Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux

Players who embark on this supernatural sci-fi tale will find a serious, thought-provoking narrative intermixed with challenging dungeon-crawling gameplay and an addictive demon collecting and demon fusion mechanic.

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Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux is exactly what is advertised: a strange, phenomenal journey into the unknown. Players who embark on this supernatural sci-fi tale will find a serious, thought-provoking narrative intermixed with challenging dungeon-crawling gameplay and an addictive demon collecting and demon fusion mechanic.

Set sometime in the Earth’s near future, a mysterious dimensional phenomenon known as the Schwarzwelt appears in Antarctica and threatens to very quickly engulf the entire world. An international investigation team comprised of the best and brightest is sent to investigate the Schwarzwelt from the inside. They end up finding angels and demons waging war on one another for the fate of both the world and the humans who reside there. In true Shin Megami Tensei (SMT) fashion, the crucial decision of who to side with falls on you, the player, as a nameless member of the investigation team. Will you ultimately pick a route with either the more lawful-minded angels, the chaotic demons, or have humanity solve their own problems?

The narrative in SMT: Strange Journey Redux is a thrilling, intense one about extremes. The idea that humanity brought the Schwarzwelt on themselves through their tendency towards self-destructive actions was compelling, and I found it especially relevant given so many of the more troubling headlines we see today. Personally, I loved the science fiction undertones intermixed with the supernatural, though I know that is certainly a bit different from the norm as far as SMT storylines go. Another thing that is unique is that the crew all consists of older, more mature characters, which I felt fit the general tone of the game’s storyline really well.

Because this game is so focused on extremes, all of your decisions and the endings tend to never be that simple or easy. As such, the characters represent philosophical ideals instead of feeling like actual people. I found them to be likable, but also hard to approach. Zelenin and Jimenez both have moments when they stand out, but I often found those moments to be when their actions almost went counter to the routes they represented (Law and Chaos, specifically); for example, Jimenez’s fondness for Bugaboo and the main character’s friendship, despite the “only the strong survive” mentality he so often took. Gore is an even more extreme example of this philosophical modeling, given his otherworldly connections later on in the plot. Even Alex, who seems to represent humanity’s selfishness even in the face of extreme change and danger, can sometimes suffer from this. I came to like the characters all in their own ways and I was truthfully torn when it came to having to decide their fates, but it is in a different sort of manner to how you might grow attached to, say, the Persona characters (to name another SMT spinoff). The only characters that truly seem to be “real” in a sense are the crew members of the Red Sprite, and they’re pretty minor in the plot’s grand scheme.

Dungeon-crawling and demon fusion are the staples behind SMT: Strange Journey Redux’s challenging gameplay. This is best exemplified in the plot itself, as the player’s character wears a special suit of armor called a Demonica. This suit gives the player access to the Demon Summoning Program, thus giving them the ability to summon and control demons to fight in the party. Having a strong set of demons at your side is invaluable in the trials that await gamers over the course of SMT: Strange Journey Redux. Demons are acquired by one of three ways: talking to a particular demon during a battle in a demon negotiation; fusing existing demons in your roster together in order to create a new demon that inherits the skills of its predecessors; or generating passwords that summon demons you can then put into your party lineup. Players can even share these passwords with fellow gamers, so others may call forth your tailored demons during their own playthrough if they desire. Demon negotiations are quite a bit of work as every demon has its own distinct personality. Winning a demon over during a negotiation is no easy feat, but it is definitely worth trying if you wish to use acquired demons in the fusion process since you can create some truly powerful allies! You can spend a great deal of time fusing demons together, especially if you’re looking for a future demon to inherit a particularly useful skill or ability. I found the demon collecting and fusion mechanics to be highly addictive, and I put quite a bit of thought and strategy behind my reasoning for fusing certain demons together since I always needed to be mindful of which skills or statistics would work best in a particular dungeon or boss fight. While I didn’t take full advantage of the demon password system until the final portion of the game, I truly appreciated its implementation during some very challenging boss fights.

Dungeon-crawling in SMT: Strange Journey Redux can be a time-consuming affair as every new map is complex and often features more pathways and puzzles than one can shake a stick at. Adding to the nuances already in play in these puzzle-laden expeditions is the fact that the player’s character is tasked with retrieving Forma, a special item that is either found lying around the various dungeon areas or that is being held by hostile demons. Forma allows you to gain access to new items and equipment, which is vitally important as the only way your character’s abilities and skillsets improve or alter is through upgrading your Demonica and weaponry. Some of these upgrades include special Apps for the Demonica that gives the player entry to areas of dungeons that otherwise would be completely blocked off. These dungeon altering special Apps may simply unlock doors or deactivate traps, or they may shift the layout of an entire area so that you gain access to new terrain.

It is easy to look at the sheer amount of things to do in SMT: Strange Journey Redux and feel overwhelmed, but every new puzzle blocking the way has a cleverly crafted solution waiting to be uncovered. I often found myself getting overly frustrated with a dungeon’s design or the tediousness associated with level-grinding, and had to shut off my 3DS for a while to avoid throwing it against a wall. Then when I’d go back a little while later, I was in sheer awe when I figured out what I needed to do in order to actually advance. There are certain areas that are much more frustrating than others (looking at you, Eridanus), but the sense of accomplishment and relief I experienced when I surpassed those challenges made me feel downright giddy. Thankfully, while there are more traditional save points populating the dungeons, the game allows for a quicksave feature when you’re out on the field, which is great for those with only a limited amount of time to play. I found that to be a very handheld-friendly feature, especially since you will no doubt be spending quite a bit of time level-grinding in each new area.

As Strange Journey Redux is an enhanced 3DS port of a 2009 DS title, there is new content to be had: new demons were added to the existing roster, Japanese voice acting was included, and the character designs were revamped. The in-game graphics are serviceable and haven’t been altered much from the original Nintendo DS release, but the updated character artwork and illustrated scenes are quite gorgeous. The musical score, both tracks from the original release and the new route pieces, are well-done and add to the atmosphere of the game wonderfully. Naturally, the biggest addition is the extra story content as the game’s total endings are brought up from the original three (Law, Chaos, Neutral) to six (New Law, New Chaos, and New Neutral). Because the storyline is built upon moral and philosophical extremes, the new story content expands on that notion to make further commentary on the original game’s narrative and endings. In a way, it’s a creative approach to the additional plotlines, though it isn’t without its fair share of weaknesses either.

Perhaps the biggest of these weaknesses is the fact that the Redux content is largely unconnected to the main game. Newcomer Alex does in fact show up in the original story a few times, but most of her scenes are entirely skippable if one opts to not do the Womb of Grief dungeon, easily Redux’s biggest addition. The Womb of Grief has levels that can only be advanced depending on where the player is in the main story and what Apps are available to you, but going back to it time and again feels as though it takes you out of the main plot. The Womb of Grief also has several dungeon features found throughout the main quest’s dungeons, such as warp puzzles and invisible floors, though very rarely do they feel as well-implemented as they do in the main game’s areas. I often felt like taking the time to traverse this lengthy optional dungeon was a chore, at least up until the later portions when everything comes together in both the main plot and Alex’s quest.

That being said, partaking in SMT: Strange Journey Redux’s new content is the only way to access the new endings, so it is worthwhile it if you wish to see them instead of any of the previous ones. As with the old endings, the new ones are sure to garner mixed reactions from gamers. I reached the New Neutral Ending myself on a blind playthrough, though I apparently teetered quite a bit between Law and Chaos with my decisions. I knew the New Neutral Ending wasn’t quite as well-liked by some compared to the previous Neutral ending, but I rather enjoyed the realistic way it covered the final story moments of the game and the way it approached my character’s moral neutrality. Someone might not like the new routes at all, or vice-versa. The endings are purely up to one’s interpretation, however the fact that there are now six endings is certainly nothing to sneeze at. Special mention should also be made of the new final boss, whom I came to have quite a few feelings for as a result of several lengthy and difficult first attempts. Eventually, I devised a strategy that worked well against them, but I certainly felt I’d earned that New Neutral Ending when all was said and done!

All in all, I really enjoyed the time I spent with SMT: Strange Journey Redux. The plot and characters really make you think about philosophy and morality and, as a result, I became addicted to playing just a “little more” every time I saw another story scene. It’s a game that stayed with me well after having finished it, and the sense of accomplishment that I felt at surpassing the many challenges that awaited me during my playthrough was incredible. Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux isn’t a game for everyone, but those with the patience and resolve to trek into the Schwarzwelt will find a journey well worth taking.

Excellent choice-based philosophical narrative, well-implemented strategic gameplay, overcoming challenging dungeons is rewarding, addicting demon collecting and fusing.

New story content not seamlessly intermixed, perception of endings might be hit or miss, challenges can be daunting, tedious level-grinding.

Bottom Line

Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux's challenging gameplay might not be for everyone, but those it does appeal to will find a well-crafted dungeon-crawling experience with a thought-provoking narrative.

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In the near future, an unexplained phenomenon manifests in the South Pole.

The Earth is now home to over 7 billion people, pollution has eroded what's left of the ecosystem, the disparity between rich and poor has never been wider, and as a result, mankind suffers from environmental catastrophes, geopolitical conflict, wars, chaos and disorder.

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All of this destruction manifests itself as the Schwarzwelt - a subspace anomaly that suddenly appears in the South Pole and begins rapidly growing in size, obliterating all that it touches. In response to this new and mysterious threat, the United Nations create a secret elite team tasked with making sense of and handling a situation beyond human understanding. Humanity's last hope, the "Schwarzwelt Investigation Team," couldn’t have imagined what was waiting for them. In order to prevent the extinction of humanity, the Investigation Team must risk their lives and press on into the danger of the unknown. They discover what some would call "Angels" and "Demons", creatures only heard of in myths. Are they friend or foe?

During their investigation, a mysterious girl appears in front of you, wearing unfamiliar equipment who travels the Land of Ruin by herself, then she suddenly becomes hostile. What is her objective? Ultimately, your choices and decisions will affect the fate of humanity.

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Shin Megami Tensei® Strange Journey Redux Nintendo 3DS™ Release Date: 05.15.2018 (NA) Release Date: 05.18.2018 (EU) Genre: RPG Players: 1 ESRB: Mature

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Lord Yuan Shu

Video Game Walkthrough Guides FAQs

Strange Journey Grus Sector Guide

After the shift, we are in Sector G, code name Grus . Seems to be a haywire version of Antlia , frozen throughout with some areas that look nothing like we have seen. New Main Mission: Grus’s Exotic Matter .

As usual, to Irving we go with the boss spoils. He takes the Salt Lump . New Sub-Apps available; Tea Amity ( demon will reconsider when it changes it’s mind about joining you), Long Birthday (demon item present for leveling up), and Laplace . Definitely get Laplace since it’s only 1000, takes 0 spots and raises odds of creating higher level demons than normal during fusion.

Grus Sector Code G

As always when entering a new sector, get your best demons ready for battle. As you get to Sector Grus, it is about what you saw on the monitor and at Antlia . It is now snowing in the region and we have blue flames abound.

Head to the north and through the door to see a phase shifter in the middle of the room with a Demon Angel guarding it. It mentions Master Mastema who we have no seen in a while come to think of it. Grab the Yoma Mask x1 forma in the area then further south for a Yoma Bridle x1 .

Through the door in the south and a demon will begin to speak about the illusions you see. Sure enough if you take the southwest path (southeast is dead end) you will see what looks to be another dead end but the illusion lifts as you get closer. Take an east when you can for a Demon that tells you that ‘the enemy uses a rather troublesome spell’. Follow along south to an empty room and an east route to continue on. North for an AT Grusite x2 and if you go east all the way and north a long ways, you reach a Gate Search door that you cannot open unless you got Gate Search E from the EX mission with Amaterasu. If you can go in that door, grab the Detox Core x4 forma and the Bead of Life x1 treasure within.

Back south of 1F for a big square room. The west end opens up to another identical area except you can go west or south here. First Enemy Search of Grus was in this area, with Nymph Peri and level 72 Genma Heimdall . Needless to say he wasn’t easy to take down even knowing his fire weakness. Because of the level difference he will dodge your attacks extremely often but a Genma Bugle forma is worth your time. Anyway, after this fight head west to another big room and then north. Yoma Bridle x1 along the way. Two paths going north here, one to the right that is a dead end and the left one is a dead end too but with a dead crewman at the end. Check the east wall near the top of this west path and you should see a door; if you acquired the Gate Search Type E function from the Amaterasu EX Mission, you can go through. North for a rare forma: the Cornucopia .

The Red Sprite

The group is called back to the Red Sprite. More suspicious activity from Captain Jack’s Squad HQ . Back at the HQ you get a call in from Ryan , who brags about the tech left behind by Jack and reports that he killed some of your squad members over there.

Two alignment questions ahead, one from Jimenez (top answer for Chaos, lower answer for Neutral) and the other from Zelenin (top answer for Law, lower answer for Neutral). New Main Mission: Pacify Jack’s Squad . To the Lab to return the Cornucopia and the Unlock feature of your Main App has been enhanced. You have now obtained Unlock E . Also was able to buy the Mortal Knife for 13.2 K.

Back into Grus Sector and you can use the Phase Shift. Just north for a DF Grusite X x1 forma and then to the south to see a demon, who sees it is you and Zelenin. South of here for a Fairy Helmet x1 and then you can go through the east door. An Enemy Search here with our Genma friend and then a big room ahead. No where to go but south, and then take a quick west and north for a heal spot and Detox Core x4 forma. West and north again for a Terminal to save.

The south-center room in this area has an Angel, along with the northeast room (which has a few). The southeast path leads to a pit that is by the Terminal. Continue west instead and you will reach a new pit that takes you to a new area. North and take the west route north, and you come to a door where you are rejected as a heretic. East and south for a pit back to the Terminal if you want, or go south where you entered this region and north for a pit to a new area.

Travel south until you have to go east, and then south a few spaces. Go west when you can (south for a pit that leads back), and then take that west route going south for a room with Mahama Stone x2 . Back north, remembering to take the west route north to avoid the pit, and then go northeast and south when you can for a big room with another Guardian Angel. He is blocking a door at the south end.  Instead, go back north and east more, looking for another south route. Calm Core x4 in here. Take the northeast route now, for a pit that leads south to a new area.

Return to the Red Sprite via the pit in the northeast from Mastema’s room, and then you will be by a Terminal to return.

Jack’s Squad HQ

Time to return to Jack’s Squad HQ with the new Zelenin and see what happens. Head straight north to the Lightning Ship and Zelenin will do here singing. Crewman Jimenez is skeptical to say the least. They go deeper in and will release the demons that Ryan’s Squad has.

You then talk to the leader of this demon group, a Jaki Grendel . He wants to take the recovering demons to a world of illusion . The great mother who controls that world of illusion is Maya of the Night . Main Mission: Pacify Jack’s Squad is now complete.

Arthur theorizes that Zelenin will be useful despite her shady, new abilities. Also mentions that the boss of Grus is Maya. Jimenez mentions a pocket dimension you can reach within Grus with the Phase Shifter. He then passes off the Giant’s Fang to you, which you take to Irving and you can now use Phase Shifter B .

