Travels with Erica

A Solo Traveller's Guide to the World

Is Zagreb Worth Visiting Alone?! My Honest Opinion

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Zagreb is the capital of Croatia, and it often doesn’t find its way onto the list of top places to visit in Croatia. So, that begs the question is Zagreb worth visiting?

And is Zagreb worth visiting alone as a solo traveller?

I personally don’t think Zagreb gets as much love as it should.

I loved Zagreb and 100% think Zagreb is worth visiting alone. It is so different than everywhere else you’re likely to visit in Croatia and is well worth a trip inland.

I don’t know why Zagreb doesn’t get the love it deserves, but hopefully that changes in the future!

This article will help you decide if visiting Zagreb is worth it for you and your travel style. I know Croatia is best known for it’s beautiful old towns, clear water, island hopping, and Game of Thrones.

But, there is more to the country than just the western coast. Zagreb is worth visiting as a solo traveller, and it isn’t even that far out of the way if your trip is centred around the coast.

I know this will be a controversial opinion, but Zagreb was my favourite city in Croatia that I visited.

A solo traveller’s guide to Croatia

Table of Contents

Is Zagreb Worth Visiting Alone? Here’s My Experience

The question here may be less to do with whether Zagreb is worth visiting alone or if it is worth visiting in general.

Zagreb is super solo travel friendly.

It’s easy to get around Zagreb either by foot or public transportation, it’s a bustling city where people are too busy to notice a solo traveller, the sights are better than you might think, and it is relatively affordable.

Especially when you compare it to some of the more expensive areas of Croatia.

Cough cough. The coastal part of Croatia and island hopping.

Zagreb, Croatia

The Upside of Travelling to Zagreb Alone

Zagreb is the capital city of Croatia and is by far the most populated city in the country. It has almost 700,000 more people than the next most populated city.

That alone makes Zagreb super unique from everywhere else in the country, but there are more reasons to visit.

Firstly, the architecture is stunning .

St. Mark’s Church is to this day one of my favourite churches I’ve visited. You don’t even need to go inside to appreciate it. The outside architecture (especially the roof) is so beautiful.

One of my favourite museums in the world is also located in Zagreb: the Museum of Broken Relationships . It’s exactly like it sounds and should not be missed!

And, of course, the main attraction that drives the tourists to Zagreb is Plitvice Lakes National Park .

Although I would say if you can go to Krka National Park on your journey up the coast, do that instead of Plitvice or in addition to it. I personally think it’s the superior waterfall in Croatia.

Outside of all the things you can do in Zagreb, it’s a super easy city to travel in. It’s a great city for people new to travelling alone and people who are experienced solo travellers.

Everybody is super friendly, you can walk to all the major tourist attractions, it’s very hard to get lost in Zagreb, and it won’t break the bank.

You can also find more variety of food in Zagreb than you can in the coastal cities. Pretty much any food you’re craving, you can find. And for less than in coastal cities.

The reason I love Zagreb so much and think it’s worth visiting is because of the vibe. Some cities have an amazing vibe that’s hard to put into words, and Zagreb is one of those cities.

The Downside to Travelling to Zagreb Alone

There isn’t really a downside to visiting Zagreb alone.

It is a very easy city to travel in, and it is no different visiting Zagreb than it is visiting pretty much any other city in Europe.

What I’m saying is there isn’t anything particular about Zagreb that would make you not want to travel there alone.

If you’re comfortable with travelling alone or want to try travelling alone, Zagreb is a great choice if it’s a city you’re interested in visiting.

The only thing some people may feel uncomfortable with or hesitant about (especially new solo travellers) is visiting Plitvice Lakes National Park alone.

But the good news is is that it’s super easy to get to the national park via public transportation, or you can pay and take a guided tour.

If that’s the only thing that makes you question is Zagreb worth visiting alone, than you shouldn’t fret over that too much.

If you’re staying at a hostel, there is a pretty good chance you can find someone else in your room who is planning on going to Plitvice Lakes National Park the same day you are and go with them if you really don’t want to go alone.

Another reason you may not want to visit Zagreb alone is if you’re interested in going to the clubs and partying. I always find that it’s more fun to do that with another person.

So, either travel with a friend or make friends at your hostel if you’re staying at one.

What I wish I knew before backpacking Europe alone

The Bottom Line

The answer to the question is Zagreb worth visiting alone is yes.

At least in my opinion.

It’s a very easy city to travel in, has great sights for you to visit, and you likely won’t feel awkward being alone in the city.

If you’re thinking about visiting Zagreb alone, maybe this is the sign you need to book that trip!

Art pavillion in Zagreb. Croatia

Reasons to Visit Zagreb Alone

  • It’s the biggest city in Croatia and has a much different vibe than anywhere else in the country you’re likely to visit
  • Lots of fun things to see and do including museums, culture, and nature
  • Affordable compared to the coastal cities
  • It’s super easy to get around Zagreb by foot or public transportation
  • Nobody will bat an eye that you’re travelling alone

Reasons to Not Visit Zagreb Alone

  • If you’re not planning to see any other part of Croatia, it probably isn’t worth going to Croatia just to visit Zagreb
  • If you’re interested in partying and going out a lot, you may want to visit Zagreb alone
  • While Zagreb is cheaper than the costal cities, it isn’t the cheapest city in Europe. If you’re on an extreme budget, consider visiting Croatia’s neighbour Bosnia and Herzegovina. It’s absolutely stunning and way cheaper than Croatia

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The Importance of Being Internet Safe

No matter where you travel, you’ll be relying on public wifi networks a lot. The problem with public wifi networks is that anybody can access them and steal your personal online information if they know how to and choose to.

And yes even hotel and restaurant wifi networks with a password are still public wifi networks because anybody who is staying there or eating there has access to the password!

Relying on public wifi networks is essential while travelling, but that doesn’t mean you have to put your personal online information (including your banking information) at risk.

The only way to make sure your online information is safe when using public wifi is by installing a VPN on your devices.

A VPN essentially puts up a forcefield around your devices that makes it impossible for people to access your online information.

It makes using public wifi networks just as safe as using your home wifi where you’re the only person who knows the password.

Being internet safe while travelling is so important, and not enough people are talking about it!

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My Favourite VPN

I’ve used a lot of different VPNs during my years of travel, and most of them frankly suck.

VPNs are notorious for slowing down your devices and making it super painful to use the internet.

I’ll be honest and say that there have been many times where I’ve put myself at risk and chose not to use a VPN because I was tired of how slow the internet was with the VPN turned on.

The frustration went away when I started using NordVPN .

It is the fastest VPN on the market, which is why I love it and recommend it to all my friends and family members. And to you as a fellow travel lover.

NordVPN is the only VPN service that I’ve enjoyed using and the only one that I’ve renewed my subscription with!

You can protect up to six devices with a single subscription, so you can keep all your devices safe and secure from prying eyes with one account.

Plus, NordVPN is super affordable.

The price of their two year plan is less per month than the price of a single latte at Starbucks.

My philosophy is that if you can afford to travel, you can afford to protect yourself with a VPN.

It’s a super small price to pay to know that all your personal online information is safe.

Plitvice National Park

Top Zagreb Attractions

Museum of Broken Relationships Skip-the-Line Ticket

Plitvice Lakes National Park Day Trip

Nikola Tesla Technical Museum Skip-the-Line Ticket

Zagreb Food Tour

Zagreb Hop On Hop Off Bus Tour

I hope this article has helped you answer the question is Zagreb worth visiting alone?

I 100% think Zagreb is worth visiting alone or with a group. It’s a beautiful city, and it is actually quite underrated .

You won’t see nearly as many tourists as you do in the costal cities, and it’ll feel like you’re really getting to know the city.

If you’re already planning on visiting Croatia, tack a few extra days on to your trip to visit Zagreb.

You won’t regret it!

Is Zagreb Worth Visiting Alone?!  My Honest Opinion

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Is Zagreb worth visiting? Your travel dilemma finally solved

By andrea pisac - 40 comments - february 1, 2024 -  min read.

When I put my superpower travel goggles on, I can see you hover over a map of Croatia, tracing a wish-route that’ll make your holiday unforgettable.

Your eyes sparkle at the sight of Croatia’s crystal blue water.

Next, your mouth waters as you read about Istria’s hand-harvested wines and pastas drowned in opulent truffle sauces.

Finally, your heart races when you imagine yourself exploring ancient Dalmatian towns that your blogger idols just returned from.

And there’s just one question before your sweet travel anticipations turn into a set itinerary.

What about Zagreb? Is Zagreb worth visiting too?

Is Zagreb worth visiting | Croatia Honestly

Romantic Zagreb Upper Town - photo by Marko Vrdoljak (Zagreb Tourist Board)

If I simply told you ‘Yes, of course it is’, you’d want to know why. Is it an instant winner as the fabulous Croatian coast? Is it ‘the next Prague’? Or something completely different?

I hear you.

When I lived in London, I’d coax my British friends to stop in Zagreb before rushing off to the coast. Not a single one regretted changing their plans. Even when it meant less time sun-bathing or island-hopping.

Of course, I made sure they had me to unravel Zagreb for them. But even if I don’t take you by the hand to my favourite places and share the city’s stories over a cup of coffee, this post will help you find out:

  • what to generally expect from your visit to Zagreb
  • what travel experiences Zagreb is worth visiting for
  • where to get information and inspiration to have a blast in Zagreb

So, is Zagreb worth visiting?

Timeless and elegant like a small black dress, Zagreb is a city that draws you in slowly. If there’s a destination that delivers on the ‘still water runs deep’ statement – it is Zagreb.

Like any Central European capital, Zagreb is not short of praiseworthy highlights:  bountiful museums , captivating architecture and an explosion of outdoor activities.

So, think of vibrant food markets, everyday cafe culture, lush greenery and a host of street festivals. But know, they are stylish accessories to the graceful fabric of its biggest highlight – the life attitude.

Where other cities attract with charismatic yet prepackaged tourist attractions, Zagreb delights with its human-scale graciousness.

As  James of Nomadic Notes  says, it’s ‘a real city, without all the tour buses and restaurants with menus in four languages’. Even when you set out to explore its sights, you’ll be spared the corporate tourist aftertaste: a feeling that you’re in a theme park.

Maybe you’re already itching to explore the best of Zagreb? Then dig into  my ultimate guide!

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Zagreb is worth visiting if you like:

1) getting around in a laid-back style.

If you have a thing for characterful public transport, such as trams in Lisbon or San Francisco, you’ll be easily impressed in Zagreb.

The squealing sound of Zagreb blue trams adds a note of the old word charm to the city’s unhurried pace. Riding a packed carriage will give you a flavour of the local life. But you can just as easily explore the historic centre on foot.

Is Zagreb worth visiting | Croatia Honestly

Zagreb trams - photo by Marko Vrdoljak (Zagreb Tourist Board)

Walking is one of the greatest things you can do in Zagreb.

The Upper Town dimly lit narrow streets will draw you in on a romantic quest. You’ll be poking your head around each corner, wondering where such a secluded alleyway or a staircase might lead? A mysterious park, hidden courtyard, or a world-class museum?

Even when you join pedestrians in the busier Lower Town, walking from point A to point B will be a joyful sidewalk dance. A mellow stroll infused with window-shopping, people-watching and happily getting distracted with new discoveries.


1)  Michael Hodson of Go See Write  loved the idea that you can get inside a courtyard of each historic building and find a world for yourself: a café or a boutique shop. He could stay in Zagreb for 3-4 months! 2) Frank of Frank about Croatia created  a guide to Zagreb for couples , revealing places and itineraries that make Zagreb a perfect romantic getaway. 3) Some Upper Town spots are so perfectly hidden and beautiful, they just lend themselves to romance. I call them Zagreb kissing spots. Find them on this  Romantic Zagreb Walk .


Rambling around Zagreb pretty cityscape will put you in a perfect holiday mood. You’ll be carefree as well as thrilled with things you do and places you see. If you completely ditch your to-do list, Zagreb’s walkable character will wow you even more.

Aimless meandering could take you to secluded leafy paths, just around the corner from bustling streets and squares. So follow your curiosity. There is street art, spooky gargoyles, bygone courtyard wells or painted water pumps waiting out there.

You’ll wonder why these enchanting oddities are not sign-posted or widely advertised. The answer? Because Zagreb is still not a touristy place. You’ll be thankful for that because part of the excitement is discovering them on your own.

1) Get deliciously aimless with my  self-guided Zagreb walks  through city’s uncharted territories. You’ll get a map and a bunch of captivating stories, from art history to the city lore, to keep you going. 2)  Iva Silla from Secret Zagreb  is more than a tourist guide. Her gripping storytelling about Zagreb legends leaves no stone unturned, even in the darkest Upper Town alley or inside secret Zagreb tunnels. If you want your curiosity fired up and then be guided to lesser-known parts of the city, book one of her inspiring walks. 3) Kris and Sarah of Jetsetting Fools stayed in Zagreb long enough to discover the delights of many Zagreb outdoor spaces.  Follow their trail through landscaped parks, such as Maksimir, the Green Horseshoe or the Botanical Garden, or venture out to semi-wild greenery and Zagreb lakes.


Do you know the feeling of overwhelm after spending a few days in Paris or London?

It’s not only the busy ‘things to do and places to see’ itinerary that sends you off spinning but the gnawing guilt about not having covered it all. Even your memory of these grand places carry a tinge of failure.

On the other hand, Zagreb is utterly different. Not only can you do your to-dos short and sweet, it’s a city that forgives you for missing out on some of its official highlights.

In fact, many travellers wish they had allowed more time in Zagreb. But the regret is not about running out of time to do more sightseeing. It’s about not realizing sooner that Zagreb is at its best without an itinerary.

Anne Lowrey of  Part Time Traveler  said next time she visits Zagreb, it’ll be only to loaf around and sip one coffee after other. Honestly, if you want to experience Zagreb at its most exquisite, you need to match its languid attitude to life.


What Zagreb people love most is their free time. Actually, they’ll conduct even their busiest tasks in what seems like a leisurely context –  coffee drinking .

If the sight of crowded terraces in the middle of a workday makes you think no one works here, remember that you might be witnessing a bunch of business meetings.

Also, having a drink with friends is often a spur of the moment thing. Few people will ever require you to arrange a date long in advance. It’s an attitude thing.

Zagreb people believe they should have time for their friends , even if it means taking it out of their work schedule.

Is Zagreb worh visiting | Croatia Honestly

Coffee with friends at Britanac Square

So throw away your agenda.

Instead of getting busy sightseeing, meet a local and enjoy the sweetness of doing nothing… one cafe after another after another. Or if Zagreb is a stop on your world travels, use your time here to slow down and recover from other busy destinations.

Pretend you live here and the  coulda woulda shoulda’s will soon disappear. You’ll love Zagreb for giving you a wonderful freedom to just be.

As you move from a café to a restaurant, you’ll soon encounter something worth seeing. Maybe it won’t be a guidebook highlight, but it will be just as memorable. Why? Because you’ve discovered it by chance.

And because it’s the way Zagreb unfolds to visitors.

1) The beauty of Zagreb for  Matt Long of Landlopers  is in discovering small and unexpected delights like statues of the famous sculptor Ivan Meštrović: ‘a tour just of his statues in Zagreb could easily fill a day’. 2) Iva Silla’s guestpost for the popular Croatia blog  Chasing the Donkey  praises Zagreb street art scene – just as vibrant and interesting as must-see museums. Why not track down the Zagreb Solar system – a treasure trail of nine planets scattered around the city, relative in size and distance to the real thing. Or stop at a painted water pump to learn about the Pimp My Pump art project? 3) Kami of My Wanderlust took  amazing photos of the Zagreb graffiti – another lesser-known city delight, discovered only if you lose your itinerary and hop on an aimless walk.


People often compare Zagreb to the Croatian coast or to cities like Prague or Vienna. But Zagreb is neither and both at the same time.

An eclectic mix of Central European and Mediterranean mentalities, it’s smart in an Austro-Hungarian way and spruced up with warm Southern  gusto .

Most of all, Zagreb has developed its own way of cool.

Resisting the onslaught of large international franchises, the city centre abounds with idiosyncratic cafes, restaurants, boutique shops, even old-style cinemas.

In the words of Jonathan Bousfield , author of the Rough Guide to Croatia, this ‘makes Zagreb something of a collector’s item among connoisseurs of Central European authenticity’.

Read about other places to visit in Croatia.

Facts that make Zagreb a singular city:

#1 zagreb has the biggest number of museums per square meter..

The Museum of Broken Relationships is the most raved about gallery. But more unique museum spaces are sprouting all the time.

There is  Lauba , an Austro-Hungarian riding stable turned interactive contemporary art showroom, small but quirky  Mushroom Museum  or the bewildering  Museum of Illusions .

1) Sarah Ricks of Traveling Mom speaks of  Zagreb as an architectural feast and includes a list of must-see museums . Her impressions will set you off on a cultured trail. 2) There’s hardly a blog post about Zagreb that doesn’t praise the Museum of Broken Relationships. You get the point – go see it. But  Wandering Earl has the most poetic and touching review of his afternoon spent in this ‘graveyard of love’. For him it was an uplifting experience.


It was a movie set for the famous films  Sophie’s Choice ,  Fiddler on the Roof  and Orson Welles’  The Trial .

It hosts an incredible number of independent film festivals. For example, The Zagreb Film Festival (October), Animafest (June) and Fantastic Zagreb Film Festival (June/July).

Independent films are screened in old-style arthouse cinemas and are never dubbed. Come summer, you can watch them under the starry skies in the middle of the Tuškanac forest.

Is Zagreb worth visiting | Croatia Honestly

Tuškanac open-air cinema - photo by Saša Pjanić


The most central and famous one is Dolac. Mingling at colourful fruit and veg stalls is a prime tourist attraction.

But markets here still keep their primary function. They connect Zagreb people with local food producers. Walk into any neighbourhood and the freshest from farms awaits at the stalls.


The whole of Croatia is dished out on Zagreb plates: traditionally cooked or with a twist.

Fish restaurants cook up a storm with ingredients caught the same day. Whiffs of Turkish-influenced filo pastry or kebab radiate from street bistros. And continental meat dishes wait at vaulted-brick dining rooms.

