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Walker Hayes Talks Life On Tour With Wife Laney, Six Kids, And Four Dogs

“We just love being together. And I know these times aren’t going to last forever.”

aida tour familie

Chris Saucedo / Contributor/Getty Images

Walker Hayes spent nearly two decades trying to make it in the music business in Nashville. But now that he has, his life moves at warp speed. Between tour dates, television appearances , and writing sessions, the Alabama native is always on the go. But the one constant? Hayes takes his family just about everywhere he goes. The whole family. That includes wife Laney, children Lela, Chapel, Baylor, Beckett, Loxley, and Everly. But it also includes his four fur children, dogs Noly (short for Magnolia), Hazel, Puckett, and Copper. 

“We’re a herd. When the bus door opens, when the car door opens, we just keep popping out,” Hayes told Southern Living . Like a modern day Partridge Family, Walker Hayes shows are a family affair. 

Eldest daughter Lela is currently one of her dad’s back up dancers on tour and the two little girls, Loxley and Everly join dad to sing two songs on stage each night. While you might not see his sons on stage, Hayes says Baylor has been selling necklaces at shows and Chapel has become interested in graphic design, likely sharing his input on tour merchandise. While “all Beckett wants to do is everything with horses,” Hayes shared with a proud smile. 

But just like his kids’ varying interests, Hayes notes that his four dogs are all very different as well. “Noly is the oldest. She’s almost 13, the sweetest dog. She’s our most anxious dog but I think as she gets older, she’s just more sensitive. And then we have Hazel. I think she’s six… She’s our introvert. She doesn’t really like people but she loves our family.”

Hayes continues, “And then we have Puckett, who we call super Puck, and he’s just this stout little guard dog. So spunky. Bouncy, tongue is always hanging out. Then we have the newbie. The baby of the family is Copper and he is about almost a year old now. And just completely the baby. Absolutely spoiled. Everybody fights for which bed he gets in at night on the bus.”

“We love our dogs. Our kids make fun of Laney and I because we just spoil our dogs so much,” he added with a laugh. But being such a devoted dog dad is why Hayes’ latest partnership makes so much sense. The “Fancy Like” singer has teamed up with Autotrader to create an ASMR Spotify playlist specifically designed to help calm your pup on the road. 

The playlist is full of soothing sounds specifically designed for animal ears.  Hayes feels confident that the playlist will make travel for his pack a lot easier.

“It’s something to basically take your dog to pleasant memories. Familiar sounds. Water running, fireplaces. Easy, soothing sounds that calm your dog down… Ours are all different. Noly is very anxious in the car so somebody has to be touching her. And then we have Copper who will just not stop bouncing in the car. Don’t open a window or he’ll jump out. He gets so excited. So I’m pumped for this playlist with Autotrader about making them more comfortable and easing their anxiety.” 

The playlist comes at the perfect time for this busy family. Hayes still has over a dozen stops left on his Same Drunk tour and he’s already working on new music, including something very special for the holidays. Hayes won’t be slowing down anytime soon and his family is keeping up right alongside him, which is just how he likes it. 

“It's all of us. I mean it’s the dogs and the kids and it’s a lot. But we wouldn’t have it any other way. We just love being together. And I know these times aren’t going to last forever. My kids are going to grow up and do their own thing and hopefully they’ll come back and visit or maybe we’ll go visit them. But we are soaking up just being an entire family unit as much as we can.”

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Hermano de Aida Merlano, edad y a qué se dedica Esteban Manzaneda

Después de la sentencia de Aida Victoria Merlano, hija, muchos se peguntan por su hermano Jose, quien la acompaño en la fuga de su madre.

Foto de Evelin Borjas

21 Mar.. 2024

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El jueves 21 de marzo, el Tribunal Superior de Bogotá emitió su veredicto sobre el caso de Aida Victoria Merlano, declarándola culpable por su implicación en la fuga de su madre, la excongresista Aida Merlano.

Según las conclusiones del tribunal, Aida Victoria utilizó a su hermano para llevar a cabo el audaz escape, que tuvo lugar el primero de octubre de 2019, justo después de que su madre asistiera a una cita odontológica en el norte de Bogotá.

¿Quién es el hermano de Aida Merlano?

A pesar de los escándalos que rodean a su madre, Aida Merlano Rebolledo, Esteban José Manzaneda Merlano ha permanecido alejado de los reflectores.

Con apenas unos 22 años, Esteban vivió toda la controversia mientras aún era menor de edad. Desde entonces, su hermana, Aida Merlano, asumió su cuidado, manteniéndolo al margen de los problemas mediáticos y legales.

A diferencia de su hermana, Esteban parece evitar las redes sociales y mantenerse al margen de los temas políticos, prefiriendo mantener su vida privada fuera del escrutinio público.

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Aunque su madre ha estado envuelta en especulaciones sobre su relación con él, no ha dado declaraciones públicas al respecto.

Recientemente, surgió la hipótesis de que Aida Merlano podría haberle regalado un lujoso vehículo a Esteban, basándose en la estrecha relación que se presume tienen. Esta teoría gana fuerza dado que la influencer obsequió un automóvil de la misma marca a su padre no hace mucho tiempo.

Cabe mencionar que en el último escándalo donde se mencionó el nombre del hermano de Aida Merlano fue en un accidente automovilístico, en donde el carro en el cual se dirigían él y su hermana apareció volcado.

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Trump Videos at Arlington Stir More Fallout After Gravesite Visit

The family of a Green Beret buried there expressed concern about videos and photos taken by his grave. And a cemetery employee declined to press charges after an altercation with the Trump team, fearing retribution.

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Rows of gravestones in every direction, surrounded by grass, at Arlington National Cemetery.

By Chris Cameron Maggie Haberman and Eric Schmitt

Chris Cameron was traveling with Donald J. Trump during his visit to Arlington National Cemetery on Monday.

  • Aug. 28, 2024

The family of a Green Beret who died by suicide after serving eight combat tours and is buried at Arlington National Cemetery expressed concern on Wednesday that Donald J. Trump’s campaign had filmed his gravesite without permission as Mr. Trump stood in an area where campaign photography isn’t allowed.

Relatives of Master Sgt. Andrew Marckesano issued their statement two days after Mr. Trump’s visit, which also included a confrontation between members of the Trump campaign and an Arlington employee. The former president’s campaign took video in a heavily restricted section of the cemetery known as Section 60, which is largely reserved for the fallen veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

A woman who works at the cemetery filed an incident report with the military authorities over the altercation. But the official, who has not been identified, later declined to press charges. Military officials said she feared Mr. Trump’s supporters pursuing retaliation.

Sergeant Marckesano died on July 7, 2020, after moving to Washington to begin a job at the Pentagon. He had three children, and friends said he had chronic post-traumatic stress disorder from his time in combat. He earned Silver and Bronze Stars during his service. His gravesite is adjacent to that of Staff Sergeant Darin Taylor Hoover, a Marine who was killed in the 2021 bombing at Abbey Gate outside the Kabul airport in Afghanistan.

The Hoover family granted permission to the Trump team to film and take photographs at the gravesite; the Marckesano family did not, and filming and photographing at the gravesite for political purposes is a violation of federal law, according to cemetery officials. Yet Sergeant Marckesano’s grave was shown in photos from the visit that were published online. A video was posted to Mr. Trump’s TikTok account featuring footage from the Section 60 visit and the gravestones from behind, with narration criticizing the handling of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021.

In a statement from Sergeant Marckesano’s relatives after being contacted by The New York Times, his sister, Michele, said, “We fully support Staff Sergeant Darin Hoover’s family and the other families in their quest for answers and accountability regarding the Afghanistan withdrawal and the tragedy at Abbey Gate.”

“However,” she added, “according to our conversation with Arlington National Cemetery, the Trump campaign staffers did not adhere to the rules that were set in place for this visit to Staff Sergeant Hoover’s gravesite in Section 60, which lays directly next to my brother’s grave.”

Sergeant Marckesano’s sister continued, “We hope that those visiting this sacred site understand that these were real people who sacrificed for our freedom and that they are honored and respected accordingly.”

Steven Cheung, a Trump campaign spokesman, did not address the statement from the Marckesano family, saying when asked about the TikTok video only that “the campaign will continue to respect the wishes of the Gold Star family members who invited President Trump.”

Sergeant Marckesano had served six tours in Afghanistan with the 82nd Airborne and others in combat overseas, according to news accounts at the time of his death. His family is said to have sought privacy since his death.

In the aftermath of the Monday altercation, the Army has closed the matter, after the Arlington official declined to press charges. According to three U.S. military officials, some Trump campaign members confronted and eventually pushed past the cemetery official when she tried to stop them from taking photos in Section 60.