Grus Sector G

Time to re-enter Grus Sector. Go to that Phase Shifting element and choose Phase Shift Type B. New area now. You can go back north through the door to go back near the ship, but instead grab the forma near you ( DF Grusite x1 ). South should lead to a longer path that also has an Enemy Search ( Genma Heimdall ). Through a door to the west and to the northwest corner here for another Enemy Search. This time it was an Avian Garuda (strong vs. fire, weak vs. ice).

South of this area is a huge route going south, with many paths. First, we’ll take the northwestern path for a Terminal door and a dead end. This dead end is where you’ll get dumped (pit area coming up).

Next, take the northeastern-most path and look north as you go that way for a heal spot. Further east for a path to drop down to a new area. Follow the path and take the west route for a pit. This takes you by a Beast Scales x1 forma, then west all the way for AC Grusite x2 . South now and take the west path going south for DF Grusite x2 . No other path to take besides that one on the east end leading south to a pit, so take it. This leads to a new area in the south. Enemy Search here ( Gogmagog + Avian Garuda ). Straight north and you will see a door; your demonica will respond if you try to enter. Says you need to value freedom to go through the door (Must be Chaos-alignment to enter, I am presuming. I am Neutral). So head back and take that middle path going west. Enter the door going south along the way.

Time to return to speak to your crew-mates about what to do. Out of the Jaki Grendel room and west. The door to the north you see is locked and again I think is Chaos-alignment only. Chakra Core x1 forma here as you go south and hit a pit. This takes you back to the Terminal and you will run into Crewman Jimenez . Of course he suggests you take the deal, after all, he has reason to detest their squad. He talks some more and then heads out.

You can head back or explore further within this area. Take that northeast pit again, but this time take the next northeast pit (instead of the northwest one). This leads to a room with another pit and facing to the north, a door. Scan through this Gate Search Type C door and grab the Mamudo Stone x2 . Take the west pit now to return to the Terminal.

Back to the main area with the Terminal, and now take the first door on the west end as you go south. In this room you will find an AC Grusite x1 forma. An interesting demon is also in the room. The room just south of this has another demon that mentions the angels and humans are both worth stomping on. East of here for a demon that curses Jack’s Squad for beating his friends up.

Return back to your ship. As you get close, angel Zelenin seems to be talking to herself. You can watch or call out to her, doesn’t matter. But she does offer a second question; “By all means, sing” for Law, “That won’t be necessary” for Chaos and “Let me think” for Neutral.

The Red Sprite members deliberate for a while. Ultimately, everyone disagrees and Arthur pins it on you to decide. Accept the demon terms for Chaos or accept the angel terms for Law (of course, choosing “we shouldn’t” twice is Neutral).

Rest at Sickbay and then check out the Lab. Was able to produce the powerful Scanner Vest , and the Warrior Ring which provides a lot more HP.

The choice is still yours. You can accept Zelenin’s plan to sing for Law, or you can go to the Jaki Grendel and choose to go with his plan. Also, you can just choose to fight him for Neutral. It’s not a particularly hard fight, just use high-level magic to penetrate is stout physical defense. Anyway, however you decide to open up the door in Grus 1F, you can continue on south through what was once a purple barrier.

Maya will call out to you as you enter. Further south and you will have some distorted visions. Commander Gore pops into the screen and orders all to shoot each other, and points the gun at you. Someone yells and you get out of the vision and the crazy dead Gore shows up. He seems to have woken up and tells of the ubergestalt, and then of some of the tougher bosses; Maia Ouroboros, Tiamat, Maya and Mem Aleph .

When you can continue, go south through the two doors. West at the upside-down T is a dead end. East and you can go through another door, and Gore calls in. He has the coordinates for the location you need to get to, and it’s on the same floor you are on, but you’ll have to go down to B3F first and then back up. Take the stairs down to Grus B1F.

West and look north for a Terminal to save. West a bit and north for a locked door. Further west and you will come to two different water paths. North leads to a pit and Grus B1F. North and west for a dead end or just go northeast and you come to two different south paths. East path leads to a pit on Grus B1F.

You are dumped by a river to the north (but you can’t take it because it’s going at you) and further west for a Terminal (look north again). Take the west water route and you will see in this new area that you can go south to get back to where you were. So just go north and through the door. North more and you have a T but a dead end. Take the east path through the door and head north. Lots of illusions but the northwest path opens up. The path then winds a bit until you reach a door facing the south that is a water area. Don’t be hasty here; take the north route when you can and through the east door. Take the Bead x3 treasure and go back west through the door, and then north to a pit. Then go south for a pit, and this takes you to the east side of these treasures. Head north and look for a west door. Grab the Bead of Life x1 . West to get on the main water route for a little backtracking to make up for the treasures. You’ll want to go to that route on the west end of this area that took you to the first treasure, and instead go west. Takes you to a pit and a new area to the north of Grus B1F.

Hmm, looks like Delphinus Sector right? New enemies here like a Wood Erlkonig . Follow the long path south, east, north and west. South path up here led to Night Torch x1 forma . You can now either go west for a pit or go south to descend the stairs (in the middle of that area). Take that south route to the stairs going to Grus 2F.

North and east for a pit (other two paths lead to nothing). North and east leads to a pit back to the previous area. Straight north and down the stairs to Grus 3F. South through the door though it’s a one-way. Tough enemies in here like Tyrant Abaddon . Ignore the east route as it just circles north and sends you through some poison. South instead for another one-way door. South again through a one-way door. Now you are in an area where you can go fifteen billion ways including a few different stairs going up. Good luck, I can only do so much. I would suggest running often so you can focus on finding a route and if you have sub-apps that make demon encounters go faster, you will want to die. I ended up taking the southwest staircase going up to Grus B2F, having to go through some lava.

In this area, take the only route you can to the pit. Then in this new area, go south and north all the way, then west when you can and look for a Terminal to save. East and north for a pit. In this area there are three paths; the west that leads to a dead end and the north and south routes that lead to pits. Take the north route for the pit. Then west a few spots for another pit. North all the way for a Gate Search Type C door. You can try to get on the water route but it sends you back. So go east and north for a Terminal. North for a pit.

This takes you back to an area in Grus 2F that looks more like Antlia. A few steps east for a pit. This room has three paths. East leads to nothing, north leads to a pit / area you’ve been to, so go south for a pit. Revival Core x4 forma to the south here. Two more pits to take, so take the east one. East a few more steps and you’re back to an area in Grus 2F that you’ve been to before. Take the south route now and then hop on the water route after you get out of the pit. Either way here you are screwed, taking you to a route you’ve been or a Terminal. Just take the west route to the Terminal. Take the northeastern pit here, and then the northern pit in the next area. A few steps west for another pit you may have been to. This time in this next area, take the east route instead of straight north. New pit and new area to the southwest. West a few squares to a new pit, setting you just to the west. Straight north to a staircase to Grus B1F .

You can go north or south and they just circle around. So go west. South is a river that sends you back and north for a pit that sends you to the beginning of Grus B1F, screwing us some more.

3 thoughts on “Strange Journey Grus Sector Guide”

lol the end of Grus Sector does suck. It’s like the area in Eridanus where Captain Jack’s Squad makes you find the Forma but about 10x worse.

Thank you for these! I found them very helpful. I guess you never finished them? Too bad… I enjoyed following these along.

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Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey » Characters

A list of characters who appear in Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey , the Redux remake, and its manga spinoff Deathtament: Shin Megami Tensei Deep Strange Journey -Another Report- .     open/close all folders 

Schwarzwelt Investigation Team

Characters in Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey

Voiced by: Jun Hirose (Redux), Rikiya Koyama (Drama CD)

  • The Ace : He's undeniably the strongest fighter no matter what side he's on and is more than capable of handing any demon or angel that may try to stop him from achieving his objective.
  • Arthur poses this question to him in the New Neutral ending, having spent possibly hundreds, if not thousands of years protecting humanity from the Schwarzwelt. At the very least, it's implied the protagonist is no longer capable of aging .
  • In one of the last cinematics of the Law and Chaos routes, the protagonist can be seen standing next to Jimenez/Zelenin without the helmet of their Demonica on, something established to be fatal for normal humans.
  • Back from the Dead : In Redux , Alex kills him... and Demeter resurrects him, as if nothing happened.
  • Badass Normal : Jimenez actually remarks you must be something to this effect when you kill him in the Neutral Path. Made explicitly obvious in the Law route where he isn't given any form of power.
  • Brought Down to Normal : You relinquish everything you've gathered in the Schwarzwelt at the end of the Neutral route to prevent this knowledge from altering the rest of the world . Subverted in the New Neutral Ending, where he becomes more or less immortal and wages a never-ending war against the Scharzwelt and, effectively, all of demonkind.
  • The Captain : You effectively become this for the Strike Team after Gore field promotes you before dying and Arthur signs off on it.
  • Canon Name : In the drama CD (and supplementary japanese materials), he is given the name Tadano Hitonari, a pun on "tada no hito nari" which means "just an ordinary person" in Japanese.
  • Contrasting Sequel Main Character : Most SMT protagonists are teenagers who happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. The Strange Journey protagonist, on the other hand, is an adult military officer deliberately getting himself involved in the plot.
  • Do with Him as You Will : After beating Captain Jack , you can choose to sit back and watch as half-demon Jimenez rips him apart .
  • Dude, Where's My Respect? : Averted. Regardless of what path you choose to follow, your allies will cheer you on as you get closer to the end of the game, especially on the Neutral Path. Prior to this, you are always asked your opinion, and it almost always winds up being taken into consideration. Furthermore, the demons steadily come to regard you as the single greatest threat on the Strike Team, and outright panic when you arrive in the final area.
  • In the Neutral and Chaos route you are empowered by either Gore's brilliance or Mem Aleph's breath.
  • In the New Neutral ending in Redux , you use the Cosmic Fruit, which makes you immortal and allows you to protect Earth from future appearances of the Schwarzwelt.
  • In general, he has no magical qualities nor is he the descendant or reincarnation of a supernatural being. Given that he's not The Chosen One until the entities in the Schwarzwelt deem him useful, and even then he can always go back on their word, it's his power armor Demonica and advanced weaponry that empower his already potent training to become a deadly force of nature. This is also downplayed on the Law Route, where he gains no empowerments and stays human, having relied on his power armor and weapons.
  • Evil Laugh : Implied in the Chaos route, when Jimenez comes back to the Red Sprite after you defeat Gore. "...[You]!? Did you just laugh!?"
  • Expy : Soldier heading off into another dimension? Completely and totally human and facing off against monsters that are more or less the stuff of nightmares? Fighting against the forces of Hell (and Heaven) for all of eternity with seemingly no end in sight in the new neutral route ? Are we sure we aren't talking about the Doomguy here?
  • Fighting the Lancer : No matter what path he takes he'll be forced to fight and kill two of his close allies. Whether it's Commander Gore and Jimenez in Law, Commander Gore and Zelenin in Chaos, or Zelenin and Jimenez in Neutral.
  • First-Name Basis : Your crewmates tend to go by your first name outside of briefings, as is typical for military members to do in informal settings once they deem the other person experienced enough.
  • Forever War : The New Neutral ending has you battle the Schwarzwelt for all eternity.
  • Future Badass : You winding up saving your past self from getting your ass kicked by a rampaging Yggdrasil.
  • The Gunslinger : He pulls his weight in battle mostly with the non-gun elemental skills his guns provide.
  • The Hero : He is the main character, and the fate of humanity rests on his shoulders and hinges upon his decisions.
  • Hero of Another Story : In Deathament, Jin and some of the crew of the Gigantic talk about his presence in the Red Sprite, being the other Japanese national to be seconded to the SIT .
  • Heroic Mime : Downplayed with him. He's actually quite talkative compared to most protagonists and has plenty of dialogue options compared to the others. The issue is that he has no voiced dialogue in cutscenes and story bits, but even in battle he's prone to yelling out his orders as expected of military commanders on the front lines.
  • I Choose to Stay : In the New Neutral ending, he remains in the Schwarzwelt to destroy it over and over again for all eternity.
  • Immortal Hero : At the end of the New Neutral route, the protagonist basically becomes this by using the Cosmic Fruit.
  • Item Caddy : Due to the way the game randomizes the protagonist's stat growth, it's difficult to specialize him for damage unless you expend Incenses to directly boost his stats. Some players opt to use him as support to his demon companions, since item use is exclusive to him and he gets an Action Initiative when doing so.
  • It's Up to You : Played with; it's made clear that you're working in the field with fellow soldiers, who you occasionally encounter and talk to. Even in the penultimate floor of the final sector, you get one last chance to exchange words with your comrades. At the same time, you're the one who has a hand in all the major advancements, such as finding the materials necessary to jump from one sector to the next, wiping out a Hate Plague , retrieving Cosmic Eggs, and pulling the plug on the last bit of resistance for your alignment .
  • Last-Name Basis : Unusually for a Megami Tensei game, you're referred to by your last name most of the time—even in menus and the battle screen, your last name is shown instead of your first. It makes sense, as you're a military officer.
  • Medium Awareness : One of his possible dialogue options with Jack Frost is to point out that he's the Series Mascot , which prompts him to join the Protagonist to not harm his image. This makes him the first protagonist to engage in Breaking the Fourth Wall .
  • Oh, Crap! : In Redux . While he obviously doesn't vocalize it, the first time you encounter Alex in the Womb of Grief, the fact that the first dialogue option is "Run away" speaks volumes.
  • Prophet Eyes : He gains these if he becomes devoutly Law-aligned.
  • Psychotic Smirk : Has a small one if he is chaos aligned .
  • Race Lift : A more subtle example. Your appearance doesn't change, but what country you're comes from depends on what region of the game you're playing (Japanese for Japanese version, American for North American version, etc.) Given that the United States is a diverse country, especially compared to Japan, he appears to be of East Asian ethnicity no matter what.
  • Semper Fi : In the American localization, he is part of the USMC.
  • Shut Up, Kirk! : In Redux , if you complete the Womb of Grief on the Law and Chaos routes but refuse to aid Alex, you give her one of these before fighting her .
  • The Stoic : You are actually commended by your teammates for not cracking under the strain, and this results in many members of the crew looking up to your character as a role model.
  • Suddenly Shouting : In battle in Redux he is given voiced dialogue of him yelling his orders and actions, which Commanders in the military are taught to do given how loud the sounds of combat are.
  • Supernatural Gold Eyes : He gains these if he becomes devoutly Chaos-aligned.
  • Unwitting Pawn : He is this to Demeter. The main reason she decided to save the Protagonist from death is to use him to collect fruits to restore the Three Wise Men's power. He doesn't realize this until after she steals the final fruit that Alex gave him.
  • You Are in Command Now : After Gore's death .