Eating out in Zagreb has never been so exciting and so easy on your wallet.

Frank of Frank about Croatia really knows his way around Zagreb restaurants. Not only does he know what and where to eat, but, most importantly, how to eat. Dig into his  guide to Zagreb best lunch restaurants  and learn why  gablec (lunch-time meal) is so crucial for the city food culture.


From April to October, Zagreb lives outdoors.

Café terraces swarm with happy faces, their chirpy chatter pulling you in like a siren song. But the city  alfresco  life doesn’t stop there.

Festivals of all kinds roll in week after week: coffee and chocolate, street food, art performances, music – the weirdest one possibly being the festival of pickles.


C’est is the Best , the oldest street festival, launches the season, turning the city centre into an open-air theatre. Think live music, hula-hoop, joggling, but also get ready for more unusual gigs. Like checking into the centre for mood repairs where your long face can easily get fixed.

The fun continues through the summer at the Upper Town Strossmayer Promenade, dubbed Strossmartre. Even when  Zagreb people leave for the coast ,  Summer on Stross  keeps going with music, art and theatre festivities.

The most recent gem is  Dvorista  festival. For one week in July Zagreb Upper Town courtyards open their doors and throw up music and food parties.

Winter doesn’t mean the end of open-air fun.

Yes, Zagreb gets snow – real thick and crispy – but it doesn’t stop us from getting out and about. During December there’s a Christmas buzz around town called  Advent in Zagreb .

Is Zagreb worth visiting | Croatia Honestly

Advent in Zagreb - photo by Hrvoje Pili (Zagreb Tourist Board)

Streets are lit up, food stalls sell sausages and mulled wine. And each square has a unique range of tidbits at their Christmas fair.

The rhythm of live music quickly makes you forget the below zero temperature that turns your feet stiff with cold. If your inner child rejoices at the thought of ice-skating, you can glide across Europe’s biggest open-air ice-rink at the Zrinjevac Square.


Finally, Zagreb’s quintessential open-air experience  is climbing the Medvednica Mountain .

Within 20 minutes on public transport, you’ll start on the trails through an unspoilt nature park. Whatever the season, there are lodges with hearty meals and impeccable city views waiting at the top.

Locals venture out there every weekend, so if you really want to crack Zagreb, you’ll follow too.

1) Follow  Frank’s suggestions on how to conquer Medvednica  for yourself. If you prefer a more unorthodox leafy stroll, take his word and go to the amazing Mirogoj cemetery. 2) Rambling Mandie has  a funny account of hiking up Medvednica  in search of the elusive Medvedgrad Castle. 3) Travel writer Anja Mutic takes you on an  intriguing exploration of Zagreb hidden courtyards . You’ll be amazed with cafes, restaurants and shops concealed from the main street view and better understand why Zagreb keeps its biggest charms away from the spotlights.

Are you sold on the idea of Zagreb now that you know what to expect?

Drop me a comment if there’s more you need to dispel your dilemma…


Try Swanky Mint B&B in the centre of Zagreb. It’s a revamped 19th-century factory full of character and historic industrial features. The best part? It has a fantastic garden and a private roof-top pool! Imagine chilling with a cocktail (they’re famous for that) and enjoying a superb view of the city!

Book Swanky Mint

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It seems like there are a lot of museums in Zagreb that I wouldn't mind visiting. My wife and I have been cooped up in our house the whole pandemic and we want to go somewhere fun. I'll have to get a travel agent to hook me up with the cheapest flights.

Hello, I arrive mid-Sept. My plan is to rent a car to Zagreb and explore for about 4 days. Do you think renting is best?

Yes, definitely.

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32 Things To Do in Zagreb (And What Not To Do) + In 2024

Lotrscak Tower zagreb things to do

Table of Contents

This post may contain affiliate links to things like tours, hotels, Amazon associates and products. These help me earn a small commission at no additional charge to you.

I recently spent a wonderful week in Zagreb, eating, exploring, spotting street art and drinking coffee (the things I do best!). To help you have the perfect trip, I’ve prepared this list of things to do in Zagreb, Croatia including the main tourist attractions and some hidden gems. Enjoy!

ZAGREB ESSENTIALS Accommdation: / Hostelworld Getting there: flight ( Skyscanner ) / car / bus ( Flixbus ) / train ( Trainline ) Getting around: foot / bus / tram / taxi Activities: GetYourGuide Food activities: EatWith

Read next: my tried & tested Croatia itinerary

How long to spend in Zagreb?

Around 2-3 days in my opinion. There’s lots to do in Zagreb and, while you could do a walking tour of the main sights in a day, you wouldn’t have time to linger. As the ‘city of museums’, you may want to spend longer to tick off a few. Add an extra day to visit Plitvice Lakes. Mini Zagreb itinerary: Day 1: Free walking tour and Zagreb sightseeing. Day 2: Plitvice Lakes day trip. Day 3: More Zagreb sightseeing. Visit extra museums, parks, street art… Whatever takes your fancy. All the options are coming up.

Getting to Zagreb

By air: As Croatia’s capital, Zagreb is well connected with the world, particularly other European cities. I flew from London for €8! I use Skyscanner to get the best deals on flights. By car: Many tourists cross the Croatian border by car. To hire one in Zagreb and explore further afield, use . By bus: The Flixbus is the cheapest way to travel between cities in Europe. My ticket from Zagreb to Split was €15. Bargain! Book on the Flixbus website . By train: Although there aren’t many trains in Croatia, you can arrive in Zagreb from other European cities. Use Trainline to find tickets .

To get around Europe, use Omio to compare journey prices & times .

Main square zagreb

What is Zagreb like?

Zagreb isn’t my all-time favourite city in Europe but it’s still pleasant. With just 700,000 residents, it has the feeling of a ‘big village’. During my free walking tour, the guide bumped into four people he knew and each time reminded us that everyone knows each other in Zagreb. With a mountain backdrop, it’s a relaxed place to be. Although there are many derelict buildings and Soviet-style architecture, there are also grand buildings that will remind you of Germany , Budapest , Prague , Vienna and Bratislava . Zagreb is made up of Upper Town and Lower Town . Upper Town can be reached by foot or the funicular and has older buildings, while Lower Town has wider streets and large baroque buildings from Austria-Hungarian Empire days. Many of the notable things to see in Zagreb are located on Lower Town’s green horseshoe of parks.

Quick history of Zagreb

Zagreb was originally two cities, Gradec and Kaptol. The latter was the bishop’s turf while the locals, ruled by the king, resided in Gradec. Tensions divided the two settlements and the river connecting them was often red with blood. Ancient city walls surrounded Zagreb to protect against Turkey invading. Sections of the walls and one of the gates remain to this day. Following the breakdown of the Austrian-Hungarian empire after WWII, Croatia became part of former Yugoslavia. The Croatian War of Independence (or the Homeland War) in the early 1990s saw Croatia fight for its independence which it was granted after the dissipation of Yugoslavia.

Things to do in Zagreb

Let’s start with the main tourist sights before moving onto a few quirky Zagreb attractions, day trips and of course, what NOT to do in Zagreb.

1. Museum of Broken Relationships

Museum of broken relationships things tp do zagreb

Croatia’s most popular museum is the world-famous Museum of Broken Relationships , showcasing donated items from around the world that tell the story of love lost. As the museum explains, society has funerals and marriages but there’s no way to lament – or indeed celebrate – the ending of relationships. I wondered if the museum but seem depressing. Far from it! The items and stories are a mix of funny, rude, jaw-dropping and thought-provoking. Many come back to the relationship with oneself and how healing and growth occur with the passing of relationships and time. If I had to recommend just one thing to do in Zagreb, it’s this! Don’t miss it. Entry price: 40kn (€5). Address: Ćirilometodska 2, 10000, Zagreb. Opening times: 10am-9pm.

Tip – stick around for a coffee or cocktail at the stylish cafe, Brokenships Bistro . With signs saying ‘we have drinks colder than your ex’s heart’, it could only be the Museum of Broken Relationships!

2. Visit art museums in Zagreb

Art Pavilion things to do zagreb

Zagreb is an arty city encompassing all types of creation from fine art to contemporary and even street art (more about that later). Here are a few of the best art museums for your Zagreb sightseeing plans:

  • Croatian Society of Fine Arts (KOPAC) – built by Croatian sculptor Ivan Meštrović and converted to a mosque during WWII, this space displays work by famous Croatian artists. Entry costs 55 kuna, closed Mon & Tues. Head to nearby Monocycle cafe after.
  • Museum of Arts and Crafts (temporarily closed in 2024) – this sunny yellow museum opened in 1880 to preserve national Croatian crafts. Browse over 100,000 items from fine art to ceramics and textiles. Entry costs 30 kuna.
  • Art Pavilion (temporarily closed in 2024) – on the Lenuci Horseshoe, this is an iconic yellow mansion hosting art exhibitions from all periods. Tickets from 40 kuna.
  • Mimara Museum – hosting over 3,000 items from around the globe belonging to private art collector, Ante Topic Mimara, the collection is almost as impressive as the neoclassic mansion housing it. Entry costs 40 kuna.
  • Museum of Contemporary Art – in the south of Zagreb, the country’s biggest museum is worth a visit for modern art fans. Entry is 30 kuna or free on Wednesday mornings. Take a walk in Bundek Park after.
  • The Croatian Museum of Naïve Art – near St Mark’s Church, this museum displays Naïve Art (a style with childlike simplicity popular in the 20th century). Entry costs 25 kuna.
  • Lauba – catch number 11 tram to east Zagreb to visit this modern Croatian art gallery in an old warehouse with a bar. Entry costs 25 kuna.

KOPAC gallery

3. More museums

Zagreb isn’t dubbed the city of museums for no reason! If you love history and culture, these are some of the best places to visit in Zagreb:

  • The 80’s Museum – tour a recreated former Yugoslavian home, learning about the era in an interactive way. It sounds similar to one I did in Sofia , Bulgaria which was fantastic. Entry is 40 kuna.
  • Zagreb City Museum – for a full introduction to Zagreb (and info about the witch trials of Europe), visit this museum for 30 kuna.
  • Museum of Illusions – made with Instagram in mind, this is the place to take cool photos with trickery and props. Entry costs 50 kuna.
  • The Mushroom Museum – now here’s a quirky thing to do in Zagreb! This collection of fungi is managed by an enthusiastic man (don’t make me say fun-guy) who will spoil you with facts. It’s a small place (not mush-room) but worth a quick visit. Entry costs 20 kuna.
  • Nikola Tesla Technical Museum – named after the Serbian-American inventor, this museum showcases scientific inventions from Croatia’s history including aircraft and cars. Entry costs 20 kuna.

4. Take a free walking tour

I do these everywhere I go! They’re a fantastic introduction to new cities, usually led by funny and informative local guides. My Zagreb tour was no exception! I tend to give €5-10 depending how much I enjoy the tour.

5. Visit St Mark’s Church

St Mark's Church sightseeing zagreb

St Mark’s Church is one of the oldest buildings in Zagreb, dating back to the 13th century and reconstructed in the 19th century. The tiled roof we see today shows the emblem of Zagreb as well as the flags of Croatia, Dalmatia and Slavonia. Inside, you can see sculptures by Croatia’s most famous sculptor, Ivan Meštrović.

6. Walk through the Stone Gate

Candles at stone gate zagreb

The last remaining of Zagreb’s original five gates is the Stone Gate . It survived many fires and when you consider the city was basically made of wood, it probably didn’t deserve to! In a particularly intense fire in 1731, a statue of the Virgin Mary survived unscathed: a miracle or made-up story depending who you listen to 😉 To this day, locals still come to light candles in gratitude and pray to the Virgin Mary. Walk through the Stone Gate to see them at worship and spot ‘hvla’ tiles: messages of thanks etched onto the walls.

Stone gate

The small blue-green star on top of the Stone Gate? An ancient device used to knock witches off their brooms, evidence of the horrific Witch Hunts of Europe that continued to the 18th century.

7. See Vegas chandeliers inside Zagreb Cathedral!

Things to do Zagreb Cathedral

Perhaps you’re keen to visit Zagreb Cathedral for its own merit. Personally, I’ve seen one too many religious buildings in Europe and found the story about Vegas chandeliers more interesting! The story goes that a Croatian was working in the Gold Coast casino in Vegas and asked the owner (at his mum’s request) if they could donate some decadent chandeliers to Zagreb Cathedral which badly needed new lights. The clergy accepted them once they were blessed with holy water! As you can see from the photo, one Cathedral turret is under construction after being damaged in the 2020 earthquake.

8. Ban Josip Jelačić Square

This typical European square in Lower Town with a statue of a man on a horse is one you’ll naturally pass through as several streets connect to it. Ban Josip Jelačić was a key player in the Revolution of 1848, however his statue was removed when Croatia was part of Yugoslavia. After the country gained independence in 1995, the statue was returned to its rightful place much to the delight of the newly-liberated Croatians.

9. Shop at Tržnica Dolac Market

Tržnica Dolac Market

Known as the ‘belly of the city’, Tržnica Dolac Market has been feeding the people of Zagreb since the 1930s. As a tourist, it’s unlikely you’ll need fresh produce (unless you plan to cook in your Airbnb) but it’s still a notable place to visit in Zagreb. Goods on offer include fruit, vegetables, cheese, meat, baked goods… the list goes on! Small stands around the outskirts sell wine and typical souvenirs.

Top tip – it’s cash-only. Brush up on your Croatian please (‘molim’) and thank yous (‘hvla’ pronounced fala) because the older locals manning the stands are less likely to speak English than young people working in cafes.

Foodies, keep reading: I have lots of gastronomic things to do in Zagreb coming up.

More markets

Tržnica Trešnjevka

In the heart of the city, Tržnica Dolac is both a local haven and a Zagreb tourist attraction. For a totally local alternative, visit Tržnica Trešnjevka before 2pm. From flowers to cheese, honey, jam and veggies, it’s an atmospheric experience whether or not you buy (although there’s a bakery stand, Dubravica , where I think you WILL want to buy!). Although it’s a trek from the centre, one of my favourite coffee shops, Karibu Kaaawa is just around the corner. If you’re at a loose end, take a 25-minute stroll from town.

10. People-watch on Tkalčićeva Street

Ranked as the #1 thing to do in Zagreb on Trip Advisor, Tkalčićeva is a pedestrianised street prime for people-watching. There are outdoor cafes and restaurants benefitting from live music. In the evenings a bunch of lively bars get going.

11. Buy souvenirs (cravats and truffles) on Radićeva

Tie shop Radićeva

Did you know neckties originate from Croatia ? Croatians started wearing neckties for good luck during the war but the French adopted them as a fashion item during the Napoleonic wars, calling them ‘cravats’ after the word ‘Croat’ (the name for Croatian people). If you want to buy your own cravat to take home, alongside other souvenirs, wander the length of Radićeva .

Mio Corazon bar

Once you’re tired from shopping and Zagreb sightseeing, stop for a drink at Mio Corazon , a quirky bar on Radićeva. In the winter, they serve mulled wine and hot chocolate.

12. Ride the tiny funicular to Upper Town

funicular ride what to zagreb

Places usually show off about being the biggest, tallest or grandest. Zagreb? They have a unique claim to fame: the world’s shortest funicular railway ! The ride takes less than two minutes along a 66-metre track. Since trams depart every 10 minutes, most travellers will find it quicker to walk up the flight of stairs beside it. But for those with mobility issues, it’s a handy option with tickets for just 5 kuna. It connects the Lower Town with Strossmayer Promenade and the Upper Town where you’ll find Lotrščak Tower, St Mark’s Church and the Museum of Broken Relationships.

13. Grič Tunnel

Grič Tunnel

This eerie – and arty – tunnel runs underneath Zagreb, connecting several areas of the city. The Grič Tunnel was built as a World War II evacuation tunnel, repurposed as a storage unit, then abandoned for years. In the 1990s, it became a popular venue for underground raves. Finally, in 2016, it was reopened as a cultural centre. Spot modern art exhibits as you walk through. With a few relatively clean public toilets, it’s also a useful addition to Zagreb city centre. Several entrances have colourful designs adorned with street art including one in the park next to Roots cocktail bar .

14. Soak up views from Strossmayer Promenade

At the top of the funicular tracks lies Zagreb’s best viewpoint. Running along the old city walls once used for defence, Strossmayer Promenade is an atmospheric part of Upper Town to wander at sunset. Park yourself on a bench or get a bird’s eye view from…

15. The Lotrščak Tower – climb for sunset views 

lotrščak Tower climb zagreb activities

For panoramic views, one of the best things to do in Zagreb is climb the Lotrščak Tower . Admire the city to one side and the mountains to the other. Visit just before sunset to see the city bathed in golden light. The tower is home to the Grič cannon , a notable Zagreb landmark fired daily since 1877 to mark midday. After the 2020 earthquake, it’s temporarily out of action. Entrance is just 20 kuna and opening times are 11am-7pm, closed Mondays. It’s a steep climb to the top but I believe in you!

Lotrscak Tower climb zagreb activities

16. Catch a show at the National Theatre

National Theatre croatia

If you’re looking for things to do in Zagreb at night (and fancy something more unusual than hitting the bars) you might be interested in the Croatian National Theatre . This neo-baroque palace is part of Lenuci’s Horseshoe (a U-shaped set of parks with notable buildings including the Botanical Gardens). Theatre, opera and ballet all take place at the National Theatre   with tickets from 50 to 170 kuna. Get dressed up and enjoy your night!

Top tip – it’s best to watch the opera or ballet as the language barrier won’t be such a problem. Watching a theatre production in Croatian may be a little confusing.

17. Zagreb 360° Observation Deck – temporarily closed in 2024

I was hoping to get a panoramic view from Zagreb 360° Observation Deck but it’s currently closed, whether due to the impact of the 2020 earthquake I don’t know. I’ll update this when it reopens.

18. Admire the Oktagon

 Oktagon zagreb things to do

Petar Preradović Square is connected with Ilica street via the Oktogon , a gorgeous passageway designed by architect, Josip Vancaš, in the late 1800s. It’s worth wandering through to snap some photos and admire the symmetrical glass-domed ceiling. Walk through from 8am to 8pm (or until 3pm on Saturdays. Closed Sunday).

