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The 15 Best Boston Tours

Get to know one of America's most historic cities with these tours.

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Getty Images

Hoping to experience Boston through the eyes of a local? A guided tour may be just the thing. Factoring in traveler sentiment and expert opinion, U.S. News selected some of Boston's best tours. Whether you're eating your way through the North End or zipping around Boston Common on a Segway, you'll see this New England city in a new light and learn some of its history along the way during these top Boston tours.

The Revolutionary Story Tour

Price: Adults from $76; kids from $38 Duration: 4 hours

Many reviewers call this tour enjoyable and one of the best walking tours they'd ever been on thanks to the engaging guide. Led by a local resident with degrees in history, political science and public policy, the tour takes visitors through the streets of Boston to chronologically retell the story of the American Revolution. Along the 3.5-mile jaunt, you'll pass by a dozen of the sites featured on the Freedom Trail, and you'll also hear about the key players in 18th-century Boston, including John Adams, Benjamin Franklin and Paul Revere.

Tours are offered daily at 9:30 a.m. There is also a 1:30 p.m. tour Thursday through Sunday during the winter months and daily during the summer months through the beginning of November. There is a maximum of 16 people per tour. The company partners with another local guide to provide private tours.

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City Experiences by Hornblower – New England Aquarium Whale Watch Cruise

Price: Adults from $65; kids from $45 Duration: 3.5 hours

Hop on one of City Experience's high-speed catamarans for a whale watching excursion to the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary. This area is a magnet for whales, dolphins, sea birds and other marine creatures who head there to feed. New England Aquarium naturalists on board offer their insights on whales, answer questions and explain whale behaviors, a big plus for travelers. During your trip, you may see several different species of whales, including humpbacks, finbacks, minkes, sei whales and endangered right whales.

Tours leave from mid-May through early-November from Long Wharf, which is located near the aquarium. Tour frequency depends on the month, but there is at least one per day. Cruisers say the tour is fun and report seeing plenty of wildlife. Combo tickets that include admission to the aquarium are also available. The company also offers sightseeing and sunset cruises.

CityView Trolley Tours

Price: Adults from $42; kids from $20 Duration: 1 hour

The family-friendly hop-on, hop-off CityView Trolley Tours offer a convenient and comfortable way to explore the city and visit its top attractions , something visitors (especially those in Boston for the first time) appreciate. Stops at the New England Aquarium, Quincy Market and Old North Church, among others, make it easy to access sites along the Freedom Trail and other neighborhoods. What's more, guides share fun and informational tidbits along the way.

Trolleys run daily from mid-April to November from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Note: While you can hop on and hop off the trolley as you please, tickets are only valid for one full tour loop. Two-day passes are also available.

Best Boston Tours

Old Town Trolley Tours – Boston Hop-On Hop-Off Trolley Tour

Price: Adults from $50; kids from $29 Duration: 1.5 hours

Explore the top sights in Boston on this hop-on, hop-off trolley tour that makes 18 stops. Along the route, you can hop off and explore attractions like Faneuil Hall, the "Cheers" bar, the USS Constitution and the Old State House, and then hop back on at your leisure. Without getting off, you'll tour for about 90 minutes. Trolleys frequently stop approximately every 15 minutes. Participants praise the convenience this tour offers and rave about the entertaining, informative guides. Reviewers also say the tour is a great way to see the city without having to do a lot of walking.

Trolleys run daily from 9 a.m. to 4 or 5 p.m., depending on the time of year. For one-day tours, tickets allow for unlimited re-boarding. Tickets also get you discounted rates for a Boston Harbor cruise as well as discounted entry to the Boston Tea Party Ships & Museum. Two-day tickets, as well as the Ghosts & Gravestones evening tour are also available.

Boston Pizza Tours – North End Pizza Tour

Price: From $49 Duration: 2.5 hours

Sink your teeth into some of Boston's best pizza on this walking tour. You'll start your stroll in North End, which is considered Boston's Little Italy. Along the way, you'll pass by five sites on the Freedom Trail, including the Paul Revere House and the Old North Church. The tour cost includes three full-size pizza slices, water and a cannoli. Tourgoers applaud guides for their positive attitudes and entertaining, educational delivery of Boston history. Reviewers are also complimentary of the food.

Tours are generally offered two times daily at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m., but a 5 p.m. tour is offered during certain months of the year. Tours are capped at 12 participants. The tour can accommodate vegetarian diets; those with other dietary restrictions (such as vegan diets or food allergies) will need to take a private tour.