Voiced by: Unshō Ishizuka (Redux), Tesshō Genda (Drama CD)

  • Badass in a Nice Suit : For no other reason than that it looks cool , Gore inexplicably sports a nifty tuxedo in his Ubergestalt form.
  • Badass Normal : He very nearly defeats Orias single-handedly. Too bad Orias decided to play dirty.
  • Bald of Authority : Not a hair on his head, and he's the commanding officer of the expedition. Per the trope, he has a very commanding presence and even takes to the field when things start taking a turn for the worst.
  • Big Good : He's the Red Sprite's commanding officer as well as the leader of the overall expedition. As such, he's the Neutral Path's representative.
  • Black Dude Dies First : He's one of the few characters of color in the game, and he dies (along with several other characters) before the halfway point of the first dungeon.
  • Blank White Eyes : His Ubergestalt form has these. Redux clarifies them to be more like Prophet Eyes .
  • Came Back Strong : He returns from the dead as an Ubergestalt, which needless to say is far more powerful than his human form. And if you've landed on the Law or Chaos routes, you get to experience first-hand how strong he is.
  • Catchphrase : Constantly says variations of "the fate of the Earth is on our/your/my shoulders". Even his dying speech includes it.
  • Climax Boss : In the final sector, you meet up with him and he gets ready to discuss his plans to destroy the Schwarzwelt. If you are devoutly Lawful or Chaotic, or don't answer his alignment questions in a neutral manner, he deems you too far off the deep end and fights you. Following his death, Arthur self-terminates, the Red Sprite is left in a state of disrepair, and Jimemez or Zelenin (depending on your alignment) storm the Red Sprite and work their brainwashing mojo.
  • Dare to Be Badass : When the player locks themselves into the Neutral Route, he gives a brief speech to remind them to cast aside the temptations of angels and demons and complete the Schwarzwelt mission. "You realize, I hope, that you have chosen to side with the weakest power in this conflict. Great hardships await you on the path you've chosen to follow. But I want you to remember the way you feel now... I want you to remember that determination."
  • A Father to His Men : The crew holds him in high esteem, and he cares deeply for them, as evidenced by him personally joining the Strike Team to find Jimenez.
  • Our Zombies Are Different : As the Ubergestalt, he is mystically empowered by the Mothers to serve as their herald, and absorbing great power eventually causes his dead body to decay.
  • Self-Recovery Surprise : When fought as a boss, the first time his 7,500 HP is depleted, he will fully heal himself and keep fighting, giving him an effective 15,000 HP.
  • Spirit Advisor : In the Neutral Path. He's much more of an antagonist in the Law and Chaos paths.
  • Take Up My Sword : Commander Gore puts you in charge of the mission before he dies. In the Neutral route, as the Ubergestalt he asks you to stop the Schwarzwelt and leave the future of humanity on its own hands, rather than pass it to external forces.
  • Unexplained Recovery : It is Mother Maia who brings him back to life, to understand her enemy. Though how she did it is unknown.
  • Voice of the Legion : His Ubergestalt form speaks with a very dramatic echo, much like a stadium announcer. Combined with the dramatic voicework of Unshō Ishizuka , and you get a prime Large Ham .

Voiced by: Maaya Sakamoto (Redux), Yuko Kaida (Drama CD)

A Russian scientist assigned as the First Lieutenant to the observation crew of the Elve . Her appointment was one of the first made in preparation for the Schwarzwelt operation. She is a friendly and intelligent thinker, and dedicated to the mission.

After crashlanding in the Schwarzwelt, Zelenin and the rest of the Elve crew were abducted by the demon general Mithras, who used the crew as test subjects for his experiments. As a result of all she'd seen and heard while in Mithras's custody, she hates demons and refuses to work with them under any circumstances.

  • Angelic Beauty : Invoked nearly by trope name, with Irving calling her angelic transformation a "beaut". He can, however, sense something rather off about her.
  • Angelic Transformation : Ultimately accepts Mastema's offer to turn her into an angel, becoming the main Law character of the game.
  • Anti-Mutiny : In the New Law route, she comes to decide the Three Wise Men have perverted the precepts of harmony that is the Law alignment and turns against them.
  • Apocalypse Maiden : If the forces of Law have their way, any surviving humans judged "worthy" of living in the Lawful Earth will live forever under the thrall of Zelenin's song, which deprives all living things of their sentient will. It's later confirmed that those under the full blast of her song don't technically qualify as human.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing : While Jimenez starts off as a Jerkass and slowly reveals a better side through his interactions with the MC and Bugaboo, Zelenin goes the opposite direction: polite, friendly, and rational at first, if a little stiff, and slowly revealing a darker nature.
  • Her goal as an angel is to use her Song to eliminate conflict by eliminating free will . Many would likely dispute the "greater good" part.
  • In the True Law ending of Redux , she still does so, but downplays it; rather, she eliminates the emotion of human spite, removing the impulse for humans to be cruel to each other for no reason, leaving free will intact.
  • Brown Note : Her Song is capable of forcing those who hear it to become mindless devotees to the Forces of Law.
  • Climax Boss : In Redux , her Pillar form is the final opponent you face before the Three Wise Men themselves on the New Chaos route.
  • Emotionless Girl : As an angel, she thinks of nothing but to enforce her hymn on everyone. Subverted in Redux if you follow Alex's questline to its conclusion.
  • Evil Makeover : She changes outfits to a strange, coat-like robe as Judge Zelenin.
  • Face–Heel Turn : After you defeat Maya, she formally goes AWOL and joins the angels to remove free will and create a World of Silence . This could later be Inverted if the protagonist is compelled by Alex.
  • Because of her ordeal in Bootes, Zelenin hates demons, refusing to work with them regardless of the circumstances and viewing them only as tools for the study of the Schwarzwelt. The irony is, however, that she happily accepts support from Mastema's angels... even though, by Megaten terminology, angels are demons like any other, just with a different alignment.
  • After being turned into an angel, she comes to look down on humans as well. Subverted in the New Law route, however, where Alex causes her to realize she was lashing out and she comes up with a far more humane plan than the original Law ideals.
  • Can inflict this upon the demons saved from Jack's Squad, who are turned into masses of incomprehensible, mindless data that only say gibberish.
  • There's also Jack's Squad themselves, who are turned into mindless drones chanting the Lord's name over and over.
  • Final Boss : She's your final opponent in the original Chaos route for both the original game and Redux .
  • Heel–Face Turn : In the New Law route, Alex convinces her that a World of Silence wouldn't save humanity, and she decides to create a world of peace and harmony for all humans.
  • Knight Templar : Just before the Chaos route's final battle, she declares that she hoped she could save everyone, but ultimately decides the soul of all living things is beyond redemption, and thus every being with a soul must be destroyed. Applies also in New Chaos route when she's confronted in the Empyrean Ascent. Notably, what causes the New Law route in Redux is her starting to have doubts.
  • Lust Object : She might have been this to her male colleagues on the Elve ...emphasis on the might , since it's Asura telling her this, and it's entirely possible that he's just saying that to try and piss her off.
  • Ms. Exposition : Of the crew she's the most knowledgeable of the physical properties of the Schwarzwelt, and will gladly regale anyone who asks in a fountain of Techno Babble .
  • One-Hit Kill : As Pillar Zelenin, she has Requiem . Unlike Mem Aleph's MA , it's not guaranteed to hit... but it hits the entire party at once . And just for that extra knife in the kidney, it's an Almighty attack.
  • One-Winged Angel : Pillar Zelenin.
  • Phlebotinum Rebel : In the New Law route, after learning the true extent of the world she was intending to create, she turns against Mastema and the Three Wise Men in order to create a world of Law in her own way.
  • Restored My Faith in Humanity : In the New Law route, she explicitly states that Alex has done this for her.
  • Shock and Awe : Her angel forms specialize in Thunder magic.
  • To the Pain : From being abused by demons and having to see and hear her comrades suffer during their imprisonment by Mithras.
  • Unwitting Pawn : To Mastema's devious plotting. Worse, she never realized she was being manipulated, and happily fell in line with the Law faction's wishes. She is also one to the Three Wise Men. Subverted in the New Law path of Redux , when she rebels against them.
  • World of Silence : What Mastema convinces her is the best form of humanity. Notably, in Redux , the New Law route is kicked off not by her losing faith in the trope, but discovering it wouldn't work ; about half of humanity is naturally resistant to the full emotion-blanking of the song, and she is horrified to realize that her initial attempt at utopia would result in genocide.

Voiced by: Takahiro Sakurai (Redux), Hiroki Tochi (Drama CD)

An American mercenary who once served as an army officer. He signed up for the Schwarzwelt operation for the money, and serves on the Blue Jet's strike team. Though highly skilled, he has a severe attitude problem and cares more about survival than completing the mission.

He is the sole survivor of the Blue Jet after it crash lands in Antlia and is attacked by demons. He is rescued by the MC and joins the crew of the Red Sprite. Over time he grows fond of one of his demons, Bugaboo, only for them both to be captured by Jack's Squad and used in their experiments to create living weapons. After they mortally wound Bugaboo, Jimenez fuses his body with Bugaboo, both to save its life and to take vengeance on Jack.

  • Ambiguously Brown : Hails from the United States, but he has a Hispanic last name and complains in Gratuitous Spanish whenever things don't go his way, implying that he's of some sort of Central or South American descent.
  • Barrier Change Boss : As Soil Jimenez.
  • Clothing Damage : Permanent after fusing with Bugaboo.
  • Cluster F-Bomb : Prone to this. His favorite curse word in particular seems to be "shit".
  • Cool Mask : As Awakened Jimenez, the mask being half of Bugaboo's face.
  • Deadpan Snarker : He's quite caustic, to say the least.
  • Demon of Human Origin : He is forced to fuse with his companion Bugaboo to save its life, turning himself into a half-demon. On the Law route, he completely renounces his humanity and becomes a full demon.
  • Eagleland : Not overtly patriotic, but behaves as a Type II. He's American. He's also rude, antisocial, and crass to everyone who isn't you, and drops more swear words than the rest of the ships' crews combined.
  • Face–Heel Turn : After you defeat Maya, he formally goes AWOL and joins the demons to create a Social Darwinist anarchy.
  • The Friend Nobody Likes : Jimenez isn't exactly popular in the Red Sprite crew and he's aware of this. One of the crewmen flat out calls him an asshole. The only people he seems to be on good terms with are the Protagonist and his partner demon Bugaboo.
  • Fusion Dance : He has the Protagonist fuse him and Bugaboo together as it was the only way to save Bugaboo from dying.
  • Gratuitous Spanish : Prone to saying "Ay Dios mio!" ("Oh my God!") whenever things go wrong. Made all the funnier because, of course, he becomes the representative of the Chaos faction, which is vehemently anti-God .
  • Half-Human Hybrid : After fusing with Bugaboo.
  • Heel–Face Turn : In the New Chaos route, Alex points out that the world he's trying to create will lead to humanity's extinction and convinces him to create a world based on freedom instead of strength.
  • Heel Realization : In New Chaos he realizes that he broke his "survival of the fittest" rule when he saved Bugaboo, and he couldn't have survived without Bugaboo sacrificing himself to save him- which leads to him accepting that his compassion wasn't a weakness. Jimenez : Damn. Just had to bring up Bugaboo...
  • He's horrified when Zelenin uses her powers to make Jack's squad see their sins (or alternately, brainwashes them), but the Chaos route shows that he's not above using the Delphinus Parasite to take over the remaining crew of the Red Sprite.
  • In the New Chaos ending of Redux , being called out on this, particularly given how he could not survive without Bugaboo and vice versa, causes him to have a Heel Realization and seek a better path than Mem Aleph's.
  • Jerkass : While he's always rude, post-fusion he becomes outright aggressive and contemptuous of everyone he regards as weaker than himself, which is nearly everyone. He only calms down a bit in the New Chaos route after it's pointed out to him that it's his compassion that made him stronger.
  • Jerkass Has a Point : Jimenez being a cynical jerk allows him to see through deception at many points in the game. For example, despite his protests against sparing Ryan and the remainder of Jack's Squad after he kills Jack, the rest of the crewmen go against his advice and decide on a more peaceful route. It ends up being a major mistake on their part as not too long afterwards Ryan kills the men that were tasked with watching them and threatens to kill everybody else. Had they listened to him, this could have been avoided.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold : He's rude to almost everyone but he starts to become this after recruiting Bugaboo. He becomes friendly with the MC, and later says that the MC is essentially the only crew member he gives a damn about. Even after you defeat him in the Law and Neutral paths, he still shows a lot of respect for you.
  • Kick the Dog : In Redux , if you complete the Womb of Grief but decide to stay on the original Chaos route, he outright laughs about causing the extinction of the human race by killing Alex.
  • Kill It with Fire : His demon forms have several nasty fire elemental attacks.
  • Marked Change : His strange tattoos (with a vaguely religious motif), just barely visible under his Demonica, become quite noticeable once he has shed his clothes and fused with Bugaboo.
  • Mr. Exposition : At the beginning of the game, he exposits on the capabilities of the Demonica suit you'll be wearing into battle.
  • One-Winged Angel : Awakened Jimenez/Soil Jimenez.
  • Only Friend : The Protagonist is this to him. He also tolerates Zelenin to a degree at least initially, but it mostly comes in the form of playfully picking on each other.
  • Only in It for the Money : Toward the beginning of the game he doesn't care much about saving the world, only being paid. He warms up later on.
  • Power Born of Madness : He starts to become a believer in this after he's affected by the Delphinus Parasite —that all living creatures are meant by nature to be constantly snarling at each other, humans included. If you side with Chaos, he'll be joyous about spreading the Parasite through the Red Sprite, as they're no longer "oppressed" by sanity.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech : Delivers one to Pillar Zelenin in New Chaos.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here! : His interest in the mission decreases exponentially the moment he becomes a half-demon, until he reaches a point where he abandons it altogether and leaves, presumably to live in the Schwarzwelt alongside the demons.
  • The Social Darwinist : Effectively this way once he fully sides with Chaos. As he puts it in the Chaos ending, regarding the Chaos-elemental Earth, "those who are supposed to die, will die." Downplays this in the New Chaos route, when he realizes that due to demonic power the inevitable fight between maddened humans and demons is an inherently unfair one, so he instead decides to make everyone naturally able to contract with demons.
  • Took a Level in Kindness : In Redux 's New Chaos ending route, he drops his social darwinism and wholeheartedly promises to Alex that he will make sure that humans have freedom of options, so that people like her won't have to be forced to suffer as she did.
  • The Unfought : While every potential major antagonist can be skipped on at least one route bar Alex , he is notable for being the only character you get to avoid fighting on the New Chaos route.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene : Once he's fused with Bugaboo, Jimenez doesn't bother with covering his torso, and has his damaged Demonica suit rolled down to his waist.
  • Wide Eyes and Shrunken Irises : With the redesigns in Redux allowing characters to have multiple expressions for their sprites, Awakened Jimenez becomes subject to this trope once he goes off the deep end and swears his allegiance to Mem Aleph. When he is reminded of his compassion that drove him to save Bugaboo, he subtly steps out of this trope once the player initiates the New Chaos ending.