Nearby on the street outside, you’ll notice a huge gold orb. This is part of the Zagreb Solar System , an art initiative featuring small planets dotted around the city.

19. Learn about the 1990s war

Croatia has been through a lot in the past few decades including one of Europe’s most recent wars. The Homeland War saw Croatia struggle for independence after its time in Communist Yugoslavia. Since the War Photography Museum has closed, your best option to learn about this era is a walking tour with a knowledgeable local guide. Walk through underground tunnels and visit the Memorial Centre of the Rocket Attacks on Zagreb .

20. Relax in Park Maksimir

Park Maksimir lake

If you’ve exhausted the other things to do in Zagreb, spend half a day relaxing in Park Maksimir , the oldest and largest green space in the city. Bring a picnic and sit by the lake or visit the open-air cafe pavilion in the centre. On a sunny day, this is a lovely place to grab a coffee and overlook the long promenade running through the centre. Considering it’s not a speciality coffee shop, I thought the coffee was decent! Maksmir is a bit of a trek from the city centre so I would recommend catching the tram . Numbers 4, 11 and 12 stop near the entrance.

Park Maksimir promenade

Foodie things to do in Zagreb

Sure, the cultural and historical attractions in Zagreb are nice but what’s more important than food? Nothing. There’s plenty of great food in Zagreb and, better yet, it’s affordable. Although there are tourist restaurants, there are always local eateries in a city this size. Croatian wine is great and there’s also a notable Zagreb craft beer scene . Here are some of the top Zagreb activities revolving around food & drink…

21. Try štrukli (cheese heaven)

štrukli croatian cheese dish

As I discovered on my mission to find the best restaurants in Ljubljana, Slovenia , one of the top dishes from the Balkan region comprises of cheese and dough. Bliss! There are two ways to serve štrukli : baked and wrapped in dough, or in a dish (pictured above): kind of like white lasagne. La Štruk restaurant serve both types for 35 kuna with toppings including truffles, walnut & honey, pumpkin pesto, and even sweet ones like blueberry. For a super-indulgent option, I can vouch for the truffle cheese!

22. The coffee scene

One of the best things to do in Zagreb is relax and enjoy the coffee scene. I take coffee so seriously that I put together a whole Zagreb coffee guide based on my findings during a week in town. A few great options are:

  • Cogito – this is one of Zagreb’s most famous cafes with excellent third wave coffee and baked goods.
  • In the Yard – also serving Cognito coffee, this is a hidden gem with outdoor seating and cool murals. I get the feeling it’s local students who hang out here rather than tourists (but you’ll still feel welcome). I had a great matcha latte while befriending some local cats.
  • Korica Bakery – I don’t think you’ll find better baked goods in Zagreb. The cruffins (croissant muffins) were delicious with various fillings like pistachio cream and chocolate. I paid 30 kuna for a cruffin and cappucino.
  • Quahwa – this speciality roastery is spacious with a warehouse feel, giant roasting machines and booths for co-workers upstairs. Although I kept it simple, there are lots of unusual options like espresso tonic and matcha lattes.

Read next: a complete guide to speciality coffee in Zagreb

23. Try truffles

truffles zagreb

Harvested in abundance in Istria, it’s not surprising that many restaurants in Zagreb serve truffles . Many delicatessens stock truffle-infused alcohol, cheese, meat, and even honey. Buy them in jars to take home and serve over pasta or eggs. Next door to Mio Corazon bar is a luxury deli where you can sample products before buying.

24. Take a food tour

One of my favourite things to do while travelling (especially solo) is take food tours! With just a few days in a city, it’s hard to get an understanding of the cuisine independently. Take a Zagreb food tour for €60 including 6 dishes, a market visit and wine or beer. Having a local guide will bring you up to speed on what and where to eat in Croatia’s capital!

25. Sample Croatian tapas at Heritage

 Heritage street food

Easily some of the best food I had in Zagreb was at Heritage Croatian Food , a tiny restaurant using fresh ingredients sourced sustainably in Croatia. Try one of the meat or fish flatbreads (24 kuna) with a fig, cheese and walnut salad (55 kuna and serves about four… I ate it solo, obvs!). Wash it down with Croatian wine or craft beer. DON’T do what I did and order a mint juice. Weird. Don’t know what I was thinking! In peak season, make sure to book ahead. It’s the #1 rated restaurant in Zagreb and there are only a few tables.

26. Meat coma at Pri Zvoncu

Schntizel at Pri Zvoncu zagreb food activities

When a tour guide mentioned a local restaurant off the tourist track with huge portions of food, I knew I had to go! Pri Zvoncu is a cosy, authentic spot serving Croatian dishes as well as general European dishes with a focus on meat and fish. With a friend from the Plitvice Lakes tour, I tried an enormous Weiner schnitzel, a pork fillet stuffed with cheese and ham, the fried cheese starter, and tiramisu. We were stuffed and paid €25 each.

27. Try Bosnian/Serbian food

Börek (pastry filled with meat or spinach) is found from cafes to supermarkets for 5 kuna apiece, while cevapi (ground meat sausages in bread) is a typical dish in modest restaurants. Plac Kitchen & Grill i s a popular option for cevapi but, if you don’t mind the walk, MERAK is ridiculously cheap. A serving of cevapi bigger than your head costs 17 kuna (€2!). Don’t miss the baklava . It closes at 9pm.

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Bonus item – I just visited Zagreb again and discovered the city’s best burgers at Submarine . My Beyond Meat burger with truffle cheese fries was to die for!

Unusual things to do in Zagreb

Maybe you’re spending more than a few days in Zagreb or perhaps you’re bored of seeing churches and medieval fortifications around Europe. Here are some unusual Zagreb sightseeing activities…

28. Find street art

street art what to do zagreb

With plenty of old Soviet-style buildings, Zagreb is the perfect canvas for urban art. As a big fan of street art , I was excited to check it out. I found lots of colourful murals including a few dedicated street art parks.

Read next: Zagreb street art guide

Take a street art tour of Zagreb with a local guide .

29. Kaptol Boutique Cinema & Bar

Kaptol Boutique Cinema & Bar

North of the city centre inside Centar Kaptol is an offbeat Zagreb attraction: a boutique cinema with quirky aesthetics and a bar and lounge. Luckily, Croatia generally add subtitles rather than dub movies which means you’ll be able to understand. The only thing dubbed is generally the cartoons, which actually was a shame since I wanted to watch Encanto and couldn’t! Check movie times on the Kapitol Cinema website. Google the days of the week in Croatian to work out what’s on.

30. Mirogoj Cemetery 

Mirogoj Cemetery unusual places zagreb

This is certainly an unusual place in Zagreb and not somewhere you’ll visit during a flying trip. However, if you have spare time, Mirogoj Cemetery  is not as morbid as it sounds. This tranquil park and cemetery is full of elaborate graves that resemble tombs or mini churches. With lavish domed gates surrounding the plot, it looks more Ottoman than Roman Catholic (the national religion of Croatia). Several Croatian celebrities like Dražen Petrović (basketball legend) and Petar Preradović (poet) are buried here.

Yellow church Mirogoj Cemetery 

It goes without saying that you should be respectful as there will be locals remembering their loved ones. I only got my camera out when no one was around. I’ve heard that All Souls’ Day (November 2) is a particularly atmospheric time to visit when candles are light and flowers laid. Catch bus number 226 or take Uber/Bolt there (€5) from Zagreb centre.

Take day trips from Zagreb

Most of these activities in Zagreb will fit into two days (unless you want to visit ALL the museums then you need to stay a month!) so spend a third day exploring Northern Croatia.

31. Plitvice Lakes

Plitvice Lakes

Read next: How to visit Plitvice Lakes from Zagreb

Although it’s 2 hours away, one of the most popular things to do near Zagreb is visit the majestic Plitvice Lakes National Park . The natural wonderland of flora and fauna is world-famous for its cascading waterfalls and sixteen lakes with brilliant blue water.

Plitvice Lakes croatia

I visited in February and had the rare and magical experience of seeing Plitvice almost empty! In the summer months, it’s undeniably more green and bountiful but receives up to 18,000 tourists visit PER DAY, turning into a packed Disneyland. To get there , you can drive, take a public bus or an organised day trip. There are two types: mass coach trips from April-October that take a shorter hike around the park, and small group tours (max 8 people) all year which take you deeper into the park, climate dependant. I would obviously recommend the latter! Small group tours cost around €30 more so it depends on your budget, of course. Plitvice entrance fees (included in the price of tours) vary from €10-35 depending on the season.

32. Truffle hunting in Istria

Although it’s an expensive excursion, it’s high on my bucket list next time I visit Zagreb. You may have tried truffles before but do you know they’re harvested in Istria in Northern Croatia? Several companies including Truffle Hunting Zagreb will take you from Zagreb to Istria to hunt your own truffles and eat them during the tour. I’m drooling at the thought.

I was recently interviewed about my travels by the Nomadic Foodie podcast and I noticed he also has an episode on truffle hunting from Zagreb . Check it out!

What NOT to do in Zagreb

I think this section needs to become standard in all my blogs. Every city has overrated attractions ( Porto , I’m talking about your ‘Harry Potter’ library!) and sometimes as a tourist, you just don’t know. Here’s what I did in Zagreb and didn’t love…

The Museum of Hangovers

Museum of Hangovers zagreb attractions

After visiting the Museum of Broken Relationships, I heard about the Museum of Hangovers which sounded equally quirky. I headed to check it out but didn’t find it worth the 40 kuna. Although it doesn’t say so, it was certainly inspired by the Broken Relationships concept. I can’t criticise because it IS a good concept; however the museum is very small and the content wasn’t super engaging. The personal stories were the sort of things teenage boys show off about, and the other information (facts about alcohol, the history of US probation etc) felt a bit disjointed. I bought a beer and regretted it since I didn’t stay longer than 20 minutes in the two rooms that comprise the museum. Since they offer the chance to win a ticket by wearing ‘beer goggles’ and throwing darts, I would suggest only entering if you can get it for free! Nurse a beer elsewhere.

Ride the tram in the wrong direction

TRam ticket

One evening when I was trying to avoid a 30-minute walk to dinner, I accidentally caught the tram in the wrong direction not once but twice! It took me over an hour to get to dinner. Fail! Make sure to check you’re getting the right number in the right direction. It’s surprisingly easy to go wrong since trams sometimes travel in the direction of traffic and sometimes in the opposite direction.

Go for a coffee at Booksa

I heard this place mentioned as a nice cafe to go for a coffee or get some work done. However, I walked there for 30 minutes lugging my laptop only to be told it’s members-only and I couldn’t stay for a coffee without paying a monthly fee. Annoying!

Where to stay in Zagreb

Lower Town, Upper Town and Kaptol are all great places to stay in Zagreb. A few accommodation options include… Hostel – right in the Old Town, Swanky Mint has dorms, privates and studios with a young clientele of travellers from around the world. There’s even a seasonal pool and a cool Asian restaurant, Soi Fusion, attached serving amazing food. Book from €11 a night . Apartment: Close to the Cathedral, Apartments Downtown are clean and cool with thoughtful details, TV, Wi-Fi and toiletries. Check availability from €40 . Affordable hotel: the oldest hotel in Zagreb, Hotel Jägerhorn, is one of the best with period rooms and spacious courtyards to eat the complimentary breakfasts. Check availability from €80 . Splash out hotel: the Esplanade Hotel is known as one of the best hotels in Zagreb with five-star rooms, art-nouveau rooms and bathrooms with marble floors and elegant bathtubs. If you need a treat, this is it! Check availability from €150 .

How to get around Zagreb

It’s easy to get around Zagreb on foot. If you stick to the city, you won’t need any transport. If you leave the city centre, your best options are… Trams: These are a quick and efficient way to travel around. Buy tickets for 4 kuna at any newspaper stand (look for the red Tisak stands) then validate them on board. Generally, only the machines at the front and back carriage have the validation machines. Bus: I didn’t take any myself but I hear you can pay onboard with cash (6 kuna). Uber/Bolt: These taxis work as they do elsewhere. Travelling from one end of the city to the other generally costs 35 kuna. My airport taxi was 90 kuna. Cycling: Rent a Next Bike for 5 Kunas per 30 minutes. Download the app, register then unlock bikes using your phone. Tour bus: finally, for a tourist-friendly way to see the city, take the open-top bus tour .

Is Zagreb solo travel friendly?

Yes! As you can tell from the lack of photos of me in this blog, I was in Zagreb solo and felt totally safe. Croatia has the 17th best safety index in the world with little violent crime. Zagreb is a safe place to walk even at night. It’s worth noting there are earthquakes but these are usually relatively mild. It’s also a good place to meet people while travelling solo because there are lots of hostels. If that’s not your vibe, try walking tours or group tours for example to Plitvice Lakes. Use all my solo travel tips if you need them. Enjoy!

Read next: the ultimate guide to solo travel in Croatia

Thanks for reading!

More Croatia blogs…

  • Croatia itinerary for 1 week
  • How to include Croatia in an epic Balkans itinerary
  • The top Zagreb coffee shops
  • The perfect Zagreb to Plitvice Lakes day tour
  • Where to see street art in Zagreb
  • 35 best things to do in Split
  • 21 beautiful day trips from – islands, national parks & more!
  • Things to do in Trogir, Split
  • Visiting Krka National Park from Split
  • Where to eat in Split
  • The top coffee shops in Split
  • What to do in Split Old Town
  • Guide to Marjan Hill Split
  • Things to do & see in Dubrovnik
  • Guide to visiting Lokrum Island, Dubrovnik
  • How to visit Bosnia & Herzegovina from Dubrovnik
  • What to do & see in Zadar
  • A day trip to Pag Island from Zadar, Croatia
  • Things to do on Dugi Otok, Croatia

For more travel content, follow me on Instagram , Facebook , Twitter and YouTube .

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things to do zagreb croatia

TRUSTED RESOURCES FOR VISITING EUROPE Getting around by air – I use Skyscanner to find the best-value flights, using the ‘search by month’ tool to find the cheapest dates. You can also use the ‘to anywhere’ feature if you’re flexible on where you’re going. Driving in Europe – use to compare car rentals in European countries (and all around the world). For trains, I use RailEurope and Trainline . The search features allow you to compare prices and book in advance. For buses, I use FlixBus . Find journeys between European countries from €1!  Use Omio to compare trains and buses in one search. It’s so handy! For hotels and self-catering apartments, I use . You can filter by review score and price to find the best-rated budget places. For hostels, I use . To save money on accommodation, I use Trusted Housesitters , a website that connects homeowners going away and travellers who can sit their homes & pets. Browse tours and activities on GetYourGuide . Need travel insurance ? I use True Traveller (for UK & Europe residents) since it’s affordable but covers everything you’d need including various activities, valuables and pre-existing conditions. Unlike some companies, they insure you if you’re already travelling / don’t yet have your flight home booked. Get a quote . For travel insurance for other nationalities, I recommend Hey Mundo and for long-term digital nomad travellers, I suggest Safety Wing . Check out my resources page for more travel discounts and budget tips from my 10+ years on the road!

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Rose is a solo traveller from the UK who has been on the road since 2015. She wants to show other women that solo travel isn't scary and doesn't have to be expensive! Rose has lived in Mexico, Canada and all over Asia, seeking out food, bubble tea and street art wherever she goes!

8 thoughts on “ 32 Things To Do in Zagreb (And What Not To Do) + In 2024 ”

reddit zagreb travel

Great guide to the city! Very helpful. Cheers!

reddit zagreb travel

Glad you like it. Thanks, Anthony!

reddit zagreb travel

Thanks for sharing your information.

No problem, have a great trip!

reddit zagreb travel

This has been really helpful! We just arrived for business and have the day off. Thanks for taking the time to publish this!

You’re welcome, hope you enjoy Zagreb!

reddit zagreb travel

Hello, not sure where specifically to place this comment since it’s relevant to all of the Balkans. Was wondering if it’s best to buy bus tickets (from Sofia to Skopje, Skopje to Ohrid, Dubrovnik to Split, Split to Zagreb, etc) online or at the bus station I get off at? Thank you for your content! I’ve found them most helpful!

Hey I like to book Flixbus where possible but for the others I would just buy them from the bus station!

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Is Zagreb Worth Visiting?

Things to Do in Zagreb

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Zagreb is Croatia’s capital city, but it is often skipped over by travelers on their Croatia itinerary. Most people probably skip Zagreb because it’s inland and not anywhere near the Adriatic, but does that mean you should skip over Zagreb too? Let’s explore the question: Is Zagreb worth visiting?

Is Zagreb Worth Visiting

As stated Zagreb is the capital city of Croatia, but unlike most other countries capital cities, it is not popular for travelers. Think Budapest in Hungary , Vienna in Austria , or Madrid in Spain . 

Zagreb is, however, the largest city in Croatia. In fact, its population is 4 times larger than the next city, Split. So why do people not visit Zagreb?

The answer to why people don’t visit Zagreb is pretty simple. When most travelers visit Croatia, they head for the coast. They want the clear blue water of the Adriatic, hot sun, and sandy beaches. Maybe they’ll take an inland day trip to Plitvice Lakes National Park —which they absolutely should! For the most part though, they stick to the Croatian coast. 

Zagreb Worth It

Zagreb is only about 2 hours from the Adriatic coast, but most travelers see it as not worth visiting. They visit Dubrovnik, Split, Hvar, Zadar, and other popular travel destinations on most Croatia itineraries. However, they miss out on visiting an entire other side of Croatia, including Zagreb. 

So now that you know why most people don’t visit Zagreb, let’s look at why you should visit Zagreb and see if Zagreb is worth visiting.

Zagreb 360 View

Zagreb is Croatian, but it’s culture and food are a different from the rest of Croatia. The city feels more eastern European than Mediterranean or southern European. If you want to experience a different culture from coastal Croatia, visit Zagreb. 

Quite frankly, cities on the Croatia coast are suffering from overtourism. Dubrovnik is the perfect case study of this . It’s a beautiful city, but there are swarms of tourists everywhere. It can be difficult to get an authentic cultural travel experience there because you will basically be surrounded by tourists. 

Now, Dubrovnik is gorgeous, but when you think about how the residents are being forced out because they can no longer afford to shop, eat, and live in their own neighborhoods, it’s very depressing.