Fenway Park Tours

Price: Adults from $25; kids from $17 Duration: 1 hour

Baseball fans and history buffs relish the chance to take a behind-the-scenes peek at America's oldest ballpark. Even non-baseball fans find the tour worthwhile, according to reviewers. The tour takes visitors to important sites within the ballpark, including the world-famous 37-foot-high Green Monster. The excellent guides, full of Red Sox and Fenway Park trivia, offer an entertaining tour and are a hit with participants.

Tours run year-round from 9.m. to 5 p.m. (at 10 a.m. November through March) and start on the hour. On game days, the last tour is scheduled three hours before game time. Fenway Park also offers a variety of other stadium tours, including Day Game Premium Tours and Fenway in Fifteen, a condensed 15-minute tour.

Best Boston Tours

Courtesy of Rose Kennedy Fitzgerald Greenway

Boston Segway Tours

Price: From $69 Duration: 1 or 2 hours

Boston Segway Tours takes visitors on an adventure through the city. Since it's faster to glide than walk, you can cover much more ground on Segway than by foot. As you travel from Boston Common to the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway, your guide takes you by some of Boston's most famous landmarks while always keeping an eye out for riders' safety, according to tour-takers. Pick a two-hour tour to visit Cambridge.

Participants must be 14 or older and weigh at least 100 pounds to ride; additional restrictions may apply.

Urban AdvenTours – City View Bike Tour

Price: From $60 Duration: 3 hours

Exploring Boston by bike is a great way to cover a lot of ground in an exciting, active way. Urban AdvenTours' flagship City View Bike Tour takes participants on a 10- to 12-mile trek through six different neighborhoods. You'll bike through major Boston sites, such as North End, the Boston University campus and Kenmore Square, Fenway Park, the South End, Boston Common and Long Wharf. Along with the comprehensive overview of the city, riders commend the care guides take in making them feel safe.

This tour rides daily at 10 a.m., with additional 2 p.m. departures on Saturday and Sunday during the summer months. The tour is best for those comfortable riding on city streets. Children must be age 10 or older. Adults can upgrade to an electric bike for an additional fee. Urban AdvenTours also offers cycling trips through Cambridge and the Emerald Necklace park system, as well as a family-friendly tour for kids 10 and younger.

Off the Eaten Path Tours

Price: Adults from $95; kids from $40 Duration: 3 hours

On this food tour of the North End – Boston's famous Italian neighborhood – owner Paula Noukos promises more than just samples of tasty food. Besides stopping at popular spots, such as Bricco Panetteria and Galleria Umberto, you'll hear tips on how to shop for the best extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar. You'll also learn about the history and architecture of this unique neighborhood, a highlight for reviewers. Travelers are also fond of the guide and appreciate her vast knowledge of the neighborhood.

Tours are generally offered Tuesday through Saturday at 11 a.m. and are limited to 12 people.

Best Boston Tours

Courtesy of Boston Duck Tours

Boston Duck Tours

Price: Adults from $53; kids from $38 Duration: 80 minutes

Quack and splash your way around Beantown with the entertaining Boston Duck Tours, which takes passengers around Boston and into the Charles River on World War II-style amphibious landing vehicles. On the tour, entertaining "conDUCKtors" keep up a lively patter, describing neighborhoods, Boston history, architecture and trivia along the way. A highlight for many visitors is when the vehicle heads into the river offering a different perspective of the city.

Ticket discounts are available for seniors and children 2 and younger. Tours depart from the Museum of Science, the Prudential Center and the New England Aquarium several times a day from mid-March through early-December.

Boston Crawling – Independence Pub Crawl

Price: From $75 Duration: 2 hours

Sip your way through the city at four historic watering holes on Boston Crawling's Independence Pub Crawl. On this tour, you'll visit pubs that have historic significance, drink local brews and hear Boston's "secret" history as you barhop along the Freedom Trail. Reviewers say the tour is informative and fun and applaud the beer recommendations provided by the guides.

Participants can take tours daily at 3 and 7 p.m. There is also an additional noon tour on the weekends. Tourgoers must be at least 21 years old, regardless of whether they're drinking. Tickets include four draft beers of your choice. If you prefer to purchase drinks as you go, you can purchase tickets for a lesser price.

