Ex Astris Scientia

From the Bonaventure to the Phoenix

Ever-changing ideas of the first warp ship - by Jörg Hillebrand and Bernd Schneider

The history of the first warp vessel, whether it was built by Zefram Cochrane himself or not, was subject to a number of revisions throughout the history of the Star Trek production. Ships with different names and different designs were labeled as the "first warp-powered vessel" or something along these lines. They are listed and investigated in the following.

In the first pilot episode, after the survivors from the SS Columbia have been found on Talos IV, Tyler tells them that "the time barrier's been broken" . We could understand this as a reference to the invention of warp drive. It would have taken place no more than 18 years before the episode, the time when the Columbia crashed on the planet (although it raises the question how the Columbia could have got there without FTL propulsion). Considering that there is solid evidence from later episodes that warp drive already existed for many decades prior to TOS, we could still argue that the "broken time barrier" refers to a breakthrough in warp propulsion not unlike the first warp flight. A breakthrough so significant that some people in the 23rd century casually call it the "invention of warp drive".

TOS: Metamorphosis

This TOS episode does not show or mention a first warp ship, but it introduces us to the inventor of warp propulsion, Zefram Cochrane. Nothing is mentioned that would imply that Cochrane himself built the first warp ship, however. We may only surmise that the first warp flight took place not too long after Cochrane's revolutionary discovery irrespective of his possible direct involvement in the building of the prototype. Since Cochrane is said to have disappeared at the age of 87 some 150 years prior to "Metamorphosis", the latest date for the launch of the first warp vessel is around 2117, because realistically he could have made his final journey into outer space only on a warp-powered ship. Since the Valiant quite obviously went to warp as soon as around 2065 according to TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before", the first warp prototype must have been launched a few years earlier, when Cochrane was still a young man.

uss phoenix star trek

Side note It is an already classic inconsistency that, according to Kirk, Cochrane used to be a denizen of the Alpha Centauri in the TOS episode, whereas "First Contact" leaves no doubt that he had never left Earth until he went of the first warp flight. Read more at Biography Inconsistencies .

TAS: The Time Trap

uss phoenix star trek

Regarding the age of the Bonaventure, Spock speculates that "the crew's descendants may still be living" , thereby implying that at least roughly a century has passed since her disappearance. This rules out the Bonaventure as the ship that broke the "time barrier" that was referred to in "The Cage". However, the Bonaventure could be old enough to be Cochrane's warp ship prototype, although most other evidence speaks against it.

TAS: The Counter-Clock Incident

Or does she just mean she was the "first (=chief) medical officer" on no particularly important warp ship, which would pose no problem at all? This doesn't seem so, as she puts too much emphasis on "first", and Kirk agrees with her that she used to be a pioneer in space.

Spaceflight Chronology

This book from 1980 is non-canon and was never really intended to be canon, also because it consists of just too much speculation. Aside from Rick Sternbach's co-authorship (he made the illustrations) there is one reason, however, to take the Spaceflight Chronology into account. It is the first time that the name "Bonaventure" (as a homage to TAS: "The Time Trap"), or any ship name at all, is linked to Zefram Cochrane (as a homage to TOS: "Metamorphosis"). The design depicted in the book will never show up in any canon installment of Star Trek though.

uss phoenix star trek

We learn in the Spaceflight Chronology that the Bonaventure was "the first ship with warp drive" and was launched in 2061. Actually, according to the book, an Earth sublight ship named UNSS Icarus made first contact with Alpha Centauri in 2048 where Zefram Cochrane, a native of the planet, discovered the principle of warp drive in 2051 (at the age of 21!). The Bonaventure is listed as a ship of the Cochrane class, which is odd, because in the tradition of Earth and Starfleet we would expect the class to be named after its lead ship, not after the inventor of its propulsion technology. There is no mention of Cochrane being involved in the development of the class aside from being its name giver.

uss phoenix star trek

Rick Sternbach: "I wish I had more information or memories about this particular ship, but there's not much to tell. The design was part of an evolution of early warp ships, with the lineage ultimately taking the reader up to the TOS Enterprise and the refit. The beginnings of the familiar ship elements are there, just not terribly obvious. The forward section evolved from an aerodynamic body and would later become the saucer, the body behind it would evolve into the secondary hull, and the side pods would become the warp nacelles. The big package at the aft end housed big waste heat radiators and was probably where the impulse nozzles would be located. Of course, the Phoenix seen in 'First Contact' went straight to the TOS-type nacelles, so that short-circuited any slower developmental hardware steps."

Star Trek Chronology (1st & 2nd edition)

uss phoenix star trek

The first edition of the Star Trek Chronology from 1993 depicts two black-and-white photos of a miniature and a color painting of Zefram Cochrane's unnamed first warp vessel. The painting can be found on the front cover. The first photo is a three-quarter front view, which adorns the introduction to the 21st century chapter with the heading "Breaking the warp barrier" . The second photo shows a side/rear view of the vessel in the entry to the year 2061, when the first warp flight was intended to have taken place. It is labeled "Zefram Cochrane's first warp-powered spacecraft" .

uss phoenix star trek

We can make out a registry on the painting and even a bit clearer on the front view photo. It appears to be "C1-21", which does not make sense compared to other Star Trek registries, but may simply stand for "Cochrane 1 - 21st century".

The launch date of 2061 and all depictions of this vessel were removed in the second edition of the Star Trek Chronology , issued in 1996. This adjustment was necessary because "Star Trek: First Contact" was just being produced and established different canon facts. The following notes were added to the entry of 2063: "Cochrane's ship, the Phoenix, was designed by illustrator John Eaves under the direction of production designer Herman Zimmerman. Eaves's design was based on a conjectural design for Cochrane's ship developed by modelmaker Greg Jein for the first edition of this Chronology. (Eaves made several significant changes to the design of the Phoenix, in part because the storyline for Star Trek first contact reveals that Cochrane's ship was launched from an uprated U.S. Air Force Titan missile, a fact known to Jein at the time the first Chronology was compiled.)"

DS9 episodes

The warp ship design from the Star Trek Chronology showed up in early DS9 episodes in two different forms: as the already mentioned model built by Greg Jein and as a side view depiction on a wall chart along with the then five known starships named Enterprise. More precisely we can see the early warp vessel in the following installments:

1. In DS9: "The Nagus" we can make out the wall display with the early warp ship in Keiko's classroom. There are also models of the Miranda, Nebula and Galaxy but not Jein's miniature. The classroom was previously seen in DS9: "A Man Alone" but not yet with the wall chart. 2. We can briefly see the wall chart as well as the miniature in DS9: "In the Hands of the Prophets". 3. The miniature more prominently appears in DS9: "Cardassians", but without the wall chart, although the classroom is full of other LCARS displays.

uss phoenix star trek

We get a good look at Greg Jein's miniature in the DVD special features to DS9's season 2, when it can be seen as a desktop decoration in Mike Okuda's office. We can clearly make out the comparably small warp engines, which are mounted on straight horizontal pylons. In contrast, the nacelles of the vessel in the Star Trek Chronology (the painting as well as the model photo) are slightly tilted down. It looks like the nacelle assembly was modified some time prior to DS9, or a second model was built as set dressing.

Mike Okuda: "Greg Jein designed the version of Cochrane's ship that was featured in the Star Trek Chronology . He did the models as a favor to us, so we pretty much gave him free reign to make what he thought was appropriate. I told him that we thought the ship would be experimental and very powerful, so he came up with that big curved radiation shield. The only change we made was to add the two rudimentary warp nacelles. We wanted it to look like something from the Matt Jefferies universe, but we wanted it to look much more primitive, and far more dangerous. Greg later made a second copy of the model, which we provided to DS9 set decorator Laura Richarz for use as set dressing. The nacelles may have been slightly different in that version, which could account for the difference in the 'dihedral.' I think the flat version was the second model. Doug Drexler loved that model and later did a quick drawing of it for use in a number of background DS9 graphics, including the one you mentioned. I'm pretty sure that those graphics were the only time that we called it 'Bonaventure,' although we did suggest that name for use in First Contact. 'Phoenix' did end up being more appropriate, given the film's story."

It also seems that in DS9: "Cardassians" the nacelles are missing, but actually they are just barely discernable because we see the ship almost straight from the side, and the nacelles are the same color as the engineering hull. If we look very closely we are able to recognize the red nacelles caps also on the episode screen cap. Hence the nacelles are still present as of the DS9 episode.

uss phoenix star trek

Let us have a closer look at the wall display. The big surprise is that, according to the display, this vessel is named Bonaventure. So unlike in the first edition of the Star Trek Chronology , where the design first appeared, the ship does have a name. The sub-title is "Discovery of the Space Warp" , which links the Bonaventure to Zefram Cochrane.

uss phoenix star trek

The wall display was made by Doug Drexler based on Greg Jein's already existing model, and prior to "First Contact". Comparing the drawing and the available screen caps of the miniature, also those from Voyager (see below), we can spot some inaccuracies in the drawing, however. Especially the rear engineering hull and the transition from this section to the aft engines is different from the model. The nacelles are located well below the centerline of the hull on the drawing, whereas they are most likely exactly on the centerline on Jein's miniature in Okuda's office. So the display is obviously based on the other version. Finally, the drawing is more colorful than the model was at any time that we know of. Our reconstructed side view schematic is based on the side view on the wall chart, but is corrected in a way to reflect the structure of the original miniature.

Doug Drexler: "Wow! I forgot about that one. That's a pretty early one for DS-9. Good times! Like so many of the graphics on the show, this one benefited by creation of the Star Trek Encyclopedia by Mike and Denise. It was a resource to them, because I'd developed so many peripheral diagrams. If a backlit came out of the blue for an episode, I could put something fun together in no time flat. Sometimes you only had a few hours to get a last minute request addressed. The Bonaventure model that Greg Jein built for Mike as made specifically for the Star Trek Chronology . See that? I automatically called it 'The Bonaventure.' The idea is that it was built by Cochrane using off the shelf garage technology. At the time that seemed far fetched... from another era... like the Wright Brothers. Could never happen again. But then Burt Rutan [who built the experimental airplane Voyager to fly around the world] came along. I'm a believer! The Phoenix grew out of this design. Early in the planning of 'First Contact,' Mike and I had done a number of illustrations showing how it would get into orbit. By the way, 'Bonaventure' was absolutely a nod to the animated show."

