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  • Ash's rivals
  • Junior Cup Competitors
It's basic stuff. Trip's catchprase

Trip is a character appearing in Pokémon the Series , who is one of Ash's rivals along his journey.

  • 1 Appearance
  • 2 Personality
  • 3.1 Pokémon the Series: Black & White
  • 3.2 Pokémon Journeys: the Series
  • 4.1 On hand
  • 5.2 Tournaments
  • 6 Voice actors
  • 9 References

Appearance [ ]

Trip has neck-length dirty blonde hair and icy blue eyes. He wears a violet undershirt, an orange jacket over a dark-gray hooded sweater, a black waist-belt, white pants with black and white trainers and Trip is often seen with his camera, taking pictures of his journey.

Personality [ ]

While traveling to take on the Unova League , Trip takes photographs of Pokémon that he encounters and is also known as a Pokémon Photographer. Unlike Paul ( Ash Ketchum 's previous arch-rival), Trip cares for his Pokémon and does not consider them tools, but he prioritizes becoming a strong trainer, similar to Cheren from the games and he is quite obnoxious, much like Gary Oak . The main reason he took a dislike to Ash is because of his training style and more outgoing personality, whereas Trip tended to mostly keep to himself.

He is not as cocky as Gary or as harsh as Paul, but he had a strong dislike towards Ash. However, before running into Alder , they were shown to have at least something resembling mutual respect.

Unlike Gary, who enjoyed picking on Ash, and Paul, who outright hated his guts, Trip saw Ash as an annoyance but was occasionally willing to help him out, such as when he showed him how Oshawott could not land Aqua Jet because its eyes were closed.

Trip is bound to learn that becoming the champion does not depend on just becoming strong. His goal was to become the next Pokémon Champion of the Unova region, but was defeated by Ash in the first round of the Unova League.

Trip is somewhat xenophobic, as he does not think very highly of the Kanto region — or anyone from there. He thinks of anyone from Kanto as a redneck from "the boonies" who should go back to the basics of Pokémon.

Trip mellowed out considerably after his battle with Alder. Realizing that he was not a high-level trainer as he thought he was, he (mostly) ceased belittling people he saw as beneath him. When he left the Junior Cup, he expressed a genuine interest in battling Ash at the forthcoming Unova League.

After losing to Ash at the league, he dropped any disdain he still had for Ash and they now consider each other friends.

Biography [ ]

BW033 14

Trip promising to battle Alder.

While Trip was a kid, he watched the battle of Alder against a trainer. After Alder won the battle, he advised Trip to grow stronger and take on the League if he wanted to challenge Alder one day. [1]

Pokémon the Series: Black & White [ ]

BW001 10

Trip receives his Pokédex, starting his journey.

Trip was a beginning trainer who went to Nuvema Town to choose his first Pokémon. Ash Ketchum was friendly to him at first, but Trip rejected Ash's attempt to become acquainted as he refuses to be friends with someone from the "boonies". After some thinking, Trip chose Snivy as his starter Pokémon and was given five Poké Balls and a Pokédex as well. Later on, Trip came out and started taking pictures of his journey, including Pikachu , because it was a rare thing to see in Unova. Trip wondered if it was strong and challenged Ash to a battle. Because of Zekrom , Pikachu's power was weakened and it was unable to use Electric-type moves. Pikachu tried to attack with Iron Tail and Quick Attack , but it was defeated by Snivy's Leaf Tornado . Trip taunted Ash, telling him to go back to the basics as he left for Accumula Town . [2]

As he set off on the Unova journey, Ash was reminded he could run into Trip and Snivy, while going to Striaton City . [3]

BW010 3

Trip annoying Ash

As Ash came to the Battle Club, he was startled to see Trip enlisted in. Cilan remembered Trip actually battled Chili in the Striaton City's Gym and won the Trio Badge . Per request, Don George contacted Trip. Trip was displeased at Ash, since he reminded Ash Snivy won against Pikachu. However, Trip was slightly curious and came to the Battle Club, agreeing on a 6-on-6 battle. Ash admitted he only had 5 Pokémon, making Trip annoyed and refused the battle. Iris managed to taunt Trip, claiming he was a little kid, so Trip accepted a 5-on-5 battle. Trip sent Tranquill against Ash's Oshawott , who was immediately defeated by Tranquill's Aerial Ace (due to Tranquill's Super Luck ability). Ash sent Tepig to battle, who was also defeated, by a combination of Work Up and Aerial Ace. Tranquill attempted to defeat Pikachu with the same combo, but Pikachu grabbed Tranquill's leg, threw it away and defeated it with Volt Tackle . Trip sent Servine, who evolved from Snivy. Servine managed to hit Pikachu with Leaf Tornado and defeated him with Cut . Trip chided Ash, doubting he would win, but Ash sent Snivy, who got hit by Servine's attacks. Using Attract , Snivy infatuated Servine and managed to defeat it. For his next Pokémon, Trip sent Frillish, while Ash swapped Snivy for Pidove . Pidove tried to attack, but Frillish defended itself and defeated Pidove with Water Pulse . Ash sent Snivy back, who used Vine Whip , but due to Cursed Body , Snivy couldn't execute the move any more. Frillish dodged Attract and defeated Snivy with a combination of Water Pulse and Hex . Trip then stated that Pikachu and Snivy were improving well, but the rest of his team members were a worthless, pathetic joke, and so was their Trainer. Ash promised to become stronger and battle Trip again. [4]

Trip came to Castelia City and was using his Lampent to get rid of a swarm of Venipede , teaming up with other Fire-Type trainers. After destroying a large amount of the Venipede, Ash tried to stop him. Trip ignored Ash and told Lampent to hit the leader of the Venipede with Shadow Ball . Ash jumped in the way and got injured, then said they should move them out of the way. Trip first refused. He finally agreed, and they cleared out the Venipede with their Tranquill. Trip jokingly said he'd battle Ash again once he was worthy, marking a minor sprout in their friendship. Trip left off, since he couldn't wait too much for the Castelia City's Gym to be opened. [5]

BW033 8

Trip takes a photo of Iris' Axew.

Trip was in the area and attempted to catch a Palpitoad , but Ash interfered and caused Trip, by accident, to hit Ash with the Ball. Trip was furious, but noticing Iris and Axew , he took a picture of Axew, who was from the Village of Dragons . Trip, however, claimed Iris was disrespectful for her fear of Ice-type Pokémon. Ash tried to challenge Trip to a battle, but Trip ignored him, wanting to challenge Iris. Iris, however, claimed she was not in a top-mood, since Trip would only challenge Axew as her only Dragon-type Pokémon. Trip almost left, but was taunted by Iris (who called him a kid again) to battle Ash. Trip decided a 3-on-3 battle and sent Servine against Ash's Snivy. This surprised Trip, claiming Servine was stronger than Snivy. This time, Servine managed to hit Snivy with Leaf Tornado, dodge her Attract attack and defeat her with Cut. As they sent their Pokémon, Trip admitted he wants to become strong enough to defeat the Champion, Alder. Ash sent Oshawott against Trip's Timburr. Oshawott was intimidated, but Ash encouraged Oshawott to battle. Oshawott repeatedly used Aqua Jet , but continuously missed. Trip took some photos and showed to Ash Oshawott's eyes are closed when he uses Aqua Jet. Timburr managed to hit Oshawott with Low Kick , but Oshawott retaliated with Water Gun and defeated Timburr with Razor Shell . To copy Ash's battling style, Trip sent Vanillite, a Pokémon with type disadvantage against Tepig. Tepig managed to hit Vanillite with Flame Charge , but got hit by Ice Beam . Vanillite used Blizzard against Tepig's Flame Charge, causing a double knockout and ending the match in a tie. Trip left, while Ash promised he will defeat Trip one day. [1] Remembering Trip's photos of Oshawott, who closed its eyes while using Aqua Jet, Ash decided to train Oshawott. [6]

BW042 10

Trip decides to leave the Tournament, after his loss.

Trip came to the local Battle Club Tournament in Nimbasa Town and registered for participation, then left off. He later learned he would have to fight Cilan, the Gym Leader. After watching the battle of Georgia vs. Ash, he commented Ash was lucky enough to win the battle. He came to the battlefield and faced Cilan. [7] Cilan sent Dwebble against Trip's Gurdurr. During the clash, Gurdurr managed to hit Dwebble with Rock Smash , leaving a crack in Dwebble's rock. Cilan's Dwebble avoided Dynamic Punch attack, then used Shell Smash and imprisoned Gurdurr with Rock Slide , causing it to be separated from the rail it carried. With X-Scissor , Dwebble defeated Gurdurr. Trip took a picture of Cilan, saying it was to remember his anger and frustration. After healing his Gurdurr, Trip decided to leave. Ash tried to persuade Trip to stay, who believed he wouldn't get stronger by just watching how others battle and went off. [8]

BW054 5

Trip expresses his desire to battle the Champion, Alder.

Trip came to a small town, where he met the heroes (to his displeasure). Ash showed he got four badges, while Trip obtained five. Regardless, Trip admitted he came to find Alder, the Champion, and request for a battle. Trip told Alder was seen nearby; the group encountered Alder on Officer Jenny 's motorcycle, since he flirted with her. Alder fell down, since Jenny refused his charms. Trip came to Alder, who recognized Trip as "Tristan". Trip and Ash challenged Alder to a battle, but Alder claimed he could only battle one at a time. Trip allowed Ash to go first, since Trip could study Alder's battle strategies. Trip watched the battle, surprised Alder did not do anything to counter Pikachu's moves against his Bouffalant . Trip was annoyed to see Alder was actually sleeping and yelled at Alder, who woke up. Alder confessed his loss and claimed he was too hungry to have a battle with Trip. Trip reminded Alder about telling Trip the importance of strength. Alder could not remember he told this to "Tristan", causing Trip even more annoyance and he left. [9]

BW073 18

Trip about to defeat a frustrated Bianca with her Emboar.

Trip came to the Clubsplosion and registered in the event with his Conkeldurr, who evolved from Gurrdurr. Ash was amazed and was reminded many fighting-type Pokémon would participate. Trip chided Ash, who was angered and tried to backtalk to Trip, but was stopped by Trip's Conkeldurr. Trip saw he would face Bianca in the first round, thinking it would be a very easy fight he'd win. [10] Trip managed to take photos of Iris' battle with Burgundy . Trip also told Ash he won his battle against Angus and Simisage by pure luck, considering him "low class", for Scraggy didn't even manage to master his newly learned Focus Blast attack. Regardless, Trip faced Bianca in the battle and sent Conkeldurr against Bianca's Emboar . Conkeldurr managed to block Emboar's attacks and trapped him inside Rock Tomb , then proceeded to defeat Emboar with Stone Edge . [11] Fortunately for Bianca, Emboar managed to collect the stones and use Fling to throw the stones back at Conkeldurr. Conkeldurr deflected the attacks, but Emboar took its concrete pillars and threw them in its face, defeating Conkeldurr and Trip. Trip saw he had much to learn and still planned on defeating Alder. With his Conkeldurr healed, Trip declined Ash's battle challenge and left off. [12]

Trip came to Lacunosa Town to participate in the Pokémon World Tournament Junior Cup . Trip encountered Alder and was still annoyed by his goofy personality. Regardless, his aim was to battle his way to the top and defeat Alder. In the first round, Trip faced Burgundy and her Darmanitan , where his Servine was revealed to have evolved into Serperior. It frightened Darmanitan with Leer and then finished it off with Solar Beam . This made Burgundy sad and Ash shocked Trip won the battle so easily and quickly. [13] Trip managed to defeat Manning and Heatmor with Serperior and advance to the Semi-Finals. Trip met up with Cynthia , who asked him why wasn't he watching the battles. Trip claimed he already had planned his strategies, but his desire was to defeat Alder and face Cynthia next. His next opponent was Cilan and sent Serperior against his Crustle. Using the same tactics, Serperior used Leer and Solar Beam, but Crustle managed to withstand the attacks. After dodging Rock Slide and X-Scissor, Serperior defeated Crustle with Frenzy Plant . Alder was impressed, thinking Trip will go far - a point Trip wanted to prove by defeating Alder, after winning the final match. [14]

BW094 14

Alder presents Trip with the Junior Cup trophy.

Trip watched the battle against Ash and Iris, and was even worried at Iris' Dragonite 's power. With Iris defeated, Trip faced Ash in the finals, sending Serperior against Ash's Pignite. Pignite and Serperior launched their attacks at each other, but both had missed their targets continuously. In the end, Serperior tried to leer Pignite, who jumped up, but was hit by Solar Beam. Pignite retaliated with Fire Pledge , but missed and was defeated by Serperior's Frenzy Plant. Trip was the winner of the Cup and received the trophy from Alder. As promised, Alder battled Trip by sending Bouffalant against Trip's Serperior. Serperior charged itself with Solar Beam, as the battle started. [15] Bouffalant withstood Solar Beam and Dragon Tail , surprising Trip at Bouffalant's guts. Alder reminded Trip he was battling a Champion and had Bouffalant attack with Head Charge , defeating Serperior with one attack. Alder pointed out it did not matter if one won or lost, for one should always be with their Pokémon through the battles, claiming that is the true strength that comes from the battles. Trip admitted he did like Serperior and promised to have a rematch with Alder one day to prove what he had learned. Later on, Trip bid farewell with the heroes on somewhat less hostile terms, glad to have battled Alder - and have grown stronger. Iris, meanwhile, noticed that Trip had greatly subdued his nasty attitude. [16]

BW105 20

Trip manages to throw Ash off-balance, as his strategy is working.

Trip came to Vertress City to enter the Unova League. He met up with the heroes and asked of Ash not to lose before their battle. This surprised Ash, Iris and Cilan, seeing Trip had changed. Trip saw he was to battle Ash in the first round - a battle Trip was actually looking forward to. Trip used Serperior and Ash used Pikachu, so Cilan commented Trip wanted to take advantage of speed to win the round. Serperior dodged Pikachu's attacks and retaliated with Dragon Tail, hitting Pikachu. Trip smiled, for his strategy was working. [17] Trip's Serperior continued attacking Pikachu and managed to bind it by using Wrap . Pikachu retaliated with Thunderbolt , though Serperior bound his tail to the ground, negating the damage. Pikachu managed to free itself by using Iron Tail on the ground and clashed with Serperior. For a final clash, Pikachu used Iron Tail and Electro Ball at the same time. Serperior withstood the attack, but took too much damage and fainted. After his defeat, Trip bumped into Ash at the Pokémon Center . Trip did not bear any grudge, for he decided to grow stronger and challenge Alder one day. Ash and Trip shook hands, as Trip went off to continue his journey. [18]

Looking at the battlefield of the Unova League one last time, Ash remembered his adventures that led him to this place, including his own rival, Trip. [19]

Trip was seen in Best Wishes! ending theme. Trip continued his journey with Serperior and took some photos.

Pokémon Journeys: the Series [ ]

He, along with Alder, Bianca, Georgia and Stephan , watched Iris' match against Cynthia in the Masters 8. [20]

Pokémon [ ]

On hand [ ].

Servine had evolved from Snivy by the time Ash challenges him in the Battle Club. Servine has achieved greater levels of strength than he had during his pre-evolved form and has many powerful attacks including Leaf Tornado and Cut which allow it to defeat its foes.Servine was later shown to have evolved into a Serperior which that become his massive powerhouse Pokémon by being very fast, flexible and agile.

Achievements [ ]


Trip's first 5 badges

  • Trio Badge (Prior to "A Rival Battle for Club Champ!")
  • Basic Badge (Prior to "A Rival Battle for Club Champ!")
  • Two unidentified Badges (Prior to "Ash and Trip's Third Battle!")
  • Unidentified Badge (Prior to "Ash Versus The Champion!")
  • Three unknown Badges (Prior to "Curtain Up, Unova League!")

Tournaments [ ]

  • Don George Club Battle Tournament - Defeated by Cilan: Top 16
  • Donamite Tournament - Defeated by Bianca: Top 16
  • Unova League - Defeated by Ash: Top 128
  • Pokémon World Tournament Junior Cup - Winner (but loses to Alder the Unova Champion).

Voice actors [ ]

  • Dutch : Thijs van Aken
  • Spanish : Carlos Bautista
  • Iberian Spanish : Jaime Alberto Carrillo
  • Among all of Ash 's main rivals in the anime, Trip has the least appearances, only appearing in 20 episodes.
  • Trip has a Serperior .
  • Bianca has an Emboar .
  • Cameron has a Samurott .
  • Out of Ash Ketchum 's three rivals ( Gary , Paul and Trip himself), Trip is the only one to not battle Ash in a full battle in their league match. Instead, they used their main Pokémon - Serperior and Pikachu respectively - in a single battle. Furthermore, he is the only one to not battle Ash late into the tournament, instead facing him in the qualifier round. Also, in Journeys, unlike Gary and Paul who had at least one focus episode (Gary was Goh's rival since both took part in Project Mew; Paul showed up to prepare Ash for the Masters Eight Tournament), Trip only had a non speaking cameo watching Iris' match against Cynthia.
  • Trip is one of only two of Ash’s main regional rivals that had never encountered Team Rocket. The other one is Bea .
  • The only exception is the Junior Cup, which Trip won, beating Ash in the finals.
  • Trip appears in the Japan-only downloadable Pokémon World Tournament, Unova League event for Pokémon Black 2 & White 2 along with Virgil , Cameron , and Stephan in the Wi-Fi event You Challenge the Unova League Too! , as a minor character. Trip uses the Ace Trainer sprite, but is labeled as a Pokémon Trainer . He has the following Pokémon:

Gallery [ ]

Ash and Trip

References [ ]

  • ^ a b BW033: Ash and Trip's Third Battle!
  • ^ BW001: In the Shadow of Zekrom!
  • ^ BW002: Enter Iris and Axew!
  • ^ BW010: A Rival Battle for Club Champ!
  • ^ BW022: A Venipede Stampede!
  • ^ BW034: Facing Fear with Eyes Wide Open!
  • ^ BW041: Reunion Battles in Nimbasa!
  • ^ BW042: Cilan Versus Trip, Ash Versus Georgia!
  • ^ BW054: Ash Versus the Champion!
  • ^ BW072: The Clubsplosion Begins!
  • ^ BW073: Search for the Clubultimate!
  • ^ BW074: A Clubsplosion of Excitement!
  • ^ BW092: Jostling for the Junior Cup!
  • ^ BW093: Battling Authority Once Again!
  • ^ BW094: Ash, Iris and Trip: Then There Were Three!
  • ^ BW095: Goodbye, Junior Cup—Hello Adventure!
  • ^ BW105: Curtain Up, Unova League!
  • ^ BW106: Mission: Defeat Your Rival!
  • ^ BW110: A Unova League Evolution!
  • ^ PJ117: The Fiery Road to Mastership!
  • 1 Legendary Pokémon
  • 2 Galar first partner Pokémon

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Trip (Japanese: シューティー Shooti) is a male character from the series, Pokémon: Black & White. He has a non-friendly rivalry with Ash, meaning they hate each other both on and off the battlefield. While traveling to take on the Unova League, Trip enjoys taking photographs of Pokémon that he sees and he is known to be a Pokémon Photographer. Trip has been shown to care for his Pokémon, despite not being the most caring Trainer, but is quite obnoxious, much like Gary Oak . The main reason he has taken a dislike to Ash is because of his training style and the fact that he is from Kanto. He seems to dislike Ash more than Gary does but less than Paul does, as he often teases Ash about losing. However, before running into Alder, they are shown to have at least some respect for each other. Trip is bound to learn that becoming the champion does not depend on just becoming strong. His goals are to become the champion and to crush Ash's dream of becoming a Pokemon Master.

Trip does not like the Kanto region- or anyone from there. He thinks of anyone from Kanto as one who knows nothing about Pokemon. He considers Ash to be a hillbilly who should go back to the basics of Pokemon. He is prejudice against Ash because of this.

  • 1 Biography
  • 2.1 On Hand
  • 3.1 Unova League
  • 3.2 Contests
  • 5 Episode Appearances
  • 6 Voice Actors

Biography [ ]

Trip made his first appearance in " In The Shadow of Zekrom! " where he was a beginning trainer shown choosing his first Pokémon. Ash was friendly to him at first. He eventually chooses Snivy and wants to battle Ash's Pikachu because of it not being able to be found in his region. Although because of Zekrom, Pikachu's power is weakened and is unable to use Electric type of moves causing it to be defeated. Trip tells Ash to "go back to the basics" as a dis, and leaves to Accumula Town.

Trip later reappears in " A Rival Battle for Club Champ! " where he was at the local Battle club and Ash challenges him to a 5-on-5 battle.Trip comes out victorious where his Tranquill easily defeats Oshawott and Tepig, Servine defeats Pikachu, and his Frillish beats Pidove and Snivy. It was revealed that he used Servine to defeat Chili's Pansear at the Striaton Gym for his Trio Badge. He then later states that Pikachu and Snivy are improving well, but the rest of his team members are "a joke".

Trip shows up again in " A Venipede Stampede! ," where he is using his new Lampent in an attempt to destroy a swarm of Venipede, teaming up with other Fire-Type trainers. After destroying too many of them, Ash tries to stop Trip. Trip pretends to agree, but tells Lampent to kill the leader of the Venipede with Shadow Ball. Ash jumps in the way and gets injured, then says they should move them out of the way. Trip first refuses. He finally agrees, and they clear out the Venipede with their Tranquills. Trip later leaves, jokingly saying he'll battle Ash again once he's worthy.