Voiced by: Takehito Koyasu (Redux), Hideyuki Tanaka (Drama CD)

  • Benevolent A.I. : He is always there to help the crew and will even kill himself to ensure their survival. In New Neutral he's fine with supervising the Earth while on the Moon in order to detect any new iterations of the Schwarzwelt.
  • Big Good : After Gore kicks the bucket, he becomes the de facto leader of the Red Sprite and is the one calling the shots during the Schwarzwelt invesigation.
  • Catchphrase : "I look forward to the successful completion of your mission."
  • Heroic Sacrifice : In the Neutral ending, he downloads his personality matrix into the Nuke and stays in the Schwarzwelt to ensure its destruction and the Red Sprite's escape.
  • I Choose to Stay : In the New Neutral ending, while he still makes sure that the Schwarzwelt is obliterated he accompanies the protagonist in his eternal supervision of apparitions of the Scharzwelt (by living on the MOON) so that humanity won't be exterminated by it.
  • Killed Off for Real : His personality matrix shuts down in the Law and Chaos routes after Gore is defeated.
  • Mission Control : Takes over command after Gore's early death, and is the main source of plot-directing missions.
  • The Stoic : Manages to always remain calm and collected, despite the many horrors the team encounters. It comes with being a machine.
  • What Measure Is a Non-Human? : Both the crew of the Red Sprite and the inhabitants of the Schwarzwelt question Arthur's existence as an independent being with a soul due to, yes, being a machine (he's referred to as a "ghost cast in circuits"). The former are a lot more open-minded and consider him one of their own; the latter hold nothing but disdain for him.
  • The World Is Not Ready : In the Neutral ending, he concludes that all the knowledge gained in the Schwarzwelt Expedition, including Commander Gore's brilliance, will result in humanity becoming dependent on it and him being worshipped . To ensure humanity continues to control its own fate, he takes everything he knows with him, along with the protagonist's gained brilliance, as he performs his Heroic Sacrifice .

    Other Red Sprite Personnel 

  • Americans Are Cowboys : Irving is very obviously from Texas.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer : They're the best in the world, but even so, some of them are rather odd, particularly Irving the cowboy scientist and Zoe the Ambiguously Evil doctor.
  • Faceless Masses : They effectively become this with their Demonica helmets on. Although they lack close-up portraits, the named crew still have enough distinguishing features to tell each other apart. Redux gives most of the named crewmembers a portrait like the main characters.
  • Irving and Chen are a benign version of this who are mostly Heroic Neutral . They get geeked out of their minds over all the forma they can mess with, and Irving gets borderline creepy over how obsessed he is, but the both of them also have limits in that they consider the actions of the resident Mad Scientists in the game horrifying, and unless you pick Law or Chaos , they remain loyal members of the Red Sprite Team.
  • Tanaka is greatly interested in mecha-dragon Fafnir, and his side quest involves getting one of its parts for his research.
  • Gadgeteer Genius : Irving and Chen take material that would probably perplex MacGyver himself and make all sorts of armor and death-dealing weapons out of it.
  • Hopeless Suitor : Anthony. He's got a series of subquests dedicated to being one, where he repeatedly falls in love with a slew of demon ladies and gets soundly rejected by each one.
  • Interspecies Romance : Anthony really wants to get into one.
  • Large Ham : Irving is incredibly enthusiastic about his forma-based inventions. He gets even hammier under the influence of the Delphinus Parasite in the Chaos route.
  • Mask of Sanity : Dent sheds his off after you finish all his missions in the Law path, revealing that he's just as crazy as everyone else.
  • The Medic : Zoe and Maebe usually staff the Sickbay area, though Wolf occasionally fills Maebe's spot.
  • Only Sane Man : In the Law and Chaos paths, Dent is arguably the least affected by the brainwashing or Hate Plague of whoever you sided with; most of his personality is still intact. Justified, as several EX Missions would be lost for good otherwise.
  • Quest Giver : Dent serves as one on behalf of a majority of the crew.
  • Sliding Scale of Idealism vs. Cynicism : Over time, crew morale goes downward and differences become a problem, especially in later sectors, until ultimately some of them leave to follow Jimenez or Zelenin . In the Neutral path, Gore's resurrection and reunion with the crew brings everyone to Manly Tears and gets everyone hyped up for the end of the mission, to the point where everyone is cheering you on to go beat the snot out of the Final Boss .
  • Southern-Fried Genius : Irving has an extremely strong Southern accent, and is so brilliant that he can take materials nobody has ever seen before and turn them into functioning equipment. He's actually excited at the idea of working with things not of this Earth.
  • Those Two Guys : The areas of the Red Sprite have at least two people in the same room at any one time who are usually working together, though Blair disappears from the deck screen towards the end of the game.
  • I'm Dying, Please Take My MacGuffin : Its terminal provides Arthur and the Red Sprite with not only crucial info towards leaving Sector Antlia but also the Demon Fusion Program that unlocks Demon Fusion.
  • Sacrificial Lamb : The Blue Jet made an unsuccessful attempt to escape Sector Antlia when it was attacked by demons, but the data it gathered from the attempt enables the Red Sprite's own escape.
  • Small Role, Big Impact : Had its terminal not been retrieved, the Red Sprite would have met the exact same fate as the Blue Jet.

  • Genre Refugee : An interesting case in that he's from a wildly different, more mainstream take on the same genre. Bugaboo is, for all intents and purposes, a Pokémon in a demon's body; his Pokémon Speak and relationship with Jimenez serve to prove this. Given the franchise he's stuck in, no punches are spared; he's born from Mithras's cruel experiments and ceases to exist as an individual thanks to Jack's Squad's experiments, being forced to fuse with his "trainer" and become part of him .
  • Hybrid Monster : This is the reason Mithras's minions were experimenting on him. The other half of his DNA? Human . Why this is never quite gets explained, though it's implied Mithras and his followers created him for experimental purposes.
  • I Owe You My Life : The reason Bugaboo is intensely loyal to Jimenez. During the investigation of Sector D, he gets to repay the favor, but he never strays from Jimenez's care .
  • Mascot Mook : He's this for Strange Journey .
  • Morality Chain Beyond the Grave : In the New Chaos route of Redux , Alex brings him up and forces Jimenez to acknowledge his own hypocrisy in regards to saving his life.
  • Morality Pet : To Jimenez.
  • Pokémon Speak : Although he does learn to speak broken English over time.
  • Came Back Strong : Despite being Killed Offscreen (with his limbs detached from his body), Louisa Ferre somehow revives him with Vouivre's orb. The last page of the manga shows him with the surviving members of his Strike Team waiting for the Gigantic to return, implying that he defeated the massive Wendigo offscreen.
  • Half-Human Hybrid : After Louisa Ferre saves him with Vouivre's orb, he is markedly different: his helmet is gone, his Demonica is in tatters, and his left arm looks reptilian (like Vouivre's right side).
  • Demonic Possession : She is revealed to have been attacked by Azazel when she stepped outside to repel the demons attacking the Gigantic, who then possessed her body to manipulate the rest of the crew. The bodyjacking is assumed to have killed her in the process.
  • Doomed by Canon : In the game, the Gigantic is found inoperable; at the end of Deathtament , the crew escaping the Womb of Grief are attacked by demons hiding among them. Isaac's chances don't look good.

Jack's Squad

Voiced by: Yohei Tadano

  • Big Bad Wannabe : Despite the story setting him up to be a major antagonist (the Lightning has more firepower than the Red Sprite and he has a huge amount of men in his squad), it's extremely easy to break into his headquarters and even easier to defeat him. Jimenez kills him halfway in the story.
  • Climax Boss : His battle is significant in several ways: it's a showdown between both investigation groups' leaders, he's the most morally-depraved character in the game and everyone on the Investigation Team wants him dead, and his defeat allows Jimenez to finish him off as an act of revenge.
  • Cool Ship : He's in charge of one, the Lightning . It's based on the designs of the ships used by the Schwarzwelt Investigation Team, except with some significant improvements that, among other things, allows it to create a Pocket Dimension for headquartering his forces.
  • Evil Brit : He acts rather gentlemanly and has a British accent, but he's not called a human version of Mithras for nothing.
  • Evil Counterpart : To the Strike Team and the protagonist in particular. The Strike Team wants to research the Schwarzelt to find a way to stop it, but Jack and his squad want to exploit it for resources and a demon army.
  • Expy : He's basically a human version of Mithras . In his plot role as main human antagonist, nemesis to the Chaos Hero, and catalyst of his total subsumtion to demonhood he also has a lot in common with Ozawa .
  • The Fettered : For what little good can be said about the guy is that at the very least he has a sense of restraint and a very loose set of morals. This becomes noticeable when compared to Ryan who lacks even these bare minimum qualities.
  • Hate Sink : He may not be one of the Final Bosses , but his existence can basically be summed up as "Okay yeah, obviously demons are terrible, but here's a reminder that sometimes, the real monster is humanity ." To wit, he and his crew tear apart demons and put them through a gruesome and horribly flawed method of demon fusion in the name of profit, and when that doesn't work out, he tries to dabble in human-demon fusion .
  • Humans Are the Real Monsters : If you ever thought only the Demons would go as far as doing experiments on their victims, Jack will prove you wrong.
  • Karmic Death : Jack was killed by Jimenez after Jack had him experimented on and fused with Bugaboo.
  • Mad Scientist : His methods are, for the lack of a better term, comparable to the standard Aperture Science employee.
  • Meaningful Name : He is named after the famous serial killer Jack the Ripper . Blair also brings up the Jack the Ripper story making the allusion even more obvious.
  • No Cure for Evil : Infuriatingly averted. He only has three moves when you fight him, but one of them is Pure Blue, a massively powerful healing spell.
  • Obviously Evil : It doesn't take anyone long to see he doesn't have the best intentions and is rather suspicious. No one on the Red Sprite crew trust him in the slightest and clearly agree to work with him out of mutual gain, until he reveals his true colors.
  • Only in It for the Money : He only cares about lining his own pockets, and experiments on humans and demons alike to raise a demon army to this end.

Voiced by: Shuuichi Nishitani

  • Aesop Amnesia : You think after the first conflict between Jack's Squad and the Red Sprite Crew he would know too well not to mess with them again but for whatever reason he decided to try to get revenge anyway.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy : After being subjected to Zelenin's hymn.
  • The Dragon : To Captain Jack.
  • Dragon Ascendant : Only to avoid Jimenez' wrath.
  • Eviler than Thou : Jack may have been a monster, but he at least had a sense of order and duty, and a (slim) set of morals. Ryan, however, has none of these.
  • I Surrender, Suckers : After Jimenez kills Jack, he surrenders and begs them to spare his life. Not too long after that, he kills the men who were sent to watch Jack's squad and threatens to kill the crew of the Red Sprite.
  • Laser-Guided Karma : After he goes against his word that he would cooperate with the Investigation Team after his surrender, he double crosses them only to end up being brainwashed and unable do do anything but sing the lord's praises.
  • Reforged into a Minion : The leader of the demons that you rescued from Jack's Squad reveals that after Zelenin's song brainwashed them, they would later be used as soldiers in the forces of Law.
  • Smug Snake : He's quite arrogant, but quickly bites off far more than he can chew in picking a fight with Zelenin. He gets brainwashed into a mindless slave of God for his trouble.
  • The Unfought : In the Neutral and Law paths.
  • What Happened to the Mouse? : In the Neutral and Law paths, after he and his crew are brainwashed by Zelenin's Song, they're left in peaceful, mindless thrall at their home base. In a dimension full of demons who want them dead. And if you choose to go Neutral and escape the Schwarzwelt and destroy the portal to it, you never do go back to pick them up...

Alignment Representatives

Due to the nature of these characters, all spoilers for alignment representatives are unmarked. You Have Been Warned .

Forces of Law

Voiced by: Cho (all three)

A trio of Angels that appear to the protagonist in a dream when he first enters the Schwarzwelt. They are the leaders of the forces of Law in Strange Journey , with Mastema acting as their right hand man. They were the ones that gave the Red Sprite crew the Demon Summoning program and try to contact them at several points throughout the story. See YHVH 's page for more information.

Voiced by: Toshiyuki Morikawa

  • Ambition Is Evil : His goal is for the Lord to bless him with a form superior to Angels.
  • Dark Is Evil : Partially Inverted . His appearance is darker than most Angels even having black wings. Though he is still a Angel and is Light Aligned.
  • Dying Curse : In the Chaos route: "...Curse... you... You who have abandoned the angels... and humans...alike..."
  • The Dragon : To the Wise Men. He bears no actual loyalty to them however.
  • Dragon with an Agenda : Mainly trying to get more power from The Great Will and for himself.
  • Expy : For Satan as he is portrayed in Shin Megami Tensei II . Unsurprisingly, given that the two names seem to refer to the same being (or at least two very similar beings) in Hebrew folklore.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom : During the fight against him in the Chaos path, his eyes suddenly start giving off an eerie blue light. And he's somehow grown to twice his height .
  • Hate Sink : Between his manipulations of Zelenin and his Villainous Breakdown , Mastema is likely to have been made intentionally unlikable.
  • Human Aliens : Rather an alien humanoid angel. It is made apparent Mastema doesn't exactly have the same ideology, or works for the same God, as the Three Wise Men, suggesting he is not of this Earth. Schwarzwelt Reminiscenses artbook has a discussion with the game's scenario writer which reveals Mastema and the forces of Law surrounding him do not originate from Earth like the Three Wise Men, outright calling them "visitors". Later on, an interview for Redux further claims Mastema may have originated from space instead.
  • It's All About Me : The Chaos route reveals that he only cares about advancing his own personal power/status, and doesn't give a damn about humanity or the Wise Men's desire for a "Kingdom of Heaven".
  • Frustratingly, he's the only antagonist in the Neutral path that doesn't get what he deserves, even though the Protagonist kills Zelenin, completely destroying his plans. Mastema is terrified when he sees him after the battle, but he still gets away in the end to scheme another day.
  • In Redux , not only does he not return in the Empyrean Ascent on New Neutral, he gets away on New Law as well, where he reveals his complete disgust for Zelenin and humanity before going to Heaven and never coming back.
  • Knight Templar : He is on the side of Law, after all. Even though he's after a promotion, the New Law route makes it clear he's still a devoted servant of Law even when that's no longer possible, cursing Zelenin for her betrayal.
  • Manipulative Bastard : Considering he's based on the angel of hostility, consider this a non-surprise for people who looked up the name on That Other Wiki .
  • Motive Rant : Gives a particularly hate filled one during his Villainous Breakdown in the Chaos path.
  • Pragmatic Villainy : A minor one, but he did save Zelenin from being killed by Alex. It's easily interpreted that he's already found her useful as a pawn for him anyways.
  • Rage Quit : In Redux , he doesn't just leave on New Law like he does on Neutral. He has a massive, Chaos-level breakdown before declaring that he's going back to Heaven and never coming back, praying for the intense suffering of all humanity.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here! : In the Neutral route, after Zelenin's defeat, he calmly accepts the collapse of his plan, but notes that he can wait forever for the next opportunity to retry it. In the New Law route, he is distraught that the return of the Three Wise Men to power has invalidated his plans for a promotion, and flees again, cursing the protagonist's and Zelenin's names.
  • The Unfought : In the Neutral path, because he decides to bolt when things go pear-shaped for him . Unlike Mem Aleph, who is fought on the New Chaos route, he retains this status on the New Law route, and flees once again when Zelenin turns against the Three Wise Men.
  • In the Neutral path, he calmly accepts his plan's failure, warns the protagonist that he hasn't seen the last of him, and leaves without conflict. In the Chaos route, however, he completely loses it and tries to kill the protagonist himself.
  • In the New Law path, he takes it to new heights once Zelenin reveals she's going against the Three Wise Men. He very suddenly loses his composure, calls Zelenin ungrateful, and promises that the Three Wise Men are going to make Earth and all of its inhabitants suffer greatly before going to Heaven, disgusted. All Zelenin can do after this is thank Mastema for at least aiding her up to this point before putting him out of her mind.