Star Trek: First Contact

The feature film makes it clear that Cochrane is human. Also, his ship is now named Phoenix and its design is a different one than anything shown so far, although it has many features in common with the Bonaventure that appeared on DS9. The date of the launch is now nailed down to 2063.

uss phoenix star trek

There is no way of denying or re-interpreting that Zefram Cochrane is a human being from Earth, that he constructed the first human-built warp vessel called Phoenix and launched it in 2063, as depicted in "Star Trek: First Contact". Everything that we have heard or read of other "first warp vessels" must be accordingly amended at latest in the wake of this feature film.

If TAS is canon , then the TAS Bonaventure must be ruled out as the first ship with warp drive, much less as a design by Zefram Cochrane. It has to be some other historically important vessel with a new form of warp drive and not much older than from the late 22nd century. The vessel may have been named in honor of the other canon Bonaventure, the vessel from the classroom in DS9. The design from the Spaceflight Chronology is non-canon and has been ultimately invalidated just like idea that Cochrane is indigenous to Alpha Centauri. Regarding the Star Trek Chronology , there is no notable information about a first warp ship that hasn't already been revised with regard to "Star Trek: First Contact". Ironically, the ship design that was removed from the first edition is canon nonetheless thanks to its appearance in three DS9 episodes.

The miniature and wall display from DS9 may be incorporated into the history of warp flight. Yet, we need to re-interpret the line "Discovery of the Space Warp" , knowing that Cochrane developed warp drive on Earth and made the first flight (at least the first manned one) on the Phoenix and not on a ship named Bonaventure. This leaves the option that the DS9 Bonaventure is either an unmanned testbed, or rather a vessel that was launched soon after the Phoenix and hence still contributed to the "Discovery of the Space Warp" . It is well possible that the Bonaventure was the first warp ship built for real journeys through space, as opposed to the Phoenix that served as a test vehicle for just one flight. However, even without the Bonaventure the amassment of too early and/or too advanced warp vessels poses a problem.

Finally, we may speculate that the model in VOY represents an actual early Malon vessel just like the Bonaventure is supposedly an old Earth design.

TAS Starfleet & Federation Ship Classes - including the entry about the Bonaventure

Biography Inconsistencies - gaps in biographies and other anomalies

21st Century Earth History - thoughts about early interplanetary travel, the Eugenics Wars and the Third World War

Other History Inconsistencies - about the TOS movie timeline, the UESPA, first contact with the Borg, Klingons in the Federation, etc.

Thanks a lot to Adrian of Myprops.co.uk , who is the proud owner of the Bonaventure wall chart and who authorized us to use his photographs. Thanks also to John Mesiavech, John Ritter and Zarm R'keeg for additional suggestions to resolve the Bonaventure problem. Special thanks to Doug Drexler, Mike Okuda and Rick Sternbach for their annotations!

uss phoenix star trek


Last modified: 25 Oct 2021

uss phoenix star trek

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Fleet Yards

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Continuing Mission

uss phoenix star trek

Featured Starship: U.S.S. Phoenix (NCC-65420)


The  U.S.S. Phoenix (NCC-65420) is a  Nebula -class starship with an elliptical sensor pod, and was once commanded by Captain Benjamin Maxwell. Maxwell turned vigilante in 2367 (see the  TNG  episode “ The Wounded “) and took the  Phoenix on a series of attacks against Cardassian vessels. He was relieved of command, but his actions may have caused the ship to gain a certain notoriety.

It is a good ship for those who want to roleplay interactions with a crew whose captain had turned rogue. There may still be sympathizers onboard, who still revere Maxwell for his courage to defy Starfleet.

Chris Sham suggested that a Trait that the U.S.S.  Phoenix could have is  Venerable Namesake , to honor the  Phoenix  as being Zefram Cochrane’s first warp-capable vessel and the emotional weight of the name. Feel free to add this as another Trait.

Microsoft Word - USS-Phoenix.docx

Featured Starship  articles spotlight established starships that you can use as a ship for players for immediate play (such as for a demo or convention game), or as an NPC ship in your campaign. Some are a natural fit with characters from the  Featured Crew  articles. Only Core Rulebook rules will be used (with perhaps a few special exceptions, such as the spaceframes from the Command Division supplement).

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3 responses to “Featured Starship: U.S.S. Phoenix (NCC-65420)”

Reuster's Games Avatar

Not sure if you’ve seen this YouTube channel but you guys could arrange a mutually beneficial

(Sorry for the fat fingers that hit the reply too soon) but a nice Arrangement. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfmgp_iyisxYeVIQkBkCgO452gCs-zOwP

Mephit James Avatar

I love this! It certainly deserves a mention and we’ll reach out to the author.

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A friendly reminder regarding spoilers ! At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy , the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG , Star Trek: Infinite and Star Trek Online , as well as other post-57th Anniversary publications such as the ongoing IDW Star Trek comic and spin-off Star Trek: Defiant . Therefore, please be courteous to other users who may not be aware of current developments by using the {{ spoiler }}, {{ spoilers }} OR {{ majorspoiler }} tags when adding new information from sources less than six months old (even if it is minor info). Also, please do not include details in the summary bar when editing pages and do not anticipate making additions relating to sources not yet in release. THANK YOU

USS Phoenix (timeship)

The USS Phoenix , renamed briefly by the Romulans as Alth'Indor , was a Starfleet starship developed in the alternate future timeline generated by the War of the Prophets created by the formation of the red wormhole through the activation of the Red Orbs of Jalbador .

Features [ ]

The USS Phoenix was a 3 kilometer long starship and was one of the largest vessels constructed. It possessed up to 48 Transwarp engines with the purpose of allowing the ship to go back in time on a one way trip as the timeship was incapable of surviving a second trip. It was capable of multi-vector assault mode allowing the ship to split into three different parts. It included a secondary battle bridge.

It possessed a crew of only 22 though it could function with only almost half that number as the remaining were engineers who were responsible for deploying the ships temporal warheads. The separate stations possessed enclosed seats with restraint webbings that kept the crew secured. Holographic advanced computer displays allowed them to maintain the ships functions. It also possessed a medical bay which generated a holographic medical team to treat injured crews though they did not have extensive knowledge on Klingon biology.

Its weapon capabilities were not known though it did possess several deep-time charges with the intended purpose of destroying Bajor before the fusion of the blue wormhole and the red wormhole.

History [ ]

The starship was created as part of Project Phoenix in 2395 and was overseen by Fleet Admiral Jean-Luc Picard as a way of defeating the threat posed by the Bajoran Ascendancy . It made use of Borg technology that was traded with the Federation as part of the Treaty of Wolf 359 .

The ship was being constructed at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards where the Integrated Systems Manager , Captain Nog , administrated the building of the timeship.

Part of the dedication plate was chosen by Admiral Picard which read as "..Sokath, his eyes uncovered..."

( DS9 - Millennium novel : The War of the Prophets )

  • 1 Odyssey class
  • 2 Ferengi Rules of Acquisition
  • 3 Achilles class

USS Phoenix (NCC-65420)

The USS Phoenix (NCC-65420) was a 24th century Federation Nebula -class starship operated by Starfleet . This ship was constructed by the Yoyodyne Division at 40 Eridani A Starfleet Construction Yards and commissioned on stardate 40250.5 in 2363 . In 2367 , the Phoenix was under the command of Captain Benjamin Maxwell.

History [ ]

In 2367, Captain Maxwell turned vigilante with the Phoenix , destroying a Cardassian outpost and several ships in Sector 21505 seemingly without provocation. He claimed his actions were justified because the Cardassians were preparing to renew hostilities only a year after peace had been settled with the United Federation of Planets . As a result, Starfleet dispatched the USS Enterprise -D , to intercept the Phoenix .

Captain Jean-Luc Picard was assigned to intercept and stop Maxwell. En route to intercept the Phoenix , the Enterprise 's sensors revealed that Captain Maxwell was attempting to destroy another supply ship.

In an attempt to prevent the further destruction of Cardassian lives and property, Captain Picard gave a nearby Cardassian warship the Phoenix 's prefix code to give the Cardassians an advantage. Despite taking a direct hit with its shields down, the Phoenix still managed to destroy the attacking ship with a salvo of torpedoes.

When the Enterprise finally caught up with the Phoenix , Picard ordered Maxwell back to Starbase 211, however, during their return, Maxwell veered from course and headed towards another supply ship. When the Enterprise arrived at their position, Maxwell demanded Picard search the vessel as proof that Maxwell's actions were justified. Picard refused and a stand-off ensued.

Ultimately the stand-off ended successfully with no further loss of lives when Chief Miles O'Brien was able to beam over during a 1/50th of a second scan cycle "window" in the Phoenix 's shields caused by its high energy sweeps. Once on board he managed to convince Maxwell to stand down his ship.

In spite of the situation, Picard warned Gul Macet that Maxwell's suspicions may have had a basis in truth.

  • 1 Invincible class
  • 2 Achilles class
  • 3 William V of the United Kingdom

Screen Rant

Star trek: first contact mystery of how first warp ship landed is solved.


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Star Trek: First Contact Ending & Picard Impact Explained

New star wars lego set brings back a classic leia design for the first time in 9 years, completes rotj change, brothers images: josh brolin & peter dinklage are twins in first look at comedy heist movie.

  • Zefram Cochrane's Phoenix ship landed back on Earth using a feathered reentry configuration with parachutes to ensure a safe landing.
  • Production illustrator John Eaves provided the answer on how the Phoenix ship made it back home after its historic warp flight in Star Trek: First Contact.
  • The iconic ship inspired generations of future explorers and remains a pivotal part of Earth's history in the Star Trek universe.

The question of how the Phoenix landed back on Earth in S ta r Trek: First Contact finally has an answer. Star Trek: First Contact follows Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) and the crew of the USS Enterprise-E as they travel back in time to April 2063, to stop a Borg invasion. The Enterprise arrives on Earth just before Zefram Cochrane (James Cromwell) is meant to make the first-ever warp flight in his ship, the Phoenix . This historic flight catches the attention of the Vulcans, who beam down to Earth to initiate first contact with the human race. The Borg intend to prevent Earth's First Contact with the Vulcans and take over the planet when it is at its most vulnerable.