He reappears in " Ash and Trip's Third Battle! " where he attempts to catch what would become Ash's Palpitoad, but Ash falls of a cliff, gets hit by Trip's PokeBall and scares Palpitoad away. Trip is furious, but they decide to just battle before things got out of hand, and Trip challenges him to a 3-on-3 battle using his Servine, Vanillite, and Timburr. Despite their tough battling styles, it resulted in a tie between the two adversaries. Trip walks away and Ash says bye to him, of course with no response.

He returns in " Reunion Battles In Nimbasa! " where he competes in the Club Battle tournament in Nimbasa Town where he was up against Cilan in the first round.

His battle begins with Cilan in " Cilan Versus Trip, Ash Versus Georgia! " where his newly evolved Gurdurr is defeated by Cilan's Dwebble. He takes a picture of Cilan, saying it was to remember his anger frustration, proving he takes losses harder and dwells on them, as well as this possibly being his first loss ever. After healing his Gurdurr, he leaves and moves on to the next city.

Trip reappeared in " Ash Versus The Champion " where he watched the battle between his rival Ash and his role model Alder , the Champion of the Unova League. He left when Alder refused to battle him by saying "Maybe next time."

Trip reappeared in "The Clubsplosion Begins!" where he bumped into Ash and co. when entering the Donamite with his Conkeldurr. His first round opponent was revealed to be Bianca, whom he didn't consider a threat.

He began his battle against Bianca and her Emboar in " Search for the Clubultimate! " but lost in the next episode despite putting up a strong fight.

Pokémon [ ]

Besides his Servine, Trip has gained these Pokemon through unknown events and are a close resemblance to Ash's; has obtained the same Flying -type Pokemon, two different Water- and Fire-types, an Ice-type, and a different Figting-type, but is still unknown if he has caught other Pokémon than his current team.

On Hand [ ]

Unova league [ ].

  • Trio Badge (Prior to "A Rival Battle for Club Champ!")
  • Basic Badge (Prior to "A Rival Battle for Club Champ!")
  • Two Unidentified Badge (Prior to "Ash and Trip's Third Battle!")
  • Unidentified Badge (Prior to "Ash Versus The Champion!")

Contests [ ]

Don George Club Battle Tournament-Loses to Cilan: Top 16

Donamite Tournament-Loses to Bianca: Top 16

Gallery [ ]

Trip's Camera.

Trip's Camera.

A clear Image of Trip

A clear Image of Trip

Trip obtaining his Pokédex

Trip obtaining his Pokédex

Trip with a evil face.

Trip with a evil face.

Young Trip

Trip and his Snivy

Trip's Badges to date

Trip's Badges to date

Episode Appearances [ ]

Voice actors [ ].

  • Japanese: Akeno Watanabe
  • English: Jamie McGonnigal
  • Dutch: Thijs van Aken
  • Spanish: Carlos Bautista
  • Iberian Spanish: Jaime Alberto Carrillo
  • 1 List of Pokémon VHS and DVDs

Trip (Pokemon Black & White)

Trip (Japanese: Shooty) is a trainer from Nuvema Town in the Unova region. He is Ash first and main BW rival.

  • 1 Character
  • 2.1 As a Child
  • 2.2 Pokemon: Black & White

Character [ ]

Trip is a mature, unfriendly, and sometimes commentive person. He uses strategies and different battle styles for all his Pokemon, including his Serperior.

History [ ]

As a child [ ].

He was inspired to become a Pokemon Trainer after seeing his idol Alder, the Unova League Champion, battle and defeat an opponent. Because of the Champion's promise to him, Trip has spent his time trying to become the strongest.

Pokemon: Black & White [ ]

Trip appears in BW001: The Shadow of Zekrom where he recieves his starter Pokemon, the Grass-type Snivy, and challenges his new rival Ash to a battle. During the battle, he easily defeats his Pikachu when it was unable to use any Electric-type attacks.

Trip reappeared in BW010: A Rival Battle for Club Champ! where he had earned two Gym badges, including the Trio Badge, and battled Ash in a 5-on-5 battle. During the match, his Tranquill defeats Ash's Oshawott and Tepig, but loses to Pikachu. His Servine defeats Ash's Pikachu again, but loses to his Snivy. His Frillish defeats both Ash's Pidove and Snivy, winning the battle.

pamonha [ ]

  • Basic Badge
  • Two Unknown Badges
  • Unknown Badge
  • Show Spoilers
  • Night Vision
  • Sticky Header
  • Highlight Links

trip pokemon black and white

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Pokémon the Series: Black & White » Characters

Pokémon: The Series characters index Series-wide: Original Trio ( Ash Ketchum , Pikachu ) | Team Rocket Organization ( Team Rocket Trio ) | Supporting Cast Original Series ( Main Cast ) | Ruby and Sapphire ( Main Cast ) | Diamond and Pearl ( Main Cast , Paul ) | Black & White ( Main Cast ) | XY ( Main Cast ) | Sun & Moon ( Main Cast ) | Journeys ( Main Cast ) Others: Movie characters

Characters and their Pokémon that debuted during Pokémon the Series: Black & White , also titled Pocket Monsters: Best Wishes! in Japan.

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See here for more information.

Supporting Cast

Characters in Pokémon the Series: Black & White

  • Big Creepy-Crawlies : Karrablast. It is then traded for Bianca's Shelmet, who then evolves into Accelgor.
  • Brainy Brunette : She has brown hair and is an intelligent professor.
  • Character Tics : Seems to be fond of that weird salute that her game counterpart is also prone to doing.
  • Energy Weapon : Accelgor's Hyper Beam.
  • Green Thumb : Accelgor's Energy Ball .
  • Healing Factor : Accelgor's Recover.
  • Straight Man : To Fennel.
  • Verbal Tic : In the Japanese version, she often says "Arara" and "Ararara", which can be translated as "My, my, my". It's a pun to her name Araragi.
  • Wacky Parent, Serious Child : Not to an extreme, but she's definitely a lot less odd than her father, and seems exasperated by some of his behavior.


  • Big Ol' Eyebrows : Big bushy eyebrows that give each Don George a serious look, even when he's not.
  • Distaff Counterpart : To Jenny and Joy. To the degree that he has dozens of identical brothers.
  • Inexplicably Identical Individuals : Like all the Jennys and Joys in the past, every Pokémon Battle Club is run by a Don George... and he happens to look almost identical to the last Don George you met. He also gets bonus points for being the first male set of identical individuals from a long, extended family.
  • Manly Tears : Makes you wonder if he's a Gentle Giant if pressed enough...
  • No Celebrities Were Harmed : In the dub, he sounds like Randy Savage !
  • Small Name, Big Ego : Each one is certainly a nice guy, but they're also often egotistical - entire tournaments with "Don" in the name and giant statues of Don George at the stadium(s), anyone? Downplayed in the dub with the "Club" tournaments .


  • All Webbed Up : Larvesta's String Shot.
  • In the dub however, it's more of a berserk button due to his tone of voice and how he calls her out on the first one.
  • Interestingly, for the latter Bianca deliberately pushed it, and for the purpose of helping him (essentially, convincing him to come closer so he can get a clearer shot of the battle taking place). It works...surprisingly well, despite the inherent risk from being inside the battle zone .
  • Beware the Nice Ones : He doesn't look it, but he is actually very effective in battle.
  • Big Creepy-Crawlies : Leavanny and Larvesta.
  • The Bus Came Back : In the later PokéStar Studios episode, Luke returns to shoot another movie with the gang as a nod to the PokéStar Studios in Black 2 and White 2 .
  • Camera Fiend : He is obsessed with filming battles and it gets to the point that he gets mad at Bianca who filmed his Zorua instead of his battle with Iris.
  • Casting a Shadow : Zorua.
  • Combat Pragmatist : His Zorua.
  • Doppelgänger Spin : Golett's Double Team.
  • Dishing Out Dirt : Golett.
  • Elemental Punch : Golett's Shadow Punch.
  • Extra-ore-dinary : Golett's Gyro Ball.
  • Green Thumb : Leavanny.
  • Guest-Star Party Member : During the Club Battle Tournament arc.
  • Master of Disguise : Zorua, but since it's a girl, it prefers doing female roles.
  • Meaningful Name : See Shout-Out below.
  • Playing with Fire : Larvesta.
  • The Prankster : Zorua really has no motive for her tricks other than to have fun at anyone's expense (sometimes even Luke's!).
  • Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl : Savvy Guy to Bianca's Energetic Girl.
  • Shapeshifting Trickster : His Zorua, who often turns into Georgia or someone else altogether to have Bianca continue to search for her tirelessly.
  • Shout-Out : To George Luc as — he's a bespectacled, brown-haired film director with a fondness for the Cliché Storm elements of classic storytelling, and manages to make them work in a way which appeals to filmgoers and critics . invoked
  • Soul Power : Golett, Zorua's Shadow Ball .
  • Well, Excuse Me, Princess! : In the dub, Luke almost says this word per word to Bianca when she says that he only told him to film but not who to film.


  • Dynamic Entry : In the Unova League opening ceremony, where he made his appearance by parachuting from a helicopter into the stadium.
  • Large Ham : At times, such as his exclamation of shock when it was discovered Cameron had unwittingly handicapped himself . It kind of comes with the job, mind you.
  • Recurring Character : He always shows up to be the announcer during tournaments.
  • Satellite Character : Not much to him in terms of personality, or outside tourneys for that matter.


Professor Aurea Juniper's father, whose footsteps she followed in becoming a researcher. In his case, he studies the origins of legendary Pokémon. When Ash, his friends and his daughter first ran into him, he'd collapsed from exhaustion in Chargestone Cave. After recovering, he agreed to lead the youngsters on a trip through the Black Hero's Ruins, after which they parted ways.

  • Anime Hair : Has what looks like a massive cowlick just above his forehead.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer : Just watch some of his bizarre antics in BW064 . The man's a borderline Troll with how much he screws with the party on purpose . It's worse for his co-workers since he does it every second he gets.
  • Cue Card Pause : He has a habit of leaving his sentences hanging midway, which leads to mis-communication whenever someone thinks he's done speaking. Even if the subject in question is about trying to convince N not to steal the Light Stone.
  • Wacky Parent, Serious Child : Not to an extreme, but he's considerably odder than his daughter, who seems exasperated by some of his behavior.


  • Actor Allusion : This isn't the first time Megumi Nakajima has lent her voice to a a green-haired singer .
  • Ambiguous Gender : Although it's meant to be genderless in the games, it has always had a very feminine appearance; plus it appears to have a crush on Ash, and the very male Oshawott and Piplup have both developed crushes on it, so it's likely meant to be female in the anime.
  • Badass in Distress : As powerful as it is, it winds up getting captured as part of Team Rocket's plan to capture the true forms of the Kami Trio.
  • Bare-Fisted Monk : Knows Close Combat, which it uses in Pirouette Forme.
  • Curtains Match the Window : In Pirouette Forme, its hair and eyes are both red.
  • Florence Nightingale Effect : Inverted variant of it — Ash was the one who took care of Meloetta, and as a result it appears to have developed a crush on him, though in the end it's implied this is also because he reminded it of Ridley.
  • Freudian Excuse : According to Meloetta and the Undersea Temple , Team Rocket's attempts at kidnapping Meloetta was the reason for its Shrinking Violet behaviour .
  • Genki Girl : After opening up more.
  • Guest-Star Party Member : After its first episode, it follows Ash and friends around until someone from its village comes by to guide it home again .
  • Nice Girl : Despite being a Gender unknown species, Meloetta does have a feminine appearance. Regardless, it is shown to be a consistently friendly Pokemon to Ash and the others, especially Dawn.
  • Innocent Blue Eyes : In Aria Forme.
  • Invisibility : It possesses this unique superpower to hide itself from anybody it doesn't trust. It's handy around Ash and co., but Team Rocket specifically has a device to let them find it.
  • Let's Get Dangerous! : Usually shy and meek, it becomes an effective battler when it takes on its Pirouette Forme.
  • MacGuffin Super-Person : Its song is required by Team Rocket to fulfill their latest scheme — "Operation Tempest".
  • Magic Music : Its song and voice has the power to soothe the souls and minds of Pokémon listening in. It is also the key to unlocking the Abyssal Ruins and the Reveal Glass, which can be used to control the Kami Trio.
  • Make Some Noise : Knows Hyper Voice.
  • Shrinking Violet : Starts off this way before opening up.
  • Transformation Sequence : From its Aria Forme into Pirouette Forme, whenever it uses Relic Song.
  • Villainous Crush : Even Meowth swoons over Meloetta in the Pikachu shorts (though this is not referenced at all in the main anime, where he considers it just another Pokémon to steal).


  • Adaptational Heroism : He's never completely evil (no, not even in Pokémon Adventures ), but the anime's version of N is nonetheless the nicest and most moral version of the character seen in any canonical media.
  • Adaptational Wimp : Because he never gets crowned King of Team Plasma, he never becomes a trainer and never claims a Legendary Pokémon for himself. As a result, the poor guy gets beat up pretty often.
  • Age Lift : To a degree—in the games, N was somewhere in his late teens to early twenties , but in this version, his proportions are closer to a teenager, implying that he's younger here.
  • Anti-Hero : This version of N is, when we first meet him, a former Team Plasma member and disillusioned by their actions. However, at this time he's still strongly-spoken about his opposition to Pokémon trainers and battles. He also opted to snatch the Light Stone from Cedric Juniper in order to try and keep it out of Team Plasma's hands.
  • Badass Pacifist : He never enters battle, yet proves his Badass credentials early on.
  • Defector from Decadence : Left Team Plasma two years prior after Reshiram flipped out and destroyed the castle from where it was first summoned.
  • Foil : To Ash, by all indicators. He's even hinted, in their first appearance, to be the Hero of Truth in parallel to Ash being the Hero of Ideals.
  • Friend-or-Idol Decision : Twice, involving the same friend (Ash) and the same idol (the Light Stone). In BW120 , when the floor of the White Ruins has collapsed below them, N has a grip on the ledge with his right hand but the Light Stone in the other, while Ash and Pikachu are about to fall; he only hesitates a moment before dropping the container to grab Ash's hand (they both fall afterwards though, and the Light Stone is nearby when they come to). Then in BW121 , Pikachu falls under the control of Colress' controlling-machine again and this time Ash's attempt to get through to him fails , the machine being too powerful now for willpower alone; N surrenders the Light Stone to Team Plasma in exchange for Colress freeing Pikachu from the machine.
  • Guest-Star Party Member : He travels with the group from BW114 - BW118 .
  • Not so much anymore as of BW114 , where he recieves several injuries over the course of the episode while trying to rescue a Pokémon from Team Plasma. However, he never seems to notice them until somebody points it out.
  • Completely subverted when he's hit by Dragonite's Flamethrower and Haxorus' Hyper Beam in BW117 , while trying to talk them both down from their Brainwashed and Crazy states. This would've gotten him killed had Anthea and Concordia not appeared and taken him to get healed.
  • Motor Mouth : When N gets worked up about something important to him, he starts to monologue at a breathless pace. Still, it's not as frequent (or his voice as incomprehensibly fast-paced) as in the games.
  • Nice Guy : While he obviously likes Pokémon best, this incarnation of N is reasonably good with people and remains polite and friendly towards Ash and co. at all times. Even in spite of his discomfort at learning Ash's dream to be a Pokémon Master, he states he doesn't hate Ash for the worlds they seek being different.
  • Pals with Jesus : By the end of the Plasma arc.
  • Sixth Ranger : Literally for Episode N , if you count Pikachu and Axew as well as the human protagonists.
  • Speaks Fluent Animal : He communicates with them in their unique language, and even considers it superior to the human language. He's actually baffled by Team Rocket's Meowth for this very reason.
  • Taking the Bullet : In BW110 , he takes a Shadow Ball meant for Axew and Snivy directly In the Back . It doesn't seem to do much damage, but it's the thought that counts.
  • The Unreveal : We are never told of what was Reshiram's response to N's words at the end of the Team Plasma arc, mainly because Ash would rather learn from Reshiram the next time they meet.


  • Adaptation Name Change / Named by the Adaptation : It's been revealed that, instead of being called "Goddess of Love" and "Goddess of Peace" (as in the games), the Japanese version of the anime is giving them actual names. Besides avoiding the obvious silliness of addressing them by their long-winded "titles", this was likely done also so that lip-flaps wouldn't cause problems in various dubs.
  • A Wizard Did It : Actually subverted by their teleportation ability, but it's All There in the Manual - specifically, the mist is created by Gothitelle's illusory powers, while Gardevoir's ability to warp between space is used to enable them to travel long distances (and into other spatial dimensions, as seen in BW118 ). In tandem, this enables them a degree of strategy (such as getting Team Rocket lost in the woods when they try to follow), but it doesn't defend the girls' Pokémon from Colress' machine one he's pinpointed them.
  • They try to do something similar in BW122 when Reshiram is summoned, but their Pokémon are quickly controlled by Colress' machine.
  • Composite Character : They keep their core personality traits from the games (what they have, anyway), but have inherited some of N's inherent distrust of humanity.
  • Cool Big Sis : To N, bigtime.
  • Curtains Match the Window : Both of them.
  • The Empath : Like their foster brother, they have the ability to hear the voices of Pokémon.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold : Concordia has demonstrated this trait.
  • Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me : Both Gardevoir and Gothitelle know Protect.
  • Master of Illusion : Both their Gardevoir and Gothitelle do this to protect themselves and the Pokémon they aid.
  • Anthea's name in the Japanese version, "Verbena", comes from the flower genus of the same name; in the language of flowers, it symbolizes "tender love". In the games, Anthea's name is "Goddess of Love ".
  • Condordia's name in the Japanese version, "Helena", refers to a species of olive; in the language of flowers, it symbolizes "peace and wisdom". In the games, Concordia's name is "Goddess of Peace ".
  • The Medic : Both are skilled in treating Pokémon, albeit without any powers - they simply tend to them and help their recovery. They even have a secret refuge in the woods where they protect injured Pokémon.
  • Psychic Powers : Anthea owns a Gothitelle, and Concordia owns a Gardevoir.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl : Expressed somewhat in the way they speak. Anthea speaks much more formally and calmly than Concordia, who is much more direct.


  • Inexplicably Identical Individuals : Like all Jennies, Joys, and Don Georges. The changes are noted on their color of their collars and lining of their shoes.
  • Mr. Exposition : They are usually nearby to give information on the island that the gang is visiting that episode. Justified in that it is likely part of their job in the first place.