PhotoWalks Tours of Boston – Freedom Trail

Price: Adults from $45; kids from $20 Duration: 1.5 hours

Explore the historic sites of the city and refine your photography skills at the same time on this tour. In addition to visiting Freedom Trail landmarks, such as Boston Common, Park Street Church, the Granary Burying Ground and the Boston Massacre Site, you'll also learn expert tips on how to use your camera or smartphone to take the best pictures – a highlight for many participants. Reviewers are also complimentary of the insightful guides.

Tours run Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday year-round at 1 p.m. The tour is capped at 10 participants, but maybe more during peak times of the year. If you're interested in exploring other neighborhoods or topics, you can sign up for one of PhotoWalks' other tours, including Beacon Hill and the North End, among others.

Best Boston Tours

Courtesy of the Freedom Trail Tour

Freedom Trail Tours – Walk Into History

Price: Adults from $17; kids from $8 Duration: 1.5 hours

The nonprofit Freedom Trail Foundation leads the way on this tour of the Freedom Trail – a milelong path that weaves past some of the city's most historic sites. A costumed guide, in character, leads you to 11 sites, including Boston Common, King's Chapel, the Old South Meeting House, the Boston Massacre site and Faneuil Hall. Reviewers rave about the guides and the characters they inhabit, and highly recommend this excursion over a self-guided tour of the Freedom Trail.

Tours are given daily at 11 a.m., noon and 1 p.m. Other themed tours, including tours that focus on the women of the Revolutionary War and African American patriots, are also available.

Boston Foodie Tours – Boston Public Market & North End Tour

Price: From $90 Duration: 3 hours

Boston Foodie Tours explores two of Boston's famous mainstays: The North End and the Boston Public Market. After enjoying pizza, cannoli and bread in the North End, you'll wind your way to the market to sample doughnuts and ice cream, among other treats. Your tour concludes with a tasting of clam chowder and cornbread. Past tourgoers say this is a must-do experience while visiting Boston.

Tours run Tuesday through Saturday at 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. on Sundays. Tours are not given on major holidays. The company also offers a comprehensive tour of the North End, plus a private foodie outing to Beacon Hill, among other options.

City Brew Tours – Boston Signature Brew Tour

Price: From $89 Duration: 3.5 hours

For an in-depth Boston beer education, City Brew Tours' Signature Brew Tour is a great place to start. During the tour, you'll be chauffeured around the city in a comfortable van, visit three craft breweries, get behind-the-scenes tours and enjoy up to 12 different local craft beers and a snack along the way. Tourgoers laud the knowledgeable guides and love that driving isn't an issue.

City Brew offers this tour Wednesday through Sunday. Outings depart at 4:45 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday and Thursday. Friday through Sunday, tours begin at noon. All participants must be 21 or older to tour. Tours are capped at 14 participants. A Boston Brew Mystery Crawl is also offered, as are private tours.

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Tags: Tours , Boston , Travel , Vacations , food and drink , New England Vacations , US Vacations

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    Καλώς ήρθατε στο Boutas Tours July 20, 2017 December 19, 2017 admnboutas-Asd4S. Με το έμπειρο προσωπικό μας και τα ιδιόκτητα πούλμαν μας είμαστε έτοιμοι να σας ταξιδέψουμε στους προορισμούς της επιλογής σας.

  7. Επιχείρηση BOUTAS TOURS

    Τηλέφωνο: 2665021212. FAX: 2665028177. Κινητό: 6978442520. [email protected]. www.boutastours.gr. Βρισκόμαστε στο χώρο του τουρισμού από το 1995, έχοντας ένα από τα πρώτα τουριστικά πρακτορεία στην περιοχή με ιδιόκτητα ...

  8. Μπουτασ Γ & Ν Οε

    ΜΠΟΥΤΑΣ Γ & Ν ΟΕ - boutas tours travel agency 8ης Δεκεμβρίου 5, Ηγουμενίτσα 461 00, Ελλάδα ΗΓΟΥΜΕΝΙΤΣΑ - ΘΕΣΠΡΩΤΙΑΣ - ΕΛΛΑΔΑ 2665021212 , 2665028177

  9. Boutas Tours Igoumenitsa

    Boutas Tours Igoumenitsa is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Boutas Tours Igoumenitsa and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and...


    boutas tours - ΜΠΟΥΤΑΣ Γ ΚΑΙ Ν ΟΕ, Ηγουμενίτσα ΘΕΣΠΡΩΤΙΑΣ : Δείτε πληροφορίες για την καταχώρηση boutas tours - ΜΠΟΥΤΑΣ Γ ΚΑΙ Ν ΟΕ που βρίσκεται στην περιοχή Ηγουμενίτσα και ανήκει στην κατηγορία Πρακτορεία Ταξιδίων - Τουρισμού.