As Captain Picard remains on the Enterprise to take on the Borg, Commander William Riker (Jonathan Frakes) and Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge (LeVar Burton) remain on Earth to help Zefram Cochrane repair his damaged ship. After Riker and La Forge help ensure that the Phoenix's first warp flight happens as it was always meant to, the Enterprise crew members watch from a distance as Cochrane greets the Vulcans . When Picard first sees the Phoenix in Star Trek: First Contact , he remarks that he often visited the ship at the Smithsonian in the future, but the film never answers how the Phoenix landed back on Earth after its first flight.

Star Trek: First Contact was the film directorial debut of Star Trek: The Next Generation's Jonathan Frakes, who remains one of Star Trek's most beloved and prolific directors.

Star Trek: First Contact is not only one of the most beloved big screen entries in the franchise, it also plays a pivotal role in Star Trek: Picard.

How Zefram Cochrane Landed His Phoenix Ship In Star Trek: First Contact

Production illustrator john eaves provides the answer..

Star Trek: First Contact may not have shown how Zefram Cochrane's ship made it back to Earth, but production illustrator John Eaves always knew how the ship made it home. Eaves, who has served as a production illustrator for many Star Trek projects, helped design the look and configuration of the Phoenix as it was depicted in First Contact . Eaves had the difficult task of making the Phoenix appear as though it had been designed and built from the shell of an intercontinental ballistic missile in the 21st century, while also suggesting the design future Starfleet starships would adapt. An illustration in the book Star Trek: The Art Of John Eaves by Joe Nazzaro depicts the Phoenix's warp flight, including how it landed back on Earth.

The Phoenix launched using traditional chemical engines before the nacelles were extended and the warp core and plasma injectors were brought online. The same engines used to launch the ship were also used to bring the ship back home. After the warp flight was completed and the warp engines powered down, the Phoenix reentered Earth's atmosphere by way of a feathered reentry configuration . The nacelles then retracted, allowing parachutes to be deployed, so the Phoenix could land safely. Although this process is not shown in Star Trek: First Contact , the landing process for the ship was built into its original design.

What Happened To Zefram Cochrane's Phoenix After Star Trek: First Contact?

The phoenix inspired generations of future explorers..

With its historic warp flight, the Phoenix became one of the most recognizable ships in Earth's history. The original ship eventually found its way to the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, where Jean-Luc Picard visited it as a child. In the Star Trek timeline , Star Trek: Enterprise takes place less than 100 years after Zefram Cochrane's flight and contains the most references to his iconic ship . The Phoenix appears in the opening credits of Enterprise, and Admiral Maxwell Forrest (Vaughn Armstrong) and Ensign Travis Mayweather (Anthony Montgomery) both have models of the Phoenix in their offices or quarters.

The USS Enterprise of Captain Christopher Pike (Anson Mount) in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds also has a picture of the Phoenix on display in one of its conference rooms. An amusement park is eventually built in Bozeman, Montana at the site of Zefram Cochran's first meeting with the Vulcans . The Lower Deckers of the USS Cerritos visit this amusement park in Star Trek: Lower Decks season 3, and they commandeer the model of the Phoenix that serves as a ride vehicle. Because of its significance to the United Federation of Planets, Starfleet, and the history of space travel, the Phoenix will always be one of Star Trek's most important and iconic ships.

Star Trek: First Contact is available to stream on Max. Star Trek: Enterprise, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, & Star Trek: Lower Decks are available on Paramount+.

Source: Star Trek: The Art Of John Eaves by Joe Nazzaro

  • Star Trek: First Contact

Star Trek: The Next Generation

USS Phoenix

The USS Phoenix (NCC-65420) is a Nebula -class Federation starship .

In 2367 ( TNG "The Wounded"), Captain Benjamin Maxwell took the the Phoenix into Cardassian territory to attack supply ships and bases that he believed to be preparing for a new war against the Federation. The USS Enterprise , commanded by Captain Jean-Luc Picard , entered Cardassian space with Cardassian advisors aboard to search for the Phoenix . During the pursuit, the Phoenix destroyed another Cardassian transport and a Cardassian warship. The Enterprise intercepted the Phoenix , and Picard ordered Maxwell to return his ship to Federation space under escort by the Enterprise .

Maxwell broke formation, however, to intercept another Cardassian transport, attempting to convince Picard to board it and search it for war supplies. Picard refused, and a battle between the two Federation ships was only prevented by the intervention of Chief Miles O'Brien , who was able to transport himself aboard the Phoenix and convince Maxwell -- his former commander -- to surrender. Maxwell was confined, and the Phoenix followed the Enterprise back to Federation space under the command if its first officer.

Technical Notes

Prior to its battle with the Cardassian warship, Picard ordered Lieutenant Worf to transmit the prefix code of the Phoenix to the Cardassian ship. This would presumably allow the Cardassians to transmit remote commands to the Phoenix , such as an order to lower shields (as seen in ST2 ).

Cardassian possession of the Phoenix's prefix code had no apparent effect on the battle, however, as the Phoenix survived the initial Cardassian attack with no noticeable damage, and the Phoenix's return fire destroyed the Cardassian ship in one torpedo salvo. It isn't clear whether the Cardassians didn't take advantage of the code, the crew of the Phoenix had changed the ship's prefix code at some time before the encounter, or the crew of the Phoenix (more experienced than Khan's followers) simply overrode the remote command.

Miles O'Brien was able to transport onto the Phoenix by exploiting Starfleet operating protocols. The Phoenix was using an active sensor sweep that required the ship's shields to "blink" at predictable intervals, and he was able to time his transport to coincide with one of the sweeps.

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  • Star Trek: Phoenix-X (starships)

USS Phoenix (NCC-65420-X)

  • Edit source

The USS Phoenix (NCC-65420-X) (or Phoenix -X ) was a Prometheus -class starship with working transwarp in the late 24th and early 25th century , operating in parallel with the original USS Phoenix . It was the twenty-fifth starship to bear the name Phoenix after a freak two-year transwarp-testing phase in which its predecessors , also in parallel, were destroyed one after the other. It was head of Task Force Epsilon , under the command of Starbase 55 and served both Starfleet and, occasionally, Section 31 . ( Star Trek: Phoenix-X )

  • 1.1 Development
  • 1.2 Exchange program
  • 1.3 Registry
  • 1.4.1 20th century
  • 1.4.2 23rd century
  • First Mothballing
  • 24th century cont'd
  • Destruction & rebirth
  • 24th century cont'd
  • Second Mothballing
  • 1.4.5 26th century
  • 1.4.6 29th century
  • 1.4.7 Unknown time
  • 2.1 Vector Alpha
  • 2.2 Vector Beta
  • 2.3 Vector Gamma
  • 3.1 Transwarp
  • 3.2 Cloaking device
  • 3.3 Time travel
  • 3.4 Torpedoes
  • 3.5 Deflector dish
  • 4 Auxilliary craft
  • 5 Command crew
  • 6 Task Force Epsilon
  • 7.1 Gender-bent universe
  • 7.2 Borg-infested universe
  • 8 Memorable quotes
  • 9.1 Ships commissioned
  • 9.2 Background information
  • 9.3 External links

History [ ]

Development [ ].

In 2286 , Section 31 covertly beamed components and copied alien data from the Whale Probe and, with Starfleet Intelligence , spent over 80 years attempting to decode it. ( Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home , " Experimentalism ")

Sometime before 2367 , Section 31 enlisted the Starfleet Corps of Engineers , under Admiral William Theseus , to decode the data, which appeared to be propulsion-based, and develop transwarp technology using the components. Partial construction of a transwarp drive began on the USS Phoenix , but was interrupted after a short stint in Cardassian territory where Captain Benjamin Maxwell had launched illegal attacks against the Cardassian Union . ( TNG : " The Wounded ", " Secret Occurrences ")

Following that, development was moved to the Proxima Maintenance Yards , where, in a freak-two year experimental phase, twenty-three ships, each named Phoenix , were fitted with transwarp engines and destroyed during each test flight. It wasn't until the end of the line of Phoenix -ships that the engine was perfected and ready for final construction.

To take the project off Starfleet's radar, the final phase was extended over the following year. In 2370 , the final transwarp engine was constructed on Earth in a secret underground bunker by the small group of Starfleet Corps of Engineers; while the Prometheus -class USS Phoenix -X ship itself was built in Cardassian territory in Section 31's attempt to start a working relationship with the Obsidian Order . After the engine was transported from Earth to Cardassian space and installed, the relationship fell through. (" The Recruited ", " Mirrorlyness! ", " Secret Occurrences ")


Night Gotens in Engineering aboard the Phoenix -X in 2374 .

In 2374 , the Phoenix-X was launched from the Beta Antares Shipyards , with Section 31-altered records stating it was built there. After one final "test" of a transwarp engine, the project was deemed a failure and put to rest. The Phoenix -X was then launched as a regular starship.

Admiral Theseus, through Section 31, and eventually Section 31 themselves, would enlist a special relationship with the crew and use their influence to have the crew keep the transwarp engine (which worked) a secret, to make available for Section 31's own personal missions. (" The Tiloniam System ", " Experimentalism ", " Departments ", " The Tilonian System ", " Forbidden Crossing, Part I ")

As a Prometheus -class starship, the Phoenix -X had the ability to be divided into three separate pieces in multi-vector mode. Each piece had warp capability, but not necessarily transwarp capability. Aboard the Phoenix -X, these pieces were called "vectors", derived from the title "multi-vector mode" - and each vector was numbered: Vector 1, Vector 2, and Vector 3. The ship was occasionally known to separate into these vectors for missions instead of emergency situations. (" The Nega'Jem, Part I ") In some cases, certain vectors have been stolen from the ship without authorization. (" Crash Bandicoots ", " Secret Shuttles, Part II ", " Secret Occurrences ")

Exchange program [ ]


Red and another exchange officer on the Bridge aboard the Phoenix -X in the 2370s .

In 2373 , after the Federation-Klingon War (2372-73) , the USS Phoenix and the IKS Bochnah were initiated into the exchange officer program, in a way that took it a step further by exchanging half the crews of each. Several months later, in 2374 , the crew of the Phoenix was moved to the Phoenix -X, and the exchanged- Klingons were a part of that move. Lieutenant Commander Red was the only Bridge officer a part of the exchange program. (" The Tiloniam System ", " Betrayal and Honour ")

In 2378 , the exchange program was scheduled to end but, when both halves returned to their respective ships, they each found the quality of life more difficult. As such, the exchange program resumed and both halves returned to the others' ships. (" Destiny's Revenge, Part I , II & III ")

In 2380 , the exchange continued, unwavering, when the Bochnah was destroyed, the crew survived and replaced with the IKS B'Cnah . (" Forged in Something ")

In 2386 , both the Phoenix -X and B'Cnah became victims of a genetically enhanced tribble attack. More than three-quarters of the B'Cnah' s crew were killed. (" Triple Tribble Sunday ")

By 2399 , the program was ended. (" Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Record ", " Nightmare Anomaly ", " The Xindi Paradox ", " Old School Commerce ")

Registry [ ]

From 2367 to 2369 , the Starfleet Corps of Engineers enlisted and destroyed 24 separate Phoenix -ships to perfect the transwarp engine, partially starting with the USS Phoenix and fully starting with the NCC-65420-A to the NCC-65420-W. The final and remaining vessel was Phoenix -X with the registry NCC-65420-X.