The demonic leaders of Schwarzwelt

Voiced by: Takaya Kuroda

  • Blood Knight : He lives for conflict and battle, and wants to learn the art of war from humanity who have perfected the art of slaughter.
  • Earth Is a Battlefield : Sector Antlia represents human warfare, bloodshed and conquest.
  • Humans Are the Real Monsters : Sector Antlia symbolizes the Humans Are Warriors aspect of this viewpoint, and this trope is one of his reasons for leading a demon army to end mankind.
  • One-Winged Angel : Becomes Moloch in Sector Fornax. This form looks like a bronze statue on top of a furnace and has seven holes where the fires spew.
  • Our Minotaurs Are Different : In place of a human is one of a bison's.
  • Playing with Fire : Uses Maragi in his boss fight while his true form Moloch uses Maragidyne. He also calls himself the Tyrant of Flames in his true form.
  • Revenge : Against the Protagonist for killing him after being resurrected as Moloch.
  • Status Effects : Bobasma has a chance to inflict Fear. Gehenna also causes Fear in addition to Fire damage
  • Warm-Up Boss : As the first of the Tyrants, Morax is quite straightforward and can be surmounted easily if the player's grasped the basics of the combat system.
  • With Great Power Comes Great Insanity : At one point as Moloch, he mentions his power is overflowing to such a extent that his sanity is fleeting.

Voiced by: Wataru Hatano

  • Affably Evil : Surprisingly polite in his mannerisms when speaking with the protagonist despite his experiments to display the insanity of man... until you cross him one time too many.
  • Evil Tower of Ominousness : The Palace of Pleasure that is most of Sector Bootes.
  • Fallen Angel : His true form Mitra is part of the Fallen Race.
  • Humans Are the Real Monsters : Represents the frivolity and hedonism of humanity, as well as the cruelty of science .
  • An Ice Person : Has Mabufudyne as one of his attacks. Mitra has Ice Breath.
  • Irony : Has an attack called Light of Order despite being a Dark demon of Chaos.
  • Lust : Represented by the Palace of Pleasure , which features Sexy Silhouettes in the first two floors.
  • Mad Scientist : His biological experimentation makes most actual mad scientists look sane by comparison.
  • An Offer You Can't Refuse : What he believes his offer of citizenry in the future world he believes will come with the destruction of Earth to be. The Protagonist rejects him anyway.
  • One-Hit Kill : His Light of Order ability instantly kills one of your demons with perfect accuracy. However, it will never target you.
  • One-Winged Angel : Mitra in Sector Fornax, who is a winged lion wrapped in a coil of serpents.
  • Revenge : Against the Protagonist for killing him after being resurrected as Mitra.
  • Smug Snake : Believes himself to be superior to the humans in every sense.
  • Status Effects : His Waking Dream attack can cause Strain, which drains MP.
  • Villainous Breakdown : He completely loses his marbles when confronted in his Palace, dropping his Affably Evil attitude. Later on, shifting into Mitra in Sector Fornax also comes with this.
  • Wake-Up Call Boss : Let's see: he has Light of Order, a One-Hit Kill to one of your demons in a game where putting a dead demon back in action takes 2 turns (one to revive, another to re-summon) unless you have a particular rare item or late-game spell that cuts that down to one turn, as well as Mabufudyne, a third-degree all-targeting ice spell, when you're lucky to have Bufula and Mabufu at this point.

Voiced by: Taisuke Nishimura

  • Bad Boss : He eats his minions during his boss fight.
  • Big Eater : He eats humans and demons alike, and as mentioned above he plans to eat all that exist in the human world.
  • Extreme Omnivore : The protagonist first sees him fusing himself with the battleship Elve, which is apparently his attempt to eat it. He has no qualms eating his demon minions either, much less humans.
  • Fat Bastard : A gigantic pig-taur demon who eats everything he can in sight and even indulges in cannibalism.
  • Flunky Boss : Will occasionally summon a minion to fight alongside him. Keeping in tune with his dungeon being a shopping center, the ability that does this is called "Grocery Run".
  • The Food Poisoning Incident : If his minion has status ailments when he eats it, he will contract whatever ailments it had.
  • The Grim Reaper : His true form Orcus is of the Reaper race.
  • Hell Gate : His true form Orcus.
  • I'm a Humanitarian : Eats his own pig minions in his boss fight.
  • The Mall : Sector Carina, which symbolizes Humanity's affinity for consumption.
  • Messy Pig : Unsurprising given his Gluttony.
  • One-Winged Angel : As Orcus in Sector Fornax. Justified: Both are the same being in Classical Mythology . Orcus is his name in Roman myth and Horkos is his Greek name. The form itself is a Hell Gate with an orc's face on top.
  • Recovery Attack : His "Taking a bite" attack heals him for half the damage he does to the enemy.
  • Revenge : Against the Protagonist for killing him after being resurrected as Orcus.
  • Verbal Tic : Horkos bellows " BUONO " whether things are going well for him (gorging himself) or not (getting shot with the Horkos Buster).
  • Villainous Glutton : His theme, to the point where he even eats his summoned minions to recover health.

Voiced by: Shinnosuke Ogami

  • Anarchy Is Chaos : A firm believer in this philosophy, and he thinks it's a good thing. To Asura, civilization as a concept is a mistake, as it means those who are too weak to protect themselves are spared unnaturally. Only by tearing down and irrevocably destroying civilization can humans truly live and thrive.
  • Down in the Dumps : Sector Delphinus, with garbage and waste as far as the eye can see.
  • Gameplay and Story Integration : The Hate Plague he's spreading? It takes the form of the battle skill Asura Roga, which inflicts Rage status.
  • Gender Bender : His true form is the Goddess Asherah.
  • Giant Woman : Asura is large even when compared to other demons. After resurrection, Asherah is even bigger.
  • Hannibal Lecture : Attempts this on Zelenin. It ultimately works, or at least helps Zelenin come to that conclusion, as her opinion of humanity only goes downhill from there.
  • Hate Plague : His Delphinus Parasite form does this to anyone they infect as well as his attack Asura Roga.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard : It is possible for someone afflicted with Rage status via Asura Roga to deal the finishing blow. However, enraged party members tend to target teammates more than anything.
  • Invisible Monsters : Unlike the other three Asura will be invisible and prevent the protagonist from going further in Fornax until a new upgrade to the enemy search.
  • Light Is Not Good : The only one amongst the Tyrants whose true form is Light aligned.
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous : He's Asura after all.
  • One Bad Mother : Asherah's compendium info states she was a mother of the gods, despite this she is not one of the Mother Goddesses.
  • One-Winged Angel : Becomes Asherah in Sector Fornax. A gigantic blond woman with a knife.
  • Playing with Fire : Knows Maragidyne and his unique Black Flame spell, which hits random targets with high Fire damage. Asherah replaces Maragidyne with the weaker Maragion spell, however.
  • Power Born of Madness : What the Delphinus Parasite is supposed to "bless" the world with. He genuinely considers any kind of restraint on growing strength as an abomination to nature. And since raging insanity means endless culling of those who don't have perfect strength, agility, or wits, sanity has to go.
  • Revenge : Against the Protagonist for killing him after being resurrected as Asherah.
  • Social Darwinist : He considers Law to do nothing but succor the weak... who are meant to die quickly. All loving the weak does is inflict decay upon the strong... and so, weaken and defile the world entire. Yes, you read that correctly—he essentially considers sympathy and kindness to be evil.
  • Taken for Granite : After his defeat, his body is turned to stone while his soul takes the form of the Delphinus Parasite .

Mother Goddesses

  • One Bad Mother : They are all mother goddesses conspiring humanity's destruction. Mem Aleph and Tiamat are literally mothers , while the former and Maia Ouroboros can be seen as Mother Earth . Maya can also be seen as a Mother of Illusions.
  • Theme Naming : All of the Mother Goddesses have "ma" either within their names or as initials.
  • Walking Spoiler : Ouroboros is set up to look like the final boss , since it seems like the Investigation Team will finally get to go home after defeating her. As such, the existence of all subsequent Mother Goddesses are spoilers.

Voiced by: Sakura Nakamura

  • Anthropomorphic Personification : Of the planet's will , as well as the concept of infinity.
  • Disc-One Final Boss : She's set up to be the final challenge before the crew of the Red Sprite can go home. Then because of the Three Wise Men hijacking their initial plans, three more sectors happen instead .
  • The Dragon : She is Mem Aleph's literal Dragon, as the operator of the tower that runs the Schwarzwelt and the one the characters THINK is the Big Bad at first .
  • Ghibli Hills : Sector Eridanus is a hedge mage supercomputer that symbolizes what her belief of a perfect world is: one where Humanity cannot exist to destroy nature and technology flourishes alongside it.
  • Meaningful Name : The Ouroboros part is obvious, but "Maia" is also a name stemming from Greek Mythology. Specifically Maia of the Pleiades, who is the Mother of Hermes.
  • Necromancer : She is revealed to have brought Gore back to life in order to understand her enemy.
  • Our Dragons Are Different : Takes the form of an ouroboros as well as the symbol for infinity.
  • Ouroboros : She bites her own tail, but she differs in taking the shape of two circles to make an infinity symbol.
  • Resurrective Immortality : The protagonist must defeat her children in order to stop her from coming back from the dead.
  • Sequential Boss : The protagonist fights her, then she comes back to life and he has to defeat four demons who are feeding her energy. Then he fights her again .
  • Shock and Awe : Her Wild Thunder spell hits random targets with large Elec damage.
  • Status Effects : Her Disaster Cycle spell hits random targets with only moderate Physical damage, but also inflicts a random ailment, potentially causing a Game Over if it petrifies the Protagonist. Redux makes it even worse by causing Almighty damage instead.

Voiced by: Satomi Arai

  • Anthropomorphic Personification : Of the sea.
  • Back from the Dead : She gives birth to the Four Tyrants that the protagonist defeats earlier in the story.
  • The Brute : Of the Mothers. In combat she focuses on dealing damage and applying Status Buffs to herself, and plans on overrunning humanity with her millions of demon children .
  • Dark Is Evil : Naturally as the only mother who is Dark aligned.
  • Eldritch Abomination : Appears as the top half of a female like figure made of stone which is her head . That's not even mentioning the rest of her.
  • An Ice Person : Uses Glacial Blast, Mabufudyne, and her unique skill Mother Earth, which heals her for half of the damage she inflicts.
  • Mook Maker : She's been giving birth to many of the demons the protagonist faces in random encounters.
  • Mother of a Thousand Young : She serves this purpose the most, being a living 3D printer mass producing demons of all faiths as endless legions.
  • Multi Boobage : Eight breasts, two on her top torso and six on her bottom torso.
  • No Cure for Evil : Averted. She has Pure Blue (the same spell Captain Jack can use) which heals her for 4 digits of HP on top of cancelling all debuffs; however, she won't use it unless one or more of her stats are debuffed to -4. She will also use Diarahan to fully heal herself if the protagonist reflects any of her attacks using spells or items.
  • Omniscient Database : She's in charge of one, Sector Fornax, which has the memories of everything that has ever existed on eEarth.
  • Our Dragons Are Different : A giant humanoid woman with a smaller torso for a head, multiple snake-like tendrils, and a vagina situated at her upper torso's lower half.
  • Recovery Attack : Mother Earth, which inflicts Mabufudyne-level of Ice damage and heals her for half of all the damage she cauaes on the party.

Voiced by: Chiaki Takahashi

  • Anthropomorphic Personification : Of Illusions.
  • Anti-Magic : Woe betide anybody, be it the Protagonist or his demons, if they try to use magic on her.
  • Eyeless Face : Instead she has a red gem in its place.
  • Elemental Powers : Uses the four regular elements as Gate spells. These spells are the most powerful single-target spells in the game.
  • Evil Genius : Of the Mothers. She's responsible for the Schwarzwelt appearing as a twisted mirror of humanity's vices, and fights primarily with magic.
  • Giant Woman : She's a giant statue woman on all fours. Her size would make too large to even fit the screen.
  • Humanoid Abomination : A giant statue-like woman with sleek black hair and no eyes, a crimson red gem replacing both.
  • Knight Templar : Mankind's greed and rot poisoning their dreams is what led her to turn against them and she intends to correct that mistake as a Mother Goddess.
  • Master of Illusion : So powerful are her illusions that they can warp dimensions and even jam signals. This prevent the Three Wise Men from revealing everything until after her defeat.
  • Meaningful Name : Her name literally means illusion.
  • Mind Rape : Attempts this on Zelenin, the protagonist, and Gore.
  • One-Hit Kill : Don't bother with magic skills; she will counter with an instant kill against the offender.
  • Psychological Torment Zone : Sector Grus, which manifest as an eerie white Palette Swap of areas of the first four sectors with disappearing walls, invisible walls, and other Illusions, all created by her.
  • Reality Warper : That's how powerful her illusions are, to the point the background for her boss arena is a vortex of contorted dimensions.
  • Taken for Granite : Her attack Evil Vortex will randomly turn a foe to stone.