  • Always Someone Better : Played straight at first, but ever since he tied with Ash during their third battle his strength was considerably downplayed . He retained an undefeated record against Ash until his last appearance, and was often shown to be ahead of him in Gym badges, but had a rather poor track record against everyone else.
  • Anti-Climax : Despite being Ash's main Unova rival, who was established in the very first episode, his final battle with Ash is a 1v1 in the preliminary round of the League. Not only that, but his Serperior was taken out in a single hit after all was said and done, with Trip leaving halfway through the episode as the focus quickly shifted back to the other rivals .
  • Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy : A classic case, what with his obsession with gaining greater strength than other challengers.
  • Ascended Fanboy : Wanted to be a trainer after watching the Champion Alder battle. While he promised himself that he would become a trainer so he could face Alder one day, it's to be noted that his overall cheerfulness as a child is gone by the time he starts as a trainer.
  • Trip hates being called a "kid" or getting called out for being childish. Iris doing it gets to him twice .
  • Getting rejected also doesn't seem to faze well with him, especially when it's by his idol.
  • Bookends : Trip's first battle with Ash was a one-on-one against Pikachu using his newly obtained Snivy. His last battle with Ash is another one-on-one against Pikachu using the fully evolved Serperior.
  • Book Smart : In contrast to Ash's Book Dumb , Trip is relatively smart for a beginner and has standard knowledge on conventional training and battling techniques. This is somewhat deconstructed as he's not used to dealing against opponents who use out-of-the-box tactics.
  • Break the Haughty : Trip is sent through a Humiliation Conga midway through the series that culminates in him losing to Bianca in the first round of the Clubsplosion, forcing him to admit he's a long way from defeating Alder. His ego returns during the Junior Cup, especially after he wins, but is broken again after Alder wipes the floor with him . This time, it finally sticks.
  • Camera Fiend : A minor example as it's not to the extreme of Luke's obsession with filming. Trip is always seen with his camera though before he puts it away.
  • Canon Immigrant : Though he's been given the Ace Trainer's sprite and class, he and his team are available in a download for the World Tournament (along with the other three anime-origin rivals).
  • Catchphrase : Trip seems to be really fond of "the basics of Pokémon training".
  • Character Development : Trip finally understands that strength isn't everything after his battle with Alder and finally gets it into his head that he should appreciate his Pokémon and his journey more. He even speaks to Ash on even terms (even if it's short) without throwing any insults at him and actually looks forward to battling Ash at the Unova League. He still keeps his distance though and doesn't join up with Ash and his rivals.
  • Cheerful Child : As a really young boy, though it's gone by his current age .
  • He effortlessly defeats Ash in their first battle, though this was only because Ash's Pikachu was temporarily rendered unable to use Electric-type attacks thanks to a lightning strike caused by Zekrom.
  • He wipes the floor with Ash again in their second battle, and this time, there's no easy excuse. It's a 5v5 match where Trip only even needs 3 of his Pokémon to win, and to top it off, 3 of Ash's own Pokémon are taken out in a single hit.
  • Every one of his Junior Cup battles is won with ease, with his Serperior not having taken even a single hit during the entire tournament.
  • Minutes after winning the Junior Cup, however, this streak is brought to a end: Alder's Bouffalant easily eats up Serperior's moves and takes him out with a single Head Charge.
  • Death Glare : He weaponized this using his Serperior's Leer. By lowering their opponents defense, he could wipe them out with a single solar beam.
  • Fantastic Racism : For some reason, he doesn't think too fondly of the Kanto region or the people from there, referring to them as the "boonies". It's never explained why he has this attitude.
  • Foil : To Ash. Both of them are trainers starting out their journeys in Unova, but Ash is a highly experienced trainer who had been reset to lose most of his skills , while Trip is a new trainer with a firm understanding of the basics. Also, Ash is a Nice Guy with close traveling companions, while Trip is a Jerkass with an elitist view towards Kanto and a loner with no one but his Pokemon to travel with.
  • Glass Cannon : Trip's Serperior seems to be one as it can unleash powerful grass attacks and one-hit KO almost all of its opponents in the Junior Cup, but it goes down in one hit against both Alder's Bouffalant (during their exhibition match) and Ash's Pikachu (during the Vertress Conference).
  • Slightly less so to Alder, at first, but after a talk with his old idol, he takes it alright. And when he loses to Ash, he calmly accepts his defeat and they (kind of) start becoming friends.
  • Green and Mean : Has green hair and eyes, his starter is the Grass-type Serperior, and is an arrogant Jerkass for most of the series.
  • Green Thumb : His starter, Serperior, is a Grass-type that knows moves such as Leaf Tornado, Solar Beam, Energy Ball, and Frenzy Plant.
  • Hidden Depths : The Sugar-and-Ice Personality rival was actually a Cheerful Child when he was much younger and an Ascended Fanboy of Alder.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard : How Trip ends up losing to Bianca. Not only underestimating her, but his Conkeldurr leaves himself wide open for attacks when Bianca's Emboar gets through his Rock Tomb. Bianca basically orders her Emboar to take those pillars that Conkeldurr uses in battle and throw them back in his face.
  • His third battle with Ash results in a tie rather than the decisive victory that the first two were. What's more, the one loss he suffered during the battle was to Ash's Oshawott, one of his weakest Unova Pokémon, before he had even mastered Aqua Jet. It was even revealed by Trip himself that the reason Oshawott couldn't aim was because he kept closing his eyes, yet he still managed to defeat his Timburr.
  • He's cleanly defeated by Cilan in the first round of the Club Battle, despite his Gurdurr having evolved since its last appearance and having the advantage over Cilan's Dwebble.
  • He finally reunites with his idol Alder after their first meeting years ago. Unfortunately for Trip, Alder appears to have grown near-unrecognizably senile and unserious within that timeframe: he spends his time getting distracted by women, shows that he barely bothered to remember Trip himself , misnames him constantly even in the present, contradicts the advice he gave when they first met, and rejects his request for a battle after not even bothering to finish his battle with Ash. By the time Trip leaves, he's left pretty sour at the experience.
  • Lastly, he enters the Clubsplosion tournament, only to lose in the first round again. Only this time, it's to Bianca — while she had taken a level in badass for this arc, she remains one of the least serious rivals in the series. It's even more humiliating given that Trip had openly dismissed her prior to the match.
  • Hypocritical Humor : He calls Ash immature, but is shown to be much more immature when it comes to certain subjects like getting Alder's attention.
  • An Ice Person : His Vanillite is an Ice-type that knows Ice Beam, Icicle Spear, Ice Shard, and Blizzard.
  • Irony : He initially looks down on Ash for being a "backwater hillbilly" from Kanto, to which he refers to the region as " the boonies ". Yet, the Kanto region was inspired by the real-life region in Japan and is one of the most highly developed, urbanized, and industrialized parts of it. The Unova region, on the other hand, was explicitly based on the United States of America , specifically, the Big Applesauce .
  • It Only Works Once : He was taken aback when his Servine lost to Ash's Snivy, thanks to the grass starter using Attract. He teaches Servine to counter it to avoid getting beaten like that again.
  • For what it's worth, he isn't wrong about Ash faltering as a trainer throughout Unova. Several of their battles demonstrate how poorly Ash's Pokemon were trained in this saga.
  • He mocks Iris for her fear of Ice-types just because she wants to be a Dragon Master, pointing out her fear makes little sense as Dragon-types are weak to their own attacks . He also mentions that it's rude to the Pokémon in question, which isn't exactly uncalled for given that they're sentient beings.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold : Downplayed. Much like Gary and Paul before him, he acts smug and condescending to most of the cast for the majority of his appearances. Ash gets it the worst, being the brunt of many rude stereotypes about his home region. He also actually helped Ash realize why his Oshawott couldn't aim its Aqua Jet properly, but not without mocking him for the embarrassing detail that he's afraid to open his eyes underwater . He also took an interest in Iris in the same episode for being from the Village of Dragons, but just as quickly wrote her off for her strange Ice-type phobia and poorly trained team. His attitude does not change until much later when Alder defeats him in the Junior Cup in which he starts to treat others with respect.
  • Loners Are Freaks : He's well-noted for his anti-social behavior, as he apparently thinks interaction with others interferes with one's own personal growth.
  • Made of Iron : His Vanillite took two direct Flame Charges and an Ember from Ash's Tepig and still managed to get a tie with him.
  • Making a Splash : He owns a Frillish that knows the Water-type move Water Pulse.
  • In later episodes he does smirk when he beats Burgundy and actually makes it past the first round but then at the end of the episode, he's glaring daggers.
  • Most of his team barely received any screentime or characterization despite his semi-frequent appearances. In fact, to date only Serperior, Tranquill, and Conkeldurr have appeared in more than one episode.
  • Oddly enough, Trip himself gets the least amount of focus out of all the rivals introduced despite being Ash's main rival. This is usually contributed by him leaving a tournament whenever he loses and thus feeling more like a background character.
  • Playing with Fire : He owns a Lampent that knows the Fire-type move Flamethrower.
  • Politically Incorrect Villain : Downplayed in that he's just a jerkass and not a villain, but Trip often insulted Ash for being from Kanto, which he refers to as "the boonies" and would occasionally suggest that Ash should return home. Apparently, the reason for this is that he stereotypes people from Kanto as hillbillies from a hick town, with Ash's spastic, reckless nature not helping to dispel these notions. Especially notable for being one of the very few examples of human-on-human racism in Pokémon .
  • The Power of the Sun : His Serperior knows Solar Beam, a powerful blast of solar energy.
  • Punny Name : Shooti coming from "photo shoot", and Trip possibly coming from " trip od".
  • In the Clubsplosion (the Club Battle's sequel), he doesn't even sit with the others, he just stands in a shady corner and comments on Ash's battle.
  • Rebuilt Pedestal : Lost respect for Alder after seeing him act lazy and foolish. Once the two battle and Alder wins, rather easily, Trip regains respect for him. Even after Alder loses to Iris and is dethroned as the Unova champion, he still deeply respects him, and is shown watching Iris's Masters Tournament match alongside him.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni : The blue to Ash's red of the "Black and White" series.
  • Reused Character Design : He looks a lot like Paul, just with slightly altered facial features and differently-colored hair.
  • Ridiculously Cute Critter : His Vanillite. Ironically, Iris, who is scared of Ice Pokémon, thinks the exact opposite, which seems to disappoint it.
  • Shoo Out the New Guy : Most likely due to his unpopularity with fans, Trip is written off in a noticeably less climactic way than any of Ash's other main rivals. Rather than in a full 6-on-6 battle during a later round of the league, Trip is defeated in a 1v1 during the very first round, with Pikachu managing to defeat him with just a single hit (though Pikachu has to work a lot to get that one hit in). To top it off, he isn't really the focus of even his very last episode, as he leaves about halfway through with little fanfare and is never mentioned again. Additionally, Iris becoming Unova Champion in Journeys prevents him from making a proper return, as most of his Character Development was explicitly tied to the previous Champion, Alder. Compared to all of Ash's other main rivals (who all receive significant focus in at least one episode), his only appearance in Journeys involves a cameo of him watching the Masters Tournament along with Bianca, Stephan, Georgia, and Alder.
  • Signature Mon : Serperior is his go-to Pokémon for battle. It's especially glaring in the later half of the series — after the Clubsplosion, he becomes the only Pokemon he uses at all , the rest of his team vanishing without a trace.
  • Small Name, Big Ego : Incredibly full of himself for a rookie trainer. He considers himself far above the rest of the cast despite his mediocre battle record, dismissing many opponents as a waste of his talents only to lose rather easily. It hits its peak during the Junior Cup, the one tournament he actually won; he fully believed he could defeat Alder, then take down Cynthia for afters.
  • Smug Snake : His Serperior is a literal example, with Trip himself following suit. His extreme arrogance serves as his downfall every time he enters a tournament; in all but one of them, he assumes his opponents will be easy pickings, only to be easily caught off guard and eliminated in the first round.
  • Soul Power : His Frillish and Lampent are both part Ghost-type and know Night Shade and Shadow Ball respectively.
  • Taken up a notch (from its usual display) in BW039 , where Ash is trying to get his attention. Trip obviously sees Ash but decides to turn the other way, much to Ash's annoyance.
  • The Strategist : Trip makes good use of basic techniques and common sense, devising a One-Hit Kill strategy with his Serperior that lets him sweep through the Junior Cup. However, this is also his Achilles' Heel — he thinks things through so logically and by-the-book that unexpected results and outside-the-box strategies catch him by surprise, which tends to lead to his defeat. This is how Ash and Pikachu defeat him — by powering up Pikachu's Iron Tail with Electro Ball, they not only match but surpass Serperior's Dragon Tail and defeat it.
  • Of Cheren , being an aloof rival that aims to dethrone Alder and become the strongest Trainer, but is questioned by the latter on the true meaning of strength and what to do after achieving it . Trip is much more egotistical and haughty than Cheren, however. Later on, the character makes his own debut in the anime , albeit based on his Black 2 and White 2 appearance.
  • His early appearances also made him appear to be one of Paul , being a stoic , arrogant Jerkass who criticizes Ash's skills and even has a very similar appearances and original Japanese names. However, their Hidden Depths and backstories are quite a bit different , as well as having very different reasons to dislike Ash (Trip's relationship with Ash is less tense and pettier, making it somewhat closer to Gary in that regard). Not to mention he has about a fraction of Paul's skills.
  • Took a Level in Badass : Played straight and subverted. After losing both the Club Battle and Clubsplosion in the very first round, Trip absolutely steamrolls through the Junior Cup, his Serperior dodging every single attack while one-shotting all of its opponents in return. His next battle with Alder quickly flattens his record, though it's partially justified given that Alder is the Champion of the region . By the Unova League, however, he's brought right back to square one, knocked out by Ash in one shot during the first round once again .
  • Used to Be a Sweet Kid : What happened to the happy little boy in the flashback that made him the aloof rival now?
  • He subjects Ash, a far more experienced and powerful trainer, to this every time they fought, from their first meeting onward . Until the preliminary round of the Unova League, Ash could never beat him (though this could be chalked up to him forgetting much of the skills he had in the previous seasons this time around). Best exemplified in their first meeting, where his freshly-obtained Snivy managed to get the upper hand on Pikachu with a Tackle , due to the fact that an unexpected meeting with Zekrom left the poor electric mouse unable to use Thunderbolt or Volt Tackle.
  • On the flipside, poor Conkeldurr — every time it appears, in each stage of its evolutionary line, its purpose is to look tough and imposing so that its opponents come off impressive for defeating it. Not only did it lose to Ash's Oshawott in their third battle, but was responsible for him losing both the Club Battle and Clubsplosion in the first round.
  • Another example occurs after Trip wins the Junior Cup. In spite of him winning the tournament without having been touched even once, Alder effortlessly defeats him to prove he has indeed earned the title of Champion.
  • And when Trip finally loses to Ash, it's in the preliminaries of the Unova League . Serperior relentlessly pummels Pikachu for minutes on end, yet gets taken out in one shot just to show off Ash and Pikachu's determination.
  • To sum it up, despite being the main rival of the Black and White series, he loses the first round in three of the four tournaments to Cilan, Bianca (who Took a Level in Badass ) and Ash respectively. He only wins in the third one because of his strategy, which largely involves one hit KOing his competition.


  • Aside Glance : She waves to the audience upon introducing herself.
  • Berserk Button : As shown in her battle against Stefan, she does not like her opponents dodging because she says it's cowardly.
  • A minor example in BW049 . She looks ready to cry when it seems like she'll have to stop her journey, but she gets better by the end of the episode.
  • Her loss in the Unova League does cause her to cry, but she gets over it — to the point of buying Cameron, the very same trainer who defeated her, an ice cream cone.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer : Bianca is a Genki Girl and a Motor Mouth , but she is a well skilled trainer.
  • Calling Your Attacks : Regardless of whether the Pokémon belongs to her, or even knows the attack!
  • Catchphrase : " Outta the way , outta the way , OUTTA THE WAY! "
  • Character Development : Starting with BW049 , she's becoming a much more likeable character (her personality hasn't changed that much, but her attitude about things such as her journey and her Pokémon sure have). She also improves as a Pokémon trainer.
  • Color Failure : Minccino in BW025 after his Attract failed to hit Emolga.
  • Crash-Into Hello : A running gag with her, with Ash being knocked into water every time .
  • Also worth noting is that she won her first two badges using only her starter Pokémon, since she only had Pignite prior to BW013 . To add, she only spammed Flame Charge the entire time.
  • Finally, her breakthrough comes in the form of the Clubsplosion, where she defeats both Trip and Georgia with her newly-evolved Emboar. Both opponents were fully evolved, especially the Conkeldurr.
  • And by the time BW103 rolled around, she had enough badges to participate in the Unova League (at least eight).
  • Cute Clumsy Girl : Enough to end up crashing into Ash everytime she shows up and have a Catchphrase centered around it ("Out of the way!")
  • David Versus Goliath : Her Emboar vs. Cameron's Riolu. Riolu turned out to be too fast for Emboar to keep up.
  • Demoted to Extra : Her role was already reduced from the games, but things got even worse during Season 2. See Out of Focus below.
  • Dumb Blonde : In BW013 , she orders Ash's Pikachu to use Zap Cannon on Minccino. Ash informs her with an annoyed face that Pikachu cannot use that move, much to her dismay and she STILL informs Pikachu to give it a shot. Pikachu then gets an annoyed facial reaction. This would have been averted if this was Generation II (Johto) only, since Pikachu could learn the move. This is no longer the case Generations after.
  • Energy Weapon : Her Escavalier can use Hyper Beam, which manifests as a powerful beam of normal-type energy.
  • Expy : Of Barry, even moreso than she was in the games.
  • Flanderization : Her hyperactivity and ditziness are much more extreme than they were in the original video game.

trip pokemon black and white

  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold : Coupled with the innocence, naivity and immaturity that this trope entails, and she's definitely pretty as well.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard : How Minccino was caught. When Bianca pulled out a dirty Poké Ball, Minccino (still wild at the time) was so desperate to clean it that he scuttled right up onto her shoulder and started dusting it with his tail...which caused the ball to open and suck him in!
  • I'm Taking Her Home with Me! : Especially in her earlier episodes, especially especially in the Club Battle arc. She dials it back in her later appearances after her character development, though.
  • Innocently Insensitive : Bianca can be unknowingly inconsiderate.
  • Jerkass Ball : During the Club Battle arc, she was asked by Luke to film his battle, but instead focused entirely on his Zorua (who wasn't even in the battle). When Luke called her out on it, she haughtily acted like she hadn't done anything wrong.
  • Jobber : The primary reason for poor Bianca's inclusion in the Unova League appears to be to show off how talented Cameron is, in spite of Cameron's... lack of smarts .
  • Never Got to Say Goodbye : Downplayed: in the Japanese ending theme Let's Join Hands , she becomes rather upset when Professor Juniper gives her the news that Ash has left Unova and that he didn't tell her beforehand.
  • Nice Girl : She is a upbeat and kind girl in general, in spite of her clumsiness.

trip pokemon black and white

  • And then in the Clubsplosion arc, she can't stop obsessing over (and touching) the various Fighting Pokémon's muscles.
  • One-Steve Limit : Averted in the dub. Bianca from Pokémon Heroes has the same name as her.
  • Out of Focus : She appeared fairly prominently in Season 14, but after the midway point of Season 15 (the Clubsplosion), she didn't reappear until 30 episodes later in BW103 , in early Season 16. Then she disappeared again. Then she reappeared in one of the ending themes...then got cut out of most of it in favor of live-action footage of the singers. Her fans were not pleased.
  • Overly Long Gag : Searching for things (Ash's badge case, a Pokéball) in her bag. It took so long that Ash and Cilan's clothes have already dried up and they were changing into them by the time she found what she's looking for. Even in a meta sense, it lasted 22 seconds .
  • Plucky Girl : In her own words when pursuing Emolga, "I'll NEVER give up!"
  • Ridiculously Cute Critter : Minccino and Shelmet. She doesn't seem to have any others though (much to her dismay).
  • Running Gag : Is usually a part of or facilitator of a different one per arc of appearances, but the one constant recurring gag is knocking Ash into a body of water (plus Cilan the first time it happened). Perhaps you could call it a gag about running ?
  • Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl : Energetic Girl to Luke's Savvy Guy.
  • The Smurfette Principle : Ash's very first female rival (sort of...she's more frequently a companion than a rival.)
  • The Unova League has her giving ice cream to Virgil and his Eevee, watching fireworks with him, cheering him on during his part of the finals and after he wins, tries to give him a "special present" to him and his team for winning the tournament .
  • Stocking Filler : She wears orange tights under her dress.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl : When she's present, she's the Girly Girl to Iris' Tomboy.
  • Took a Level in Badass : Her Pignite has evolved into Emboar by the time of the Clubsplosion, and they defeat Trip and Georgia in the respective first and second rounds.
  • Took a Level in Kindness : After Ash risked his journey in a battle with her father in BW049 , she's become less clingy and selfish in all subsequent appearances - notably, she's taken to apologizing profusely whenever she knocks him into a body of water these days, and is less obsessive over obtaining "cute" Pokémon than she used to be.
  • Volumetric Mouth : She often gets one when she's excited.
  • Though not quite victory, in BW063 she and Professor Juniper face Ash and Cilan in a tag battle — using their newly traded and evolved Escavalier and Accelgor - and manage to co-ordinate well enough to defeat Boldore before Crustle seals a victory with Rock Wrecker.
  • She finally breaks through in BW072 where she beats Trip and Georgia with her Emboar.
  • Played straight as an arrow when she faces Cameron in the Unova League, especially considering her improvement and the circumstances that lead to her ultimate defeat (Emboar can't hit Riolu because he's too small and fast. ).
  • Yank the Dog's Chain : She shows major signs of improvement during the Clubsplosion, and even makes it into the Vertress Conference. Right as it looks like she's going to give a repeat performance...she loses (barely) to new rival Cameron in round 2. In the Top 64 . The saddest thing is that the writers didn't at least let her get further before pulling the rug out from under her feet.