Since the last ship took longer to develop, in 2370 , while in construction, the Phoenix -X was given the temporary registry NX-00001 for its experimental transwarp engine which was based on the previous Phoenix -ships.

Before pre-launch, Pakled technician Kod , from a section of the Starfleet Corps of Engineers, mistakenly set the ship up with the false registry NCC-75948. (" Secret Occurrences ") This registry wouldn't be adapted to the ship until 2383 , when noticed by Commander Seifer and Captain Cell. (" Life 2 ") In 2390 , the false registry was pointed out by Captain Aeris and was reset to NCC-65420-X. (" Into Harshness ")


The Phoenix -X and a Borg cube .

Service [ ]

20th century [ ].

In 1937 , a temporally displaced Phoenix -X appeared, on mission, and in chase of the USS Atlantis -R , in front of a Skagaran vessel, who was en route to Earth , before the two ships then disappeared again with the Phoenix -X in pursuit. (" Temporal Doom! Part II ")

23rd century [ ]

In the 2260s , the temporally displaced Phoenix -X appeared, in chase of the Atlantis -R, again, just beyond the sensor range of the USS Enterprise , but within the sights of a Lethean starship, before disappearing in another time jump. (" Temporal Doom! Part II ")

24th century [ ]

In 2374 , the Phoenix -X was launched and crewed at Deep Space 9 before it partook in a fleet engagement with a Borg cube , involving the USS Enterprise -E , the USS Xena , the USS Defiant , the USS Prometheus and several other ships. It bore witness to at least one vessel, part of the fleet, being destroyed in the aftermath of the Borg cube exploding. (" The Tiloniam System ", " Jello Cubes ")

Returning to Deep Space 9 , the Phoenix -X and the Xena were put to task in tractor beaming the station to remove it from the Bajoran wormhole ; a situation aided by a Cardassian gravitational probe within the wormhole, put there in an attempt to destroy it. (" Deep Space Not So Much ")

Later, the Phoenix -X discovered the USS Voyager , when it inexplicably returned to the Alpha Quadrant . Q , appearing on the bridge of the Phoenix -X, found this to be premature, and sent the intrepid crew back to the Delta Quadrant . (" Find Voyager? No Problem ")

The Phoenix -X was then ordered to Flortarios III by Admiral Cloud to utilize BOB in the successful interception of a smokescreen weapons trade deal between a group of Ferengi , led by Kehmeh and Wenk , and the Dominion , led by First Ruk'Tenon . (" Flortarios III ")

After a knocked unconscious crew by Ragon and Kotah was stopped by the Captain, two fleets of Drai fused with intentions on attacking the Federation by a last Maquis cell were discovered to have been building in secret. The Phoenix -X was then sent with a small task force and a Klingon and Vulcan fleet to stop them. (" Cookies ")


The Phoenix -X and Jem'Hadar attack ships .

In the same year, a misguided Starfleet officer named Dawn Relic hijacked the Phoenix -X and set course to the Gamma Quadrant using the ship's experimental ultra-transwarp function. There, on a planet , the ship was split into its multi-vector-thirds and crashed landed on its surface, where the crew was forced to work together to get it back and operational. Dawn, having attempted to sell the Captain as a rare species to Professor Gast , was then confined to the Brig . (" Crash Bandicoots ")

While attempting to traverse home, the transwarp broke down and deposited the ship in Dominion territory, where they and a Jem'Hadar warship became disabled within an anomalous purple cloud. Devising a way to use the cloud as a source of power, the crew worked to eject themselves free before another Jem'Hadar warship destroyed the cloud and the other ship inside. (" The Cloud Aloft ")


The Phoenix -X at Flortarios III .

In 2375 , the Phoenix -X, as part of Task Force Epsilon , was sent to patrol Flortarios III and its system. While during a meet and greet, the leaders of the task force and the leaders of the planet were taken momentarily hostage by Dominion agents Mellinook and Pablokinya who then kidnapped the Prime Minister of Flortarios III. After a fleet of Dominion ships moved in to invade the system and were defeated by Task Force Epsilon and a Bajoran trove virus, the Prime Minister was rescued and returned, unharmed. (" Homespun ", " The Bajoran Trove ")

After several Starfleet ships failed, the Phoenix -X took on the generational warship Gelomira whom, after 248 years, had been in transit to destroy Earth . Being rescued from the USS Jenova , Iviok took command of the Phoenix -X while Daniel and Gotens were on the Gelomira gaining control of their systems. Upon return, the Phoenix -X rescued the generational crew and then pulled the empty Gelomira into the sun. (" Bio Level 4 ")

Later, when investigating an Iso-star , the Phoenix -X accidentally brought what appeared to be a duplicate Phoenix -X into the Universe. The dopplegangers, in reality Mirror Universe counterparts, hid their evil natures until attempting a murderous strike, but failed when Daniel and crew caught on and destroyed them instead. (" Pure Evil ") Pieces of the other Pheonix -X would be left in space to later be salvaged by James Gotens and Wayfar and put back together in 2394 . (" Phoenix Meltdown ", " Transgressables ") As well, the mirror crew, while thought destroyed here, would later be brought back from this point in time to life in 2383 by a future Omni named Rein . (" Broken Pieces ")

When the Klingon Empire seemingly declared Red a traitor, the IKS Bochnah rondesvoused with the Phoenix -X so that Dorwin could kill Red but, instead, Dorwin was apprehended and Red's accusations were proven falsified by those scheming for the Duras family. (" Betrayal and Honour ")

Later, the Phoenix -X was lured into a meeting with Female Changeling Anna from the Jem'Hadar Dreadnaught Hyperion -047 of which Daniel immediately destroyed, assuming she was once again harassing him to return to the Great Link . Instead, Anna transported to the Phoenix -X to see Daniel one more time before her own Jem'Hadar soldiers, who had also beamed over, attempted to kill everyone, including her. The Phoenix -X then discovered the Enterprise -E nearby was also disabled and boarded by Jem'Hadar, as a method by Feylou to keep the Phoenix -X in one place for an incoming fleet of Dominion attack ships. As a way out, the Phoenix -X, split into multi-vectors, and Enterprise -E attempted a joint-transwarp jump. But an attack by Anna disrupted the process, leading to the eventual destruction of Vector Beta, Vector Gamma and the Enterprise -E, to which Q reversed, allowing Wesley Crusher to appear earlier in the timeline to convince Daniel not to dismiss Anna. Due to this, Anna called off the invasion of both ships. Fearing her new outlook may hurt the Q Continuum somehow, Q recalled Anna from the timeline. This time able to recover systems quickly, the Enterprise -E and Phoenix -X left before the Dominion fleet arrived. (" The Links' Traitor ")

In 2375 , Admiral Rebola of the USS Mythril had the Phoenix -X test out experimental slipstream torpedoes but, in transmitting, the schematics were intercepted and simultaneously built aboard the Romulan starship Konsugon under Plutark . With the help of Gul Meloneus of the Cardassian starship Isotope , the two adversaries took on the Phoenix -X and their ships were destroyed by a demonstration of elaborate deconstruction by the torpedoes, including that of accelrating a nearby star into a supernova. The violation of the Khitomer Accords then became apparent and the torpedoes were removed from the Phoenix -X to the Mythril . (" Warfare ")

First Mothballing [ ]

In 2376 , Commander Avery followed up with his intent of revenge and had the Phoenix -X decommissioned. When Theseus discovered this, during the Gordarion -abducting crisis, he had the ship recommissioned in order to help save those abducted. (" Experimentalism ")

24th century cont'd [ ]

In 2377 , after harvesting a stolen trans-dimensional skull-shaped device from the Fragma Alliance starship Carbonyte , the Rockono Galaxy starship Xoleras shifted its cross-dimensional attacks unto the Phoenix -X until Red transported the Phoenix -X to the other plane and returned the device. Captain Cell then used his Omni powers to bring the Phoenix -X back to its home plane of existence. (" Ghosts of the Beyond ")

In 2379 , a time-displaced BOB brought the Phoenix -X into a partially successful mission to capture and stop Sayjan from creating an Omni Nest in the Tilonian system , resulting in his vessel, the USS Atlantis -R , time-jumping to 2404 . (" Celestial Dynamics ")

In 2382 , the temporal displacement drive from Berlinghoff Rasmussen 's stolen ship was temporarily installed on the Phoenix -X for a mission to go to the 29th century and capture the rogue Section 31 Agent , Rave . Upon traveling to the future, the Phoenix -X contended with Na'kuhl , Sayjan, again, and a time travel chase to several eras until, finally, the Guardian of Forever before he sent them home without Rave. (" Temporal Doom! Parts I , II & III ")

In 2383 , during another Borg encounter, the Phoenix -X was sent into the Destiny -timeline , where they emboldened them to build the Frontier -class Deep Space 9 (II) . The result, in the Prime timeline, stunted the crew's rank advancement. (" Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Record ")

In 2384 , the ultra-transwarp function had finally been ready and prepared on the Phoenix -X. Admiral Theseus joined the crew for a trip to the Andromeda Galaxy , in which they passed through the galactic barrier . Upon arrival, they encountered members of the Kelvan Empire in chase of one of their own, Ramat , who proceeded to steal the damaged Omega from the Phoenix -X and transfer Omega's consciousness into a new Andromeda android body. In the new body, Theseus found an opportunity to place an acquired Omega molecule inside for safe keeping. When the Phoenix -X returned home, the ultra-transwarp function was removed from the ship. (" Forbidden Crossing, Parts I , II & III ")

In 2390 , Captain Cell successfully initiated an anomaly in an attempt to see if he could view a future Phoenix -X from 2410 . (" Nightmare Anomaly ")

Later, the Phoenix -X covertly helped androids Beautiful Flower and Jana make first contact with the USS Ibn Majid where they would later be the victims of a black flag directive . The darkness of the situation led to another non-rank advancement for the crew of the Phoenix -X. (" Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Record ")


Night Seifer and Gewdeque aboard the Phoenix -X in the 2390s .