Voiced by: Sayaka Ohara

  • Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence : In the Chaos ending, she becomes one with the Earth and everything in it.
  • Big Bad : The actual kicker of the plot. The Three Wise Men are helpers in controlling the Schwarzwelt, but Mem Aleph was the one who took reins over them and the realm, kicking the plot into motion.
  • Clipped-Wing Angel : Subverted. In her "Empty" form, she has been reduced to an embryonic figure encased in a small, technicolor orb, but unless the protagonist is lucky she will kick his ass.
  • Dimension Lord : Rules the Schwarzwelt and can control it after it is unleashed upon the Earth when mankind pollutes it. That said the dimension existed before her and exists without her.
  • Elemental Powers : Uses every element in the game . She uses her own unique spells, which are the very names of the element itself and the strongest party-hitting element spells in the game. One of her Almighty attacks, Great Flood, also seems to be water elemental .
  • Final Boss : On the Law and Neutral Routes only. Subverted in Redux , where depending on how far you've gotten in the Womb of Grief, you either fight normal Alex as a Post-Final Boss or Third Fruit Alex, Amon, and Shaytan as a True Final Boss afterwards; in no case is she the last enemy anymore.
  • Final Speech : :Mem Aleph gives a big one upon her defeat in her Empty Form. "UGHHH... I... AM DEFEATED AND SHALL DISAPPEAR? HUMAN... HAAH... HOW MUCH POWER HAVE YOU GAINED? HAAH... BUT, YOU CANNOT CREATE A FUTURE... C...CREATE... A... FUTURE..."
  • Foil : Mem Aleph is this to Shekinah. Both are powerful female leaders of their respective alignments, both want to remake the Earth using the Schwarzwelt, and both want to Kill All Humans in different ways. Mem Aleph more or less wants humanity eradicated or locked up, so that they won't ever again threaten the planet.
  • Giant Woman : She was so large she couldn't fit on the original games screen. Redux finally has her fit and she's still quite large.
  • Humanoid Abomination : Her main form in the game. Which is suggested to not even be her true form—that's her "Empty" form .
  • She preaches she seeks for humans to be beautiful and guide them alongside demons, but as Jimenez realizes on New Chaos, she doesn't care about humanity at all. She just wants to change how she has mankind die out.
  • Despite representing Chaos and having overthrown God in the backstory for his tyranny, she proves to be a far worse tyrant in Redux . The Womb of Grief is effectively her own version of Hell for demons who refuse to obey everything she says, disobedient mother goddesses are stripped of their sanity to become killing machines in what's a mental form of demonization, and when Jimenez even suggests a softer approach for humanity's sake on New Chaos, she flies into a murderous rage.
  • Irony : She's supposed to be a Chaos alignment representative, but she's actually a Light-Neutral/Neutral-Neutral Demon and many of her subordinates are Pagan deities like what you'd expect in a radically Neutral roster. There are classical Chaos entities in Redux , but they belong to Louisa Fierre and not Mem Aleph.
  • Knight Templar : Her ultimate reason for controlling the Schwarzwelt (in this and all prior occurrences) is that she has judged civilization to be too harmful for Mother Earth, and beyond redemption or forgiveness. Unfortunately for humanity this includes the sapient life that made said civilization, even when they side with her.
  • Light Is Not Good : The only Light aligned demon amongst the Mothers. More specifically, Neutral-Light. But that's only her "Mother" form; her true "Empty" form is Neutral-Neutral.
  • Luck-Based Mission : Her Light and Dark element attacks are 100% instant kills. Her second form adds onto these her signature skill MA which instantly kills one random target and heals Mem Aleph by the same amount as their HP. In the original if your MC is targeted by any of these skills you'd get an instant game over unless blocked (Light and Dark) or dodged (MA), the latter of which barely ever happens even with level cap stats. In the Updated Re-release you have the option to use a new sub-app to prevent instant game over at least.
  • Her initials continue the theme of using the ma root in her name, meaning "mother". Beyond that, the Phoenician word mem (itself derived from ma ) means "water," the element considered the origin of life. Furthermore, the word aleph represents the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and it has come to mean "the first," the number 1, and "the origin," and it is the letter with which the name of God begins. In set theory, the term aleph is used to denote the cardinality (size) of countable and uncountable infinite sets. As if that weren't enough, the Hebrew letters Mem and Aleph represent the left and central columns of the Sefirotic Tree, associated with the female Binah and the neutral Kether, respectively, and they represent the topmost horizontal paths between Sefirot (from Binah to Chokmah, and from Geburah to Chesed.) These two paths surround Da'at, the hidden node in the Tree which represents the perfect unity of the ten Sefirot. Whew!
  • In Jewish Mysticism Mem and Aleph are two of the three mothers of creation and represent two of three primordial elements.
  • Mother Nature : The mother of all earthly creation, and has disdained humanity for their pollution.
  • Mother of a Thousand Young : The resurrected Gore describes her as the Creator of Schwarzwelt as well as the Mother of Creation from which all life on Earth originates; and thus the Mother of the human soul as well the Mother from which all Demons/Gods originate. However, given it’s revealed Schwarzwelt isn’t her creation (and in fact exists before her), the truth regarding Gore’s description becomes muddy.
  • Not-So-Well-Intentioned Extremist : In Redux , it becomes clear that her claims of being a loving mother to demons and humans are lies. Her endgame involves having humanity wipe themselves out, while demons who don't obey her every whim are tossed into the hellish Womb of Grief for eternity. Her true goal is simply absolute power.
  • One Bad Mother : She's the leader of the Mother Goddesses and also their mother.
  • One-Hit Kill : Her Light and Dark element attacks are instant kill spells with 100% success rate if not dodged or blocked. Then there is MA, which is basically Mithras's Light of Order, but can also target the protagonist. And heal her, although that doesn't matter much when it turns the battle into a Luck-Based Mission . It's possible to dodge it, but it requires stupidly high Agility so the best strategy against MA is to be lucky to not see it (or at least have it target a demon instead of you) or not using any reflects (using any -karn or attack/magic mirrors will definitely end with her using MA).
  • One-Winged Angel : Empty Mem Aleph, in contrast to the Clipped-Wing Angel appearance, uses MA in this form.
  • She sees this as being sacred, as she approves of Jimenez spreading the Delphinus Parasite through the Red Sprite. Given that Jimenez had spoken of freeing them from the "oppression" of sanity, the result of her self-suffusion of the world in the Chaos ending as Jimenez tells it, and the Wise Men referring to her "Empty" state as her true form during the Law climax, it's entirely possible that she's a psychic manifestation of aggregate life's will to power... unalloyed. No forethought, no calm, certainly no mercy... just willfulness and fury.
  • That said, she wants the madness controlled and only ever takes her Empty form as one last desperate act to stop what she views as even worse. All other times she prefers her normal humanoid form to show that she knows there must be a limit, and the Chaos ending subtly shows the now crazy humans are fenced in to keep them under the demons' watchful eye, so that they won't ever again threaten the planet.
  • Status Effects : Can use Ouroboros' Disaster Cycle and Asura's Asura Roga .
  • Super-Empowering : Mem Aleph's breath can empower mortals enough to become able to observe her form as seen in the Chaos route.
  • Taking You with Me : After the protagonist vanquished her initial form and reduced her to her true "Empty" form, she's nothing but "naked power", incapable of creating a new world from the Schwarzwelt... but more than capable of annihilating the protagonist before succumbing to her fate.
  • Unblockable Attack : The attack called "MA" is an instant and guaranteed lights out for the target, with no way to resist it. And yes, it can target the protagonist . It is possible that it will miss, but very rarely.
  • The Unfought : In the Chaos path. Naturally, because by then the protagonist has become her ally . Subverted in the New Chaos route where she is still fought as a boss.
  • Verbal Tic : Has a habit of stopping to take a deep breath every now and then. Redux even has her sigh every now and then whenever she attacks.
  • Walking Spoiler : Especially considering that Maia Ouroboros was a Disc-One Final Boss .
  • You Cannot Grasp the True Form : Until the protagonist is given the "brilliance" needed to see her, by Ubergestalt Gore in Neutral route and by Mem Aleph herself in Chaos route. Zelenin's song also weakens her enough for a human to comprehend her.

Other Characters

Voiced by: Kikuko Inoue

A mysterious blonde woman in a blue dress that appears before the protagonist throughout the story, giving her own opinion and advice on the path humanity should take.

The Chaos Route reveals her to be Lucifer in disguise. See Lucifer's page for more information.

Voiced by: Megumi Han

  • Achilles' Heel : She's weak to electric moves, so when you can actually stand a chance against her, using some Zio spells will help. It also notably plays a role in the story, as she eventually goes up against Zeus and stands no chance as a result of it.
  • Action Girl : She's more than capable of putting up a fight and takes on most enemies by herself. Only when the protagonist rejects the new routes does she summon demons to aid her.
  • In the Law+ route, she pleads with Zelenin to save her life from the World of Law, reawakening Zelenin's self-belief and personal ideal to save all of humanity instead of the selective salvation the angels are advocating.
  • In the Chaos+ route, she asks Jimenez if he should have condemned Bugaboo for being weak instead of saving it, exposing the personal cost and loneliness of his Social Darwinism .
  • Batman Can Breathe in Space : The Schwarzwelt is consistently stated to be incapable of supporting human life, yet Alex seems to do just fine without a helmet. This gives some foreshadowing towards the fact that she is Lucifer's half-demon daughter.
  • Call-Back : Her role in the Third Sphere of the Womb of Grief is reminiscent of Dante or Raidou's in the Labyrinth of Amala's Third Kalpa. To add to this, both Alex and the Nocturne characters were added to the game in remakes, and both the Womb of Grief and Labyrinth of Amala are dungeons that span the whole game and are the cornerstone of most of the new content.
  • Character Death : No story route ends in her surviving. Either she is killed in combat by the protagonist if he refuses to change the future or fades away as a result of a Temporal Paradox if he agrees.
  • Counter-Attack : She will respond to any attack that misses with a counter. To play on this, she has a potent hit/evasion debuff and a buff that makes her automatically evade all physical or magic attacks for the current and following turns. (If you put up a Tetrakarn beforehand, you can take advantage of this to feed her her own lead .)
  • Double Tap : A melee example. After she ventilates your innards in Bootes, she proceeds to slice you up with her sword to make good and sure you stay down.
  • Final Boss : Should you defeat Maria and opt not to do a Plus ending on Law or Neutral, she'll gain demonic power and fight with Amon and Shaytan after you beat Mem Aleph. This isn't the case on Chaos, where she's fought before Zelenin, or if you don't beat Maria, where she confronts the protagonist before he re-enters Mem Aleph's chamber.
  • Had to Be Sharp : In the future she hails from, created by the Chaos route, she had to become the strongest human around to survive.
  • Half-Human Hybrid : The daughter of Lucifer in his Louisa form and a human man. Oddly enough, the Japanese version's datamined files and hologram are what reveal it. She herself never knows the identity of her mother.
  • Hero Antagonist : Ultimately, her interference is to save the future world, and allowing her to succeed allows a much better ending in all cases.
  • Hopeless Boss Fight : The first time you encounter her ends with your guts splattered across Bootes' ground. If it weren't for Demeter, that would have been the end of you right then and there. Her second encounter in Carina can be fought normally, but she is revealed to have infinite HP, so you have no choice but to escape into the Sanctum.
  • Laser Blade : Her sidearm of choice.
  • Last of Her Kind : In the Chaos route, it is revealed that humanity wipes itself out with only Alex surviving.
  • Mask of Power : When she equips her DEMONICA mask.
  • Meaningful Name : Alex is short for Alexandra, the feminine form of Alexander, which is Greek for "protector of men." Which is her role no matter what route you take: She wants to protect humanity from a disaster caused by whichever of the three basic endings you choose.
  • Morality Pet : To Zelenin and the Protagonist on New Law and to Jimenez and the Protagonist on New Chaos. She convinces them not to forsake their humanity in pursuit of their ideals, leading to a better ending.
  • Murder Is the Best Solution : Her initial plan where she kills the protagonist, and what she eventually resorts to if she fails to convince him, Zelenin or Jimenez that there's a better way than blindly following their gods.
  • One-Woman Army : Zigzagged. She initially appears at a high level in Bootes and Carina, defeating the protagonist. She even takes on Amon and wins, but even she has trouble and nearly loses against certain foes like Zeus.
  • Post-Final Boss : If you've beaten Maria and don't do a Law or Neutral Plus ending, she becomes the Final Boss, and on Chaos, she's still fought before Zelenin.
  • Power Glows : She uses the last fruit fragment to awaken her demon heritage if the protagonist does her questline but doesn't go for the New Law/Neutral/Chaos routes.
  • Recurring Boss : Fought multiple times through the story. You are required to confront her at least three times (in Sector Bootes, Sector Carina, and Sector Horologium) to get the original endings. If you want the new endings, you have to fight her four times (Bootes, Carina, and the Third and Fourth Spheres of the Womb of Grief). Finally, if you beat the Womb of Grief but refuse to help her, you have one final but different confrontation in Horologium, bringing the total to five.
  • Run or Die : In Sector Carina and the Third Sphere of the Womb of Grief, she's way too strong for you and all you can do is run your ass off.
  • Law: Zelenin's song divided all of humanity into two groups: those that are brainwashed and those that are not. Alex is the Sole Survivor of those that were unaffected by Zelenin's song, and were massacred for it.
  • Chaos: Alex is the strongest human alive, because she was forced to kill everybody she met. The only ones left in the world of chaos that she comes from are herself and the demons.
  • Neutral: Humanity became complacent after the destruction of the Schwarzwelt, and was completely annihilated when it eventually reemerged.
  • Set Right What Once Went Wrong : She's here to prevent the three possible endings of Strange Journey , all of which eventually screw over humanity and lead to a Bad Future .
  • When encountered in Sector Carina you are able to fight her, though her health won't deplete and she's just as capable of putting you down as she was in the scripted fight in Bootes. The only way to "win" is to attempt to flee from the battle.
  • Played with if you run into her before the boss room in the Third Sphere of the Womb of Grief, when you're still supposed to run. She always has the initiative and is very powerful for when the Third Sphere is unlocked, but unlike Carina, her health will deplete. If you get her to almost nothing, she'll retreat and no longer attack at that square, but this isn't realistic until New Game Plus , and you can use this to get to the boss room more quickly.
  • She ends up on the other side of this trope in the extended endings. Attacking you fails to accomplish anything, but reasoning with you and Jimenez/Zelenin ultimately saves humanity from the Bad Future .
  • Take a Third Option : She lets you take a third option on every ending.
  • Talking the Monster to Death : Successfully does this to you and Jimenez/Zelenin on the New Chaos and Law routes, respectively.
  • Tears of Blood : During your final fight with her in Sector Horologium, if you complete the bonus dungeon but refuse to work with her.
  • Temporal Paradox : If the protagonist agrees to avert the Bad Future Alex comes from, she ceases to exist, but leaves behind her ring as a memento.
  • Villain Forgot to Level Grind : A lesser example, but a major part of her arc. She gets stronger while exploring the Schwarzwelt and hunting her targets, but she can't grow nearly as fast as the Protagonist, much to her frustration. While she slaughters the party before they can even act in her first encounter, by the time Ouroboros can be fought, he can decisively beat her immediately after he takes down Forneus, the boss of the Womb of Grief's Fourth Sphere.
  • When All You Have Is a Hammer… : During the battle where she also summons Amon and Shaytan, Alex's only skill is Claimh Solais, a physical attack that ignores resistances. It's the only thing she will do during the battle, but it will hurt, especially if supported by her demons' buffs.
  • Wolfpack Boss : If the New route options are rejected and she resorts to her demonic power, Alex summons Amon and Shaytan to aid her in battle. Averted if her questline is unfinished/never done, as she is fought solo.
  • The Worf Effect : She's a one woman army who can take down extremely powerful foes like Amon, but she's still in a Shin Megami Tensei game. Taking on a demon who's not only powerful, but has something you're weak to, is like signing your own death warrant in this series, and sure enough, when the electric-weak Alex goes up against the extremely powerful thunder god Zeus, she stands absolutely no chance.
  • Worf Had the Flu : The first time you can actually beat her is at the end of the Third Sphere, where she's been helpfully softened up by her fight with Amon.
  • You Can't Fight Fate : If you don't complete the Womb of Grief or refuse to help her, she dies in combat with you and fails to change anything.


Voiced by: Yuichi Nakamura

  • Foil : Deliberately made as one to Arthur. He's part of a personal DEMONICA suit loyal to the armor's wearer, while Arthur is part of a ship and loyal to the mission. George is far more personal with Alex and refers to her affectionately as buddy, while Arthur keeps an impersonal and professional attitude with everyone. Their color schemes are likewise opposite with George black and red while Arthur is white.
  • Gratuitous English : "Buddy".
  • Irony : Despite being a being of pure logical thought, George admits on the Law routes he couldn't comprehend Pillar Zelenin and her choices.
  • Mr. Exposition : He tends to give information freely as he comes to view the protagonist as less of a threat than they intended.

