staying there is that you can buy your ticket in the lobby and save a lot of time at the museum. The hotel also provides a shuttle service to and from the museum twice a day, which is not bad!

Alternatively, you can also buy tickets online via the museum official website (highly recommended). Lastly, if buying tickets online is not an option for you, then you can even take advantage of a couple of self-service ticket machines in the courtyard before the main entrance.

how to get there

The Hermitage museum is located in the heart of the city aside the famous avenue Nevsky Prospekt. Thus, if you are staying nearby Nevsky Prospekt you can easily reach the museum on foot. Otherwise, if you cannot walk you can take any local bus going down to the Palace embankment. If you have a smartphone, download the app 2GIS . You can type in your location and that of the Hermitage, and it will give you some public transportation options.

 practical information

Address: 2, Dvortsovaya Ploschad (Palace Square)

Metro: Admiralteyskaya

Open: Daily 10:30 am to 6 pm. Last admission is at 5:30 pm. Wednesday and Friday, till 9 pm. Last admission is at 8:30 pm.

Closed: Monday

Telephone: +7 (812) 571-3420; +7 (812) 710-9079


Admission: 600 Rubles - entry ticket to the Main Museum Complex and the branches (the General Staff Building, Winter Palace of Peter the Great, Menshikov Palace, the Museum of the Imperial Porcelain Factory). 300 Rubles - entry ticket to one of the Hermitage branches (Winter Palace of Peter the Great, Menshikov Palace, the Museum of the Imperial Porcelain Factory, Staraya Derevnya Restoration and Storage Centre). Audio-guides are available (deposit required)

Free admission: Preschool children, school children, students. Free admission to all visitors on the first Thursday of each month.

Photo and video: No flash.

Accessibility note: The museum is wheelchair accessible (ramps/lifts). Free wheelchair rentals. Please call in advance as staff assistance may be required

*For more information please visit the official website.

tips & recommendations


With over 1000 rooms, the Hermitage Museum is the most confusing to find your way around. For this reason we recommend that you hire a local tour guide to save time and nerves . If this is not an option for you, then get a map and/or an audio guide before entering the museum.

  • You should know that there are often queues at the entrance both to get in and to buy a ticket. Thus, if you want to skip long ticket-office queues we recommend that you buy tickets online beforehand, or much better, you hire a local tour guide. He or she will take care of all your entrance tickets and greatly add to the experience - plus he or she will know what to see in the allocated time (and what not).
  • Give yourself plenty of time to visit the museum and try to go on weekdays to avoid the crowds.
  • The first Thursday of every Month entry is free. So if you tour on your own, plan your visit around these dates. And, if you go on this day, make sure you arrive early in the morning (around 9 AM) to avoid long queues. ☺
  • The best time to visit the Hermitage Museum is definitely in winter because there are only a few tourists around. Summer ( from May to September ) is considered high tourist season, so the crowds are at their thickest.
  • If you come from late May to early September, keep in mind that in order to skip the cruise ship crowds, avoid mornings altogether, unless you are part of an organized group.
  • Usually the majority of the tour groups start touring in the morning. So if you come to the museum after 3 pm or 4 pm on Wednesday, you'll have a better chance of less crowds.
  • For your information, the Hermitage Museum is open on Wednesday till 9 pm, but only in summer.
  • A full day is required to see some of the best art collections of the museums. However, spending an entire day at the Hermitage Museum can be also a challenge and very tiring. So we recommend splitting your visit over 2 days. Simply buy a two-day ticket online in advance and divide your time over a couple of days rather than trying to cram it all into a one-day visit. Plus, two-day tickets include admission to several additional Hermitage-run buildings like the Menshikov Palace and the Winter Palace of Peter the Great. 
  • Remember that you are not allowed to touch anything or to take photos inside the Hermitage Museum or its branches. If you want to take pictures or video, just pay the extra fee charged at the museum at the same time you are buying the tickets. Please note that photo can be taken but without a flash.
  • When visiting the museum avoid wearing shorts and T-Shirts, plus remember that smoking and chewing gums is strictly forbidden.
  • Usually four hours is probably an absolute minimum of time to spend there if you want to see the main state rooms and some of the most popular artworks.
  • Keep in mind that ticket sales ends an hour before the museum closes.
  • Remember, when you buy tickets online, the tickets are automatically inclusive of the photo fee.
  • No large bags, backpacks or suitcases are allowed inside the museum. So be prepared to leave them in the cloakroom.
  • Be aware that drinking and eating inside the halls and galleries of the Hermitage museum is not allowed. If you need a break during your visit, you can use the on site cafe, which serves reasonably good snacks and drinks.