In 2391 , Commander Night Seifer took command of the Phoenix -X when Captain Cell joined the Traveling Link and, despite recieving a new senior staff, would frequently recall the old senior staff for missions and the long-term development of an anti-Omni Nest cocktail. (" The Needs of the Plenty ", " Celestial Dynamics ")

In 2393 , the Phoenix -X was rondesvoused with the IKS B'Cnah and IRW Ketaryn , having invited their commanding officers over to share a meal. Later, the Phoenix -X would succeed in launching the shuttle Dracon into Warp 10 , causing it to occupy all points in the Universe at once, as well as probabilities. (" Cultural Exchanges ")

Later, an interdimensional attack by an entity known as the Hiss caused the Unreliable from 2365 of its divergent timeline to converge with the Phoenix -X in 2393 , where they both devised a plan to use chronitons against their attacker after traveling to 2365 of the Unreliable' s timeline and then the Lost Void . There, the Phoenix -X and Unreliable were successful in defeating the Hiss and freeing the Voidlings of the Lost Void before each ship returned to their timeline. (" Convergencies ")

When the Phoenix -X was tasked to investigate the polaron pulses interfering with the weather management system for Covalesence , they unintentionally joined Arlene , BOK and Zeta of the Jade Fox in an ancient artifact hunt for the Breen Amakun . Upon discovery, they released the Amaku entity inside, stopped the pulses, and the crew from the Jade Fox stole the artifact for themselves before escape. (" Archaeological Anarchy ")

During a week of trying to do things story-worthy, rogue Klingon Sigon snuck onto the Phoenix -X to run the Kobayashi Maru scenario but was snatched away by the USS Oberon to later be deposited onto the shuttle Hendrix . In an inspired attempt at running the Kobayashi Maru scenario themselves, Elly and Tong came close to beating it. (" Tales of Recollection ")

When Hachi activated the Moore hologram to learn about humour, he unintentionally enabled Moore freedom of power over Phoenix -X systems, allowing Moore to transfer himself off the ship in escape from holographic captivity. (" Grievous Obscurity ")

In 2397 , during a recall of the old crew, Seifer was promoted to Captain , momentarily, causing his symbiont to go mad and make him steal the Iroh and time travel to the past, where he would create a clone of himself before dying. Back in the present, Aeris called upon the USS Atlantis to bring the clone Night aboard to join with the preserved Seifer symbiont. The new Seifer then was given command of the Phoenix -X. (" Partial Recall ")

Destruction & rebirth [ ]

In 2397 , Kruran attempted to run the Phoenix -X's transwarp drive through quantum slipstream , causing the ship to crash land and be destroyed upon a planet covered in ice. During a recall of the old crew, they were then transferred to the California -class USS Phoenix -Y . Hating the new ship, Commander Seifer employed Wayfar to transform the vessel back to a Prometheus -class and have the registry reverted to its previous ship letter. (" Reverse Metallurgy ")

Later, in 2397 , during another recall of the old crew, the Phoenix -X became trapped in a double void for five months with a void entity and several Fantome creatures. They escaped the first void by replicating a polaron modulator and warping through a funnel into a spatial vortex. Then, the second, by doing the same thing, but exploding the vortex behind them. (" Double Void ")

In 2398 , during an old-crew recall, the Phoenix -X and the Roltekk were tricked into becoming the lure to reveal several Horace T. Mudd androids on Miranda -class ships. When they showed themselves, Mudd was quick to remote-hijack his android's ships and self-destruct them. (" I Ain't Callin' You a Truther ")

In 2399 , during an old-crew recall, Seifer was working by proxy for Admiral Theseus as a remote intern for fleet reassignments, resulting in the Phoenix -X diverting nothing but Inquiry -class starships to the stand-off between the USS Zheng He and a Romulan fleet at Coppelius . (" Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Record ", Star Trek Picard )

25th century [ ]

In 2400 , the Phoenix -X attempted to stop the Atlantis -R from modifying the Sacred Disorder in the Tilonian system but, instead, helped the Atlantis in its efforts before unintentionally sending the Atlantis and BOB back in time to 2379 . (" Celestial Dynamics ")

In 2404 , the Phoenix -X was opposed by a fleet of starships in the Tilonian system when William Theseus attempted to use the transformative Atlantis -R for Omni power. Instead of using a doomed anti-Omni Nest cocktail, Seifer ordered the Phoenix -X to interfere with the Atlantis transformation in such a way that would cause a molecular reversion field and ion storm . Such an event then caused all crews in the vicinity to undergo a reduction in age and severe memory loss, as well as the death of the Night Seifer (clone) host. It would also lead nearly everyone involved to retake Starfleet Academy . (" Delta Recruit ", " Celestial Dynamics ")

In 2409 , a second, temporally displaced Phoenix -X momentarily appeared, in a time travel chase of the Atlantis -R, to the detriment and witness of Ambassador Alexander Rozhenko and Fleet Admiral Alynna Necheyev on the USS Excelsior . (" Temporal Doom! Part II ")


Oroku Seifer in command of the Phoenix -X.

In 2410 , the Phoenix -X was in command by Captain Oroku Seifer and again crewed by the same personnel from the 24th century (excluding the Klingon Defense Force -exchange officers), having retaken Starfleet Academy. (" Nightmare Anomaly ", " Delta Recruit ", " Teaching the Next Generation ")

When the ship was disabled by an anomalous energy field, the crew used an inverse tachyon pulse to reveal the anomaly was being caused by Captain Cell of the Phoenix -X from 2390 , and Captain Ensign Dan from an alternate-future- Phoenix -X from 2450 . (" Nightmare Anomaly ")

While at Deep Space 9 , the Phoenix -X underwent modifications to its deflector, accidentally sending the ship to tribble space upon meeting the Bajoran wormhole . There, Seifer lied to Troblor about the success of tribble in the prime universe and was promptly returned to the prime universe, unknowingly bringing back a spaceborne tribble. (" The New Frontier ")

Over an unexplored planet in the Delta Volanis Cluster , the Phoenix -X detained DiaMon Cide and the Jade Fox in orbit for having launched several imperfect Genesis torpedoes at its surface, trying to convert as much of it as possible into algea for Slug-o-Cola . Unfortunately, when the remaining torpedoes abaord the Jade Fox explode and caused a spatial isturbance, Seifer and Kayl were unintentionally transported into the Gender Bent Universe and Lox and Kugo were sent to the Borg-infested Universe . After returning, Seifer ordered he, Kayl, Kugo and Lox to the Mirror Universe in order to prove the point that he engourages regular visits to there. (" Gender Swap ")

During their time away, Armond accepted a mission, on behalf of the ship, to investigate a break-in at Facility 4028 . Upon returning, Seifer and the crew tracked down and stopped the Children of Khan in the Briar Patch , where they had been attempting to reassemble the stolen Lore . (" Myths and Lore ")

After a rondeszvous with the USS Oberon , Seifer intended to allow documentary director Jeffrey Jacob to have free reign aboard the ship to record the Phoenix -X crew, but quickly decided against it when discovering his past time traveling misdeeds. (" Movie Night ")

Later, a time traveling Daniels was aboard the Phoenix -X and tried to convince the crew to stop a temporal mishap in the early 21st century Xindi home world. But, when attempting to manipulate a comet for time travel, the Phoenix -X accidentally sent the IKS B'Cnah in its place. (" The Xindi Paradox ")

After taking aboard the criminal Avery , previously captured by the IKS B'Cnah and during the Phoenix -X's fall harvest festival, the entire crew of both the Phoenix -X and B'Cnah fell victim to an undead-like viral infection from Calibus VII , delivered by Avery himself. It wouldn't be until Captain Aeris and the USS Zephyra found them not too long later that a cure would be implemented. (" STO Halloween ") During thier recovery, Seifer (as well as Aeris and Menchez) were temporarily transported off ship and into Qu's Winter Wonderland in order to take part in its festivities. (" Winter Wonderland Celebrations ")

When a series of strategically space-time warping Nibiru -forewarned artificial micro black hole clusters, one group in Federation , another in Klingon and another in Romulan territories, opened up, the Phoenix -X became targetted with psionic energy coming from said-black holes. (" Nibiru ")

This psionic energy would unknowingly cause Seifer and the crew to have their Calibus VII virus infection mysteriously reactivated, intermittently appearing some days, enough to immobilize the crew and ship, and some days allowing them to be perfectly fine. Seifer was unsuccessful in getting Qu 's help after by revisiting the now-jungle'd Qu's Winter Wonderland. (" Winter Wonderland Celebrations ", " Nibiru ")

Starfleet next put the Phoenix -X on task with Mayhem to investigate and start disabling the newly appearing artificial black holes, using purple matter . To the grouping in Federation space, in the Azure sector , the Phoenix -X was successful in closing most of them, while realizing the black holes as the source for their Calibus VII re-transformations, as well as the fact that the closing of them was not enough to stop the psionic effect.

During this, the Phoenix -X was ambushed and hit by an over-clocked energy dissapator by the Breen Chel Grett -class starship Darkseid from a Breen crew that was just looking for supplies to get home. Now desiring a "reboot" from all the suffering the Phoenix -X crew had gone through, Seifer and his crew hijacked the Darkseid , abandonning the damaged Phoenix -X, and began a search for the next cluster of artificial black holes, in the Qo'Nos sector , with the intent to approach with different colored matter, for a different, time-traveling-outcome.

When the ships from Task Force Espilon came to investigate, the ships became disabled and suspended between the remaining artifical blackholes allowing Mayhem, alone on the Phoenix -X, to beam the Captains over to help get the Phoenix -X back online and go after Seifer. For this mission, Harley Menrow took command of the Phoenix -X, with Yuffie Samya , Michael McCary , Iviok and Andrea Reynolds as crew, along side Mayhem. Due to the psionic targetting of the ship, McCary's previously tribble-transformation began to show itself again.