    Demeter (Unmarked Spoilers)

  • Affectionate Nickname : Refers to the protagonist as "My Harvest" due to reviving him and expecting him to grow strong like healthy wheat. It can also take a darker twist when it's revealed that she's just using him.
  • Children Are Innocent : Subverted. She goes out of her way to give off the vibe of an innocent child to fool the protagonist. In truth she's a fanatical supporter of the Three Wise Men.
  • Co-Dragons : With Mastema for their masters the Three Wise Men.
  • Devour the Dragon : How she meets her end. Shekinah forces her to sacrifice herself to restore her health and give her resistances to all elements.
  • Evil All Along : Of a Well-Intentioned Extremist sort. She reveals her true colors to the protagonist only after he has gathered all the fruits for her, making it clear she plans on watching them be destroyed on the New Neutral/Chaos route with amusement. In the New Law route, however, she is on your side till the very end, where you end up betraying her .
  • Evil Laugh : She has a laugh at the death of Mem Aleph by Jimenez and the protagonist's hands on New Chaos, finding Chaos' treachery of its own morbidly humorous.
  • Meaningful Name : Her nickname for the player, "My Harvest" is a clue to her true nature , as a harvest entails not just nurturing a plant into growing strong, but cutting it down to benefit the harvester.
  • Non-Action Guy : She has no expertise in combat, admitting a Pixie could beat her. Her healing powers as a goddess of fertility make up for it, even reviving deceased humans.
  • Secret Character : You can only unlock Demeter for fusion in a New Game Plus if you complete one of the New Route endings at least once.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here! : She disappears after Alex's death on the original routes when the protagonist kills Alex and rejects the new routes. She passes it off as if nothing too bad happens on Law (after all, that ends up working for her ideals in the long term), but on Neutral and Chaos she curses humanity and makes it clear she wants them all to die for failing to serve the Three Wise Men.
  • The Unfought : Despite being a flunky of the Three Wise Men, she is never directly fought in combat.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist : Of the same sort as the Three Wise Men, believing that humanity has defiled the Earth too much to be allowed to continue without strict control and removal of free will instead of delighting in the suffering that would happen as a result.

    Keepers of the Fruit 

Six beings who protect special red fruits wanted by Demeter in the Womb of Grief. They are separated into two groups: The Wardens (Amon, Forneus, and Zeus) and the Mothers (Anahita, Ishtar, Maria).

  • Ascended Extra : In the original game, Ishtar could only be summoned through a special password. Come Redux , she gets promoted to a Mother with a brand new skill named Alluring Squall .
  • Boss Rush : In the section of the Ingress locked behind the Sixth Sphere is a pillar identical to the one in Antlia that lets you rematch all of them, as well as the True Final Boss . And if you've gotten one of the original endings and fought Alex at her strongest, you'll also fight Amon at full power.
  • Fighting them is optional, only being required for the new routes or unlocking Amon and Shaytan during the Alex rejection boss fight.
  • On a New Game Plus where you've unlocked Amon and Shaytan, you can challenge Amon at peak condition during the Boss Rush in the Ingress, where he serves as the final opponent if you haven't gotten a New ending and the penultimate opponent if you have.
  • The Unfought : Amon is already dead by the time you reach the end of the Third Sphere , and the boss of that segment is Alex. You later get to fight him as part of Alex's team if you complete the Womb of Grief but refuse to help her, and doing this earns you the right to challenge him at full power in the Womb of Grief's Boss Rush .
  • Ascended Extra : In the original game, Demonee-Ho's just a password-exclusive demon. In Redux , he becomes a recurring Quest Giver .
  • Beware the Silly Ones : Even the protagonist, who should be long past boot-camp due to being a special forces officer, still reacts like a nervous recruit on his first day training when facing Demonee-Ho and his sessions.
  • Drill Sergeant Nasty : Channels this attitude when speaking. When foreshadowing the reveal of his true form, he drops this speech pattern for archaic English.
  • Whole-Plot Reference : His entire series of lines and sidequests are one big tribute to Gunnery Sergeant Hartman's bootcamp scenes from the first half of Full Metal Jacket . The english version is less subtle and almost quotes Hartman word for word at times.
  • Heroic Sacrifice : When she finds Jin's corpse, she pulls out the orb on her forehead to revive him at the cost of her own life... but the petrification makes it slip from her claw, causing her to spend her final moments crying as she turns to stone over his body. If Louisa Ferre weren't nearby, Vouivre's sacrifice would've been All for Nothing .
  • Healing Factor : Being shot by a plasma cannon and having bombs explode from inside its mouth only knock it out for a short while.
  • What Happened to the Mouse? : The In Medias Res opening of Chapter 1 where it finds Jin is its last chronological appearance; the last scene of the manga is a possibly half-demon Jin and his Strike Team waiting for the Gigantic to return, implying that Jin was able to either kill it or subdue it.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death : His upper half gets eaten by the massive Wendigo.
  • Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne
  • Characters/Shin Megami Tensei
  • Shin Megami Tensei IV

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  • How do I beat Mem Aleph? Enemy/Boss 1 Answer
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  • Does the Womb of Grief trigger the new endings? Plot 2 Answers

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  • Shin Megami Tensei V Bosses
  • Shin Megami Tensei V Demons
  • Law Demons in Shin Megami Tensei V
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  • Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers Demons
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Metatron is a demon in the series.

  • 2 Appearances
  • 3.1 Shin Megami Tensei: 20XX
  • 3.2 Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne
  • 3.3 Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE
  • 3.4 Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey
  • 3.5 Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse
  • 3.6 Shin Megami Tensei V
  • 3.7 Last Bible New Testament II
  • 3.8 Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers
  • 3.9 Soul Hackers 2
  • 3.10.2 Reload
  • 3.11 Persona 4
  • 3.12.1 Royal
  • 3.13 Persona 5 Strikers
  • 3.14 Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner
  • 3.15.1 Overclocked
  • 3.16 Devil Survivor 2
  • 3.17 Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2
  • 4.1 Shin Megami Tensei II
  • 4.2 Shin Megami Tensei: if...
  • 4.3 Shin Megami Tensei: 20XX
  • 4.4 Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne
  • 4.5 Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE
  • 4.6 Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey
  • 4.7 Shin Megami Tensei IV
  • 4.8 Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse
  • 4.9 Shin Megami Tensei V
  • 4.10 Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner
  • 4.11 Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers
  • 4.12 Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon
  • 4.13 Soul Hackers 2
  • 4.14 Persona 3
  • 4.15 Persona 4
  • 4.16 Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth
  • 4.17 Persona 5 / Royal
  • 4.18 Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth
  • 4.19 Persona 5 Strikers
  • 4.20 Devil Children Black/Red/White Book
  • 4.21 Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner
  • 4.22 Devil Survivor
  • 4.23 Devil Survivor 2
  • 4.24 Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2
  • 6 In Other Languages

History [ ]

Metatron (who is sometimes theorized to originally be Enoch , father of Methuselah and great-grandfather of Noah) is the voice of God . Whenever a human believes God has directly spoken to them, in reality it is Metatron acting as his vessel. One million eyes and mouths cover his body, and every mouth speaks a different language. He is the being who is the nearest in hierarchy to that of God. He is said to have the largest body among all of the angels, having 36 wings, 3 representing the triumvirate of the father (God), the son ( Jesus Christ ) and the holy ghost , multiplied by the 12 tribes of Israel (God's chosen people). In ancient Judaism, his status is even higher than that of the Archangel Michael .

He received various titles such as "Face of God," "Angel of Contracts" synonymous with the Iranian God Mithra , "King of Angels" and others of the like. His name literally means "He who sits behind the throne of Heaven." Metatron is also said to be the twin brother of the archangel Sandalphon .

Although Metatron isn't an official angel according to the ecumenical teachings of modern Christendom (nor does he appear in any of the Old or New Testament books and letters of the Bible), his celebrity is certainly not without consequence. As put forth in several of the ancient Enochian texts (especially the Slavonic Secrets of Enoch text 2 , one of many deuterocanonicals attributed to Enoch), Metatron takes on the heavenly role as God's mediator with all mankind. Some of said texts even go so far as to assert that Metatron is actually the holy ghost of Christianity (see 2 Enoch and 3 Enoch). As such, particularly to the Gnostics in upper Mesopotamia via the "Nag Hammadi" transcripts, Metatron is portrayed to be the most mysterious, as well as the highest, in the order of the heavenly host.

Appearances [ ]

  • Shin Megami Tensei II : Herald Race
  • Shin Megami Tensei: if... : Herald Race , Guardian
  • Shin Megami Tensei: 20XX : Herald Race , Final Boss (Neutral and Chaos routes)
  • Shin Megami Tensei: 20XX Devil Coliseum : Tennin Race
  • Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne : Herald Race , Optional Boss
  • Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE : Seraph Race
  • Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey / Redux : Herald Race
  • Shin Megami Tensei IV : Herald Race
  • Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse : Herald Race
  • Shin Megami Tensei V / Vengeance : Herald Race , Boss
  • Last Bible New Testament II: Children of the Gospel : Boss
  • Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner : Herald Race
  • Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers : Herald Race
  • Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon : Wind Order
  • Soul Hackers 2 : Herald Race
  • Persona 3 : Sun Arcana
  • Persona 3 FES / Portable / Reload : Aeon Arcana
  • Persona 4 / Golden : Judgement Arcana
  • Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth : Judgement Arcana
  • Persona 5 / Royal : Justice Arcana
  • Persona 5 Strikers : Justice Arcana
  • Persona O.A.
  • Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth : Justice Arcana
  • Devil Children Black Book & Red Book : Boss Race
  • Devil Children White Book : Boss Race
  • Shin Megami Tensei Trading Card: Card Summoner : Herald Race , Final Boss (Demon Lord Route)
  • Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner : Aerial Class , Optional Boss
  • Devil Survivor : Divine Race
  • Devil Survivor Overclocked : Divine Race , Final Boss (Overlord 8th Days)
  • Devil Survivor 2 The Animation
  • Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2 : Herald Race , Final Boss

Profile [ ]

Metatron is a prominent figure appearing in many Megami Tensei games usually revolving around his allegiance to Law and YHVH. He is portrayed as firm and lawful, if not ruthless and unforgiving, especially when it comes to matters that concern demons, whom he harbors a deep hatred for.

Shin Megami Tensei: 20XX [ ]

Metatron is the leader of the Messian Church. He is responsible for sending hunters to destroy the Ultimate Gaean Project , but has an interest in it. On the Law route, he'll invite the protagonist to return order to Tokyo Millennium at the Center. He explains that the Ring of Gaea has started a riot to destroy the Order of Messiah in order to bring chaos and freedom to the citizens of Valhalla , and sends the protagonist to the East District, where a huge tower has emerged. After reaching the final floor, "His Excellency," Mara , the leader of the Ring of Gaea, will attack the party. When defeated, his tower starts to crumble. However, Satan , who was brainwashed, tries to stop the protagonist from leaving. After being defeated, Satan will recognize Metatron and will join the party. Later, after returning to the Center, Lucifer awaits to fight the protagonist in one last battle. On the Neutral and Chaos routes, Metatron will be faced as the final boss.

Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne [ ]

Metatron only appears in the international release of Nocturne , titled Nocturne Maniax in Japan. Should the Demi-fiend accept the old gentleman's request of retrieving all the stolen Candelabrum , Metatron will intervene: the seraph warns the Demi-fiend not to meet with the old gentleman, nor continue venturing into the Labyrinth of Amala , for he shall suffer the wrath of the "Absolute One."

Should the Demi-fiend choose to ignore Metatron's warnings, Metatron will stand in his path in the final Kalpa, forbidding him to meet up with the Morning Star . Enraged, Metatron chastises the Demi-fiend for disregarding his warnings and proceeds to attack him, hoping to kill him before he loses the last vestiges of his humanity. After Metatron is defeated, the Demi-fiend can summon him in the Cathedral of Shadows . Metatron can only be summoned by fusing Michael and any other Divine or Seraph demon with a Tyrant demon sacrifice.

Metatron is the only demon capable of learning the Fire of Sinai skill, which inflicts random mega Almighty damage. He also sports "hidden" resistances to Physical, Fire , Electricity and Force attacks, which he only takes half damage from despite not being shown as resisted against.

While unlocking Metatron requires the player to go through the True Demon path, it's possible to obtain him for fusion and get other endings instead. True Demon ending is only obtained by descending the final elevator (Lift of the Abyss) to meet Lucifer, so the player can simply defeat Metatron to unlock him for fusion and turn back to pursue other endings.

Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE [ ]

Metatron appears as the boss of the Shinagawa Diaspora instance and his plug-in can be acquired through gathering 500 Masakadus that drop in the end chest. He is a special triple fusion of Raphael , Throne and Loki . He also appears alongside Michael when he appears as an event boss and as a later act boss for those of the law alignment, in which players must defeat him in a timed battle to acquire the Angel Ring necessary to access the final fight against Seth in Act 20.

He was added as a boss in the second wave of Abyss Tower bosses where players could obtain an upgrade plug-in that learned the almighty affinity rapid skill Fire of Sinai.

Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey [ ]

In a New Game+ playthrough, "Metatron" (in reality a fragment of "The Lord") appears in Sector Grus blocking a special door. In a prior game, a Power will stand guard before that door, indicating he had heard the lord's voice (another reference to Metatron's role as the voice of God) command him to do so. After completing the Jack's Squad Pacification mission, he will entice the protagonist with tales of a powerful demon lying in the depths of Grus, which holds a rare treasure. Upon delving in Grus' corridors, the protagonist eventually found and battled Alilat , which was only the keeper of the lock for the Great Father of the Schwarzwelt : Demiurge . With Metatron's powers slightly replenished by Alilat 's death, he hands her skull, her rare forma, to the protagonist, and urges him to kill Demiurge next, so his power will be fully released.

The crazed Demiurge refuses to listen to "Metatron" and swats him away, and begins fighting the protagonist in the game's ultimate deathmatch. After the tremendous battle, it shrivels and dies, allowing "Metatron" to drain the energies and be reborn as the true, complete Lord, Demiurge, who vows to protect humanity, for as long as it clings to its faith of the holy spirit...

If the process is interrupted, he instead curses humanity for once again opposing him as he is sealed by the female voice.

Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse [ ]

The guardian of the 3rd Brane entrance in YHVH's Universe , having come to kill the unclean ones and filth that defy the lord. Upon death, a horde of Metatron appear, warning that YHVH will build as many of him as needed to kill those who defy him. Metatron Hordes are then a random encounter for the rest of the dungeon. This the first time in the series where Metatron's mechanical design and nature are acknowledged by other characters and even Metatron himself.

Shin Megami Tensei V [ ]

Metatron first appears when the protagonist arrives at the top of the Temple of Eternity. He serves as the Empyrean's "judge" and challenges them to see if they are worthy to enter. If the protagonist manages to defeat him, he gains Metatron's Essence and unlocks the ability to fuse him. Metatron's Essence offers a well-rounded resistance spread with no weakness that is a valuable asset for the final stretch of the game, although it also contains a highly sought-after High Almighty Pleroma skill.

Last Bible New Testament II [ ]

Lucifer and Satan had secretly agreed that if they could not become the new ruler they would join together. The resulting fusion is Metatron, revealed later to merely be a facet of Mystra .

Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers [ ]

Metatron is necessary in order to fuse Zeed into the general Longinus . He is also used in the Extra Dungeon battle with Kyouji Kuzunoha .

Soul Hackers 2 [ ]

Metatron is a demon of the Herald race and can be summoned through special fusion at the Cirque du Goumaden once Ringo has reached level 91. Summoning Metatron requires Sandalphon , Throne and Mithras to be used in special fusion. Metatron has a distinct quirk, in that he will learn two skills at once, Luster Candy and Debilitate , upon reaching level 92.