Zagreb doesn’t quite have that though. It’s an underrated, off-the-beaten-path city to visit in Croatia. 

Visit Zagreb Market

An off-the-beaten-path capital city is a bit of an oxymoron, but we mean that it’s not overrun by tourists, like other cities in Croatia. 

When you visit Zagreb, you will be able to experience authentic Croatian life, learn about Zagreb culture, and get away from other tourists. 

If you want an authentic cultural experience when traveling and you’re asking yourself is Zagreb worth visiting, then the answer is yes.

Still debating if Zagreb is worth it? Well, Zagreb is a beautiful city with an impressive old town. The architecture is different from coastal Croatia, and it more reflects that of Bratislava , but different doesn’t mean ugly. Visiting Zagreb will give you chance to see other exceptional architectural styles. While its architecture might not have the notoriety of walking the walls of Dubrovnik , Zagreb is worth visiting. 

Zagreb Worth it

What about Zagreb’s food, you might ask. Lucky for you, Zagreb has some incredibly delicious local cuisine. Like much of its culture, it’s more similar to Eastern Europe, which means it’ll be delicious. 

With fewer tourists in Zagreb, there are fewer tourists traps, and it’s easier to find fantastic places to eat in Zagreb without having it be overpriced for tourists.

One of the best things to eat in Zagreb is Strukli. It’s a baked dough that is filled with a variety of fillings. These can be anything from cheese to honey to pumpkin. Strukli is absolutely delicious and something everyone visiting Zagreb must eat. La Struk is the best place to get it!

If you are still on the fence about whether Zagreb is worth visiting or not, it is the perfect city to fly into, explore, and then visit Plitvice Lakes National Park. A day trip from Zagreb to Plitivce Lakes is one of the best ways to both visit Zagreb and see one of the most extraordinary national parks in the world. 

Plitvice Lakes

Spend one day in Zagreb and then another on a day trip to Plitvice. You will not regret it, both in terms of visiting Zagreb and experiencing Plitvice Lakes. 

Zagreb is also filled with plenty of things to do which make it worth visiting. Here are 10 Ideas for What to Do in Zagreb if you need help while you visit Zagreb. 

In looking at the question is Zagreb worth visiting? , the answer is a resounding YES. Zagreb is absolutely worth visiting and should be part of your next trip to Croatia. You will be able to see a different side to this wonderful country, avoid tourists, try new food, and have a more authentic travel experience. 

Read our Zagreb Travel Guide for everything you need to know when visiting Zagreb.

Is Zagreb Worth Visiting

Have you visited Zagreb? Do you think Zagreb is worth visiting? 

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Zagreb is a wonderful place to visit.

Please note the Croatian coast is on the Adriatic, not the Mediterranean!

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Yes! We love Zagreb! Also, noted. Thank you for the clarification!

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10 Things To Do In Zagreb: Complete Guide To This Historic Walkable Croatian City


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On every traveler's list of the best things to do in Croatia , a trip to the capital, Zagreb, is an essential stop. After stunning beaches or epic towns from Game of Thrones , Zagreb is a beating cultural center, thriving with museums, nightlife, and eclectic influences on cuisine and architecture. As a metropolis of over one million citizens, the historic center effortlessly retains its small-town charm.

Lying at the foothills of the Medvenica mountain in the northwest of Croatia, Zagreb has been at the crossroads of Eastern and Western Europe for centuries. The capital's rich history spans back to the Romans, and its diverse influences often caused strife, reflected in the city's layout. Travelers will visit Upper Town , the historic district perched on a hilltop. Kaptol represents the once-religious settlement, while Gradec represents the secular portion of Zagreb's ancient core.

After unifying the opposing neighborhoods, Zagreb spilled over the hilltop into Lower Town , a dazzling district of impressive squares, neoclassical buildings, and shaded gardens.

Plan a trip or indulge the wanderlust with this complete guide to marvelous Zagreb, from things to do, what to eat, and where to stay in the historic city.

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Top Things To Do In Zagreb

Travelers will find the essential characteristics of every European capital throughout the attractions in Zagreb. From lovely town squares and imposing churches to bustling markets and shopping streets, tourists will be enchanted by the capital's appeal.

Zagreb could also be known as the city of museums. The Croatian metropolis offers a unique museum for everyone, from the quirky and cultural to the historical or archeological.

Finally, outdoor enthusiasts can use Zagreb as a starting point for exploring the natural beauty of Croatia.

1 Marvel At The Zagreb Cathedral

Towering above the city skyline, tourists must visit the Zagreb Cathedral in the Kaptol district. Difficult to miss, the cathedral is the second-tallest building in Croatia and an impressive sacred monument.

Originally completed in the 13th century, the stalwart cathedral has been shaped and battered by centuries of battles and earthquakes. Much of what travelers see today represents recent reformations from the 1900s.

Whether to marvel at its Neo-gothic facade, gargoyles, and stained glass or to rest in the magnificent yet quiet sanctuary after hours of sightseeing, the Zagreb Cathedral is a central city highlight.

  • Cathedral Hours: Daily, from early morning to afternoon
  • Cost Of Admission: Free

Due to earthquakes in 2020, the cathedral is under frequent reconstruction. Visitors should check before planning to enter.

2 Feel Less Alone At The Museum Of Broken Relationships

Anyone desperate for a good laugh, cry, or cathartic release should visit the Museum of Broken Relationships . Located in a Baroque palace in Upper Town, the museum displays deeply personal objects and short descriptions sent in by forlorn lovers.

Picture, for example, an ax used to decimate an unfaithful ex-boyfriend's furniture.

The collection of items from failed relationships began as an exclusive showcase and gained popularity after a worldwide tour. Distinctly human, the museum is a profoundly unique attraction in Zagreb and an opportunity for weary travelers to roam the galleries, reflect, and empathize.

  • Hours: Daily, 9 AM - 9 PM | Open in the summer until 10 PM
  • Cost Of Admission: from $8 (€7) per adult
  • Note: Last admission 30 minutes before closing

3 Browse The Stalls At Mercado Dolac

Market activity began as early as the 13th century in Croatia's capital. Fleeing from the Tatars, King Bela IV sought refuge in Zagreb's Upper Town and established a royal free city with fairs and markets to express his gratitude.

Today, the most emblematic market in Zagreb is Mercado Dolac . Colorful and lively, the Dolac Market began in 1930 and is known as the "belly of Zagreb." Tourists can wander from the indoor to outdoor stalls, offering fruits and vegetables, fresh seafood, and dairy products.

Shop for regional and artisanal products, or soak in the atmosphere as locals go about their everyday lives.

  • Hours: Monday - Friday, 6:30 AM - 2 PM | Saturdays, 6:30 AM - 3 PM | Sundays, 6:30 AM - 1 PM

After Dolac, take the staircase that leads off from the marketplace to visit Splavnica : Zagreb's flower market.

4 Dive Into History At The Zagreb City Museum

History buffs and cultural enthusiasts must visit the Zagreb City Museum . Established in 1907 by the Brethren of the Croatian Dragon Society, visitors can expect a fascinating experience.

Some 75,000 items narrate Zagreb's history throughout the museum's galleries, from pre-history relics and Roman artifacts to modern artwork. Experience the city's artistic, political, and economic past through the paintings, maps, furniture, and uniforms characteristic of their times.

  • Hours: Tuesday - Saturday, 10 AM - 6 PM | Sunday, 10 AM - 2 PM | Closed Holidays
  • Cost Of Admission: from $5.50 (€5) per adult

5 Explore St Mark's Square

Globetrotters will find St Mark's Square at the heart of Gradec, the secular portion of Zagreb's medieval core. In the charming town square, travelers will feel transported back to when the neighborhood was bustling with craftspeople and artisans.

The Croatian Parliament and Constitutional Court encircle the square, but its crown jewel is St Mark's Church . The delightful Catholic Church was built in the 13th century and retains several original Romanesque features blended with Gothic additions.

Travelers enchanted by churches can visit the inside for free and later stroll through the quaint cobblestone streets surrounding the square.

  • St Mark's Church Hours: Daily, from early morning to afternoon

6 Stroll Down Tkalčićeva Street

Tkalčićeva Street is the backbone of the city. From shops, restaurants, and nightlife, every traveler will surely want to visit Tkalčićeva in Zagreb.

Traditional houses and colorful awnings lead tourists and locals down the cobblestone pedestrianized street, where people meet to eat, drink, and enjoy one another's company. Choose from endless options on the bustling avenue to sip on a coffee, have a sit-down lunch, or grab a meal on the go from a street-food counter.

At night, relax at a restaurant, find the best nightclubs, or jam to live music at a bar.

Tourists should seek out the statue of Marija Jurić Zagorka on Tkalčićeva Street. Marija is one of Croatia's most celebrated modern icons, the country's first female journalist, and a beloved author.

7 Get Fresh Air At Jarun Lake

Zagreb is landlocked, but travelers eager to escape the city and experience Croatia's great outdoors should take a trip to Jarun Lake .

Crystal-clear waters and pebble beaches entice travelers to relax on the shores or picnic in the shade. Fitness enthusiasts can enjoy several recreational activities at the sprawling city park, from kayaking and cycling to skateboarding and walking.

Conveniently located twenty minutes south of the city center, warm-weather travelers will surely want to cool off at Jarun Lake during the summer heat.

Visitors who stay for sunset on the lakeshore can later party at several nearby bars, nightclubs, and festivals.

Related: 10 Best Diving Spots & Tips For Scuba Diving In Croatia

8 Venture Through Lower Town

Zagreb's Lower Town is the Baroque side of the coin compared to the charm of Old Town. Just south of the medieval center's labyrinthian alleys and cobblestone streets, the Lower Town is decorated with grand avenues, neoclassic architecture, and lush city gardens.

Jelačić Square is the gateway into this embellished neighborhood and the primary connection point in Zagreb. People watch from the comfort of a sidewalk cafe at shoppers and office workers. Later, wander through the Lower Town to appreciate the gorgeous buildings or indulge in an afternoon of upmarket shopping.

Lower Town is the must-visit neighborhood for luxury hotels and celebrated museums in Zagreb. Some of the most important sites to check out include:

  • Mimara Museum: an art museum notorious for its namesake: a 20th-century art collector accused of theft, forgery, and fakes.
  • Lenuci Horseshoe: a series of impressive fountains, buildings, and squares that will transport travelers to Vienna. Home to botanical gardens and the Croatian National Theater.

9 Discover The Past At The Archeology Museum

At the crossroads of several civilizations throughout the centuries, Croatia boasts more than beaches . Visitors can take a fascinating tour of the eras and cultures that have influenced the country at the Archeology Museum in Zagreb.

Although small, the museum bursts with Egyptian, Greek, and Roman artifacts. Apart from alluring archeological pieces, two of the most spectacular displays in the museum are the Vučedol Dove , a ritual vessel from at least 2,500 BC, and Liber Linteus , a 3rd-century Etruscan mummy wrapped in bandages etched with the world's lengthiest example of Etruscan script.

  • Hours: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Fridays, noon - 4 PM | Thursdays, noon - 6 PM | Saturdays, 10 AM - 2 PM | Closed Sundays & Mondays
  • Cost Of Admission: from $4 (€4) per adult

10 Take A Day Trip Deeper Into Croatia

Zagreb is hardly a final destination. The best way to experience the historic city is as a stop through Croatia's natural wonders and stunning towns.

The best outdoor trips from Zagreb include:

  • Risnjak National Park: less than two hours away, this natural paradise is excellent for hiking and observing wildlife.
  • Učka Mountain Range: about 2.5 hours from Zagreb, hikers will love the mountains, valleys, and the peninsula's highest peak.
  • Plitvice Lakes National Park: Around two hours from the capital, this park boasts turquoise ponds and waterfalls and is Croatia's most renowned natural wonder.

11 Where To Eat In Zagreb

The cuisine in Zagreb is representative of Croatian heritage and centuries of influence from its surroundings. The capital serves fresh seafood plates due to its proximity to the Adriatic Sea, and heartier dishes meant to withstand long winters, thanks to the impact from nearby countries like Austria and Hungary.

From cozy traditional caverns to street food counters, foodies are guaranteed a unique experience eating in Zagreb.

Must-try foods in Croatia include:

  • Cobanac : hearty Shepherd's Stew
  • Sarma : Stuffed cabbage leaves
  • Crni Rizot : Seafood Risotto

And for dessert in Zagreb:

  • Kremsnita : Puff pastry with custard cream
  • Licitar : the traditional symbol of Zagbret, a honey-dough heart-shaped cookie

Breakfast Spots In Zagreb

Otto & Frank

  • Hours: Daily, 8 AM - 11 PM | Sundays, 9 AM - 5 PM
  • Address: Ul. Ivana Tkalčića 20, 10000, Zagreb
  • Recommended: Brunch | French Toast | Banana Bread

Lunch Locations In Zagreb

  • Hours: Daily, 11 AM - 10 PM | Open Saturdays until 11 PM
  • Address: Skalinska ul. 5, 10000, Zagreb
  • Customers Love: Strukli | Garden Patio

Konoba Didov san

  • Hours: Daily, 11 AM - 11:30 PM
  • Address: Mletačka ul. 11, 10000, Zagreb
  • Customers Love: Traditional Croatian food | Grandma's Pan | Squid with Potatoes

Dinner Restaurants In Zagreb

  • Hours: Daily, 7 AM - 11 PM
  • Address: Petrinjska ul. 33, 10000, Zagreb
  • Recommended: Traditional Croatian cuisine | Sarma | Stew
  • Hours: Monday - Thursday, 11 AM - 2 AM | Fridays & Saturdays, 10 AM - 4 AM | Closed Sundays
  • Address: ul. Nikole Tesle 7, 10000, Zagreb
  • Recommended: Traditional sub sandwiches | Late-night street food

Drinks In Zagreb

  • Hours: Sunday - Thursday, noon-midnight | Fridays & Saturdays, 10 AM-midnight
  • Address: Tkalčićeva 36 Street, 10000, Zagreb
  • Customers Love: Pub grub | Craft beers | Lively atmosphere

12 Where To Stay In Zagreb

Travelers have endless options when searching for accommodation in Zagreb. The Croatian capital is a relatively affordable travel destination, with luxury stays for honeymooners, modest options for families or couples, and plenty of budget hotels for backpackers or friend groups.

The best neighborhoods to stay in Zagreb are in the center for convenience and to best experience the city's pulse. These neighborhoods include:

  • Lower Town or Upper Town
  • Novi Zagreb

Luxury Stays In Zagreb

Hotel Esplanade

  • Prices From: $149 per night
  • Why You Should Book: Fitness Center | Bar & Lounge | Restaurant

DoubleTree by Hilton

  • Prices From: $130 per night
  • Why You Should Book: Indoor Pool | Spa & Wellness Center | Restaurant

Related: If You're Looking For True Luxury In Croatia, Hvar Is The Best Island

Mid-tier Stays In Zagreb

Canopy By Hilton

  • Prices From: $113
  • Why You Should Book: Fitness Center | Restaurant | Bar & Lounge

Hilton Garden Inn

  • Prices From: $95

Budget-friendly Stays In Zagreb

  • Prices From: $70
  • Why You Should Book: Bar & Lounge | Parking

B&B Cool Centre Zagreb

  • Prices From: $60
  • Why You Should Book: Airport Shuttle

13 Best Time To Go To Zagreb

Zagreb has an oceanic climate and experiences the best and worst of each season. Visitors can expect hot summers, rainy springs, and cold winters. Luckily, Croatia offers something unique any month of the year .

  • Best Time To Visit Zagreb: April - September
  • Temperatures: Lows from the 40s to 60s | Highs from the 60s to 80s

Spring and summer are the best times to visit Zagreb. Longer days mean more sun, letting tourists maximize their time exploring the city or staying out to enjoy the nightlife.

Springtime temperatures stay comfortably warm in the afternoon, while travelers might want to escape inside a museum to avoid the hot summer midday. Spring and summer are also excellent times to road trip to the beaches or national parks.

April through September also coincides with the busiest and most expensive months to visit Zagreb.

April to June are the rainiest months, so bring an umbrella and rain jacket. Fortunately, precipitation can be heavy but is short-lived.

Related: 10 Small Towns In Croatia To Visit Over Its Tourist Spots

Tourism and hotel rates decrease during the fall while temperatures gradually drop. Daily averages waver b etween the 40s and 60s . Visitors can expect foggy mornings.

Finally, Zagreb knows the winter . Although slow with tourists, snow is common, and temperatures range from the 20s to 40s .

14 Best Ways To Get Around Zagreb

On foot or by bike in zagreb.

The best way to navigate Zagreb is on foot. While tourists may need public transportation to hop between areas, walking around the capital's museums, medieval neighborhoods, and grand avenues is the best way to appreciate its architecture and eclectic character.

Going on foot is an excellent approach to seeing Zagreb's main sites and exploring shopping streets and markets.

Zagreb is also ready to be discovered by bike. The city conveniently offers a bike-sharing service called Next-Bike , with blue signposted stations throughout the center.

  • Bike Rentals: from $1 (€0.66) per 30 minutes
  • Note: Pay with a credit card at the station or download the app to ride

Public Transportation In Zagreb

Iconic blue trams crisscrossing the city are the main transportation in Zagreb. The tram system began as early as 1910, today compromising 15 daytime lines and four nighttime lines. The funicular, the city's oldest form of transportation, is the easiest way to tackle the brutal climb between Lower Town and Upper Town.

Tickets can be purchased from the conductor or newspaper kiosks and must be validated at the yellow boxes on the tram. Once validated, riders can take unlimited trips within 30 to 90 minutes, depending on the destination.

  • Hours: Throughout the day | Night trams run from midnight - 4 AM
  • Tickets: from $4.50 (€4) for a day ticket | from $0.50 per single ticket
  • Note: Use exact change when buying from the conductor

Don't always trust the printed timetables at the stations. Instead, watch the electronic signs for tram arrival times.

Zagreb also boasts almost 150 bus lines connecting riders around the city and its surroundings. Payment works similarly to the trams.

By Car In Zagreb

Travelers shouldn't need to rely on a car to get around Zagreb. The compact city was designed for walking and is well-connected by public transportation. While the avenues and grid-like blocks are easily managed by cars, traffic is heavily restricted.