Confronting the Darkseid in the Qo'NoS sector, Seifer hit the Phoenix -X again with the energy dissapator before ejecting his prepared cannister of now blue matter into the cluster of artifical black holes, forcing them together and opening a large tunnel in space-time to the Kelvin timeline . Before the Darkseid went through, Mayhem transported himself and all the Epsilon Captains aboard, where the Darkseid crash-landed on planet Nibiru. There, the group conflated with the natives and ended the psionic transmissions through timelines. They then repared the Darkseid and returned to the Prime timeline to tow the paralysed Phoenix -X to the Azure sector and rescue the other Epsilon ships. (" Nibiru ")

Second Mothballing [ ]

In 2410 , the Phoenix -X was decommissioned at Earth Spacedock, but not totally dead for previously being hit twice by Breen energy dissipators. The decommissioning put Oroku Seifer in a holding pattern aboard Spacedock where he took temporary command of station security . He would later take command of the USS Ragnarok . (" Nibiru ", Earth Spacedock , " Tabletop Beginnings ")

26th century [ ]

In 2554 , the Phoenix -X was still in service and was commanded by Captain Siken . The ship had enough refits that it looked nothing like a Prometheus -class starship. Captain Siken encountered the time-traveling Phoenix -X, originating from the 24th century , and successfully scared off the bullying Lethean starship Mikonikoff , at which point Captain Cell warned of an upcoming invasion by a trans-dimensional species called the Sphere Builders . (" Temporal Doom! Part II ")

29th century [ ]

In the 29th century , the Phoenix -X time traveled here from 2382 , in an effort to track down and capture Section 31 Agent Rave. While here, the Phoenix -X unwittingly accepted the time traveling Vorgon as allies to Starfleet in the Temporal Cold War conflict with the Na'kuhl. When Rave, on the Atlantis -R, was knocked unconscious by Sayjan, the Atlantis -R initiated a time travel chase, in which the Phoenix -X, also equipped with a temporal drive, persued. (" Temporal Doom! Part II ")

Unknown time [ ]

In an unknown time, where the Guardian of Forever was, the Phoenix -X ended its time travel chase of the Atlantis -R before the Vorgon timeship Yolanda took over. The Guardian of Forever then sent the Phoenix -X back to 2382 . (" Temporal Doom! Part II ", " Celestial Dynamics ")

Layout by multi-vector sections [ ]

Due to the angled cross-cut, several decks between Vectors Alpha and Beta overlapped each vector.

Vector Alpha [ ]


Vector 1/Alpha of the Phoenix -X

Vector Alpha (or Vector 1 ) was the top portion of the ship. Of many other rooms, it contained the Bridge, the Captain's Ready Room and the Conference room. This vector covered Decks 1 to 9.

  • Main (Vector Alpha) Bridge
  • Captain's ready room
  • Conference room (or Observation lounge)
  • Alpha nacelle compartment
  • Ventilation control, Jefferies tube 17
  • Alpha Warp core
  • Transporter room
  • Officers and VIP quarters
  • Crew quarters
  • Alpha deflector control
  • Battle arena

Vector Beta [ ]


Vector 2/Beta of the Phoenix -X

Vector Beta (or Vector 2 ) was the middle portion of the ship. It contained transwarp functionality when all three vectors were separated. This vector covered Decks 3 to 9.

  • Beta Deuterium fuel tanks upper section
  • Vector Beta Battle Bridge
  • Messhall (or Bar and Lounge)
  • Beta Deuterium fuel tanks lower section
  • Beta engineering
  • Beta deflector control
  • Science laboratory
  • Astrometrics
  • Cargo bay upper
  • Airponics bay
  • Cargo bay lower

Vector Gamma [ ]


Vector 3/Gamma of the Phoenix -X

Vector Gamma (or Vector 3 ) was the bottom portion of the ship. This vector was used outside of its emergency mode on several occasions and would often be the choice for missions or unauthorized separation. This vector covered Decks 10 to 15.

  • Cloaking control ( 2374 - 2390 )
  • Vector Gamma Battle Bridge
  • Consumables storage
  • Main (Gamma) Deflector control
  • Gamma Deuterium fuel tanks upper section
  • Main (Gamma) Engineering
  • Gamma Deuterium fuel tanks lower section
  • Cetacean Ops

Technology [ ]

Transwarp [ ].

  • Transwarp - The base-technology installed aboard the Phoenix -X in 2370 at an in-kind Cardassian space station , after all previous Phoenix -ships were destroyed in test trials. (" The Recruited "; " Secret Occurrences ")
  • Ultra-transwarp - A function augmenting the transwarp components in a way that it multiplies a ship's speed faster than transwarp. In 2374 , it was in an untested phase, prematurely initiated by Dawn Relic , sending the Phoenix -X into a Gamma Quadrant , only to crash-land on a planet. (" Crash Bandits ") In 2384 , it was formally ready for testing, in which the Phoenix -X used it to travel to the Andromeda Galaxy . Upon return, it was dismantled by the Starfleet Corps of Engineers . (" Forbidden Crossing, Part I ")

Cloaking device [ ]

  • Klingon cloaking device - Transferred from the USS Phoenix , which originally was donated by the IKS Bochnah in 2373 to go in-hand with the exchange program. (" Betrayal and Honour ") It was later destroyed in 2383 . (" These Aren't the Voyages... ")
  • Phasing cloaking device - Based on the one installed on the USS Pegasus , Section 31 had one installed aboard the Phoenix -X in 2383 . It was soon found to be sabotaged, trapping the Phoenix -X in an asteroid at Regula I , and was uninstalled after the ship escaped. (" These Aren't the Voyages... ")

Time travel [ ]

  • Temporal displacement drive - In 2382 , Berlinghoff Rasmussen 's temporal drive was installed on the Phoenix -X where they would be sent on a mission to the future to recover Agent Rave. When the Phoenix -X returned, the drive was uninstalled and returned to Section 31. (" Displacement Syndrome ")

Torpedoes [ ]

  • Slipstream torpedoes - A subspace weapon by Section 31 , constructed onboard in 2375 . Despite being ordered dismantled, they were kept. (" Warfare ") In 2379 , the Mark II version instead would sling-shoot the target vessel about a lightyear away. (" Responsible Delinquent ") In 2383 , the system was revamped for the transphasic torpedoes. (" Transphasic Meltdown " )
  • Transphasic torpedoes - Installed in 2383 by order of Section 31 at Teketekon station. (" Transphasic Meltdown ") In 2390 , the supply ran out during a battle with an old man named Mudd. (" Into Harshness ")

Deflector dish [ ]

  • Tri-focal array: Siphon - An energy siphon, included in 2378 by Section 31 , in which the dish emits a thick white beam capable of absorbing another vessel's power to be converted for use on the Phoenix -X. (" Jumpers, Part I ")
  • Tri-focal array: Convergence beam - Another function as an attack beam during multi-vector mode in which all three vectors emit deflector beams to converge into one point and fire from that point as a more powerful offensive energy beam. (" Cookies ", " Warfare ")

Auxilliary craft [ ]

  • Paroga ( 2377 )
  • Angel Wing ( 2377 - 2383 )
  • Iroh , Type-11 shuttlecraft ( 2384 -)
  • Roche , Class-2 shuttle ( 2374 -)
  • Haruko , Type-11 shuttlecraft ( 2390 - 2391 )
  • Dracon , Class-2 shuttle ( Type 9 shuttlecraft ) ( 2390 -)
  • Edward , Chaffee type shuttlepod ( Type-10 shuttlecraft ) ( 2390 - 2393 )
  • Tengu , Chaffee type shuttlepod (Type-10 shuttlecraft) ( 2390 -)
  • Hendrix , Type-4 shuttlecraft ( 2393 -)

Command crew [ ]

Uss phoenix-x crew2386

Crew of the Phoenix -X in 2386 .

  • Captain Cell ( 2374 - 2391 )
  • Commander Night Seifer ( 2391 - 2397 )
  • Commander Night Seifer (clone) ( 2397 - 2404 )
  • Captain Oroku Seifer ( 2409 - 2410 )
  • Captain Siken ( 26th century )
  • Commander Night Gotens (2374-2379)
  • Commander Night Seifer (2379-2391)
  • BOB ( 2374 - 2400 )
  • Lieutenant Kayl (2374- 2379 , 2383 -2391, 2409-2410)
  • Lieutenant Briggs (2391-2404)
  • Lieutenant Commander Kugo (2374-2391, 2409-2410)
  • Lieutenant Commander Gewdeque (2391-2404)
  • Lieutenant Commander Armond (2374-2379, 2382 -2391, 2409-2410)
  • RaeLuna (2379-2383)
  • Lieutenant Commander Tong (2391-2404)
  • Lieutenant Commander Wallace (2374- 2377 )
  • Lieutenant Elly (2391-2404)
  • Lieutenant Commander Lox (2374-2391, 2409-2410)
  • Lieutenant Commander Xyrenia (2391-2404)
  • Lieutenant Commander Red (2374-2379, 2382-2391)
  • Lieutenant J.G. Amp (2379- 2384 )
  • Lieutenant Hachi (2391-2404)
  • Ensign Dan (2409-2410)
  • Ensign Dan (2374-2391)
  • Lieutenant Commander Veker (2391-2404)

Task Force Epsilon [ ]

In 2375 , the Phoenix -X was placed in command of a small seven-ship squad . The squad was posted in the Flortarios sector to protect against the Dominion threat. The war soon ended in the same year. (" Home ", " The Bajoran Trove ")

In 2390 , several ships from the squad were attacked and nearly destroyed by divergent Hirogen , requiring those ships to be re-launched as different classes. The Phoenix -X took command of those ships, under the title Task Force Epsilon , and with the help of Task Force Zeta , confronted the Hirogen. (" Into Harshness ", " For the World is Worldly and Such ")

Alternate Phoenix -Xs [ ]

In an alternate 2400 , two crew members from the Phoenix -X traveled to a future where Section 31 had taken over the Federation and the Phoenix -X was part of a rebellion against the new organization. (" Secret Shuttles, Part IV ")

Gender-bent universe [ ]

In 2410 of the Gender-bent universe , Seifer and Kayl were accidentally transported to its Phoenix -X. They assisted their counterparts in saving themselves from an angry, alternate-gendered DaiMon Cide , named Cida. (" The New Frontier, Part II ")

Borg-infested universe [ ]

In 2390 , of the Borg-infested universe , the Phoenix -X was on a mission to free Borg drones from the collective and was successful in freeing the Prime universe crew of the USS Hijinx . (" Hijinx ")

In 2410 , in an attempt to evacuate an entrapping layer of subspace, the Prime Universe Phoenix -X fired an inverse tachyon pulse which happened to converge with two other pulses from other timelines. One of the others was from the Borg-infested universe of this year's Phoenix -X in which Ensign Dan was Captain. (" Nightmare Anomaly ")

Memorable quotes [ ]

Appendices [ ], ships commissioned [ ], background information [ ].