Two Trump campaign officials, Mr. Cheung and Chris LaCivita, had insulted the cemetery worker in public statements on Tuesday. Mr. Cheung asserted that she was “suffering from a mental health episode” while Mr. LaCivita said that she was a “despicable individual” who “does not deserve to represent the hallowed grounds of Arlington National Cemetery.”

Military officials said that the cemetery worker feared that pursuing the matter with the authorities at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall in Virginia, which has jurisdiction over the cemetery, could subject her to retaliation from Trump supporters. Mr. Cheung said in a statement on Wednesday that “that is ridiculous and sounds like someone who has Trump Derangement Syndrome.”

The Trump team had said it was prepared to release footage of the altercation, but never did.

Several Army officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss confidential aspects of the matter, on Wednesday sought to keep the politically charged issue from escalating. But at the same time, they defended the cemetery official and pushed back on attacks from the Trump campaign, with one official saying that the woman at the cemetery was just trying to do her job.

Since Monday, the former president’s cemetery visit has become increasingly scrutinized for its political nature.

He was there for a wreath-laying ceremony honoring 13 American troops who were killed in the Abbey Gate bombing during the United States’ Afghanistan withdrawal three years ago. Mr. Trump has said President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris bear responsibility for the bombing and America’s chaotic withdrawal, and repeated his attacks on the subject in campaign events after his visit to the cemetery.

Mr. Trump had laid three wreaths at the Tomb of the Unknowns on Monday morning, the third anniversary of the Abbey Gate bombing. Two of the wreaths were for Marines killed: Sergeant Hoover and Sgt. Nicole Gee. A third was dedicated to all 13 troops killed.

Mr. Trump was accompanied there by family members of the two slain Marines, as well as Sgt. Tyler Vargas-Andrews and Corporal Kelsee Lainhart , two Marines who were injured in the Abbey Gate attack.

Mr. Trump then accompanied the families and Marine veterans to Section 60. That part of Mr. Trump’s visit was private and closed to the press, and resulted in the confrontation . In a statement, the cemetery said that federal law prohibited political campaigning or “election-related” activities within Army cemeteries, including by photographers, and that the prohibition was “widely shared” with those participating in the event.

For centuries the United States has tried to keep military might and partisan politics far from each other, to avoid the appearance of allegiances to a political party or ideology. Because of this, military members are forbidden from participating in partisan activities or endorsing candidates while in uniform and military bases are off-limits for political campaigns.

It was unclear on Wednesday whether the Defense Department would pursue a legal claim related to the episode.

Campaigning in Erie, Pa., on Wednesday, Senator JD Vance of Ohio, Mr. Trump’s running mate, blamed “some staff member” at the cemetery for the incident and criticized the media for reporting on it.

“Apparently somebody at Arlington Cemetery, some staff member had a little disagreement with somebody,” Mr. Vance said. “And they have turned — the media has turned this into a national news story.”

Photos of Mr. Trump’s visit to Section 60 were later published online. Mr. Trump was photographed giving a “thumbs up” to the camera standing behind the grave of Sergeant Hoover, with Sergeant Marckesano’s grave clearly visible a few feet away. Mr. Trump posted the video on TikTok on Tuesday that also showed the two headstones from behind as Mr. Trump laid flowers.

Gov. Spencer Cox of Utah, who published one photo of himself and Mr. Trump standing behind the graves on social media, apologized on Wednesday for including other photos of the visit to Section 60 in a campaign email that solicited donations.

“This was not a campaign event and was never intended to be used by the campaign,” Mr. Cox said on social media . “It did not go through the proper channels and should not have been sent. My campaign will be sending out an apology.”

Michael C. Bender reported from Erie, Pa. Dave Philipps reported from Colorado Springs.

Chris Cameron covers politics for The Times, focusing on breaking news and the 2024 campaign. More about Chris Cameron

Maggie Haberman is a senior political correspondent reporting on the 2024 presidential campaign, down ballot races across the country and the investigations into former President Donald J. Trump. More about Maggie Haberman

Eric Schmitt is a national security correspondent for The Times, focusing on U.S. military affairs and counterterrorism issues overseas, topics he has reported on for more than three decades. More about Eric Schmitt


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A Love Story Written in the Stars

The new yorker says “disney’s done it again”.

The winner of four Tony ® Awards returns to the stages of North America! With a Grammy ®  and Tony Award-winning score by the legendary Elton John and Tim Rice and a revised book by Tony Award-winning playwright David Henry Hwang, the hit Broadway musical AIDA returns to the stage in a thrilling new production. The producers of THE LION KING and FROZEN have reunited the original Tony Award-winning design team of Bob Crowley (scenery and costumes) and Natasha Katz (lighting) to reinterpret their designs in the retelling of this passionate and timeless story for today’s audiences.

Directed by Schele Williams, choreographed by Camille A. Brown and musical supervision by Tony Award-winning Jason Michael Webb, AIDA is a compelling tale of star-crossed lovers belonging to feuding nations, torn between their conflicted loyalties to their countries and to each other. With its stirring contemporary score and its powerful love story, AIDA reveals that we have the power to change history, but only when we make brave choices and embrace our destiny.

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AIDA Cruises

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AIDA Cruises fleet

Review of aida cruises.

AIDA Cruises (aida.de) is a German cruise line brand, British-American owned and based in Rostock Germany . Founded originally as Deutsche Seereederei, in the 1960s the company entered the cruise industry.

Note: In January 2022 was sold AIDAmira to Ambassador Cruise Line . In June 2022 was sold AIDAvita . In January 2023 was sold AIDAaura (left the fleet in October 2023).

Company History and Changes

In 2000, AIDA Kreuzfahrten was purchased by "P&O Princess Cruises". After 2003's merger of Carnival Corporation and P&O Princess (forming Carnival Corporation ), AIDA's executive control was transferred to Costa Group (responsible for Carnival Group's European brands). On June 7, 2015 ( AIDAcara 's birthday), AIDA celebrated the company's 20th anniversary. AIDA was the first to offer year-round cruises leaving from Germany.

The company's current President is Felix Eichhorn.

Until 2023, Costa Group's and Carnival Asia's CEO was Michael Thamm. As his position was not filled, AIDA's and Costa's presidents now report directly to Josh Weinstein (Carnival Corporation's CEO).

AIDA Cruises logo

AIDA continued its long-standing partnership with the shipbuilder Meyer Werft ( Papenburg Germany ) and ordered two new large-sized vessels (AIDAnova 2019, AIDAcosma 2021), each with 2500 staterooms and max pax capacity 5200.

As a pioneer in the ship cruising industry, AIDA also sets an example for environmental protection through its technology upgrades and innovations. By initiating the "Green Cruising" concept, AIDA became the world's first cruise company to operate a new generation of LNG-powered ships using 100% LNG (liquefied natural gas), thus eliminating emissions of sulfur oxides and soot particles.

AIDA Cruises Hyperion class ship (AIDAprima, AIDAperla)

AIDA ships cater to German-speaking cruisers and are renowned for their casual service and youthful style. German is the language that is the primary spoken on all AIDA boats, because most pf the company's customers are German-speaking (germans, Swiss, Austrians). They tend to be young and active, as AIDA's seagoing "club resorts" offer many amenities and facilities attracting younger vacationers.

On all AIDA vessels. dining is entirely open-seating and takes place in two or three complementary self-service restaurants. Being without MDRs (main dining rooms), the ship's buffet is the conceptual substitute. Passengers tired of the buffet meals can alternatively try the a-la-carte-priced restaurants pampering with high-quality gourmet cuisine and an elegant atmosphere.

On June 24, 2023, on three ships (Nova, Perla, Prima) AIDA introduced the Soulkitchen. The a-la-carte-priced restaurant has a 3-course menu with plant-based vegan dishes (including meat and seafood alternatives) and organic beverages (coffee, tea, fresh juices) as well as non-alcoholic wines and spirits.

AIDA emphasizes the ultra-casual travel experience. AIDA aims also on fitness and wellness activities in the popular AIDA Fit & Fun and Spa, and on the expansive decks. There is lively entertainment at night in the theatre. The well-patronized lounges and bars create an easygoing, festive atmosphere.

AIDA Cruises Hyperion class ship (AIDAprima, AIDAperla)

All AIDA liners have on their top-deck Freikorperkultur (FKK Bereich) - a fore-located Nudist Deck. This is a generously-sized outdoor area where naked passengers can enjoy sunbathing protected from the gaze of curious suitors. The special FKK deck area is located forward on the ship's top-deck. In most cruise ports, and especially in countries where the local culture doesn't allow nudism in public spaces (for example, Muslim countries), the ship's FKK deck can be accessed only in swimwear. On most AIDA liners, the FKK deck has 1 (or 2) whirlpools / hot tubs.

HELIOS-Class ships (newest)

AIDA's newest class of cruise vessels (succeeding the Hyperion-Class ships AIDAprima and AIDAperla) is called "Helios-class".