  • Always Someone Better : In an interesting role reversal (for this series), she's the one on the receiving end, while the main character she's The Rival to is the "Better" in question.
  • Arch-Enemy : Sees Cilan as this after he defeated her in a Gym Battle .
  • Biting the Handkerchief : Does this while insulting Cilan's Pokémon food for Snivy in front of him. Needless to say Snivy isn't pleased with her comments (see Butt-Monkey below).
  • Her Establishing Character Moment has Burgundy deliver her trademark Know-Nothing Know-It-All evaluations to Ash's Pokémon, which results in each of them attacking her as her comments devolve into insults. She continues to demean all of Ash's Pokémon even after they attack her.
  • During the Club Battle, Ash's Snivy literally Vine Whips her in the butt for her bratty behavior all throughout the tournament.
  • Furthermore, she fails to make any legitimate progress as a battler or a Connoisseuse for the entire series. She doen't win even a single battle onscreen despite her relatively high number of appearances, and never rose out of the C-class Connoisseur ranking before being written off.
  • Can't Take Criticism : Anytime someone questions her evaluation skills or abilities as a Trainer (which they're pretty much always correct in doing) , she furiously refuses to listen.
  • One could also make the notion she has a second catch phrase in "I HOPE YOU ALL LOSE!!!"
  • Character Development : Her's is, like her character, all over the place. Throughout the Club Battle, culminating in actually coming to respectful terms with Cilan. When she returns in the Clubsplosion arc, she's shown to still find his attitude annoying — as a bonafide Tsundere , she's quick to return to antagonism when he asks her if she's advanced her Connosseuse ranking (she's still only C-Rank). Listening to her dialogue indicates that the respect has stuck somewhat, but that she: A) still has a ways to go before being fully civil with the guy; and B) seems unwilling to admit yet that she looks up to him. In the Junior Cup, however, she has a moment where she's almost blatantly crushing on him while wishing for him to beat Trip (though she reverts back to her normal behavior when Trip beats him.)
  • Chuunibyou : She believes that her evaluation skills are on the level of an A-rank connoisseur. Her C-class rank indicates otherwise.
  • Comically Lop Sided Rivalry : Despite her determination and noticeable Character Development over the series, Cilan easily outclasses her.
  • Curtains Match the Window : Purple eyes, purple hair.
  • Disproportionate Retribution : She wants to humiliate Cilan in battle because she lost her first gym challenge to him.
  • Drama Queen : She cranks up the ham — and the volume — at every possible opportunity.
  • Fire, Ice, Lightning : Stoutland's Fire , Ice and Thunder Fang attacks .
  • She's also not really French - in the dub, at least, where she gives the impression of trying to put on a French accent to make herself look more impressive and glamourous (explaining away her atrocious accent).
  • Gratuitous French : Has more of this in the English dub (presumably because the Japanese voice actress is less skilled at speaking French).
  • Hair-Trigger Temper : The littlest things can set her off... sometimes Cilan's existence to her can set her off.
  • Ham-to-Ham Combat : Quite literally during the last round of the Club Battle.
  • Horrible Judge of Character : She tends to evaluate others' Pokémon based solely on first impressions, rather than looking any deeper.
  • Humble Pie : Cilan gives her a rather cruel one when he defeats her Pokémon without taking any damage. To add to the insult, he was toying with her Sawsbuck with his Pansage when all he had to do was one-hit KO it with a Solar Beam . Though, in his defense, he really was trying to teach her a meaningful lesson.
  • She calls Cilan "arrogant", despite her own overblown ego.
  • Her vendetta against Cilan is based on Cilan supposedly criticizing her harshly. Yet she often criticizes other trainers and their Pokémon harshly.
  • During the Clubsplosion, she insulted Cilan for losing in the second round, in spite of the fact that she lost in the first round. In fact, Burgundy has not had one single win in the series (except an off-screen win with Chili).
  • During the Junior Cup, she calls Georgia a "pipsqueak", even though Georgia is actually slightly taller than her.
  • Imagine Spot : ...Which has Cilan evilly taunting her and her Oshawott, then doing an Evil Laugh while Pansage cackles in the background.
  • Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain : Or more like "sympathetic rival." As infuriating as Burgundy can be, sometimes you feel so bad for her for her constant losing streak. Other than the off-screen battle she won against one of Cilan's brothers, she doesn't even get thrown a single bone.
  • Inferiority Superiority Complex : It's implied that Burgundy makes critical and harsh assessments of others' battling performances due to her insecurity about her losing streak and her low connoisseur class.
  • It's All About Me : When she learned Cilan had left the Striaton Gym, she quickly convinced herself that he knew she was coming for revenge and ran away to avoid it.
  • I Warned You : Tells Cilan during the Club Battle that he wouldn't make it past the second round. Needless to say, she's very pleased when this comes true.
  • Jerkass Has a Point : While she is overreacting, her complaints about the "ridiculous and hurtful" things Cilan supposedly said about her and her Oshawott have some merit, as Cilan said similar things about Ash and his Oshawott during their Gym Battle.
  • Also, she's getting to be on better terms with Cilan now too, only getting angry at him as a reaction to something he unwittingly says or does, rather than trying to actively antagonize him.
  • Know-Nothing Know-It-All : Her "evaluations" aren't particularly well thought out (usually revolving around smell, or even taste), yet she acts like they're always one hundred percent accurate.
  • Large Ham : Like Cilan, she has her moments of this.
  • No Indoor Voice : True to her Drama Queen nature.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity : In her battle with Ash, she has Stoutland use Thunder Fang on the ground-type Palpitoad. This turns out to be a ruse to make Ash drop his guard, and she immediately swaps for Ice Fang. She still loses anyway.
  • Plucky Girl : Gotta give her one thing; skilled or not, she never gives up.
  • Self-Serving Memory : She imagines Cilan cruelly taunting her and saying she would never amount to anything as a Trainer after losing to him in a Gym Battle.
  • She believes she's always right when it came to criticizing Ash's Pokémon. Cue them all attacking her and she declaring that they all suck.
  • She also believes herself to be a superior connoisseur to Cilan, in spite of the fact that she is just a C-class (who is only qualified to be an assistant to higher-class connoisseurs), and Cilan is an A-class, which is the second-highest rank behind S-class.
  • Straw Loser : While she was made to be a rival to Cilan, she also comes off as very pathetic compared to not only Cilan, but to Georgia and Ash and co.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl : With Georgia (she's the girly-girl, albeit a rather crazy one).
  • Tsundere : Type A to a ridiculous extreme at first, but mellows out into a Type B, albeit a fiery Type B (Example: In the Clubsplosion, she yells at Cilan to WIN his match against a one-shot character...but when he does win and celebrates it, she gets annoyed by his attitude and says she was wrong, he should have lost !)
  • Unknown Rival : Played with in regards to Cilan. He does remember her and has no ill will toward her, but never pays much mind to her threats or vitriolic attitude toward him. In BW042 , however, he accepts her as his rival, which shocks her so much that she begins to actually appreciate him a little more.
  • Used to Be a Sweet Kid : According to her at least before Cilan defeated her, complete with an innocent white dress in her Imagine Spot .
  • Vague Age : Burgundy looks like she could be anywhere in her early teens to early '20s.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds : With Georgia at the Clubsplosion and Junior Cup. The two snipe at each other often, yet are constantly hanging out together regardless.
  • What Happened to the Mouse? : Burgundy doesn't show up again after the Junior Cup (not counting her appearance in the last Japanese ending), leaving her rivalry with Cilan without any real closure. It's also worth pointing out that she was established in her debut to be on a Gym quest as well, but is inexplicably absent from the Unova League.


  • In Japanese, it's Ken yan, not Keniyan or Kaniyan.
  • In English, it's Ste phan , not Steph an or Steven.
  • Finally starts averting it with the beginning of the Unova League, when everybody starts pronouncing his name right .
  • Bare-Fisted Monk : One of the openings imply that Stephan is a martial artist. Fitting given that he's always seen with Sawk now. His attire lends credence to this as well.
  • Berserk Button : Whenever someone mispronounces his Japanese name as "Keniyan", which is often to his dismay. Semi-subverted in that he's (usually) more exasperated with it than "berserk" about it.
  • Big Eater : Rivals Ash in this regard. They even have an eating contest the night before their League match.
  • Bruiser with a Soft Center : His Sawk. Arguably Stephan himself, as he's a big guy with an eagerness for battle who is nonetheless quite kindhearted.
  • Canon Immigrant : Though he's been given the Black Belt's sprite and class, he and his team are available in a download for the World Tournament (along with the other three anime-origin rivals).
  • Catchphrase : Some variation of "Why won't anyone get my name right?!"
  • Casting a Shadow : In his Unova League with Ash, he uses the Dark-type Pokemon Liepard. Its attacks include the Ghost-type Shadow Ball and Shadow Claw.
  • Character Development : Through the Clubsplosion and Unova League (lampshaded by Iris in the latter, who says he's really matured.)
  • Charles Atlas Superpower : How does he get around the fact that his Sawk (part of an all-male species) would be targeted by moves like Attract? Train him really hard to develop defensive techniques, of course! There's a Hard-Work Montage / Training Montage superimposed over his explanation, too!
  • Cool Horse : His first shown Pokémon was Blitzle that would later evolve into Zebstrika.
  • Crazy-Prepared : Stephan predicted that Ash would use Palpitoad against Zebstrika, thus he made sure to teach it some Normal-Type moves, including Facade in the case if it suffers from a status condition.
  • With the reveal of his Liepard, his name becomes a Meaningful Name (All of his Pokémon are African themed).
  • Fiery Redhead : A redheaded guy with a Hot-Blooded personality.
  • Foregone Conclusion . Sort of. Stephan won the Wishing Bell Festival and wishes to win the Clubsplosion tournament. He does win ithe tournament, but not without working really hard to fulfill his wish.
  • Gentle Giant : He's a big guy, but outside of battle, he's very laid-back.
  • Guest-Star Party Member : From BW069-BW073 , travelling with the group just prior to the Clubsplosion.
  • Hot-Blooded : He has a fiery, outgoing personality, in keeping with being a Big Eater and implied martial artist. He also gets really worked up in Pokemon matches, often shouting commands to his Pokemon.
  • Lightning Bruiser : His Sawk is not only fast and a fierce physical attacker, but it can also take a lot of punishment before it faints.
  • Panthera Awesome : When he and Ash face off in the Unova League, his first Pokemon is a Liepard. Ash battles it with Krookodile. Krookodile wins, but Liepard puts up a great fight before going down. When Ash recalls Krookodile for some rest and sends him back out to fight an exhausted Sawk, Krookodile is still visibly battered and nearly loses.
  • Playing with Fire : Zebstrika's Flame Charge allows it to tackle its opponent while shrouded in flames.
  • Poor, Predictable Rock : Stephan predicted that Ash would use Palpitoad against his Zebstrika, who would be immune against Zebstrika's Electric-Type moves and would resist its Flame Charge. Thus, he replaces Zebstrika's entire moveset with Normal-Type attacks.
  • Pronouncing My Name for You : A Running Gag is that nobody can pronounce his name right. He has to clarify that it is pronounced "Stef-AHN", in response to people pronouncing it "Steven" or "STEPH-an."
  • The Rival : An unusual subversion in that he had a Rival of his own in Montgomery, who entered his Throh in the Clubsplosion Tournament. Stephan and Sawk quickly developed a mutual loathing with them.
  • Sensitive Guy and Manly Man : When he's present, he's the Manly Man to Cilan's Sensitive Guy.
  • Shock and Awe : His first Pokemon shown onscreen is his Blitzle, an Electric-Type Pokémon that can draw lightning from the sky and use it in Electric attacks like Shock Wave and Thunderbolt. It later evolves into a Zebstrika off-screen.
  • Signature Mon : Sawk has been Stephan's main Pokémon ever since his debut in the Club Battle. Notably, he's the only rival Pokémon in BW to get its own individual spotlight arc, where he aimed to defeat Montgomery's Throh during the Clubsplosion.
  • Sugar-and-Ice Personality : His Sawk is this — during the Clubsplosion, after defeating Throh he bows respectfully to his opponent before Throh faints...then he does a one-eighty, and he and his trainer begin hugging the life out of each other in glee.
  • Took a Level in Badass : His Sawk. Though it never seemed weak, the only time we saw it in battle before the Clubsplosion was when it lost to Iris' Emolga. Come the Clubsplosion, it takes down a Seismitoad, Cilan's Pansage, Bianca's Emboar and Montgomery's Throh, a Pokémon that was built up throughout the tournament as an enormously powerful opponent. This is lampshaded with a montage showing his and Stephan's intense training regime, as well as regular practice sessions in the Pokémon Center. This is proven even more in the Vertress Conference; despite being immensely weakend by Ash's Leavanny, Sawk still manages to win.
  • Wholesome Crossdresser : He had to dress up as Nurse Joy in a contest.
  • Worthy Opponent : Considered this by Montgomery after Stephan defeated him in the Clubsplosion finals. He and Ash also view each other as this.


  • An Ice Person : Beartic and Vanilluxe, ideal for an anti-Dragon specialist.
  • Antagonist in Mourning : Not a death example, but in the Japanese Decolore Adventures ending, Georgia is shown looking up a the sky wistfully after learning that Iris has left Unova to visit Kanto. She clearly misses her rival.
  • The Battle Didn't Count : Every time she loses. Georgia claims this if she's beaten with a non-Dragon Pokémon or a Dragon Pokémon that refuses to listen to the trainer; even Iris agrees that Georgia is right about the second point .
  • Big Eater : She can wolf down a breakfast for three people and still have some appetite left. Pity it happened to be Ash and co's breakfast .
  • Borrowed Catchphrase : She uses Iris' catchphrase against her at times.
  • Catchphrase : Georgia likes to say "better not lose" to her rival Iris.
  • Character Development : She Took a Level in Kindness during the Clubsplosion, and carried it further in the Ferroseed research facility episode.
  • Crippling Overspecialization : She devotes her life to to craft a battle style designed specifically to take down Dragon type Pokémon. Unfortunately, she ends up losing quite a fair bit in battles that aren't against Dragon Pokémon or share similar weaknesses to them (the only exception is a Joltik, which she still struggled). Unlike most cases of this trope, she still manages to put up a very good fight.
  • Curbstomp Battle : Received one from Iris' new Dragonite, who took everything Beartic hurled at before utterly demolishing the bear. She was more disappointed, however, by the fact that she hadn't lost to Iris since Dragonite was disobeying her at the time.
  • David Versus Goliath : Her Beartic versus Sylvester's four inches high Joltik. "Goliath" wins, crushing "David" under his weight when he collapsed from Thunderbolt.
  • Disproportionate Retribution : She once lost to a Dragon trainer and has now made it a goal to go around defeating all Dragon trainers she comes across. One would think that this is just an overreaction, but her reaction to watching Axew using Outrage might indicate the loss was more serious than initially thought.
  • The Dragonslayer : Non-lethal variant, she specializes in using Pokèmon that either resist or do super-effective damage against Dragon-types, hence her using the part Steel-type Bisharp and Ice-type Vanilluxe and Beartic.
  • Establishing Character Moment : When Georgia is introduced, viewers get to know her Freudian Excuse and how much of a jerk she is to Iris.
  • Evil Counterpart : Georgia is this to Iris. They are Mirror Characters to each other. While Iris teases Ash by calling him a kid and can be condescending, she still is a decent person who has good intentions and practices good sportsmanship regarding being an aspiring dragon trainer. Georgia, on the other hand, is unnecessarily rude to almost everyone she encounters, gloats when she wins battles, blames others when she loses, and doesn’t have that many good redeeming qualities.
  • Fiery Redhead : She's a arrogant hothead with dark pink hair.
  • Huge Guy, Tiny Girl : Not in the romantic way, obviously. Georgia is one of the shortest trainers, yet her Beartic is an eight feet tall giant.
  • Hypocrite : During the Club Tournament, she claims Ash got lucky in defeating her, despite the fact that her first round win was entirely due to luck (as her weakened Beartic accidentally crushed her opponent's Joltik).
  • Hypocritical Humor : Her feud with Iris is based around this on both sides. They both think of themselves as far more mature than the other, something they disprove in almost every conversation they have.
  • Jerkass Has a Point : When she lost to Iris in the Junior World Cup, she argued that she lost to Dragonite, not Iris. Given that Dragonite was disobeying Iris' orders, she's completely right. Iris acknowledges this at the end of the tournament and promises Georgia that she'll have Dragonite under control by the next time they meet, so that Georgia can have the battle she wants.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold : Started off as a straight-out Jerkass , but started to get better during the Clubsplosion, and her heart of gold status is solidified in the Ferroseed Research Center episode.
  • The insult doubles for Cilan who has technically been running a gym that is a restaurant for most of his life, and is very proud of his skills .
  • Large Ham : If someone goes around declaring themselves a "Dragon Buster", they're most likely a Ham.
  • Man of Kryptonite : the team she's training is tailored to take down Dragon-types in general, hence christening herself with the "Dragon Buster" monicker. She's usually successful too (though there are exceptions).
  • Meaningful Name : Her dub name "Georgia" is derived from St. George and the Dragon , a famous English tale of a crusader who...well, slayed a dragon. Her Japanese name refers to Asuka LANGLEY Soryu , another female red-haired Jerkass who is implied to have deep insecurities and an inferiority complex (along with Hidden Depths ).
  • Mighty Glacier : Beartic is slower than all his opponents so far, and so relies on big, heavy blows. It caused him some trouble when facing Joltik, the smallest Pokémon there is...and a fast one to boot.
  • Miles Gloriosus : Following her accidental victory in the Club Tournament's first round, she gloats excessively about it to Iris, acting like it was some grand example of her skills.
  • Mirror Character : From Iris. While Iris is much more of a decent person than Georgia is, they are both immature and resort to petty squabbles, as evidenced by their Club Battle tournament interactions. Georgia even points this out .
  • Never My Fault : When Georgia loses, she will do anything to take the blame off of herself.
  • The Only One Allowed to Defeat You : When Burgundy vows revenge against Iris for a loss, Georgia tells her to butt out because Iris is her rival.
  • She actually doesn't get angry when she loses to Bianca in the Clubsplosion, and thanks her Bisharp for its effort when recalling it.
  • And of course, the Ferroseed research episode, where she shows great care for her Vanilluxe, helps rescue Iris and team up with her to solve the current dilemma, and then compliment her for doing well using her Vanilluxe, saying she'd make a good Ice Master.
  • Red Baron : Self proclaimed "Dragon Buster," and she backs it up. She defeats most Dragon-type Pokémon she faces with ridiculous ease.
  • Shout-Out : In Japanese, her name is derived from Asuka Langley Soryu , who she shares a number of personality traits with.
  • Signature Mon : Beartic is the Pokémon she uses in her first appearance and in all of her battles against Iris specifically.
  • Said a tie didn't count since it wasn't a dragon she tied against, and blamed her loss against Ash on the battlefield.
  • Says her loss to Bianca in the Clubsplosion doesn't count either as it wasn't against a dragon, but this time she's saying it directly to her Bisharp as a comfort , so she doesn't come across as badly.
  • Says that her loss to Iris in the Junior Cup wasn't to Iris, but rather Dragonite...and in this case, Iris ended up agreeing with her.
  • Tsundere : Like her buddy Burgundy , she started out Type A, but become more of a Type B once she started reserving her tsun side exclusively for her rival (in this case, Iris.)
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl : With Burgundy (she's the tomboy, albeit a rather crazy one.)
  • Took a Level in Kindness : In the Clubsplosion tournament. Took it even further in the Ferroseed Research episode.
  • Unsportsmanlike Gloating : She does this towards Iris when she makes it past the first round in the tournament at Nimbasa Town. Iris just says that she believes that Georgia is more of a little kid that she thought.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds : With Burgundy at the Clubsplosion and Junior Cup. The two snipe at each other often, yet are constantly hanging out together regardless.
  • What Happened to the Mouse? : Like Burgundy, Georgia doesn't appear again after the Junior Cup outside of the Japanese ending song "Let's Join Hands." This leaves her rivalry with Iris without much closure, as they never get to have that battle that Iris promised her.
  • In the Club Battle, she says that she's actually pleased that Iris is getting stronger, since as a Dragon Buster, she'd rather defeat strong Pokémon than weak ones.
  • She was also disappointed when Iris used Excadrill in the last stage of the Club Battle, and outright pissed when it continues into the Clubsplosion tournament — since she wants Iris to be a real Dragon Master and a worthy foe for a Dragon Buster such as herself, she expects her to continue strengthening Axew and any other Dragon-types she might obtain.
  • Likewise, she's ecstatic when Iris gets a Dragonite, but only gets upset when Iris can't control it properly. And yet even after losing, she's still happy that Iris continues to use Dragonite in the tournament. The implication is that she would've been fine with losing to Dragonite if it was Iris calling the shots in the battle like a proper Dragon Master rival should do.


One of Ash's one-shot rivals and the antagonist of the day.

  • Combat Pragmatist : Orders his Heatmor to attack his Emboar to break the latter out of Snivy's Attract, showing he has no love for his Pokémon.
  • Expy : Much like Tepig was one of Charmander, Shamus is one of Damian. Both are awful, Jerkass Hate Sinks who abandon a Fire-type starter for being too weak, leaving it to almost die in the wild and laughing about it afterward. After witnessing their old Pokémon's increase in strength, they try to manipulate it back onto their team, only to be violently and rightfully rejected .
  • Hate Sink : The point of his character is to be despicable, much like Damian and Koji before him . At least when Paul abandoned his Pokémon (as horrible as that was), he never manipulated them into believing he once cared for them.
  • Jerkass : He abandons his Pokemon and even brags about it.
  • Jerk Justifications : He defends his releasing of Pokemon by claiming that forcing a weak Pokemon to battle is more cruel than just letting it go.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Jerk : Shamus only wanted Pignite to rejoin him after it was proven to be strong after it evolved, and sarcastically apologized to it. Pignite sees through the bullshit and gives him a well deserved Flamethrower to his face for it.
  • Abandoned Tepig and openly admitted it during his tag team battle with Ash.
  • After he defeated another Trainer, he tried to force that Trainer to hand over his Pokémon to him. Thankfully, Ash was there to intervene.
  • Kids Are Cruel : He appears no older than the main cast and cruel is probably the nicest thing you can call him.
  • Lack of Empathy : Shows this by not caring when Tepig begs and pleads for him not to abandon it.
  • Laser-Guided Karma : He not only loses to Ash, but he gets a Flamethrower to the face by Pignite after pretending to apologize to it and offer it a spot on his team.
  • Manipulative Bastard : He bragged about manipulating Tepig (and other Pokémon he released) into believing he once cared for it.
  • Meaningful Name : His name brings the word "shame" to mind, and his behavior is indeed nothing but shameful.
  • One-Shot Character : He only physically appears in Evolution by Fire!
  • Playing with Fire : Shamus has a thing for powerful Fire-type Pokémon, calling himself and his team the "Fire Warriors." Even his clothes have a red and black color scheme.
  • The Rival : He's a one-shot, character of the day rival for Ash.
  • Sadist : Not only is he incredibly manipulative, but he outright enjoys being so, his tearful face quickly turning into an evil grin as Tepig cried out for him to return. He later laughs to Tepig's face about how easily he was able to manipulate it (and presumably many others) into thinking he cared.
  • The Sociopath : He abandons his Tepig by tying it to a post and pretends to be sad to make sure it won't follow him and then rubs it in its face with sadistic glee and even states that he does this whenever he abandons a pokemon.
  • Sore Loser : Played with. Shamus didn’t initially seem to have a problem with losing to Ash & just takes his loss as it is, but it's implied he was putting on another facade to get Pignite to leave Ash for him, angrily swearing revenge when Pignite burns his face in response.
  • Stupid Evil : Shamus's motivations seem to be driven entirely by what will make him look even more horrible , even when they're completely contradictory or make no sense whatsoever. He claims to only be interested in the most powerful Pokémon, but still attempts to take Pokémon from those that lose to him, even though he shouldn't have any interest by his own logic. He also openly brags about how he only pretends to care about his former Pokémon, but still inexplicably tries to convince Pignite to come back to him afterward.
  • Unseen No More : In Tepig's first episode, he was only seen in flashback and his face was not shown. He makes his first and only in-person appearance in Evolution by Fire!
  • While Paul was also a huge jerk who only cared about his Pokémon's strength and would readily abandon them if they weren't up to his standards, he treated the ones that were up to his standards with respect. Shamus's actions, however, border on criminal, attempting to force Trainers who lose to him to give him their Pokémon.
  • Also, Paul was at least honest about his harsh nature and would be upfront when he released a Pokémon, while Shamus would be emotionally manipulative to his Pokémon and drop the facade once he had no reason to feign caring for them.
  • Furthermore, Paul mostly treated his cruelty with indifference, only acting the way he does out of the desire to become strong . Shamus, on the other hand, is outright sadistic , laughing to Tepig's face about how easily some fake tears can manipulate his Pokemon.
  • On a lesser note, Paul occasionally had comedic moments. Shamus had none of the sort.
  • Finally, Paul went through a great deal of Character Development across his many appearances, and ultimately buried the hatchet with Ash after being defeated. Shamus is far more in line with Damian: a One-Shot Character and Hate Sink who clearly did not learn his lesson, and most likely never will.
  • You Have Failed Me : He abandoned Tepig after it lost a match to a Deerling, tying it to a post after it kept trying to follow him.