Nevertheless, road-trippers can rent a car from the city center or airport and dive into Croatia's beautiful countryside and coastline. Dependable companies include Hertz , Oryx , and Nova .

Visitors can also reliably use Uber and several taxi companies in Zagreb.

How To Get To Zagreb

Travelers can reach Zagreb from the new Franjo Tuđman Airport , only 10 miles from the city, and conveniently connected by a bus service that runs every 30 minutes.

Zagreb is also connected to the rest of Croatia by an extensive network of buses and trains.

15 Tips To Know When Visiting Zagreb

Practical advice for visiting zagreb.

  • In 2023, Croatia switched to the euro as their official currency. Many hotels and large establishments will accept credit cards, but travelers should always carry some cash.
  • Customer service may feel lacking compared to Western standards. Learn to say thank you in Croatian . Croats are not unfriendly, but they have different hospitality expectations and appreciate any efforts made on the tourist's part.
  • Tourists often find betters deals on Airbnb compared to local hotels in Zagreb. Many offers include cozy and modern apartments in the center.
  • Due to the double whammy of COVID and earthquakes in 2020, many sites and museums are under renovation in Zagreb. Always check before visiting.

Related: A Travel Guide To Croatia: 11 Things To Know While Planning Your Trip

Is Zagreb Safe?

Zagreb is a safe tourist destination . The low crime risk means visitors can feel safe using taxis, public transportation, or walking around at night. It is also a secure travel spot for solo female travelers.

Nevertheless, tourists should always be cautious and vigilant for petty theft or scams.

16 How To Spend The Perfect Day In Zagreb

Famous for its beaches and medieval coastal towns, globetrotters eager to travel to the beautiful and understated Croatia should visit its capital, Zagreb.

If planned correctly, the best of Zagreb can be experienced in one day before venturing into the rest of the gorgeous country.

The perfect day in Zagreb starts at the Dolac Market . Tourists can enjoy the lively market vibes, snack on some fruit, or have breakfast at a nearby café. Later, travelers should wander and get lost in the two medieval neighborhoods: Kaptol and Gradec . Cross off the main highlights like the Zagreb Cathedral , St Mark's Square , and charming cobblestone alleys.

Head to Tkalčićeva Street to people-watch and get comfortable at any restaurant for a traditional Croatian meal of fresh seafood or hearty stews. Use the energy to venture south to Lower Town , a classical yet modern neighborhood offering several museums.

The perfect afternoon in Zagreb is spent soaking in the culture in museum halls. Visitors can choose between the Archeology Museum , the Zagreb City Museum , or the Museum of Broken Relationships.

Shoppers can stay in Lower Town to window-shop at its upmarket shops. Outdoor enthusiasts can instead enjoy the sunset from Jarun Lake and welcome in the night at one of many nearby bars, restaurants, and clubs.

Q: What are some free things to do in Zagreb?

Zagreb is an excellent destination for backpackers because of its gorgeous natural surroundings, affordable accommodations, and free attractions.

Some of the best free things to do in Croatia's capital include admiring the Zagreb Cathedral , browsing the Mercado Dolac or Tkalčićeva Street , and getting fresh air at Jarun Lake .

Q: What are some unique things to do in Zagreb?

European vacationers deciding between Croatia's Brac or Hvar should also consider visiting Zagreb.

The best unique things to do in Zagreb revolve around visiting the capital's endless museums. View an Etruscan mummy at the Archeological Museum or achieve a cathartic release at the Museum of Broken Relationships .

Q: How many days in Zagreb is enough?

Deciding how many days to spend in any city is always a balancing act, and travelers should consider what to see and what to avoid in Croatia when visiting its capital, Zagreb.

One day in Zagreb is the perfect amount to stroll through neighborhoods, try traditional Croatian food, admire its architecture, and visit some museums. Any more days should be dedicated to exploring more of Croatia's beautiful landscapes and towns.

  • Things To Do & Travel Guides

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Is Zagreb Safe to Visit in 2024? (Local’s Guide)

Are you wondering is zagreb safe to visit you’ve just landed on the ultimate local guide that will answer all of your questions about safety and crime in zagreb, croatia..

I’ve been living in Zagreb since 2014, and my connection to the city runs deep–thanks to my dad being born here, I’ve been visiting Zagreb my entire life. That’s nearly 30 years of experience in the city !

I’ve seen first hand how Zagreb has transformed over the years, and as a woman, I feel like I can truly speak to the safety in the city. Growing up in Cleveland, Ohio, being street-smart was almost second nature. I always took extra safety precautions whenever I was alone, and was accustomed to hearing about crimes in the news.

But Zagreb is different, and in this post I’ll tell you why.

Is Zagreb safe for tourists? What is the crime rate in Croatia? Keep reading as I’ll be covering all this and more to give you a well-rounded view on safety in Zagreb.

Table of Contents 👇

Is Zagreb Safe to Visit?

The Art Pavilion in Zagreb framed by a pink magnolia tree.

So you’re wondering, “Is Zagreb safe to visit?”

The answer is: YES! It is very safe.

As someone who’s lived here for nearly a decade, and as a woman, I can confidently say I’ve never felt threatened or unsafe in the Croatian capital.

To put it into perspective, I grew up in Cleveland, Ohio, where being alert and cautious was vital when going downtown, and especially going out to bars or clubs at night.

Zagreb, on the other hand, feels like a world away in terms of safety. I’ve roamed around at all times of day in all areas of the city and suburbs, and have even walked home alone at 2:00 AM. Not once have I felt uncomfortable or encountered any issues.

When I tell my Croatian friends that my college in the USA had emergency phone towers installed at various locations throughout campus, they look at me in disbelief. That’s how different the atmosphere is here.

This is not to say that Zagreb is completely devoid of risks. Like anywhere else in the world, it’s important be aware of your surroundings and exercise common sense. But overall, Zagreb comes across as a very safe city. This sentiment is shared not just by me, but also by my friends and family who’ve either visited or are locals.

One of the main reasons I’ve chosen to make Zagreb my home is this very feeling of security . But don’t just take my word for it. Let’s have a closer look at some official statistics.

A view of Ban Jelacic Square, the main square in Zagreb, just as the sun is starting to set. The square is illuminated in a beautiful golden glow. The famous Ban Jelacic statue is visible as well as a blue tram on the left side of the square. There are people walking around all over the square.

How Safe is Zagreb Croatia?

According to the Global Peace Index , the world’s leading measure of global peacefulness, Croatia ranks at number 14 on the list of safest countries in the world out of 163 countries evaluated.

This comprehensive index determines safety by analyzing factors such as political stability, potential for terrorist activity, violent crime rates, violent demonstrations, relations with neighboring countries, homicides, level of militarization, and more.

Areas to Avoid in Zagreb

Unlike many other European cities, there are no specific areas in Zagreb that are outright dangerous or should be avoided at all costs. However, it’s a good idea to do some research to make sure you’re booking your stay in the best areas of Zagreb .

Crime in Zagreb

In 2022, the Zagreb police recorded 13,409 general criminal offenses in Zagreb County. The report confirms that the number of criminal offenses declined by 2.8% compared to the previous year, and instances of theft and break-ins have also been on a downward trend.

Overall, Zagreb Croatia has a low level of crime when compared to other nations.

Both the city center and Zagreb suburbs provide an environment where people can freely walk without fear. It is not uncommon to see children playing outdoors, confidently navigating the capital and even utilizing public transportation independently. The same goes for teenagers who can venture out at night without the need for parental supervision.

Zagreb Natural Disasters

Zagreb is situated in the southern foothills of Medvednica Mountain, a local hotspot for day trips from the city . The northern edge of this mountain sits on a geological fault, making the area somewhat seismically active. But don’t cancel your trip just yet!

The last major natural disaster in Zagreb was in 2020, when the city was struck by a 5.4 magnitude earthquake . I was just a couple of kilometers away from the epicenter, and it was a terrifying experience.

The earthquake caused a significant amount of damage to the city center, particularly older buildings in the Upper and Lower Towns. The aftermath of this quake is still visible, which is why you’ll still find buildings under repair or draped in scaffolding.

A close up of a red, broken heart made of yarn split in half from a crack in a yellow building that was damaged by the Zagreb earthquake

It’s worth mentioning that this was the strongest earthquake to hit Zagreb in 140 years. While you should always stay alert, earthquakes are statistically a low-risk factor in your Croatia travel plans.

Lastly, there are some areas prone to landslides near Medvednica’s foothills, but they’re not typically on a tourist’s itinerary. It’s always good to be aware, but you shouldn’t be overly concerned about natural disasters when visiting Zagreb.

Is Zagreb Safe for Solo Female Travellers?

If you’re a woman wondering is Zagreb safe for solo travel, the answer is yes . As a woman who has been living in Zagreb for nearly a decade, I can confidently say that Zagreb is safe for solo travelers .

I’ve (thankfully) never felt uneasy or unsafe wandering the city alone, and I know that my circle of female friends agrees.

That said, no place is completely free of risks. It’s always good to stay alert and be mindful of your surroundings. But on the whole, the odds are in your favor for a safe and enjoyable visit.

If you’re visiting Zagreb as a solo female traveler and are interested in meeting other like-minded women, you might want to consider joining Facebook groups like Girl Gone International. There are also other local Facebook groups that will help connect you to other travelers or digital nomads in Croatia .

Woman wearing a brown felt hat, black leather jacket and dress with tights and boots twirling away from the camera in the old upper town of Zagreb with a yellow building and hanging flower pots in the background.

Is Zagreb Safe at Night?

Yes, Zagreb is generally safe at night. In my 30 years of living in and visiting Zagreb, I’ve walked my dog at night, taken the public bus at midnight, gone out for drinks late in the evening – all while feeling secure.

Of course, the usual rules of thumb apply: stay alert and be aware of your surroundings just like you’d do in any city. But overall, Zagreb is a safe city after dark!

Is Zagreb English friendly?

It may come as a surprise, but Zagreb is actually very English friendly . When I first moved here, I was not completely fluent in the Croatian language , but I never had a problem navigating the city. Most signs are either translated into English or feature universally recognizable symbols.

When it comes to ordering food at restaurants or going out for drinks, most places have an English menu. If they don’t, pizza is the same in Croatian as it is everywhere else in the world. 😉

On top of that, Croatians are pretty fluent in English . In fact, 60% of the population is comfortable holding a conversation in the language. Most of the younger generation begins learning English as a second language in elementary school, making communication between locals and tourists much easier.

So don’t hesitate to strike up a chat with the locals! They’re often eager to share their culture with visitors, and you may even make some friends along the way.

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Are People in Zagreb Friendly?

For the most part, you’ll find that Zagreb locals are warm and friendly to visitors. However, if you’re arriving from a Western background, you might notice some cultural differences.

Croatians have a more direct way of communicating that might come off as abrupt if you’re used to a different style of interaction. Don’t mistake this for rudeness; it’s just a cultural difference in how people express themselves.

They do not always have the same level of politeness that you may be used to, so keep an open mind and try to remain respectful in all your conversations. Once you accept this and get to know the locals better, you might even find their straightforwardness refreshingly honest and endearing.

Zagreb Safety Tips

By now you already know that Zagreb is a safe city , but a little extra caution never hurt anyone, right?

So here are my best safety tips for making your visit to Zagreb smooth and worry-free:

  • Be street smart : Places like the main square, Dolac Market, and Upper and Lower towns can be swarming with large amounts of people at times. Just like any other city, keep an eye on your belongings and be aware of pickpockets.
  • Nighttime caution : While Zagreb is safe at night, it’s always a good idea to stick to well-lit areas and avoid going down any dark alleyways alone.
  • Scams : They are rare, but exist. Always double-check the price of a taxi (or just take an Uber ) and be wary of anyone who approaches you with an unsolicited “deal”.
  • Emergency numbers : Keep local emergency numbers saved in your phone, just in case. The general emergency number in Croatia is 112.
  • Hospitals & pharmacies : Know where the nearest hospital and 24/7 pharmacies are located (there is a 24-hour pharmacy on the main square , Trg Ban Josip Jelačić).
  • Travel insurance : Accidents (and emergencies) happen, which is why I never leave home without travel insurance . This doesn’t just apply to Zagreb, but you should have it when traveling anywhere in the world.

Is Zagreb Croatia safe for female solo traveling?

Yes! Zagreb is one of the safest capitals in Europe, making it safe for solo female travelers to visit.

Is Zagreb safe for American tourists?

Absolutely, American tourists usually find Zagreb to be a safe place to visit.

Is Zagreb dangerous?

No, Zagreb is not a dangerous city. In fact, the Global Peace Index considers Zagreb to be the 14th safest country in the world.

Is Zagreb safe to walk around?

Yes, walking around in Zagreb is safe, both in tourist and residential areas of the city.

Is Zagreb safe to walk at night?

For the most part, Zagreb is safe to walk at night, although it is still recommended to exercise common sense and stay aware of your surroundings.

Are people in Zagreb friendly?

Generally speaking, yes, people in Zagreb are friendly and welcoming to visitors.

Yes, a good percentage of locals speak English very well, especially the younger generation. Most of the staff at restaurants and hotels are also fluent in English.

Final Thoughts: Is Zagreb Croatia Safe

If you’ve been trying to figure out whether Zagreb is a safe destination for your next trip, I hope this guide has been reassuring. From my years of experience living here, I can wholeheartedly say that Zagreb is a safe and welcoming city whether you’re traveling solo or in a group.

So if you want to experience Zagreb for yourself, there’s really no reason to hold back based on safety concerns.

Before you start planning your trip , find out is Zagreb worth visiting .

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Croatia Travel Planning Guide

💸 What is the currency in Croatia? As of January 1st, 2023, the official currency of Croatia is the Euro and NOT the Kuna (which is also the name of the national animal of Croatia ). 🇭🇷 What language do they speak in Croatia? Croatian is the official language of Croatia . Learn some phrases in Croatian before your trip with the Ling app ! 🚑 Should I buy Croatia travel insurance? 10000% YES – Seriously, don’t leave home without it . You never know what can happen on the road. I like SafetyWing because they provide excellent coverage for as little as $1.50 a day. 📱 Will my phone work in Croatia? Maybe – check with your provider to see if you’ll have service while traveling Croatia. If you don’t have service (or it’s too expensive) I recommend getting an eSIM like Airalo . Airalo allows you to have data while traveling without the high costs of roaming. They have super affordable plans available for 190+ countries, including Croatia. Download the app and get your plan before you leave home so that you have data as soon as you touch down in Croatia! 🏨 What’s the best way to book my Croatia accommodations? For Croatia hotels, Booking is by far the best site. 🛫 What’s the best site to buy Croatia flights? I always use Skyscanner to find the cheapest flights. 🚗  Is it safe to rent a Car in Croatia? Yes! – In fact, renting a car in Croatia is one of the best ways to see the country! I recommend Discover Cars because they check both local and international rental companies to ensure you get the best deal. (Get your Croatia road trip itinerary here ) 💦 Is it safe to drink the water in Croatia? Tap water in Croatia is completely safe to drink , so bring your reusable water bottle and fill up! 🪪 Do I need a visa for Croatia? Depending on where you are coming from you may or may not need a visa to enter Croatia. Check the official Republic of Croatia Ministry of Foreign Affairs website for more information on who should apply for a visa.

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Fueled by her passion for travel and her Croatian heritage, Olivia left the USA in 2014 to study abroad in Croatia where she has been living ever since. She founded Inspired by Croatia to share travel tips, destination guides, and exclusive local insights about the country she now calls home.

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10 reasons why Zagreb, Croatia should be your next European city break

Zagreb guide Croatia

As the inland capital of a country famous for its dazzling island-speckled coastline, Zagreb is often overlooked by travellers.

It may not have the Adriatic Sea or the beach, but I was immediately charmed by the Croatian capital’s vibrance, culture and history. Visiting a less well-known city meant I arrived with no expectations. Unlike iconic European heavyweights such as Paris and Rome, Zagreb is not instantly recognisable, which meant I could enjoy exploring and discovering local life without feeling the pressure to tick off its most famous sights.

From its intriguing architecture to nearby natural havens – not to mention its coffee scene – this underrated European capital has something for everyone. This all-encompassing Zagreb guide provides proof.

Its intriguing cityscape                                                                                                         

Unlike most western European capitals, Zagreb’s cityscape is a fascinating mixture of classic Austro-Hungarian architecture and gritty socialist structures. Some of the city’s most emblematic buildings include the iconic, colourful roof of St Mark’s Church and the twin spires of Zagreb Cathedral which tower above the Croatian capital.

Zagreb guide Croatia

View from Zagreb 360° tower

In contrast to old-world cobbled streets of the old town lined with ornate, centuries-old buildings, Novi Zagreb is home to starkly brutal and modernist communist architecture and concrete structures built under the Yugoslavia era. I loved checking out Zagreb’s cityscape from the Zagreb 360 tower and Lotrščak Tower.


Croatian coffee culture

Caffeine addicts will be in their element in the Croatian capital. One of the first things I noticed when wandering around downtown Zagreb was the endless row of café terraces filled with people sipping coffee. With an electric mix of Italian, Turkish and Austro-Hungarian influences, coffee culture here is steeped in history.

While many enjoy sitting and watching the world go by, in Croatia coffee is all about socialising. Whether its catching up with friends or doing business, the social role of coffee is crucial. And unlike in many bustling cities, coffee is not just a quick pick-me-up but an event, only to be drunk at a café table and never to take away.

For the best beans, try Cogito Coffee, U Dvorištu or Eli’s Caffè.

For those who love the outdoors, Zagreb has far more to offer than your average European city. Mount Medvednica perching over the Croatian capital offers a natural escape for locals who come to admire beautiful views over Zagreb. While hiking up the heavily wooded slopes I couldn’t believe I was only a short tram ride away from the city centre.

Mount Medvednica Zagreb guide Croatia

Mount Medvednica

If hiking isn’t your thing, spend a summer’s day basking in the sun at Jarun Lake or wander around Maksimir Park.


Quirky museums

Every European capital has some very impressive art and history museums, but few have displays as quirky as the Museum of Broken Relationships.