AIDA Cruises Helios class ship (AIDAnova, AIDAcosma)

These are LNG-powered ships produced by Meyer Turku , with GT-tonnage 183,900 tons and passenger capacity 5200 (lower berths / 6600 max). The first of the newbuilds ( AIDAnova ) was delivered in December 2018, the second ( AIDAcosma ) in April 2022.

On February 27, 2018, Carnival Corporation signed a shipbuilding contract for a 3rd unit for AIDA (delivery in 2023). This was the 98th cruise ship order for the industry's global fleet (order book 2018-2026). However, in June 2021 was announced that the newbuild ( Carnival Jubilee ) will be assigned to the CCL-Carnival fleet .

Each vessel has 21 cabin categories (including Penthouse Suite, Family and Single-occupancy staterooms), 17 restaurants (including self-serve, a-la-carte priced, 5x specialty), sports deck / deck 16 (water park with 1 slide, mini-golf course, ropes course), pool deck (will retractable glass roof and beach-club complex), 2-deck / 2-level Promenade Deck (connected via stairs).

In July 2015, Carnival Corporation signed a shipbuilding agreement with Meyer Werft for the construction of all 4 new class vessels. Of these 4 new cruise liners , 2 are for Costa Cruises and the other 2 for AIDA. The 4-vessel contract was part of a previously announced larger shipbuilding order with Fincantieri (Italy) and Meyer Werft for all 9 new vessels with scheduled deliveries between 2019 and 2022. Costa ships were built in Turku Finland , AIDA ships - in Papenburg Germany .

Managed by Costa Group, the combined Costa-AIDA fleet became Europe's largest. In 2014, one out of every two cruise ship tourists in Europe sailed on either AIDA or Costa ship. In 2015, Costa Group had 20 offices in 14 countries, around 27,000 shipboard employees and total passenger capacity of 68000+ berths (fleetwide).

AIDA Evolution (fleet modernization program 2025-2026)

In February 2024 was announced the company's largest fleet modernization) drydock upgrade and refurbishment program "AIDA Evolution".

The project was for the 3x SPHINX-class units (Diva, Bella, Luna) with each drydocking taking ~6 weeks. AIDAdiva is scheduled for drydocking in 2025-Q2, AIDAbella - in 2025-Q3, and AIDAluna - in 2026-Q2.

By this project, the three vessels will be completely overhauled, refitted and upgraded with new technologies and equipment and systems. Interior upgrades include refurbishment (complete redecoration) of all passenger staterooms, new Suites, revamped public spaces (carpeting, walling, artworks) more dining options/new restaurants and bars, new fun-themed activity and lounge zones catering to families with children, exclusive areas and services catering to Suite guests. The Theatrium will be enhanced with new seating arrangements and a color scheme.

AIDA cruise ship robots

An innovative AIDA and Costa program implemented the latest cyborg technology in both fleets. Humanoid robots (named Pepper) greet and guide passengers upon embarkation. They also assist them throughout the voyage by providing information and tips on shipboard dining, entertainment, pre-scheduled daily events, shore excursions/tours.

Peper robots communicate in 3 different languages (English, German, Italian), to move fluidly and even to interpret human emotions by analyzing voice tones and facial expressions.

The new technology was first tested on AIDAstella where Pepper learned to engage with passengers and crew. The first set of robots were introduced on Costa Diadema and AIDAprima in April 2016. By the end of summer 2016, Pepper robots were added on all AIDA and Costa liners.

Unlike other ships, AIDA's off-duty (human) crew are allowed to mingle with passengers. 

AIDA's LNG-powered liners

The AIDAprima ship's first successful test run for LNG supply was in Hamburg Germany on May 7, 2016. While berthed, the ship was successfully provided with LNG at all the itinerary's ports of call (Hamburg, Rotterdam, Le Havre, Southampton, Zeebrugge).

LNG cruise ship propulsion scheme (Rolls-Royce design)

The company's statistics show that an AIDA vessel spends ~40% of its operating time in ports. Compared to using conventional marine diesel (0,1% sulfur content), by using LNG the vessel's emissions are considerably reduced even further - Sulfur oxides (SOx) and soot particles are eliminated (while in port), nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions were reduced by up to 80%, carbon (CO2) emissions were lowered by 20%.

The AIDA ships (produced by Meyer Papenburg ) are 100% LNG-powered. AIDA invested in research and testing of LNG technologies since 2015.

In 2013, AIDA collaborated on LNG hybrid barges with Becker Marine Systems. The innovative and flexible solution is used on ships moored in Port Hamburg. Since May 30, 2015, AIDA's ships (starting with AIDAsol) have been regularly bunkered/supplied with LNG at Hamburg's Hafencity Terminal.

AIDA ships use just 3 liters (0,8 US gallons) of fuel on average per person on board for a 100 km (62 ml) trip. This was confirmed by an independent expert study in 2012. Thanks to the use of new technologies and the economical handling of resources, additional progress was made.

The company's statistics for 2016 (over 2012) showed 9% less energy used per person on board, reduced water consumption per person on board (by 7,2%) and reduced CO2 emissions (by 7,7%).

In August 2019, AIDA contracted the Candian stock-listed company Corvus Energy for delivery and installation fleetwide of the world's largest ship battery-package ESS (Energy Storage System / air-cooled system with patented single-cell thermal isolation). Orca ESS (Corvus Energy's biggest battery pack) has capacity 6100 kW per hour - or double the capacity of currently largest battery-packed ( electric ) ferries . Battery power is combined with the vessel's powerplant and propulsion. AIDA's other partners for this project are ABB Marine & Ports (producer of Azipods/electric propulsion units) and Siemens AG (Europe's largest industrial manufacturing company).

AIDA fleet's Captains

These are the names of all the AIDA's Captains (ship Masters) by vessel as of 2020:

  • AIDAaura - Thomas Mey
  • AIDAbella - Erik Kirchner
  • AIDAblu- Tonnies Kohrs
  • AIDAcara - Sven Gartner
  • AIDAdiva - Panagiotis Mantzavinos
  • AIDAluna - Sven Laudan
  • AIDAmar - Martin Rittig
  • AIDAnova - Marc-Dominique Tidow
  • AIDAmira - Nikola Dolfi
  • AIDAperla - Tommy Moller
  • AIDAprima - Przemyslaw Kurc
  • AIDAsol - Jorg Miklitza
  • AIDAstella - Nikos Nitschai
  • AIDAvita - Carsten Watge

(Coronavirus crisis) passenger shipping pause 2020-2021

Due to the COVID pandemic, AIDA suspended its entire fleet's passenger shipping operations (all liners) canceling all voyages with pre-scheduled departures in the period March 14, 2020, through late-April 2021. Operations temporarily resumed on October 17 with AIDAblu (7-day Mediterranean from Civitavecchia-Rome, through Nov 28) and fleetwide on November 1. However, on Oct 29, due to Germany's imposed public life and travel restrictions, AIDA canceled all voyages through Nov 30. AIDAperla and AIDAmar were scheduled for 7-day ex-Gran Canaria roundtrips (in the Canaries) starting December 5, but the program was canceled. AIDAprima's Dubai 2021 winter program was canceled.

Initially, as exceptions were announced the ships Perla (Aug 12, from Hamburg), Diva (Aug 15, from Warnemunde-Rostock) and Prima (Aug 15, from Kiel). However, these departures were canceled as the flag-state (Italy) delayed its approval for the restart. Eventually, AIDA extended its passenger shipping pause through August 2021 (fleetwide thru August).

Next are listed all AIDA shps and their first departure dates/regions - AIDAperla (Mar 20, 2021/Canaries), AIDAnova (Aug 7, 2021/Baltic from Kiel), AIDAsol (May 22, 2021/ cruises to nowhere from Kiel), AIDAmar (July 31, 2021/Baltic from Hamburg), AIDAblu (May 30, 2021/Greece from Corfu), AIDAluna (Sept 4, 2021/Iceland-Norway from Kiel), AIDAstella (July 29, 2021/Mediterranean from Palma de Majorca), AIDAprima (July 31, 2021/Baltic from Kiel), AIDAbella (Sept 5, 2021/Baltic from Kiel), AIDAdiva (Oct 16, 2021/Baltic from Warnemunde), AIDAaura (May 7, 2022/UK from Hamburg), AIDAvita (Mar 31, 2022/Norway from Hamburg), AIDAmira (April 15, 2022/Eastern Mediterranean from Heraklion Crete/ canceled ), AIDAcosma (February 26, 2022/ Maiden Voyage from Hamburg).