Persona 3 [ ]

Metatron is a Persona of the Sun Arcana. Metatron's fusion prerequisite requires Michael, Gabriel , Raphael and Uriel to perform a cross-spread fusion in the Velvet Room . Metatron also grants the equipment the Book of Enoch , which increases the user's dodge rate against Magic.

In the re-release, Metatron's Arcana was changed to the Aeon Arcana , and represents the ultimate Persona of the aforementioned Arcana. To summon Metatron, the protagonist must max-out the Aeon Social Link , then fuse the archangels Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel and Michael through cross fusion. By finishing the Social Link, Aigis will present the protagonist with her charred screw, unlocking Metatron for fusion. Metatron is one of few Personas that can become invincible to all attacks except Almighty if fused with 5 null/repel/absorb skills, though if this is accomplished his skillset will be made up entirely of passive skills, leaving the protagonist with no choice but to use the rush option or attack items if they want to deal damage. In The Answer , Aigis herself will be able to summon Metatron through normal fusion if she reaches Level 87.

FES also introduces the Weapon Fusion system, where fusing Metatron with a Nihil weapon grants the strongest firearm-classed weapon, Metatronius .

It has an attack value of 450, a hit rate of 94 and increases all stat values by 10.

Metatron uses his Shin Megami Tensei II color palette in this version of the game rather than his colors that debuted in Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner , similar to his appearance in Persona 5 .

Persona 4 [ ]

Metatron returns as a Persona of the Judgement Arcana . While the fusion prerequisite of Metatron in previous games requires the specific fusions of Uriel, Gabriel, Raphael or Michael, Metatron in Persona 4 can be created by fusing any other appropriate Personas. Through the use of triangle fusion, if Metatron inherited Null Physical, Null Wind and Repel Dark, and reached level 89, the protagonist can make him invincible to everything save Almighty-type attacks by adding the inherited skills mentioned above and Metatron's own skill (default Null Fire and Repel Light plus Repel Ice , Repel Elec and Repel Fire .)

Persona 5 [ ]

Metatron is the ultimate Persona of the Justice Arcana and can only be obtained through fusion in the Velvet Room upon the conclusion of the Justice Confidant . In order to fuse him, the protagonist must be at least level 89 and have gathered the Principality , Power , Dominion , Melchizedek , Sandalphon and Michael Personas. As Sandalphon is the ultimate Persona of the Moon Arcana , the Moon Confidant with Yuuki Mishima will also need to be completed.

He is one of four Personas to learn the Sword Dance Physical skill and one of three to learn Bless Amp and Divine Judgement . When itemized through Electric Chair execution , Metatron yields the Nataraja pistol for the protagonist, which has 360 ATK, 90 ACC, fires 8 rounds per turn and increases all of the protagonist's stats by 5. Metatron is one of the Personas required to summon Lucifer through advanced fusion.

Compared to many other modern games of the Megami Tensei franchise, Metatron uses his color palette from Shin Megami Tensei II rather than his color palette that debuted in Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner . This applies to other games of the Persona 5 series.

When itemized during a fusion alarm , Metatron will yield the Nataraja EX pistol instead, which has 350 ATK, 85 ACC and gives the protagonist +6 in all stats. It is now the best pistol in the game, as Nataraja was nerfed and now only has 330 ATK.

Persona 5 Strikers [ ]

Metatron returns as the ultimate Persona of the Justice Arcana once again, and is one of the only two post-game Personas in the game, with the other being Lucifer . Metatron is the only Persona in the game aside from Sophia 's Pandora to naturally learn Makougaon , and is the only one to naturally learn Salvation . It is unlocked for fusion after defeating the Shadow of God bonus boss in the Tree of Knowledge , which can only appear after defeating the final boss, False God Demiurge , once and reloading the clear data.

In order to fuse Metatron, four Personas are needed, those being Archangel , Principality , Trumpeter , and Dominion . It is also one of the five Personas required to fuse Lucifer in New Game Plus .

Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner [ ]

Metatron appears as an optional boss in Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner . He can only be fought after the predecessor optional bosses, the Four Guardian Beasts Feng Huang , Long , Baihu and Gui Xian have been defeated. After the Four Guardian Beasts have been defeated, the Red Ring item found in Ajna at the end of the Anahata Waterways must be obtained prior to going to the Ajna proper. The party will encounter two women standing outside the entrance of the Brute's base who will mention that a demon with "beautiful silvery wings" is running around inside the base. Subsequently, the party has to set the configuration to White and head through the northeastern door.

The party will run into a human who will accost the party, accusing them of killing his girlfriend, Laura. Regardless of the party's answer to the accusation, he will transform into Metatron and attack. Metatron retains several attacks reminiscent of Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne , including Fire of Sinai and Makakaja used throughout the battle. Defeating Metatron will grant the item "Seraph Quill," which unlocks the Gyokuza Mantra, granting access to Metatron's skills. The party will also receive the Karma Ring which allows the wearer to repel Expel-based attacks, which can be equipped in the sequel .

The human Metatron manifests from repeated attempts, unsuccessfully, to prevent Metatron's personality from fully asserting itself, indicating a greater degree of loss of control of the demon virus. Despite originally only searching for his girlfriend, Metatron wound up controlling him and both were slain.

The battle with Metatron is rather straightforward. During the second half of the battle, Metatron will use a whole round casting Makakaja and will use Mind Charge and Megidolaon / Fire of Sinai the next round. The party can cast Dekaja between rounds to cut damage received by these attacks.

Devil Survivor [ ]

Metatron appears as one of the main driving forces of the story and can only be fused after completing Amane's route. Metatron himself most likely sends the protagonist an e-mail at the end of the game, as he refers to himself as the "Voice of God." He is the most powerful member of the Divine Race.

Metatron is the only character, except Laksmi , Basilisk and Cabracan , who repels Mystic attacks (all others are either weak to, resist or void it). In addition, because of Metatron's elemental resistances, by fusing him with null, repel or drain elec and force (ice in Overclocked), he can become invincible to all except Almighty, a feat that no other character in the entire game (excluding Beldr ) can accomplish (although in Overclocked Metatron merely nulls Physical instead of repelling it so he becomes vulnerable to Physical skills that are combined with Pierce and the Piercing Hit attack that was added into the game).

Overclocked [ ]

In addition to his previous role, he is the final boss of Naoya's 8th day route. In response to the protagonist becoming the King of Bel, Metatron issues a proclamation demanding the Overlord be turned in before he'll lift the lock-down and that only then would they end the lock-down. The angels proceed to threaten the humans into killing the Overlord or die for disobeying, without revealing their true intention of always planning to kill everyone in the lock-down during Naoya's 8th Day.

Once he has been backed into a corner during his battle against the Overlord, Metatron attempts to summon the four archangels to kill him, which would also destroy the entire world in the process. He is defeated by the summoning of Belial and Beldr before he could succeed, and warns that God has forsaken all mankind on both paths of Naoya's 8th Day. He then retreats into heaven to lead heaven's army for the inevitable battle in heaven.

On Yuzu's 8th Day, he appears to tell the protagonist that God has decided to abandon humanity and departs to join him in the heavens.

Devil Survivor 2 [ ]

Metatron appears as the strongest member of the Divine race. Much like his incarnation in the prequel, imparting Metatron with Null/Repel/Drain Elec and Force will leave him invulnerable to all attacks save for Almighty attacks, a feat that can otherwise be accomplished only with Purple Mirror and Titania .

Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2 [ ]

Despite Metatron using his artwork from Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner for his icon and his talking appearance, he uses his Shin Megami Tensei II colors for his 3D model.

An event titled Envoy of the End Unleashed features a new Metatron variant known as Malice Metatron .

Shin Megami Tensei II [ ]

Shin megami tensei: if... [ ], shin megami tensei iv [ ], shin megami tensei iv: apocalypse [ ], shin megami tensei: devil summoner [ ].

  • Boss - Extra Dungeon

Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon [ ]

  • FES / Portable

Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth [ ]

Persona 5 / royal [ ].

  • Persona 5 Royal

Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth [ ]

  • Shadow of God

Devil Children Black/Red/White Book [ ]

  • Overlord 8th Day
  • Ally (Overclocked)

Gallery [ ]

Artwork from Shin Megami Tensei II

In Other Languages [ ]

  • The artwork of Metatron's eyes have multiple crosses, symbols of Jesus Christ's crucifixion.
  • Shadow of God is the name of the enemy Metatron within Persona 5 , but it was dummied out and has no AI programmed in it. (Indicating that it can only use regular attacks even if it has moves programmed within.) It is a Challenge Battle enemy in Royal and in Persona 5 Strikers it is a proper story-line boss encountered in the game's final act.

See also [ ]

  • Shin Megami Tensei
  • 1 Makoto Yuki
  • 2 Ren Amamiya
  • 3 Goro Akechi


  1. Mastema

    Mastema, known as Mansemat in Japan, is a demon in the series. Mastema, also known as Mansemat, is an angel of persecution and hostility who carries out persecutions and punishments for God as cited from the literature of Israel's Second Temple Period. In this regard, he is also similar to Satan, who held more or less the same portfolio in other books of the period. Mastema is said to be the ...

  2. The Devs of Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux Answer Your

    Shin Megami Tensei fans around the world are tuning up their Demonicas for their expedition to Antarctica when Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux launches on May 15*! ... There is dialogue in the game suggesting the angel Mastema may have originated from somewhere beyond this Earth, so it wouldn't be so strange if the stage was set in ...

  3. Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey

    Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey [a] is a role-playing video game developed by Atlus and Lancarse for the Nintendo DS.The game is the sixth entry in the Shin Megami Tensei series, which forms the core of the Megami Tensei franchise. It was released in Japan in 2009, and in North America in 2010. An enhanced port for the Nintendo 3DS, Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux, [b] was ...

  4. Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey

    The character is protected by Tetraja. The character has an empty status ailment box, and so is not afflicted by any status ailment currently. _____ Status Ailments ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ These are the status ailments in Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey: Death ¯¯¯¯¯ Demon's HP reaches 0.

  5. SMT Strange Journey

    Zelenin seeks Mastema's aid. Mastema's bestows her with heavenly light

  6. Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux Review

    Game Review. Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux is exactly what is advertised: a strange, phenomenal journey into the unknown. Players who embark on this supernatural sci-fi tale will find a serious, thought-provoking narrative intermixed with challenging dungeon-crawling gameplay and an addictive demon collecting and demon fusion mechanic.

  7. Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey

    North America. Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey is a game for the Nintendo DS console. An enhanced port to the Nintendo 3DS, Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux, was released on May 15, 2018. The game includes new artwork for the characters, voice acting, animation, new demons, and three new endings. 350 demons are fusable in-game.

  8. Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux

    During their investigation, a mysterious girl appears in front of you, wearing unfamiliar equipment who travels the Land of Ruin by herself, then she suddenly becomes hostile. What is her objective? Ultimately, your choices and decisions will affect the fate of humanity. Shin Megami Tensei® Strange Journey Redux. Nintendo 3DS™.

  9. Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey

    First, a little bit about myself and why I'm here. Ever since Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne came out, I've been a huge fan of the MegaTen franchise, particularly with its vast roster of "demons," beings from various world mythologies, religions, and folklore.

  10. Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey

    Summary. SMT: Strange Journey is a first-person science fiction RPG for the Nintendo DS. With over 300 demons to bribe, coerce, and negotiate with to gain assistance in battle, Strange Journey ...

  11. Angel

    Angel is a demon in the series. Angels are divine celestial beings that have been recorded in various religious lore, mainly Abrahamic, who faithfully serve God. The term "angel" comes from the Greek word "angelos" meaning "messenger," as a translation of their name in Hebrew "Malach," this term is used both to refer to the lowest rank of angels and the heavenly host as a whole. Angel, however ...

  12. SMT: Strange Journey Redux [77] An angel in the way

    Part 77 - The alignment lock is bound to happen soon and I can't help but feel that we may or may not be kind of killing other possible routes with our actio...

  13. Strange Journey Walkthrough: Carina Sector · Lord Yuan Shu

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  14. Such a Trustworthy Angel : r/Megaten

    I think Strange Journey did a really good job with Masetema as a character. ... he's still probably one of the best angels out there. I'm gonna have to kill him don't I. ... Games included under the MegaTen umbrella are the mainline Shin Megami Tensei games and its sub-series of Persona, Devil Summoner, Devil Survivor, Digital Devil Saga ...

  15. Strange Journey Grus Sector Guide · Lord Yuan Shu

    Categories SMT Strange Journey Tags "volunteer to become an angel" "remain silent", angel Mastema, becoming angel in strange journey, big, Captain Jack's Squad, Chaos, Commander Gore, dr j k kuan, DS, erikonig-smt-strange-journey, explore-grus-f1-smt-strange-journey, fire, Firest Lieutenant Zelenin, genma bugle, gru's exotic matter strange ...

  16. Lower Layer Map or teleport maze solution (Possible Spoilers)

    For Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux on the 3DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Lower Layer Map or teleport maze solution (Possible Spoilers)". Menu. Home; Boards; News; Q&A; ... With Guidance Angel, you can touch the Teleporter Traps on the lower screen to see, where it will teleport you. Maybe that will help you a little.

  17. Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey (Video Game)

    An Updated Re-release for the Nintendo 3DS called Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux ( Strange Journey Deep in Japan) was released in Japan in 2017. This update improves the visuals and adds voice acting, a number of new characters and recruitable demons, and new ending routes. It released in North America on May 16 2018.

  18. Characters in Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey

    The protagonist of the manga spinoff Deathtament: Shin Megami Tensei Deep Strange Journey -Another Report-, he is a high-ranking Japanese military officer aboard the Gigantic. Came Back Strong : Despite being Killed Offscreen (with his limbs detached from his body), Louisa Ferre somehow revives him with Vouivre's orb.

  19. [Serious] Which ending is the best ending to get in SMT Strange Journey

    This is a community for Megami Tensei, a series of JRPGs developed by Atlus. Games included under the MegaTen umbrella are the mainline Shin Megami Tensei games and its sub-series of Persona, Devil Summoner, Devil Survivor, Digital Devil Saga, and Raidou Kuzunoha (among others).

  20. Does anyone know where to find the rare forma for the new ...

    For Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux on the 3DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Does anyone know where to find the rare forma for the new app Guidance Angel?".

  21. Megami Tensei Fusion Tools

    Megami Tensei Fusion Tools; Demon List Skill List Fusion Chart Password Generator Fusion Settings ; Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux Fusion Calculator

  22. Metatron

    Metatron is a demon in the series. Metatron (who is sometimes theorized to originally be Enoch, father of Methuselah and great-grandfather of Noah) is the voice of God. Whenever a human believes God has directly spoken to them, in reality it is Metatron acting as his vessel. One million eyes and mouths cover his body, and every mouth speaks a different language. He is the being who is the ...

  23. strange journey redux demonica questions : r/Megaten

    This is a community for Megami Tensei, a series of JRPGs developed by Atlus. Games included under the MegaTen umbrella are the mainline Shin Megami Tensei games and its sub-series of Persona, Devil Summoner, Devil Survivor, Digital Devil Saga, and Raidou Kuzunoha (among others).