accommodation near the hermitage museum

Our picking list of hotels in the heart of Saint Petersburg

Kempinski Hotel Moika 22

Kempinski Hotel Moika 22

Taleon Imperial Hotel

Taleon Imperial Hotel

Pushka INN hotel

Pushka INN Hotel

must-have travel resources

Our picking list of essentials travel resources for your trip to Russia

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Don't travel to Russia without covering your trip. Get the best Travel Insurance HERE.

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To apply for a Russian Visa you must have an invitation letter. Get one faster and cheaper HERE.

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If you want to travel by train from/to Russia or anywhere in the country book your train tickets HERE.

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Book a guided city tour with one of our professional tour guides, and get the most out of your visit to Saint Petersburg, and beyond.

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Visiting Oranienbaum and Lomonosov

Oranienbaum is perhaps the least visited of St. Petersburg's suburban palaces, despite the rich and unique treasures it has to offer. This can partly be attributed to the decades of neglect that have left most of the buildings in critical condition and allowed the park to be overrun by nature. Thankfully, the estate has now come under the auspices of Peterhof's management, and a massive renovation programme is already underway. For the next several years, however, it will be necessary to check which parts of the park and which buildings are currently open to the public.

Oranienbaum is only 12km along the coast from Peterhof, so it is possible for those with some stamina to combine the two in a single daytrip. A marshrutka minibus (K-348) connects the two estates. From St. Petersburg it is possible to take a minibus (K-300) from Avtovo Metro Station, or suburban trains from Baltiskiy Station. Either way, the journey takes a little under one hour.

Oranienbaum Park

Located on a slight incline, this pretty landscaped park is slowly being restored to its former glories, and contains a number of unusual architectural features.

Grand Menshikov Palace

This superbly elegant baroque palace was originally built for Peter the Great's closest adviser, and was the only suburban palace to survive World War 2 intact.

Chinese Palace

The favorite retreat of Catherine the Great, this small but exquisitely designed neoclassical villa has superbly restored interiors in "Oriental" style.

Palace of Peter III

This modest two-storey building was built for the future Peter III, and was the centre of Petershtadt, his peculiar model fortress of which he styled himself the Commandant.

Built as part of a Summer Palace for Peter III, this simple two-storey block by Antonio Rinaldi was later used as a Lutheran church, and is now an exhibition and concert hall.

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    TRAVEL; Cathedrals, canals, and cafés: the ultimate St. Petersburg itinerary. ... Don't miss the Malachite Room, with its stunning green pillars and gold decorations, or Pavilion Hall, which ...

  20. The Hermitage Museum

    The Malachite Room - This is a beautiful room decorated with semi-precious stones from the Urals. Columns, pilasters, fireplaces and tables are faced with malachite in the technique of Russian mosaics. The Gallery of 1812 - The room display 332 portraits of Russia's victory over Napoleonic France.


    Open now. 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM. Write a review. See all photos. About. Malachite Travel and Tours is geared to offer its clients the the coordination of comprehensive Southern And Eastern Africa travel itenararies within 24hours turnaround time. Kariba, Zimbabwe. Contact. Malachite travel and tours.

  22. Visiting Oranienbaum and Lomonosov

    Last admission is at 5 pm. October 10 to April 30: Saturday and Sunday, 10:30 am to 5 pm. Last admission is at 4 pm. Admission: Adult: RUB 250.00 Children: RUB 150.00. Accessibility note: No wheelchair access in the museum. Essential visitor information for the Imperial estate at Oranienbaum, near the St. Petersburg suburb of Lomonosov.