  • On July 9, 2020, AIDA announced that will restart operations with three liners and cruises to nowhere (portless itineraries with roundtrips from Germany). AIDA's "nowhere ships" were AIDAperla (August 12 / 3-nights from Hamburg), AIDAmar (August 12, from Warnemunde) and AIDAblu (August 16 / 4-nights from Kiel). Bookings were opened on July 9.
  • In June 2021 was canceled AIDAcosma's 2021 program (Arabian season from Dubai and Abu Dhabi) and the Canary Islands deployment (7-day roundtrips from Tenerife and Gran Canaria).
  • In July 2021 were canceled the winter 2021-2022 programs of AIDAaura (South Africa from Cape Town), AIDAvita (including 2x 43-day roundtrips from Hamburg to the Caribbean and Bermuda), AIDAmira (Aegean Islands from Heraklion Crete).
  • IMPORTANT: On June 23, 2021, Carnival Corporation (shipowner) announced that AIDAcara has been sold (to a Russian buyer). The 1996-built (as Clubschiff) boat left the fleet after 25 years of service. Cara was AIDA's first-ever vessel.
  • IMPORTANT: On June 14, 2022, was announced that the 20-year-old AIDAvita (2002-built) will not resume operations, being sold (to an undisclosed buyer) and leaving the fleet.

All affected bookings received full refunds, including on prepurchased through AIDA packages and services. For the period, all the company's employees had the options to either remain onboard or leave the vessel and return home (without terminating the job contract with AIDA Kreuzfahrten). All affected bookings received 110% refund in FCC (future cruise credit). The FCC can be used for rebooking on any cruise ship/itinerary (fleetwide) with departure through December 31, 2021. The FCC is redeemable for MyAIDA (pre-purchasing shore excursions, onboard specialty dining and wellness services) or can be transferred to OBC (onboard credit).

Itinerary of AIDA Cruises

Following the deliveries of the "Japanese" ships AIDAprima (2016) and AIDAperla (2017), for the first time in its history, the company had booked 2+ million Germans.

AIDA operates the German vacation cruising market with modern vessels and 140+ different itineraries visiting 250+ ports worldwide.

Signature destinations include Bermuda, the Caribbean-Bahamas, Eastern and Western Mediterranean (including Greece, Turkey, Egypt), North Africa and Spain's Canary Islands, Northern Europe (UK, Iceland, Baltic, Norwegian Fjords), North America (USA-Canada), Transatlantic crossings (RepositionCruises.com), Red Sea, Southeast Asia, 

Mediterranean voyages usually depart from Palma de Mallorca (fly-cruise packages). Most Northern European voyages depart from Germany (Hamburg and Kiel).

As of 2023, AIDA offers 5750 shore excursions globally, of which ~780 emphasize sustainable tourism.

Summer 2023 Northern European deployment

For the summer 2023 season, AIDA launched new itineraries for the ships AIDAnova, AIDAmar, and AIDAdiva.

AIDAnova (from  Kiel ) operates the 7-day “Baltic Sea from Kiel” or the 14-day “Norway and Baltic Sea” voyages with departure dates between May 6-October 21, 2023. Call ports include Norway's Oslo and Kristiansand , and Denmark’s Copenhagen and Skagen .

AIDAmar (from  Warnemunde-Rostock ) operates 9- and 10-day roundtrips to Scandinavia and Norway, visiting 3 Nordic capitals ( Stockholm , Oslo, Copenhagen), along with Aarhus ,  Gothenburg/Goteborg , and  Visby . The new Norwegian voyages visit 3 different fjords - Eidfjord ,  Olden , Vik/Vikoyri , as well as Bergen , Gothenburg, Kristiansand, Skagen.

AIDAdiva's schedule (from Warnemunde-Rostock) runs from May 6 to October 14, 2023. On 4 departure dates (May 6, July 8, August 5, September 2), the boat sails around Norway visiting Vik/Vikoyri (Sognefjord), as well as 4- and 5-day roundtrips in the Baltic Sea. Along with the popular Copenhagen, Gothenburg, and Stockholm, tourists can visit Poland's Gdansk-Gdynia , Denmark's Fredericia or Bornholm (maiden ports for AIDA. The four 7-day “Sweden, Poland & Denmark” voyages (departures July 1, July 29, Aug 26, Sept 23, 2023) remain unchanged. Both the 7-days and the new 4- and 5-days itineraries can be combined into B2Bs/back-to-back cruises .

Winter 2024-2025-2026 fleet deployment

AIDA's winter 2023-2024 season groups 250+ call ports in 80+ countries, and the popular travel tourism regions of the Caribbean, Southeast Asia, Seychelles, Spain's Canaries, Baltic/Northern Europe.

AIDAnova is homeported in Kiel (October-November 2023) and in Hamburg (November 2023 thru May 2024) visiting ports in Norway and Denmark.

Following the summer Mediterranean season, AIDAcosma starts voyages around Spain's Canary Islands and Portugal's Madeira from November 2023 thru April 2024. The 7-day roundtrips are from Gran Canaria / Tenerife .

AIDAprima is homeported in Dubai / Abu Dhabi to visit Muscat (Oman)  and  Doha (Qatar) or Bahrain and Sir Bani Yas . The 7-day itineraries can be booked combined (as 14-day B2Bs).

AIDAbella and AIDAblu are deployed in Asia. AIDAblu visits the Indian Ocean islands Mauritius, Madagascar, Seychelles, La Reunion. AIDAbella from Singapore visits Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Taiwan, the Philippines. Three new 21-day "Selection Voyages" (from Laem Chabang/Bangkok ) visit Vietnam's Halong Bay /Mekong Delta (on shore excursions) and Hue (Da Nang) .

AIDAbella visits Indonesia’s Lombok, Bali, Java, and Surabaya, along with destinations in Vietnam and Cambodia in January 2024. In March 2024, AIDAbella's Easter Voyage (21 days) visits Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Vietnam, and Japan (5 ports are maiden for the ship and 3 are new for AIDA / Kochi ,  Nagasaki , Tokyo ).

In the Caribbean, 3 ships ( AIDAdiva ,  AIDAluna ,  AIDAperla ) visit the Netherlands A-B-C islands (Aruba-Bonaire-Curacao), Costa Rica, Mexico, and Panama. AIDAdiva alternates on a route to Mexico, Belize, and the Lesser Antilles. An embarkation is possible in 4 ports (Barbados, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, and Martinique).

AIDAmar 's 43-day roundtrip from Hamburg to the Caribbean features a New Year’s Eve visit to Bermuda.

AIDAsol starts a world voyage from Hamburg in October 2023. From February 2024, 3 “Winter in the far north” itineraries are included in the program.

AIDA's winter 2024-2025 schedule has 380 departure dates and popular destinations like the Caribbean, the Canary Islands, Far East Asia, as well as Europe's most traveled regions - the Mediterranean and the Baltic.

AIDA has 3 ships deployed in the Caribbean. AIDAbella and AIDAluna are homeported in La Romana Dominicana ,  Montego Bay Jamaica and Fort-de-France Martinique , and deployed on different routes to ports in the Caribbean, Central America, and Mexico.

AIDAluna stops in Santa Marta Colombia (new port for AIDA) on every second Central American voyage.

AIDAperla visits the Dutch Antilles (ABC Islands) departing from La Romana or Bridgetown Barbados .

AIDAmar 's the "Great Winter Break Caribbean" (Transatlantic crossing from Europe/Germany) departs from Hamburg and ends in Willemstad Curacao.

In Asia, AIDAstella offers 4 different itineraries visiting Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Hong Kong China , the Philippines, and Vietnam.

AIDAprima 's Red Sea program is based on two different routes (roundtrips from the UAE/ Dubai  or  Abu Dhabi ) stopping at Muscat Oman ,  Doha Qatar , Salman Bahrain , and Sir Bani Yas UAE . The 7-day ex-UAE roundtrips can be combined into 14-day B2Bs .

In winter 2024-2025 (November-April) AIDAcosma operates 7-day Canary Islands and Madeira voyages out of Gran Canaria  or  Tenerife . Also deployed in Spain's Canaries,  AIDAblu offers 7-day roundtrips from Gran Canaria, with the option of visiting La Gomera or Funchal Madeira . Longer itineraries (9-12-14-days) are also available.

In the Med,  AIDAdiva offers 9- or 12-day roundtrips from Palma (to Iberia/Spain and Portugal, and the Canaries) or 7-day roundtrips from Civitavecchia-Rome to Italy and Valletta Malta .

AIDAstella 's 14-day Eastern Mediterranean itinerary visits the Greek islands, Cyprus, and Egypt.

From Antalya Turkey , AIDAblu has two 7-day roundtrips to Rhodes ,  Mykonos ,  Izmir ,  Istanbul ,  Port Said Egypt , Cyprus,  Haifa Israel .

AIDAprima provides Easter 2025 voyages from Palma or  Barcelona  to  Malaga ,  Cadiz  and  Cartagena , allowing passengers to witness the famous Semana Santa.

AIDAnova 's Baltic 2024-2025 winter program is based on homeporting in Hamburg and call ports in Norway and Denmark.