  • Canon Immigrant : Though he's been given the Youngster's sprite and class, he and his team are available in a download for the World Tournament (along with the other three anime-origin rivals).
  • Character Tics : Pulling his headband so it snaps on his forehead seems to give him focus.
  • His team — or what we see of it, anyway — is pretty impressive. He's trained a Lucario, Ferrothorn, Samurott, Hydreigon, and Swanna (plus a Watchog, shown in silhouette on the board during his match with Virgil).
  • Curbstomp Battle : Not excessively so, but the battlescreen shows that Virgil still defeated him 6-on-3 - meaning Virgil had half his team still active when he won. Not totally invincible after all.
  • David Versus Goliath : His somewhat small Riolu vs. Bianca's bulky Emboar. Riolu wins by using its own speed and size to its advantage.
  • He also thought the league was going to be in Ecruteak City, which is in an entirely different region . Put bluntly, Ash looks smart when he's placed next to this kid! Even he finds himself frustrated at Cameron's dimness.
  • He also thought that the quarter-final match was 5-on-5 rather than 6-on-6 — Ash had to inform him that he'd accidentally handicapped himself, much to his chagrin.
  • Cameron also seems to struggle with remembering type matchups; he sent out the Grass/Steel-type Ferrothorn against the Fire/Fighting-type Pignite, as well as the Water/Flying-type Swanna against the Electric-type Pikachu, for no apparent reason. Both of them are quickly defeated as a result.
  • It’s telling that his victory over Ash was entirely due to luck- had Lucario not evolved at that moment, he would have undoubtedly lost.
  • He and Ash get along so well because they're so similar. Like Morrison from the Hoenn League, he rather resembles a less experienced and more juvenile Ash, albeit with a more evolved team line-up. On the flipside, he's even more of a ditz than Ash is!
  • If Ritchie represented all of Ash's positive traits if he took training more seriously, Cameron represents Ash's negative traits as a rookie battler: a pure Invincible Incompetent who relies on brute force and random luck rather than skill. The way Cameron bulldozes through the league mirrors the way Ash himself progressed through the Indigo League.
  • Guest-Star Party Member : Joins the group briefly for a trip to Humilau City, where he can challenge Marlon. He leaves afterwards.
  • Idiot Houdini : Cameron is very lacking for brains. He gets dates, times, and locations of important events wrong, almost tried to enter the Unova League in Johto and with only seven badges instead of eight, forgets to register even when he does get to the right location, and shows up to his six-on-six match with Ash carrying only five Pokemon! Somehow, though, he manages to avoid direct consequences for any of this; he just barely manages to qualify for the league after Ash begs Nurse Joy for it, and still beats Ash in their match because his Riolu evolves into Lucario in the middle of battle. And ironically, when he finally loses to Virgil in the next round, he actually is following the correct rules.
  • Invincible Incompetent : Played straight until the end of the Unova League: no matter how many boneheaded mistakes Cameron made, he won every battle he had onscreen. It's finally subverted when Virgil defeats him decisively in the semifinals.
  • Irony : In a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment, the scoreboard for Cameron and Virgil's battle shows that the latter won with only five Pokémon as well; unlike with Cameron, however, it's assumed that Virgil actually won through skill.
  • Also, "Tetsu" means "iron" in Japanese — another reference to Samurott's swords, but also to Lucario and Ferrothorn's Steel -typing — while "ko" can mean either "small" or "child".
  • This is also referenced in his English name, Came ron.
  • Mighty Glacier : Hydreigon's speed (while not pathetic) pales compared to its phenomenal Attack and Defense.
  • Noodle Implements : One has to ponder as to why he had a TV Remote in his bag on a Pokémon Journey.
  • One-Steve Limit : Averted. The Pokémon Ranger games also had a Cameron.
  • Pintsized Powerhouse : Riolu, until it evolves into Lucario and becomes a full-on Lightning Bruiser .
  • Promotion to Opening Titles : After Dawn leaves in his introductory episode ( BW093 ), he and Riolu take her and Piplup's places (respectively) in the Japanese opening credits starting with BW094 .
  • Samus Is a Girl : His Samurott succumbs to Bianca's Emboar using Attract, and since Emboar is a guy...yeah, with those whiskers and such, it's unlikely anybody saw that coming.
  • Signature Mon : Riolu/Lucario is his main Pokémon, who stays out of its Poké Ball and most closely resembles his personality (in contrast to most Lucario , Cameron's is rather silly and fun-loving). It's also the only one of his Pokémon to have evolved onscreen.
  • Straight Man and Wise Guy : With Riolu, who serves as the Straight Man to Cameron's Wise Guy.
  • Unskilled, but Strong : He's even dimmer than Indigo League Ash , both in and outside of battle, and regularly handicaps himself through his mistakes. His team, however, is very powerful and well-balanced, which is seemingly what allows him to get away with his incompetence. His Hydreigon took down two of Ash's Pokemon with relative ease, while Lucario took out three.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds : Sorta. His Riolu is clearly annoyed at his sheer ditziness, but still considers him his best friend. It's made much more apparent given that, like in the games, Riolu evolves into Lucario because of said bond.


  • The Ace : By far and large the best non- E4 /Champion trainer of Unova in Best Wishes , he defeats Cameron who in turn had defeated Ash previously and ends the series undefeated and winning the Unova League Conference .
  • The Bus Came Back : Returns for the special episode before the 16th movie.
  • Canon Immigrant : Though he's been given the Pokémon Ranger's sprite and class, he and his team are available in a download for the World Tournament (along with the other three anime-origin rivals).
  • Curtains Match the Window : Gold hair and gold eyes.
  • Generation Xerox : He and his older brother, Davy, are both involved in the Rescue Team business, just like their father Jeff.
  • Living Prop : Leafeon — comparatively, the rest of his team has either participated in said episode's conflict and/or were seen battling in the Vertress Conference. It does, however, appear as a silhouette on the display screen showing the teams he used in the 6-on-6 battles, so at least we know he used it. It also appears by his side in the Mewtwo special, and even then, it only uses one attack.
  • Merchandise-Driven : His Eevee team exists to advertise a whole bunch of Eevee merch in Japan.
  • Red Herring : Played with in that many expected him to be the one to face Ash and beat him, then go on to win the whole league. He never battled Ash, but he did battle and defeat Cameron (who did beat Ash), and Virgil did go on to win the entire league.
  • Shout-Out Theme Naming : He and his father share the same name with a famous family of rescue workers .
  • Signature Mon : His entire team is made up of Eevee and its evolutions.
  • The Smurfette Principle : Eevee's his only female Mon on a team of eight. This is a Justified Trope - only 1/8th of all Eevee are female in the games, so proportionately this is accurate. More importantly, she's the most powerful member of his team to begin with.
  • The Unfought : Due to Ash getting knocked out of the tournament by Cameron, Virgil is the only rival Ash never faces, and one of two (the other being Bianca) he doesn't battle in the Unova League .

Gym Leaders

  • Elemental Powers : They specialize in a specific Pokémon Type just like most Gym Leaders in the Pokémon World.
  • Large Ham : They sure love to emphasize their abilities and strengths.
  • Smug Super : They sound and act very show off and arrogant, even when compared to the usual portrait of Gym Leaders, with the exceptions of Marlon and Cheren.

     Striaton Gym 


Voiced in Japanese by: Masakazu Morita (Pod), Makoto Ishii (Corn) Voiced in English by: Lucien Dodge (Chili), Tom Wayland (Cress) Voiced in Latin American Spanish by: Carlos Díaz (Chili), Manuel Díaz (Cress) Voiced in Italian by: Renato Novara (Chili), Federico Viola (Cress)

Cilan, Chili and Cress are a trio of Striaton City Gym Leaders, specializing in Grass, Fire and Water-types respectively. In this gym, the trainer has the freedom to choose one of the trio, and as long as they win, they will earn the Trio Badge.

As Cilan was impressed with Ash's improvisation during their gym battle, he accompanied him and left the gym to his other brother. For tropes specific to Cilan, see the Supporting Cast for Black and White .

General Tropes

  • Adapted Out : Neither of them have the Lillipup that they have in the games. The same goes for Cilan.
  • Alphabetical Theme Naming : Their English names (and Cilan's) all begin with a "C."
  • Big Eater : Chili, whose solution for resolving stress is to stuff his face with donuts. His Pansear also has the ability "Gluttony".
  • Birds of a Feather : Non-romantic, but Cilan determines that Chili and Pansear are perfect partners due to the many traits they share.
  • The Bus Came Back : Chili ends up encountering Ash's group in A Call for Brotherly Love! , after leaving his gym.
  • Berserk Button : Chili is really sensitive about people criticizing his battle tactics.
  • Can't Catch Up : This is acknowledged in BW058 , when Chili is revealed to be suffering an inferiority complex, percieving himself as the weakest of the brothers due to having suffered a losing streak, expecially when Pansage circumvents his type disadvantage against Pansear with more balanced attacks. The gang helps him out by training Pansear to learn Solarbeam.
  • Curtains Match the Windows : They have elemental-colored eyes matching their elemental-colored hair.
  • A Day in the Limelight : BW058 focuses on Chili, who recently left Striation Gym to embark on his own journey, having lost confidence as a Gym Leader due to a series of losses.
  • Pansear can maneuver through the ground easily with Dig.
  • Panpour can use Mud Sport to lessen damage from super-effective Electric attacks.
  • Doppelgänger Spin : Cress' Panpour's Double Team.
  • Elemental Hair Colors : Their hair are not only colored, but also styled according to the type they specialize in.
  • Elemental Powers : This Gym is unique in that it is shared with three different Type-specialists.
  • Energy Weapon : Pansear's Solarbeam (taught to it by Pansage ).
  • Eyes Always Shut : Cress' Panpour.
  • Fiery Redhead : Chili
  • The Kirk : Cilan
  • The McCoy : Chili
  • The Spock : Cress
  • Green Thumb : Cilan specializes in Grass-type Pokeémon like Pansage. He's also the one who taught Chili's Pansear Solarbeam to get around Water-types.
  • Hot-Blooded : Chili to the extreme. Shared by his Pansear.
  • Large Ham : Chili, at times. Ironically, his brother Cilan can sometimes be even hammier.
  • Making a Splash : Cress specializes in Water-types like Panpour.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero : Cress' advice to Chili about his battle style, while necessary to help him improve, probably could have been delivered a little more delicately, something Cress guiltily admits to. Thankfully, Cilan manages to deliver the advice better and rectify the situation.
  • Playing with Fire : Chili uses Fire-type Pokémon like Pansear.
  • Out of Focus : While Chili gets some development and even his own focus episode later on, Cress goes largely underutilized.
  • Meanwhile, Cilan himself is blue to Chili, but red to Cress.
  • Sharp-Dressed Man : They dress smartly as they serve customers as well as trainers.
  • Sibling Team : Along with Cilan (until he elects to travel awhile), the three of them share their duties at the Gym (which also doubles as a restaurant), allowing the challenger to select his or her opponent in a one-on-one Gym Battle.
  • The Stoic : Cress.
  • Take a Third Option : Ash requests the opportunity to battle all three Gym Leaders. Cress suggests a series of 3 one-on-one matches to determine whether Ash earns a badge (he beats Chili, loses to Cress, and then beats Cilan).
  • Third-Person Person : Cress in the original Japanese version - culturally and grammatically, doing so is regarded as a mannerism of femininity.
  • Of the triplets, Chili appears to lose the most battles - he was beaten by Trip using a disadvantaged Servine , for goodness sake, not to mention being (incidentally) the only person on record to have been defeated by Burgundy. Deconstructed when he develops an inferiority complex and runs away from the Gym, and it got even worse when Cilan and Pansage defeat his Pansear in BW058 . However, it's subverted at the end of the episode when he finally defeats Ash's Oshawott.
  • Usually, Cress isn't shown to have lost a single battle. However, when Chili couldn't beat her, he eventually lost to Morana as well, who beat him using an OHKO attack despite his type advantage.


Voiced in Japanese by: Atsuko Tanaka Voiced in English by: Norma Nongauza Voiced in Latin American Spanish by: Laura Torres

  • Adventurer Archaeologist : Implied to be one.
  • Bare-Fisted Monk : Watchog's Low Kick.
  • Barrier Warrior : Herdier's Protect.
  • Big Damn Heroes : Shows up just in time to resolve the conflict in BW014
  • Confusion Fu : One of the reasons she's so difficult to fight in the anime is because her favorite strategy is to disorient trainers by destroying their strategies with a Roar and Mean Look combo. She is also one of the very few Gym Leaders allowed to substitute Pokémon during battle the same as her challengers are, which, again, allows her to use strategies not seen at other Gyms.
  • Meaningful Name : Le nora , as in norma l types.
  • Non-Elemental : She specializes in Normal types
  • Shock and Awe : Watchog's Thunderbolt.
  • Soul Power : Watchog's Confuse Ray, and Lillipup and Herdier's Shadow Ball.
  • Stealth Mentor : She takes this approach when battling Ash, treating her battle with him like a test he needs to pass.
  • Token Minority : The only "black" Gym Leader, and fits the mammy stereotype pretty well - much of her artwork even features a matronly apron.
  • Wake-Up Call Boss : Just like in the games, Lenora is a very difficult fight for Ash. She curbstomps him without breaking a sweat, it takes an episode-long Training Montage just to get up to her level, and even then she's a tough battle.


Voiced in Japanese by: Tōru Furuya Voiced in English by: Billy Bob Thompson Voiced in Latin American Spanish by: Daniel Lacy

  • All Webbed Up : Leavanny's String Shot.
  • Badass Cape : As part of his Dynamic Entry .
  • Barrier Warrior : Leavanny and Dwebble's Protect.
  • Big Creepy-Crawlies : He specializes in Bug types.
  • Dishing Out Dirt : Dwebble's secondary type (Rock).
  • Early-Bird Cameo : In BW018 , similar to his in-game first appearance.
  • Energy Weapon : Leavanny's Hyper Beam.
  • Extra-ore-dinary : Whirlipede's Iron Defense.
  • Green Thumb : Leavanny's secondary type.
  • Meaningful Name : His English name sounds like bug.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown : His Leavanny is on the recieving end of one, when Pikachu barrages the Nurturing Pokémon with all of his moves and takes down the Bug/Grass-type.
  • Poisonous Person : Whirlipede's secondary type.
  • Real Men Wear Pink : His signature Pokémon, Leavanny, is from a species reknowned for its sewing ability. Burgh himself is a talented artist.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure : He does his best to both stop and help the Venipede in BW022 , and manages to convince the mayor to give him a chance, while even talking Trip into assisting.


Voiced in Japanese by: Yumiko Kobayashi Voiced in English by: Eileen Stevens Voiced in Latin American Spanish by: Analiz Sánchez

  • Adaptational Personality Change : In the games, Elesa was The Stoic , bordering on Emotionless Girl . As you can tell just from her picture here, the anime went the complete opposite direction and made her a Genki Girl .
  • Adapted Out : One of her Emolga is replaced with a Tynamo in the anime.
  • Ascended Meme : In the games, her Emolga tripped up players thinking Ground- and Grass-tTypes could beat her entire team. Ash's Palpitoad went down swiftly, causing Ash to freak out after he thought he'd only need it to sweep her team, and Snivy similarly went down.
  • Bare-Fisted Monk : Zebtrika's Double Kick.
  • Cool Horse : Zebstrika.
  • Even the Girls Want Her : Has a gym full of (only) female fans that blush at the sight of her, cosplay as her, and constantly scream her name.
  • Genki Girl : Especially during battles. She's also in full Genki mode when she referees the match between Ash and Bianca's Father, shouting every now and then.
  • Glass Cannon : Exaggerated with Tynamo. She looks small and harmless, but then not so much once she starts a Tackle at lightning speed . That said, after some careful planning, she goes down after a single Iron Tail.
  • Large Ham : Overlaps with Genki Girl ; she can be quite dramatic.
  • Let's Get Dangerous! : Once she sees how powerful Pikachu is (taking out her Emolga with a single Quick Attack), the gloves come off.
  • Lightning Bruiser - Zebstrika (a test to see whether her opponent can last in the battle).
  • Meaningful Name : Ele sa as in ele ctricity.
  • Ms. Fanservice : In two occasions — the first is a screenshot that seems like she wasn't wearing stockings underneath, the second is Dawn's description of Elesa wearing very fashionable clothing.
  • Nice Girl : Extremely eccentric, but she's all around a sweet and caring young woman who tries to cheer up Bianca after her loss and loves her Pokémon and fans.
  • Pintsized Powerhouse : Tynamo.
  • Playing with Fire : Zebstrika's Flame Charge.
  • Poor, Predictable Rock : Similar like in the games, Elesa's Emolga is part-Flying-Type and thus is immune to Ground-Type attacks, countering both, Ground-Types and Grass-Types with Emolga's typing.
  • Shock and Awe : She specializes in Electric types.
  • True Beauty Is on the Inside : After Ash beats her, Elesa admits that she'd gotten so caught up in showing off and dazzling with her Pokémon that she forgot about the importance of trainer and Pokémon being in sync with each other's feelings.
  • Wind from Beneath My Wings : Emolga's secondary type.
  • You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me! : Her reaction when Ash only brought just one Pokémon in the battle after defeating Palpitoad, but allowed Ash to call an audible to get another Pokémon to continue.


Voiced in Japanese by: Tsuguo Mogami Voiced in English by: Sean Schemmel Voiced in Latin American Spanish by: Humberto Vélez

  • Bare-Fisted Monk : Palpitoad and Excadrill's Rock Smash .
  • Berserk Button : Goes into a rage when Ash has Snivy use Attract, securing an easy win against Palpitoad.
  • Casting a Shadow : Krokorok's secondary type.
  • Cynical Mentor : Towards Ash — among other things, he didn't take the usual route of criticising Ash's usage of a type-disadvantaged Pokémon, and was ultimately impressed when Boldore defeated his Excadrill.
  • Dishing Out Dirt : He specialises in Ground types.
  • Extra-ore-dinary : Excadrill's secondary type.
  • Horn Attack : Excadrill's Horn Drill.
  • Iconic Item : His treasured pickaxe.
  • I Gave My Word : He really did need those Revival Herbs, and so when Ash brought them from Milos Island he kept his word that he'd battle him. This is despite seeming grouchy and not believing Ash would be worth battling.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold : He brushes off Ash's challenge the first time, and the second time he criticizes Ash for not knowing about Revival Herbs. Yet despite his doubts about Ash's worth, he keeps his word to battle him, acts as a Cynical Mentor with good intentions, and encourages him in the end to keep climbing upwards to reach his dream.
  • Let's Get Dangerous! : To really test Ash's resolve, he sends out his strongest Pokémon, Excadrill, in the final stage of the match.
  • Making a Splash : Palpitoad's primary type.
  • Man Bites Man : Krokorok's Bite.
  • Never Smile at a Crocodile : Krokorok.
  • Not Now, Kiddo : He appears briefly in BW057 and BW059 , twice refusing to battle Ash due to varying circumstances (first time it's work; the second, he doesn't have Revival Herbs, which would guarantee the Pokémon working at his mines stay healthy). He finally accepts Ash's challenge in BW061 .
  • One-Hit Kill : Excadrill's Horn Drill. Less than useful against Roggenrola's "Sturdy" ability , however.
  • Self-Made Man : Clay reflects that when he was a child, he worked really hard to get where he is, but most contemporary youngsters expect to attain everything with shortcuts and cheap tricks. This is precisely why he considers Ash's Snivy using Attract to be unfair rather than strategic.
  • This Is a Drill : Exca drill . It even knows Drill Run and Horn Drill !