  • The class of the Phoenix-X , as based on the Prometheus -class starship, wasn't revealed until the Season 1 episode " Cookies ". The class wasn't named as a Multi-Vector -class starship until the Season 3 episode " New Beginnings ". The class would be revealed as being a Prometheus -class starship all along, and as being previously mislabeled by a Pakled engineer, in the Season 4 flashback episode " Secret Occurrences ".
  • The history of the ship would periodically be adjusted throughout the run of the series and posted on the website. Its history wasn't clearly explained in the early episodes. The Phoenix -X's actual connection to any sort of secrecy wasn't clearly explained until " Experimentalism ". Its connection to Section 31 wasn't explained until the third season.

External links [ ]

  • USS Phoenix -X on the Star Trek: Phoenix-X website
  • USS Phoenix -X: BOff lists on the Star Trek Online forums
  • USS Phoenix -X on TrekBBS.net
  • 1 Thomas Crowe

Star Trek: 10 Best Starfleet Ships Of The 24th Century


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Star Trek 's twenty-fourth century has been explored extensively in TV series, games, and books. This bounty of content results in the era being one of Star Trek 's most fleshed-out periods. From the Dominion War to Starfleet's accidental exploration of the Delta Quadrant , the twenty-fourth century saw some of the Federation's greatest challenges.

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Luckily for the Federation, the Starfleet ships of the twenty-fourth century were more than up to the task. The century saw Starfleet throwing away the rule book to develop dedicated warships, experimenting with slipstream drives, and rebuilding its forces after catastrophic losses. It wasn't just the people of the era who made history—so too did the ships they crewed.

10 USS Phoenix

The Nebula-class USS Phoenix (best known for its appearance in TNG 's "The Wounded") was under the command of Captain Benjamin Maxwell. Maxwell, a veteran of the Federation–Cardassian Wars, believed that his former enemies were planning to reopen hostilities. To preclude this, he began to attack Cardassian ships, necessitating the intervention of the USS Enterprise-D in 2367.

It is likely that the Phoenix would have been destroyed by the Enterprise if not for the intervention of Miles O'Brien. The Enterprise transporter chief had previously served under Captain Maxwell and was able to convince the rogue officer to surrender. Although Maxwell's methods were reckless, he was in fact right—the Cardassian Union was rearming, and would soon pose a major threat to the Federation.

Although starships like the USS Enterprise receive much of the credit for preserving the Federation, the contribution made by the dependable USS Hood should not be overlooked. In 2366, the Excelsior-class starship supported the Enterprise-D near the Romulan Neutral Zone. Two years later, it again joined the Enterprise to expose Romulan involvement in the Klingon Civil War.

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The Hood served in and survived the Dominion War, while in 2379 it formed part of a battle group designed to intercept the Scimitar, a powerful Reman warship . Although it existed in the background of the twenty-fourth century, the USS Hood nonetheless played a number of crucial roles.

8 USS Aventine

While the canon status of the USS Aventine is debatable, this Vesta-class starship represented an important technological breakthrough for the Federation. The starship, best known for its frequent appearances in the Star Trek Relaunch novels, carried an advanced slipstream drive, allowing it to travel many times faster than a regular vessel at warp .

Following the death of its captain in 2381, the Aventine was commanded by Ezri Dax. The ship joined the Enterprise-E and the Titan in finally ending the Borg threat. In later years, the Aventine was deployed to counter the Breen and other Federation enemies.

7 USS Titan

The Luna-class USS Titan was the first ship to be captained by William Riker , who took command in 2379. Although the starship's adventures were initially documented in the questionable canon Star Trek: Titan novels, the starship is likely best known to fans for its appearances in Star Trek: Lower Decks .

In 2380, the Titan assisted the USS Cerritos during an engagement with the Pakleds. It continued to defend the Federation from the Pakled threat in subsequent months. In 2381, the son of William Riker and Deanna Troi was born aboard the Titan.

6 USS Protostar

The experimental USS Protostar was intended to further explore the Delta Quadrant following the return of the USS Voyager in 2378. As such, it was put under the command of Captain Chakotay, who had served as Voyager's first officer . However, the expedition went poorly, and the ship was captured by the Vau N'Akat, who planned to use the vessel to spread a deadly weapon into Federation space.

The starship actually remained dormant until it was rediscovered in 2383. A group of prisoners used the Protostar to escape the planet on which they were being held, although its journey back to the Federation resulted in the Vau N'Akat's weapon infecting many Starfleet ships. The Protostar itself was destroyed in the fallout, but its design served as the foundation for a new class of starships.

5 USS Cerritos

Although the USS Cerritos was built to perform logistical operations for the Federation, the California-class proved that even Starfleet's lesser ships played a pivotal role in the alliance's survival. Under the command of Captain Carol Freeman, the Cerritos specialized in second contact missions—administrative check-ups on civilizations previously contacted by the Federation.

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Despite this less-than-exciting mission profile, the starship proved essential in discovering the Pakleds' growing strength in 2380. The following year, the Cerritos proved itself in battle against the advanced USS Aledo, an AI-powered starship designed by a rogue Starfleet admiral .

4 USS Enterprise-E

Commissioned following the destruction of the Enterprise-D in 2371, the Sovereign-class Enterprise-E was larger and more heavily armed than its predecessor. This armament proved necessary during an engagement with the Borg in 2373, during which the starship traveled over three centuries back in time.

Despite its strength, the Enterprise-E played a minimal role in the Dominion War of 2373 to 2375, although Captain Picard and his crew did intervene on behalf of the agrarian Ba'ku when the Federation Council attempted to relocate the species. Perhaps the Enterprise-E's most notable engagement was against the Scimitar in 2379, although it was heavily damaged during the battle.

3 USS Voyager

When the USS Voyager traveled to the Badlands to intercept a Maquis vessel in 2371, its crew could not imagine the fate that awaited them. Both the Intrepid-class starship and its prey were transported to the Delta Quadrant, and the two crews were forced to put their differences aside in order to make the 70,000-light-year journey home.

This seven-year journey saw Captain Janeway and her crew encounter many new alien races, including the Kazon and Species 8472 . The USS Voyager also regularly encountered the Borg, with one member of the collective joining the starship's crew. Voyager's legacy endured for centuries—the ship was still remembered, albeit inaccurately, by Kyrian historians in the year 3074.

2 USS Defiant

While the Dominion War involved many factions and was fought on several fronts, many of its key engagements involved a single ship: the USS Defiant. This experimental warship dispensed with Starfleet's standard doctrine. Rather than focusing on exploration or carrying civilians, the Defiant was built to combat the Borg—and later, of course, the Dominion.

RELATED: Best Starfleet Ships During The Dominion War

In 2371, the Defiant-class starship made first contact with the Dominion's Founders. In 2373, it joined a flotilla of Starfleet vessels in Sector 001 in an attempt to repel a Borg cube. The Defiant liberated the Deep Space Nine from Dominion forces in 2374 and participated in both battles for control of the Chin'toka system. However, it was destroyed by a Breen energy weapon during the second engagement.

1 USS Enterprise-D

The Enterprise-D was, without a doubt, one of the most significant vessels in Federation history. As well as making dozens of first contacts (including with the Borg and the Q Continuum ), the Galaxy -class starship carried out significant exploration and research during its time as the flagship of the Federation. Much of the starship's success can be attributed to its crew, including Captain Picard, Commander Riker, and Lieutenant Commander Data, key figures in Starfleet history.

Although it was extensively damaged over Veridian III in 2371, the Enterprise-D was partially rebuilt by Geordi La Forge at the Fleet Museum. This refitted vessel fought against the Borg in 2401, demonstrating that, despite its age, the Enterprise-D remained a legendary part of the Federation fleet.

MORE: Star Trek: Best Starfleet Ships Of The 23rd Century

  • Movies & TV
  • Heavy Cruisers

USS Phoenix (NCC-65420)

  • Edit source

USS Phoenix

The USS Phoenix was a Federation Nebula class heavy cruiser that was in service with Starfleet in the mid-24th century.

The Phoenix would serve with the Sixth Fleet 's 101st Tactical Wing under the command of Captain Volkith .

When the Cardassian System was taken in 2375, she was part of a task force that pacified Cardassia IV .

Memory Alpha

Phoenix class

  • 1 Ships commissioned
  • 2.1 Appearances
  • 2.2 Background information
  • 2.3 Studio model

Ships commissioned [ ]

  • SS Eleos XII ( NAR -59019)

Appendices [ ]

Appearances [ ].

  • " The Next Generation "
  • " Disengage "

Background information [ ]

The Phoenix -class was not named on screen, but was identified by Star Trek: Picard Production Designer Dave Blass on specification call-out graphics of Doug Drexler 's approval CGI model . The graphics themselves were rendered by Samuel Cockings for franchise -approved publication on Blass' own Twitter account , using the production CGI model mentioned below . The name was taken from the shipname John Eaves had given to his original design. Blass admitted though, that the designation was only adopted after-the-fact, as "[i]t was just called Eleos XII" during production. [1]

The graphic art had it stated that,

The Phoenix class was designed as a small rapid response vessel. Delivering medical supplies, engineering components or limited personnel transfer The class focused on speed at a small scale Recommended for mid range missions within the Alpha Quadrant . The Phoenix class was a move towards higher warp speeds in smaller designs While not as tactically able as a Danube -class runabout , the Phoenix was significantly faster and with a greater range and cargo capacity The implementation of an NX-class inspired warp governor allowed for this increased warp speed potential

Cockings also did an additional call-out graphic, featuring the USS Fortuna (NCC-63189), as an older-style Phoenix -class variant deployed by Starfleet in an earlier era. Blass gave an explanation for the improvised latter-day modifications apparently performed on the Eleos XII by clarifying that, " [a]s the years went by upgrades were made on the fly, parts sold off, others added, and you end up with something like the Eleos XII, cobbled together. " [2] That graphic had it further stated that,

The Phoenix class, named after Zefram Cocrane 's warp ship was designed to bring Federation member worlds together just as that first warp ship moved Earth out and into the larger community With a maximum warp speed of 6.0 & cruising speed of 4.6, the class exceeded simulations

The following specifications were also established for the class,

Studio model [ ]

The class was co-designed by Blass himself, Doug Drexler, John Eaves, and Terry Matalas . It was Drexler who additionally constructed the CGI approval model, before it was finalized for onscreen use by the visual effects department under the auspices of department heads Jason Zimmerman , Brian Tatosky , and Shawn Ewashko . [3] Drexler has posted a detailed image gallery of his model on his Facebook page .