AIDAsol 's World Cruise (starting in October 2024) visits 41 ports in 17 countries (on 4 continents) including 6 in New Zealand. From February 2025, AIDAsol provides three "Winter in the far north" voyages from Hamburg to the Norwegian Fjords.

From  Alesund (Norway)  to  Zakynthos (Greece) , ~450 cruises are included in the AIDA Summer Program 2026. 

A rare natural spectacle awaits in the form of the total solar eclipse on August 12, 2026, which is expected to darken the skies over Greenland, Iceland, and Spain for ~2 minutes. Guests on 5 AIDA ships have the opportunity to witness this event up close. Beginning on August 7, 2026,  AIDAsol embarks from  Hamburg (Germany) , navigating through the English Channel and the Bay of Biscay towards the eclipse. Meanwhile, in the western Mediterranean,  AIDAcosma  and  AIDAstella set sail from  Mallorca (Spain)  on August 7, 8, and 9.  AIDAbella  and  AIDAluna also offer eclipse-focused cruises, bookable starting July 31, 2024.

The Perseids meteor shower (visible between July 17 and August 24, 2024) is observable from the Baltic Sea region where AIDAdiva from  Rostock/Warnemunde visits coastal destinations. Hamina (Finland) is a new destination offering a unique fortified city layout with a circular design centered around the town hall.

The Aurora Borealis/Northern Lights can be seen on "Autumnal Northern Lights" (14-day voyages on AIDAsol departing from Hamburg) visiting Leknes , Bodo , the  Lofoten Islands  and  Tromso .

For those anticipating the World Cup finals in 2026, mark your calendars for July 19. Although the teams are yet to be decided,  AIDAmar  is to be in  Stockholm (Sweden)  on the “Cities of the Baltic Sea from Warnemunde 1” cruise, while AIDAsol is expected to be in  Portsmouth (England) , on the “Great Britain & Ireland from Hamburg” voyage. AIDAstella commences her 10-day “Spain, Portugal & Balearic Islands from Mallorca” cruise from Palma de Mallorca on this notable soccer day.

Midsummer’s Day, a significant holiday in the Nordic calendar, is celebrated on June 21 with traditional dances, flower decorations, and culinary delights. In the summer of 2026, 8 AIDA ships depart from Hamburg,  Kiel , and Warnemunde on various northern routes, visiting the Baltic Sea, Norway’s fjords, Scotland, and Iceland. A highlight is  AIDAprima ’s voyages to the Norwegian fjords, including the Geirangerfjord and the Naeroyfjord, both of which are World Heritage Sites.

For the Easter holidays, AIDAprima invites guests on an “Easter Voyage through the Mediterranean.” For Pentecost,  AIDAblu ’s Greece cruises are enticing, with new stops in Zakynthos and Bodrum. 

In the summer of 2026, AIDAcosma, AIDAstella, and AIDAblu are sailing the Mediterranean, featuring itineraries along the Adriatic coast, the Greek and Turkish islands, and the western Mediterranean.

Itineraries 2025-2026 winter

AIDA's winter 2025-2026 season groups voyages visiting destinations in the Caribbean, South Africa, Spain's Canary Islands, the Orient/Red Sea, the Indian Ocean islands (Seychelles, Mauritius, La Reunion, Madagascar) and Northern Europe.

African voyages offer safari tours in the Table Mountain ( Cape Town ), the Cape of Good Hope, deserts, and beaches. Cape Town's tours feature street food events, microbreweries, foodie tours, and affordable Michelin-starred restaurants.

AIDA's winter 2025-2026 Caribbean voyages are scheduled for a 3-ship fleet ( AIDAperla ,  AIDAblu , AIDAsol ).

In the Arabian Gulf/Red Sea is deployed AIDAprima (homeported in Dubai USA ). Destinations include the UAE/United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Qatar, and Oman.

In the Canary Islands and Madeira are deployed AIDAcosma  and  AIDAmar .

In Northern Europe/Baltic Sea, AIDAnova ship from  Hamburg visits Norwegian and Western European metropolises (November 2025 through April 2026) including Arctic Norway's Northern Lights experience. 

(animal cruelty) The Faroe Islands cruise boycott

In mid-July 2016, AIDA became one of the three cruise ship companies (together with Disney and Hapag-Lloyd ) that banned Faroe Islands (a Danish territory) as a destination part of their North European itineraries.

The boycott is due to the island nation's traditional mass slaughter of pilot whales each year. The protected by Denmark gruesome practice of killing whales is called “Grindadrap Grind". Locals use motorboats to drive a pod of whales into a harbor. The defenseless animals are dragged to the shallow water and brutally slaughtered by locals armed with knives (16-19 cm / 6-8 inch long) while their families cheer them on. The killing party even rip out baby whales from their mothers.

The Faroe Islands have a population of about 50,000 and kill each year over 1,000 pilot whales. You can see the cruise ship schedule of Torshavn - Faroes most visited port. All cruise lines with scheduled visits to the Faroes are accused of supporting the brutal whaling practices. Whaling is still officially approved and carried out by the "civilized" countries Japan, Norway, and Iceland, killing over 2000 whales each year and trading in whale products.

AIDA's response was to the new "Faroese Pilot Whaling Act" by the local government, which continues to allow pilot whales to be culled or massacred. It also empowers local authorities to imprison (for up to 2 years) people found guilty of impeding these whaling activities - despite all the international condemnations.

Sea Shepherd and Greenpeace are among the largest organizations taking direct actions against the "Faroese Pilot Whaling Act". Most of the available online haunting images of slaughtered whales lying in a sea of blood are released by these organizations.

AIDA was the first of the major cruise companies to ban the Faroe Islands as a cruise destination. The move was a serious blow to the local tourism industry.

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aida tour familie

  • Kreuzfahrten
  • AIDA Kreuzfahrt
  • AIDA für Familien

AIDA für Familien mit Kindern

Eine Kreuzfahrt ist ein wunderschöner Weg, um gemeinsam mit der ganzen Familie aufregende Reiseziele kennenzulernen, ohne die Jüngsten und deren älteren Geschwister zu überstrapazieren oder zu langweilen.

Zwar ist AIDA Cruises für eine Kreuzfahrt mit Kindern immer eine gute Wahl, aber die Freizeitangebote für Familien unterscheiden sich zwischen den Baureihen bzw. AIDA Schiffsklassen sehr stark. Wir möchten Ihnen auf dieser Seite nützliche Informationen an die Hand geben, damit Sie für Ihre Familien Kreuzfahrt das richtige Schiff auswählen können.

Alle AIDA Reisen nach bestem Preis sortiert (Beispiel für 2 Erw. + 2 Kinder) »

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  • Weitere AIDA-Infos in der Übersicht

Gemeinsamer Reisespaß

Gemeinsam in See stechen

Am Pool rund um die Lichtkuppel

Spaß auf dem Lazy River

Welche Schiffe eignen sich besonders gut für AIDA Familienreisen?

Kreuzfahrten mit Kindern werden unter anderem dank des aufregenden Activity Decks Four Elements an Bord der AIDAprima , AIDAperla und AIDAnova sowie des Fun Parks an Bord der AIDAcosma ganz sicher ein voller Erfolg.

Unternehmungslustige Kids und Teens sind ebenso auf den sieben Schiffen der Sphinx-Klasse ( AIDAdiva , AIDAbella , AIDAluna , AIDAblu , AIDAsol , AIDAmar , AIDAstella ) und vor allem auf den jüngsten vier Schiffen der Reederei bestens aufgehoben.

Gründe zum Wohlfühlen

Damit sich sowohl Kids und Teens als auch ihre Eltern an Bord wohlfühlen, hat sich die Kreuzfahrtreederei einiges einfallen lassen. So gibt es nicht nur Clubs für Kids und Teens und ein spannendes Programm zum Mitmachen, sondern auch Kinderbuffets in allen AIDA Buffet-Restaurants , durchdachte Kabinen , die bequem Platz für die ganze Familie bieten, spezielle Ausflugsangebote sowie einen Leihservice für viele Dinge, die auf Reisen von jungen Familien nötig sind. Die jüngsten Schiffe Prima, Perla, Nova und Cosma verfügen zudem mit dem Fuego Restaurant über ein Buffet-Restaurant speziell für Familien und wetterunabhängige Bereiche für Fun und Action.

2024: Seepferdchen-Schwimmkurse bei AIDA

Auf insgesamt 14 Kreuzfahrten zwischen dem 24. Februar und dem 12. Oktober 2024 werden auf der AIDAcosma und der AIDAnova Schwimmkurse für Kinder angeboten. Ausgebildete DLRG Schwimmtrainer führen mehrere Kurse pro Tag durch und sorgen für die nötige Sicherheit. 3- bis 5-Jährige können an dem Kurs „Wassergewöhnung“ teilnehmen und dabei spielerisch mit Wasser in Kontakt kommen. Der Seepferdchen-Kurs richtet sich an 5- bis 7-Jährige. Auch die offizielle Seepferdchen-Prüfung kann an Bord absolviert werden. Sämtliche Schwimmkurse finden im überdachten Poolbereich statt.