Voiced in Japanese by: Kana Ueda Voiced in English by: Sarah Natochenny Voiced in Latin American Spanish by: Karla Falcón Voiced in Italian by: Deborah Morese

  • Adaptational Badass : Swanna's Aqua Ring functions as a cross between Protect (blocks all damage) and Safeguard (cures status conditions) whereas in the games, it gives Regenerating Health for a few turns.
  • Adaptational Jerkass : Downplayed. She's not an outright Jerkass , but she's very... arrogant and self-assured about her way of battling. Contrast the games, which present her as an outright Nice Girl .
  • Arrogant Kung-Fu Girl : She's very confident about the accuracy of her Air Battles, and gets very nasty if someone challenges her convictions. Even when Cilan gives her a hard time in battle, she declares she "was bored" and "predicted everything" . Her defeat by the hands of Ash, however, knocks her off her perch.
  • Blow You Away : Swoobat's Air Cutter & Gust, Unfezant's Air Slash and Swanna's Hurricane.
  • Bubble Gun : Swanna's Bubble Beam.
  • Defeat Means Respect : After Ash defeats her, she humbly admits she was wrong and vows to be a proper Gym Leader from then on. Tranquill's evolution in particular helped her realize that her belief in predictable outcomes is skewed.
  • Didn't See That Coming : Tranquill's evolution, which turned the tide of the battle (as well as revitalizing her own passion for battle).
  • Early-Bird Cameo : A rather unusual one, in that she made her first anime appearance in the English opening of Season 15, the weekend before her first episode even aired in Japan.
  • Fiery Redhead : She's more passionate than quick-tempered.
  • This may be justified as Ash has a female Unfezant.
  • Genki Girl : She's very energetic — just watch her entrance to Ash's battle with her. And the more the battle goes on, the more excited she gets!
  • Healing Factor : Swanna's Aqua Ring. It even allows Swanna to take Pikachu's Electric attacks, so it seems to have been upgraded A LOT compared to the games.
  • It's All About Me : Gym battles were less important to her than her personal time to fly.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold : BW068 shows that she's not really a bad person, but needed to realize that what was best for her wasn't necessarily best for everyone else. Even before then she's consistently polite and expresses delight at getting to battle another Gym Leader.
  • Making a Splash : Swanna's primary type.
  • Ms. Fanservice : Wears the very same outfit from the games - short shorts that expose her legs and a midriff-exposing pilot gear.
  • New Powers as the Plot Demands : Her Swanna's Aqua Ring is way more powerful than in the games.
  • Non-Elemental : Unfezant's primary type.
  • Psychic Powers : Swoobat's primary type.
  • Smug Super : While not flat-out boastful, she's utterly self-assured.
  • Tranquil Fury : Her grandfather, commenting on how she'd stated that she wouldn't allow her Swanna's beautiful wings to be tarnished (when Cilan's Stunfisk was attacking with Mud Shot), informs her that in his view, she's done just that by refusing to do her duty as Gym Leader . A tight frown crosses her face at the words, and it really looks like she's restraining the urge to scream at him (in the Japanese version, in fact, her response truly sounds like she's speaking through gritted teeth ).
  • Wind from Beneath My Wings : She specializes in Flying types.


Voiced in Japanese by: Nobuo Tobita Voiced in English by: Benjamin Becker Voiced in Latin American Spanish by: Diego Ángeles

  • Action Hero : In his movies, but also in "Real Life".
  • An Ice Person : He specializes in Ice-types.
  • Badass Normal : Shown by his training regiment with Beartic in BW078 .
  • Bare-Fisted Monk : Not only was he an Action Hero in movies, he's an accomplished martial artist — the man can shatter boulders with his bare fist , for Heaven's sake!
  • Bears Are Bad News : Beartic, his strongest Pokémon, though only in the Gym battle.
  • Bruce Lee Clone : Aside from being a martial arts film star, his movie titles are parodies of Bruce Lee 's movies.
  • Didn't See That Coming : His face after his Cryogonal is beaten when Pignite strikes Cryogonal's face with Fire Pledge while it's using Rapid Spin just screams this.
  • Dynamic Entry : His Establishing Character Moment .
  • Establishing Character Moment : He and Beartic leap down from a higher altitude, destroying a pair of boulders endangering Ash and his friends, and land in perfect martial arts poses. Then he simply expresses relief that nobody is hurt, showing his sense of humility.
  • Extra-ore-dinary : Vanillish's Mirror Shot.
  • Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me : Cryogonal's Reflect.
  • Making a Splash : Beartic's Brine.
  • Noodle Incident : The accident on the set of his fourth movie, which convinced him to quit making movies and go back to training with his Beartic.
  • Psychic Powers : Crygonal's Reflect.
  • Poor, Predictable Rock : His Beartic knows Brine, a Water-Type move to counter Fire-Type Pokémon, as well as the Flying-Type move Aerial Ace to counter Fighting-Type Pokémon. Ash's Pignite being a Fire/Fighting-Type, he gets defeated by both of Beartic's moves.
  • Soul Power : Vanillish's Astonish.
  • Spectacular Spinning : Cryogonal's Rapid Spin.
  • Warrior Monk : Dresses the part, and he's also a genuinely tough guy.
  • Worthy Opponent : For Krokorok, who was psyched to battle his team.


Voiced in Japanese by: Eri Kitamura Voiced in English by: Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld Voiced in Latin American Spanish by: Mireya Mendoza

  • The Ace : She's renowned both as an expert musician and one of the toughest Gym Leaders in all of Unova. She more than lives up to her billing, letting her opponents use their entire teams while she only uses three Pokemon. Notably, she took out five of Ash's Pokemon, pushed Pikachu right to the brink and may well have won if Garbodor hadn't been paralyzed by Pikachu's Static.
  • Adaptational Badass : She's only the second Gym Leader in the games, whereas in the anime Ash earned his final badge from her (though this is mainly because she was introduced after the other Gym Leaders). In addition, she allows Ash to use six Pokémon against three of hers, and she justifies her confidence by defeating five of his team during the battle.
  • Adapted Out : Sort of. She has a Grimer in the games, but only in challenge mode. In the anime, it's replaced with Garbodor.
  • Badass Adorable : Apparently, she puts herself on a 6-on-3 disadvantage regularly ...Yikes! Plus, she's pretty cute.
  • Big Creepy-Crawlies : Scolipede.
  • Blow You Away : Ash starts the match by sending out Boldore and having it use Sandstorm against Roxie's Koffing. The Sandstorm does some damage, but then Koffing blasts it away with Clear Smog.
  • Call-Back : Before Ash is headed towards the Gym for his match, a lot of Pokémon were being admitted to the Center in Virbank City specifically because she was kicking their asses. Notably, the scene is similar to the first season, before Ash went to face Lt. Surge and his Raichu in the Vermilion City Gym.
  • Combat Pragmatist : She utilizes attacks with a good chance of poisoning the opposition, making up for her lesser numbers in the battle. In fact, a lot of the poisoning attacks are aimed at the face to assure poisoning with the added bonus of throwing them off.
  • Dishing Out Dirt : Scolipede's Rock Tomb.
  • Early-Bird Cameo : She made her anime debut in a two-part special which aired in Japan the week prior to the release of Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 (her first game appearance).
  • Energy Weapon : Garbodor's Hyper Beam.
  • Honor Before Reason : She doesn't take advantage of Pignite's poisoning by Scolipede, giving it a Pecha Berry before sending out her strongest Pokémon, Garbodor. It just shows how she's both a good sport and a tough opponent. It's also justified ; while a Gym Leader, she's also an entertainer as well — she wanted to put on a good show for their audience, who were really into the battle.
  • Mascot Mook : Koffing is an In-Universe one for her band.
  • New Powers as the Plot Demands : Koffing's Clear Smog clears away weather conditions, which it can't do in the games.
  • Playing with Fire : Koffing's Will-O-Wisp.
  • Poisonous Person : She's a Poison-type trainer.
  • The Rockstar : She's the singer and lead guitarist for her rock band, Koffing And The Toxics. They rock the house during Roxie's matches, sometimes even cheering for her opponents.
  • Spanner in the Works : She very nearly won her battle with Ash, but her Garbodor got paralyzed by Pikachu's Static ability. That slowed Garbodor long enough for Ash and Pikachu to turn the tables.
  • Spectacular Spinning : Koffing's Gyro Ball. Backfires when Leavanny grabs it with String Shot.
  • Super-Scream : Scolipede's Screech.
  • Her Pokemon have this too, especially her Koffing. It takes down two of Ash's Pokemon before he finally defeats it with Leavanny. Her Scolipede takes out Leavanny, and Pignite takes a beating before he finally defeats it. Garbodor flattens Pignite almost immediately, does the same to Palpitaod and pushes Pikachu right to the edge. It turns out that Roxie letting her opponents use their full teams while using three of her own Pokemon only makes the fight fair instead of a complete Curb-Stomp Battle .
  • Worthy Opponent : She does see Ash as this while their battle go on. The fact Ash kept shilling her a lot during the battle not only boosts her already big Large Ham tendencies, but makes her took a shining on him.
  • Youthful Freckles : Though they're only visible close-up.


Voiced in Japanese by: Yuji Ueda Voiced in English by: Ed Paul Voiced in Latin American Spanish by: Víctor Ugarte Voiced in Italian by: Renato Novara

  • Adapted Out : He doesn't have a Carracosta like in the games. He does have a Wailord, but he doesn't use it in the battle against Cameron.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle : His Mantine pummels Cameron's Ferrothorn with all of its moves and wins easily and then is beaten down easily itself by Samurott.
  • Curtains Match the Window : Blue eyes and blue hair, natch.
  • Making a Splash : He specializes in Water types.
  • One-Shot Character : The first Gym Leader to suffer this fate since Chuck (way back in Johto!)
  • The Unfought : Well, for Ash who already has 8 badges. He was Cameron's opponent instead.
  • The Worf Effect : Cameron defeats him without much difficulty, despite Marlon being a powerful Gym Leader. This is presumably to display just how powerful Cameron's team (especially Samurott) is.


Voiced in Japanese by: Masaki Terasoma Voiced in English by: Mike Pollock Voiced in Latin American Spanish by: José Luis Orozco

  • Bait-and-Switch Boss : Sort of - while nobody was surprised that Iris battled Drayden again, everyone expected Ash to win his 8th Badge at Opelucid Gym rather than at Virbank Gym.
  • Bare-Fisted Monk : Haxorus' Rock Smash.
  • The Bus Came Back : He returns alongside Iris in JN064 where he meets Ash and Goh at the stadium to prepare Ash for his battle against Iris.
  • Dragon Tamer : Specializes in training Dragon-type Pokémon.
  • Early-Bird Cameo : Made his first appearance in Iris' flashback during BW034 .
  • Extra-ore-dinary : Druddigon's Flash Cannon.
  • What's amusing about this is how Ash's Badge Cases (both Sinnoh and Unova) have slots shaped specifically for certain badges - despite the fact that in the anime, there are more than 8 Gyms and therefore no specific selection of badges to be earned for League participation.
  • Me's a Crowd : Druddigon's Double Team.
  • Token Motivational Nemesis : Non-villainous variant — his presence played an important role in defining who Iris and Excadrill became. He and Iris have a rematch at the Opelucid Gym, and he wins a 2nd time (although this time, Excadrill pulls a tie against the Haxorus which originally defeated it).
  • "Unfought" to Ash; to Iris it's a completely different story.
  • Wake-Up Call Boss : He handed Iris and Excadrill their first ever defeat, breaking their 99-battle winning streak. In their 2-on-2 rematch in BW101 , he wins again — despite Excadrill tying with Haxorus, Druddigon was still standing despite Dragonite's best efforts.


Voiced in Japanese by: Takuya Eguchi Voiced in English by: Todd Haberkorn Voiced in Latin American Spanish by: Arturo Castañeda

  • Adaptation Relationship Overhaul : Him and Bianca (along with Hilbert/Hilda) are friends from childhood. Here they don't appear to have met at all.
  • Anime Hair : Maintains his ahoge , as in other media.
  • Curtains Match the Window : Black hair, black eyes.
  • A Day in the Limelight : Which mostly makes up for his lack of a presence beyond the Gym Leader role in the anime.
  • Demoted to Extra : Considering his noteworthy role in the games. Also, when Ash meets him, he's already in his Gym Leader position of Black 2/White 2 , rather than a friendly rival in the same capacity as Bianca - as such, when Ash and Cheren battle, it's just a friendly battle rather than a full-fledged Gym Badge battle as Ash had already gotten the Basic Badge (along with the other seven needed to enter the Unova League) from Lenora.
  • Heroic Self-Deprecation : Throughout the episode, he's unsure of himself and his worth as a Gym Leader due to being new to the business. Yet his students absolutely adore and look up to him.
  • Non-Elemental : Presumed to use Normal-types like Herdier, just like in the games.
  • Shock and Awe : Herdier's Thunder Fang.

Unova League


  • The Ace : Given the fact that he was the Champion of Unova, this is a given. Don't let the relaxed and easy-going personality fool you. When he gets serious he will thoroughly kick your ass like it's his day job .
  • Adaptational Comic Relief : Alder in the games is relatively serious and has a tragic backstory involving his deceased original partner, while Alder in the anime is much more lighthearted. No hint toward his backstory is ever made in his various appearances, and he's notably absent from the more serious arcs of Best Wishes .
  • And Then What? : He tells Ash and his friends that once they fulfill all their dreams, they must then find meaning in life beyond them, too.
  • Anime Hair : Spiked upwards with a large wolf's tail.
  • Brilliant, but Lazy : In his older age, he's less focused — he falls asleep during his battle with Ash! Then comes the Junior World Cup where he shows why he is still the Champion by curbstomping Trip's Serperior with his Bouffalant.
  • Broken Pedestal : In Trip's opinion, but then Trip changes his opinion back to his original one once he battles him .
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer : This guy was the Unova Champion in spite of his absentmindedness, lechery, and aimless wandering the region.
  • The Cameo : He briefly appears in JN118 , watching Iris's match against Cynthia.
  • Charles Atlas Superpower : Stops a rampaging Gigalith with his bare hands.
  • Chivalrous Pervert : He's like Brock when it comes to the ladies (or at least with the Jennys, Joys and Cynthia).
  • Cool Old Guy : A bit old, yes. But don't underestimate him when he can kick your ass in a battle if he focuses.
  • Chuck Cunningham Syndrome : Iris is the champion of Unvoa come Journeys , with Alder not even getting so much as a mention.
  • Expy : Of Jiraiya from Naruto . He's a wandering sage, and a bit of a lech, but truly fearsome in battle.
  • Friend to All Living Things : He has a deep understanding of Pokémon — he helped the aforementioned Gigalith by removing the nail in its foot which had caused it pain, and then fed it minerals. This is also a Call-Back to when Bruno of the Kanto Elite Four calmed a rampaging Onix by pulling out a Sandslash firmly lodged between its joints - Pokémon champions require the in-depth foresight, compassion and understanding of life (and living) that must be largely self-taught only with experience.
  • The Hedonist : Alder's philosophy is that a person should enjoy life with their friends rather than focusing so much on accomplishments.
  • Let's Get Dangerous! : He seems pretty bumbling and clueless, but he becomes extremely competent in a crisis. He not only restrains a Gigalith (a Pokémon that typically weighs 260 kilograms, or 573 pounds) with his bare hands, he pulls out the nail that was stuck in its foot. In his battle with Trip, he perfectly gauges the power of Trip's Serperior, realizes it can't take down his Bouffalant and ends the fight with one Head Smash.
  • The Mentor : Tries with Trip, is more successful with Ash's group. He does manage to talk some sense into Trip the next time he gets to talk to him.
  • No-Sell : Bouffalant's Sap Sipper ability, much to Trip's surprise.
  • Running Gag : Not remembering either Ash or Trip's names — he calls the former "Ashton" ( Santaro ) and the latter "Tristan" ( Shootaro ).
  • Signature Mon : In the anime, it's Bouffalant, but only because it's the only Pokémon of his we get to see.
  • Vague Age : Even though he's a grandfather in the games, he's shown flirting with young women at many points in the anime, implying he's most likely much younger himself. His official age in the anime is never made clear, though.


  • Badass Adorable : Despite being insecure about her skills, she still manages to hold up against Cynthia until the timer runs out. Keep in mind she was fighting Cynthia's Garchomp for ten whole minutes while most other trainers' mons outside of the Elite Four could barely handle the same dragon for more than ten seconds .
  • Bare-Fisted Monk : Gothitelle's Brick Break.
  • Casting a Shadow : Gothitelle's Flatter.
  • Flower Motifs : She makes her entrance onto the battlefield by emerging from the inside of a giant frickin' blooming flower .
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold : In constrast to her counterparts from other media, anime-Caitlin is a gracious, collected individual with a sweetly pleasant demeanour. Complete with Flower Motifs .
  • Lady of War : Her battle style is focused on elegance.
  • Older and Wiser : According to Cynthia, she's mellowed out and become more mature than when she was younger.
  • Proper Lady : She conducts herself with grace and poise and her sportmanship is superb.
  • Shock and Awe : Gothitelle's Thunderbolt.
  • Took a Level in Badass : If Cynthia's reaction to her fighting ability is any indication, she's gotten stronger with time.
  • Worthy Opponent : To Cynthia, despite being only an Elite Four facing a Champion.

Team Plasma

  • Adapted Out : The Shadow Triad. The Sages also had their distinct, individualistic appearances and personalities removed. And thanks to their skipped debut, the BW1 team outfits also don't exist in the anime continuity, and along with them any members who sincerely desired to help Pokémon.
  • Adaptational Wimp : In the games Team Plasma actually managed to almost take over the Unova region through both subtlety and force (N had even defeated Alder in a fair battle) and even came close to releasing every Pokemon in PC Boxes. Here their plan relies entirely on brainwashing Pokemon to do their bidding, including Reshiram, but go down rather quickly the second Reshiram is freed. To boot, N has left them long before they executed their plans while Ghetsis and Colress have no battle-able Pokemon team to assist their plans.
  • Arc Villain : Thanks to the 2011 Japanese disasters causing their planned debut to be skipped, the organization has only been featured as the villains of the Episode N arc in the BW show's final season.
  • Casting a Shadow : Multiple members have Liepard, and at least one is shown commanding a Bisharp.
  • Cats Are Mean : As indicated above, Liepard seems to be the Mon of choice for most Plasma grunts, with even Aldith having one. At least three or four Zangoose have been separately shown under their command as well, including Weiss'.
  • Dark Is Evil : Their uniforms.
  • Demoted to Extra : The Seven Sages (sans Ghetsis) were reduced to appearing only in a flashback, and even had their distinctive features from the games completely altered . Most likely done to avoid worrying about their distinct personalities and giving them roles in the story.
  • Extra-ore-dinary : Multiple Magnemite (along with Barret's Magnezone), and a Bisharp.
  • Poisonous Person : Multiple Golbat and at least one Muk. Not to mention Schwarz's Seviper.
  • Shock and Awe : Multiple Magnemite.
  • Shout-Out : All the Pokémon they use are from families which Team Plasma uses in the games .


  • Adaptational Nice Guy : Heavily downplayed , but Ghetsis's more vile crimes, like his verbal abuse of N and freezing Opelucid City are omitted here.
  • Adaptational Wimp : Not that he isn't a threat, but his plan rides solely on taming Reshiram through a device. Contrast with game Ghetsis who manipulates N to control the Legendary dragon and is implied fully capable of defeating it. This Ghetsis doesn't seem to have a team of his own, not even his infamous Hydreigon.
  • Archnemesis Dad : BW118 reveals that: a) he is N, Anthea and Concordia's stepfather, like in the games; and b) they all oppose his goals and actions.
  • Big Bad : Of the Episode N arc.
  • Composite Character : The cool, collected personality of his original B&W persona is combined with the clothing and more open goals of his later, B2W2 counterpart.
  • Dark Is Evil : He wears his black outfit from B2W2 .
  • Do Not Taunt Cthulhu : Two grunts had to stop him from pissing off Reshiram any further after it was freed from the device. Ghetsis still insisted on informing the dragon he can still order it around .
  • Faux Affably Evil : Speaks in honorifics in the Japanese version to put in the appearance of being a gentleman. He isn't one.
  • The Man Behind the Man : To Colress. In his first episode, he contacts him briefly through a hologram at Colress' current base of operations. Ash's group initially mistakes Colress for Ghetsis on their first meeting (having briefly heard the latter's name from Aldith) before being corrected.
  • Orcus on His Throne : Ghetsis hides away in secret while his agents do his dirty work across Unova. BW117 even shows him literally sitting on a throne-like chair. He finally takes the scene in the three-part finale.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning : Both his visible left eye and the red visor covering his right eye, or possible lack of one.
  • The Unfought : Like Maxie and Cyrus before him, we never see him battle anyone during his entire run on the show.
  • Villainous Breakdown : Starts losing it once the control device is destroyed and Reshiram frees itself .