Initially an art project between two Zagreb-based artists after they broke up, the exhibition toured the world for several years before becoming the city’s most unusual museum. From an old vine record to a toaster, each seemingly mundane item on display comes with an emotionally charged story about a lost love. It was definitely one of the most memorable and poignant exhibitions I’ve been to.


Its historic Upper Town

Perched on two small hills encircled by Renaissance-era walls, the Zagreb’s oldest district is home to many of the city’s main attractions. The picturesque medieval part of the Croatian capital boasts its most impressive architecture and great views over the rest of the city.

Zagreb guide Croatia

St Mark’s Church

Croatian beer and wine

For those who aren’t so keen on coffee, there are other popular beverages on the Zagreb drinking scene. After sunset the city centre comes alive as the streets and squares transform into an open-air party. The epicentre of Zagreb nightlife is on Tkalčićeva street, a buzzing, pedestrianised street lined with bar and restaurant terraces.

Beer drinkers will love the huge selection of locally brewed craft beers – starting at just €2 to 3 per half litre – at the Craft Room. Wine lovers have to make a stop at Bornstein, Croatia’s oldest winery.


Local produce

Get a taste of local life by browsing Dolac Market, a colourful, open-air fruit and veg market in a picturesque setting in the old town. Buy yourself some fruit or a pastry and enjoy the lively atmosphere.

Dolac Market Zagreb guide Croatia

Dolac Market

You can also try Mali Plac (little market), a weekly event which promotes local produce from small producers.

One of the most beautiful cemeteries in Europe

Situated on the lower slopes of Mount Medvednica, Mirogoj cemetery is home to the graves of many famous Croatian figures. Its majestic leaf-covered arcade boasts an impressive, fortress-like piece of architecture from the outside which provides a place of tranquility and peace on the inside. The lush cemetery’s winding paths are lined with sculptures and beautifully decorated tombs.


Adventure to the Plitvice Lakes

If you’re staying in Zagreb for more than a couple of days, it is the perfect distance for a day trip to the gorgeous Plitvice Lakes.

Plitvice Lakes, Croatia

Yours truly at Plitvice Lakes

This densely forested, eden-like paradise is home to 16 crystal clear lakes which change colour according to the season. I debated over I had the time to visit but I am so glad I did – the lakes are absolutely breathtaking.

Wander along the Green Horseshoe

Unlike many capital cities, Zagreb is not short of green spaces thanks to a forward-thinking urban planner called Milan Lenuci. The trademark U-shaped collection of urban greenery is home to parks, squares, fountains and beautiful architecture.

Want to pay this special city a visit? Check out Intrepid’s range of small group adventures in Croatia.

(Hero image c/o Intrepid Travel. All other images c/o Selina Sykes.)

Facebook image c/o iStock/joyt

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Selina Sykes

Selina is a Londoner living in Paris where she is often found drinking wine and eating cheese. She's a news producer at a French television channel and Franglais is officially her first language. When not embracing that famous joie de vivre, she’s probably traveling somewhere in Europe. Her favorite city in France (other than Paris) is Lyon and she’ll happily talk your ear off about why Belgium is the most underrated country in western Europe.

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The country of Croatia is located in Central Europe. Croatia is not only highly regarded for its economy, education, health, and quality of life, but also among the world’s top most popular tourist destinations. Besides Dubrovnik, one of the another Croatia’s top tourist destinations is the capital of Zagreb. This city not only owns captivating architecture, beautiful scenery, but also has a long history and a diverse culture. Why don’t you try to travel to Zagreb? So, is Zagreb safe for tourists, is Zagreb worth visiting, what to do in Zagreb and how to plan a perfect budget trip to Zagreb for the first-time? Let’s check out our Zagreb travel blog (Zagreb blog) with the fullest Zagreb travel guide (Zagreb city guide, Zagreb guide, Zagreb tourist guide) from how to get to Zagreb, best time to come, where to stay, best places to visit, Zagreb what to see and top things to do in Zagreb find out the answer!

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I did not intend to visit Zagreb, but wanted to visit the Plitvice Lakes National Park — one of the most beautiful places in Europe. But Zagreb was also a pleasant surprise, because despite being the capital, the city is quiet, peaceful, and most importantly, not very touristy. I had enjoyed this city more than I thought. Although it’s not on the list of hidden “gems” of Europe, but I still give Zagreb a special part in my memory.

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Zagreb travel blog: A brief introduction to the city of Zagreb

Zagreb is not only the capital but also the Croatia’s largest city with an area of ​​about 641 km2 and a population according to the 2022 census of nearly 700 thousand people. Zagreb is considered the most important cultural, economic and political center of Croatia . Not only that, Zagreb is also an important intersection between Central Europe and the Adriatic Sea. Coming to Zagreb, you will definitely have wonderful experiences.

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Few people know that Zagreb was formerly two separate towns with many contradictions, Kaptol and Gradec. If Kaptol is the home of monasteries, churches, museums… then the Gradec is the home of small merchants and craftsmen. The border land between the two towns, once considered dangerous, is now filled with buildings and streets, turning Zagreb into a unified, integrity bloc.

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Although accounting for a quarter of the country’s population with nearly 1 million people, the atmosphere in Zagreb is not crowded or bustle and hustle. Traveling here, visitors can easily admire a large number of museums and squares, parks that offer lot of green spaces. For that reason, Zagreb is also known as a city of museums with works imbued with medieval culture and signature architectural styles of Central Europe.

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Zagreb blog: When is the best time to visit

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Zagreb is a modern city, ideal for lovers of shopping, culture, food, those traveling with friends, family or couples. Thanks to its many events, Zagreb is a destination that you can visit all year round. It’s especially beautiful in spring and summer which are best times of the year to stroll through the shopping streets or enjoy a drink on the spacious terraces of the Croatian capital’s cafes. Zagreb is also an incredible Christmas destination. The city’s Christmas market was voted the most beautiful Christmas market in Europe and is also unparalleled.

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The city of Zagreb is influenced by continental climate. It is also divided into 4 quite distinct seasons of the year. Summers are usually hot and dry. Winter weather is very cold and often snowy from January to March. Autumn weather is cool and often foggy. The period from June to August every year, the number of tourists from all over the world to Zagreb is very crowded, also the peak tourist season. Therefore, service prices will also increase accordingly.

To saving travel costs you should go around May or September every year. At that time, the weather is also quite nice and the number of tourists is not too high.

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Zagreb travel guide: How to get to Zagreb?

Zagreb Franjo Tuđman Airport or Zagreb Airport (Croatian: Zračna luka Zagreb) (IATA: ZAG, ICAO: LDZA), also known as Pleso Airport (Address: Ul. Rudolfa Fizira 21, 10150, Zagreb, Croatia) named after the nearby suburb of Pleso, is Croatia’s main international airport and also a base for the Croatian Air Force. The airport is located 10 km from the central railway station of Zagreb: Zagrebački Glavni Kolodvor. That’s why most visitors to Zagreb choose to get here by plane.

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To find suitable flights with cheap tickets, you can refer to Google Flights or Skyscanner .

From Zagreb Franjo Tudjman Airport, the most economical way to get to the city center is by airport shuttle bus. This line will take you to Zagreb Central Station as mentioned above section.

You can also catch a taxi in front of the airport but it will cost about 200 kunas (HRK) ($30).

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Zagreb is connected to other European cities such as Vienna, Budapest, Zurich or Munich, etc. by a modern railway system.

That time, I went to Zagreb from Ljubljana (the capital and largest city of Slovenia). In my opinion, the most beautiful route to visit that area is from Slovenia, down to Croatia, to Budapest (or Prague), and return to Italy. To find tickets and train routes, refer here .

Zagreb guide: Getting around the city

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The most popular type of public transport here is the tram. Zagreb tram system consists of 17 day and 4 night lines that can take you to all the famous attractions around the city. You can easily buy tram tickets at newsstands in the city or can also buy directly when boarding.

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Buses in Zagreb are also very useful as there are several routes that run through night. In particular, the city of Zagreb is very interested in tourism when deploying 2 bus routes exclusively for tourists with affordable prices.

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Hop-On Hop-Off Panoramic Bus Tour in Zagreb

To go from the Lower Town neighborhood to the Upper Town neighborhood, visitors can also use the Zagreb Funicular — one of the oldest means of transportation in the city.

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Some traveling tips

  • Moving in Zagreb is also easy, mainly using tram, operating by the Zagrebački električni tramvaj (ZET). The bus is mainly serve the suburbs routes.
  • Tickets can be purchased on trams/buses from the driver (but not on new trams). Or buy at the TISAK kiosks.
  • In addition, there are also two convenient ways to buy bus or tram tickets: Buy via SMS and by prepaid card. The first way is similar in Prague, the latter similar in Amsterdam (^^!). If you want to buy by SMS, send ZG message to 8585. To buy by a prepaid card, go to ZET points of sale, TISAK kiosk or iNovine. This card costs 10kuna (about 1.33 euros), and can be topped up to 1000 kunas. This card can be used for a group too, which is quite convenient. Charged by ticket, not by km like in Amsterdam.
  • You can also rent bicycles in Zagreb! In Zagreb there is a bike sharing system called Nextbike . You need to download its app, activate with 75kuna, that amount will be deducted from the time of use. But you must return it within 24 hours in advance, or else 750kuna will be deducted.
  • Oh, WiFi free is everywhere, and it has strong signal.

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Zagreb travel blog: Where to go, top things to do in Zagreb, what to do in Zagreb

Gornji grad (upper town) and the church of st. mark.

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It will be a great start if you explore Zagreb starting from the Gornji Grad historic district. It has cobblestone streets and ancient red-tiled houses that give us a sense of excitement, tranquil. Gornji Grad offers many famous attractions that you can explore such as Kaptol square or St. Mark’s church… Tourist highlights here include Kaptol Square, Dolac market or the Stone Gate leading to the old Gradec town (Lower Town). One of the most prominent landmarks in this area is the church of St. Mark, with its elaborate tiled roof.

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This is one of the main tourist attractions in Zagreb famous for its Dolac market, St. Mark’s Church, Kamenita Vrata (Stone Gate), and Cathedral of Zagreb. Saint Mark’s Square (Trg Svetog Marka) is the symbol of the Upper Town and also of the city of Zagreb. In the center of the square is the church of St. Mark, famous for its roof representing the weapons of the Tripartite Kingdom ( Croatia , Dalmatia and Slavonia) and of the city of Zagreb.

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Adhering to the “go to get lost” criterion, I go to almost every city in Europe without using a map, so many times I don’t know where to go, just go and go. Go home and then look up the information about each place where I took pictures, read the history about it, then delightful “wow”. Upper town is super comfortable, bustling and mixed with the feeling of slowness like in a movie.

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Ban Jelacic Square

Ban Jelačić Square is Zagreb’s central square and is also a pedestrian zone. A place where Croats gather for big events (especially to watching big football matches or major concerts). This is a central point close to the backbone of Zagreb and Dolac market. Most of the buildings and houses surrounding the square date from the 19th century, and showcase a variety of architectural styles, from Biedermeier to Art Nouveau and Postmodernism.

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It can be said that Ban Jelacic square is very “European style”, but it seems to be bring more cozy atmosphere than in other Western European countries. This is a gathering place for young people to have fun. It connects to the Ilica central shopping street of Zagreb. The atmosphere is always bustling, vibrant and full of life.

Ban Jelačić Square stands at the center of Zagreb’s social life and the most popular gathering points are below the clock, on the west side of the square, and at the ponytail — an allusion to a large statue of Ban Josip Jelačić on a horse that placed in the center of the square.

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Zagreb Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Cathedral of Zagreb)

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Address: 10000, Zagreb, Croatia

Cathedral of Zagreb is the tallest building in Croatia, built in the 13th century. Due to the unique limestone structure, the church has been continuously repaired for more than 20 years and is expected to be completed soon in the next few years. Zagreb Cathedral sits on the ruins of another church dating from the early 1200s. The church you see today was built in the mid-13th century. The most striking architectural parts of this church are two symmetrical towers carved in detail with a height of 108m in Gothic architecture. Don’t forget to visit the church’s treasure trove of valuable works of art and antiquities inside it.

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For me, the church is the same everywhere. I’ve looked at all kinds in the east and the west. But the church here has a beautiful and spacious square and surrounding area. The important thing is that there is no European “authoritative” atmosphere, but a more friendly feeling. Zagreb’s cathedral is Gothic in style, the details are so delicate that it’s amazing.

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Ilica Street

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Ilica Street (nearly 6 km long), is one of the tourist attractions in Zagreb famous for its busiest shopping place. This place is ideal for people who love shopping, for a drink on the terrace or for dinner. You will find everything from the most expensive to the cheapest things in shops and stores along the street.

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Tkalčićeva Street

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In Zagreb, there is a very beautiful and intimate area that is Tkalciceva street, made up of gently colored houses of Eastern European style, under the street full of cafes, restaurants. Coming here to relax and drink coffee is very comfortable.

Visiting Zagreb, visitors can join hiking tours or relax by the Sava river. In addition, the city is also attractive thanks to the large number of attractive bars, restaurants, and souvenir shops, concentrated mainly in the Tkalciceva area.

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Stone Gate (Kamenita vrata)

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Stone Gate is one of the few remaining ancient city gates built in the 13th century in Zagreb. Historically, the capital Zagreb has been burnt four times, damaged most of the city, but only the Stone Gate still remain as a challenge to the god of fire and this ancient city gate still hide many mysterious stories . Right in the heart of Stone Gate is a small chapel that always attracts tourists, but most of them are locals who come to visit and worship. Above the altar in the stone alcove that has been dyed black by candlelight for more than 200 years is a picture of the Virgin Mary and the Christ Child.

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Locals consider this painting as the patron saint of the city. No matter how busy or in a hurry, if they pass by the city gate, they will take the time to light up a candle and whisper prayers for health and peace. In the late fire in 1731, Zagreb was destroyed by the god of fire, Stone Gate was also badly damaged, everything around was burned, but only this painting exists intact.

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The city has not been burnt since a small chapel was erected inside Stone Gate in 1778. This stone gate is the final gate of Gradec. Go through this gate is to go to the lovely Radiceva ancient street of Donji grad (Lower Town).

Mirogoj Cemetery

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Address: Aleja Hermanna Bollea 27, 10000, Zagreb, Croatia Hours: Open 24 hours

Perhaps this is a city that owns extremely weird destinations when tourists choose its cemetery to visit! It sounds like a myth until we see extremely beautiful photos, covered in fresh green with impressive dome architecture, enchanting visitors who are passionate about beauty. Mirogoj cemetery was designed in 1876 by the Austrian architect, Herman Bolle, the father of many other buildings around Zagreb. The domes are magnificent when seen from outside, looking like a majestic fortress but feeling more graceful inside. The tombs inside are extremely skillfully decorated like real works of art. Highlights here are the tomb of Petar Preradović — a poet, writer, and military general and Ivan Mestrovic’s bust by Vladimir Becić sculptor. The creativity of the art here has turned Mirogoj into one of the most beautiful cemeteries in Europe.

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Zagreb is also a city full of art as every street here looks like a veritable gallery, with an incredible amount of sculptures and graffiti, earning public acclaim. This is my favorite thing of Zagreb. Like Prague, Budapest, Ljubljana in particular or Europe in general, street art is flourishing. In Zagreb they have a very vibrant color.

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Museum of Broken Relationships

Address: Ćirilometodska ul. 2, 10000, Zagreb, Croatia Hours: 10AM–9PM

This museum was especially born because of the thought that people who are born, grow up, get married and then die have moments to remember and celebrate, but love relationships are probably equally important in everyone’s life are neglected, especially when they are broken. A couple of Croatian artists, Olinka Vištica and Dražen Grubiši, after 4 years in love and breaking up, they didn’t know what to do with the objects that were once attached, so they decided to meet once to find solution for the fate of these mementos. And from this reluctant meeting in 2003, helped them come up with the idea to jointly open a unique museum in the world displaying artifacts contributed by brokenhearted couples.

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After nearly three years of conducting and calling for responses with countless artifacts sent from all over the world, the museum was officially opened in 2006. Here, visitors will find quite special artifacts such as an axe with the owner’s caption as a girl, used to split souvenirs after a breakup; sexy shoes that a guy buys for his lover; a breast pad given by a girl with the caption that her ex-boyfriend required her to wear it every time she went on a date; Or simply a Champagne cork to celebrate a British guy sent to the museum after breaking up with his newlywed wife, because he discovered that she had betrayed him before the wedding day…

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Choose a park to PICNIC!!!

In the true spirit of the picnic fanatic, I have compiled a list of the ideal natural parks to relax in Zagreb. Unfortunately, that time, my two friends who traveling with me were not slow and lazy people like me, so I didn’t have the opportunity to lie down in a certain park. However, I will still list a few parks that I already have in mind in Zagreb’s long list of lovely parks!

  • Bundek City Park (Gradski Park Bundek): This is an endlessly beautiful lake park with clear blue lake water and peaceful scenery. Most importantly, you can swim here. Address: Ul. Damira Tomljanovića, 10000, Zagreb, Croatia.
  • Green Horseshoe (Lenuci Horseshoe): This is an extremely large park complex, inside there are many architectural works of rich aristocrats or art galleries. If you have abundant time, you should definitely to come here for a walk!

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Mimara Museum

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Address: Rooseveltov trg 5, 10000, Zagreb, Croatia

Any visitor when traveling to Zagreb wants to visit the Mimara museum. This museum was built in 1972 in the style of Renaissance architecture. Here you will have the opportunity to admire the precious antiques dating back thousands of years. This museum was built for the purpose of keeping Ante Topic Mimara’s collection. Housed in an elegant Renaissance building, this museum offers visitors a diverse range of origins and dates.

Zagreb City Museum (Muzej grada Zagreba)

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Address: Opatička ul. 20, 10000, Zagreb, Croatia Hours: 10AM–6PM/Sunday: 10AM–2PM/Monday: Closed

This museum is built along the eastern wall of the Upper Town, and is home to more than 75,000 artifacts, maps, pictures… that telling stories about the history of the city.

Lotrscak Tower

Address: Address: Tomićeva ul. 9, 10000, Zagreb, Croatia Hours: 10AM–7PM/Monday: Closed

Dating back to the 13th century, the Lotrščak tower is the most prominent landmark in Zagreb. Visitors can climb up to the tower’s observatory and see the whole city. Another famous landmark nearby is one of the five ancient stone gates leading into the city from ancient time. Visitors often go to this gate and the chapel next to it to admire the famous pictures of Jesus and the Virgin Mary.