» Reisen mit Schwimmk ursen auf der Nova

» Reisen mit Schwimmk ursen auf der Cosma

Eltern können den Schwimmkurs für ihre Kinder an Bord an der Kids Club Rezeption je nach Verfügbarkeit buchen. Es ist nicht möglich, schon vor der Kreuzfahrt einen Kursplatz zu reservieren.

Im Kids Club

Piratenspaß im AIDA Kids Club

AIDA Kids Club

AIDA Kids Club auf der Nova

Clubs für Kinder und Jugendliche

Kids club: von 3 bis 11 jahren.

Über die gesamte Flotte hinweg gibt es an Bord einen Kids Club , in dem Kinder ab drei bis elf Jahren willkommen sind. Zum Clubbereich gehört ein Außenbereich, auf dem außer auf der Prima, Perla, Nova und Cosma ein kleiner Kinderpool für Planschspaß sorgt. Der Kids Club befindet auf allen Kreuzfahrtschiffen der AIDA Sphinx-Klasse auf Deck 5, auf der Prima und Perla auf Deck 14 sowie auf der Nova und Cosma auf Deck 16.

Die vier drolligen Clubbies Alwine, Itzi, Dodo und Achwasachwas sind die Maskottchen des Clubs und stehen jeweils für andere Aspekte des Kinderprogramms – vom Entdecken des Schiffes über spielerische Wissensvermittlung bis zu lustigen Abenteuern unter Gleichaltrigen. Um die Betreuungs- und Aktivitätsangebote auf den Entwicklungsstand und die Interessen der kleinen Seefahrer optimal abstimmen zu können, gibt es den Kids Club für drei Altersgruppen: Drei- bis Sechsjährige gehören zu den Seepferdchen , Sieben- bis Neunjährige sind Delfine und die Zehn- bis Elfjährigen des Kids Clubs zählen zu den Sharks .

Die Seepferdchen, Delfine und Sharks können sich gemeinsam mit Gleichaltrigen auf täglich wechselnde Programme freuen – insgesamt sechs Stunden Programm an Landtagen, sieben an Seetagen. Es wird gespielt, gebastelt, gemalt, während der Ferien für Kids Shows geprobt oder mit den Kids Club Gastgebern das Schiff entdeckt. Auch wenn gerade kein Programm angesetzt ist, werden die Kleinen im zumeist vom 8 bis 21 Uhr geöffneten Club betreut. Eltern, die gemeinsam mit ihren Kindern im Club spielen möchten, sind zu bestimmten Uhrzeiten zur Eltern-Kind-Spielzeit willkommen.

Teen Wave Club

Im Wave Club auf der Perla

Teens Lounge auf der Nova

Teens Lounge auf der Nova

Teens Club: von 12 bis 17 Jahren

Während der Ferienzeiten gibt es auch für Zwölf- bis Siebzehnjährige spannende Programme , die für unvergessliche Reiseerlebnisse unter Gleichaltrigen sorgen. Gemeinsame Kinoabende, kreative Workshops, Sportkurse, Spiele zum Kennenlernen, Schiffsrallyes, Videospielwettbewerbe und die gemeinsame Vorbereitung einer Teens-Show, die im Theatrium aufgeführt wird, zählen zur bunten Vielfalt für die Teens, die mit ihren Eltern eine AIDA Kreuzfahrt unternehmen. Es gibt sogar Teens-Ausflüge , auf denen sich garantiert niemand langweilt. Je nach angebotenen Aktivitäten und Schiffskapazitäten werden die Altersgruppen für die Teilnahme flexibel zugeordnet. Auf den meisten Schiffen der Reederei gibt es Bereiche, wo sich lässige Teenager auch außerhalb angekündigter Animationsprogramme treffen können.

Auf den Kreuzfahrtschiffen der Sphinx-Klasse können sich heranwachsende Kreuzfahrturlauber im Hype auf Deck 12 treffen. Auf der Blu, Stella und Bella handelt es sich dabei um ein reines Games Center , wo die Gamer-Cracks an den Spielkonsolen auf hoher See ihr Talent beweisen und sich in Wettbewerben messen können. Auf der Diva, Luna, Mar und Sol ist das Hype eine Teens Lounge mit Relax-Ecke, Fernseh-Ecke, Kickertisch, Airhockeytisch und einem Bereich mit Spielekonsolen.

Die Schiffe der Hyperion- und Helios-Klasse sind um einiges größer als ihre Flottenvorgänger und richten sich mit ihrem großen Freizeitangebot ganz ausdrücklich auch an Familien. Entsprechend wurde auch an die Passagiere im Teenageralter gedacht, die sich in der Teens Lounge Wave Club mit angeschlossenem Games Center mit Spielautomaten sowie auf der Perla und Prima in einem zusätzlichen Games Room treffen können. Der Wave Club ist so hochmodern, cool und spacig eingerichtet und bietet so viele gemütliche Rückzugsecken, dass er der angesagte „It-Place“ für Passagiere im Teenageralter ist.

Da Spiele- und Getränkeautomaten in den Teen Lounges mit Münzen bezahlt werden, die am Wechselautomaten mit der Bordkarte käuflich erworben werden können, empfiehlt es sich für Eltern, die Bordkarten ihrer Sprösslinge zur Sicherheit limitieren zu lassen.

AIDA Mini Club mit Bällebad

AIDA Mini Club mit Bällebad

Wegweiser Four Elements

Wegweiser im Four Elements

Mini Club: von 6 bis 36 Monaten

Die Familienschiffe Prima, Perla, Nova und Cosma verfügen direkt neben dem Kids Club auch über einen Mini Club für die jüngsten Passagiere von 6 Monaten (dem Mindestreisealter) bis zu 3 Jahren und deren Eltern. Diese haben die Gelegenheit, sich beim AIDA Krabbeltreff zum Beginn der Schiffsreise untereinander kennenzulernen und sich im Laufe der Kreuzfahrt zu bestimmten Zeiten mit ihren Kindern zum freien Spielen zu treffen. Zum Mini Club gehören ein Bällebad, ein Schlafraum und ein Wickelbereich . Zudem können die jungen Eltern hier Malutensilien, Bilderbücher und Spielsachen ausleihen. Unter verschiedenen Voraussetzungen und nach einer begleiteten Eingewöhnung werden die Kleinen auch von erfahrenen Mitarbeitern betreut, wenn sich die Eltern eine kurze Ruhepause, zum Beispiel bei einer Massage im Body & Soul Spa, gönnen möchten. 

Darüber hinaus werden bei AIDA Kreuzfahrten für junge Familien praktische Services angeboten, damit die Kreuzfahrt mit kleinen Kindern ein voller Erfolg wird. So steht verschiedenes Equipment wie unter anderem Bettgitter, Babykostwärmer und Babywannen zum Ausleihen zur Verfügung. Auch ein Buggy für den Ausflug oder Babyphones können ausgeliehen werden. Vor allem Letzteres ist zumeist so stark nachgefragt, dass es bereits vor Reisebeginn auf dem Reedereiportal gebucht werden sollte, weil die Walkie-Talkie-Technik der üblichen Babyphones auf einem Schiff in der Regel nicht funktioniert.


Racer Röhrenrutsche auf der Prima

Klettergarten im Four Elements

Klettergarten im Four Elements der Nova

Aktivitätszonen für actionreiche Tage an Bord

Das four elements: ideal für familien mit kindern.

Auf der Prima, Perla und Nova bietet das Activity Deck Four Elements Spaß und Action für die ganze Familie. Dort befinden sich unter anderem ein Klettergarten , mehrere Pools , das Ziel der spektakulären Röhrendoppelrutsche Racer , eine große LED-Wand mit Tribüne, bequem große Liegebereiche und die Bar 5. Element. Auf der Prima und Perla kann man zudem auf Gummireifen auf dem Lazy River treiben und auf der Nova in einem Gegenstrombecken schwimmen. Auf der Nova gibt es zudem eine dritte Rutsche, die im Vergleich zur Racer gemäßigt Waterslide. Super für Eltern mit Kleinkindern: Im Four Elements gibt es sogar zwei Babybecken , in denen die Kleinen mit Schwimmwindeln planschen dürfen.