  • Adaptational Karma : In the games, he got no comeuppance for his role in Team Plasma's destructive plan, mainly due to his disdain for Ghetsis and respect for the protagonist causing a Heel–Face Turn . The anime has him remain unrepentant and arrested along with the rest of the team.
  • Adaptational Villainy : While his goals and allegiance are unchanged, anime-Colress is more psychotic and openly antagonistic than his game counterpart (who only revealed his allegiance to Team Plasma at the end, and was technically more neutral towards the player). He also reformed in the game, whereas in the anime he's arrested along with Ghetsis and the on-scene grunts, though he is considering changing his approach towards Pokémon...somewhat.
  • Affably Evil : He addresses the heroes with laid-back cordiality, and speaks to them pleasantly (in contrast to Aldith and the other grunts' professionalism).
  • Badass Labcoat / Badass in a Nice Suit : Both of these, as in the games.
  • Combat Pragmatist : Once his machine is advanced enough, he can simply use it to take control of any opposing Pokémon and turn them against his enemies (with alarming swiftness, too). He doesn't need any Pokémon of his own. ..until it backfires when Pikachu fights back , again, and together with Reshiram destroys the machine, leaving him powerless.
  • Curtains Match the Window : Yellow eyes that match the tone of his bright-yellow hair.
  • Dragon-in-Chief : Colress is actually much more active and responsible for the evil done in Episode N than his boss, and is even a more competent schemer than him.
  • Evil Genius : To Ghetsis.
  • For Science! : His motive for being in Team Plasma at all. His response whenever one of the heroes called out their mons was essentially "Yay! More test subjects!"
  • Large Ham : If his hand gestures, smirks, and talking about his experiments with delight are anything to go by...
  • Manipulative Bastard : In BW119 , he convinces Meowth to let him try out his machine on him to increase his strength, all in the purposes of testing its increasing power. Even though Meowth had trained his mind to resist its mind-controlling powers, he fell under Colress' control and had to be snapped out of it by Jessie and James - leaving them with nothing (they'd hoped to convince him to join them), and him with the satisfaction of knowing that his machine is getting more powerful. (Though Jessie and James do manage to plant a tracking device on Colress' machine which they make use of in the following episode.)
  • Psychotic Smirk : Whenever good fortune or results occur during his experiments, such as Iris calling out Dragonite and his response is glee at having a new subject.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni : Red to Aldith's Blue - while it's not hyperactive, he shows delight at seeing Pikachu's willpower overwhelm his own technology. Aldith needs to remind him that this is a setback to Team Plasma's plans.
  • Taught by Experience : After the initial encounter, he tweaked his EM-wave machine so it would not be blocked by the cubes Looker used, strengthened it so Pikachu couldn't will himself out, and generally made sure the device was either attended to by Plasma or kept safely away.
  • This Cannot Be! : Starts freaking out once Pikachu repeatedly keeps resisting his device and helps Reshiram do the same. And it just snowballs from there .
  • Villainous BSoD : In BW122 , when his mind-control machine is destroyed. He gets over it in his last scene, though.
  • We Can Rule Together : Team Rocket offers him a chance to quit Team Plasma and join them instead. He declines, since he really wants to meet and control Reshiram.


  • Ascended Extra : The Episode N opening depicts her, in one shot, as the only colored Team Plasma grunt, making her stand out above the rest. True to that, she so far appears to have a more distinct role than the others.
  • Canon Foreigner : Her design already existed in "Black 2 & White 2", but only as that of the generic female grunts. Aldith appears to have her own distinct personality and rank within Team Plasma, similar to the Team Rocket trio.
  • Casting a Shadow : Liepard.
  • Cats Are Mean : She owns a Liepard.
  • The Comically Serious : Frequently, especially when around Colress.
  • Mook Lieutenant : Though she wears the same uniform as the rest, she's also the only female Plasma grunt seen and the others seem to defer to her, even Barret.
  • Number Two : She's rarely seen away from Colress and seems to be his direct subordinate.
  • Only Sane Woman : Whenever she has to remind Colress not to get to into the data of his experiments over the mission and gets annoyed when he is happy about the results in spite of failure.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni : Blue to Colress' Red , being more straight-laced and serious and scolding him when he gets too excited (specifically, when he was pleased at Pikachu's willpower breaking his control over it, as they had no time to study it and needed to focus on perfecting the machine).
  • The Smurfette Principle : The only female Team Plasma agent seen in the anime - but as stated, she holds rank over the other Grunts, so it all evens out.


  • Ascended Extra : Depicted in the Episode N opening (on the Plasma helicopter with Aldith and her Liepard), he's given a distinct role and persona in the series proper.
  • Canon Foreigner : His design already existed in "Black 2 & White 2", but only as that of the generic male grunts. Barret appears to have his own distinct personality and rank within Team Plasma, similar to the Team Rocket trio.
  • Extra-ore-dinary : Magnezone's secondary type.
  • King Mook : His Magnezone is more powerful than either the Liepard or Muk his underlings in BW118 use - it takes on Pignite and Oshawott, defeats the former (which has a type-advantage), and finally needs to be taken down by Pikachu himself.
  • Large Ham : In contrast to Alidth's usual composure.
  • Mook Lieutenant : Of a lesser rank than Aldith.
  • Shock and Awe : Magnezone's primary type.
  • Spectacular Spinning : Magnezone's Gyro Ball.


  • Casting a Shadow : Seviper's Bite.
  • Cats Are Mean : Zangoose, being based off the cat-like mongoose.
  • Dual Boss : Ash's Pikachu and Iris' Excadrill faced down Zangoose and Seviper, respectively.
  • Extra-ore-dinary : Zangoose's Iron Tail.
  • Man Bites Man : Seviper's Bite.
  • Meaningful Name : Schwarz and Weiss mean, respectively, "black" and "white" in German while their Japanese names have the Italian names for the colors. Their Mons also sort of match them based on color (Schwarz has the dark Seviper, Weiss the mostly-white Zangoose).
  • Nominal Importance : Having their names revealed gives them a competence level most grunts don't have, making them fairly capable adversaries - additionally, having trained two Pokémon who are normally mortal enemies into being capable battle-partners (Zangoose and Seviper) indicates some level of distinctive personality and skill.
  • Odd Friendship : These are the first Seviper and Zangoose seen in the anime to fight together, let alone so well .
  • Poisonous Person : Seviper.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning : Both Zangoose and Seviper.
  • Reptiles Are Abhorrent : Seviper.

Alternative Title(s): Pokemon Best Wishes , Pokemon Black And White Anime , Pokemon The Series Black And White Cast , Pokemon The Series Black And White Rivals , Pokemon The Series Black And White Gym Leaders , Pokemon The Series Black And White Villains

  • Pokémon: The Series — Paul
  • Characters/Pokémon: The Series
  • Pokémon the Series: Black & White — Main Cast
  • Characters/Pokémon

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trip pokemon black and white

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Ash and Trip's Third Battle

trip pokemon black and white

As the episode begins, Cilan is making a stew for Ash and Iris while saying that it will be a great stew. While he is cooking, the Pok�mon are enjoying the smell of the food. Ash and Iris swing back and forth on vines, as they say to Cilan that it's fun and that he should try it too. As they are swinging, a leaf falls into the pot and Cilan becomes upset. He knocks the pot over and says that it is shocking time. Everyone is shocked to see the food fall over, as Iris and Ash apologize to Cilan for that happening. Cilan looks down with a sad face, as everyone looks nervous about what he's going to say. Cilan says that it now means that they will have no lunch. Iris grabs three apples, and hands them to Ash and Cilan. Cilan says that he is going to remake the food, and says that if they want to play then they will need to do it farther away from the food.

As they walk away, Ash says that they did something bad to Cilan. Iris says that they got scolded because he is a child. She says that it is his fault since it was his idea to swing in the vines. Ash says that he just wanted to show that she wasn't the only one that can climb trees and crossing branches. Iris says that they should race to see who is better, as she suggests that they race to an Oran Berry tree out in the distance. She says that the one who returns first wins, as Ash is unable to see the tree. She explains that it is to the right of the tallest tree, as Ash is finally able to see it. Ash comments that Iris can see very far, as she says that it is very common in the Dragon Village. They race to the tree, as Iris says that she is indeed better while she is in the lead. Ash says that the race has only just begun. Ash misses a vine, and slides down a hill.

Meanwhile Trip is trying to capture a Palpitoad, as Vanillite uses Ice Beam to freeze Palpitoad in place. Trip throws a Pok� Ball to try and catch Palpitoad, but Ash slides into the Palpitoad to set it free. Palpitoad becomes dizzy, as it runs away to the lake. Ash scans Palpitoad with his Pok�dex. Ash sees Trip and Vanillite, as he scans Vanillite with his Pok�dex. Trip comments that people normally don't try to get captured in Pok� Balls. Ash apologizes as he asks if he got in the way of a Pok�mon capture. Iris arrives and shivers, as she sees the Vanillite. Iris wonders why there is an Ice Type Pok�mon where they are at, as she tells Trip to put the Pok�mon away. Trip calls Iris a weird girl, and returns Vanillite to its Pok�dex. Trip tells Ash to never get in his way again, and walks away.

Iris explains that since Dragon Type Pok�mon are weak against Ice Types, she cannot stand the cold. Ash asks if the people at the Dragon Village who like Dragon Types are the same way. Iris says that the Old Matriarch can't stand the cold either. Trip notices that Iris is from the Dragon Village, since she has an Axew with her. Trip says that he has never met someone from the Dragon Village before, as he begins to take pictures of Iris and Axew. Iris asks Trip why he's taking pictures of her, as he says that he is recording his journey. Iris says that he shouldn't do it without permission. Trip says to Iris that her logic for being fearful of Ice Types is strange, since Dragon types are also weak against other Dragon Type Pok�mon. He asks if she doesn't mind having an Axew by her side, as Iris asks if he has a problem with it. Ash says that Iris is training to become a Dragon Master, as Iris tells him not to mention it. Trip says that if she wants to become a Dragon Master, then she shouldn't be afraid of Ice Type Pok�mon, and that it is rude to Ice Types. With a disgusted look on her face, Iris apologizes.

Meanwhile, Cilan is remaking the stew that he had prepared before, and is enjoying the smell with Pansage. Once the meal is finished, Cilan calls out to Iris and Ash to say that the food is ready. With no response, Cilan wonders where they went off to. Cilan decides to make another course, and with a Pecha Berry in it. Trip asks Iris to battle him, as Ash says that he should battle him instead. Trip says that he has never battled a Dragon Type before, and thinks that Iris has more than one Dragon Type Pok�mon. He says that since she is training to become a Dragon Master, battling Trip would not hurt. Iris thinks about her other two Pok�mon Emolga and Excadrill, while a thought bubble shows them. She says that they are not in a good condition today to battle. Trip says that it sounds boring, as Ash again asks Trip to battle him and says that he won't lose this time. Trip says that battling him won't level up his Pok�mon, as Ash becomes upset with the comment. Trip says that he wasted his time, and decides to look for Palpitoad again as he starts to walk away.

Iris says that it looks like he is afraid of losing to Ash and that he has messy logic. She says that he is very childish for rejecting the battle offer. Trip says that he will have to demonstrate his point for Ash to be able to understand it. Ash tells Trip that he has three badges so far, as Trip says that he has four of them. Ash says that his Pok�mon have become stronger since the last time that they battled, as Trip suggests to make it a 3-on-3 battle and that the first person with two victories wins. Ash says that he would be fine with a full battle, but Trip says that it would waste his time. Ash says that it will shock him with how much stronger he has become. Trip brings out Servine, while Ash brings out Snivy. Iris comments that Ash is just using brute force again. Meanwhile, Cilan has finished the food that has a Pecha Berry in it, as Pansage and Dwebble tell Cilan that they could not find Ash and Iris. Cilan decides that he will make a full course meal, and that he will make a lot of different things to surprise Ash and Iris.

Trip says that Ash never changes, and that he didn't evolve his Snivy. He says that Ash must be overconfident right now after defeating his Servine once before. He asks Ash how often he is going to ignore the basics. Ash says that they are his basics, as Trip asks if that is how things are in the hick town he lives in. Trip says that he has the nerve to say that he is trying to become a Pok�mon Master and that winning the Pok�mon League is a far away dream. Ash says that the bigger the dream, the more worthy it is to follow it. Trip says that if he keeps talking big, he'll be embarrassed when he loses. Iris and Axew are very bored with hearing Trip and Ash argue back and forth. Ash says that the same goes for Trip if he loses. Iris says that they should start the battle already.

Servine uses Leaf Tornado and Snivy uses Leaf Storm, as both attacks collide to create a very strong wind. Iris says that both attacks are even. Servine uses Cut, while Snivy dodges the attack. Snivy uses Attract, while Servine uses Leaf Tornado to block the attack. Trip says that his Servine has leveled up very well, and with that added experience can block supportive moves as well. Ash says that Snivy won't lose, and that preventing Attract won't be enough. Servine uses Cut and Snivy uses Leaf Blade, as Servine's Cut hits Snivy to knock her out. Trip says that the same result of a Snivy win won't occur twice. He says that it shows how much power they have gained, and how little Ash has gained. Iris thinks that Trip has a point about him being stronger. Ash says that he'll win the next battle. Trip says that he now knows that Ash's Pok�mon haven't leveled up much, and that his own Pok�mon's level will go down because of that.

Trip says that he has become much stronger, but at the rate he is going he won't be able to face the champion. Trip asks Ash if he knew about the champion, as Ash is excited that there is a champion in Unova as well. Iris says to Ash that of course there is a champion of this region, and asks if he knows Alder. Iris says that Alder is the Champion Master of the Unova Region, and everyone wants to battle him. Ash asks Iris if she has met Alder before, and she says no. Trip says that he has met Alder before, but says that Ash should find out what he is like on his own. Trip says that they should continue the battle, as he says that Alder would say that they should defeat their opponent with all they've got. He says that he'll never forget the promise Alder made when he was younger.

A flashback is shown where Trip is watching a battle at a festival between Alder with Bouffalant and a challenger with Herdier. Bouffalant uses Head Charge to knock out Herdier. Trip felt great about watching someone he admired when he watched him on TV. As a kid he was nervous around Alder's Bouffalant while petting it. Alder hands Trip some Pok�mon food to give to Bouffalant. As he is feeding Bouffalant, Alder asks him what his dream is. Trip says that he wants to become a champion, and that he'll win against him to do so. Alder says that Trip says promising things, as he tells him to have more and more battles to become stronger and stronger. Trip is excited to become a Pok�mon Trainer, as Alder says that he will defend his title as champion until the day Trip challenges him. Trip says that winning the Unova League is just the passing point to go to the champions league. He says that he will get stronger in order to fulfill his dream. Trip brings out Timburr, as Ash scans him with his Pok�dex. Ash says that he will definitely battle Alder some day.

As brings out Oshawott to battle, as Timburr shows its log to Oshawott. Oshawott is afraid, as he tries to get Pikachu to battle for him instead. Ash gives Oshawott some encouragement, and Oshawott jumps in to battle. Oshawott uses Aqua Jet, as Timburr gets its Strength ready. Oshawott's attack misses, as he hits the ground hard. Iris is disgusted that Aqua Jet did not work again. Trip wonders if Ash is even fighting seriously. Oshawott uses Aqua Jet again, as the attack goes in circles and completely misses Timburr. Trip wonders if Ash is really fighting seriously. Trip notices something while Oshawott is using the attack and takes a picture, as Oshawott then hits the ground hard. Ash asks Trip why he is taking pictures in the middle of the battle. Iris asks if he is recording his journey in the middle of it too. Trip tells them to see for themselves, and shows them pictures of Oshawott with his eyes closed. Trip says that Oshawott has a remarkable talent, for being a Water Type Pok�mon that can't open its eyes underwater, as Oshawott is proud of himself. Iris tells Oshawott that Trip is not praising him for that. Trip asks Ash if he noticed it before, as Ash says no. Ash tells Oshawott to not worry about it, and that he worked very hard to learn Aqua Jet. Ash says that if Oshawott practices opening his eyes underwater, then he'll never miss a target again.

Oshawott uses Razor Shell and Timburr throws its log up into the air, as it uses Low Sweep to trip Oshawott. Oshawott uses Water Gun, while Timburr uses Strength to block away the attack. Timburr jumps onto its log and uses DynamicPunch, while Oshawott uses Razor Shell as both attacks hit each other. Oshawott's Razor Shell sends Timburr into his log, and is knocked out. Iris says that Ash now has one loss and one victory. Ash tells Oshawott to keep up his good spirit, and that he'll master Aqua Jet eventually. Ash brings out Tepig and Trip brings out Vanillite, as Vanillite breaths some frosty air. Iris shakes in fear after seeing the Vanillite come out. She asks why Vanillite was chosen, with Tepig having a type disadvantage against it. Trip says it is intentional, as he says that Ash's nonsensical battling style is another experience for him to get stronger. Trip says that he'll win using the same method that Ash usually uses. Iris says that in the end, both are children.

Tepig uses Flame Charge and Vanillite uses Ice Beam, as both attacks collide to create water vapor. Tepig is able to break through to hit Vanillite. Vanillite uses Icicle Spear to hit Tepig. Tepig uses Ember to hurt Vanillite, as Ash comments that it isn't effective after being a direct hit. Iris tells Ash that Vanillite's defense is very high, and that it shows how well it has been raised. Vanillite uses Ice Shard to hit Tepig. Tepig uses Flame Charge and Vanillite uses Blizzard, as Tepig breaks through and hits Vanillite. Both Pok�mon hit the ground and are very beat up. Both Pok�mon faint, as the match up and battle end in a draw. Trip says that Ash's method doesn't suit him. Tepig looks sad, as Ash returns him to his Pok� Ball. Trip says that at this rate, he's nowhere near Alder's level skills. Trip tells Ash that their match is on hold, as Ash says that he'll win next time.

Ash tells Pikachu that he learned from Trip, and that he's glad that he battled him. Iris says that now Ash knows why Oshawott's Aqua Jet doesn't hit its target as well. Ash says that it is still far from being mastered, and that they will do their best and practice. Ash says that he wants to meet Alder soon. Ash and Iris become hungry, as they realize that they forgot about Cilan and rush back to him. Cilan, Pansage, and Dwebble are waiting very patiently for them in the meantime.


Pokémon Season: 14

Pokémon: Black & White

A new land, new rivals, new challenges, and all-new Pokémon make the 14th season of the Pokémon animated series one of the most exciting ones yet! When Ash and his mother accompany Professor Oak to the distant Unova region, Ash discovers Pokémon that he’s never seen before… and that he can’t wait to catch! He may have Pikachu at his side together with new friends Iris and Cilan, but he’ll still need plenty of new Pokémon on his team if he wants to challenge Unova’s expert Gym Leaders. His quest to become a Pokémon Master just got even tougher!

  • Episode #1 In the Shadow of Zekrom!
  • Episode #2 Enter Iris and Axew!
  • Episode #3 A Sandile Gusher of Change!
  • Episode #4 The Battle Club and Tepig's Choice!
  • Episode #5 Triple Leaders, Team Threats!
  • Episode #6 Dreams by the Yard Full!
  • Episode #7 Snivy Plays Hard to Catch!
  • Episode #8 Saving Darmanitan from the Bell!
  • Episode #9 The Bloom Is on Axew!
  • Episode #10 A Rival Battle for Club Champ!
  • Episode #11 A Home for Dwebble!
  • Episode #12 Here Comes the Trubbish Squad!
  • Episode #13 Minccino—Neat and Tidy!
  • Episode #14 A Night in the Nacrene City Museum!
  • Episode #15 The Battle According to Lenora!
  • Episode #16 Rematch at the Nacrene Gym!
  • Episode #17 Scraggy—Hatched to Be Wild!
  • Episode #18 Sewaddle and Burgh in Pinwheel Forest!
  • Episode #19 A Connoisseur's Revenge!
  • Episode #20 Dancing with the Ducklett Trio!
  • Episode #21 The Lost World of Gothitelle!
  • Episode #22 A Venipede Stampede!
  • Episode #23 Battling for the Love of Bug-Types!
  • Episode #24 Emolga the Irresistible!
  • Episode #25 Emolga and the New Volt Switch!
  • Episode #26 Scare at the Litwick Mansion!
  • Episode #27 The Dragon Master's Path!
  • Episode #28 Oshawott's Lost Scalchop!
  • Episode #29 Cottonee in Love!
  • Episode #30 A UFO for Elgyem!
  • Episode #31 Ash and Trip's Third Battle!
  • Episode #32 Facing Fear with Eyes Wide Open!
  • Episode #33 Iris and Excadrill against the Dragon Buster!
  • Episode #34 Gotta Catch a Roggenrola!
  • Episode #35 Where Did You Go, Audino?
  • Episode #36 Archeops in the Modern World!
  • Episode #37 A Fishing Connoisseur in a Fishy Competition!
  • Episode #38 Movie Time! Zorua in "The Legend of the Pokémon Knight!"
  • Episode #39 Reunion Battles in Nimbasa!
  • Episode #40 Cilan Versus Trip, Ash Versus Georgia!
  • Episode #41 The Club Battle Hearts of Fury: Emolga Versus Sawk!
  • Episode #42 Club Battle Finale: A Hero’s Outcome!
  • Episode #43 Meowth's Scrafty Tactics!
  • Episode #44 Purrloin, Sweet or Sneaky?
  • Episode #45 Beheeyem, Duosion, and the Dream Thief!
  • Episode #46 The Beartic Mountain Feud!
  • Episode #47 Crisis from the Underground Up!
  • Episode #48 Battle for the Underground!

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Pokemon Black and White Could Be Making a Comeback, But Not Necessarily as Remakes (Yet)


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Pokemon TCG World Champion Invited to Meet the Chilean President

Pokemon tcg stellar crown expansion: what's new and our best pulls, pokemon tcg world championships competitor gets immediately disqualified after winning, key takeaways.

  • Recent trademarks hint at a possible return of Pokemon Black and White in TCG form.
  • The trademarks may be in honor of the upcoming 15th anniversary of Pokemon Black and White, rather than signifying remakes.
  • The possible Black and White TCG sets may feature Gen 5 legendaries Zekrom and Reshiram.

Pokemon Black and White could be making a comeback in the form of Pokemon TCG sets, according to recently surfaced trademarks. Fans have been hoping for Black and White remakes for quite some time now, and these new Pokemon TCG sets may strongly support that possibility.

It has been a long-running tradition for the Pokemon franchise to release remakes of its previous mainline games, with the most recent pair being the Gen 4 titles Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl in 2021. Since then, players have been patiently waiting for the official return of Gen 5, and they have even speculated the possible titles for Pokemon Black and White remakes . Although The Pokemon Company has remained silent on the matter for years, newly surfaced trademarks finally hint at Pokemon Black and White taking the spotlight again.