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Maksimir Park

Address: Maksimirski perivoj 1, 10000, Zagreb, Croatia Hours: Open 24 hours

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Designed in the style of English gardens, Maksimir Park is the Zagreb’s largest green space. Not only providing a quiet space for relaxing activities and picnics, this park also has a small zoo for young visitors. Once voted one of the most beautiful urban parks in Europe, Maksimir Park is what people call in French «un poumon vert» where Croatian families gather to go for a walk or horseback riding.

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Zagreb’s largest park, Maksimir, which has been welcoming the public since 1794, is considered one of the first parks of the Balkans. The landscape here is like an English Garden, with alleys, lawns and artificial lakes that attract photographers from any angle.

Lake Jarun is a tourist attraction located south of the city center, it is also known as the “Sea of ​​Zagreb”. With cycling tracks, a lake for water sports and a sports field for team sports, Lake Jarun is the largest recreational area in Zagreb.

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The perfect place to sunbathe or swim on hot summer days. During the day, the lake is a venue for pedestrians and athletes, and nightclubs in the evening welcome those who love the nightlife.

Zagreb Funicular

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Among the attractions in the city of Zagreb, it is impossible not to mention the Zagreb funicular. Did you know that these Zagreb tracks are voted one of the Europe’s most beautiful funiculars? It’s also the shortest climbing track in the world, measuring just 66 meters long and certainly the most captivating.

Dolac market

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Visitors can experience a European outdoor market right in Zagreb. Dolac Market is the largest outdoor market in this city, specializing in selling a variety of items such as fresh agricultural products, meat, handicraft products or honey and cheese… Since ancient times, merchants from all over Croatia have chosen this as a place to market and exchange goods.

This is a local people’s market since 1926, where farmers from neighboring areas bring home-made foods, vegetables and fruits from their home garden to sell. Dolac Market is bustling from dawn until 3pm every day.

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The town of Samobor

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Located not too far from Zagreb, Samobor is an old town from the 13th century, famous for its calm cobblestone streets leading to the beautiful King Tomislav Square (Trg Kralja Tomislava). A famous landmark in this town is the ruins of the fortress on the top of Tepic hill.

Day tour to the Europe’s most beautiful Plitvice Lakes National Park

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This was initially the focal point of my trip to Zagreb. This national park is a breathtaking natural lakes complex! I strongly recommend! Please read the beautiful Plitvice lakes guide to know more about how to come and experience to visit Plitvice!

Zagreb travel blog: What to eat ?

Besides the fast food stalls and pizzerias that are familiar in almost every city in Europe, we recommend that you take the time to learn about traditional Croatian cuisine. Some dishes you should try are: Štrukli (cheese filled pastry); cuspajz casserole; Knedli Potato Doughnuts with Honey or veal stuffed with cheese Zagrebački odrezak (Zagreb Steak, Zagreb schnitzel).

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Also you can learn more about Croatian cuisine in this article .

Zagreb blog: Where to stay?

Below we recommend more best budget, mid-range and upscale hotels with good ratings and reviews you can refer to.

  • Hotel Dubrovnik ( or )
  • DoubleTree by Hilton Zagreb ( or )
  • Best Western Premier Hotel Astoria ( or )
  • Hotel Jagerhorn ( or )
  • The Westin Zagreb ( or )
  • Sheraton Zagreb Hotel ( or )
  • Chillout Hostel Zagreb

Check out more top hotels in Zagreb on or .

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Zagreb is gentle and quiet, profound and subtle enough to attract visitors to this city. Anywhere, a work of art born here makes visitors have to experience it, so that when they leave, they are still full of impressions of this place, a very unique and tranquil place by strange stories.

Zagreb blog: Some best day tours, trips, activities and transfer services, tickets in, from and to Zagreb you can refer to

  • Zagreb Walking Tour and a Visit to the Museum of Broken Relationships
  • Walking Tour in Zagreb with Funicular Ride
  • Graz and Zagreb Small Group Day Tour to Croatia from Vienna
  • Food Tour in Zagreb
  • Ljubljana and Lake Bled Whole Day Tour from Zagreb
  • Plitvice Lakes National Park and Rastoke Day Tour from Zagreb
  • Plitvice Lakes and Rastoke Village Day Tour from Zagreb with Skip-the-Line Ticket
  • Plitvice Lakes National Park Whole Day Tour from Zadar
  • Plitvice Lakes National Park Day Tour from Split or Trogir

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Are you looking for more day trips from Zagreb : Tours, activities, attractions and other things? Let’s check it out here . And Dubrovnik here .

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Home » Travel Guides » Croatia » 15 Best Day Trips from Zagreb

15 Best Day Trips from Zagreb

The Croatian capital is a veritable hotbed of incredibly rich history, architecture and culture that wonderfully manifests itself in the form of charming cobblestone streets, bustling markets and Baroque cathedrals.

The quintessentially historic city offers fascinating sights and UNESCO-listed attractions, but some of the best kept secrets in the area lie outside the city limits.

The pockets of natural beauty dotted around the capital include everything from lakes, waterfalls and beautiful sweeping forests to majestic castles nestled among the rural countryside.

The variety of attractions around Zagreb is stunning, and visitors are usually spoilt for choice when it comes to deciding what type of day trip to embark on.

Here are some of the best ones to get you started.

1. Plitvice Lakes

Plitvice Lakes National Park, Croatia

Home to 16 of the most breathtakingly stunning lakes in Croatia, meticulously preserved by the government to maintain their pristine natural beauty, the Plitvice Lakes make a phenomenal day trip for those looking to escape the landlocked capital.

In a few hours you’ll reach the crystal-clear waters, complete with waterfalls that cascade all year round.

Noticeably more popular during summer, the lakes form a natural playground for those looking to relax in the sun and explore the national park.

Some of the lakes offer gorgeous forest walks that fringe their shores and others provide excellent views of turquoise falls; the Plitvice Lakes have something for every nature lover.

Recommended tour : Rastoke & Plitvice Lakes National Park Tour from Zagreb

2. Kumrovec


Almost straddling the Slovenian border in northern Croatia, Kumrovec is a classic day trip for visitors and locals who want to gain a fascinating insight into what life was like on a traditional village in the Zagorje region.

Surrounded by charming vineyards and thriving farms, the village’s center is an open-air ethnographic museum known as Kumrovec’s Old Village Museum.

Here you’ll find a mixture of political history with a focus on the communist leader, Tito, numerous quaint displays depicting life for the traditional peasant farmer, and some stalls selling truly delicious fresh produce.

Suggested tour : Kumrovec, Trakoscan Castle and Varazdin Tour from Zagreb

Samobor, Croatia

Home of hiking and hearty eating, Samobor is an incredibly pretty traditional Croatian town that is widely recognized as one of the most popular day trips to take from Zagreb, for both locals from the capital and visitors too.

Here you’ll find inviting cobbled streets flanked by brightly painted Baroque buildings and a multitude of truly excellent restaurants specialising in locally caught game.

Those who want to work up an appetite or simply want to escape into nature can enjoy the ideal hiking conditions in the wooded hills surrounding Samobor.

Whatever you decide, it’s almost criminal to leave the town without trying their famous cream cake delicacy known as samoborska kremšnita.

Osijek, Croatia

Close to the Serbian border, the city of Osijek has been growing in popularity thanks to its unparalleled and characteristic Baroque architecture, which is easily some of the most impressive outside of the capital.

Found in the far east of the country, Osijek is home to neat, paved roads, grand squares and some truly impressive buildings.

The central citadel of Tvrda overlooking the River Drava is one of the must-see sights in the city, whilst the Church of St Peter and St Paul is an unforgettable combination of Gothic opulence and numerous striking spires.

5. Lake Bled

Lake Bled, Slovenia

Slovenia’s most popular mountain getaway is easily reachable from the Croatian capital in the space of a day, and is a beautiful combination of alpine peaks, gorgeous lakes, castles and churches.

The nation’s beloved Lake Bled can be found in the Julian Alps.

It is a picture-perfect destination not just for those looking for romantic scenery, but also for those in search of outdoor adventure.

Between the canyons, lakes, and mountains, there are endless opportunities for hiking, canoeing and climbing surrounding Lake Bled, attracting all manner of travellers – locals and backpackers alike.

Available tour : From Zagreb: Ljubljana and Lake Bled Tour

Dakovo, Croatia

The peaceful Croatian town of Dakovo is characterised by the vast expanses of cornfields surrounding it.

One can easily spend the day exploring these before even setting foot among the pretty buildings that populate Dakovo.

However, the main reason people visit is the gorgeous landmark in the center known as Dakovo Cathedral, complete with soaring towers and attractive red brick masonry.

Here, you’ll find several folkloric events held throughout the year, which make for a perfect small-town getaway in contrast with the busy city of Zagreb.

7. Lonjsko Polje

Lonjsko Polje

The enormous natural preserve known as Lonjsko Polje is a vast strip of marshland that follows the course of the Sava River.

It contains a series of traditional villages in the confines of its 50,000 acres that are representative of traditional rural Croatia.

The highlight of these is the village of Krapje, where you can observe typically designed wooden houses built along the riverbanks.

Not only is it a cultural phenomenon for this reason, but the park also contains an astonishing diversity of bird, plant, mammal and fish species, thanks to its nourishing environment.

You can marvel at the ecological diversity on various well-marked hiking and cycling routes.

Sljeme Mountain during Spring

Zagreb’s very own prime skiing destination is frequented by world-class athletes, and Sljeme also doubles up as a beautiful green getaway during the summer when the snow melts.

As part of the Medvednica National Park, this hilly region populated by lush pine forests is home to various chalets and eateries, providing welcome rest stops for hikers exploring the crisp slopes.

The skiing opportunities are accessible for all skill levels, making it the perfect day trip for amateur skiers or travellers who simply wish to discover this slice of alpine Croatia.

9. Ljubljana

Ljubljana, Slovenia

The capital city of Slovenia is only a couple of hours away from Zagreb and offers a wealth of cultural and historical attractions that are well worth the cross-border journey.

Ljubljana is densely packed with seemingly endless gorgeous Baroque buildings, a great number of which are UNESCO-listed and most of which can be found in the captivating Old City center.

The Art Nouveau atmosphere is enough to keep any visitor wandering wide-eyed through the streets, and beautiful attractions like the majestic Triple Bridge are close to one another and easy to find.

Available tour : Full-Day Ljubljana & Postojna Cave Tour

10. Krapina


A rural area in the hilly region near the Slovenian border, Krapina is famed far and wide for its density of mansions belonging to the past aristocracies, as well as several beautiful cathedrals and castles.

However, aside from wandering the pretty streets of the town of Krapina, visitors will want to also turn their attention to the Krapina Neanderthal Museum.

This museum is dedicated to the groundbreaking discovery of the remains of an early human community in the surrounding area, and attracts fascinated visitors each year to gain insight into their lives.

11. Kopački rit

Kopački rit, Croatia

Nestled in the countryside of Slavonia, you’ll find the gorgeous waters of the wetlands of the Kopački rit nature park which sees the merging of the Danube and Drava rivers.

Here you can marvel at the pristine condition the park has remained in because of its relative difficulty to access.

This untouched natural perfection comes in the form of herds of majestic deer and wild boar, not to mention an incredible diversity of bird species.

Though it’s possible to visit the park by car, the preferred and far more rewarding method is via boat.

12. Varaždin

Varaždin, Croatia

The old capital of Croatia more than two centuries ago is a proudly Baroque city that lies close to the country’s border with neighbouring Slovenia and Hungary.

The architecture is arguably the city’s main attraction, and its opulent style can be seen in castles, churches and other impressive sites almost everywhere.

These ornate buildings also play host throughout the year to numerous music events and cultural festivals that celebrate the Baroque theme, making Varaždin one of the most culturally rich day trips to take from the capital.

Suggested tour : From Zagreb: Varazdin Baroque Town & Trakoscan Castle

13. Risnjak

Risnjak National Park

Less than two hours from Zagreb, but seemingly a world away, lies the quintessentially alpine and gorgeously untouched mountainous region of Gorski kotar.

Here you’ll find the Risnjak National Park, a huge expanse of forested slopes that plays home to a great number of wild animals, from bears to lynx.

It goes without saying that the hiking here is phenomenal, with many areas of the park reminiscent of the Swiss Alps, including everything from snow-capped peaks to pine carpeted foothills.

14. Zagorje

Veliki Tabor Castle, Zagorje, Croatia

The northern region of Zagorje, though close to Zagreb, feels completely detached from the pace of life found in the city, and contains some of the nation’s most beautiful and beloved national parks within its mountainous snowscapes.

Other than the incredible hiking that can be found in Zagorje, thanks to its pristine, natural preserves, there are also a multitude of cultural attractions to be found in the region.

It has the highest density of castles in Croatia – an impressive feat considering the amount found throughout the country – and some are truly breath taking.

Highlights include Veliki Tabor and Trakošćan, two of the largest in the entire nation.

Suggested tour : From Zagreb: Varazdin and Zagorje Castles Private Tour

15. Rastoke

Rastoke, Croatia

The road leading to the Plitvice Lakes hides a hidden gem unknown to many visitors, but a firm favourite amongst locals looking for a picturesque getaway from the city – the impossibly beautiful watermill village of Rastoke.

The 300-year-old village sits on the water’s edge at a point where the Slunjčica braches out into various small cascades.

It makes for an incredibly scenic combination of nature and human ingenuity.

You can spend hours wandering around and snapping photos of the typical, traditional mills, some dating as far back as the 1600’s.

15 Best Day Trips from Zagreb:

  • Plitvice Lakes
  • Lonjsko Polje
  • Kopački rit

The World Was Here First

The Ultimate One Day in Zagreb Itinerary

Last Updated on March 4, 2024

by Maggie Turansky

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Planning the perfect one day in Zagreb itinerary can sometimes seem like an afterthought to those heading to Croatia. Many travellers planning to visit Croatia will include the capital city of Zagreb on their Croatia itinerary solely as a jumping-off point, a place that is convenient to fly in and out of but not really worth exploring, especially when places like the Dalmatian coast or Plitvice Lakes await.

However, those who rush to leave the Croatian capital are sorely missing out on one of the country’s most interesting and dynamic cities.

Though small in size, spending just 24 hours in the city is enough to give you a good feel of this vibrant city and a different perspective on Croatia than you would get in the coastal towns.

Table of Contents

How Many Days in Zagreb?

While many people tend to skip Zagreb altogether, you also don’t need to allocate a significant portion of your time to this compact city.

Therefore, I would even say that if you are only able to dedicate one full day to exploring Croatia’s capital, you’d still be able to see and do quite a bit!

If you have 2 days in Zagreb or even 3 days, you will be able to see a bit more of the city, visit some more museums, or just explore places a bit further off the beaten tourist path.

Alternatively, you could use it as a base to head off on various day trips from Zagreb — to places like Plitvice Lakes National Park or even to Slovenia’s nearby capital of Ljubljana .

The longer you choose to spend in Zagreb, the more you will be able to dig deep in the city and get to know it, or the more day trips you will be able to go on.

However, if you just want to see some tourist sites, are short on time and want to make sure you dedicate enough to see more of Croatia, then planning to spend one day in Zagreb itself is enough to be able to get to know the city.

St Mark's Church in Zagreb

Getting To & Around Zagreb

Zagreb is quite well-connected to other major cities in its vicinity and you can easily reach it via public transit.

Getting from Ljubljana, Slovenia to Zagreb, for instance, can be done by bus or train in a little bit over two hours. Zagreb is also well-connected by bus and train in about four hours to Budapest, Hungary and by bus to neighbouring Belgrade , Serbia. You can view the latest schedules here.

The bus station and train station is well-connected to the city centre, as well, and it’s easy enough to reach it via public transport or taxi.

Zagreb is also home to Croatia’s largest international airport and there are numerous connections to various destinations within Europe and further afield daily. It is located about 15 kilometres outside of the centre and can be easily reached by bus or taxi.

Once in the city, you will likely want to know how to get around. While many of Zagreb’s main attractions are within easy walking distance of each other and the city centre is relatively compact, you may find that you’re staying somewhere further afield or your feet are tired and want to use the public transit system.

Fortunately for you, Zagreb is connected by an extensive and easy-to-use tram system. You can purchase tickets to the tram from newsstands that are located close to stops and throughout the city. Tickets must be validated on the machines once entering the tram. You are also able to use these tickets on Zagreb’s buses should you end up taking one.

There is also a funicular that operates between the lower town and the upper town if you’re feeling a bit too exhausted from all of the walking, however, it isn’t too difficult to walk between these areas, either.

If you want to take a taxi while in Zagreb rather than relying on public transit, then I would advise using a ride-hailing app rather than hailing one off the street. This is a failsafe way to avoid being ripped off.

Uber operates in Zagreb or, if you want an alternative, you can also use the Bolt app. Both have extensive drivers and you should be able to find an affordable ride with limited wait times most times of the day.

Trams are a great way to get around in Zagreb

Best Time to Visit Zagreb

The most popular time to visit Zagreb and all of Croatia, in general, is in the summer months of June-August. This is when the small city will be at its most crowded, accommodation prices will be at their peak, and temperatures will be at their height.

While you can expect long days and plenty of open-air cafes, it is worth noting that Zagreb can get very hot and it doesn’t have the added benefit of a coastline to take the edge off. If you are planning to head to Croatia’s capital city in the summer, prepare for high temperatures of over 30°C (86°F) on many days.

On the other side, winters in Zagreb can get quite cold and snowy and if you plan to visit between the months of November-February, it is best that you bring a warm jacket and proper clothes in order to stay warm.

While the temperatures can be freezing, visiting during the holiday season from mid-November through New Year’s Day is an appealing option for many travellers as Zagreb boasts one of Europe’s best Christmas markets and the entire city goes all out with lights, trees, and overall holiday cheer.

High temperatures during the winter months will hover somewhere around freezing and you can expect a fair amount of snow and rain, as well. Outside of the Christmas and New Year season, however, accommodation prices will likely be at their lowest of the year.