Das Four Elements erstreckt sich über zwei Decks im hinteren Schiffsbereich; inklusive Klettergarten sind es sogar drei Decks (auf der Perla und Prima Deck 14 bis 16, auf der Nova Deck 16 bis 18). Der Spaß auf dem Activity Deck ist wetterunabhängig, denn es ist komplett mit einem teilweise zu öffnenden Glasdach geschützt. Sogar der Einstieg in die aufregenden Rutschen erfolgt indoor. Da sich das Four Elements in direkter Nachbarschaft zum Kids Club, Mini Club, zur Wave Lounge und zum Familienrestaurant Fuego befindet und für bequeme Liegen für Eltern gesorgt ist, sind jegliche Grundlagen für eine fröhliche Ferien-Kreuzfahrt geschaffen.

Die Klettergärten der beiden Hyperion-Klasse -Schiffe unterscheiden sich von dem auf der Nova, aber alle Parcours sind äußerst fantasievoll gestaltet und bieten Möglichkeiten, Pausen einzulegen oder die Strecke vorzeitig abzubrechen. Das Mindestalter für die Teilnahme an einer Familien-Hochseilgartentour ist sechs, die Mindestgröße 130 Zentimeter. Nach einer Einweisung und dem Anlegen der zur Verfügung gestellten Ausrüstung steht dem Klettervergnügen nichts mehr im Weg.

Fun Park Kids

Obwohl die Cosma das Schwesterschiff der Nova ist, gibt es einige bauliche Unterschiede. Einer der wichtigsten ist das Fehlen des Four Elements und somit auch des Klettergartens. Stattdessen schließt sich an den Kids Club auf Deck 16 der Fun Park Kids mit einer Kletterwand und einem Indoor-Spielplatz an. Während sich an Steuerbord des hinteren Decks 16 alle Clubs für die Kinder und Teens befinden, erstreckt sich an Backbord das Familienrestaurant Fuego. Zum Glück für alle kleinen und großen Wasserrutschen-Fans fehlen weder die Doppelrutsche Racer noch die Waterslide, die im Poolbereich auf Deck 17 enden.

Familie auf Erkundungtour

Gemeinsam auf Erkundungstour

AIDA Familienausflüge

AIDA Familienausflüge

AIDA Familien Ausflüge

Weil Kinder nur selten mit Ausflügen zu baulichen Sehenswürdigkeiten oder sonstigen Kulturtouren zu begeistern sind, bietet AIDA für Familien mit Kindern an, die Kinderaugen zum Strahlen bringen und die Eltern entlasten, weil sie nicht selbst recherchieren, planen und organisieren müssen. Da die Ausflugskosten bereits Eintrittsgelder und den sicheren und pünktlichen Transfer zum Ausflugsziel und zurück zum Schiff enthalten, können sich auch die Großen entspannen und sich wie ihr Nachwuchs auf die Erlebnisse des Ausflugs freuen. Bevorzugte Ziele von AIDA Familien-Ausflügen sind Freizeit- und Wasserparks, aber auch Zoologische Gärten und die freie Natur, wo man gemeinsam die Tierwelt der Urlaubsländer entdecken kann.

In einigen ausgewählten europäischen Hafenstädten kann man sich mit seinen kleinen Kindern auf Tapsy Tour begeben. Das Maskottchen Tapsy ist mit dabei, wenn es an Land geht, singt und tanzt zusammen mit der Ausflugsgruppe, unternimmt Kennenlernspiele mit den Kids und bringt ihnen spielerisch einige Wörter der Landessprache des jeweiligen Ortes bei. Tapsy Tours bieten den Kleinen viel Spaß und den Eltern die Gelegenheit, das Familienfotoalbum um viele schöne neue Schnappschüsse zu bereichern.

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aida tour familie

Tabelle der AIDA Kids- und Teensbereiche mit Angabe der Decks

Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr.

AIDA Kreuzfahrt : Interessante Themen in der Übersicht

  • AIDA Preismodell
  • AIDA Kurzreisen
  • AIDA Themenreisen
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AIDA Diva cruise ship sailing from home port

Ship Overview

On board AIDAdiva every cruise is an unforgettable experience! This beautiful ship offers a high level of comfort that will delight all travelers. The extensive amenities on AIDAdiva make life onboard all the more interesting and guarantees fun for everyone.

In addition to sport and wellness facilities, top-class entertainment is part of everyday life on board. The three-story Theatrium is the stage for incredible shows and family activities. AIDAdiva also guarantees exciting entertainment for the youngest passengers. In the kids club with its own pool area kids can experience exciting adventures each day with youth supervisors. When it comes to dining experience international delicacies are served in seven restaurants. From market stall, pizzeria, sushi bar, or gourmet restaurant there is something for everyone’s taste. 

Embark on a journey and find out your perfect cruise holiday with this year’s itinerary schedules and the latest offers onboard AIDAdiva. In order to make the most informed decision and decide when is the right time to cruise, we’ve included an additional feature that shows how crowded is each cruise destination.

Ship Specifications

aida tour familie

City Warnemunde

aida tour familie

City La Romana

aida tour familie

City Montego Bay

Aidadiva itineraries, 12 nacht scharengarten der ostsee, 4 nacht kurzreise nach stockholm & gotland, 7 nacht schweden, polen & danemark, 14 nacht norwegen & ostsee ab warnemunde, 7 nacht ostsee ab warnemunde, 7 nacht norwegens fjorde ab warnemunde, 14 nacht skandinavien & polen ab warnemunde, 5 nacht schweden & danemark ab warnemunde, 4 nacht kurzreise nach oslo & kopenhagen ab warnemunde, 13 nacht von warnemunde nach mallorca, 12 nacht spanien, portugal & kanaren, 9 nacht spanien mit lissabon, 7 nacht italien & spanien, 7 nacht italien & malta, 14 nacht von rom nach warnemunde, aida cruises fleet.

AIDA Aura cruise ship sailing from home port

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Welcome to the world of AIDA! We are passionate people crafting ultimately exclusive inspirational tailor-made travel experiences in iconic destinations of Türkiye for more than 20 years.

aida tour familie

Welcome to the world of AIDA, where the passion for creating personalized local experiences translates into unforgettable breathtaking adventure for our guests.

aida tour familie

We strive to create experiences that goes well beyond the usual, turning into lifelong memories for each and every guest that travels with AIDA.

aida tour familie

We believe that today true luxury encompasses a holistic approach that incorporates sustainability.

Luxury lives in Türkiye: the cradle of civilizations for hundreds of years. A land of legendary fertility, a land for all tastes, a land for all seasons...


Aida Travel Services - Providing Safe and Reliable Airport Transfers in Curacao

  • Curacao Best Tours

Curacao Best Tours !!

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¡Bienvenidos a Curacao! Te invitamos a disfrutar de la Paranda Latina con Aida. Este tour es perfecto para aquellos que desean explorar la isla con un ambiente latino y en español.


Crash of a Tupolev TU-154B-1 in Omsk: 178 killed

aida tour familie


  1. Reiseempfehlung AIDA Kreuzfahrt mit der Familie

    aida tour familie

  2. Gibt es die ideale Kreuzfahrtroute für Familien mit Kindern?

    aida tour familie

  3. AIDA Kreuzfahrten

    aida tour familie

  4. AIDA Familienurlaub: Kreuzfahrt mit Kindern

    aida tour familie

  5. Sommer 2022: Familienurlaub mit AIDA Cruises

    aida tour familie

  6. AIDA goes Familie

    aida tour familie


  1. WIR sind AIDA

  2. Comedy mit Niko Formanek auf der AIDA und der AIDAluna

  3. Familienkreuzfahrten bucht man in der Kreuzfahrtlounge!

  4. Zottel ist unterwegs

  5. Metropolen mit AIDAprima

  6. Aida Perla Kreuzfahrt Dominica & Guadeloupe Part 9-10 Mangroventour und Hammer Taxitour mit Max


  1. Aida (musical)

    Aida (also known as Elton John and Tim Rice's Aida) is a musical based on the opera of the same name written by Antonio Ghislanzoni with music by Giuseppe Verdi.It has music by Elton John, lyrics by Tim Rice, and book by Linda Woolverton, Robert Falls, and David Henry Hwang, and was originally produced by Hyperion Theatricals.. Aida premiered on Broadway on March 23, 2000, running for 1,852 ...

  2. Walker Hayes Talks Life On Tour With Wife Laney, Six Kids, And Four Dogs

    Eldest daughter Lela is currently one of her dad's back up dancers on tour and the two little girls, Loxley and Everly join dad to sing two songs on stage each night. While you might not see his sons on stage, Hayes says Baylor has been selling necklaces at shows and Chapel has become interested in graphic design, likely sharing his input on tour merchandise.

  3. Hermano de Aida Merlano, edad y a qué se dedica Esteban Manzaneda

    El jueves 21 de marzo, el Tribunal Superior de Bogotá emitió su veredicto sobre el caso de Aida Victoria Merlano, declarándola culpable por su implicación en la fuga de su madre, la excongresista Aida Merlano.. Según las conclusiones del tribunal, Aida Victoria utilizó a su hermano para llevar a cabo el audaz escape, que tuvo lugar el primero de octubre de 2019, justo después de que su ...