The new Pokemon TCG World Champion is invited to meet the Chilean President, to formally congratulate the player on their win.

As shared by insider and journalist Joe Merrick on Twitter, The Pokemon Company has recently filed trademarks for two products called "Black Volt and White Flare," which heavily link to the Unova games. However, because these titles do not include the word Pokemon before them, they are more likely new Pokemon TCG sets rather than Black and White remakes. Moreover, these trademarks were filed along with a third one named "Hot Air Arena," a title more befitting a TCG. Fans should also remember that Pokemon Legends: Z-A is coming in 2025 , so Unova remakes are probably not Game Freak's main priority. On the other hand, players should still see these trademarks as a good omen.

Pokemon Trademarks Hint at Black and White Comeback

Releasing Black and White TCG sets may be a strategy to shift the focus toward Gen 5, even when Pokemon is preparing for Legends: Z-A . Players should remember that Pokemon Black and White will celebrate their 15th anniversary in 2025 and, as Merrick pointed out, trademarks are usually filed at least six months before the product's release. This could mean that The Pokemon Company has not forgotten about Gen 5 and the sets possibly relate to an anniversary commemoration. There are many reasons why Pokemon Black and White deserve remakes and rumors around them have been constantly ongoing, so fans should not lose faith in them yet.

While the new trademarks do not confirm Black and White remakes, they could still be exciting news for Pokemon TCG lovers. If true, the expansions would take a while to launch, but there is a chance they could feature the Gen 5 legendaries Zekrom and Reshiram. Pokemon TCG 's most recently announced expansion is called Scarlet & Violet - Surging Sparks and will be released on November 8 for all players to enjoy.

Pokemon TCG

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Pokemon TCG (Trading Card Game) is a collectible and strategy based card game based on Nintendo's Pokemon franchise. Two players face off against one another, battling one Pokemon at a time and attempting to knock them out to claim one of six prize cards. The cards have also become highly collectible with some in particular selling for thousands of dollars. 

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Black & White Pokémon Trading Card Game Rules

The Black & White Pokémon Trading Card Game Rules is a rulebook for the Pokémon Trading Card Game . The version released for Black & White , and every set thereafter, is not a "book" in the sense of bound pages between two covers. Instead, it is designed to be read in digital form, and formatted to match. (Products from Black & White onward include rulesheets instead of rulebooks.)

Additionally, this edition is an overall refresh of the rulebook's contents. All of the text was generally all redone. Example cards are not shown with a tilt. (The one case where this is true includes the card's final position where it is not tilted.) The section "What's New in..." was removed, replaced by a "Become A Pokémon Master!" section about the TCG as a whole. Removals compared to prior books include the index and the credits.

As before, explanations of mechanics are accompanied by card images, playmats , counters , and artwork of characters and Pokémon.

  • 1.1 Become A Pokémon Master!
  • 1.2 Pokémon TCG Basic Concepts
  • 1.3 Parts of a Pokémon Card
  • 1.4 Zones of the Pokémon TCG
  • 1.5 Playing the Game
  • 1.6 Pokémon Leagues and Trainer Kits
  • 1.7 Advanced Rules
  • 1.8 Deck Building
  • 1.9 Glossary
  • 2 Other variations
  • 4 External Links

Become A Pokémon Master!

A short section explaining the main ideas of Pokémon and the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon TCG Basic Concepts

A paragraph explaining how to win, followed by a page with a blurb for each of the game's Energy types . The first paragraph is paired with pictures of Hilbert and Hilda .

Parts of a Pokémon Card

A section showing an example of a Pokémon and a Trainer card , with labels to highlight each of the features on the cards. It is followed by an explanation of the three card types : Pokémon, Trainer, and Energy .

Zones of the Pokémon TCG

Similarly, this section shows a playmat with labels identifying each of the game's zones. The playmat is Black & White themed, featuring Reshiram and Zekrom . The labels include a blurb describing the zone's purpose. There is an additional blurb for the Hand .

Playing the Game

The longest section of the book, going through the core rules of the TCG. First, it summarizes how to win a game and how to start a game. Then it provides a list of the actions that are done during a turn, as well as a section elaborating on each action. Actions that must take place in a specific order are numbered, while actions that can be done in any order within that portion of the turn are marked by letters. The steps involved in executing an attack are also given letter designations. The steps for attacking are checking for Energy, checking for Weakness and Resistance , and placing damage counters equal to the damage. Lastly, the game describes the in-between turns step and Special Conditions . Some asides in this section are narrated by Professor Juniper .

Pokémon Leagues and Trainer Kits

This short section points players to their local game store and Pokémon League . It also advises purchasing a Trainer Kit for additional assistance.

Advanced Rules

A number of miscellaneous notes on the game's rules are in this section. This includes:

  • Definition of an attack, which clarifies elements that are not attacks like Abilities .
  • A more detailed version of the steps for performing attacks.
  • Two key questions:"What if you should draw more cards than you have?" and "What if both players win at the same time?"
  • A definition of Sudden Death , clarifying one result of "What if both players win at the same time?"
  • A section going over which phrases and symbols are or are not part of a Pokémon's name.

Deck Building

A section going over the rules and providing basic tips on how to build a deck .

A section with definitions for 46 different terms in the game. This section uses a two-column layout reminiscent of the older books.

Other variations

Every book has variations released for most TCG expansions. The variations on this book, and any additions they made, are as follows:

  • Emerging Powers
  • Noble Victories
  • Next Destinies : Adds the Appendix A section for Pokémon-EX .
  • Dark Explorers
  • Dragons Exalted : Adds Dragon as an Energy type.

An unknown book before Next Destinies added an Appendix section for Restored Pokémon .

  • Magby from Triumphant is included to show an example of an attack with a cost of 0, as the only non-Black & White Series card in the book.

External Links

  • The Black & White Pokémon Trading Card Game Rules on Judge Ball
  • The Next Destinies version of the book on Judge Ball
  • The Dragons Exalted version of the book on Judge Ball
  • Candidates for moving
  • Pokémon Trading Card Game publications

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You Probably Forgot That Pokémon Dipped Its Toe Into Romance Mechanics


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For a franchise with almost no romance in any medium, Pokémon has a huge shipping community. There may be a precious lack of canon or even one-sided pairings, but that hasn't stopped anyone before. Whether it be PokéShipping (Ash/Misty) , RocketShipping (Jessie/James), or AmourShipping (Serena/Ash), imagining a love story set in the Pokémon world is a popular pastime. Particularly in the games, there are a fair number of pretty-looking human characters, so fans have been wishing they could set up their own romances on their Pokémon journeys.

However, committing to a pairing is a dangerous thing for any franchise to do. Romantic tension is one of the easiest ways to grab an audience's attention, so once a ship is confirmed, it both ends a storyline and risks alienating people who don't like the pairing. This (and the kid-friendly nature of the series, of course) is why Pokémon games don't have canon pairings. There is one time, though, where the player characters had a somewhat romantic story arc: Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 , where depending on their gender, the player could get closer to the characters Curtis or Yancy.

The Dropped Item Sidequest is the World's Longest "Meet Cute"

When a stranger calls, it leads to...romance, pokémon's forgotten region predicted one of its best trends.

In a forgotten corner of the Pokémon world, a bizarre experiment gave way to a unique new breed of Pokémon and paved the way for future games.

If the player goes to the Rondez-View Ferris Wheel in Nimbasa City, they might notice an Xtransceiver on the ground . If they pick it up, it suddenly rings, and the caller will introduce themselves. Their name is either Curtis or Yancy depending on whether the player is a girl or a boy, and the Xtransceiver is theirs. However, their job keeps them very busy, so they won't be able to meet up to get it back very soon. So, they ask the player to hold onto it until they can finally meet.

Until the caller is able to meet, they'll occasionally call the player if they step on a specific tile in a specific location, and the two will get to know each other a little better with a conversation. Because they're calling from an older Xtransceiver model, they can't see the player's face and the player can't see theirs, which adds to the mystery of who Curtis and Yancy really are.

On the 10th call, they'll finally find the time to come pick up the Xtransceiver and meet up with the player in Nimbasa City. Here, the player finally sees them face-to-face, and they turn out to be around the same age as them. Curtis or Yancy will give the player their Xtransceiver info so they can stay in touch, but ask that the player call them instead .

For the next nineteen calls, Curtis and Yancy will tell the player a bit more about their personal lives and ask them for Pokémon-related advice. It turns out that Curtis likes fishing as a hobby and is a fan of Electric-type Pokémon , while Yancy loves to cook and thinks Normal-type Pokémon are adorable. On the thirtieth call, Curtis or Yancy will ask the player to meet them at the Rondez-View Ferris Wheel.

If the player does so, they'll ride on the Ferris wheel together, and Curtis or Yancy will comment on how much they enjoy being with the player. After that call, the player can ride the Ferris wheel with Curtis or Yancy once a day, trade Pokémon with them after the ride, and all future calls with them will show their sprites conspicuously blushing.

The Ferris Wheel Isn't the End of Curtis and Yancy's Sidequest

Puppy love in pokémon, what did each pokémon game do best.

The Pokémon continues to expand and evolve and each generation manages to do something genuinely special that allows it to stand out.

While the Rondez-View Ferris Wheel seems like a natural place for the sidequest to conclude, Curtis and Yancy still have plenty of dialogue for the player through Xtransceiver calls. While the 40th, 50th, and 51st calls have set dialogue, all other calls after the first Ferris wheel ride will pick from a random list of conversations. A lot of these conversations imply how fond Curtis and Yancy have really become of the player. For example, this quote shared by the two of them:

Sorry... I got a cold, it seems... But... seeing your face should help me recover sooner, [NAME].

What a pickup line. These kids are smooth.

On the 50th call, an unfamiliar person will pick up the Xtransceiver. Although they have the same hair color, eye color, skin color, and height as Curtis or Yancy, they'll be dressed up in some ostentatious-looking costumes and be wearing microphones. They hang up almost immediately, and on the following call, Curtis or Yancy will claim that the person was their coworker who answered on accident.

If the player was paying attention to TV programs and remembers that Curtis or Yancy started to say another name when first introducing themselves, they might put two and two together: Curtis and Yancy are actually Christoph and Nancy, the famous idols that can be seen on various TV programs across Unova.

After the 51st call, Curtis and Yancy will go back to the dialogue list used after the 30th call. There's nothing more to their story, but the player can still ride the Ferris wheel daily with them and will occasionally see Christoph or Nancy on TV with a Pokémon that the player traded to them. There's no grand ending to the sidequest where the idol reveals their true identity and declares their love or anything, but it's the first time the series even got close to outright giving the player a confirmed love interest .

Pokémon Hasn't Had Human Romance Mechanics Since

Where's the love, which retro pokémon game has aged the best.

The Pokémon series has gone from strength to strength recently, but the franchise as a whole owes a lot to this retro gem.

There have been ship teases between the player and other characters since like Shauna being written as interested in the male player character in X and Y (according to an interview with Junichi Matsuda in GameInformer ) and May and Brendan's relationship in the Hoenn remakes. However, Curtis and Yancy were the first characters implied to have a romantic interest in the player.

The games still stay away from romance arcs in general, and no other games have had romantic relationship building like with Curtis and Yancy . Since the Pokémon games have flirted with having other characters flirt with the player, though, why haven't they ever tried integrating an outright romance sidequest since, even if it ended before a confession like with Curtis and Yancy?

Pokémon has a big shipping community. Whether it's the games, anime, or manga, there's someone out there thinking about what it would be like if Character A and Character B got together. However, that also means there's someone wondering what it would be like if Character A and Character C were together instead. Confirming a ship means shutting other ships down, and that risks making a not-insignificant number of fans angry.

So why not offer multiple love interest choices? That may help with the "canon pairing" issue, but modern Pokémon games already have enough trouble running at all without adding extra content . Developers have to consider what the most important part of a game is , and a lot of features end up cut from the final product. In a game about magic animals having anime fights, the ability to choose a waifu isn't typically on the player's mind. Not to mention how awkward it can feel for players when any available love interests are younger than them...

Finally, there's the actual fan reception to the sidequest. While there were plenty of fans who thought the whole thing was cute, it got a lot of criticism for being so obtuse and taking so long. The first ten calls can only occur when stepping on specific tiles in specific areas, and which area the player has to be in to call Curtis or Yancy after the 10th call is randomly chosen out of the areas for the first 10 calls.

While the 15 possible tiles for the first 10 calls will always be the same (though the order to go to them in is randomized) and the later calls only require the player to be in the same area and not on a specific tile, it's not something that could be figured out through trial and error. Even for fans who just did the quest to get easier access to the Hidden Ability Pokémon that Curtis and Yancy can trade over, the number of steps required made it more tedious for fans who didn't really care about the pixelated pop star on the other side of the phone.

Why This Pokémon Spinoff is One of the Franchise's Best Games

The Pokémon franchise has released amazing titles throughout its history and Shadows of Almia is one of its best.

Adding romance to a story is a highly risky choice. On top of the minefield that is shipping, a bad writer can put too much focus on the romance and end up detracting from the main plot -- or just write the romance badly in general. Pokémon is a series targeted at children, and while kids can get just as into a love story as adults can, romance isn't the reason that kids buy the games. It's the sense of fun and adventure.

That's not to say that Pokémon 's older fanbase is negligible , or that kids would have a totally negative reaction to a Pokémon love story. The main issue with Curtis and Yancy was that their sidequest was so long and very unintuitive . It makes sense that the developers would keep something like this to a sidequest instead of the main plot, as not everyone will want a romance subplot in their game. What's interesting, though, is how Curtis and Yancy haven't shown up or even been mentioned since Black 2 and White 2 .

Did so few players actually finish the sidequest that Game Freak just figured the idols weren't notable enough to return? Was its reception so bad that Game Freak wanted to pretend it never happened? Or did Game Freak realize that putting any ship tease in the story without outright committing to a couple would be enough to satisfy shippers for another 28 years? Either way, Curtis and Yancy are interesting pieces of Pokémon history and fascinating nods to the romance-loving side of the fandom.

Expanding across a multitude of media, including TCGs, video games, manga, live-action movies and anime, the Pokémon franchise is set in a shared world of humans and creatures with a wide variety of special abilities. 

Pokemon (anime)


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  2. Pokémon: The 10 Best Black & White Characters, Ranked

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  3. two anime characters standing next to each other

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  4. Trip

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  5. Trip

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  6. How To Get HM03 Surf in Pokémon Black & White

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  1. Pokemon Black & White Walkthrough Part 1

  2. Pokemon Black & White: Walkthrough

  3. Pokemon Black and White Walkthrough

  4. Tourist Traps

  5. Conventional Wisdom

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  1. Trip

    Trip - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia

  2. Trip

    Trip is a character appearing in Pokémon the Series, who is one of Ash's rivals along his journey. Trip has neck-length dirty blonde hair and icy blue eyes. He wears a violet undershirt, an orange jacket over a dark-gray hooded sweater, a black waist-belt, white pants with black and white trainers and Trip is often seen with his camera, taking pictures of his journey. While traveling to take ...

  3. Trip

    Trip (Japanese: シューティー Shooti) is a male character from the series, Pokémon: Black & White. He has a non-friendly rivalry with Ash, meaning they hate each other both on and off the battlefield. While traveling to take on the Unova League, Trip enjoys taking photographs of Pokémon that he sees and he is known to be a Pokémon Photographer. Trip has been shown to care for his ...

  4. BW092

    Ash, Iris, and Trip: Then There Were Three! (Japanese: サトシ、アイリス、 シューティー!最後のバトル!! Satoshi, Iris, and Shooty!The Last Battle!!) is the 92nd episode of Pokémon the Series: Black & White, and the 749th episode of the Pokémon animated series.It first aired in Japan on August 30, 2012 and in the United States on December 15, 2012.

  5. BW040

    Cilan Versus Trip, Ash Versus Georgia! (Japanese: 熱闘ドンバトル!. ツタージャVSコマタナ!. The Fiercely Fought Don Battle! Tsutarja VS Komatana!!) is the 40th episode of Pokémon the Series: Black & White, and the 697th episode of the Pokémon animated series. It first aired in Japan on July 21, 2011 and in the United States ...

  6. Trip

    Trip is a Pokémon Trainer who started his journey in Unova with Snivy as his starter. He has a Serperior, a Dragonite, a Conkeldurr and other Pokémon that he used in battles with Ash and other rivals.

  7. Trip

    Trip is a Pokémon Trainer from the Unova region. He starts off his journey after obtaining his starter Pokémon from Professor Juniper in Nuvema Town.He makes his anime debut in the episode In the Shadow of Zekrom! of Pokémon Black and White.. In The Anime. Trip meets Ash in Professor Juniper's lab and shortly thereafter challenges him to a battle. Trip is intrigued after seeing Pikachu, who ...

  8. Trip (Pokemon Black & White)

    Trip (Japanese: Shooty) is a trainer from Nuvema Town in the Unova region. He is Ash first and main BW rival. Trip is a mature, unfriendly, and sometimes commentive person. He uses strategies and different battle styles for all his Pokemon, including his Serperior. He was inspired to become a Pokemon Trainer after seeing his idol Alder, the Unova League Champion, battle and defeat an opponent ...

  9. Trip (Pokémon)

    Trip (Shooty in the original Japanese version) a major character that appears in Pokémon the Series: Black and White. He is a Pokémon Trainer and serves as the primary rival to Ash Ketchum throughout the arc. He started his journey right around he and Ash first met and infamously defeated the hero in a battle. He is voiced by Akeno Watanabe in the Japanese version and Jamie McGonnigal in the ...

  10. Ash and Trip's Third Battle!

    Ash and Trip's Third Battle!

  11. Characters in Pokémon the Series: Black & White

    Ash's Oshawott, Trip's Serperior and Bianca's Emboar all used to be Starter Pokémon from her laboratory, and all of them would later make it to the Vertress Conference of the Unova League. ... Alternative Title(s): Pokemon Best Wishes, Pokemon Black And White Anime, Pokemon The Series Black And White Cast, Pokemon The Series Black And White ...

  12. Pokémon the Series: Black & White

    Pokémon: Black & White is the fourteenth season of the Pokémon anime series and the first and titular season of Pokémon the Series: Black & White, known in Japan as Pocket Monsters: Best Wishes! (ポケットモンスター ベストウイッシュ, Poketto Monsutā Besuto Uisshu!It originally aired in Japan from September 23, 2010, to September 15, 2011, on TV Tokyo channel 7, and in the ...

  13. Pokémon Location guide

    Pokémon Location guide - all routes, all Pokémon!

  14. Pokémon Black/White

    Pokémon Black/White - Unova Pokédex

  15. Episode 693

    Trip throws a Poké Ball to try and catch Palpitoad, but Ash slides into the Palpitoad to set it free. Palpitoad becomes dizzy, as it runs away to the lake. Ash scans Palpitoad with his Pokédex. Ash sees Trip and Vanillite, as he scans Vanillite with his Pokédex. Trip comments that people normally don't try to get captured in Poké Balls.

  16. Pokemon Black and White 2 Wifi Battle

    Pokemon Black and White 2 Wifi Battle - Ash Vs TripStarring: Pokemon Best WishesBrogamerchannel InformationFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/Brogamerchannel...

  17. Pokemon: Black & White (TV Show)

    Jamie McGonnigal is the English dub voice of Trip in Pokemon: Black & White, and Akeno Watanabe is the Japanese voice. TV Show: Pokemon: Black & White Franchise: Pokemon. Trip VOICE. Jamie McGonnigal. Akeno Watanabe. Latest News.

  18. Pokémon: Black & White

    When Ash and his mother accompany Professor Oak to the distant Unova region, Ash discovers Pokémon that he's never seen before… and that he can't wait to catch! He may have Pikachu at his side together with new friends Iris and Cilan, but he'll still need plenty of new Pokémon on his team if he wants to challenge Unova's expert Gym ...

  19. Trip

    Trip is the main rival of Ash hile traveling to take on the Unova League, Trip enjoys taking photographs of Pokémon that he sees and he is known to be a Pokémon Photographer. Trip had wanted to become a Pokemon trainer after seeing a Pokemon battle.

  20. Pokémon Black & White version-exclusive Pokémon

    Furthermore, Pokémon White contains an exclusive route, the White Forest, which contains a large batch of Pokémon. The equivalent in Pokémon Black is the Black City, which has more trainers but no wild Pokémon. Note: Cottonee and Petilil are only exclusive in the wild to Black and White respectively. The unobtainable one is available in ...

  21. Pokemon Black and White Could Be Making a Comeback, But Not Necessarily

    Releasing Black and White TCG sets may be a strategy to shift the focus toward Gen 5, even when Pokemon is preparing for Legends: Z-A.Players should remember that Pokemon Black and White will ...

  22. Black & White Pokémon Trading Card Game Rules

    The Black & White Pokémon Trading Card Game Rules is a rulebook for the Pokémon Trading Card Game.The version released for Black & White, and every set thereafter, is not a "book" in the sense of bound pages between two covers.Instead, it is designed to be read in digital form, and formatted to match. (Products from Black & White onward include rulesheets instead of rulebooks.)

  23. You Probably Forgot That Pokémon Dipped Its Toe Into Romance ...

    There is one time, though, where the player characters had a somewhat romantic story arc: Pokémon Black 2 and White 2, where depending on their gender, the player could get closer to the characters Curtis or Yancy. The Dropped Item Sidequest is the World's Longest "Meet Cute"