On the flip side, you can also expect some reduced hours for tourist attractions and even some closures due to a lack of people.

If you don’t want to visit Zagreb in the hot summer or cold winter, your best bet (and my personal favourite time of year to visit most anywhere in Europe) is to head to Croatia’s capital in the shoulder seasons of September-October and March-May.

Here is where you will see the mildest of temperatures (nights and mornings may still be chilly, but afternoons will likely be warm and lovely), ample affordable accommodation options, and fewer tourist crowds than in the high season but enough to justify increased hours.

No matter what time of year you choose to visit Zagreb, however, you are sure to enjoy your time in this dynamic capital city.

Beautiful view of Zagreb

One-Day Zagreb Itinerary

The Zagreb city centre is divided into two areas: the upper town and the lower town. There are places of interest for tourists in both of these areas and they are easy to reach on foot from each other.

However, in order to get the most out of your 24 hours in Zagreb, I would recommend breaking up your day between the upper and lower towns. This itinerary has you exploring the older upper town in the morning before venturing to the lower town in the afternoon.

If you want to see a lot of the sites on this route and explore with some context, one of the best things to do in Zagreb is to go on a guided walking tour. There are free walking tours, however, you can also opt for a paid tour like this one through the city .

For those who want to get a bit active, then this bike tour can also be a great choice. And if you want to learn more about Croatian cuisine, then this food tour is an excellent option.

Ban Jelacic Trg

The most obvious place to begin any trip to Zagreb is in the city’s central square Ban Jelacic Trg. A hub for many tramlines and a major meeting area, this square is also home to an open-air market where you can purchase local food products and handicrafts directly from the seller.

The square has been in existence since the 17th century and was made car-free in 1975. It is named after Josip Jelacic, who was the Ban of Croatia from 1848 to 1859.

During the time when Zagreb was part of Yugoslavia, the square was renamed to Republic Square before its original name was restored upon Croatia’s independence in the 1990s.

Ban Jelacic Trg

A short walk from the main square into the upper town is the Stone Gate, which is both a major tourist attraction and a sacred sight in Zagreb. The gate was originally built in the 13th century, however, its current form stands from the 18th century.

Home to a painting of the Virgin Mary, it was one of the only things that survived the Great Fire of Zagreb in 1731 when all other paintings and the gate itself were all damaged.

Because of this, the painting has some holy significance to Catholic Croatians and has become a holy oath site to light candles and pray to the Virgin Mary.

Stone Gate is one of Zagreb's most famous sites

St Mark’s Church

A couple hundred metres from the Stone Gate lies one of the most iconic buildings in Zagreb, St Mark’s Church. Though this isn’t the biggest church in the city nor is it the main cathedral, it is one of the most photographed sights in the Croatian capital, largely due to its elaborate and beautiful tiled roof.

Originally built in the 13th century but almost completely reconstructed in the second half of the 14th century, St Marks Church boasts both late Gothic and Romanesque-style architecture.

You can enter the church free of charge, however, many are happy to stay outside and admire the lovely tile roof that depicts the coat of arms of Zagreb and the Triune Kingdom of Croatia, Slavonia and Dalmatia all on the iconic Croatian red and white checkboard background.

Catherine’s Square

Just a stone’s throw away from St Mark’s Church is Catherine’s Square. Home to yet another church — the Baroque-style St Catherine’s Church — that is actually not the main draw of this upper town square.

In fact, if you walk around the back of the church you will find a wonderful viewpoint that gives you some of the best views of Zagreb — perfect for some great photos!

Catherine's Square

Museum of Broken Relationships

On the other side of Catherine’s Square lies one of Zagreb’s most unique and popular museums, the Museum of Broken Relationships . Dreamed up in 2003, this museum showcases items left behind from past relationships — both romantic and otherwise.

The concept has since taken off with various exhibitions of the museum touring different cities throughout the world, however, its permanent home is in Zagreb.

Here you can find various artefacts and memories showcased with the story behind them. Some will make you laugh out loud at the utter absurdity of some short-lived romances and some will likely bring you close tears over relationships and lives torn apart by cruel and unexpected circumstances.

Though not a museum of the history of Zagreb, if you go to no others in the Croatian capital, go to the unique Museum of Broken Relationships. You will not be disappointed and it is the perfect addition to a trip to Zagreb.

Entry costs €7 for adults with discounts available for students, seniors, and those with disabilities. Descriptions are listed in Croatian and English and booklets are available with many other languages. You can also book tickets online here .

Zagreb Cathedral

After laughing and crying at the Museum of Broken Relationships, head down the hill to the Zagreb Cathedral, the main church in the Croatian capital. This Roman Catholic church is the tallest building in Zagreb and is also the most monumental religious building in the Gothic style located southeast of the Alps.

Though as of late 2019 the Cathedral is being partially restored, the imposing dual Gothic spires are truly beautiful and majestic and no visit to Croatia’s capital is complete without seeing this beautiful building. Admission to the cathedral is free of charge.

For those who love open-air farmer’s markets, the Dolac Market is located in the square near the cathedral and is the perfect place to visit if you want to check out some great Croatian produce.

Zagreb Cathedral

Mirogoj Cemetery

From the Zagreb Cathedral, you can catch a bus to the beautiful and haunting Mirogoj Cemetery, a massive graveyard where numerous notable Croatians are buried. Surrounded by imposing architecture and intricate headstones, this is actually one of the top sites in Zagreb.

One of the most notable things about this cemetery is that it is a burial ground for people of all religious faiths and you will see everything from Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, and even LDS headstones.

You can reach the cemetery by catching a bus from the Zagreb Cathedral. The journey only takes about 10 minutes and you can either use the same tickets you would for the tram (make sure to validate!) or buy them directly from the driver. Entry into the cemetery is free.

Mirogoj Cemetery

Green Horseshoe

After the cemetery, it’s time to head to the Lower Town where you can spend the rest of your day wandering leisurely through the Green Horseshoe, an aptly named park in the centre of Zagreb, notable for its U-shape.

There are numerous fountains, gardens, benches, and trees to relax by and it is a peaceful place to wander through in order to escape the busyness of the rest of your day.

Designed in 1883 and finished in 1889, the Green Horseshoe has been an important part of Zagreb for some time now as it is a peaceful green heart in an otherwise hectic and busy city.

Throughout the year, you will find that many open-air food festivals take place in the park system and it is also home to Zagreb’s legendary Christmas market, which is often considered to be one of the best in Europe.

Green Horseshoe

Explore the Craft Beer Scene

If you’re trying to see Zagreb in a day it can end up being filled with historic sites and leave little room to explore its hip and artistic culture.

However, if you want to easily experience the modern culture in Zagreb, like craft beer and are keen to sample some local brews in the Croatian capital, then you are in luck. There is a great craft beer scene in Zagreb and many brewpubs are within easy distance of the main tourist sites, making drinking some hoppy brews easily accessible for visitors.

One of the most popular places to drink for both locals and tourists alike is at Mali Medo , which serves delicious beer from brewery Pivovara Medvedgrad. They also have a couple of other brewpubs scattered throughout the city, these include Fakin Craft Bar and Pivnica Medvedgrad Ilica.

If you’re keen to sample more, a quick Google search will open up countless brewpubs specialising in craft beer, with taps serving up both brews from local breweries and international ones. Many restaurants also include local microbrews on their menus and it can be a welcome change from the local mass-produced lagers.

Zagreb has a great craft beer scene!

Where to Eat in Zagreb

Lari & Penati — This trendy eatery in the lower town is a great place to grab lunch as they have an affordable menu that changes daily with the seasons. They also have a range of delicious Croatian wines available by the glass, including some experimental orange wines that are very much worth trying.

Trattoria Canzona — If you’re hungry and like Italian food, then this is an excellent place to visit. They have a range of dishes including hearty pasta and pizzas along with other Italian favourites. It does get busy for both lunch and dinner, so it might be best to book a table.

Curry Bowl — If you’re craving some spice in a sea of otherwise not-so-spicy food, the Curry Bowl is a fantastic option. A quick and affordable place for both lunch and dinner, they serve a range of Sri Lankan dishes and curries that are suitable for both meat-eaters and vegetarians alike.

Submarine Burger — A great place to grab a quick bite to eat, this trendy burger chain is truly delicious. They have both a range of beef burgers and a delicious veggie burger for those of us who are less carnivorous. For a truly Croatian twist to this international favourite, make sure to order a plate of truffle fries, you won’t be sorry.

Veggie Burger & Beer from Submarine Burger

Where to Stay in Zagreb

Zagreb has ample accommodation options available no matter what kind of traveller you are and what kind of Croatia travel budget you’re contending with.

Casablanca Boutique B&B — A centrally-located boutique hotel, this is an excellent place to rest your head if you’re on the look for a little romance and your budget allows for more than a hostel. They have a number of clean and comfortable rooms available and breakfast is included in the nightly rate.

Hostel Mali Mrak — This small backpacker hostel is a great option if you’re travelling solo or on a budget. They have a handful of dorm and private rooms available, clean facilities, friendly owners, and great common areas for meeting other travellers.

Not quite what you’re looking for? Click here to browse more Zagreb hotels!

Streets leading to St Mark's Church

Seeing Zagreb in one day is a great way to get to know the Croatian capital even in a short period of time. Because of its compact nature, you can get a lot of out the city even if you only have a short time to explore Zagreb.

Are you planning to visit Zagreb? Have any questions about this itinerary? Let us know in the comments!

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About Maggie Turansky

Maggie is a co-founder and writer for The World Was Here First. Originally from the US, she has lived in five different countries and has travelled to dozens more, both solo and with her partner, Michael. She particularly loves exploring Spain and spending time in the Caucasus and the Baltics. Read more about Maggie

I have been to Zagreb already for many times. Zagreb is one of my favourite cities! I recommend the visit to everyone!

Totally agree, Zagreb is so underrated!

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Zagreb Attractions

Explore zagreb’s attractions. from both traditional, sacred and religious sites, to unusual and unique parks, art galleries, and museums..

Zagreb has attractions and sights to suit every taste and interest. In fact, mostly all of them are within walking distance!

With its 900 years rich history dating from the Roman times, you have a lot to see in Zagreb.

You may love Zagreb for its sights, but it is also thriving with delicious gastronomy. Some of Zagreb’s most popular local spots are not included in the top tourist spots. The city itself creates unforgettable moments in unexpected places.

During warm days, cafes set up terrace’s seating all over the city. Zagreb nourishes it’s coffee culture and days sometimes almost feel like a nightly street party.

You must find what interests you by yourself.

We want to help! Explore below to customize your perfect Zagreb vacation with attractions, sights, and museums sorted by categories. Or simply have a look at all Zagreb Attractions.

Top Attractions

Explore Zagreb’s Top Attractions. Find out what makes Zagreb stand out and what should not be missed.

Zagreb is filled with cultural goods and it is preserving our heritage.

Sights & Landmarks

900 years rich history complemented Zagreb with Sights and Landmarks.

Sacred & Religious Sites

Croatia has no official religion, but we cherish our Christianity and places of worship.

Green Zagreb

Filled with parks and green spaces you find relaxing spots at every corner.

Zagreb has the biggest number of museums per capita in the world!

Unusual & Unique

Stray from the path and locate Zagreb’s quirky, unusual and unique attractions.

Galleries & Art collections

Traditional or Contemporary, if you love art Zagreb has a lot to offer. Explore Zagreb’s Galleries and their current Exhibitions

Zagreb by Theme

Want to see Zagreb on a Budget, Romantic Zagreb or you are visiting Zagreb with kids.

See All Zagreb Attractions

Browse through a list of all Zagreb Attractions.

Croatian State Archives Zagreb

Croatian State Archives [Unexpected Treasure]

Croatian State Archives is one of the most beautiful Art Nouveau buildings in this part of Europe. The fascinating and beautiful fixtures and furnishings are breath-taking.

Ribnjak Park Zagreb

Ribnjak Park Zagreb [the Bishops Park]

Ribnjak Park Zagreb is the most beautiful Upper Town Park, stretching along the east walls of Kaptol. Also, home to of Youth Center Ribnjak and the Purgeraj club.

Zagreb Dolac Market

Dolac Market [Full of Life and Colour]

Dolac market is Zagreb’s main open-air farmers’ market. The place locals buy their food. Full of life and colour. A must see and experience if you are visiting Zagreb!

Mushroom Museum Zagreb

Mushroom Museum [a World of Mushrooms]

Mushroom Museum has an extraordinary collection of real freeze-dried mushrooms. In this rich fungi world learn about edible and poisonous mushrooms and understand Croatia's diversity.

Maksimir Park Entrance

Maksimir Park [Beautiful and Peaceful]

Maksimir Park is the greatest masterpiece of garden architecture in Croatia. Preserving its hundred-year-old oak forests to this day it is a great place to escape the city lifestyle.

Zagreb Upper Town

Zagreb Upper Town [Oldest part of Zagreb]

Zagreb Upper Town is a network of cobblestone streets that stretch between two hills, Kaptol and Gradec. Explore some of Zagreb's most interesting attractions, restaurants, bars and cafes.

Croatian National Bank

Croatian National Bank [former Stock Exchange Palace]

Croatian National Bank building is a protected cultural property. Built-in 1927 it is the most renowned work of the architect Viktor Kovačić.

Zagreb Fountains University Park

Zagreb Fountains at University Park [Night Light Show]

Zagreb Fountains are greeting visitors entering the city. A set of attractive fountains decorate the University Park and offer a changing light show during the night.

HT Post and Telecommunications Museum Old Telephone

HT Post and Telecommunications Museum

HT Post and Telecommunications Museum is a small museum about the history of Postal and Telecommunications services. You will get to see the rapid development of communication technology.

Zagreb Stone gate, Porta di Pietra

Stone gate, Porta di Pietra [Zagreb Shrine]

Stone Gate is the eastern gate to medieval town and Zagreb's most important shrine. The only remaining entrance of Zagreb's fortifications.

Zagreb 80 Museum logo

Zagreb 80’s Museum [Time Travel back to 80s]

Zagreb 80’s Museum is set up like an authentic 80s Yugoslavian family apartment. The museum offers a unique experience. Specifically, it is encouraging visitors to touch, feel and interact with exhibits.

Zagreb Zrinjevac Park

Zrinjevac Park [Romance & Relaxation]

Zrinjevac Park is one of the most romantic places in Zagreb. The park provides a chilled and relaxing spot away from the city’s regular rhythm.

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    In Upper town visit Strossmayerovo šetalište, Museum of Broken Relationships, museum of city of zagreb and plenty more museums are there… also visit St Marks Church. Exit upper town through Stone gates. Take a walk on Radićeva street (caffe bars Ae and Palainovka) Zagrebs Cathedral.

  2. Zagreb vs. Split, where to go? : r/travel

    Between the two, I'd probably pick Split. You can take a day trip on a boat, touring local islands, swimming, the Blue Cave, etc. Split. Split definitely. I've only been a few hours in Zagreb and it felt just like any other big city. I walked quite a lot and didn't see anything that would make me want to go back there.

  3. Zagreb? : r/travel

    Croatia is cheap in general compared to surrounding countries. If you are religious at all go to the cathedral in the middle of the city, absolutely beautiful, but make sure you have long sleeves and pants on or they will shoo you out (like they did to me, twice, oops). Most of the population is catholic.

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  10. Visit Zagreb

    Make it simple, easy and memorable with Visit Zagreb. Zagreb is among Europe's best destinations Visit Zagreb, your local travel guide, helps you through your Zagreb experience. Top Attractions Explore Zagreb's Top Attractions.

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  12. is croatia actually good for solo travel? : r/solotravel

    Whole wide world in Zagreb is the second result on hostel world and it's a huge party hostel. Croatia is a great place for solo travel, super safe and nice, and plenty to do. I met people in Croatia, but it definitely didn't have a party vibe. Seems the party side is on the boat week type tours.

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  14. 1 Day in Zagreb: The Perfect Zagreb Itinerary

    Both buses and trams share the same ticket system, with single tickets that last 30 or 90 minutes costing 4kn and 10kn, respectively. To make your way into the city from Zagreb airport, the best choice is the airport shuttle bus, which takes 30 minutes to reach the Zagreb central bus station and costs 35kn.

  15. Zagreb Itinerary: 36 Hours in Croatia's Capital

    Travel Tip: Head up to Zagreb 360 °, located at the square. For a fee, you'll be able to get great views of the city from the 16th-floor viewpoint. Dolac Market. Walk behind Trg bana Jelačića and you'll encounter the Dolac Market. The main portion of the market is located up the staircase, although you'll find plenty of goods sold in ...

  16. The fullest Zagreb travel guide for first-timers

    Zagreb at dusk. | zagreb travel blog Croatia map with its capital city of Zagreb. Zagreb travel blog: A brief introduction to the city of Zagreb Zagreb is not only the capital but also the Croatia's largest city with an area of about 641 km2 and a population according to the 2022 census of nearly 700 thousand people.

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  18. Finally booked my first solo trip

    Zagreb is a great city but I agree travel time is a factor. ... The face of Black Women on Reddit. This subreddit is designed to be a safe space. While allies are appreciated, r/blackladies is for Black women. Content and moderation are curated to center Black women, prioritize community safety, and promote respectful on-topic discussions. ...

  19. The Best Zagreb Travel Guide

    ZET bus - This is the cheapest way to get from the airport to Zagreb city centre. The ZET bus costs 6HRK ($1) per person, one way and departs approx every 35 mins. The journey time to the last stop, the Kvaternikov Tram stop in the centre, is 35 minutes. Taxi - Available from outside arrivals and available 24 hours a day, a taxi will cost ...

  20. The Ultimate One Day in Zagreb Itinerary

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  21. Reddit

    We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us.

  22. Zagreb Attractions » Visit and Experience Zagreb

    Zagreb has attractions and sights to suit every taste and interest. In fact, mostly all of them are within walking distance! With its 900 years rich history dating from the Roman times, you have a lot to see in Zagreb. You may love Zagreb for its sights, but it is also thriving with delicious gastronomy.

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    Hotel Jägerhorn. Hotel Zagreb, Croatia. 8 /10 Telegraph expert rating. This is Zagreb's oldest hotel and dates back to 1827. It is a peaceful mid-range retreat with 18 cosy rooms, centred around ...