  11. Boutas Tours Igoumenitsa

    Boutas Tours Igoumenitsa - Facebook ... Log In


    Στοιχεία επιχείρησης: Πρακτορεία Ταξιδιών - Τουρισμού, Γραφεία Γενικού Τουρισμού, Τουρισμός ΗΓΟΥΜΕΝΙΤΣΑ ΘΕΣΠΡΩΤΙΑΣ, ΘΕΣΠΡΩΤΙΑ, ΗΠΕΙΡΟΣ 2665021212

  13. Το γραφείο μας

    Γραφείο Γενικού Τουρισμού, Περιηγήσεις, Ξεναγήσεις. Το Γραφείο μας δραστηριοποιείται στο ...

  14. 12 Αξιολογήσεις Για Boutas Tours Travel Agency (Ταξιδιωτικό Πρακτορείο

    Έχουμε 12 αξιολογήσεις για boutas tours travel agency - Ταξιδιωτικό πρακτορείο. Βρίσκεται στην Ηγουμενίτσα (Ήπειρος). Μπείτε και θα βρείτε όλες τις πληροφορίες και τα σχόλια.

  15. BOUTAS TOURS Travel Agencies

    Travel Agencies - Ticket Agencies, Igoumenitsa. +302665021212. 5A 8 Dekemvriou Street, 461 00 Igoumenitsa Thesprotia Greece. Routing. Are you responsible for this listing?

  16. Γραφειο Γενικου Τουρισμου Ηγουμενιτσα Boutas Tours Μπουτασ Γεωργιοσ & Ν

    Το ταξιδιωτικό γραφείο boutas tours βρίσκεται στην Ηγουμενίτσα και δραστηριοποιείται στο χώρο ...

  17. Ταξίδια στο εξωτερικό, Αίγυπτος, Ασία, Ταξιδιωτικά Πακέτα

    Ο τουριστικός οργανισμός «boutros tours» διοργανώνει εδώ και δεκαετίες ολιγοήμερα ή και πολυήμερα ταξίδια, εκδρομές και κρουαζιέρες σε πολλούς δημοφιλείς τουριστικούς προορισμούς στο εξωτερικό.

  18. Travel to Greece

    Boutros Tours is a Destination Management Company founded in Athens, Greece in 1997 and a member of Hellenic Association of Travel & Tourist Agencies and United States Tour Operators Association. The company is successfully established in the Greek and International travel market due to its philosophy which can be summarized into one thing ...


    boutas tours - ΜΠΟΥΤΑΣ Γ ΚΑΙ Ν ΟΕ. Χάρτης για boutas tours - ΜΠΟΥΤΑΣ Γ ΚΑΙ Ν ΟΕ, Γραφείο Γενικού Τουρισμού, Πρακτορεία Ταξιδίων - Τουρισμού, Ηγουμενίτσα ΘΕΣΠΡΩΤΙΑΣ , 2665021212

  20. The 15 Best Boston Tours

    Price: From $90. Duration: 3 hours. Boston Foodie Tours explores two of Boston's famous mainstays: The North End and the Boston Public Market. After enjoying pizza, cannoli and bread in the North ...

  21. Boston Duck Tours

    Boston Duck Tours is a great way to start off your visit to Boston. We are the only tour operator that can traverse both land and water to deliver breathtaking views all in one tour. Learn and laugh along the way while learning all about Boston's storied past and future! You'll cruise by unique neighborhoods and historical landmarks that make ...

  22. 11 Boutas, Norton, MA 02766

    For Sale: $699,900 $322/Sqft - 11 Boutas, Norton, MA 02766 is a 4 bed, 3 bath, 2,171 Sqft, 104,108 sqft lot, House built in 1992, with an estimated value of $785,000. ... Connect with a local agent who can give you a personalized tour. Cancel anytime. Home Value & Comps. Estimate $725K Range $653K - $798K Property History. Price Changed on Nov ...

  23. Επικοινωνία

    Διεύθυνση: 8ης Δεκεμβρίου 5Α, 46100 Ηγουμενίτσα Τηλέφωνο:+30 26650-21212 Fax: +30 26650-28177 Email: [email protected] Φόρμα Επικοινωνίας