An original design by Eaves for the abandoned Perpetual Entertainment predecessor version of the Star Trek Online computer game, he had named the USS Phoenix (NCC-11592), [4] became the starting point for Drexler finetuning his friend's design into the ultimate design of the Eleos XII . [5]

  • 2 Daniels (Crewman)
  • 3 USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-G)


  1. USS Phoenix (Ascension Class) by Mark Kingsnorth.

    uss phoenix star trek

  2. Insignia-Class NCC 73137 USS Phoenix

    uss phoenix star trek

  3. USS Phoenix (NCC-65420)

    uss phoenix star trek

  4. Robert Bonchune

    uss phoenix star trek

  5. ArtStation

    uss phoenix star trek

  6. Robert Bonchune

    uss phoenix star trek


  1. USS Phoenix

  2. USS Voyager Returns In Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 4 & Armin Shimerman In Starfield

  3. Star Trek Online: Odyssey Star Cruiser [Operations]

  4. USS Athena 25th Century

  5. Space Engineers 2023 Kirk's Enterprise Vs USS Charleston Flawless Victory

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  1. USS Phoenix

    The USS Phoenix (NCC-65420) was a 24th century Federation Nebula-class starship operated by Starfleet. This ship was constructed by the Yoyodyne Division at 40 Eridani A Starfleet Construction Yards and commissioned on stardate 40250.5 in 2363. In 2367, the Phoenix was under the command of Captain Benjamin Maxwell. In 2367, Captain Maxwell turned vigilante with the Phoenix, destroying a ...

  2. USS Phoenix (NCC-65420)

    For other uses, see Phoenix. The USS Phoenix (NCC-65420) was a 24th century Federation starship, a Nebula-class explorer in Starfleet service during the 24th century. (TNG episode: "The Wounded") The Phoenix was built at the 40 Eridani A Starfleet Construction Yards and launched on stardate 40250.5 (2363). (TNG episode: "The Wounded") In 2367, the Phoenix was under the command of Captain ...

  3. What Happened To Star Trek's Phoenix Warp Ship After First Contact?

    The Phoenix remains one of Star Trek's most iconic ships and symbolizes mankind's journey to the stars. Star Trek: First Contact is available to stream on Paramount+. ... (Patrick Stewart) and the crew of the USS Enterprise-E travel back in time to stop the Borg from changing human history. They find themselves in Bozeman, Montana on April 5 ...

  4. Phoenix

    The Phoenix warp ship was the first man-made, manned spacecraft to achieve light speed using warp drive. Constructed during the mid-21st century and launched in 2063, the Phoenix was remembered as the ship that instigated Earth's First Contact with Vulcans. Dr. Zefram Cochrane, the inventor of warp drive, built this warp ship inside a missile complex in Bozeman, Montana. The ship was initially ...

  5. USS Phoenix (NCC-625)

    For other uses, see Phoenix. The USS Phoenix (NCC-625) was a Hermes-class Federation starship in service in the late 23rd and early 24th centuries, authorized for construction by Starfleet appropriation on stardate 0965. (TOS reference: Star Fleet Technical Manual) Sometime before 2269, the Phoenix was assigned an exploratory mission at the edge of the Orion Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. A lot ...

  6. From the Bonaventure to the Phoenix

    Of course, the Phoenix seen in 'First Contact' went straight to the TOS-type nacelles, so that short-circuited any slower developmental hardware steps." Star Trek Chronology (1st & 2nd edition) The first Star Trek Chronology appeared in 1993 as an officially approved timeline of the Star Trek Universe with a comparably small amount of speculation.

  7. Featured Starship: U.S.S. Phoenix (NCC-65420)

    The U.S.S. Phoenix (NCC-65420) is a Nebula-class starship with an elliptical sensor pod, and was once commanded by Captain Benjamin Maxwell.Maxwell turned vigilante in 2367 (see the TNG episode "The Wounded") and took the Phoenix on a series of attacks against Cardassian vessels. He was relieved of command, but his actions may have caused the ship to gain a certain notoriety.

  8. USS Phoenix (Columbia class)

    The USS Phoenix (NCC-14 or NCC-15) was a 22nd century Federation starship, a Columbia -class cruiser in service to the UESPA branch of Starfleet in the 2160s decade. Unlike existing refitted NX-class cruisers [2], the Phoenix and its sister ship USS Valiant formed the fourth pair built to Columbia -class specifications from scratch.

  9. USS Phoenix (NCC-65420)

    The USS Phoenix (NCC-65420) was a Nebula-class Federation starship, commissioned on stardate 40250.5 (2363). It came under the command of Captain Benjamin Maxwell four years later. In 2367, Maxwell turned vigilante with the Phoenix, destroying several Cardassian outposts and ships in belief of conspiracy by the enemy. Thanks to the Enterprise-D, he was convinced to stand down. (TNG: "The ...

  10. USS Phoenix (timeship)

    The USS Phoenix was a 3 kilometer long starship and was one of the largest vessels constructed. It possessed up to 48 Transwarp engines with the purpose of allowing the ship to go back in time on a one way trip as the timeship was incapable of surviving a second trip. It was capable of multi-vector assault mode allowing the ship to split into ...

  11. Star Trek: Phoenix

    Star Trek: Phoenix is a Star Trek fan-created anthology series produced and filmed by Temporal Studios. [1] The series was created by Leo Roberts and later developed by Leo Roberts, ... Captain Avari and the crew of the USS Phoenix embark on a dangerous mission to rescue them. Upon arrival in the Neutral Zone, the rescue team faces a labyrinth ...

  12. USS Phoenix (NCC-65420)

    The USS Phoenix (NCC-65420) was a 24th century Federation Nebula-class starship operated by Starfleet. This ship was constructed by the Yoyodyne Division at 40 Eridani A Starfleet Construction Yards and commissioned on stardate 40250.5 in 2363. In 2367, the Phoenix was under the command of Captain Benjamin Maxwell. In 2367, Captain Maxwell turned vigilante with the Phoenix, destroying a ...

  13. Star Trek: First Contact Mystery Of How First Warp Ship Landed Is Solved

    The question of how the Phoenix landed back on Earth in Star Trek: First Contact finally has an answer. Star Trek: First Contact follows Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) and the crew of the USS Enterprise-E as they travel back in time to April 2063, to stop a Borg invasion.The Enterprise arrives on Earth just before Zefram Cochrane (James Cromwell) is meant to make the first-ever warp ...

  14. USS Phoenix (NCC-65420) starships

    The USS Phoenix (NCC-65420-A) (also known as the Phoenix-A) was an Oberth -class Federation starship in 2367, and the second in a series of short-lived ships embarked from the Proxima Maintenance Yards. It was launched to test a clone transwarp drive under Admiral Theseus ' orders. A cascade failure within the transwarp computer database caused ...

  15. Eaglemoss Star Trek Federation Nebula Class Starship

    The USS Phoenix (NCC-65420) was a 24th century Federation Nebula-class starship operated by Starfleet. This ship was constructed by the Yoyodyne Division at 40 Eridani A Starfleet Construction Yards and commissioned on stardate 40250.5 in 2363.

  16. USS Phoenix

    The USS Phoenix (NCC-65420) is a Nebula-class Federation starship.. History. In 2367 (TNG "The Wounded"), Captain Benjamin Maxwell took the the Phoenix into Cardassian territory to attack supply ships and bases that he believed to be preparing for a new war against the Federation.The USS Enterprise, commanded by Captain Jean-Luc Picard, entered Cardassian space with Cardassian advisors aboard ...

  17. USS Phoenix (NCX-101138)

    The USS Phoenix (NCX-101138) was an Ascension-class (Ascension) Federation starship in the 2420s. It was commanded by Captain Bryce D. Avari. (Star Trek: Phoenix) In 2422, Captain Avari and the crew of the Phoenix attempted to rescue a diplomatic envoy on Katrassii Prime. Upon arrival in the...

  18. USS Phoenix (NCC-65420-X)

    The Phoenix-X and a Borg cube.. Service [] 20th century []. In 1937, a temporally displaced Phoenix-X appeared, on mission, and in chase of the USS Atlantis-R, in front of a Skagaran vessel, who was en route to Earth, before the two ships then disappeared again with the Phoenix-X in pursuit.("Temporal Doom!Part II") . 23rd century []. In the 2260s, the temporally displaced Phoenix-X appeared ...

  19. The Wounded (episode)

    Real-time tactical view of USS Phoenix (blue) engaging two Cardassian ships (red). The Cardassian warship is in weapons range of the Phoenix, and Picard orders an overlay of the weapon ranges of both ships.The Cardassian ship fires on the Phoenix, which scores a direct hit on the starboard forward and aft, doing damage to its shields, and forcing the ship to move out of range and regroup.

  20. Star Trek Starships Collection USS PHOENIX Issue 112 Review

    Star Trek Starships Collection USS PHOENIX Issue 112 ReviewThanks for watching Join me--- https://twitter.com/theirishtrekkie--- https://www.facebook.com/gro...

  21. Star Trek: 10 Best Starfleet Ships Of The 24th Century

    10 USS Phoenix. The Nebula-class USS Phoenix (best known for its appearance in TNG 's "The Wounded") was under the command of Captain Benjamin Maxwell. Maxwell, a veteran of the Federation ...

  22. USS Phoenix (NCC-65420)

    The USS Phoenix was a Federation Nebula class heavy cruiser that was in service with Starfleet in the mid-24th century. The Phoenix would serve with the Sixth Fleet 's 101st Tactical Wing under the command of Captain Volkith. When the Cardassian System was taken in 2375, she was part of a task force that pacified Cardassia IV.

  23. Phoenix class

    The Phoenix class was a class of Federation starship used in the late 24th century into the early 25th century. (PIC: "The Next Generation", "Disengage") This article is a stub. You can help Memory Alpha by fixing it. SS Eleos XII (NAR-59019) The Phoenix-class was not named on screen, but was identified by Star Trek: Picard Production Designer Dave Blass on specification call-out graphics of ...