  4. 608 W 28th St #C, Houston, TX 77008

    Zillow has 33 photos of this $1,098,800 3 beds, 4 baths, 2,403 Square Feet single family home located at 608 W 28th St #C, Houston, TX 77008 built in 2024. MLS #14100018.

  5. Trump Campaign Filming at Arlington Cemetery Dismayed Family of Green

    The family of a Green Beret who died by suicide after serving eight combat tours and is buried at Arlington National Cemetery expressed concern on Wednesday that Donald J. Trump's campaign had ...

  6. AIDA Familienausflüge

    Landausflüge für Familien: Gehen Sie mit AIDA auf Kreuzfahrt und erleben Sie auch an Land die schönste Zeit mit der ganzen Familie. Zur Hauptnavigation ... Unsere Tapsy Tours* sind speziell für Familien gedacht und bieten Ihren Kindern spielerische Unterhaltung und viel Abwechslung während des Ausflugs. Tapsy begleitet Sie während des ...

  7. AIDA Kreuzfahrt mit Kindern Familien-Reisen

    Erfahren Sie mehr zum Barrierearmen Reisen mit AIDA Cruises. Buchen Sie für eine komfortable An- und Abreise unseren TEFRA Gepäckservice. AIDA Kreuzfahrten für Familien mit Kindern ️ Familienpreise ️ Ausstattung ️ Familienrestaurants ️ Familienkabinen & Aufbettung Alle Infos!

  8. AIDA Familien-Kreuzfahrt Familienurlaub auf See

    Ausflüge für Familien. Vom Strandausflug bis zum entspannten Stadtbummel: Für Familien bieten wir spezielle AIDA Ausflüge, die auch unsere kleinen Gäste zum Staunen bringen. Gehen Sie doch einmal mit Tapsy auf Erkundungstour oder entdecken Sie einen der vielen Erlebnisparks auf Ihrer Kreuzfahrt.

  9. Disney AIDA

    Disney AIDA. A Love Story Written in the Stars. AIDA is the tale of star-crossed lovers from feuding nations, torn between their conflicted loyalties to their countries and to each other. With its stirring contemporary score and its powerful love story, AIDA reveals that we have the power to change history, but only when we make brave choices ...

  10. AIDA Kreuzfahrt mit Baby & Kleinkindern Familien-Reisen

    Erfahren Sie mehr zum Barrierearmen Reisen mit AIDA Cruises. Buchen Sie für eine komfortable An- und Abreise unseren TEFRA Gepäckservice. AIDA Kreuzfahrten für Familien mit Babies & Kleinkindern ️ Familienpreise ️ Ausstattung ️ Restaurants ️ Kabinen & Aufbettung Alle Infos!

  11. Disney AIDA

    A Love Story Written in the Stars The New Yorker says "Disney's Done it Again!". The winner of four Tony ® Awards returns to the stages of North America! With a Grammy ® and Tony Award-winning score by the legendary Elton John and Tim Rice and a revised book by Tony Award-winning playwright David Henry Hwang, the hit Broadway musical AIDA returns to the stage in a thrilling new production.

  12. Family & Friends

    Discover the world on a cruise with AIDA, meet old and new friends and indulge in a boundless range of wellness, culinary delights and activity - simply a vacation with a smile. On www.aida.de, you can also find deals regarding travel packages, cruises, short trips, early saver discounts, city tours and voyages.

  13. AIDA Familienurlaub: Kreuzfahrt mit Kindern

    Dazu profitieren Sie bei Buchung zum AIDA PREMIUM oder AIDA VARIO Tarif von familienfreundlichen Kinderflugpreisen. Familienkabinen mit Verbindungstür: Kinder von 2 bis 15 Jahren in der eigenen Kabine erhalten 35 % Ermäßigung, Jugendliche von 16 bis 24 Jahren 25 %. Diese Ermäßigung gilt für das 1. und 2.

  14. Aïda Touré

    The topic of this article may not meet Wikipedia's notability guideline for biographies. Please help to demonstrate the notability of the topic by citing reliable secondary sources that are independent of the topic and provide significant coverage of it beyond a mere trivial mention. If notability cannot be shown, the article is likely to be merged, redirected, or deleted

  15. AIDA Cruises

    Cape Town's tours feature street food events, microbreweries, foodie tours, and affordable Michelin-starred restaurants. AIDA's winter 2025-2026 Caribbean voyages are scheduled for a 3-ship fleet (AIDAperla, AIDAblu, AIDAsol). In the Arabian Gulf/Red Sea is deployed AIDAprima (homeported in Dubai USA). Destinations include the UAE/United Arab ...

  16. Family Vacation on an AIDA Cruise: Caribbean Getaway

    1290 Likes, 20 Comments. TikTok video from MamaTochterOnTour (@mamatochterontour): "Experience the ultimate family vacation on an AIDA cruise in the Caribbean. Discover the beauty of the sea and create unforgettable memories with your loved ones. #kreuzfahrt #karibik #urlaub #aidaperla #familie".

  17. AIDA Travel

    Your ultimate and utmost asset is time. Therefore, by your AIDA tailor-designed itinerary you will be embraced, caressed, nurtured, and revitalized during your holiday. Every detail is for your utmost joy and pleasure of the exquisite moments spent in your way of luxury. At the most remarkable locations in Türkiye, AIDA offers guests finest ...

  18. Kreuzfahrt 2025 » Neue Routen mit Frühbucher-Vorteil

    ab 3.340 €. pro Person. Reisedetails Buchen. Mittelmeer - Antike, Sonne & Strand. Im Jahr 2025 können Sie auf unseren Mittelmeer-Kreuzfahrten die herrlichen Regionen zwischen Korfu und Barcelona erkunden. Erleben Sie die Freude an antiken UNESCO-Weltkulturerbestätten, charmanten engen Straßen und lebhaften historischen Stadtzentren.

  19. AIDA für Familien mit Kindern: ein Überblick

    Bevorzugte Ziele von AIDA Familien-Ausflügen sind Freizeit- und Wasserparks, aber auch Zoologische Gärten und die freie Natur, wo man gemeinsam die Tierwelt der Urlaubsländer entdecken kann. In einigen ausgewählten europäischen Hafenstädten kann man sich mit seinen kleinen Kindern auf Tapsy Tour begeben.

  20. AIDA Cruises · AIDAdiva · Ship Overview and Itineraries

    AIDAdiva Itineraries. Browse AIDAdiva cruise ship itinerary and find out more about the exciting ports this ship is sailing. Here you can search for the latest voyages with homeports and ports-of-call, including dates with the ship's arrival and departure times. 24. August 2024 - 18:00 - 05. September 2024 - 08:00. 05. September 2024 - 18:00 ...

  21. AIDAperla Cruise: Expert Review (2023)

    AIDAperla Review. AIDAperla is a family-friendly ship designed for German passengers. The 3,286-passenger ship, which debuted in 2017, is loaded with features for kids and adults alike to share ...

  22. Aida Tours

    We are passionate people crafting ultimately exclusive inspirational tailor-made travel experiences in iconic destinations of Türkiye for more than 20 years. Discover Now. AIDA Tailor-Made. We strive to create experiences that goes well beyond the usual, turning into lifelong memories for each and every guest that travels with AIDA.

  23. Tours

    Rumba Latina con Aida: El Mejor Tour en Curazao. $35 /. 5Hours. ¡Bienvenidos a Curacao! Te invitamos a disfrutar de la Paranda Latina con Aida. Este tour es perfecto para aquellos que desean explorar la isla con un ambiente latino y en español. Read More.

  24. Azovo Map

    Azovo is a rural locality and the administrative center of Azovsky Nemetsky National District of Omsk Oblast, Russia. Mapcarta, the open map.

  25. THE 10 BEST Things to Do in Omsk (UPDATED 2024)

    9. Omsk State Museum of History and Regional Studies. Established in 1878, this museum safeguarded valuable collections during World War II and, after the war, expanded its holdings to reflect the region's rapid social development, economic achievements, agricultural and industrial growth and local art. 10.

  26. Crash of a Tupolev TU-154B-1 in Omsk: 178 killed

    4. Total fatalities: 178. Circumstances: Following an uneventful flight from Krasnodar, the crew started the approach to Omsk Airport in a reduced visibility due to the night and rain falls. The aircraft landed at a speed of 270 km/h and about one second later, the captain noticed the presence of vehicles on the runway.

  27. 261st Reserve Motorised Rifle Division

    261st Reserve Motorised Rifle Division. 261-я запасная мотострелковая дивизия. Activated 1980 in Omsk, Omsk Oblast, as a mobilisation division. Disbanded 1987. The division was maintained as a Mobilisation Division (US terms: Mobilisation Division) - manning was 0%. Equipment set present, older types, substantial ...